New Books List July-September 2012

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New Books List July-September 2012

‘I had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was…’

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New Books List October - December 2012

Deckchairs on Pebble Beach Š Franny-Anne/



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Title is, or comes with, a CD-ROM/DVD

Contents Accountancy






Life Sciences


Banking and Finance




Business and Management


British Film Institute


Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry


Culture and Media


Philosophy and Religion






Social Work and Social Policy




Study Skills


Theatre and Performance










Gender Studies


General and Reference




Language and Linguistics


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accountancy • anthropology Accountancy

St James’s Place Tax Guide 2012–2013 41st edition Walter Sinclair, Tax Specialist and E. Barry Lipkin, Writer

Reviews of previous editions*: 'The bestselling tax guide is back and it’s as authoritative as practical guidance on tax issues, which would benefit both students and professionals alike.' - Accounting Technician ‘No other manual compares...the complete A-Z on Tax.’ - The Times ‘The best book ever written on taxation.’ - The Daily Telegraph ‘Acknowledged among consumers and professionals alike as the best book on the subject.’ - The Independent *Including editions of the book prior to it being published as the St. James’s Place Tax Guide The 41st annual edition of the leading guide to taxation in Britain. This practical and user-friendly guide is a bestseller with students, professionals, accountants and private individuals, explaining in simple terms how the UK tax system works and how best to minimise tax liabilities. Contents: Preface; M.Weinberg / Abbreviations / Introduction / This Year's Tax Changes / The Basis of Your Tax Liability / Personal Reliefs / Annual Interests and other Payments / Computing Your Income Tax Bill / Husband, Wife, Civil Partners and Children / Income from Land and Property / Income from Dividends and Interest / Life Assurance / Income from Employments and PAYE / Income from Businesses and Professions / Partnerships / Companies / Pensions / Miscellaneous Aspects / Returns, Assessments and Repayment Claims / Domicile and Residence / Tax on Foreign Income / Non-residents, Visitors and Immigrants / Capital Gains Tax / The Taxation of Trusts and Estates / Inheritance Tax / An Outline of VAT / Stamp Duty / Social Security / Tax Saving Hints / Tax Tables / Glossary / Index August 2012 Hardback

432pp £34.99

Urban Encounters


Affirmative Action and Black Identities in Brazil

Buddhism in Iran An Anthropological Approach to Traces and Influences Mostafa Vaziri, Lecturer, University of InnsbruckAustria; Visiting Fellow, Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University; Author of several books including Iran as Imagined Nation: The Construction of National identity

This book explores the interactions of Buddhism with the dominant cultures of Iran in pre- and post-Islamic times, demonstrating the traces and cross-influences as well as the importance of parallel practices, a process which has brought the culture of Iran to its present state. Contents: PART I: THE BEGINNING / Introduction to the Buddha’s Key Spiritual and Philosophical Concepts / PART II: THE EARLY INTERACTIONS / The Early Spread and Influences of Buddhism in Iran / Mānī, ‘the Buddha of Light’ / PART III: THE TRACES / The Legendary Story of the Buddha in Iran / Holy Footprints (Qadamgāh) and Monastic Caves in Iran / Nawbahār and Stūpa-Like Islamic Shrines / Buddhism During the Mongol Period in Iran / PART IV: THE INFLUENCES / The Buddhist Influences on Early Asceticism in Iran: Not Sufism / The Parallel Practices and Concepts Between the Buddhists and Sufis / Jābir ibn Hayyān, Ibn Sīnā and Mīr Fenderiskī: Any Buddhist Connection? July 2012 288pp 4 b/w illustrations and 2 maps Hardback £60.00

André Cicalo, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Freie Universität of Berlin, Germany with a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester, UK, 2010

An ethnographic study about the implementation of university racial quotas in Brazil. Contents: Toward an Ethnographic Study of Racial Quotas for ‘Black’ Students in the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / Dreams and Hard Places: Main Settings and Socioeconomic Profile of Quota Students / Race Between the Class Rows: Urban Encounters and DisEncounters in the Changing University Space / From Race or Color to Race and Color? Ethnography beyond Official Discourses / Narrowing Political Gaps: Black Awareness and University Education as Ways to be ‘Central’ July 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

