New Books List April-June 2014
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New Books List April - June 2014
Kyoto origami birds Š penfold/
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Title is, or comes with, a CD-ROM/DVD
Contents Astronomy 2
Life Sciences
Banking and Finance
Literature 36
Business and Management
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
British Film Institute
Nursing and Health
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Philosophy and Religion
Culture and Media
Politics 42
Economics 20
Psychology 48
Education 23
Social Work and Social Policy
Engineering 25
Sociology 55
Geology 26
Study Skills
History 27
Theatre and Performance
Language and Linguistics
Palgrave Pivot
Law 33
Index 81
For a complete list of titles, please visit Prices are correct at the time of print.
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Discovering the Universe Neil F. Comins, University of Maine, Orono, USA and William J. Kaufmann III (sometime), San DIego State University, USA
Neil Comins' Discovering the Universe is highly acclaimed for bringing the excitement of scientific discovery to the one-term astronomy module. Vivid writing and images, conceptual and mathematical support, and a focus on common mistakes and misunderstandings have made the book a longtime classroom bestseller. Contents: PART I: UNDERSTANDING ASTRONOMY / Discovering the Night Sky / Gravitation and the Motion of the Planets / Light and Telescopes / Atomic Physics and Spectra / PART II: UNDERSTANDING THE SOLAR SYSTEM / Formation of the Solar System and Other Planetary Systems / Earth and Moon / The Other Terrestrial Planets / The Outer Planets / Vagabonds of the Solar System / The Sun: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Star / PART III: UNDERSTANDING THE STARS / Characterizing Stars / The Lives of Stars from Birth Through Middle Age / The Deaths of Stars / Black Holes: Matters of Gravity / Part IV: UNDERSTANDING THE UNIVERSE / The Milky Way Galaxy / Galaxies / Quasars and Other Active Galaxies / Cosmology / Astrobiology
Philippe Espinasse, P&C Ventures Limited, Hong Kong
Mohamed Bouzoubaa, Professor, Samurai Finance Consulting, Morocco
A succinct book that provides readers with all they need to know about the equity derivatives business. It deals with vanilla equity products, their usage, structuring and their risk management. The author efficiently bridges the gap between theory and practice, constantly linking risk management tools with specific business objectives. Contents: 1. Fundamentals /2. Inside the World of Equity Derivatives /3. Forwards, Futures and Swaps /4. Pricing Vanilla Options /5. Risk Management Tools /6. Strategies Built around Vanillas /7. Yield Enhancement Solutions May 2014 47 figures Paperback
£19.99 9781137335531
Financial Engineering Explained Series Editors: Wim Schoutens and Wim Schoutens
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
550pp 279x229mm £53.99 9781464140860
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
"Philippe knows the IPO process inside out. Just as importantly, he explains complex concepts in clear and simple prose.” - Robert Cookson, Financial Times Former banker Philippe Espinasse offers advice for the interview, selection and appointment of lead banks, as well as for the execution of an IPO. The book includes case studies from around the world and explains negotiation techniques through which issuers can save considerable time, effort and costs, and also limit their potential liabilities. Contents: PART I: ASSESSING CANDIDATE BANKS /1. The Paradigm Shift: The Negotiating Advantage /2. Using an Independent Adviser or Consultant /3. How an Adviser / Consultant Can Best Add Value /4. The Beauty Parade /5. The Invitation Email /6. The Confidentiality Agreement /7. Length of the Request for Proposal (RFP) and Weightings / PART II: THE RFP /1. Market Conditions /2. Market Positioning /3. Valuation /4. Execution Considerations and Team /5. Marketing Considerations /6. Fees and Expenses /7. Credentials and Other Considerations /8. Checklists /9. Information on the Issuer / PART III: INTERVIEWING INVESTMENT BANKS /1. Interviewing Research Analysts /2. Drawing up a Shortlist /3. Obtaining Financing /4. Format of Oral Presentations /5. Dealing with Further Marketing Efforts / PART IV: FORMALLY APPOINTING LEAD BANKS /1. How Many Lead Banks? /2. Selecting Investment Banks /3. Communicating Declines /4. Managing Leaks /5. The Engagement Letter(s) /6. Customary Principles for Placement Agreements /7. The Kick-Off Meeting /8. After the Kick-Off Meeting / Conclusion June 2014 Hardback
Pitch, Selection and Mandate
Equity Derivatives Explained
10th edition
May 2014 Paperback
IPO Banks
184pp 216x138mm £29.99 9781137412935
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Pillars of Finance Guy Fraser-Sampson, Cass Business School, UK
Written by bestselling finance author Guy Fraser-Sampson, this is a provocative account of the severe limitations of modern finance, advocating a bold new way forward for the finance industry. The Pillars of Finance is a lively and provocative read, challenging some of the core beliefs of modern finance.
Contents: 1. Introductory Chapter /2. Do we Approach Finance Scientifically? /3. Logic and Emotion /4. Objectivity and Subjectivity in Finance /5. Problems with Thinking, Feeling and Perceiving Finance /6. Return /7. Risk /8. Value /9. The Need for a New Approach /10. Accepting Lack of Knowledge and Understanding /11. Modernist Finance /12. The Modernist Investor May 2014 Hardback
272pp 216x138mm £26.99 9781137264053
Quantitative Trading with R A Practical Guide to Financial Mathematics and Statistical Computing
Hedging Options and Greeks Explained Peter Leoni, Koch Industries, UK
Harry Georgakopoulos, Loyola University, USA
Quantitative Trading with R offers a winning strategy for devising expertly-crafted and workable trading models using the R open source programming language, providing readers with a step-by-step approach to understanding complex quantitative finance problems and building functional computer code. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. What Do Traders Do? /3. What Tools Do Traders Use? /4. A Sample Trading Strategy /5. Tools that We Need to Implement a Trading Strategy /6. What is R? (History and Basic Instructions) /7. Datatypes in R /8. Functions in R /9. Linear Algebra /10. Statistics /11. Probability /12. What is Risk /13. Where to Get Financial Data /14. How to Analyze Financial Data /15. Time Series Analysis /16. Regression Analysis /17. Monte Carlo Analysis /18. Formulating a Strategy /19. Backtesting a Strategy /20. Validating a Strategy /21. Presentation of Results /22. Advanced Concepts June 2014 Hardback
256pp 216x140mm £40.00 9781137354075
A practical guide to basic and intermediate hedging techniques for traders, structerers and risk management quants. This book fills a gap for a technical but not impenetrable guide to hedging options, and the 'Greek' (Theta, Vega, Rho and Lambda) -parameters that represent the sensitivity of derivatives prices.
Contents: 1. Hedging Contingent Claims /2. Delta Hedging in the Perfect World /3. The Balance between Gamma and Theta /4. Trading is the Answer to the Unknown /5. Vega as a Crucial Greek /6. Skew and Smile /7. Approximation Approach /8. Sticky Delta and Sticky Strike June 2014 Paperback
150pp 234x156mm £19.99 9781137350732
Financial Engineering Explained Series Editors: Wim Schoutens and Wim Schoutens
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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The Executive Guide to Corporate Restructuring
The Handbook of Global Agricultural Markets
Francisco J. López Lubián, Professor, IE Business School, Spain
In recent years the continuity of many firms has been achieved by restructuring, a task which takes up . a great deal of senior management's time. Written for busy managers and executives, this book is a practical guide to the process of restructuring, covering both debt and operational restructures. francisco j lópez lubián
Contents: Restructuring: A General Overview / Steps in Restructuring / Operating Restructuring / Financial Restructuring / Valuation in Distress / Some Examples of Restructuring (I) / Some Examples of Restructuring (II) / Life after Restructuring / Summary and Conclusions June 2014 184pp 234x156mm 3 figures and 56 b/w tables Hardback £29.99 9781137389350
The Business and Finance of Land, Water and Soft Commodities
Luc Nijs, Riga Graduate School of Law, Portugal
This book is a onestop reference for practitioners and academics in finance, business and economics, providing a holistic reference to the international agriculture business. It takes a multidisciplinary approach, looking at the issues, opportunities and investable themes in the global agricultural space, combining research and practical tools. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. The Investible Agricultural Space /3. Climate Change and Agriculture /4. Agricultural Risk Management & Insurance /5. Biofuels and Agriculture 5b. Biofuels and the Sustainability Conundrum /6. Financing the Agricultural Firm /7. Farmland as an Investible Asset Class 7b. Farmland: Capita Selecta 7c. Land Expectation Value and Timberland Valuation /8. Advanced Technologies and Agriculture: Genomics, Nanotechnology and Beyond /9. Challenges in Agricultural Production and Natural Resources Management /10. Sustainability of Agricultural Productivity Growth /11. Commodity Derivative Markets 11b. Trading Agricultural Commodities 11c. Speculation on (Agricultural) Commodity Markets & Financialization of Commodity Price Formation /12. The Global Water Challenge /13. Future Agricultural Dynamics June 2014 Hardback
450pp 234x156mm £70.00 9781137302335
Negotiating Life Secrets for Everyday Diplomacy and Deal Making Jeswald W. Salacuse, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA
"This book is a genuine breakthrough in explaining the high, fine art of negotiations, the heart of business, government, life, et al. Salacuse offers practical and easily usable rules in clear-cut language on how to make strategy and carry out your daily and life deeds.” - Leslie H. Gelb, former New York Times Correspondent; President Emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations Arguing that life is really a series of negotiations, deal making, and diplomacy, Salacuse gives readers the tools to make the most of any situation. Contents: 1. Negotiated Lives /2. Strategies for Conflict /3. To Negotiate or Not? /4. The Power Problem /5. Negotiation Goals: Transactions and Relationships /6. Real Leaders Negotiate /7. Negotiating with Governments /8. Negotiating for Other People /9. International and Cross Cultural Negotiations /10. The Power of Preparation /11. Your Place or Mine? Deciding Where to Negotiate /12. Opening Moves /13. Getting By With a Little Help from Your Friends /14. Finding the Right Voice: Effective Communication at the Table /15. The Endgame: Closing the Deal /16. Implementing Deals /17. On Second Thought: Redoing the Deal December 2013 Paperback
244pp 216x140mm £22.00 9781137391018
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Quantitative Methods for Business, Management and Finance 4th edition Louise Swift, School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice and Sally Piff, School of Management, both at University of East Anglia, UK
“I highly recommend this textbook...Ideally suited to students embarking on an undergraduate or postgraduate degree who in the past have had 'a dislike' for maths...[This] excellent text is extremely well written and user friendly. It is also good value for money." - Ann Thapar, Westminster Business School, UK Quantitative Methods is a comprehensive guide to the techniques any student of business or finance is likely to need. The authors' highly successful learning-by-doing approach, coupled with the clear structure of the text, make the acquisition of essential mathematical skills achievable and even enjoyable. Contents: PART I: ESSENTIAL MATHS / Numbers and Symbols / Simplifying Expressions / Solving Problems / Modelling Using Straight Lines / PART II: MORE MATHS / Some Special Equations / Modelling Using Curves / Rates of Change / PART III: DESCRIBING DATA / Pictures of Data / Summarising Data / PART IV: PROBABILITY / Measuring Uncertainty/ Numerical Outcomes / Continuous Numerical Outcomes / Some More Probability Distributions / PART V: STATISTICS / Estimation / Testing Hypotheses / Correlation and Regression / Comparing Two Populations / Nonparametric Methods / Categorical Data / Forecasting / Statistics in Practice / PART VI: BUSINESS MODELLING / Linear Programming Models / Planning Projects / Models for Inventory Control / Time and Money / Decision Making / Simulating Reality / Controlling Quality / PART VII: STATISTICAL TABLES / Cumulative Binomial Probabilities / Cumulative Standard Normal Probabilities / Percentage Points of the Standard Normal Distribution / Random Digits / Percentage Points of the t Distribution / Percentage Points of the x2 Distribution May 2014 Paperback
New Venture Creation A Framework for Entrepreneurial Start-Ups Paul Burns, Professor, University of Bedfordshire Business School, UK
The Family Business Map Assets and Roadblocks in Long Term Planning Morten Bennedsen, INSEAD, France and Joseph P.H. Fan, Joint Professor of School of Accountancy and Department of Finance; Director of Institute of Economics and Finance, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Combining the expertise of two consultants and academics from East and West, this book provides an international guide for family businesses, showing how to identify and implement the best governance strategies. Packed with cases studies and interviews, this is the ultimate guide for family businesses wanting to achieve long-term success. Contents: 1. Building Blocks /2. Family Assets /3. Roadblocks /4. Applying the Framework /5. Ownership Design /6. The Great Succession Challenge /7. EXIT /8. A Roadmap for the Future June 2014 Hardback
232pp 216x138mm £29.99 9781137382351
INSEAD Business Press
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
"I recommend this book to students and young people who want to be their own boss." Wilton Chau, Chinese University of Hong Kong "The range and depth of discussion on the challenges of starting up is bound to ensure that this book becomes a core text for new venture creation modules.” - Richard Tunstall, University of Leeds, UK This book is a comprehensive, practical guide to launching a successful new venture. It takes budding entrepreneurs through the whole process of planning for a new venture - from generating an idea, through developing the business model, and raising finance - in a way that gives them the best chance of success. Contents: PART I: ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS PLANNING /1. The Business Plan Framework /2. What You Bring to Entrepreneurship /3. Finding a Business Idea / PART II: MARKET SEGMENTS AND VALUE PROPOSITION /4. Understanding Your Market/ Industry /5. Structuring Your Business Model / PART III: MARKETING STRATEGY /6. Your Values, Brand and Customer Loyalty /7. Launching Your Business /8. Growing Your Business / PART IV: OPERATIONS PLANNING /9. Legal Foundations /10. Organizing Operations / PART V: RISK AND STRATEGIC OPTIONS /11. Dealing with Risk / PART VI: RESOURCES /12. Building Your Team /13. Leading Your Team /14. Obtaining Finance / PART VII: FINANCIAL PLAN /15. Financial Forecasts /16. The Business Plan May 2014 384pp 246x189mm 61 figures, 28 colour tables and 104 colour photographs Paperback £39.99 9781137332899 TB
736pp 276x216mm £44.99 9781137376558 TB
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The Craft Beer Revolution How a Band of Microbrewers Is Transforming the World's Favorite Drink Steve Hindy, Author of Beer School and Co-founder, Chairman and President of Brooklyn Brewery, one of America's top 20 breweries
Over the past thirty years craft beer has exploded in growth. Today, there are over 2,400 craft breweries in the US, and their influence is spreading globally. Steve Hindy, cofounder of the Brooklyn Brewery, tells the inside story of how a band of microbrewers came together to become one of America's great entrepreneurial triumphs. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 272pp 235x152mm 8-page reg stock, more images interpsersed Hardback £16.99 9781137278760
Labour Relations
4th edition Frank Burchill, University of Tasmania, Australia
Attracting and Retaining Talent
"A highly readable introduction to IR concepts and UK industrial relations." Nathan Lillie, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Becoming an Employer of Choice Tim Baker, International Consultant and Managing Director, WINNERS-ATWORK, Australia
Many companies are striving to adopt an 'employer of choice' strategy in an attempt to attract and retain quality staff, although few do this well. This book offers a practical roadmap for developing a more productive workplace culture; one that reflects the changing needs of the modern employee and the progressive organisation. Contents: 1. The Eight Changing Values /2. The New World of Work /3. The New Employment Relationship Model /4. Learning and Earning: From Specialist Employment to Flexible Deployment /5. Customercentricity: From Internal Focus to Customer Focus /6. The End of the Job: From Job Focus to Performance Focus /7. Burn the Organisational Chart! From Functionalbased to Project-based Work /8. Engaging Hearts and Minds: From Human Dispirit and Work to Human Spirit and Work /9. Committing to the Cause: From Loyalty to Commitment /10. Three Dimensional Learning: From Training to Learning /11. Overcoming the Initiative Paradox: From Closed Information to Open Information
Labour Relations, 4th edition, offers a multi-perspective examination of contemporary industrial relations. Aimed at upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students, it provides a lively and thought-provoking analysis of industrial relations set within a broader political, economic and historical context. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Harmony and Conflict /3. The Market for Labour /4. Trade Unions /5. The Government of Unions /6. The Employers /7. Collective Bargaining /8. Procedures /9. Settling Disputes /10. Negotiating /11. Industrial Action /12. Pay /13. The New Industrial Relations /14. The Old and the New Bibliography June 2014 Paperback TB
May 2014 264pp 198x129mm 12 tables and 8 figures Paperback £14.99 9781137411730
Palgrave Pocket Consultants
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Web resource available
232pp 234x156mm £32.99 9781137306180
Comes with a CD/DVD
Stress in the Spotlight Managing and Coping with Stress in the Workplace Brian Claridge, Freelance Journalist who writes for national and regional newspapers and magazines and Cary L. Cooper, Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health, Lancaster University, UK
Based upon interviews with individuals in high pressure positions, from business leaders to a bomb disposal expert, this book provides practical insight about how to identify, tackle and overcome any kind of stress. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Pressures on People in Different walks of Life /3. Dealing with Pressure /4. Managing Difficult People /5. Bouncing Back from Set Backs /6. Thinking One Step at a Time /7. Boosting Your Self-Confidence /8. Juggling Work and Family/Private Life /9. Time Poor: Maintaining Valued Relationships /10. Being Adaptable /11. Glass Half Full /12. Lessons for the Future June 2014 Hardback
256pp 216x138mm £29.99 9781137292346
Comparative Political Economy of Work Edited by Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University, UK and Matt Vidal, Kings College London, UK
An edited book in the Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment series associated with the annual International Labour Process Conference. The book focuses on comparative work and employment relations research conducted within a broader political economy framework. Written by leading academics it contains cutting-edge research. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: March 2014 Hardback Paperback
376pp 234x156mm £75.00 9781137329462 £32.99 9781137322272
Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment Series Editors: Irena Grugulis, Caroline Lloyd, Chris Smith and Chris Warhurst
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
The Worldwide Workplace Solving the Global Talent Equation Mike Johnson, FutureWork, UK
"If you want to give your employees a better place to work, read Mike Johnson's book – it contains the recipe for success." - Shay McConnon, President, People First and Creator of An Even Better Place to Work “Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East. This book explains what the working world of tomorrow will look like and how to get ahead of the curve.” - Labeed Hamid, Founder and President, Middle East Management Centre Traditional notions of work are transforming rapidly as we enter into the global workspace. Through interviews with leading experts, The Worldwide Workplace gives readers a practical understanding of how to prepare for and capitalize on changes to the working environment. Contents: 1. The Workspace of the World /2. The Challenges of a Worldwide Workspace /3. Looking for Opportunities in the Worldwide Workspace /4. Who will be in the Workspace? /5. What the Worldwide Workspace Looks Like /6. Workspace Jobs for Today and Tomorrow /7. Educate to Meet the Workspace Need /8. A Worldwide Workspace for Your Organization /9. A Worldwide Workspace for YOU – the Career Plan /10. A Word from the Future: Does it all Make Sense? June 2014 27 figures Hardback
£22.99 9781137361264
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Mental Illness at Work
A Manager’s Guide to Identifying, Managing and Preventing Psychological Problems in the Workplace Mary-Clare Race, Associate, ARUP, UK and Adrian Furnham, Professor of Psychology, University College, London, UK; Adjunct Professor, Norwegian School of Management, Norway
It is argued that the incidence of mental illness in the workplace is more common than many realize, ranging from stress to schizophrenia. In this book leading psychologists Adrian Furnham and Mary-Clare Race explore the psychiatric classification of illness and how symptoms can be identified to help develop mental health literate organizations. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. The Basics /3. Identification /4. Sector Specific Illnesses /5. Illness at the Top: the Paradox of Illness /6. Work Induced Mental Illness /7. Coping with Illness /8. Educating the Workforce /9. Creating a Healthy Environment /10. Conclusion May 2014 256pp 216x138mm 4 b/w tables, 2 tables and 3 figures Hardback £29.99 9781137272041
Coaching for Innovation
China Goes West
Tools and Techniques for Encouraging New Ideas in the Workplace
Everything You Need to Know About Chinese Companies Going Global
Cristina Bianchi, Founder/ Managing Director of Enhance Training and Development and Inspirational Trainer, Facilitator and Coach and Maureen Steele, Founder/ Managing Director of The Training Box Ltd and author of 52 Brilliant Communication Tips
Making innovation in the workplace highly accessible, Coaching for Innovation presents a step-by-step guide which is full of practical tips, models, exercises and interviews with HR and business professionals. It demonstrates the integral role that coaching plays in idea generation and the innovation process. Contents: 1. Bringing Out the Coach Inside /2. Coaching First Steps /3. A Guide to Powerful Questions /4. Mindful Listening /5. Sparking the Relationship Level /6. Navigating the Process /7. Implementation and Beyond /8. Why 1+1=3 /9. The Creative Coaching Session /10. The Coaching Toolkit for Teams May 2014 240pp 216x138mm 10 figures, 14 b/w tables and 3 diagrams Hardback £22.99 9781137353252
Joel Backaler, Frontier Strategy Group, China
"Smart, practical and highly readable...In China Goes West, Joel Backaler brings an important, accelerating global business trend into timely focus." Mark Duval, President, American Chamber of Commerce in China "Joel Backaler's China Goes West is a true must-read for business leaders, researchers, and anyone interested in China's rapid economic growth. Backaler details numerous real life business examples and unlocks key cultural and governmental differences in a style that is both refreshing and engaging." - Ken Newell, President PepsiCo Greater China (2008-2012) Presenting an unrivalled perspective into the inner-workings of Chinese corporations and their expansion plans for international markets, this book combines executive interviews and first-hand accounts providing the sorely needed context to the rise of Chinese companies in home and overseas markets and how the West can successfully compete. Contents: 1. An Introduction to Chinese Companies /2. Fleeing the Great Game /3. The Unprepared /4. The Assets /5. The Explorers and Buyers /6. The Danger /7. The Opportunity /8. The Response April 2014 208pp 216x138mm 15 b/w tables and 8 figures Hardback £19.99 9781137293923
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Intercultural Readiness
Myth-Busting China's Numbers
Asian Business and Management
Four Competencies for Working Across Cultures
Understanding and Using China's Business Statistics
Theory, Practice and Perspectives
Ursula Brinkmann, Ph.D., and Oscar van Weerdenburg, both Managing Directors of the international consulting firm Intercultural Business Improvement, The Netherlands
Drawing on research from 30,000 individuals and their practical experience as intercultural management consultants, the authors provide insights into the broader landscape of intercultural management through their exploration of 4 competencies: Intercultural Sensitivity, Intercultural Communication, Building Commitment and Managing Uncertainty. Contents: 1. Intercultural Readiness: Translating Talent into Competence /2. Why We Need Intercultural Competences /3. The Four Competences /4. Different Talents, New Abilities /5. Debunking a Popular Myth /6. Intercultural Competences for Culturally Diverse Teams /7. What Makes an Organization Interculturally Competent?
2nd edition
Matthew Crabbe, Research Director for Asia-Pacific, Mintel, Malaysia
A good understanding of Chinese data gathering methods and reporting structures is invaluable to anyone with business or investment plans in China. This book tackles the veracity of Chinese statistics, raising awareness of abuses and problems in real-life examples that have occurred, and provides practical strategies to reduce risk in the future. Contents: Introduction /1. The Big Numbers /2. Population and Employment /3. Retail Sales /4. Debt /5. Property /6. Accounting Stats /7. Manufacturing /8. Tax /9. Social Stats /10. Monetary Policy / Conclusion April 2014 49 b/w tables Paperback
£14.99 9781137353191
Palgrave Pocket Consultants
April 2014 240pp 216x138mm 14 b/w tables and 5 figures Hardback £24.99 9781137346971
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Edited by Harukiyo Hasegawa, Doshisha University, Japan and Carlos Noronha, University of Macau, China
"The clear structure and lay-out of this textbook make it an ideal basis for programmatic learning." - Ray Loveridge, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK "This book provides a systematic, comprehensive, original and insightful analysis of business systems in Asia. The 'golden thread' that ties the analysis of these diverse systems together is Redding's acclaimed model of business systems. I commend this book both as a textbook for students of management in Asia and as an immensely helpful reference tool for managers doing business in the region.” - Bruce Stening, Peking University, China Fully updated with the latest research, the book is divided into two parts, one dealing with major contextual and theoretical issues of business and management, and the other with fresh and topical analysis regarding recent changes in management in the major Asian nations. It brings together work from leading authorities and a unique focus on CSR. Contents: Preface and Introduction / PART I: ASIAN BUSINESS SYSTEMS - MAJOR ISSUES / PART II: VARIETIES OF BUSINESS SYSTEMS IN ASIA A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 384pp Paperback £42.99
246x189mm 9780230367388 TB
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The Rise of the New East
Business Strategies for Success in a World of Increasing Complexity Ben Simpfendorfer, Royal Bank of Scotland in Hong Kong
"Ben is a thorough and totally involved observer of matters Eastern with an ability to articulate his thoughts clearly both orally and, as in this case, in a totally unstuffy, readable and informative book. A tireless traveler with an enquiring economist's mind, he shines because of his ability to cross cultural and language barriers with an ease I have yet to find in others.” - David Eldon, former Chairman of HSBC Asia Pacific Taking the reader on a tour of the fast changing East, Simpfendorfer urges the business world to respond by planning for the unexpected. Now that the East has secured its role as a powerful player on the world stage, The Rise of the New East provides simple business strategies for dealing with an increasingly complex global environment. Contents: 1. The East's Great Cities /2. The Rise of the Middle-class /3. The Logistics Sector /4. The China Dilemma /5. Resource Scarcity and Sustainability /6. Manufacturing and Jobs /7. The Rise of Islamic Economies /8. The East's Entertainment Industry /9. New and Old Colonial Powers June 2014 Hardback
240pp 216x138mm £14.99 9781137370051
Managing Information in Organizations
Value-based Leadership in Public Professions
A Practical Guide to Implementing an Information Management Strategy
Tor Busch, Professor, Trondheim Business School, Norway and Alex Murdock, Professor, London South Bank University, UK
Sharon A. Cox, Birmingham City University , UK
New core text for Managing Information modules examining the issue of information management from both a business and an IT perspective. Grounded in the theory, it takes a practical, problemsolving approach that provides students with tools and insights to understand how to formulate and implement information management strategies. Contents: 1. Organizational Context of Information /2. Role of Information Systems in Organizations /3. Role of Information Technology in Managing Information /4. Role of Business in Information Management /5. Information Management and Governance /6. Information Management Strategy /7. Improving Information Access /8. Improving Information Consistency /9. Organizational Change /10. Information in E-Business /11. Changing Information Systems /12. Changing Information Technology /13. Technological Themes /14. Business Themes /15. Information Themes /16. Future of Information Management May 2014 Paperback
502pp 246x189mm £44.99 9780230298842
"This book provides a very comprehensive and important treatise on the critical role of values-based leadership in the 21st century.” - Adam Waytz, Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations, Northwestern University, USA A brand new text that examines the latest thinking in values-based leadership in the public sector. Assuming no prior knowledge, it draws on the experience of the UK, Europe, Australia and the USA to present students with an invaluable account of public sector management and leadership. Contents: 1. Introduction / PART I: PROFESSIONS AND VALUES" /2. Professionalism Theory /3. Professional Values and Professional Identity /4. Values – a Conceptual Refinement / PART II: LEADERSHIP IN A VALUE-BASED PERSPECTIVE /5. A Theoretical Starting Point for Leadership /6. Value-based Leadership /7. Leadership and Value Development" / PART III: VALUEBASED LEADERSHIP IN PRACTICE /8. Self-leadership /9. Team Leadership /10. Transformational Leadership /11. Value-based Leadership - Some Concluding Reflections June 2014 Paperback
216pp 234x156mm £28.99 9781137331090
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Global Leadership Practices
Inventive Negotiation
Beauty Queen
A Cross-Cultural Management Perspective
Getting Beyond Yes
Inside the Reign of Avon's Andrea Jung
Edited by Bettina Gehrke, Professor, Bocconi University, Italy and Marie-Therese Claes, Louvain School of Management, Belgium
An advanced level edited text that covers key theories of crosscultural management and helps develop practical solutions to deal with difference in organizations. It focuses on the impact of globalisation on individuals' work life and identity and explores how to manage and lead teams in a globalised context. It also includes coverage of emerging markets. Contents: PART I: CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT THEORY AND APPLICATION /1. There is Nothing so Practical as Four Good Theories; Laurence Romani, Henriett Primecz, Roger Bell / PART II: CROSSCULTURAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES /2. Language Management; Anne Bjørge and Sunniva Whittaker /3. Discourse Strategies for Cross-cultural Communication; Anne Bjørge / PART III: TO BE A LEADER IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT /4. Identities in the Global World of Work; Hyun-Jung Lee /5. International Assignments for Global Leadership Development; Betina Szkudlarek and Marian van Bakel /6. Global Team Collaboration; Karsten Jonsen and Bettina Gehrke /7. Global Leadership: Engaging People Across Cultures; Bettina Gehrke /8. Global Leadership for Sustainable Development; Ina Ehnert and Marie-Therese Claes / PART IV: GLOBAL LEADERSHIP IN PRACTICE /9. Understanding Chinese Culture and Communication: The Yin Yang Approach; Tony Fang /10. India: An Interpretative Approach to a Hybrid Culture; Jasmin Mahadeva /11. Managing the Brazilian Way: Adaptation and Integration; Joana S.P. Story and Germano Glufke Reis /12. Russian Culture in the Eyes of the Beholders; Tatiana Andreeva /13. Work and the Self in Ghanaian Culture; David B. Zoogah and Mohammed Hadi AbdulGaniy Bolaji /14. Understanding the Culture of the Arab Countries: Diversity and Commonalities; Katharina Kilian-Yasin and Akram Al-Ariss /15. Southeast Asia: a Multicultural Kaleidoscope; Marie-Therese Claes May 2014 Paperback
John L. Graham, Author and Professor Emeritus of International Business, University of California, USA, Lynda Lawrence, Chief Idea Officer, Ideaworks Consulting, and Teacher of Innovation Management, Merage School of Business, University of California, USA and William Hernandez Requejo, President and Senior Consultant, Requejo Consulting, Inc.
Negotiation is a core skill used in a variety of personal and commercial settings and can be the key to success. Inventive Negotiation demonstrates how to transform transaction-oriented competitive or integrative bargainers into inventive negotiators that focus on long-term commercial relationships. Contents: Introduction - Bought a Car Recently? /1. Older than History, More Advanced than the Future /2. It Begins with a Glimmer of Opportunity /3. Don't Sell Them the Show. Sell Them the Vision /4. Then You Build Personal Relationships /5. Systems that Make It Happen /6. The Right People /7. Diversity Works /8. Place/Space/ Pace /9. Emotion/Power/Ethics /10. Changing Roles /11. Creativity Stimulants /12. Improvisation /13. Playing Together /14. Review and Improve June 2014 12 figures Hardback
Deborrah Himsel, Author of Leadership Sopranos Style; Teacher, Thunderbird School of Global Management and The Helsinki School of Economics, Aalto University, Finland
Through interviews with other CEOs, Avon executives past and present, and leadership experts, Himsel explores the unique challenges Jung faced as a female Fortune 500 CEO; the thin line between pride and hubris; and the danger of the so-called ‘halo effect’ in our high-stakes times. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 Hardback
240pp 234x156mm £17.99 9781137278821
£19.99 9781137370150
304pp 246x189mm £34.99 9781137350008
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Leadership in Balance
Future Work
New Habits of the Mind
Changing organisational culture for the new world of work
John F. Kucia, Xavier University, USA and Linda S. Gravett, Gravett and Associates; Just the Basics, Inc.
