Pakistan Today Paperazzi issue 10, November 10th

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Issue 10, 10-16 November, 2013



contents 06 Good Vibrations Sheharyar and Mehwish Ali’s Party 08 All We Need is Love Tubah and Taimur’s Valima 10 Strictly Ballroom The Lady Dufferin Ball in Karachi 28 Who’s Hot This Week Find out who made it to the list 31 The Fabulous Forties We celebrate seven gorgeous women who are proof that life begins at 40! 46 Life on Paperazzi Sarwat Giiani 48 Sheer Genius Hottest bridal trend



Publisher Arif Nizami l Publishing Editors: Samina Khan & Meher Tareen l Contributing Editor: Ali Nizami | Sub Editor: Natasia Khalid Contributing Features Editor : Laaleen Khan l Contributing Fashion Editor: Amna Salman | Creative Director: Muhammad Asif Marketing: Zahid Ali 0301- 8479758, Saad Malik 0321-4466100, Sohail Abbas 0300-4652194, Zulfiqar Butt Turab Shah 0300- 2018217 l Photographer: Irfan Younas l Printed at PTPRINT Press, 4- Shaarey Fatima Jinnah Lahore. Paperazzi is a project of Paper Magazine and Pakistan Today. l Contact Details:










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THE FABULOUS We celebrate seven super glam gals who are proof that life begins at forty. Find out the secret to their beauty, confidence and success!


Photography: Adeela Badshah | Makeup: Beenish at Ensemble Salon Hair: Shama at Ensemble Salon | Jewellery: Aliel 2013


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a y e s h a f. h a s h wa n i

Owner and Creative Head Designer of AFH-Ayesha F. Hashwani

How old are you? 40.

Keep life simple and have only positive people around you who make you laugh.

What is the secret to looking great in your forties? Love your work, family, friends and surround yourself with positive people.

What was the most important self discovery that you made in your 40’s? I have learned to stand my ground and speak up. I feel I have come into my own and know who I am and what I want from life.

How important is health & fitness to you? Do you have to watch what you eat? I am extremely careless with my health and I am a reckless eater but I always clock in time for some sort of workout, at least 4 to 5 times a week. Either its 80-100 laps of swimming, 30 minutes on a treadmill or a workout at home for 25 minutes. How do you look after your skin? I have no daily regime but I drink tons of water. I have used all the finest products but come back to Nivea Soft. I am happiest with it. How do you feel compared to your 20’s and 30’s? I have to say, turning 40 this year has been fabulous for me. I have never felt more confident in my workplace, with friendships, style or decision making. I know what I want and couldn't be bothered to let negative people and surroundings bring me down. What is your personal style? Classic, versatile & feminine. Do you experiment with colour? What colours do you lean towards mostly? I was always into ivory, black and shades of beige but for the last few years I have leaned towards brighter colours. Red or orange are the new black for me. Having said that, I am still a sucker for ivory.

What’s the best part of growing up? I recently read this somewhere and had a good laugh: "Childhood is like being drunk; everyone remembers what you did, except you." How would you define happiness? Happiness would be feeling grateful and enjoying what you have! Of course travelling, shopping, fine dining and some more shopping could help too!

How should women in their 40’s dress? Each to their own. Depending upon their personal style, they should feel confident, comfortable, classy and definitely age appropriate!

What should every woman know before entering her 40’s? You can only be fabulous at 40! No regrets. I wouldn't turn back time even if I had a choice.

Ideal haircut in your 40’s? Do you wear it differently from before? I have worn my hair the way it is for the last 8 years. Maybe a shade lighter or darker but I like it long. I wouldn’t have minded cutting it shorter at times but the humidity in Karachi would sadly never maintain that look.

How was your 40th birthday? How did you spend it? I am a birthday freak. I had several dinners in Karachi starting from the weekend before where we had to "bring in" my birthday followed by a massive dinner. Then of course I didn't want my friends abroad to feel left out and miss giving me presents so we had a fabulous weekend in Dubai and then another brunch of us flew off to Prague. So happy!!