235x152mm 978-1-137-02293-6

216x138mm 978-0-230-28002-1




Web resource available

210x140mm 978-0-230-33852-4

Comes with a CD/DVD

banking and finance Banking and Finance

Bank Behaviour How Structures, Institutions and Agents Affect Resilience Caner Bakir, Assistant Professor, Koc University, Turkey

New interdisciplinary and comparative answers as to why banking sectors in ‘liberal’ and ‘coordinated’ market economies operated under a shared set of rules during the Global Financial Crisis. Exploring the role of complex interactions among interdependent structures, institutions and agents defines this banking behaviour. Contents: Introduction / Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence / Top-down Processes that Shape Bank Behaviour / Institutional Change in Financial Regulation: The ‘Twin Peaks’ Idea and Policy Entrepreneurship / Institutional Persistence in Competition Policy: ‘Four Pillars’ Policy / Conclusion August 2012 Hardback

256pp £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-20247-4

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux

To order all titles in the series please go to: standingorder.asp

Risk Culture

The Italian Banking System

A Practical Guide to Building and Strengthening the Fabric of Risk Management

Impact of the Crisis and Future Perspectives

Erik Banks, An experienced practitioner and regular contributor to the literature in the field of financial risk management and regulation. Currently he is Senior Risk Advisor for UniCredit Bank, and has spent 25 years as an international banker, working at major financial institutions in New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Munich, including senior risk positions at Citibank, Element Re and Merrill Lynch in market and credit risk management role. He is the author of some 20 books and numerous articles on financial risk management, insurance and regulation

Providing a guide to understanding, assessing and implementing a risk culture in financial firms, this book looks at the wider risk management process and its participants, risk culture in the context of financial institutions. Readers can assess their own firm’s risk culture, and how to take steps to build and strengthen their risk culture. Contents: Successful Risk Management / A First Look at Risk Culture / Institutional and Regulatory Considerations / Deficiencies and Problems I: Concepts / Deficiencies and Problems II: Cases / Building and Strengthening I: Structure and Organization / Building and Strengthening II: Knowledge and Behavior / Gauging Success and Progress / Concluding Thoughts / Selected References September 2012 256pp Hardback £34.99

234x156mm 978-1-137-26371-1

Edited by Stefano Cosma, Associate Professor, and Elisabetta Gualandri, Professor in Banking and Finance, both at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Why was the Italian Banking System more resilient during the sub-prime crisis and harder-hit in the sovereign crisis? Will their strength in the retail market result as an asset or a liability for Italian banks in the future? This book offers an in-depth analysis of one of the most important EU banking systems as it attempts to weather the crisis. Contents: Introduction; S.Cosma & E.Gualandri / The Crisis and the Italian Banking System; E.Gualandri / Main Features of the Italian Banking System; V.Venturelli / Consolidation, Competition and Governance; A.Landi & F.Pattarin / Performance and Efficiency of Banking Systems / R.Ferretti, M.Torresetti & P.Vezzani / Organizational and Business Models / S.Cosma & P.Vezzani / Banking of Households / S.Cosma / Corporate and Investment Banking / C.Bisoni, A. Ferrari & A.G.Grasso / Provate Banking and Asset Management; V.Venturelli August 2012 Hardback

288pp £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34314-6

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

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banking and finance

Crisis, Risk and Stability in Financial Markets

Bank Behaviour in Modern Banking

Edited by Juan Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics, Assistant Professor and José Pastor Monsálvez, Associate Professor, both at Universitat de València, Spain

Edited by Juan Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics, Assistant Professor and José Pastor Monsálvez, Associate Professor, both at Universitat de València, Spain

Presents an in-depth appreciation of key topics related to the behaviour of financial institutions in the crisis and stresses areas of major research interest. It covers a selection of papers specialising ranging from the analysis of bank and stock market performance in the crisis, to other areas such as microinsurance and social lending.

Updated insight into key facts impacting on financial institutions after the financial crisis, highlighting areas of major policy and academic interest. The book includes ten chapters analyzing contrasting issues such as intellectual capital, cost efficiency, bank stability, credit risk and business models for the wealth management industry.

