ifla asia pacific regional congress 2019 nov 7-9
waterfront hotel, Cebu City, Philippines
commonssense linking the commons and engaging the community in sustainable development
W E L C O M E M E S S A G E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 E V E N T T I M E L I N E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 c o n c e p t n o t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 C O N G R E S S A C T I V I T I E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 P L E N A R Y S P E A K E R S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 V E N U E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 T E C H N I C A L T O U R s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 E V E N T P a r t n e r s a n d S P O N S O R S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s
O R G A N I Z A T I O N A L B A C K G R O U N D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01
background Landscape architecture is the art and science of designing outdoor spaces for human use and enjoyment. RA 9053, otherwise known as the Philippine Landscape Architecture Act of 2000, regulates the profession and establishes the integrated national organization of landscape architects - known as the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA). PALA is committed to protecting the environment, the public interest, and promoting social development. As a profession that combines the analytical with the artistic; the logical and the visceral - the organization believes that landscape architects have a key role to play in the improvement of society.
PALA would like to address the need for healthy community spaces and peoplecentric planning and design. We are proud to have initiated programs and projects that empower, and create beautiful and sustainable outdoor spaces for the disenfranchised. PALA ultimately hopes for Filipino landscape architects to be part of the global sustainable development movement, actively interacting and collaborating with the broader landscape architecture community.
The International Federation of Landscape Architects is the body representing Landscape Architects worldwide. Its purpose is to coordinate the activities of member associations when dealing with global issues, and to ensure that the profession of landscape architecture continues to prosper as it continues to affect the design and management of our environment. International Federation of Landscape Architects — Asia-Pacific Region (IFLA APR) is a sub-group of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) organization. The group is made up of delegates nominated by each of the professional landscape architecture organisations located within the Asia Pacific Region that are members of IFLA (currently 14). The delegates represent their respective countries at IFLA and work together as a collaborative group to champion landscape architecture issues and projects throughout the Asia Pacific Region. Each year the APR holds a Congress hosted by one of its member countries. These Congresses provide an opportunity for landscape architects and other interested allied professions to network with colleagues from around the world and within the Region and to explore topical issues that affect our world and understand the role we might play in addressing those issues. See the Congress tab at top of the page for further information about past and upcoming Congresses in our Region.
PALa PRESIDENT The Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) welcomes you to Cebu City, Philippines! It’s been 30 years since an International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) activity was held in the Philippines and we are more than thrilled to be hosting this year’s IFLA-Asia Pacific Region (APR) Congress. We warmly welcome you with our famous Filipino hospitality and give you a taste of our culture through our food and art. This year’s IFLA-APR Congress highlights the role of the people whose lives has been changed by the challenges and opportunities the environment present. It will focus on how landscape architecture helped in the increase in awareness and sensitivity to the surroundings that eventually will lead to a sustainable way of living. Concurrently, we will also learn about IFLA-APR members’ stories on how the profession shaped and influenced the built and natural environments and the kinds of obstacles they have to face in the process. The congress will give the participants a chance to personally experience the sense of support from the regional landscape architecture community and feel the assurance that collectively, we can make things happen and attain our objectives together. It is also a source of pride and inspiration that gives you a reason to aspire and bring triumph to our causes, especially in the issues of climate change and sustainability. Lastly, the event offers an opportunity to open the channels between landscape architects, allied professions, advocates, and decision makers, to explore options that are sustainable, sensitive, while being beautiful and functional at the same time. It is always interesting to witness how in these gatherings, issues are tackeled, the commonalities are revealed, learnings are shared, and unity is forged. Once again, welcome to the IFLA-APR Congress, 2019! Mabuhay!
Eric V. Estonido President Philippine Association of Landscape Architects
ifla apr PRESIDENT Landscape is a common environ for every man and woman. And how we protect and manage the environment makes a difference to each of us. I salute every landscape architect for working hard on this mission. Despite the challenges we face as a result of our own anthropogenic activities, landscape architects continue to be united; to celebrate collective knowledge and achievements as we shoulder the gravity of responsibilities to make our cities and environment a better place. It is with a joyous heart that I pen this message to the IFLA Asia Pacific Congress in Cebu and specifically address this hope to the landscape profession and international delegates in Philippines. Who we are is inconsequential; how little or much we do as landscape architects is more important. We are blessed with the privilege to influence our landscapes. We should be thankful for the wisdom to deal with our environmental issues with love. Hence I submit to you as a concerned global citizen in the era of climate change, and as a committed landscape architect. Let’s bring our collective wisdom together at this congress, pledge a new action in we what we are committed to. And seed this little action for the next generation to harvest. I wish you all a memorable congress in Cebu.
