New Books List January-March 2013

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New Books List January-March 2013

“If there is one phrase that encapsulates the Hiroshi Mikitani approach to running a business, it would be along the lines of the famous Nike slogan to ‘Just do it.’” – Financial Times

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Available in hardback and e-book March 2013

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New Books List January - March 2013

Paintbrush with oil paint on a classical palette Š Romaoslo/

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Title is, or comes with, a CD-ROM/DVD

Contents Anthropology


Language and Linguistics




Life Sciences


Banking and Finance




British Film Institute


Business and Management


Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry


Counselling and Psychotherapy


Philosophy and Religion


Cultural and Media Studies










Social Work and Social Policy






Gender Studies


Study Skills


General and Reference


Theatre and Performance






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Discovering the Universe


with Starry Night College 9th edition

Discovering the Cosmos


2nd edition

Objects of Time

Neil F. Comins, University of Maine, USA and William J. Kaufmann, sometime of San Diego State University, USA

R.C. Bless, University of Wisconsin, USA

How Things Shape Temporality

This streamlined new edition serves as the primary text for an astronomy course on stars and galaxies. It describes the leading ideas and concepts of modern astronomy and covers how astronomy and science have developed.

Kevin K. Birth, Professor of Anthropology, Queen’s College, City University of New York, USA

This is a book about time, but it is also about much more than time - it is about how the objects we use to think about time shape our thoughts. Because time ties together so many aspects of our lives, this book is able to explore the nexus of objects, cognition, culture, and even biology, and to do so in relationship to globalization. Contents: The Material Invention of Time / A Necromantic Device, or How Clocks Think / Calendrical Uniformity versus Planned Uncanniness / Polyrhythmic Temporalities (Confounding the Artifacts) / Globeness: Time and the Embodied, Biological Consequences of Globalization / Creeping Cognitive Homochronicity and the End of the Time of Earth

Contents: Comments to the Reader / The Naked Eye Sky / Early Greek Astronomy / Quantitative Greek Astronomy / The New Astronomy / The Newtonian Synthesis / Tools of the Astronomer - Physical Concepts / Tools of the Astronomer - Hardware / Reading Stellar Spectra / The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram / The Structure of Stars / The Interstellar Medium - Birthplace of the Stars / Stellar Evolution - The Early Phases / The Late Phases of Stellar Evolution - Degenerate Corpses / Black Holes / The Discovery of Galaxies / The Universe of Galaxies / Violence in Galaxies / The First Cosmological Clues / Models of the Universe / The Mysterious Universe / Life Elsewhere - Are We Alone?

September 2012 222pp 235x152mm 1 b/w photograph and 1 graph Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-01787-1 Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-01788-8

January 2013 768pp 260x182mm Hardback £66.99 978-1-891389-71-9

Culture, Mind and Society

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Published by University Science Books

The ninth edition develops the main theme, ‘the process of scientific discovery’, through the clear, accurate presentation of key concepts found in previous editions and is updated with current research and modern theories of solar system formation. An 18-month access card for the planetarium software package Starry Night College is also included. Contents: Preface / PART I: UNDERSTANDING ASTRONOMY / Discovering the Night Sky / Gravitation and the Motion of the Planets / Light and Telescopes / Atomic Physics and Spectra / PART II: UNDERSTANDING THE SOLAR SYSTEM / Formation of the Solar System and Other Planetary Systems / Earth and Moon / The Other Terrestrial Planets / The Outer Planets / Vagabonds of the Solar System / The Sun: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Star / PART III: UNDERSTANDING THE STARS / Characterizing Stars / The Lives of Stars from Birth Through Middle Age / The Deaths of Stars / Black Holes: Matters of Gravity / PART IV: UNDERSTANDING THE UNIVERSE / The Milky Way Galaxy / Galaxies / Quasars and Other Active Galaxies / Cosmology / Astrobiology / APPENDICES / Glossary / Answers to Margin Questions and Computational Questions / Index February 2013 544pp 276x216mm Paperback £50.99 978-1-4641-4454-7


Published by W. H. Freeman and Company TB



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Trial, Error, Interpretation


Investment Commentaries 1990-2011


Profiting from Monetary Policy Investing Through the Business Cycle Thomas Aubrey, Credit Capital Advisory, Founder

‘...This book is learned, witty and convincing.’ - Dr. William White, Chairman of the Economic & Development Review Committee, OECD The Financial Crisis has led to a decade of poor returns for pension schemes and lower retirement incomes. Credit-based investment strategies that track the business cycle, are allowing preservation of investors’ capital. This book provides analysis and investment strategy plans to generate equity-like-returns with bond like volatility. Contents: Introduction / The Great Moderation and the Unravelling of a Great Myth / From Model Failures to Streams of Data / The Problem of Credit / The Vienna and Stockholm Schools: A Dynamic Disequilibrium Approach / The Neo-Wicksellian Framework / Testing Wicksellianism / The Creation and Destruction of Capital / Where are the Customer’s Yachts? / Post Script Constructing Business Cycle Tracking Funds / Endnotes / Bibliography November 2012 208pp 234x156mm 2 b/w tables and 24 figures Hardback £19.99 978-1-137-28969-8

Konrad Hummler, Managing Partner, Wegelin & Co. Private Bankers

Wegelin & Co, the oldest Swiss bank, has been publishing its investment commentary for more than a century and today with more than 100,000 subscribers and seven editions published yearly, it is the work of just one person. Collected here for the first time, Konrad Hummler's articles over the past two decades have never avoided controversy; chastising the Swiss government, banking regulators and other institutions, have become his trademarks. Contents: Introduction; K.Hummler / Foreword; H.C.Kesselring / Discontinuities and Trends / Function and Functioning of the Financial Markets / The State and the Market / Value Creation and Successful Investing / Risk and Return are not Enough March 2013 350pp 234x156mm Hardback £45.00 978-1-137-01129-9

Listed Investment Companies A Comprehensive Guide Joe Winkley, Partner, Oriel Securities Ltd

Listed Investment Companies explains how listed investment companies 'unlock the power of the market' and provide a liquid way to invest in illiquid assets, with opinions and anecdotes from key industry players. Contents: Introduction / What is an Investment Company? / Listing an Investment Company / UK Listing Exchanges / The Board of Directors and Corporate Governance / The Investment Manager / Liquidity and Trading / Discount / Raising Additional Capital / Market Views / The Future

Investor Relations For the Emerging Company 2nd edition Ralph A. Rieves, Senior Analyst with the Emerging Companies Research Institute (ECRI), a division of Farragut, Jones & Lawrence and John LeFevbre, County Treasurer for Weld, Colorado; formerly President of the consulting firm Shareholder Relations

Investor Relations for the Emerging Company provides enduring advice, insight, and procedures that will help companies communicate, legally and ethically, their commitment to enhancing shareholder value. This revised edition updates Sarbanes-Oxley; FrankDodd act and new governance regulations. Contents: PART I: THE INVESTOR UNIVERSE / Pep Talk / The Growth Challenge / Modern Investing Theories and Practices / The Securities Markets / Reaching the Individual Investor / Targeting Institutional Investors: The Microcap Funds / About Consensus Risk / PART II: GOVERNANCE AND DISCOLOSURE / Governance: The Investment Manager’s Perspective / Governance: Regulation FD / Governance: Sarbannes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank / Governance: Shareholder Activists and ‘Rightful Concerns’Financial Reporting / PART III: CORPORATE PRACTICES FOR EFFECTIVE INVESTOR RELATIONS / Establishing An Investor Relations Program / Best Practices for News Releases / Best Practices for Conference Calls and Presentations / Best Practices for Using the Net: Confronting the Chat Room Pox January 2013 208pp 235x152mm 3 tables Hardback £42.50 9780230341968

February 2013 240pp 234x156mm Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-31330-9

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Carmen Miranda Lisa Shaw, Reader in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, University of Liverpool, UK

This is the first book-length study of Carmen Miranda in English. It traces her origins as a radio singer, recording artist and film star in Brazil in the 1930s, before exploring in depth her Hollywood screen roles and the construction of her long-lasting star persona in the USA. Contents: Introduction / Carmen Miranda and Film Stardom in Brazil / Carmen Miranda in Hollywood / Reproducing Carmen Miranda / Conclusion February 2013 112pp 190x135mm Paperback £12.99 978-1-84457-432-2

Brigitte Bardot

British Colour Cinema Companion Ginette Vincendeau, Professor of Film Studies, King's College London, UK

Bardot, international French film star, trailblazing sexual rebel, 60s icon and fashion legend, is a vibrant addition to the Film Stars series. Ginette Vincendeau's study of Bardot explores the significance of one of the most famous, fascinating and controversial of all French film stars. He combines detailed textual analysis of Bardot's performance throughout her rise to stardom with a historical contextualisation of her star persona in postwar French society and the international film industry and places a spotlight on the complex relationship with French national identity both home and abroad. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.

Published by British Film Institute

February 2013 112pp 190x135mm Paperback £12.99 978-1-84457-492-6

Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith

Published by British Film Institute

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Edited by Sarah Street, Professor of Film, University of Bristol, UK, Liz Watkins, Lecturer, University of Leeds, UK and Simon Brown, Director of Studies for Film and Television and New Broadcasting Media, Kingston University, UK Created as a companion volume to a major history of colour in British Cinema (also by Sarah Street), British Colour Cinema Companion is a book based on a series of unique interviews conducted by Sarah Street and Elizabeth I Watkins with practitioners who worked in the UK with Technicolor and/or Eastmancolor during the 1930s-1950s. Contents: Introduction / PART I: COLOUR AND THE CAMERA: CINEMATOGRAPHERS / Introduction / Interview: Chris Challis / Interview: Pat Jackson / Document: Jack Cardiff, 'Shooting Western Approaches', The Cine-Technician, Nov-Dec 1944 / Interview: Ossie Morris / Interviews: Guy Green, Erwin Hillier, Douglas Slocombe, Paul Beeson, Stan Sayer / Document: Ronald Neame, 'A Talk on Technicolor', The Cine-Technician, MayJune 1944 / PART II: POST-PRODUCTION / Introduction / Interview: Syd Wilson / Interview: Dave Davis / Interview: Bernard Happé / Interview: Frank Littlejohn / Interview: Les Ostinelli / PART III: ARCHIVING / Introduction / Interview: Paul De Burgh / Document: 'Preservation of Films', Kinematograph Weekly, 13 March 1952 / Interview: Jaoa de Olivera / Interview: Keiron Webb / Interview: Sonia Genaitay / Document: Robert M. Fanstone, 'Experiences with Dufaycolor Film', British Journal of Photography, 7 June 1935 / Document: 'Gasparcolor Explained to the R.P.S.', Kinematograph Weekly 31 January 1935 / Interview: Paolo Cherchi Usai / Interview: Ulrich Rüdel and Daniela Currò / Interview: Giovanna Fossati / PART IV: THEORY / Introduction / Document: Adrian Cornwell-Clyne, 'The Future of the Colour Film' in Colour Cinematography (London: Chapman Hall, 1951) / Document: E.S. Tompkins, 'In Defence of 'Glorious' Colour', British Journal of Photography, 3 Mar 1944 / Document: Paul Nash, 'The Colour Film' in Charles Davy (ed.), Footnotes to the Film (London: Lovat Dickson Ltd, Readers' Union Ltd, 1938) February 2013 320pp 234x172mm Hardback £60.00 978-1-84457-414-8 Paperback £24.99 978-1-84457-413-1

Published by British Film Institute



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Creating Good Work

The Realities of Work

The World’s Leading Social Entrepreneurs Show How to Build A Healthy Economy

Experiencing Work and Employment in Contemporary Society 4th edition

Ron Schultz, Founder and Executive Director of the microfinance/microenterprise lending program, Entrepreneurs4Change, the Social Enterprise Zone, and Lending4Change, providing entrepreneurial education as well as a neighbor-toneighbor lending program for social businesses

Creating Good Work is a practical guide book, that recounts the stories of some of the most successful social entrepreneurial programs operating today, with real life examples of and how they overcame both physical and societal barriers to create a lasting impact on the world they encounter. Contents: PART I: LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP / PART II: FINANCING THE WORLD - MICROFINANCE AND SOCIAL PROFIT / PART III: DEFINING THE SOCIAL EDGE - EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELL BEING / PART IV: DELIBERATELY DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY / PART V: A HEALTHY ECONOMY REQUIRES A HEALTHY POPULATION / PART VI: SOCIAL JUSTICE - THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR'S QUEST TO CREATE A MORE SANE WORLD / PART VII: INTERACTION, COLLABORATION, AND POSITIVELY DISRUPTIVE SOLUTIONS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 240pp 234x156mm Hardback £22.99 978-0-230-37203-0

Mike Noon, Professor of Human Resource Management, School of Business & Management, Queen Mary, University of London, UK, Paul Blyton, Professor of Industrial Relations and Industrial Sociology, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK and Kevin Morrell, Associate Professor of Governance, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick , UK

‘The Realities of Work is a terrific book that is part of an important project. More than a survey of concepts and theories about work, the book is designed to help the reader think through what work is in its many forms. I particularly like the accessibility of the writing, the ubiquitous examples, and the deliberate efforts to help readers think through what they read in the text with exercises, questions for reflection, and extracts that bring the material to life...’ - Jeff Lucas, Professor, University of Maryland, USA The Realities of Work offers students a critical take on management and the experience of work. This newly-revised edition also takes account of the effects of the global financial crisis on work and employment. Chapters include: The Changing Context of Work, Work Skills, Work Routines and Skill Change and Unfair Discrimination at Work

Body/Sex/Work Intimate, embodied and sexualised labour Edited by Carol Wolkowitz, Reader, University of Warwick, UK, Rachel Lara Cohen, Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK, Teela Sanders, Reader, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK and Kate Hardy, Research Officer, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK

‘This book is a thoughtprovoking and timely contribution to important debates on the lived experience and management of the body at work. The authors of the various chapters in Body/Sex/Work explore this relationship in a variety of fascinating yet relatively neglected workplace settings, offering significant insights that should be of considerable interest to students and researchers within a range of social science disciplines.’ - Melissa Tyler, Reader in Management, University of Essex, UK An edited book in the Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment series associated with the annual International Labour Process Conference. Focusing on the body and sex in different forms of work, it explores the labour process, workplace relations and regulations and resistance. Written by leading academics it contains cutting-edge research. Contents: PART ONE: THEORISING BODY/SEX/ WORK - PART TWO: THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND LEGAL CONTEXT OF BODY/SEX/WORK - PART THREE: SEXUALISING BODIES IN THE LABOUR PROCESS - PART FOUR: DISCIPLINING AND RESISTANT BODIES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: www.palgrave. com/products/title.aspx?pid=580650 February 2013 232pp 234x156mm Paperback £31.99 978-1-137-02190-8

A Full Table of Contents is Avialable at: http://www.

Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment series Series Editors: Irena Grugulis, Caroline Lloyd, Chris Smith and Chris Warhurst

March 2013 Paperback

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

424pp £32.99

246x189mm 978-0-230-21304-3


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Conquering Global Markets


Secrets from the World’s Most Successful Multinationals

Marketplace 3.0

Nancy Hubbard, Associate Fellow, Templeton College, University of Oxford, UK

Rewriting the Rules of Borderless Business

Global Luxury Trends Innovative Strategies for Emerging Markets Jonas Hoffmann, Associate Professor of Marketing and Ivan Coste-Manière, Professor of Marketing, both at SKEMA Business School, France

The rise of emerging market luxury brands, digital and online innovations, and growth in consumption globally has opened the doors for seasoned luxury houses and new players to expand their horizons. Global Luxury Trends charts the trends that are shaping the luxury industry, particularly the rise of the luxury industry in Asia and emerging markets. Contents: Luxury Trends / Ultra-high Net Worth Luxury: How the Ultra-rich Consume Luxury / On Luxury Strategizing / Paths for the Emergence of Global Chinese Luxury Brands / Luxo Brasil / Luxury in China / Luxury and Art in China / Occupation Fashion Blogger / Luxury Online Strategy at Elie Saab / Engaging with the Luxury Consumer / Luxury Consumer Tribes in Asia / Luxury in India / Mimesis and the Nexus of Luxury Industry in India / Why Buy Luxury? Insights from Consumer Research / Tesla Motors, The Reinvention of the Luxury Sports Car Industry


Hiroshi Mikitani, Founder and Chief Executive of Rakuten, a leading player in the global e-commerce market, which recently purchased Kobo and Buy. com

Conquering Global Markets offers assessments of the issues, statistics, cases and best practices of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and alliances throughout the world. Using information gleaned interviews with CEOs , the book provides insights into making global M&As successful. Contents: Introduction / From the Beginning: Pre-deal Opportunities / Negotiation / The First Days / On Going Implementation / Future Activities / Growing the Top Line / Alliances, Cross Holdings and Joint Ventures / Europe / Soviet Union and Former Russian Bloc / Middle East and Africa / Developed Australasia / China / Emerging Asian Markets / North America / Central and South America / Conclusion March 2013 240pp 234x156mm Hardback £26.00 978-0-230-29355-7

Hiroshi Mikitani, founder of e-commerce giant Rakuten, offers an alternate online model that benefits vendors, customers, and communities alike by empowering players at every step in the process. Marketplace 3.0 is an exciting new vision for global commerce, from a company that’s challenging all the accepted wisdom. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 272pp 234x156mm Hardback £16.99 978-0-230-34214-9

December 2012 270pp 234x156mm Hardback £26.00 978-1-137-28738-0

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The New Workforce Challenge

The Edge

How Today’s Leading Companies Are Adapting to the Future

50 Tips from Brands that Lead

Andrés Hatum, Associate Professor, IAE Business School and Universidad Austral, Argentina

Few books go into enough depth to really understand the differences between the future generations of professionals to come and the ones that have gone before. This innovative book examines how new generations of the workplace and workforce will be shaped in the future and shows organizations the ways in which they will have to adapt to succeed. Contents: PART I: ORGANIZING, AND THE NEW AGILE AND VIRTUAL FIRM / PART II: DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES IN THE WORKPLACE / PART III: ATTRACTING MILLENNIALS TO THE WORKPLACE / PART IV: NEW LEARNING PARADIGMS AND THE CHALLENGE OF DEVELOPING THE FUTURE LEADERS / PART V: THE NEW RE-ALIGNMENT CONTRACT A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 192pp 234x156mm 12 b/w tables and 27 figures Hardback £26.00 978-1-137-30298-4

Allen P. Adamson, Managing Director of the New York office of Landor Associates, one of the world’s leading strategic brand consulting and design firms, Author of BrandDigital: Simple Ways Top Brands Succeed in the Digital World and BrandSimple: How the Best Brands Keep it Simple and Succeed Foreword by Steve Forbes

In The Edge, Allen Adamson examines how leading brands maintain their dominance in the market by looking at the challenges facing the biggest brands today. He reveals the guiding principles employed to ensure the message stays focused, remains clear, and continues to drive a brand to the top of the market. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 288pp 234x156mm 50 b/w photographs Hardback £17.99 978-0-230-34224-8

Breakthrough Marketing Plans How to Stop Wasting Time and Start Driving Growth 2nd edition Tim Calkins, Clinical Professor of Marketing, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, USA, he works with major corporations around the world on marketing strategy and branding issues; Managing Director of Class 5 Consulting

Breakthrough Marketing Plans shows how to create simpler and more powerful marketing plans in an age of increasing amounts of data, marketing tactics, and competitive pressure. Contents: Introduction / Who Needs a Marketing Plan, Anyway / Why So Many Marketing Plans Are a Waste of Time / What Really Matters: The One Page Summary / The Best of the Best / The Road Map: Step by Step / Writing the Plan / The Big Show / Marketing Plan Template / Example / Twenty Strategic Initiatives / Common Questions / Sources / Acknowledgements January 2013 256pp 234x156mm 62 charts and 2 figures Paperback £16.99 978-0-230-34033-6

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Online Video Revolution

Masters of Disaster

How to Reinvent and Market Your Business Using Video

The Ten Commandments of Damage Control

John Cecil, Co-founder and CEO of Innovate Media, he has managed and overseen hundreds of production projects for clients that included Canon, Bank of America, HP, Nutrisystem, eHarmony and Rhapsody and many more. Prior to Innovate Media Cecil has held positions with such media companies as Lifetime Television, A&E Television and Yahoo!