"Kucia and Gravett provide an important evolution in leadership literature. Drawing on interviews with CEOs of major corporations and nonprofit organizations, the authors develop a 'Balance Framework' that replaces hierarchical management with a leadership style that blends and orchestrates competing organizational dimensions, such as competition vs. collaboration, in accordance with the organization's mission, structure, and culture. The resulting balance leverages the benefits of each dimension to increase organizational effectiveness.” - Joe Pichler, Retired CEO and Chairman, The Kroger Company Leadership in Balance provides readers with a deeper understanding of the art, practice, and discipline of purpose-driven collaboration, and teaches them how new leadership habits of the mind will positively impact an organization's learning, growth, and change. Contents: Introduction / PART I: BUILDING THE FUNDAMENTALS / PART II: WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? - TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2014 18 figures Hardback Paperback
£62.50 9781137394330 £22.00 9781137408204
Creating Enlightened Organizations
2nd edition - Expanded and Updated Alison Maitland, Writer, Speaker and Conference Moderator; Financial Times Journalist and Co-author of the prize-winning book Why Women Mean Business and Peter Thomson, Visiting Executive Fellow, Henley Business School, UK and Research Director, Telework Association
Review of the 1st edition: “An invaluable resource for anyone who needs to increase employee productivity and reduce costs, and wants to do so in a way which is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable.” Stephen Leonard, Chief Executive, IBM, UK and Ireland The way we work is overdue for change. This newly updated guide to the challenges you will face in the twenty-first century world of work sets out a compelling case for change in organizational cultures and working practices to boost output, cut costs, give employees more freedom over how they work and contribute to a greener economy. Contents: Introduction /1. Flexibility as a Uniting Force Between People and Generations at Work /2. The Evolution of Technology and its Uses at Work /3. From Workplace to Meeting Place: Emerging Organizational Models /4. What Today’s Managers Say about the New World of Work and the Challenges they Face /5. Making Change: How Organizational Culture can be Adapted to Enable Remote Working and Other /6. Empowering Work Arrangements /7. Think Flexibly: A Step-By-Step Guide to Introducing and Managing New Ways of Working /8. Managing Remote Teams and Virtual Teams across Borders /9. Making It Work For Organizations /10. Making it Happen for Individual Managers /11. The Way Ahead: Projections for the Future (From Workplace to Workspace)
Four Gateways to Spirit at Work Judi Neal, Edgewalkers International
"There aren’t many models people can use for investigating spirituality in the workplace, and fewer still that respect the entire range of sacred journeys. Judi Neal has created a guidepost for anyone serious about learning how spirituality can be incorporated into organizational life." - Daryl Conner, Chairman, Conner Partners Creating Enlightened Organizations provides a comprehensive, customizable program for integrating spirituality and work at the individual, team, organizational and societal levels. Contents: GATEWAY I: CREATING PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION /1. What Do You Mean by That? /2. Why Spirit at Work Now? /3. Coming Down from the Mountain and Into Mammon /4. Creating Sacred Space at Work /5. Bridging the Invisible and the Visible Worlds at Work GATEWAY II: DEVELOPING ENLIGHTENED LEADERS AND TEAMS /6. Inner Leadership /7. Spiritual Leadership Models /8. Facilitating Spirited TeamsGATEWAY III: CREATING ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION /9. Caring for the Whole System /10. Assessing Workplace SpiritualityGATEWAY IV: JOINING THE GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT /11. Redefining the Role of Business /12. Creating our Desired Future Appendix A - International Spirit at Work Awards/ Appendix B – EEOC - Questions and Answers: Religious Discrimination in the Workplace December 2013 232pp 235x153mm 1 table and 6 figures Hardback £70.00 9781137335142 Paperback £22.00 9781137335159
March 2014 272pp 216x138mm 4 b/w tables and 1 figure Hardback £18.99 9781137367150
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Nice Companies Finish First
Principles of Retailing
Why Cutthroat Management Is Over—and Collaboration Is In
2nd edition
Peter Shankman, Founder of Help a Reporter Out (HARO), the largest free source repository for journalists in the world and Founder and CEO of The Geek Factory, Inc.
In Nice Companies Finish First, Shankman, a pioneer in modern PR, marketing, advertising, social media, and customer service, profiles the famously nice executives, entrepreneurs, and companies that are setting the standard for success in this new collaborative world. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 Paperback
256pp 253x153mm £10.99 9781137279156
Rosemary Varley, Huddersfield University Business School, UK and Mohammed Rafiq, Business School, University of Loughborough, UK
Principles of Retailing is a comprehensive, academic text on Retail Management, which takes a UK and European perspective. It is ideal for both undergraduates and postgraduates studying retailing as part of a Retailing, Marketing or Business degree. Contents: PART I: THE RETAIL INDUSTRY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT /1. An Introduction to Retailing /2. Retail Organizations and Formats /3. Retailing and the Competitive Environment /4. Customers / PART II: FORMULATING AND IMPLEMENTING RETAIL STRATEGY / 5. Formulating Retail Strategy /6. Implementing Retail Strategy / 7. Managing the Retail Supply Chain / 8. Managing Information / PART III: RETAIL MARKETING MANAGEMENT / 9. Retail Location /10. Retail Design and Visual Merchandising / 11. Retail Buying / 12. Retail Brands / 13. Retail Pricing / 14. Managing Retail Communications / 15. Retail Services / PART IV: RETAIL CHALLENGES / 16. International Retailing / 17. Multichannel Retailing /18. Legal and Ethical Issues in Retailing May 2014 Paperback
356pp 246x189mm £34.99 9780230216983 TB
Standing Room Only Marketing Insights for Engaging Performing Arts Audiences 2nd edition Joanne Scheff Bernstein, Theater Consultant, Speaker, and Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University, USA
Standing Room Only combines practical advice for creating a strategic marketing program and maintaining a successful performing arts organization. This revised edition lays out a framework to navigate the digital age, from online ticketing options, to marketing options in social, and mobile media. Contents: Introduction /1. The Performing Arts: History and Issues; An Ongoing Crisis? A Growing Crisis? /2. The Evolution and Principles of Marketing /3. Understanding the Performing Arts Market: How Consumers Think /4. Exploring Characteristics of Current and Potential Performing Arts Attenders /5. Planning Strategy and Applying the Strategic Marketing Process /6. Identifying Market Segments, Selecting Target Markets, and Positioning the Offer /7. Conducting and Using Market Research /8. Using Strategic Marketing to Define and Analyze the Product Offering /9. Managing Location, Capacity, and Ticketing Systems /10. Delivering Value and Maximizing Revenue Through Pricing Strategies /11. Identifying and Capitalizing on Brand Identity /12. Formulating Communications Strategies /13. Delivering the Message: Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Crisis Management /14. Harnessing and Leveraging the Power of Digital Marketing Methods /15. Building Audience Frequency and Loyalty /16. Focusing on the Customer Experience and Delivering Great Customer Service /17. Audiences for Now; Audiences for the Future May 2014 Hardback
416pp 234x156mm £36.99 9781137282934
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Masters of Disaster
Managing Online Reputation
Asian Brand Strategy
The Ten Commandments of Damage Control
How to Protect Your Company on Social Media
Lessons for the Future from Asia's Best Brands
Christopher Lehane and Mark Fabiani, have provided damage control for global Fortune 500 companies, prominent elected officials, and well-known celebrities and Bill Guttentag, two-time Oscar-winning Documentary and Feature Film Writer ProducerDirector; Lecturer, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA
Covering the ten commandments of damage control, Masters of Disaster outlines the strategies that can make real-time news alerts, Twitter trend lines, and viral videos work for you rather against you. Full of lively personal anecdotes and hard-knuckled advice, this is a must-read for anyone who wants to emerge with their reputation intact. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2014 Paperback
256pp 234x156mm £11.99 9781137278968
Charlie Pownall, Senior Communications Consultant with over twenty years’ experience in Public Relations and Digital Communications
Managing Online Reputation is a comprehensive look at online reputation management. Drawing on recent examples of organizations managing their online reputations effectively and ineffectively, it provides a practical and visual tool-kit of processes and techniques to help limit and respond effectively to negative situations on social media. Contents: PART I: MINIMIZING ONLINE RISKS /1. Understanding Weaknesses /2. Developing Strategy /3. Aligning the Organisation /4. Protecting the Brand PART II: MANAGING ONLINE REPUTATION /5. Sniffing for Trouble /6. Manning the Barricadess /7. Guarding the Gateposts /8. Planning Campaigns /9. Handling Firestorms and Crises July 2014 Paperback
176pp 198x129mm £14.99 9781137382290
Palgrave Pocket Consultants
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
2nd edition Martin Roll, VentureRepublic Pte.Ltd., Singapore
A new edition of the bestselling, comprehensive framework for understanding Asian branding strategies and Asian brands, including a user-friendly strategic model and examples of success stories and challenges. The author offers trusted insights, knowledge and perspectives supported by brand new research and case studies. Contents: Introduction /1. Branding - The Driver of a Successful Business Strategy /2. Transforming How We Understand Asian Cultures and Consumers /3. Asian Country Branding /4. Celebrity Branding in Asia /5. Asian Brand Strategy /6. The Digital Revolution and How It Reshapes Asian Brands Path to Global /7. Successful Asian Brand Cases /8. Aspiring Asian Brand Cases /9. 10 Steps to Build a Successful Asian and Emerging Market Brand /10. Asian Brands Towards 2020: A New Confidence in the Asian Boardroom / Conclusion July 2014 Hardback
Web resource available
280pp 216x138mm £29.99 9781137359162
Comes with a CD/DVD
Unconscious Branding How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing Douglas Van Praet, Executive Vice President, Deutsch LA, USA
"Drawing upon the insights of behavioral science, Van Praet provides a seven-step, behavior-modification procedure - useful insights that should benefit marketers big and small." - Publishers Weekly "Doug Van Praet knows what's going on in your mind better than you do. This is the only book that finally provides a useful 'how to' when it comes to applying neuroscience to marketing. We're using it. It works." - Mike Sheldon, CEO, Deutsch LA "There are many researchers in advertising who can study a campaign and tell you what happened. There are precious few who can tell you why. Doug Van Praet is one of them." - Eric Hirshberg, CEO, Activision Publishing If consumers make decisions unconsciously, why do we persist in asking them directly through traditional marketing research why they do what they do? Unconscious Branding takes the most brilliant and revolutionary concepts from cognitive science and applies them to how we market, advertise, and consume in the modern digital age. Contents: 1. Introduction: The Elephant in the Room and the Building of a Bridge / PART I: THE SCIENCE BELOW OUR DEEPER BEHAVIOR /2. The Myth of Marketing /3. Humans not Consumers /4. The Biology of Behavior / PART II: THE SEVEN STEPS TO BEHAVIOR CHANGE /5. Step One: Interrupt the Pattern /6. Step Two: Create Comfort /7. Step Three: Lead the Imagination /8. Step Four: Shift the Feeling /9. Step Five: Satisfy the Critical Mind /10. Step Six: Change the Associations /11. Step Seven: Take ActionSources / Acknowledgements / Index April 2014 Paperback
288pp 234x156mm £10.99 9781137278920
Breaking Through Implementing Disruptive Customer Centricity 2nd edition Sandra Vandermerwe, Professor, Imperial College Management School, UK
Thoroughly revised new edition of Breaking Through. This book explains the importance of customer centricity to any customer-driven business and outlines how to implement it step-by-step Contents: Introduction / PART I: FIRST PHASE: THE AWAKENING / Breakthrough 1: Create Strategic Discomfort and Excitement / Breakthrough 2: Reframe New Beliefs / PART II: SECOND PHASE: THE DISCOVERY / Breakthrough 3: Articulate the 'Market Space' / Breakthrough 4: Identify the Value Opportunities / PART III: THIRD PHASE: THE STORY / Breakthrough 5: Build a Compelling Case / Breakthrough 6: Size the Prize / PART IV: FOURTH PHASE: THE ENGAGEMENT / Breakthrough 7: Model the Concept / Breakthrough 8: Get People Working Together / PART V: FIFTH PHASE: THE REWARD / Breakthrough 9: Reach Critical Mass / Breakthrough 10: Gather and Sustain Momentum March 2014 292pp 216x138mm 21 diagrams, 9 b/w tables and 6 figures Hardback £29.99 9781137395498
Transforming Culture Creating and Sustaining Effective Organizations Elizabeth K. Briody, Cultural Keys LLC, Robert T. Trotter, II, Northern Arizona University, USA and Tracy L. Meerwarth, Consolidated Bearings Company, Ltd.
WINNER of the 2012 Robert B. Textor and Family Prize for Excellence in Anticipatory Anthropology from the American Anthropological Association “This aptly titled book combines technical expertise and experience of a high order with work with a variety of people in the manufacturing trenches at GM. The authors have developed real and realistic methods to induce constructive culture change. Useful to anyone trying to change the culture of an organization.” - Bob Frosch, former Vice President, General Motors; former Administrator, NASA Transforming Culture offers a discussion and exploration of American work culture that can serve as a guide for organizational-culture change through the description and explanation of a model for change used at GM. The book describes the model, discusses culture-change tools that were derived from it and descriptions of how the tools work. Contents: 1. Introduction to the American Manufacturing Culture Story /2. Significant Cultural Transformations in the Automotive Industry /3. Helping Organizations to See ‘What Was’ and ‘What Is’ /4. Getting Organizations to See ‘What Is’ and ‘What Could Be’ /5. Obstacles to Cultural Transformation /6. Reliance on Cultural Processes during Cultural Transformation /7. Tools to Aid in Cultural Transformation /8. Lessons Learned, Futures Planned February 2014 8pp illustrations Paperback
£17.99 9781137408198 TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Boards Under Crisis
Board action under pressure
The Influence Agenda
Alberto Lavin Fernandez, Independent Management Consultant and part-time Adjunct Professor, IE Business School, (global FT ranked number 7) and Carmelo Mazza, Independent Consultant and Adjunct Professor of Organizational Theory and Organizational Behaviour, LUISS University in Rome, Italy
A Systematic Approach to Aligning Stakeholders in Times of Change Mike Clayton, Best-selling Business Author and Management Trainer specializing in management, leadership and personal effectiveness
This book sets out a systematic way to understand who you need to influence, how to evaluate the priority you give to each person, what tactics will work the best, and how to plan and execute your campaign. It provides powerful tools and processes which use the psychology of influence and grounds them in experience of managing projects and change. Contents: 1. The Process is Trivial: The Implementation is Not /2.Who are your Stakeholders? /3.More than Just Power: Analysing your Stakeholders /4.What are you Doing? Crafting your Message /5.Gentle Persuasion: Soft Power /6.Hidden Persuasion: Behavioural Economics /7.A Dozen Reasons why you're Wrong: Handling Resistance /8.Your Influence Agenda: Campaign Planning /9. Making it Work: Campaign Management /10. Closing Words April 2014 296pp 216x138mm 60 figures, 8 b/w tables and 15 tables Hardback £19.99 9781137355843
An innovative, researchbased review of how boards make decisions during crises - designed to offer insight and accessible theories for invested senior management facing crises situations. This book gathers recent and historical research on boardroom decision making from the field and business literature to review crises, TMT and decision making. Contents: 1. Boards In Their Environment /2. Crisis, What Crisis? /3.Boardroom Crisis in Corporate Settings /4. What You Can Do Tomorrow Will Depend Largely on Your Thinking Today: Increased Short Termism and Strategic Myopia During Crisis /5. 'I want to personally check that': Centralization at the Boardroom During Crisis /6.The Portrait of Board Life from Within. Parochialism and Conflict at the Top /7. Strategic Management and OB /8. Remedies for Defective Decision Making Models Under Crisis
Penélope Cruz Ann Davies, University of Stirling, UK
Part of a vanguard of Spanish talent claiming success at home and in Hollywood, Penélope Cruz is one of the best known European stars today. Focusing on Cruz’s key films and their surrounding discourse, Ann Davies charts the development of Cruz’s star persona both at home and abroad and the questions, difficulties and pleasures it inspires. Contents: Introduction / Performing Youth / Performing Nation / Performing Otherness / Performing Performance / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Filmography June 2014 152pp 190x135mm 27 b/w photographs Paperback £14.99 9781844574285
Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
April 2014 192pp 216x138mm 7 b/w tables and 6 figures Hardback £29.99 9781137379214
IE Business Publishing
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Mickey Rourke Keri Walsh, Fordham University, USA
Mickey Rourke has had one of the most colourful and controversial careers in Hollywood. This lively, in-depth study explores his many transformations - from his training as a Method Actor and scenestealing roles in 1980s classics such as Diner, to his stint as a boxer and his spectacular comeback in The Fighter and blockbusters such as Sin City. Contents: Introduction / Method Actor / Softcore Star / Fighter / Icon / Notes / Bibliography / Filmography May 2014 128pp 190x135mm 26 b/w photographs Paperback £14.99 9781844574308
Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Experiential Engagement and Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Working With Bereavement A Practical Guide Janet Wilson, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Campbell Purton, University of East Anglia, UK
A practical guide for those who work with the bereaved in a variety of settings, from nurses and social workers to volunteers. Covering ethics, cultural issues and support networks, an essential text for those seeking to build understanding and skills in order to offer better support to the dying and the bereaved.
With regulation imminent, counsellors need to demystify their work to the outside world. This ground-breaking text focuses on experiential engagement as a rich source of unity for very different views of therapy. It brings together the latest theory and research to argue for experiential depth as the key catalyst for therapeutic change.
Contents: Introduction / Theories of Bereavement / Immediate Support for the Bereaved / Longer Term Support for the Bereaved / Cultural and Faith Influences / Differing Perspectives of Grief / Sudden and Traumatic Death / Suicide / Death of a Baby/Child / Unrecognised Grief / Self Care when Working with the Bereaved Resources
Contents: Introduction / The Central Factors in Effective Psychotherapy / Experiential Engagement / Focusing and Experiential Depth / Experiencing and Cognition / Experiencing and the Unconscious / Relational Depth and the Therapeutic Relationship / Plumbing the Depths of the Self / Neurophysiological 'Depth' / Integration or Pluralism?
May 2014 240pp 216x138mm 3 figures, 2 tables and 59 boxes Paperback £18.99 9780230291454
A New Framework for Integration
May 2014 Paperback TB
128pp 234x156mm £19.99 9780230241909 TB
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Mediatization of Politics
Edited by Frank Esser, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Jesper Strömbäck, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
British Television Drama Past, Present and Future 2nd edition Edited by Jonathan Bignell, University of Reading, UK and Stephen Lacey, University of South Wales, UK
"The book not only brings academics and TV professionals together in the debate about televised drama but also provides a probing, but not over-technical introduction to the field of British Television Drama." - Christian-Martin Czypull, University of Hannover, Germany, European Journal of English Studies Featuring leading scholars of British television drama and noted writers and producers from the television industry, this new edition of British Television Drama evaluates past and present TV fiction since the 1960s, and considers its likely future. Contents: Acknowledgements / Contexts; Tony Garnett / PART I: INSTITUTIONS A ND TECHNOLOGIES / PART II: FORMATS AND GENRES / PART III: REPRESENTATIONS / Editors' Conclusion / Select Bibliography / Index A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 Hardback Paperback
Understanding the Transformation of Western Democracies
"This book brings together some of the leading scholars in contemporary political communication to explore the mediatization of politics ...I have no doubt that this edited collection will become required reading for all those interested in understanding the mediatization process." - James Stanyer, University of Loughborough, UK The first book-long analysis of the 'mediatization of politics', this volume aims to understand the transformations of the relationship between media and politics in recent decades, and explores how growing media autonomy, journalistic framing, media populism and new media technologies affect democratic processes. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART II: FOUNDATIONS / PART III: DIMENSIONS OF MEDIATIZATION / PART IV: CONCLUSION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 17 figures Hardback Paperback
£65.00 9781137275837 £22.99 9781137425973
256pp 216x138mm £60.00 9781137327567 £18.99 9781137327574
Israeli Media and the Framing of Internal Conflict The Yemenite Babies Affair Shoshana MadmoniGerber, Suffolk University, USA
"In treating this subject, Madoni-Gerber provides an intriguing case study for what has befallen other isolated minorities worldwide when thrust into modern societies. Summing Up: Recommended. Upperdivision undergraduates through faculty." - CHOICE "As a feminist legal realist theorist, I find [Israeli Media and the Framing of Internal Conflict] to be a pioneering document both academically and symbolically. It challenges three main interrelated and established themes, which I consider to be central in the process of post-colonialist writing: the academic importance of the substance researched and the methodologies deployed, the symbolic significance of who is writing, and the notion of resistance." - Claris Harbon, Holy Land Studies The Yemenite Babies Affair is the emotionally laden, yet still unresolved, story of the alleged kidnapping of hundreds of Yemenite babies upon their arrival to Israel during the 1950s. Here, Madoni-Gerber examines bias within the state of Israel and the media at large through the lens of the news coverage of the Affair and its aftermath. Contents: Preface to the Paperback Edition / Introduction: The Personal, the Political, and the Theoretical /1. Present But Absent: Official Narratives and the Untold Mizrahi History /2. Israeli Media: History, Ownership, and the Politics of Mizrahi Representation /3. Mapping the Media Coverage of the Yemenite Babies Affair /4. Media Discourse: Coverage, Cover-up, and Criticism /5. Israeli Media and the Articulation of Resistance: Rabbi Meshulam’s Revolt /6. Multiculturalism and Unity: Future Implications of the Unresolved Yemenite Babies Affair
May 2014 Paperback
240pp 216x140mm £17.99 9781137413888
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Gender & the Media Niall Richardson, Sussex University,UK and Sadie Wearing, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
The Hiplife in Ghana West African Indigenization of Hip-Hop Halifu Osumare, University of California, Davis, USA
"An eye-opening and paradigm-shifting look into cross cultural music creation within a diaspora." - Black Grooves "This book is an excellent and painstaking review of the circumstances that led to the adoption of this musical genre and its subsequent transformations...I have no doubt that readers will find Osumare's theoretical observations, thoughts and critical comments on her field materials and those related to the operation of multinationals, etc. equally interesting and thought-provoking." - J. H. Kwabena Nketia, University of Ghana An ethnographic exploration of hip-hop in Ghana and West Africa more broadly. Contents: 1. 'Every Hood Has It's Own Style' /2. 'Making an African out of the Computer': Globalization and Indigenization in Hiplife /3. 'Empowering the Young': Hiplife's Youth Agency /4. 'Society of the Spectacle': Hiplife and Corporate Recolonialization /5. 'The Game': Hiplife's Counter-Hegemonic Discourse November 2013 Paperback
232pp 216x140mm £17.99 9781137405067
"This is an essential text for students seeking both an introduction to key debates surrounding gender and the media, and an understanding of how this powerful conjunction is constructed and experienced in the everyday world." - Deborah Jermyn, University of Roehampton, UK A lively and accessible guide to contemporary debates in the study of gender and the media, introducing the key areas of discussion within feminism, masculinity and queer theory, and demonstrating how these cultural paradigms can be applied to a variety of media texts, including television drama, make-over shows, magazines and digital cultures. Contents: Introduction: Gender and Representation / PART I: QUESTIONS OF THEORY / Feminisms / Masculinities / Beyond the Two Gender System: Queer Theory / PART II: MEDIA CASE STUDIES / 'Quality' Television Drama / The Make-Over Show / Celebrity Bodies and Lifestyle Magazines / New Media and 'Performing' Gender: Online Dating May 2014 Paperback
144pp 216x138mm £16.99 9780230284739
Key Concerns in Media Studies Series Editor: Andrew Crisell
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Stray Dog of Anime The Films of Mamoru Oshii Revised edition Brian Ruh, Indiana, USA
"A fine introduction to one of Japanese animation's few true auteurs, Stray Dog of Anime examines Oshii's films from both sides of the camera. Brian Ruh's work is scholarly but readable, and affirmative but critical - an education for academics and fans alike. Welcome to Class Real." - Jonathan Clements, co-author of The Anime Encyclopedia Upon its US release in the mid 1990s, Ghost in the Shell, directed by Mamoru Oshii, quickly became one of the most popular Japanese animated films in the country. Despite this, Oshii is known as a maverick within anime: a self-proclaimed 'stray dog'. This is the first book to take an in-depth look at his major films, from Urusei Yatsura to Avalon. Contents: An Introduction to Oshii /Urusei Yatsura (1981-84) / Angel's Egg (1985) / Twilight Q 2: Labyrinth Objects File 538 (1987) / Mobile Police Patlabor (198893) / Ghost in the Shell (1995) / Jin-Roh (2000) and Blood the Last Vampire (2000) / Avalon (2000) / Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004) / The Sky Crawlers (2008) / Assault Girls (2009) / Conclusion April 2014 Paperback
336pp 216x140mm £16.99 9781137355676 TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Macroeconomics European Edition
International Macroeconomics
International Trade
3rd edition
3rd edition Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor, both Professors of Economics, University of California, USA
2nd edition
International Macroeconomics is available as a separate volume for the international finance module. The text seamlessly integrates established core content with topic areas and ideas that have emerged from recent empirical studies.
N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University, USA and Mark P. Taylor, Dean of Warwick Business School, UK
The new European edition of Mankiw's bestselling and highly readable text communicates the theories and models of macroeconomics in a concise and accessible way, with real-world examples, discussions and case studies. The text is fully updated with extensive coverage of the global financial crisis and in particular its impact on European economies. Contents: 1. The Science of Macroeconomics /2. The Data of Macroeconomics /3. National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes /4. The Monetary System: What It Is and How It Works /5. Inflation: Its Causes, Effects, and Social Costs /6. The Open Economy /7. Unemployment /8. Economic Growth I: Capital Accumulation and Population Growth /9. Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy /10. Introduction to Economic Fluctuations /11. Aggregate Demand I: Building the IS-LM Model /12. Aggregate Demand II: Applying the IS-LM Model /13. The Open Economy Revisited: The Mundell-Fleming Model and the Exchange-Rate Regime /14. Aggregate Supply and the Short-Run Trade-Off Between Inflation and Unemployment /15. Stabilization Policy /16. Government Debt /17. Common Currency Areas and European Economic and Monetary Union /18. Consumption /19. Investment /20. The Financial System: Opportunities and Dangers May 2014 Paperback
Contents: 1. The Global Macroeconomy /2. Introduction to Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market /3. Exchange Rates I: The Monetary Approach in the Long Run /4. Exchange Rates II: The Asset Approach in the Short Run /5. National and International Accounts: Income, Wealth, and the Balance of Payments /6. The Balance of Payment I: The Gains from Financial Globalization /7. The Balance of Payment II: Output, Exchange Rates, and Macroeconomic Policies in the Short Run /8. Fixed Versus Floating: International Monetary Experience /9. Exchange Rate Crises: How Pegs Work and How They Break /10. The Euro/11. Topics in International Macroeconomics May 2014 548pp Paperback £47.99
297x210mm 9781429278430
Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor, both Professors of Economics, University of California, USA
International Trade contains all of the chapters on trade from the third edition of International Economics by Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor. Combining classic international economics with straight-from-theheadlines immediacy, this text seamlessly integrates core content with ideas that have emerged from recent empirical studies. Contents: 1. Trade in the Global Economy /2. Trade and Technology: The Ricardian Model /3. Gains and Losses from Trade in the Specific-Factors Model /4. Trade Resources: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model /5. Movement of Labor and Capital Between Countries /6. Increasing Returns to Scale and Monopolistic Competition /7. Offshoring of Goods and Services /8. Import Tariffs and Quotas Under Perfect Competition /9. Import Tariffs and Quotas Under Imperfect Competition /10. Export Subsidies in Agriculture and High Technology Industries /11. International Agreements: Trade, Labor and the Environment April 2014 548pp Paperback £47.99
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company
640pp 254x203mm £55.99 9781464141775
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
297x210mm 9781429278447
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Essentials of International Economics
International Economics 3rd edition
3rd edition
Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor, both Professors of Economics, University of California, USA
Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor, both Professors of Economics, University of California, USA
Combining classic international economics with straight-from-theheadlines immediacy, this essentials version of Feenstra and Taylor's text (suitable for one-term modules) seamlessly integrates the subject's established core content with topic areas and ideas that have emerged from recent empirical studies. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS /1. The Global Economy / PART II: PATTERNS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE /2. Trade and Technology: The Ricardian Model /3. Gains and Losses from Trade in the Specific-factors Model /4. Trade and Resources: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model /5. Movement of Labor and Capital Between Countries / PART III: EXPLANATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE /6. Increasing Returns to Scale and Monopolistic CompetitionPART IV: INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICIES /7. Import Tariffs and Quotas under Perfect Competition /8. Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition /9. International Agreements: Trade, Labor and the Environment / PART V: EXCHANGE RATES /10. Introduction to Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market /11. Exchange Rates I: The Monetary Approach in the Long Run /12. Exchange Rates II: The Asset Approach in the Short Run / PART VI: THE BALANCE OF PAYMENTS /13. National and International Accounts: Income, Wealth, and the Balance of Payments /14. Output, Exchange Rates, and Macroeconomic Policies in the Short Run / PART VII: APPLICATIONS AND POLICY ISSUES /15. Fixed versus Floating: International Monetary Experience April 2014 Hardback
856pp 297x210mm £50.99 9781429278515
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Combining classic international economics with straight-from-theheadlines immediacy, Feenstra and Taylor's text seamlessly integrates the subject's established core content with topic areas and ideas that have emerged from recent empirical studies. Contents: International Economics /1. Trade in the Global Economy /2. Trade and Technology: The Ricardian Model /3. Gains and Loses from Trade in the Specific-Factors Model /4. Trade and Resources: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model /5. Movement of Labor and Capital Between Countries /6. Increasing Returns to Scale and Monopolistic Competition /7. Offshoring of Goods and Services /8. Import Tariffs and Quotas under Perfect Competition /9. Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition /10. Export Subsidies in Agriculture and High-Technology Industries /11. International Agreements: Trade, Labor and the Environment /12. The Global Macroeconomy /13. Introduction to Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market /14. Exchange Rates I: The Monetary Approach in the Long Run /15. Exchange Rates II: The Asset Approach in the Short Run /16. National and International Accounts: Income, Wealth, and the Balance of Payments /17. Balance of Payments I; The Gains from Financial Globalization /18. Balance of Payments II: Output, Exchange Rates, and Macroeconomic Policies in the Short Run /19. Fixed Versus Floating: International Monetary Experience /20. Exchange Rate Crises: How Pegs Work and How They Break /21. The Euro /22. Topics in International Macroeconomics April 2014 Hardback
Study Guide for International Economics 3rd edition Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor, both Professors of Economics,University of California, USA
For use with International Economics this innovative resource reinforces the topics and key concepts covered in the text. Contents: See details under the main text ISBN: 9781429278423 May 2014 Paperback
300pp 277x216mm £33.99 9781464112829
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company
1056pp 297x210mm £59.99 9781429278423
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Rethinking Industrial Policy Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation
A Primer in Spatial Econometrics
Inter-American Development Bank
Giuseppe Arbia, (PhD Cantab) Full Professor of Statistics and Econometrics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Rome, Italy; Visiting Professor, Università della Svizzera Italina in Lugano, Switzerland
Edited by Gustavo Crespi, Lead Specialist in the Competitiveness and Innovation Division, Eduardo Fernandez-Arias, Senior Advisor of the Research Department and Coordinator of the Network of Central Banks and Finance Ministries, and Ernesto Stein, Senior Advisor in the Research Department, all at InterAmerican Development Bank, USA
A Primer in Spatial Econometrics aims at meeting the growing demand in the field by introducing the basic spatial econometrics methodologies to a wide variety of researchers. It provides a practical guide that illustrates the potential of spatial econometric modelling, discusses problems and solutions and interprets empirical results.
Rethinking Industrial Policy systematically analyzes policies in key areas such as innovation, new firms, firm networks, financing, human capital, and internationalization.
Contents: 1.The Classical Linear Regression Model /2. Some Important Spatial Definitions /3. Spatial Linear Regression Models /4. Further Topics in Spatial Econometrics /5. Alternative Model Specifications for Big Datasets /6. Conclusions: What's Next?