The secret behind aging gracefully? 32

Comment on your friendships, family motherhood & career. Family: I am so blessed to have a wonderful family that is so close knit! They have made me who I am today through unconditional love and support in every situation in life. Friendships: There are so many different groups of people I love to be around. I have been lucky enough to have a lot of genuine friends. You give love and respect and that's what you get back. I don't have expectations from anyone. The more you do, you are headed for disappointment. Always give and never expect anything in return. Motherhood: The most rewarding job of all! I have the sweetest daughter, Mahnoor, who is my best friend (with boundaries), my strength, my weakness and mostly she is my heart beating outside my body. Love her and so proud that she has turned out to be a fine, compassionate young woman. I could do with a few more hugs though! Yes, I am very demanding on that front.






This photograph is by Irfan Younas




juju haider

Creative Director Islamabad Toni&Guy

How old are you? 40.

I completely chopped off my hair just before I turned 40 (after which everyone started saying that I looked like my 10 year old son!) For me that was the ideal haircut as it was What is the secret to looking great in truly liberating and made me feel 10 years younger. I feel your 40’s? hair is the one thing in which age doesn't matter. You can cut Being positive, staying happy and good genes. it short, colour it and keep experimenting as it'll grow back and the colour can always be changed. Your hair can be your How important is health & fitness to statement piece. I am constantly changing my hair style and you? Do you have to watch what you eat? people actually complain that they can't recognise me because It's very important to be healthy and I try and walk/jog as often every time they see me I have a different style. I love that. as I can in the mornings. I'm a real foodie and love food plus I have a sweet tooth and it's very difficult for me to say no to The secret behind aging gracefully? desserts! Don't forget how old you actually are! Don't fight the ageing process, accept it, redefine yourself and keep experimenting. How do you look after your skin? I'm a huge fan of Guinot and use the moisturisers and sun What was the most important self blocks religiously,plus I get a facial at least once a month. discovery that you made in your 40’s? That my life has only just started! How do you feel compared to your 20’s and 30’s? Comment on your friendships, family I definitely feel more in control of my life now that I've hit the big motherhood and career. 4 0. About my family and friends I love to say that, "We don't just embrace insanity here. We feel it up French kiss it and then What is your personal style? buy it a drink!" But on a serious note. I think I'm truly blessed My personal style is very clean and simple but I love because I have a great support system. My friends and family accessorising with either a statement piece of jewellery or hats are there for me unconditionally. Being a mother is one of my (something I don't get to wear enough!). greatest accomplishments but at the same time one of the toughest roles, where I'm constantly second guessing myself Do you experiment with colour? What and hoping I'm making the right decisions. I'm one of those colours do you lean towards mostly? lucky people who loves what they do so all in all I have a lot to I love colour! Even if I'm wearing black,white or beige I love be grateful for. slapping on a bright red or orange lipstick- it just brightens up the day for me. I wear a lot of black and white at work and to What’s the best part of growing up? liven up these colours I wear the stone turquoise a lot, for me Learning from your mistakes and using them to make yourself it's the new black. better and stronger. How should women in their 40’s dress? You should always dress according to your own personal style and whatever compliments your body type. Just because something's in vogue doesn't mean it's meant for you. If I started dressing like my 14 year old or even like a friend who's in her mid 20's I'd look like I was going through a mid life crisis! It's very important to dress age appropriate. Just because you're 40 doesn't mean you have to start dressing like an old maid! You can still look smart and chic, just find the style that's right for you. Ideal haircut in your 40’s? Do you wear it differently from before?

How would you define happiness? Family,friends good health for everyone I love and spending time with "my"people. What should every woman know before entering her 40’s? That the best part of your life is about to start! Don't stress over it, don't get depressed over it just wait for it. How was your 40th birthday? How did you spend it? My 40th was the best birthday ever. I spent it with my favourite people in one of the most beautiful cities in the world- Rome! I'll never forget it.