Online video expert, John Cecil provides a guide to successfully utilizing video in your marketing strategy by outlining tools and techniques for video creation and distribution. Online Video Revolution provides a holistic, metrics-driven approach which has been successful for Canon, Legalzoom, eHarmony and many more. Contents: Dedication / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Lights, Camera, Action! Text Goes to VideoBased Content / Video in the Media Mix: Where It's Been and Where It's Going / Participate in the Video Transition / Creating Video: Top Considerations for Production Success / Return on Investment (ROI) / Delivery / Production / Video SEO - The Science of Getting Seen / Make Your Videos Social / Taking Your Video to the Bank / Appendix / About John Cecil / About Innovate Media


Christopher Lehane and Mark Fabiani run a crisis communications firm, Fabiani and Lehane, that has represented global Fortune 500 companies, high profile CEOs, elected officials, celebrities and athletes and Bill Guttentag, two-time Oscar-winning Documentary and Feature Film WriterProducer-Director. His 2003 Oscar was for the documentary Twin Towers

PR gurus and top political advisors Mark Fabiani and Chris Lehane show PR professionals, brand managers and political operatives how to bulletproof any marketing campaign - and clean up any crisis. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 256pp 234x156mm Hardback £16.99 978-0-230-34180-7


Government Intervention in the Brewing Industry John Spicer, Consultant, Chris Thurman, received an MBE for services to the brewing, John Walters and Simon Ward, Consultant

'This book is a meticulously researched and fluently written account of an astonishing period in the history of its subject industry. It’s as enjoyable a read as it is shocking.’ - Robert Humphreys, Honorary Secretary, the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group This paperback edition explores the radical intervention carried out by the Thatcher administration in response to 1986-89 Monopolies and Mergers Commission inquiry into brewing. It includes a new timeline of events and describes the creation of big brewers, the official investigations and the damaging consequences for consumers and licensees. Contents: The ‘Big Six’ Brewers and the Early Investigations / Milestones on the Road to a Monopoly Reference / The State of Affairs in 1985 / The OFT Prepares its Case / The Conduct of the Inquiry / The MMC Receives the Evidence / Radical Change Proposed / Mixed Reactions to the Report / The Government Confronts the Recommendations / The Beer Orders Emerge / Complying with the Orders / Four More Reviews / The Big Brewers Fall into Foreign Hands / The Regionals React / Pub Companies and Licensees / Prices and Choice / The Beer Market / The Beer Orders are Revoked / Pubcos Move Centre Stage / Summary and Conclusions / What If?

January 2013 256pp 234x156mm 20 b/w illustrations and 10 charts Hardback £20.00 978-1-137-00307-2

January 2013 344pp 216x138mm 17 b/w tables and 15 figures Paperback £18.99 978-1-137-30572-5



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The Wealth Choice Success Secrets of Black Millionaires Dennis Kimbro, Author of four books, including Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, and a certified Napoleon Hill Science of Success trainer and leadership coach. Kimbro’s motivational lectures have influenced the boardrooms of General Motors, Walt Disney, Frito-Lay and Wells Fargo. He has appeared on such shows as Today and Larry King Live, and has been featured in Success, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and USA Today. Kimbro is listed in Who’s Who in Black America and is the former director of the Center of Entrepreneurship at Clark Atlanta University, USA

Based on a study of 1,000 of the wealthiest African Americans, The Wealth Choice offers a trove of sound and surprising advice about climbing the economic ladder, even when the odds seem stacked against you. Readers learn how business leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities like Bob Johnson, Spike Lee, and L. A. Reid found their paths to wealth. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 304pp 234x156mm Hardback £16.99 978-0-230-34207-1



The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling

Silencing Cinema

2nd edition

Film Censorship around the World Edited by Daniel Biltereyst, Professor of Film and Cultural Media Studies, Department of Communication Studies, Ghent University, Belgium and Roel Vande Winkel, Associate Professor, University of Antwerp, Belguim; LUCA, College Sint-Lukas Brussels, Belgium; Associate Editor of the Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television

Edited by Mick Cooper, Professor of Counselling, Counselling Unit, University of Strathclyde, UK, Maureen O’Hara, Professor and Chair of Department, Department of Psychology, National University, La Jolla, USA, Peter F. Schmid, Professor and Chair of the Person-Centred Department, Sigmund Freud University, Austria and Arthur Bohart, Emeritus Professor of Marital and Family Therapy, California State University, Dominguez Hills, USA

Review of the 1st edition: 'A Who’s Who of contemporary person-centred thinkers and practitioners. This handbook will be the standard reference work in the area.’ - William B. Stiles, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Miami University, USA Already the standard reference work of its type, this new edition offers significant new material and new insights for a wide audience. Bringing together leading international experts in the field, this highly acclaimed textbook offers a uniquely comprehensive, detailed and vibrant exploration of the field of contemporary person-centred psychotherapy and counselling. Thoroughly updated, the second edition directly addresses the challenges currently facing practitioners, particularly in relation to the increasing emphasis on evidence-based practice and time-limited work. There are many new chapters including material on integrative practice, assessment and formulation, working with children and young people, grief and bereavement, addictions, spirituality and person-centred arts therapies. The second edition extends its masterful discussion of person-centred theory and its development in order to explore its influence on psychotherapy's wider theory base. At the same time, there is a new emphasis on illustrating theoretical or practical ideas with actual dialogues and cases, bringing the material to life for students and trainees.

Oppression by censorship affects the film industry far more frequently than any other mass media. Including essays by leading film historians, the book offers groundbreaking historical research on film censorship in major film production countries and explores such innovative themes as film censorship and authorship, religion, and colonialism. Contents: PART I: CENSORSHIP, REGULATION, AND HEGEMONY / PART II: CONTROL, CONTINUITY, AND CHANGE / PART III: COLONIALISM, LEGACY, AND POLICIES / PART IV: CENSORSHIP MULTIPLICITY, MORAL REGULATION, AND EXPERIENCES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 288pp 235x152mm Hardback £57.50 978-0-230-34080-0 Paperback £18.99 978-0-230-34081-7

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: www.palgrave. com/products/title.aspx?pid=470338 March 2013 440pp 246x171mm Paperback £24.99 978-0-230-28049-6 TB

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Culture & the Media Paul Bowman, Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies, Cardiff University, UK

This book sets out the range of approaches to Culture and Media in a simple and direct manner that is comprehensible to a wide student readership. It introduces the complexity of culture and shows how theoretical and disciplinary debates over the meaning of the media and culture relate to everyday cultural experience. Contents: Introduction / 'High' Culture vs 'Media' Culture: American Accents on Global Televisions / Media Values and Cultural Values: Watching the News and/or The Day Today / Shock, Horror, Scandal: The Mythical Five Year Old Child of Moral Panics / Media Politics: 'Down with this sort of thing!' / Reality (and) TV / Mediated Cultural Identities / Spectacular, Spectacular: Filming Media Culture / The New and the Now: New Forms of Media Culture / Conclusion: The Uses of Media Studies November 2012 160pp 216x138mm Paperback £14.99 978-0-230-27712-0

Key Concerns in Media Studies Series Editor: Andrew Crisell

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB


The Democratic Value of News

Borderless Economics

Why Public Service Media Matter

Chinese Sea Turtles, Indian Fridges and the New Fruits of Global Capitalism

Stephen Cushion, Lecturer in Journalism, Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University, UK

‘This is a superb book by a rising star of journalism studies.’ - James Curran, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK ‘Stephen Cushion’s The Democratic Value of News: Why Public Service Media Matter is a work of singular importance. As the Internet and digital communication remakes our media and revamps journalism before our eyes, Cushion makes a powerful case for the continued significance and necessity of public service media. This will be required reading for scholars, students and concerned citizens.’ Robert W. McChesney, University of Illinois, USA The ownership and funding of media organizations inevitably affects what news we receive everyday. But is public or private ownership better? Looking at how news is constructed in different contexts under public and commercial models, this book uses global comparative examples to give a topical insight into the world of broadcasting today. Contents: Introduction / The Philosophy and Economics of Different Broadcast Models: How do Funding Models and Regulatory Frameworks Shape the Democratic Value of News? / Journalism Cultures and Public Service Ethics: Evaluating the Democratic Value of News / Reflecting a 'Window on the World'? Reporting Local, National and International News / Making Sense of Elections: The Journalistic Conventions and Practices of Campaign Reporting / Between Patriotism and Independence: The Politics of Reporting Wars and Conflicts / Adapting to the 24/7 Environment of Journalism: The Evolution and Development of Rolling News Channels / Protecting the Democratic Value of News: Why Public Service Media Matter / Bibliography

Robert Guest, Global Business Editor, The Economist. In the past two decades, he has reported from nearly 70 countries and won numerous awards. He is a regular commentator on the BBC, CNN and other television networks and Author of The Shackled Continent

‘Fantastically entertaining and wellwritten...[I]couldn’t put it down.’ - Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail and Free Robert Guest, The Economist‘s global business editor, observes how migrant networks create wealth, spread ideas, and foster innovation. From how Chinese people studying abroad bring home democratic ideas to why the reserve brain drain reduces poverty, Borderless Economics is a fascinating look at how migration makes the world wealthier and happier. Contents: Diaspora Economics: Why Tribalism Fosters Prosperity / Diaspora Politics: How Sea Turtles Will Turn China Democratic / Networks of Innovation: How Indian Exiles Will Save Medicare / Networks of Trust: How the Brain Drain Reduces Global Poverty / Networks of Hatred: Breeding Jihad and Genocide / The Hub Nation: Why America Will Remain Number One February 2013 256pp 242x161mm Paperback £10.99 978-0-230-34201-9

October 2012 160pp 216x138mm Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-27152-4 Paperback £14.99 978-0-230-27153-1 TB



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Towards a Dynamic Economics Sir Roy Harrod, Economist January 2013 184pp 216x138mm Paperback £25.00 978-0-230-24928-8

Palgrave Classics in Economics

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Job Guarantee

The Third Industrial Revolution

Toward True Full Employment

How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World

Edited by Michael J. Murray, Assistant Professor of Economics, Bemidji State University, USA and Mathew Forstater, Professor of Economics, University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA

This timely collection will be the first of its kind to focus on the practical application of the government job guarantee (JG) for both developed and developing economies. Global case studies include: United States, China, Ghana, Argentina, Ireland, Iceland, and India. Contents: PART I: THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS / Rising Job Complexity and the Need for Government Guaranteed Work and Training; J.D.Wisman & R.Nickolas / Wage and Funding Options for a Job Guarantee Program; P.Harvey / Comparing the ELR in Capital Rich and Capital Poor Economies; J.E.Nell / Neighborhood Unemployment Councils and the Importance of Grassroots Support for the Policy Success of the Job Guarantee; M.Forstater / PART II: SIMULATIONS / Green Jobs for Full Employment, a Stock Flow Consistent Analysis; A.Godin / The Low Cost of Full Employment in the United States; F.Kaboub / Simulating the Job Guarantee - An Application to the Open Economy and the Global Financial Crisis; S.Fullwiler / The Employer of Last Resort Program in a Dynamic Capitalist Economy: Addressing the Problems of Effective Demand and Structural Change; M.J.Murray / PART III: CASE STUDIES / Bring Back the WPA: Lessons from the Job Creation Programs of the 1930s; N.E.Rose / Can ELR Green Job Programs Provide Ecological Sustainability in a Modern Production Society? - The Case of China’s State Funded Green Job Creation Program; J.Y.Li / The Euro Crisis and the Job Guarantee: A Proposal for Ireland; L.R.Wray / The State, Employer of Last Resort and Youth Employment: A Case Study of the National Youth Employment Programme in Ghana; R.B.Dadzie / Beyond Full Employment: What Argentina’s Plan Jefes Can Teach Us About the Employer of Last Resort; P.Tcherneva / Employment Generation Schemes and Long Term Development- a Case Study in India; P.Dasgupta

Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends and Author of 18 bestselling books, including The Hydrogen Economy

The Third Industrial Revolution is an insider's account of the next great economic era, including a look into the personalities and players - heads of state, global CEOs, social entrepreneurs, and NGOs - who are pioneering its implementation around the world. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE THIRD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION / The Real Economic Crisis Everyone Missed / A New Narrative / Turning Theory to Practice / PART II: LATERAL POWER / Distributed Capitalism / Beyond Right and Left / From Globalization to Continentalization / PART III: THE COLLABORATIVE AGE / Retiring Adam Smith / A Classroom Makeover / Morphing from the Industrial to the Collaborative Era February 2013 304pp Paperback £10.99 978-0-230-34197-5


The Theory of Wages John R. Hicks, sometime British Economist, and one of the most important and influential economists of the twentieth century January 2013 416pp 216x138mm Paperback £25.00 978-0-230-24930-1

Palgrave Classics in Economics

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

January 2013 272pp 235x152mm 35 figures and 7 tables Hardback £72.50 978-1-137-28609-3 Paperback £20.99 978-1-137-28610-9

Research monographs are no longer included in this catalogue. For a full list of new monographs visit or email



The Accumulation of Capital

Microeconomics Equilibrium & Efficiency Thijs ten Raa, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Joan Robinson, Professor of Economics, University of Cambridge, UK

In this classic work Joan Robinson goes back to the beginning and works out the basic theory that is needed for a coherent treatment of the problems that present themselves in a developing economy. This new edition features a new introduction, which discusses the great significance of Robinson’s work. Contents: Foreword / Introduction / PART I: INTRODUCTION / The Classes of Income / The Classes of Wealth / The Meaning of Money / Capital and Income / Consumption and Investment / The Meaning of Equilibrium / PART II: ACCUMULATION IN THE LONG RUN / ASimple Model / Section I - Accumulation with One Technique / Accumulation with Constant Technique / Technical Progress / Section II - The Technical Frontier / The Spectrum of Techniques / The Evaluation of Capital / The Technical Frontier in a Golden Age / Productivity and the Real Capital Ratio / Accumulation without Inventions / A Surplus of Labour / Section III Accumulation and Technical Progress / Accumulation with Neutral Technical Progress / Accumulation with Biased Progress / Synopsis of the Theory of Accumulation in the Long Run / PART III: THE SHORT PERIOD / Prices and Profits / Wages and Prices / Fluctuations in the Rate of Investment / Cycles and Trends / PART IV: FINANCE / Money and Finance / The Rates of Interest / PART V: THE RENTIER / Consumption of Profits / Consumption and Accumulation in the Long Run / Rentiers and the Trade Cycle / Rentiers and Finance / PART VI: LAND / Land and Labour / Factor Ratios and Techniques. A Digression / Land and Accumulation / Land, Labour and Accumulation / Increasing and Diminishing Returns / PART VII: RELATIVE PRICES / Supply and Demand / PART VIII: International Trade / External Investment / International Investment / NOTES ON VARIOUS TOPICS / Postscript / The Value of Invested Capital January 2013 464pp 210x140mm Paperback £25.00 978-0-230-24932-5


Microeconomics: Equilibrium and Efficiency teaches how to apply microeconomic theory in an innovative, intuitive and concise way. Using real-world, empirical examples, this book not only covers the building blocks of the subject, but helps gain a broad understanding of microeconomic theory and models.

Contents: PART I: ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES / Economic Building Blocks and the Importance of Elasticities / Scarcities and how they are Priced / PART II: THE DEMAND SIDE OF THE ECONOMY / Utility and Expenditures / Demand: Income and Substitution Effects / Measuring Consumer Well-being / PART III: THE SUPPLY SIDE OF THE ECONOMY / Production Analysis: Inputs, Outputs, Coefficients, and Productivity / Production Functions / Supply and Market Power / PART IV: BUILDING THE MODEL OF THE ECONOMY / Equilibrium / Efficiency Theory / PART V: PUTTING THE MODEL TO USE / Measuring Economic Performance / Market Forms and Competition Policy / Public Economics / PART VI: MARKET IMPERFECTIONS / Game Theory and the New Industrial Organization / Analyzing Uncertainty and Missing Information / Search, Transaction, and Switching Costs February 2013 352pp 246x189mm 42 figures and 1 map Hardback £80.00 978-0-230-20112-5 Paperback £44.99 978-0-230-20113-2 TB

Palgrave Classics in Economics

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Macroeconomics Nils Gottfries, Professor of Economics, Uppsala University, Sweden

‘The author has a good approach, intending to provide a coherent framework based on microeconomics, which is not too technical, but sufficient to give a basis for the macroeconomic models that follow. The core content is balanced and the structure is appropriate. It is important to know that the author has a very strong publication record, and wide experience of current macroeconomics, which gives him strong credibility.’ - Paul Mizen, University of Nottingham, UK A new approach to macroeconomics based on microfoundations, combined with an essentially Keynesian policy analysis. Highly readable, no frills style, with consistent treatment of the short and long run and the closed and open economy. This book takes an international stance comparing theory with actual data for the Eurozone, UK and US. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE LONG RUN/ Production / Prices and the Distribution of Income/ Interest Rates and Investment / Consumption and the Natural Rate of Interest / Capital Accumulation and Growth / Wage Setting and Unemployment / Money and Inflation in the Long Run / PART II: THE SHORT RUN / The Interest Rate and Production in the Short Run / Economic Activity and Inflation in the Short Run / PART III: ECONOMIC POLICY / Monetary Policy/ Fiscal Policy / PART IV: THE OPEN ECONOMY / Exports, Imports, and International Financial Markets / The Open Economy in the Long Run / The Open Economy in the Short Run / Exchange Rate Systems and Monetary Union / PART V: FURTHER TOPICS / Business Cycles / Institutions and Economic Policy / Financial Markets March 2013 552pp 246x189mm Paperback £51.99 978-0-230-27597-3 TB



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Public Finance and Public Policy 4th edition Jonathan Gruber, Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and co-editor of both the Journal of Public Economics and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Health Economics

Jonathan Gruber’s groundbreaking Public Finance and Public Policy was the first textbook to truly reflect the way public policy is created, implemented, and researched. Like no other text available, it integrated real-world empirical work and coverage of transfer programs and social insurance into the traditional topics of public finance. From its first edition, the book quickly became the market-leading text for Public Finance and Public Policy courses, and the margin is growing. Thoroughly updated, this timely new edition gives students the basic tools they need to understand the driving issues of public policy today, including healthcare, education, global climate change, entitlements, and more. Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND/ PART II: EXTERNALITIES AND PUBLIC GOODS/ PART III: SOCIAL INSURANCE AND REDISTRIBUTION/ PART IV: TAXATION IN THEORY AND PRACTICE A Full Table of Contents is Available at: www.palgrave. com/products/title.aspx?pid=496254 February 2013 700pp 279x203mm Hardback £74.99 978-1-429-27845-4

Published by Worth Publishers




Empire and Education

Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform Barry M. Franklin, Professor of Secondary Education, Utah State University, USA

A History of Greed and Goodwill from the War of 1898 to the War on Terror

This book asserts that efforts to reform schools, particularly urban schools, are events that engender a host of issues and conflicts that have been interpreted through the conceptual lens of community.

