Education 2011
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Education 2011
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Welcome to the new Palgrave Macmillan Education 2011 Catalogue.
Sociology of Education
Parenting and Education
Childhood and Youth Culture
Comparative Education
Education Theory and Policy
History of Education
Technology, Media and Education
Academic Guides and Teaching
Universities into the 21st Century Series
General and Reference
With over a decade of experience, Palgrave Macmillan continues to offer the latest scholarship in a wide range of topics in the ever-relevant field of education. In such diverse areas as international and comparative education, gender, peace studies, early childhood development, and from primary to higher education, we are proud to present our new releases. Dan Butin’s much anticipated Service-Learning in Theory and Practice: The Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education provides a cutting edge analysis of the rise and expansion of the community engagement movement in general and the service-learning field in specific. And from A.G. Rud, we offer Albert Schweitzer’s Legacy for Education: Reverence for Life, the first book devoted to the study of the thought of Albert Schweitzer as it relates to educational theory and practice. We are excited to introduce the first offerings from our new series Postcolonial Studies in Education, including Education and Gendered Citizenship in Pakistan by M. Ayaz Naseem, which challenges the uncritical use of the long-held dictum of the development discourse that education empowers women. Our International Development and Education series continues to release groundbreaking work like Wiliam F. Pinar’s edited work, Curriculum Studies in South Africa: Intellectual Histories & Present Circumstances, which offers glimpses of South African curriculum studies described by six distinctive points of view. Finally, from our Secondary Education in a Changing World series, we offer Joyce Goodman’s edited Girls’ Secondary Education in the Western World: From the 18th to the 20th Century, a collection of essays that focus on the gendered cultural expectations of the middle classes and upper classes, given the relatively recent democratization of European educational systems. Please visit to find out even more about our 2011 publishing program. If you would like to submit a proposal or you have an idea for a new publication, please do contact us. Best wishes, Burke Gerstenschlager, Editor, Ria Purser, Marketing Executive,
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SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION Sociology of Education
Helping Young Refugees and Immigrants Succeed
Learning from the Ground Up
Teaching Transformation
Global Perspectives on Social Movements and Knowledge Production
Transcultural Classroom Dialogues
Edited by Aziz Choudry, Assistant Professor, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, Canada and Dip Kapoor, Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
Public Policy, Aid, and Education Edited by Gerhard Sonnert, Sociologist of Science and Research Associate, Department of Physics and Gerald Holton, Mallinckrodt Research Professor of Physics and Research Professor of the History of Science, both at Harvard University, USA
In a unique effort, this book brings together, for the first time, scholarly analyses by eminent researchers of the historical, social, legal, and cultural influences on the young newcomers’ lives as well as reports by practitioners in major aid organizations about the concrete work that their organizations have been carrying out. Contents: Introduction: G.Sonnert & G.Holton / PART I: SETTING TH E STAGE: THE HISTORIAL FRAMEWORK / PART II: LOOKING INTO THE PAST: SOME LESSONS FROM THE ‘SECOND WAVE’ / PART III: RECENT AND CURRENT WAVES OF YOUNG IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES / PART IV: EDUCATING IMMIGRANTS / PART V: INSTITUTIONS PROVIDING AID TO YOUNG IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES / PART VI: LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2010 Hardback
288pp £60.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-62196-1
The dynamics, politics, and richness of knowledge production in social movements and social activist contexts are often overlooked. This book contends that some of the most radical critiques and understandings about dominant ideologies and power structures, and visions of social change, have emerged from those spaces. Contents: PART I: MAKING KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING FROM THE POLITICS OF KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION AND REPRESENTATION: ‘CIVIL SOCIETY,’ ACADEME, AND SOCIAL ACTIVISM - TENSIONS, CHALLENGES, AND DILEMMAS / PART II: MAKING KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING FROM UNION, WORKER ALLIANCES, AND LEFT PARTY-POLITICAL ACTIVISMS / PART III: MAKING KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING FROM PEASANT AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ STRUGGLES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2010 1 pp figures Hardback
AnaLouise Keating, Professor of Women’s Studies, Texas Woman’s University, USA
‘Teaching Transformation is a courageous, innovative, and deeply moving book…in which dreams translate not into mere wishes but into real possibilities. Everyone interested in pedagogy, multiculturalism, and democracy should buy this book, share it with friends, and make sure it is taught in every classroom in the country.’ - Henry Giroux, Global Television Network; Chair Professor, Department of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University Canada, author of The University in Chains ‘An invaluable tool for teachers engaged in the complex tasks of teaching race, gender, sexuality, and multicultural literature.’ - Jean Wyatt, author of Risking Difference Drawing on indigenous belief systems and recent work in critical ‘race' studies and multiculturalfeminist theory, Keating provides detailed stepby-step suggestions, based on her own teaching experiences, designed to anticipate students’ resistance to social-justice issues and encourage them to change. A holistic approach to theory and practice. Contents: Introduction: Transformational Multiculturalism - Definitions, Alterations, Interventions / ‘We Are Related to All That Lives:’ ‘New’ Stories for Social Change / Forging Commonalities: Relational Patterns of Reading and Teaching / Giving Voice to ‘Whiteness’? / (De)Constructing ‘Race’ / Reading ‘Whiteness’, Unreading ‘Race:’ (De)Racialized Teaching Tactics / ‘How Can I Teach Them?’ / Teaching the Other? / Conclusion: Towards an Ethics of Accountability October 2010 Paperback
288pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10490-7
ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary, Ebrary,, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
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Innovation, Profit and the Common Good in Higher Education
Becoming an Engineer in Public Universities
Education, Asylum and the ‘Non-Citizen’ Child
Pathways for Women and Minorities
The Politics of Compassion and Belonging
The New Alchemy
Edited by Kathryn M. Borman, Professor of Anthropology and Lead Researcher, Will Tyson, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Senior Research Associate, both at Alliance for Applied Research in Anthropology and Education, Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida, USA and Rhoda H. Halperin, Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology and was most recently Professor of Anthropology, Montclair State University and Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, USA
John Harpur, National University of Ireland, Republic of Ireland
Exploring the current commercialization and innovation policies in higher education, this book examines the way it is being transformed to accommodate business methods. Contents: Author Preface / Series Editor Preface / Prolegomenon / Shopping in the Aula Maxima / Atlantic Mouse Becomes Celtic Tiger / Science and Universities: Shilling for a Living? / Firing up the New Alchemy – The Furnace of Innovation and Profit / Secrets – The Future of the Future University / References August 2010 4 b/w tables Hardback
Issues in Higher Education Series Editor: Guy Neave
The Discourse of Commercialization A Multi-perspectived Analysis Jonathan Crichton, Lecturer, Department of Communication, International Studies and Languages, University of South Australia, Australia December 2010 256pp 1 table and 4 figures Hardback £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57911-8
Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational Discourse
Based on research conducted in a three year, mixedmethod, multi-site National Science Foundation, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program Project, this book offers a comprehensive look into how engineering department culture and climate impacts the successful retention of female and minority college students. Contents: Introduction: The Scarcity of Scientists and Engineers, a Hidden Crisis in the U.S.: K.M.Borman, R.Halperin & W.Tyson / Producing STEM Graduates in Florida: Understanding the Florida Context: B.A.Cotner, C.Workman Whaler & W.Tyson / To Stay or to Switch? Why Students Leave Engineering Programs: W.Tyson, C.A.S.Smith & A.Nguema Ndong / Pedagogy and Preparation: Learning to be an Engineer: R.S.Heppner, R.S.Lee & H.O.Wao / Program Climate: Engineering Social and Academic Fit: H.O.Wao & R.S.Lee / Program Culture: How Departmental Values Facilitate Program Efficacy: S.Chanderbhan Forde, C.A.Grace & B.A.Cotner / Making the Transition: The Two-to Four-Year Institution Transfer Experience: C.Workman Whaler & J.E.Miller / Voices from the Field: Strategies for Enhancing Engineering Programs: K.M.Borman, W.Tyson & C.Workman Whaler June 2010 Hardback
240pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61935-7
Halleli Pinson, Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Madeleine Arnot, Professor of Sociology of Education, University of Cambridge, UK and Mano Candappa, Senior Research Officer, University of London, UK
