Pakistan Today Paperazzi issue 12, November 24th

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A VERY HOPEFUL YOUNG AND FULL OF ENTHUSIASM ALIYA CHINOY SHARES HER DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS OF BECOMING THE NEXT BIG THING IN MUSIC. As you step inside Aliya Chinoy’s house, you know you’re in a musician’s haven, music instruments strewn around the place – keyboards, guitar and mike – speaks volumes of a musical genius at work.

However, her debut album After Dawn is all set for release in early December. Paperazzi caught up with Aliya Chinoy recently for a brief tete-a-tete about her upcoming music album.

It hasn’t been very long since Chinoy took up singing – although for as long as she can remember she had always been musically inclined. It was in 2009, that Chinoy finally decided to turn her passion into a profession. Ever since, there’s been no turning back.

You are about to launch your music album. Please tell us what is it about.

Chinoy’s fans have been enjoying her soulful music online Slipping & Falling and Fade Away are some of her hit ditties. 48



It was quite challenging to come up with a catchy name for the album which covers the meaning of all the songs - I can tell you there were quite a few!! The common theme of the album is about ‘letting go’, ‘saying goodbye’ and making ‘changes’ or ‘new beginnings’. “Almost Dawn” is the title which felt best.

Who is the lyricist and composer?

All the songs on my album are composed and written by me. Usually I write the lyrics simultaneous to creating the melody. Composing and writing is one thing though, to make the song alive is another art; I have to thank Kashan Admani and Alfred D’mello at Dreamstation Studios. Those guys have been fantastic to me and worked strongly together bringing in our ideas which resulted in an album which I am really proud of!! When is the album slated for release?

December! I will organise a concert during the month of December to release my album in Pakistan and internationally right after… I am really excited about sharing the music and looking forward to a hectic and successful end to 2013. Why specifically an English music album. Do you feel our market is ready for an allEnglish singer/musician?

It’s my love for music that drove me to create this album; as I dream, speak and think in English, it is the language that comes naturally to me. Maybe people have to get used to a Pakistani female English singer and songwriter, let’s see how the local market responds; with international music pages like Myspace, Vimeo and my music Facebook page (www. I hope to reach a wider and international audience as well.

Art studies in the UK and US I came back to Pakistan in and worked on different exhibitions which showed my paintings of nature. It gives me a thrill and it’s my passion to paint, explore new techniques and styles as I like to share the experience of art I am very lucky to be an art teacher. Who has been your biggest support throughout this phase?

My family and friends for sure, though I shouldn’t forget to thank my neighbors who have to put up with my late night singing. Professionally, I have to thank Dream Station Studio’s (Kashan Admani and Alfred D’mello). Music you like to listen to?

I always loved Classic rock and I remember dancing on ‘Baba O’Riely’ as a teenager. Now, I listen to a lot of different artists for inspiration. Female singer-songwriters are my favourites, while Maroon 5 is great to dance to and Adele for all the soul in her voice. Your favourite musician?

I like the sound of Junoon, Strings, and Vital Signs. Your future plans…

Continue to explore the world around me!

How would you define your music?

It’s easy listening, it’s kind of romantic perhaps, my friends say that I sound a bit like Sheryl Crow… I’m flattered. I think we should call it soft pop-rock. When did you first realise you wanted to be a singer?

Like any child, I loved singing and performing together with my friends, it was great fun but I don’t think I ever dreamt of being a real musician. It’s amazing that only a couple of years ago I fell back into music by chance and I can tell you that I really love to feel that same happiness when I make music now, that feeling doesn’t go away. It was back in 2009 when I wrote and sang my first song. You are also an Art teacher. Tell us about that?

I am fond of creating and turning my imagination into something tangible; that is what I have always done. After my 2013



Bill Ignorers

6 times when it’s ok to hit people SANAM TASEER As a card carrying liberal fascist I normally advocate a Gandhian approach to life. But even for the most nonviolent pacifists there are those who justifiably deserve, if not an out and out decking, at least a horrific Chinese burn. People who support internet/ Book Bans Pakistanis are the only idiots in the world who fight feverishly for fewer freedoms and less liberty. These are the same people who argue that Professor Hoodbuoy is ‘jahil’ and has fewer qualifications than the average fry cook. Shoot them a filthy look. Give them 45 seconds to recant. Otherwise start reining a vicious barrage of blows. People who ‘check in’ on facebook. Is it like having to pee? You just couldn’t hold it in could you? (Business Class Lounge, upscale sushi restaurant) Enjoy your expensive holiday because when you come home there’s a fist kabab waiting with your name on it. 50