A. J. Angulo, Historian of Education and Associate Professor, Winthrop University, USA

This book is about education and American imperialism from the War of 1898 to the War on Terror. Very little co-ordinated or sustained research has been devoted to the broader contours of America, education, and empire. And third, this volume seeks to inspire new directions in the study of American educational history. Contents: Preface / After the Maine / Benevolent Education / Culture and Citizenship / Hampton Creole / By Executive Order / Greatest Generation / Zero Hour / In Perpetuity / Private Matter / Complex Problem / Notes / Bibliography July 2012 206pp 235x152mm 2 figures Hardback £57.50 978-1-137-02451-0 Paperback £17.50 978-1-137-02452-7

Contents: Community and Curriculum: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Urban School Reform / Community Conflict and Compensatory Education in New York City: More Effective Schools and the Clinic for Learning / Community, Race, and Curriculum in Detroit: The Northern High School Walkout / Race, Restructuring, and Educational Reform: The Mayoral Takeover of the Detroit Public Schools / Educational Partnerships, Urban School Reform, and the Building of Community / Educational Partnerships and Community: Education Action Zones and ‘Third Way’ Educational Reform in Britain / Smaller Learning Communities and the Reorganization of the Comprehensive High School / Epilogue: Community in a Cosmopolitan World March 2012 272pp 216x138mm Paperback £18.00 978-0-230-33845-6

Secondary Education in a Changing World

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The Anti-Education Era Creating Smarter Students through Digital Learning James Paul Gee, Professor of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; Author of the bestselling What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy

For educators and parents of young people today, The Anti-Education Era shows the benefits of digital learning and how it can engage children in meaningful learning that will bridge inequality instead of creating more. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 256pp 216x138mm Paperback £10.99 978-0-230-34209-5


The Evolution of American Women’s Studies Reflections on Triumphs, Controversies, and Change Alice E. Ginsberg, Independent Education Consultant and Author of Gender in Urban Education: Strategies for Student Achievement (2005) and Gender and Educational Philanthropy (Palgrave, 2007)

This book is comprised of reflections by diverse women’s studies scholars, focusing on the many ways in which the field has evolved from its first introduction in the University setting to the present day. Contents: Foreword; A.Kimmich / Introduction; A.E.Ginsberg / Women’s Studies 1970’s to the 21st Century; A.E.Ginsberg / A Personal and Epistemological Journey Towards Women’s Studies; M.Smith Crocco / Women’s Studies: A View From the Margins; B.GuySheftall / Women Studies The Early Years: When Sisterhood was Powerful; P.Rothenberg / What Took Me So Long?: A Well-Behaved Woman Finds Women’s Studies; J.McLean Taylor / Gender at the Center: The Making of an Educator; Joan Poliner Shapiro / On Being a Pre-Feminist Feminist OR How I Came to Women’s Studies and What I Did There; E.Torton Beck / Women’s Studies, Systems of Oppression and Privilege, and Cultivating Accountability; A.Russo / My Life and Work in Women’s Studies (Now Gender Studies); J.Lorber / Continuity and Change in Women’s Studies Programs: One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward; C.Alejandra Elenes / Women’s Studies, Health, and Science: Evolution from Separation to the Beginnings of Integration; S.V.Rosser / Reflections on a Feminist Career; N.A.Naples / What Year Is It?; J.Fox O’Barr

Successful Reading Assessments and Interventions for Struggling Readers Lessons from Literacy Space Deborah Ann Jensen, Associate Professor and Jennifer A. Tuten, Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching and Associate Professor, both at Hunter College, City University of New York, USA

Offering an overview of the Master’s in Literacy program at Hunter College, the authors share its special features including parental and familial involvement, and presents six profiles of struggling readers and successful intervention strategies. The program allows one-to-one tutoring time as well as a community time for small group instruction. Contents: Literacy Space / Unique Qualities of Literacy Space / Kouki: An English Language Learner / Matthew: A Delayed Reader / Samuel: A Disengaged Reader / CJ: A Decoder / Hannah: Possible Learning Disabilities / Gabby: An Older Struggling Reader / Bringing It to Your Classroom / Involving Parents December 2012 230pp 235x152mm 16 figures and 14 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-02863-1 Paperback £20.00 978-1-137-02864-8

July 2012 254pp 210x140mm Paperback £20.00 978-1-137-27030-6



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Learning from the Ground Up Global Perspectives on Social Movements and Knowledge Production Edited by Dip Kapoor, Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta, Canada and Aziz Choudry, Assistant Professor, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, Canada

The dynamics, politics, and richness of knowledge production in social movements and social activist contexts are often overlooked. This book contends that some of the most radical critiques and understandings of dominant ideologies and power structures, and visions of social change, have emerged from those spaces.


Developmentalism in Early Childhood and Middle Grades Education


President Obama and Education Reform The Personal and the Political

Critical Conversations on Readiness and Responsiveness Edited by Kyunghwa Lee, Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education and Mark D. Vagle, Assistant Professor of Middle Grades Education, Department of Elementary and Social Studies Education, both at University of Georgia, USA


In this book, the contributors challenge dominant discourses and practices in the fields of early childhood and middle grades education that are based on the last century’s grand developmental theories.

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.

February 2013 266pp Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-31077-4

August 2012 278pp 216x140mm Paperback £20.00 978-1-137-03113-6


The Comprehensive Public High School Historical Perspectives Edited by Geoffrey Sherington, Professor and formerly Dean of the Faculty of Education and Craig Campbell, Senior Lecturer, both at University of Sydney, Australia January 2013 224pp 210x140mm Paperback £20.00 978-1-137-03374-1

Secondary Education in a Changing World

Robert Maranto, 21st Century Chair in Leadership, Department of Education Reform, University of Arkansas, USA and Michael Q. McShane, Research Fellow in Education Policy, The American Enterprise Institute, USA

President Obama and Education Reform offers a comprehensive analysis of President Obama’s education agenda. Obama’s reforms have drawn skepticism from supporters of traditional public schools. Robert Maranto and Michael McShane believe that the Obama-era reforms have led to successful innovation in both the private and public sector. Contents: PART I: THE INSTITUTIONAL AND THE PERSONAL / History and Policy / Myths, Pluralism, and the Educational Industrial Complex / Barack Obama: The Personal and the Political / PART II: THE POLICIES / Common Core: Backdoor National Standards / The Race to the Top / Obama’s Accountability Inheritance - NCLB / Obama’s Vision of Accountability - ESEA reauthorization / PART III: THE FUTURE / President Obama and the Future of Public Education August 2012 200pp 235x152mm 10 b/w tables and 13 figures Hardback £57.50 978-1-137-03091-7 Paperback £17.50 978-1-137-03092-4

Education Policy Series Editors: Frederick M. Hess, Lance D. Fusarelli and Martin West

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Research monographs are no longer included in this catalogue. For a full list of new monographs visit or email



Schooling in the Age of Austerity Urban Education and the Struggle for Democratic Life Alexander J. Means, Teacher, Department of Sociology, Trent University, Canada and Department of Education, Concordia University, USA

Through a case study in a Chicago public school, Means demonstrates that, despite the fragmentation of human security in low-income and racially segregated public schools, there exist positive social relations, knowledge, and desire for change that can be built upon to promote more secure and equitable democratic futures for young people. Contents: Introduction: Schooling in a Time of Crisis and Austerity / PART I: NEOLIBERAL SCHOOLING AND THE POLITICS OF SECURITY / Securing Precarious Urban Futures / Chicago and the Management of Social Research / PART II: NARRATIVES OF ENCLOSURE AND POSSIBILITY / Learning by Dispossession: Objective Violence and Educational Failure / Criminality or Sociality: A Zero Sum Game? / Searching for Human Security and Citizenship / Conclusion: Public Schooling for a Common Security February 2013 240pp 229x152mm Hardback £55.00 978-1-137-03203-4 Paperback £18.00 978-1-137-03204-1

New Frontiers in Education, Culture and Politics Series Editor: Kenneth J. Saltman

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Postcolonialism and Education Challenging Traditions and Disrupting Boundaries

Rethinking the History of American Education

Edited by Derek C. Mulenga, Assistant Professor of Adult Education, Instructional Systems and Workforce Education and Development, Pennsylvania State University, USA

This essential collection brings together the essays of established contributors and emergent scholars who provide a critical exploration and assessment of the relevance of postcolonialism for education research and practice. This is a book that theorists, practitioners and students within education will not want to be without. Contents: PART I: POSTCOLONIAL THEORY AND EDUCATION / Situating Postcolonialism in Education; D.C.Mulenga / Reception History and Postcolonial Critique; D.Plotkin / Limits of Liberatory Pedagogy: A Postcolonial Reading of Resistance and Border Pedagogy in the Work of Henry Giroux; K.Chowdhury / Rethinking Indigenous Education: Culturalism, Colonialism and Politics of Knowing; L.Semali / Pedagogies and Difference: Rethinking Education for Social Practice; P.Trifonas / PART II: POSTCOLONIALISM AND EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE / The Book and the Bazzar: Navigating the Postcolonial in Literary Studies; B.Ghosh / Postcolonial Literatures and the Politics of Representation in School Programs; I.Johnson / Snakes and Ladders: Ethical Issues in Conducting Research in a Postcolonial Context; M.McKeever / Traces and Mappings: Revising Identity through Performance; K.Kochhar-Lindgren / PART III: EDUCATION IN POSTCOLONIAL CONTEXTS / Alterity/ Identity: A Postcolonial Critique of Education Policies and Practices in the USA; S.Cole McNaught / Postcolonial Access to Knowledge: Issues and Responsibilities; J.Willinsky / Revisiting Mwalimu Nyerere: Education and Postcolonialism in Africa; D.C.Mulenga / Literacy, Globalization, and Nomadic Subjects: Postcolonial Approaches and Possibilities in Literacy Education in South/North America; D.Hemphill& L.Olmos January 2013 256pp 216x138mm Hardback £30.00 978-0-312-29535-6 Paperback £14.99 978-0-312-29536-3

Edited by William J. Reese, Professor of Educational Policy Studies and European Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and John L. Rury, Professor of Education, Department of Teaching and Leadership, University of Kansas, USA

The essays speak to historians, educational researchers, policy makers and others seeking fresh perspectives on questions related to the historical development of schooling in the United States. Contents: Introduction: A Multifaceted and Changing Field; W.J.Reese & J.L.Rury / Literacy, Common Schools, and High Schools in Antebellum America; M.Vinovskis & G.Moran / The History and Legacy of the Savannah Education Association; J.Jones / Children in American History; N.R.Hiner / Historical Perspectives on African American Education; M.Fultz / Immigration and Education in American History; M.Olneck / Women’s Education in the United States; M.A.Nash / Higher Education in American History; C.Ogren / Teacher Education and Teaching in 20th Century America; K.Sconzert / Curriculum History and Its Response to Revisionism; B.Franklin / Bridging the Gap between Metropolitan and Educational History; J.Dougherty / The Evolving Federal Role in American Education; A.Nelson / On Policy Relevant Knowledge: From the War on Poverty to the War of Ideas; E.Lagemann / Epilogue: Looking to the Future; W.J.Reese & J.L.Rury August 2012 304pp 210x140mm Paperback £22.50 978-1-137-26711-5



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Design of Structural Elements


to Eurocodes 2nd edition

Edited by Alison Cotgrave, Deputy Director, Department of the Built Environment and Mike Riley, Director, School of the Built Environment, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK

The first textbook in sustainable construction to bring together a whole range of topics from planning, through to facilities management and smart technologies. Accessible, engaging and complete with illustrations and photographs this book is perfect for undergraduates and professionals. This book, written by experts and including real-world case studies, can be used as a core text or across several modules. Contents: Introduction / Planning for a Sustainable Built Environment / Alternative Renewable Energy Sources / Sustainable Design / Green Construction Technology and Management / Refurbishment for Sustainability / Sustainable Building Services / Public Health Engineering Services / Smart Technologies / Carbon Reduction Management / Sustainable Procurement / Sustainable Project Management / Sustainable Facilities Management / Sustainable Property Management / Green Case Studies November 2012 336pp 246x189mm Paperback £39.99 978-0-230-39058-4 TB

Engineering Mathematics W.M.C. McKenzie, Lecturer in Structural Engineering, School of the Built Environment, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

Total Sustainability in the Built Environment


Review of the 1st edition: ‘The author has provided an excellent text for undergraduate students...particularly because of the real examples.’ - David Easterbrook, Senior Lecturer, School of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Plymouth, UK A detailed study of the process of design for structural elements, updated comprehensively for the new Eurocodes in all four building materials: concrete, steel, timber and masonry. The scope of this text is wide, and its numerous examples, practical problems and easy-to-follow diagrams make it an ideal course text.

7th edition K. A. Stroud, formerly Principal Lecturer in Mathematics, Coventry University, UK and Dexter J. Booth, formerly Principal Lecturer, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, UK

Engineering Mathematics is the bestselling book of its kind with over half a million copies sold worldwide. Its unique programmed approach takes you through the mathematics with a wealth of worked examples and exercises. The online Personal Tutor guides you through hundreds of practice questions with instant feedback.

Contents: Preface / PART I / Structural Analysis Techniques / Design Philosophies / Structural Loading / Structural Instability, Overall Stability and Robustness / PART II / Reinforced Concrete Elements / PART III / Structural Steelwork Elements / PART IV / Structural Timber Elements / PART V / Structural Masonry Elements / PART VI / Appendix 1: Greek Alphabet, SI Prefixes, Coefficients of Friction and Typical Material Properties / Appendix 2: Properties of Geometric Figures / Appendix 3: Beam Reactions, Bending Moments and Deflections / Appendix 4: Continuous Beam Coefficients / Appendix 5: Self-weights of Construction Materials / Appendix 6: Reinforcement Bar Cross-sectional Areas / Appendix 7: Black-bolt and H.S.F.G. - Bolt Data / Bibliography / Index

Contents: PART I: FOUNDATION TOPICS / Arithmetic / Introduction to Algebra / Expressions and Equations / Graphs / Linear Equations / Polynomial Equations / Binomials / Partial Fractions / Trigonometry / Functions / Trigonometric and Exponential Functions / Differentiation / Integration / PART II / Complex Numbers 1 / Complex Numbers 2 / Hyperbolic Functions / Determinants / Matrices / Vectors / Differentiation / Differentiation Applications / Tangents, Normals and Curvature / Sequences / Series 1 / Series 2 / Curves and Curve Fitting / Partial Differentiation 1 / Partial Differentiation 2 / Integration 1 / Integration 2 / Reduction Formulas / Integration Applications 1 / Integration Applications 2 / Integration Applications 3 / Approximate Integration / Polar Coordinate Systems / Multiple Integrals / First-Order Differential Equations / Second-Order Differential Equations / Introduction to Laplace Transforms / Statistics / Probability / Answers

March 2013 704pp 246x189mm Paperback £34.99 978-0-230-21771-3

February 2013 1120pp 276x216mm Paperback £42.99 978-1-137-03120-4



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Black Genders and Sexualities Edited by Dána-Ain Davis, Associate Professor, Queens College, USA and Shaka McGlotten, Assistant Professor of Media, Society, and the Arts, School of Film and Media Studies, Purchase College, USA

Cutting across the humanities and social sciences, and situated in sites across the black diaspora, the work in this book collectively challenges notions that we are living in a post-racial age and instead argue for the specificity of black cultural experiences as shaped by gender and sex. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: www.palgrave. com/products/title.aspx?pid=288359 January 2013 288pp 235x152mm 2 b/w illustrations and 2 b/w tables Hardback £47.50 978-1-4039-8399-2 Paperback £15.99 978-1-4039-7775-5

Critical Black Studies

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://



World Higher Education Database 2013 International Association of Universities

Guide to Higher Education in Africa 6th edition International Association of Universities

The sixth edition of the Guide to Higher Education in Africa contains reliable and up-to-date information on higher education throughout Africa - over 950 institutions in fifty-one countries, plus details of national education systems and agencies - in a single reference source.