Contents: Introduction; J.Fernández de Guevara & J.M.Pastor / Financial Stability and Economic Growth; S.Carbó Valverde & L.Pedauga / Financial Crisis and EU Banks’ Performance; T.Lindblom & M.Willesson / Diversification, Diversity and Systemic Risk in European Banking; P.Morelli, G.B.Pittaluga & E.Seghezza / Basel III, Pillar 2: The Role of Banks’ Internal Control Systems; E.Gualandri / Shadow Banking and Systemic Risk: In Search for Regulatory Solutions; G.A.Vento & P. la Ganga / Social Lending in Europe: Structures, Regulation and Pricing Models; M. La Torre & F.Mango / Banks Ratings, Financial Crisis and Size of the Entities; C.Salvador, J.M.Pastor & J.Fernández de Guevara / Stock Exchanges Mergers at the Aftermath of the Crisis: New Insights; M.Polato & J.Floreani / Sustainability and Financial Inclusion on the Microinsurance; la Cuesta, C.Ruza & F.Javier Garayoa

Contents: Introduction; J.Fernández de Guevara & J.M.Pastor / The Miss-selling of Payments Protection Insurance in Mortgage and Unsecured Lending Markets; J.K.Ashton & R.S.Hudson / The Relationship between Mortgage Credit and Property Prices: The Chinese Case; S.Carbó-Valverde, F.Rodriguez-Fernandez & M.Qi / Bank Restructuring and Bank Stability in Latin America; N.Vo & J.Williams / Monetary Policy and Trade Credit: Evidence for Spain; S.Carbó-Valverde, J.M.Mansilla-Fernández & F.Rodríguez-Fernández / The Assessment of the NSFR Value. Evidence from the Financial Crisis; L.Chiaramonte, B.Casu & R.Bottiglia / Distance and Efficiency in the Italian Banking System; C.Bernini & P.Brighi / Total and Financial Cost Efficiency in Spanish Savings Banks; C.Pérez-Cárceles, J.C.Gómez-Gallego & J.Gómez-García / Empirical Analysis of Intellectual Capital Disclosure Practices in Banks: Spain, Portugal and Greece; G.Gigante & D.A.Previati / Too Small or Too Low? New Evidence on the 4-factor Model; P.Brighi, S.d’Addona & A.Bina / A Business Model Map in the Wealth Management Industry; C.Lucarelli & S.Maggi

August 2012 Hardback

272pp £65.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-00182-5

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

August 2012 Hardback

272pp £65.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-00185-6

Financial Crisis and Institutional Change in East Asia Jikon Lai, Lecturer in International Relations, Australian National University, Australia

In light of the Asian financial crisis of 1997, Lai examines whether East Asian economies converged onto the liberal market model by studying the evolution of the financial sectors of Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. This includes sectoral diversification, the nature of competition, and the regulatory and supervisory frameworks. Contents: Whither the Asian Financial Systems postCrisis? / Analysing Economic Models / Korea / Malaysia / Thailand / Financial Systems in East Asia / Epilogue: The East Asian Financial Sectors and the Global Financial Crisis July 2012 256pp 18 tables and 8 figures Hardback £57.50


To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://


Web resource available


Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific Series Editor: Mark Beeson



Comes with a CD/DVD

banking and finance

Private Company Valuation

Survival Investing

How Credit Risk Reshaped Equity Markets and Corporate Finance Valuation Tools

How to Prosper Amid Thieving Banks and Corrupt Governments

Gianluca Oricchio, Professor of Finance and Capital Markets, Campus Bio-Medico University, Italy

John R. Talbott; formerly Investment Banker, Economics Guru; formerly Visiting Scholar, University of California and Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management, USA; a top Goldman Sachs Investor

The recent crisis in financial markets has seen a gradual erosion of risk-free asset classes. In equity markets the credit risk has reached a critical level in valuation. A new cost of equity method for private companies is presented based on the pricing of junior subordinated notes. Global business cases are illustrated to support this. Contents: Introduction / Private Companies’ Equity Valuation Methods / Cost of Equity for Private Companies: The Integrated Pricing Model / Integrated Pricing Model in USA / Integrated Pricing Model in Japan / Integrated Pricing Model in China / Integrated Pricing Model in Russia / Integrated Pricing Model in India / Integrated Pricing Model in Italy August 2012 294pp 109 figures and 124 b/w tables Hardback £60.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-29144-7

