History Update 2012
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History Update 2012
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Welcome to the new Palgrave Macmillan History 2012 update Catalogue, featuring titles published between February 2011 and July 2012. CONTENTS Introductory Books Reference Theory and Historiography Ancient History Medieval History Early Modern Britain and Europe Modern Britain Ireland Modern European History France Spain Italy Germany Holocaust Studies Russian and Eastern European History
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Studying History
A Historical Guide to NGOs in Britain
3rd edition Jeremy Black, Professor of History, University of Exeter, UK and Donald M. MacRaild, Professor of History, Northumbria University, UK
The third edition of this best-selling book has been thoroughly revised to reflect the changing nature of the discipline. With advice on writing essays and dissertations and preparing for exams, the skills section has also been expanded to include group work and oral presentations, and deals with using the Internet for assignments. August 2007 Paperback
260pp £16.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8734-1
Palgrave Study Skills http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=275136
Charities, Civil Society and the Voluntary Sector since 1945 Matthew Hilton, Professor of Social History, Department of Modern History, Nick Crowson, Reader in Contemporary British History, Jean-François Mouhot, Marie Curie Research Fellow, Georgetown University & EHESS, France and James McKay, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, all at University of Birmingham, UK
Aiming to furnish the reader with the historical data to engage with the debates surrounding the Cameron government’s ‘Big Society’ and civil society, this book gives the reader a greater and more informed historical consciousness of how the NGO sector has grown and influenced. Contents: Preface / List of Abbreviations / Definitions / The Scale and Growth of NGOs, Charities and Voluntary Organisations / Key Sectors Profiles Since 1945 / Leading Campaign Groups and NGOs in the UK / Key Players / Membership and Volunteering / NGO Income Streams and Giving / The Impact of NGOs / Governance and Professionalism / International Comparisons / Further Reading and Guide to Further Information June 2012 400pp 295 figures and 32 b/w tables Hardback £80.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-30444-4
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The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History
Atlas of European Historiography The Making of a Profession, 1800-2005 Edited by Ilaria Porciani, Professor of History, University of Bologna and Lutz Raphael, Professor of History, University of Trier, Germany
Edited by William D. Rubinstein, Professor of History, University of Wales, UK
'An extraordinarily important historical tool…' - Jonathan Romain, The Guardian This authoritative and comprehensive guide to key people and events in Anglo-Jewish history stretches from Cromwell’s re-admittance of the Jews in 1656 to the present day and contains nearly 3000 entries, the vast majority of which are not featured in any other sources. February 2011 Hardback
1088pp £130.00
234x156mm 978-1-4039-3910-4
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies Edited by Jens Qvortrup, Department of Sociology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, William A. Corsaro, Department of Sociology, Indiana University, USA and Michael-Sebastian Honig, Professor, University of Trier, Germany April 2009 472pp 5 figures and 5 b/w tables Hardback £105.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-53260-1
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2010 ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
How to Write History that People Want to Read
This innovative Atlas maps for the first time the development of the historical profession and its institutions in each European country from 1800 to 2005. Systematically integrating texts and maps, this is a valuable and unique resource for students and scholars of development of European culture and the history of European nationalism. August 2010 264pp full colour maps Hardback £145.00
353x250mm 978-0-230-50004-4
Writing the Nation Series Editors: Stefan Bergr, Christoph Conrad and Guy P. Marchal To see more titles in the series see page 22 or visit: www.palgrave.com/WTN http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=276844
Ann Curthoys, Professor of History, University of Sydney, Australia and Ann McGrath, Professor of History, Australian National University, Australia
'Historians of all kinds, whether scholars, students or commercial authors, all share a wish to maximize their publics: this lively and practical primer will tell them how. Lucid, unpretentious and punchy, it is crammed with sage advice, shrewd criticism and dozens of samples of compelling history writing.' - Iain McCalman, author of Darwin’s Armada Drawn from decades of experience, this is a concise and highly practical guide to writing history. Aimed at all kinds of people who write history - academic historians, public historians, professional historians, family historians and students of all levels - the book includes a wide range of examples from many genres and styles. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction: Navigating History in the 21st Century / Which History to Tell? / Who is your History For? / Crying in the Archives / History in 3D: Visual, Oral and Material Sources / How to Avoid Writer’s Block / Once upon a Time: Beginnings and Endings / Narrative, Plot, Action! / Styling Pasts for Presents / Character and Emotion / Footnote Fetishism: Quotes and Notes / Tough Love: Editing and Revising / Epilogue: The After Party - Marketing, Celebrating and Reviews / Notes / Index June 2011 Paperback
272pp £14.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-29038-9
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International Historical Statistics Brian Mitchell, Fellow, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK
‘Remain[s] the most important general historical source.’ - Choice ‘Monumental in scale yet well set out and easy to use.’ - Social History
1750–2005 3-Volume Set November 2007 2580pp Pack £860.00
276x219mm 978-0-230-00516-7
International Historical Statistics 1750–2005: Africa, Asia and Oceania 5th edition November 2007 1216pp Hardback £320.00
276x216mm 978-0-230-00515-0
International Historical Statistics 1750–2005: Americas 6th edition November 2007 896pp Hardback £320.00
276x216mm 978-0-230-00513-6
International Historical Statistics 1750–2005: Europe
Past & Present
Making History
276x216mm 978-0-230-00514-3
Peter J. Beck, Emeritus Professor of History, Kingston University, UK
The Historian and Uses of the Past Jorma Kalela, University of Turku, Finland
'Drawing on a wealth of intellectual expertise and practical experience, Jorma Kalela has produced a stimulating book for thinking historians. He challenges us to scrutinise professional practice and to engage in profound and possibly unsettling ways with what it means to be an historian today.' - Hilda Kean, Director of Public History and Dean, Ruskin College, UK Everyone has a personal connection to the past, independent of historical inquiry. So, what is the role of the historian? Exploring the relationship between history and society, Kalela argues for a more participatory research culture and provides practical guidance on planning research projects with greater public impact. Contents: Preface: Why History? / Introduction: Second Thoughts About History / Historical Research / The People Addressed / Politics of History / Cultural Critics / The Impact of Historical Research / Select Bibliography November 2011 Hardback Paperback
216pp £52.50 £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-27681-9 978-0-230-27682-6
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=320954 TB
6th edition November 2007 1104pp Hardback £320.00
Presenting History
What is History? 3rd edition E.H. Carr, sometime Fellow, Trinity College, UK and Richard J. Evans, University of Cambridge, UK With an introduction by Richard J. Evans June 2002 Hardback
240pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-97701-9
‘A well planned and lucidly written book which should certainly be read with profit by those who wish to understand our century.’ - Eric Hobsbawm, Birkbeck, University of London, UK ‘In this intriguing and thought-provoking book, Beck provides an account that shifts our attention away from the academy and directs it instead toward a wider audience. In exploring how they address the needs and desires of the public, he seeks to reconfigure the way in which historians are defined, not as makers, but as presenters of history...a valuable book for anyone wishing to study the nature of history today.’ - BBC History Magazine Presenting History highlights the vital role of presenters in establishing why history matters and communicating the past to an audience. Case studies of leading historians, historical novelists and television history presenters explore alternative literary and visual ways of presenting the past both as academic and popular history. Contents: Introduction / PART I: PRESENTING HISTORY / Why History and Presenters of the Past Matter / Presenting History in Academia / Reaching Out to a Popular Audience / PART II: PRESENTERS OF THE PAST: CASE STUDIES / A.J.P. Taylor: the People’s ‘History Man’ / Eric Hobsbawm: the Marxist Historian / Simon Schama: the Television Historian / Niall Ferguson: the ‘What Ifs?’ Historian / Joan Wallach Scott: the Feminist Historian / Robert A. Rosenstone: the Historian meets Hollywood / Philippa Gregory: the Historical Novelist / Terry Deary: the Children’s Historian / Michael A. Bellesiles and Stephen Ambrose: Presenters in Trouble / David Irving: On Trial as a Presenter / PART III: CONCLUSION / ‘Presentation, Presentation, Presentation’ / Bibliography / Index November 2011 15 half-tones Hardback Paperback
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The Right Kind of History
Making History Now and Then
Fashioning History
Teaching the Past in Twentieth-Century England
Discoveries, Controversies and Explorations
Current Practices and Principles
David Cannadine, Dodge Professor of History, Princeton University, USA, Jenny Keating and Nicola Sheldon, both Research Fellows, both at Institute of Historical Research, University of London, UK
'Their book should be compulsory reading for anyone wanting to take part in the current discussion about history teaching and its future in our schools. At a single stroke, this book puts the whole debate onto a more sophisticated and grown-up level.' - The Independent The fruit of a two-year research project, this ground-breaking book aims to provide the first historical account of the teaching of history in twentieth-century England, and a series of reflections and suggestions which will inform, feed into and influence the current and future debates about teaching in schools. November 2011 320pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £14.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-30086-6 978-0-230-30087-3
The Future of History Alun Munslow, Staffordshire University, UK
Deploying a range of key concepts such as scepticism, aesthetics, ethics, standpoint, irony, authorship and a new understanding of truth, The Future of History examines history as a form of knowledge, arguing that in the future the multiple forms of its expression will be as significant as its content. July 2010 Hardback Paperback
312pp £65.00 £23.99
David Cannadine, Dodge Professor of History, Princeton University, USA
'These essays confound any argument that British historical writing is moribund.' - A.W.Purdue, Times Higher Education
Robert F. Berkhofer, Professor Emeritus of History, University of California, USA
This book offers historians and aspiring historians a learned, absorbing, and comprehensive overview of current fashions of method, interpretation, and meaning in the context of postmodernism that has washed over the historical profession in the last two decades. January 2009 Hardback
272pp £62.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60868-9
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary October 2011 Paperback
408pp £11.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-30240-2
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Ebook Library, NetLibrary, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, ebooks.com, Ebrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=309404
Why History Matters John Tosh, formerly Professor of History, Roehampton University, UK
Narrating the Past Historiography, Memory and the Contemporary Novel Alan Robinson, Professor; Head of English, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
In recent years controversy has surrounded the narrative turn in history and the historical turn in fiction. This book clarifies what is at stake, tracing connections between historiography and life-writing, arguing that the challenges posed in representing the past illuminate issues which are central to all literary narrative. October 2011 Hardback
240pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23593-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections
'Tosh is refreshing, and impressive in getting away from the false parallels and clichés that can bedevil the use, and abuse, of history in today’s media…This is an important book - which policy-makers, media men and women and, dare I say it, politicians, should all read.' - Gordon Marsden, History Today April 2008 Paperback
192pp £11.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-52148-3
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216x138mm 978-0-230-23241-9 978-0-230-23242-6
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=360816 TB
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Biography and History Barbara Caine, Professor of History, Monash University, Australia
Series Editor: Donald M. MacRaild For more information about the series visit: www.palgrave.com/theoryandhistory
Gender and History Susan Kingsley Kent, Professor of History, University of Colorado, USA
This stimulating volume presents an overview of key gender theories and debates, tracing the development of gender as an analytic category in the writing of history. Covering a broad timespan, Kent makes the origins, concepts and methods of gender history accessible to students, showing how they can use gender in their own historical studies. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: History, Theory, Gender: What Are They? Who Has Them? / PART I: THEORIZING GENDER / Woman: From the Deficient Male to the Incommensurate Female / The Feminist Challenge: ‘One is Not Born a Woman’ / PART II: GENDER HISTORY / The Road to ‘Gender’ / Theorizing Gender and Power / PART III: DOING IT / Writing Gender History: War and Feminism, 1914-1930 / Conclusion: Where We Go From Here / Glossary / Notes / Further Reading / Index October 2011 Hardback Paperback
160pp £55.00 £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-29223-9 978-0-230-29224-6
Biography is the oldest way of writing about historical events, and the most popular. Looking at the complex relationship between the discipline of history and the writing of lives, Biography and History provides an original and insightful introduction to a growing and increasingly important area of historical scholarship and research. May 2010 Hardback Paperback
160pp £55.00 £17.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8725-9 978-1-4039-8726-6
Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia Michael Decker, Maroulis Professor of Byzantine History and Orthodox Religion, University of South Florida, USA and J. Eric Cooper, CEO and Senior Consultant, Akrites, LLC, USA
This is the first in-depth historical study of Byzantine Cappadocia. The authors draw on extensive textual and archaeological materials to examine the nature and place of Cappadocia in the Byzantine Empire from the fourth through eleventh centuries. June 2012 Hardback
328pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-36106-5
Bonds of Blood Gender, Lifecycle, and Sacrifice in Aztec Culture
Caroline Dodds Pennock, Lecturer in International History, University of Sheffield, UK
Cultural History
Now available in paperback, this book integrates a fresh interpretation of gender with an innovative study of the everyday life of the Aztecs.
Anna Green, Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter, UK November 2007 176pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-98674-5 978-0-333-98675-2
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=265350 TB
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-1-4039-8526-2 Paperback: 978-0-333-91921-7
Narrative and History 208pp £17.99
248pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-28564-4
Winner of the 2008 Royal Historical Society Gladstone Prize Early Modern History: Society and Culture Series Editors: Rab Houston and Edward Muir
Alun Munslow, Emeritus Professor of History and Historical Theory, Staffordshire University, UK July 2007 Paperback
March 2011 Paperback
To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/EMH
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8728-0
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The Knights Hospitaller in the Levant, c.1070—1309 Jonathan Riley-Smith, Dixie Professor Emeritus of Ecclesiastical History, University of Cambridge, UK
A detailed study of this famed religious-military order, written by the world’s pre-eminent Crusades historian, and focusing on the years between the First Crusade and the Knights’ conquest of Malta. Contents: List of Abbreviations / Explication and Acknowledgements / Prologue / PART I: INCEPTION / Origins, c.1070-1160 / Militarization, 1126-1182 / Reaching Maturity, 1177-1206 / The Order and the Politics of the Latin East, 1201-1244 / PART II: THE MISSION / Nursing the Sick and Burying the Dead / Defending Christians / PART III: THE ORDER / Members / Conventual Life / The Master, his Convent and the Chapter General / The Conventual Bailiffs and their Departments / PART IV: ASSETS / An Exempt Order of the Church / The Estate in the Levant / Provincial Government and the Estate in Europe / PART V: THE END OF THE BEGINNING / The Loss of the Mainland, 1244-1291 / Interlude on Cyprus, 1291-1309 / Epilogue / Appendix: Masters of the Hospital / Bibliography / Index May 2012 maps Hardback
Roman Barbarians The Royal Court and Culture in the Early Medieval West Yitzhak Hen, Professor of History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Now available in paperback, this study investigates the place of the royal court and the operation of patronage in several European kingdoms in the early Middle Ages. It seeks to identify the roots of later medieval developments, and especially of the Carolingian Renaissance, in the centuries immediately succeeding the period of Roman rule. December 2011 232pp Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-78666-6
Medieval Culture and Society Series Editors: Miri Rubi and Robert Stacey ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Ebook Library, Dawson ERA, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Winner of the 2011 PROSE Award for Best New Journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences
postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies Editors: Eileen Joy (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) and Myra Seaman (College of Charleston)
Kingship, Rebellion and Political Culture England and Germany, c.1215 - c.1250 Bjorn Weiler, Reader in Medieval History, University of Wales, UK
Taking as its starting point two uprisings in England and Germany (Richard Marshal in 1233-4 and Henry VII in 1234-5), this book offers a new take on the political culture of high medieval Europe. Themes include: the role of violence; the norms of political behaviour; the public nature of politics; and the social history of political exchange. August 2011 Paperback
256pp £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-30236-5
Medieval Culture and Society Series Editors: Miri Rubi and Robert Stacey ebook available from: Ebook Library, Dawson ERA, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections, Ebrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=267141
“postmedieval is an energizing new addition to the adjacent fields of medieval and medievalism studies.” - Louise D’Arcens, Studies in the Age of Chaucer
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Geoffrey of Monmouth as Feminist Historian
Early Medieval Europe, 300–1000 3rd edition
Fiona Tolhurst, Associate Professor of English, Alfred University, USA
Geoffrey of Monmouth’s fame as the biographer of the legendary hero King Arthur has often prevented readers from recognizing his significance as a historian and creator of myth. However, Geoffrey should be famous as the only feminist historian of medieval Britain whose female figures offer models of good rule and political savvy. June 2011 Hardback
256pp £40.00
216x140mm 978-1-4039-6543-1
Studies in Arthurian Legends and Courtly Cultures Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=270627
Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler Roger Collins, Honorary Research Fellow, Department of History, University of Edinburgh, UK
Roger Collins provides a comprehensive account of the centuries during which Europe became a new culturally coherent, if politically divided, entity. This third edition of a classic textbook history of early medieval Europe is fully updated, rewritten and revised to take account of the latest scholarship and to improve its literary style.
Imprisonment in the Medieval Religious Imagination, c. 1150 –1400
July 2010 592pp 2 maps and 8 charts Hardback £60.00 Paperback £20.99
Megan Cassidy-Welch, ARC Future Fellow, Monash University, Australia
April 2011 Hardback
208pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-00672-0 978-0-230-00673-7
Palgrave History of Europe
This book explores the world of religious thinking on imprisonment, and how images of imprisonment were used in monastic thought, the cult of saints, the early inquisitions, preaching and hagiographical literature and the world of the crusades to describe a conception of inclusion and freedom that was especially meaningful to medieval Christians. 216x138mm 978-0-230-24248-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=392130
The [European] Other in Medieval Arabic Literature and Culture Ninth-Twelfth Century AD Nizar F. Hermes, received his PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Toronto, Canada
Contrary to the monolithic impression left by postcolonial theories of Orientalism, the book makes the case that Orientals did not exist solely to be gazed at. Hermes shows that there was no shortage of medieval Muslims who cast curious eyes towards the European Other and that more than a handful of them were interested in Europe. March 2012 Hardback
256pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-10940-7
The Later Middle Ages A Sourcebook Carolyn P. Collette, Professor of English Language and Literature and Harold Garrett-Goodyear, Professor of History, both at Mount Holyoke College, USA
More than a hundred primary documents offer students of later medieval English literature, society, and history intriguing original perspectives through which to understand the literary texts of the period 1350-1500 as well as the culture which created and received them. Complete with a substantial introduction, annotations and a timeline. November 2010 368pp 3 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-55135-0 978-0-230-55136-7
Palgrave Sourcebooks Series Editor: Steven Matthews
The Grand Inquisitor, a Bishop and the Maid Joan of Arc’s Nullification Trial and the Reform of Inquisition Jane Marie Pinzino, holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Pennsylvania, USA
This book traces enlightenment principles concerning the rights of individuals to obey the dictates of their conscience to an unlikely source: Jean Bréhal, a fifteenth-century Dominican friar and Grand Inquisitor of France appointed by Rome to conduct the nullification of Joan of Arc’s heresy conviction. February 2012 Hardback
256pp £40.00
216x138mm 978-1-4039-6298-0
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=280391 TB
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The Medieval Python Yeager, Takamiya, The Medieval Python
On the Purification of Women Churching in Northern France, 1100-1500
The Purposive and Provocative Work of Terry Jones Edited by R. F. Yeager, Pofessor; Chair of the Department of English and Foreign Languages, University of West Florida, USA and Toshiyuki Takamiya, Professor Emeritus of English Literature, Keio University, Japan
A collection of essays by diverse hands engaging, interrogating, and honouring the medieval scholarship of Terry Jones. Contents: The Medieval Works of Terry Jones; S.Ikeda / Young Jones at Oxford 1961-62; V.A.Kolve / The Earl of Arundel, the War with France, and the Anger of King Richard II; C.Given-Wilson / Terry Jones’s Richard II; N.Saul / Terry Jones: The Complete Mediaevalist; M.Palin / Medieval Monks and Friars: Differing Literary Perceptions; D.Pearsall / Gower’s Manuscript of the Confessio Amantis; P.Nicholson / Gower in Winter: Last Poems; R.F.Yeager / The Naughty Bits: Dating Chaucer’s House of Fame and Legend of Good Women; J.M.Bowers / Honi soit qui mal y pense: Adultery and Anxieties about Paternity in Late Medieval England; M.Bennett / Needy Knights and Wealthy Widows: The Encounters of John Cornewall and Lettice Kirriel, 13781382; W.M.Ormrod / Making Medievalism: Teaching the Middle Ages through Film; M.Driver / The Silly Pacifism of Geoffrey Chaucer and Terry Jones; W.A.Quinn / Legs and the Man: The History of a Medieval Motif; R.F.Green / Chaucer, Langland, and the Hundred Years War; D.Wallace / Jack and John: The Plowman’s Tale; P.Martin / A Prayer Roll Fit for a Tudor Prince; J.J.Thompson / Macbeth and Malory in the 1625 Edition of Peter Heylyn’s Microcosmus: A Nearly Unfortunate Tale; T.Takamiya January 2012 Hardback
336pp £52.00
Paula Rieder, Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska, USA
This book is a social history of the ritual and custom of churching, a liturgical rite of purification after childbirth performed on a woman’s first visit to church after giving birth. The book describes the development of the rite from its original meaning as a response to blood pollution to its redefinition as a rite that honoured marriage. Contents: Introduction / Cum Lumine et Oblatione: The Origins of Churching in France / Ob Honorem Sacramenti Matrimonii: The Redefinition of Churching / Quia Pollutae et Peccatrices Erant: Clerical Views of Churching / Salvam Fac Famulam Tuam, Domine: The Liturgical Ritual of Churching / Si Vero Mulier Gravi Infirmitate: The Ritual of Churching for Ill Mothers / Toute Bonne Femme Doit Touzjours Rendre Graces à Dieu: Churching as a Women’s Rite / Pour le Jour de la Feste des Dites Relevailles: Churching, Honor, and Social Order / Epilogue and Conclusions / Bibliography June 2011 Hardback
256pp £39.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-6969-9
Street Scenes Late Medieval Acting and Performance
Women and Economic Activities in Late Medieval Ghent
Sharon Aronson-Lehavi, Assistant Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Shennan Hutton, Lecturer, Department of History, University of California, USA
March 2011 4 illustrations Hardback
256pp £58.00
Edited by Noreen Giffney, Lecturer in Women’s Studies, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland, Michelle M. Sauer, Associate Professor of English and Women Studies, University of North Dakota, USA and Diane Watt, Professor of English Literature, Department of English and Creative Writing, Aberystwyth University, UK January 2011 Hardback
256pp £54.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61676-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=361404
Crafting Jewishness in Medieval England Legally Absent, Virtually Present Miriamne Ara Krummel, Associate Professor of Medieval Literature and English, University of Dayton, USA January 2011 Hardback
264pp £54.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61870-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=366699
234x156mm 978-0-230-11267-4
March 2011 Hardback
The Lesbian Premodern
216x138mm 978-0-230-10495-2
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Late Medieval Jewish Identities Iberia and Beyond Edited by Maria Esperanza Alfonso, Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow, Department of Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, Universidad Complutense, Spain and Carmen Caballero-Navas, Research Fellow; Lecturer, Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Department of Semitic Studies, Area Hebrew School of Arts, University of Granada, Spain January 2011 Hardback
318pp £58.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-60833-7
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Elizabeth of York
Arlene Naylor Okerlund, Professor of English, San Jose State University, USA
Series Editors: Carole Levin and Charles Beem
Wicked Women of Tudor England Retha M. Warnicke, Professor, Department of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies, Arizona State University, USA
In the process, author Retha Warnicke rescues these women from historical misrepresentations and helps us rediscover the complex world of Tudor society. April 2012 Hardback Paperback
282pp £60.00 £16.99
235x132mm 978-0-230-39192-5 978-1-137-03237-9
Royal Correspondence and English Diplomacy in the Reign of Elizabeth I Rayne Allinson, Assistant Professor of History, University of MichiganDearborn, USA
'... a long overdue account of the tumultuous life of one of England’s best loved queens. It is a compelling tale of Renaissance culture and ritual, intrigue and tragedy.' - J. L.Laynesmith, Author of The Last Medieval Queens
Queens, Aristocrats, Commoners
This book delves into the lives of six Tudor women celebrated for their reputed ‘wickedness’— Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard, the two consorts of Henry VIII who were executed for adultery; Anne Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, and Lettice Dudley, Countess of Essex and Leicester, two defamed noblewomen; and Jane and Alice More, the two wives of Sir Thomas More who were charged with contrariness and shrewishness.
A Monarchy of Letters
This book examines Elizabeth’s correspondence with several significant rulers, analyzing how her letters were constructed, drafted and presented, the rhetorical strategies used, and the role these letters played in facilitating diplomatic relations.