We’re in a restaurant and the fatal words ‘excuse me waiter, can we have the cheque please. Thank you ever so much’ have been uttered. Cue the world’s longest moment when the other person just acts like nothing has happened until I spastically grab at it for the tenth time. It’s a battle of wills I always lose. Conspiracy Theorists You know that moment, the first time they watch the documentary, the first time the scales fall from the eyes of the newly enlightened and they see the way they’ve been lied to by America, by the corporations, by the medical companies, by the puppet politicians and the Hollywood moguls, by the indoctrinating school system, and by every other party who are just using them as a cash cow to make money, sexy sexy money. Ever noticed how few conspiracy theorists have political degrees, or how few political analysts are conspiracy theorists? You’re a pimple on the neck of one of the most pointless regions in the world. No one is conspiring against you because no one cares about you. Over patriotic Expats Even for those sticking it out and still living here, taking the whole "My country right or wrong/love it or leave it" attitude is completely irresponsible, as it basically makes such purveyors live in a happy little bubble of Vital Signs songs and nihari. But it makes it all that much worse if Germany got your Marks, Greece got your Drachmas but we got your flag waving jingoism. It's like listening to a closeted man assure himself that he still likes women. Anti-Democracy rally-ists I think the whole concept of democracy to the general public is like a mysterious, never-ending Subway sandwich that they have to consume. They’re not sure what’s in it or which end to start from, and they’ve already eaten. In other words, they just don’t have the stomach for it. The government is being overpaid; taking bribes; giving bribes; endlessly getting mired down in political rivalries; abandoning official duties to fly to Normandy for hols; land grabs; underfunding the fire department; embezzlement; and so on. Bring in the army, bring in TUQ, Fire all government officials and replace them with robots!

24 - 30 November


Our fab astrologer Zahid Haider, styles up your stars.Find out what’s in store for you this week!

For your in-depth weekly forecast call 0322-757-5219 E-mail:





Why so grumpy Aries? You are feeling extremely down this week and tend to exert this bad mood on the people around you. Your relationships aren’t

Taurus, this week is finally the time where you can allot for some quality “me time.” You are experiencing losses in appetite and are also facing disagreements in your

Congrats Gemini, you are in for a great week ahead of you. New love is definitely in the air for you. Your business decisions are all leading you towards success and

Spend this week as patiently as you can Cancer. You are feeling like you are working really hard but the results are seen by none but don’t worry as

exactly working out the way you want them to at the moment but you shouldn’t let this affect your way of life. Someone from the opposite sex is trying to reach out to you, let this person in,.This week you must also remember that an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Stay healthy! Tip: Wear red coral and avoid social

love life. You are also spending way more than you should so stay healthy and make use of avoidable expenditure on things like medicines. Being outdoors doesn’t seem like such a good idea especially if this involves driving or running. Grab any traveling opportunity as it will prove to be very fruitful for you future.

this week, sit back, give the orders, and those who are meant to, will follow all your instructions completely. This is the perfect time to put all you big words in action and prove to everyone that you are not just all talk. With that said, the season is changing so just stay warm and stay charming. Tip: Wear Emerald

all your hard work is about to pay off. Someone in your family is a little upset with your aggressive behavior; spend as much quality time with this person as you can and cherish their presence in your life instead of taking them for granted. Tip: Wear Mother of Pearl. Avoid self- bragging, as it will drive your


Tip: Wear White pearl









Although you are facing a lot of financial success, your money is

If you have been considering some sale and purchase in regard to property

This week Libra, you need to force out all the negativity that is in your head for no

being spent very fast. You have been feeling that a certain relative of yours is not quite a well-wisher and keeps getting jealous of your success, your suspicions are correct so be very

then Virgo this is the perfect and most profitable time for you to take this opportunity. There is a lot of anger and emotional turmoil that you are going through this week so just avoid social

apparent reason. You are overthinking each and every situation when really all your finances and relationships are going very smoothly. You know you have everything under control and yet you are not being

careful about what you tell them about your personal and professional life. As far as love is concerned it’s all about butterflies and roses in the air for you so good luck Pregnant mothers take extra good care of yourself and your little one. Tip: Wear Ruby

gatherings, Your aggressive behavior is scaring your family members so you need to go easy on them. All this tension is for no reason as everything is under control and there is really nothing to stress about.Tip: Use Jade

able to sleep at night. This is a good week to take a short break or a trip with your special someone and just relax a little. Tip: Wear light colours and Opal



close ones away.



You are feeling sabotaged from very angle. It seems as if no matter how hard you try your strategies are not working as planned. The only thing you need to do this week is being patient and talk less. There is no need to attract negativity in your life as all these issues you are worried about will all work out soon. Don’t let this stress affect your better half, if they are upset with you then you should take the first step to reconnect with them. Be prepared to welcome some very loving guests.Tip: Use Red coral.

sagittarius capricorn 23November/21December




You are worried about your health believe that you are ill. Just schedule a medical check up and get rid of your doubts. It feels like no one is your true friend and some relatives are plotting against you but your doubts about these things are incorrect. There is no

You are at war with your lover. There is no room for romance in your life at the moment but you are not to blame for this. Your uneasiness and drifting away from your close ones is coming from you feeling unhealthy. You should take some time off and do some soul searching for yourself and rethink your views on others.

Your new love life is just about to begin so keep your charming shoes on, dress well and remain as outgoing as you are. However, you may want take things slow as the opposite sex may not be as seriously involved as yourself. Women who are expecting should take extra care

There is a Libra in your life that is increasing your expenditure and giving you bad advice. There are some changes taking place in your home and work life but instead of complaining try to embrace these changes, You are used to living in an imaginative

need to feel under-confident as there is new and a strong friendship coming into your life this week and your lover feels more romance for you now than ever before. Do some meditation and stay positive.Tip: Wear Yellow sapphire

Maybe it’s you who’s a little harsh on those who really care. Try to make it up to your friends and partners once you have caught up on your sleep and health. Tip: Avoid arguments with women and wear blue sapphire

of themselves and your babies and make it to all your doctor appointments and follow your diet plan strictly. Tip: Wear diamonds

world Pisces, however this week it is a good idea to get a reality check before making any important decisions relating to work or business. Tip: Wear Red colour or Red Coral



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