Global Financial Markets

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

In Survival Investing finance guru John R. Talbott takes a startling look at how unsustainable debt level around the world are endanagering many standard investments, and what people need to know to protect their money from compromised banks and corrupt governments. In this uncertain atmosphere, Talbott offers clear strategies on what you can do to protect your investments and your family. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 Hardback

256pp £16.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-34122-7

Corporate Income Tax Harmonization in the European Union Daniela Pîrvu, Lecturer, Department of Economic Theory and Finance, University of Pitesti, Romania

Through the arguments for corporate tax harmonization in the EU and describing the current stage of this process, the legislative rules which are insufficient to solve the many problems implied by the proper functioning of the Single Market, are revealed. The book also exposes the issues involved in the consolidation of the corporate tax base. Contents: Introduction / The New Harmonization Issue in the European Union / The Evolution of Tax Harmonization in the European Union / The Need for EU Coordination of Corporate Income Taxes: Facts and Statistics / Objectives of the Corporate Tax Income Coordination within the European Union / Coordination Systems of the Corporate Income Tax within the European Union / Effects of the Corporate Income Tax Harmonization / Coordination within the European Union / The Impact Assessment of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base / Supporters and Opponents of the Corporate Tax Income Coordination within the European Union / Conclusion August 2012 224pp 216x138mm 4 b/w tables, 8 figures and 8 diagrams Hardback £65.00 978-1-137-00090-3

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions Series Editor: Philip Molyneux

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

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banking and finance • business and management

The Efficient Market Hypothesists Fama, Samuelson, Tobin and Shiller Colin Read, Professor of Economics and Finance, State University of New York, USA

Describes the lives, theories, and legacies of six great minds in finance who changed the way we look at financial markets and equilibrium. Bachelier, Samuelson, Fama, Ross, Tobin, and Shiller; proponents and critics of the market efficiency theories who redefined modern finance, creating the foundation on which all financial analysis rests. Contents: Preface to the Great Minds in Finance Series / Preamble / Introduction / PART I: LOUIS BACHELIER - THE FIRST PHYSICIST FINANCIAL THEORIST / Louis Bachelier - The Early Years / The Times / The Theory / Discussion and Applications / Life and Legacy / PART II: PAUL SAMUELSON’S RANDOM WALK / Paul Samuelson - The Early Years / The Times / The Theory / Discussion and Applications / The Nobel Prize, Life and Legacy / PART III: EUGENE FAMA’S EFFICIENT MARKET HYPOTHESIS / Eugene Fama - The Early Years / The Times / The Theory / Discussion and Applications / Career and Legacy / PART IV: STEPHEN ROSS AND ARBITRAGE PRICING THEORY / Stephen Alan Ross - The Early Years / The Times / The Theory / Discussion and Applications / Career and Legacy / PART V: JAMES TOBIN AND A NEW POLICY / James Tobin - The Early Years / The Times / The Theory / Discussion and Applications / The Nobel Prize, Life, and Legacy / PART VI: ROBERT SCHILLER AND IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE / Robert Shiller - The Early Years / The Times / The Theory / Discussion and Applications / Career and Legacy / PART VII: WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED / Combined Contributions / Conclusions / Glossary / Index / Endnotes September 2012 256pp Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27421-1

Great Minds in Finance Series Editor: Colin Read

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Business and Management/ Business Ethics

Board Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility Edited by Sabri Boubaker, Associate Professor of Finance, Champagne School of Management, France; Research Fellow, University of Paris, France and Duc Khuong Nguyen, Associate Professor of Finance; Chairman, Department of Finance and Information Systems, The Institut Supérieur du Commerce, Paris School of Management, France

