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Ulla Von Brandenburg, Death of a King, 2012. Photo : Florent Michel / 11h45.

TWO HECTARES OF CONTEMPORARY CREATION SHARE THE FREEDOM OF AN EXTRAORDINARILY VIVACIOUS PLACE, INHABITED BOTH BY ARTISTS AND THE PUBLIC Effervescent, joyous, adventurous, Palais de Tokyo, founded in 2002, has brought Paris to life. It is the supreme antithesis of a museum, a rebellious oasis in the 16th arrondissement, a place of exchanges and discoveries, taking the lead in bringing together the City of Light and contemporary art. Today, its concept and its programme arouse great enthusiasm throughout France and beyond its borders, both amongst specialists and the public at large. With its unique character, this place encourages artists, the public and its partners to explore the emergence of new trends, new ways of acting, thinking and behaving, new forms of expression, new kinds of beauty…

A SENSITIVE ZONE “Open, approachable, visionary, continually changing, sensitive to global developments, reacting to new discoveries with the immediacy of the spirit of the times, Palace of Tokyo is a welcoming place. It is a home to working artists, committed without being dogmatic, serious without being pompous, at once joyful, light-hearted and profound. A place like no other, Palais de Tokyo leads us on a journey that is poetic and groundbreaking, where we do not reflect upon art, but with art and the way that it transforms us. Beauty is born out of the quality of the experience that artists offer us. In this sense, the objective of Palais de Tokyo, which is dedicated to youthful creativity as well as to more established artists, both on the French and the international scene, is to refresh the emotions aroused by direct contact with a work of art and to highlight the perception of that most extraordinary of beings, the artist. It follows from this that, in the guiding logic of the programming, the figure of the artist – protean, free, inventive, daring – is the principal subject, in a way that enables everyone to experience at first hand the process of creation. Jean de Loisy Palais de Tokyo President

Jean de Loisy, Palais de Tokyo President, 2012. Photo : Bertrand Guay / AFP.

CREATION IN ALL ITS FORMS Whether it is in the exhibitions, in the vast spaces accessible free of charge to visitors, or in the interventions in building, the presence of works of art that are amazing, funny or magnificent, disturbing or comforting, suffuses the entire location, helping to make Palais de Tokyo a unique and surprising destination. The routes through it are constantly modified to renew the astonishment of regular visitors, of those who like to discover little-known artists there, or others who are unexpected, revisited, presented in a startling new way, or emerging from other fields of creation and knowledge.

Erdag Aksel, Intuitively non measurable, 2013. Photo : Aurélien Mole. Noé Soulier, Signe Blanc, Performance. Palais de Tokyo (pre)opening, avril 2012. Photo : Cheik/CNDprod.

(Entre)ouverture du Palais de Tokyo, avril 2012. © Cheik/CNDprod

Palais de Tokyo roofs. Photo : Marc Domage / Tutti.

Noé Soulier, Signe Blanc, Performance. (Entre)ouverture du Palais de Tokyo, avril 2012. Photo : Cheik/CNDprod.

Annette Messager, Motion/Emotion, 2012. Photo : André Morin.

Tokyo Eat View. Photo : Florent Michel / 11h45.


PALAIS DE TOKYO IS : an exceptional architectural site, built between the Eiffel Tower and the Champs- Elysées in 1937, on the occasion of the World Fair. a floor space extended from 8 000 to 22 000 sq. m. since its reopening in April 2012

Meetings, screenings, concerts, performances, not to mention a bookshop, two restaurants, audiovisual rooms, spectacular architecture and a personalised mediation service make Palais de Tokyo a destination where the cultural experience extends beyond the exhibition halls. Palais de Tokyo is the standardbearer of a broad vision of creation. For this reason, it invites economic players to consider deeply the creative contribution of artists and imagine new ways of collaborating with them.