Damian Tang President IFLA Asia-Pacific Region
ifla apr congress 2019 chair Welcome to the 2019 IFLA-APR Congress in Cebu! We’re very excited to host you here in the Philippine’s oldest city. It is only fitting that we hold Commonssense here - a city in the middle of the Philippines, where people of diverse cultural backgrounds meet and thrive, and a place of rich biodiversity. Cebu was especially selected for its environmental, and symbolic significance. As Landscape Architects, as artists with technical backgrounds, as stewards of the land we are in a unique position to shape culture and places, and consequently, our collective futures. On your three days with us, we hope that the activities we have prepared for you will serve to equip you to better shape that future by looking back at the basics - we hope that you explore and create more meaningful connections - with people and places, with communities and the environment. Yet even as you broaden your horizons and understanding, we hope that your journey with us leads you back to the essence of Commonssense - putting people at the heart of conversations about the places they inhabit, and more importantly, including them in the conversation.
ifla apr congress 2019 co-chair Maligayang bati! Warm welcome to all the delegates of the 2019 IFLA APR Congress with the theme “COMMONSSENSE”, the Asia Pacific Region community comes together to tackle issues on climate change, sustainability, resiliency and going back to the grassroots and communities for actions and solutions. We are in a situation where the urgency of the issue is being brushed and set aside and many leaders tend to turn a blind eye or look the other way around. Coastal communities in the region are the most vulnerable to such climate disasters which are becoming more and more frequent. Our profession has been positioned into the limelight and must take the initiative in formulating solutions in mitigating the climate crisis and bring balance to development and environmental protection thru integrative planning. Together with the other allied professionals, government agencies, academe, private institutions and the communities, we all must stake a stance. Landscape architects, rise up and take action based on the values upon which our profession is founded. Lest we forget, we are co-designing with nature for the people. Maraming Salamat at Mabuhay!
Rosanne Marie B. Aldeguer Chair IFLA APR Congress 2019
Vic L. Dul-loog Co-Chair IFLA APR Congress 2019
dEPARTMENT OF eNVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES secretary Greetings to the International Federation of Landscape Architects – Asia Pacifc Region, on the occasion of the IFLA-APR Congress 2019. In this era of climate change, with human settlements besieged by rising sea levels and other geoharzards, landscape architects are performing increasingly vital roles. This is especially so in the Philippines, an archipelago with a very long and densely-populated coastline and many low-lying islands, located along the Pacific Ring of Fire. The Philippines is extremely vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, including storm surges and saline intrusion into coastal lands and aquifers. The country and its people need to develop greater resilience in the face of shrinking safe and healthy areas for sustainable habitation and coexistence with biodiversity. This is why the country’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources has partnered with the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects in hosting the IFLA-APR Congress 2019. In this Congress, we hope to generate valuable knowledge that will enable us to make our communities sustainably safer, healthier and more conducive to productivity. The experiences of landscape architects from all over the Asia-Pacific region will certainly be of great interest to everyone. On this note, we warmly welcome all participants of the IFLA-APR Congress 2019, and wish them a most successful Congress. Mabuhay!
Roy A. Cimatu Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources
UNIVERSITY OF SAN CARLOS PRESIDENT Pope Francis underlined the beauty of creation in faithful tradition to the first Francis who mystically communed with Brother Sun and Sister Moon. But the Pope also underlined the fragility of nature specially in the hands of its intended steward and curator. Such are the concerns at the heart of our ecological crisis today and the efforts of young, enlightened advocates to help Mother nature heal by addressing the sources of the major threat to human existence, namely, climate change and global warming. Because the issues cut across all dimensions of human survival we will need all hands on deck: scientists and philosophers, engineers. University of San Carlos thus finds this conference’s organizers as congenial partners given their advocacy of “the creation and management of ecologically-balanced, habitable and aesthetically-pleasing environments through landscape design” and other initiatives. After all it is in a school’s DNA to provide precisely the educational tools such as consciousness-raising through seminars and fora, training through workshops and symposia, policyformulation through public consultations, monitoring through data-gathering and assessment and communication through various media. As head of the school-partner for this event I have personal reasons to be gratified. A handful of our USC students will be privileged to participate in discussions that could shape their future practice profoundly: a multi-faceted and existential understanding of the Commons as the most critical factor in sustainability, instructive glimpses into the complex concerns of a regional association such as IFLA-APR (International Federation of Landscape Architects – Asia Pacific) as they hold their Congress, and an exposure to and interaction with professionals constituted as an APO (Accredited Professional Organization) such as PALA (Philippine Association of Landscape Architects), when they host an event of this importance and magnitude. In this spirit and in the name of Mother Earth allow me to wish IFLA-APR and PALA a most successful Congress and series of Council Meetings. May the Lord of creation bless your work.