This volume introduces readers to recent developments in the fields of board of directors and corporate social responsibility. It also provides new insights and perspectives on corporate governance practices in different countries. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Foreword / Preface / Acknowledgements / About the Editors / Notes on Contributors / PART I: BOARD DIRECTORS / Women on Corporate Boards of Directors: Facts, Figures and Analysis; R.Dang & L.Chi Vo / How Successful are Women in Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Evidence from the US Market; T.Triki, H.Sami & L.Ureche-Rangau / Governance by Boards and Audit Committees; G.Rioux / Enhancing the Board’s Monitoring Performance in SMEs; L.Karoui, W.Khlif, C.Ingley & S.Boubaker / Corporate Governance: How do Non-profit Boards Influence Organizational Decisions?; J.Browning / Supervisory Boards in Developing Economies: the Polish Experience; I.Koładkiewicz / Corporate Governance Disclosures in Romania; M.M.Gîrbină, N.Albu & C.Nicolae Albu / PART II: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY / Corporate Governance as Social Responsibility: A Meta-regulation Approach to Raise Social Responsibility on Corporate Governance in Weak Economy; M.Mahmudur Rahim / Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms Ability to Collude; L.Lambertini & A.Tampieri / Corporate Social Responsibility Rating Information: Relevance and Impacts on Financial Markets; A.Cellier & P.Chollet / Corporate Social Responsibility and the Board’s Role in Switzerland; P.Gantenbein & C.Volonté / The Diffusion of Corporate Governance Standards in an Emerging Market: Evidence from Istanbul Stock Exchange; B.Ertuna & A.Tükel / Corporate Socially Responsible Practice by Banks in Singapore; H.Ha / When CSR Drives New Corporate Governance: Does the Latest French Law Reform (the ‘Grenelle 2 Law’) Confirm the End of ‘Business as Usual’?; I.Tchotourian September 2012 304pp Hardback £65.00

Belief and Organization Edited by Peter Case, Professor, Bristol Business School, UK, Heather Höpfl, Professor of Management, University of Essex, UK and Hugo Letiche, ISCE Endowed Chair in Meaning and Organization, University of Humanistics, The Netherlands

Examines the alternative belief systems which contemporary organizational actors live by and through which they seek to find meaning within the dominant (neo)capitalist social order. This volume marks an attempt to move the study of belief forward within management and organization studies. Contents: Notes on Contributors / Introduction; P.Case, H.Höpfl & H.Letiche / Belief; A.Lingis / Philosophy as Activity; H.Letiche & J.L.Moriceau / Buddhist Belief and Living Ethics: Challenging Business Ethics; P.Case & R.Brohm / Organising a Buddhist Way; D.Marie HoskingIslam / Belief System and Organization; D.Weir / Catholicism: Incarnation and Remembrance of the Body; H.Höpfl / Waging a War Against Oneself: Busy-ness, Contemplation and the Mystery of Being; D.Torevell / Agency Without Agents: Exploring the Relationship Between Identity and Ethics; J.Roberts / Trading Belief: Moments of Exchange; G.Lightfoot & S.Lilley / Sustainability and the Spiritual Work Ethic; E.Bell, J.Cullen & S.Taylor / Belief, Parrhesia and Practice; H.Letiche August 2012 1 b/w table Hardback





216x138mm 978-0-230-38929-8




Web resource available

Comes with a CD/DVD

business and management

Organization, Society and Politics An Aristotelian Perspective Kevin Morrell, Reader in Organizational Behaviour, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK

This thought-provoking book will appeal to both specialists and newcomers to Aristotle. Specialists will welcome the attention to original texts that underpin many of our ideas on politics, business studies, and other social sciences, whilst newcomers will appreciate the lucid summaries and applications that make Aristotle fascinatingly accessible. Contents: Organization, Society and Politics / An Aristotelian Perspective / The Politics / The Public Good / The Rhetoric / Talk and Texts / The Nichomachean Ethics / Decision Making and Ethics / The Poetics / Bolshevism to Ballet in Three Steps / What Is ‘Public Interest’?: A Case Study / Where Do We Go From Here? July 2012 240pp 2 figures and 4 b/w tables Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-30446-8

CSR in the Middle East

Business in Asia

Edited by Dima Jamali and Yusuf Sidani, both Associate Professors, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

The Luxury Market in India

This text highlights the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Middle East and presents a unique compilation of data and perspectives from authors living and working there.