more than 200 exhibitions organised in 10 years a sparkling programme of cultural events a footfall which has doubled since the reopening with 410 000 in 8 months during 2012 and around 250 000 visitors in the “winter sun” season (February–May 2013) a strong presence in the new media: 6 million surfers have visited the website, 50 000 have subscribed to the newsletter, more than 117 000 fans on Facebook, around 30 000 followers on Twitter, the 3rd most active French cultural site on social networks (classified by Museum Analytics, May 2013)

Become a partner of Palais de Tokyo and you will enhance the value of your enterprise, by associating it with a 21st-century institution that is conscious of its civic duties and the public interest, and innovative in the way it encourages interaction between contemporary creativity and our society. You will also be helping to define a new ambition for culture, in the age of sustainable development and the knowledge society, integrated with your own strategy.

a know-how acknowledged by all the public for its acclaimed mediation system (the Educalab programme, ranked 2nd at the International Design & Communication Awards 2013 in Stockholm) 5 200 schools welcomed each season festive private views which attract an average of 8 000 visitors

Our team will be with you day after day to strengthen your commitment and build, we hope, a lasting bond of confidence.

a label and a lifestyle associated with contemporary trends an experimental testing ground for the links between art, creativity, innovation and brands

…and numerous possibilities for partnership with Companies

Going Away, Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture students installation with Thomas Saraceno, Orbe New York, 2013. Photo : Florent Michel.

COMMON GROUND WITH BUSINESS BEING AT THE CENTRE OF DEBATES IN THE MODERN WORLD THE SENSE OF EMERGENCE Business today exists in a permanent state of transformation. Sensitivity to the personal growth of its workforce is a strategic issue, enabling it to thrive in the present and plan for the future. It relates to the development of its values and its acquisition of new markets. It also concerns its capacity for innovation, as much as its accompanying policy of change. Yet emergence is the fruit of our individual and collective capacity for imagining new connections between ideas, experiences or existing points of view. It is truly at the heart of the creative process, through which we manage to imagine new, non-linear solutions. Because it enhances the experience of works of art and the mediation services by showcasing the creative approach of the artists of our times, the Palais de Tokyo is in a privileged position to witness, explore, and nurture emerging talent, while at the same time developing its taste for a world that is in the process of reinventing itself.

THE SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE The spirit of enterprise is the capacity to move forward in space and time ; it is a vision, the desire to share it, to know how to choose the right place for risk-taking and to assume it in a responsible manner. Entrepreneurs share this spirit with navigators, athletes and artists: they all invent, react, lead, question, learn from both their failures and their successes in order to achieve their goals. At Palais de Tokyo, the perception of the liberty and daring of artists enables us to imagine new avenues, transforming their activities into one of the most inspiring adventures that we are fortunate enough to share.

EXPERIENCE, A STRATEGIC ISSUE The very nature of our idea of consumption has changed : acquisition and use remain central, but the experience of consumption has evolved, to include brand values, context, as well as the long-term relationship with goods and services and, as a consequence, with the company that is offering them. In taking account of the global nature of this experience, companies today are looking to respond to the new needs of a postmodern society. Because cultural institutions have to rise to the same challenge, Palais de Tokyo has been conceived as a place that promotes a complete artistic experience, one that unites and inspires us.

Private event, Saut du Loup, Palais de Tokyo.

Julio Le Parc, Cloison à lames réfléchissantes, 1966-2012. Photo : André Morin.

THE CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP, A STRATEGIC LEVER BEARING INTANGIBLE VALUES INTO THE NEW ECONOMY By broadening their sphere of activity to include creation and ideas, companies will not only be putting their values into perspective for the public at large, they will also be offering a powerful cultural experience and asserting their social responsibility. THE CREATION OF UNMATERIALISTIC VALUES In a knowledge-based economy, unmaterialistic assets are, beyond any accounting measure, a major means of creating value, publicity and customer loyalty for companies. Within the framework of partnership with Palais de Tokyo, culture can be considered a special way of developing long-lasting, unmaterialistic values in several domains, such as the brand, client and corporate relationships, not to mention human ones, knowledge, R&D and social utility. By tackling the changes in the world today, modern artists make a remarkable contribution through the force of a vision that is pioneering, offbeat, inventive, bearing the values of the present and the future.