Now available in paperback, this book tells the story of the woman whose marriage to King Henry VII ended the Wars of the Roses and inaugurated the 118-year Tudor dynasty. November 2011 286pp 216x138mm 15pp illustrations and 5pp tables Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-12048-8
June 2012 272pp 216x138mm 4 b/w illustrations and 1 b/w table Hardback £55.00 978-1-137-00835-0
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The Foreign Relations of Elizabeth I Edited by Charles Beem, Associate Professor of History, University of North Carolina, USA
The French Queen’s Letters Mary Tudor Brandon and the Politics of Marriage in Sixteenth-Century Europe Erin A. Sadlack, Assistant Professor of English, Marywood University, USA
A fresh biography of Mary Tudor which challenges conventional views of her as a weeping hysteric and love-struck romantic, providing instead the portrait of a queen who drew on two sources of authority to increase the power of her position: epistolary conventions and the rhetoric of chivalry that imbued the French and English courts. March 2011 Hardback
278pp £54.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-62030-8
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March 2011 248pp 4pp illustrations Hardback £52.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-11214-8
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EARLY MODERN BRITAIN AND EUROPE Early Modern Britain and Europe
Teaching the Early Modern Period Edited by Derval Conroy, Lecturer and Danielle Clarke, Professor of English Renaissance Language and Literature, both at University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
'This book is an excellent addition to materials on pedagogy not simply for the early modern period but in general...it will appeal to scholars, postgraduates and teachers in the UK, USA, Europe and Australia.' Jerome de Groot, University of Manchester, UK June 2011 Hardback Paperback
288pp £60.00 £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-28450-0 978-0-230-28451-7
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Monarchy and Exile The Politics of Legitimacy from Marie de Médicis to Wilhelm II Edited by Philip Mansel, Fellow of the Institute of Historical Research, London, Institute of Historical Research, UK and Torsten Riotte, Lecturer in History, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
From the Jacobite court to the exiled Kings’ of Hanover, the book provides an alternative history of monarchical power from the 16th to 20th century. October 2011 Hardback
376pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24905-9
Declaring War in Early Modern Europe Frederic J. Baumgartner, Virginia Polytechnic University, USA April 2011 Hardback
216pp £54.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11412-8
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Tarrying with the Subjunctive
Civic Duty and the Right of Arms
Edited by Paul Cefalu, Associate Professor, Department of English, Louisiana State University, USA and Bryan Reynolds, Professor of Drama, University of California, USA
B. Ann Tlusty, Professor; Chair of History, Bucknell University, USA
216x138mm 978-0-230-23549-6
Rafe Blaufarb and Claudia Liebeskind, both at Florida State University, USA
By highlighting the experiences of common soldiers and civilians, this volume presents a broad view of the Napoleonic Wars not found in typical military histories. The volume comprises an introduction to the key events and significance of the wars and a rich collection of memoirs, letters, and popular engravings from the time. July 2011 Paperback
208pp £19.99
10x8mm 978-0-312-48700-3
The Bedford Series in History and Culture Series Editors: Natalie Zemon Davis and Ernest R. May http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=299620 TB
Mary Tudor Old and New Perspectives
The Martial Ethic in Early Modern Germany
February 2011 344pp 7 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
A Brief History with Documents
Published by Bedford/St. Martin’s
The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies
'...an essential collection for anyone interested in knowing where the study of early modern literature is headed.' - Richard Halpern, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Napoleonic Foot Soldiers and Civilians
March 2011 392pp 216x138mm 15 b/w illustrations and 7 tables Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-57656-8
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Edited by Susan Doran, Jesus College, University of Oxford, UK and Thomas Freeman, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, UK
This collection of interdisciplinary essays examines the origins and growth of Mary Tudor’s historical reputation, from the reign of Elizabeth I up to the twentieth century. Re-appraising aspects of her reign that have been misrepresented the book creates a more balanced, objective portrait of England’s last Catholic, and first female, monarch. June 2011 Hardback Paperback
240pp £55.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-00462-7 978-0-230-00463-4
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Oliver Cromwell
The Long European Reformation
Conversations with Angels
God’s Warrior and the English Revolution
Religion, Political Conflict, and the Search for Conformity, 1350-1750 2nd edition
Essays Towards a History of Spiritual Communication, 1100-1700
Ian Gentles, York University, Canada
'The author’s expertise in military history gives a distinctive flavour to the book...and strikes a balance between recent biographies.' - Mike Braddick, Times Literary Supplement The first new biography of Cromwell in several years, this rounded account interweaves his political and military careers, and explores his passionate religiosity. Synthesizing much recent research on Cromwell’s early life, Gentles presents to students a fresh view of him as a lay preacher, a soldier, and as lord protector. June 2011 Hardback Paperback
288pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-68896-0 978-0-333-68897-7
British History in Perspective Series Editor: Jeremy Black http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=252160 TB
Peter G. Wallace, Professor of History, Hartwick College, USA
Peter G. Wallace interweaves the Reformation into the transformations of political institutions, socio-economic structures, gender relations, and cultural values in Europe. The revised second edition now incorporates the latest research, as well as a new chapter on the Reformation and Islam, expanded discussion of gender issues, and a glossary. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE WARP: THREADS OF REFORMATION HISTORIES, 1350-1650 / The Late Medieval Crisis, 1347-1517 / Resistance, Renewal, and Reform, 1414-1521 / Evangelical Movements and Confessions, 1521-59 / Reformation and Religious War, 1550-1650 / PART II: THE WEFT: MAKING SENSE OF THE LONG EUROPEAN REFORMATION / Settlements, 1600-1750: Church Building, State Building, and Social Discipline / Rereading the Reformation through Gender Analysis / The Reformation and Islam: From Menace to Coexistence / Conclusions August 2012 Hardback Paperback
280pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-57482-3 978-0-230-57483-0
European History in Perspective Series Editor: Jeremy Black http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=251445 TB
Edited by Joad Raymond, University of East Anglia, UK
Based on refractions of earlier beliefs, modern angels - at once terrible and comforting, frighteningly other and reassuringly beneficent have acquired a powerful symbolic value. This interdisciplinary study looks at how humans conversed with angels in medieval and early modern Europe, and how they explained and represented these conversations. August 2011 Hardback
368pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-55203-6
The Holy Roman Empire 1495–1806 2nd edition Peter H. Wilson, University of Hull, UK
Peter Wilson provides a concise yet comprehensive account of the Holy Roman Empire and its profound impact during its last three centuries of existence. Drawing on a wealth of research, the expanded new edition has been fully revised and updated throughout and now features a new chapter on ‘Nation and Identity’. June 2011 Paperback
176pp £16.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-23978-4
Studies in European History Series Editors: John Breuilly, Peter Wilson and Julian Jackson http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=375399 TB
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EARLY MODERN BRITAIN AND EUROPE · MODERN BRITAIN Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic Series Editors: Jonathan Barry Jonathan, Owen Davies and Willem de Blécourt
Satanism, Magic and Mysticismin Fin-de-siècle France Satanism, Magic and Mysticism in Fin-de-siècle France, Ziegler Robert Ziegler, University of Montana, USA
An interdisciplinary study of the supernatural and the occult in fin-de-siècle France (1870-1914), the present volume examines the explosion of interest in devilworship, magic and mysticism both from an historical perspective and through analysis of key literary works of the period. May 2012 Hardback
248pp £50.00
Magical Treasure Hunting in Europe and North America A History Johannes Dillinger, Senior Lecturer, Oxford Brookes University, UK and Mainz University, Germany
The first comprehensive history of magical treasure hunting from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, this study sees treasure hunting as an expression of shifting economic mentalities and changing ideas about history. November 2011 264pp Hardback £55.00
Modern Britain
A History of the British Isles 3rd edition Jeremy Black, University of Exeter, UK
From earliest times to the present day, Jeremy Black explores the rich history of the whole of the British Isles and how they have achieved their current identity. The third edition of this established concise text has been revised and updated throughout, and now contains more on social and cultural history and the British Empire.
216x138mm 978-0-230-00004-9
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216x138mm 978-0-230-29308-3
Witchcraft and Demonology in South-West England, 1640–1789 Jonathan Barry, Associate Professor of History, University of Exeter, UK
Using south-western England as a focus for considering the continued place of witchcraft and demonology in provincial culture in the period between the English and French revolutions, Barry shows how witch-beliefs were intricately woven into the fabric of daily life. December 2011 384pp Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29226-0
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Demons of Urban Reform Early European Witch Trials and Criminal Justice, 1430-1530 Laura Patricia Stokes, Assistant Professor, Stanford University, USA
A comparative analysis of early witch trials in Lucerne, Nuremberg and Basel, within the context of criminal justice and social control. March 2011 5 graphs Hardback
Contents: List of Maps / Preface / Introduction / Maps / Pre-Roman and Roman Britain / British, English and Scandinavians, AD 400-1066 / The Middle Ages / The Sixteenth Century / 1603-88 / 1689-1815 / Age of Reform and Empire, 1815-1914 / The Twentieth Century / The British Isles Today / Conclusions / Selected Further Reading / Index August 2012 Hardback Paperback
400pp £55.00 £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-36205-5 978-0-230-36206-2
Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black
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Nineteenth-Century Britain Jeremy Black, Professor of History, University of Exeter, UK and Donald M. MacRaild, Professor of History, Northumbria University, UK November 2002 384pp Paperback £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-72560-3
Palgrave Foundations Series http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=257507 TB
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The Childhood of the Poor
London Clubland
Global Migrants, Local Culture
Welfare in Eighteenth-Century London
A Cultural History of Gender and Class in lateVictorian Britain
Natives and Newcomers in Provincial England, 1841-1939
Alysa Levene, Department of History, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Was there a notion of childhood for the labouring classes, and was it distinctive from that of the elite? Examining pauper childhood, family life and societal reform, Levene asks whether new models of childhood in the eighteenth century affected the treatment of the young poor, and reveals how they and their families were helped through hard times. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations / Introduction - the Childhood of the Poor / Poor Children and their Families / The Development of Parish Nursing / The Supervision of Parish Nursing / Parents and Parish Childcare / Children and the Metropolitan Workhouse / Making Shift - Outdoor Relief and Charity / Making Shift - Community, Friends and Family / Conclusions - the Childhood of the Poor / Appendix / Notes / Bibliography / Index May 2012 272pp 6 charts and 11 b/w tables Hardback £55.00
Amy Milne-Smith, Assistant Professor of History, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
This work is the first to study the gentlemen’s clubs that were an important feature of the Late Victorian landscape, and the first to discover the secret history of clubmen and their world, placing them at centre stage, detailing how clubland dramatically shaped nineteenth and early twentieth-century ideas about gender, power, class, and the city. November 2011 Hardback
308pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-12076-1
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The Making and Shaping of the Victorian Teacher
Property Crime in London, 1850-Present
A Comparative New Cultural History Marianne A. Larsen, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Western Ontario, Canada
William M. Meier, Visiting Assistant Professor, Miami University of Ohio, USA
This book examines London’s transformation from the mid-Victorian “miracle” of low crime to a high-crime society, treating six different types of misdeed as representative of phases in the evolution of crime to argue that lawbreaking must be explained by connecting all types of offenses to their social and economic contexts. 244pp £55.00
'Clearly-argued and meticulouslyresearched...this book makes a significant contribution to advancing the history of education.' - Professor Kate Rousmaniere, Miami University, USA
216x138mm 978-0-230-11490-6
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Employing the first analysis of the entire population of any British town, this book examines how overseas migrants affected society and culture in South Shields near Newcastle-uponTyne. Resituating Britain within global processes of migration and cultural change, it recasts British society pre-1940 as culturally and racially dynamic and diverse. April 2011 344pp 11 maps and 36 b/w tables Hardback £60.00
June 2011 Hardback
Laura Tabili, Associate Professor of Modern European History, University of Arizona, USA
July 2011 Hardback
248pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24128-2
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216x138mm 978-0-230-29133-1
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Poetry and Popular Protest Peterloo, Cato Street and the Queen Caroline Controversy John Gardner, Principal Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
'This thought-provoking and fascinating study of a short moment in British political and literary history brings together writing of every kind from elite poetry to street doggerel.' - Professor JanetTodd, University of Aberdeen and Lucy Cavendish College, UK May 2011 Hardback
296pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28071-7
Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print Series Editors: Clifford Siskin and Anne Mellor ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=478330
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Histories of Crime Britain 1600-2000 Anne-Marie Kilday and David Nash, both at Oxford Brookes University, UK
'I can think of no better introduction to the history of crime and punishment in Britain. The clearly-written essays and evocative case studies contained in this volume will quickly become an indispensable guide to students and academics alike who seek a timely introduction to the subject.' - Stephen A. Toth, Arizona State University, USA June 2010 Hardback Paperback
232pp £49.50 £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-22469-8 978-0-230-22470-4
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=283322 TB
Victorian Literature John Plunkett, University of Exeter, UK, Ana Parejo Vadillo, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK, Regenia Gagnier, Angelique Richardson, Rick Rylance and Paul Young, all at University of Exeter, UK
An anthology of both familiar and previously unavailable primary texts that illuminate the world of nineteenth-century ideas. An expert team introduce and annotate a range of original social, cultural, political and historical documents necessary for contextualising key literary texts from the Victorian period. November 2011 320pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-55174-9 978-0-230-55175-6
Palgrave Sourcebooks Series Editor: Steven Matthews http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=280432 TB
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MODERN BRITAIN PALGRAVE STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF THE MEDIA Series Editors: Bill Bell, Chandrika Kaul, Kenneth A. Osgood and Alexander S. Wilkinson
The Nineteenth-Century Press in the Digital Age James Mussell, Lecturer in English, University of Birmingham, UK
James Mussell provides an accessible account of the digitization of nineteenthcentury newspapers and periodicals. As studying this material is essential to understand the period, he argues that we have no choice but to engage with the new digital resources that have transformed how we access the print archive. February 2012 Hardback
256pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23553-3
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The Americanization of the British Press, 1830s–1914 Speed in the Age of Transatlantic Journalism Joel H. Wiener, Emeritus Professor of History, the City University of New York, USA October 2011 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58186-9
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Responses to Nazism in Britain, 1933–1939 Dan Stone, Professor of Modern History, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Series Editor: Joseph Bristow
Women in Journalism at the Fin de Siècle 'Making a Name for Herself' Edited by F. Elizabeth Gray, Senior Lecturer, Massey University, New Zealand
As the nineteenthcentury drew to a close, women became more numerous and prominent in British journalism. This book offers a fascinating introduction to the work and lives of twelve such journalists, and each essay examines the career, writing and strategic choices of women battling against the odds to secure recognition in a male-dominated society. March 2012 Hardback
272pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-36171-3
This book examines the large and previouslyneglected body of literature on Nazism that was produced in the years 1933-1939. Shifting attention away from high politics or appeasement, it reveals that a remarkably wide range of responses was available to the reading public. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Responding to Nazism, 1933-1939 / PART I: EXPLANATIONS PRO AND CONTRA / The Energy of Nihilism: Understanding the Appeal of Nazism / Predicting War? The Place of War in Interpretations of Nazism, 1933-1939 / The Quintessence of Nazism: The Third Reich and the Jews, 1933-1939 / PART II: THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF THE BRITISH RIGHT / The Reasons of the Intellectuals / The British Far Right and the Back-to-the-Land Movement / The English Array, the BUF and the Dilemmas of British Fascism / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index
May 2012 Paperback
Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770–1930
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Edited by Deirdre Coleman, Robert Wallace Chair of English, University of Melbourne, Australia and Hilary Fraser, Dean of Arts, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
April 2011 Hardback
248pp £50.00
288pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-1-137-02245-5
216x138mm 978-0-230-28467-8
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Faith Under Fire Anglican Army Chaplains and the Great War Edward Madigan, IRCHSS Fellow; Associate Director, Centre for War Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland February 2011 312pp 216x138mm 4 b/w illustrations, 3 b/w tables and 3 charts Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-23745-2
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Policing in England and Wales, 1918–39 The Fed, Flying Squads and Forensics Keith Laybourn, Professor of History and David Taylor, Emeritus Professor of History, both at University of Huddersfield, UK April 2011 27 b/w tables Hardback
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The Evolution of the British Welfare State A History of Social Policy since the Industrial Revolution 4th edition
Losing an Empire and Finding a Role
Governing Post-War Britain The Paradoxes of Progress, 1951-1973
Britain, the USA, NATO and Nuclear Weapons, 1964-70 Kristan Stoddart, Research Assistant, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, UK
This book sheds fresh light on developments in British nuclear weapons policy between October 1964, when the Labour Party came back into power under Harold Wilson following a thirteen year absence, and June 1970 when the Conservative government of Edward Heath was elected. Contents: List of Illustrations / Series Preface / Acknowledgments / List of Abbreviations / Introduction / The Labour Government: The Inheritance of Polaris and Anglo-US Nuclear Relations, 1964-1966 / The Question of Polaris and UK/US Responses to Soviet Anti-Ballistic Missiles, 1964-1966 / Britain, the United States and the Reform of NATO Strategy, 1964-1966 / Britain, America and Allied Tactical Nuclear Weapons Planning, 1964-1966 / The Second Wilson Government and the Maintenance of Polaris, 1966-1970 / ABM Systems and Arms Control, 1966-1970 / NATO and Flexible Response, 1966-1970 / Britain, America and Allied Tactical Nuclear Operations, 1966-1970 / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Appendix: Table: British Nuclear Ordnance 1964-1970 / Index April 2012 368pp 216x138mm 3 b/w illustrations and 1 b/w table Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-30088-0
Nuclear Weapons and International Security since 1945 Series Editor: John Simpson
Glen O’Hara, Reader in the History of Public Policy, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Glen O’Hara draws a compelling picture of Second World War Britain by investigating relations between people and government: the electorate’s rising expectations and demands for universallyavailable social services, the increasing complexity of the new solutions to these needs, and mounting frustration with both among both governors and governed. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Charts and Tables / Introduction: Progress and its Paradoxes / PART I: IDEAS FROM ‘THE OUTSIDE’ / The Use and Abuse of Foreign Archetypes in British Economic Policy / Archetype, Example or Warning? British Views of Scandinavia / PART II: SLIDING AWAY FROM STABILITY / President Kennedy, Prime Minister Macmillan and the Gold Market, 1961-63 / President Johnson, Prime Minister Wilson and the Slow Collapse of Equilibrium, 1964-68 / PART III: GOVERNING BRITAIN / The Creation and Early Work of the Parliamentary ‘Ombudsman’ / Sir Alec Cairncross and the Art and Craft of Economic Advice, 1961-69 / ‘An All Over Expansion’: The Politics of the Land in ‘Golden Age’ Britain / PART IV: EDUCATING THE NATION / Planning the Education System in the Post-War Era / Slum Schools, Civil Servants and Sociology: Educational Priority Areas, 1967-72 / Conclusion: Strange Triumphs? / Bibliography / Index April 2012 320pp 216x138mm 5 graphs, 3 charts and 4 b/w tables Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-23056-9 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=362621
Derek Fraser, University of Teesside, UK June 2009 Hardback Paperback
464pp £60.00 £20.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-22465-0 978-0-230-22466-7
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Allies Apart
Sport and Politics in Modern Britain
Heath, Nixon and the Anglo-American Relationship
'Based on exhaustive research in British and American archives, this is an essential text for scholars working in the field.' - Nigel Ashton, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK To date, the Heath-Nixon years have been widely portrayed as marking a low-point in the history of Anglo-American relations - even the end of the ‘special relationship’; using a wealth of archival material on both sides of the Atlantic, and examining a range of global developments, Allies Apart offers a fresh interpretation of this pivotal period. 272pp £55.00
Centenary Edition - 2nd edition
The Road to 2012
Andrew Scott, Policy Adviser, Cabinet Office, UK
October 2011 Hardback
The Myth of the Titanic
216x138mm 978-0-230-28398-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=486288
Mastering Modern British History Norman Lowe, formerly Head of History, Nelson and Colne College, UK July 2009 848pp 234x156mm 23 maps, 14 b/w tables and 34 photographs Paperback £18.99 978-0-230-20556-7
Palgrave Master Series http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=293192
Richard Howells, Reader in Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London, UK
Kevin Jefferys, University of Plymouth, UK
Kevin Jefferys provides the first comprehensive historical account of the greatly increased interaction between sport and politics in Britain since World War Two. Jefferys sets sport within the changing socio-political context and balances an appreciation of continuity and change from the London Olympics of 1948 to those of 2012. Contents: Introduction / Sport and Politics in Austerity Britain, 1945-51 / Britain in the World of Sport, 1951-59 / The Impact of the Wolfenden Report, 1960-64 / Creating and Running the Sports Council, 1964-67 / 'Ballyhoo' about Sport in the Late 1960s / Battling for 'Sport and Recreation' in the 1970s / The Olympics and International Sport / The 1980s: 'Years of Concern' / Raising the Game, 1990-97 / Regions and Localities / New Labour and Sport, 1997-2010 / Epilogue: Towards 2012 / Chronology of Main Events / Notes / Select Bibliography / Index June 2012 Hardback Paperback
264pp £55.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-29186-7 978-0-230-29187-4
British Studies Series Series Editor: Jeremy Black TB
Churchill, America and Vietnam, 1941–45 T.O. Smith, Associate Professor of History, Huntington University, USA
Put in the wider context of British imperial and diplomatic aims in 1941-1945, the book clarifies the importance of Vietnam to Britain’s regional objectives in Southeast Asia; concluding that Churchill was willing to sacrifice French colonial interests in Vietnam for his all-important ‘special relationship’ with the United States. October 2011 1 map Hardback Paperback
£50.00 £18.99
978-0-230-29820-0 978-0-230-29821-7
'Howells’ book is a model of cultural history, thoroughly researched, carefully argued and consistently illuminating.' - Professor Jeffrey Richards, Times Higher Education Supplement 'Richard Howells makes a gripping story out of the fashioning of a myth. He delights equally in the fixing of the facts which unsettle the fairy stories, as he does in the richly human stories themselves. Taking on the movie and showing up its mythic deceptions without a tremor, he turns to face Edwardian England just as coolly, and quietly identifies its necessary illusions. Then he rolls up all the tales into a single mighty myth, all the while doing justice to truth, to horror, to sentimentality, and to a rattling good read.' - Fred Inglis, Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Sheffield, UK Why does the story of the Titanic retain such a hold on the popular imagination, one hundred years after it sank on the night of 15 April 1912? In this new centenary edition, Howells explores the myths around the Titanic legend, showing what they reveal about the culture of their time, as well as the role that myth still plays in our lives today. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Illustrations / ‘Remember the Titanic’ / A Brief History of the Titanic / Myth and the Titanic / ‘Women and Children First!’ / ‘We Shall Die Like Gentlemen’ / ‘Be British!’ / ‘Nearer, My God, to Thee’ / ‘The Unsinkable Ship’ / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography and Sources / Index March 2012 352pp 31 b/w illustrations Paperback £14.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-31380-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=503419
Available as an ebook
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Britain and the Sea
Studies in Modern History
Since 1600 Glen O’Hara, Oxford Brookes University, UK
O’Hara presents the first general history of Britons’ relationship with the surrounding oceans from 1600 to the present day. This all-encompassing account covers individual seafarers, ship-borne migration, warfare and the maritime economy, as well as the British people’s maritime ideas and self perception throughout the centuries.
June 2010 Hardback Paperback
344pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-21828-4 978-0-230-21829-1
Chosen as Professor Andrew Lambert’s top History book of 2010 in BBC History Magazine’s Christmas edition http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=296662
Series Editor: J.C.D. Clark
The Rise and Fall of Radical Westminster, 1780–1890 Marc Baer, Professor; Chair, Department of History, Hope College, USA
The Rise and Fall of Radical Westminster, 1780-1890 explores a critical chapter in the story of Britain’s transition to democracy. Utilising the remarkably rich documentation generated by Westminster elections, Baer reveals how the most radical political space in the age of oligarchy became the most conservative and tranquil in an age of democracy. June 2012 Hardback
352pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34931-5
The British Atlantic World, 1500–1800
Law and Government in England during the Long Eighteenth Century
2nd edition
From Consent to Command
Edited by David Armitage, Professor of History, Harvard University, USA and Michael J. Braddick, Professor of History, Department of History, University of Sheffield, UK
This text was the first edited collection on the burgeoning history of the early modern Atlantic world and has had a huge impact on the many fields of Atlantic Studies. This second edition features two additional essays on science and global history respectively, as well as a revised Introduction and updated guides to further reading. January 2009 Hardback Paperback
408pp £60.00 £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-20234-4 978-0-230-20235-1
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=287448 TB
October 2011 Hardback
280pp £55.00
The Interpretation of Samuel Johnson Edited by J.C.D. Clark, All Souls College, UK and Howard Erskine-Hill, Professor of History, Cambridge University, UK
A major academic controversy has raged in recent years over the analysis of the political and religious commitments of Samuel Johnson, the most commanding of the ‘commanding heights’ of eighteenth-century English letters. This book, one of a trilogy from Palgrave, brings that debate to a decisive conclusion, retrieving the ‘historic Johnson.’ June 2012 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-35600-9
The Politics of Samuel Johnson Edited by J.C.D. Clark, All Souls College, UK and Howard Erskine-Hill, Professor of History, Cambridge University, UK Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Illustrations / Notes on Contributors / Preface / Abbreviations / Introduction / The Nature of Johnson’s Toryism / Cultures and Coteries in Mid-Century Toryism: Johnson in Oxford and London / Johnson’s Touch-piece and the ‘Charge of Fame’ / ‘Ask for the Old Paths’: Johnson and the Nonjurors / Johnson: the Last Choices, 1775-1784 / Conclusion June 2012 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-35599-6
David Lemmings, Professor of History, University of Adelaide, Australia
Over the long eighteenth century English governance was transformed by large adjustments to the legal instruments and processes of power. This book documents and analyzes these shifts and focuses upon the changing relations between legal authority and the English people.
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-0-333-79328-2 Paperback: 978-0-333-80346-2 To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/SMH
234x156mm 978-0-230-29301-4
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A Political History of the Two Irelands
Seeds of Revolution
The Literature of the Irish in Britain
The Culture and Politics of the Great Famine in the Irish Northwest
Autobiography and Memoir, 1725-2001
Joan Vincent, Professor Emerita, Barnard College, Columbia University, USA; Senior Fellow, Research Institute for the Study of Man
From Partition to Peace Brian M. Walker, Professor, School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
'It is refreshing to encounter a book that explains the way the modern histories of the two Irelands -north and south- have intertwined and formed a dizzyingly self-reinforcing feedback system: sometimes for the better, mostly for the worse. Professor Brian Walker is one of the few writers who can catch this interaction with clarity and a strong and fair sense of evidence. I recommend this book highly to anyone who cares about where Ireland has been - and where it is going.' - Donald Harman Akenson, Douglas Professor of History, Queen’s University, Canada
Provides a micro-historical study and narrative ethnography of the Irish famine in County Fermanagh. Viewing the famine as a man-made process, and exploring the voices of the residents of Fermanagh as they attempt to understand and address the suffering around them. December 2011 Hardback
256pp £35.00
216x138mm 978-0-312-23996-1
Protestant Dublin, 1660–1760 Architecture and Iconography
This ground-breaking political history of the two Irish States provides unique new insights into the ‘Troubles’ and the peace process. It examines the impact of the fraught dynamics between the competing identities of the Nationalist-CatholicIrish Community on the one hand and the UnionistProtestant-British community on the other.
Robin usher, Author of Dawson, Molesworth, & Kildare Streets (Dublin, 2008), and a variety of articles and book chapters on early-modern urban iconography; Usher is also a contributor to the Royal Irish Academy’s forthcoming series, Art and Architecture of Ireland, scheduled for publication by Yale University Press in 2014
Contents: Introduction / PART I / Action and Reaction: Majority Identities, 1921-60 / Parallel Universes: Minority Identities, 1921-60 / Remembering and Forgetting: Commemorations and Identity, 1921-60 / PART II / Conflict and Conciliation: Identities and Change, 19602010 / Remembering and Reclaiming: Commemorations and Identity, 1960-2010 / The Past and the Present: History, Identity and the Peace Process / Conclusion / Endnotes / Bibliography
This innovative urban history of Dublin explores the symbols and spaces of the Irish capital between the Restoration in 1660 and the advent of neoclassical public architecture in the 1770s. The meanings ascribed to statues, churches, houses, and public buildings are traced in detail, using a wide range of visual and written sources.