Contents: 1. Industrial Policy in Latin America: Past and Present /2. An Analytical Framework to Rethink Industrial Policy /3. Innovation and Diffusion /4. Firm Creation and Development /5. Productive Linkages among Firms /6. Financing for Development /7. Productive Human Capital /8. Internationalization for Productive Development /9. Seizing the Opportunities for Productive Transformation /10. Productive Development Policy as a Learning Process /11. Growing and Deploying Public-Sector Institutional Capacities /12. Building Sound Institutions for Public-Private Collaboration June 2014 Hardback Paperback
336pp 229x152mm £70.00 9781137405593 £24.99 9781137397164
June 2014 208pp 216x138mm 56 b/w tables and 21 figures Hardback £65.00 9780230360389 Paperback £26.99 9781137428165
Palgrave Texts in Econometrics Series Editors: Kerry Patterson and Terence C. Mills
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
The Zero Marginal Cost Society The Internet of Things, The Collaborative Commons and the Eclipse of Capitalism Jeremy Rifkin, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Third Industrial Revolution; President, Foundation on Economic Trends, USA
The Zero Marginal Cost Society examines how the shift to an extremely interconnected world is making the core values and institutions upon which we've based our lives, including private property, representative democracy, and national boundaries, obsolete, and looks to the new values and institutions that will propel the next great economic era. Contents: 1. The Great Paradigm Shift from Capitalism to Collaboratism PART I: THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF CAPITALISM /2. The European Enclosures and the Birth of the Market Economy /3. The Courtship of Capitalism and Economies of Scale /4. Human Nature Through a Capitalist Lens / PART II: THE NEAR ZERO MARGINAL COST SOCIETY /5. The Exponential Race to a Free Economy /6. 3D Printing: From Mass Production to Production by the Masses /7. MOOCs and a Zero Marginal Cost Education /8. The Birth of the Prosumer / PART III: THE RISE OF THE COLLABORATIVE COMMONS /9. The Comedy of the Commons /10. The Collabortists Prepare for Battle /11. The Struggle to Define and Control the Intelligent Infrastructure / PART IV: SOCIAL CAPITAL AND THE SHARING ECONOMY /12. The Transformation from Ownership to Access /13. Crowdsourcing Capital, Democratizing Currency, and Humanizing Entrepreneurship / PART V: THE ECONOMY OF ABUNDANCE /14. Sustaining Abundance /15. The Three Wilds Cards of the Apocalypse /16. A Biosphere Lifestyle Afterward: A Personal Note April 2014 Hardback
352pp 234x156mm £17.99 9781137278463
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy
The Supermodel and the Brillo Box
2nd edition
Back Stories and Peculiar Economics from the World of Contemporary Art
Lloyd B. Thomas, Professor of Economics and Department Head, Kansas State University, USA
The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy is fully revised and updated with the most accurate and thorough coverage available of the causes and consequences of the 2008 Financial Crisis and the role the Federal Reserve played in the recovery efforts. Contents: 1. Post-Crisis Recovery Efforts /2. European Sovereign Debt Crisis /3. The Panic of 1907 and the Savings and Loan Crisis /4. Development of the Housing and Credit Bubbles /5. Bursting of the Twin Bubbles /6. The Great Crisis and Great Recession of 2007-2009 /7. The Framework of Federal Reserve Monetary Control /8. Federal Reserve Policy in the Great Depression /9. The Federal Reserve’s Response to the Great Crisis /10. The Federal Reserve’s Exit Strategy and the Threat of Inflation /11. Regulatory Reform Proposals November 2013 Hardback Paperback
292pp 229x152mm £70.00 9781137370785 £30.00 9781137370778
Don Thompson, Economist and Emeritus Nabisco Brands Professor of Marketing and Strategy, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada
“I started reading The Supermodel and the Brillo Box and could not put it down until I finished it! For anyone who wants to learn about the art market this is a must read." Pilar Ordovas, owner of Ordovas Gallery Acquiring contemporary art is about passion and lust, but it is also about branding, the back story, the relationship of money and status, and sometimes, about celebrity. The Supermodel and the Brillo Box offers an inside look at the economics and psychology of the contemporary art market from the 2008 crash to today. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 288pp 234x156mm 8pp colour photographs Hardback £16.99 9781137279088
Girls' Secondary Education in the Western World From the 18th to the 20th Century Edited by James C. Albisetti, University of Kentucky, USA, Joyce Goodman, University of Winchester, UK and Rebecca Rogers, Université Paris Descartes, France
"This impressive collection of essays on girls' secondary education in Europe fills a significant gap in women's, gender and educational history alike." - Paedagogica Historica The history of secondary education for girls in the western world is explored through the lens of the gendered cultural expectations of the middle classes and upper classes of the past centuries, juxtaposed against the relatively recent democratization of European educational systems. Contents: 1. Class and Religion: Great Britain and Ireland; J.Goodman /2. Culture and Catholicism: France; R.Rogers /3. The Influence of Confession and State: Germany and Austria; J.Jacobi /4. Chequered Routes to Secondary Education: Italy; S.Soldani /5. Between Modernization and Conservatism: Spain; C.Flecha /6. Toward the Recognition of their Educational Rights: Portugal; H.C.Araújo, C.Rocha and L.Fonseca /7. Champion in Coeducation: The Netherlands; M.Van Essen and H.Amsing /8. Politics and Anti-clericalism: Belgium; E.Gubin /9. Lutheranism and Democracy: Scandinavia; A.Linné /10. Nation-building, Patriotism and Women’s Citizenship: Bulgaria in Southeastern Europe; K.Daskalova /11. From an Exclusive Privilege to a Right and an Obligation: Modern Russia; E.T.Ewing /12. Europeans and the American Model of Girls’ Secondary Education; J.C.Albisetti /13. Crossing Borders in Girls’ Secondary Education; J.Goodman and R.Rogers May 2014 Paperback
240pp 234x156mm £19.00 9781137405555
Secondary Education in a Changing World Series Editors: Barry M. Franklin and Gary McCulloch
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Community Colleges and the Access Effect
Why Open Admissions Suppresses Achievement
Our Dissertations, Ourselves Shared Stories of Women's Dissertation Journeys Christine Sorrell Dinkins, Wofford College, USA and Jeanne Merkle Sorrell, Cleveland Clinic, USA
"This talented mother daughter pair of qualitative researchers has taken on an interesting evaluation of women's relationship with their dissertation process. Studying this elite group of aspiring scholars, Dr. Sorrell and Dr. Dinkins offer a candid look at the dissertation journey through the eyes of the women travelers. Insightful, honest, revealing stories make it a must read for all doctoral candidates and their loved ones. It should be required reading for faculty advisors, committee members and chairs who coach these students to successful completion of doctoral work.” Karen Drenkard, Executive Director, American Nurses Credentialing Center Twenty women from nine disciplines share the common experiences, emotions, challenges, and transformations that come from writing a doctoral dissertation. Designed to invite readers into shared experiences, this book provides support and practical guidance for women writing dissertations, their advisors, and all those on the journey with them. Contents: Preface /1. Writing the Unknown /2. Mystery, Confusion, Isolation /3. Realigning Relationships /4. Transformation of the Self /5. Advisor and Committee: Dancing with Strangers /6. End of a Journey and a New Beginning /7. Looking BackAppendix: Gathering the Stories February 2014 Paperback
240pp 216x140mm £17.99 9781137395238
A History of America's “Polyglot Boardinghouse” Paul J. Ramsey, Eastern Michigan University, USA
“A pioneering, uncommonly literate study of bilingual instruction in the United States...We have needed this important book for years.” Donald Warren, Indiana University, USA "A comprehensive and definitive history of bilingual education in once a sophisticated piece of scholarship and an accessible introduction to a subject that every student of American education should read.” B. Edward McClellan, Indiana University, USA Bilingual Public Schooling in the United States explores the cultural and societal development and implications of bilingual instruction in the American education system from the pre-Civil War era to the 1960s and 1970s. Contents: Introduction /1. Laying the Foundation for the Boardinghouse: The Context of Nineteenth-Century Schooling and Bilingualism /2. Building the Polyglot Boardinghouse in the Northeast and the South /3. Inside the Boardinghouse’s Parlor /4. The Polyglot Boarders Move West /5. Nativism among the Homeowners: The Metaphysics of Foreigner-Hating /6. Progressivism, Science, and the Remodeling of the Boardinghouse /7. ‘If You Can’t Fight over There, Fight over Here’: World War I and the Partial Destruction of the Boardinghouse /8. Rebuilding the Boardinghouse: The Interwar Years / Epilogue February 2014 Paperback
296pp 216x140mm £20.00 9781137393289
Juliet Lilledahl Scherer, St. Louis Community College – Meramec, USA and Mirra Leigh Anson, Center for Diversity and Enrichment, University of Iowa, USA
Bilingual Public Schooling in the United States
"A provocative and productive read in which the authors challenge the traditions and current conventions of open access colleges, and sow the seeds of discourse and reform. Community Colleges and the Access Effect is well-researched and an invaluable resource for practitioners, leaders, and policy makers in developing a 'big picture' course for developmental education and community college improvement." - D. Patrick Saxon, Associate Professor and Director, Sam Houston State University, USA; co-author of Attaining Excellence in Developmental Education: Research-Based Recommendations for Administrators Taking on the cherished principle that community colleges should be open to all students with a high school education, Scherer and Anson argue that open access policies and lenient federal financial aid laws harm students and present the case for raising the minimum requirements for community college entry. Contents: Introduction /1. Open Access in Higher Education /2. The Trouble in Tucson /3. The Price of Completion at Any Cost /4. The Perils of Paying for Performance /5. The Revenue Reality /6. Honoring the Letter and Spirit of Federal Student Aid /7. The Disabilities Dilemma /8. The Access Effect /9. Creating a New Admission Standard /10. Providing Meaningful Postsecondary Options /11. The Equity/Excellence Enrosque /12. The Impact of Global Competition /13. Restoring America's Culture of Learning April 2014 Hardback Paperback
256pp 235x152mm £60.00 9781137336002 £19.00 9781137336019
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Construction Technology 2: Industrial and Commercial Building
The Sustainable Built Environment
Understanding Structures
Technical, Managerial, Legal and Economic Aspects
Analysis, Materials, Design
Edited by Begum Sertyesilisik, Associate Professor, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey and Ahmed Al-Shamma’a, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK
3rd edition Mike Riley and Alison Cotgrave, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK
A new edition of this popular undergraduate textbook for the study of industrial and commercial building. This third edition is thoroughly revised including new material on sustainable construction, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and sustainable building services.
Contents: PART I: PREPARING TO BUILD /1. Functions and Requirements of Industrial and Commercial Buildings /2. The Building Process /3. Preparing to Build / PART II: BUILDING SUBSTRUCTURE /4. Foundations /5. Walls Below Ground and Basement Construction /6. Ground Floors / PART III: BUILDING SUPERSTRUCTURE /7. High-rise Buildings /8. Long-span Frames /9. Fire Engineering Design /10. External Walls and Claddings for Multi-storey and Large-span Commercial Buildings /11. Upper Floors and Internal Access /12. Roof Construction /13. Internal Division of Space and Integration of Services / PART IV: SUSTAINABLE BUILDING SERVICES /14. Sustainable Building Services April 2014 Paperback
440pp 246x189mm £39.99 9781137371690
5th edition
The text adopts an interdisciplinary approach to address the huge challenges in creating a sustainable built environment. In a broad survey of critical issues it assesses procurement, cost modelling and management, green buildings, sustainable technologies, drainage and utilities, energy and the law. Contents: 1. Introduction to the Sustainable Built Environment / 2. Sustainable Procurement / 3. Cost Modelling for Sustainability / 4. Green Building Process / 5. Sustainable Buildings /6. Low and Zero Carbon Technologies in Buildings / 7. Sustainability in Utilities: Water Efficient Sustainable Buildings / 8. Environmental Law for the Built Environment / 9. Conclusion May 2014 Paperback
224pp 234x156mm £27.99 9780230314443
Derek Seward, Department of Engineering, Lancaster University, UK
"[This] text clearly and completely explains essential concepts, develops an intuitive understanding (assisted by clever illustrations) and provides practical 'real world' examples." - Vaughan Maybury, Lecturer, Wellington Institute of Technology, New Zealand A highly illustrated text explaining the fundamentals of structural analysis, materials and design in one integrated volume. It focuses on the process of design using real data and avoiding a mathematical approach to encourage a feel and awareness for the physical behaviour of structures. Updated for the Eurocode. Contents: 1. Design /2. Basics /3. Materials /4. Loads /5. Pin-jointed Trusses /6. Tension /7. Beams /8. Compression /9. Combined Axial and Bending Stresses /10. Torsion /11. Connections /12. Arches and Portal Frames /13. Foundations and Retaining Walls /14. Deflection /15. Indeterminate Structures and Components April 2014 Paperback
392pp 246x189mm £42.99 9781137376565 TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Understanding Earth
Key Concepts in Geomorphology Paul R. Bierman, University of Vermont, USA and David R. Montgomery, University of Washington, USA
This book offers an integrative, applicationscentred approach to the study of the Earth's dynamic surface. The authors draw from the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics to help students get a basic understanding of Earth surface processes and the evolution of topography over short and long timescales. Contents: PART I: GEOMORPHOLOGY AND ITS TOOLS / Earth's Dynamic Surface / Geomorphologist's Tool Kit / PART II: SOURCE TO SINK / Weathering and Soils / Geomorphic Hydrology / Hillslopes / Channels / Drainage Basins / Coastal and Submarine Geomorphology / PART III: ICE, WIND, AND FIRE / Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology / Wind as a Geomorphic Agent / Volcanic Geomorphology / PART IV: THE BIGGER PICTURE / Tectonic Geomorphology / Geomorphology and Climate / Landscape Evolution April 2014 Paperback
500pp £42.99 9781429238601
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
7th edition John Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology, USA and Thomas H. Jordan, University of Southern California, USA
Understanding Earth is designed to bring the worldview of the working geologist to an audience new to learning about science. Students aren't merely presented with concepts and processes - they come to learn how we know what we know, and how that knowledge impacts their lives as citizens and helpful environmental stewards of the planet. Contents: 1. The Earth System /2. Plate Tectonics: The Unifying Theory /3. Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks /4. Igneous Rocks: Solids from Melts /5. Sedimentation: Rocks Formed by Surface Processes /6. Metamorphism: Alteration of Rocks by Temperature and Pressure /7. Deformation: Modification of Rocks by Folding and Fracturing /8. Clocks in Rocks: Timing the Geologic Record /9. Early History of the Terrestrial Planets /10. History of the Continents /11. Geobiology: Life Interacts with the Earth /12. Volcanoes /13. Earthquakes /14. Exploring Earth's Interior /15. The Climate System /16. Weathering, Erosion, and Mass Wasting: Interactions Between the Climate and Plate Tectonic Systems /17. The Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater /18. Stream Transport: From Mountains to Oceans /19. Winds and Deserts /20. Coastlines and Ocean Basins /21. Glaciers: The Work of Ice /22. Landscape Development /23. The Human Impact on Earth's Environment April 2014 Paperback
Lecture Tutorials in Earth Science Karen M. Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island, USA and Jessica J. Smay, San Jose City College, USA
Karen Kortz and Jessica Smay bring their highly successful lecture tutorial approach to this easyto-implement resource for any introductory earth science module. The brief activities here get students actively involved in the practical application of earth science concepts, while helping them navigate common pitfalls and misconceptions. Contents: PART I: INTRO TO EARTH SCIENCE / PART II: EARTH'S ROCKS / PART III: EARTH'S PROCESSES / PART IV: EARTH'S INTERIOR AND PLATE TECTONICS / PART V: EARTH'S OCEAN / PART VI: EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE AND CLIMATE / PART VII: EARTH IN SPACE A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 Paperback
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
650pp 276x215mm £53.99 9781464138744
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Web resource available
100pp 271x213mm £26.99 9781464123535
Comes with a CD/DVD
Environmental Geology
Earth System History
An Earth Systems Science Approach
4th edition
2nd edition Dorothy Merritts, Franklin & Marshall College, USA, Kirsten Menking, Vassar College, USA and Andrew DeWet, Franklin & Marshall College, USA
Emphasizing the interconnected nature of environmental geology and the multidimensional processes of the Earth, this new edition of Merritt's classic text provides a balanced approach to environmental issues and builds student understanding with case studies, conceptual explanations, and relevant presentation of material. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / Dynamic Earth Systems / PART II: SOLID EARTH SYSTEMS AND GEOLOGIC TIME / Plate Tectonics: Solid Earth in Motion / Earthquakes: Their Causes, Hazards, and Risks / Earth Materials: Elements, Minerals, and Rocks / Volcanoes / Geologic Time / PART III: EARTH'S SURFACE SYSTEMS / The Biosphere / Soil and Weathering Systems / PART IV: FLUID EARTH SYSTEMS / Earth / The Groundwater System / The Atmospheric System / The Ocean and Coastal System / PART V: ENERGY, CHANGING EARTH, AND HUMAN-EARTH INTERACTIONS / Energy / Understanding Climatic and Environmental Change / Humans and the Whole Earth System: Living in the Anthropocene June 2014 Paperback
500pp 271x215mm £78.99 9781429237437
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Steven M. Stanley, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA and John A. Luczaj, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, USA
American Panic A History of Who Scares Us and Why Mark Stein, Author of How the States Got Their Shapes, a New York Times bestseller and How the States Got Their Shapes Too: The People Behind the Borderlines
Earth System History remains the only text for the historical geology module written from a truly integrated earth systems perspective, combining the physical and biological history of Earth. The thoroughly updated new edition includes new coverage on mass extinctions and climate change, plus improved organization based on the geologic timescale. Contents: PART I: MATERIALS, PROCESSES, AND PRINCIPLES / Earth as a System / Rock-Forming Minerals and Rocks / The Diversity of Life / Environments and Life / Sedimentary Environments / Correlation and Dating of the Rock Record / Evolution and the Fossil Record / The Theory of Plate Tectonics / Continental Tectonics and Mountain Chains / Major Chemical Cycles / PART II: THE STORY OF EARTH / The Hadean and Archean Eons of Precambrian Time / The Proterozoic Eon of Precambrian Time / The Early Paleozoic World / The Middle Paleozoic World / The Late Paleozoic World / The Early Mesozoic Era / The Cretaceous World / The Paleogene World / The Neogene World / The Holocene June 2014 Paperback
In American Panic, New York Times bestselling author Mark Stein traces the history and consequences of American political panics through the years. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 272pp 234x153mm 12 b/w photographs Hardback £16.99 9781137279026
608pp 279x216mm £60.99 9781429255264
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
The Vision of a Nation
A Short History of Asia Colin Mason, Diplomat and Member of the Australian Senate
Colin Mason's fascinating and readable history covers the whole of Asia, from pre-colonial times to the present. The revised and expanded third edition examines common influences on the modern nations and includes a new introduction, new chapters on Mongolia, Nepal and Bhutan, and separate expanded chapters on all the South Asian nations. Contents: List of Maps / Introduction / PART I: BEFORE IMPERIALISM / Prehistory and the First Indian Civilizations / The Development of Indian Culture: Hinduism and Buddhism / Early South-East Asia: The Ships from India / China: The Eternal Nation / Early Japan and the Tang Dynasty in China / The Awakening of Europe and the Challenge of Islam / Floodtide in China: The Song, Mongol and Ming Dynasties / China: Ebb Tide / The Three Makers of Japan and the Tokugawa Period / PART II: THE 'WHITE MAN'S BURDEN' / The Dominators and the Dominated / South-East Asia: The European and Chinese Impacts / The Malay World: Majapahit and Malacca / Indonesia: The Last Independent Kingdoms and the Extension of Dutch Rule / India Under Two Masters: The Grand Moguls and the East India Company / Gandhi's India: The Struggle for Liberty / PART III: THE MODERN NATIONS / The Second World War and the End of Empire / South Asia: Freedom and Poverty / India / Pakistan / Bangladesh / Afghanistan / The Mountain States: Nepal and Bhutan / Sri Lanka / China: Two Revolutions / Modern China: The Communist State / Mongolia / Indonesia and Timor Leste / Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei / Japan: The Iron Triangle / Thailand: Two Hats – The Struggle for Democracy / The Philippines: Trouble in Paradise / Korea: Divided Nation / Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia / Burma: Rule By the Gun / The Asian Century? / Suggested Further Reading June 2014 Hardback Paperback
Defending the City of God
Making Multiculturalism on British Television, 1960-80
3rd edition
Gavin Schaffer, Professor, University of Birmingham, UK
Telling the stories behind television's approaches to race relations, multiculturalism and immigration in the 'Golden Age' of British television, the book focuses on the 1960s and 1970s and argues that the makers of television worked tirelessly to shape multiculturalism and undermine racist extremism. Contents: 1. The Vision of a Nation: Introduction /2. The First Bridge: Programmes for Immigrants on British Television /3. Race in News and Current Affairs: Principles and Practice /4. Dealing with Racial Extremes: News and Current Affairs under Pressure /5. What's behind the Open Door? Talking Back on Race in Public-Access Broadcasting /6. The Rise and Fall of the Racial Sitcom: Laughter and Prejudice in Multicultural Britain /7. Struggling for the Ordinary: Race in British Television Drama /8. Conclusion June 2014 Hardback Paperback
EARLY MODERN AND MEDIEVAL HISTORY A Medieval Queen, the First Crusades, and the Quest for Peace in Jerusalem Sharan Newman, Medieval Historian and Awardwinning Author of nonfiction and fiction her books include The Real History Behind the Templars and The Real History Behind the Da Vinci Code
Defending the City of God explores how a group of sisters, daughters of the King of Jerusalem, fought to hold together the fragile relationships of the Middle East as the Crusaders stormed the ancient city. Weaving political intrigues with dynastic battles, this is an astonishing look at a forgotten era of history. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 Hardback
320pp 216x138mm £65.00 9780230292970 £16.99 9780230292987
320pp 216x138mm £60.00 9781137340597 £19.99 9781137340603 TB
Web resource available
272pp 234x156mm £17.99 9781137278654
Comes with a CD/DVD
Modern Italy
Queer Latino San Francisco
2nd edition
An Oral History, 1960s-1990s John Foot, Professor, University of Bristol, UK
"This original and engaging text provides students with both stimulating ideas and original sources. It also covers an impressive number of critical works in Italian that would otherwise remain unknown to Englishspeaking readers. The new edition includes essential updates and puts the Berlusconi era in its full historical context." - Claudia Baldoli, Newcastle University, UK John Foot introduces students to the key historical debates, themes and events, helping them to understand the complex nature of Italian history over the past 150 years. The second edition of this established text has been revised and updated throughout, and now includes new boxes and additional material on the Risorgimento and the Berlusconi era. Contents: Preface to the Second Edition / List of Abbreviations / Map 1: Italy in 1861 / Map 2: Italy in 1870 / Map 3: Italy since 1919 / Introduction: Studying Italy / The Nation / The State / Economy and Society / Politics / Appendices / Notes / Bibliography and Further Reading May 2014 Hardback Paperback
328pp 234x156mm £65.00 9780230360327 £22.99 9780230360334 TB
Horacio N. Roque-Ramirez, Assistant Professor in Chicana and Chicano Studies, University of California, USA
Bridging oral history, LGBT history, and Latino history, this book is the culmination of a decade’s worth of oral history and archival research into the formation and partial destruction of queer Latina and Latino community life in San Francisco over four decades. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 Hardback Paperback
240pp 234x156mm £ 60.00 9780230111295 £19.99 9780230111301
Balkans into Southeastern Europe, 1914–2014 A Century of War and Transition 2nd edition John R. Lampe, University of Maryland, USA
"Rich and highly informative, this multilayered, comprehensive perspective of a century long history of the Balkans includes many remarkable political, economic and social observations. It fits well as an introduction to the story of the region but also offers new insights for historians." - Othon Anastasakis, University of Oxford, UK Review of the 1st edition: " excellent survey of twentieth-century Balkan history." - Raymond Detrez, European History Quarterly The states and peoples of Southeastern Europe have been divided by wars over the twentieth century, but they have since worked to re-establish themselves into the European mainstream. This timely new edition has been revised, updated and expanded in the light of the latest scholarship and recent events. Contents: List of Maps and Tables / Preface / Introduction: Decades of War, Decades of Transition / Balkan States and Imperial Borderlands before the Balkan Wars / Balkan Wars, First World War, Postwar Settlements, 1914-1922 / Struggling with Liberal and National Transitions in the 1920s / Illiberal Directions During the Depression Decade / World War, Civil War, and the Communist Advantage / Communist and Cold War Transitions, 1945-1963 / Continuity and Contradictions, 1964-1989 / New Trials of War and Integration, 1989-2014 / Notes / Select Bibliography June 2014 368pp 216x138mm 7 maps and 11 b/w tables Hardback £55.00 9781137019073 Paperback £19.99 9781137019066 TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Dying for Victorian Medicine
A History of Western Society since 1300
11th edition
A History of Western Society Complete 11th edition
English Anatomy and its Trade in the Dead Poor, c.1834 - 1929 Elizabeth T. Hurren, University of Leicester, UK
"...This is a wonderful contribution to the study of poverty and medicine." - Tatjana Buklijas, Bulletin of the History of Medicine " The first book to provide a detailed analysis of the body-trafficking networks of the dead poor that underpinned the expansion of medical education from Victorian times. With an evenhanded approach to the business of anatomy, Hurren uses remarkable case histories which still echo a vibrant body-business on the internet today in a biomedical age. Contents: List of Tables, Figures and Illustrations / Preface / Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / PART I: A HISTORICAL LANDSCAPE /1. Chalk on the Coffin: Re-Reading the Anatomy Act of 1832 /2. Restoring the Face of the Corpse: Victorian Death and Dying /3. A Dissection Room Drama: English Medical Education / PART II: AN ENGLISH ANATOMY TRADE /4. Dealing in the Dispossessed Poor: St. Bartholomew's Hospital /5. Pauper Corpses: Cambridge and its Provincial Trade /6. Balancing the Books: The Business of Anatomy at Oxford /7. Better a Third of a Loaf Than No Bread: Manchester's Human Material /8. Conclusion / Selected Bibliography / Index
John P. McKay, University of Ilinois, USA, Bennett D. Hill, Georgetown University, USA, John Buckler, Clare Haru Crowston, both at University of Illinois, USA, Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of WisconsinMilwaukee, USA and Joe Perry, Georgia State University, USA
"A History of Western Society has been one of the very best textbooks available for the Western civilization survey course. Written in an engaging style, the text is accessible for undergraduates. The authors have utilized the most recent research and managed to keep the text relevant, not only with changes in our historical knowledge, but with an understanding of dimensions of global history and the way in which the West has impacted it, and been impacted by it." - Roy G. Koepp, University of Nebraska at Kearney, USA A History of Western Society is one of the most successful textbooks available because it captures students' interest in the everyday life of the past, tying social history to politics and culture. The eleventh edition has been thoroughly revised to strengthen readability and the attention to daily life, and incorporate new scholarship. March 2014 Hardback
1168pp 260x220mm £50.00 9781137378224
Contents: The Later Middle Ages 1300-1450 / European Society in the Age of the Renaissance 1350-1550 / Reformations and Religious Wars 1500-1600 / European Exploration and Conquest 1450-1650 / Absolutism and Constitutionalism ca. 1589-1725 / Toward a New Worldview 1540-1789 / The Expansion of Europe 16501800 / The Changing Life of the People 1700-1800 / The Revolution in Politics 1775-1815 / The Revolution in Energy and Industry, ca. 1780-1850 / Ideologies and Upheavals, 1815-1850 / Life in the Emerging Urban Society, 1840-1900 / The Age of Nationalism, 1850-1914 / The West and the World, 1815-1914 / War and Revolution, 1914-19191 / The Age of Anxiety, ca. 1900-1940 / Dictatorships and the Second World War, 1919-1945 / Cold War Conflict and Consensus 19451965 / Challenging the Postwar Order 1960-1991 / Life in an Age of Globalization, 1990 to the Present March 2014 Paperback
800pp 254x204mm £42.50 9781137378286
Published by Bedford St. Martins TB
Volume 1: Antiquity to Enlightenment 11th edition March 2014 Paperback
688pp 276x215mm £41.00 9781137378262
Published by Bedford St. Martins
Published by Bedford St. Martins TB
April 2014 400pp 216x138mm 9 b/w illustrations, 11 figures and 15 b/w tables Paperback £19.99 9781137405890
Volume 2: From the Age of Exploration to the Present
11th edition March 2014 Paperback
688pp 276x215mm £41.00 9781137378279
Published by Bedford St. Martins TB
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Borderlands in World History, 1700-1914 Edited by Paul Readman, King's College London, UK, Cynthia Radding and Chad Bryant, both at University of North Carolina, USA
Covering two hundred years, this groundbreaking book brings together essays on borderlands by leading experts in the modern history of the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia to offer the first historical study of borderlands with a global reach. Contents: Introduction: Borderlands in a Global Perspective; Paul Readman, Cynthia Radding and Chad Bryant / PART I: WRITING BORDERLANDS /1. Negotiating North America's New National Borders; Benjamin H. Johnson /2. 'The Men Who Made Australia Federated Long Ago': Australian Frontiers and Borderlands; Frank Bongiorno / PART II: BORDERLANDS, TERRITORIALITY, AND LANDSCAPE /3. Environment, Territory, and Landscape Changes in Northern Mexico during the Era of Independence; Cynthia Radding /4. 'We are Comfortable Riding the Waves': Landscape and the Formation of a Border State in Eighteenth-Century Island Southeast Asia; Timothy P. Barnard /5. From Constituting Communities to Dividing Districts: The Formalization of a Cultural Border between Mombasa and its Hinterland; Daren Ray / PART III: BORDERLANDS AND STATE ACTION /6. Not by Force Alone: Public Health and the Establishment of the Russian Rule in the Russo-Polish Borderland, 1762-85; Oksana Mykhed /7. Borders, War, and Nation-Building in Napoleon's Europe; Michael Rowe / PART IV: NATIONAL IDENTITIES AND EUROPEAN BORDERLANDS /8. Living a British Borderland: Northumberland and the Scottish Borders in the Long Nineteenth Century; Paul Readman /9. Church Fights: Nationality, Class, and the Politics of Church Building in a German-Polish Borderland, 1890-1914; Jim Bjork / PART V: BORDERLANDERS: LABOR AND SOCIAL EXPERIENCE /10. 'Frontier Indians': 'Indios Mansos', 'Indios Bravos', and the Layers of Indigenous Existence in the Caribbean Borderlands; Jason M. Yaremko /11. The Twisted Logic of the Ohio River Borderland; Matthew Salafia /12. Boundaries of Slavery in Mid NineteenthCentury Liberia; Lisa A. Lindsay / PART VI: READING BORDERS: INDIVIDUALS AND THEIR BORDERLANDS /13. Unofficial Frontiers: Welsh-English Borderlands in the Victorian Period; Roland Quinault /14. 'Home on the Range': Rootedness and Identity in the Borderlands of the Nineteenth-Century American West; Nina Vollenbröker / Concluding Reflections: Borderlands Histories and the Categories of Historical Analysis; Lloyd Kramer June 2014 352pp 234x156mm 15 maps and 4 figures Hardback £80.00 9781137320575 Paperback £23.99 9781137320568
Persuading People
International Perspectives on Materials in ELT Edited by Sue Garton, School of Languages & Social Sciences, Aston University, UK and Kathleen Graves, University of Michigan , USA
An Introduction to Rhetoric 3rd edition Robert Cockcroft, Department of English Studies, Susan Cockcroft, both at University of Nottingham, UK, Craig Hamilton, Université de Haute-Alsace, France and Laura Hidalgo Downing, Cuidad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, Spain
"Persuading People has been a standard textbook in my rhetoric classes for years. It gives equal weight to rhetoric as a conceptual resource with which to understand and analyze communication and rhetoric as the practice of becoming better, more able, more reflective, thoughtful and generous communicators ourselves...This updated edition makes a classic in the field available for a new generation of students and teachers.” - Johan Siebers, University of Central Lancashire, UK Combining theory with practice, this updated third edition suggests ways of actively enhancing the persuasive skills of a person, through insights gained from analysing ancient and modern rhetoric. Included are structured practical examples and suggestions for further reading to guide the student through the subject.
This book brings together different perspectives on ELT materials from a range of international contexts and a variety of educational settings. All the chapters are underpinned by sound theoretical principles while addressing practical concerns and debates in materials design and use. Contents: PART I: GLOBAL AND LOCAL MATERIALS / PART II: MATERIALS IN THE CLASSROOM / PART III: MATERIALS and TECHNOLOGY / PART IV: MATERIALS AND TEACHER EDUCATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 272pp 234x156mm 21 b/w tables and 26 figures Hardback £60.00 9781137023292 Paperback £19.99 9781137023308
International Perspectives on English Language Teaching Series Editors: Sue Garton and Keith Richards
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Contents: Preface / Introduction /1. Old and New Foundations /2. Personality and Stance /3. Emotional Engagement /4. Reason: The Resources of Argument /5. Reason: Choice and Judgement /6. The Persuasive Process /7. Persuasive Style - The Repertoire /8. Practising PersuasionConclusionAppendix A: More on the ModelsAppendix B: Further Rhetorical DevicesAppendix C: A Finding List for Rhetorical DevicesReferences Index April 2014 6 b/w tables Paperback
£24.99 9781137003676 TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Social Dimensions of Autonomy in Language Learning
Mobile Learning
Edited by Garold Murray, Okayama University, Japan
Mark Pegrum, University of Western Australia , Australia
This book examines how autonomy in language learning is fostered and constrained in social settings through interaction with others and various contextual features. With theoretical grounding, the authors discuss the implications for practice in classrooms, distance education, self-access centres, as well as virtual and social learning spaces.
