Australian Premiere THE RACER
captivating drama, The Racer follows a seasoned support rider who experiences the most dramatic three days of his life as he faces the end of his career at the opening Irish stages of the notorious 1998 Tour de France.
Belgian rider Dominique Chabol (Louis Talpe), aged 39, has been one of the best “Domestiques” (support riders) on the Tour for the last 20 years. With the Tour about to start, Dom is unceremoniously cut from the Team he dedicated his life to. His best mate and team masseur Sonny (Game of Thrones star Iain Glen), fails to reassure him about his future but a chance meeting with Lynn (Tara Lee), a young Irish doctor, softens the blow and Dom starts to accept the idea of civilian life.
Kieron J. Walsh CAST
Louis Talpe Matteo Simoni Tara Lee Iain Glen 2020 | 95 min | CTC Drama Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium
“A fresh take on the sports drama formula.” Film Threat
As he gears up to go home, another teammate is disqualified for doping and Dom is thrown back in the saddle, with a shot at achieving his secret desire to wear the coveted race leader’s yellow jersey. Reflecting on the issues plaguing the sport, director Kieron J. Walsh provides an engrossing film that highlights the competitiveness and excitement of the gruelling race.