January 2012 Hardback Paperback
February 2012 272pp 85 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
272pp £57.50 £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-30166-5 978-0-230-36147-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
Liam Harte, Lecturer in Irish and Modern Literature, University of Manchester, UK
'Liam Harte’s superb anthology of first-person narratives...is a rare book, a real act of discovery that overturns inherited perceptions and opens up a rich terrain of Irish experience...Harte undermines the whole notion of ‘the Irish in Britain’ as a single entity and restores the complicating factors of class, gender, religion and geography. Above all, he restores in his wonderful book the individuality of each one of the millions of painful, hopeful journeys across the Irish Sea.' - Fintan O’Toole, Irish Times Now available in paperback, the first critical survey of an unjustly neglected body of literature: the autobiographies and memoirs of writers of Irish birth or background who lived and worked in Britain between 1725 and the present day. It offers a stimulating and provocative introduction to the themes, preoccupations and narrative strategies of a diverse range of writers. August 2011 1 map Paperback
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=270971
216x138mm 978-0-230-22389-9
Early Modern History: Society and Culture Series Editors: Rab Houston and Edward Muir http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=323950
Available as an ebook
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Comes with a CD/DVD
A History of the Low Countries
A History of Denmark
The Margraten Boys
2nd edition
How a European Village Kept America’s Liberators Alive
Knud J. V. Jespersen, formerly Professor of Modern History, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2nd edition
'This updated, edition of A History of Denmark continues to be a very useful text for students of Danish history.' - KarlErik Frandsen, Lecturer in History, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Paul Arblaster, Visiting Lecturer, Zuyd University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
'Arblaster does excellent work in weaving together a single history of a number of modern states, namely the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Despite their complex relationship, historically they have been one region politically, economically, and religiously. This history is careful to include pertinent facts and covers a variety of groups and individuals who have responded to challenges of diversity, change, and identity.' - John Roney, Sacred Heart University, USA This successful text remains the sole historical survey of the Benelux area to be written in English. Arblaster describes the full sweep of the history of the Low Countries, from Roman frontier provinces to the present day. The new edition has been revised and updated in the light of recent events and scholarship, and brings the story up to 2011. Contents: Preface to the Second Edition / Preface to the First Edition / Maps / Introduction / From Pagans to Crusaders, 57BC to AD1100 / Patterns of Power and Piety, 1100-1384 / The Low Countries United and Divided, 1384-1609 / From Delftware to Porcelain, 1609-1780 / The Rise and Fall of the Liberal Order, 1776-1914 / World Wars and World Peace, 1914-2011 / Chronology of Major Events / List of Dynasties and Rulers / List of Political Parties and Governments since 1918 / Selected Further Reading / Index June 2012 4 maps Hardback Paperback
£55.00 £16.99
978-0-230-29309-0 978-0-230-29310-6
Knud Jespersen traces the historical roots of the modern Danish state and Denmark’s international position. This revised, updated and expanded edition features additional material on issues such as the Danish church, the Enlightenment, cultural history, World War II, current NATO debates and the 2006 ‘cartoon crisis’. June 2011 2 maps Hardback Paperback
£50.00 £16.99
978-0-230-27341-2 978-0-230-27342-9
Palgrave Essential Histories Series Series Editor: Jeremy Black ebook available from: Google eBookstore (UK) http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=406374 TB
Peter Schrijvers, Senior Lecturer, School of History, University of New South Wales, Australia
'...well-researched and draws on an extensive range of archival collections on both sides of the Atlantic. The Margarten Boys is insightful in tracing the complex ways individuals, societies, and governments seek to commemorate and shape the memory of the past.' - G. Kurt Piehler, Director of the Institute on World War II and the Human Experience, Florida State University, USA Harrowing and redeeming, this is the history of a unique ‘adoption’ system. For generations, local families, grateful for the sacrifice of their liberators from Nazi occupation, have cared for not only the graves, but the memories, of over 10,000 US soldiers in the cemetery of Margraten in the Netherlands. Contents: Foreword / Acknowledgments / A Debt of Honor / A Web of Intimate Relations / Saying Goodbye / The War Turns Cold / A Long and Dark Shadow / The End of History / A Global Village / The Return of History / Of Paramount Importance / The Audacity of Hope / Postscript February 2012 344pp 23 b/w illustrations Hardback £65.00 Paperback £18.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-34663-5 978-0-230-34664-2
Palgrave Essential Histories Series Series Editor: Jeremy Black http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=474892 TB
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The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central Europe
Stateless Nations
Tomasz Kamusella, Lecturer, University of St Andrews, UK
'A magnificent history of language politics...every graduate seminar on nationalism in the region should begin with it. It provides countless sound judgements, and dispenses with a tremendous amount of nonsense.' Timothy Snyder, Times Literary Supplement Now available in paperback, this book focuses on the ideological intertwining between Czech, Magyar, Polish and Slovak, and the corresponding nationalisms steeped in these languages. The analysis is set against the earlier political and ideological history of these languages, and the panorama of the emergence and political uses of other languages of the region. June 2012 Paperback
1168pp £22.99
Western European Regional Nationalisms and the Old Nations
234x156mm 978-0-230-29473-8
Julius W. Friend, formerly Professorial Lecturer of History, George Washington University, USA
Why are regional nationalisms threatening the old nations? This book explores examples such as why Scotland might become independent, why Wales wants more autonomy, and why Catalonia emphasizes its distinctive language and institutions but does not want separation from Spain. Stateless Nations explores the historical roots of modern nationalisms.
June 2012 Hardback
224pp £57.50
May 2011 336pp 216x138mm 12 b/w illustrations, 2 maps, 2 graphs and 1 b/w table Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-24628-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-36179-9
Nationhood from Below Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century Edited by Maarten Van Ginderachter and Marnix Beyen, both Associate Professors, both at Department of History, University of Antwerp, Belguim
Edited by William Whyte, Fellow, Tutor and University Lecturer in History and Oliver Zimmer, University Lecturer in Modern History, both at Univeristy of Oxford, UK
The Contested Nation Ethnicity, Class, Religion and Gender in National Histories Edited by Stefan Berger, Professor of Modern German and Comparative European History, University of Manchester, UK and Chris Lorenz, Professor of Theory of History and of Historiography, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contents: Scotland / Wales / Catalonia / The Basque Country and Galicia / Flanders, with or Without Belgium / The French Exception / Carriers of Identity / The Stateless Nations and the European Union / Conclusion
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Nationalism and the Reshaping of Urban Communities in Europe, 1848–1914
Series Editors: Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad and Guy P. Marchal
Nationalism was ubiquitous in nineteenthcentury Europe. Yet, we know little about what the nation meant to ordinary people. In this book, both renowned historians and younger scholars try to answer this question. This book will appeal to specialists in the field but also offers helpful reading for any college and university course on nationalism. December 2011 1 b/w table Hardback
'A very important contribution to our understanding of European history... It is a superb work and a valuable contribution to the European historiography and comparative history writing.' - Jose Ricardo Martins, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil - Nations and Nationalism Now available in paperback, this volume asks which national histories underpinned which national identity constructions in almost every nation state in Europe during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It explores the construction of national identities through history writing and analyzes their interrelationship with histories of ethnicity/race, class and religion. August 2011 6 maps Paperback
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-0-230-50002-0 Paperback: 978-0-230-30053-8 To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/WTN
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Disputed Territories and Shared Pasts Overlapping National Histories in Modern Europe Edited by Tibor Frank, Professor and Director, School of English and American Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary and Frank Hadler, Research Coordinator and Project Director, Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe (GWZO), Leipzig University, Germany
A collection of essays on European historiography, focussing on the overlapping national histories in Europe presenting many of the contested areas through conflicting historiographies. Sponsored by the European Science Foundation, this unique volume is part of Writing the Nation, a major international project. December 2010 448pp 234x156mm 5 b/w illustrations and 21 maps Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-50008-2 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=276848
Nationalizing the Past Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe Edited by Stefan Berger, Professor of Modern German and Comparative European History, University of Manchester, UK and Chris Lorenz, Professor of Theory of History and of Historiography, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Historians traditionally claim to be mythbreakers, but national history since the nineteenth century shows quite a record in myth-making. This exciting new volume compares how national historians in Europe have handled the opposing pulls of fact and fiction and shows which narrative strategies have contributed to the success of national histories. October 2010 Hardback
552pp £70.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-23792-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=379715
Justifying War
The Disarmament of Hatred
Propaganda, Politics and the Modern Age
Marc Sangnier, French Catholicism and the Legacy of the First World War, 1914-45
Edited by David Welch, Professor of Modern History, University of Kent, UK and Jo Fox, Professor of Modern History, University of Durham, UK
A new assessment of the debates about Just War in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from the imperial wars of the nineteenth century through the age of total war, the evolution of human rights discourse and international law, to proportionality during the Cold War and the redefinition of authority with the ascendancy of terror groups. Contents: Introduction; D.Welch & J.Fox / PART I: EMPIRE, WAR AND THE MODERN AGE: IMPERIALISM AND CONFLICT IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY / Justifying the South African War: Boer Propaganda, 18991902; F-J.Pretorius / Justifying ‘New Imperialism’: The Making of Colonial Heroes, 1857-1902; B.Sèbe / PART II: THE FIRST WORLD WAR: CONFLICT AND AFTERMATH / War Aims and the ‘Big Ideas’ of 1914; D.Welch / ‘Why We Are At War’: Justifying War in Britain, 1914; C.Pennell / Advertising and the Public in Britain during the First World War; J.Aulich / Justifying Chemical Warfare: The Origins and Ethics of Britain’s Chemical Warfare Programme, 1915-1939; U.Schmidt / Britain’s ‘Last Crusade’: From War Propaganda to War Commemoration, c. 19141930; S.Goebel / PART III: THE SECOND WORLD WAR: JUSTIFYING GLOBAL CONFLICT / Saving Civilization: British Opinion and the Coming of War in 1939; R.Overy / ‘There will be no war’: The Daily Express and the Approach of War, 1938-39; S.Nicholas / Fighting for Freedom: World War II and a Century of American War Propaganda; S.Brewer / From War Talk to Rights Talk: War Aims and Human Rights in the Second World War; J.Winter / PART IV: COLD WAR: JUSTIFYING IDEOLOGIES / ‘The Great Movement to Resist America and Assist Korea’: How Beijing Sold the Korean War; G.D.Rawnsley / Aesthetic Enemies: The ‘Two Cultures’ Theory at the Outset of the Cold War; O.Johnson / Justifying Vietnam: The United States Information Agency’s Vietnam Campaign for International Audiences; N.Cull / PART V: INTO THE MODERN AGE: JUSTIFYING WAR IN THE 21ST CENTURY / Humanitarian War: Justifying Western Military Intervention, 1991-2001; S.Badsey / Cosmopolitanism and Precautionary War; P.Hammond / Justifying the Iraq War and Managing the Media: A Comparative Historical Analysis; R.Johnson / Losing the (Information) War on Terror; P.M.Taylor / Epilogue: The Role of the Media in Justifying and Promoting War: a Practioner’s Perspective; P.Knightley / Select Bibliography May 2012 424pp 22 b/w illustrations Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24627-0
Gearóid Barry, College Lecturer, National University of Ireland
Documenting an audacious Franco-German movement for moral disarmament, instigated in 1921 by war veteran and French Catholic politician Marc Sangnier, in this transnational study Gearóid Barry examines the European resonance of Sangnier’s Peace Congresses and their political and religious ecumenism within France in the era of two World Wars. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Marc Sangnier’s War, 1914-1919 / Demobilization and Politics, 1919-1921 / ‘The traitor in Berlin’: Paris, Germany and Austria, 1921-22 / From Pragmatist to Dove: Freiburgim-Breisgau, 1923 / Pacem in Terris : Politics, Theology and Cultural Demobilization, 1924-25 / Bierville and the Liturgy of Peace, 1926 / Crusade of Youth, 1927-32 / Sangnier and the PacifistConundrum, 1932-45 / Conclusion / Appendix: A International Democratic Peace Congresses, 1921-32 / Bibliography / Index March 2012 Hardback
308pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21825-3
The Disentanglement of Populations Migration, Expulsion and Displacement in postwar Europe, 1944-49 Edited by Jessica Reinisch, Lecturer in European History, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK and Elizabeth White, Lecturer in International History, University of Ulster, UK January 2011 Hardback
384pp £70.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22204-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=321108
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MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY WAR, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, 1750–1850 Series Editors: Rafe BlaufarB, Alan Forrest and Karen Hagemann
Public Pantheons in Revolutionary Europe Comparing Cultures of Remembrance, c. 17901840
Britain and Wellington’s Army
Civil War and World War in Europe
Recruitment, Society and Tradition, 1807-15
Spain, Yugoslavia, and Greece, 1936-1949
Kevin Linch, Teaching Fellow, School of History, University of Leeds, UK
Philip B. Minehan, Lecturer of History, Loyola Marymount University, USA
Britain was France’s most implacable enemy during the Napoleonic Wars yet was able to resist the need for conscription to fill the ranks of its army and sustain Wellington’s campaigns in Portugal and Spain. This new study explains how the men were found to replenish Wellington’s army, and the consequences on Britain’s government, army and society.
'Of real use to specialists and graduate students. Recommended.' - Choice 'Philip Minehan’s masterful and lucid comparative analysis is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the bloody mid-20th century civil wars in Spain, Yugoslavia and Greece, which influenced the Mediterranean region until the end of the century.' - Ivan Berend, Distinguished Professor, History Department, University of California, USA
Eveline G. Bouwers, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Bielefeld, Germany
July 2011 Hardback
The story of how the concept of a pantheon, a building honouring great individuals, spread across Revolutionary Europe and interacted with sociopolitical and cultural changes.
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
November 2011 Hardback
344pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29471-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=500196
232pp £55.00
The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in Modern European Culture Edited by Alan Forrest, Professor of Modern History, University of York, UK, Étienne François, Professor Emeritus of History, Free University Berlin, Germany and Karen Hagemann, James G. Kenan Distinguished Professor of History, University of North Carolina, USA
216x138mm 978-0-230-25230-1
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-0-230-54532-8 Paperback: 978-0-230-54533-5
The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars had an enduring influence on the collective memory of all European nations and regions, and have given them an international dimension. These essays look at how the French Wars were remembered in personal diaries, paintings and literature, allowing a comparative analysis with atransnational perspective. March 2012 Hardback
448pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27216-3
October 2005 Hardback Paperback
440pp £67.50 £24.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-65245-9 978-0-333-65246-6
Palgrave History of Europe http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=251561 TB
European Identity and the Second World War Edited by Menno Spiering, Lecturer in European Studies and Michael Wintle, Professor of Modern European History, European Studies, both at University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands March 2011 Hardback
296pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27323-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=414016
To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/WCS Box End
234x156mm 978-0-230-11787-7
Michael Rapport, Lecturer in History, University of Stirling, UK
War Memories
Christine Wright, Visiting Fellow, Australian National University
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
414pp £21.99
Nineteenth-Century Europe
Peninsular War Veterans and the Making of Empire c.1820-40
256pp £60.00
November 2011 Paperback
Wellington’s Men in Australia
April 2011 Hardback
216x138mm 978-0-230-27305-4
Available as an ebook
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Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Mental Maps in the Early Cold War Era, 1945–68
Spiritual Kinship in Europe, 1500–1900 Edited by Guido Alfani, Assistant Professor of Economic History, Bocconi University, Italy and Vincent Gourdon, Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Edited by Steven Casey, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and Jonathan Wright, Christ Church College, University of Oxford, UK
The early Cold War was a period of dramatic change. New superpowers emerged, the European powers were eclipsed, colonial empires tottered. Political leaders everywhere had to make immense adjustments. This volume explores their hopes and fears, their sense of their place in the world and of the constraints under which they laboured. July 2011 Hardback
328pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24906-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=405297
Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men by Jean-Jacques Rousseau with Related Documents Jean Jacques Rousseau and Helena Rosenblatt, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA
Helena Rosenblatt’s new translation, introduction, and selection of related documents help students comprehend why Rousseau’s criticisms of human nature, political hierarchy, and private property were so controversial in his time yet later were hailed as a foundation of democracy. March 2011 Paperback
224pp £19.99
210x138mm 978-0-312-46842-2
Published by Bedford/St. Martin’s The Bedford Series in History and Culture Series Editors: Natalie Zemon Davis and Ernest R. May http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=288341 TB
The authors in this volume analyze spiritual kinship in Europe from the end of the Middle Ages to the Industrial Age. Uniquely comparing Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox views and practices, the chapters look at changes in theological thought over time as well as in social customs related to spiritual kinship, including godparenthood. Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Contributors / Spiritual Kinship and Godparenthood: an Introduction; G.Alfani & V.Gourdon / PART I: THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD / Immigrants and Formalisation of Social Ties in Early Modern Italy; G.Alfani / Ecclesiastical Godparenthood in Early Modern Murcia; A.Irigoyen / Godparenthood and Social Networks in an Italian Rural Community: Nonantola, Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries; G.Alfani & C.Munno / Godparenthood and Social Relationships in France under the Old Regime: Lyons as a Case Study; E.Couriol / PART II: GODPARENTHOOD FROM THE EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TO THE AGE OF INDUSTRIALIZATION / What’s in a Name? Choosing Kin Godparents in Nineteenth Century Paris; V.Gourdon / Spiritual Kinship, Political Mobilization and Social Cooperation: a Swiss Alpine Valley in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries; S.Guzzi / PART III: REFORMED GODPARENTHOOD / Kin, Neighbours or Prominent Persons? Godparenthood in a Finnish Rural Community in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century; K-M.Piilahti / Who Wants to be a Godparent? Baptisms in a Lutheran Church in Paris, 1755-1804; T.Ericsson / PART IV: EASTERN EUROPE AND EUROPEANS ABROAD / Godparenthood in the Russian Orthodox Tradition: Custom against the Law; M.Muravyeva / The French in Gold Rush San Francisco and Spiritual Kinship; A.Foucrier / Notes / Bibliography April 2012 352pp 42 figures and 17 b/w tables Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-36221-5
Studies in European Culture and History Series Editors: Eric D. Weitz and Jack Zipes
Baader-Meinhof and the Novel Narratives of the Nation / Fantasies of the Revolution, 1970-2010 Julian Preece, Reader in German and Comparative Literature, University of Kent, UK
The Baader-Meinhof Group and other violent underground organizations have provided material to many novels by leading German and international writers. This book is the first to examine this rich literary corpus, treating it as a political unconscious which expresses submerged anxieties and moral blind-spots in Europe’s most powerful country. Contents: Six Tropes in First-Generation Fiction / Houses of History/Narratives of State: Five Novels by Heinrich Böll, F.C. Delius, and Bernhard Schlink / Re-Telling the Classics: Baader-Meinhof and the German Literary Canon / Terrorism and the Popular Imaginary: Thrillers, Conspiracy Theories, and Counterfactual History / Baader-Meinhof Translated: From Die Hard to John Le Carré / RAF Revivalism in German Fiction of the 2000s May 2012 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34107-4
Weimar Culture Revisited John A. Williams, Associate Professor of History, Bradley University, UK; Author of Turning to Nature in Germany and the Editor of Berlin since the Wall’s End
Weimar Culture Revisited is the first book to offer an accessible cross-section of new cultural history approaches to the Weimar Republic. January 2011 Hardback
262pp £52.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-10942-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=485427
Order securely online at www.palgrave.com or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
German Unification
The German Wall
Expectations and Outcomes
Fallout in Europe
Edited by Peter C. Caldwell, Professor of History, Rice University, USA and Robert R. Shandley, Associate Professor of Film Studies and German, Texas A&M University, USA
Edited by Marc Silberman, Professor of German, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
This wide-ranging collection brings together contributions from historians, political scientists, policymakers, and others to provide much-needed perspective on the unification of Germany as it actually played out in real historical time. October 2011 1pp figures Hardback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=531249
274pp £61.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11216-2
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Edited by Valentina Glajar, Associate Professor of German, Texas State University, USA and Jeanine Teodorescu, Teaches at Columbia College Chicago, USA
'A powerful collection of essays that describe post-Communist Romania as a society torn between the dignified civic remembrance of the Holocaust and the old anti-Semitic reflexes of the extreme right.' - Radu Ioanid, Historian and Author of The Holocaust in Romania September 2011 288pp 13pp figures Hardback £55.00
Contents: PART I: RE-VIEWING THE BERLIN WALL / Germany 1989: A New Type of Revolution?; K.H.Jarausch / The Different Aesthetics of the Berlin Wall; O.Briese / Politics, Culture, and Media before and after the Berlin Wall; H.Wrage / PART II: RE-NEWING BERLIN IN UNIFIED GERMANY / Re-Capitalizing Berlin; J.Ward / Interim Use at a Former Death Strip?: Art, Politics, and Urbanism at Skulpturenpark Berlin Zentrum; K.E.Till / Jugendweihe: Revitalizing a Socialist Coming-of-Age Ceremony in Unified Berlin; B.Wolbert / PART III: RE-SETTLING BERLIN’S OTHERS / Neither Eastern nor Welcome: The Confused Lives of Berlin’s Balkan Migrants, 19502000; I.Blumi / Class of 1989: Who Made Good and Who Dropped Out of German History?: Postmigrant Documentary Theater in Berlin; K.Sieg / PART IV: RENEGOTIATING EUROPE’S CENTER / On Italian Bridges: Navigating Rocks and Hard Places in Post-Wall Europe; L.Insana / Breaking Down the Walls: The European Library Project; B.Venkat Mani / March 2011 Hardback
Local History, Transnational Memory in the Romanian Holocaust
A Political Romance Léon Gambetta, Léonie Léon and the Making of the French Republic, 1872-82 Susan K. Foley, Principal Fellow and Charles Sowerwine, Professor Emeritus, both at School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne, Australia
Léon Gambetta is renowned as a founder of the French Third Republic. This unique study of his correspondence with his lover, Léonie Léon, provides a fascinating insight into their intimate and political partnership. It brings to life Gambetta as lover and politician, the unknown figure of Léon, and the political and cultural world of 1870s Paris. March 2012 320pp 7 b/w illustrations and 2 maps Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-20686-1
The Terror in the French Revolution 2nd edition Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-0-230-50649-7 Paperback: 978-0-230-50650-3 To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/SECH
Hugh Gough, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Thoroughly revised to reflect and incorporate the latest developments and research, this text now features an updated historiography section and Bibliography, more detail on the workings of terror, and a new chapter on social and cultural policies. July 2010 Paperback
152pp £16.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-20181-1
Studies in European History Series Editors: John Breuilly, Peter Wilson and Julian Jackson
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Media & Culture Collection
Available as an ebook
Inspection copy available
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Pluralism and the Idea of the Republic in France
May 68
Rethinking France’s Last Revolution Edited by Julian Jackson, Professor of Modern French History, Queen Mary, University of London, UK, Anna-Louise Milne, Director of Studies, University of London Institute in Paris, France and James S. Williams, Professor of Modern French Literature and Film, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Edited by Julian Wright, Lecturer in Modern History, University of Durham, UK and H. S. Jones, Professor of Intellectual History, University of Manchester, UK Contents: Acknowledgements / A Pluralist History of France?; H.S.Jones & J.Wright / PART I: THE IDEA OF THE PLURAL REPUBLIC / Liberal Republicanism after the Terror: Charles-Guillaume Théremin and Germaine de Staël; A.Jainchill / Liberal Pluralism in the Early Nineteenth Century: Benjamin Constant and Germaine de Staël; K.S.Vincent / A Strange Liberalism: Freedom and Aristocracy in French Political Thought; A.de Dijn / P-J. Proudhon: Pluralism, Justice and Society; G.Navet / Pluralism’s Political Conditions: Social Realism and the Revolutionary Tradition in Pierre Leroux, P-J. Proudhon and Alfred Fouillée; M.Behrant / Utopian Pluralism in Twentieth-Century France; J.Humphreys / PART II: THE PLURAL REPUBLIC / Electoral Anti-Pluralism and Electoral Pluralism in France, from the mid-Nineteenth Century to 1914; N.Roussellier / Associations and Political Pluralism: the Effects of the Law of 1901; M.della Sudda / Vision and Reality: Joseph Paul-Boncour and Third Republic Pluralism; J.Wright / Regionalism, Federalism and Internationalism in First World War France; C.Bouchard / State Sovereignty in Question: The French Jurists between the Reorganisation of the International System and European Regionalism (1920-1950); J.Guieu / Pluralism, Parliament and Constitutional Moments: The Possibility of a ‘Sénat fédérateur’, 1940-1969; P.Smith / Epilogue: French Politics, History, and a New Perspective on the Jacobin State; A.Chatriot June 2012 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27209-5
The events of 1968 are often seen purely as a student revolution, but impacted on every aspect of French society theatre, film, sexuality, race, the countryside, the factories. This volume explores the full diversity of this extraordinary upheaval, and shows how 1968 continues to reverberate in France today. August 2011 456pp 216x138mm 20 b/w illustrations and 3 b/w tables Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-25258-5 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=410489
Fascists and Honourable Men Contingency and Choice in French Politics, 1918-45 Nimrod Amzalak, Political Historian, Graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and Cambridge University, UK; his main research focus is on the social and cultural basis of radical ideologies in France and Israel
Matt Perry, Reader in Labour History, Newcastle University, UK
Was France fascist in the interwar period? This comprehensive historical, political and sociological account follows the rise of engineers and political 'non-conformists' in the first half of the twentieth century, examining the French technocracy’s relationship with the rise of fascism in France and later the establishment of the Fourth Republic.