"Technology evolves rapidly, but our ability to utilise it effectively takes time to refine. This book provides a valuable pathway through the pedagogy, methodology and mindset of mobile learning, and is a must for educators and practitioners." - Julian Stodd, Learning Consultant "An excellent, well-researched account of mobile-assisted language learning, illustrated with helpful case studies and vignettes of m-learning projects from around the world." - Nicky Hockly, Director of Pedagogy, The Consultants-E
Contents: 1. Introduction: Exploring the Social Dimensions of Autonomy in Language Learning; Garold Murray / PART I: THE EMOTIONAL DIMENSION /2. Developing Autonomous Language Learners in HE: A Social Constructivist Perspective; Christine O'Leary /3. Learner Autonomy and the Theory of Sociality; Tim Lewis /4. Self-regulation and Autonomous Dependency Among Japanese Learners of English; Tomoko Yashima / PART II: THE SPATIAL DIMENSION /5. The Semiotics of Place: Autonomy and Space; Garold Murray, Naomi Fujishima and Mariko Uzuka /6. 'Facebook me' within a Global Community of Learners of English: Technologizing Learner Autonomy; Alice Chik and Stephan Breidbach /7. Autonomy, Social Interaction and Community: A Distant Language Learning Perspective; Linda Murphy /8. Meeting the Autonomy Challenge in an Advanced Spanish Listening ClasS; Diego Mideros and Beverly-Anne Carter / PART III: THE POLITICAL DIMENSION /9. Autonomy, Complexity and Networks of Learning; Liliane Sade /10. The Ecology of Learner Autonomy; David Palfreyman /11. Social Class and Autonomy: Four Case Studies in a Mexican SAC; Desirée Castillo Zaragoza /12. Local Engagements Enhancing Practitioner Action and Knowledge for Learner Development and Autonomy within a Collaborative Teachers' Network; Andy BarfieldConclusion: Autonomy in Language Learning as a Social Construct; Garold Murray May 2014 272pp 216x138mm 6 b/w tables and 6 figures Hardback £60.00 9781137290229 Paperback £22.99 9781137290236
Languages, Literacies and Cultures
This book explores the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning language and literacies, investigating the ways in which these technologies open up new educational possibilities. Pegrum builds up a rich picture of contemporary mobile learning and outlines of likely future developments. Contents: 1. The Mobile Landscape /2. Agendas for Mobile Learning /3. The Technological Ecosystem /4. How to Teach Language with Mobile Devices /5. What Language to Teach with Mobile Devices” /6. Teaching Literacy/ies with Mobile Devices /7. Preparing for a Mobile Educational Future May 2014 256pp 216x138mm 6 diagrams, 10 graphs and 21 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 9781137309792 Paperback £19.99 9781137309808
New Language Learning and Teaching Environments Series Editor: Hayo Reinders
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic Karen Stollznow, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Can a bump on the head cause someone to speak with a different accent? Can animals, aliens, and objects talk? Can we communicate with gods, demons, and the dead? Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic is a curio shop full of colourful superstitions, folklore, and legends about language. "Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic could not be more timely. Here the accomplished linguist, Karen Stollznow, persuasively and forcefully dramatizes how language has many real world powers that might seem mysterious, as when a brain injury causes someone to switch from one language to another. But readers will soon grasp that while language does have power, it isn’t particularly magical or mysterious. This engaging, one-of a kind book deserves very wide readership." - Elizabeth Loftus, University of California, USA Contents: PART I: MAGICAL LANGUAGE /1. Curses, Charms and Taboos /2. Divination /3. Prediction /4. Prayer /5. Chain Letters / PART II: POSSESSED LANGUAGE /6. Foreign Accent Syndrome /7. Xenoglossia /8. Speaking in Tongues /9. Psychic Mediums and Channelers /10. Automatic Writing / PART III: HIDDEN LANGUAGE /11. Voices of the Dead /12. Backmasking /13. Reverse Speech /14. The Bible Code1 /5. Secret Symbols / PART IV: INHUMAN LANGUAGE /16. Talking Animals /17. Pet Psychics and Psychic Pets /18. Monster Language /19. Alien Language /20. Talking Objects / PART V: THERAPUTIC LANGUAGE /21. Graphology /22. Speech and Sound Therapies /23. Neuro-Linguistic Programming /24. Hypnosis /25 Body Language June 2014 Hardback Paperback
256pp 216x138mm £60.00 9781137404848 £18.99 9781137404855
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Company Law
Media Law & Ethics in the 21st Century
8th edition Janet Dine, Professor of International Economic Development Law, Queen Mary, University of London, UK and Marios Koutsias, Lecturer in EU Commercial Law, University of Essex, UK
Company Law is a complete and accessible guide to the legal framework in which companies operate. Logically structured and with a readable style, the text includes helpful summaries for each chapter, along with case notes. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and is presented with new livery and new two-colour text. Contents: Introduction Corporate Governance / Articles of Association / Shares / The Regulation of Investment Business / Maintenance of Capital / The Management of the Company / Directors’ Duties / Shareholders’ Remedies / Lending Money and Securing Loans / Takeovers, Reconstructions and Amalgamations / Insolvency / Multinational Companies May 2014 Paperback
368pp 246x171mm £24.99 9780230362079
Palgrave Macmillan Law Series Series Editor: Marise Cremona
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Protecting Free Expression and Curbing Abuses Edited by James Lewis and Paul Crick, both at The International Bar Association
Published in conjunction with the International Bar Association, this high-profile collection of writings brings together judicial, legislative, regulatory, journalistic and academic perspectives on the current state of media laws in the UK and in the US, scrutinising their efficacy in relation to the rights for privacy and free expression. Contents: Preface; Mark Stephens CBE / PART I: THE LEGAL, ETHICAL AND EDITORIAL LANDSCAPE / Privacy: A Judicial Perspective; Justice Eady / The Rights of Journalism and the Needs of Audiences; Baroness Onora O'Neill / Why we write: three magic words – 'the public interest'; Alan Rusbridger / PART II: THE PRACTITIONER'S VIEW - PROTECTING FREE EXPRESSION AND CURBING ABUSES / The Ultimate Balancing Act; Pia Sarma / Privacy Protection – Luxury Goods Or Essential Commodity?; Amber MelvilleBrown / 'People are so much more interesting than things': Protecting free expression; Gavin Millar QC / 'You Say Tomato…': A Comparison of English and U.S. Privacy Law Principles; Robert Balin and Yuli Takatsuki / PART III: CONFRONTING CURRENT AND FUTURE CHALLENGES / Privacy and Free Expression: competing or complementary rights?; Kirsty Hughes and Michael Harris, Index on Censorship / The Internet as a Lens: US Concepts of Privacy in Online Spaces; Jeff Hermes March 2014 Hardback
Employment Law 9th edition Deborah J Lockton, Leicester De Montfort Law School, UK
A revised new edition of a popular and longestablished text, updated to include the most relevant developments in employment law today. Reinforced with summaries, exercises and further reading throughout, this text steers the student confidently through the complexities of the subject. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / Sources and Institutions of Employment Law / PART II: THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP / The Nature of the Relationship / Terms of the Contract / Implied Duties in the Contract of Employment / PART III: CONSTRAINTS ON THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP / Discrimination / Equality of Terms / Employment Protection / PART IV: TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT / Termination at Common Law / Unfair Dismissal / Redundancy / Duties of Ex-Employees / PART V: TRADE UNIONS AND THE LAW OF INDUSTRIAL ACTION / Trade Unions / The Rights of Trade Union Members / Industrial Action April 2014 Paperback
448pp 246x171mm £25.99 9781137354129
Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters Series Editor: Marise Cremona
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
192pp 234x156mm £62.50 9780230301870
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Student Solutions Manual for The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences
3rd edition Michael L. Cain, formerly Bowdoin College, USA, William D. Bowman, Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA and Sally D. Hacker, Oregon State University, USA
3rd edition
The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences
Brigitte Baldi, University of California, USA and David Moore, Purdue University, USA
3rd edition Brigitte Baldi, University of California, USA and David Moore, Purdue University, USA
This engaging text gives biology students an introduction to statistics. Based on a growing interest in statistics across the life science fields, the book was developed from David Moore's The Basic Practice of Statistics and emphasizes statistical thinking and real data using up-to-date examples.
Provides step-by-step solutions along with summaries of the key concepts needed to solve the problems. Contents: Please see details under the main text ISBN: 9781464175367
April 2014 256pp Paperback £25.99
260x220mm 9781464133091
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
The new third edition of this bestselling book remains focused on being the best teaching tool possible for students taking their first course in ecology. Revised and updated, the book features a new chapter on Behavioral Ecology, an exciting and growing subfield of ecology, and new Analyzing Data exercises in which students work with real data. Contents: 1. Introduction: The Web of Life / PART 1: ORGANISMS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT / 2. The Physical Environment / 3. The Biosphere / 4. Coping with Environmental Variation: Temperature and Water / 5. Coping with Environmental Variation: Energy / PART 2: EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY / 6. Evolution and Ecology / 7. Life History / 8. Behavioral Ecology / PART 3: POPULATIONS / 9. Population Distribution and Abundance / 10. Population Growth and Regulation / 11. Population Dynamics / PART 4: INTERACTIONS AMONG ORGANISMS / 12. Competition / 13. Predation and Herbivory / 14. Parasitism / 15. Mutualism and Commensalism / PART 5: COMMUNITIES / 16. The Nature of Communities / 17. Change in Communities / 18. Biogeography / 19. Species Diversity in Communities / PART 6: ECOSYSTEMS / 20. Production / 21. Energy Flow and Food Webs / 22. Nutrient Supply and Cycling / PART 7: APPLIED AND LARGE-SCALE ECOLOGY / 23. Conservation Biology / 24. Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Management / 25. Global Ecology
Contents: Picturing Distributions with Graphs / Describing Distributions with Numbers / Scatterplots and Correlation / Regression / Two-Way Tables / Exploring Data: Part I Review / Samples and Observational Studies / Designing Experiments / Introducing Probability / General Rules of Probability / The Normal Distributions / Discrete Probability Distributions / Sampling Distributions / Introduction to Inference / Inference in Practice / From Exploration to Inference: Part II Review / Inference about a Population Mean / Comparing Two Means / Inference about a Population Proportion / Comparing Two Proportions / The Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit / The Chi-Square Test for Two-Way Tables / Inference for Regression / One-Way Analysis of Variance: Comparing Several Means / Inference: Part III Review / Optional Companion Chapters (available at - More about Analysis of Variance: Follow-up Tests and Two-Way ANOVA / Nonparametric Tests / Multiple Regression March 2014 Hardback
June 2014 Hardback
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
608pp 260x220mm £57.99 9781464175367
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
648pp 236x184mm £51.99 9780878939084
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
6th edition
A Conceptual Approach
Richard B. Primack, Boston University, USA
5th edition Benjamin A. Pierce, Southwestern University, USA
With Genetics: A Conceptual Approach, Pierce brings a master teacher's experience to the introductory genetics textbook, clarifying this complex subject by focusing on the big picture of genetics concepts. The new edition features an emphasis on problem-solving and relevant applications, while incorporating the latest trends in genetics research. Contents: Introduction to Genetics / Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction / Basic Principles of Heredity / Sex Determination and Sex-Linked Characteristics / Extensions and Modifications of Basic Principles / Pedigree Analysis, Applications, and Genetic Testing / Linkage, Recombination, and Eukaryotic Gene Mapping / Chromosome Variation / Bacterial and Viral Genetic Systems / DNA: The Chemical Nature of the Gene / Chromosome Structure and Organelle DNA / DNA Replication and Recombination / Transcription / RNA Molecules and RNA Processing / The Genetic Code and Translation / Control of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes / Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes / Gene Mutations and DNA Repair / Molecular Genetic Analysis and Biotechnology / Genomics and Proteomics / Epigenetics / Developmental Genetics and Immunogenetics / Cancer Genetics / Quantitative Genetics / Population Genetics / Evolutionary Genetics / Reference Guide to Model Genetic Organisms March 2014 Hardback
Essentials of Conservation Biology
Essentials of Conservation Biology has established itself as an engrossing book from which to learn or teach. Combining theory and research and with examples from current literature, the book explain the links between conservation biology and other fields such as ecology, climate change, environmental economics, sustainable development and more. Contents: PART I: DEFINING CONSERVATION BIOLOGY / What is Conservation Biology? / What is Biodiversity? / Where is the World's Biodiversity Found? / PART II: THE VALUE OF BIODIVERSITY / The Value of Biodiversity / Indirect Economic Values / Environmental Ethics / PART III: THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY / Extinction is Forever / Vulnerability to Extinction / Habitat Destruction, Fragmentation, Degradation, and Global Climate Change / Overexploitation, Invasive Species, and Disease / PART IV: CONSERVATION AT THE POPULATION AND SPECIES LEVELS / Problems of Small Populations / Applied Population Biology / Establishing New Populations / Ex Situ Conservation Strategies / PART V: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS / Establishing Protected Areas / Designing Protected Areas / Managing Protected Areas / Conservation Outside Protected Areas / Restoration of Damaged Ecosystems / PART VI: THE CHALLENGE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / Sustainable Development at Local and National Levels / International Approaches to Sustainable Development / An Agenda for the Future June 2014 Hardback
601pp 275x215mm £55.99 9781605352893
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Scientific American Biology for a Changing World with Core Physiology 2nd edition Michele Shuster, New Mexico State University, USA, Janet Vigna, Grand Valley State University, USA and Matthew Tontonoz, Development Editor for Textbooks in Introductory Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Evolution, and Environmental Science
From the groundbreaking partnership of W. H. Freeman and Scientific American comes this oneof-a-kind introduction to the science of biology and its impact on the way we live. Biology for a Changing World explores the core ideas of biology through a series of chapters written and illustrated in the style of a Scientific American article. Contents: The Process of Science / Chemistry and Molecules of Life / Cell Function and Structure / Nutrition, Metabolism, Enzymes / Energy Flow and Photosynthesis / Dietary Energy and Cellular Respiration / DNA Structure and Replication / Genes to Proteins / Cell Division and Mitosis / Mutations and Cancer / SingleGene Inheritance and Meiosis / Complex Inheritance / Stem Cells and Cell Differentiation / Natural Selection and Adaptation / Nonadaptive Evolution and Speciation / Evidence for Evolution / Life on Earth / Prokaryotic Diversity / Eukaryotic Diversity / Human Evolution / Population Ecology / Community Ecology / Ecosystem Ecology / Sustainability / Overview of Physiology / Digestive System / Cardiovascular System / Respiratory System / Central Nervous System / Reproductive System / Immune System / Plant Physiology June 2014 Paperback
700pp 279x229mm £46.99 9781464151132
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
864pp 279x229mm £53.99 9781464109461
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
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Reading the British Novel from Daniel Defoe to Julian Barnes
Tragedy Sarah Dewar-Watson, University of Sheffield, UK
This Reader's Guide offers a comprehensive introduction to the key criticism on the genre of Tragedy, ranging from Aristotle to distinguished scholars of today. The Guide presents the work of canonical theorists and lesser-known influential critics, bringing together a strong sense of the critical tradition and an awareness of current scholarly trends. Contents: Introduction / The Gods / The Chorus / The Tragic Hero / Tragic Women / Tragic Dualities / Tragic Pleasure / Tragedy and Form / Modern Tragedy / Postcolonial and Multiethnic Tragedy / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography June 2014 Hardback Paperback
Living Fiction
192pp 216x138mm £50.00 9780230392601 £16.99 9780230392588
Readers’ Guides to Essential Criticism Series Editor: Nicolas Tredell
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
William Hutchings, University of Manchester, UK
Analyzing a wide range of extracts from key works of British fiction from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-First Century, William Hutchings lucidly demonstrates how close reading can enhance appreciation of detail and illuminate whole novels.
Women's Poetry and Popular Culture Marsha Bryant, Professor of English, University of Florida, USA; Author of Auden and Documentary in the 1930s and Editor of PhotoTextualities: Reading Photographs and Literature
"Bryant offers a lively interrogation of 'women's poetry' situated within and outside of constructions of popular, contemporary Western culture. Coalescing the poetry of H.D., Stevie Smith, Sylvia Plath, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Carol Ann Duffy with the complexities of a mainstream market comprising domestic advertising, juvenile literature, film, and tabloid journalism, Bryant's provocative work refutes historical conceptions of women's poetry as oppositional to popular culture..." - CHOICE
Contents: Principal Novels Discussed / Time-line of Selected Significant Novels, 1719-2011 / Introduction / Describing People / Describing Places / Presenting Action / Speaking / Commenting / Notes / Index of Literary and Grammatical Terms May 2014 Hardback Paperback TB
Bridging feminist and cultural studies, this book analyzes the ways in which British and American women poets such as H.D., Stevie Smith, Gwendolyn Brooks, Sylvia Plath, Ai, and Carol Ann Duffy often operate as cultural insiders, consuming music, movies, and magazines through poems that do not always conform to appropriation or critique. Contents: Introduction: Key Signatures, Signature Styles /1. CinemaScope Poetics: H.D., Helen, and Historical Epic Film /2. The Poetry Picture Book: Stevie Smith and Children's Culture /3. Uneasy Alliances: Gwendolyn Brooks, Ebony, and Whiteness /4. Everyday Ariel: Sylvia Plath and the Dream Kitchen /5. Killer Lyrics: Ai, Carol Ann Duffy, and the Media Monologue / Key Notes: Manifesto for Women's Poetry Studies November 2013 Paperback
252pp 216x140mm £18.00 9781137386212
Web resource available
210pp 216x138mm £50.00 9781137298348 £14.99 9781137298331
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Letters of Heloise and Abelard A Translation of Their Collected Correspondence and Related Writings Edited by Mary Martin McLaughlin, one of the Preeminent Medieval Historians of the Twentieth-Century and Bonnie Wheeler, Southern Methodist University, USA
”Heloise and Abelard have been extraordinarily well served by this latest translation of their celebrated correspondence. Every aspect of the book is exemplary, from its comprehensive and unobtrusive annotations, to its enthralling introduction. But the greatest strength of the book is perhaps to undo a lot of the posthumous myth-making surrounding the couple, as its brisk and supple translation allows them to speak openly in their own terms...This edition is an astonishing scholarly achievement, and will no doubt stand as the authoritative edition for some decades to come.“ - Ben Parsons, University of Leicester, UK The letters of Heloise and Abelard remain one of the great romantic and intellectual documents of human civilization, while they themselves are second only to Romeo and Juliet in the fame accrued by tragic lovers. Here, collected for the first time, is their correspondence with accessible commentary from two of our foremost medieval scholars. Contents: Introductory Essay / PART I: THE CORRESPONENCE OF HELOISE AND ABELARD / PART II: HELOISE'S QUESTIONS (PROBLEMATA HELOISSAE) / PART III: OTHER RELATED LETTERS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 Paperback
386pp 235x152mm £19.00 9781137413642
The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
As You Like It: Texts and Contexts William Shakespeare Edited by Jean Howard and Pamela Brown
Jane Eyre 2nd edition Charlotte Brontë Edited by Beth Newman, Associate Professor of English, Southern Methodist University, USA
This volume, based on the 1848 third edition of Brontë’s classic novel, reprints the text of Jane Eyre accompanied by documents and illustrations that place the work in its historical context. It also features specially chosen essays that read Jane Eyre from several contemporary critical perspectives. Contents: PART I: THE COMPLETE TEXT IN CULTURAL CONTEXT / Introduction: Biographical and Historical Contexts / The Complete Text of Jane Eyre / Cultural Documents and Illustrations / PART II: A CASE STUDY IN CONTEMPORARY CRITICISM / A Critical History of Jane Eyre / Marxist Criticism and Jane Eyre / Terry Eagleton: 'Jane Eyre' / Feminist Criticism and Jane Eyre / Sandra M. Gilbert: 'Plain Jane's Progress / Combining Marxist and Feminist Criticism / Susan Fraiman: 'Jane Eyre's Fall from Grace' / Combining Feminist Criticism with Disability Studies / Elizabeth J. Donaldson: 'The Corpus of the Madwoman: Toward a Feminist Disability Studies Theory of Embodiment in Mental Illness / Postcolonial Criticism and Jane Eyre / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: from 'Three Women's Texts and a Critique of Imperialism' / Erin O'Connor: from 'Preface for a Postcolonial Criticism' / Deidre David: 'She Who Must Be Obeyed: A Response to Erin O'Connor' / Glossary of Critical and Theoretical Terms March 2014 Paperback
This edition of As You Like It reprints the Bevington edition of the play accompanied by four sets of primary documents and illustrations. Including pastoral poetry, ballads, diatribes, jest books, maps and woodcuts, the documents contextualizes a variety of themes exploring the joys and trials of rural life. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2014 Paperback
464pp 216x138mm £15.99 9780312399320
Published by Bedford St. Martin’s TB
704pp 216x138mm £15.99 9781137414274
Published by Bedford St. Martin’s Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
The Fiction of Pat Barker Merritt Moseley, University of North Carolina, USA
A prize-winning and critically acclaimed author, Pat Barker is one of the most important contemporary British novelists. This Reader's Guide covers all of Barker's fiction to date and surveys the surrounding criticism, paying particular attention to her most widely-studied works that comprise the 'Regeneration Trilogy'. Contents: A Note on Texts / Introduction / Beginnings / History, Gender and Class / The Regeneration Trilogy / 'Regeneration' / 'The Eye in the Door' / 'The Ghost Road' / The Violence Around Us / Back to Front / Conclusion / Notes / Select Bibliography June 2014 Hardback Paperback
192pp 216x138mm £47.50 9780230293304 £15.99 9780230293311
Readers’ Guides to Essential Criticism Series Editor: Nicolas Tredell
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
Laboratory Techniques in Organic Chemistry
4th edition
Supports Inquiry-Driven Experiments
Jerry R. Mohrig, Carleton College, USA, David G. Alberg, Gretchen E. Hofmeister, Paul F. Schatz, University of WisconsinMadison, USA and Christina Noring Hammond, formerly of Vassar College, USA
Physical Chemistry for the Chemical Sciences Raymond Chang and John Thoman, both at Williams College, USA
"With expanded coverage and more depth, Chang's newest book is now an excellent fit for students on the BS Chemistry track. It will provide them with the rigorous foundations knowledge they need for advanced studies in any subdisciplines of chemistry, including biochemistry/ biophysical chemistry.” - Taina Chao, State University of New York, USA This comprehensive new text from Raymond Chang features new co-author Jay Thoman, extensively revised chapters on quantum mechanics and spectroscopy, an array of new topics, many new chapter-ending problems and updated references. Careful pedagogy and clear writing throughout combine to make this an excellent choice for a physical chemistry course. Contents: Introduction and Gas Laws / Kinetic Theory of Gases / The First Law of Thermodynamics / The Second Law of Thermodynamics / Gibbs and Helmholtz Energies / Nonelectrolyte Solutions / Electrolyte Solutions / Chemical Equilibrium / Electrochemistry / Quantum Mechanics / Application of Quantum Mechanics to Spectroscopy / Electronic Structure of Atoms / Molecular Electronic Structure and the Chemical Bond / Electronic Spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy / Photochemistry / Chemical Kinetics / Intermolecular Forces / The Solid State / The Liquid State / Statistical Thermodynamics March 2014 Hardback
Laboratory Techniques in Organic Chemistry is the most comprehensive presentation of the lab techniques that organic chemistry students need to know. Compatible with any organic chemistry lab manual or set of experiments, it provides effective support for guided-inquiry and designbased experiments, as well as traditional lab experiments. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANIC LABORATORY / PART II: CARRYING OUT CHEMICAL REACTIONS / PART III: BASIC METHODS FOR SEPARATION, PURIFICATION, AND ANALYSIS / PART IV: CHROMATOGRAPHY / PART V: SPECTROMETRIC CHARACTERIZATION METHODS / PART VI: DESIGNING AND CARRYING OUT ORGANIC EXPERIMENTS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 Paperback
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
960pp 274x208mm £98.99 9781891389696
Published by University Science Books TB
Web resource available
312pp 229x178mm £56.99 9781464134227
Comes with a CD/DVD
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics With CrunchIt EESEE Access Card 8th edition David S. Moore, George P. McCabe and Bruce Craig, all at Purdue University, USA
With this updated new edition, Introduction to the Practice of Statistics remains unmatched in its ability to highlight how statisticians actually work. Its focus on data analysis, critical thinking, step-by-step pedagogy, and applications in a variety of disciplines make it exceptionally engaging to students learning core statistical ideas. Contents: 1. Looking at Data - Distributions /2. Looking at Data - Relationships /3. Producing Data /4. Probability: The Study of Randomness /5. Sampling Distributions /6. Introduction to Inference /7. Inference for Distributions /8. Inference for Proportions /9. Analysis of Two-Way Tables /10. Inference for Regression /11. Multiple Regression /12. One-Way Analysis of Variance /13. Two-Way Analysis of VarianceOptional Companion Chapters (available at /14. Logistic Regression /15. Nonparametric Tests /16. Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests /17. Statistics for Quality: Control and Capability April 2014 Hardback
750pp 276x216mm £61.99 9781464158933
Michael P. Sullivan, Chicago State University, USA and Kathleen Miranda, State University of New York at Old Westbury, USA
Michael Sullivan and Kathleen Miranda have written a contemporary calculus textbook that lecturers will respect and students can use. Consistent in its use of language and notation, Sullivan/Miranda's Calculus helps students learn calculus conceptually, while also emphasizing computational and problem-solving skills. Contents: Preparing for Calculus / Limits and Continuity / The Derivative / More about Derivatives / Applications of the Derivative / The Integral / Applications of the Integral / Techniques of Integration / Infinite Series / Parametric Equations; Polar Equations / Vectors; Lines, Planes, and Quadric Surfaces in Space / Vector Functions / Functions of Several Variables / Directional Derivatives, Gradients, and Extrema / Multiple Integrals / Vector Calculus / Differential Equations / Appendix A: Precalculus Used in Calculus / Appendix B: Theorems, Proofs, and Definitions March 2014 Hardback
1150pp 279x216mm £50.99 9781429254335
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Laura Taalman and Peter Kohn, both Professors of Mathematics, James Madison University, USA
Taalman and Kohn's Calculus offers a streamlined, structured exposition of calculus combining the clarity of classic textbooks with a modern perspective on concepts, skills, applications, and theory. Its uncluttered design eliminates sidebars, historical biographies, and asides to keep students focused on important foundational concepts. Contents: PART I: DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS / PART II: INTEGRAL CALCULUS / PART III: SEQUENCES AND SERIES / PART IV: VECTOR CALCULUS / PART V: MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2013 Hardback
1155pp 254x201mm £50.99 9781429241861
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Student Solutions Manual for Calculus (Multivariable)
Nursing Research Principles, Process and Issues
Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care
Laura Taalman and Peter Kohn, both Professors of Mathematics, James Madison University, USA
3rd edition
Professional Perspectives Kader Parahoo, School of Nursing and Institute of Nursing Research, University of Ulster, UK
Contains worked-out solutions to all oddnumbered exercises in the multi-variable section of the Taalman/Kohn Calculus text. Contents: Contains solutions for multi-variable chapters from Calculus by Laura Taalman and Peter Kohn, please see ISBN: 9781429241861. January 2014 Paperback
500pp 254x202mm £29.99 9781464150197
Published by W. H. Freeman A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Single Variable Student Solutions Manual for Calculus Laura Taalman and Peter Kohn, both Professors of Mathematics at James Madison University, USA
Contains worked-out solutions to all oddnumbered exercises in the single variable section of the Taalman/Kohn Calculus text. Contents: Contains solutions for single variable chapters from Calculus by Laura Taalman and Peter Kohn, please see ISBN: 9781429241861. May 2014 Paperback
500pp 254x202mm £29.99 9781464125386
Published by W. H. Freeman A Macmillan Higher Education Company
"The new edition retains the tried and trusted ways of describing nursing research in a user friendly and precise way bringing with it a contemporary twist." - Ian Peate, Visiting Professor of Nursing, University of West London, UK; Editor in Chief, British Journal of Nursing Nursing Research is the ultimate companion to research. The new edition offers everything you need to know, supporting you throughout your course. With this gentle but comprehensive beginner's guide, you'll have no trouble understanding research, the foundation to good evidence-based practice, clinical effectiveness and quality care. Contents: Research and Nursing Practice / Knowledge, Science and Research / Quantitative Research / ualitative Research / Mixed Methods / The Research Process and Ethical Issues / Literature Reviews / Research and Theory / Research Questions and Operational Definitions / Research Designs /Experiments / Phenomenological Research / Grounded Theory / Ethnography / Samples and Sampling / Questionnaires / Interviews / Observations / Making Sense of Data / Evaluating Research Studies / Evidence Based Practice May 2014 Paperback
464pp 246x189mm £26.99 9781137281265 TB
2nd edition Edited by Judith Thomas and Katherine Pollard, both at Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of the West of England, UK and Derek Sellman, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Canada
Review of 1st edition: '[H]ighly readable... recommended reading for all those on interprofessional programmes in health and social care.' - British Journal of Occupational Therapy An appreciation of interprofessional working is required knowledge for anyone undertaking a course in health, education and social care. Illustrated with case studies throughout, this glowing new edition provides pre-qualifying students with an accessible overview of the role, work and skills of a wide range of professionals. Contents: PART I: UNDERSTANDING INTERPROFESSIONAL WORKING / The Need for Interprofessional Working; K.Pollard, D.Sellman & J.Thomas / The Processes Required for Effective Interprofessional Working; C.Keeping / Service Users and Carers; A. Donskoy & K.Pollard / PART II: PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES / Education; J.Tarr / Housing; J.Ritchie & C.Victory / Medicine; L.Dow & N.Evans / Midwifery; J.Williams & S.Davis / Nursing; D.Sellman, M.Godsell & M.Townley / Occupational Therapy; F.Douglas & H.Martin / Physiotherapy; D.Rees / Police; P.Kennison & R.Fletcher / Probation; J.Lindsay & K.Sandhu / Radiography; J.Chianese, K.Dunmall & K.Holmes / Social Work; A.Vatcher & K.Jones / Youth Work; B.Oliver & B.Pitt / PART III: THE FUTURE FOR INTERPROFESSIONAL WORKING / New and Emerging Roles; J.Thomas, G.Smart & K.Stone / Issues for the Future; J.Thomas March 2014 240pp 234x156mm 2 b/w tables and 1 figure Paperback £23.99 9780230393431 TB
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Religion and the Sciences of Origins Historical and Contemporary Discussions Kelly James Clark, Grand Valley State University, USA
This introduction to religion and the science of origins focuses on Christianity and modern Western sciences of origins with chapters on evolution in Islam and Judaism. The issues discussed are the origin of science, human origins, the origin of the cosmos, the nature of humanity, the origin of religious belief and ethic. Contents: 1. Science and/or Religion /2. CSI: Conflict, Separation, Integration? /3. The Fabric of the Universe /4. Galileo's Affair /5. Darwin, God and Creation /6. Chance and Creation /7. The Evolution of God? /8. Evolution and Ethics /9. God and the Good Life /10. In Search of the Soul /11. This Most Beautiful System /12. Judaism and Evolution /13. Islam and Evolution May 2014 Hardback Paperback
306pp 235x152mm £60.00 9781137414830 £15.99 9781137414809
New Waves in Philosophy of Mind Edited by Mark Sprevak and Jesper Kallestrup, both at University of Edinburgh, UK
Philosophy of mind is one of the core disciplines in philosophy. The questions that it deals with are profound, vexed and intriguing. This volume of fifteen new cutting-edge essays gives young researchers a chance to stir up new ideas. The topics covered include the nature of consciousness, cognition, and action. Contents: Series Editors' Preface / Notes on Contributors / PART I: METAPHYSICS OF MIND /1. The Cartesian Argument Against Physicalism; Philip Goff /2. A Call for Modesty: A Priori Philosophy and the MindBody Problem; Eric Funkhouser /3. Verbs and Minds; Carrie Figdor /4. Meanings and Methodologies; Justin C. Fisher /5. Entangled Externalisms, Mark Sprevak and Jesper Kallestrup /6. The Phenomenal Basis of Epistemic Justification; Declan Smithies /7. The Metaphysics of Mind and the Multiple Sources of Multiple Realizability; Gualtiero Piccinini and Corey J. Maley /8. The Real Trouble with Armchair Arguments Against Phenomenal Externalism; Adam Pautz / PART II: MIND AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE /9. Problems and Possibilities for Empirically-Informed Philosophy of Mind; Elizabeth Irvine /10. Psychological Explanation, Ontological Commitment, and the Semantic View of Theories; Colin Klein /11. Naturalizing Action Theory; Bence Nanay /12. The Architecture of Higher Thought; Daniel A. Weiskopf /13. Significance Testing in Neuroimagery; Edouard Machery /14. Lack of Imagination: Individual Differences in Mental Imagery and the Significance of Consciousness; Ian Phillips /15. A Beginner's Guide to Group Minds; Georg TheinerIndex April 2014 Hardback Paperback