The most comprehensive reference tool available in the field of higher education, the World Higher Education Database 2013 incorporates the IAU database in a cross-referenced, fully searchable CD-ROM. Over 17,000 universities in over 180 countries. Ability to download up to 250 addresses, additional exports are available through data licensing. Contents: Education Systems: Pre-Higher Education / Higher Education / Institution Types / Admission / Student Life / International Co-operation / Grading System / Credentials / Quality Assurance / Institutions / General Information / Divisions / Degrees / Facilities / Statistics / Contacts February 2013 CD-ROM Single User: £330.00 978-1-137-29388-6 Network Version: £695.00 978-1-137-29375-6

Contents: Detailed Information on Institutions by Country / Analysis of the Education System in Each Country / Listings of National Bodies Concerned with Higher Education / Includes invaluable information on Fees, Funding, Admission Requirements, Credentials, Staff and Student Statistics and much more March 2013 720pp 246x189mm Paperback £105.00 978-0-230-36960-3

Web resource available

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Martin’s Dream


New England Nation


Britain’s First Labour Government

The Country the Puritans Built

My Journey and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Clayborne Carson, Professor of History, Stanford University, USA; Director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute

Written with the unique perspective of someone who has, for three decades, been involved with Dr. King’s legacy, Dr. Carson give us an insider’s account of what transpired at the Dream speech, and beyond. A rich and engrossing memoir of black empowerment at a unique moment in time. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 304pp 234x156mm 8pp glossy b/w photographic insert Hardback £18.99 978-0-230-62169-5

The Slaves’ Gamble Choosing Sides in the War of 1812 Gene Allen Smith, Professor of History and Director of the Center for Texas Studies, TCU in Fort Worth, USA

In the tradition of Simon Schama’s Rough Crossings, The Slaves' Gamble is a sweeping and original look at American slavery in the early nineteenth century that reveals the gamble slaves had to take to survive.

John Shepherd, Visiting Professor, Anglia Ruskin University, UK and Keith Laybourn, Professor of History, University of Huddersfield, UK

Bruce C. Daniels, Professor of History, University of Winnipeg , USA

Out of European revolutions and social upheaval, an extraordinary society of literate, pious, and prosperous English Puritans flowered in seventeenth-century New England. This wonderfully readable history recreates the world of Puritan New England and places it in the broad sweep of history. The book provides a fascinating look into Puritan society, with sailors, sinners, women, children, and Native Americans joining the usual Puritan ministers of the seventeenth century. Combining remarkable primary sources with an enjoyable narrative, this book reveals the New England Nation in its fullness and complexity, and reveals striking parallels with the America of today. Contents: Introduction: New England, Puritans, and American History / Protestant Reform / Puritan Beginnings / The Great Migration / New England Blossoms / Subduing the Land / Subduing the Devil / Women in a Man’s World / Men and Women / Subduing the Natives / The Devil Strikes Back / Epilogue: A Strange Legacy September 2012 256pp 235x152mm 8 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-02561-6 Paperback £18.99 978-1-137-02562-3

‘A welcome and wellresearched reassessment of the first Labour government of 1924.’ BBC History Magazine ‘In this ground-breaking and fascinating assessment of the first Labour government, the authors skilfully show how courageously the ‘new boys (and girls)’ on the block asserted both their independence and their principles.’ - Professor Denis Judd, London Metropolitan University, UK This volume is the first major account for nearly fifty years to critically re-assess Labour’s first period in office in terms of domestic, foreign and imperial policy. It draws on a wide range of private papers and official sources, and reconstructs the history of this forgotten government in the broader social and political context of the 1920s. Contents: From Foundation Conference to Government / Over the Threshold / Labour Takes Office / Domestic Policies / Minority Government / Foreign and Imperial Policy / Downfall / Political Aftermath / Conclusion March 2013 272pp 276x216mm 11 photographs Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-31186-3

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. February 2013 272pp 234x156mm Hardback £17.99 978-0-230-34208-8

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The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe


The First World War

A Slave in the White House

A Brief History with Documents

Paul Jennings and the Madisons

Susan R. Grayzel, Professor of History, University of Mississippi, USA

Culture, Cognition and Everyday Life Edward Bever, Associate Professor, State University of New York at Old Westbury, USA

‘Beaver has done a great service in bringing an extensive and relevant medical literature into witchcraft studies...a book which bravly challenges so many received ideas can only be good for us all.’ - European History Quarterly Exploring the elements of reality in early modern witchcraft and popular magic, through a combination of detailed archival research and broad-ranging interdisciplinary analyses, this book complements and challenges existing scholarship, and offers unique insights into this murky aspect of early modern history. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE REALITY OF MALEFICIUM / The Varieties of Maleficium / Maleficium and Society / PART II: THE REALITIES OF DIABOLISM / The Devil in the Duchy of Württemberg / Witch Dances and Witch Salves / Sorcery, Satanism, and Shamanism / PART III: THE REALITIES OF BENEFICENT MAGIC / Divination and Prophesy / Benevolent Manipulative Magic / PART IV: REPRESSION AND REALITY / Magic in Society / Conclusion March 2013 648pp 234x156mm Paperback £24.99 978-1-137-31187-0

CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2009 Short listed for the Katharine Briggs Award 2009


'I am extremely impressed by Grayzel’s introduction. She has done a fantastic job of distilling the narrative of the war and its most important issues into a brief space. Considering the immensity of this task and the extensive literature on the war, this is no small accomplishment. I cannot imagine anyone doing a better job.’ - George Robb, William Paterson University, USA In this volume, Grayzel provides important insights into the origins, experiences and legacies of the First World War. A wide array of documents reveal the far-reaching causes and consequences of this total war, and offer unique perspectives from voices sometimes overlooked in the study of the war. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION: THE FIRST WORLD WAR: A MODERN, GLOBAL CONFLICT / The Origins of the First World War / Living Through the First World War / The War’s End and Aftermath / PART II: THE DOCUMENTS / The Origins of the First World War / Living Through the First World War / The Aftermath of the First World War

Elizabeth Dowling Taylor, Independent Scholar and Lecturer; formerly Director of Interpretation, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and Director of Education, James Madison’s Montpelier; Fellow, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, USA Foreword by Annette Gordon-Reed

A Slave in the White House is the true story of Paul Jennings, a slave in the household of America’s fourth president James Madison, and an extraordinary man in his own right - he taught himself to write and read and purchased his freedom. This accessible and original narative history was a New York Times bestseller. Contents: Preface; A.Gordon-Reed / Introduction / Raised and Nurtured / Presidential Household / Enamoured with Freedom / Not Even Paul / Change of Mind / His Own Free Hands / First Families of Color / The Right to Rise / Appendix: A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison / Acknowledgments / Notes / Bibliography / Index March 2013 336pp 8 b/w photographs Paperback £11.99 978-0-230-34198-2

March 2013 288pp 216x138mm Paperback £19.99 978-0-312-45887-4

Published by Bedford/St. Martin’s TB



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What is Masculinity? Historical Dynamics from Antiquity to the Contemporary World Edited by John H. Arnold, Professor of Medieval History and Sean Brady, Lecturer in Modern British History, both at Birkbeck College, University of London, UK

Across history, the ideas and practices of male identity have varied much between time and place: masculinity proves to be a slippery concept, not available to all men, sometimes even applied to women. This book analyzes the dynamics of ‘masculinity’ as both an ideology and lived experience - how men have tried, and failed, to be ‘Real Men’. Contents: Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; J.H.Arnold & S.Brady / PART I: PARADIGMS AND NOMENCLATURE /PART II: MASCULINITY AND HEGEMONY / PART III: MATURING AND ADULTHOOD / PART IV: DOMESTICITIES / PART V: MODERN FRONTIERS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 464pp 234x156mm 21 b/w llustrations Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-30560-2


Bad Girls in Britain Gender, Justice and Welfare, 1900-1950 Pamela Cox, Department of Sociology, University of Essex, UK

A significant and welcome study... with much to offer the cultural and social historian, the historian of gender, of women and of criminal justice and welfare.’ - Shani D’Cruze, Cultural and Social History ‘Concentrating on girls, Cox maps out and explains how they came to be defined as ‘problems’ and how they were subsequently treated in the child welfare system. Based on a thoughtful and critical assessment of a wealth of sources including government reports, administrative records, case files, letters, autobiographies and contemporary academic studies, Cox establishes that a consideration of gender is essential to understanding the workings of juvenile justice.’ - Journal of Social History


The Nazi Séance The Strange Story of the Jewish Psychic in Hitler’s Circle Arthur J. Magida, Writer-in-Residence, University of Baltimore, USA; Journalism Professor, Georgetown University, and recipient of multiple awards in journalism and the humanities, including the Simon Rockower Award from the American Jewish Press Association, the A.D. Emmart Award, and the Smolar Award for Excellence in Jewish Journalism

Erik Jan Hannussen, a popular Jewish stage magician and mentalist from Austria, wowed audiences and amassed a small fortune in the 1920’s and 30’s. Perhaps his greatest trick was that of becoming Hitler’s personal psychic and advisor, moving comfortably in Nazi circles for many years while hiding his Jewish heritage. March 2013 288pp 234x156mm 8pp. b/w photographs Paperback £10.99 978-0-230-34204-0

Britain’s ‘bad girls’, though few in number, pose a recurring challenge to established generational and gender orders. Now available for the first time in paperback, Pam Cox’s groundbreaking study examines the processes leading to their definition as variously delinquent, defective or neglected. Contents: PART I: DEFINING / PART II: COUNTING / PART III: POLICING / PART IV: REFORMING / PART V: WRITING / PART VI: DIAGNOSING / PART VII: REDEFINING A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. September 2012 240pp 216x138mm 6 photographs Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-29395-4

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866



Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict A History with Documents 8th edition

A History of the Pacific Islands 2nd edition

Charles D. Smith, Lecturer, University of Arizona, USA

Steven Roger Fischer, Institute of Polynesian Languages and Literatures, New Zealand

‘Smith’s book is the gold standard of texts on the Palestine-Israel and Arab-Israeli conflicts. It is rich in detail and carefully argued.’ - Joel Gordon, University of Arkansas, USA

‘This is, in my view, the best recent introduction to Pacific history, one ideally suited for undergraduate study and for general readers.’ H.G.A. Hughes, Reference Reviews ‘An excellent, comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the Pacific Islands, from prehistoric movements to modern political and economic realities. Recommended for all students of the Pacific.’ - Donald Tuzin, University of California, USA Steven Fischer traces the human history of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia from prehistoric culture to the present day. The second edition has been revised throughout in the light of recent scholarship and brings the story right up-to-date in terms of events and developments. Additional maps also enhance this established text.

Charles D. Smith provides a remarkably comprehensive and objective account of this complex subject, adopting a long-view approach. The eighth edition of this established text has been revised and updated and now brings the coverage right up to the present day. Contents: Preface / List of Photographs and Maps / Prologue: The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Historical Perspective: The Middle East And Palestine to 1517 / Ottoman Society, Palestine, and the Origins of Zionism, 1516–1914 / World War I, Great Britain, and the Peace Settlements: Deciding Palestine's Fate, 1914–1921 / Palestine Between the Wars: Zionism, the Palestinian Arabs, and the British Mandate, 1920–1939 / World War II and the Creation of the State of Israel, 1939–1949 / The Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Question of Refugees in the Contexts of Regional Strife and Cold War Rivalries, 1949–1957 / From Suez to the Six-Day War, 1957–1967 / Land, War, and Diplomacy: Shifting Calculations in a Cold War Context, 1967–1976 / Lebanon, the West Bank, and the Camp David Accords: The Palestinian Equation in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1977–1984 / From Pariah to Partner: The Plo and the Quest for Peace in Global and Regional Contexts, 1984–1993 / Israeli-Palestinian/Arab Negotiations and Agreements, 1993–1999 / The Oslo Process Undone Camp David 2000, Palestinian Rebellion/Factionalism, and Israeli Unilateralism, 1999–2012 / Epilogue / Glossary / Selected Bibliography / Index / Chronology March 2013 624pp Paperback £24.99


How English Became the Global Language David Northrup, formerly Professor of History, Boston College, USA; formerly President of the World History Association; he published widely in African, Atlantic, and World History

In this book, the first written about the globalization of the English language by a professional historian, the exploration of English’s global ascendancy receives its proper historical due. This brief, accessible volume breaks new ground in its organization, emphasis on causation, and conclusions. Contents: Disciplines, Perspectives, Debates, and Overview / Language of the British Isles / The Language of North America / English in Imperial Asia and Africa / Cultural Worlds / Tipping Points March 2013 224pp 216x140mm Hardback £55.00 978-1-137-30305-9 Paperback £16.99 978-1-137-30306-6

Contents: List of Maps / Preface to the Second Edition / Preface to the First Edition / Acknowledgements / Introduction / The First Islanders / Melanesians, Micronesians, Polynesians / The European Trespass / The Second Colonization / New Pacific Identities / Pacific Islanders in Transit / Re-Inventing Pacific Islands / The ‘New Pacific’ / Selected Further Reading / Index February 2013 320pp 216x138mm Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-36268-0 Paperback £17.99 978-0-230-36269-7

Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB

234x156mm 978-1-137-28143-2

Published by Bedford/St. Martin’s TB



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Comes with a CD/DVD



A Primer of Ecological Statistics

Molecular Cell Biology

2nd edition

7th edition - international edition Nicholas J. Gotelli, University of Vermont, USA and Aaron M. Ellison, Harvard Forest, Harvard University, USA; University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA

Phonology 2nd edition Philip Carr, Professor of Linguistics, Université Paul Valéry, France and Jean-Pierre Montreuil, Full Professor, University of Texas at Austin, USA

The second edition of this successful introductory guide has been thoroughly revised, updated and expanded to take into account the latest developments and current teaching. It now features three new chapters covering Moraic Theory and Optimality Theory, as well as new exercises and suggestions for further readings. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Revision of Phonetics / The Phonemic Principle / Alternations / Features, Classes and Systems / Problems with the Phonemic Principle / The Organisation of the Grammar / Abstractness, Psychological Reality and the Phonetics/ Phonology Relation / The Role of the Lexicon / Representations Reconsidered (i) Phonological Structure above the Level of the Segment / Representations Reconsidered (ii) Autosegmental Phonology / Phonological Weight / Optimality Theory / Issues in Optimality / Feature Specifications for Consonants / Sample Answers to Exercises / References / Subject Index / Language Index March 2013 432pp 234x156mm 1 diagram and 1 b/w illustration Paperback £24.99 978-0-230-57314-7

Palgrave Modern Linguistics Series Editor: Maggie Tallerman

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://


This book emphasizes a general introduction to probability theory and provides a detailed discussion of specific designs and analyses that are typically encountered in ecology and environmental science. The second edition features two new chapters on estimating ecological metrics. Contents: PART I: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL THINKING / Probability: An Introduction / Random Variables and Probability Distributions / Summary Statistics: Measures of Location and Spread / Framing and Testing Hypotheses / Three Frameworks for Statistical Inference / PART II: DESIGNING EXPERIMENTS / Designing Successful Field Studies / A Bestiary of Experimental and Sampling Designs / Managing and Curating Data / PART III: DATA ANALYSIS / Regression / The Analysis of Variance / The Analysis of Categorical Data / The Analysis of Multivariate Data / PART IV: ESTIMATION / The Measurement of Biodiversity / Detecting Populations and Estimating their Size March 2013 579pp 234x117mm Paperback £36.99 978-1-60535-064-6

Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc. TB

Harvey Lodish, MIT, USA, Arnold Berk, University of California, USA,Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, both at MIT, USA, Anthony Bretscher, Cornell University, USA, Hidde Ploegh, Angelika Amon, both at MIT, USA and Matthew P. Scott, Stanford University , USA

With its acclaimed authors, cutting-edge content, emphasis on medical relevance and landmark experiments, Molecular Cell Biology is an impeccable textbook. Updated throughout, the seventh edition features new co-author Angelika Amon, a completely rewritten chapter on the Cell Cycle and significant updates to experimental techniques. Contents: Molecules, Cells, and Evolution / Chemical Foundations / Protein Structure and Function / Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms / Molecular Genetic Techniques / Genes, Genomics, and Chromosomes / Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression / PostTranscriptional Gene Control / Culturing, Visualizing, and Perturbing Cells / Biomembrane Structure / Transmembrane Transport of Ions and Small Molecules / Cellular Energetics / Moving Proteins into Membranes and Organelles / Vesicular Traffic, Secretion, and Endocytosis / Signal Transduction and G ProteinCoupled Receptors / Signaling Pathways that Control Gene Expression / Cell Organization and Movement I: Microfilaments / Cell Organization and Movement II: Microtubules and Intermediate Filaments / The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle / Integrating Cells into Tissues / Stem Cells, Cell Asymmetry, and Cell Death / Nerve Cells / Immunology / Cancer Lecturer and student supplements are available. August 2012 973pp 280x220mm Hardback £59.99 978-1-4641-0981-2

Published by W. H. Freeman and Company TB

Research monographs are no longer included in this catalogue. For a full list of new monographs visit or email




Student Solutions Manual for Molecular Cell Biology 7th edition Steve Amato, Boston College, USA, Stephanie Bingham, Barry University, USA, Elizabeth Good, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Tom Huxford, San Diego State University, USA, Tom Keller, Florida State University, USA, Greg Kelly, University of Western Ontario, USA, Brian Sato, University of California, USA, Glenda Gillaspy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, Leah Haimo, University of California, USA, Cindy Klevickis, James Madison University, USA, Muriel Lederman, Jill Sible, both at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, Brian Storrie, University of Arkansas, USA, Richard A. Walker and Eric A. Wong, both at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA

This manual contains the solutions to the end of chapter problems (Chapters 2-24) in Molecular Cell Biology, 7th edition - international edition. For more details please see the main text ISBN 978-14641-0981-2. August 2012 135pp 275x215mm Paperback £27.99 978-1-4641-0230-1

Published by W. H. Freeman and Company


Inquiry Biology


Volume 1: A Laboratory Manual Mary Tyler, Ryan W. Cowan and Jennifer L. Lockhart, all at University of Maine, USA December 2012 Paperback

308pp £29.99

A History of English Literature 3rd edition

272 x 214mm 978-1-4292-9288-7

Published by W. H. Freeman and Company

Inquiry Biology Volume 2: A Laboratory Manual Mary Tyler, Ryan W. Cowan and Jennifer L. Lockhart, all at University of Maine, USA

Volume 2 of this inquiry-based biology manual contains ten new laboratory exercises on topics including transpiration, the cardiopulmonary system and osmoregulation and excretion. The manual allows students to ask their own questions, gather information, formulate hypotheses, design and carry out experiments, collect and analyze data and formulate conclusions. Contents: The Biology of Organisms: Functions of Life / The Diversity of Life: Observing How Organisms Function / Experimenting with Fungi: Exploring Questions About the Fungi Kingdom / Analyzing Data: Interpreting Your Experimental Results / Transpiration: Plants Cooling the Planet / Cardiopulmonary System I: Getting Blood to Where it is Needed / Cardiopulmonary System II: Breathing for Gas Exchange / Osmoregulation and Excretion: What Urine Can Tell You about Health / Animal Development: Exploring Reproduction Using Chick Embryos / The Symposium: Presenting Research Through a Talk

Michael Alexander, University of St Andrews, UK

‘If I had my way, every student of English would be supplied with a copy of this book.’ - Gary Day, The Times Higher Education Supplement ‘An ideal starting point for any English student who is serious about the subject. It manages to provide a comprehensive overview of English literary history in an accessible, practical format. Moreover it is genuinely entertaining - Alexander’s style is pithy, pungent and personal.’ - Sarah Annes Brown, Anglia Ruskin University, UK This best-selling book traces the development of one of the world’s richest literatures from the old English period to the present day. It now features a full chapter on the contemporary period, with more on genres and the impact of globalisation. Contents: Introduction / PART I: MEDIEVAL / Old English Literature: to 1100 / Middle English Literature 1066-1500 / PART II: TUDOR AND STUART / Tudor Literature: 15001603 / Shakespeare and the Drama / Stuart Literature: to 1700 / PART III: AUGUSTAN AND ROMANTIC / Augustan Literature: to 1790 / The Romantics: 1790-1837 / PART IV: VICTORIAN LITERATURE TO 1880 / The Age and its Sages / Poetry / Fiction / Late Victorian Literature: 1880-1900 / PART V: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AND BEYOND / Ends and Beginnings: 1901-19 / From PostWar to Post-War: 1920-55 / New Beginnings: 1955-80 / Contemporaries February 2013 480pp 246x189mm Paperback £21.99 978-0-230-36831-6

An instructor’s manual is available.