January 2011 Hardback
July 2011 Hardback
Memory of War in France, 1914–45 Cesar Fauxbras, the Voice of the Lowly
272pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-59441-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=355392
232pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29777-7
Studies in Modern History Series Editor: J.C.D. Clark ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Making Democratic Citizens in Spain Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-78 Pamela Beth Radcliff, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of California, USA
A fascinating study of the contribution of ordinary men and women to Spain’s democratic transition of the 1970s. Radcliff argues that participants in neighbourhood and other associations experimented with new practices of civic participation that put pressure on the authoritarian state and made the building blocks of a future democratic citizenship. March 2011 6 tables Hardback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=387214
A History of Spain Simon Barton, Professor of Spanish History, University of Exeter, UK June 2009 352pp 12 maps and 3 figures Hardback £55.00 Paperback £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-20011-1 978-0-230-20012-8
Palgrave Essential Histories Series Series Editor: Jeremy Black http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=284352 TB
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The Risorgimento Revisited
Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Italy
Everyday Life in Fascist Venice, 1929–40
Edited by Silvana Patriarca, Professor of History, Fordham University, USA and Lucy Riall, Professor of History, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Kate Ferris, Lecturer, Department of History, University of St Andrew’s, UK Contents: Prologue: Historiography and Method / Introduction: ‘Elbow to elbow’: Venetian Life between the Wars / ‘Make way for the young’: Growing up in 1930s Venice / Remembering the Serenissima: Festivals and Celebrations in 1930s Venice / ‘Make every Italian family a fortress’: Consumption, Family and the ‘home front’ in Venice during the Ethiopian War / Death in Venice: The ‘fascistisation’ of Dand Funeral Rituals in 1930s Venice / Epilogue / Conclusion / Bibliography June 2012 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23286-0
Risorgimento The History of Italy from Napoleon to Nation State Lucy Riall, Professor of History, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
'Extremely well-written and articulately analyzed, Risorgimento offers readers an engaging and invaluable introduction to a complex and determinative component of Italian history. Its outstanding synthesis of historical narrative and historical interpretation make it a must read for those interested in the origins and trajectory of contemporary Italy.' - Marla Stone, Professor of History, Occidental College, USA January 2009 Hardback Paperback
200pp £55.00 £17.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-21669-3 978-0-230-21670-9
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=296661 TB
Contents: Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Contributors / Introduction: Revisiting the Risorgimento; S.Patriarca & L.Riall / European Romanticism and the Italian Risorgimento; P.Ginsborg / The Hero and the People; A.Lyttelton / From the People to the Masses: Political Developments in Italian Opera from Rossini to Mascagni; S.Chiappini / Discovering Politics: Action and Recollection in the First Mazzzian Generation; A.Arisi Rota & R.Balzani / Mazzini and/in Love; R.Pesman / Personal and Political Passions: Mothers in the Risorgimento; M.D’Amelia / A Patriotic Emotion: Shame and the Risorgimento; S.Patriarca / Men at War: Masculinity and Military Ideals in the Risorgimento; L.Riall / The Remembrance of Heroes; A.M.Banti / Anti-Catholicism and the Culture War in Risorgimento Italy; M.Borutta / Italian Jews and the 1848-49 Revolutions: Patriotism and Multiple Identities; T.Catalan / Liberalism and Empires in the Mediterranean: the Viewpoint of the Risorgimento; M.Isabella / The Risorgimento: a Multi-National Movement; D.Reill / Bibliography December 2011 320pp 16 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24800-7
Visiting Modern War in Risorgimento Italy Jonathan Marwil, Lecturer, University of Michigan, USA
'...[a] compelling history...' - Times Literary Supplement January 2011 9pp figures Hardback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Memory and Massacre Revisiting Sant’Anna di Stazzema Paolo Pezzino, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Pisa, Italy; his previous publications include Storie di Guerra Civile: L’eccidio di Niccioleta (2001); Senza Stato: Le Radici Storiche Della Crisi (2002); Le Mafie (2003); Anatomia di un Massacro: Controversia Sopra una Strage Tedesca (2007); Sant’Anna di Stazzema: Storia di una Strage (2008); and with Luca Baldissara, Il Massacro: Guerra ai Civili a Monte Sole (2009) Contents: The Massacre / Investigation of the Massacre / Fighting the Armed Bands, the War Against Civilians / Judicial Truth and Historical Truth / ‘Experts in Truth?’: The Politics of Retribution in Italy and the Role of Historians March 2012 2 maps Hardback
City and Nation in the Italian Unification The National Festivals of Dante Alighieri Mahnaz Yousefzadeh, Professor of the Liberal Studies Program of Arts and Sciences, New York University, USA
This study of the first national festival of modern Italy historically reconstructs the event, using a mass of un-catalogued and unpublished documents left by the organizers, which positions the Centenary as a platform upon which an alternative definition of Italian national identity emerged. March 2011 Hardback
266pp £54.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-10864-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=478990
Available as an ebook
Inspection copy available
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Italy on the Pacific
Italy’s Divided Memory
San Francisco’s Italian Americans Sebastian Fichera, holds a Doctorate in History from University of California and Los Angeles, USA; he has published articles in History News Network and in Studi Emigrazione
This book details the Italian immigrant experience in San Francisco from the Gold Rush to the Mayoralty of George Moscone - which is to say the entire life cycle of the Italian community - and defines the concept of community in a way never seen before. November 2011 248pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33878-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=538828
The Legacy of the Italian Resistance
John Foot, Professor of Modern Italian History, University College London, UK
'A fascinating account of the sometimes grotesque battles to honour or dishonour this or that Fascist or Communist, with politicians on both sides putting up or tearing down plaques and monuments, naming and renaming streets, to suit their version of events.' - London Review of Books November 2011 272pp Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-12049-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Dawson ERA http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=366619
Philip Cooke, Senior Lecturer in Italian, University of Strathclyde, UK
'...original and extremely useful for those studying and researching into post-war Italy, post-war Europe, and debates over memory.' - John Foot, Professor of Modern Italian History, University College London, UK This book adds to this growing body of scholarship on the Italian Resistance by analysing, for the first time, how the ‘three wars’ are represented over the broad spectrum of Resistance culture from 1945 to the present day. April 2011 10 illustrations Hardback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Murder and Media in the New Rome The Fadda Affair Thomas Simpson, Distinguished Senior Lecturer in Italian, Northwestern University, USA January 2011 Hardback
278pp £54.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-10836-3
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=476425
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-1-4039-9568-1 Paperback: 978-1-4039-9569-8
Family Punishment in Nazi Germany Sippenhaft, Terror and Myth Robert Loeffel, Visiting Research Fellow, The University of New South Wales, Australia
In the Third Reich, political dissidents were not the only ones liable to be punished for their crimes. Their parents, siblings and relatives also risked reprisals. This concept - known as Sippenhaft - was based in ideas of blood and purity. This definitive study surveys the threats, fears and infliction of this part of the Nazi system of terror. Contents: Introduction: Sippenhaft, Terror and Fear: The Historiography of the Nazi Terror State / The Consent and Coercion Debate / Method of Transmission / Importance of Rumour in Nazi Germany / Outline of this Book / A Word on Sources / Conclusion / PART I: SIPPENHAFT AND GERMAN SOCIETY, 1933-1945 / Sippenhaft and the Rise to Power / Sippenhaft and Resistance during Second World War / The German Home Front after Stalingrad / Conclusion / PART II: ‘IMPRISONMENT OF RELATIVES, LIFE OR LIBERTY’ SIPPENHAFT AND THE WEHRMACHT / The Foundation of Sippenhaft in the Wehrmacht / Sippenhaft and the Wehrmacht, 1939-1944 / Sippenhaft against Volksdeutche Germans / Sippenhaft after the 20 July 1944 / Codification of Terror / Conclusion / PART III: SIPPENHAFT AND THE NKFD AND THE BDO / Background / The German Reaction / Cherkassy / Effect of 20 July 1944 181 / The Limits of Sippenhaft / Sippenhaft and the Political Significance of the NKFD and BDO / Conclusion / PART IV: ‘IF A MAN IN THIS REICH IS UNTRUE, THEN HE AND HIS FAMILY WILL BE PUNISHED’ / Sippenhaft and the 20 July 1944 / Establishing Sippenhaft and 20 July 1944 / Sippenhaft put into Effect / Continuing Rhetoric, Fear, Expansion and Limitations of Sippenhaft / The Fate of the von Stauffenberg Family / The Transformation of Sippenhaft and the 20 July 1944 / Challenging Terror: Interventions, Representations and Release / Confusion and Fear / Those that Remained in Sippenhaft Detention / Conclusion / PART V: SIPPENHAFT KINDERHEIM: THE CHILDREN IN BAD SACHSA / The Sippenhaft Prisoners of Bad Sachsa / Life in the Camp: Determining Intention / A Change of Plan / Conclusion / Bibliography June 2012 1 map Hardback
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Ernst Röhm
Remembering the German Democratic Republic
Hitler’s SA Chief of Staff Eleanor Hancock, Senior Lecturer in History, Australian Defence Force Academy, University of New South Wales, Australia
'A thorough and very thoughtful study of Ernst Röhm which will stand as the definitive biography for years to come.' - Geoffrey J. Giles, University of Florida, USA Now available in paperback, this is the first biography of Ernst Julius Röhm - German military officer, commander of the Nazi Stormtroopers, and homosexual. December 2011 Paperback
288pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-12050-1
Behind the East German ‘Miracle’ Mike Dennis, Professor of Modern German History, University of Wolverhampton, UK and Jonathan Grix, Senior Lecturer in German Studies and Research Methodology, European Research Institute, University of Birmingham, UK
'A detailed, subtle and authoritative account of one of the world’s most successful and most corrupt elite sport systems.' - Barrie Houlihan, Professor of Sport Policy, Institute of Sport and Leisure Policy, Loughborough University, UK Based on original Stasi and Communist Party archival sources, this book uncovers why East Germany was for two decades running one of the most successful nations in the Summer and Winter Olympics, exploring how the central elite sports system was beset by internal tensions and disputes. 288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22784-2
Denazification in Soviet-occupied Germany, 1945-1949
Edited by David Clarke, Senior Lecturer, Department of European Studies and Modern Languages, University of Bath, UK and ute Wölfel, Lecturer, Department of Modern Languages and European Studies, University of Reading, UK
Benita Blessing, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ohio University, USA
Memories of and attitudes to the German Democratic Republic (GDR), or East Germany, within contemporary Germany are characterized by their variety and complexity, whilst the debate over how to remember the GDR tells us a lot about how Germans see themselves and their future. This volume provides a range of international perspectives.
ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect History Collections
November 2011 312pp 3 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27550-8
Sport under Communism
March 2012 Hardback
Divided Memory in a United Germany
The Antifascist Classroom
Ulrike Meinhof and the Red Army Faction Performing Terrorism Leith Passmore, holds a Doctorate in History and German Studies from the University of Western Australia; Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad de Chile
With a communicative approach to the phenomenon of terrorism and new archival sources, the book documents Meinhof’s journalism and terrorism (1959-1976) and challenges many of the established narratives that have calcified around the story of Meinhof and the history of Germany’s most infamous terrorist group. November 2011 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33747-3
February 2011 Paperback
304pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10730-4
Hitler’s Ethic The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress Richard Weikart, Professor of Modern European History, California State University, USA May 2011 Paperback
268pp £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-11273-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, NetLibrary, Ebrary, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=366607
A Cross Too Heavy Pope Pius xII and the Jews of Europe Paul O’Shea, Australian Historian and Educator whose research has focused on Pope Pius XII and Catholic responses to the Holocaust April 2011 Hardback Paperback
288pp £68.00 £22.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-11079-3 978-0-230-11272-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=490246
Global Culture and Sport Series Series Editors: Stephen Wagg and David Andrews http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=355003
Available as an ebook
Inspection copy available
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
A History of Catholic Antisemitism
Holocaust Studies
The Dark Side of the Church Robert Michael, Professor Emeritus of European History, University of Massachusetts, USA May 2011 292pp Paperback £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-11131-8
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Ebook Library, Dawson ERA, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=288592
The Holocaust and its Contexts Series Editors: Olaf Jensen and Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann
Edited by Pamela E. Swett, Associate Professor of History, McMaster University, Canada, Corey Ross, Professor of Modern History, University of Birmingham, UK and Fabrice d’Almeida, Professor of Contemporary History, Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2), France
'This provocative collection explores how the pleasures of consumption combined with racism and militarism to stabilize and even accelerate the murderous machinery of Nazism. It adds up to a critical and fascinating portrait of Nazi Germany.' - Peter Fritzsche, author of Life and Death in the Third Reich April 2011 Hardback
320pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27168-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=412965
Antero Holmila, Lecturer, Department of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
A Hero’s Many Faces Raoul Wallenberg in Contemporary Monuments
Pleasure and Power in Nazi Germany
Reporting the Holocaust in the British, Swedish and Finnish Press, 1945–50
Tanja Schult, HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin, Germany
'Of the numerous Wallenberg books and publications since the 1980’s, this one stands apart...The book is accessible to general audiences, yet there is rich material to mine both for the professional art historian, teachers, Holocaust experts and other specialists. The mark of a great book [is] that it stimulates and surprises you and leaves you changed. And this A Hero’s Many Faces does in great measure.' - Susanne Berger, The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation Raoul Wallenberg is remembered for his humanitarian activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews at the end of World War II, and as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag in 1945. Now available in paperback, this book examines how thirty-one Wallenberg monuments, in twelve countries on five continents commemorate the man. February 2012 456pp 216x138mm 80 b/w illustrations and 8 colour plates Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-36145-4
Examining how the press in Britain, Sweden and Finland responded to the Holocaust immediately after the Second World War, Holmila offers new insights into the challenge posed by the Holocaust for liberal democracies by looking at the reporting of the liberation of the camps, the Nuremberg trial and the Jewish immigration to Palestine. June 2011 Hardback
296pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22977-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=360669
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-0-230-22386-8 Paperback: 978-0-230-22387-5 To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/HOLC
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=321550
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A History of Poland
Soviet Women on the Frontline in the Second World War
2nd edition Anita J. Prazmowska, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Brandenburg-Prussia, 1466 –1806 The Rise of a Composite State
A wide-ranging survey of Poland’s history; from early settlements, through the establishment of the Kingdom of Poland, to the present day modern state. The second edition has been revised throughout in the light of the latest research, and brings the story right up-to-date.
Karin Friedrich, Senior Lecturer in History, University of Aberdeen, UK
Karin Friedrich locates Brandenburg-Prussia in its historical, political, religious and economic context, from the demise of the Teutonic Knights to the Napoleonic crisis. Synthesising debates, the study focuses on key themes such as absolutism, foreign politics and the Enlightenment in order to provide a fresh reassessment.
July 2011 Hardback Paperback
272pp £55.00 £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-25235-6 978-0-230-25236-3
Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black ebook available from: Google eBookstore (UK)
Contents: A Note on References / Editors’ Preface / Acknowledgements / Glossary / A Gazetteer of Geographical and Place Names / Maps / Introduction / The Teutonic Legacy / ‘State-Building’ / Estate Society and Life in the Rural Economy / From Baroque Court to Military Monarchy / Foreign Policy Between East and West / Enlightenment and Public Sphere / Conclusion / Appendix 1: Genealogy / Appendix 2: Table of Offices / Select Bibliography / Index
November 2011 184pp 7 maps, 1 b/w table and 1 chart Paperback £16.50
'Kasekamp’s book is an innovative, comprehensive and balanced treatment of the history of all three Baltic States. Starting from the earliest times and taking the narrative up to the present day, it shows how developments in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia both diverge and intertwine. There is no better book to introduce the student to the fascinating story of the Baltic region.' - James White, University of Glasgow, UK
216x138mm 978-0-230-53565-7
Studies in European History Series Editors: John Breuilly and Peter Wilson http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=280851 TB
Roger D. Markwick, Associate Professor of Modern European History, and Euridice Charon Cardona, Australian Research Council Senior Research Associate, both at The University of Newcastle, Australia
'A brilliant, evocative, and meticulously researched book about an important and intriguing topic....a ‘must read’ not only for people passionate about Soviet history, but for anyone thinking seriously about the relationship between militarism and femininity.' - Professor Joanna Bourke, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK '...anyone interested in the Second World War, the Soviet Union and women’s history will gain fresh insights from this meticulously researched book. A must and a pleasure to read!'- Professor Beate Fieseler, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany Contents: Introduction / The Making of the Frontovichki / ‘War is not women’s business’ / Sisters of Mercy / ‘Falcons’ and ‘Witches’ / Behind Enemy Lines / Mass Mobilization / Women’s Volunteer Rifle Brigade / The Sniper Movement / Epilogue: Half-hidden from History / Bibliography & Sources
A History of the Baltic States
June 2012 320pp 216x138mm 7 maps, 22 photographs and 8 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-57952-1
Andres Kasekamp, University of Tartu, Estonia
September 2010 264pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-01940-9 978-0-230-01941-6
Winner of the Baltic Assembly Prize in Literature, 2011 Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black ebook available from: Google eBookstore (UK)
Writing the Stalin Era Sheila Fitzpatrick and Soviet Historiography Edited by Golfo Alexopoulos, Associate Professor of History, University of South Florida, USA; Fellow, Hoover Institute, USA, Kiril Tomoff Associate Professor of History, University of California, USA and Julie Hessler, Associate Professor of History, University of Oregon USA February 2011 Hardback Paperback
254pp £63.00 £16.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10549-2 978-0-230-10930-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=468831
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=276667 TB
Available as an ebook
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Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Peasants, Political Police, and the Early Soviet State Surveillance and Accommodation under the New Economic Policy Hugh D. Hudson Jr., Professor of History, Georgia State University, USA
This book combines social and institutional histories of Russia, focusing on the secret police and their evolving relationship with the peasantry. Based on an analysis of Cheka/OGPU reports, it argues that the police did not initially respond to peasant resistance to Bolshevik demands simply with the gun - rather, they listened to peasant voices. December 2011 192pp 6pp illustrations Hardback £52.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33886-9
Russian and Soviet Diplomacy, 1900–39
Soviet Space Culture Cosmic Enthusiasm in Socialist Societies
Alastair Kocho-Williams, Senior Lecturer in History, University of the West of England, UK
Addressing the impact of the Russian Revolution and change and continuity in diplomacy during the transition from Empire to Soviet Union, this book examines how Russia’s diplomacy was conducted, the diplomats behind it, the establishment of the Soviet diplomatic corps and the steps taken to integrate the Soviets into the diplomatic world. December 2011 232pp 216x138mm 5 b/w tables, 3 graphs and 3 b/w line drawings Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-25264-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=410932
Edited by Eva Maurer, Science and Politics Fellow, Federal Assembly, The Swiss Parliament, Julia Richers, Research Fellow, University of Basel, Switzerland and Monica Rüthers, Professor of East European History, University of Hamburg, Germany and Carmen Scheide, Research Fellow, University of Basel, Switzerland
This book explores the profound repercussions of the Soviet space exploration program on culture and everyday life in Eastern Europe, especially in the Soviet Union itself. August 2011 344pp 47 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27435-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=416225
Reinstating the Ottomans Alternative Balkan Modernities, 1800-1912 Isa Blumi, Assistant Professor of History, Georgia State University, USA
This book focuses on the western Balkans in the period 1820-1912, in particular on the peoples and social groups that the later national history would claim to have been Albanians, providing a revisionist exploration of national identity prior to the establishment of the nation-state. April 2011 Hardback
272pp £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11018-2
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=489861
Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet and Ola Listhaug, both Professors of Political Science, both at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
A valuable and objective reassessment of the role of Serbia and Serbs in WWII. Today, Serbian textbooks praise the Chetniks of Draža MIhailović and make excuses for the collaboration of Milan Nedić’s regime with the Axis. However, this new evaluation shows the more complex and controversial nature of the political alliances during the period. October 2011 344pp 216x138mm 7 b/w illustrations and 1 b/w table Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-27830-1
Tankograd The Formation of a Soviet Company Town: Cheliabinsk, 1900s-1950s Lennart Samuelson, Research Fellow, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden July 2011 368pp 216x138mm 9 b/w tables, 3 maps and 107 b/w illustrations Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-20887-2
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=297004
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=470659
Order securely online at www.palgrave.com or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Gulag Voices
Oral Histories of Soviet Detention and Exile Jehanne M Gheith, Associate Professor and Chair of the Slavic and Eurasian Studies Department, Duke University, USA and Katherine R. Jolluck, Senior Lecturer, Department of History, Stanford University, USA
This volume brings the powerful voices of Gulag survivors to an Englishspeaking audience for the first time through oral histories, rather than written memoirs. February 2011 Hardback Paperback
276pp £63.00 £20.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61062-0 978-0-230-61063-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=320140
Soviet Communal Living An Oral History of the Kommunalka Paola Messana, New York Bureau Chief of Agence France-Presse; the agency’s former Moscow Bureau Chief; Messana holds degrees in Russian from the Sorbonne and Political Science from the Paris Institute of Political Studies, France February 2011 Hardback
184pp £54.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-11016-8
Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes
To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave. com/PSOH ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Roy Starrs, Coordinator of Japanese and Asian Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand
Series Editor: Roger Griffin
Modernism and Perversion Sexual Deviance in Sexology and Literature, 1850-1930 Anna Katharina Schaffner, Lecturer in Comparative Literature, School of European Culture and Languages, University of Kent, UK
Charting the construction of sexual perversions in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century medical, psychiatric and psychological discourse, Schaffner argues that sexologists’ preoccupation with these perversions was a response to specifically modern concerns, and illuminates the role of literary texts in the formation of sexological knowledge. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / PART I: THE PERVERSIONS IN SEXOLOGY / The Birth of a Science: From Masturbation Theory to Krafft-Ebing / The French Scene: Degeneration Theory and the Invention of Fetishism / Sexology in England: Ellis, Carpenter and Lawrence / The Golden Age of Sexology in Germany: Activism, Institutionalization and the Anthropological Turn / Freud, Literature and the Perversification of Mankind / PART II: THE PERVERSIONS IN MODERNIST LITERATURE / Homosexuality: Thomas Mann and the Degenerate Sublime / Anal Sex: D.H. Lawrence and the Back Door to Transcendence / Sadism: Marcel Proust and the Banality of Evil / Masochism: Franz Kafka and the Eroticization of Suffering / Fetishism: Georges Bataille and Sexual-Textual Transgression / Conclusion / Bibliography November 2011 Hardback Paperback
344pp £55.00 £18.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-23162-7 978-0-230-23163-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Available as an ebook
An in-depth and comprehensive account of the complex history of Japanese modernism from the mid-19th century ‘opening to the West’ until the 21st century globalized world of ‘postmodernism.’ October 2011 Hardback Paperback
344pp £55.00 £18.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-22957-0 978-0-230-34644-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=360186
Modernism and Style Ben Hutchinson, Senior Lecturer in German, University of Kent, UK
'This book should be compulsory reading for all those who are interested in modernism...This book renders the same service for modernism as Roland Barthes’s Writing Degree Zero. While Barthes saw modernity as defined by the end of style, here we learn to recognize the plurality of styles of modernism, and this is an invaluable contribution.' - Jean-Michel Rabaté, Vartan Gregorian Professor in the Humanities, the University of Pennsylvania, USA August 2011 Hardback Paperback
312pp £55.00 £18.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-23096-5 978-0-230-23097-2
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=363561
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-0-230-20332-7 Paperback: 978-0-230-20333-4 To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/MAND
Modernism and Japanese Culture
Inspection copy available
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
IMPERIAL AND POSTCOLONIAL HISTORY Imperial and Postcolonial History
British Encounters with India, 1750–1830
South Asia and Africa After Independence Post-colonialism in Historical Perspective
A Sourcebook Edited by Tim Keirn, Lecturer in both History and Education and Norbert Schürer, Associate Professor of English Literature, both at California State University, USA
'This is a genuinely ground-breaking anthology of texts that has the potential to transform teaching and scholarship in the area. The editors are to be commended for their judicious choice of texts, and for their careful presentation of the material to students, teachers and scholars.' - Markman Ellis, Professor of English and Drama, Queen Mary, University of London, UK A collection of eighteenth and early nineteenthcentury primary texts and images that represent various facets of the cross-cultural interaction between India and Britain. The anthology suggests that for a brief period - while most Europeans were involved in projects of Empire and domination some British envisioned a convergence of cultures. September 2011 248pp 234x156mm 3 maps and 17 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-23143-6 Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-23144-3 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=347205 TB
Published in association with The British Scholar Society
'A new, carefully researched and broadly cross-disciplinary synthesis of postcolonial experiences in South Asia and Africa.' - Richard Ford, Clark University, USA
British Diplomacy and the Descent into Chaos
Contents: Introduction: Post-colonialism in Historical Perspective / Post-colonial Trajectories in South Asia / Democracy, Economic Planning and Economic Stagnation in India: 1947 - c.1975 / Caste in postcolonial India / Politics and Economics in Independent African States / Nigeria and Congo-Zaire, 1960 – c.1975: Decolonisation, Civil War and State Recovery / Nigeria and Congo-Zaire from the 1970s to Late 1990s: Regional Giants, Giant Failures? / Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Ethnic Violence: the Examples of Rwanda and Burundi / Angola and Mozambique / Summary and Conclusions / Bibliography / Index
The Career of Jack Garnett, 1902-19 John Fisher, Senior Lecturer in International History, University of the West of England, UK
Recreating the diplomatic career of Jack Garnett, from 1902-1919, John Fisher reveals a fascinating individual as well as contextualizing his story with regard to British policy in the countries to which he was posted in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America, during a period of rapid change in international politics and in Britain’s world role. December 2011 304pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34897-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=534637
216x138mm 978-0-230-23983-8 978-0-230-23984-5
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=380158 TB
Series Editors: James Onley, A.G. Hopkins, Gregory Barton and Bryan Glass
Bernard Waites, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, The Open University, UK
The first single-volume comparative history of postcolonial South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in the first generation since independence. Drawing together detailed economic and political analysis, Waites assesses the colonial impact on these regions, establishing breaks and continuities, and highlighting their diversity and interplay.