Hegel and Mind Rethinking Philosophical Psychology Richard Dien Winfield, University of Georgia, USA
Exploring Hegel's philosophical psychology to uncover viable remedies to the chief dilemmas plaguing contemporary philosophy of mind, Hegel and Mind exposes why mind cannot be an epistemological foundation nor reduced to discursive consciousness nor modelled after computing machines. Contents: Acknowledgments /1. Introduction /2. Hegel's Challenge to the Philosophy of Mind /3. Hegel's Solution to the Mind-Body Problem /4. Hegel, Mind and Mechanism: Why Machines Have No Psyche, Consciousness, or Intelligence /5. Self-Consciousness and Intersubjectivity /6. From Representation to Thought: Reflections on Hegel's Determination of Intelligence /7. The Psychology of Will and the Deduction of Right: Rethinking Hegel's Theory of Practical Intelligence /8. Beyond the Sociality of Reason: From Davidson to Hegel / Notes / Works Cited / Index March 2014 Paperback
170pp 216x138mm £19.99 9781137379849
320pp 216x138mm £65.00 9781137286710 £19.99 9781137286727
New Waves in Philosophy Series Editors: Duncan Pritchard and Vincent Hendricks
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Understanding the European Union
Security and Defence Policy in the European Union
Strong in the Rain
A Concise Introduction 6th edition
2nd edition
Surviving Japan's Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Lucy Birmingham, Time magazine's Tokyo-based reporter who covered the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, her articles have appeared in Bloomberg News, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe and David McNeill, Japan Correspondent for The Independent newspaper and The Chronicle of Higher Education; Writer for the Irish Times and Japan Times and Teaches at Sophia University in Tokyo
"Birmingham and McNeill have created a compassionate and important book which both gives valuable information about one of the most important events of the last few years, and helps call to account both the Japanese government and TEPCO...Strongly recommended." - The Book Bag Blending history, science, and gripping storytelling, Strong in the Rain brings the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan in 2011 and its immediate aftermath to life through the eyes of the men and women who experienced it. A beautifully written, moving account of how the Japanese endured the earthquake's horrific consequences. Contents: Prologue / March 11, 2:46 p.m. – The Quake / March 11, 3:10 p.m. – The Tsunami / March 11, 3:15 p.m. – Close the Gate! / March 12, 3:36 p.m. – No. 1 Reactor Blows / March 13, 1:52 p.m. – No. 3 Reactor Radiation Overload / March 15, 10:22 a.m. – Radiation Levels Critical / March 16, 4:30 p.m. – The Emperor's Speech / March 18 – 'Flyjin' / March 20 – Departures / March 27-April 6 – Help us Please! / March 28 – 'Tohoku Damashi' / Lives in Limbo
Jolyon Howorth, Yale University, USA and Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics, Bath University, UK
Reviews of the 1st edition: "[E]mpirically rich, skilfully researched... illuminating and rewarding...[Howorth] should be commended... for accessible writing on complex issues.” - Johan Eliasson, EUSA Review
In this updated and revised new edition the author examines recent developments to the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy and assesses its systems, processes and limitations. He situates events in a clear historical context and provides wide-ranging theoretical approaches to aid understanding. Contents: 1. Introduction: CSDP - A Work in Progress /2. Decision-Making: The Political and Institutional Framework /3. The Instruments of Intervention: Generating Military and Civilian Capacity /4. Selling it to Uncle Sam: CSDP and Transatlantic Relations /5. The EU as an Overseas Crisis Management Actor /6. Empirical Reality and Academic Theory /7. Conclusion: The Major Challenges Ahead June 2014 Hardback Paperback
336pp 234x156mm £70.00 9780230362345 £28.99 9780230362352
The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
John McCormick, Indiana University, USA
Review of earlier edition: “[A] very useful text... Among hundreds... about the phenomenon of European integration, this book stands out as one that really tackles the complexity of the economic, political and legal systems of the EU succinctly.” - Giedrius Surplys, Journal of European Affairs This best-selling textbook provides a broadranging but concise introduction to the EU, covering all major aspects of European integration. The revised and updated new edition takes full account of the political and economic impact of the Eurozone crisis. Contents: 1. What is the European Union? / 2. The Idea of Europe / 3. The Evolution of the EU / 4. The European Institutions / 5. The EU and its Citizens / 6. The EU Policy Process / 7. Economic Policy / 8. Internal Policies / 9. External Policies / 10. Conclusions April 2014 280pp 234x156mm 14 b/w tables, 21 figures and 7 maps Hardback £65.00 9781137362339 Paperback £24.99 9781137362322
The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
April 2014 256pp 234x156mm 10pp b/w photographs Paperback £10.99 9781137278944
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Developments in German Politics 4 Developments in
GeRmAn politics Edited by Stephen Padgett William E. Paterson Reimut Zohlnhöfer
Edited by Stephen Padgett, formerly Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde, UK, William E. Paterson, University of Aston, UK and Reimut Zohlnhöfer, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Review of earlier edition: ”[A] superbly crafted evaluation...from the top experts on current German represents a “must have” for academic libraries and a “must read” for students as well as for lecturers and researchers on German politics today.” - William M. Chandler, German Politics “A comprehensive introduction to the current state of German Politics...[A] authoritative and full of insights [t]his book is simply essential reading." - David Broughton, Political Studies This provides authoritative coverage as well as wide-ranging and integrated analysis of politics and policy in Germany today and of its role in Europe and the wider world. Bringing together extensively revised and updated chapters by leading authorities, it will be essential for students and anyone interested in European politics. Contents: 1. Introduction" /2. Government at the Centre /3. The Reform German Federalism /4. Partisan Dealignment and Voter Choice /5. Parties and Party Systems /6. Political Leadership /7. The Politics of Social Protest /8. The German Model in Transition /9. Economic Policy /10. Germany and the European Union /11. Germany and the Euro /12. Foreign and Security Policy /13. Welfare State Reform and Social Policy /14. Energy and Climate Protection Policy /15. Citizenship, Migration and Cultural Pluralism July 2014 Hardback Paperback
336pp 234x156mm £70.00 9781137301635 £28.99 9781137301628 TB
American Empire and the Arsenal of Entertainment Soft Power and Cultural Weaponization Eric M. Fattor, Hendrix College, USA
"With its richly detailed historical analysis, American Empire and the Arsenal of Entertainment weaves a compelling narrative, demonstrating that the medium of entertainment has at times been just as important to the success of the American imperial project as the deployment of raw material capability or global institutionbuilding...students and scholars of empire and critical International Relations theory, will welcome this timely and creative book." -Daniel J. Whelan, Hendrix College, USA
Crisis Without End? The Unravelling of Western Prosperity Andrew Gamble, Professor of Politics, University of Cambridge, UK
The 2008 financial crash was no ordinary CRISIS crisis, but the harbinger WITH UT of a much deeper the unravelling of END? western prosperity convulsion. This major reAndrew Gamble assessment analyzes the economic crisis, looking at how it was initially contained but that the more fundamental challenges to western leadership, democracy and prosperity, unless addressed, will preclude sustained recovery and pave the way for recurrent crises. Contents: 1. The Great Upheaval /2. Understanding Crisis /3. How the Crisis Unfolded /4. The Geography of the Crisis /5. The Declining West /6. The Growth Conundrum /7. Democracy and the Fiscal Crisis /8. Paths to the Future June 2014 Hardback Paperback
256pp 216x138mm £55.00 9780230367074 £14.99 9780230367081
Movies, television, and American culture permeates even the most remote reaches of the globe in unprecedented levels. This book analyzes the complex role entertainment plays in foreign policy. Contents: 1. Introduction: The Rise of a Global Communications Capability and the Weaponizing of Entertainment /2. Legitimacy Through Popular Entertainment: Bringing the British Empire to Life (18151945) /3. Overcoming Isolationism: Exceptionalism, Film and the Rise of American Empire (1898-1945) /4. Creating an Informal Empire: Liberalism, Broadcasting, and the Maturity of American Empire (1945-1968) /5. Networking Neoliberalism: High Finance, Media Convergence, and the Crisis of American Empire (19681989) /6. Conclusion: America Overexposed? The Triumph of the American Empire and the Spectacle of Resistance (1989-2008) March 2014 Hardback Paperback
240pp 235x152mm £62.50 9781137387257 £20.00 9781137387264
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Teach a Woman to Fish
The Lost Spring
Overcoming Poverty Around the Globe
U.S. Policy in the Middle East and the Catastrophes to Avoid
Ritu Sharma, Leading Voice on International Women’s Issues and US Foreign Policy; Co-founder of Women Thrive Worldwide
Chronicling her journey through Sri Lanka, Burkino Faso, and Honduras, Ritu Sharma investigates the systems that prevent women from leaving poverty behind. Written in her engaging personal voice, Teach a Woman to Fish provides an insider's look at women in poverty and how change really happens globally. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 288pp 8pp b/w photographs Hardback £16.99 9781137278586
A Time to Attack
Walid Phares, Worldrenowned Terrorism and Middle East Expert and Advisor to Congress and to Members of the European Parliament; Visiting Fellow, European Foundation for Democracy
One of the greatest unanswered questions after the Arab Spring is how the West failed to predict and prepare for this series of cataclysmic events. The Lost Spring foretells a major demise in Western policies in the Middle East, unless a deep change in strategies and policies are made in Washington and in Brussels. Contents: Introduction /1. Western Failure to Predict the 2011 Uprisings /2. The Arab Spring: First Waves /3. Egypt's First Revolution /4. The Arab Spring's Civil Wars /5. The Winds of Uprisings in Arabia /6. US and European Attitudes Toward the Spring /7. Break Down of the Spring /8. Democracy and Secularism can Win /9. The Islamist Lobby War on Middle East Democracy /10. The Weapons of Lawfare and Islamophobia /11. US Policy in the Middle East: General Retreat? /12. Abandoning Middle East Democrats / Conclusion April 2014 Hardback
The Looming Iranian Nuclear Threat Matthew Kroenig, Internationally Recognized as one of the World's Leading Authorities on Iran's Nuclear Program; Associate Professor and International Relations Field Chair, Department of Government, Georgetown University and Author of Exporting the Bomb
A Time to Attack provides an authoritative account of the history of Iran's nuclear program and the international community's attempts to stop it, explains and assesses the options available to policymakers, and reflects on what the resolution of the Iranian nuclear challenge will mean for the future of international order. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 Hardback
256pp 234x156mm £17.99 9781137279033
Web resource available
272pp 234x156mm £17.99 9781137279538
Comes with a CD/DVD
Bringing Down Gaddafi On the Ground with the Libyan Rebels Andrei Netto, Paris Correspondent for O Estado de S. Paulo, one of the leading Brazilian newspapers
A unique and memorable account of a revolutionary war, Bringing Down Gaddafi provides previously unpublished information about the Libyan conflict, including the circumstances of Gaddafi's death, behindthe-scenes diplomacy at the UN Security Council, and the supply of weapons to the Libyan rebels from abroad. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 320pp 8-page photograph insert Hardback £17.99 9781137279125
Contemporary Party Politics
Education Policy in Britain 3rd edition Clyde Chitty, Associate Professor, Institute of Education, University of London, UK
Robin T. Pettitt, Politics Department, Kingston University, UK
A systematic and comprehensive introduction to contemporary party politics in democratic states. This book evaluates whether, and to what extent, parties are in crisis or decline (as is often claimed).
Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Party Systems /3. Theories of Party Development /4. Ideology /5. Party Members, Activists and Supporters /6. Candidate Selection /7. Policy Making /8. Campaigning /9. Government /10. The Internationalisation of Party Politics /11. The Future of Party Politics June 2014 Hardback Paperback
256pp 234x156mm £70.00 9780230237797 £27.99 9780230237803
This text provides a clear overview and assessment of the educational policy systems at work in the UK. Accessibly written and covering pre-school and Higher Education policy-making as well as Primary and Secondary, the author examines the evolution of education policy from the Education Act of ‘44 to the academies of today. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Why Education Matters / 3. The Rise and Fall of the Post War Consensus / 4. From Callaghan to Major: 1976-97 / 5. Diversity, Selection and the Measurement of Progress, 1997-2012 / 6. The Privatization of Education / 7. The Changing Worlds of Education Policy / 8. The Evolving Curriculum from 5 to 14 / 9. The 14-19 Continuum: Issues and Policies for Education and Training / 10. Higher Education / 11. Early Years and Childcare Strategies and the Concept of Lifelong Learning / 12. Issues of Diversity, Equality and Citizenship / Conclusion April 2014 Hardback Paperback
304pp 216x138mm £70.00 9781137309563 £25.99 9781137309556
Contemporary Political Studies Series Editor: John Benyon
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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Climate Innovation
Contemporary Russia
Liberal Capitalism and Climate Change
3rd edition
Edited by Neil E. Harrison, Sustainable Development Institute, USA and John Mikler, University of Sydney, Australia
A comprehensive examination of the inability of liberal capitalism to generate the technological innovations necessary to prevent dangerous climate change. The case is made for the need for institutional evolution to drive the climate innovation, and the potential for climate innovation in an increasingly economically interconnected world. Contents: PART I: THE NATIONAL CONTEXT OF CLIMATE INNOVATION /PART II: THE CORPORATE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE INNOVATION /PART III: CLIMATE INNOVATION ACROSS BORDERS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: February 2014 288pp 216x138mm 25 b/w tables and 2 b/w photographs Hardback £65.00 9781137319876 Paperback £20.99 9781137319883
Energy, Climate and the Environment Series Editor: David Elliott
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
RUSSIA Edwin Bacon Third Edition
Edwin Bacon, School of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Review of the 1st edition: "It would be hard to imagine a better short introduction to Russia's society and the contemporary Russian state." - Phil Hanson, Slavonica
The third edition of Contemporary Russia is fully revised to provide a comprehensive introduction to the society, politics and culture of one of the most important countries in global affairs today. The author details Russia's historical background as well as the nation's current concerns and distinctive features in this accessible analysis. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. The Historical Context /3. Land and People /4. Social Structure and Social Policy /5. Politics and Government /6. The Economy /7. Rights, Freedoms and Civil Society /8. Culture and Media /9. Russia and the World / Conclusion May 2014 Hardback Paperback
272pp 216x138mm £65.99 9781137320032 £23.99 9781137307392
Contemporary States and Societies Series
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
The Big Truck That Went By How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster Jonathan M. Katz, 2010 recipient of the Medill Medal for Courage in Journalism and the 2012 winner of the J. Anthony Lukas Work-inProgress Award for The Big Truck That Went By
"Katz offers a frank insider's guide to Haiti." - The Financial Times “Compelling...damning ...wry...This is a book without heroes - not Bill Clinton, the United Nations special envoy to Haiti; not Sean Penn, the Hollywood star who runs a huge camp there; not René Préval, the reclusive president; and certainly not the international community and its competing, self-aggrandising NGOs, which got so much so wrong.” - The Times In The Big Truck That Went By award-winning writer Jonathan Katz ties together the two crises that continue to cripple Haiti: the aftermath of the earthquake and government corruption. Asking the hard questions about Western aid, this is a vividly told narrative of how the affluent nations can help the less fortunate in a smarter way. Contents: Introduction / Prologue /1. The End /2. Love Theme from Titanic /3. Blan and Neg /4. The Crossroads In Louisville /5. Spoiled Corn /6. Bon Dola /7. The Governor /8. 'When I Get Older' /9. Sugar Land /10. Miracle Falls /11. Face to Face /12. A Gut Feeling /13. Cardboard Palace /14. All Together Now Epilogue Afterword / Notes / Acknowledgments / Index April 2014 Paperback
336pp 234x155mm £10.99 9781137278975
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Government and Politics of the United States 3rd edition Nigel Bowles, St Anne’s College, and University Lecturer in Politics, Oxford University, UK and Robert K McMahon, Radley College, Abingdon, UK
This extensively revised new edition offers a broadranging, systematic and sophisticated introduction contemplating the institutions and processes of government in the US set in a clear historical context. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Beliefs and Values in American Society /3. The Constitution - Creating the Rules of the Game /4. Political Parties - The Politics of Aggregation and Disaggregation /5. Elections and the Politics of Participation /6. The Presidency and the Politics of Leadership /7. Congress and the Politics of Legislative Competition /8. The Supreme Court and the Politics of Adjudication /9. Interest Groups /10. Bureaucracy -The Fourth Branch of Government /11. Federalism and Intergovernmental Policy-Making /12. Economic and Domestic Policy /13. Foreign and Defence Policy /14. Conclusion / Appendix 1: The Constitution of the United States / Further Reading / Bibliography April 2014 Hardback Paperback
528pp 234x156mm £70.00 9780333948620 £26.99 9780333948613
Comparative Government and Politics
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
The Social Media President
Border Insecurity Why Big Money, Fences, and Drones Aren't Making Us Safer
Barack Obama and the Politics of Digital Engagement James E. Katz, College of Communication and Michael Barris, Anshul Jain, both at Boston University, USA
"The Social Media President is a fascinating and instructive analysis and critique of the use of social media by President Obama. I heartily recommend it." - Fred I. Greenstein, Professor of Politics Emeritus, Princeton University, USA "Obama’s political campaign machine broke all sorts of fundraising records and media outreach goals. But as The Social Media President reveals, the more important and lasting story has to do with the transformation of the office of the presidency. There are important differences between the role of digital media in Obama’s campaign and his administration..." - Philip N. Howard, University of Washington, USA
Sylvia Longmire, Independent Consultant, and Testifies as an Expert Witness on US asylum cases
Border Insecurity examines all the aspects of the challenge - and thriving industry - of trying to keep terrorists, drug smugglers, and illegal immigrants from entering the United States. Pragmatic and hard-hitting,this is a timely and important look at why border security needs to become - and remain - a priority. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 8-page b/w insert Hardback
£17.99 9781137278906
The proliferation of social media has altered the way that people interact with each other - leveling the channels of communication to allow an individual to be “friends” with a sitting president. In a world where a citizen can message Barack Obama directly, this book addresses the new channels of communication in politics, and what they offer. Contents: PART I: THE HOPE FOR SOCIAL MEDIA IN GOVERNMENT / PART II: BABY STEPS, DISSAPOINTMENTS, AND POLITICAL GAMES / PART III: ASSESSING PRESIDENT OBAMA'S SOCIAL-MEDIA INITIATIVES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: December 2013 Hardback Paperback
228pp 235x152mm £62.50 9781137380852 £19.00 9781137380845
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Walking Prey How America's Youth Are Vulnerable to Sex Slavery
How Botox Affects Our Moods and Relationships
Holly Austin Smith, Advocate for Human Trafficking Victims who speaks about her own experience nationwide. Her story has been featured in Cosmopolitan magazine, and she writes a weekly column for The Washington Times
Walking Prey reveals the shocking extent of sex trafficking in affluent western countries. Advocate Holly Austin Smith, a former sex trafficking victim, argues that thousands of children are at risk of being sold into prostitution, and shows how popular culture is fuelling this dangerous trend. Contents: PrologueIntroduction /1. Individual Risk Factors /2. Community Risk Factors /3. The Willing Victim /4. Advertising to Children and Teens /5. Negative Messages in Popular Culture /6. Violence Against Women /7. The Buyers /8. Control and Violence /9. The Rules of Trafficking /10. The Rescue /11. Immediate Aftercare for CSEC Victims /12. Intermediate and Longterm Aftercare /13. Action and Advocacy / Epilogue / Appendix A: Resources for Parents of Victims / Appendix B: Tips for Law Enforcement and Other First Responders / Appendix C: 10 Tips for Teens for Protection against Traffickers / Appendix D: 10 Tips for Parents to Protect your Children from Predators / Appendix E: 10 Tips for Elementary School Teachers and Counselors Appendix F: 10 Tips for Middle School Teachers and Counselors / Appendix G: Psychiatric Evaluation Screening Services #1 Appendix H: Psychiatric Evaluation Screening Services #2Appendix I: Discharge Summary Appendix J: Short Stay Discharge Summary April 2014 Hardback
The Face of Emotion
256pp 234x156mm £17.99 9781137278739
Eric Finzi, MD, Medical Director and President of Two Dermatology Practices, USA; Author of over 20 research publications and has been on the faculty of the Dermatology Department, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, USA
Mental Health Worldwide Culture, Globalization and Development Suman Fernando, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, London Metropolitan University, UK
"This book is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand this complex issue. It is written in a calm, clear and accessible style, making the book suitable for specialists and lay people alike." - David Ingleby, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Offers a perceptive critique of the universalized model of psychiatry and its apparent exportation from the West to the developing world. Rooted in detailed analysis of the problems this causes, the book proposes new suggestions for advancing the field of mental health and wellbeing in a way that is ethical, sustainable and culturally sensitive. Contents: PART I: CULTURAL HISTORY OF MADNESS, PSYCHIATRY AND MENTAL HEALTH /1. Culture and Globalization in Relation to Mental Health /2. Understanding Madness, Mental Illness and Mental Health /3. Medicalization of Human Problems in the West / PART II: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE MAJORITY WORLD /4.Mental Health and Mental Illness in NonWestern Countries /5. Colonial Psychiatry / PART III: PSYCHIATRY AND MENTAL HEALTH AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR; EXPORTING PSYCHIATRY TO THE GLOBAL SOUTH /6. Medication Revolution and Emerging Discontents /7. Ethnic Problems in the West and Neo-Imperialism Abroad /8. International Politics of Mental Health and Psychiatry / PART IV: DEVELOPING MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES /9. Modernizing Mental Health Services in the Global North /10. Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Global South /1 1. After-Thoughts: Power, Diagnosis and the Majority World March 2014 15 b/w tables Hardback Paperback
"The Face of Emotion is well worth reading. The scientific debate about the regulation of the emotions is as lively as ever, and this is a provocative and insightful contribution." - New Scientist "Even those who know all about [botox] will be intrigued." - The New York Times "A cool new book…there are real lessons to be learned." - Self Magazine "A fascinating and entertaining survey of how our faces contribute to our emotions… important." - Publishers Weekly Common wisdom has it that faces reveal our deepseated emotions. But what if facial expressions set our moods instead of revealing them? Based on original research, surgeon Dr. Finzi shows how changing a person's face not only affects their relationships with others but also with themselves. A bold call to rethink the causes of unhappiness. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: June 2014 Paperback
£65.00 9781137329592 £19.99 9781137329585
Web resource available
240pp 216x138mm £10.99 9781137279132
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Ethics of Creativity
7th edition Peter O. Gray, Boston College, USA and David F. Bjorklund, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Peter Gray's evolutionary perspective and emphasis on critical thinking have made his rigorous yet accessible introduction to psychology a widely respected classroom favourite. Now thoroughly revised, with the help of new coauthor David Bjorklund, Psychology, Seventh edition, invites students to investigate the big ideas in psychological science. Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGY / Foundations for the Study of Psychology / Methods of Psychology / PART II: THE ADAPTIVENESS OF BEHAVIOR / Genetic and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior / Basic Processes of Learning / PART III: PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF BEHAVIOR / The Neural Control of Behavior / Mechanisms of Motivation and Emotion / PART IV: SENSATION AND PERCEPTION / Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing, and Psychophysics / The Psychology of Vision / PART V: THE HUMAN INTELLECT / Memory and Consciousness / Solving Problems: Reasoning and Intelligence / PART VI: GROWTH OF THE MIND AND PERSON / The Development of Body, Thought, and Language / Social Development / PART VII: THE PERSON IN A WORLD OF PEOPLE / Social Perception and Attitudes / Social Influences on Behavior / PART VIII: PERSONALITY AND DISORDERS / Personality / Mental Disorders / Treatment June 2014 Hardback
750pp 282x226mm £45.99 9781464141959
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company TEXTBOOK
Edited by Seana Moran, Clark University, USA, David Cropley, University of South Australia and James Kaufman, California State University at San Bernardino, USA
The Ethics of Creativity illuminates the thorny issues that arise when novel creative ideas collide with what we believe to be 'right' or 'good'. This book tackles questions of when creativity and ethics tend to coincide and when conflict, and how both might be harnessed to support a brighter future for all. Contents: Introduction: PART I: WHAT ARE THE MORAL MENTAL MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN CREATIVITY, AND HOW DO THEY DEVELOP? / PART II: WHEN, HOW, AND WHY DOES CREATIVITY LEAD TO POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE ETHICAL IMPACTS - OR BOTH? / PART III: WHAT ROLE DOES ETHICS PLAY IN SUPPORTING OR THWARTING CREATIVITY? A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2014 320pp 216x138mm 4 b/w tables and 11 figures Hardback £65.00 9781137333537 Paperback £22.99 9781137333520
Without Ground: Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity Calum Neill, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
"Over the years the scholarly output on 'Lacanian ethics' has become so vast as to induce intellectual indigestion in whoever decides to enter the field—but not for much longer. In this brilliant book, Calum Neill exempts the reader from having to trawl through endless realms of Lacan-scholarship by offering the clearest, most concise, and most poignant discussion of what is really at stake: a radical re-consideration of all the crucial dimensions of ethics (the law, morality, guilt, responsibility and desire) in light of a fundamental review of the very notion of subjectivity. If you, reader, now hold this book in your hands, I can only give you one sound advice: Eat it!” - Dany Nobus, Brunel University London, UK “Neill's erudition and rigour make [this] a brilliant evocation of both Lacanian and traditional ethical thought.” - Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society In this groundbreaking book, Calum Neill explores the ideas of Jacques Lacan to present a powerful argument for an approach to ethics which is neither rooted in a traditional morality nor reduced to a relativism, an ethics, that is, which is without ground. Contents: Foreword / Introduction – A Brief History of Ethics / PART I: THE SUBJECT /1. Lacan's Return to Descartes /2. The Graph of Desire /3. Objet petit a and Fantasy PART II: ETHICS /4. Guilt /5. The Law /6. Judgement / PART III: THE OTHER /7. Misrecognising the Other /8. Loving Thy Neighbour /9. Beyond Difference / PART IV: THE SOCIAL /10. Ethics and the Other /11. The Impossibility of Ethical Examples /12. Eating the Book References / Index March 2014 Paperback
272pp 216x138mm £17.99 9781137412713
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Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Minding the Brain
A Guide to Philosophy and Neuroscience
The Psychology of Agency and Control
3rd edition Susan A. Nolan, Seton Hall University, USA and Thomas E. Heinzen, William Paterson University, USA
Nolan and Heinzen's engaging introduction to statistics has captivated students with its easy readability and vivid examples drawn from everyday life. The mathematics of statistical reasoning are made accessible with careful explanations and a helpful three-tier approach to working through exercises. Contents: An Introduction to Statistics and Research Design / Frequency Distributions / Visual Displays of Data / Central Tendency and Variability / Sampling and Probability / The Normal Curve, Standardization, and z Scores / Hypothesis Testing with z Tests / Confidence Intervals, Effect Size, and Power / The Single-Sample t Test / The Paired-Samples t Test / The Independent-Samples t Test / Between-Groups ANOVA / Within-Groups ANOVA / Two-Way Between-Groups ANOVA / Correlation / Regression / Chi Square Tests / Nonparametric Tests with Ordinal Data May 2014 Hardback
736pp 254x203mm £57.99 9781464109225
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Georg Northoff, University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research, Canada
This book explores how the relationship between philosophy and the brain can inform neuroscience, the mind-brain problem and debates about consciousness. Written in a lively style with extensive pedagogy to explain complex concepts, this is interesting reading for students and researchers of psychology, neuroscience and philosophy. Contents: Introduction / PART I: MIND AND BRAIN - FROM PHILOSOPHY THROUGH NEUROSCIENCE TO NEUROPHILOSOPHY / Philosophy and the Mind Philosophy of Mind and Phenomenology / Philosophy and Science - Naturalism / Mind, Brain and Science - Psychology and Neuroscience / Brain and Philosophy - Neurophilosophy / PART II: MIND-BRAIN PROBLEM - FROM PHILOSOPHY OF MIND TO PHILOSOPHY OF BRAIN / Mental Approaches to the Mind-brain Problem / Physical and Functional Approaches to the Mind-brain Problem / Non-mental and Non-physical Approaches to the Mind-brain Problem / Brain-based Approaches to the Mind-brain Problem / PART III: PHILOSOPHY OF PSYCHOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE - FROM EXPLANATION OF MIND TO EXPLANATION OF BRAIN / Philosophy of Psychology - Personal Versus Subpersonal Levels of Explanation / Philosophy of Psychology - Mind and Meaning / Philosophy of Neuroscience - Explanations, Concepts, and Observer in Neuroscience / Philosophy of Brain - Characterization of the Brain / PART IV: NEUROPHILOSOPHY OF CONSCIOUSNESS - FROM MIND TO CONSCIOUSNESS / Arguments against the Reduction of Consciousness to the Brain / Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC) / Neural Predispositions of Consciousness (NPC) / Conceptual, Phenomenal, and Methodological Issues in the Investigation of Consciousness / PART V: NEUROPHILOSOPHY OF SELF - FROM CONSCIOUSNESS TO SELF / Brain and Self / Brain and Self-consciousness / Abnormalities of Self and Brain in Psychiatric Disorders / Brain and Intersubjectivity / Epilogue: Is the Brain a Door Opener? April 2014 Hardback
480pp 234x156mm £65.00 9780230283541
Doctor Magda Osman, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
"A wonderfully original and masterly overview of how we think about our influence on the world and about how we sometimes develop delusional beliefs about ourselves as agents in the world. Osman is a pioneer in this fastdeveloping field and has written a clear and lucid book." – David Shanks, University College London, UK "An extremely interesting book that conveys some very complex concepts and experiments in a very accessible way. The book is engaging and, unusually for a psychological text, difficult to put down." - Richard J. Tunney, University of Nottingham, UK Focusing on processes including decision-making and memory, this book provides fascinating insight into phenomena such as coincidences and the illusion of control to consider how agency and control help us to think about the future. It is essential reading for students of conceptual and historical issues, consciousness and decisionmaking. Contents: Agency and Control: Psychological Tools for Making the Future / Agency: Claiming Future Events as Our Own / Control: Achieving and Maintaining a Desirable Future / Causality and Coincidence: Joining the Past to the Present and the Future / Consciousness: Mental Episodes of the Past, Present and Future / Illusion of Control and Illusion of Chaos: Mistaking Future Consequences / Goals and Values: Ways of Anchoring the Future / Understanding Human Behaviour from the Point of View of the Future is the Future of Psychological Research February 2014 Hardback Paperback TB
Web resource available
240pp 216x138mm £60.00 9781137396754 £22.99 9781137022264
Comes with a CD/DVD
Health Psychology A Biopsychosocial Approach Richard O. Straub, University of MichiganDearborn, USA
Rick Straub's focus on the biopsychosocial model, gender/lifespan/ culture perspectives, and real world applications makes Health Psychology a riveting educational experience for students. The new edition has been carefully reworked and extensively updated, enhanced by Straub's meticulous revision process and feedback from lecturers and students. Contents: PART I: FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY / Introducing Health Psychology / Research in Health Psychology / Biological Foundations of Health and Illness / PART II: STRESS AND HEALTH / Stress / Coping with Stress / PART III: BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH / Positive Psychology and Primary Prevention / Nutrition, Obesity, and Eating Disorders / Substance Abuse / PART IV: CHRONIC AND LIFE-THREATENING ILLNESSES / Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes / Cancer / HIV and AIDS / PART V: SEEKING TREATMENT / Health Care and Patient Behavior / Managing Pain / Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Epilogue: Health Psychology Today and Tomorrow April 2014 Hardback
705pp 240x200mm £62.99 9781464109379
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Working with Substance Users A Guide to Effective Interventions
Social Policy in Britain
George Allan, Robert Gordon University, UK
4th edition
This is a must-have text for those working with people with substance problems. By inviting the reader to explore the application of different interventions in practice, it acts as an accessible and comprehensive guide to practice when working with substance users and their close ones.