Sadaf jalil

COO pret and diffusion -SanaSafinaz/ Co-owner Carbon home accessories 40

How old are you? 40. What is the secret to looking good in your 40’s? Lots of sleep and giving up the crap that weighs you down. How important is health & fitness? Do you have to watch what you eat? I’m the kind of person who can walk past food and stick to a 1000 calories a day. I work out 4 times a week and have to zip my mouth. How do you look after your skin? Tons and tons of sunblock and regular facials.

What was the most important self discovery that you made in your 40’s? Life is a learning curve- The decisions of our past are the architects of our future so learn from your mistakes and have no regrets. Comment on your friendships, family, motherhood & career. I am truly blessed: Mum is my pillar, my crutch, my icon. Dad is responsible for making me the brat I am today! Umair, my husband, spoils me and gives me the confidence and encouragement to do whatever I want. My kids: Talya(13) Zaid (10) the joy of my life and my reason for being. My sisters, Sanya and Seveen, are the wind beneath my wings My in-laws are my all important support system. My family is my secret strength and comic relief. I’ve had the same 5 best friends since I was 10- they indulge me at every level and are the reason I have not needed therapy!

How do you feel compared to your 20’s and 30’s? I feel empowered. I got a card on my 40th bday that said,“It’s not the years in your life but the life in your years”. What’s the best part of growing up? I totally feel that age is a state of mind. Riding the wave and floating. What is your personal style? How would you define happiness? Classic with a touch of rebel Girlie trips, being able to laugh uncontrollably,great music, Do you experiment with colour? What family get togethers,travelling,hanging with my kids & road trips. colours do you lean towards? Recently I have started leaning towards bright coloursWhat should every woman know before maybe due to the power of 40. entering her 40’s? You must learn to have a sense of humour & be able to How should women dress in their laugh at yourself.Take care of your mind and health & go 40’s? with what Dr. Suess says,” There is no one alive that is I feel a woman should dress for her age- look smart, elegant and tasteful. Definitely avoid super fitted or super youer than you”, so value the person you are. short clothes- I can appreciate that look on a 20 year old How was your 40th birthday? How did but at 40 it’s all wrong. you spend it? Ideal haircut in your 40’s? Do you I had the most amazing 40th birthday- mainly because I wear it differently from before? was surrounded by all my family and friends- it was a 3 I’ve had the same haircut since I was in my teens as I day celebration. My best friends hosted a huge lunch on am too scared to be experimental with my hair (it’s my day 1, on day 2 my husband threw a party titled “ Club security blanket). Maybe at 50 I’ll get a bob. 40” which ended in a champagne breakfast at our house. Two key quotes from my birthday weekend say it all: “ The secret behind aging gracefully? Don’t go with the flow- be the flow”, and “ Don’t F with Be totally comfortable and confident in your own skin. me, I’m 40!”




Makeup: Bina Khan 2013



This photograph is by Irfan Younas 38



fa t i m a h a s s a n

Interior Designer

How old are you? 41. What is the secret to looking great in your 40’s? Happiness, contentment and accepting oneself with all your flaws. How important is health & fitness to you? Do you have to watch what you eat? It is extremely important. I believe you are what you eat! Diet is all about discipline, avoiding all processed food and eating as much whole grains, fruits and vegetables as possible. Exercise is equally important and so I do pilates 3 times a week and walk my dog daily. How do you look after your skin? By using a good moisturiser and getting occasional facials. How do you feel compared to your 20’s and 30’s? The difference is that you feel more comfortable with yourself by accepting who you are and that moulds your style, confidence and career.

differently from before? I have had straight long hair since I was 10 and haven’t done much to it. The secret behind aging gracefully? Happiness. What was the most important self discovery that you made in your 40’s? Well my forties have just started but I guess I would say motherhood. Comment on your friendships,family motherhood and career. Friendships are the true essence of life, you have to savour and nurture them. Family and motherhood is all about unconditional love and giving. Career is to follow your passion! How would you define happiness? Finding yourself and accepting oneself with all your flaws.