‘Based on compelling empirical evidence, this volume offers important insights into the moral integrity of pupils and teachers in the face of hostile immigration policy. It is a vital contribution to current debates internationally on the challenges to the integration of refugee and asylum seeking children.’ - Jo Boyden, Director of the Young Lives Research Centre, University of Oxford, UK Refugees are physically and symbolically ‘out of place’ - their presence forces governments to address issues of rights and moral obligations. This book contrasts the hostility of immigration policy to ‘non-citizen’’ children with teachers’ exceptional compassion and ‘citizen students’ ambivalence in defining who can belong. Contents: Introduction / Globalisation and Forced Migration: Challenging National Institutions / Researching Compassion and Belonging in the Educational System / The Asylum-seeking Child as Migrant: Government Strategies / Devolution and Incorporation: Whose Responsibility? / Countering Hostility with Social Inclusion: Local Resistances / The Migrant Child as a Learner Citizen / Finding Security and Safety in Schools / Britishness and Belonging / The Politicisation of Compassion: Campaigning for Justice / Conclusions April 2010 4 b/w tables Hardback
Palgrave Studies in Urban Education
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Service-Learning in Theory and Practice The Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education Dan W. Butin, Founding Dean, School of Education, Merrimack College, USA
This book provides a cutting edge analysis of the rise and expansion of the community engagement movement in general and the servicelearning field in specific. Contents: PART I: DEFINING AND DISTURBING SERVICE-LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION / Conceptualizing Service-Learning / The Limits of Service-Learning / The Possibilities of Service-Learning / PART II: INSTITUTIONALIZING SERVICE-LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION / Disciplining Service-Learning / Majoring in Service-Learning? / The Futures of ServiceLearning? / PART III: EMBRACING A SCHOLARLSHIP OF ENGAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION / Towards a Theory and Practice of Community Engagement / Living With(in) the Future: Higher Education Trends and Implications for Service-Learning April 2010 Hardback Paperback
208pp £52.50 £18.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-62250-0 978-0-230-62251-7
Education and Training 2nd edition Tony Lawson, Senior Lecturer in Social Science, University of Leicester, UK, Tim Heaton, Subject Leader of Sociology and Psychology, Cheam High School, UK and Anne Brown, Lecturer in Education, University of Leicester, UK
The Divorced Child
Healing Our Autistic Children
Strengthening Your Family through the First Three Years of Separation
A Medical Plan for Restoring Your Child’s Health Julie A. Buckley, Pediatrician in Private Practice Specializing in Autism Disorders Foreword by Jenny McCarthy
Joseph Nowinski, Supervising Psychologist, University of Connecticut Health Center, USA
‘Dr. Nowinski provides step-by-step guidance that helps divorcing parents achieve their ultimate goal: doing what’s best for the children. Through anecdotes and his formidable expertise, he gives detailed support for the spectrum of issues and developmental stages that children experience during this transition and beyond. Parents facing divorce who are struggling to do what’s right by their kids will definitely want Dr. Nowinski in their corner.’ - Andrea Bonior, Ph.D., ‘Baggage Check’ mental health columnist, Washington Post Express Divorce is a reality of today’s family life, but clinical research has shown that it is possible to mitigate its negative effects on children. Dr. Joseph Nowinski, a family therapist with over twenty years of experience treating families, argues that there is a three-year window in which to acclimate children to the change in family life. Contents: PART I: CHILD-CENTERED DIVORCE / PART II: UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF: HOW TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION AND NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM / PART III: THE THREE CRUCIAL YEARS: AGES 1-5 / PART IV: THE THREE CRUCIAL YEARS: AGES 6-11 / PART V: THE THREE CRUCIAL YEARS: AGES 12-18
‘An indispensible reading for all parents and clinicians seeking guidance for autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Buckley explains how biomedical intervention is not only helpful, but it’s a treatment that works.’ - Joey Travolta, Film Actor & Director of Normal People Scare Me Contents: Acknowledgements / Foreword: J.McCarthy / Introduction: Gridiron Medicine / What is Autism: The Search for Acceptable Solutions / Where Recovery Lies / Mommy, I Have Fleas: Yeast, Labs, and Supplements / Jedi Knights, Yoda, and Glutathione / The Air That We Breathe: Hyperbarics / Mopping Up the Mess: Chelation / Have We Done All That We Can For This Child? / Epilogue: The Longest Marathon / Resources / Bibliography December 2009 256pp Paperback £9.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61639-4
The Impact of 9/11 on Psychology and Education The Day that Changed Everything? Matthew J. Morgan, Director, Business Systems Analyst Group, Starwood Hotels
November 2009 296pp 234x156mm 35 b/w tables and 8 b/w line drawings Paperback £20.99 978-0-230-21792-8
‘An excellent collection of new perspectives for understanding and undertaking measures to apply the lessons from that terrible tragedy.’- John F. Lehman, Chairman, J.F. Lehman & Company and Member of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9-11 Commission)
Skills-Based Sociology Series Editor: Tony Lawson and Tim Heaton
January 2010 Hardback
A Full Table of Contents is Available at: January 2010 Paperback
240pp £9.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61772-8
320pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60843-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Education, Participatory Action Research, and Social Change
Youth Leadership in Sport and Physical Education
International Perspectives Edited by Dip Kapoor, Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta, Canada and Steven Jordan, Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, Canada
Drawing primarily from critical traditions in social and educational research, this book frames contemporary issues and several conceptual, theoretical-analytical and onto-epistemic approaches towards the development and practice of PAR (Participatory Action Research) in multiple educational spaces and initiatives for socio-cultural change. Contents: PART I: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON EDUCATION AND PAR / PART II: INTERNATIONAL CONTEXTS: CASE STUDIES OF PAR, EDUCATION, AND SOCIAL CHANGE A Full Table of Contents is Available at: November 2009 288pp Hardback £60.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61513-7
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Tom Martinek, Professor, School of Health and Performance, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA and Don Hellison, Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
This book responds to the needs of urban youth by describing youth development principles in physical activity programs. These programs are built on urban kids’ assets and promise rather than their deficits. Included are ways of transferring skills from specific programs to everyday settings. Contents: Develop Youth into Leaders through Sport / Stages of Youth Leadership Development / Stage One: Learning to Take Responsibility / Stage Two: Leadership Awareness / Stage Three: Cross-age Leadership / Stage Four: Self-actualized Leadership / Adult Leader-Youth Leader Relationship / Assessment / Getting Started November 2009 208pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61236-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Inciting Change in Secondary English Language Programs The Case of Cherry High School Marilee Coles-Ritchie, Teaches Qualitative Methods, Educational Foundations, and ESL Endorsement Courses, Westminster College, UK
This book follows a group of teachers who worked to create a program that supported their students’ native languages and funds of knowledge, finding that structures within the school and discourses from other teachers, administrators, and the nation/ community both constrained/enabled the teachers to create an equitable learning environment. Contents: Introduction: Can We Blame the Teachers? / Community Context: Change is in the Air / Contradictory Discourse Among Teachers, Administration, and the State: ‘Let’s have a more inclusive school culture, which assimilates all students.’ / Teachers’ Discursive Realignment / Language Ideologies at Cherry High School / Teachers as Agents of School Change / Secondary Education and English Learners: We’ve got Work To Do / Epilogue: Cherry High School Now October 2009 Hardback
212pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60610-4
Secondary Education in a Changing World Series Editors: Barry M. Franklin and Gary McCulloch
Educational Failure and Working Class White Children in Britain Gillian Evans, Centre for Child-Focused Anthropological Research, Department of Human Sciences, Brunel University, UK
‘I was educated by this.’ - Dame Marilyn Strathern, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge, UK July 2006 Hardback Paperback
224pp £70.00 £18.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9216-1 978-0-2305-5303-3
Inventing the Modern Self and John Dewey
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Modernities and the Traveling of Pragmatism in Education Edited by Thomas S. Popkewitz, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA September 2008 320pp Paperback £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-60514-5
ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary, Ebrary,, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
ebook available from:, NetLibrary, Myilibrary, Ebook Library, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections, Ebrar
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The Handbook of Leadership and Professional Learning Communities Edited by Carol A. Mullen, Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations, University of North Carolina in Greensboro, USA
The Future of Your On1y Child How to Guide Your Child to a Happy and Successful Life Carl E. Pickhardt, Psychologist and Author
With a distinctive focus on the long-term effects of being an only child, this book will help refine and improve daily parenting methods. It looks at attachment problems, conflicts between only child and parent, performance anxiety, high personal expectations, feelings of entitlement, dependence, and problems with risk-taking.