Maharajas to Masses

Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility: Perspectives from the Middle East; D.Jamali & Y.Sidani / CSR and Philanthropy: Different Forms of Effective Social Investment; Y.Majaj & S.Kassis / Harnessing Values for Impact beyond Profit in MENA; D.Haskell, J.Haskell & J.Jinju Pottenger / CSR to Increase Access to Medicines: Lessons and Opportunities for the Middle East; J.Antoun / CSR: A Cost or an Opportunity for SMEs in the Middle East; D.Jamali & A.Tarazi / Socially Responsible Employee Management: Case Studies from Saudi Arabia and Lebanon; M.Eabrasu & A.Al Ariss / Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Jordan: The Potential and the Limits; M.Hindiyeh, M.Abu Daabes & H.Salti / The Development of CSR Reporting in the Middle East; J.Vinke & A.El Khatib / The AUB Neighborhood Initiative: Social Responsibility in a University’s Backyard; T.Choueiri & C.Myntti / Conclusions and the Future; D.Jamali & Y.Sidani September 2012 288pp tables and figures Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34821-9

Edited by Glyn Atwal, Assistant Professor, ESC Rennes School of Business, France and Soumya Jain, CEO and Chief Editor, Luxury Facts Foreword by Sanjay Kapoor

A window into the highly complex Indian luxury market, providing strategies to guide brands in entering this high potential market and capturing the luxury rupee. Sets out to uncover strategies that will help to avoid market failure and leverage opportunities to win in India. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figues / Foreword; S.Kapoor / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Indian Metrics / Introduction; G.Atwal & S.Jain / PART I: UNDERSTANDING LUXURY IN INDIA / Renewing India’s Relationship with Luxury; D.Sinha / India’s Historical Luxury Fables; S.Jain / PART II: UNRAVELING THE INDIAN CONSUMER / The Changing Luxury Landscape; S.Maxwell / Real Lives - Real Luxury; P.Saxena / Contemporary Lustre; M.Puddick & P.Menon / New Consumer - New Luxury; T.Recchione & A.Misra / PART III: TAKING THE BUSINESS STEP / Crossing the Indian Threshold; R.Kapoor / Luxury Retailing In India; S.Chhabra / PART IV: WOOING INDIA / Delivering a Luxury Brand Experience / Fitting in India; G.Atwal & S.Khan / PART V: THE MESSAGE AND THE MEDIUM / The Communication Dilemma; G.Atwal, S.Khan & D.Bryson / Creating the Hype; K.Medh / Bollywood and Luxury; R.Virq Ahluwalia / PART I: INDIA’S OWN LUXURY / Luxury Living; H.Roy Chaudhuri / Rise of Indian Luxury Brands; A.Som & S.Das / Recognising the Future; G.Atwal & S.Jain September 2012 288pp tables and figures Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-33672-8

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business and management Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Social Enterprises An Organizational Perspective Edited by Benjamin Gidron, Professor Emeritus, Israel and Yeheskel Hasenfeld, Distinguished Professor, University of California and Los Angeles, USA Foreward by Steven Rathgeb Smith

Presents an organizational perspective of social enterprises, which allows us to analyze issues such as their governing structure, their modes of operation and their marketing strategies, and to begin to formulate some theoretical constructs on how these entities can survive and thrive. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Foreward; S.Rathgeb Smith / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; B.Gidron & Y.Hasenfeld / PART I: THEORETICAL APPROACHES / The State of Theory and Research on Social Enterprises; D.R.Young / Social Enterprises and Social Categories; J.Galaskiewicz & S.N.Barringer / Conceptions of Social Enterprise in Europe: A Comparative Perspective with the United States; J.Defourny & M.Nyssens / Defining Social Enterprise across Different Contexts: A Conceptual Framework Based on Institutional Factors; J.A.Kerlin / PART II: EMPIRICAL STUDIES / Managing Conflicting Institutional Logics: Social Service versus Market; E.Garrow & Y.Hasenfeld / The Phenomenon of Social Businesses: Some Insights from Israel; B.Gidron & I.Abbou / Social Enterprise in MixedForm Fields: Challenges and Prospects; P.B.McInerney / Chasing the Double-Bottom Line: Fair Trade and the Elusive Win-win; C.Child / Mission Control: Examining the Institutionalization of New Legal Forms of Social Enterprise in Different Strategic Action Fields; K.Cooney / Postscript / The Legitimacy of Social Entrepreneurship: Reflexive Isomorphism in a Pre Paradigmatic Field; A.Nicholls

