Popper, Cello Concerto No. 3 (piano reduction)

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david popper

concerto no. 3 op. 59 for violoncello and orchestra (piano reduction)


paladino music

! 2017 by paladino media gmbh, Vienna 1st printing 2017 All rights reserved / Alle Rechte vorbehalten / Printed in Hungary Any unauthorized reproduction is prohibited by law. Vervielfältigungen jeglicher Art sind gesetzlich verboten. ISMN 979-0-50207-052-6


Note on the Edition

David Popper (1843–1913) achieved international renown as a solo cellist, a status which brought his own compositions to a wide and appreciative audience. He became a student of Julius Goltermann (1825–1876) in Prague at the age of 12, auditioning on the violin but switching instruments due to a shortage of cello students at the conservatory. His studies were succeeded by a number of prestigious orchestral posts, and in 1868 he was appointed principal cellist at the Vienna Hofoper and in the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, remaining to this day the youngest player ever to have held that post. He eventually resigned from his orchestral position in 1873 in order to pursue an accelerating solo career throughout Europe. Popper was held in high esteem by his fellow musicians and maintained close personal and artistic associations with composers such as Bruckner, Brahms and Liszt, as well as with the leading performers of the day.

The aim of paladino music is to produce practical modern editions that also provide historical insight. Two versions of the cello part are presented: one based on Popper’s own, as printed in the 1888 edition by Rahter, Hamburg; the other brings the performance directions in line with modern practice.

Most of his compositions were for his own instrument and testify to an intimate knowledge of how to marry virtuoso technique with the rich sonorities and expressive capacities of the cello. Popper’s compositional output became highly regarded, and many of his works would come to have pride of place among the concert repertoire of all cellists during his lifetime. They continue to do so to the present day. Little is known about the circumstances of the composition of Popper’s third concerto for cello and orchestra. It is dedicated to “his excellency, the imperial state councellor von Ogarew” and was premiered by Popper, accompanied by the Budapest Philharmonic under Karl Goldmark, on 9 March 1888. It seems that the success of this performance was not great enough for Popper to take the piece across Europe. Much smaller in scale than his second concerto in e-minor, Op. 24, which Popper had premiered in the Gewandhaus in Leipzig in 1879, this charming piece much deserves a revival.

The Rahter publications of the orchestral score (pm 0053) and the piano reduction show some differences in dynamics and in one place even a small additional passage in the solo cello part, suggesting that the composer gave the later publication of the piano reduction and solo cello part more attention than the score. Our editions both reflect these changes and are aligned with each other. In the interests of clarity, superfluous fingerings and bowings have been removed. Popper’s use of letters (e.g. ‘sul A’) to designate strings have been replaced with the modern convention of Roman numerals. Inaccuracies in pitch and rhythm have been tacitly amended on the basis of analogous passages. Modern notational conventions have been employed, resulting in the omission of unnecessary accidentals and redundant slurs. Some dynamics and articulation markings have been rendered consistent with parallel readings or with the other instrument. Consecutive dynamic markings, often the result of printing limitations, have been combined where appropriate. The notation of natural harmonics follows modern conventions in the cello part, while the audible pitch is given in the score. Martin Rummel Auckland, February 2017

dedicated to his excellency, the imperial russian staatsrat von ogarev

concerto for violoncello and orchestra no. 3 op. 59 david popper (1843—1913)

allegro vivace

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The popper@paladino series has as its aim the publication of the complete extant works of the nineteenth-century cello virtuoso and composer, David Popper. Best known for his legacy of cello pedagogy, Popper’s concert music has been subject to gradual revival in recent times and his cello showpieces are audience favourites. Where possible, our editions present a coupling of historical and modern approaches to this music, with a reference score containing Popper’s own performance directions and parts edited for modern practical use by internationally renowned performers.


paladino music ISMN 979-0-50207-052-6 pm 0052. ! & " 2017 paladino media gmbh, vienna www.paladinomusic.at

david popper

concerto no. 3 op. 59 for violoncello and orchestra

solo violoncello

paladino music

cello solo dedicated to his excellency, the imperial russian staatsrat von ogarev

concerto for violoncello and orchestra no. 3 op. 59 david popper (1843—1913)

allegro vivace


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pm 0052-01





edition ensemble paladino Johann Sebastian Bach (re)inventions for flute and violoncello. Arranged and edited by Eric Lamb and Martin Rummel. pm 0037

paladino music www.paladinomusic.at

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (re)inventions for flute and violoncello. Arranged and edited by Eric Lamb and Martin Rummel. pm 0029

John Dowland An Englishman in New York. Famous lute pieces arranged for two mandolins by Joseph Brent and Alon Sariel. pm 0033

Niccolò Paganini Cantabile op. 17 for violoncello and guitar. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0006

