Byron Jeff Y. Datinguinoo Nappy L. Navarra
ABOUT LOGO United front. Pushing frontiers. This year’s Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) National Convention logo depicts people joining together for a common cause - to elevate Landscape Architecture to new heights. The logo reflects the organization’s determined commitment to growth, interaction, understanding, and strengthening of the profession with the advent of ASEAN integration – and all the challenges faced by the profession. The Landscape Edge logo takes inspiration from the flower of Balibago (Hibiscus tiliaceus), a native plant that thrives in coastal area. The plant symbolizes adaptation to living on the edge - thriving in condition that serves as interface between the terrestrial and marine environment. Part of its inflorescence, the orange corolla, provides splashes of color in the tropical beach, bursting into streaks of yellow and red. The warmth of the color is reflective of the camaraderie among members of the organization and with fellow professionals, forming a bond in the profession and in making our environment better for all creatures. The five-petal form embodies the five dimensions of landscape intervention: community, tourism, disaster resilience, livelihood, and biodiversity. These are also resonated in the range of topics discussed in the seminar and workshop tracks, which are aimed to develop greater awareness of the profession, empower the capability of the members, and develop linkages with other disciplines.
Greetings from the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects!
Nappy L. Navarra Chairman ///// PALA NatCon 2015
In behalf of the organizers and the different committees of this year’s Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) National Convention, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the participants of this year’s The Landscape Edge: the 2015 PALA National Convention. This year’s PALA National Convention marks the gathering of Landscape Architects and fellow professionals from the allied professions to celebrate the accomplishments of the organization and its members. Throughout the years, the organization has continuously gained greater recognition as it makes its presence felt in both national and international arena, extending its influence in the various realms of the practice as well as reaching the people in the community. PALA members have been similarly recognized as they accomplished greater things as we strive to be the best in the profession, representing the organization, the practice, and the country in various endeavors. With these, we are truly proud of our members. As we seek new heights to achieve in the coming years, we are setting our sights on elevating the profession as one. This National Convention aims to consolidate our membership to extend our reaches beyond the present. We would like to push the frontier of our accomplishments to the edge, opening new doors and challenges to conquer. We are taking this step along with our fellow professionals from the allied professions in recognition of our partnership with them in all our efforts. We feel that to gain greater momentum we need to take this another step together. This year’s National Convention theme “The Landscape Edge”, highlights the contribution of Landscape Architecture in making better lives while keeping our role as stewards of the land for all creations. The difference we make in all aspects of our existence, albeit may be unrecognized, motivates us to continuously seek harmony and balance in the environment, personal experiences, social systems, and life in general. The Landscape Edge also refers to vulnerable environments that currently face various threats, that need to be acted on. The coastal environment exemplifies this environment, which is confronted by continuous urbanization of its edges while faced with greater vulnerability to climate change and disaster. We believe that by coming together, we can turn our coastal edge into our advantage - a thriving and resilient community with sustainable livelihood and tourism while keeping its ecosystem dynamic.
Warm greetings from the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA)!
Vic L. Dul-loog President ///// Philippine Association of Landscape Architects
The 2015 PALA National Convention is a step forward in pushing the practice of Landscape Architecture into realms that are seldom ventured into by the profession, thus the theme “The Landscape Edge”. It has been a challenge for the profession to find platforms for collaboration that would highlight the expertise of Landscape Architects in providing solutions to the challenges that confront our environment, particularly in addressing and mitigating the effects of climate change. Our professional experience and interdisciplinary approach in providing solutions on issues of the site places us in a vantage point that affords us the opportunity to be in the forefront to confront various environmental challenges. Our knowledge and capabilities to provide technical solutions in designing disaster resilient sites have yet to be fully benefited by the communities that require assistance from professionals in managing their resources and keeping their communities safe and robust. As Landscape Architects, our full potential has yet to be realized. The Convention will be a gathering of Filipino Landscape Architects here and abroad with varying fields of specialization, as well as practitioners from allied fields and professions. We will convene as a body to discuss the role of Filipino Landscape Architects and partners in the allied professions on issues of management of communities and environmental challenges. The organizing committee is very enthusiastic in sharing with you stimulating topics and engaging workshop activities. Our invited speakers will share their expertise on strategies of healing, protecting, conserving and enriching our landscapes in the advent of the ASEAN integration and the challenges of climate change. Your participation in this important event shall indeed help us work together in the management of our environment.
My warmest greetings to the participants of the 4th Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) National Convention.
Juanito Victor C. Remulla, Jr.
In our increasingly competitive milieu, there is no overstating the need for all of us to stay relevant and competent. This is a challenge that is made even more immediate by the continuous progress enjoyed by our country, as we are all bound to respond to the growing demands imposed upon us. This annual gathering of landscape architects in the Philippines is a laudable acknowledgment of this collective duty to heed the call for progress.