DISCOVERY, CREATION AND INNOVATION It is easy to acknowledge the impact of scientific discoveries and major economic change upon societies. Artists also play a decisive part in their critical assessment of the world, continually reinventing our vision of it. Just as innovation today is the business of culture, of procedure, of organising diversity and transversality, of continually confronting reality, of according the same importance to usage and research, so artists, just like scientists and entrepreneurs, innovate and explore new horizons. Their expectations, their utopias, their provocations sometimes, have ensured that creativity is not some separate entity that can be pigeon-holed in a box called culture. At the very time when it seems they have already said everything, tried and discovered everything, the freedom of their actions and their most audacious confrontations can still produce unexpected breakthroughs.

SOCIAL UTILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The concept of sustainability is a positive response to the changes brought about by globalisation. The investment by companies in sustainable development through a policy of CSR [corporate social responsibility], whether in-house or with partners, is a sound strategy for non-materialistic values and for the good of all concerned. By becoming a partner of Palais de Tokyo, business can achieve social utility by adopting an approach which associates culture with sustainable development. To the traditional aspects of national sustainable development (environmental, economic, social) there have effectively been added, since the Johannesburg summit of 2002 and the Unesco convention of 2005, the transmission of cultural heritage, flourishing creativity and artistic education, firmly anchored in human considerations.


Maxime Rossi, view of Palais de Tokyo (pre)opening (Paris). Photo : © Cheik/CNDprod.

MAKING THE HERITAGE OF TODAY AND TOMORROW ACCESSIBLE FOR AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE Today’s creators are building the heritage of tomorrow. Palais de Tokyo is paving the way for this future by placing the public at the heart of a mission to impart knowledge in a different way. Rather than seeking uniformity in its teaching practices, it has brought new life to the system of cultural education by an approach which demystifies current art and which multiplies the gateways through which everyone, with their own history and identity, can find their way. It is important to be adaptable in order to find the best way of steering members of the public, even the most distant ones, towards a discovery of art. In a broad sense, the cultural mediation service is a training issue. Every citizen should be able to sharpen their appetite for discovery, along with the agility of their mind and senses. Everyone can claim the right to be surprised and amazed by different ways of looking at the world. Art is a fresh experience, an open door to something different, strange, unknown. Preparations are made, are built up for this encounter: the cultural mediation service ensures that nobody misses out on the experience.


THE TEAM OF EDUCATORS With its wide-ranging system of supporting the public, Palais de Tokyo has rapidly become the recommended choice in the field of cultural mediation. Specialists in contemporary art, art historians or artists, the team of educators is permanently at the disposal of the public in the exhibition spaces, to provide them with the key to understanding individual artworks and enlighten them about the job of the artist. Polyglots, enthusiasts and teachers, the educators at Palais de Tokyo answer every question, inform, discuss and guide.

A MOSAIC OF CULTURAL EXPERIENCES Palais de Tokyo sees itself as an area that can be explored by following many different paths, where you can choose your own itinerary, alone or in company. For this reason, Palais de Tokyo invites its visitors, of all ages and outlooks, to embark on the activities in novel ways : guided tours of the whole site, secret escapes, focusing on a particular work or artist, journeys in time… without forgetting all the educational activities for school groups, teachers and relays in the socio-cultural field.

Private event, Galerie haute, Palais de Tokyo.


The benefits granted by Palais de Tokyo are divided between : – communication benefits up to a value of 5% of the gift; – public relations benefits (making spaces available, mediation services) and minor benefits (books, passes,…) up to a value of 20% of the gift; – invitations to private views and other highlights in the life of Palais de Tokyo.

