Palatinate 820

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Palatinate Officially the UK’s Best Student Publication, 2018

Thursday 17th October 2019 | No. 820 | FREE

SciTech look at our changing democracy in the digital age

Food & Drink explore an athlete’s changing relationship with food

Hatfield’s JCR exceeded planned budget by £44,000 Will Hutchings News Editor Last year, Hatfield College’s JCR overspent its planned budget by $44,447.26. This news was announced by current treasurer Sam Goring at an Ordinary General Meeting on 6th October. The loss had accumulated over the last financial year (August 1st 2018 - July 31st 2019). This came as a blow, since the previous JCR had planned to at least break even on their budget. The JCR exec have identified the debt acquired by clubs and societies over time (which totalled around £1,500), and issues with reclaiming VAT as the main sources of this overspend. A considerable amount was lost due to oversights and ‘administrative errors’, particularly with regards to Freshers Week 2018. This figure was approximately £25,500. Goring made clear to Palatinate that “Michaelmas and Epiphany is where most spending takes place” and as such, this was where the vast majority of the overspending and loss occurred. However, the fault does not lie entirely with any members of the JCR exec, past or present. Doubts about the efficacy of university oversight were repeatedly raised, both by the Exec and students of the college. In Hatfield, a Finance Committee checks the expenditure of the JCR every term. If the JCR’s financial state sufficiently meets the University standards, the Treasurer’s oversight is maintained. Despite this committee’s work, Goring still expressed doubts that the regulation was effective. Continued on page 3

▲ Construction site at South College, set to be accomodate 498 student bedrooms. (Naomi Clarke)

First new college in 14 years set for 2020 opening • “topping out” ceremony held as student accommodation blocks reach full height • South College hopes to form their JCR from existing Durham students with a £500 scholarship

Naomi Clarke News Editior Building works at South College, Durham University’s first new residential College in 14 years, have been “topped off” as student accommodation blocks reached their full height. The college is set to welcome students in October 2020, after construction began in Summer 2018. The college aims to acquire 120 Durham students from other colleges to help set up their JCR (Junior Common Room), as well as the college’s values and ethos. Principal-Elect of South Col-

lege, Professor Tim Luckhurst, told Palatinate that students will be offered a ‘pioneer scholarship’ with a £500 reduction in college rent for those who wish to move college. The aim of the scholarship is to incentivise current students who wish to support incoming first year students to join South College’s new community. Professor Luckhurst has the responsibility of setting up the College community which he hopes will be a “collaborative” project with the new college members to create the college motto, shield, and ethos. Professor Luckhurst has experience in pioneering a college community; whilst an undergraduate

at Cambridge, he had “the joy of going to a new college at an ancient university and taking part in creating its traditions, its societies… I really want to bring some of the excitement and pioneering experience that I enjoyed as an undergraduate and hopefully inspire that at South College.” Professor Luckhurst is also an award-winning journalist for BBC News and Current Affairs, editor of The Scotsman, and most recently the founding Head of the Centre for Journalism at the University of Kent and a director of KMTV, a local television station for Kent. With this wealth of experience, he hopes to make South College

a “diverse and inclusive community where students can enjoy some of the best days of their life. I want South to be warm, friendly and supportive - a community of learning and respect, but also fun.” They have also proposed to the current college JCR Presidents if they would reprise their role at South College in 2020/21. Four JCR presidents have reportedly expressed interest. The self-catered College will consist of 498 bedrooms all with kitchen, living and dining room facilities. There will be four different types of ‘pods’... Continued on page 3

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