January 2012 472pp 6 maps and 9 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 Paperback £20.99
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in the series: Hardback: 978-0-230-24650-8 Paperback: 978-0-230-24651-5 To view all titles in the series visit: www.palgrave.com/BAW
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Science and Empire Knowledge and Networks of Science across the British Empire, 1800-1970 Edited by Brett M. Bennett, Lecturer in Modern History, University of Western Sydney, Australia and Joseph M. Hodge, Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies, Department of History, West Virginia University, USA September 2011 368pp Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-25228-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=409930
Imperial Endgame Britain’s Dirty Wars and the End of Empire Benjamin Grob-Fitzgibbon, Assistant Professor of History, University of Arkansas, USA
'Grob-Fitzgibbon challenges the popular view that Britain shed its empire politely, like a tea party at the vicarage in an Agatha Christie mystery. He makes it clear that the reality was very different. Withdrawal from empire was difficult, dangerous and dirty and the politicians, diplomats, soldiers and policemen who brought empire to an end did so in a way not brought out as powerfully and persuasively before. For anyone worried about how things might end in Iraq or Afghanistan, GrobFitzgibbon’s excellent, dispassionate, forensic analysis will make uncomfortable but illuminating reading.' - Colonel Alex Alderson, MBE, Director of the United Kingdom Counterinsurgency Centre May 2011 Paperback
496pp £16.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-24873-1
Camp and Combat on the Sinai and Palestine Front The Experience of the British Empire Soldier, 1916-18
Historicizing Colonial Nostalgia European Women’s Narratives of Algeria and Kenya 1900-Present Patricia M. E. Lorcin, Associate Professor of History, University of Minnesota, USA
Edward Woodfin, Associate Professor of History, Converse College, USA
Dunes, sandstorms, freezing crags and searing heat; these are not the usual images of World War I. For many men from all over the British Empire, this was the experience of the Great War. Based on soldiers’ accounts, this book reveals the hardships and complexity of British Empire soldiers’ lives in this oft-forgotten but important campaign. Contents: Introduction / Prologue / The Rotten Wilderness: the Sinai / Crossing the Line / The Gaza Trenches / Mountains of Mourning / ‘The Unholy Land’: The Trenches of Samaria and Jordan / Epilogue: The Long Journey Home / Conclusion / Appendix / Bibliography June 2012 Hardback
216pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30376-8
Contents: PART I: 19001930. COLONIAL WOMEN AND THEIR IMAGINED SELVES / Women and their Colonial Worlds / Nostalgia Personified: Isabelle Eberhardt and Karen Blixen / PART II: 1920-1940. POLITICAL REALITIES AND FICTIONAL REPRESENTATIONS / Reality Expressed; Reality Imagined: Colonial Women in Twenties Algeria and Kenya / Writing and Living the Exotic [The Twenties] / Women’s Fictions of Colonial Realism [The Thirties] / PART III: IMPERIAL DECLINE AND THE REFORMULATION OF NOSTALGIA / Nationalist Anger; Colonial Illusions: Women’s Responses to Decolonization / Happy Families, Red Strangers and ‘A Vanishing Africa’: Nostalgia Comes Full Circle
Evil, Barbarism and Empire
December 2011 Hardback
Britain and Abroad, c.1830 - 2000
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections
Edited by Tom Crook, Lecturer in Modern British History, Oxford Brookes University, UK, Rebecca Gill, Lecturer in Modern British History, University of Huddersfield, UK and Bertrand Taithe, Professor of Cultural History, University of Manchester, UK
Evil and barbarism continue to be associated with the totalitarian ‘extremes’ of twentieth-century Europe. Addressing domestic and imperial conflicts in modern Britain and beyond, as well as varied forms of representation, this volume explores the inter-relations of evil, atrocity and civilizational prejudice within liberal cultures of governance. July 2011 Hardback
304pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24127-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=388765
330pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-33865-4
Gender, Morality, and Race in Company India, 1765–1858 Joseph Sramek, Assistant Professor of History at Southern Illinois University, USA
This book examines the relationship between colonial anxieties about personal behavior, gender, morality, and colonial rule in India during the first century of British rule, when the East India Company governed India rather than the British State directly, focusing on the ideology of “The Empire of Opinion.” September 2011 266pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11693-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Available as an ebook
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Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Long Shadow of the British Empire
The Women’s War of 1929
Refugees and the End of Empire
Gender and Violence in Colonial Nigeria
Imperial Collapse and Forced Migration in the Twentieth Century
The Ongoing Legacies of Race and Class in Zambia
Marc Matera, Assistant Professor of History, Northern Arizona University, USA, Misty L. Bastian, Professor of Anthropology, Franklin and Marshall College, USA and Susan Kingsley Kent, Professor of History, University of Colorado, USA
Juliette Bridgette Milner-Thornton, holds an Adjunct Research Fellowship at Griffith University, Australia
‘This is a most impressive book. It is innovative, informative and challenging, written with considerable verve and clarity, and carries forward in significant ways debates on colonialism within Imperial and Commonwealth history. The book not only makes an original contribution to the under-researched area of Zambian history, but also on a wider level enlarges understanding of delineations of race and class in the British Empire in the decades from the 1880s to the 1950s.’ - Patricia Grimshaw, Professorial Fellow in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, the University of Melbourne, Australia ‘...an exciting and important contribution to postcolonial scholarship on race and identity.’ Victoria Haskins, Associate Professor, University of Newcastle, Australia, and author of One Bright Spot ‘An all-round triumph!’ - Mohamed Adhikari, History Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa This book explores the lived experiences of formerly colonized people in the privacy of their homes, communities, workplaces, and classrooms, and the associations created from these social interactions. It examines the centrality of gender and social identity in the formation of non-western people in the British Empire. December 2011 304pp 10pp illustrations Hardback £55.00
In 1929, tens of thousands of south eastern Nigerian women rose up against British authority in what is known as the Women’s War. This book brings togther, for the first time, the multiple perspectives of the war’s colonized and colonial participants and examines its various actions within a single, gendered analytical frame. October 2011 296pp 1 map and 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
May 2011 Hardback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
336pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22747-7
The Atlantic Imperial Constitution Center and Periphery in the English Atlantic World Ken MacMillan, Associate Professor of History, University of Calgary, Canada
216x138mm 978-0-230-34018-3
November 2011 266pp Hardback £55.00
An examination of the relationship between imperial collapse, the emergence of successor nationalism, the exclusion of ethnic groups and the refugee experience. Written by both established authorities and younger scholars, this book offers a unique international comparative approach to the study of refugees at the end of empire.
Drawing on recent trends in both Atlantic and center-periphery literature, this book examines the relationship between the English crown - monarch, privy council, and ancillary bodies - and its Atlantic colonies under the early Stuart monarchs, James I and Charles I, circa 1603-1642.
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections
Edited by Panikos Panayi, Professor of European History and Pippa Virdee, Senior Lecturer in Modern South Asian History, both at De Montfort University, UK
216x138mm 978-0-230-11174-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=494833
Studies in Settler Colonialism Politics, Identity and Culture Edited by Fiona Bateman, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Moore Institute and Lionel Pilkington, Senior Lecturer in English, both at National University of Ireland
A widespread and still contemporary political phenomenon that exercises a profound effect on societies, settler colonialism structures relationships both historically and culturally diverse. This book assesses the distinctive feature of settler colonialism, and discusses its political, sociological, economic and cultural consequences. April 2011 Hardback
320pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23877-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=382749
Order securely online at www.palgrave.com or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
The Making of Modern Afghanistan B. D. Hopkins, Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs, The George Washington University, USA
Series Editors: Megan Vaughan and Richard Drayton
Infectious Disease in India 1892–1940 Policy-Making and the Perception of Risk Sandhya L. Polu, Analyst, The Tauri Group
Using case studies of cholera, plague, malaria, and yellow fever, this book analyzes how factors such as public health diplomacy, trade, imperial governance, medical technologies, and cultural norms operated within global and colonial conceptions of political and epidemiological risk to shape infectious disease policies in colonial India. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations / Introduction / All Eyes on India / Plague and Cholera The Epidemic versus the Endemic / Malaria - India’s True Plague / From Panama to Khartoum - Yellow Fever Inches Closer to Home / Disease as Prism / Epilogue: Swine Flu Redux / Notes / Bibliography / Index May 2012 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-35460-9
Tributary Empires in Global History Edited by Peter Fibiger Bang, Associate Professor, The Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and C. A. Bayly, Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial History, University of Cambridge, UK
A pioneering volume comparing the great historical empires, such as the Roman, Mughal and Ottoman. Leading interdisciplinary thinkers study tributary empires from diverse perspectives, illuminating the importance of these earlier forms of imperialism to broaden our perspective on modern concerns about empire and the legacy of colonialism. July 2011 312pp 1 b/w illustration and 1 map Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-29472-1 978-0-230-30841-1
Finance, Politics, and Imperialism
Examines the evolution of the modern Afghan state in the shadow of Britain’s imperial presence in South Asia during the first half of the nineteenth century, and challenges the staid assumptions that the Afghans were little more than pawns in a larger Anglo-Russian imperial rivalry known as the ‘Great Game’. Contents: List of Maps / Note on Transliteration / Glossary of Foreign Terms / Acknowledgements / Introduction / The Power of Colonial Knowledge / The Myths of the ‘Great Game’ / Anglo-Sikh Relations and South Asian Warfare / Ontology of the Afghan Political Community / Camels, Caravan and Corridor Cities: The Afghan Economy / The Afghan Trade Corridor / The ‘Failure’ of the Afghan Political Project / Epilogue / Bibliography February 2012 3 maps Paperback
Australia, Canada, and the City of London, c.18961914 Andrew Dilley, Lecturer in History, University of Aberdeen, UK
Andrew Dilley offers a major new study of financial dependence, examining the connections this dependence forged between the City and political life in Edwardian Australia and Canada, mediated by ideas of political economy. In doing so he reconstructs the occasionally imperialistic politic of finance which pervaded the British World at this time. November 2011 280pp 17 b/w tables and 9 graphs Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22203-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=321090
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Engaging Colonial Knowledge
Reading European Archives in World History
The Making of Indian Secularism Empire, Law and Christianity, 1830-1960 Nandini Chatterjee, Lecturer in History, University of Plymouth, UK January 2011 352pp 216x138mm 11 b/w illustrations, 1 map and 2 b/w tables Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-22005-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=312072
Edited by Ricardo Roque, Research Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal and Kim A. Wagner, Lecturer in Imperial and World History, University of Birmingham, UK
Presenting a set of rich case-studies which demonstrate novel and productive approaches to the study of colonial knowledge, this volume covers British, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish colonial encounters in Africa, Asia, America and the Pacific, from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. November 2011 320pp 12 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24198-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=391875
Available as an ebook
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Elites and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century Edited by Jost Dülffer, Professor of International History, University of Cologne, Germany and Marc Frey, Helmut Schmidt Chair of International History, Jacobs University, Germany April 2011 Hardback
312pp £55.00
HIGHLIGHT A History of World Societies 9th edition
216x138mm 978-0-230-24369-9
John P. McKay, University of Ilinois, USA, Bennett D. Hill, Sometime Georgetown University, USA, John Buckler, University of Iliinois, USA, Patricia B. Ebrey, University of Washington, USA, Roger B. Beck, Eastern Illinois University, USA, Clare Haru Crowston, University of Illinois, USA and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
'An elegantly written narrative that captures the voices of the human past. The highly respected teacher-scholars who authored the volumes adopt a unique world regional approach with special emphasis on social history and strike the proper balance between breadth and depth. The artful presentation and effective integration of written text and visual materials helps instructors promote history and the historian’s craft. The textbook’s gorgeous professional layout and diverse pedagogical activities keep students interested and are hallmarks of today’s student-centered learning models.' - Matthew D. Esposito, Drake University, USA
Empire and Environmental Anxiety Health, Science, Art and Conservation in South Asia and Australasia, 1800-1920 James Beattie, Senior Lecturer in History, University of Waikato, New Zealand May 2011 336pp 216x138mm 9 maps, 15 b/w illustrations and 1 b/w table Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-55320-0
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Enlightenment, Governance, and Reform in Spain and its Empire 1759–1808 Gabriel B. Paquette, Assistant Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University, USA April 2011 Paperback
264pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-30052-1
A History of World Societies introduces students to the global past through social history, and provides insights into the stories and voices of the people who lived it. Thoroughly revised, the ninth edition now contains more global comparisons, documents, features and activities to aid and reinforce students’ learning. Contents: The Earliest Human Societies, to 2500 B.C.E. / The Rise of the State in Southwest Asia and the Nile Valley, ca. 3200-500 B.C.E. / The Foundation of Indian Society, to 300 c.e. / China’s Classical Age, to 221 B.C.E. / The Greek Experience, ca. 3500-150 B.C.E. / The World of Rome, ca. 750 B.C.E.-400 C.E./ East Asia and the Spread of Buddhism, 221 B.C.E-800 C.E. / Continuity and Change in Europe and Western Asia, ca. 350-850 / The Islamic World, ca. 600-1400 / African Societies and Kingdoms, ca. 1000 B.C.E.–1500 C.E. / The Americas, 3000 B.C.E.-1500 C.E. / Cultural Exchange in Central and Southern Asia, to 1400 / States and Cultures in East Asia, ca. 800-1400 / Europe in the Middle Ages, 800-1450 / Europe in the Renaissance and Reformation, 1350-1600 / The Acceleration of Global Contact, 1450-1600 / European Power and Expansion, ca. 1500-1750 / New Worldviews and Ways of Life, 1540-1790 / Africa and the World, ca. 1400–1800 / The Islamic World Powers, ca. 1300-1800 / Continuity and Change in East Asia, ca. 1400-1800 / Revolutions in the Atlantic World, 1775-1815 / The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 1760-1850 / Ideologies of Change in Europe, 1815–1914 / Africa, Southwest Asia, and the New Imperialism, 1800–1914 / Asia in the Era of Imperialism, 1800-1914 / Nation Building in the Americas and Australia, ca. 1770-1914 / World War and Revolution, 1914-1929 / Nationalism in Asia, 1914-1939 / The Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945 / Global Recovery and Division Between Superpowers, 1945 to the Present / Independence, Progress, and Conflict in Asia and the Middle East, 1945 to the Present / The Global South: Latin America and Africa, 1945 to the Present / A New Era in World History
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Volume 1: To 1600
Volume 2: Since 1450
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A History of Western Society Since 1300 10th edition John P. McKay, John Buckler, Clare Haru Crowston, all at University of Ilinois, USA, Bennett D. Hill, sometime Georgetown University, USA, Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Joe Perry, Georgia State University, USA January 2011 Paperback
752pp £37.99
A History of Western Society 10th edition John P. McKay, John Buckler, Clare Haru Crowston, all at University of Ilinois, USA, Bennett D. Hill, sometime Georgetown University, USA, Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Joe Perry, Georgia State University, USA
10x220mm 978-0-230-12105-8
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Contents: Origins ca. 400,000-1100 B.C.E. / Small Kingdoms and Mighty Empires in the Near East ca. 1100-513 B.C.E. / The Development of Classical Greece ca. 2000-338 B.C.E. / The Hellenistic World 336-30 B.C.E. / The Rise of Rome ca. 750-31 B.C.E. / The Pax Romana 31 B.C.E.-284 C.E. / Late Antiquity 250-600 / Europe in the Early Middle Ages 600-1000 / State and Church in the High Middle Ages 1000-1300 / The Life of the People in the High Middle Ages 1000-1300 / The Creativity and Challenges of Medieval Cities 1100-1300 / The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages 1300-1450 / European Society in the Age of the Renaissance 1350-1550 / Reformations and Religious Wars 1500-1600 / European Exploration and Conquest 1450-1650 / Absolutism and Constitutionalism ca. 1589-1725 / Toward a New Worldview 1540-1789 / The Expansion of Europe 1650-1800 / The Changing Life of the People 1700-1800 / The Revolution in Politics 1775-1815 / The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 1780-1850 / Ideologies and Upheavals, 1815-1850 / Life in the Emerging Urban Society, 1840-1900 / The Age of Nationalism, 1850-1914 / The West and the World, 1815-1914 / War and Revolution, 1914-1919 / The Age of Anxiety, ca. 1900-1940 / Dictatorships and the Second World War, 1919-1945 / Cold War Conflict and Consensus 1945-1965 / Challenging the Postwar Order 1960-1991 / Europe in an Age of Globalization 1990 to the Present January 2011 Hardback
1152pp £45.00
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Antiquity to Enlightenment Volume 1 Contents: Origins ca. 400,000-1100 B.C.E. to Toward a New Worldview 1540-1789 January 2011 Paperback
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From the Age of Exploration to the Present Volume 2 Contents: European Exploration and Conquest 14501650 to Europe in an Age of Globalization 1990 to the Present January 2011 Paperback
608pp £36.99
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A Short History of Western Political Thought W.M. Spellman, University of North Carolina at Asheville, USA
A highly accessible narrative survey of political thought over the past two millenia. Exploring many key ideas in the Western tradition, it begins with the classic political thought of the ancient Greeks, moves through the medieval and early Christian views of politics, and concludes by exploring the modern re-interpretation of political life. June 2011 Hardback Paperback
176pp £49.50 £16.99
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Mastering Modern World History
Contentment in Contention
War in the World
4th edition
Acceptance versus Aspiration
A Comparative History, 1450-1600
Beverley Southgate, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Norman Lowe, formerly Head of History, Nelson and Colne College, UK September 2005 664pp Paperback £18.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-3982-1
Palgrave Master Series http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=269465
Intercultural Transfers and the Making of the Modern World Sources and Contexts Thomas Adam, Professor of History, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
'[A]n exemplary set of case studies in transnational history.' - Ian Tyrrell, Scientia Professor of History, University of New South Wales, Australia This introduction and collection of sources for courses on world and transnational history, focuses on the interconnected and interrelated nature of societies and cultures from 1800 onwards. Case studies trace transnational connections through the examples of cooperatives, housing reform, education, eugenics and nonviolent resistance.
Southgate draws on ideas within history, philosophy, literature, psychology, and theology to explore two traditions: contentment with our situation as it is, and the aspiration to transcend it. He discusses the possibility of escape from intellectual constraints, and advocates a positive ‘duty of discontent’, and its implications. December 2011 224pp Hardback £55.00
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Contents: Introduction / Conflict 1450-1500 / Conflict 1500-1535 / Conflict 1535-75 / Conflict 1575-1600 / Naval Capability and Warfare / The Expansion of Europe 1450-1600 / Warfare, Social Contexts and State Development / Conclusions / Postscript September 2011 264pp Hardback £52.50 Paperback £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-29858-3 978-0-230-29859-0
Beyond the Military Revolution War in the Seventeenth Century World Jeremy Black, University of Exeter, UK
The seventeenth century has been seen as a period of ‘crisis’ or transition from the pre-modern to the modern world. Jeremy Black explores this crucial period in world history from the perspective of war and military institutions. Genuinely global in range, the book engages with and challenges the idea of a ‘military revolution’.
978-0-230-24353-8 978-0-230-24354-5
April 2011 Hardback Paperback
A global account of warfare in the late fifteenth and sixteenthcentury that emphasises the breadth of military trajectories and connections. It offers a corrective to a narrative that has emphasized European developments and obscured the history of non-European military systems and cultures of war.
Contents: Preface / Introduction: The Nature of Intercultural Transfer / Cooperatives and Capitalism: The Democratization of the Economy / Better Housing for Better Citizens: Octavia Hill’s Worldwide Appeal to Housing Reform / Better Citizens for a Better Future? The Transnational Transfer of Eugenics / From Memorization to Problem-Solving: Maria Montessori’s Contribution to School Reform in the Twentieth Century / Change Through Non-Violence: The Rationalization of Conflict Solution / Suggestions For Further Reading / Bibliography November 2011 168pp 1 map and 2 b/w photographs Hardback £45.00 Paperback £14.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-35459-3
Jeremy Black, University of Exeter, UK
248pp £52.50 £17.99
Cross-Cultural History and the Domestication of Otherness Michal Jan Rozbicki and George O. Ndege
This book illuminates our understanding of what happens when different cultures meet. Twelve cultural historians explore the mechanism and inner dynamic of such encounters, and demonstrate that while they often occur on the wave of global forces and influences, they only acquire meaning locally, where culture inherently resides. January 2012 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33997-2
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The Great Interwar Crisis and the Collapse of Globalization
The American West and the Nazi East
'This is a splendid piece of scholarship, finely written, exhaustively researched, and interpretively bold. With his emphasis upon the symbiotic relationship of economics and politics, Boyce sees in the late 1920s the real beginnings of the drift toward a new war, and the Anglo-Americans as especially important players in that slow-motion collapse.' Robert J. Young, University of Winnipeg, Canada Challenging the standard narrative, this account, updated for the paperback edition, establishes the causal relationship between the global political and economic crises of the interwar period, and offers a new look at the role of ideology, racism and the leading liberal powers in the events between the First and Second World Wars. Contents: List of Tables / Preface / Abbreviations / Introduction / The Liberal Powers, Peace-Making and International Security, 1914-19 / The Emasculation of International Security after the Great War / The Limits of Globalisation / The Crisis Begins, 1927-29 / The Crisis, September 1929 - April 1931 / In the Eye of the Storm, May 1931 - February 1932 / The Collapse of the Post-War Order, 1932 - 34 / Conclusion: From the Great Interwar Crisis to the Present / Bibliography 624pp
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2nd edition
A Comparative and Interpretive Perspective
Robert Boyce, Senior Lecturer in International History, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
February 2012 11 b/w tables Paperback
The Second World War
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A.W. Purdue, Visiting Professor of History, University of Northumbria, UK
Carroll P. Kakel III, Research Historian and Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, Center for Liberal Arts, USA
'Challenging and provocative, this well-researched and clearly written account utilizes the cuttingedge approaches of comparative genocide studies to identify what Kakel rightly calls ‘disquieting underlying patterns of empirical similarity’ in the genocidal policies and practices that flowed from colonial ambitions in the American West and the Nazi East.' - John K. Roth, Founding Director, Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights, Claremont McKenna College, USA July 2011 Hardback
320pp £55.00
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The Age of Revolutions in Global Context, c. 1760–1840
216x138mm 978-0-230-27935-3 978-0-230-27936-0
European History in Perspective Series Editor: Jeremy Black http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=412375
Edited by David Armitage, Professor of History, Harvard University, USA and Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Professor of History, University of California, USA
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GLOBAL AND TRANSITIONAL HISTORY Palgrave Studies in Oral History
Place, Writing, and Voice in Oral History Shelley Trower, Research Fellow, Department of English, Exeter University, UK
Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes ‘A premier publisher of oral history.’ - Choice
This book demonstrates how oral history can provide a valuable way of understanding locality, which is important in the light of major issues facing the world today, including global environmental concerns.
Displaced The Human Cost of Development and Resettlement Olivia Bennett, Senior Advisor for the Oral Testimony Programme, Panos London, UK and Christopher McDowell, Reader in International Politics, City University, London, UK
A collection of oral histories that reveal the loss of cultural continuity, identity, shifts in family responsibilities, gender roles and fractured relationships between generations that are just some of the challenges people face as they attempt to rebuild lives and communities.
November 2011 250pp Hardback £55.00
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Oral History and Photography
May 2012 256pp 234x156mm 6 maps, 5 colour illustrations and 1 b/w illustration Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-11785-3 Paperback £17.99 978-0-230-11786-0
Edited by Alexander Freund, Chair in German-Canadian Studies, University of Winnipeg, Canada and Alistair Thomson, Professor of History, Monash University, Australia
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This book collects original research essays to explore the diverse uses of photographs and photography in oral history, from the use of photographs as memory triggers to their deployment in the telling of life stories. The book’s contributors include both oral historians and photography scholars and critics. October 2011 270pp 80 b/w photographs Hardback £55.00
Human Rights, Development and Decolonization The International Labour Organization, 1940-70 Daniel R. Maul, Lecturer in History, Justus-LiebigUniversität Gießen, Germany
'A break-through in historical scholarship on international politics in the twentieth century in general and on the role of international organizations, human rights and development in particular...A carefully crafted, well-written study, the book will become a standard work for scholars and students in history, political science, human rights and development studies.' - Corinna R. Unger, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany An innovative diplomatic and intellectual history of decolonization, post-colonial nation building and international human rights and development discourses, this study of the role of the ILO during 1940–70 opens up new perspectives on the significance of international organizations as actors in the history of the twentieth century. January 2012 432pp 22 b/w illustrations Hardback £70.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34362-7
International Labour Organization (ILO) Century Series ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=531698
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The Secret History of Democracy
Globalizing Lynching History
Edited by Benjamin Isakhan, Research Fellow, Centre for Citizenship and Globalization, Deakin University, Australia and Stephen Stockwell, Professor of Journalism and Communication, School of Humanities, Griffith University, Australia
'This exciting book surely enlivens and enriches our debate on democracy and its future by digging afresh oft-forgotten, yet most enlightening democratic experiences found in human history.' - Takashi Inoguchi, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo and President of the University of Niigata Prefecture, Japan January 2012 Paperback
264pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-37510-9
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Books between Europe and the Americas Connections and Communities, 1620-1860 Edited by Leslie Howsam, University Professor of History, University of Windsor, Canada and James Raven, Professor of Modern History, University of Essex, UK May 2011 Hardback
336pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28567-5
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Vigilantism and Extralegal Punishment from an International Perspective
Mass Education and the Limits of State Building, c.1870–1930 Edited by Laurence Brockliss, Professor of Early Modern French History, Magdalen College, University of Oxford, UK and Nicola Sheldon, Research Fellow, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, UK
Edited by Manfred Berg, Curt Engelhorn Professor of American History, University of Heidelburg, Germany and Simon Wendt, Assistant Professor of American Studies, University of Frankfurt, Germany.