Fr. Dionisio M. Miranda, SVD President University of San Carlos
asean centre of biodiversity executive director It is the great pleasure of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) to be involved in the 78th International Federation of Landscape Architects Asia-Pacific Regional Congress (IFLA APR) that is being conducted in Cebu, Philippines this year. The conference’s theme is “Commons Sense: Linking Commons and Engaging Communities in Sustainable Development”, with the goal of bringing together landscape architects, allied professionals, academics, and scholars from the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world, and engage them in discourse on social and environmental sustainability with the government and civil society organisations. This is a timely subject, given today’s pressing challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change, and the pivotal role ecological urban development plays in responding to these concerns. The IFLA APR had tackled climate change, cultural adaptation, and community resilience in previous conferences, but this year’s Congress focuses on landscapes which link the region – coastlines, water bodies, ecosystems, and the settlements they support – and the solutions that are being explored to achieve resilience and sustainability amidst threats and challenges. The theme, objective, and focus of the Congress are aligned with the vision of the ACB, as we work to mainstream biodiversity in infrastructure and other key development sectors, including agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, tourism, energy, health, mining, and manufacture and processing. As the regional centre for excellence that facilitates intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder cooperation and coordination on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of these natural resources, we at the ACB commend the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) for hosting this momentous event. The ACB supports PALA’s work and advocacy on the creation and management of ecologically-balanced, habitable, and aesthetically-pleasing environments. It is our pleasure to work with PALA and host ASEAN Member State (AMS) representatives in this Congress, as it will contribute to the mainstreaming of biodiversity in infrastructure in ASEAN and beyond. This year’s IFLA APR Congress is particularly exciting, as it features a Partner’s Forum on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Landscape Development, which is an opportunity for the AMS to further develop the ASEAN Work Programme on Urban Green Infrastructure. Certainly, this is an excellent platform for the AMS to promote the mainstreaming of biodiversity in infrastructure, and in the cities and urban development sectors, through the green infrastructure design advocacy of the IFLA APR. We at the ACB are eager to witness the gains the 2019 Congress can contribute to the enhancement of green infrastructure in the greater Asia-Pacific region, and how these can ultimately support the conservation, sustainable use, and fair benefit sharing of biodiversity. It is on this note that we wish PALA, the people behind this event, and all participants, a fruitful and successful Congress!
Dr. Theresa Mundita S. Lim Executive Director ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
road to ifla asia-pacific 7 - 9 N o v e m b e r , W at e r f r o n t H o t e l , C e b u C i t y, P h i l i p p i n e s
charrette for professionals 2018 planning stage
The Charrette is a Participatory Community Planning and Design (PCPD) Workshop involving all stakeholders of a community landscape project. Landscape architecture professionals will facilitate the planning and design of the project.
04 e { a r t } h w o r k s 10 common ssense 2019 IFLA ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL CONGRESS
26 27 10
E{art}hwork is an art exhibit curated by the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA). It aims to highlight the huge influence of nature in the creation of art whether through the use of materials from nature, depiction of natural forms or the exposition of ideas about the natural environment, and showcase the artist’s power to promote positive environmental attitudes through their art.
regional congress 2019 10 07 DA Y 1 CONGR E S S 11
09 DAY 3 t o u r s 11
+ Opening Ceremonies +Plenary Session + Paper Presentations + Partners’ Forum +Congress Installation +Welcome Dinner
+Technical Tour 1 Ridge Landscape +Technical Tour 2 Estuarine Landscape +Technical Tour 3 island Landscape
06 11 DAY 0 council meeting The Council Meeting will convene representatives of the professional landscape architecture organizations of 14 IFLA-APR member countries to discuss local and global issues related to the social and natural environment.
08 11
DAY 2 C O N G R ESS +Sandbox Session +Professional Track +Partners’ Forum +Closing Ceremonies -Awards GALA Night -Awards Exhibit
commonss ense
Linking the commons and Engaging Communities in Sustainable Development “…engaging with communities first, educating and learning from stakeholders; delivering our basic mandate of creating spaces for human use and enjoyment; capacity building for the present and future users of these spaces; and integrating cultural development with environmental systems.”