Contributors offer ideas, applications, and resources for helping leaders and educators tackle the challenges of building successful professional learning communities. This wide-ranging text will prove indispensable for any democratically accountable leader committed to organizational change through communities of practice. Contents: PART I: ORGANIZATION AND THE LEARNING COMMUNITY / PART II: DEMOCRACY AND THE LEARNING COMMUNITY / PART III: TECHNOLOGY AND THE LEARNING COMMUNITY / PART IV: MENTORING AND THE LEARNING COMMUNITY A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2009 Hardback
272pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61238-9
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Children, Gender, Video Games Towards a Relational Approach to Multimedia Valerie Walkerdine, Professor of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, UK
Placing gender at the centre of the debate about young children and multimedia, particularly video games, the book develops a relational approach to game play using an account of affect. The book explores central issues of violence and parental regulation and argues that economic relations are not remote from the micro relations of playing. February 2007 Hardback Paperback
248pp £70.00 £19.99
March 2008 Paperback
256pp £12.99
246x189mm 978-1-4039-8417-3
The Connected Father Understanding Your Unique Role and Responsibilities during Your Child’s Adolescence Carl E. Pickhardt, Psychologist and Author
‘As the father of two teenagers, I found Pickhardt’s book to be an important, supportive, and straightforward look at one of the most challenging stages of fatherhood.’ - Armin Brott (‘Mr. Dad’), author of The Expectant Father and Father for Life: A Journey of Joy, Challenge, and Change June 2007 Paperback
240pp £10.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-7904-9
Childhood and Youth Culture
Emptying the Nest Launching Your Young Adult Toward Success and Self-Reliance Edited by Brad E. Sachs, Psychologist and Author
'Practical and compassionate, innovative and empathic, this book provides parents with the necessary tools to finish the job right. Emptying the Nest will help empower family members of two generations to evolve into the next stage of development, growing towards a new and deeper maturity.’ - Madeline Levine, Ph.D, author of The Price of Privilege Drawing on Dr. Sachs’ extensive clinical experience and his illuminating discussion of the latest psychological research, Emptying the Nest will support parents in their efforts to cultivate their young adult’s success and self-reliance while simultaneously maintaining healthy family relationships. Contents: Introduction: Pulling Anchor, Setting Sail / No Place Like Home, No Place to Go: The Modern Landscape of Young Adulthood / The Rites and Wrongs of Passage: Developmental Tasks for the Young Adult / Failure to Launch: Family Dynamics and the Emerging Adult / Start Your Engines: Fostering Autonomy and Motivation / The Rites and Wrongs of Passage: Developmental Tasks for Parents / Getting Beyond ‘Whatever’: GrowthPromoting Communication During the Young Adult Years / Preparation for Separation: Putting it all into Action / Enduring Intimacy: Your Marriage at the Launching Phase / Letting Go, Moving On: The Midlife Launch / Conclusion: Dancing to the Music of Time: Thoughts and Reflections August 2010 Paperback
256pp £10.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-62058-2
216x138mm 978-0-230-51717-2 978-0-230-58471-6
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International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research
A Day in the Life Edited by Julia Gillen, Senior Lecturer in Digital Literacies, Literacy Research Centre, Lancaster University, UK and Catherine Ann Cameron, Honorary Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
Presenting an innovative take on researching early childhood, this book provides an international comparison of the cultural and familial influences that shape the growth of young children. The book presents a unique methodology, and includes chapters on musicality, security, humour and eating. Contents: Preface / Introduction: J.Gillen & C.A.Cameron / Using Video Technology: R.Hancock, J.Gillen & G.Pinto / Musicality: S.Young & J.Gillen / Emotional Security: C.A.Cameron, A.Talay-Ongan, R.Hancock & S.Tapanya / Eating: J.Gillen & R.Hancock / Notational Systems: G.Pinto, B.Accorti Gamannossi & C.A.Cameron / Humour: E.L.Cameron, B.Accorti Gamannossi, J.Gillen & C.A.Cameron / Conclusions: C.A.Cameron & J.Gillen / Appendix - Locating the Children / List of References / Index March 2010 216pp 71 b/w illustrations Hardback £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23249-5
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies Edited by Jens Qvortrup, Department of Sociology, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, William A. Corsaro, Department of Sociology, Indiana University, USA and Michael-Sebastian Honig, University of Trier, Germany ‘...a rich compendium of current research…a journey through the highways and alleyways of a burgeoning area…It is the kind of book I want handy as a reference for both teaching and research. An attractive anthology for use in a course on childhood at the advanced undergraduate or graduate levels, it provides multiple tools for navigating theoretical, methodological, and epistemological terrains of research in ‘new’ childhood studies.’ - Sara Dorow, Canadian Journal of Sociology ‘...for everyone involved in child research this is a must.’ Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association ‘This is a very significant book which assembles the work of many of the leading interdisciplinary figures in the field of childhood studies. The contents are well organized and the arguments both coherent and compelling. It will be difficult for any future scholar in this area of research to sidestep this major contribution to our understanding.’ - Professor Chris Jenks, Vice Chancellor Brunel University, UK ‘The Handbook of Childhood Studies is an excellent resource: comprehensive in scope, interdisciplinary in content, well-chosen topics, with thoughtful essays by major figures in the field. It’s a treasure!’ -Barrie Thorne, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, USA; co-editor of Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research
Children’s Literature: Approaches and Territories
A landmark publication in the field, this state of the art reference work, with contributions from leading thinkers across a range of disciplines, is an essential guide to the study of children and childhood, and sets out future research agendas for the subject.