Palgrave Foundations Series

March 2013 308pp Paperback £29.99

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

272 x 214mm 978-1-4292-9289-4

Published by W. H. Freeman and Company TB



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Comes with a CD/DVD


Masculinity, Crime and SelfDefence in Victorian Literature



Emelyne Godfrey, Freelance Writer

‘Masculinity, Crime and Self-Defence in Victorian Literature should be commended for gathering together and exploring nineteenth-century cultural phenomena about the intriguing topic of self-defence and for contributing to a lively scholarly field concerned with the interrelations of masculinity and class in that period.’ - Matthew Ingleby, Times Literary Supplement Considering crime fighting from the perspective of the civilian city-goer, from the mid-Victorian garotting panics to 1914, this book charts the shift from the use of ‘body armour’ to the adoption of exotic martial arts through the works of popular playwrights and novelists, examining changing ideals of urban, middle-class heroism. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Note on the Text and Abbreviations / Introduction / PART I: THE GAROTTING FARCE: ARMOURED MASCULINITY AND ITS LIMITS: 1851-1867 / PART II: ANTHONY TROLLOPE: AGGRESSION PUNISHED AND REWARDED: 1867-1887 / PART III: PHYSICAL FLAMBOYANCE IN THE SHERLOCK HOLMES CANON: 1887- 1914 / Bibliography / Index

HIGHLIGHT Mariadele Boccardi, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Fiction, University of the West of England, UK

Dueling with Danger

'Boccardi offers a compact yet comprehensive introduction to Byatt’s work and succinctly situates Byatt’s long career within major critical debates and existing scholarship.’ Stephanie Harzewski, University of Pennsylvania, USA This comprehensive new study offers a detailed analysis of all of Byatt’s fiction and also discusses her critical output. Mariadele Boccardi examines Byatt’s work in the light of postmodern concerns with language, narrative and self-referentiality.

Crime Files Series Editor: Clive Bloom

Contents: General Editors’ Preface / Acknowledgements / PART I: INTRODUCTION / Timeline / Introduction: A. S. Byatt - A ‘New’ British Novelist? / A Resistance to Biographical Readings: The Shadow of the Sun (1964) and The Game (1967) / PART II: MAJOR WORKS / Chronicles of Post-war England: The Virgin in the Garden (1978), Still Life (1985), Babel Tower (1996) and A Whistling Woman (2002) / Victorian Echoes: Possession: A Romance (1990), Angels and Insects (1992) and The Biographer’s Tale (2000) / Colours, Textures and Narrative Patterns: A. S. Byatt’s Short Stories Collections / The Inexorable Movement of History: The Children’s Book (2009) / PART III: CRITICISM AND CONTEXT / A Survey of Landmark Interviews / Other Writings / Critical Reception / Bibliography

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

March 2013 176pp 198x129mm Hardback £45.00 978-0-230-27570-6 Paperback £11.50 978-0-230-27571-3

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 216pp 216x138mm 13 b/w illustrations Paperback £16.99 978-1-137-30851-1

New British Fiction Series Editors: Philip Tew and Rod Mengham

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB


Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight 6th edition - international edition Peter Atkins, Oxford University, UK, Loretta Jones, University of Northern Colorado, USA and Leroy Laverman, University of California, USA

An established bestseller, the new edition of Chemical Principles retains the atoms-first organisation, flexible maths coverage and unparalleled problemsolving pedagogy of previous editions, with every worked example now introduced in a contextual setting. The updated sixth edition also has a new co-author, Leroy Laverman, and has been revised to make introductory material more manageable for students by splitting it across two chapters. Contents: Fundamentals / The Quantum World / Quantum Mechanics in Action: Atoms / Chemical Bonds / Molecular Shape and Structure / The Properties of Gases / Liquids and Solids / Inorganic Materials / Thermodynamics: The First Law / Thermodynamics: The Second and Third Laws / Physical Equilibria / Chemical Equilibria / Acids and Bases / Aqueous Equilibria / Electrochemistry / Chemical Kinetics / The Elements: The Main Group Elements / The Elements: The d-Block / Nuclear Chemistry / Organic Chemistry I: The Hydrocarbons / Organic Chemistry II: Polymers and Biological Compounds / Appendices

Lecturer and supplements are available. February 2013 1024pp 280x220mm Hardback £51.99 978-1-4641-2067-1

Published by W. H. Freeman and Company TB

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866




Linear Algebra with Applications

Building Models for a World of Data

Jeffrey Holt, University of Virginia, USA

Ann R. Cannon, Cornell College, USA, George W. Cobb, Mount Holyoke College, USA, Bradley A. Hartlaub, Kenyon College, USA, Julie M. Legler, St. Olaf College, USA, Robin H. Lock, St. Lawrence University, USA, Thomas L. Moore, Grinnell College, USA, Allan J. Rossman, California Polytechnic State University, USA and Jeffrey A. Witmer, Oberlin College, USA

STAT2 is designed to help students build on their statistical knowledge in order to analyze rich datasets using statistical models. The book develops a systematic approach to using different models and includes exercises to allow students to practice working with real data alongside output from statistical software. A free access code to a premium website for students comes with every new copy of the book. Contents: What is a Statistical Model? / UNIT A: LINEAR REGRESSION / Simple Linear Regression / Inference for Simple Linear Regression / Multiple Regression / Additional Regression Topics / UNIT B: ANOVA FOR MEANS / Analysis of Variance / Multifactor ANOVA / Topics in ANOVA / Design of Experiments / UNIT C: LOGISTIC REGRESSION / Logistic Regression / Multiple Logistic Regression / Additional Topics in Logistic Regression March 2013 648pp 254x203mm Hardback £52.99 978-1-4641-4826-2

From the first chapter, this text blends computational and conceptual topics, accompanied by applications to provide context. The book includes numerous representative examples, over and above those used to introduce topics, and over 2500 exercises across different areas and difficulty levels. Contents: PART I: LINEAR EQUATIONS / PART II: EUCLIDEAN SPACE / PART III: MATRICES / PART IV: SUBSPACES / PART V: DETERMINANTS / PART VI: EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS / PART VII: VECTOR SPACES / PART VIII: ORTHOGONALITY / PART IX: LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS / PART X: INNER PRODUCT SPACES / PART XI: ADDITIONAL TOPICS AND APPLICATIONS A Full Table of Contents is Available at:http://www. Lecturer and student supplements are available. March 2013 800pp 254x202mm Hardback £52.99 978-0-7167-8667-2

Published by W. H. Freeman and Company


The Apocalyptic Trinity Thomas J. J. Altizer, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA Preface by Mike Grimshaw

This audacious book demands nothing less than a radical rethinking of the theology of the Trinity, forcing into question both the residual liberal piety and the conservative faith that still undergird so much of religious studies and theology. Yet at the same time it is a work that returns the Trinity to centrality within Christian theology and existence. The Apocalyptic Trinity seeks to call forth a uniquely Christian Godhead that embodies absolute apocalypse - that very apocalypse originally enacted by Jesus as apocalyptic prophet. Contents: Preface, by Mike Grimshaw / The Mystery of the Trinity / The Offence of the Trinity / The Necessity of the Trinity / The Origin of the Trinity / The Apocalyptic Trinity and Absolute Nothingness December 2012 192pp 216x140mm Hardback £57.50 978-1-137-27620-9 Paperback £18.00 978-1-137-27621-6

Radical Theologies


Published by W. H. Freeman and Company

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The Earthy Nature of the Bible Fleshly Readings of Sex, Masculinity, and Carnality Roland T. Boer, Research Professor of Theology, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle, UK

Through a series of close readings, Boer explores the earthy nature of the Bible. These readings are gathered into three parts: the Song of Songs; Masculinities; Paraphilias. Each study is undertaken with rigorous attention to relevant scholarship and significant theoretical engagement (especially with psychoanalysis, ecocriticism and Marxism). Contents: Introduction / PART I: SONG OF SONGS: INTRODUCTION / The Second Coming: Repetition and Insatiable Desire in the Song of Songs / A Fleshly Reading: Masochism, Ecocriticism and the Song of Songs / Making It, Literally: Metaphor, Economy and the Sensuality of Nature / PART II: MASCULINITIES: INTRODUCTION / The Patriarch’s Nuts: Concerning the Testicular Logic of Biblical Hebrew / Too Many Dicks at the Writing Desk, or, How to Organise a Prophetic Sausage-Fest / Of Fine Wine, Incense and Spices: The Unstable Masculine Hegemony of the Books of Chronicles / Yahweh as Top: A Lost Targum / Skin Gods: Circumcising the Built Male Body / PART III: PARAPHILIAS: INTRODUCTION / Hooker Hermeneutics: A Reading of Avaren Ipsen’s Sex Working and the Bible / King Solomon Meets Annie Sprinkle / Orientalist Camp: The Case of Allen Edwardes / Hittites, Horses and Corpses: On Bestiality and Necrophilia in the Hebrew Bible / Conclusion

The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies Models for the Twenty-First Century Edited by Thia Cooper, Associate Professor in Religion, Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies, and Peace Studies, Gustav Adolphus College, USA

Declared dead in the 1990s, liberation theology is very much alive and well today across the globe. Bringing together prominent voices from the global North and South to present brief analyses of liberation theology's future, The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies includes leaders in the field along with the newest voices, with each of these pieces presented in the American Academy of Religion in the first five years of the Liberation Theologies Consultation. This book aims to reach a wider audience of undergraduates and graduates in religious studies and theology to provoke discussion of the future of liberation theology. As the consultation itself stated, the two themes of this book are: cross-over dialogue - between contexts and between disciplines; and reflection on the implications of liberationist discourse for the transformation of theology itself. Contents: PART I: DOES LIBERATION THEOLOGY MATTER FOR THIS CENTURY? / PART II: LIBERATION THEOLOGIES IN THE USA / PART III: LIBERATION THEOLOGIES AROUND THE WORLD / PART IV: THE FUTURE OF LIBERATION THEOLOGIES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: www.palgrave. com/products/title.aspx?pid=648400 February 2013 256pp 216x140mm Hardback £55.00 978-1-137-30505-3 Paperback £18.99 978-1-137-29244-5

New Approaches to Religion and Power Series Editor: Joerg Rieger


Whiteness and Morality Pursuing Racial Justice Through Reparations and Sovereignty Jennifer Harvey, Associate Professor of Religion, Drake University, USA

Considering how white U.S.-Americans may participate in racial justice-making, and shows how ‘white’ identities embody problematic moral realities, this book argues that reparations for people of African descent and sovereignty for Native peoples are critical for racial justice and transformation of what it means to be white in the United States. Contents: Introduction / The Moral Crisis of ‘Being White’ / Becoming a ‘Settler Colonial Nation as well as a Slaveholding One’ / Becoming Uniquely White ‘American’ / The Imperative of Reparations / Conclusion: Repentance and Repair - Toward Becoming More Human September 2012 278pp 210x140mm Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-26367-4

Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice Series Editors: Dwight N. Hopkins and Linda E. Thomas

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November 2012 208pp 229x152mm 1 figure Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-27305-5 Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-27315-4

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Plato’s Problem

Theology in the Age of Global AIDS & HIV


An Introduction to Mathematical Platonism Marco Panza, Research Professor,CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), France and Andrea Sereni, Lecturer, San Raffaele University, Italy

What is mathematics about? And if it is about some sort of mathematical reality, how can we have access to it? This is the problem raised by Plato, which still today is the subject of lively philosophical disputes. This book traces the history of the problem, from its origins to its contemporary treatment. It discusses the answers given by Aristotle, Proclus and Kant, through Frege's and Russell's versions of logicism, Hilbert's formalism, Gödel's platonism, up to the the current debate on Benacerraf's dilemma and the indispensability argument. Through the considerations of themes in the philosophy of language, ontology, and the philosophy of science, Plato's Problem aims at offering an historically-informed introduction to the philosophy of mathematics, approached through the lenses of its most fundamental problem. Contents: Preface / Terminological Conventions / Introduction / The Origins / From Frege to Gödel (through Hilbert) / Benacerraf’s Arguments / Nonconservative Responses to Benacerraf’s Dilemma / Conservative Responses to Benacerraf’s Dilemma / The Indispensability Argument: Structure and Basic Notions / The Indispensability Argument: The Debate / Conclusion / Notes / References / Index

Gurdjieff and Hypnosis

Complicity and Possibility

A Hermeneutic Study Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, USA Foreword by J. Walter Driscoll

This book explores the life and ideas of the enigmatic twentieth century philosopher, mystic, and teacher of esoteric dances George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, performing a hermeneutic textual analysis of all his writings to illuminate the place of hypnosis in his teaching. Contents: Foreword; J.Walter Driscoll / Introduction: Gurdjieff, Hypnosis, and Hermeneutics / Philosophy: Ontology of the Harmonious Universe / Philosophy: Psychology of a ‘Tetartocosmos’ / Philosophy: Epistemology of ‘Three-Brained Beings’ / The ‘Organ Kundabuffer’ Theory of Human Disharmonization / The Practice of ‘Harmonious Development of Man’ / Life is Real Only Then, When ‘I am’ Not Hypnotized / Meetings with the Remarkable Hypnotist / Beelzebub’s Hypnotic Tales to His Grandson / Gurdjieff’s Roundabout Yezidi Circle / Appendix: Textual Chronology of Gurdjieff’s Life September 2012 288pp 210x140mm Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-28243-9

Cassie J. E. H. Trentaz, Assistant Professor of Theology, Ethics, and Church History, Warner Pacific College, USA


January 2013 320pp 216x138mm Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-36548-3 Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-36549-0

November 2012 208pp 229x152mm Hardback £58.00 978-1-137-27289-8 Paperback £18.00 978-1-137-27292-8

Content and Context in Theological Ethics Series Editor: Mary Jo Iozzio

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Contemporary China

The Power of Interdependence

Kerry Brown, Professor and Executive Director, China Studies Centre, University of Sydney, Australia

Lessons from Africa

China has created its own distinctive pathway to becoming one of the world’s largest economies, and the country’s development over the next decade has profound implications for the rest of the world. Assuming no prior knowledge, this book provides a lively and readable introduction to the politics, economy, society and culture of China today.

David Oladipupo Kuranga, Managing Director, Kuranga & Associates Global Consultancy

International organizations have drastically increased in number since the end of the Second World War, while also becoming more sophisticated and advanced. Despite this, little work has been done within international relations to evaluate the power of these structures independent of and in relation to other actors in the global system. This groundbreaking study assesses the impact and power of African IOs in the international system via case studies from Togo, Mauritania, and São Tomé and Príncipe, and to reasonably determine the role they may play in the future. Contents: Wielding the Power of Interdependency / A Gradual Emergence of Complex Interdependence in Africa / São Tomé and Príncipe / The Republic of Togo / The Islamic Republic of Mauritania / Lessons from Regional Organizations in Africa July 2012 202pp 229x152mm 1 b/w table Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-01992-9 Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-01995-0

Contents: Introduction / What is China? / The Making of Modern China / The New Chinese Economy / The Communist Party and Chinese Politics / How China is Governed / The Economy of Modern China / Chinese Society / Chinese Culture / China and the World / Conclusion March 2013 272pp 216x138mm 10 b/w tables, 3 figures and 1 map Hardback £65.00 978-1-137-28158-6 Paperback £22.99 978-1-137-28157-9

Contemporary States and Societies series To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB


Chinese Strategic Thought toward Asia Gilbert Rozman, Professor of Sociology, Princeton University, USA

'The author covers a broad period of contemporary Chinese strategic thinking, and does so in an authoratative manner. His perspective merits serious consideration... This book offers a corrective to the literature.’ International Affairs

Tracing the development of Chinese thinking over four periods from the 1980s on , this book covers strategies toward: Russia and Central Asia, Japan, the Korean peninsula, Southeast and South Asia, and regionalism. It compares strategic thinking, arguing that the level was lowest under Jiang Zemin and highest under Hu Jintao. Contents: Overview / Chronology / Chinese Strategic Thought in the 1980s / Chinese Strategic Thought 19901995 / Chinese Strategic Thought 1996-2000 / Chinese Strategic Thought 2001-2009 / Geography / Strategic Thought on Russia and Central Asia / Strategic Thought on Japan / Strategic Thought on the Korean Peninsula / Strategic Thought on Southeast and South Asia / Strategic Thought on Regionalism November 2012 300pp 210x140mm Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-03367-3

Strategic Thought in Northeast Asia

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Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union Laurie Buonanno, Department of Political Science, State University of New York at Fredonia, USA and Neill Nugent, Visiting Professor; Honorary Professor, College of Europe, Belgium; University of Salford, UK

This major new text on EU policy-making provides a concise but systematic introduction to the main policy areas in which the EU is active and the way in which EU policy is made, explaining how and why the EU’s policy portfolio has developed as it has and the distinctive characteristics of each broad policy area.


The Palgrave Handbook of EUAsia Relations Edited by Thomas Christiansen, Professor of European Institutional Politics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands, Emil Kirchner, Professor of Government, University of Essex, UK and Philomena B. Murray, Associate Professor in Political Science, University of Melbourne, Australia Foreword by Lord Patten

The Handbook provides a comprehensive range of contributions on the relations between the EU and Asia - two regions undergoing significant changes internally yet also developing stronger relations in the context of an emerging multi-polar world. It collates some forty contributions from various disciplines by contributors from throughout the world.

Contents: Introduction / The Policy Portfolio / Understanding the Policy Portfolio / The Principal Policy Institutions / Other Important Policy Actors / Key Features of Policy Processes / The Policy Cycle / PolicyMaking Modes / The Internal Market / Building a SocioEconomic Union: Agriculture, Cohesion, Environment, and Growth Policies / Economic and Monetary Union / The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice / Trade Policy / Foreign and External Security Policy / The Budget / Challenges and Prospects


February 2013 432pp 246x189mm 2 b/w tables and 12 figures Hardback £70.00 978-1-4039-1513-9 Paperback £27.99 978-1-4039-1514-6

January 2013 464pp 234x156mm 3 figures and 33 b/w tables Hardback £150.00 978-0-230-37869-8

A Full Table of Contents is Available at http://www.