What is your personal style? I think it is classic. I don’t experiment too much.

What should every woman know before entering her 40’s? Realising what all you have in life is happiness. Just go with the flow and embrace life as it comes.

How should women in their 40’s dress? One should understand their body and wear what suits them rather than blindly following fashion trends.

How was your 40th birthday? How did you decide to spend it? It was super. I celebrated it at home with my dear friends and family.

Ideal haircut in your 40’s? Do you wear it




uzma baig

Media Director, Red Tape Media

How old are you? 40. What is the secret to looking great in your 40’s? Believe in yourself. Walk with your head held high and embrace the changes in your body. You have achieved a lot in life to be proud of. How important is health & fitness to you? Do you have to watch what you eat? Very Important! Of course, I watch what I eat, at 40 you don't have the same metabolism you had at 20 or 30! How do you look after your skin? I don’t! I am ridiculously lazy about it. I am lucky to be blessed with good genes. How do you feel compared to your 20’s and 30’s? My 20’s and 30’s were all about my marriage and my kids. Now that I am 40, I hope this decade is about me. Time to get a little selfish. What is your personal style? It is a direct expression of my personality and my mood. Sometimes it’s casual and comfortable, and sometimes it’s bold and experimental. Do you experiment with colour? What colours do you lean towards mostly? I rarely do but when I do, I love it! I love blues and reds. How should women in their 40’s dress? Be simple and smart. Look current but not foolish. You are who you are, however, whenever you try too hard it’s a complete mess. Go for the fit not the size. Ideal haircut in your 40’s? Do you wear it differently from before? I have to say long. I have mostly had long hair as I find it so much easier to handle. I did go short many years ago and found myself being asked what grade in school I was in.




The secret behind aging gracefully? Having watched my grandmother and mother doing it so easily, I have amazing role models! What was the most important self discovery that you made in your 40’s? That I do make a difference. Comment on your friendships,family motherhood and career. Friendships: The “crazy” you can’t live without. Families: Thank God for them. Motherhood: Wonderfully stressful. Career: My sanity. What’s the best part of growing up? To discover you’re still growing up. How would you define happiness? Simple! Be content, be thankful, and never let go of your memories. What should every woman know before entering her 40’s? That gravity plays a major role in your life now, but keep the laughter going because you’ll grow old the day you stop laughing. Life is to be enjoyed to the fullest. Get ready for the best years of your life! How was your 40th birthday? How did you spend it? My 40th was a rollercoaster of some very joyous moments to a very sorrowful moment. Joyous, because I started my birthday celebrations in my favourite city in the world. Sorrowful, because my grandmother who was my mentor, role model, and one of the most inspiring women in my life passed away 3 days before my birthday. However, she was also the one person who encouraged me to take off to London with one of my closest friends a week before my birthday. She was a celebration of life in a nutshell. So on my 40th I took an oath to live my life to the fullest just as she always encouraged me to and live and love unconditionally.







R i f fa t A l i a n i

Artist and designer (Owner of Dragonfly)

How old are you? 41.

