Palatinate Issue 741

Page 1

Graduation Special: we catch up with graduates past and present

Incoming Chancellor Sir Thomas Allen talks about his upcoming installation

Graduation Special, pages 9-11

News, page 3


No. 741

Durham’s student newspaper since 1948

Thursday 21st June 2012 | FREE

Hild Bede students express concern over library loss ..

College library to be merged with Education Department Fears that privileges of Hild Bede students will be lost

Matthew Lee

The University is to go ahead with plans to integrate the Hild Bede College library into the Education Library, despite major concerns from the student body. The proposal would officially make the 40,000 volumes contained within the college library part of the wider University stock and, therefore, subject to the same regulations. For example, the Hild Bede library, which has the largest college book collection in Durham, presently allows only its own students to take out books on loan. However, should the planned assimilation be implemented, books previously retained exclusively for Hild Bede students could be loaned to any Durham student. Furthermore, like other college

libraries, the Hild Bede equivalent operates flexible opening hours, especially during peak times such as in the evening, at the weekend and during the exam period. With the merger of the two libraries would also come the extension of the Education Library opening hours which, at the moment, offer only four hours of access during the weekend.


Number of books in Hild Bede Library’s collection

In addition to its impact on the accessibility of resources to Hild Bede students, the move will subsume books paid for by Hild Bede alumni and the compulsory library charge levied on all college members. So far, it is this combination of unfavourable library regulations and

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diversion of college resources which has caused the most consternation amongst Hild Bede students. Unsurprisingly, some student representatives have expressed severe opposition to the plans. Matt Woodhams, Hild Bede SRC president, said: “Those responsible for the move clearly do not care about the college or its students. The assimilation of our library overrides the express wishes of Hild Bede students and alumni.” University Vice Chancellor Professor Chris Higgins explained the motivation behind the plans: “The scheme will provide a better stocked library on the Leazes Road site.” The University’s decision-making process has also received criticism. Initial soundings of student opinion were made in the summer of 2010 but were met with a negative continued on page 3

Photograph: Delaney Chambers

Thousands braved the rain to watch BBC presenter Matt Baker carry the Olympic torch on to Durham University’s Racecourse Sports Grounds Photograph: Nicoletta Asciuto

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Comment: Were the Jubilee celebrations justifable?

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