The study of lynching in US history has become a well-developed area of scholarship. However, scholars have rarely included comparative or transnational perspectives when studying the American case, although lynching and communal punishment have occurred in most societies throughout history. November 2011 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11588-0
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Decoding Modern Consumer Societies Edited by Hartmut Berghoff, Director and uwe Spiekerman, Deputy Director, both at German Historical Institute, USA
Drawing on a wide range of studies of Europe, the United States, Asia, and Africa, the contributions gathered here consider how political history, business history, the history of science, cultural history, gender history, intellectual history, anthropology, and even environmental history can help us decode modern consumer societies. December 2011 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11662-7
The first comparative study of the spread of mass education around the world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, this unique new book uses a bottom-up focus and demonstrates, to an extent not appreciated hitherto, the gulf between the intentions of the government and the reality on the ground. Contents: Preface / List of Contributors / Note on Timelines and Glossaries / General Introduction / PART I: THE BRITISH ISLES / Introduction / Citizenship, Moral Education and the English Elementary School; S.Wright / Elite Education and the Development of Mass Elementary Schooling in England, 1870-1930; H.Ellis / Faith and Nationhood: Church, State and the Provision of Schooling in Ireland, 1870-1930; D.Raftery & M.Relihan / PART II: CONTINENTAL EUROPE / Introduction / From the Zwergschule (One-Room Schoolhouse) to the Comprehensive School: German Elementary Schools in Imperial Germany and the Weimar Republic, 1870–1930; G.Budde / Schools are Society's Salvation': The State and Mass Education in France 1870-1930; J.F.Chanet / Russia and the Soviet Union: Schooling, Citizenship and the Reach of the State, 1870-1945; B.Eklof / PART III: THE WIDER WORLD / Introduction / 'To Become Good Members of Civil Society and Patriotic Americans': Mass Education in the United States, 1870-1930; E.Berg / Primary Education and the Construction of Citizenship in Brazil, 1870-1930: Progress and Tensions; M.C.Soares de Gouvea & A.F. Schueller / The Role of Mass Education in Nation Building in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic, 1870-1930; N.Cicek / PART VI: THE COLONIAL EMPIRES / Introduction / 'Education for Every Son and Daughter of South Africa': Race, Class and the Compulsory Education Debate in the Cape Colony; S. E. Duff / India's Trials with Citizenship, Modernisation and Nationhood; N.Kumar/ Index March 2012 Hardback
336pp £60.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-27350-4
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Myths and Milestones in the History of Sport Edited by Stephen Wagg, Professor of Sport and Society, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
The conventional history of sport, as conveyed by television and the sports press, has thrown up a great many apparent turning points, but knowledge of these apparently defining moments is often slight. This book offers readable, in-depth studies of a series of these watersheds in sport history and of the circumstances in which they came about. November 2011 328pp 6 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24125-1
Constructing Leisure Historical and Philosophical Debates Karl Spracklen, Principal Lecturer in Socio-Cultural Aspects of Sport and Leisure, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
This book provides an account of leisure through historical time, exploring the meaning and purpose of leisure in the past, and across different cultures.
The Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series Editors: Akira Iriye and Rana Mitter
Transnationalism in the Prussian East From National Conflict to Synthesis, 1871-1914 Mark Tilse, Tutor
The Establishment Responds
July 2011 Hardback
Power, Politics, and Protest since 1945
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Edited by Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Professor of Media Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany, Martin Klimke, Associate Professor of History, New York University, Abu Dhabi; co-author of the Palgrave titles 1968 in Europe, Joachim Scharloth, Associate Professor of German Linguistics, Dokkyo University in Tokyo, Japan; co-author of 1968 in Europe and Laura Wong, Associated Researcher, Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany; Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies, Harvard University, USA
This volume fills this gap by examining the many ways in which political parties, the business world, foreign policymakers, and the intelligence community experienced, confronted, and even actively contributed to domestic and transnational forms of dissent. February 2012 Hardback Paperback
262pp £58.00 £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-11498-2 978-0-230-11499-9
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232pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28051-9
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216x138mm 978-0-230-28416-6
Exploring the Decolonial Imaginary Four Transnational Lives Patricia A. Schechter, Professor of History, Portland State University, USA December 2011 284pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33877-7
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The Chinese in Britain, 1800 - Present Economy, Transnationalism, Identity Gregor Benton, Emeritus Professor of History, School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University, UK and Edmund Terence Gomez, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya , Malaysia May 2011 Paperback
October 2011 Hardback
288pp £55.00
512pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-29641-1
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Cuban Sugar Industry
In Search of a Peace Settlement Egypt and Israel between the Wars, 1967-1973
Transnational Networks and Engineering Migrants in Mid-Nineteenth Century Cuba Jonathan Curry-Machado, Fellow at Wageningen University, The Netherlands; Associate Fellow, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, UK
Moshe Gat, Professor of Modern History and Political Studies, Bar Ilan University, Israel
This is the first examination of the Israeli and Egyptian peace process between 1967-1973, which highlights the rise and fall of Soviet influence after the Six Day War and explores how the increasing importance of America’s political leadership affected the region. Contents: Introduction / After the War: A Political Stalemate / The War of Attrition: The Egyptian-Israeli Front Spirals Out of Control / Towards the Rogers Peace Initiative / Sadat - Striving for a Settlement / The Moment of Decision / Conclusions / Bibliography / Index June 2012 Hardback
296pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-37500-0
Through the story of a group of forgotten migrant workers who anonymously contributed to Cuba’s development, this book explores the development of the Cuban sugar industry and how the country became bound into global networks. April 2011 Hardback
278pp £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11139-4
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Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
A History with Documents 7th edition
Before Haiti
May 2010 Paperback
Race and Citizenship in French Saint-Domingue
134x156mm 978-0-230-24711-6
The Ottoman Empire, 1300–1650 The Structure of Power 2nd edition Colin Imber, formerly Reader in Turkish, University of Manchester, UK August 2009 Hardback Paperback
448pp £55.00 £17.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-57450-2 978-0-230-57451-9
'This work makes an enormous contribution to the existing scholarship on Haiti, on free people of color in the Caribbean, and more generally to our understanding of the history of the Atlantic world.’ - Laurent Dubois, Michigan State University, USA 410pp £20.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10837-0
Americas in the Early Modern Atlantic World ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=280357
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4th edition Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Baylor University, USA
This established introductory text provides a lucid, authoritative account of the course of American history, discussing political, social, economic and cultural developments. In this revised and updated new edition, Jenkins discusses the Obama presidency, the economic crisis and recent environmental issues. Contents: Introduction / Unnamed Lands: The European Settlement, 1492-1765 / Revolution and Nation Building, 1765-1825 / Expansion and Crisis, 1825-65 / Cities and Industry, 1865-1917 / War and Globalism, 1917-56 / Only Yesterday: The United States 1956-2000 / Contemporary America / Glossary / Suggestions for Further Reading January 2012 Hardback Paperback
368pp £55.00 £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-28286-5 978-0-230-28287-2
John D. Garrigus, Associate Professor of History, University of Texas, USA
January 2011 Paperback
A History of the United States
Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black
Charles D. Smith, Lecturer, University of Arizona, USA 608pp £23.99
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America since 1945 The American Moment 2nd edition Harry Papasotiriou, Associate Professor, Panteion University, Greece and Paul Levine, Emeritus Professor, Copenhagen University, Denmark
In this essential introduction to postwar America, central currents in art, film, theatre, intellectual history and media are explored alongside political and social change. November 2010 320pp Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-25145-8
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War
Stumbling Towards the Constitution
Radicalism in the South since Reconstruction
Selected Writing and Speeches 2nd edition
The Economic Consequences of Freedom in the Atlantic World
Edited by James Smethurst, Associate Professor of History and Afro-American Studies, W.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies, University of MassachusettsAmherst, USA, Rachel Rubin, Associate Professor of American Studies, University of Massachusetts-Boston, USA and Chris Green, Assistant Professor of English, Marshall University, USA
Michael P. Johnson, Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University, USA
This collection offers students the essential Lincoln in a brief and accessible format. From famous documents like the Lincoln-Douglas debates and the second inaugural address to crucial memoranda and letters, it reveals the development of Lincoln’s views on all the critical issues of the day. July 2011 Paperback
240pp £19.99
210x138mm 978-0-312-55813-0
Published by Bedford/St. Martin’s The Bedford Series in History and Culture Series Editors: Natalie Zemon Davis and Ernest R. May http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=334024 TB
The Salem Witch Hunt A Brief History with Documents Richard Godbeer, Professor of History, University of Miami, USA
The introduction explores the beliefs, fears and events that fueled the witch panic of 1692. The documents in this collection illuminate how the Puritans’ worldview led them to seek a supernatural explanation for the problems vexing their community. July 2011 Paperback
208pp £19.99
210x138mm 978-0-312-48455-2
The Bedford Series in History and Culture Series Editors: Natalie Zemon Davis and Ernest R. May http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=288716 TB
Jonathan M. Chu, Associate Professor of History, University of Massachusetts, USA
Jonathan Chu explores individual economic and legal behaviors, connecting them to adjustments in trade relations with Europe and Asia, the rise in debt litigation in Western Massachusetts, deflation and monetary illiquidity, and the Bank of North America.
This book, now available in paperpack is a reassessment of long-held paradigms about modern southern culture and politics and the relation of the South to political and cultural life of the United States.
Contents: PART I: THE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF INDEPENDENCE / Independence, the United States and the Atlantic Community / Reorienting Trade: the Origins of Sino-American Trade / American Merchants in the Post-Revolutionary World / Debt and Taxes: State Action, the Economy and Individual Behavior / Illiquidity, Depression and Debt Litigation in Western Massachusetts / PART II: FROM ILLIQUIDITY TO CONSTITUTIONALISM / Paper Money: Defining Values, Negotiating Equity / A Necessary Expedient: Monetary Stability and the Bank of North America / The Bank of North America, A Dreadful Engine of Oppression / The Unfinished Revolution A Uniform System of Commercial Intercourse and Regulations
April 2011 Paperback
May 2012 Hardback
Terrorism and Justice in the Gilded Age
288pp £52.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34046-6
284pp £19.99
ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=276787
The Trial of the Haymarket Anarchists Timothy Messer-Kruse, Interim Vice-Provost for Academic Programs; Dean of the Graduate College, Bowling Green State University, USA
The New Urban Atlantic http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=545742
A Political History of the USA One Nation Under God Bruce Kuklick, Nichols Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania, USA
A fresh and engaging account of America’s history from the fifteenth century to the twenty-first that navigates complexities without oversimplifying or assuming prior knowledge. Kuklick focuses on politics, but places this in the context of religious culture and emphasizes the assertive expansion at the heart of the development of the U.S. August 2009 360pp 17 photographs and 19 maps Hardback £55.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-22136-9 978-0-230-22137-6
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=309705 TB
234x156mm 978-0-230-62347-7
In this controversial new history, Timothy Messer-Kruse rewrites the standard narrative of the most iconic event in American labor history. Using thousands of pages of previously unexamined materials, Messer-Kruse demonstrates that, contrary to longstanding historical opinion, the trial was not the “travesty of justice” it has commonly been depicted as. September 2011 244pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-11660-3 978-0-230-12077-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=525947
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Native American Adoption, Captivity, and Slavery in Changing Contexts
STuDIES OF THE AMERICAS Series Editor: Maxine Molyneux
The Hispanic World and American Intellectual Life, 1820–1880 Iván Jaksic, Associate Professor of History, Stanford University, USA; author of Andrés Bello: Scholarship and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
'This path-breaking book is the first comprehensive narrative and analysis of early U.S. scholars of Hispanic history and literature. The author opens new windows on the migration of ideas into and out of the U.S.' - James Turner, Professor of the Humanities, University of Notre Dame, France 'This is unquestionably the best study on Spain’s place in the imaginary of nineteenth century America...A page-turner from the very start, the book is essential for anyone interested in history of Hispanism or the image of Spain in the United States, as well as the writers whose work Jaksić surveys.' - Richard L. Kagan, Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University,USA This book, now available in paperback, examines why several American literary and intellectual icons found themselves to be pioneering scholars and lifelong students of the Hispanic world. The author asserts that these gifted Americans focused on the Hispanic world that they might shape their own country’s identity after Independence and the War of 1812. March 2012 Paperback
266pp £22.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-33749-7
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-333-71476-8 Paperback: 978-0-333-80328-8
Edited by Max Carocci, Research Fellow, Centre for Anthropology, British Museum, UK and Stephanie Pratt, Associate Professor of Art History, University of Plymouth, UK
‘Challenging the simplistic and often culturally biased literature on this topic, the authors analyze written and visual documents as expressions of complex encounters First Nations people experienced with other tribes, with the various colonial nations with whom they sometimes warred and sometimes formed alliances, and, notably, with African slaves.’ Aldona Jonaitis, Director Emerita, University of Alaska Museum of the North, Alaska Contents: Ripe for Colonial Exploitation: Ancient Traditions of Violence and Enmity as Preludes to the Indian Slave Trade; M.D.Jeter / The Emergence of the Colonial South: Colonial Indian Slaving and the Fall of the Pre-Contact Mississippian World and the Emergence of a New Social Geography in the American South, 1540-1730; R.Ethridge / Southeastern Indian Polities of the Seventeenth Century: Suggestions toward an Analytical Vocabulary; E.E.Bowne / From Captives to Kin: Indian Slavery and Changing Social Identities on the Louisiana Colonial Frontier; D.Bowker Lee / Capturing Captivity: Visual Imaginings of the English and Powhatan Encounter Accompanying the Virginia Narratives of John Smith and Ralph Hamor, 1612-1634; S.Pratt / Strategies of (Un)belonging: The Captivities of John Smith, Olaudah Equiano, and John Marrant; S.Castillo / Captive or Captivated: Rethinking Encounters in Early Colonial America; P.Minges / A Christian Disposition: Religious Identity in the Meeker Captivity Narrative; B.Denison / Visual Representation as a Method of Discourse on Captivity, Focussed on Cynthia Ann Parker; L.Holdridge / Reflections and Refractions from the Southwest Borderlands; J.F.Brooks December 2011 Hardback
278pp £55.00
Hollywood and the American Historical Film Edited by J.E. Smyth, Assistant Professor of Comparative American Studies and History, University of Warwick, UK
This definitive interdisciplinary collection probes the theoretical and historical contexts of films made about the American past, from silent film to the present. The book offers a fresh assessment of studio era historical filmmaking and its legacy across a range of genres. Contents: Introduction; J.E.Smyth / Film and History: Artefact and Experience; W.Susman / Film History, Reconstruction and Southern Legendary History in The Birth of a Nation (1915); D.Culbert / The Hollywood Western, the Movement-Image and Making History; M.Landy / Ripping the Portieres at the Seams: Lessons from A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) on Gone with the Wind (1939); S.Courtney / Hollywood About Hollywood: Genre as Historiography; R.Sklar / Some Like it Hot (1959) and The Virtues of Not Taking History Too Seriously; D.Eldridge / Vico’s Age of Heroes and the Age of Men in John Ford’s The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962); M.Roche & V.Hösle / Anatomy of a Shipwreck: Warner Bros., The White House and the Celluloid Sinking of PT 109 (1963); N.J.Cull / The Long Road of Women’s Memory: Fred Zinnemann’s Julia (1977); J.E.Smyth / Inventing Historical Truth on the Silver Screen; R.Rosenstone / ‘This is not America; this is Los Angeles’: Crime, Space and History in the City of Angels; I.Scott / Between Nostalgia and Regret: Strategies of Historical Disruption from Douglas Sirk to Mad Men; V.Dika / Further Reading January 2012 272pp 15 b/w photographs Hardback £55.00 Paperback £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23092-7 978-0-230-23093-4
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=355521 TB
216x138mm 978-0-230-11505-7
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=507390
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Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Multi-Talented Mr.Erskine
The American Family From Obligation to Freedom
Shaping Mass Culture through Great Books and Fine Music Katherine Elise Chaddock, Professor in the College of Education, University of South Carolina, USA
This first biography of John Erskine views him in the larger contexts of the mass culture and expanded commercialism that helped propel his fame. It also relates a life narrative that demonstrates perils of academic celebrity along a conceptual path from public intellectual to pop icon. May 2012 272pp 6 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11775-4
David Peterson del Mar, Assistant Professor, Portland State University, USA; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Oregon State University, USA
This book traces the movement from mutualism to individualism in the context of American family life. Families survived or even flourished during colonization, Revolution, slavery, immigration and economic upheaval. In the past century, prosperity created a culture devoted to pleasure and individual fulfilment. November 2011 224pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £17.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-33744-2 978-0-230-33745-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=534390
Redefining American Identity
Advertising in the Age of Persuasion Building Brand America, 1941-1961 Dawn Spring, Independent Designer and Scholar
Documents and analyzes the implementation of the American strategy of consumerism during the 1940s and 1950s, and its ongoing ramifications. Contents: Persuaders in the Public Interest / Miracle, USA / The Brand Names Foundation’s ‘Worthwhile Community Activity’ / Advertising - A New Weapon in the Worldwide Fight for Freedom / Saving the World through Religious Revival / The Crusade for Freedom / One Nation, One World with Television / ‘The Conscience of America’ and ‘The Arsenal of Persuasion’ October 2011 Hardback
246pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11694-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=523981
From Cabeza de Vaca to Barack Obama Benjamin Railton, Assistant Professor of American and Ethnic Literature, Fitchburg State College, USA
Using five personal narratives and in contrast to both the traditional and multicultural narratives, this book suggest cross-cultural transformation has been at the core of America since the first moments of contact. March 2011 Hardback
200pp £52.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-11206-3
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=500404
Challenging US Foreign Policy America and the World in the Long Twentieth Century Edited by Bevan Sewell, Lecturer in American History, School of American & Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham, UK and Scott Lucas, Professor of American Studies, University of Birmingham, UK
Some categorisations of US power have long governed analyses of American foreign policy concepts such as ‘empire’, ‘decline’, ‘superpower’, ‘the Cold War’ and ‘the War on Terror’ - and have led to a distortion that sees US policy measured by broad labels, rather than on its own terms. This fresh new approach seeks to challenge these terms. October 2011 Hardback
320pp £60.00
Wealth, Power, and the Crisis of Laissez Faire Capitalism Donald Gibson, Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, USA June 2011 Hardback
304pp £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11487-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=506459
216x138mm 978-0-230-24989-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=406885
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American Radio in China International Encounters with Technology and Communications, 1919-41 Michael A. Krysko, Assistant Professor of History, Kansas State University, USA
Interwar era efforts to expand US radio into China floundered in the face of flawed US policies and approaches. Situated at the intersection of media studies, technology studies, and US foreign relations, this study frames the ill-fated radio initiatives as symptomatic of an increasingly troubled US-East Asian relationship before the Pacific War. April 2011 304pp 216x138mm 29 b/w illustrations and 4 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-25266-0
Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media Series Editors: Bill Bell and Chandrika Kaul ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=411114
The U.S. and the Liberation of Kenya Gerald Horne, John and Rebecca Moores Professor of African-American History, University of Houston, USA; Horne has published over two dozen books, including From the Barrel of a Gun: The United States and the War Against Zimbabwe, 1965-1980
'This is a fast-moving, readable account - stunningly well-researched in a wide range of archives on three continents.' - John Lonsdale, Fellow of Trinity College and Emeritus University Professor of Modern African History, University of Cambridge, UK Based on archival research on three continents, this book addresses the interpenetration of two closely related movements: the struggle against white supremacy and Jim Crow in the US, and the struggle against similar forces and for national liberation in Colonial Kenya. 320pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-33902-6
Andrew Hartman, Assistant Professor of History, Illinois State University, USA
Now available in paperback, Education and the Cold War illustrates how Americans variously experienced the Cold War as a crisis in education and, in turn, how education helped facilitate the construction of Cold Warriors conditioned to fear and loathe communism and the Soviet Union. February 2012 Paperback
272pp £19.50
234x156mm 978-0-230-33897-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections, NetLibrary, Myilibrary, Ebrary, ebooks.com, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=288390
From Black Power to Prison Power The Making of Jones v. North Carolina Prisoners’ Labor Union Donald F. Tibbs, Associate Professor of Law, Earle Mack School of Law, Drexel University, USA
This book uses the landmark case Jones v. North Carolina Prisoners’ Labor Union to examine the strategies of prison inmates using race and radicalism to inspire the formation of an inmate labor union. December 2011 Hardback
278pp £55.00
Available as an ebook
This book provides the first national study of this intense and challenging struggle which disrupted and refashioned institutions in almost every state. It also illuminates the context for one of the most transformative educational movements in American history through a history of black higher education and black student activism before 1965. April 2012 256pp 9 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 Paperback £17.99
235x152mm 978-0-230-11780-8 978-0-230-11781-5
Anticommunism and the African American Freedom Movement ”Another Side of the Story” Edited by Robbie Lieberman, Professor of History, Southern Illinois University, USA and Clarence Lang, Assistant Professor, African American Studies & Research Program and Department of History, University of Illinois, USA June 2011 Paperback
272pp £20.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-11374-9
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=302432
216x138mm 978-0-230-34016-9
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections
Ibram H. Rogers, Assistant Professor of History, State University of New York, USA
Mau Mau in Harlem?
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Dawson ERA, Ebrary
The Battle for the American School
Black Students and the Racial Reconstitution of Higher Education, 1965-1972
Series Editor: Peniel E. Joseph
June 2012 Paperback
Education and the Cold War
The Black Campus Movement
Inspection copy available
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-22987-7 Paperback: 978-0-230-22986-0
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Living with Jim Crow
The Life of Herbert Hoover
African American Women and Memories of the Segregated South
Fighting Quaker, 1928-1933 Glen Jeansonne, Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA; author of A Time of Paradox: American Since 1890
Anne Valk, Associate Director for Programs of the John Nicholas Brown Center, Brown University, USA and Leslie Brown, Assistant Professor of History, Williams College, USA; and the author of Upbuilding Black Durham
Using first-person narratives collected through oral history interviews, this groundbreaking book collects black women’s memories of their public and private lives during the period of legal segregation in the American South. October 2011 Paperback
228pp £17.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-62152-7
Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Education Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=375048
This is the first definitive study of the presidency of America’s least understood and most under-appreciated Chief Executive. Combining government with private resources, Hoover became the first president to pit government action against the economic cycle, setting precedents and spawning ideas employed by his successor and all future presidents. March 2012 Hardback
576pp £60.00
235x152mm 978-0-230-10309-2
No Room of Her Own Women’s Stories of Homelessness, Life, Death, and Resistance
The Life of Herbert Hoover Imperfect Visionary, 1918-1928 Kendrick A. Clements, Professor of History, University of South Carolina, USA
Desiree Hellegers, Co-Director, Center for Social and Environmental Justice; Associate Chair and Associate Professor of English, Washington State University, Canada
This latest volume in the definitive six-volume biography of Herbert Hoover tracks Hoover’s life and career from 1918 to 1928 - a period defined largely by his role as United States Secretary of Commerce and leading directly to his election as the thirty-first President of the United States.
'...a definitive contemporary human document on the lives of homeless women.' - Mitchell Duneier, Maurice P. During Professor of Sociology, Princeton University, USA This oral history collection brings together extended interviews with fifteen women, illuminating the part that gender roles play in ensnaring women in cycles of domestic abuse and homelessness and highlighting the physical stresses. It also challenges liberal myths about homeless people, and homeless women in particular. October 2011 Hardback
236pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11657-3
Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=523912
May 2011 Hardback
624pp £40.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-10308-5
ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Education Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=407269
WORLD OF THE ROOSEVELTS Series Editor: David B. Woolner
Roosevelt, Franco, and the End of the Second World War Joan Maria Thomàs, Professor of Contemporary History, Universidad Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain June 2011 Hardback
252pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-10217-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=400262
George C. Marshall Servant of the American Nation Edited by Charles F. Brower, Professor of History and International Relations, Virginia Military Institute, USA September 2011 216pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11488-3
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=506362
FDR and Civil Aviation Flying Strong, Flying Free Alan P. Dobson, Professor of Politics, University of Dundee, UK June 2011 Hardback
292pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-10666-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=471319
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-54505-2 Paperback: 978-0-230-23942-5
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Lessons in Leadership
Admiral Nimitz
The Commander of the Pacific Ocean Theater
Lessons in Leadership
H. Paul Jeffers, (1934-2009) sometime Military Historian
Brayton Harris, formerly Navy captain; author of numerous books, including Blue and Gray in Black and White
In this first biography in over three decades, Brayton Harris uses long-overlooked files and recently declassified documents to bring to life one of America’s greatest wartime heroes, Chester Nimitz. January 2012 256pp 8pp b/w photographs Hardback £16.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10765-6
Lincoln and McClellan The Troubled Partnership between a President and His General John C. Waugh, Historian, formerly Correspondent and Bureau Chief for The Christian Science Monitor
Award-winning author John C. Waugh provides the first in-depth look at the fascinating relationship between George McClellan and Abraham Lincoln, from the early days of the Civil War to the 1864 presidential election, when Lincoln and McClellan had their final showdown. October 2011 272pp 8pp b/w illustrations Paperback £10.99
Duane Schultz, Psychologist, author of several books of military history, including Quantrill’s War
'This compact biography of George Armstrong Custer is deftly written and offers a wellreasoned and balanced interpretation of its subject. Schultz’s research is an impressive blend of primary and secondary sources. Custer fills a gap between those minutely detailed biographies that glorify and sometimes mythologize the man, and those skim-the-surface studies that undervalue Custer's achievements to the Civil War and Indian fighting armies.' - Edward G. Longacre, author of Custer and His Wolverines
'Jeffers presents a compelling portrait of one of our nation’s most accomplished and inspirational leaders. His book should be studied by students of military history, diplomacy and leadership alike.' - Brian D. Shaw, President, the George C. Marshall Foundation November 2011 224pp 8pp b/w photographs Paperback £8.99
Washington Lessons in Leadership Gerald M. Carbone, Author of Nathanael Greene
George Washington influenced every phase of the Revolutionary war. His offenses were as brilliant as they were unpredictable, and it is this fearless but not reckless, spontaneous but calculated, offensive approach that Carbone argues Washington should be remembered for - as a leader not of infallibility but of greatness.
216x138mm 978-0-230-11424-1
ebook available from: Amazon Kindle, ebooks.com http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=361436
ebook available from: Waterstone’s, Gardners Books
Custer was one of those larger-than-life figures, whose flamboyant, daring, and dashing personality vigorously defied conventional standards and became symbols of invincibility. Here, military historian Duane Schultz explores the strategies and legacy of one of the most fascinating figures in American military history. November 2011 224pp 8pp b/w illustrations Paperback £8.99
March 2011 224pp 8pp b/w illustrations Paperback £10.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-10366-5
ebook available from: Waterstone’s, Dawson ERA, ebooks.com, Ebook Library, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Gardners Books
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, ebooks.com, Ebook Library, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Waterstone’s, Gardners Books
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-53661-6 Paperback: 978-0-230-58048-0
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Julius Caesar
Ataturk The Extraordinary Life and Achievements of the Greatest General of The Ottoman Empire Austin Bay, Retired Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve and Co-Author of A Quick & Dirty Guide to War
Lessons in Leadership from the Great Conqueror Bill Yenne, author of more than two dozen books, including Aces High
No ancient ruler inspired more legends than Julius Caesar. Under his leadership, Rome conquered territory throughout Europe and the Mediterranean. In this fast-paced look at one of the world’s greatest generals, now available in paperback, acclaimed author Bill Yenne charts the major events that shaped his leadership, his rise to power, and his crashing fall. March 2012 Hardback
224pp £13.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-11231-5
From a historian and former colonel, comes the remarkable biography of one of the founders of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Known best in the West as the leading Ottoman officer in World War I’s Battle of Gallipoli, this military biography looks at the life and achievements of a Muslim visionary and revolutionary statesman. September 2011 224pp Hardback £13.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-10711-3
Montgomery Lessons in Leadership from the Soldier’s General
De Gaulle
Trevor Royle, Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK
Lessons in Leadership from the Defiant General Michael E. Haskew, Editor of WWII History Magazine
Charles de Gaulle once stated, ‘France has no friends, only interests,’ and it was this strength of mind and love of country that took France from an occupied territory during WWII to a leader in the Allied cause. Michael Haskew takes us on a journey to understand the man who remade both modern military tactics and global leadership.