The International Federation of Landscape Architects – Asia-Pacific Region (IFLA-APR) Congress and Council meetings are held to champion both local and global issues related to Landscape Architecture such as climate change, cultural adaptation and community resilience. At the forefront, landscape architecture addresses localised issues of disaster risk mitigation and coastal resilience, due mainly to the region’s scale and geographic characteristics. However, social sustainability has remained at the margins of professional discussions. Often overlooked are our basic responsibilities as landscape architects in this initiative: engaging with communities first, educating and learning from stakeholders; delivering our basic mandate of creating spaces for human use and enjoyment; capacity building for the present and future users of these spaces; and integrating cultural development with environmental systems.
about the logo The CommonsSense logo is patterned after the flower of Sonneratia alba, a mangrove tree that is widely distributed in Asia and the Pacific. This mangrove species, which protects coastal communities from strong wave action and disasters while providing livelihood opportunities, represents how landscape architecture can protect and improve people’s lives. The branching filaments represent the thirteen IFLA-APR member countries and the flight path of migratory birds that travel between and among these countries, signifying our interconnectivity and interdependence.
r at i o n a l e
g oa ls & objectives
12 In the coming IFLA-APR 2019 Congress, we aspire to foster partnerships for the UN Sustainable Development Goals by putting people at the center of the conversation about the cultural and natural landscape - bringing more attention to coastal communities which are at greater risk to the effects of climate change, and highlighting the need for social engagement in sustainable development and climate resilience. The conference will explore the nexus between environmental and social sustainability, focusing on topics that integrate the design and planning of the socio-cultural and the physical realms.
T O WA RD S TH E AC HI E VE ME NT O F L O CA L A ND G L O BA L SUSTA I N A B I L I TY AG E N DA . + Council meeting attended by 30 delegates from the 14 IFLA-APR member countries. + Congress attended by 150 local landscape architects, 100 foreign landscape architects, 50 allied professionals, 50 corporate and government partners, 50 students and academics, 50 members of civil society organizations (CSOs).
L A N D S C A P E A R C HI TE C TU RE A MID S T, E NV IR O NME NTA L , S O CIA L A ND C ULTU RA L I S S U E S THAT C H A L L E NG E T HE A S IA- PACIF IC R E G IO N. + 7 experts share their knowledge on topics that integrate the design and planning of the socio-cultural and the physical realms. + 18 case studies or research papers on topics that integrate the design and planning of the socio-cultural and the physical realms, from the Asia-Pacific region, presented.
N I Z ATI ON S THAT P R OMOTE S US TA INA BIL IT Y IN A ND T H R OU GH TH E LA ND S C A P E . + 3 local ecological and cultural sites with good landscape planning, design, and management practices visited by congress participants. + 1 awards ceremony for outstanding projects. + 1 event showcasing the work, products, projects, and programs of the landscape architecture community.
congress activities
Council Meeting
The Council Meeting will convene representatives of the professional landscape architecture organizations of 14 IFLA-APR member countries to discuss local and global issues related to the social and natural environment.
The Congress will bring together landscape architects, allied professionals, academics, and scholars from the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world, and engage them in conversations with government and civil society organizations on social and environmental sustainability, and how landscape architecture can contribute to the achievement of local and global development agendas.
Welcome Dinner
The Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA), in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), is hosting the IFLA APR Congress Welcome Dinner on the evening of November 7, 2019 with cultural performances — open to all Congress delegates.
Awa r ds N i g ht
The IFLA-APR Landscape Architecture Awards will recognize projects/initiatives that highlight, and raise awareness of, the key role that landscape architecture plays in shaping sustainable and resilient cities of the future.
Exh i b it
The Exhibit will run alongside the conference and will showcase the work of individuals, businesses, and organizations that make up the local and international landscape architectural community practices.
Technical Tours
The technical tours are an outdoor learning experience that will showcase different cultural and environmental places of significance in the locale, highlighting good landscape planning, design, and management practices.
14 S a n d b ox S e s s i o n
The Sandbox Session entitled, “Communities Enriching Nature Enriching Communities,� will be an opentheatre, curated talks that will be conducted by different communities in Cebu. This session will be held on November 8, 2019, same time as the parallel sessions. SANDBOX SESSION A Olango Island San Vicente Kababayen-An Association (SVKA) San Vicente Fisherfolks Association Inc. (SVFAI) Olango Island Eco-Tourism Association (PIETA) SANDBOX SESSION B Municipality of Balamban Bukid Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BMPC) SANDBOX SESSION C Municipality of Aloguinsan Bojo Aloguinsan Ecotourism Association (BAETAS)
c o n g r e s s i n s ta l l at i o n
As the community embarks on its journey towards resilience and balance, it encounters issues and challenges, while at the same time finds partners and allies. The story of the community is both a story of learning and triumph. The fishing boat used in this exhibit has encountered various waves and crashes as manifested by the chipping paint and worn out surface. But it still continues its journey, arriving to its latest shore in this hall adorned with flowers and puso, a local delicacy which has served as a symbol of struggle and determination to many people of cebu. The explosion of life as symbolized by flowers show the vibrancy of the community amid the struggles while scaffolded by the resilient bamboos represented by different organizations like the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) and its partners. As if in mid air, this relationship between the community and PALA is celebrated in this installation of triumph and continued partnership in the future.