Pete Alcock and Margaret May, School of Social Policy, both at University of Birmingham UK
"The pace of change and shifting debate in Britain makes social policy a fast-moving target and one of the most exciting subjects to study. The latest edition of this valuable textbook has been carefully updated and thoughtfully recrafted to provide an introduction that is second to none." - Hartley Dean, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK Alcock's exemplary style of making complex concepts accessible makes this new edition another trustworthy recommendation. Comprehensively updated to reflect the considerable political changes and policy developments since the previous edition, it also boasts new pedagogical features which ensure reader engagement and understanding. Contents: PART I: WELFARE SERVICES / Social Security / Education / Health / Housing / Social Services / Employment / PART II: STRUCTURE / The State / The Market / The Voluntary Sector / Informal Welfare / PART III: CONTEXT / Ideologies of Welfare / Economic Development / International and European Influences / Devolution and Local Control / PART IV: ISSUES / Social Divisions / Paying for Welfare / Delivering Welfare / The Future of Social Policy April 2014 Paperback
Contents: PART I: CONTEXT AND THEORY / Defining and Experiencing Substances / What is a Substance Problem? / Why do People Develop Substance Problems? / Cultural Trends; Social Control / Why and how do People Change? / PART II: INETVENTIONS IN PRACTICE / Effective Interventions, Competent Practitioners, Successful Services / Assessment and Care Planning / Motivational Interviewing / Harm Reduction; Less Intensive Treatment; Brief Interventions / Pharmacological Treatments / Interventions: Specific Approaches / Relapse Prevention, Endings and Follow Up Care / PART III: SPECIAL POPULATIONS / Psychological Distress and Substance Problems / Children Affected by Parental Problems / Significant Others: Adults / Young People: Substance Use and Substance Problems / Offenders and Other Involuntary Service Users / Appendix / Appendix: Validated Questionnaires / Index April 2014 Paperback
256pp 234x156mm £23.99 9781137278043 TB
360pp 246x189mm £24.99 9780230346352 TB
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Looked After Children
The Narrative Practitioner
Caroline Ball, Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board, UK
How do you apply the principles, structures and processes of the law to everyday practice? Drawing on a wealth of contemporary case examples, this handy pocket book demystifies the complex legislation on Looked After Children and demonstrates the practical duties and responsibilities of professionals working with this group. Contents: A Brief Historical/Policy Introduction to the Origins of the Status and Legislation / Overview of Current Legislation and Guidance / Routes to ‘Looked After’ Status / Accommodation / Local Authorities’ Duties to LAC / Alternative Arrangements / Transition to Adulthood May 2014 Paperback
192pp 198x129mm £12.99 9781137286512
Focus on Social Work Law Series Editor: Alison Brammer
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Social Work Theories in Context
Laura Beres, King’s University College, UK
This book offers a clear and succinct introduction to narrative theory and practice across all professions. It not only describes the basic principles and methods in narrative therapy, but it also provides a genuine bridge from theory to practice, making it the perfect tool for students and practitioners alike. Contents: An Introduction to Narrative Practice / The Conversational Maps / Exploring What has been Implied / Moving Between the Conversational Maps / A Narrative Approach to Agency Practice / Critical Reflection as Inquiry / Spirituality and Narrative Therapy / Notes on Self Care June 2014 Paperback
240pp 234x156mm £16.99 9781137005472
Practice Theory in Context Series Editor: Jan Fook
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
Creating Frameworks for Practice 2nd edition Karen Healy, School of Social Work and Applied Human Services, University of Queensland, Australia
”...[Healy] provides a very usable, easily readable guide to the application of theories to pracitce, and incorporates some thoughtful consideration of service users' rights and perspective that are very relevant to advocacy efforts.” - Margarete Parrish, The Higher Education Academy (Social Policy and Social Work) This innovative text explores current social work theories and perspectives in a systematic way, using an integrated and flexible framework to link context, theory, and practice approaches. Its international breadth and supportive pedagogical features have ensured the book's value to students of social work all over the world. Contents: Dedication / Acknowledgements / Preface / PART I: STARTING POINTS / Introduction: Social Work Theories in Context / PART II: UNDERSTANDING THE CONTEXT OF PRACTICE / Dominant Discourses / Professional Discourses / Alternative Discourses / PART III: THEORIES IN USE / Theory Use in Practice / Systems Theories / Problem-Solving Approaches / Strengths and Solution Focused Practice / Empowerment Theory / Critical Social Work Theory / Postmodernism / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index April 2014 Paperback
272pp 234x156mm £24.99 9781137024244 TB
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Child Protection
Reflective Social Work Practice
Kim Holt, University of Bradford, UK
How do you apply the principles, structures and processes of the law to everyday practice? Drawing on a wealth of contemporary case examples, this handy pocket book demystifies the legislation on child protection and demonstrates the practical duties and responsibilities of professionals working within this complex area. Contents: Introduction to Child Protection / Child Care Law and Practice / Decision Making, Assessment and Working with Others / Emergency Applications/ Short Term Measures / Care and Supervision / Policies, Procedures and Protocols - a Way Forward Post Munro / Preparing to go to Court / Concluding Remarks May 2014 Paperback
192pp 198x129mm £10.99 9781137286673
Focus on Social Work Law Series Editor: Alison Brammer
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Capacity and Autonomy Robert Johns, CASS School of Education and Communities, University of East London, UK
How do you apply the principles, structures and processes of the law to everyday practice? Drawing on a wealth of contemporary case examples, this handy pocket book demonstrates how the legislation on capacity and competence can both protect and empower all service user groups, from young people to vulnerable adults.
Richard Ingram, Jane Fenton, Ann Hodson and Divya Jindal-Snape, all at School of Education, Social Work and Community Education, University of Dundee, UK
This book provides social workers with a framework for reflecting on their day-to-day practice. Using a social worker's diary as a starting point, it provides valuable insight in to how reflection enhances skills and how factors such as values and emotions can shape social work practice. Contents: Introduction - The Social Work Context / Dynamics of Critical Reflection and Reflexivity / Communications Skills for Building and Sustaining Relationships / Undertaking Life Changing Assessments / Critically Informed Interventions / Making Significant Risk Decisions / Meetings / Records and Report Writing / Effective Supervision - Reflection, Support and Direction / From a Reflective Social Work Practitioner to a Reflective Social Work Organisation April 2014 Paperback
192pp 216x138mm £19.99 9781137301987
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: Jo Campling
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
A Critical Approach to Human Growth & Development Paula Nicolson, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
What does it mean to be human? This critical text from a well-respected author captures and interrogates the many models which have been developed to explore and explain human behaviour. Informed by sociological, psychological and biological perspectives, the book plots the key stages of the life course from childhood through to older age. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THEORIES OF HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT / 'Nature' versus 'Nurture': A Matter of Choice? / The Life Span: Interdisciplinary and Critical Perspectives / Attachment, Separation and Loss: Themes in Human Growth and Development / From Theory to Reflective-Relational Practice / PART II: A MATERIAL-DISCURSIVE-INTRAPSYCHIC APPROACH / Infancy and Early Childhood / Older Childhood / Adolescence / Young Adulthood / Mid-Life / Older Age / Afterword April 2014 Paperback
304pp 234x177mm £19.99 9780230249028 TB TB
Contents: What is Capacity? / What can Children and Young People Decide for Themselves? / Human Rights and Development of Mental Capacity Act 2005 / Applying the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Principles in Practice / Mental Capacity and Mental Health / Deprivation of Liberty / Resolving Disputes May 2014 Paperback
192pp 198x129mm £12.99 9781137286451
Focus on Social Work Law Series Editor: Alison Brammer
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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Psychology for Social Work Theory and Practice 4th edition Paula Nicolson, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK and Rowan Bayne, University of East London, UK
Review of the 3rd edition: “[C]omprehensive, well laid out and clearly written...[T] his book addresses situations relevant to social workers in all the settings and client groups with which they work.” - British Journal of Social Work This new edition from a trusted author team bridges the gap between psychological theory and social work practice. Revisited and re-structured to reflect the changing social work context, it provides an authoritative introduction to the key ideas, skills and research from psychology and highlights their role within effective social work practice. Contents: Why Study Psychology? / PART I: THEORY FOR PRACTICE / Understanding and Applying Psychological Theories / Life Span Development / Psychological Perspectives on Social Work Settings / PART II: SKILLS FOR PRACTICE / Working with Strengths / Communication Skills / Groupwork as Social Work Practice / PART III: THEORY IN PRACTICE / Reflections in Practice / Leadership in Social Work Organisations May 2014 Paperback
The Politics of Child Protection
Making Good Decisions
Contemporary Developments and Future Directions
Law for Social Work Practice Michael Preston-Shoot, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Nigel Parton, University of Huddersfield, UK
How has policy shaped the role of social workers and other professionals in protecting children and young people? Combining historical detail with sharp critical analysis, leading commentator Nigel Parton presents an overview of the complex field of child protection, from its emergence in the nineteenth century to the Munro Review of 2011. Contents: Introduction / Children’s Services in the Post-War Period / New Labour, Children and Childhood / ‘Every Child Matters: Change for Children’ / Safeguarding and Child Protection under New Labour / The Tragedy of Baby Peter Connolly and its Effect / The Coalition Government, the Economy, Children and Families / The Munro Review of Child Protection / The Intimate Relationship between Child Protection and Social Work / Conclusion April 2014 Paperback
240pp 234x156mm £23.99 9781137269294 TB
How do you apply the principles, structures and processes of the law to everyday practice? Drawing on a wealth of contemporary case examples, this handy pocket book demonstrates how legal frameworks influence the decisions made by frontline social work practitioners working with all service user groups, from young people to vulnerable adults. Contents: Introduction / First Principles / Foundations of Good Decision-making / Human Rights and Equality / Partnerships within Decision-making / Who Decides? / What can we Afford? / Deciding to Share Information / Embedding and Ensuring Best Practice May 2014 Paperback
Focus on Social Work Law Series Editor: Alison Brammer
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
192pp 216x138mm £19.99 9780230303164
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: Jo Campling
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
192pp 198x129mm £12.99 9781137302427
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Disability Incarcerated
Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada
Thinking Beyond the Global South
”Reading The Militarization of Childhood prompts all of us to explore and critique the subtle ways that girls and boys are being militarized - in classrooms, video game shops, and the corridors of the UN. This is a valuable book for anyone trying to make sense of everyday politics.” - Cynthia Enloe, author of Nimo's War, Emma's War: Making Feminist Sense of the Iraq War An important contribution to a much needed critical turn in the vast and still rapidly growing child soldier literature. Contents: 1. (Neo) Zones of Violence: Reconstructing Children into Militants and Insurgents and Empire; A.M. Agathangelou and K.D.Killian /2. ‘Guardians of the Peace’?: The Significance of Children to Continued Militarism; A.M.S. Watson /3. Militarized Children and Bare Childhood; L. Macmillan /4. Education and the War on Terror: The Early Years; H. Brocklehurst /5. War Stories: Militarized Pedagogies of Everyday Parenting; J.Marshall Beier /6. Superheroes or Supersoldiers? Are Caped Crusaders the New Face of the Military?; L.A. Crowe /7. Outsmarting the Weapons: The World of ‘Us’ Against ‘Them’; C.T. Sjolander /8. Where the Wild Things Are: Imaginative Disembodiment and the Militarization of Childhood; L. Copeland /9. Sometimes It’s Good to be Bad: Young People and Symbolic Experimentation with the ‘Darkside’ in On and Off-line Role Playing Games; N. Crowe /10. Kids with Guns: Militarization, Masculinities, Moral Panic and (Dis)Organised Violence; V.M. Basham /11. Childhood Militarization and Race Relations: The Case of Omar Khadr and the Canadian State; J.E. Foran /12. Peace Through Superior Firepower: Reflections on a Militarized Childhood; H.A. Smith, M. Smith and R. Smith May 2014 7pp illustrations Paperback
A Global Perspective
Edited by Liat Ben-Moshe, University of Toledo, USA, Chris Chapman, School of Social Work, York University, Canada and Allison C. Carey, Shippensburg University, USA
The Militarization of Childhood Edited by J. Marshall Beier, Associate Professor of Political Science, McMaster University, Canada; Author of International Relations in Uncommon Places: Indigeneity, Cosmology, and the Limits of International Theory (Palgrave 2005, 2009)
Understanding Drug Use and Abuse
Foreword by Angela Y. Davis
"Provocative, original, and timely, this collection reveals inextricable links between disability and incarceration. Each study of confinement places disability in sustained dialogue with broader forces and identities, including race, gender, sexuality and class. Accessible prose and collaborative projects attest to the transformative power of activist scholarship." - Susan Birch, Associate Professor of American Studies; former Director of the Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity, Middlebury College, USA Disability Incarcerated offers an outstanding collection of interdisciplinary scholarship examining the incarceration and segregation of people with disabilities the United States and Canada. Contents: PART I: INTERSECTING HISTORIES AND LEGACIES OF CONFINEMENT / PART II: INTERLOCKING OPPRESSIONS, CONTEMPORARY LOCKDOWN AND CONTESTED FUTURES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 Hardback Paperback
320pp 229x152mm £65.00 9781137393234 £25.00 9781137404053
Benjamin P. Bowser, California State University East Bay, USA, Carl O. Word, Argosy University, USA and Toby Seddon, Department of Law, University of Manchester, UK
"This book provides a highly accessible, multidisciplinary and international perspective on explanations for and solutions to problem drug use and will be invaluable to students tackling the complex debates in this field." - Sharon Grace, University of York, UK Addressing drug use and abuse as a global phenomenon, this text draws on contemporary and international research findings to examine the causes of drug use in different countries and to explore different policy responses to its prevention and treatment. It is an invaluable resource for students, practitioners and anyone concerned with drug use. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION /1. Substance Abuse: a Growing Social Problem /2. Scope of the Issue: Prevalence of Drug Abuse /3. Prohibition of Alcohol and Opiates /4. Social Marketing Perspective / PART II: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES /5. Sociological Perspectives /6. Criminological Perspectives /7. Psychological Perspectives /8. Physiological Perspectives / PART III: RESPONSES /9. Public Policy: Criminal Justice Responses /10. Public Policy: Public Health Responses / 11. Prevention /12. Treatment / PART IV: CONCLUSION / 13. Recommendations and Afterthoughts June 2014 256pp 234x156mm 3 diagrams, 7 charts and 7 figures Hardback £65.00 9780230303300 Paperback £23.99 9780230303317
£21.99 9781137415301
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Popular Culture: Global Intercultural Perspectives
Youth Studies
Global Health Inequities
Fundamental Issues and Debates
A Sociological Perspective
Ann Brooks, University of California, Berkeley, USA
"This book makes a wonderfully insightful contribution to the field of popular culture. It is to be praised for its global focus and enlightening discussion of topics such as consumption, identity, hybridity, fashion, hip hop, visual culture and social networking. Overall, students of popular culture will strongly benefit from this book." - Craig Morris, University of Greenwich, UK Through popular culture, we can define, explore and experiment with our identities. This vibrant text provides an understanding of popular culture in a globalized world through the intersection of sociology and cultural studies, combining cultural theory with a wide range of examples from everyday life, from fashion to social networking and music. Contents: Introduction: Popular Culture, A Hybrid Field of Study /1. Popular Culture, Hybridity and Cultural Consumption /2. Cultural Consumption and Cultural Identity /3. Popular Culture, Hybridity and Identity /4. Fashion and Style - the Material Dimension /5. Dance, Body and Popular Culture /6. Popular Culture, Hybridity and Hip-Hop - Peter Webb /7. Visual Popular Culture /8. Digital Technology and Social Networking / Conclusion April 2014 Hardback Paperback
James Côté, University of Western Ontario, Canada
A unique assessment of a burgeoning, interdisciplinary field that can present a confusing picture to novices and experts alike. Youth Studies goes to the heart of fundamental issues and debates, identifying the underlying paradigms and theories. Its lively debate-focussed approach engages students to exercise their critical thinking skills. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THRESHOLD METACONCEPTS AND THE CONTOURS OF YOUTH STUDIES /1. The Youth Question /2. Theoretical Approaches to the Youth Question /3. Seminal Debates in Youth Studies / PART II: THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFLUENCES STRUCTURING THE YOUTH PERIOD /4. Education and the Youth Period /5. Work and Changing Employment Opportunities /6. Family Life and Parental Influence /7. The Mediated World and Technological Influences / PART III: The Changing Experiences of the Youth Period /8. Youth Culture /9. Youth Identity Formation /10. Youth Social Identities / 11. Youth Politics / PART IV: CONCLUSIONS: THE FUTURE OF YOUTH STUDIES / 12. Youth Studies Coming of Age May 2014 Hardback Paperback
280pp 234x156mm £70.00 9780230368446 £26.99 9780230368453
"...erudite and accessible, offering an innovative approach not just to the study of health but also to broader sociological debate on globalization...deserves a wide readership." Kate Reed, University of Sheffield, UK Despite living in a globalized world, staggering inequalities in health still exist. Global Health Inequities questions taken-for-granted assumptions about globalization and health. Critical but accessible, the book links theory and empirical work to elucidate key debates, highlighting the most significant challenges facing global health today. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Understanding Global Health /3. The Epidemiological Transition /4. The Burden of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases /5. Neglected Tropical Diseases /6. Treating the Sick /7. Reducing Health Inequities / Conclusion May 2014 Hardback Paperback
208pp 234x156mm £65.00 9780230304376 £24.99 9780230304383
Sociology for Globalizing Societies
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192pp 234x156mm £65.00 9780230361348 £23.99 9780230361355
Fernando De Maio, Department of Sociology, DePaul University, USA
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Social Movements & Globalization
Social Constructionisms Approaches to the Study of the Human World
How Protests, Occupations and Uprisings are Changing the World Cristina Flesher Fominaya, University of Aberdeen, UK
"The best book on the new movements for radical social change in the 21st Century that I have read!" - John Foran, University of California, USA "Lively, readable and well-crafted, it combines the strengths of a reader and a textbook, offering concise definitions of key terms, vivid and well-analysed cases and informing new developments in the study of social movements.” – Lei Xie, University of Exeter, UK A cutting-edge and original analysis of contemporary social movements in a globalized world, providing a clear and comprehensive grounding in social movement and globalization theory and drawing on a range of case studies and examples from around the world, from Anonymous and 15-M/Indignados to the Zapatistas. Contents: Introduction /1. Social Movements and Globalization: Concepts and Debates /2. Globalization and Social Movements /3. The Global Justice Movement /4. Cultural Resistance in a Globalized World /5. Social Movements, Media, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) /6. Arab Spring, Indignados, Occupy-A Global Wave of Protest? / Conclusion May 2014 Hardback Paperback
256pp 234x156mm £65.00 9780230360860 £24.99 9780230360877
Sociology for Globalizing Societies
Titus Hjelm, Department of Comparative Religion, University of Helsinki , Finland
An insightful introduction to the key traditions in the study of social constructionism, evaluating their similarities and differences, and their strengths and weaknesses, through the use of case studies that apply each particular perspective to everyday life. Contents: 1. The World We Make: The Idea of Social Construction /2. The Construction of Everyday Life: The Sociology of Knowledge /3. The Making of the Dark Side of Society: Social Problems as Social Constructions /4. Constructing the Self and the Other: The Perspective of Social Psychology /5. Discourse and Power: Critical Discourse Analysis /6. Constructionisms and Critique /7. Social Constructionisms and the Study of the Human World June 2014 Hardback Paperback
160pp 234x156mm £65.50 9781403939999 £23.99 9781403940001
Researching Families and Relationships Reflections on Process Edited by Lynn Jamieson, University of Edinburgh, UK, Roona Simpson, University of Glasgow, UK and Ruth Lewis, University of Edinburgh, UK
This collection, now in paperback, focuses on the real life experiences of conducting emprical research about families and relationships, with an emphasis on the actualities of doing research and the experiences of being a researcher. Contents: 1. Introduction; Lynn Jamieson, Roona Simpson and Ruth Lewis /2. Framing Relationships and Families; David Morgan /3. Engaging with Families and Relationships; Kay Tisdall /4. In the Field: Research Relationships; Angus Bancroft /5. Time and Place: In and Beyond 'the Field'; Stuart Aitken /6. Interpreting and Representing Families and Relationships; Lynn Jamieson 7. What Happens Next? Getting Research into Policy and Practice; Sarah Morton and Sandra Nutley /8. Conclusion; Lynn Jamieson, Roona Simpson and Ruth Lewis April 2014 232pp 216x138mm 1 b/w table and 1 figure Paperback £19.99 9781137396426
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Editors: Graham Allan, Lynn Jamieson and David Morgan
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
'Honour' Killing and Violence Theory, Policy and Practice Edited by Aisha K. Gill, University of Roehampton, UK, Karl Roberts, Macquarie University, Australia and Carolyn Strange, Australian National University , Australia
“The contributions in this book analyse the intersectionality between gender, discrimination, violence and cultural notions of honour; and their interrelatedness in the killings of women. Gender-related killings are not isolated incidents that arise suddenly and unexpectedly, but are often the ultimate act of violence in a continuum of gender-based discrimination and violence.” - Rashida Manjoo, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, South Africa In this interdisciplinary collection leading experts and scholars from criminology, psychology, law and history provide a compelling analysis of practices and beliefs that lead to violence against women, men and children in the name 'honour'. Contents: 1. Introduction: PART I: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS /2. Domestic Violence or Cultural Tradition? Approaches to 'Honour Killing' as Species and Sub-species in English Legal Practice; Rupa Reddy /3. History Adjusting the Lens of Honour-based Violence: Perspectives from Euro-American History; Carolyn Strange /4. Towards a Psychologically Oriented Motivational Model of Honour Based Violence; Karl Roberts /5. Honour as Property; Johanna Bond /6. (Dis) honour, Death and Duress in the Courtroom; Jocelynne A. Scutt / PART II: OPERATIONALISING PRACTICES OF HONOUR AND VIOLENCE /7. Conceptualising HBV in Scandinavian Law Enforcement; Anja Bredal /8. 'If there were no khaps, …everything will go haywire…young boys and girls will start marrying into the same gotra'Understanding khap-directed Honour Killings in North India; Suruchi Thapar-Björkert /9. 'All they think about is honour': The Murder of Shafilea Ahmed; Aisha K. Gill /10. Same Problem, Different Solutions: The Case of 'honour killing' in Germany and Britain; Selen Ayirtman Ercan / 11. No Place in Canada': Triumphant Discourses, Murdered Women, and the 'Honour Crime'; Dana Mohammed Olwan May 2014 Hardback Paperback
256pp 216x138mm £70.00 9781137289544 £22.99 9781137289551
Crime and the Media
Sarah E.H. Moore, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent, UK
Parenting Culture Studies Ellie Lee, Jennie Bristow, Charlotte Faircloth and Jan Macvarish, all at University of Kent, UK
"The authors of this timely collection are in the forefront of analyses of contemporary parenting. The discourses and practices of parenting are rarely held up for sustained critique. Readers of this book will be challenged to question the politics and rationales of parenting cultures in this provocative and cogently argued book.” Deborah Lupton, University of Sydney, Australia
"Written in a lively and accessible style this text has the potential to become central to - and eventually inform - crime and media courses cutting across disciplines such as media, sociology and psychology. Bursting with case studies, it breaks down the many and varied ways in which crime and media intersect to form a picture of how societies function. In my view this text will be a welcome addition to what is becoming an internationally burgeoning field of study." - Siobhan Holohan, Keele University, UK
Why have the minutiae of how parents raise their children become routine sources of public debate and policy making? This book provides in-depth answers to these features drawing on a wide range of sources from sociology, history, anthropology and psychology, covering developments in both Europe and North America.
Provides a critical discussion of crime in the media and equips students with a better understanding of the key theoretical concepts and methodological tools for undertaking media analysis. Examining both real and fictional representations of crime and criminal justice agencies, this is the essential textbook for crime and media courses.
Contents: Introduction; Ellie Lee / PART I: PARENTING CULTURE /1. Intensive Parenting and the Expansion of Parenting; Charlotte Faircloth /2. Experts and Parenting Culture; Ellie Lee /3. The Politics of Parenting; Jan Macvarish /4. Who Cares for Children? The Problem of Intergenerational Contact; Jennie Bristow / PART II: ESSAYS ON PARENTAL DETERMINISM /1. Policing Pregnancy: The Pregnant Woman who Drinks; Ellie Lee /2. The Problem of 'Attachment': The 'Detached' Parent; Charlotte Faircloth /3. Babies' Brains and Parenting Policy: The 'Insensitive' Mother; Jan Macvarish /4. Intensive Fatherhood? The (Un)involved Dad; Charlotte Faircloth /5. The Double Bind of Parenting Culture: Helicopter Parents and Cotton Wool Kids; Jennie Bristow / Conclusion; Ellie Lee
Contents: Introduction / PART I: CRIME IN THE NEWS / Introduction /1. How Does Crime Become News? /2. Terrorism in the News /3. Victims of Sexual Violence in the News /4. Crime News Effects / PART II: CONCEPTUALISING MEDIA COVERAGE OF CRIME / Introduction /5. Moral Panics /6. Cautionary Tales /7. Crime Legends /8. Cultural Trauma / PART III: ANALYSING THE MEDIA / Introduction /9. Content Analysis /10.Narrative Analysis /11. Discourse Analysis / PART IV: FICTIONAL WORLDS OF CRIME, JUSTICE, AND ORDER / Introduction /12. Revenge and Retribution in Deadwood / 13. Prison and Rehabilitation in a Clockwork Orange: Thinking afresh about 'what works' /14. Stories of Criminal Detection from Christie to CSI /15. Passing Judgement: The 'Double Trial Structure' of Four Hollywood Legal Dramas /16. 'Real-Life' Crime and Police-Work in Cops / Conclusion
March 2014 256pp 216x138mm 1 b/w table, 1 b/w line drawing and 1 b/w photograph Hardback £65.00 9781137304605 Paperback £19.99 9781137304636
April 2014 Hardback Paperback
336pp 234x156mm £65.00 9780230302884 £24.99 9780230302891
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Understanding the Risk Society
Weber and the Weberians
Crime, Security and Justice Gabriel Mythen, University of Liverpool, UK
"An original contribution to theoretical research on the study of risk and society. I know of no volume that weaves together various theoretical strands in the study of risk so thoughtfully and accessibly - while simultaneously launching an insightful and complex critique of existing frameworks." - Michelle Brown, University of Tennessee, USA "This book will make an excellent core text for students of criminology drilling down further into questions and theories of risk." - Murray Lee, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, Australia A penetrating account of the impacts of risk on everyday life - combining a theoretically informed overview of the regulation of crime and security in the modern world, with a critical evaluation of the efficacy of competing perspectives on risk, and an authoritative appraisal of the place of risk within the social sciences. Contents: Introduction /1. The Turn to Risk /2. Theorizing Risk /3. Crime, Risk and Governance /4. Fear, Victimization and the Media /5. Terrorism, Risk and Regulation /6. The Environment, Risk and Harm /7. Contesting Risk / Conclusion May 2014 224pp 234x156mm 3 diagrams and 1 b/w table Hardback £65.00 9780230555310 Paperback £24.99 9780230555327
Lawrence Scaff, Wayne State University, USA
"This is the best short introduction to the ideas of Weber and weber and their relation to the weberians contemporary thought lawrence scaff in the market today. Scaff is a careful and fair expositor of some difficult but important ideas that every social scientist should be familiar with." - Stephen Turner, University of South Florida, USA RY THEO NES IAL ROB STO SOCS EDITOR: S IN SERIE ION CRAIB DIT R: IAN TRUNADING EDITO FO
Understanding Max Weber's contribution to social theory is vital for students and scholars of social science. This insightful text offers critical discussion of Weber's ideas, focusing on their uses - how they have been appropriated and applied to contemporary events. Written by one of the world's leading Weber scholars, this is an essential read. Contents: 1. Weber and His Legacy /2. Historical and Cultural Analysis /3. The Theory of Social Action /4. Orders, Structures, Institutions /5. Paths to the Modern World /6. Weberian Social Theory and the Future May 2014 256pp 234x156mm 6 b/w tables, 4 figures and 2 diagrams Hardback £65.00 9781137006257 Paperback £23.99 9781137006240
Traditions in Social Theory Series Editors: Ian Craib and Rob Stones
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
The Shriver Report A Woman's Nation Pushes Back from the Brink Maria Shriver, Peabody and Emmy-winning Journalist and Producer, a six-time New York Times best-selling author, and an NBC News Special Anchor reporting on the shifting roles, emerging power and evolving needs of women in modern life
The Shriver Report chronicles American women and families and the dire situations they face on a daily basis, with the latest data on women in the economy and labor force, poverty statistics, the growing multiplicity of family structures, and rates of educational attainment, among others. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2014 Paperback
432pp 234x178mm £12.99 9781137279743
Central Bank Independence Cultural Codes and Symbolic Performance Carlo Tognato, University of Adelaide, Australia
By engaging in an ethnography of the social text of German, European and US monetary affairs, this book introduces a new analytical framework that will enable practitioners and academics, particularly within sociology, economics, political economy, and political science, to gain a clear understanding of the role of culture in central banking. Contents: 1. Culture in Economic Life /2. Stability Cultures and Central Banking /3. The German Stabilitätskultur /4. A Stability Culture for Europe /5. Tackling the US Financial Crisis June 2014 Paperback
240pp 216x140mm £19.99 9781137310163
Cultural Sociology Series Editors: Jeffrey C. Alexander, David Inglis, Philip Smith and Ronald Eyerman
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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Crime, Justice and Human Rights
“A serious and conceptually sophisticated analysis of key aspects of racism and anti-racism” - John Solomos, University of Warwick, UK
This text offers an original perspective on the significance of both racism and anti-racism in structuring the English working class. Through the unique concept of the racialized outsider, Virdee demonstrates the contribution of Irish Catholics, Jews, Asians and the African diaspora to the making of a more inclusive, democratic society. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Class, Nation and the Racialized Outsider /3. Racism and the Contradictions of Socialist Nationalism /4. Race, Empire and its Discontents /5. Class War, Racist Riots and Communism /6. Racism: from the Welfare Settlement to Enoch Powell /7. Socialists, Anti-racism and Working Class Bifurcation /8. Municipal Anti-racism and Black Self-organization /9. Conclusion June 2014 Hardback Paperback
Leanne Weber, Monash University, Australia, Elaine Fishwick, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney, Australia and Marinella Marmo, Flinders Law School, Flinders University, Australia
Satnam Virdee, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Glasgow, UK
224pp 234x156mm £65.00 9780230551633 £24.99 9780230551640 TB
"This book will be of tremendous value within the field of criminology and criminal justice given the rapid growth of courses on human rights and global criminology. I recommend it as an excellent resource for faculty and students interested in the utility of human rights for achieving justice in a globalized world." - Nancy Wonders, Northern Arizona University, USA A specialized introduction to the philosophy, law and politics of human rights, uniquely tailored to criminologists and criminal justice practitioners. Exploring the connections between existing criminological scholarship and human rights frameworks, the book helps readers to incorporate human rights paradigms into their criminological analysis. Contents: PART I: UNDERSTANDING HUMAN RIGHTS /1. The Origins and Idea of Human Rights /2. International Human Rights Law /3. Human Rights and Civil Society /4. Collective Rights and Discrimination /5. Integrating Criminology and Human Rights PART II: APPLYING HUMAN RIGHTS IN CRIMINOLOGY /6. Criminal Law /7. Crime Prevention /8. Policing /9. Criminal Courts /10. Detention1 /1. Juvenile Justice1 /2. Victims PART III: A CRIMINOLOGY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS1 /3. Future Directions April 2014 Hardback Paperback
Live Online Learning Strategies for the Web Conferencing Classroom Sarah Cornelius, Carole Gordon and Jan Schyma, all at University of Aberdeen, UK
Equips new and experienced educators with the skills required to succeed in live online learning. Based on years of experience and research, the authors offer best practice guidelines and practical resources. A life saver for anyone wishing to develop creative, innovative teaching methods to provide great online experiences for their learners. Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Preface / Acknowledgements / Series Editor's Preface /1. Be Inspired... /2. Getting Started /3. Welcoming Learners /4. Creating a Learning Space /5. Engaging Learners /6. Is Anybody There? /7. Learners Working Together /8. Assessment for Learning /9. Getting it Right /10. Creative and Inclusive Live Online Learning / Suggested Further Reading / References / Index May 2014 Paperback
Palgrave Teaching and Learning Series Editor: Sally Brown
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
288pp 234x156mm £65.00 9781137299208 £24.99 9781137299192 TB
Web resource available
232pp 216x138mm £23.99 9781137328755
Comes with a CD/DVD
Facilitating Workshops A Resource Book for Lecturers & Trainers Hayo Reinders, Professor and Director of the Doctoral Program, Anaheim University, USA and Marilyn Lewis, University of Auckland, New Zealand
The only book providing advice on facilitating workshops aimed specifically at lecturers and academics. Full of practical resources and materials including suggested activities, handouts and whiteboard layouts to help people tasked with running workshops in higher education settings or at conferences, even without having received specific training. Contents: Introduction to the BookWorkshop Concerns / PART I: LEARNING IN WORKSHOPS /1. Why Workshops? /2. A Brief History of Workshops /3. Principles of Adult Learning /4. Adults as Social Learners /5. Adults as Experiential Learners /6. The Experience of Learning in Workshops PART II: TEACHING IN WORKSHOPS /7. The Experience of Delivering Workshops /8. Planning and Organising Workshops /9. Workshop Contexts /10. Setting Goals /11. Categorising and Selecting Activities /12. Workshop Activities /13. Sequencing Content and Activities /14. Feedback and Assessment /15. Delivering Workshops Online /16. Professional Development for Facilitators / PART III: THE PRACTICE OF FACILITATING WORKSHOPS /17. The 'When' of Workshops /18. Timing Issues /19. Participant Issues /20. Organisational Issues /21. Technical Issues /22. Space Issues /23. Cultural Issues /24. Presenter Issues /25. Content Issues /26. Dealing with Organisers /27. Promoting Workshops /28. Evaluating Workshops /29. Giving Workshops to Colleagues / References / Index May 2014 Paperback
216pp 216x138mm £22.99 9781137304209
The Student Parent Handbook Helen Owton, University of Northampton, UK
Offers practical information and motivational support to help parents in higher education successfully deal with the challenges they face, and make juggling their parent and student commitments less arduous. Written by a recent student parent graduate, it covers issues from funding and childcare, to managing insecurities and future directions. Contents: Author Biography / Abbreviations / Prologue / PART I: GOING BACK TO SCHOOL /1. Access to Higher Education / PART II: ENTERING HIGHER EDUCATION /2. Student Pregnancy /3. Becoming a Student Parent /4. Funding / PART III: JUGGLING ACTS: BALANCING THE LIFESTYLE /5. Balancing Social Life /6. Balancing Childcare /7. Time Management /8. Stress Management /9. Supporting Student Parents / PART IV: FUTURE DIRECTIONS /10. Postgraduate Student Parents /11. After Graduation / Further Reading / Acknowledgements / Index May 2014 152pp 190x135mm Paperback £9.99 9781137330574
