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No. 749
DSU Elections
News Features, pages 8-9
Palatinate Durham’s student newspaper since 1948
Thursday 28th February 2013 | FREE
DSU commissions external body to establish cost of Durham living
that they can actually afford it. “The reason that the Students’ Union wanted to commission this research is to give the University as much information as they need to make informed decisions when determining student charges.” Some students have expressed concern over the lack of information regarding comparative accommodation prices. A second year student from University College asked: “How can the University not already have accommodation figures to justify their cost? “When students are paying so much, I’m astonished that an external body has had to be brought in to justify costs.” According to 2011/12 prices, the total budgeted cost of delivering accommodation was £21.8m - this excludes costs relating to welfare and pastoral support. The total budgeted cost of delivering catering for the 2011/12 year was £8.1m.
Jillian Ward Florence Snead Durham Students’ Union (DSU) has commissioned external market research to establish the cost of living as a student at Durham. There is currently very little information about how much it costs to live in respective areas of Durham, making comparisons between University accommodation and private accommodation difficult.
“We are using an external agency to make sure that the research is done as professionally as possible”
“Students get to have a college experience at student accommodation prices”
Archie Dallas, DSU President Archie Dallas, President of the DSU, told Palatinate: “We are using an external agency to make sure that the research is done as professionally as possible and will present independent representative findings.” The first part of the research will establish the actual cost of living in Durham and Stockton. The figures will include numbers that have only previously been guessed at such as the cost of food and heating. The second part will address the lack of information on the cost of student housing in Durham. The Union’s investigation will cover areas where students actually live, including outlying villages that are generally cheaper. Archie Dallas said: “If we are charging students huge amounts to live in college, we need to be sure
Graham Towl, Pro Vice Chancellor and Deputy Warden
How much does it cost to live in different areas of Durham? Photographs: Durham University
Graham Towl, Pro Vice Chancellor and Deputy Warden, told Palatinate: “Our students get a college experience at student accommodation prices. He added: “Pricing includes a consideration of a combination of our costs, competitor prices and, in recent years, rising utility and food costs in particular too.”