Programme DAY 1 | November 7, 2019 | Thursday | CONFERENCE Time Programme 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:45AM
Opening Ceremony (RM Meditterranean Hall) Opening Ritual Opening by Congress Chair | Rosanne Marie Aldeguer Welcome Remarks by Department of Tourism VII Director | Shahlimar Tamano Address by PALA President | Eric Estonido Address by IFLA APR President | Damian Tang
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Address by Guest of Honor Roy A. Cimatu | Secretary, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Plenary Presentation Theresa Mundita S. Lim, DVM | Exec. Director, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity Community Spaces as Integral Component of Green Infrastructure for Biodiversity Conservation
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Plenary Presentation Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management in the Philippines: Surmounting Land-based Pollution Threats
11:15 AM - 11:45AM
Keynote Presentation Yossapon Boonsom | Director, Shma Company Ltd. Community for Landscape and Environment with focus on Green Space for the Community
11:45 AM - 12:00 NN
Panel Discussion
12:00 NN - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Paper Presentation Sessions (RM Arctic 1 and 2) Partner's Forum (RM Arctic 3) Professional Regulations Commission Forum on Transborder Practice in the Asia-Pacific Region
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Free Time
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Congress Welcome Dinner (RM Meditterranean Hall)* All Congress delegates are invited NOTE A detailed version of the programme will be made available on site and on EventBank, the official Congress App. Download via iTunes or Play Store.
DAY 2 | November 8, 2019 | Friday | CONFERENCE Time Programme 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 12:00 NN
Professional Track (RM Arctic 1 and 2) Sandbox Session (RM Hallway Arctic) Education Meeting (RM Artic 3)* *Closed-door meeting Partner's Forum (RM Arctic 3) ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Landscape Development Wendy Yap Hwee Min Director, International Biodiversity Conservation Div., National Parks Board The Inception of Urban Nature - Green Infrastructure in ASEAN Cities Kuan Chee Yung Director, CPG Signature Pte Ltd | Director, PM Link Sdn Bhd Biotic Developments: A Uniquely Singapore Approach to Integrated Green Infrastructure and Biophilic Design
12:00 NN - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Plenary Presentation Anna Gonzales | Sustainability Manager, Ayala Land Inc. Community Empowerment and Economic Improvement through Landscape with focus on Best Practices Locally
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Closing Keynote Presentation Simon Bell, PhD | Chair Professor, Estonian University of Life Sciences | Assoc. Director, OPENspace Research Centre, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh Landscape architecture: What does the future hold? Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World
2:30 PM - 2:40 PM
Closing Ceremony Closing by Congress Chair | Rosanne Marie Aldeguer Closing Remarks by PALA President | Eric Estonido
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
IFLA APR Flag Turn-over Ceremony
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Free Time
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Awards Gala IFLA ASIA-PAC LA Awards IFLA APR Luminary Awards
Information is correct at time of print (November 1, 2019)
D AY 1 - p l e n a r y speakrers
*KEYNOTE Yo ssa po n B o o n s o m is a Thai landscape architect and the director of Shma Company Limited. He received a degree in Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Chulalongkorn University and continued his studies at a postgraduate level in Master of Arts in Urban Management & Architectural Design at the University of Wales (Domus Academy, Milan).
After completing his studies, he worked as a Landscape Architect in Singapore for 5 years before establishing Shma Company Limited along with two partners. Shma Company Limited is a Landscape Architectural design and research practice which aims to transform the territory through landscape design with projects across Thailand and Asia pacific. Their works include transforming abandoned areas into public spaces, meeting the resident’s needs through creative and inclusive spaces, improving the connection between the people and the environment, and collaborating with communities to come up with solutions tackling the current environmental challenges. Shma’s projects has been awarded and shortlisted World Architecture Festival (WAF 2012 - 2018) and the International Federation of Landscape Architects Congress. At a larger scale of the public agenda, Yossapon Boonsom is the cofounder of Friends of the River (FOR) which is established as a nonprofit organization, aiming to be a creative force which stimulates social awareness and participation to creatively develop Chaophraya River with the principle that encourage sustainable relation between city, community and the river through public participation process. His talks and books tackle landscape resilience, city transformation through a human-centered approach, city revitalization, and public green spaces in the community and their ability to improve the quality of residential living spaces.
