Palatinate Officially the UK’s Best Student Publication, 2018
Monday 17th June 2019 | No. 818 | FREE
European Election results: Brexit Party or NEWKIP?
From freshers to finalists, Features reflects on the Durham experience
▲ The examination period ended on 7th June, leading to the honoured tradition of finalist ‘trashing’ (Mark Norton)
Vice-Chancellor: “We do the wider student experience better” than Oxbridge • In an exclusive interview with Vice-Chancellor Stuart Corbridge, Palatinate discuss issues from the past year at Durham, from University expansion and the Operations Review to whether Durham’s main competition is Oxbridge Jack Taylor & Anna Tatham Vice-Chancellor Stuart Corbridge said that Durham “aspire[s] to have the same standards around education and the wider student experience” as Oxbridge but admitted, “we do the wider student experience better” in an exclusive interview with Palatinate, Palatinate sat down with Mr Corbridge to discuss topics ranging from the Faculty
and Department Review and the University’s Ten Year Expansion plan, to mental health and what it means to be a Durham graduate. The Vice-Chancellor reiterated that the process of student and staff consultation over the Faculty and Department Review has been successful, and revealed that “the [financial] saving that we might end up with... will be lower.” Mr Corbridge also stood by his previous comments that a Dur-
ham degree offers value for money and paid tribute to the “incredibly special students here at Durham.” Questions were raised about the current implementation of the Operations Review, as well as the Faculty and Departments Review, that will see both changes to Durham’s academic departments and colleges. Issues surrounding mental health, the Universities impact on the local community, environmental targets and elitist reputa-
tions were all addressed following the questions sent in by Palatinate readers. The Vice-Chancellor also revealed that he preferred the term “DurCamOx” instead of “Doxbridge”, whilst emphasising that the University aims to provide the same standard of education as Oxbridge whilst hosting, what he argues, is a better wider student experience, thanks to our college system.
“We know from employers that Durham graduates are much sought after. I would also hope that a Durham education has made people suitably critical. One thing I always try to cover at congregation is that idea of University being an intellectual transformative experience that stays with you for the rest of your life.” Read the full interview on pages 3 &5