Edited by Janet Maybin, Senior Lecturer in Language and Communication and Nicola J. Watson, Senior Lecturer in English Literature, both at The Open University, UK
August 2009 416pp 234x156mm 19 b/w illustrations and 21 colour illustrations Paperback £22.99 978-0-230-22713-2
A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
Co-publisher The Open University
April 2009 472pp 5 figures and 5 b/w tables Hardback £100.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-53260-1
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2010 ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in Asia/Pacific and Africa
Culture, Identity, and Islamic Schooling
This collection makes a unique contribution towards the amplification of indigenous knowledge and learning by adopting an inter/trans-disciplinary approach to the subject that considers a variety of spaces of engagement around knowledge in Asia and Africa. Contents: PART I: DEVELOPMENT / PART II: FORMAL EDUCATION / PART III: LEARNING AND COMMUNICATIVE MEDIUMS / PART IV: GENDER, INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING / PART V: HEALTH KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2010 288pp £55.00 Hardback
234x156mm 978-0-230-62101-5
An International Comparison of Pupil Perspectives
A Philosophical Approach Michael S. Merry, Professor of Philosophy of Education and Chair, Department of History and Philosophy, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Perspectives on Development, Education, and Culture Edited by Dip Kapoor, Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta, Canada and Edward Shizha, Assistant Professor, Department of Contemporary Studies and Children’s Education, Sir Wilfred Laurier University, Canada
Equity in Education
'In this balanced but critical study, Michael S. Merry tackles the highly controversial issue of identity formation and the education of Muslim children in non-Muslim or even antiMuslim cultures. In accessible language, Merry articulates the philosophical and political underpinnings of Islamic schooling and then confronts these with the empirical practices of the US, the Netherlands, and Belgium. This thoughtprovoking book is a must for the international audience of educators, policymakers, religious scholars, and philosophers interested in schooling and Islam.’ - Geert Driessen, Senior Educational Researcher, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands Merry elaborates an ideal type of Islamic philosophy of education in order to examine the specific challenges that Islamic schools face, comparing the different educational realities facing Muslim populations in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States.
Stephen Gorard, Professor of Education Research and Emma Smith, Reader in Education, both at University of Birmingham, UK
Based on the views of teenagers across Europe and in the Far East, this book argues that we need to reconsider how we judge schools and what they are for. It shows that the treatment of pupils in schools makes more difference to teenagers’ views on society, and on what it means to be fair, than it does to differences in attainment. Contents: Preface / Re-considering What Schools are For / Querying the Traditional Role of Schools in Attainment / Why Schools Might Matter / Why Teachers Might Matter / The Importance of Listening to Pupils / Listening to Pupils in Different Countries / International Comparisons of Pupil Experiences / The Notions of Justice Used by Different Groups of Pupils / The Experiences of Pupils Educated Otherwise / Identifying the Determinants of Justice / The Practical Implications of Reconsidering What Schools Are For / Appendix / References / Index February 2010 66 b/w tables Hardback
Contents: Introduction / The Politics of Islamic Schooling: A Comparative Look / Islamic Education between the Ideal and the Real / Educating for Cultural Coherence / The Well-Being of Children and the Limits of Paternalism / For the Sake of the Child: Religious Schools and Accountability / The Future of Islamic Schools August 2010 Paperback
248pp £18.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-10353-5
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Higher Education in Asia/Pacific Quality and the Public Good Edited by Terance W. Bigalke, Director of Education, East-West Center in Honolulu, USA and Deane E. Neubauer, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA, and Senior Consultant to the International Forum for Education 2020, East-West Center, USA
Expansion and privatization have created new concerns over the quality of education throughout the Asia/Pacific region. This volume provides a framework to examine these challenges in the region and beyond. October 2009 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61323-2
International & Development Education ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Critical Approaches to Comparative Education Vertical Case Studies from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas Edited by Frances Vavrus, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Policy and Administration, University of Minnesota, USA and Lesley Bartlett, Associate Professor in the Department of International and Transcultural Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Education Theory and Policy
Youth in a Suspect Society
Affirmative Action in China and the U.S. A Dialogue on Inequality and Minority Education Edited by Minglang Zhou, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, Dickinson College, USA and Ann Maxwell Hill, Teaches Anthropology, Dickinson College, USA and whose research focuses mainly on minorities in China
Democracy or Disposability? Henry A. Giroux, Chair in Communications, Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University, Canada
Through the lens of education, this book attempts to situate young people within a number of theoretical and political considerations that offer up a new ‘analytic of youth’, one that posits not only the emergence of a new way to talk about youth but also a new language for understanding the politics that increasing frame their lives. Contents: Expendable Futures: Youth and Democracy at Risk / Youth in the Empire of Consumption: Beyond the Pedagogy of Commodification / Locked Up: Education and the Youth Crime Complex / In the Shadow of the Gilded Age: Biopolitics in the Age of Disposability / Locked Out: Youth and Academic Unfreedom October 2009 Hardback
256pp £26.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61329-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
This volume is the first to comprehensively examine Chinese’s affirmative action policies in the critical area of minority education, the most important conduit to employment and economic success in the PRC after the economic reforms begun in the late 1970s. Contents: PART I: DEBATING CHINA’S POSITIVE POLICIES: HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS AND CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE /PART II: BETWEEN STATE EDUCATION AND LOCAL CULTURES / PART III: BETWEEN MARKET COMPETITIVENESS AND CULTURAL/LINGUISTIC IDENTITIES / PART IV: GLOBALIZING THE DISCOURSE ON INEQUALITY AND EDUCATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2010 Hardback Paperback
288pp £55.00 £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-61235-8 978-0-230-61334-8
International & Development Education ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
This book unites a dynamic group of scholars who examine linkages among local, national, and international levels of educational policy and practice. December 2009 272pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61597-7
International & Development Education ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
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Feminist Theory in Pursuit of the Public Women and the “Re-Privatization” of Labor
Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach and Social Justice in Education
Robin Truth Goodman, Associate Professor of English, Florida State University, USA
Argues that feminism needs to develop a theory of the public responding to a moment when feminism’s impetus to reconstitute the private sphere left a huge gap in its political thinking on the public. October 2010 Hardback
256pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61640-0
Marxism and Education Beyond Identity Sexuality and Schooling Faith Agostinone-Wilson, Associate Professor of Education, George Williams College of Aurora University in Williams Bay, USA
This book seeks to revive dialectical materialist interpretations of sexuality, relevant to K-12 settings and society. Issues addressed include: sexuality and the curriculum, theories of the family, critiques of postmodernism, socialist feminism, and activist tactics/strategies for organizing in K-12 settings. October 2010 Hardback
256pp £55.00
Marxism and Education
234x156mm 978-0-230-61608-0
Melanie Walker, Professor of Higher Education and Director of Research, School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK and Elaine Unterhalter, Contributes to Teaching on Post Graduate Courses in Education and International Development, Institute of Education, UK
'Walker and Unterhalter have gathered together an impressive collection which debunks the notion that capabilities can be equated to a narrow definition of outcomes, qualities or competencies. This book offers exciting new possibilities for developing socially just approaches to education with our students.’ - Pat Thomson, Professor of Education and Director of Research, School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK This compelling book introduces Nobel laureate, Amartya Sen’s, capability approach, and explores its significance for theory, policy and practice in education. The book particularly looks at questions concerning the education of children, gender equality, and higher education. Contributors hail from the UK, USA, Australia, Italy and Mexico. Contents: PART I: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE CAPABILITY APPROACH AND EDUCATION / PART II: APPLICATIONS OF THE CAPABILITY APPROACH IN EDUCATION / PART III: TAKING THE CAPABILITY APPROACH FORWARD IN EDUCATION / Education A Full Table of Contents is Available at: August 2010 Paperback
292pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10459-4
ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary, Ebrary,, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
Women Educators in the Progressive Era The Women behind Dewey’s Laboratory School Anne Durst, Assistant Professor of Education, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, USA
This book explores the experiences and writings of four teachers at the University of Chicago Laboratory School, both to investigate their lives as female professionals during the Progressive era, and to add to our understanding of this innovative institution and how these philosophies and innovations have carried out to this day. Contents: Introduction: The Laboratory School and Pragmatism / Female Professionalism and the Laboratory School Teachers / Decision-making at the Laboratory School / Teachers as Content Area Experts / Laboratory School Teachers and Social Change / Democratic Community / Implications for Today’s Teachers and Schools August 2010 Hardback
252pp £57.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-61073-6
Mathematics Teaching and Learning in K-12 Equity and Professional Development Edited by Mary Q. Foote, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Elementary School, Queens College, City University of New York, USA
The continuing gap in achievement between traditionally underserved students (students of colour, English learners, and poor children) and their middle-class white peers, however, has provoked questions of the effectiveness of current mathematics teaching practices for meeting the needs of these students. August 2010 Hardback
256pp £57.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-62239-5
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Higher Education, Policy, and the Global Competition Phenomenon Edited by Laura Portnoi, Assistant Professor, Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling Department, College of Education, California State University, Long Beach, USA (CSULB), Val D. Rust, Professor of Education, University of California, Los Angeles, USA (UCLA) and is currently the Faculty Chair, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and Sylvia S. Bagley, Fritz Burns Endowed Professor of Education, Mount Saint Mary’s College in Los Angeles, USA, where she is Director of the Master’s Program in Instructional Leadership
This book inquires about the processes through which different higher education systems have determined national higher education policies related to competitiveness, as well as the strategies they have adopted to enhance their global competitiveness.