October 2011 Hardback
224pp £14.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-11081-6
April 2011 224pp 8pp b/w photographs Hardback £14.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61489-5
ebook available from: Amazon Kindle, ebooks.com http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=348401
Lafayette Lessons in Leadership From the Idealist General Marc Leepson, Historian, Journalist and author of six books; formerly staff writer for Congressional Quarterly March 2011 224pp 8pp b/w illustrations Hardback £15.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10504-1
Latin America
A History of the British Presence in Chile From Bloody Mary to Charles Darwin and the Decline of British Influence William Edmundson, Consultant and Writer
'...an excellent book which ought to appeal to anyone with an interest in Chile. Well-researched and concise, it is an appetite-warming guide for further reading and should be recommended to newcomers planning to spend much time in the country.' - Chilean News, (the Bulletin of the Anglo-Chilean Society in London), Year 66, No. 376, 10-11. April 2010 This book, now available in paperback, sets out to narrate the contributions to and influence on the history of Chile that British visitors and immigrants have had, not as bystanders but as key players, starting in 1554 with the English Queen ‘Bloody Mary’ becoming Queen of Chile, and ending with the decline of British influence following the Second World War. Contents: Introduction: A Mysterious Sympathy / Pirates, Buccaneers, Privateers, Corsairs, & Circumnavigators / Explorers by Sea / British Naturalists in Chile / Chile’s Wars / Visitors and Explorers on Land / British Artists in Chile / British Communities in Chile / Commerce and Industry / Mining / Banking / Railways / Education / Religion / Sports / The Battle of Coronel / The Decline of British Influence / The Imprint that Remains: Family Names & Geography October 2011 Paperback
288pp £21.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-11483-8
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Dawson ERA, Ebrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=366621
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A History of Japan
Zhang xueliang
A History of China
The General Who Never Fought
3rd edition
Aron Shai, Rector, Tel Aviv University, Israel
From Stone Age to Superpower 3rd edition
The first book to tell the strange and fascinating story of General Zhang Xue-liang, the ChineseManchurian ‘Young Marshall’ - a man who left an indelible mark on the history of modern China, but few know his story. Unlocking the mystery of this man’s life, Aron Shai helps to shed light on 20th-century China.
Kenneth Henshall, Professor of Japanese Studies, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
'One of the most important books in Japanese Studies in recent years.' - Ken Coates, Professor of History, University of New Brunswick, Canada 'In making the history of this remarkable society accessible to a wider public Professor Henshall has performed a most valuable service.' - Derek Massarella, Professor of Economic History, Chuo University, Japan 'An extraordinary book that will appeal to student, specialist, and general reader alike.' Laurie Barber, Professor of History, University of Waikato, NewZealand In a rare combination of comprehensive coverage and sustained critical focus, this book examines Japan’s progress through its entire history to its current status as an economic, technological, and cultural superpower. A key factor is a pragmatic determination to succeed. Little-known facts are also brought to light, and the latest findings used. Contents: Preface to the Third Edition / Introduction: Japan and History / From the Stone Age to Statehood: Myths, Prehistory, and Ancient History / Of Courtiers and Warriors: Early and Medieval History (710-1600) / The Closed Country: The Tokugawa Period (1600-1868) / Building a Modern Nation: The Meiji Period (1868-1912) / The Excesses of Ambition: The Pacific War and its Lead-up / A Phoenix from the Ashes: Post-War Successes and Beyond / Conclusion: Lessons for Aspiring Superpowers / References / Glossary of Japanese Terms / Index April 2012 Hardback Paperback
288pp £55.00 £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-34661-1 978-0-230-34662-8
Available as an ebook
January 2012 184pp 216x138mm 7 maps and 14 b/w illustrations Hardback £50.00 978-0-230-27906-3
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=473142
Politics and Religion in Modern Japan Red Sun, White Lotus Edited by Roy Starrs, Coordinator of Japanese and Asian Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand
Written by leading scholars in the field, this book provides new insights, based on original research, into the full spectrum of modern Japanese politicalreligious activity: from the pre-war uses of Shinto in shaping the modern imperial nation-state to the post-war ‘new religions’ that have challenged the power of the political establishment. August 2011 352pp 216x138mm 4 b/w illustrations and 2 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-24073-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
J. A.G. Roberts, Visiting Research Fellow, Department of History, University of Huddersfield, UK
'A worthy successor to Roberts’ earlier editions. This third edition brings the account up to the immediate present and continues to have the strength of integrating the insights of very recent scholarship on all periods of Chinese history.' - Anthony DeBlasi, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of East Asian Studies, University at Albany, USA This absorbing history of China, from early times to the present, covers the country’s complex political, economic structures and culture in a concise yet nuanced manner. The third edition has been revised and expanded in light of recent research, bringing the story right up-to-date and including a new chronology. Contents: List of Maps / Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Maps / The Prehistory and Early History of China / From the Period of Division to the Tang Dynasty / The Song and Yuan Dynasties / The Early Modern Period: The Ming and the Early Qing / China in the Late Qing / Republican China, 1911-49 / Revolutionary China, 194976 / From the Era of Deng Xiaoping to the Present Day / Notes / Chronology / Further Reading / Index July 2011 10 maps Hardback Paperback
£50.00 £16.99
978-0-230-24983-7 978-0-230-24984-4
Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black ebook available from: Google eBookstore (UK) http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=397122 TB
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A History of India
Arming the Periphery
2nd edition
The Arms Trade in the Indian Ocean during the Age of Global Empire
Peter Robb, Professor of the History of India, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
Peter Robb’s clear, fluent narrative explores the interplay between India’s empires and regions of rule, custom and belief, from early times right up to the present. The second edition of this established text has been revised to incorporate the latest scholarship and now includes a Chronology and an extended and updated final chapter. Contents: List of Maps / List of Boxes and Tables / Preface to the Second Edition / Preface and Acknowledgements / Indian Words and Names / Introduction: Region and Civilization / Early India / Medieval India / Early Modern India I: Mughals and Marathas / Early Modern India II: Company Raj / Modern India I: Government / Modern India II: Politics / Modern India III: Society / Modern India IV: Economy / Modern India and the World / Notes / Chronology / References and Readings / Index June 2011 400pp 216x138mm 9 maps, 4 b/w tables and 8 charts Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-27981-0 Paperback £16.99 978-0-230-27982-7
'An essential and deeply researched analysis of the arms industry and the arms trade in Europe and Asia during the nineteenth century.' - C.A. Bayly, University of Cambridge, UK 'Arming the Periphery brilliantly reveals that the trade in small arms and the arms transfer system it engendered between Europe and the Indian Ocean region were fundamental to the development both of empire and, paradoxically, of state formation in the region...provides a uniquely valuable guide to the past, and by extension, to the future too.' - Geoffrey Till, King’s College London, UK A major historical study of the global arms trade, revolving around the transfer of small arms from metropolitan Europe to the turbulent frontiers of Indian Ocean societies during the ‘long’ nineteenth century (c.1780-1914). Contents: List of Maps / Preface / Introduction / The Arms Trade and Global Empire in the Indian Ocean / The Arms Trade in the Metropolis / The Arms Trade in the Western Indian Ocean / The Arms Trade in the Eastern Indian Ocean / The Arms Trade and War in the Indian Ocean / Appendices / Bibliography / Index May 2012 5 maps Hardback
ebook available from: Google eBookstore (UK)
M.C. Ricklefs, Professor of History, Bruce Lockhart, Assistant Professor, Albert Lau, Associate Professor, Portia Reyes, Lecturer in European Nationalism and Maitrii Aung-Thwin, Lecturer in Southeast Asian History, all at National University of Singapore
Emrys Chew, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=472380
A New History of Southeast Asia
'A New History of Southeast Asia will perform a service for Southeast Asian studies no less seminal than that rendered by D.G.E. Hall’s pioneering volume some 55 years ago. It will provide Southeast Asian Studies with a new intellectual agenda, a new set of research questions, and a new instrument with which to instruct and stimulate the next generation. Without doubt, the appearance of this history text is itself an historic achievement.' - Victor Lieberman, Professor of History, University of Michigan, USA A comprehensive, one volume history of Southeast Asia, spanning pre-history to the present. Drawing on the latest research, this distinguished team of authors create a clear narrative through the region’s history covering politics, economics, religions, cultures and societies, and offering authoritative advice on further reading. November 2010 568pp 234x156mm 3 b/w tables, 30 b/w photographs and 8 maps Paperback £23.99 978-0-230-21214-5 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=289487 TB
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A History of Australia Mark Peel, Professor of Modern Cultural and Social History, University of Liverpool, UK and Christina Twomey, Associate Professor of History, Monash University, Australia
'An energetic and multifaceted history of Australia that illuminates a rich national story interlinked within an international context.' Patricia O’Brien, Visiting Associate Professor, Georgetown University, USA 'History as it should be - informed and judicious, but conveyed with zest, purpose and enviable clarity. Peel and Twomey weave the myriad strands of Australia’s story into a thoroughly absorbing read.' - Professor Stuart Ward, University of Copenhagen, Denmark From the first explorers to present-day Australians, via the great migrations of the centuries in between, Australia’s story has been shaped by movement and mobility. This cultural, political and social history offers a clear chronological narrative which brings to life the ideas, hopes and journeys of Australia’s past and present. Contents: Introduction / First People / The Great South Land: 1500-1800 / Britain’s Prison: Convicts, Settlers and Indigenous People: 1788-1802 / Free and Unfree: Reforming New South Wales: 1803-1829 / New Australias: 1829-1849 / The Golden Lands: 1850-1868 / At the Forefront of the Race: 1868-1888 / A Truly New World: 1888-1901 / A Protective Nation: 1901-1914 / A Nation at War: 1914-1918 / A Nation Divided: 1919-1939 / Defending Australia: 1939-1949 / Security: 1949-1963 / Dissent and Social Change: 1964-1979 / Global Nation: 1980-2010 / Notes / Further Reading December 2011 328pp 216x138mm 15 b/w photographs, 4 maps, 13 b/w tables and 10 graphs Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-00163-3 Paperback £16.99 978-0-230-00164-0
Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black
HIGHLIGHT History of Africa 3rd edition Kevin Shillington, Independent Scholar
'The readability of the book, the valuable maps and illustrations, and the coverage of the precolonial period as well as more modern eras, make this textbook the best on the market.' - David Chappell, University of Hawaii, USA 'This new edition maintains Shillington’s position as an expert who is adept at providing readers with an engaging and intricate portrait of Africa’s past...A master of the material, Shillington presents a volume that flows and informs. History of Africa is a compelling narrative of change over time on the continent...There is an effective incorporation of new evidence in this edition that enhances our understanding of African history.' - Elizabeth MacGonagle, University of Kansas, USA History of Africa offers a richly illustrated introduction to the history of the entire continent, from earliest times right up to the present day. The third edition has been revised and updated in the light of recent research and provides expanded coverage of modern Africa. This successful student text is now supported by a companion website. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Maps / List of Illustrations / Preface / Introduction / Early Prehistory of Africa / Later Prehistory: Farming and Pastoralism in Tropical Africa and Ancient Egypt / The Impact of Iron in North and West Africa / The Early Iron Age in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa / North and North-Eastern Africa to 1000 CE / Trans-Saharan Trade and the Kingdom of Ancient Ghana / Islam and the Sudanic States of West Africa / Eastern Africa to the Sixteenth Century / Trading Towns of the East African Coast to the Sixteenth Century / Later Iron Age States and Societies of Central and Southern Africa to 1600 / North and North-East Africa to the Eighteenth Century / The Atlantic Slave Trade, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries / West African States and Societies, to the Eighteenth Century / Central and Eastern Africa to the Eighteenth Century / Southern Africa to the Eighteenth Century / West Africa in the Nineteenth Century and the Ending of the Slave Trade / Central and East Africa in the Nineteenth Century / Pre-Industrial Southern Africa in the Nineteenth Century / North and North-East Africa in the Nineteenth Century / Prelude to Empire in Tropical Africa / The European ‘Scramble’, Colonial Conquest and African Resistance in East, North-Central and West Africa / Industrialisation, Colonial Conquest and African Resistance in South-Central and Southern Africa / Consolidation of Empire: the Early Period of Colonial Rule / Africa Between the Wars: the High Tide of Colonial Rule / The Second World War and Africa / The Winning of Independence (1) / The Winning of Independence (2) / The Winning of Independence (3) / Africa since Independence (1) / Africa since Independence (2) / Contemporary Africa (1) / Contemporary Africa (2) / Suggestions for Further Reading / Index http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=523332
May 2012 528pp 246x189mm 97 maps, 188 b/w photograps and 6 figures Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-30847-3
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=275642 TB
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Africa since Independence 2nd edition Paul Nugent, Professor of Comparative African History; Director of the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK
'This is an exceptional work, applying an expert analysis of sub-Saharan Africa and providing the reader with a comparative history of the continent since independence. It is clearly the best singlevolume on Africa's modern history in existence.' - Ian Taylor, University of St Andrews, UK 'It is no small feat to tackle such a broadly defined project, and I believe Nugent is successful in covering a significant amount of material in ways that simultaneously connect the information and highlight specific case studies.' - Andrea Arrington, University of Arkansas, USA A genuinely comparative study of the different trajectories and experiences of independent African states. This expanded, revised and updated new edition of an established text now includes the latest scholarship and features more on issues such as AIDS, urbanisation, South Sudan, questions of citizenship and the importance of transnational spaces. Contents: Abbreviations / Map 1: Africa Showing Dates of Independence / Introduction: The Basis of Comparison / African Independence: Poisoned Chalice or Cup of Plenty? / A Profile of Africa at Independence / The Shape of Things to Come: Irredentism, Secessionism and the Pan-African Ideals / Modernity and Tradition, Power and Prestige: Monarchs, Chiefs and Politicians, 1956-74 / 'Ism Schisms': African Socialism and Home-Grown Capitalism, 1960-85 / Khaki Fatigue: Military Rule in Africa, 1960-95 / Second Liberation: Guerrilla Warfare, Township, Revolt and the Search for a New Social Order / Invasion of the Acronyms: SAPs, AIDS and the NGO Takeover/ Democracy Rediscovered: Popular Protest, Elite Mobilisation and the Return of Multipartyism, 1990-2011 / Millennial Africa: The National Question Revisited May 2012 664pp 234x156mm 14 b/w tables, 6 b/w photographs and 8 maps Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-27287-3 Paperback £17.99 978-0-230-27288-0
Oral History, Community, and Displacement
Integration and Peace in East Africa
Imagining Memories in Post-Apartheid South Africa
A History of the Oromo Nation Tsega Etefa, Assistant Professor of History, Colgate University, USA; he received his PhD from Hamburg University
Sean Field, Senior Lecturer, Historical Studies Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa
This book uses oral history methodology to record stories of people who experienced the brunt of racist forced removals in the city of Cape Town, South Africa. Through life stories and community case studies, it traces the human impact of this disruptive, often violent feature of apartheid’s social engineering. March 2012 240pp 20 photographs and 1 map Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-10890-5
Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=481856
This book analyzes the development of indigenous religious, commercial, and political institutions among the Oromo mainly during the relatively peaceful two centuries in its history, from 1704 to 1882. The largest ethnic group in East Africa, the Oromo promoted peace, cultural assimilation, and ethnic integration. Contents: Conflict and Integration: Oromo Settlement and Assimilation in Northern Ethiopia, 1570-1704 / Identity and Integration: Ethnic Relations and Assimilation North of the Abbay River / All Are Welcome: Peace of the Oromo Nation and Ethnic Integration / A Commercial Hub: Oromia in the Nineteenth-Century East Africa / The Indigenous and the Foreign: The Role of Religion in Nineteenth-Century Oromia / From Guduruu to Guduruu: Nagaa Oromoo and the Kingdom of Shawa
May 2012 5 maps Hardback
A Modern Military History, 1961-2002
Stephen L. Weigert, Research Specialist, USA State Department, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, USA
This study is the first comprehensive assessment of warfare in Angola to cover all three phases of the nation’s modern history: the anti-colonial struggle, the Cold War phase, and the post-Cold War era. It also covers, in detail, the final phase of warfare in Angola, culminating in Jonas Savimbi’s death and the signing of the Luena Accord. October 2011 2pp figures Hardback
Representation and Black Womanhood The Legacy of Sarah Baartman Edited by Natasha Gordon-Chipembere, Assistant Professor, English Department, Medgar Evers College, City University of New York, USA August 2011 Hardback
220pp £52.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11779-2
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=409171 TB
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Union Education in Nigeria
Political Organization in Nigeria since the Late Stone Age
Power and State Formation in West Africa
Labor, Empire, and Decolonization since 1945
A History of the Igbo People
Appolonia from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century
Hakeem Ibikunle Tijani, Professor and the Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education, Adeleke University, Nigeria
This book aims to fill some of the gaps in historical narrative about labor unions, Nigerian leftists, and decolonization during the twentieth century. It emphasizes the significance of labor union education in British decolonization, labor unionism, and British efforts at modernizing the human resources of Nigeria. May 2012 Hardback
208pp £52.00
216x140mm 978-1-137-00358-4
K. O. Mbadiwe A Nigerian Political Biography, 1915-1990 Hollis R. Lynch, Professor Emeritus of History, Columbia University, USA
This book offers a comprehensive political biography of Kingsley Ozuomba Mbadiwe, (19151990), a central figure in Nigerian political history for more than forty years. Contents: Colonial Youth, 1915-1938 / Pan-African Student Activist in the United States, 1939-1947 / An Independent Nationalist Base: The African Academy in West Africa, 1948-1949 / The Academy in Nigeria: Educational and Nationalist Issues, 1949-1951 / Nationalist and Legislator, 1951-1953 / Colonial Cabinet Minister, 1954-1958 / Rupture and Reconciliation: Mbadiwe and Azikiwe, 1955-1960 / At the Center of the Storm: A Struggle for Unity and Greatness in a Fragile Nigeria, 1961-1966 / The Civil War: Mediator and Fundraiser, 1967-1970 / Elder Politician and Statesman, 1970-1990 May 2012 288pp 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
John Oriji, Associate Professor of History, California Polytechnic State Institute, USA January 2011 Hardback
258pp £58.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-62193-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=387963
The West African Slave Plantation A Case Study Mohammed Bashir Salau, Assistant Professor of History, University of Mississippi, USA August 2011 5pp figures Hardback
234x156mm 978-0-230-11776-1
Migration, Mining, and the African Diaspora Guyana in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Barbara P. Josiah, Assistant Professor of History, City University of New York, USA; has published articles in The Journal of African American History
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=514298
The Political and Social Thought of Kwame Nkrumah Ama Biney, Lecturer in West African History, AfricanAmerican History and the History of Black People in Britain in the United Kingdom March 2011 Hardback
264pp £58.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-11334-3
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=500854
Available as an ebook
304pp £55.00
Looks at the political and social history of the Gold Coast in West Africa from the early sixteenth century to the second half of the eighteenth century. The book examines how political entities in Nzema were structured territorially, as well as the formation of ruling groups and aspects of their political, economic, and military actions. December 2011 Hardback
Pierluigi Valsecchi, Professor of African History, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
From the late eighteen hundreds, African workers migrated to the mineralrich hinterland areas of Guyana, mined gold, diamonds, and bauxite; diversified the country’s economy; and contributed to national development. This study situates miners into the historical structure of the country’s economic development. It analyzes the workers attraction to mining from agriculture, their concepts of “order and progress,” and how they shaped their lives in positive ways rather than becoming mere victims of colonialism. . November 2011 294pp 216x138mm 6pp illustrations and 15pp tables Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-11589-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=514293
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HISTORY OF WOMEN, GENDER AND SEXUALITY History of Women, Gender and Sexuality
The Historical Study of Women England 1500-1700 Amanda Capern, Lecturer, History Department, University of Hull, UK
A richly detailed survey of the history of earlymodern women covering the history of ideas, social life, political participation, religious culture and women’s writing. Capern treats women’s history as inherently political and offers a new interpretative framework for understanding the history of femininity in early-modern England. October 2010 Hardback Paperback
456pp £70.00 £22.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-66268-7 978-0-333-66269-4
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=251715 TB
GENDER AND HISTORY Series Editors: Amanda Capern and Louella McCarthy For more information about the series visit: www.palgrave.com/genderandhistory
Gender and Conflict since 1914 Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives Ana Carden-Coyne, Lecturer in War/Conflict Studies, University of Manchester, UK
This timely edited collection brings together a team of scholars to consider the theme of gender and conflict in the past and present. Exploring case studies from 1914 to today, the volume asks what has changed, what has continued, and what new and old gender dynamics are at play in understanding conflict and its fundamental impact on gender. Contents: Introduction; A.Carden-Coyne / Gender Performativity, Identity Transformation and the Female Military Intelligence Officer in the Iraq War; P.Godfrey / Masculinities, Ethnicities and the Terrorist in Cyprus (1950-9) and the War on Terror, (2001-); G.Koureas / Men Refusing to Be Violent: Legality and Military Conscientious Military Service, 1914 to the Present Day; L.Bibbings / Tresspassing on the ‘Trench-Fighter’s Story’: (Re)-Imagining the Female Combatant of the First World War; L.Murphy / Angry, Outspoken and Articulate: Feminist Antimilitarism and Transatlantic Peace Movements; L.Cohen / Where the Boys Are: Militarization, Sexuality and Red Cross Donut Dollies in the Vietnam War; K.D.Vuic / Defending the Homeland: Gendering Civil Defence from the First World War to the War on Terror; S.Grayzel / Gendered Experiences of Civilian Internment: A Forgotten Dimension of Wartime Violence; M.Stibbe / Gendering the Politics of War Wounds Since 1914; A.Carden-Coyne / Emotional Women and Frail Men: Gendered Diagnostics From Shellshock to PTSD, 1914-2010; H.Croft / The Not Dead: War Disability in Film and Literature from the First World War to the Present; J.Meyer / Select Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback Paperback
192pp £60.00 £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-28094-6 978-0-230-28095-3
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=397522 TB
Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century China Paul J. Bailey, University of Edinburgh, UK
A narrative and analytical account of Chinese women’s experiences during the twentieth century. Synthesizing and incorporating the latest research, Paul Bailey assesses in particular the impact of political, cultural and social change in Chinese women’s lives, and explores the evolution of gender discourses during this period. August 2012 Hardback Paperback
192pp £60.00 £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-57776-3 978-0-230-57777-0
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=328903 TB
Gender, Catholicism and Spirituality Women and the Roman Catholic Church in Britain and Europe, 1200-1900 Edited by Laurence Lux-Sterritt, Lecturer in British History, University of Aix-Marseille, France and Carmen Mangion, Honorary Research Fellow, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK December 2010 224pp Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-57760-2 978-0-230-57761-9
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=322984 TB
Women in British Politics, c.1689–1979 Krista Cowman, Professor of History, University of Lincoln, UK December 2010 232pp Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-54556-4 978-0-230-54557-1
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=280230 TB
Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-1-4039-9374-8 Paperback:978-1-4039-9375-5
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Making Men: The Formation of Elite Male Identities in England, c.1660–1900
John Addington Symonds (1840–1893) and Homosexuality
A Sourcebook
A Critical Edition of Sources Edited by Mark Rothery, University of Northampton, UK and Henry French, University of Exeter, UK
This edited collection of correspondence written by members of English landed gentry families provides insights into the formation, experience and practice of elite masculine identities. The source book examines continuities and changes in such processes within the male life cycle and across the early modern and modern periods. Contents: Preface / Biographies of Principal Correspondents / Introduction / Schooling / University Travel / Courtship and Marriage / Working Life / Concluding Remarks / Appendix: The Landed Gentry Families and their Estates / Bibliography of Primary Sources / Index May 2012 Hardback Paperback
192pp £55.00 £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-24307-1 978-0-230-24308-8
http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=373637 TB
Gay Rights and Moral Panic The Origins of America’s Debate on Homosexuality Fred Fejes, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Using the 1977 campaign against the Dade County Florida gay rights ordinance as a focal point, this book provides an examination of the emergence of the modern lesbian and gay American movement, the challenges it posed to the accepted American notions of sexuality, and how American society reacted in turn. February 2011 Paperback
292pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10826-4
Sean Brady, Lecturer in Modern British History, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
The book brings together for the first time John Addington Symonds’ key writings on homosexuality, and the entire correspondence between Symonds and Havelock Ellis on the project of Sexual Inversion. The source edition contains a critical introduction to the sources. June 2012 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-51739-4
Housework and Housewives in American Advertising Married to the Mop Jessamyn Neuhaus, Associate Professor of History, State University of New York, USA
An analysis of how since the end of the nineteenth century advertising agencies and their housework product clients utilized a remarkably consistent depiction of housewives and housework, illustrating that although Second Wave feminism successfully called into question the housewife stereotype, homemaking has remained an American feminine ideal. November 2011 5pp figures Hardback
GENDER AND SExUALITIES IN HISTORY SERIES Series Editors: John H. Arnold, Sean Brady and Joanna Bourke
Male Homosexuality in West Germany Between Persecution and Freedom, 1945-69 Clayton J. Whisnant, Wofford College, USA
Whisnant argues that the period after Nazism was more important for the history of homosexuality in Germany than is generally recognized. Gay scenes resurfaced; a more masculine view of homosexuality also became prominent. Above all, a public debate about homosexuality emerged, constituting a critical debate within the Sexual Revolution. Contents: Preface / Abbreviations and Translations / Note on Terminology / Introduction: The Neglected Postwar Period / Policing and Prejudice / The Homophile Movement / Struggles over the Boundaries of the Gay Scenes / Reforming Paragraph 175 / Conclusion: Between Persecution and Freedom / Select Bibliography / Endnotes May 2012 Hardback
248pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-35500-2
What is Masculinity? Historical Dynamics from Antiquity to the Contemporary World Edited by John H. Arnold, Professor of Medieval History and Sean Brady, Lecturer in Modern British History, both at School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK June 2011 Hardback
480pp £65.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-27813-4
ebook available from: NetLibrary, Myilibrary, ebooks. com, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, Ebrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=288334
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Men of War Masculinity and the First World War in Britain Jessica Meyer, Wellcome Trust Research Fellow, History of Medicine, University of Leeds, UK
'Powerful...well-argued and full of fascinating detail. [Men of War] will appeal to everyone who is interested in understanding better the most traumatic four years in Britain’s modern national story. We need studies as fine as this.' Anthony Fletcher, History Today Exploring how understandings of masculinity were constructed by British First World war servicemen through examination of their personal narratives, including letters home from the front and wartime diaries. This book, now available in paperback, presents a nuanced investigation of masculine identity in Britain during and after the First World War. January 2012 232pp 4 b/w illustrations Paperback £18.99
Common Prostitutes and Ordinary Citizens
An Intellectual History
Commercial Sex in London, 1885-1960
Peter Cryle, Professor of French and Director, Centre for the History of European Discourses, University of Queensland, Australia and Alison Moore, Senior Lecturer in Francophone Studies, Cultural Studies Group, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Julia Laite, Lecturer in Modern British History, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Between 1885 and 1960, laws and policies designed to repress prostitution dramatically shaped London’s commercial sex industry. This book examines how laws translated into streetlevel reality, explores how women who sold sex experienced criminalization, and charts the complex dimensions of the underground sexual economy in the modern metropolis. December 2011 320pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23054-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=362603
This first major study of a curiously neglected term in the history of sexuality will intrigue students, scholars and enthusiasts alike. The authors take us through a journey across four centuries, showing how notions of sexual coldness and frigidity have been thought about by legal, medical, psychiatric, psychoanalytic and literary writers. December 2011 328pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30345-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=514688
Life among the Ruins Cityscape and Sexuality in Cold War Berlin Jennifer V. Evans, Associate Professor of History, Carleton University, Canada
Brutality and Desire
'From mothers sheltering in bunkers, children playing in the ruins, and rent boys plying their trade at train stations, to teenagers courting at the Wannsee, Jennifer Evans brings the experiences of Berliners alive. This is a fascinating book, which should be read by all those with an interest in the social history of the early Cold War.' - Josie McLellan, University of Bristol, UK
War and Sexuality in Europe’s Twentieth Century
November 2011 336pp 216x138mm 25 b/w illustrations and 2 maps Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-20201-6
March 2011 Paperback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=287146
Edited by Dagmar Herzog, Professor of History and Daniel Rose Faculty Scholar, City University of New York
'A pathbreaking reference book and a must-read for each student of military history, gender history, and Holocaust and genocide studies.' Thomas Kühne, Clark University, USA 304pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-28563-7
ebook available from: Ebrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Myilibrary, NetLibrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=283305
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Sex, Honor and Citizenship in Early Third Republic France
Same-Sex Desires in Italian and British Sexology, c. 1870-1920
A repositioning of French women’s struggle for suffrage within the distinct cultural landscape of the masculine honour system. Whether activists demanded admission to the popular ritual of the duel or publicly shamed men for their extramarital sexual behaviour, they appropriated extralegal honour codes to enact new civic and familial identities.