Human Resource Management and Employee Relations

New Frontiers in Work-Family Research


From Complexity to Simplicity Unleash Your Organisation's Potential Simon Collinson, Professor of International Business and Innovation, Warwick Business School, UK; Guangbiao Chair Professor, Zhejiang University, China and Melvin Jay, Founder and CEO of the Simplicity Partnership; Jay has over 25 years of commercial and consulting experience.

A Vision for the Future in a Global World Edited by Steven Poelmans, Associate Professor, EADA Business School, Spain, Jeffrey Greenhaus, Professor of Management, Drexel University, USA and Mireia Las Heras Maestro, Assistant Professor, IESE Business School, Spain

A 'white paper' for international work-family research, offering a bold look at the future, giving an overview of promising, emerging topics in this multi-disciplinary field, and giving guidelines for future research. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Preface; L.Bailyn & N.Chinchilla / Introduction; S.Poelmans, J.Greenhaus & M.Las Heras / Work-life Policies and Flexible Work Arrangements in Organizations / Work-life Culture and Practices in Organizations / Personal and Professional Careers and Talent Management / Decision-making in a Work-life Context / Coping and Strategies for Harmonizing Work and Life / Work-life Facilitation and Enrichment / Special Section / Conclusion September 2012 304pp Hardback £67.50

216x138mm 978-1-137-00599-1

Previously Announced

Alternative Work Organisations

August 2012 288pp 216x138mm 10 b/w tables, 7 diagrams, 2 charts and 1 graph Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-35879-9

Edited by Maurizio Atzeni, Lecturer in Human Resource Management, Loughborough University Business School, UK

July 2012 224pp 216x138mm 4 b/w tables, 2 diagrams and 1 map Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-24140-4

Complexity is slowing companies down, costing them on average ten percent of their profits. Based on cutting-edge research with the top two hundred companies globally, this practical ‘how to’ guide will show businesses how to remove complexity to boost profits and morale. Contents: What is Complexity, What is Simplicity? / The True Cost of Complexity: What are the Business and Human Consequences of Complexity / What are the Causes of Complexity?: The Human Factor / Where Complexity Hides in your Company and How to Find It? / How to Work out How Much complexity is Actually Costing You / How to Remove Complexity / 20 Quick and Easy Things You Can Do / The Simplicity Tool Kit / How to Remove Product Complexity / How to Remove Strategic Complexity / How to Remove Process Complexity / How to Simplify Management Information and Reporting / How to Remove Organisational Complexity / How to Change the Management Behaviours that Cause Complexity / Communicating with Simplicity August 2012 Hardback

192pp £19.99




Web resource available

234x156mm 978-1-137-00621-9

Comes with a CD/DVD

business and management International Business

Mergers and Acquisitions as the Pillar of Foreign Direct Investment Edited by Aristidis Bitzenis, Assistant Professor, Department of International and European Studies, Vasileios A. Vlachos, PhD Candidate, both at University of Macedonia, Greece and Pyrros Papadimitrios, Lawyer, Economist and Assistant Professor of International Economic Relations, University of Peloponnese, Greece