Joseph Haydn Der Greis Hob. XVc:5 for string quartet. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0012

classics@paladino Johann Joachim Quantz Eight caprices and other works for solo flute. Edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0028 Ferdinand Ries Grande Sonate op. 20 for violoncello and piano. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0060 Johann George Tromlitz Six partitas for solo flute. Edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0045

popper@paladino David Popper Fünf Gesänge for high voice and piano op. 2. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0009 Suite for two violoncellos op. 16. Edited by Alexander Hülshoff, Martin Rummel and Michael Weiss. pm 0034 Suite for violoncello and piano op. 16bis. Edited by Alexander Hülshoff and Michael Weiss. pm 0035 Concerto for cello and orchestra no. 3 op. 59 (solo cello part and piano reduction). Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0052 Concerto for cello and orchestra no. 3 op. 59 (full score). Edited by Tecwyn Evans and Martin Rummel Walzer-Suite for cello and piano op. 60. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0036 Suite for violoncello and piano op. 69. pm 0039 Hohe Schule des Violoncellospiels for violoncello op. 73. pm 0025 Zehn mittelschwere große Etüden for violoncello op. 76. pm 0001

arrangements@paladino Isaac Albéniz Tango op. 165/2 for violoncello and piano. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0008 Johann Sebastian Bach Fifteen Sinfonias BWV 787–801 for flute (violin), viola and violoncello. Arranged and edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0056

Moritz Moszkowski Guitarre op. 45/2 for violoncello and piano. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0044 Niccolò Paganini Cantabile op. 17 for violoncello and piano. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0007 Franz Schubert Fantasie D 940 for string sextet. Arranged by Firmian Lermer, edited by Michael Weiss. pm 0020

music of our time Fridolin Dallinger Sonata for violoncello solo (1976/2000). Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0022 Sonata for cello and accordion (2000). Edited by Alfred Melichar and Martin Rummel. pm 0003 Sonatina for cello and harpsichord (1974/2008). Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0004 Quintet for accordion and string quartet (2009). pm 0024 Florian Feilmair Notturno for piano (2007). pm 0015 Roland Freisitzer Music for Eric Lamb for solo flute (2015). pm 0045 Hannes Raffaseder Fantasie for solo flute (1996). Edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0010 Helmut Rogl Three miniatures for violoncello solo op. 5. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0014 Solo for violoncello solo op. 28. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0016

david popper

concerto no. 3 op. 59 for violoncello and orchestra edited by martin rummel solo violoncello

paladino music

cello solo dedicated to his excellency, the imperial russian staatsrat von ogarev

concerto for violoncello and orchestra no. 3 op. 59 david popper (1843—1913) edited by martin rummel

allegro vivace 1 1





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pm 0052-02





edition ensemble paladino Johann Sebastian Bach (re)inventions for flute and violoncello. Arranged and edited by Eric Lamb and Martin Rummel. pm 0037

paladino music www.paladinomusic.at

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (re)inventions for flute and violoncello. Arranged and edited by Eric Lamb and Martin Rummel. pm 0029

John Dowland An Englishman in New York. Famous lute pieces arranged for two mandolins by Joseph Brent and Alon Sariel. pm 0033

Niccolò Paganini Cantabile op. 17 for violoncello and guitar. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0006

Joseph Haydn Der Greis Hob. XVc:5 for string quartet. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0012

classics@paladino Johann Joachim Quantz Eight caprices and other works for solo flute. Edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0028 Ferdinand Ries Grande Sonate op. 20 for violoncello and piano. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0060 Johann George Tromlitz Six partitas for solo flute. Edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0045

popper@paladino David Popper Fünf Gesänge for high voice and piano op. 2. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0009 Suite for two violoncellos op. 16. Edited by Alexander Hülshoff, Martin Rummel and Michael Weiss. pm 0034 Suite for violoncello and piano op. 16bis. Edited by Alexander Hülshoff and Michael Weiss. pm 0035 Concerto for cello and orchestra no. 3 op. 59 (solo cello part and piano reduction). Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0052 Concerto for cello and orchestra no. 3 op. 59 (full score). Edited by Tecwyn Evans and Martin Rummel Walzer-Suite for cello and piano op. 60. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0036 Suite for violoncello and piano op. 69. pm 0039 Hohe Schule des Violoncellospiels for violoncello op. 73. pm 0025 Zehn mittelschwere große Etüden for violoncello op. 76. pm 0001

arrangements@paladino Isaac Albéniz Tango op. 165/2 for violoncello and piano. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0008 Johann Sebastian Bach Fifteen Sinfonias BWV 787–801 for flute (violin), viola and violoncello. Arranged and edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0056

Moritz Moszkowski Guitarre op. 45/2 for violoncello and piano. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0044 Niccolò Paganini Cantabile op. 17 for violoncello and piano. Arranged and edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0007 Franz Schubert Fantasie D 940 for string sextet. Arranged by Firmian Lermer, edited by Michael Weiss. pm 0020

music of our time Fridolin Dallinger Sonata for violoncello solo (1976/2000). Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0022 Sonata for cello and accordion (2000). Edited by Alfred Melichar and Martin Rummel. pm 0003 Sonatina for cello and harpsichord (1974/2008). Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0004 Quintet for accordion and string quartet (2009). pm 0024 Florian Feilmair Notturno for piano (2007). pm 0015 Roland Freisitzer Music for Eric Lamb for solo flute (2015). pm 0045 Hannes Raffaseder Fantasie for solo flute (1996). Edited by Eric Lamb. pm 0010 Helmut Rogl Three miniatures for violoncello solo op. 5. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0014 Solo for violoncello solo op. 28. Edited by Martin Rummel. pm 0016

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