I have curly hair and have almost always worn it mid length. I'm constantly trying to resist the " tyranny of the blow dry " (phrase coined by my friends mother ! ) and What is the secret to looking great keep my mane curly and natural. For an evening out, in your 40’s? however, I do get it blow dried . The only drastic thing Confidence! I've ever done is cut a heavy fringe two years ago and I really enjoyed the attention and response it elicited. It How important is health & fitness to definitely brought a bounce in my step! you? Do you have to watch what you eat? The secret behind aging gracefully? I am very passionate about yoga as I believe in exercise Respect your body, look after it, eat well and exercise but regimes that are more holistic; that integrate mind body don't fight it! and spirit. I eat what I want as I am blessed with a high metabolism. What was the most important self discovery that you made in your How do you feel compared to your 40’s? 20’s and 30’s? That it’s not possible to please everyone. I find myself In your 40s, I find that there is much more clarity and a being more accepting of myself and my limitations. deeper perspective on matters of the world as well as of the spirit. The Holy Quran has a special Dua that you are Comment on your friendships, family, meant to recite when you reach 40. It as an age when so motherhood and career. many things fall into place on so many levels. I finally feel The multi faceted aspects of being a working mother/ like I have come into my own. I am more comfortable in wife /daughter/ daughter in law is terribly challenging my skin, and I'm not as hard on myself. I have accepted but it's precisely when you are up against all these odds the fact that I am not meant to commit to one pursuit. So that you have the opportunity to fine tune your skills and sometimes I paint and draw, sometimes I illustrate and discover the wealth of energy that lies at the core of your design graphics, sometimes I make cushions, and currently being that enables you to perform all these roles . I am so I am trying to focus my attention on my fashion label grateful to God, for my family and friends, especially my Dragonfly. husband, who gives me clarity in moments of confusion, and hope and strength in moments of despair and who What is your personal style? loves me unconditionally. It's an incredible gift! I have a strong leaning towards boho chic, but I love things that are modern, classic and also vintage. What’s the best part of growing up? I can finally stop being so defensive. Do you experiment with colour? What colours do you lean towards mostly? How would you define happiness? I love bright colours . I feel every woman should know I don't know about happiness but I do aspire for peace. what her colour is and wear it often. Having a spiritual practice is very helpful as it keeps you grounded and helps you soar, simultaneously. How should women in their 40’s dress? How was your 40th birthday? How did I don't believe in limiting oneself in any way especially with you spend it? regards to what one wears. People need to have fun with Unfortunately my husband was not here to share my what they wear and most importantly, be comfortable in it. birthday with me but I spent an incredibly beautiful cloudy day at the beach with my 3 kids and 4 close friends. The Ideal haircut in your 40’s? Do you evening was spent with a few friends and a spectacular wear it differently from before? gourmet meal cooked by a wonderful friend. 2013



mehreen akbar

Owner/Partner, La Maison (Home Accessories)

How old are you? 42.

yourself, it doesn’t matter what someone else thinks. Your confidence will only add to how stylish you look.

What is the secret to looking great in your 40’s? I am very grateful that I continue to lead a fulfilling and healthy life. I accept that I am getting older, but I do not accept that I have to look and feel old.

Ideal haircut in your 40’s? Do you wear it differently from before? I like it long and I hardly ever wear it different from before. It is either a straight blow dry for me or a ponytail.

The secret behind aging gracefully? How important is health & fitness to Ageing gracefully is easier said than done. The key to you? Do you have to watch what you looking your most beautiful after 40 is taking care of eat? yourself from the inside out. It is not about looking like The key to healthy living is to know which parts of your you’re in your 20’s, it is about prevention and maintenance. behaviour and lifestyle currently have a positive impact and Embrace your age, define your age, define your signature which don’t. I have recently started working out and I am look, and be content. loving it! What was the most important self How do you look after your skin? discovery that you made in your 40’s? When it comes to looking after my skin I am very lazy, but I The importance of time. Spending time with genuine do put lots of moisturising cream through out the day. friends-people you can have encouraging and sincere conversations with. How do you feel compared to your 20’s and 30’s? Comment on your friendships, family 20’s: Your 20’s are the some of the most exciting years. motherhood and career. 30’s: It was all about my kids. Friendships: The laughter and madness I could not do 40’s: Style begins at 40! Women in their 40’s are the most without. confident about their dress sense. Family: They are my rock. Can’t imagine life without any of them., especially my twin. Motherhood: My priority. What is your personal style? Career: My sanity. Elegant, classic, & chic. What’s the best part of growing up? Do you experiment with colour? What Experience. colours do you lean towards mostly? Yes! These days I love gold! How would you define happiness? Remember that life is short. Don’t wait to be happy, choose How should women in their 40’s dress? to be happy now! Women in their 40’s can be stylish and sexy. There is no harm in aging gracefully. A woman in her 40’s already What should every woman know before knows what looks good on her and what doesn’t and entering her 40’s? probably has a much more defined sense of style. With the big “40” come some big changes. The best part: Loving the time with my kids. What is totally wrong for a 40 year The worst part: No matter how well you’ve taken care of old to wear? yourself, time & gravity are totally against you. The wrong size. Also I feel people are afraid of trying to be creative because they are afraid that they wont How was your 40th birthday? How did succeed, but who said “success” in getting dressed has to be you decide to spend it? Memorable! I missed my twin. evaluated by other people? As along as you’re into what you’re wearing and it makes you more comfortable with 44