D r. Th er esa M u n d ita S. Li m is the current Executive Director of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) where she leads the Centre in facilitating regional cooperation and coordination on biodiversity conservation for it to be sustainably managed and used, and equitably shared for the well-being of people. Some of her notable international roles in the conservation sector were as the Chair of the Convention on Biological Diversity Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (CBD-SBSTTA) from 2017 to 2018, Chair of the 15th and 18th Meetings of the ASEAN Working Group Meeting on Coastal and Marine Environment (AWGCME) in 2014 and 2017, Chairperson of the 4th ASEAN Experts Group (AEG) on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) Meeting in 2006, and Chairperson of the 16th ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (AWGNCB), also in 2006.
Publications: Molecular Evidence of Ebola Reston Virus Infection in Philippine Bats, Virology Journal, 2015 July 17 Foraging Behaviour and Landscape Utilization by the Endangered GoldenCrowned Flying Fox, PLos ONE Journal 2013 Threatened species in the Philippines Status, Issues and Prospect – IUCN, BIOLOG Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2000 Newsletter of the Regional Biodiversity Programme, Asia Management of Wildlife Rescue Center and Problems Associated with Maintaining Confiscated Wild Animal in the Philippines, Zoos’ Print, Vol. XIII, number 8 August 1998 Rehabilitation of White-handed Gibbons at the NAPWNC Mini-zoo, Canopy International, 1991 Successful Hatching of a Gray Imperial Pigeon’s Eggs at the PAWBNAPWNC Mini-zoo, Canopy International, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1990 Isolation and Identification of Fungi Found in Necrotic Skin Lesions of Captive Marine Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1990
D AY 2 - p l e n a r y speakrers
Pro f. Si m o n B ell is a forester and landscape architect, having taken his bachelor’s degree in Forestry at the University of Whales, his M.Phil in Landscape Architecture at the University of Edinburgh and his PhD in Landscape Architecture at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. He is currently a professor and the head of the landscape architecture department at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. He is also the Associate Director of OPENspace Research Centre at the Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, which primarily researches the full benefits of having access to outdoor environments. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters in UK, a Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute in the UK and a member of the Estonian Union of Landscape Architects. He was awarded the Travelling Fellowship by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to Japan. Simon Bell also engages in numerous international activities; he was president of the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools from 2012 to 2015 and 2015 to 2018. He was also Chair of the Cost Action E33 Forest and Recreation and Nature Tourism from 2004 to 2008. His researches focus mainly on how accessibility to forests and other green spaces as well as blue spaces (his current field of active research) impact health, well-being, and quality of life in peri-urban regions. His books and publications include case studies of park spatial accessibility and its relationship with the park’s use patterns, regeneration of deteriorating urban areas, landscape value and perspectives on future land use, and innovative approaches to researching landscape and health. He is a great believer in the potential of landscape architecture to play a much more leading role in solving the many problems facing us, since it can connect to many other disciplines in ways that once seemed unlikely.
A n n a M a r ia M. G o nza les has served as Ayala Land’s Sustainability Manager since 2011. As the lead for sustainability for the Philippines’ most diversified property developer of large-scale mixed use estates, she oversees initiatives that create value for the environment and society. Her unit is responsible for the company’s carbon neutrality program and collaborates with other teams to avoid emissions through planning and design, energy conservation, and renewable energy sourcing. Her unit manages carbon forests in the company’s vast land bank. Through trainings and enhancing policy, the sustainability unit also ensured various business units and subsidiaries of Ayala Land integrate the company’s Four Focus areas of Site Resilience, Pedestrian Mobility and Transit Connectivity, Ecoefficiency and Local Economic Development.
Anna is an architect, environmental planner (EnP) and Certified BERDE (Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence) Professional. Before joining Ayala Land, Anna established and headed a technical service non-profit serving various planning, design and empowerment needs of rural indigenous and urban poor communities starting in her mid-20s. She worked on various community infrastructure projects with private sector, NGO networks and ODA organizations and briefly served government as a project administrator and Deputy Secretary General of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council. She is a product of the University of the Philippines College of Architecture, and the Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies in Rotterdam, where she obtained a postgraduate certificate in Neighborhood Development Planning. She subsequently honed her skills and knowledge in sustainability related short courses, notably Urban Ecological Restoration at International Urban Training Center (IUTC) in South Korea, and Conservation of Heritage Buildings from Lund University, Sweden. Using these courses as a platform, Anna continuously works with different teams to innovate on planning, design and development approaches to create sustainable communities for the Philippine setting. Anna was Hubert Humphrey fellow for urban and regional planning at Rutgers University in 2011-2012.