Governor ///// Province of Cavite
As you acquire new knowledge and gain new perspectives on topics and issues significant to your field, may you be inspired to use you expertise to advance the development that we strive to sustain. Let the theme of this event, “The Landscape Edge,” impress upon you a renewed desire to promote excellence in exercising your profession and to elevate yourself to the level of today’s high standards. On behalf of all Caviteños, I warmly welcome you to the Province of Cavite. As we in the Provincial Government work to realize our first-class, world-class vision, we continue to be one with you in your every endeavor towards progress. May you have an insightful and meaningful convention. Mabuhay!
Cecilia N. Gascon President ///// Bulacan State University (BSU)
It is dignifying to know the significance of partnership of this University with different organizations in terms of building power, leveraging resources and achieving meaningful change. Such advancement is also one of the keys in providing excellent service to the students, stakeholders and clientele of this institution. I would like to acknowledge the effort and initiative of the people behind the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects in ensuring that such purposeful endeavor is put into place. As they say, landscape architecture is not just about beautification, it is also about creating the ambiance of development. To our dear faculty delegates, continue making us proud through your competence as you adhere to quality and excellence. Your continuous aspiration of becoming active holistic professionals will definitely be counted as an important contribution to the industry. More power to both PALA and BSU. To God be the glory.
Ma. Teresa V. Gopez Dean ///// College of Architecture and Fine Arts, Bulacan State University (CAFA)
In behalf of Bulacan State University College of Architecture and Fine Arts, allow me to extend our sincerest thanks to PALA for choosing us to be an auspicing institution partner for the 4th PALA National Convention. We warmly welcome this partnership for this will open opportunities for our College to be strengthened and to our Landscape Architects to be more competent. This act of generosity inspires us to pursue excellence despite great challenges ahead of us. Indeed, the seed you implanted will flourish into a beautiful landscape only because you took the initiative to embrace us. Again thank you very much! More power to you and congratulations for this successful event!
Greetings to all our PALA OfďŹ cers and Members, and participants to this 4th National Convention dedicated to the Theme: LANDSCAPE EDGE.
Ma. Teresa V. Gopez Dean ///// College of Architecture, University of the Philippines - Diliman (UPCA)
To me, the EDGE represents the psychic as well as physical extent at which our profession can and should go, where it makes a critical, steadfast and meaningful impact. It is the point at which we discover the abundance of our knowledge and competence, and deliver landscape design solutions that are urgently responsive to our communities and the environment. In this historic year of the ASEAN integration, I am resolute in my belief that Filipino landscape architects should shine as experts, especially on Resilient Site Design in the Philippines and in the ASEAN Region. Therefore, let us take the lead and make this expertise in the prevention, mitigation, rehabilitation and reconstruction for disaster risk reduction our EDGE.
The Philippine Association of Landscape Architects adopts the ICOMOS Philippines statement.
On 19 August 2015, the world was greeted with the shocking news of the death of Pamana, a Philippine Eagle, Pithecophaga jefferyi, released in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, in Davao Oriental, Mindanao, Philippines. Pamana’s murder sparked outrage worldwide. Ironically, Pamana, after surviving gunshot wounds in 2012 and rehabilitated to good health by the Philippine Eagle Foundation, was released on 12 June 2015 in Mt. Hamiguitan as part of Philippine Independence Day Celebrations, with Pamana’s release as symbol of the country’s right to fly free again. Pamana’s freedom was short-lived, once again cut short by gunshot wounds. Pamana is the Filipino word for Heritage. Pamana’s death diminishes us all. As a species found only in the Philippines, Pamana is not only a national treasure of the Philippines, but it is part of the world’s living heritage as well. Thus, if the Philippine Eagle goes extinct, it is not only the Filipino people’s loss but humanity’s loss as well; if it goes extinct, the world will never see a Philippine Eagle fly majestically ever again. Ensuring that Philippine Eagles do not go extinct is a global responsibility. Pamana’s death is laden with ironies: surviving gunshot wounds and being shot again to death inside a declared Wildlife Sanctuary and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where we supposed it would live the rest of its natural life in safety and security. We were wrong. Philippine Eagles need more than a physically secure place to live in. Given their precarious state, they need human understanding that they are better off left alone. We should commit to providing conditions that would ensure that they are left alone and unmolested.
We, PALA and ICOMOS Philippines jointly support and stand in solidarity with the Philippine Eagle Foundation, the Biodiversity Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (BMB-DENR) and the Filipino people in our fight to ensure the survival of the Philippine Eagle for all humanity’s benefit. We realize that UNESCO World Heritage Sites, like the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, are much more than physical monuments for humanity to enjoy, but are living heritage that should provide sanctuary to all life found therein. We commit to take positive actions that would help ensure that the shooting of Pamana would be the last, and for Philippine Eagles to fly free.