10 - 16 November


Our fab astrologer Zahid Haider, styles up your stars.Find out what’s in store for you this week!

For your in-depth weekly forecast call 0322-757-5219 E-mail:





Last week may have been chaotic because Mercury has been retrograding in your 7th house. This means there has been lots of confusion and chaos, but don’t despair as it will stop retrograding on the 11th of this month. This should bring about some clarity, however, the Sun is still around until the 17th of November and until it exits you’re in a bit of a fix. The good news is that Venus is around for a month and your love life is looking up.

Jupiter is retrograding in your financial zone; this will bring about some great financial news. However, your expenditures will match your income. Most importantly be careful of your health as you need to go and get a check upyou may be getting some anxiety attacks and your heart rates may be higher than normal. Also check your cholesterol levels. If you want to give sacrifice a mixture of sugar, rice and Sujee given to the insects in your house will be helpful.

Jupiter is retrograding in your relationship zone, this could lead to bouts of anger with loved ones and you will not be able to think clearly, but Venus is also lurking around and a friend will come to your aid and help you figure things out. Try to be positive and surround yourself with positivity. You know who the positive people in your life are.

Travel is on the horizon for you. You will feel relieved as there is some clarity and the dark clouds are gone. Work has been causing you some stress, but you’re heading towards the right direction. You may even be able to sell something far greater than it’s actual value. But be careful about your health especially your throat. It may be a good idea to get flu shots!




There is a real chance for some fences to be mended where relationships are concerned this week. You may prefer to take the moral high ground but keeping level headed will grant you into another‘s beliefs. Try not to impose your grand schemes on them just yet but do keep developing your ideas so they are worth hearing.

This week’s determined new moon focuses on your financial resources and power struggles with others. You may need to come up with a fresh and more full-on approach to get where you want to be with cash flow or with an intriguing but challenging relationship. Destiny may put you in touch with something or someone you have loved before.

You want to escape from your usual life. If you were planning to party, it’s unlikely to happen as you will be focusing on work, and working hard. Things may not be going exactly the way you want at the moment. However, there is a person that you enjoy talking to and will take your mind off things.

There are some serious health concerns going on in your starsKidney and heart issues. Please visit the doctor as soon as possible. Try not to eat or wear anything black this week, and try to stay out of trouble in general. The good news is a friend of the opposite sex will get you out of a financial issue and this will set your mind at ease for a while.

sagittarius capricorn 23November/21December




Right now you need to get a fresh perspective on your closest relationships. This week’s new moon will help you do that. You’re holding back on committing yourself for reasons and doubts best known to you, but it’s time to really consider why that should be, as once it’s clear in your mind you will have no reason for restraint.

There is so much expenditure going on in your life Dear Capricorn, you’re not used to spending this much unnecessarily. But this has to be done. There is also a lot of family politics going on, they seem to be getting under your skin. Misunderstandings are bound to occur. The best thing for you to do right now is to keep a distance from everyone.

New ways of having fun should suggest themselves to you this week thanks to the adventurous new moon. At the same time a career matter may become more pressing than usual, so finding pleasure where you can will go some way to achieving the balance that this potentially tough time warrants. Try something you have never done before.

There is a good change coming as Jupiter is retrograding in your financial zone. You may change your current job or enter into a new business. However, you may be physically exhausted. You have to be careful about what you eat and control your diet. Don’t neglect your health. In other news you may even be buying something important this week like a new car.












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