Palgrave Student to Student
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Student Procrastination Seize the Day and Get More Work Done Michael Tefula, former student of the University of Birmingham, UK; Author of How to Get a First: Insights and Advice From a First-Class Graduate
"I have already mentioned this book to several students and academics that are very excited about it. I think the subject is something that needs to be addressed from a student stand point and this publication does just that.” - Andy Gibson, Student at Kingston University, UK Provides research based advice and practical suggestions to help students beat procrastination and perform better at university or college. Written by a recent graduate, the author gives students a chance to explore the root causes of procrastination and some of the best ways of eliminating it. Will help students to seize the day and get more done. Contents: Preface /1. Introduction /2. What is Procrastination? /3. Probability of Payoff /4. Pursuit of Pleasure /5. Prevention of Pain /6. Postponement of Punishment (Or Payoff) /7. Competent and Confident /8. Motivation /9. Willpower /10. Focus and Attention /11. Goals and Planning /12. Counterintuitive Strategies /13. Conclusion / Appendix 1: Student Tips Montage / Appendix 2: Infographic - The Four Ps of Procrastination / Acknowledgements / Bibliography and Further Reading / Index April 2014 128pp 190x135mm Paperback £8.99 9781137312457
Palgrave Student to Student
Palgrave Teaching and Learning Series Editor: Sally Brown
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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The Bedford Handbook
Ric Knowles, University of Guelph, Canada
9th edition Diana Hacker, Sometime, Prince George's Community College, USA and Nancy Sommers, Harvard University, USA
"I encourage the use of The Bedford Handbook as a 'go to' resource for every step of the writing process and for every writing experience a student is facing, even beyond the English classroom.” - Marsha Cline, Central New Mexico Community College, USA "Having integrated print and digital content will engage students.” - Regina Dilgen, Palm Beach State College, USA "There is useful material in the handbook for all my courses, not just English. I'm a psychology major, and we use APA style, so I do expect to use the book throughout college.” - Jacquethia Robinson, Student, Georgia Gwinnet College, USA Good student writers are curious, engaged and reflective. They read critically. They write with purpose. They know credible evidence makes them credible researchers. The Bedford Handbook, based on surveys with more than 1,000 first-year students, fosters these habits and offers more support than ever before for college reading and writing. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: March 2014 Paperback
How Theatre Means
912pp £42.00 9781457608025
“An excellent volume. Lucid, clear and accessible, it makes semiotic theory relevant to a new audience.” Patricia Ybarra, Brown University, USA
Crossroads: Performance Studies and Irish Culture Edited by Sara Brady, Bronx Community College, City University of New York, USA and Fintan Walsh, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
"An engrossing, lively, timely, and important collection...This book opens up new vistas to scholars of performance studies and Irish studies - and to anyone else wanting to learn more about the ebullient action of Irish culture." - Richard Schechner, New York University, USA Crossroads: Performance Studies and Irish Culture, now available in paperback, is a seminal collection of essays, written by an international cohort of scholars, that addresses the complex and exciting intersections of Irish and performance studies. Contents: PART I: TRADITION, RITUAL AND PLAY / PART II: PLACE, LANDSCAPE AND COMMEMORATION / PART III: POLITICAL PERFORMANCES1 / PART IV: GENDER, FEMINISM, AND QUEER PERFORMANCE1 / PART V: DIASPORA, MIGRATION, GLOBALIZATION
This wide-ranging study demonstrates how meaning is produced in the process of creating, viewing and analysing theatre. Moving from the history and theory of drama and theatre semiotics to the practical application of an expanded semiotic approach, this accessible book includes contemporary case studies and cross-cultural analysis. Contents: Preface / Introduction: How Theatre Means / PART I: THEORY / From Practice to Theory / Meaning / Theatre / Disseminations / PART II: PRACTICE / From Theory to Practice / Script Analysis and Devising / Performance Analysis / Works Cited June 2014 Hardback Paperback TB
A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 9 in-text images Paperback
£18.99 9781137425713
Web resource available
192pp 198x129mm £50.00 9780230232358 £15.99 9780230232365
Comes with a CD/DVD
Applied Drama
The Gift of Theatre
Authoring Performance
2nd edition Helen Nicholson, Drama and Theatre Department, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
"An illuminating, thought-provoking and very enjoyable read, this book continues to be one of the strongest in the field." - Christina Marin, Emerson College, USA Helen Nicholson examines the ways in which drama and theatre have been applied to different community and educational contexts. This new edition provides vivid examples of contemporary practice and explores how practitioners confront questions of community, citizenship and globalisation in theatre that is orientated towards social change. Contents: An Introduction to Applied Drama, Theatre and Performance / PART I: PARTICIPATION AND PRAXIS / The Practice of Citizenship / Pedagogies, Praxis and Performance / PART II: NARRATIVES AND NARRATIVITY / Narrative and the Gift of Storytelling / Community Narratives: Space, Place and Time / PART III: CREATIVITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE / Creativity and Social Intervention / Human Rights in Performance / PART IV: EPILOGUE / The Gift of Theatre / Notes / Bibliography June 2014 Hardback Paperback
224pp 216x138mm £55.00 9781137003966 £18.99 9781137003959
Theatre and Performance Practices Series Editors: Graham Ley and Jane Milling
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
The Director in Contemporary Theatre Avra Sidiropoulou, Lecturer of Theatre Arts, Open University of Cyprus; Stage Director, Playwright, Theatre Scholar, and Artistic Director of Persona Theater Company, Greece
"This book is a must read for those interested in both a theoretical and ‘practice-related context in which to examine and evaluate’ the contemporary theater director-auteur. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upperdivision undergraduates through faculty and professionals." - CHOICE "The writing is fast paced and engaging. In its brevity, but also by the frequent recasting of the key arguments in fresh language, Sidiropoulou instructs even as she delights. This work should go a long way toward re-opening the American student mind." - Stavros Deligiorgis, University of Iowa, USA A historical, theoretical, and comparative study of the emergence of the director-as-author phenomenon, posing questions of authorship and redefining the relationship between ‘playwright’ and the director-playwright. Contents: Introduction: Auteurism: A New Theatre for a Changed Perception of the World /1. The Rise of the Modern Auteur /2. Enter Artaud /3. Beckett's Turbulence /4. Auteur on the Road /5. The Means as an End /6. Conquering Texts / Afterword / Appendix: Six Case Studies May 2014 Paperback
228pp 216x140mm £17.99 9781137410115 TB
Reassembling International Theory Assemblage Thinking and International Relations Edited by Michele Acuto, University College London, UK and Simon Curtis, University of East Anglia, UK
What can 'assemblage' thinking contribute to the study of international relations theory? This study seeks to investigate how the various debates on assemblages in social theory can contribute to generating critical considerations on the connections and dissociation of political agency, physical world and international dynamics. Contents: 1. Assemblage Thinking and International Relations; Michele Acuto and Simon Curtis / PART I: THEORIES /2. Conversation with Saskia Sassen and Aihwa Ong /3. Conversation with Michael Williams and Rita Abrahmsen /4. Conversation with Stephen Collier / PART II: ONTOLOGIES OF ASSEMBLAGE /5. Cognitive Assemblages and the Production of Knowledge; Nick Srnicek /6. Global Assemblages and Structural Models of International Relations; Olaf Corry / PART III: METHODS OF ASSEMBLAGE /7. Thinking Assemblage Methodologically: Some Rules of Thumb; Christian Bueger /8. Energising the International; Debbie Lisle /9. Visual Assemblages: From Causality to Conditions of Possibility; Roland Bleiker / PART IV - MATERIALITIES OF ASSEMBLAGE /10. Security in Action: How John Dewey can Help us Follow the Production of Security Assemblages; Peer Schouten /11. Welcome to the Machine: Rethinking Technology through Assemblage Theory; Antoine Bousquet / PART V: POLITICS OF ASSEMBLAGE /12. The Onto-politics of Assemblage; David Chandler /13. Agencement and Traces: A Politics of Ephemeral Theorizing; Xavier Guillaume /14. The Assemblage and the Intellectual as Hero; Mark Salter / Conclusions: Assemblage Theory and its Future; Graham Harman December 2013 1 figure Hardback
£45.00 9781137383952
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Latinos in the End Zone Conversations on the Brown Color Line in the NFL Frederick Luis Aldama, Ohio State University, USA and Christopher González, Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, USA
"Football might be the most suitable metaphor to understand the role of Latinos in the United States today.” - Ilan Stavans, General Editor, The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature “Who knew that the NFL was Chicano? That the National Football League owed much of what it calls its legend to Americans of Mexican descent? Well Aldama and González did and do and with Latinos in the End Zone they share with football fans and pointy-headed professors alike (not a group that often tailgates together) compelling, evocative, and moving stories that trace the Mexican DNA to the heart of the NFL.” - William Nericcio, author of Tex[t]-Mex: Seductive Hallucinations of the “Mexican” in America Frederick Luis Aldama and Christopher González offer a thought-provoking conversation on the history of Latinos in the pro football leagues. As they weave their way through significant points where culture, politics, and history congeal, Aldama and González thread together an alphato-omega, all-encompassing story of Latinos in the NFL. Contents: Preface: A Life Unexamined is Not Worth Living / Prologue: Kick Offs /1. From Scrimmage Lines to End Zones: Latinos in the National Football League /2. From Punishing Penalties to Brown Bodies Raiding the NFL /3. Sidelined . . . No Más! /4. The Blitz . . . Heroes, Saviors, Saints, and Sinners / Epilogue: End Zones and New Scrimmage Lines November 2013 Hardback
Reason and Faith in the Theology of Charles Hodge
Politicians, Personal Image and the Construction of Political Identity
American Common Sense Realism Owen Anderson, School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies, Arizona State University, USA
"Anderson offers a good, clear description of Hodge's writings on reason, common sense, general revelation, the knowledge of God and of the self, and several other related topics. This is a fine piece of work that will bring clarity for many to the study of natural theology, especially, at Old Princeton." Douglas A. Sweeney, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA Charles Hodge engaged the leading thinkers of his day to defend the human ability to know God. This involved him in affirming the importance of both orthodoxy and piety in the life of a Christian. His work involved expanding on the insights of the Westminster Confession of Faith as it applied to the theory of salvation and the role of Christ. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Why Study Charles Hodge? The Problem /3. Good, Evil, and the Goal /4. Rationalism, Mysticism, Faith, and Reason /5. Religion and Natural Theology /6. Clarity, Unbelief, and Inexcusability /7. Sensus Divinitatis and Proofs for the Knowledge of God /8. Anti-Theism /9. The Highest Good /10. Conclusion December 2013 Hardback
152pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137368669
A Comparative Study of the UK and Italy Cristina Archetti, University of Salford, UK
"This erudite and insightful text should be required reading for all those interested in the latest developments in mediated political communication.” - James Stanyer, Loughborough University, UK Is the media obsession with image leading to a degeneration of politics? Are politicians more concerned with their appearances than with policy substance? Through the evidence provided by over fifty interviews with politicians across the UK and Italy - local councillors, MPs and MEPs - this text provides a very different picture of the world of politics than the one we often cynically imagine. By relying on extensive excerpts from frank and colorful conversations with the interviewees, the analysis develops a new multidisciplinary model to understand the ‘mediatization’ of politics and the way the personal image of elected representatives is constructed in the age of interconnectedness. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction /1. Image in Political Communication: Obscure Areas and Troubling Assumptions /2. Methodology /3. A New Framework for Analysis /4. Findings /5. A Different Understanding of the Mediatization of Politics /6. Conclusions / Notes / Bibliography January 2014 Hardback
132pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137403087
Latino Pop Culture Series Editors: Frederick Luis Aldama
128pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137353412
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Cinema and the Imagination in Katherine Mansfield's Writing
T.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word
Swift, Joyce, and the Flight from Home
Maurizio Ascari, University of Bologna, Italy
Intersections of Literature and Christianity
Quests of Transcendence and the Sin of Separation
Using silent cinema as a critical lens enables us to reassess Katherine Mansfield's entire literary career. Starting from the awareness that innovation in literature is often the outcome of hybridisation, this text discusses not only a single case study, but also the intermedia exchanges in which literary modernism at large is rooted. Contents: Introduction /1. Mansfield, Silent Film and Post-Impressionism /2. Beyond Impressionist Subjectivity /3. Ideological Stances and Aesthetic Concerns /4. Mansfield's Post-war Reappraisal of Cinema /5. Sensory Deprivation and Inner Probing / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index January 2014 Hardback
120pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137400352
Business Strategies for a Messy World Tools for Systemic Problem-Solving Vincent P. Barabba, Market Insight Corporation and Ian I. Mitroff, Haas School of Business, University of California, USA
Using current business examples and academic research, Tools for Systematic Problem-Solving educates managers and executives on how to systematically examine key assumptions to ensure survival and success for their organizations. Contents: 1. Chaparral Steel - A Model Systems Design /2. Critical Arguments - TAS, The Toulmin Argumentation Schema /3. Assumptions - Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST) /4. A Critical Application - The U.S. Census Bureau /5. Complex Messy Systems /6. Synthesis - Putting It All Together / Appendix: The 2005 Census Privacy SAST
G. Douglas Atkins, University of Kansas, USA
"In his latest title, Atkins brings his characteristic clarity and incisiveness to the previously unexamined relation between Lancelot Andrewes and T.S. Eliot, as mutually influential friends whose writings prefigure the theoretical nuances of latter twentieth-century literary culture. Through Atkins' erudition and eye for essentials, Andrewes' sense of the via media provides a lens to Eliot's dialectical spirit: his pleasures, his difficulties, his art. Rarely does theory meet close-reading with such illuminating grace." - Bruce Bond, University of North Texas, USA; author of Choir of the Wells
G. Douglas Atkins, University of Kansas, USA
"In an engaging, accessible manner, G. Douglas Atkins re-examines Gulliver's Travels and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in light of Atkins's understanding of the Christian concept of the Incarnation, an understanding deeply influenced by his study of T.S. Eliot. Atkins' well-written study will likely appeal to a wide audience including Swift, Joyce, and Eliot scholars, as well as academic readers more generally." - Bruce Bashford, Stony Brook University, USA
With special attention to the poems For Lancelot Andrewes, Journey of the Magi, and AshWednesday , G. Douglas Atkins offers an exciting new analysis of T.S. Eliot's debt to the seventeenthcentury churchman Lancelot Andrewes and his theories of reading and writing texts.
In a fresh reading of Gulliver's Travels and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Atkins draws parallels between the protagonists: both Lemuel Gulliver and Stephen Dedalus flee from the burdens of life, seeking a transcendent existence. The study sheds important new light on both novels as essential critiques of modern misunderstandings.
Contents: Preface /1. On Reading and Incarnation /2. Eliot Reading Lancelot Andrewes /3. Homage to Lancelot Andrewes /4. The Voice of (An)other: Lancelot Andrewes within and for Eliot's Poems /5. 'Sovegna vos' in Eliot's Marian Poems: Falsehood, Separation, and AshWednesday /6. 'Orare et laborare': Suffer Not Separation or Other Falsehoods / Bibliography
Contents: 1. Satire, Reading, and Forms of Separation and Union /2. The Gift Half Understood /3. The Flight of Man, the Fall of Icarus and Phaeton /4. The Flying or Floating Island: Lemuel Gulliver and Ideas Disembodied /5. Aesthetics as Asceticism: Stephen Dedalus's Quest of Transcendence /6. It's All About Caring and Not-Caring at the Same Time: Or, Home Is Where You Start From
November 2013 Hardback
December 2013 Hardback
102pp 216x140mm £45.00 9781137389657
80pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137399816
November 2013 96pp 216x138mm 3 figures and 3 b/w tables Hardback £45.00 9781137396303
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Double-Voicing at Work Judith Baxter, Aston University, UK
Double-Voicing at Work reveals how 'doublevoicing' is an inherent and routine part of spoken interactions within institutional contexts. Baxter's research shows that women use doublevoicing more than men as a means of gaining acceptance and approval in the workplace. Doublevoicing thus involves an interplay between power, gender and linguistic expertise. Contents: 1. Double-voicing in our Everyday Lives /2. Bakhtin's Theories of Double-voiced Discourse /3. Case Study 1: Double-voicing and Group Interactions in the University Classroom /4. Case Study 2: Double-voicing and Leadership in Business Meetings /5. The Significance of Double-voicing 128pp
Writing Anthropology
Power, Gender and Linguistic Expertise
January 2014 1 b/w table Hardback
£45.00 9781137348524
A Call for Uninhibited Methods
Punk Sociology David Beer, University of York, UK
"Punk Sociology counts off a passionate and thoughtful call to reanimate the sociological imagination. Dave Beer's book inspires, provokes and entertains - nevermind the bollocks here is sociology's future." Les Back, Professor of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK Punk Sociology explores the possibility of drawing upon a punk ethos to inspire and invigorate sociology. It uses punk to think creatively about what sociology is and how it might be conducted and aims to fire the sociological imaginations of sociologists at any stage of their careers, from new students to established professors.
François Bouchetoux, I-Shou University, Taiwan
A call for new methods for anthropology, this text explores the nature of anthropological knowledge and the conditions of integration and communication with people. Starting with an analysis of anthropologists' guilt, Fan addresses issues of reflexivity, reciprocity, and respect, then builds on this to evaluate how researchers generate knowledge. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Fire /3. Water /4. Conclusion /5. Epilogue December 2013 Hardback
Contents: PART I: THE BACKGROUND /1. Introduction: Sociology, Uncertainty and the Possibility of an Imagined Future /2. The Punk Ethos / PART II: TOWARDS A PUNK SOCIOLOGY /3. From a Punk Ethos to a Punk Sociology /4. Relativistic, Open and Eclectic: Sociological Knowledge /5. Raw, Stripped Back and Fearless: Communicating Sociology /6. Bold, Inventive and the Do-It-Yourself Ethic: The Sociological Terrain /7. Conclusion: The Limits of Punk Sociology and a Glimpse into its Future January 2014 Hardback
96pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137371201
Web resource available
130pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137404169
Comes with a CD/DVD
Holocaust in Rovno The Massacre at Sosenki Forest, November 1941
The Black Indian in American Literature
In November 1941, near the city of Rovno, Ukraine, German death squads murdered over 23,000 Jews in what has been described as “the second Babi Yar.” This meticulous and methodologically innovative study reconstructs the events at Rovno, and in the process exemplifies efforts to form a genuinely transnational history of the Holocaust. Contents: Introduction: The Intimacy of Violence /1. Holocaust, East versus West: The Political Economy of Genocide /2. Aktion: Holocaust in Rovno /3. Aftermath: The Legacies of the Rovno Massacre December 2013 152pp 216x138mm 26 colour illustrations, 2 b/w tables and 2 maps Hardback £45.00 9781137388391
Research Theatre, Climate Change, and the Ecocide Project
Keely Byars-Nichols, Mount Olive College, USA
Jeffrey Burds, Northeastern University, USA
"This shockingly powerful and original text is the most detailed account ever written of the 'Second Babi Yar' in Rovno. Clearly narrating the entangled history of the city and the region of Rovno, it presents an excellent example of transnational history." - Hiroaki Kuromrya, Indiana University, USA; author of Conscience on Trial: The Fate of Fourteen Pacifists in Stalin’s Ukraine, 1952-1953 (2012)
"This is the first study of its kind - a very wellwritten and researched analysis of a literary field that is currently under-developed, if not entirely undeveloped. The research is rigorous; the critical framework is carefully located; the readings are detailed and fascinating; and the structure - drawing the reader chronologically through a range of literary developments surrounding the figure of the black Indian works well to situate the study within existing historical studies. The text is firmly situated at the forefront of a new and exciting field of literary study."- Rebecca Tillett, University of East Anglia, UK; author of Contemporary Native American Literature The first book-length study of the figure of the black Indian in American Literature, this project explores themes of nation, culture, and performativity. Moving from the PostIndependence period to the Contemporary era, Byars-Nichols re-centers a marginalized group challenges stereotypes and conventional ways of thinking about race and culture.
Una Chaudhuri, New York University, USA and Shonni Enelow, Fordham University, USA
Theatre is a uniquely powerful site for the kind of thinking called for by the crises of climate change. Encompassing academic research, theatre work-shopping, playwriting, dramaturgy, and theoretical writing, this title offers a practical, theoretical, and critical engagement with the urgent issue of making art in the age of climate change. Contents: 1. Research Theatre /2. Theorizing Ecocide: The Theatre of Eco-Cruelty /3. A Research Theatre Process: The Ecocide Project, By Fritz Ertl /4. Staging Carla and Lewis, By Ecocide Project Collaborators /5. Carla and Lewis, By Shonni Enelow December 2013 142pp 216x138mm 18 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00 9781137396617
Contents: Introduction: Within Our Borders and On Our Borders: Negotiating Shared Black and Native Histories /1. Assuming the Habit of the Country: John Marrant's Narrative and Playing Indian /2. Domesticated Savagery: Blackness and Indigeneity in Herman Melville's MobyDick and Elizabeth Stoddard's Temple House /3. On Precarious Footing: William Faulkner's Sam Fathers and the Specter of Slavery /4. Black Nationalism and Native Separatism Unhinged: Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon /5. The First Black Indian: Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead / Conclusion: Toward a Black Indian Poetics and Politics November 2013 Hardback
138pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137389176
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The Climate Change Debate
Evidence for Public Policy Design
An Epistemic and Ethical Enquiry
How to Learn from Best Practice
David Coady and Richard Corry, both at University of Tasmania, Australia
Of the two kinds of philosophical questions epistemic and ethical - raised by the public debate about climate change, professional philosophers have dealt almost exclusively with the ethical. This work is the first to address both and examine the relationship between them. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgments /1. Introduction /2. Scepticism and Climate Change Scepticism /3. Experts in the Climate Change Debate /4. Climate Science as a Social Institution /5. Is Climate Science Really Science? /6. Climate Change and International Justice /7. Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice /8. Climate Change and Personal Responsibility /9. Conclusion / References October 2013 2 figures Hardback
£45.00 9781137326270
Paola Coletti, Eupolis Lombardia
Learning from the successes and failures of others is a necessity in the field of public sector innovation. This title develops guidelines for policymakers, practitioners and policy analysts to understand what drives policy success and to transfer innovations from a source case to a target case with a view to assisting effective policy design. Contents: Introduction /1. The Diffusion of Best Practices in the Public Sector /2. The Diffusion of the Standard Cost Model /3. The Standard Cost Model in the Netherlands /4. The Transfer of the Standard Cost Model in Denmark /5.What Emerges from the Case Studies? / Conclusion September 2013 112pp 216x138mm 5 b/w tables and 2 figures Hardback £45.00 9781137291011
Policing Transnational Organized Crime and Corruption Exploring the Role of Communication Interception Technology Mitchell Congram, Honour’s Graduate of the Queensland University of Technology’s School of Justice, Australia, Peter Bell and Mark Lauchs, both Senior Lecturers, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Examining the role of communication interception technology (CIT) in the investigation of transnational organised crime, the authors demonstrate that a proactive intelligenceled policing framework and a re-evaluation of the constraints of CIT are required to combat the international issue of corruption. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Transnational Organized Crime /3. Corruption /4. Policing Methodologies /5. Anti-Corruption Models /6. Communication Interception Technology /7. Directions in Intelligence and Investigations /8. Integrating Communication Interception Technology within Investigations /9. Conclusion November 2013 8 figures Hardback
£45.00 9781137333780
Crime Prevention and Security Management Series Editor: Martin Gill
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Western Aid at a Crossroads The End of Paternalism Øyvind Eggen, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and Kjell Roland, Norfund, Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries
Poor countries do not need Western guidance, but can make good use of Western resources. Eggen and Roland demonstrate how aid must be re-invented to become relevant to future development. Contents: Introduction /1. The History of Aid Paradigms /2. A journey into the Unknown /3. The Knowledge Gap /4. What can Aid Do? /5. The New World Order /6. The Future of Aid December 2013 138pp 216x138mm 5 b/w tables and 12 b/w line drawings Hardback £45.00 9781137380319
Global Stakeholder Relationships Governance
Global Religions and International Relations
An Infrastructure
A Diplomatic Perspective
Toni Muzi Falconi, Master in Public Relations and Corporate Communication, New York University; LUMSA University in the Vatican, Italy, James Grunig, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, USA, Emilio Galli Zugaro, Head of Group Communications, Allianz, Germany, and João Manuel Alves Duarte, Head of Central-Eastern Europe Communication, Enel; Specialist Professor, Lisbon Politechnique, Italy
By arguing and detailing the elements of a soft and hard infrastructure approach to the process of global stakeholder relationships governance, this text integrates advanced, flexible and feasible tools to develop an organization's listening culture; integrated reporting as an ongoing process of continued multi-stakeholder reporting. Contents: 1. Global Stakeholder Relationships Governance - An Infrastructure; Toni Muzi Falconi /2. Replacing Images, Reputations, and Other Figments of the Mind with Substantive Relationships in a Behavioral, Strategic Management Approach to Public Relations; James E. Grunig /3. From the Field: Six Steps Towards Stakeholder Relationships Listening; Emilio Galli Zugaro /4. Challenges and Tools for Mapping and Managing an Organization's Relationships Networks; Joao Duarte December 2013 164pp 216x138mm 14 figures, 2 b/w tables and 3 b/w line drawings Hardback £45.00 9781137396808
Pasquale Ferrara, European University Institute, Italy
With a religious re-emergence in international relations, this text provides an introduction to the role religions play within the global political arena. Culled from theoretical, practical, and real-world experiences, Ferrara explains the role religion now plays in global affairs on diplomatic and political levels.
Contents: Introduction / PART I: A THEORETICAL OVERVIEW /1. Religion and World Politics /2. Religions and Global Governance / PART II: ISSUES AND APPLICATIONS /3. Islam between International Politics, Transnationalism and National Transitions to Democracy /4. The Catholic Church and the Global Shift of Power /5. Religious Freedom in the International Practice December 2013 2 charts Hardback
£45.00 9781137407191
Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy Series Editors: Ted G. Jelen and Mark J. Rozell
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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Post-Show Discussions in New Play Development
Sustainable Knowledge
Many theatres host post-show discussions, or talkbacks, as part of their season. This text is a critical examination of what has/has not worked with post-show discussions utilized in new play development, providing a framework for understanding discussions, steps for building the foundation of them, and various strategies for structuring them. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION /1. Introduction /2. Terminology /3. The Survey Results /4. What’s Wrong with Post-Show Discussions? / PART II: BUILDING THE POST-SHOW DISCUSSION /5. Facilitation /6. Foundation and Structure /7. Developing an Audience Base /8. Theatre for Young Audiences / PART III: CONCLUSION /9. Moving Forward January 2014 Hardback
The Millennial Generation and National Defense
A Theory of Interdisciplinarity
Teresa A. Fisher, Bronx Community College, City University of New York, USA
"This is a valuable and significant project. It is well researched and I am very impressed that Fisher refers so often to works and writers for young audiences, and puts them on an equal footing with those who work for and with adult audiences." - Pamela Sterling, Arizona State University, USA
Robert Frodeman, Founding Director, Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity, University of North Texas, USA
What is the future of the university? The modern university system, created in the late nineteenth century and developed across the twentieth century, was built upon the notion of disciplinarity. Today the social, epistemological, and technological conditions that supported the disciplinary pursuit of knowledge are coming to an end. Knowledge production has itself become unsustainable: we are drowning in knowledge even as new PhDs cannot find work. Sustainable Knowledge explores these questions and offers a new account of what is at stake in talk about 'interdisciplinarity'. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Disciplinarity /3. Interdisciplinarity /4. Sustainability /5. Dedisciplinarity /6. Epilogue: An Undisciplined Life December 2013 Hardback
128pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137303011
Attitudes of Future Military and Civilian Leaders Morten G. Ender, U.S. Military Academy, USA, David E. Rohall, Western Illinois University, USA and Michael D. Matthews, U.S. Military Academy, USA
This study captures the attitudes and values of the youth generation of college students in the USA toward the military, war, national defence, and foreign policy matters. Providing a unique insight into civilian and military Millenials, the authors explore the impact of 9/11 and the level of tolerance within the military. Contents: Introduction /1. Millennials on the Rise? /2. Millennials' Attitudes toward Military Service /3. Millennials' Attitudes on the US Armed Forces /4. Millennials and Wars: Iraq and Afghanistan /5. Millennials and Diversity in the Armed Forces /6. Conclusion / Appendix I: A Millennial: In Her Own Words / Appendix II: BASS Survey / Notes December 2013 19 figures Hardback
116pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137410955
£45.00 9781137392312
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
André Maurois (1885-1967) Fortunes and Misfortunes of a Moderate
Contemporary Debates in Holocaust Education Michael Gray, Institute of Education, UK
Lionel Gossman, Princeton University, USA
"Through a presentation and analysis of aspects of the life of the French writer André Maurois, Gossman's book sheds light on an impressive number of crucial historical, political, and cultural problems faced by France from World War I through the Cold War. Understated, suggestive, and balanced in its approach to a number of controversial issues, it succeeds in showing the interest in the life of a once popular, but now largely forgotten writer, whose previous celebrity, according to a contemporary of Maurois cited by Professor Gossman, had by the 1970s 'collapsed like a soufflé.' This could very well have the effect of encouraging the soufflé to rise again, even if undoubtedly not to its original height." - David Carroll, University of California, USA Respected by his peers and hugely successful internationally in his own time, André Maurois is now hardly read. Moderate and conciliatory in everything, including his literary style, he appealed to the educated reader of his time, but did those very qualities prevent him from achieving lasting distinction and impact? Contents: 1. An International Reputation /2. A Literary Phenomenon /3. The Middle Road /4. The Mission of Reconciliation /5. Making Sense: The 'New Biography' /6. Mediator between France and Britain, France and the US /7. Concluding Comment. The Limits of the Middle Ground
Holocaust education is a rapidly evolving and controversial field. This text, which critically analyses the very latest research, adopts a global perspective and discusses a number of the most important debates which are emerging within it such as teaching the Holocaust without survivors and the role of digital technology in the classroom. Contents: 1. Perception, Knowledge and Attitudes /2. Intellectual and Emotional Responses /3. The Quality of Research and Scholarship /4. Holocaust Universalisation /5. Teaching the Holocaust without Survivors /6. The Digital Era of Holocaust Education January 2014 Hardback
128pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137388568
Exploring Regional Responses to a Nuclear Iran Nuclear Dominoes? Christopher Hobbs and Matthew Moran, both at King’s College London, UK Foreword by Sir Lawrence Freedman
"This is an important text at the right time for the Iranian nuclear debate. It takes a cool, analytical look at some of the more enduring assumptions underlying western policy on the issue, and strips them bare...The text is an essential resource as the world heads for another round of bargaining with Tehran." Julian Borger, The Guardian (UK) This title challenges the widely held assumption that a nuclear-armed Iran would provoke a proliferation cascade in the Middle East. Arguing that a domino effect is by no means inevitable, the authors set out a number of policy measures that could be enacted by the international community to reduce this risk. Contents: Foreword; Sir Lawrence Freedman / Preface and Acknowledgements /1. The Dangers of a NuclearArmed Iran /2. Saudi Arabia: The Logic of Restraint /3. Egypt: Domestic Uncertainty, Nuclear Consistency /4. Syria: A Political Regime in Flux /5. Turkey: Nonproliferation and International Integration /6. Iran: Arming Terrorists with Nukes? /7. Living with an Iranian Bomb: Preventing Further Proliferation in the Middle East October 2013 Hardback
136pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137369802
January 2014 146pp 216x138mm 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00 9781137402691
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The Rationalism of Georg Lukács János Kelemen, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
"Georg Lukács is one of the highly controversial towering thinkers of the 20th century. János Kelemen's title presents a deep insight into the main theoretical aspects of Lukács's work. It is also a significant contribution to the still-missing assessment of the philosophical debates triggered by the political left within post-metaphysical philosophy." - Agnes Heller The New School for Social Research, USA The Rationalism of Georg Lukács is a collection of essays and engaging scholarship which uncovers new dimensions of the philosopher’s work. The relevance of Lukacs’s ideas should be seen in the light of a sharp decline in critical thought as well the continued need to rehabilitate a thinker that was representative of a rational radical perspective. Contents: 'To Supervise the Existence of Reason' /1. Introdcution: Language, Science, Reason /2. Lukács’s Ideas on Language /3. Lukács’s Conception of Science /4. Lukács’s Rationalism: In Defence of the Destruction of ReasonII: Problems of Literary History and Aesthetics /5. Art’s Struggle for Freedom: Lukács the Literary Historian /6. Lukács and Fülep: Two Hungarian Critics of Benedetto Croce /7. Lukács and the Art of Film: On a Chapter of the Specificity of the Aesthetic November 2013 Hardback
154pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137372819
Political Philosophy and Public Purpose Series Editor: Michael J. Thompson
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Reimagining with Christian Doctrines
Development Cooperation Challenges of the New Aid Architecture
Responding to Global Gender Injustices Edited by Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Georgetown University, USA and Jenny Daggers, Liverpool Hope University, UK
"With a profound sense of reimagining doctrine, engendering justice, and raceing forward into the 21st century, this text is a powerful force and source that demonstrates keenly a truer kindom of God. Reimagining with Christian Doctrines is a must read as it speaks strongly for the faithful struggle for liberation and human flourishing in a new global era." - Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, Vanderbilt University Divinity School, USA The chapters assembled in this collection demonstrate a constructive potential in reimagining with doctrines, which unlocks them from centuries of patriarchal constraint. It opens the way for glimpsing divine action in the economy of salvation, while human struggles for justice are placed within a wider arena when discrete theological resources are deployed in this way.