The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson

Britain and the European Union Andrew Geddes, Professor of Politics, University of Sheffield, UK

An authoritative, up-todate and comprehensive analysis and assessment of the impact of the EU on Britain and of Britain’s contribution to the evolution of the EU. The book examines the key dimensions of this relationship, including policy and institutional developments, the effects on government and party politics, and the rise of Euroscepticism. Contents: Introduction / Britain on the Edge of Europe / Looking in from the Outside / Full Hearted Consent? Britain in Europe from Heath to Major / From New Labour to the Cameron Coalition / Britain, EU Institutions and Decision-Making Processes / Britain and Core European Union Policies / Britain and the EU’s Move Into High Politics / The British State and European Integration / British Party Politics and the Rise of Euroscepticism / Conclusions: Britain and the European Union Assessed December 2012 296pp 216x138mm 8 b/w tables and 4 figures Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-29194-2 Paperback £27.99 978-0-230-29195-9

The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson

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Borderland Russians Identity, Narrative and International Relations Geir Hønneland, Research Director, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway Preface by Iver B. Neumann

‘This highly readable and engaging work sheds new light on the region of Russia above the Arctic Circle, a neglected area of work in Russian politics, geography, and area studies...The work contributes to debates in international relations about how identities are assigned, how they evolve, and how they are made.’ - CHOICE ‘Hønneland introduces very interesting, big themes for the wide public.’ - Nordisk Østforum Nordic Journal of Russian and East European Affairs Geir Hønneland discusses some of the big questions in social science: What is identity? What is the role of identity and narrative in the study of international relations? The location is the Kola Peninsula, the most heavily militarized area of the world during the Cold War, now set to become Europe’s next big oil playground. Contents: Preface; I.B.Neumann / Author Preface Introduction / The Kola Peninsula: Politics, Society, International Networks / How to be a Northerner: Distinguishing North from South / How to be a Russian: Distinguishing East from West / Living in the Northern Environment / Narrative, Identity and International Relations / References January 2013 208pp 216x138mm 17 b/w illustrations Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-29731-0

Palgrave Studies in International Relations

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European Union Security Dynamics In the New National Interest Janne Haaland Matlary, Professor of International Politics, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway

'Janne Matlary’s most recent book is an imaginative and penetrating study of the pivotal role of the French and British axis in EU security policy by one of Norway’s most creative and thoughtful political analysts. This is a thoroughly thought provoking work.’ - C. Coker, Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK Highlighting how France and Britain are leaders in EU security and defence policy,this book explains why both states need each other in this policy area. The lack of relevant military capacity in Europe today implies that the US favours a strong EU in this field. The paperback provides an update on the EU’s position as an international security actor. Contents: New Preface / Introduction / PART I: SECURITY POLICY IN EUROPE / Post-National Security Policy in Europe / EU Security and Defence Policy: Legitimacy and Capability / EU Security Dynamics: The New National Interests / PART II: EU SECURITY DYNAMICS: PURSUING NATIONAL INTERESTS / Playing the Great Game: France, Britain, and Germany / Playing the Two-Level Game: France, Britain, Germany / PART III: INCURRING SECURITY POLICY DEPENDENCIES / Coalitions of the Able: The Pooling of Military Capacity in the ESDP / Coalitions of the Willing: The Pooling of Sovereignty in the ESDP February 2013 248pp 216x138mm Paperback £21.99 978-1-137-30762-0


Corpus Anarchicum Political Protest, Suicidal Violence, and the Making of the Posthuman Body Hamid Dabashi, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, USA

Corpus Anarchicum is a meditation on and attempt to understand suicidal violence in the immediate context of its most recent political surge - the decade between 2001 and 2011, from the suicidal mission of Muhammad Atta and his band in the United States to the suicide of Mohamed Bouazizi in 2010 in Tunisia. After the former a devastating military strike and occupation of two Muslim countries commenced, and after the latter a massive transnational democratic uprising ensured. Suicidal violence is neither specific to Islam nor peculiar to our time, but the suicidal violence we witness today is of an entirely different disposition because the bodies on which it is perpetrated (both of the assailant and of the assailed) are no longer the human body of our belated Enlightenment assumption. What we are witnessing is in fact the contour of a posthuman body. The posthuman body, as Dabashi here proposes, is the body of a contingent and contextual being, and as such an object of disposable knowledge, while the human body that it has superseded was corporeally integral, autonomous, rational, indispensable, and above all the site of a knowing subject. Contents: Body Doubles / In the Absence of the Face / Bodiless Faces / Bordercrossings / Voice, Vision, and Veiling / Corpus Amorphous / Corpus Anarchicum October 2012 246pp 235x152mm Hardback £57.50 978-1-137-26411-4 Paperback £17.50 978-1-137-26412-1

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The Myth of Martyrdom

Civic Life in the Information Age

4th edition

What Really Drives Suicide Bombers, Rampage Shooters, and Other Self-Destructive Killers

Politics, Technology, and Generation X

Andrew Heywood, Author of such bestselling texts such as Politics, Global Politics, Political Ideologies and Political Theory

Stimulating, succinct and accessible, the fully revised and updated fourth edition of this highly successful text offers a truly comprehensive introduction to the study of politics, written from an international perspective. Contents: What is Politics? / Political Ideas and Ideologies / Politics and the State / Democracy and Legitimacy / Nations and Nationalism / Political Economy and Globalization / Politics, Society and Identity / Media and Political Culture / Representation, Elections and Voting / Parties and Party Systems / Groups, Interests and Movements / Governments, Systems and Regimes / Political Executives and Leadership / Assemblies / Constitutions, Law and Judges / Public Policy and Bureaucracies / Multilevel Politics / Security, War and Peace / World Order and Global Governance / Does Politics Matter?

Adam Lankford, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Alabama, USA

For decades, experts have maintained that suicide terrorists are so fully committed to their cause that don’t fear death. In The Myth of Martyrdom, Lankford corrects this misconception as he explores the minds of self-destructing killers. The result is an astonishing expose told through suicide notes, diary entries, martyrdom videos. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 272pp 235x152mm Hardback £16.99 978-0-230-34213-2

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Stefanie Sanford, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Defying the general belief that American citizenship is in decline, Sanford claims that Generation X is actually taking positions of civic leadership and authority as Baby Boomers retire. By exploring traditional instruments of social capital, civic culture and political science, she attempts to make us understand this maligned generation better. Contents: The Problems of Citizenship in the Early 21st Century / History’s Standard of Good Citizenship / Assessing Contemporary Citizenship: The Case for Qualitative Methods / Cyber-Democrats and Just-inTime Social Capital / Wireheads as New Minimalists / Tech Elites: Bridging Old and New Social Capital / Trailing Xers, Rising Millenials and Two Cliches / Embracing Flux: Generation X and the New Norms of Social Capital November 2012 240pp 210x140mm Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-29927-7

February 2013 560pp 246x189mm Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-36337-3 Paperback £29.99 978-0-230-36338-0

Palgrave Foundations Series

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Gramsci, Political Economy, and International Relations Theory Modern Princes and Naked Emperors Edited by Alison J. Ayers, Assistant Professor of Global Political Economy, Simon Fraser University, USA

'Alison Ayers has brought together a group of serious scholars to probe some of the most intriguing themes raised by the use of Antonio Gramsci’s ideas within IPE and IR theory today. It will need to become required reading for everyone who believes that Gramsci remains relevant today, but that his work also demands a critical engagement if we are to benefit from its use.’ Randall Germain, Professor of Political Science, Carleton University, Canada This book seeks to provide the most comprehensive and sustained engagement and critique of neo-Gramscian analyses available in the literature. In examining neo-Gramscian analyses in IR/IPE, the book engages with two fundamental concerns in international relations: (i) The question of historicity and (ii) The analysis of radical transformation. Contents: Introduction; A.J.Ayers / PART I: PHILOSOPHICAL AND THEORETICAL REFLECTIONS / PART II: TOWARDS A COUNTER-HEGEMONIC RESEARCH AGENDA A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. February 2013 276pp 210x140mm Paperback £19.00 978-1-137-30468-1



International Organization

Cuba Under Siege

Theories and Institutions 2nd edition

American Policy, the Revolution and Its People

J. Samuel Barkin, Associate Professor of Global Governance, McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies, University of Massachusetts, USA

The newly revised and updated edition of International Organization is an introduction to the study of international organizations in the field of International Relations intended for students in the discipline. It looks at the different ways in which IOs are studied and then applies these different modes to a variety of specific case studies. Contents: Introduction: The State and International Organizations / Sovereignty and Globalization / Power and Interdependence / Regimes and Institutions / Efficiency and Ideas / The United Nations and Its System / From International to Human Security / The Institutions of Collective Security / Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid / Economic Institutions and Trade / International Finance / Development / The Environment / The Technical Details / The Fuzzy Borders of Intergovernmentalism / Conclusions

Keith Bolender, Freelance Journalist, Canada (he has written extensively on Cuban matters) Foreword by L. A. Perez Jr.

For more than fifty years America’s unrelenting hostility toward the Cuban Revolution has resulted in the development of a siege mentality among island leadership and its citizens. In a vibrant new look at Cuban-American relations, Keith Bolender analyzes the effects this has had on economic, cultural, and political life. Contents: Foreword; L.A.Perez Jr. / An Unseen Truth / Laying the Siege / Siege and Society / The Political Economics of Siege / A Changing Cuba - A Stagnant Siege / The Future of Siege December 2012 256pp 235x152mm Hardback £57.50 978-1-137-27554-7 Paperback £17.50 978-1-137-27557-8

March 2013 208pp 234x156mm Paperback £22.99 978-1-137-30240-3

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Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics Edited by Juan E. De Castro, Associate Professor and Nicholas Birns, Teacher, both at Eugene Lang College, USA

Mario Vargas Llosa is a heterogeneous writer whose positions have often not been consistent from novel to novel, between his fictional and nonfictional work, between his literary and political commentary, and as his political commentary has proceeded over the decades. This analysis of his work reveals his insights into sociopolitical matters. Contents: Introduction; J.E.De Castro & N.Birns / PART I: MARIO VARGAS LLOSA AND THE NEOLIBERAL / Mr. Vargas Llosa Goes to Washington; J.E.De Castro / The Wars of an Old-Fashioned (Neoliberal) Gentleman; F.Escárzaga / Let’s Make Owners and Entrepreneurs: Glimpses of Freemarketeers in Vargas Llosa’s Novels; J.O’Bryan Knight / PART II: THE WRITINGS OF THE 1980S AND 1990S / Appropriation in the Backlands: Is Mario Vargas Llosa at War with Euclides da Cunha?; N.Birns / Mario Vargas Llosa, Fabulist of Queer Cleansing; P.Allatson / Going Native: Anti-Indigenism in Vargas Llosa’s The Storyteller and Death in the Andes; I.LópezCalvo / The Recovered Childhood: Utopian Liberalism and Mercantilism of the Skin in a Fish in the Water; S.R.Franco / PART III: MARIO VARGAS LLOSA IN THE 21ST CENTURY / Sex, Politics and High Art: Vargas Llosa’s Long Road to the Feast of the Goat; G.Bell-Villada / Humanism and Criticism: The Presence of French Culture in Vargas Llosa’s Utopia; R.Forgues / PART IV: MARIO VARGAS LLOSA, MAN OF LETTERS / Mario Vargas Llosa’s Self-definition as ‘the Man Who Writes and Thinks’; S.Köllmann / Vargas Llosa and the History of Ideas: Avatars of a Dictionary; W.H.Corral

Women in the Middle East and North Africa

Daniel C. Kurtzer, S. Daniel Abraham Professor of Middle East Policy Studies, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, USA (during a 29-year career in the USA Foreign Service, he served as USA Ambassador to Egypt and as USA Ambassador to Israel)

Elhum Haghighat, Associate Professor of Sociology; Chair of the Political Science Department, Lehman College, City University of New York, USA

This book explores the complexity of women’s social status in the Middle East and North African region and fills a gap in the existing literature by providing an up-to-date and comprehensive portrait of women’s status from a theoretical and socio-demographic perspective. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND / The Path of Social and Economic Change According to the Modernization Theory / Patriarchy, Modernization, and the Global Economy / PART II: STATUS AND THE COMPONENT VARIABLES THAT INFLUENCE WOMEN’S ADVANCEMENT IN THE MENA REGION / Women’s Status: The Question of Access to Resources and Women’s Empowerment / Fertility Patterns, Trends, and Women’s Status / Education and Status of Women / Work: Definition & Patterns / Labor Migration, Oil Revenue, and their Impact on Women’s Employment / PART III: CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION, AND CASE STUDIES September 2012 228pp 217x140mm 17pp figures Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-27410-6

‘This is absolutely the right time for a book of essays that reinforce the urgent necessity of lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. This book is the antidote to the fatalism and pessimism; and above all it shows that with will and courage, a solution could be found. These are serious practical essays in policy making. You can agree or disagree with all that is written. But the essential urgency of the case is undeniable and brilliantly set out here.’ - Tony Blair ‘Now, nearly two decades after Rabin and Arafat shook hands on the White House lawn, Pathways to Peace offers a forward-looking assessment of the relationship between Israel, Palestine, and the United States. Through its diverse perspectives, this volume reminds us that cooperation must be rooted in shared responsibilities and shared benefits, and that the peace of the brave is still within reach.’ - Bill Clinton Recent upheavals in the Middle East are challenging long-held assumptions about the dynamics between the United States, the Arab world, and Israel. In Pathways to Peace, today’s leading experts explain these changes in the region and their positive implications for the prospect of a sustained peace between Israel and the Arab World. November 2012 256pp 234x156m Hardback £19.99 978-1-137-30479-7


America and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Change and Continuity

September 2012 248pp 217x140mm Paperback £17.50 978-1-137-27092-4


Pathways to Peace

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Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization Hanspeter Kriesi, Chair in Comparative Politics, European University Institute, Italy, Daniel Bochsler, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Jörg Matthes, University of Vienna, Germany, Sandra Lavenex, University of Lucerne, Switzerland, Marc Bühlmann, University of Berne,Germany and Frank Esser, University of Zurich , Switzerland

Providing comprehensive coverage of the models of contemporary democracy; its social, cultural, economic and political pre-requisites; its empirically existing varieties and its two major challenges globalization and mediatization. The book also covers the global spread of democracy and its spread into supranational democracies. Contents: Introduction - The New Challenges to Democracy; H.Kriesi / Globalization / Mediatization / Content of the Volume / PART I: DEMOCRACY - A MOVING TARGET OF GREAT COMPLEXITY AND VARIABILITY / PART II: THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBALIZATION AND MEDIATIZATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 256pp 216x138mm Paperback £22.99 978-1-137-29986-4

Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century Series Editor: Hanspeter Kriesi

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://


Rethinking Popular Representation Edited by Olle Törnquist, Professor of Political Science and Development Research, University of Oslo, Norway, Neil Webster, Senior Research Fellow, Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark and Kristian Stokke, Professor in Human Geography, University of Oslo, Norway

This book starts out from the deep concern with contemporary tendencies towards depoliticisation of public issues and popular interests and makes a case for rethinking more democratic popular representation. It outlines a framework for popular representation, examines key issues and experiences and provides a policy-oriented conclusion. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART II: DEEPENING THE PERSPECTIVE / PART III: REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNANCE?/ PART IV: CHALLENGES OF POPULAR REPRESENTATION / PART V: CONCLUSIONS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 288pp Paperback £20.00

210x140mm 978-1-137-00692-9

Governance, Security and Development Series Editor: Dietrich Jung

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://


The Big Truck That Went By How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster Jonathan M. Katz, 2010 recipient of the Medill Medal of Courage in Journalism and the 2012 winner of the J. Anthony Lukas Work-inProgress Award for this book. He has written for the AP for six years, reporting on the Mexican drug wars, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the battle that is Washington politics. He was stationed in Haiti for nearly three and a half years and was the only American reporter in the country when the earthquake hit on January 12, 2010. He routinely appears as an expert on Haiti for television and radio and is an Editor for the Associated Press based in New York

'A brilliant piece of writing…the best description of living through the Haiti quake I've read anywhere.' - Jonathan Alter, author of The Promise: President Obama, Year One ‘Katz is a great storyteller who enmeshes the reader in a lively web of history, incident, and examples of humanity pushing through disaster, hard luck, iniquity, and triumph to muck it up all over again.’ - The Judges of the J. Anthony Lukas Work-in-Progress Award In The Big Truck That Went By award-winning writer Jonathan Katz ties together the two crises that continue to cripple Haiti: the aftermath of the earthquake and government corruption. Asking the hard questions about Western aid, this is a vividly told narrative of how the affluent nations can help the less fortunate in a smarter way. January 2013 320pp 234x156mm Hardback £16.99 978-0-230-34187-6

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Understanding Third World Politics Theories of Political Change & Development 4th edition B. C. Smith, University of Dundee, UK

Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition provides a broad-ranging introduction to theories of political development and the contemporary comparative politics of the Third World. The new edition reflects key political and economic changes, and contains nine country-specific case studies which illustrate various types of political change. Contents: The Idea of a ‘Third World’ / The Developing Political System / Neo-colonialism and Dependency / The State and Politics in the Third World / Political Parties and Party Systems / Bureaucracy and Political Power / Military Intervention in Politics / Nationalism and the Politics of Secession / Instability and Revolution / Democratization in the Third World / Conclusion: Democracy and Development January 2013 312pp 234x156mm 11 b/w tables and 1 figure Hardback £70.00 978-1-137-00323-2 Paperback £25.99 978-1-137-00325-6





Experiencing the Lifespan


A Conservative Walks Into a Bar The Politics of Political Humor Alison Dagnes, Associate Professor, Shippensburg University, USA

Conservative critics argue that modern political satire, in the age of The Daily Show, has a liberal bias. A quick review of the humor landscape shows that there are very few conservative political satirists, and using personal interviews with political humorists this book explains why. The book explores the history of satire, the comedy profession, and the nature of satire itself to examine why there is an ideological imbalance in political humor and it explores the consequences of this disparity. Contents: Introduction: Who Brings the Funny? / Data, Experiments & Proof / Mirroring the Political Climate: Satire in History / Art and Profession / Being Funny & Being Right, Being Left & Being Right / Conclusions September 2012 256pp 235x152mm Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-26283-7 Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-26284-4


3rd edition

Janet Belsky, Middle Tennessee State University, USA

Janet Belsky’s Experiencing the Lifespan reflects a scientist’s understanding of key research, a psychologist’s understanding of people, and a teacher’s understanding of students. This extensively updated new edition features significant new findings, a broad-based global perspective, and enhanced media offerings. Contents: PART I: THE FOUNDATION / The People and the Field / Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth / PART II: INFANCY / Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development / Infancy: Socioemotional Development / PART III: CHILDHOOD / Physical and Cognitive Development / Socioemotional Development / Settings for Development - Home and School / PART IV: ADOLESCENCE / Physical Development / Cognitive and Socioemotional Development / PART V: EARLY AND MIDDLE ADULTHOOD / Constructing an Adult Life / Relationships and Roles / Midlife / PART VI: LATER LIFE / Later Life: Cognitive and Socioemotional Development / The Physical Challenges of Aging / PART VII: EPILOGUE / Death and Dying / Final Thoughts March 2013 470pp 276x215mm Hardback £50.99 978-1-4292-9922-0

Published by Worth Publishers



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Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

Psychology, Mental Health and Distress John Cromby, University of Loughborough, UK, David Harper, University of East London, UK and Paula Reavey, London South Bank University, UK

7th edition - international edition Ronald J. Comer, Princeton University, USA

This text is ideal for introducing students to the realities of living with, treating, and researching psychological disorders. Using a multitude of examples of real people and disorders, Comer presents the material in a way that connects to students’ lives. The new edition fully embraces diagnostic and definition changes introduced by the DSM-5. Contents: PART I: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY IN SCIENCE AND CLINICAL PRACTICE / Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present / Models of Abnormality / Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment / PART II: PROBLEMS OF STRESS AND ANXIETY / Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive, and Related Disorders / Stress and Trauma-Related Disorders / Somatic Disorders / PART III: PROBLEMS OF MOOD / Mood Disorders / Suicide / PART IV: PROBLEMS OF MIND AND BODY / Eating Disorders / Substance-Related Disorders / Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder / PART V: PROBLEMS OF PSYCHOSIS / Schizophrenia / PART VI: LIFE-SPAN DISORDERS / Personality Disorders / Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence / Disorders of Aging and Cognition / PART VII: CONCLUSION / Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession March 2013 489pp 230x280mm Paperback £44.99 978-1-4641-4599-5

Published by Worth Publishers

Foreword by Richard Bentall

This core text explores the complex web of factors interacting in cases of mental distress. Aligned with current mental health practice, its innovative approach integrates evidence with critique and fully covers the debates raised in abnormal psychology courses. The book includes a chapter written by service users, including clinical psychologists, counsellors and a representative from the Hearing Voices Network.