a D D R ESS: Waterfront Hotel Cebu City, Salinas Dr., Cebu City H OTEL PH O N E: +63 32 232 6888 G O O G LE M A P: http://bit.ly/iac_google-map Upon arrival at Mactan-Cebu International Airport, all delegates should make their own way to Waterfront Hotel Cebu City via taxi (the main venue has two locations, the other is at Mactan, Lapu-Lapu). Please note that the Organizing Committee will not be able to meet you at the airport, however, we have advised the airport personnel, with the endorsement of Department of Tourism Region VII (DOT-7), of your arrival. Kindly proceed to the taxi stand after you have cleared immigration and collected your baggage. Delegates can also avail the airport transport service from the Waterfront Hotel. Just contact Shyn Garcenilla at s.garcenilla@waterfronthotels.net or +63 8 559 0888 loc. 822.
fo r fu rth er assista n ce Kindly contact Christopher Calimag, member of the Secretariat, at +63 927 084 2569
PAS S INCLUSIONS If registration form and full payment are received no later than the Regular registrationdate, a Congress Kit is guaranteed. All Congress materials will be handed out on-site at the Congress Material Counter. A D D M ISSI O N TO TH E 2-DAY CO N FER EN CE + Buffet-style lunch meals + AM-PM snacks + Free flowing coffee and tea + Buffet-style dinner meals* + Congress kit *Additional pass is required for the Awards Night (Day 2 - Dinner)
cO N G R ESS TECH N I CA L TO U R + Tour fees + Transportation + Lunch meal and snacks + Excursion kit U n it
Co ntact N o.
Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation
Emergency Fire Department
Cebu City Police Department
Philippine National Red Cross Cebu
+63 32 253 4611
Organizing Committee
+63 947 992 1109 (Hannah Cruz) +63 977 815 0810 (James BuĂąo) +63 927 084 2569 (Christopher Calimag)
Technical Tours
Tech n i ca l to u r 1 r I D G E LA N DSCA PE The Ridge Landscape Technical Tour will take participants on a trip to higher elevations along the Central Cebu Protected Landscape.This network of forests and watersheds is home to Cebu island’s diverse flora and fauna. This landscape is essential in the provision of the city’s needs. From the inspiring story of the Kan-irag Nature Park, a once deforested area that has been successfully revived into a functioning watershed to the breathtaking views of the island landscape from the Top of Cebu, this technical tour is a showcase of the people’s efforts to protect and manage the landscape.
Tech n i ca l to u r 3 Isla n d LA N DSCA PE
The Island Landscape Technical Tour offers participants the opportunity to visit one of the stopovers for migratory birds on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway – the Olango Island Bird Sanctuary. Witness avian visitors from the north as they take a break in this internationally significant Ramsar site before continuing their flight further south to Australia and New Zealand, a fitting metaphor of our connectedness as a geographic region. This tour will also connect participants with the local community, the co-stewards of this protected island sanctuary.
Tech n i ca l to u r 2 Estua r i n e LA N DSCA PE Highlighting the interface of land, water and people, the Estuarine Landscape Technical tour features the internationally-awarded ecotourism destination that is Bojo River. Participants will learn about the features of the estuarine landscape as well as the protection efforts of nearby communities on a boat cruise with an option to take a dip in the river water. A successful example of local community-based ecotourism, the Bojo River Cruise is proof that tourism can be sustainably managed for the benefit of both the natural landscape being showcased and the communities around it.
major sponsor
Kent Floors was established in 1983 as the pioneer in manufacturing and distribution of vinyl tiles, The completion of the company’s vinyl tile mill located in Marikina City the following year made it possible for Kent Floors to produce high-quality and beautifully designed products for the growing market. The natural progression of product development and the openness to innovation made Kent Floors the preferred brand in both residential and commercial clients. It is the company’s utmost goal to build Trust and Confidence to its clients, and to provide VALUE FOR MONEY for all its customers. Kent Floors takes pride in its product offerings marketed under two brand names: KENT VINYL and KENTWOOD. In addition, Kent Floors also launched its very own Care and Maintenance Solutions lines to better serve its clients.