Culture, Curriculum, and Identity in Education Edited by H. Richard Milner, Associate Professor of Education, Vanderbilt University, USA
This book analyzes equity and diversity in schools and teacher education. Within this broad and necessary context, the book raises some critical issues not previously explored in many multicultural and urban education texts. April 2010 Hardback
252pp £52.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-62204-3
Curriculum Studies in South Africa Intellectual Histories & Present Circumstances Edited by William F. Pinar, holds a Canada Research Chair and Directs the Centre for the Study of the Internationalization of Curriculum Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada
Contents: Global Competition in Higher Education / PART I: THE RANKING AND QUALIFICATIONS PHENOMENON / Theoretical Background on the Ranking and Qualifications Phenomenon / National Systems, or League Tables / International Ranking Systems / Recognition of Qualifications Processes / Critical Analysis of the Development of the Ranking and Qualifications Phenomenon / PART II: HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY DEVELOPMENTS / National Privatization Policies (e.g., Malaysia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Brazil) / World Class University Policies (e.g., China, South Korean, Taiwan) / Quality Assurance Programs (e.g., France, UK, Argentina, South Africa, Chile, Global Citizen Policies (e.g., Singapore, USA) / Internationalization to Improve Competitiveness / PART III: INSTITUTIONAL CASE STUDIES / Africa
While much has been written about South African education, now, for the first time, gathered in one collection are glimpses of South African curriculum studies described by six distinctive points of view.
May 2010 Hardback
March 2010 Hardback
304pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61818-3
International & Development Education
Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform
268pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61508-3
International & Development Education
Barry M. Franklin, Professor of Secondary Education, Utah State University, USA
This book asserts that efforts to reform schools, particularly urban schools, are events that engender a host of issues and conflicts that have been interpreted through the conceptual lens of community. Contents: Community and Curriculum: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Urban School Reform / Community Conflict and Compensatory Education in New York City: More Effective Schools and the Clinic for Learning / Community, Race, and Curriculum in Detroit: The Northern High School Walkout / Race, Restructuring, and Educational Reform: The Mayoral Takeover of the Detroit Public Schools / Educational Partnerships, Urban School Reform, and the Building of Community / Educational Partnerships and Community: Education Action Zones and ‘Third Way’ Educational Reform in Britain / Smaller Learning Communities and the Reorganization of the Comprehensive High School / Epilogue: Community in a Cosmopolitan World March 2010 Hardback
272pp £62.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-61234-1
Secondary Education in a Changing World Series Editors: Barry M. Franklin and Gary McCulloch
The Gift of Education Public Education and Venture Philanthropy Kenneth J. Saltman, Associate Professor of Education, DePaul University, USA
This is a cutting edge book that not only maps and criticizes venture philanthropy but also offers a new and different way of conceptualizing public education in response to the neoliberal climate affecting all aspects of public education. March 2010 Hardback Paperback
200pp £62.50 £18.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-61514-4 978-0-230-61515-1
Education, Politics and Public Life
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Revolutionizing Pedagogy Education for Social Justice Within and Beyond Global Neo-Liberalism Edited bySheila Macrine, Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Montclair State University, USA, Peter McLaren, Professor, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, USA and Dave Hill, Professor of Education Policy, University of Northampton, UK
This book brings together a group of top international scholars who consider Pedagogy of Critique, Revolutionary Pedagogy and Radical Critical Pedagogy as forms of praxis to examine the paradoxical roles of schooling in reproducing and legitimizing large-scale structural inequalities. Contents: Preface: M.Montero / Introduction: S.Macrine / PART I: FRAMEWORKS FOR ORGANIZING PEDAGOGY / A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, or a Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: Resistance to Educational Reform in Chile: J.Pinkney Pastrana / Education Rights, Education Policies and Inequality in South Africa: S.Vally, E.Motala & B.Ramadiro / Taking on the Corporatization of Public Education: What Teacher Education Can Do: P.Leistyna / Critical Pedagogy in the Shadows of Empires: P.McLaren & S.Macrine / PART II: STRATEGIES FOR PRACTICING CRITICAL PEDAGOGY / Class, Capital and Education in this Neoliberal and Neoconservative Period: D.Hill / Hijacking Public Schooling: The Epicentre of Neo Radical Centrism: J.Paraskeva / Defending Dialectics: Rethinking the NeoMarxist Turn in Critical Education Theory: W.Au / Critical Teaching as the Counter-Hegemony to Neo-liberalism: J.Smyth / Empowering Education: Freire, Cynicism and a Pedagogy of Action: R.Van Heertum / Teachers Matter… Don’t They?: Placing Teachers and Their Work in the Global Knowledge Economy: S.L.Robertson / Afterword: After Neoliberalism: Which Way Capitalism?: D.Hursh January 2010 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60799-6
Marxism and Education ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Creative Approaches to Health and Social Care Education
International Organizations and Lifelong Learning
Knowing Me, Understanding You
From Global Agendas to Policy Diffusion
Edited by Tony Warne, Professor of Mental Health Care, Salford Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Collaborative Research, University of Salford, UK and Sue McAndrew, School of Healthcare Studies, University of Leeds, UK
An exciting new text that helps lecturers adapt traditional teaching styles to accommodate the needs of a diverse student population. It investigates innovative classroom strategies such as the use of story telling, literature, cinema and art, and promotes reflective thinking throughout. December 2009 256pp 234x156mm 7 b/w tables, 3 figures and 1 diagram Paperback £22.99 978-0-230-57446-5
Critical Pedagogy in Uncertain Times Hope and Possibilities Edited by Sheila Macrine, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Teaching Department, Montclair State University, USA
This book brings together the most important figures in the evolution of Critical Pedagogy to provide comprehensive analyses of issues related to the struggle against the forces of neoliberalism and the imperial-induced privatization, not just in education, but in all of social life through the radical democratizing forces of critical pedagogy. November 2009 240pp Hardback £55.00
Anja P. Jakobi, Senior Researcher, TranState Research Centre, University of Bremen, Germany
In recent years lifelong learning has become one of the most prominent education policy goals. This book shows how international organizations have promoted this idea and disseminated the need for it to countries all over the world. As a consequence of their activity, lifelong learning has become a central element of modern education policy. Contents: Introduction: The Global Interest in Education Policy / Tracing Global Governance: Policy Development in an International Arena / World Time: International Developments in Education Policy from the 1970s to the 1990s / World Action: International Networks for Promoting Lifelong Learning / Consequences: National Lifelong Learning Agendas / Implications: Lifelong Learning as a Tool for Progress and a Symbol of Modernity / Conclusions: Studying Global Policy Development October 2009 248pp 21 b/w tables and 5 figures Hardback £57.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-57936-1
Transformations of the State Series Editors: Stephen Leibfried, Achim Hurrelmann, Kerstin Martens and Peter Mayer ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-61320-1
Education, Politics and Public Life ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
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Reforming New Zealand Secondary Education
C.S. Lewis A Philosophy of Education
The Picot Report and the Road to Radical Reform
Steven R. Loomis, serves on the faculty of Wheaton College in Illinois, USA and Jacob P. Rodriguez, received his Ph.D. from the Claremont Graduate University, USA.