The Face of Emotion How Botox Affects Our Mood and Relationships Eric Finzi, Medical Director and President of two dermatology practices in the USA; Member of The American Academy of Dermatology, The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, and The Washington Dermatologic Society

Common wisdom has it that faces reveal our deepseated emotions. But what if facial expressions set our moods instead of revealing them? Based on original research, surgeon Dr. Finzi shows how changing a person’s face not only affects their relationships with others but also with themselves. A bold call to rethink the causes of unhappiness. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. January 2013 240pp 234x156mm Hardback £16.99 978-0-230-34185-2

Contents: Foreword / From Disorder to Experience / History / Culture / Biology / Diagnosis and Formulation / Causal Influences / Service Users and Survivors / Interventions / Sadness and Worry / Sexuality and Gender / Madness / Distressing Bodies and Eating / Disordered Personalities? February 2013 496pp 276x216mm Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-54955-5 Paperback £36.99 978-0-230-54956-2 TB

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Hauntings: Psychoanalysis and Ghostly Transmissions Stephen Frosh, Professor of Psychology and Pro-ViceMaster, Centre for Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK

This book explores how the present is troubled by the past and the future. It uses the idea of haunting to explore how identities, beliefs, intimacies and hatreds are transmitted across generations and between people and how these things structure psychosocial and psychopolitical life. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Psychoanalysis as a Ghostly System / Facing the Truth about Ourselves / Ghostly Psychoanalysis / The Evil Eye / Telepathy / Transmission / Forgiveness / Conclusion / References January 2013 216pp 216x138mm Hardback £50.00 978-1-137-03124-2 Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-03127-3

Studies in the Psychosocial Series Editors: Peter Redman, Stephen Frosh and Wendy Hollway

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Industrial Organizational Psychology

Introduction to Brain & Behavior

4th edition

Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw, both at University of Lethbridge, Canada

4th edition - international edition

Paul Levy, The University of Akron, USA

'Levy does a good job pitching his material at the right level. He spends a good deal of time addressing goals and assumptions of science and how theories work. This...does not appear in enough texts.' - Bryan Myers, University of North Carolina, USA The fourth edition of this acclaimed text introduces students to the psychological factors active in the workplace, including the psychology of the workforce, employee health and well-being, and various dynamics of work interaction. Includes recent studies focusing on new technologies, new work habits, and newly emergent organizational structures. Contents: I/O Psychology: Then and Now / Research Methods in I/O Psychology / Job Analysis / Criterion Measurement / Performance Appraisal / Predictors / Selection Decisions and Personnel Law / Training and Development / Motivation / Job Attitudes: Antecedents and Consequences / Stress and Worker Well-Being / Group Process and Work Teams / Leadership / Organizational Theory and Development March 2013 528pp 190x230mm Hardback £50.99 978-1-4292-4229-5

Review of the 2nd edition: 'Excellent book, nice illustrations, broad perspective including animal and human research. Demonstration of different neuroscience techniques in research.' - Georg Kerkhoff, Department of Psychology, Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Germany This leading introductory text explores the biological basis of behaviour. Drawing on their extensive teaching and research experience, the authors offer a proven framework that explores the key questions for students. This book combines authority, accessibility, and compelling content in a way no other text can match. Contents: What Are the Origins of Brain and Behavior? / How Does the Nervous System Function? / What Are the Functional Units of the Nervous System? / How Do Neurons Use Electrical Activity to Transmit Information? / How Do Neurons Use Electrochemical Signals to Communicate and Adapt? / How Do Drugs and Hormones Influence the Brain and Behavior? / How Do We Study the Brain’s Structure and Functions? / How Does the Nervous System Develop and Adapt? / How Do We Sense, Perceive, and See the World? / How Do We Hear, Speak, and Make Music? / How Does the Nervous System Respond to Stimulation and Produce Movement? / What Causes Emotional and Motivated Behavior? / Why Do We Sleep and Dream? / How Do We Learn and Remember? / How Does the Brain Think? / What Happens When the Brain Misbehaves? Lecturer and student supplements available.

Published by Worth Publishers

January 2013 602pp 240x284mm Hardback £48.99 978-1-4641-1899-9

Published by Worth Publishers Published in association with Palgrave Macmillan TB



Web resource available

Comes with a CD/DVD


Exploring Psychology 9th edition David Myers, University of Iowa, USA

'Giving David Myers critique on his masterful and wildly popular a bit like giving Oprah Winfrey talk show advice.' - Marissa Harrison, Penn State University, USA This new edition merges the rigor of science with a broad human perspective to provide a state-ofthe-art introduction to psychology. From vivid presentation and intense attention to detail, to research-based study aids, the inviting, authorial voice of David Myers speaks to the life experiences of all students. Contents: Prologue: The Story of Psychology / Thinking Critically with Psychological Science / The Biology of Mind / Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind / Developing Through the Life Span / Gender and Sexuality / Sensation and Perception / Learning / Memory / Thinking, Language, and Intelligence / Motivation and Emotion / Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing / Personality / Social Psychology / Psychological Disorders / Therapy March 2013 Hardback

645pp £45.99

280x220mm 978-1-4641-4705-0

Published by Worth Publishers

Always the Fat Kid The Truth About the Enduring Effects of Childhood Obesity Jacob C. Warren and K. Bryant Smalley, Co-executive Directors of the Rural Health Research Institute, Georgia Southern University, USA

Childhood obesity across the world is having massive effects on a whole generation. Always the Fat Kid examines the full effects of this epidemic and offers the provocative message to parents that they need to have "the talk" with their kids, which medical professionals say is a harder topic to address than sex or drugs. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 240pp 234x156mm Hardback £16.99 978-0-230-34177-7

Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience

Sensation and Perception

2nd edition

'This is a clearly written text that does an excellent job of presenting classic topics in the field of Sensation and Perception in the context of current research methodology and findings. Yantis has a talent for simplifying the most complicated of topics.’ - Sandra McFadden, Western Illinois University, USA ‘A readable text that incorporates the current research with interesting examples of application.’ - Barbara Blatchley, Agnes Scott College, USA

Dale Purves, Elizabeth Brannon, Roberto Cabeza, Scott A. Huettel, Kevin LaBar, Michael Platt, Marty Woldorff, all at Duke University, USA

Review of the 1st edition: 'This is a spectacular book that no introductory cognitive neuroscience course should be without. Students will find the information enlightening, the research compelling, and the companion software and web site remarkable.' - Christopher J. Graver, Doody’s Book Reviews Written by seven leading authors, Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience covers the growing subject of cognitive neuroscience. Now in its second edition, the text has been streamlined for ease of reference. Fully updated and containing more effective pedagogical features, it comes with an upgraded version of Sylvius 4 Online, an interactive atlas and visual glossary of human neuroanatomy. Contents: Cognitive Neuroscience: Definitions, Themes, and Approaches / Cognitive Neuroscience Methods / Sensory Systems and Perception: Vision / Sensory Systems and Perception: Auditory, Mechanical, and Chemical Senses / Motor Systems: The Organization of Action / Attention and its Effects on Stimulus Processing / The Control of Attention / Memory: Varieties and Mechanisms / Declarative Memory / Emotion / Social Cognition / Language / Executive Control / Decision Making / Evolution and Development of Brain and Cognition

Steven Yantis, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Written by acclaimed researcher Steven Yantis, Sensation and Perception shows how scientists investigate and understand sensory and perceptual phenomena. Integrating classic and current research, this text highlights defining principles and experiments of this field. Outstanding art complete this engaging text. Contents: Foundations / Light and the Eyes / The Visual Brain / Recognizing Visual Objects / Perceiving Color / Perceiving Depth / Perceiving Motion and Perception for Action / Attention and Awareness / Sound and the Ears / The Auditory Brain and Perceiving Auditory Scenes / Perceiving Speech and Music / The Body Senses / The Chemical Senses: Perceiving Odors and Tastes February 2013 704pp 254x228mm Hardback £39.99 978-0-7167-5754-2

Published by Worth Publishers TB

January 2013 757pp 280x220mm Hardback £44.99 978-0-878-93573-4

Published by Sinauer Associates TB

Research monographs are no longer included in this catalogue. For a full list of new monographs visit or email



Social Movements in Latin America


Being Sociological

Neoliberalism and Popular Resistance

2nd edition

People Management Neil Thompson, Independent Trainer, Consultant and Director of Avenue Consulting Ltd., UK; Professor of Social Work, Liverpool Hope University, UK

A substantial introduction to the knowledge and skills required to get the best out of staff, this new book by a renowned author brings a human element to the field of management. Accessible yet thorough, this multidisciplinary text blends theory with practicality to highlight the importance of people to organizational success. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE FUNDAMENTALS OF PEOPLE MANAGEMENT / Equality and Diversity / Communication / Supervision / Recruitment, Selection and Workforce Planning / Induction / Workload Management / Appraisal and Performance Management / Staff Departures / Disciplinary Matters / Dealing with Grievances / PART II: ACHIEVING BEST OUTCOMES / Leadership / Managing Change / Industrial Relations / Team Development / Motivating Staff / Staff Retention / Career Planning / Mentoring and Coaching / Training and Development / Making Work Meaningful: Meeting Spiritual Needs / PART III: PROMOTING WELL-BEING / Dealing with Stress / Health and Safety / Sickness Absence / Bullying and Harassment / Dealing with Conflict / Handling Aggression / Loss, Grief and Trauma / Mental Health Problems / Drug and Alcohol Abuse / Inclusion / Guide to further learning / References / Index March 2013 336pp 234x156mm Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-29118-8

Edited by Steve Matthewman, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Catherine Lane West-Newman, Senior Lecturer and Bruce Curtis, Senior Lecturer, all at Department of Sociology, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Review of the 1st edition: '[A]n original and interesting approach to the difficult task of introducing sociology to students.' - Professor Barry Smart, School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies, University of Portsmouth, UK This original, thematic introduction to sociology encourages students to look afresh at a world they think they know. Taking readers through different ways of existing and acting in the world, such as ‘believing’ or ‘educating’, it covers all the key areas of first year study and equips students with the skills to think sociologically. Contents: Preface: How to Read this Book; S.Matthewman & C.L.West-Newman / Being Sociological; C.L.West-Newman & S.Matthewman / Researching; B.Curtis / Modernizing; R.Kilminster / Controlling: Power; C.L.West-Newman & S.Matthewman / Stratifying: Inequality; D.Mayeda / Becoming: Identities; M.Sullivan & C.L.West-Newman / Gendering; M. Holmes / Sexualizing; M.Stevens / Racializing; C.L.West-Newman & I.Vodanovich / Relating: Families; R.Shaw / Feeling: Emotions; C.L.West-Newman / Believing: Religions; T.McIntosh / Educating; Oliviera / Straying: Deviance; S. Pfhol & K. Bachechi / Globalizing; M. Steger & E.Wilson / Working; B.Curtis / Consuming; C. Rojek / Sustaining: The Environment; B. Smart / Connecting: Technology; S.Matthewman / Communicating: Media; W.Wood / Finishing; S.Matthewman / Glossary

James Petras, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Binghamton University in New York, USA; Adjunct Professor of International Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University, Canada and Henry Veltmeyer, Professor of Development Studies, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico; Professor of Sociology and International Development Studies, St. Mary’s University, Canada

The authors trace out the development of capitalism and US imperialism in Latin America in the latest phase of this development, from the installation of the new world order of neoliberal globalization in the early 1980s to the present when US imperialism is held at bay, neoliberalism is in decline, and capitalism is in crisis. Contents: US Imperialism and the Neoliberal Offensive / Capitalist Development, Labour and the Rural Poor: The Politics of Adjustment (Non-Resistance) / Dynamics of Agrarian Transformation and Resistance / Neoliberalism and the Social Movements: Mobilizing the Resistance / Turning the Social Movements: Civil Society to the Rescue / A Turning of the Tide: The Centre-Left Comes to Power / Social Movements in a Time of Crisis / Latin America in the Vortex of Social Change February 2013 286pp 216x140mm Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-30011-9

Social Movements and Transformation Series Editor: Berch Berberoglu

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

March 2013 400pp 234x156mm 7 b/w tables and 2 b/w figures Paperback £23.99 978-0-230-30315-7 TB




Web resource available

Comes with a CD/DVD


Ethics & Values in Social Research Paul Ransome, School of Social Sciences and International Development, University of Wales, UK

Ethical responsibility has intellectual and practical implications for social researchers. This book explores a range of issues, theories and questions, enabling readers to reflect upon, understand and critique these with confidence. With helpful examples and a glossary of terms, it is essential reading for new and experienced researchers alike. Contents: Introduction: Themes and Debates / Social Values and Social Research: The Collective Good, Life and Liberty, and Reason / Social Research and Professional Codes of Ethics / The Intellectual and Philosophical Underpinnings of Social Research / The Values of the Researcher and Evaluation Research / Critical Approaches in Social Research: Critical Realism and Value Standpoint Social Research / Making it Personal: Action Research, Practitioner Research and Self-reflexive Practice / Social Research and Social Policy / Concluding Remarks February 2013 208pp 234x156mm Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-20220-7 Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-20221-4 TB




Reinventing Evidence in Social Inquiry

The Study Skills Handbook (Simplified Chinese Language Edition) Stella Cottrell, Director of Lifelong Learning, University of Leeds, UK

Decoding Facts and Variables Richard Biernacki, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, USA

Revisiting the dominant scientific method, ‘coding,’ with which investigators from sociology to literary criticism have sampled texts and catalogued their cultural messages, the author demonstrates that the celebrated hard outputs rest on misleading samples and on unfeasible classifying of the texts’ meanings. Contents: The Ritual Creation of ‘Fact’ from Coding / The Entire Story / Methodological Canons in My Field / A Quantifiable Indicator of a Fabricated Meaning Element / Wary Reasoning August 2012 304pp 235x152mm 9 figures Hardback £57.50 978-1-137-00726-1 Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-00727-8

Cultural Sociology Series Editors: Jeffrey C. Alexander, David Inglis, Philip Smith and Ronald Eyerman

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

'This is a really useful book for students who aim to study abroad and those students who study in China. I strongly recommend it to students if you would like to fully prepare yourself for your exciting study life abroad.' - Wendy Woo, Chinese student, University of Warwick, UK 'Without this book you can get by just fine with your education, but with it you could be exceptional.' - Zac, Student, UK The third edition of the No. 1 bestselling study skills text helps students maximise their potential at university. Written by Stella Cottrell, leader in the field with over 1/2 million book sales to date, this Chinese language edition is ideal for the growing numbers of Chinese students embarking on a course at an English-speaking university. Contents: Introducing The Study Skills Handbook / Preparing for University / Identifying Your Skills / Intelligence and Learning / The CREAM Strategy for Learning - Creative, Reflective, Effective, Active, Motivated Working with Others / Research Skills / E-Learning Skills, Technology and Personalised Learning / Writing for University / Developing Your Writing / Confidence with Numbers / Projects, Dissertations, Reports and Case Studies / Critical Analytical Thinking / Memory / Revision and Exams / Planning Your Next Move / What Now? / References / Index February 2013 360pp 246x189mm Paperback £14.99 978-0-230-36246-8

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866



The Student Phrase Book


Vocabulary for Writing at University Jeanne Godfrey, Freelance Lecturer, Consultant and Author in academic writing

This guide will help students gain the knowledge and confidence to use appropriate words and phrases in an academic context, whatever their discipline or level of study. Used as a reference tool, it will help students to communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by using words precisely and avoiding common mistakes. Contents: Introduction / PART I: INTRODUCING, DEFINING AND CLASSIFYING / PART II: AIM, PROPOSITION AND TALKING ABOUT ARGUMENT / PART III: STRUCTURE, TIME, SEQUENCE AND FREQUENCY / PART IV: METHODOLOGY AND METHOD, SIZE, AMOUNT, LEVEL AND PROPORTION / PART V: MOVEMENT AND CHANGE, GETTING BETTER OR WORSE, ALLOWING OR PREVENTING AND ELIMINATING / PART VI: CIRCUMSTANCE, ADVANTAGE OR DISADVANTAGE, PRESENCE OR ABSENCE AND IMPORTANCE / PART VII: COMMUNICATION, EXPRESSION, UNDERSTANDING, WAY OF THINKING AND POINT OF VIEW / PART VIII: CAUSE AND EFFECT, DEPENDENCY, SIMILARITY AND DIFFERENCE / PART IX: ANALYSING AND EVALUATING IDEAS / PART X: DRAWING YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS, STATING YOUR OWN POSITION AND SUMMARISING YOUR IDEAS / APPENDIX / INDEX A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. March 2013 192pp 189x189mm 68 b/w tables Paperback £10.99 978-0-230-28933-8 TB