Chiara Beccalossi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for the History of European Discourses, University of Queensland, Australia
An examination of how female same-sex desires were represented in a wide range of Italian and British medical writings, 1870-1920. It shows how the psychiatric category of sexual inversion was positioned alongside other medical ideas of same-sex desires, such as the virago, tribade-prostitute, fiamma and gynaecological explanations. October 2011 Hardback
320pp £55.00
Bodies, Sex and Desire from the Renaissance to the Present
Andrea Mansker, Associate Professor of History, Sewanee: University of the South, USA
October 2011 Hardback
320pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29403-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=498797
216x138mm 978-0-230-23498-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=368963
Edited by Kate Fisher and Sarah Toulalan, both Senior Lecturers in History, both at University of Exeter, UK Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Contributors Introduction; S.Toulalan / PART I: BODIES AND DIFFERENCE / ‘That ere with Age, his Strength is Utterly Decay’d’: Understanding the Male Body in Early Modern Manhood; J.Jordan / Confusion Embodied: Epistemologies of Sex and Race in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1748-9) and the Histoire Naturelle (17491804); A.Wells / The Hermaphrodite, Fecundity and Military Efficiency: Dangerous Subjects in the Emerging Liberal order of Nineteenth-Century Spain; R.Cleminson & F.Vazquez Garcia / Touching Bodies: Tact/ility in Nineteenth-century Medical Photographs and Models; E.Stephens / ‘Farewell to Frocks’, ‘Sex Change’ in Interwar Britain: Newspaper Stories, Medical Technology and Modernity; A.Oram / ‘Perversity to Match the Curtains’: Queering the Life Story with Grayson Perry; M.Jolly / PART II: BODIES, SEX AND DESIRE / ‘Unripe’ Bodies: Children and Sex in Early Modern England; S.Toulalan / Urge without Desire? Confession Manuals, Moral Casuistry, and the Features of Concupiscentia between the Fifteenth and Eighteenth Centuries; F.Alfieri / On the Unsteadiness of Sexual Truth in Eighteenth-Century France; P.Cryle / ‘Lay back, Enjoy it and Shout Happy England’: Marital Duty and Sexual Pleasure; K.Fisher / Eros and Thanatos in European and American Sexology; L.Downing / Sadism as Social Violence: From fin-de-siècle Degeneration to the Critiques of Nazi Sexuality in Frankfurt School Thought; A.Moore October 2011 288pp 19 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28368-8
Please use the following ISBN’s to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-55185-5 Paperback: 978-0-230-55186-2
Available as an ebook
Inspection copy available
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
HISTORY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE History of Science, Technology and Medicine
A Short History of Scientific Thought John Henry, University of Edinburgh, UK
An Introduction to the Social History of Medicine
'A wide-ranging history of scientific thought, with a judicious selection of carefully explained topics. It is clear throughout that the work is based on extensive and deep knowledge of the field.' - David Philip Miller, University of New South Wales, Australia
Europe Since 1500 Keir Waddington, Reader in History, Cardiff University, UK
'Keir Waddington combines a readable and comprehensive outline of his subject with relevant writing and research in this single volume, useful to undergraduate and other readers seeking an up-to-date survey of the social history of medicine.' - Steven Cherry, Reader in the History of Medicine, University of East Anglia, UK A one-volume, detailed survey of the major debates and themes in the history of western medicine, from the early modern period to the present. Combining specialised knowledge with new ways of thinking about the subject, this lucidly written, illustrated text explores traditional views and questions existing orthodoxies. Contents: List of Illustrations / List of Tables / Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / Preface / Understanding the History of Medicine: Historiography / Disease, Illness and Society / Medicine and Religion / Women, Health and Medicine / Medical Self-Help and the Market for Medicine / Anatomy and Medicine / Surgery / Hospitals / Practitioners and Professionalization / Science and the Practice of Medicine / Nursing / Public Health / Healthcare and the State / Medicine and Empire / Medicine and Warfare / The Rise of the Asylum / Afterword / Index November 2011 408pp 234x156mm 5 b/w tables and 26 b/w photographs Hardback £49.50 978-1-4039-4692-8 Paperback £16.99 978-1-4039-4693-5 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=270433 TB
A highly readable historical survey of the major developments in scientific thought and the impact of science on western culture, from ancient times through to the twentieth century. Organized chronologically, the book explores the history of studies of the natural world, and man’s role within that world, in a single volume. Contents: Introduction / Setting the Scene / Plato and Aristotle / From the Roman Empire to the Empire of Islam / The Western Middle Ages / The Renaissance / Nicholas Copernicus and a New World / New Methods of Science / Bringing Mathematics and Natural Philosophy Together: Johannes Kepler / Mathematics and Mechanics: Galileo Galilei / Practice and Theory in Renaissance Medicine: William Harvey and the Circulation of the Blood / The Spirit of System: René Descartes and the Mechanical Philosophy / The Royal Society and Experimental Philosophy / Experiment, Mathematics, and Magic: Isaac Newton / Newton’s Legacy: Forces and Fluids (Electricity and Heat) / The Chemical Revolution: From Newton to John Dalton, via Priestley and Lavoisier / Natural Theology and Natural Order: Newtonian Optimism and the History of Science / The Making of Geology: From James Hutton to Charles Lyell via Catastrophism / The History of Plants and Animals: Successive Emergence or Evolution? / Religion and Progress in Victorian Britain: Robert Chambers versus Hugh Miller / Bringing it All Together?: Charles Darwin’s Evolution / Darwinian Aftermaths: Religion; Social Science; Biology / Beyond Newton: Energy and Thermodynamics / Newton Deposed: Einstein and Relativity Theory / Mathematics Instead of a World Picture: From Atomism to Quantum Theory / Afterword November 2011 328pp 234x156mm 2 b/w tables and 23 b/w line drawings Hardback £52.50 978-0-230-01942-3 Paperback £16.99 978-0-230-01943-0 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=276669
Elemental Germans Klaus Fuchs, Rudolf Peierls and the Making of British Nuclear Culture 1939-59 Christoph Laucht, Lecturer in History, University of Leeds, UK
Christoph Laucht offers the first investigation into the roles played by two German-born émigré atomic scientists, Klaus Fuchs and Rudolf Peierls, in the development of British nuclear culture, especially the practice of nuclear science and the political implications of the atomic scientists’ work, from the start of the Second World War until 1959. Contents: List of Figures / Preface / List of Abbreviations / Introduction / Difficult Beginnings: Social Integration between Survival and Internment / Almost Accidental Beginnings: Professional Integration between Marginalization and British-American Nuclear Cooperation / American Interlude: The Manhattan Project, the Atom Bomb and the Emergence of a New Approach to Nuclear Research / A Nation Betrayed? The Klaus Fuchs Atomic Espionage Case Reconsidered / Subject to Suspicion: Rudolf Peierls and the Klaus Fuchs Espionage Case / The Responsible Scientist: Rudolf Peierls and the Formation of the Atomic Scientists’ Association / The ‘Unpolitical’ Scientist: Rudolf Peierls, the Concept of ‘Objective’ Science and the End of the Atomic Scientists’ Association / Conclusions and Afterthoughts / Notes and References / Bibliography / Index June 2012 Hardback
216pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-35487-6
A Vision of Modern Science John Tyndall and the Role of the Scientist in Victorian Culture Ursula DeYoung, received her Doctorate from Oxford University, UK February 2011 Hardback
280pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-23011053-3
Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology Series Editors: James Rodger Fleming and Riger D. Launius ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=490063
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Imagining Outer Space European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century Edited by Alexander C.T. Geppert, Emmy Noether Research Group Director, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
'This wonderful multinational and multidisciplinary collection is greater than the sum of its fascinating parts. Crystalline aliens, a mysterious Siberian explosion, siliconbased life forms, Tintin, Thunderbirds, Star Trek and Raëlians are just some of the many things which are examined in a brilliantly eclectic series of essays.' - David Edgerton, Imperial College London, UK February 2012 416pp 234x156mm 46 b/w illustrations, 3 maps, 1 b/w table, 1 graph and 14 colour plates Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-23172-6 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=364196
Second Wind Victorian Culture Oral Histories of Lung Transplant Survivors Mary Jo Festle, Professor of History, Elon University, USA
This book uses both oral and conventional historical methods to describe and analyze the history of lung transplantation in the US. While drawing on accounts from doctors and other specialists, it primarily focuses on the experiences of patients and explores themes of uncertainty, timing, identity, coping, and quality of life. February 2012 Hardback
280pp £57.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-34091-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes To view a full list of titles in the series vist: www. palgrave.com/PSOH
Biology, Computing and the History of Molecular Sequencing From Proteins to DNA, 1945-2000 Miguel García-Sancho, Research Fellow, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
Sequencing is often associated with the Human Genome Project and celebrated achievements concerning the DNA molecule. However, the history of this practice comprises not only academic biology, but also the world of computerassisted information management. The book uncovers this history, qualifying the hype and expectations around genomics. Contents: Introduction: An Historical Approach to Sequencing / PART I: EMERGENCE: FREDERICK SANGER’S PIONEERING TECHNIQUES (1943-1977) / The Sequence of Insulin and the Configuration of a New Biochemical Form of Work (1943-1962) / From Chemical Degradation to Biological Replication (1962-1977) / PART II: MECHANISATION - 1: COMPUTING AND THE AUTOMATION OF SEQUENCE RECONSTRUCTION (1962-1987) / Sequencing Software and the Shift in the Practice of Computation / Sequence Databases and the Emergence of ‘Information Engineers’ / PART III: MECHANISATION - 2: THE SEQUENCER AND THE AUTOMATION OF SEQUENCE CONSTRUCTION (19802000) / A New Approach to Sequencing at Caltech / The Commercialisation of the DNA Sequencer / Conclusions: A Long History of Practices / Appendix 1: Oral Histories / Appendix 2: Archival Sources / Notes / Bibliography March 2012 248pp 216x138mm 46 b/w illustrations and 1 table Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-25032-1
Tissue Culture in Science and Society The Public Life of a Biological Technique in Twentieth Century Britain Duncan Wilson, Wellcome Trust Research Associate, University of Manchester, UK
This book charts the social and cultural history of the scientific technique known as ‘tissue culture’. It shows how tissue culture was a regular public presence in twentieth-century Britain, and argues that history can contribute to current debates surrounding research on human and animal tissue. Contents: List of Figures / Abbreviations / Acknowledgments / Introduction / ‘Make Dry Bones Live’: Tissue Culture at the Cambridge Research Hospital / ‘Could You Love a Chemical Baby?’ Organ Culture in Interwar Britain / Converting Human Material into Tissue Culture, c.1910–70 / ‘A Cell is Not an Animal’: Negotiating Species in the 1960s and 1970s / Nobody’s Thing? Consent, Ownership and the Politics of Tissue Culture / Epilogue: Tissues in Culture / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2011 196pp 13 b/w illustrations Hardback £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28427-2
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=486968
Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-333-71492-8 Paperback: 978-0-333-80340-0
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Experiencing Illness and the Sick Body in Early Modern Europe Michael Stolberg, Chair for the History of Medicine; Director of the Institut für Geschichte der Medizin, University of Würzburg, Germany
Based on thousands of letters written by patients and their relatives and on a wide range of other sources, this book provides the first comprehensive account of how early modern people understood, experienced and dealt with common diseases and how they dealt with them on a day-to-day basis. November 2011 304pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24343-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=395386
Dying for Victorian Medicine
Angel of Death
English Anatomy and its Trade in the Dead Poor, c.1834 - 1929
The Story of Smallpox
Elizabeth T. Hurren, Reader in the History of Medicine, Oxford Brookes University, UK
'...a groundbreaking and exciting study of the dissected as ‘matter out of place’ that never loses sight of the poor or of the fear and impact of dissection.' - Keir Waddington, Cardiff University, UK The first book to provide a detailed analysis of the body-trafficking networks of the dead poor that underpinned the expansion of medical education from Victorian times. With an even-handed approach to the business of anatomy, Hurren uses remarkable case histories which still echo a vibrant body-business on the internet today in a biomedical age. December 2011 400pp Hardback £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21966-3
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Women and the Practice of Medical Care in Early Modern Europe, 1400–1800 Leigh Whaley, Professor of History, Acadia University, Canada
Women have engaged in healing from the beginning of history, often within the context of the home. This book studies the role, contributions and challenges faced by women healers in France, Spain, Italy and England, including medical practice among women in the Jewish and Muslim communities, from the later Middle Ages to approximately 1800. February 2011 Hardback
328pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28291-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=483822
Gareth Williams, Professor of Medicine, University of Bristol, UK
'This extraordinary book brings alive the sheer horrors of smallpox and how mankind has managed to wipe it out using vaccination, pioneered by a Gloucestershire country doctor in 1796. This history has a very modern message, and this book needs to be read by everyone interested in public health today.' - Mark Horton, Presenter of BBC TV’s Coast and Professor of Archaeology, University of Bristol, UK 'Williams’s account of our battle with the disease revisits historical accounts of its horrendous impact and the fascinating story of medical progress - including the pioneering use of vaccination by a country doctor in 1796 - and its relevance in the fight against modern epidemics.' - The Times August 2011 456pp 50 b/w illustrations Paperback £10.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-30231-0
Shortlisted for the Wellcome Trust Book Prize 2010
Searching for Sasquatch Crackpots, Eggheads, and Cryptozoology
ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=416648
Brian Regal, Assistant Professor for the History of Science, Kean University, USA February 2011 Hardback
262pp £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11147-9
Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology Series Editors: James Rodger Fleming and Roger D. Launius ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=494679
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Environment, Health and History Edited by Virginia Berridge, Professor of History; Director and Martin Gorsky, Senior Lecturer in the History of Public Health, both at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK
The environment is currently a matter of international public and academic concern, but is often considered separately from health issues. This book brings together work from environmental and health historians to conceptualize the connection between environment and health at different times and in different geographical locations. December 2011 320pp 216x138mm 10 b/w illustrations, 7 figures and 4 b/w tables Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-23311-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=366081
Nature’s End History and the Environment Edited by Sverker Sörlin, Professor of Environmental History, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Paul Warde, Reader in Early Modern History, University of East Anglia, UK
'This volume makes a contribution not only to the history of the environment, but also to its historiography and to the history of thought about the environment...It contributes to bridge-building between disciplines and also to a dialogue with other kinds of historian, whether they work on politics or culture.' - Peter Burke, University of Cambridge, UK May 2011 384pp 1 table and 1 graph Paperback £19.99
Isaiah Berlin The Journey of a Jewish Liberal Arie M. Dubnov, Lecturer in History Department, Stanford University, USA
Series Editors: Anthony La Vapa, Suzanne Marchand and Javed Majeed
At the Edges of Liberalism Junctions of European, German, and Jewish History Steven A. Aschheim, Professor Emeritus of History, Hebrew University, Israel; Author of numerous books on German and Jewish history over the last thirtyyears, his writing regularly appears in publications such as The Times Literary Supplement and Ha’aretz; in recent years he has held Visiting Professorships at such schools as Columbia, the University of Michigan, and Trinity College Dublin
The essays in this volume seek to confront some of the charged meeting points of European especially German - and Jewish history. All, in one way or another, explore the entanglements, the intertwined moments of empathy and enmity, belonging and estrangement, creativity and destructiveness that occurred at these junctions. Contents: Icons Beyond the Border: The German-Jewish Intellectual Legacy at the Beginning of the Twenty First Century / The Modern Jewish Experience and the Entangled Web of Orientalism / Bildung in Palestine: Zionism, Bi-nationalism and the Strains of German-Jewish Humanism / Hannah Arendt: Jewishness at the Edges / The Metaphysical Psychologist: On the Life and Letters of Gershom Scholem / Comrade Klemperer: Communism, Liberalism and Jewishness in the DDR / Locating Nazi Evil: The Contrasting Visions of Gershom Scholem, Hannah Hannah Arendt and Victor Klemperer / The Bonfires of Berlin: Historical and Contemporary Reflections on the Nazi Book Burnings / Imaging the Absolute: Mapping Western Conceptions of Evil / Tempering Evil at the Edges: The (Ambiguous) Political Economy of Empathy / Towards a Phenomenology of the Jewish Intellectual: The German and French Cases Compared / Reflections on Theatricality, Identity and the Modern Jewish Experience / Between Rights, Respectability, and Resistance: Reframing the German-Jewish Experience
June 2012 Hardback Paperback
272pp £55.00 £19.00
234x156mm 978-1-137-00227-3 978-1-137-00228-0
This study offers an intellectual biography of the philosopher, political thinker, and historian of ideas Sir Isaiah Berlin. It aims to provide the first historically contextualized monographic study of Berlin’s formative years and identify different stages in his intellectual development, allowing a reappraisal of his theory of liberalism. Contents: Explaining the Liberal Predicament / PART I: THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING WITTY / A Young Boy from Riga / Becoming a Russian-Jew / The Realist Appeal / PART II: THE PINK LIBERAL / Mr. Jericho’s Piercing Eyes / ‘I Never Don’t Moralize’ / Karl Marx / PART III: THE ANTICOSMOPOLITAN PLURALIST / Collisions / On Moses and Joshua / Shifting Horizons / ‘This mighty conflict between the fantasy of Home and the fantasy of Away’ March 2012 9 photographs Hardback
Benjamin Constant and the Birth of French Liberalism K. Steven Vincent, Professor of History, North Carolina State University, USA January 2011 Hardback
288pp £54.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-11009-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=485940
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Making British Indian Fictions
Science, Philosophy, Religion, and the History of a Worldview
Edited by Todd H. Weir, Lecturer in Modern European History, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
World experts provide a first survey in the English language of the history of naturalistic monism. At the same time, they demonstrate that, to a greater extent than previously shown, monism provided an essential epistemological framework for numerous religious, political and cultural movements of the century between the 1840s and 1940s. Contents: The Riddles of Monism: An Introductory Essay; T.H.Weir / Proto-monism in German Philosophy, Theology, and Science, 1800 to 1845; F.Gregory / Alexander von Humboldt and Monism; N.Rupke / Monism and Suffering: A Theosophical Perspective; G.Viswanathan / Spinozist Monism: Perspectives from within and without the Monist Movement; T.Matysik / Monism and Morphology at the Turn of the Twentieth Century; S.Gliboff / Monist Philosophy of Science: Between Worldview and Scientific Meta-reflection; P.Ziche / Monism in Britain: Biologists and the Rationalist Press Association; P.J.Bowler / Between Hegel and Haeckel: Monistic Worldview, Marxist Philosophy and Biomedicine in Russia and the Soviet Union; I.J.Polianski / Monism, Racial Hygiene, and National Socialism; H.Fangerau May 2012 Hardback
272pp £55.00
Ashok Malhotra, Lead Lecturer and Course Organizer, University of Edinburgh, Uk Contents: Encountering the Orient and India in Metropolitan Culture and the Print Market / Romantic Representations of the Subcontinent: ‘Subliming India’ and Configuring its Geopolitical Significance / Performing the ‘Civilizing Mission’ on the British Stage / The Novel Market: the Commoditization of Indian Culture by Novelists / Religion and Sex in the Subcontinent / Exile, Ethnography, and Anglo-Indian Life within the Subcontinent May 2012 288pp 12 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00
Rama Sundari Mantena, Assistant Professor of History, University of Illinois, USA
This book uncovers practices surrounding acts of collecting, surveying, and antiquarianism during British colonial rule in India. By examining these practices, this book traces the colonial conditions of the production of ‘sources,’ the forging of a new historical method, and the ascendance of positivist historiography in nineteenth-century India. February 2012 Hardback
280pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34101-2
April 2011 272pp 7pp illustrations Hardback £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11337-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=500857
The European Antarctic
Religious Transactions in Colonial South India
Science and Strategy in Scandinavia and the British Empire
Language, Translation, and the Making of Protestant Identity
Peder Roberts, PostDoctoral Researcher, Institut de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Sciences et les Technologies, (Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Science and Technology), University of Strasbourg, France
Antiquarianism and Philology, 1780-1880
Indra Sengupta, Research Fellow in British Empire and Commonwealth History, German Historical Institute London, UK and Daud Ali, Senior Lecturer in Indian History, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
216x138mm 978-0-230-11373-2
The Origins of Modern Historiography in India
Knowledge Production, Pedagogy, and Institutions in Colonial India
This is the first transnational study of British, Norwegian, and Swedish engagement with the Antarctic. Rather than charting how Europeans unveiled the Antarctic, it uses the history of Antarctic activity as a window into the political and cultural worlds of twentieth-century Britain and Scandinavia. November 2011 284pp 3pp illustrations Hardback £55.00
Hephzibah Israel, Lecturer, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, India August 2011 Hardback
286pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-10562-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=468863
216x138mm 978-0-230-11591-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=514193
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A Cultural History of the British Census
The Gospel of Beauty in the Progressive Era
Envisioning the Multitude in the Nineteenth Century
Reforming American Verse and Values
Kathrin Levitan, Assistant Professor of History, College of William and Mary, USA
Jack Harrington, has a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, UK; Senior Education Officer in the charitable sector and continues to write and research on the history of British India January 2011 Hardback
266pp £54.00
'If for Lord Macaulay, “figures are like mercenaries: they may be enlisted on both sides”, in Levitan the census has found a historian who is even-handed and wideranging in her survey of these battlefields.' - Robert Mayhew, Times Literary Supplment
234x156mm 978-0-230-10885-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=481790
Character, Self, and Sociability in the Scottish Enlightenment Edited by Thomas Ahnert, Senior Lecturer in Early Modern Intellectual History and Susan Manning, Grierson Professor; Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, both at University of Edinburgh, UK
An interdisciplinary examination of the Enlightenment character and its broader significance. Whilst the main focus of the book is the Scottish Enlightenment, contributors also employ a transatlantic scope by considering parallel developments in Europe, and America. November 2011 Hardback
314pp £50.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-10414-3
Lisa Szefel, Assistant Professor of History, Pacific University, USA April 2011 296pp 7pp illustrations Hardback £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11284-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=500566
The American Bourgeoisie
The book explores the hotly disputed process by which the census was created and developed and examines how a wide cast of characters, including statisticians, novelists, national and local officials, political and social reformers, and journalists responded to and used the idea of a census.
Distinction and Identity in the Nineteenth Century
September 2011 284pp Hardback £55.00
January 2011 14pp figures Hardback
234x156mm 978-0-230-11937-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=527100
The Emergence of Russian Liberalism Alexander Kunitsyn in Context, 1783-1840
Edited by Julia B. Rosenbaum, Assistant Professor of Art History, Bard College, USA and Sven Beckert, Professor of History, Harvard University, USA 294pp
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=406176
Please use the following ISBN to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-1-137-02857-0
Julia Berest, Adjunct Professor of History, University of Western Ontario, Canada (where she has received her Ph.D. in History) May 2011 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11173-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library, ebooks.com, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=494830
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Being so Gentle The Frontier Love Story of Rachel and Andrew Jackson Patricia Brady, Social and Cultural Historian
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