Roger Openshaw, holds a Personal Chair in History of Education, School of Educational Studies, Massey University College of Education, New Zealand
This timely book argues that the New Zealand educational reforms were the product of longstanding unresolved educational issues that came to a head during the profound economic and cultural crisis of the 1970s and early 1980s. Contents: PART I: TENSIONS AND CONTRADICTIONS / To Suit a Political Purpose? / Reinterpreting the Educational Reforms / Almost Alone in the World / PART II: CRISES AND SOLUTIONS / Game War / Only Major and System-wide Reforms Will Do / The Best Kind of Accountability / PART III: ELUSIVE CONSENSUS / A Blank Page Approach / A Long Way to go Before We Win the Battle / Only Half a Policy / Conclusion: A Real Say or a Morality Play? October 2009 Hardback
268pp £62.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-60626-5
Secondary Education in a Changing World Series Editors: Barry Franklin and Gary McCulloch ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
History of Education
Inclusion in the United States and the United Kingdom Edited by Christine D. Myers, Education Instructor, Lourdes College and Adjunct Professor of Education, Franklin University, USA
Collaborating with the genius of C.S. Lewis, and particularly his brilliant work The Abolition of Man, the authors offer a multifacetted, interdisciplinary investigation of perennial questions that impact human development and freedom.
Contents: Introduction / The Bloodless Institution / The Ontology of Education as an Institution / The Epistemological Disabilities of Growth: How Expanding Markets Exchange Knowledge for Ignorance / Educational Sustainability and the Obsolete Man / Reason before Nature: The Possibility of Education / Conclusion November 2009 246pp Hardback £55.00
University Coeducation in the Victorian Era
216x138mm 978-0-230-60577-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
This book examines the experiences of American and British students before, during, and after the process of admitting women to full, though not necessarily equal, standing in the academic world. Contents: The Process of Inclusion / Victorian Views of Coeducation / Administration& Legislation / Academic Student Life / Facilitating Coeducation / Extracurricular Student Life / Student Publications / Life After Graduation / Drawing Conclusions August 2010 Hardback
294pp £57.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-62237-1
History, Education and the Schools William J. Reese, Professor of Educational Policy Studies, History, and European Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Education Policy in Britain 2nd edition Clyde Chitty, Goldsmiths Professor of Policy and Management in Education, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK June 2009 4 b/w tables Paperback
Contemporary Political Studies Series Editor: John Benyon
‘This is a superb collection of thoughtful educational history essays ranging from the investigation of public and private schooling in the past to the analysis of how those educational experiences might inform decision-making today. This well-written book will be of great interest not only to scholars, but to education policymakers and the general public as well.’ - From the Foreword by Maris A. Vinovskis, Bentley Professor of History and Professor, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, USA February 2010 Paperback
240pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-62121-3
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
Girls’ Secondary Education in the Western World From the 18th to the 20th Century Edited by James C. Albisetti, Professor, Department of History, University of Kentucky, USA, Joyce Goodman, Dean and Faculty of Education, University of Winchester, UK and Rebecca Rogers, Professor in the History of Education, Université Paris Descartes (Paris V-Sorbonne), France
The collection’s focus is on girls’ secondary education, and hence the gendered cultural expectations of the middle classes and upper classes, will provide the dominant narrative, given the relatively recent democratization of European educational systems. May 2010 Hardback
240pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61946-3
Secondary Education in a Changing World
American Post-Conflict Educational Reform From the Spanish-American War to Iraq Edited by Noah W. Sobe, Assistant Professor of Cultural & Educational Policy Studies and Associate Director, Center for Comparative Education, Loyola University, USA
This edited volume brings together historians of education and comparative education researchers to study the educational reconstruction projects that Americans have launched in post-conflict settings across the globe. January 2010 Hardback
256pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61592-2
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Women’s Rights, Racial Integration, and Education from 1850–1920 The Case of Sarah Raymond, the First Female Superintendent Monica Cousins Noraian, Director of the History-Social Sciences Education Program and Director of Student Teaching, Illinois State University, USA
‘Sarah Raymond was that rare figure who quietly, though powerfully, altered the contours of public schooling at a particularly crucial moment. As the first woman in the country to serve as superintendent of a city school system, she signaled a fundamental shift in how communities understood leadership – and leaders. Noraian captures this intriguing story, freshly pieced together from as-yet little tapped sources, revealing an individual we should know.’ - Jackie M. Blount, Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Ecology, Ohio State University, USA This historical biography examines Sarah Raymond Fitzwilliam’s abolitionist roots growing up on a stop of the Underground Railroad, her training at a ‘normal school,’ her tenure as a teacher, principal and the nation’s first city school superintendent (Bloomington, Illinois 1874-1892).