Co ntact d eta i ls Address: 5th Floor JTKC Center 2155 Don Chino Roces ave., 1231 Makati City E-mail: kentvinyltiles@yahoo.com
major sponsor
"PLAYPOINT scouts around the world for the latest range of innovative playground and landscape products that not only enhance our user’s imagination, but also maximize play value, while ensuring safety and fun." Established in 2001, Playpoint is a playground consultancy firm specializing in playground design and equipment. Playpoint is an exclusive partner to renowned equipment brands such as KOMPAN, METALCO, Empex Watertoys® and The Great Outdoor Gym Company (TGOGC). With a leading presence in 5 markets in Southeast Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia, Playpoint is in position to cater to the growing need for quality playgrounds in Asia. Playpoint has worked with developers, consultants and international design firms such as Zaha Hadid, Toyo Ito Office for Metropolitan Architects (OMA), Daniel Libeskind Architect and Grant Associates to furnish state of the art playgrounds for their iconic developments. Project highlights include Interlace, D leedon, Reflections at Keppel Bay, Vivocity and Gardens by The Bay. Here in the Philippines we works with Ayala land Inc., Filinvest, Megaworld, DMCI, SMDC, Century Properties, Federal Land, Shang Properties, Robinsons, Rockwell Land and many more. We are working with consultants such as SGS Design Landscape Architecture, PGAA Creative Design, GreenEnviro, Inspira Design and BCL Asia / CLARQ By introducing ‘Asia’s First Vertical Playground’ in Southeast Asia, Playpoint distinguished itself from its competition through its ability to design bespoke recreational play spaces that deviates from the norm. As a certified playground specialist, Playpoint ensures that playgrounds are planned and executed to the highest safety standards and professionalism in accordance to international standards such as ASTM and EN.
Co ntact d eta i ls Address: Unit 1406B East Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange (PSEC) Building Exchange Road, Ortigas Complex, Pasig City 1505 E-mail: infophils@playpoint.asia Contact no.: (632) 631 7524 | Fax - (632) 470 8026
major sponsor
Adco Blue Corporation, commonly known as ADCO, is a specialty construction company - a leading provider of Decorative Concrete Finishing System in the Philippines. The company focuses on high-performance materials, excellent workmanship, affordability, and exceptional value added service, tobetter serve its customers. ADCO Blue works hand in hand with developers/homeowners, architects, consultants, project managers, and contractors to achieve the desired look and effect of decorative concrete in their project. Decorative concrete is a sustainable building material – an alternative material that can mimic real stones on your usual concrete floor without added demand on natural resources. Adco Blue Corporation is a Filipino-Australian company established in Makati City in 1994, which was originally from Sydney, Australia. For 25 years now and still growing, Adco Blue remains the only specialty company in the country supplying decorative concrete coating materials, and the only company who supply quality decorative concrete finishes in the Philippines.
Co ntact d eta i ls Address: 5th Floor JTKC Center 2155 Don Chino Roces ave., 1231 Makati City E-mail: kentvinyltiles@yahoo.com Contact no.:(632) 8138943
G R EEN EN V I RO SCA PE SERV I CES https://facebook.com/green.enviroscape/
M D C G R EEN S https://www.mdc.com.ph/
KENZA I PH I LI PPI N ES, I N C. https://facebook.com/KenzaiCeramicsPH/
O N E G LO BA L D EV ELO PM ENT, I N C. http://oneglobal.ph/
minor sponsor
ev en t pa rt n ers a n d s po n s o rs
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Eric V. Estonido - President Rosanne Marie B. Aldeguer - Chair Vic L. Dul-loog - Co-Chair SECRETARIAT Christel Hannah C. Cruz - Head James Christopher P. Buño - Co-Head Cherrie Anelda Buenafe - Member Margaret Emmanuelle D.C. Gervacio - Member Christopher C. Calimag - Member Romarie Anne O. Palces - Member Abegail Cristie Vardeleon - Member LOGISTICS COMMITTEE Maria Lenna Joson-Ong - Head Eunice Joy O. Collera - Co-Head Evangeline P. Bontilao - Member Erin Angela Bridget L. Yap - Member Jofelia E. Tuburan - Member Jolly Anne C. Tumblod - Member PROGRAM COMMITTEE Nappy L. Navarra, PhD - Head Joshua Lance D.G. Ting - Co-Head Auriga Joy B. Rosell - Member Jeronimo Angelo E. Lim - Member MARKETING - PARTNERSHIPS COMMITTEE Hena Mari C. Francisco - Head Pamela Sarunya J. Pagana - Co-Head Ruben Henry L. Francisco Jr. - Member Harriet Andrea A. King - Member Loriejoy R. Rapi - Member Tovie P. Del Rosario - Member MARKETING - CREATIVES COMMITTEE Rachel Anne I. Aglipay-Cayaco - Head Franklin S. Fontanoza Jr. - Co-Head Ross Aron C. Pabustan - Member Liezchel G. Tiu - Member Marione Deanna T. Comboy - Member FINANCE COMMITTEE Mona Liza San Gabriel-Dalit - Head Wenona Maffe Kaye Z. Dagcuta - Co-Head Mariae Roneen Crystal S. Montero - Member AD HOC COMMITTEE Jose Antonio P. Bimbao - Technical Tours Zayra B. Bulawan - Congress Exhibit and Installation Norman June V. Brito - Charrette
Information is correct at time of print (November 1, 2019)
APP EventBank WEBSITE bit.ly/iflaaprcongress2019 EMAIL ifla.apr2019@palaonline.org