Photo courtesy of Dennis I. Salvador, Phillippine Eagle Foundation (PEF)
SEMINAR BRIEF The National Convention Seminars will be held in the function rooms at Island Cove in Cavite. An estimated 100 delegates is the target number of participants coming from the Landscape Architecture profession and allied disciplines and from the national and local government units. Except for the plenary session at the opening and the closing of the convention, the seminar is conducted simultaneously with the National Convention Workshops. The goal of the seminar are the following: (1) impart to the delegates the current efforts and technology in the Landscape Architecture field, (2) echo the researches on Philippine Landscape Architecture that have been presented in various academic and/or international fora and conferences, (3) provide a venue for discourse and exchange of ideas between Landscape Architects and professionals from other related disciplines, and (4) create a platform for possible collaboration between the professionals and national and local government and the communities. The Seminar is categorized into two presentations: keynote presentations and the paper presentations. Keynote presentations are delivered by prominent names from the Landscape Architecture profession and other allied disciplines, providing insights about the profession and the possible and potential direction of the profession. They will also set the theme of the session, providing a general picture of the most pressing issues that challenge the environment. On the other hand, the paper presentations are shorter presentations providing more in depth discussion on specific landscape issues. The papers highlighted are topics that have been pursued in the academe and research, most of them having been presented in national and international conferences. The seminar has six sessions over the twoday event. The different session themes are: (1) Biodiversity Conservation for Planning and Design, (2) Adaptation for Resiliency and Protection of Landscapes, (3) Assessment Techniques in Planning and Design, (4) Heritage Landscape Conservation Practices. All the presentations relate to the theme “The Landscape Edge�, encompassing topics of the different critical landscapes that face challenges and require intervention from the profession. The seminars starts with registration. Upon registration, each participant will receive the National Convention Program, a book of abstracts and a kit. The first day will see three out of the five keynote presentations in the morning. Lunch will then commence after the presentations. After which, two different seminar sessions will take place in two separate function rooms. Participants are allowed to choose any sessions that may want to participate in, giving them flexibility in terms of selecting topics that interest them. Each session is followed by a short synthesis, to be followed by an open forum, allowing the audience to interact with the presenter and pursue more detailed discussion about the topic. All the participants will receive a certificate for attending the Seminar track (keynote and paper presentations) and will receive a maximum of 16 CPD points for the two-day National Convention.
In line with this year’s PALA National Convention theme “The Landscape Edge”, the central focus of the workshop track is landscape ecological planning for coastal management. The workshop addresses the five aspects of landscape planning; the community, biodiversity, disaster resiliency, livelihood, and tourism. The workshop aims to synergize the spatial and multi-dimensional approach of Landscape Architecture with the interdisciplinary knowledge and technology of the allied professionals and the local wisdom and indigenous capability of the community in managing issues of the landscape. The participants are expected to propose planning strategies that will heal, protect and conserve, and enrich the landscape. This will be a platform to consolidate the talents and resources of the workshop participants in providing planning solutions to the management of coastal area. The workshop participants will be dealing with real-life challenges through landscape ecological design and planning. The participants will be briefed about the issues of the chosen site and the possibility of the discipline in offering solutions to the issues raised. The participants will also get to immerse themselves in the community by exposing themselves to the site wherein they will be given the chance to interact with the residents of the community and see for themselves the site issues. From, here the workshop participants will be given the opportunity to draw up possible solutions, which will be presented to the general body of the National Convention at the end of the workshop. The workshop is expected to produce a comprehensive landscape ecological plan for the coastal management of Kawit, Cavite. The output of the workshop participants will be reviewed by the workshop committee and will be submitted to the Municipal Planning Office of Kawit to be used as future reference and can be used as basis for other coastal municipalities of Cavite and the Philippines confronting similar challenges as that of the Kawit, Cavite.
Keynote Presentation 1 by Dr. Perry S. Ong Before Going to the Edge, Back to Basics: the 3Gs as the Context for a Responsive and Sustainable Landscape Architecture
Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration
Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration
Keynote Presentation 2 by Dr. Ma. Victoria Ortega-Espaldon Planning Development in a Landscape in a Changing Philippine Climate: Will Paradigm Shift Matter?