Technology, Media and Education
Rewired Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn Larry D. Rosen, Professor of Psychology and Author
How does the new, charged-up, multitasking generation respond to traditional textbooks and lectures? Are we effectively reaching today’s technologically advanced youth? Rewired is the first book to help educators and parents teach to this new generation’s radically different learning styles and needs. Contents: Why Tweens and Teens Hate School / Welcome to the iGeneration / An Explosion of WMDs – Wireless Mobile Devices / Multitasking Madness / Real Life or Screen Life? / Tapping into a Very Creative Generation of Students / Media Literacy Among 21st Century Kids / Concerns, Worries, and Barriers / Conclusion April 2010 Paperback
256pp £11.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61478-9
Contents: Introduction / The Early Years / The Illinois State Normal University Years / Teacher and Principal of Bloomington Schools / Superintendent of Bloomington Schools / The Resignation / Leading Beyond the Schools: Community Involvement in Bloomington, Boston, and Chicago January 2010 Hardback
200pp £52.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-61322-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
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Governing Childhood into the 21st Century
Women and Gaming The Sims and 21st Century Learning
Biopolitical Technologies of Childhood Management and Education
James Paul Gee, Mary Lou Fulton Presidential Professor of Literacy Studies, Arizona State University, USA and Elisabeth R. Hayes, Professor, Division of Learning, Technology and Psychology in Education, ASU’s Graduate School of Education, USA
Majia Holmer Nadesan, Associate Professor, Arizona State University, USA
Neoliberal logics of government shaping childhood today produce market-based frameworks for understanding childhood risks. In this timely work, Nadesan argues that these frameworks encourage affluent parents to pursue individualized technologies of the self to reduce risks posed to their children’s future success. Contents: Introduction to Biopolitics, Risk and Childhood / A Genealogy of Family Life and Childhood Governance / Risk, Biopolitics, and Bioeconomics / Biopolitical Sorting Strategies: Comparing Social-Welfare and Neoliberal Problem-Solution Frames / Biopower, Security, and Development / Concluding Chapter on Children and the 21st Century: Risky Economies May 2010 Hardback
256pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61321-8
Critical Cultural Studies of Childhood
The authors argue that women gamers, too often ignored as gamers, are in many respects leading the way in this trend towards design, cultural production, new learning communities, and the combination of technical proficiency with emotional and social intelligence. Contents: Video Games and 21st Century Skills: Why the Sudden Worldwide Interest in Video Games and Learning? / Games Go Beyond Gaming to Design and New Communities: Women Lead the Way / The Nickel and Dimed Challenge: Designing New Forms of Socially Conscious Play / A Young Girl Becomes a Designer and Goes Global, Succeeding at 21st Century Skills but Still Failing at School / How Passion Grows: A Retired Shut In Goes from Making a Purple Potty to Gaining Millions of Fans / Passionate Affinity Groups: A New Form of Community that Works to Make People Smarter / A Young Girl and Her Vampire Stories: How a Teenager Competes with a Best Selling Author / From the Sims to Second Life: A Young Woman Transforms Her Real Life and Gets a Graduate Education by Living in a Virtual World, Then She Goes to Graduate School / What Does it All Mean: What Women and the Sims Have to Teach Us About what Education and Learning Will Look Like in the 21st Century May 2010 Hardback
224pp £22.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-62341-5
New Media, Cultural Studies, and Critical Theory after Postmodernism Automodernity from Zizek to Laclau Robert Samuels, Lecturer, University College Los Angeles, USA, Writing Programs
This book argues that we have moved into a new cultural period, automodernity, which represents a social, psychological, and technological reaction to postmodernity. In fact, by showing how individual autonomy is now being generated through technological and cultural automation, Samuels posits that we must rethink modernity and postmodernity. Contents: Auto-Modernity: Autonomy and Automation after Postmodernity / Henry Jenkins: Cultural Studies, New Media and the Ends of the Modern University / After Frederic Jameson: A Practical Critique of Pure Theory and Postmodernity / The Political without Politics: Slavoj Zizek and the Psychoanalysis of Automodernity / On the Psychopathology of the New Right: From Jurassic Park to the Gendered Culture Wars / The Automodern University: The Universal Individual and the Backlash Against Social Discourse / Grand Theft Automodernity: Globalizing Individualism and Cultural Nihilism from Eminem to The Matrix / Postmodern Education and Social Ethics after Automodernity / Taking Back the Automodern University: Postmodern Progressive Social Movements and the Academic Class System / Beyond The ZizekLaclau Debate: Coalition Politics and Academic Theory after Obama January 2010 Hardback
272pp £52.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-61981-4
Psychoanalysis, Education and Social Transformation ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
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How Computer Games Help Children Learn David Williamson Shaffer, University of WisconsinMadison, USA
‘You may have asked yourself if computer games are destroying the minds of our nation’s children. How Computer Games Help Children Learn shows that the exact opposite is true. Parents, educators, and computer game makers take note: by combining years of research and his front-line classroom experiences, Shaffer makes a cogent and compelling argument for the educational power of intelligently crafted games that can serve as tools to help children think and learn about real world problems and their solutions.’ - Michael McCormick, designer, SimCity 4(tm), game producer of Star Wars - Gungan Frontier(tm) for Lucas Learning, founder of Learning Friends March 2008 Paperback
280pp £14.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-60252-6
ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy
Academic Guides and Teaching
Teaching and Learning in the (dis)Comfort Zone A Guide for New Teachers and Literacy Coaches
The Core
Deborah Ann Jensen, Associate Professor of Learning and Literacy, Hunter College, USA, Deborah Eldridge, Dean, School of Education, Lehman College, USA, Yang Hu, Associate Professor of Education and Jennifer Tuten, Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Teaching, both at Hunter College, USA
Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education Leigh A. Bortins, Founder and CEO of Classical Conversations, Inc., whose enrollment is 20,000. She hosts a weekly radio show, ‘Leigh! for Lunch’, and Lectures widely about the importance of home education at nation-wide conferences and seminars Forward by Becky NortonDunlop, Vice-President for Outreach, The Heritage Foundation
As homeschooling expands and parents assume greater control of their children’s education, this is a guide on how to apply the foundations of classical learning - either in home schooling or as a supplement to classroom-oriented education. Leigh A. Bortins, offers the tools and resources parents need to implement this in the home. Contents: Forward: B.Norton-Dunlop / Introduction / PART ONE: THE CLASSICAL MODEL / What’s Wrong with Education Today? / Why We Need Classical Education / How Classical Education Can Help You / PART TWO: THE CORE OF A GRAMMATICAL EDUCATION / Reading / Writing / Math / Geography / History / Science / Fine Arts / Schedules and Resources for Classical Education / Epilogue: How the Classics Give Us Skills We Need as Adults June 2010 256pp 10 b/w illustrations Paperback £10.99
The novice teacher and literacy coach need to form a team to share their expertise and continually evolve, to have opportunity for guided reflection and selfassessment of practice. This book shares these professional experiences which delineates and describes the (dis)comfort of teaching and learning at the edge of the teachers’ comfort zone. Contents: Introduction / Where is Your Comfort Zone? / PART I: FINDING YOUR TEACHING ZONE / Choosing Words / Acting into a New Way of Thinking / Watching the Lesson / Just Relax! / PART II: FINDING YOUR STUDENTS’ LEARNING ZONE / Describing, Not Labeling, Students / Teaching Effectively Means Learning from Our Students / Learning from Parents and Families / Teaching for Best Practice and Accountability / Conclusion: Pulling it All Together February 2010 Hardback Paperback
204pp £62.50 £22.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-61768-1 978-0-230-61769-8
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
2nd Revised and Updated edition James Paul Gee, Teacher, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA and author of several books (one of the most well-known Professors of Education in the United States) March 2008 Paperback
256pp £12.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-8453-1
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Learning and Teaching Across Cultures in Higher Education Edited by David Palfreyman, Lecturer, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates and Dawn Lorraine McBride, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Lethbridge, Canada
Learning and Teaching Across Cultures in Higher Education contains theoretical rationale, resources and examples to help readers understand and deal with situations involving contact between learners or educators from different cultural backgrounds, as well as giving insights into the new global context of higher education. September 2010 282pp 5 figures and 14 tables £18.99 Paperback
216x138mm 978-0-230-27967-4
Awarded a Bookstore Book Award by the University of Lethbridge Bookstore ebook available from: Ebook Library, Dawson ERA,, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Language & Linguistics Collections, Ebrary
Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes Helen Basturkmen, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Presented in two parts, this book firstly introduces core considerations in ESP course development drawing on examples from a wide range of ESP and EAP courses. Secondly four case studies show how experienced ESP teachers and course developers went about developing courses to meet the needs of their particular learners. October 2010 256pp 3 tables and 33 figures £60.00 Hardback Paperback £18.99
The Full-Service Community School Movement
Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education
Lessons from the James Adams Community School
Perry L. Glanzer, Associate Professor, School of Education and Faculty Associate, Institute for Church-State Studies, Baylor University, USA and Todd C. Ream, Assistant Professor of Education, Indiana Wesleyan University, USA
Jeanita W. Richardson, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Virginia State University, USA
This book contributes in multiple dimensions to the educational literature through an articulation of T.J. and Anita Anderson’s vision; how the community and faculty adopted the vision; what it meant in practical terms to matriculating students and their families; and, espouses lessons applicable in the twenty-first century. Contents: Full-Service Schools: Their Past, Their Present, and Their Future / The Efficacy of a Community Approach / Pursuing Excellence in a Segregated System / Coatesville: A Town of Paradoxes / The Cornerstones: The Blurred Personal and Professional Lives of TJ and Anita Anderson / James Adams Community School – Manifesting the Vision / In Their Own Words: Reflections from Alumni and Faculty / Looking Backward to Plan Ahead: Lessons for the Community and Full-Service School Movement January 2010 Hardback
200pp £52.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-61848-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
This book offers examples from both Christian and secular democratic institutions of higher education and then responds to possible criticisms about how moral education in a comprehensive humanist moral tradition may short change diversity, autonomy and critical thinking. Contents: PART I: MORAL EDUCATION IN CONTEMPORARY HIGHER EDUCATION / Introduction: A Less than Human Education / Moral Development and Moral Order / Searching for Common, TraditionFree Approaches to Moral Education: A Brief History / Addressing the Moral Quandary Facing Contemporary Higher Education: Moral Education in Postmodern Universities / PART II: A MORE HUMAN EDUCATION: MORAL FORMATION IN A SPECIFIC TRADITION / The Levels of Constrained Identity Agreement Used To Advance Moral Education / Case Study I: Moral Education in Secular Colleges and Universities / Case Study II: Moral Education among Christian Colleges and Universities / Moral Order and Moral Education within Comprehensive Moral Traditions / PART III: MORAL EDUCATION AND LIBERAL EDUCATION / Comparing Types and Levels of Constrained Identity Agreement / Diversity and Autonomy and the Different Levels of Constrained Identity Agreement / PART IV: STRENGTHENING MORAL EDUCATION IN A PARTICULAR TRADITION / Christian Humanism and Christ-Centered Education: The Redemptive Development of Humans and Human Creations / A More Human Christian Education: An Exercise in Moral Imagination January 2010 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61240-2
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Education Collections
978-0-230-22797-2 978-0-230-22798-9
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Children Learning Second Languages
The Construction of English
Annamaria Pinter, Associate Professor, CELTE, University of Warwick, UK
This comprehensive guide to research and debate centres around language learning in childhood, the age factor and the different contexts where language learning happens, including home and school contexts. The scope is wide, capturing examples of studies with different age groups, different methodological approaches and different languages. December 2010 304pp 7 tables £60.00 Hardback Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-20341-9 978-0-230-20342-6
Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics Series Editors: Christopher N. Candlin and David R. Hall
Doing a Successful Research Project
Culture, Consumerism and Promotion in the ELT Global Coursebook John Gray, Senior Lecturer in TESOL/Applied Linguistics, University of East London, UK
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INDEX A Affirmative Action in China and the U.S. 9 Zhou Hill Agostinone-Wilson Marxism and Education 10 Beyond Identity Albisetti Goodman Rogers Girls’ Secondary 14 Education in the Western World Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach and Social Justice in Education Walker Unterhalter 10 American Post-Conflict Educational Reform Sobe 14
B Basturkmen Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes 17 Becoming an Academic McAlpine Akerlind 19 Becoming an Engineer in Public Universities Borman Halperin Tyson 3 Bigalke Neubauer Higher Education in Asia/Pacific 9 Bluteau Jackson Interprofessional Education 20 Borman Halperin Tyson Becoming an Engineer in Public Universities 3 Bortins The Core 16 Buckley Healing Our Autistic Children 4 Butin Service-Learning in Theory and Practice 4
C C.S. Lewis Loomis Rodriguez 13 Children, Gender, Video Games Walkerdine 6 Children Learning Second Languages Pinter 18 Children’s Literature: Approaches and Territories Maybin Watson 7 Chitty Education Policy in Britain 13 Choudry Kapoor Learning from the Ground Up 2 Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education Glanzer Ream 17 Coles-Ritchie Inciting Change in Secondary 5 English Language Programs The Connected Father Pickhardt 6 The Construction of English Gray 18 The Core Bortins 16 Creative Approaches to Health and Social Care Education Warne McAndrew 12 Crichton The Discourse of Commercialization 3
Critical Approaches to Comparative Education 9 Vavrus Bartlett Critical Pedagogy in Uncertain Times Macrine 12 Culture Curriculum and Identity in Education Milner 11 Culture, Identity, and Islamic Schooling Merry 8 Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform Franklin 11 Curriculum Studies in South Africa Pinar 11
D Davies Doing a Successful Research Project 18 Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes Basturkmen 17 The Discourse of Commercialization 3 Crichton The Divorced Child Nowinski 4 Doing a Successful Research Project Davies 18 Durst Women Educators in the Progressive Era 10
E Education and Training Lawson Heaton Brown 4 Education, Asylum and the ‘Non-Citizen’ Child Pinson Arnot Candappa 3 Education, Participatory Action Research, and Social Change Kapoor Jordan 5 Education Policy in Britain Chitty 13 Educational Failure and Working Class White Children in Britain Evans 5 Emptying the Nest Sachs 6 Equity in Education Gorard Smith 8 Evans Educational Failure and Working Class 5 White Children in Britain
F Feminist Theory in Pursuit of the Public Goodman 10 Foote Mathematics Teaching and Learning in K-12 10 Franklin Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform 11 The Full-Service Community School Movement Richardson 17 The Future of Your Only Child Pickhardt 6
G Gee Hayes Women and Gaming 15 Gee What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy 16 11 The Gift of Education Saltman Gillen Cameron International Perspectives 7 on Early Childhood Research Girls’ Secondary Education in the Western World Albisetti Goodman Rogers 14 Giroux Youth in a Suspect Society 9 Glanzer Ream Christianity and Moral Identity 17 in Higher Education Global Inequalities and Higher Education Unterhalter Carpentier 19 Goodman Feminist Theory in Pursuit 10 of the Public Gorard Smith Equity in Education 8 Governing Childhood into the 21st Century Nadesan 15 Graduate Study for the 21st Century 18 Semenza The Grants Register 2011 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd 20 Gray The Construction of English 18 Guide to Higher Education in Africa International Association of Universities 20
H The Handbook of Leadership and Professional Learning Communities Mullen 6 Harpur Innovation, Profit and the Common Good in Higher Education 3 Hartley Hilsdon Keenan Learning Development in Higher Education 19 Healing Our Autistic Children Buckley 4 Heigham Croker Qualitative Research in Applied 20 Linguistics Helping Young Refugees and Immigrants Succeed Sonnert Holton 2 Higher Education in Asia/Pacific Bigalke Neubauer 9 Higher Education, Policy, and the Global Competition Phenomenon Portnoi Rust Bagley 11 History Education and the Schools Reese 13 How Computer Games Help Children Learn Shaffer 16
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Macrine Critical Pedagogy in Uncertain Times Macrine McLaren Hill Revolutionizing Pedagogy Martinek Hellison Youth Leadership in Sport and Physical Education Marxism and Education Beyond Identity Agostinone-Wilson Mathematics Teaching and Learning in K-12 Foote Maybin Watson Children’s Literature: Approaches and Territories McAlpine Akerlind Becoming an Academic Merry Culture, Identity, and Islamic Schooling Milner Culture Curriculum and Identity in Education Montgomery Understanding the International Student Experience Morgan The Impact of 9/11 on Psychology and Education Mullen The Handbook of Leadership and Professional Learning Communities Myers University Coeducation in the Victorian Era
Lawson Heaton Brown Education and Training 4 Learning and Teaching Across Cultures in Higher Education Palfreyman McBride 17 Learning Development in Higher Education Hartley Hilsdon Keenan 19
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N Nadesan Governing Childhood into the 21st Century 15 New Media, Cultural Studies, and Critical Theory after Postmodernism Samuels 15 Noraian Women’s Rights, Racial Integration, and Education from 1850-1920 14 Nowinski The Divorced Child 4
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INDEX T Teaching and Learning in the (dis)Comfort 16 Zone Jensen Eldridge Hu Teaching Transformation Keating 2
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