Performing Site-Specific Theatre


Politics, Place, Practice

Age and Dancing

Edited by Anna Birch, Research Lecturer, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, UK and Joanne Tompkins, Head of the School of English, University of Queensland, Australia

Older People and Community Dance Practice Edited by Diane Amans, Community Dance Practitioner and Training Consultant Foreword by K.Bartlett

This highly readable introduction to dance with older people combines key debates and issues in the field with practical guidance, as well as a resources section including numerous ‘toolkit materials’. Diane Amans, a leading practitioner in Community Dance, provides the ideal beginners’ guide for students, practitioners and dance artists alike. Contents: List of Contributers / Acknowledgements / Foreword; K.Bartlett / Preface / Introduction; D.Amans / PART I: SOCIETIES AND CULTURAL CONTEXTS / Definitions; D.Amans / Ageing and Society in Britain; S.Houston / Ageing, Creativity and Dance in the United States; P.Vissicaro / Ageing and Society in Other Cultures; D.Amans / What Sort of Dance and Who is Dancing?; D.Amans / Contexts, Partnerships and Funding; D.Amans / The Beauty of Reality: Older Professional Dancers; F.Early / Cross Generational Dance or Just Communities Dancing?; R.Pethybridge / PART II: PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS / What Happens When We Age?; E.Coleman / Conditions Which May Affect Older People; E.Coleman / Dance and Dementia; D.Amans / Dance and Parkinson’s Disease; D.Amans / Duty of Care - Keeping Older Bodies Safe; D.Amans / Continuing Professional Development, Training Opportunities, Gaining Skills and Qualifications; D.Amans / Evaluation; S.Houston / Choreography and Performance with Older People; D.Amans December 2012 256pp 234x156mm 10 b/w photographs Paperback £21.99 978-0-230-29380-9

'This excellent anthology provides a wide-ranging collection of essays on critical issues of place-based theatre. It includes articles that treat historical and contemporary themes from the perspectives of both theorists and practitioners in a variety of institutional contexts. As the best anthologies do, it both bolsters and challenges the discipline.’ - Professor Laurie Beth Clark, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA This book investigates the expanding parameters for site-specific performance to account for the form’s increasing popularity in the twenty-first century. Leading practitioners and theorists interrogate issues of performance and site to broaden our understanding of the role that place plays in performance, and the ways that performance influences it. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / The 'Place' and Practice of Site-Specific Theatre and Performance; J.Tompkins / PART I: SITE-SPECIFICITY AND ECONOMICS / PART II: SITE-SPECIFICITY AND THE NARRATIVES OF HISTORY / PART III: SITE SPECIFITIY AND THE SLIPPAGE OF PLACE / PART IV: SITE-SPECIFICITY AND THEATRICAL INTIMACY / PART V: SITE SPECIFICITY AND POLITICS / Bibliography / Index October 2012 272pp 216x138mm 12 b/w photographs, 2 maps and 1 diagram Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-36405-9 Paperback £17.99 978-0-230-36406-6

Performance Interventions Series Editors: Professor Elaine Aston and Professor Bryan Reynolds

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://



Web resource available

Comes with a CD/DVD


The Theatre, Drama and Performance Companion Michael Mangan, Chair in Drama, University of Exeter, UK

Offering essential guidance to students throughout their undergraduate studies, this companion explores the development of a discipline that is still in flux, offers practical advice about how to study it and where this study might lead, and provides a useful reference source on key practitioners, debates, performances and terms. Contents: Introduction: How to Use this Book / PART I: DRAMA, THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE: THE SUBJECT AND ITS STUDY / The Context of the Subject / Your Course and what to Expect from it / Study Skills for Drama, Theatre and Performance Students / PART II: CORE TOPICS IN DRAMA, THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE / Developments and Directions / Working Practically 1: Acting / Working Practically 2: Devising / Working Practically 3: Directing / Theatre Histories / Analysing Texts / Questions of Theory / Theatre and Gender / Theatre and the World: Globalization, Interculturalism and Postcolonialism / The Uses of Drama: Applying Performance / Mediating Performance: From the Machine Age to the Digital Age / PART III: KEY CONCEPTS / PART IV: LANDMARKS: KEY PRACTITIONERS, THEORISTS AND PERFORMANCES / PART V: FRAMEWORKS FOR RESEARCH: KEY WRITINGS ON DRAMA, THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE / PART VI: WHAT NEXT? / PART VII: RESOURCES FOR STUDYING DRAMA, THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE / Index March 2013 336pp 234x156mm Paperback £16.99 978-0-230-55165-7

Palgrave Student Companions Series

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Practice as Research in the Arts Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances Edited by Robin Nelson, Director of Research, Central School of Speech and Drama, UK

At the performance turn, Practice as Research in the Arts takes a fresh ‘how to’ approach to Practice as Research, arguing that old prejudices should be abandoned and that a PaR methodology should be fully accepted in the academy. Nelson addresses the questions students, professional practitionerresearchers, regulators and examiners have posed in this domain. Contents: PART I: ROBIN NELSON / Introduction - The What, Where, When and Why of ‘Practice as Research’? / From Practitioner to Practitioner-Researcher / Conceptual Frameworks for PaR and Related Pedagogy: from ‘Hard Facts’ to ‘Liquid Knowing’ / Supervision, Documentation and Other Aspects of Praxis / ParPhDs - a Guideline/Clew to a Successful Outcome for All (Candidates, Examiners, Administrators, Regulators) / PART II: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES / Aotearoa/New Zealand and Practice as Research; S.Little / Artists in Australian Academies: Performance in the Labyrinth of Practice-led Research; J.Robson / PaR in Continental Europe: A Site of Many Contests; D.Lesage / Artistic Research in a Nordic Context; A.Arlander / Practice as Research in South Africa; V.Baxter / Why Performance as Research? A US Perspective; S.R.Riley


March 2013 240pp 216x138mm 2 figures Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-28289-7 Paperback £18.99 978-1-137-28290-3

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Research monographs are no longer included in this catalogue. For a full list of new monographs visit or email


INDEX Bless Discovering the Cosmos



Conquering International Markets Hubbard 6


A Conservative Walks Into a Bar Dagnes 36

Body/Sex/Work Wolkowitz Cohen Sanders Hardy 5

Contemporary China Brown 29

Boccardi A.S.Byatt

A.S.Byatt Boccardi 25 The Accumulation of Capital Robinson 12 Adamson The Edge


Age and Dancing Amans 42 Alexander A History of English Literature


Altizer The Apocalyptic Trinity


Always the Fat Kid Warren Smalley


Amans Age and Dancing


Boer The Earthy Nature of the Bible


Bolender Cuba Under Siege


Borderland Russians Hønneland 31 Borderless Economics Guest 10 Bowman Culture & the Media


Breakthrough Marketing Plans Calkins 7 Brigitte Bardot Vincendeau 4

Cooper O’Hara Schmid Bohart The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling Cooper The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies

9 27

Corpus Anarchicum Dabashi 31 Cotgrave Riley Total Sustainability in the Built Environment 17 Cottrell The Study Skills Handbook (Simplified Chinese Language Edition)


Britain’s First Labour Government Shepherd Laybourn 19

Cox Bad Girls in Britain


The Anti-Education Era Gee 14

British Colour Cinema Companion Street Watkins Brown

Cromby Harper Reavey Psychology, Mental Health and Distress

The Apocalyptic Trinity Altizer 26

Brown Contemporary China


Cuba Under Siege Bolender 33

Arnold Brady What is Masculinity?


Culture & the Media Bowman 10

Atkins Jones Laverman Chemical Principles


Buonanno Nugent Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union 30

Amato Bingham Good Huxford Keller Kelly Sato Gillaspy Haimo Klevickis Lederman Sible Storrie Walker Wong Student Solutions Manual for Molecular Cell Biology 24 Angulo Empire and Education


Aubrey Profiting from Monetary Policy Ayers Gramsci, Political Economy, and International Relations Theory

3 33

B Bad Girls in Britain Cox 21 Barkin International Organization


Being Sociological Matthewman West-Newman Curtis 40 Belsky Experiencing the Lifespan

Britain and the European Union Geddes 30


C 7

Cannon Cobb Hartlaub Legler Lock Moore Rossman Witmer STAT2


Carmen Miranda Shaw 4 Carr Montreuil Phonology


Carson Martin’s Dream

19 8


Chemical Principles Atkins Jones Laverman 25

Bever The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe 20

Chinese Strategic Thought toward Asia Rozman 29

Biernacki Reinventing Evidence in Social Inquiry 4 1

Christiansen Kirchner Murray The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia Relations

The Big Truck That Went By Katz 35 Biltereyst Vande Winkel Silencing Cinema Birch Tompkins Performing Site-Specific Theatre

9 42

Birth Objects of Time


Black Genders and Sexualities Davis McGlotten 18




Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform Franklin 13 Cushion The Democratic Value of News

Calkins Breakthrough Marketing Plans

Cecil Online Video Revolution

Creating Good Work Schultz 5


D Dabashi Corpus Anarchicum


Dagnes A Conservative Walks Into a Bar


Daniels New England Nation


Davis McGlotten Black Genders and Sexualities 18 De Castro Birns Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics


Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization Kriesi Bochsler Matthes Lavenex Bühlmann Esser 35


The Democratic Value of News Cushion 10

Civic Life in the Information Age Sanford 32

Design of Structural Elements McKenzie 17

Comer Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology 37

Developmentalism in Early Childhood and Middle Grades Education Lee Vagle 15

Comins Kaufmann Discovering the Universe


The Comprehensive Public High School Sherington Campbell 15

Web resource available

Discovering the Cosmos Bless 2 Discovering the Universe Comins Kaufmann 2

Comes with a CD/DVD

INDEX Gramsci, Political Economy, and International Relations Theory Ayers 33

E The Earthy Nature of the Bible Boer 27 The Edge Adamson 7 Empire and Education Angulo 13 Engineering Mathematics Stroud Booth


Ethics & Values in Social Research Ransome 41 European Union Security Dynamics Matlary 31

Grayzel The First World War


Gruber Public Finance and Public Policy


Guest Borderless Economics


Exploring Psychology Myers 39


Gurdjieff and Hypnosis Tamdgidi 28


The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling Cooper O’Hara Schmid Bohart 9

The Face of Emotion Finzi 37

Harvey Whiteness and Morality


Finzi The Face of Emotion

Hatum The New Workforce Challenge

Fischer A History of the Pacific Islands


Franklin Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform


Frosh Hauntings: Psychoanalysis and Ghostly Transmissions 38 Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology Comer 37

G Geddes Britain and the European Union


Gee The Anti-Education Era


Ginsberg The Evolution of American Women’s Studies 14 Global Luxury Trends Hoffmann Coste-Manière 6 Godfrey Masculinity, Crime and Self-Defence in Victorian Literature 25 Godfrey The Student Phrase Book


Gotelli Ellison A Primer of Ecological Statistics 23 Gottfries Macroeconomics 12 Government Intervention in the Brewing Industry Spicer Thurman Walters Ward 8

J Jensen Tuten Successful Reading Assessments and Interventions for Struggling Readers 14

Haghighat Women in the Middle East and North Africa 34


The First World War Grayzel 20


Investor Relations For the Emerging Company Rieves LeFevbre 3

The Job Guarantee Murray Forstater 11

Harrod Towards a Dynamic Economics 37

Introduction to Brain & Behavior Kolb Whishaw

Guide to Higher Education in Africa International Association of Universities 18

The Evolution of American Women’s Studies Ginsberg 14 Experiencing the Lifespan Belsky 36

International Organization Barkin 33


K Kapoor Choudry Learning from the Ground Up 15 Katz The Big Truck That Went By Kimbro The Wealth Choice

35 9

Kolb Whishaw Introduction to Brain & Behavior 38

Hauntings: Psychoanalysis and Ghostly Transmissions Frosh 38

Kriesi Bochsler Matthes Lavenex Bühlmann Esser Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization 35

Heywood Politics


Kuranga The Power of Interdependence


Hicks The Theory of Wages


Kurtzer Pathways to Peace


A History of English Literature Alexander 24


A History of the Pacific Islands Fischer 22 Hoffmann Coste-Manière Global Luxury Trends 6 Holt Linear Algebra with Applications


Hønneland Borderland Russians


How English Became the Global Language Northrup 22 Hubbard Conquering International Markets


Hummler Trial, Error, Interpretation



Lankford The Myth of Martyrdom


Learning from the Ground Up Kapoor Choudry 15 Lee Vagle Developmentalism in Early Childhood and Middle Grades Education 15 Lehane Fabiani Guttentag Masters of Disaster Levy Industrial Organizational Psychology

8 38

Linear Algebra with Applications Holt 26 Listed Investment Companies Winkley 3

Industrial Organizational Psychology Levy 38

Lodish Berk Kaiser Krieger Bretscher Ploegh Amon Scott Molecular Cell Biology

Inquiry Biology Tyler Cowan Lockhart 24 International Association of Universities Guide to Higher Education in Africa


International Association of Universities World Higher Education Database 2013



M Macroeconomics Gottfries 12 Magida The Nazi Séance

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INDEX Mangan The Theatre, Drama and Performance Companion 43 Maranto McShane President Obama and Education Reform


The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies Cooper 27

P Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Smith 22

Marketplace 3.0 Mikitani 6

The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia Relations Christiansen Kirchner Murray 30

Martin’s Dream Carson 19

Panza Sereni Plato’s Problem

Masculinity, Crime and Self-Defence in Victorian Literature Godfrey 25

Pathways to Peace Kurtzer 34

Masters of Disaster Lehane Fabiani Guttentag 8 Matlary European Union Security Dynamics


Matthewman West-Newman Curtis Being Sociological


McKenzie Design of Structural Elements


Means Schooling in the Age of Austerity



People Management Thompson 40 Performing Site-Specific Theatre Birch Tompkins 42 Petras Veltmeyer Social Movements in Latin America



Murray Forstater The Job Guarantee


Myers Exploring Psychology


The Myth of Martyrdom Lankford 32

N Nelson Practice as Research in the Arts


3 11

Plato’s Problem Panza Sereni 28

Rozman Chinese Strategic Thought toward Asia


Postcolonialism and Education Mulenga 16 The Power of Interdependence Kuranga 29 Practice as Research in the Arts Nelson 43 President Obama and Education Reform Maranto McShane 15 A Primer of Ecological Statistics Gotelli Ellison 23 Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience Purves Brannon Cabeza Huettel LaBar Platt Woldorff

The Nazi Séance Magida 21

Rieves LeFevbre Investor Relations For the Emerging Company


Politics Heywood 32

Mulenga Postcolonialism and Education

Rethinking the History of American Education Reese Rury 16

Robinson The Accumulation of Capital

Mikitani Marketplace 3.0


Rethinking Popular Representation Törnquist Webster Stokke 35

Rifkin The Third Industrial Revolution

Microeconomics ten Raa 12 Molecular Cell Biology Lodish Berk Kaiser Krieger Bretscher Ploegh Amon Scott

Reinventing Evidence in Social Inquiry Biernacki 41

Phonology Carr Montreuil 23 Policies and Policy Processes of the European Union Buonanno Nugent 30


Reese Rury Rethinking the History of American Education 16


Profiting from Monetary Policy Aubrey 3

S Sanford Civic Life in the Information Age


Schooling in the Age of Austerity Means 16 Schultz Creating Good Work


Sensation and Perception Yantis 39 Shaw Carmen Miranda


Shepherd Laybourn Britain’s First Labour Government


Sherington Campbell The Comprehensive Public High School


Silencing Cinema Biltereyst Vande Winkel


New England Nation Daniels 19

Psychology, Mental Health and Distress Cromby Harper Reavey


A Slave in the White House Taylor 20

The New Workforce Challenge Hatum 7

Public Finance and Public Policy Gruber 13

The Slaves’ Gamble Smith 19

Noon Blyton Morrell The Realities of Work

Purves Brannon Cabeza Huettel LaBar Platt Woldorff Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience

Smith Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict 22


Northrup How English Became the Global Language 22



O Objects of Time Birth 2 Online Video Revolution Cecil 8

Ransome Ethics & Values in Social Research



The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe Bever 20

Web resource available


Smith Understanding Third World Politics


Social Movements in Latin America Petras Veltmeyer 40

The Realities of Work Noon Blyton Morrell 5


Smith The Slaves’ Gamble

Spicer Thurman Walters Ward Government Intervention in the Brewing Industry STAT2 Cannon Cobb Hartlaub Legler Lock Moore Rossman Witmer

Comes with a CD/DVD

8 26

INDEX Street Watkins Brown British Colour Cinema Companion 4 Stroud Booth Engineering Mathematics


The Student Phrase Book Godfrey 42

V Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics De Castro Birns 34

Student Solutions Manual for Molecular Cell Biology Amato Bingham Good Huxford Keller Kelly Sato Gillaspy Haimo Klevickis Lederman Sible Storrie Walker Wong 24

Vincendeau Brigitte Bardot

The Study Skills Handbook (Simplified Chinese Language Edition) Cottrell 41

Warren Smalley Always the Fat Kid

Successful Reading Assessments and Interventions for Struggling Readers Jensen Tuten 14

What is Masculinity? Arnold Brady 21

W 39

The Wealth Choice Kimbro 9 Whiteness and Morality Harvey 27 Winkley Listed Investment Companies




Wolkowitz Cohen Sanders Hardy Body/Sex/Work 5

Tamdgidi Gurdjieff and Hypnosis


Taylor A Slave in the White House


ten Raa Microeconomics


The Theatre, Drama and Performance Companion Mangan 43 Theology in the Age of Global AIDS & HIV Trentaz 28

Women in the Middle East and North Africa Haghighat 34 World Higher Education Database 2013 International Association of Universities 18

Y Yantis Sensation and Perception


The Theory of Wages Hicks 11 The Third Industrial Revolution Rifkin 11 Thompson People Management


Tรถrnquist Webster Stokke Rethinking Popular Representation


Total Sustainability in the Built Environment Cotgrave Riley


Towards a Dynamic Economics Harrod 11 Trentaz Theology in the Age of Global AIDS &HIV


Trial, Error, Interpretation Hummler 3 Tyler Cowan Lockhart Inquiry Biology


U Understanding Third World Politics Smith 36

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