Keynote Presentation 3 by Arch. Enrico B. Tabafunda Campus Planning: An Opportunity for Collaboration with Landscape Architects
Nathalee Faith M. Maliwat Lava Diversion: An Investigation on the Use of Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration Dike Network in Diverting Lava Flow from Probable Eruption of Taal Volcano
Lunch Break (with Group Ice Breaker)
Seminar Session 1A: Biodiversity Conservation for Planning and Design
Francis E. Ong An Analysis of the Ecological Structure of Zenaida C. Galingan Pampanga and Enhancement of the Biodiversity The Cavite–Manila Coastal Road and Its Effects Potential of Road Corridors in San Fernando City, on the Surroundings Philippines Angelo Paulo A. Mogul Mt. Pinatubo Lahar Erosion Prevention and Flood Control in the Pasig-Potrero River Basin Watershed Through Schematic Master Planning
Coffee Break
Theresa C. Rivera Evaluating the Potential for an EfďŹ cient Wetland Park System in LPPCHEA Based on the Hong Kong Wetland Park Case Study
Patrick Andrew E. Gozon Selection of Native Coastal Trees for Urban Landscapes
9:00 A
10:00 A
11:00 A
11:15 A
12:15 P
1:15 P
1:40 P
2:05 P
Landscape Planning for Coastal Management
Opening Ceremony and Welcome Remarks by LArch. Vic L. Dul-loog, PALA President
8:30 A
Seminar Session 1B: Adaptation for Resiliency and Protection of Landscapes
7:30 A
FIRST DAY | November 18 | Wednesday
Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration
Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration
Theresa C. Rivera Osias L. Nieva Jr. Applying Urban Resilience Theory to Flooding on BIKESCAPE: An Assessment of the Optimum Flood-Prone Urbanizing Settlements Along the Bicycle Landscape Experience in an Urban Area Pampanga River Renato A. Heray The Planning and Design of Recycled Tire Playground as a Healing Component of the Landscape in Tacoloban After Typhoon ‘Haiyan’
Von Gerald Azagra Planning - Design Workshop ‘PALARo System’: Playground Area Landscape and Demonstration Architecture Rating System
Jose Antonio P. Bimbao (Waste) Water Watershed: A Study on the Upland Community Lifestyle Hygiene of the Aetas in the Morong River Watershed
Jose Antonio P. Bimbao Rediscovering Tangue Creek, Through Neo-Urban Stream Development
Synthesis / Discussion
Closing / Announcements
3:15 P
3:40 P
4:05 P
4:35 P
5:00 to 5:30 P
Synthesis / Discussion
Landscape Planning for Coastal Management
Seminar Session 2A: Adaptation for Resiliency and Protection Landscapes
Seminar Session 2B: Assessment Techniques in Planning and Design
Coffee Break
3:00 P
Synthesis / Discussion
Synthesis / Discussion
2:30 P
Landscape Planning for Coastal Management Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration
Landscape Planning for Coastal Management Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration
Keynote Presentation 4 by LArch. Paulo G. Alcazaren The Conservation of Urban Heritage Spaces
Keynote Presentation 5 by Atty. Karen Lucille Malilong How a Landscape Architect Can Make the Dreams of the Filipinos Come True
Coffee Break
Seminar Session 3: Adaptation for Resiliency and Protection of Landscapes
Mary Ann A. Espina Filipinos as Experts on Resilient Design in the ASEAN Practice of Landscape Architecture
Ryan Rodrigo P. Tayobong Edible Landscaping in the Philippines: The Artistic Approach for Small-Scale Crop Production
Paolo Guillermo Tuazon Rotating Green Wall: A Practical, Cost Effective, and User-Friendly Vertical Gardening Alternative
Synthesis / Discussion
Lunch Break (with Group Ice Breaker)
Seminar Session 4: Heritage Landscape Conservation Practices
Jose Antonio P. Bimbao Settlement in Resettlement: A Sustainable Community Masterplan for the Nomadic Aetas of Mt. Natib, Bataan
8:00 A
9:00 A
10:00 A
10:15 A
10:40 A
11:05 A
11:30 A
12:00 P
1:15 P
SECOND DAY | November 19 | Thursday
Planning - Design Workshop and Demonstration
Avegail P. Casono Sustainable Drainage System Application as Preventive Solution to Erosion and Landslide in Terraced Landscape in the Philippines
Synthesis / Discussion
Coffee Break
Workshop Presentation 1
Workshop Presentation 2
Workshop Presentation 3
Coffee Break
Workshop Presentation 4
Workshop Presentation 5
Open Forum
Closing Program
2:05 P
2:30 P
3:00 P
3:15 P
3:30 P
3:45 P
4:00 P
4:15 P
4:30 P
4:45 P
5:00 to 5:30 P
Landscape Planning for Coastal Management
Sharon S. Perion Philippine Flora: The Online Compendium of Native Vines in the Philippines for Landscape Architecture
1:40 P