Muslim students feel “isolated” in Durham (Pages 8-9)
Politics speaks to prospective parliamentary candidates
(Page 10)
Why they didn’t tell the University (page i3)
Durham’s independent student newspaper
No. 771
Thursday 19th February 2015 | FREE
Millie Tanner elected President by 11.6% of student body James Poole
Statistics provided by Durham Students’ Union have revealed that, across all of the student officer elections, approximately 18.5% of students turned out to vote. Only 22.45% of undergraduate students and 3.6% of postgraduate students turned out to vote. Millie Tanner, the current JCR President of St. Cuthbert’s Society, was elected President with only
7.29% of Stephenson College students, 6.22% of John Snow College students and 10.46% of St. John’s students voting in the presidential election. Only 13.13% of students at University College voted in the presidential election, but, unsurprisingly, the best turnout figures came from St. Cuthbert’s Society, where 42.25% of students voted. Speaking to Palatinate, Millie Tanner said: “I obviously
want to say a massive thank you to everyone that voted for me. It’s great to know that students have supported my ideas. “The Union will be fun and relevant to students under my leadership and I can’t wait to get started.” The election results were announced by the incumbent Students’ Union President, Dan Slavin, who described turnout as “really great”, adding that turnout had “smashed” last year’s figures.
Only 22.45% of undergraduate students and 3.6% of postgraduate students turned out to vote. In a statement, Dan Slavin told Palatinate: “We are pleased that the number of students that have
voted in the Student Officer elections has increased by 15%. This is almost 500 more students than voted last year. “We are continually working to engage more students in the democratic process and we hope to continue to improve yearon-year. Students still have the chance to vote in the Development Officer and NUS delegate elections next month.”
Continued on page 4