Luxury Fashion Branding

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Contents List of tables and figures Foreword by James Ogilvy Author’s note Acknowledgements

x xv xvii xix

Introduction: who said fashion is not serious business?



A question of luxury



What’s in a name? The history of luxury fashion branding



Branding evolution Origins of luxury fashion Early civilization fashion (3200 BC to 80 BC) From Egypt to Crete and Greece (700 BC to 1150 BC) The Etruscan and Roman fashion influence (800 BC to AD 476) From Rome to the Byzantine Empire and the Middle-Ages (AD ~450 to ~1500) The Renaissance, Italy and fashion (15th and 16th centuries) Seventeenth-century baroque fashion The eighteenth century, France and luxury fashion The nineteenth century and modern luxury fashion The rise of the yankees The twentieth-century fashion explosion The sixties The seventies The eighties The nineties The noughties 2007 and beyond The dolce vita style blast America, fashion and commerce The luxury brand index Charles Frederick Worth: Le Père de la haute couture Modern business principles Great moments in the history of fashion

13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 30 31 32 34 35 37 38 41 44 47 56 57

A passion for fashion: the luxury fashion consumer


The consumer is king The consumer purchase-decision process Who is the luxury fashion consumer?

59 62 65

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