Stephan Klingebiel, German Development Institute, Germany
The aims of and motives for development cooperation have changed significantly in recent times. Besides pursuing short- and longer-term objectives in their own economic, foreign policy and other interests, donors usually have a recognisable and genuine interest in assisting countries in their processes of development. Contents: 1. What is Development Cooperation? /2. Development Cooperation Actors: the New Variety of Donors /3. Partner Countries: Differentiating Partners in Developing Regions /4. Approaches: How Development Aid is Provided /5. Effectiveness: What Does Development Cooperation Achieve? /6. Global Challenges and Development Cooperation /7. Development Cooperation: a Dinosaur? December 2013 128pp 216x138mm 10 b/w tables and 5 b/w line drawings Hardback £45.00 9781137397874
Contents: Acknowledgements / Dedication / Foreword: Wendy Farley / Introduction: Grace Ji-Sun Kim & Jenny Daggers / Alternatives to Globalization Addressing People and Earth: A Feminist Theological Reflection on Women, Economy, and Creation; Pamela K. Brubaker / In a Trinitarian Embrace: Reflections from a Local Eucharistic Community in a Global World; Jenny Daggers / Chains Fall Off: The Resurrection of the Body and Our Healing From Shame; Cynthia Rigby / Black & Blue: Uncovering the Ecclesial Cover-Up of Black Women’s Bodies through a Womanist Reimagining of the Doctrine of the Incarnation; Eboni Marshall Turman / U.S. Latina Feminist Paradigm: Model of an Inclusive Twenty-first Century Ecclesiology; Theresa Yugar / ‘The Bondage of the I/Eye?: A Transnational Feminist Wager for Reimagining the Doctrine of Sin; Joy Ann McDougall / Responding to Global Gender Injustice: Concluding Thoughts; Grace Ji-Sun Kim / Contributor Location January 2014 Hardback
158pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137388674
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Constituent Perceptions of Political Representation
Big Data in History
How Citizens Evaluate their Representatives
Big Data in History introduces the project to create a world-historical archive, tracing the last four centuries of historical dynamics and change. Chapters address the archive's overall plan, how to interpret the past through a global archive, the missions of gathering records, linking local data into global patterns, and exploring the results.
Robin M. Lauermann, Messiah College, USA
"Dr. Lauermann not only develops a more comprehensive model of constituent evaluations of representatives, but she also provides a stunningly broad-based review of the literature on representation and the relationship between constituents and elected officials. She also provides a rather thorough review of how other studies seem to chip away around the edges. This work is a ‘must-assign’ for classes in legislative politics or those taking a more theoretical approach to the study of representation and republican government." - Jim Twombly, Elmira College, USA This text examines the nature of representation in democracy, focusing specifically on the factors shaping constituent evaluations of the US House of Representatives and the resulting implications for government. Contents: Introduction: Why a Constituent Perspective? /1. The Nature of Representation /2. The Constituent Perspective: Foundations and Formation /3. Muddy Waters and Perception of Representative Issue Positions: Constituent Ignorance, Delusion, or Rationality /4. The Appropriate Response? Components of Constituent Evaluations /5. Who Prefers What: The Impact of Identity on Evaluations /6. Conclusion: Constituent Evaluations: Linking Member Behavior and Electoral Accountability December 2013 156pp 216x138mm 8 b/w tables and 5 figures Hardback £45.00 9781137402028
Patrick Manning, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Contents: 1. Challenges of Big Data in History /2. The Need to Know our Global Past /3. CHIA: Its Collaborative Mission, Structure, and Innovation /4. Mission 1: Assembling and Documenting the Data /5. Mission 2: Creating a Comprehensive Historical Archive /6. Mission 3: Analyzing and Visualizing Data Worldwide /7. Comparisons: Big Data across Time and Disciplines /8. Priorities for CHIA: Benefits of CHIA November 2013 128pp 216x138mm 6 diagrams and 1 table Hardback £45.00 9781137378965
French and US Approaches to Foreign Policy Antonio V. Menéndez Alarcón, Department of Sociology/International Studies, Butler University, USA Foreword by Godfrey Hodgson
"French and U.S. Approaches to Foreign Policy skillfully weaves together structural and ideological factors that account for similarities and differences in national orientation to foreign policy. These are vividly shown in interview data with political elites in both countries." - Edward Tiryakian, Duke University, USA "A very suggestive text, breaking with traditional approaches based on a comparison of French and American strategies. I appreciate very much the ability to overcome classical realist visions and to shed light on history, cultural gaps but also the role of actors." Bertrand Badie, Institut d' Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po); Centre d' Etudes et de Recherche Internationales This text analyzes the cultural foundations that underlie interpretations of international conflict and security among French and U.S. political leaders. Contents: Foreword by Godfrey Hodgson / Acknowledgements /1. Introduction /2. Continuity and Variation of French Foreign Policy since 1945 /3. The Dynamics of U.S. Foreign Policy: Exceptionalism and Providentialism /4. Two Models of Universalism: Contrasting Findings / Bibliography / Index November 2013 Hardback
136pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137358783
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Tycoons, Scorchers, and Outlaws The Class War that Shaped American Auto Racing Timothy Messer-Kruse, Bowling Green State University, USA
"A persuasively argued history of American auto racing from drivers as ‘operatives’ for wealthy owners to the sport becoming more broadly democratic. A fascinating class-based interpretation of a neglected topic in sports history." - Dr. John Springhall, University of Ulster, UK; author of The Genesis of Mass Culture: Show Business Live in America, 1840 to 1940 (2008) Tycoons, Scorchers, and Outlaws charts how auto racing was shaped by class tensions between the millionaires who invented it, the public who resented their seizure of the public roads, and the working class drivers who viewed the sport as a vocation, not a leisured pursuit. Contents: Introduction /1. Millionaires' Toys /2. Scorcher Rule /3. Seizing the Open Road /4. Man or Machine? /5. Outlaws November 2013 Hardback
156pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137322500
Decentralization and Party Politics in the Dominican Republic
Rethinking the Education Mess A Systems Approach to Education Reform
"Mitchell's detailed analysis of the formation of a decentralization coalition is a major contribution to the study of democratization in Latin America. Unlike other countries in the region, Dominican decentralization was not a by-product of neoliberal reforms; it proceeded in the context of a clientelistic state."- Rosario Espinal, Temple University, USA Recently in the Dominican Republic a pro-municipal social alliance pressed for decentralization and politicians yielded, seeking power in three-party competition. This study examines how electoral, financial, and administrative power has been dispersed and suggests innovative strategies to maintain decentralizing momentum.
"Rethinking the Education Mess brings a much-needed fresh look at the problems of education in the United States today and offers a hopeful outlook for those who take up the systems-based understanding that it conveys. It should be read by parents, educators, administrators, and public policy makers for its wisdom and insights." - Sandra Waddock, Boston College, USA Using a form of systems thinking, this text analyzes K-12 education as a complex, ‘messy’ system that must be tackled as a whole and provides a series of heuristics to help those involved in the education mess to improve the system as a whole.
Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Measures and Initiatives Favoring Decentralization, 1994-2008 /3. The Deep Roots and Local Consequences of Dominican Centralism /4. A Decentralizing Coalition Finds Political Leverage /5. Party Alliances, the Municipios, and Decentralization /6. Dominican Decentralization Moves towards Maturity, 1996-2013 /7. Pushback against Decentralization, and its Links with Influence over Nominations /8. Assessing Alternative Explanations of Dominican Decentralization /9. Pro-decentralization Strategies for the Future
Contents: 1. Introduction: The Education Mess /2. What Is a System and What Is a Mess? /3. The Psychology and Philosophy of Inquiry, Philosophical Psychology, and Psychological Philosophy /4. The Charter School Mess, A Messy Systems View /5. The Charter Schools of the Future - Possible Designs /6. Hiding in Plain Sight: Education Reform in Indiana /7. General Heuristics for Coping with The Education Mess /8. Waiting for Wilberforce - Making Sense of and Coping with the Tragic and Senseless /9. Crisis Management as an Imperative For Schools / Epilogue
November 2013 9 b/w tables Hardback
October 2013 190pp 216x138mm 17 figures and 4 b/w tables Hardback £45.00 9781137384829
£45.00 9781137353115
Ian I. Mitroff, Haas School of Business, University of California, USA, Lindan B. Hill, Academy for Teaching and Learning Leadership, Marian University, USA and Can M. Alpaslan, Department of Management, California State University, USA
Christopher Mitchell, New York University, USA
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The Obamas and Mass Media
Multiple Interest Rate Analysis
Race, Gender, Religion, and Politics
Theory and Applications
Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor University, USA and Jannette L. Dates, Howard University, USA
"The Obamas and Mass Media offers a potent argument that the media we create and consume reflect social mores and taboos. This is an important text, because it matches cogent discussions of theories concerning race and identity, with powerfully representative case studies drawn from highly mediated and contested moments during the Obama administration." - Meta G. Carstarphen, University of Oklahoma, USA Using the cultural prism of race, this book critically examines the image of African Americans in media of the twenty-first century. Further, the authors assess the ways in which media focused on gender, religion, and politics in framing perceptions of the President and First Lady of the United States during the Obama administration. Contents: 1. Film, Print, and Broadcast Representations of African Americans /2. Historical Stereotypes of Black Men /3. A Feminist Reading of Mass Media /4. Images of African Americans in Advertising, PR, and Social Media /5. Network News /6. New Media Systems /7. Conclusions November 2013 120pp 216x138mm 4 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00 9781137404923
Theory of Mind and Science Fiction Nicholas O. Pagan, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Michael J. Osborne, University of Sussex, UK
Multiple Interest Rate Analysis is an analysis of all possible interest rates. Dual expressions are used to solve long-standing puzzles, eliminate anomalies and draw conclusions about best practice and sound policy advice in areas of economics and finance. Topics include retail and corporate finance, capital budgeting and investment appraisal and bond risk management. Contents: 1. Multiple Interest Rate Analysis: What it is and Why it is Important /2. Motivation /3. Four Key Results of Multiple Interest Rate Analysis /4. Is APR a Robust Measure of the Cost of Consumer Credit? /5. Multiple Interest Rate Analysis Demonstrates Why the IRR Pitfalls are Irrelevant and Provides a Better Reason to Prefer NPV as an Investment Criterion /6. An Accurate Formula is Derived for the Impact of a Shift in Yield on the Price of a Bond /7. Multiple Interest Rate Analysis Sheds Light on the Reswitching Phenomenon /8. A Summing Up January 2014 120pp 216x138mm 22 b/w tables and 9 figures Hardback £45.00 9781137372765
"Nicholas Pagan's bold, innovative, and unusually interesting text shows that theory of mind gives us a new and powerful way of reading science-fiction (or, really, anything else). As a bonus his introduction sets out what, as far as I know, are all the neuroscientific theories about how and why we intuit the way others' minds are working. This is a text of both scope and penetration.” - Norman Holland, author of Literature and the Brain, USA Theory of Mind and Science Fiction shows how theory of mind provides an exciting 'new' way to think about science fiction and, conversely, how science fiction sheds light not only on theory of mind but also empathy, morality, and the nature of our humanity. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Literature and the Emergence of Theory of Mind /1. Science Fiction and Other Minds /2. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus: Correcting Faulty Mind-reading /3. Stapledon's Star Maker: Cosmic Minds and the Triumph of Theory of Mind /4. E. A. van Vogt's Slan: Intimations of Superior Theory of Mind /5. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: What Happened to Affective Empathy? / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index January 2014 Hardback
88pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137399113
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The Politics of Women’s Health Care in the United States Marian Lief Palley, Professor Emerita of Political Science and International Relations, University of Delaware, USA and Howard A. Palley, Professor Emeritus of Social Policy, School of Social Work; Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Human Services Policy, University of Maryland, USA
In a social and political environment that has become more accepting of gender equity, women's health issues have emerged in the forefront of the social policy agenda of the United States. This title shows how the evolution of the women's health agenda has been a reaction to the empowerment of women in the years after the emergence of the contemporary women's movement in 1966 and the subsequent 'social reconstruction' of women from dependent to advantaged population. Contents:1. Rethinking a Women’s Health Care Agenda in the United States /2. Historical and Cultural Perspectives /3. The Role of Politics in Influencing the Women’s Health Agenda /4. Women’s Reproductive Health /5. The Politicization of Abortion /6. Violence Against Women /7. Older Americans /8. The Politics of Disease /9. Conclusions April 2014 Hardback
152pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137008619
Consumption, Informal Markets, and the Underground Economy
Water and Social Policy
Hispanic Consumption in South Texas
Manohar Pawar, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Manohar Pawar discusses the relevance and importance of social policy for water issues. By analysing several interrelated perspectives on water, he suggests core values as bases for formulating and implementing social policies so as to provide universal free access to safe drinking water for all, particularly for the most poor and disadvantaged. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Acknowledgments / Details of the AuthorGlossary /1. Introduction to Water and Social Policy /2. Social Policy and Water /3. Contemporary Perspectives on Water /4. Bases of Social Policies and Social Action for Water /5. Conclusion: Social Policy for Universal Free Drinking Water References January 2014 5 charts Hardback
Michael Pisani, Central Michigan University, USA
Using original qualitative ethnographic field interviews and quantitative field survey results, Consumption, Informal Markets, and the Underground Economy explores the rationale for and model of ‘off the books’ consumption in a borderlands environment. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Modeling 'Off the Books' Consumption /3. Informal Consumption /4. Underground Consumption /5. Conclusion /6. Statistical Appendix October 2013 198pp 216x138mm 8 figures and 57 b/w tables Hardback £37.50 9781137341907
Cyber-War The Anatomy of the Global Security Threat Julian Richards, Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies, University of Buckingham, UK
£45.00 9781137385512
Cyber-War provides a critical assessment of current debates around the likelihood and impact of cyber warfare. Approaching the subject from a socio-political angle, it argues that destructive cyber war has not yet been seen, but could be a feature of future conflict. Contents: 1. Introduction: the Cyber Landscape /2. Cyber and the Changing Nature of Conflict /3. Has Cyber War Happened? /4. A new Cold War? Russia, China, the US and Cyber War /5. Responses to the Threat: National Cyber Security Planning /6. Conclusions: A Pathway Through the Forest January 2014 Hardback
104pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137399618
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Demilitarization of American Diplomacy
The Conception of Citizen Knowledge in Democratic Theory
Two Cheers for Striped Pants Laurence Pope, Author of several books, including François de Callieres: A Political Life (2010), a biography of the first proponent of professional diplomacy
"Laurence Pope has written a brilliant text on the most significant problem with American diplomacy today. This is an important work and its message should be heeded by all our political and military leaders. It is a must read for all Americans." - Anthony C. Zinni, former General United States Marine Corps, USA. "With style, wit and vivid insight, Laurence Pope describes the current institutional shambles of the State Department and the marginalization of America's professional Foreign Service. Pope's restrained, intelligent analysis is a flashing warning light for the nation." - Raymond G. H. Seitz, former Assistant Secretary of State for Europe; former Ambassador to the Court of St. James's, USA Laurence Pope describes the contemporary dysfunction of the State Department and its Foreign Service. He contends that in the information age diplomacy is more important than ever, and that, as President Obama has stressed, without a ‘change of thinking’ the U.S. may be drawn into more wars it does not need to fight. Contents: Introduction /1. A City on a Hill Cannot be Hid /2. The Perpetual Decline of the State Department /3. Hillary Clinton's Power Outage /4. Drones, Cyberwar, Special Forces and Other Extraterritorials /5. Two Cheers for Striped Pants: Diplomacy for the 21st Century / Selected Bibliography January 2014 Hardback
Lauri Rapeli, Aronia Research Institute, Finland
What according to democratic theorists should the ordinary citizen know about politics? What does several decades of empirical research about citizens' political knowledge tell us? And why should we care? This title offers a comprehensive outline of the vast literature on political knowledge and by providing an analytical framework for its studying. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Democratic Theory and Political Knowledge /3. The Empirical Study of Political Knowledge /4. Linking Together Theory and Practice: a Framework for Evaluating Political Knowledge /5. Discussion November 2013 6 b/w tables Hardback
£45.00 9781137322852
The Theories, Concepts and Practices of Democracy Series Editors: Jean-Paul Gagnon and Mark Chou
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa New Zealand History, Pedagogy, and Liberation Jenny Ritchie, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand and Mere Skerrett, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Taking as a starting point the work of Aotearoa New Zealand to provide an education system that includes curriculum, pedagogy, and language from indigenous Maori culture, Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa New Zealand investigates the ensuing practices, policies, and dilemmas that have arisen and provides a wealth of data on how truly culturally inclusive education might look. Contents: Introduction / Part A: Kaupapa Māori Early Childhood Care and Education /Part B: Indigenising 'Whitestream' Early Childhood Care and Education Practice in Aotearoa December 2013 Hardback
162pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137394415
Critical Cultural Studies of Childhood Series Editors: Beth Blue Swadener and Marianne Bloch
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
88pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137298546
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The Political Economy of the Egyptian Revolution
What Water Is Worth
Kierkegaard on Politics
Overlooked Non-Economic Value in Water Resources
Mubarak, Economic Reforms and Failed Hegemony
Kira Artemis Russo, Department of Politics and International Affairs and Zachary A. Smith, Regents’ Professor of Political Science, both at Northern Arizona University, USA
Roberto Roccu, King’s College London, UK
"By looking at Gramsci through a sophisticated and less usual political economy lens, Roccu has written a brilliant and convincing reconstruction of the short-lived honeymoon between Egyptian elites and neoliberalism in the 2000s. This text offers a fresh perspective from which to understand some of the reasons behind Mubarak's fall in 2011 as well as some suggestions for reading the most recent events in Egypt." - Gennaro Gervasio, British University in Egypt Focusing on the economic reforms adopted under Mubarak, Roberto Roccu provides the first account of the deeper socio-economic dynamics that made the 2011 Egyptian revolution possible. Contents: Introduction - Bread, Dignity, Social Justice and Economic Reforms /1. A Gramscian Approach to the Study of the Political Economy of Reforms /2. The Egyptian Way to Neoliberalism? IMF, World Bank and Reforms in Egypt /3. Of Success and Greed: the New Business Class Turns into Capitalist Oligarchy /4. Ideology Resurgent? Neoliberalism as Economiccorporate Project for the Few /5. From Hubris to Debris: Global Crisis and the End of the Mubarak Regime / Conclusion: Gramsci, Failed Hegemony and the Fall of Mubarak / Postscript: Back to Square One? Considerations on Egypt's Uncertain Future
This title addresses both conventional and non-conventional values of water, discussing the value of water as it relates to conventional microeconomics, water's true utility and government regulation, and new and current practices in water management. Contents: PART I: CONVENTIONAL VALUES OF WATER / PART II: ECONOMIC GROUNDS FOR CURRENT PRACTICES OF WATER MANAGEMENT / PART III: THE MILLENNIUM ECOSYSTEM ASSESSMENT / PART IV: NON-CONVENTIONAL COMMUNITY VALUES OF WATER, NON-MONETARY VALUES OF WATER / PART V: COOPERATIVE COMMUNITIES: THE FUTURE OF WATER MANAGEMENT October 2013 2 b/w tables Hardback
Barry Stocker, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
This investigation of Kierkegaard as a political thinker with regard to the Danish context, and to his place in the history of political thought, deals with the more direct discussion of politics in Kierkegaard, and the ways in which political ideas are embedded in his literary, aesthetic, ethical, philosophical ,and religious thought. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Tarquinius and Brutus: Political Fear and Trembling /3. Previous Perspectives on Kierkegaard and Politics /4. Kierkegaard and the Danish Political Community /5. Communities of Liberty /6. Ethical and Legal Community /7. Tragic Community /8. Political Irony /9. Conclusion / Index November 2013 Hardback
£45.00 9780230340763
November 2013 150pp 216x138mm 3 b/w tables and 2 b/w line drawings Hardback £45.00 9781137395917
Web resource available
154pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137372314
Comes with a CD/DVD
Affective Disorder and the Writing Life The Melancholic Muse Edited by Stephanie Stone Horton, Georgia State University, USA
"The combination of personal and academic voices works really well. An academic perspective is set against the raw battle to write despite the ravages of mood turbulence. I particularly enjoyed the range of texts discussed and the fresh, sometimes haunting, observations that build on the work of established commentators, fetch up new chills from biographical depths or set out positives to living with what society might consider 'disordered minds.'" - Paul Crawford, University of Nottingham, UK Affective Disorder and the Writing Life interrogates the mythos of the 'mad writer' through lived experience, literary analysis, writerly reflection and contemporary neuroscience. It explores how affective disorders colour, drive and sometimes silence the writing mind - and how affective difference has always informed the literary imagination. Contents: PART I: ‘COULD IT BE MADNESS, THIS?’ AFFECTIVE DIFFERENCE AND THE WORK OF COMPOSITION / PART II: ‘THEIR LIVES A STORM WHEREON THEY RIDE’: AFFECTIVE (DIS)ORDER AND THE LITERARY IMAGINATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: www.palgrave. com November 2013 Hardback
160pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137381651
Opposing Perspectives on the Drone Debate Bradley Jay Strawser, US Naval Postgraduate School, USA, John Fabian Witt, Yale University, School of Law, USA, Stephen Levine, University of Massachusetts, USA and Feisal H. Naqvi, Lisa Hajjar, University of California, USA
"The issues of 'drone strikes' and unmanned systems have presented a truly 21st century challenge to international peace and justice, and those who study them. Opposing Perspective on the Drone Debate tackles the problem in a useful way, showing how this is not an easily cut Gordian knot of morality, but a complex debate that will be with us for years to come." - P. W. Singer, author of Wired for War: the Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century and Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know Critics and supporters of unmanned aerial vehicles have divergent attitudes regarding their place in counterterrorism and covert operations. Both sides are quick to oversimplify the moral complexities that any assessment of drones should acknowledge. In a point-counterpoint debate, this text unravels the complex questions behind drone warfare.
Surveillance Schools Security, Discipline and Control in Contemporary Education Emmeline Taylor, Australian National University, Australia
Focusing on the phenomena of the Surveillance School, Taylor examines the increased presence of surveillance technologies and practices which identify, verify, categorise and track pupils, exploring the impact that invasive and continual monitoring is having upon school children. Contents: Preface / Introduction /1. Surveillance Schools: A New Era in Education /2. Visions of Control: A Case Study on School CCTV /3. Lessons in Submission? The Societal Impacts of Surveillance Schools /4. Panoptic Pedagogy and the Political Economy of Surveillance Schools / Conclusion October 2013 Hardback
128pp 216x138mm £37.50 9781137308856
Crime Prevention and Security Management Series Editor: Martin Gill
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Contents: PART I: OPENING ARGUMENT /1. More Heat Than Light: The Vexing Complexities of the Drone Debate; Bradley Jay Strawser / PART II: FIRST ROUND OF RESPONSES /2. Is Targeted Killing War?; Lisa Hajjar /3. Drones Threaten Democratic Decision-Making; Steven Levine /4. Even War Has Limits; Feisal H. Naqvi /5. On Adopting a Posture of Moral Neutrality; John Fabian Witt / PART III: STRAWSER'S RESPONSE /6. Reply to Critics: No Easy Answers; Bradley Jay Strawser / PART IV: SECOND ROUND OF RESPONSES /7. A Sociological Intervention on Drones and Targeted Killing; Lisa Hajjar /8. Drones: Between Principle and Policy; Steven Levine /9. The Other Side of the Line; Feisal Naqvi /10. A Duty to Capture?; John Fabian Witt / PART V: CONCLUDING RESPONSE /11. Arguing in Good Faith about Drones; Bradley Jay Strawser February 2014 Hardback
169pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137392251
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Uneconomic Economics and the Crisis of the Model World Matthew Watson, University of Warwick, UK
What has gone wrong with economics? Economists now routinely devise highly sophisticated abstract models that score top marks for theoretical rigour but are clearly divorced from observable activities in the current economy. This creates an 'uneconomic economics', where models explain relationships in blackboard rather than real-life markets. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations /1. Setting the Scene: From a Crisis of Economics to a Crisis of the State / Introduction / Competing Crisis Narratives of Symptom and Disease / The Rehabilitation of Economic Theory / The Crisis and the Economics Curriculum / Structure of the Boo /2. The Collapse of the Model World: From Faith in Equations to Unsustainable Asset Bubbles / Introduction / The Growth of Increasingly Complex Secondary Mortgage Markets / The Uneconomic Economics of Asset-Price Valuation Techniques / Performativity and Counter-Performativity in Financial Markets / Conclusion /3. The Creation of the Model World: From Formalist Techniques to the Triumph of Uneconomic Economics / Introduction / The Return of the Policy Ineffectiveness Proposition / The Quest for a Fully Specified General Equilibrium Framework / Formalist Technique and the Logic of Market Self-Regulation / Conclusion /4. Looking Ahead: From Uneconomic Economics to a Different Future / Introduction / The Definition of Good Economics / The Significance of Historicised Method / Final Words / References / Index January 2014 Hardback
112pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137385482
Building a Sustainable Political Economy: SPERI Research & Policy Series Editors: Colin Hay and Anthony Payne
Old Diplomacy Revisited
Sherman's March and the Emergence of the Independent Black Church Movement
A Study in the Modern History of Diplomatic Transformations Kenneth Weisbrode, Bilkent University, Turkey
In historical terms, the Old Diplomacy is not really that old - many of its concepts and methods date to the mid-nineteenth century - while the practices of New Diplomacy emerged only a couple of generations later. Moreover, "Diplomacy 2.0" and other variants of the post-Cold War era do not depart significantly from their twentiethcentury predecessor: their forms, particularly in technology, have changed, but their substance has not. In this succinct overview, historian Kenneth Weisbrode reminds us that to understand diplomatic transformations and their relevance to international affairs is to see diplomacy as an entrepreneurial art - and that, like most arts, it is adapted and re-adapted with reference to earlier forms. Diplomatic practice is always changing, and always continuous.
Love Henry Whelchel, Interdenominational Theological Center, USA
A discourse on the historical emergence of African American Churches as dynamic cultural presences which occurred in the aftermath of the Civil War, and specifically in the wake of General Sherman's march from Atlanta to Savannah. Contents: 1. Introduction /2. Preparing the Stage for Liberation /3. The Historical Context of Conversion /4. The South Defends Its Peculiar Institution /5. The March Toward Liberation /6. Impositions and Fatuities by Classes and Colors /7. The Liberation of Savannah /8. The Groundwork of Freedom /9. Conclusions / References / Bibliography January 2014 Hardback
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
74pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137397324
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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60pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137405173
Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice Series Editors: Dwight N. Hopkins and Linda E. Thomas
Contents: 1. A Question of Novelty /2. Old-Old Diplomacy /3. Old-New Diplomacy /4. New-New Diplomacy /5. The Diplomatic Imagination November 2013 Hardback
From Atlanta to the Sea to Emancipation
Comes with a CD/DVD
Data-Driven Decision Making in Schools
Crime, Deviance and Doping
Lessons from Trinidad
and the Management of Stigma Jennifer Yamin-Ali, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
Yamin-Ali shows how schools can undertake responsible decisionmaking through gathering and evaluating data, using as examples six fully developed case studies that shed light on common questions of school culture and student life, including student stress, subject selection, and the role of single-sex classes. Contents: 1. The Research Culture in Five Secondary Schools - A Case Study /2. The Challenge of Maintaining School Culture in a Traditional School Setting - A Case Study /3. A Study of Student Stress at the Senior Level at an All Girls' Secondary School - A Case Study /4. Male Adolescents' Conceptions of Success, and their Perceptions of their School Experiences - A Case Study /5. Subject Selection at the Secondary School Level - A Case Study /6. Should we Re-masculinise the Boys' School? - A Case Study January 2014 176pp 216x138mm 9 figures and 7 b/w tables Hardback £45.00 9781137429100
Fallen Sports Stars, Autobiography Majid Yar, University of Hull, UK
"A highly readable account of the spectacular fallsfrom-grace of some of the most acclaimed sporting heroes of our time. Weaving sports stars' own accounts with classic sociological theory, Majid Yar offers fascinating insight into the stages that athletes caught doping go through: from stigma and spoiled identities, through neutralisation of their offences, to redemption and transcendence. Scholars of identity, drugs offences and crime in sport will all admire this text and students will be inspired by it for their own research projects. This is how to apply criminological theory!” Yvonne Jewkes, University of Leicester, UK
A Acuto Curtis Reassembling International Theory
Affective Disorder and the Writing Life Stone Horton 79 Alarcón French and US Approaches to Foreign Policy
Albisetti Goodman Rogers Girls’ Secondary Education in the Western World
Alcock May Social Policy in Britain
Aldama González Latinos in the End Zone 64 Allan Working with Substance Users
American Empire and the Arsenal of Entertainment Fattor 43 American Panic Stein 27 Anderson Reason and Faith in the Theology of Charles Hodge 64 André Maurois (1885-1967) Gossman 71 Applied Drama Nicholson 63 Arbia A Primer in Spatial Econometrics
Archetti Politicians, Personal Image and the Construction of Political Identity 64
Yar examines the autobiographies of fallen sports stars, exploring their fall from grace and the stigma it entails. Drawing upon sociological and criminological perspectives, it illuminates how fallen stars use confessional acts of story-telling to seek forgiveness, vindication and redemption.
As You Like It: Texts and Contexts Shakespeare Howard Brown 37
Contents: Preface /1. Introduction - Sports Celebrities, Doping and Narratives of Deviance /2. Framing Narratives of Doping and Disgrace /3. Beginnings /4. Initiation /5. Commitment /6. Exposure /7. Resolution
Asian Business and Management Hasegawa Noronha 9
January 2014 Hardback
104pp 216x138mm £45.00 9781137403742
Ascari Cinema and the Imagination in Katherine Mansfield’s Writing
Asian Brand Strategy Roll 14
Atkins Swift, Joyce, and the Flight from Home
Atkins T.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word
Attracting and Retaining Talent Baker 6 Authoring Performance Sidiropoulou 63
B Backaler China Goes West Bacon Contemporary Russia Baker Attracting and Retaining Talent
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8 46 6
INDEX Baldi Moore Student Solutions Manual for The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences
Brady Walsh Crossroads: Performance Studies and Irish Culture
Clayton The Influence Agenda
The Climate Change Debate Coady Corry 68
Breaking Through Vandermerwe 15
Baldi Moore The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences 34
Climate Innovation Harrison Mikler 46
Bringing Down Gaddafi Netto 45
Coaching for Innovation Bianchi Steele 8
Balkans into Southeastern Europe, 1914-2014 Lampe 29
Brinkmann van Weerdenburg Intercultural Readiness
Coady Corry The Climate Change Debate
Cockcroft Hamilton Hidalgo Downing Persuading People
Coletti Evidence for Public Policy Design
Ball Looked After Children
Barabba Mitroff Business Strategies for a Messy World Baxter Double-voicing at Work
65 66
Beauty Queen Himsel 11 The Bedford Handbook Hacker Sommers 62
Briody Trotter Meerwarth Transforming Culture
British Television Drama Bignell Lacey 18 Brontë Newman Jane Eyre
Brooks Popular Culture: Global Intercultural Perspectives
56 36
Beer Punk Sociology
Bryant Women’s Poetry and Popular Culture
Beier The Militarization of Childhood
Burchill Labour Relations
Burds Holocaust in Rovno
Ben-Moshe Chapman Carey Disability Incarcerated
Bennedsen Fan The Family Business Map
Beres The Narrative Practitioner
Bernstein Standing Room Only
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Reassembling International Theory Acuto Curtis 63
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Sertyesilisik Al-Shamma’a The Sustainable Built Environment
The Politics of Women’s Health Care in the United States Palley 76
Reimagining with Christian Doctrines Kim Daggers 72
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The Political Economy of the Egyptian Revolution Roccu 78 Politicians, Personal Image and the Construction of Political Identity Archetti 64
Religion and the Sciences of Origins Clark 41
Shankman Nice Companies Finish First
Popular Culture: Global Intercultural Perspectives Brooks 56
Research Theatre, Climate Change, and the Ecocide Project Chaudhuri Enelow 67
Sharma Teach a Woman to Fish
Post-Show Discussions in New Play Development Fisher 70
Researching Families and Relationships Jamieson Simpson Lewis 57
Pownall Managing Online Reputation
Rethinking Industrial Policy Inter-American Development Bank Crespi Fernandez-Arias Stein 22
A Short History of Asia Mason 28
Primack Essentials of Conservation Biology 35
Rethinking the Education Mess Mitroff Hill Alpaslan 74
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Psychology for Social Work Theory and Practice Nicolson Bayne 54
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