BECOME A PATRON OF PALAIS DE TOKYO Patronage is selfless material support, in cash, in kind or in expertise, given to a work or a person for activities that present a general interest. According to law no. 2003709 of 1st August 2003 and article 238bis of the CGI [General Tax Code], patronage allows you to benefit from a tax reduction of 60% of the sum of the gift limited to 0.5% of your turnover, if you have a French tax arrangement, and with advantages equivalent to 25% of the gift. The real cost for the company thus amounts to 15% of the initial amount of the gift.

BECOME A SPONSOR OF PALAIS DE TOKYO Sponsorship is support given to Palais de Tokyo with the aim of receiving a direct benefit in terms of advertising material, without a direct fiscal benefit.

Example: for patronage in cash of a project totalling €100 000, you can directly deduct €60 000 of your corporate tax (deferral possible over 5 years) and you have €25 000 in return. The real net cost for your company is €15 000.

All spending on sponsorship is treated as a transaction of a commercial nature, subject to an invoice and VAT at the current rate. Within this framework, partners are committed to an exchange of equivalent value : your contribution corresponds to the supply of goods and services by Palais de Tokyo, which may not exceed the total amount of this contribution. Palais de Tokyo normally values its advertising services up to a maximum of 40% of your contribution and its public relations services and minor benefits up to a maximum of 60%.

Private event, Rotonde, Palais de Tokyo.

Private event, Saut du Loup, Palais de Tokyo.

YOUR ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS BENEFITS BEING A PARTNER OF PALAIS DE TOKYO IS TO EXPERIENCE THE ADVENTURE OF ART ALONGSIDE US Through your association with Palais de Tokyo, you will benefit from prominent display on our communication media, from a unique venue for events right at the very heart of Paris and from the expertise that we have developed in passing on the keys to creation, to assert your values and excite your target market.

CORPORATE IMAGE AND COMMUNICATION Palais de Tokyo’s commitment to you is to allow you to receive the fruits of our partnership in terms of image and communication. Being a partner of Palais de Tokyo is, above all, to be associated with Europe’s leading destination for contemporary art, a unique opportunity to make contact with regular, visiting customers (urban, active, CSP+/++ [socio-professional category], intellectual professions, students), a privileged vector of communication for your prospective customers and clients, and the benefits of a favoured profile on the regular media. Accordingly, information and communication literature, written and produced by Palais de Tokyo, will contain a mention of your support in the form of your logo and/or a written acknowledgement according to the partnership put in place.

In addition, you will also be able to use the name and image of Palais de Tokyo by way of quotation, mention, reproduction and representation, during the promotion of your support, in all branches of the media and in any non-profit affairs. Palais de Tokyo will provide you with photographic material relating to the building and its programme. Finally, partners can be associated with press relations through press kits and communiqués and by benefiting from invitations to press nights.

YOUR TARGETS ARE OUR GUESTS Palais de Tokyo will place its spaces at your disposal, enabling you to organise your own events at the heart of a unique cultural venue. Depending on your needs, you can choose several formats and sequences of events aimed at your clients, your partners or your colleagues: breakfasts, private visits, cocktail receptions or prestige dinners, presentations of products, … so many exclusive functions which can be planned to harmonise with our programme and make the purpose of collaboration with our team some unforgettable memories. Equally, Palais de Tokyo can develop innovative educational activities for your employees that will involve them directly in a link with artworks and an understanding of the activities of artists, whether through special meetings with artists or with curators of exhibitions, through themed conferences, personalised visits or visits that bring different generations together.



Development director Phone : +33 (0)1 81 97 35 86 email :


Head of development and partnership Phone : +33 (0)1 81 97 35 63 email :


Head of economical development Phone : +33 (0)1 53 23 85 52 email :

PRACTICAL INFORMATION ADDRESS 13, avenue du Président Wilson F - 75116 Paris OPENING HOURS From 12 noon to 12 midnight Every day except tuesdays ACCESS Metro : line 9/ stations : Alma-Marceau or Iéna RER C / station Pont de l’Alma Bus 32, 42, 63, 72, 80, 92 Vélib’ Station at 2 rue Marceau

View of Palais de Tokyo, avril 2012. Photo : Florent Michel / 11h45.

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