This comprehensive volume tackles all aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions activity - including regional concentration of M&As at a global level, the impact of the economic crisis, and theoretical concepts and practical applications. Contents: To Merge or to Acquire / Introduction; V.A.Vlachos / Regional Concentration of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Economic System; A.P.Bitzenis & P.Papadimitriou / Mergers and Acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe and the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis; C.Sakali / Why do Mergers and Acquisitions Happen and Why Not? An Analysis of the Motives and the Defensive Tactics; I.A.Tampakoudis & D.N.Subeniotis / A Survey of the Literature on the Determinants of Merger and Acquisition Activity; V.A.Vlachos / Foreign Direct Investment in FYROM: An Overview of Motives and Barriers / A.P.Bitzenis, V.Nuskova & V.A.Vlachos / Internal Audit and Mergers and Acquisitions; T.Karagiorgos, G.Drogalas & P.Pantelidis / The Institutional Framework of Multinational Enterprise - State Interactions in International Business; Y.Rizopoulos & D.Sergakis / New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Linking Mergers and Acquisitions with Social Responsibility; G.Tea & M.Paulisic July 2012 288pp 216x140mm 25 b/w tables and 4 b/w line drawings Hardback £65.00 978-1-137-01330-9

First Announcement

Communication Across Cultures Edited by Elizabeth Christopher, Adjunct Professor of International and Cross-cultural Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University, Australia

'A textbook that provides the background ('bigger picture') for some of the more pressing needs of globalization...The strength is sorting out the issues in separate chapters, starting with leadership and going towards management.’ Anne Marie Bulow, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark A new textbook exploring communication in international management. It provides a comprehensive overview of the field, summarizing the key theoretical perspectives and introducing students to the multi-cultural ‘big picture’ in which global business operates. Experts provide a wealth of cases and other learning and teaching resources.

The Era of Global Transition The 7 Questions Robert W. Davies, Senior Visiting Fellow, CASS Business School, UK

Davies explores and questions the central challenge of a world in transition - the shift from a unipolar world dominated by the US to a new and untested multi-polar environment. The Great Recession was merely a catalytic event in this process of transition - a process that will dominate business life and thinking over at least the next decade. This book provides guidance through these transitional times. Contents: Introduction / Is This the End of History? / What Does a World in Transition Look Like? / Will the Emerging Economies be the New Engine of Growth? / Is the World Entering a New Low Growth Era? / What is the Future of Consumerism? / Is there a Future for the Services-based Economy? / New Politics - Will the Past Return? / Glimpses into the Future / Watching the Waves Break September 2012 256pp Hardback £26.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-34876-9

Cass Business Press

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Contents: PART I: THE FIRST DIMENSION OF COMMUNICATION ACROSS CULTURES: DIFFERENT VOICES / Leading and Motivating Across Cultures / Like and Unlike: Different Communication Styles / Noise and Silence: Verbal and Non-verbal Communication / PART II: THE SECOND DIMENSION: COMMUNICATION AT WORK / The Micro-Environment of Diversity at Work: Gender Factors and Minority Roles in Workplace Communication / ‘I Don’t Like It Here’: Culture Shock and Adjustment / Learning and Teaching Across Cultures / PART III: THE THIRD DIMENSION: GOING GLOBAL / Command and Control: International Negotiations and Alliances / Communication Webs and Organisational Networks / PART IV: THE FOURTH DIMENSION: COMMUNICATION MEDIA / Voices in Cyberspace: Messages by Mass Media / Actions Speak Louder than Words: Ethical Behaviour, Social Responsibility and Protecting the Environment June 2012 Paperback

288pp £31.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-27567-6 TB

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business and management

Innovations in International Business

The Globalization of Higher Education

Edited by Peter J. Buckley, Professor of International Business, University of Leeds, UK

Edited by David Greenaway, Professor and Pro Vice Chancellor, Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalization and Economic Policy, School of Economics and Christine Ennew, Professor of Marketing, School of Management and Finance, both at University of Nottingham, UK

A leading international business theorist and writer for more than thirty years, Peter Buckley focuses in this volume on the development and modelling of the multinational enterprise (MNE) and its role in knowledge creation and dissemination as well as cultural distance in international business, particularly with respect to Asian business. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Foreword: D.Lessard / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction / PART I: THEORY AND MODELLING THE MNE / Business History and International Business; P.J.Buckley / Internalisation Thinking - From the Multinational Enterprise to the Global Factory; P.J.Buckley / The Theory of International Business Pre-Hymer; P.J.Buckley / The Governance of the Multinational Enterprise: Insights from Internalization Theory; P.J.Buckley & R.Strange / Formalizing Internationalization in the Eclectic Paradigm; P.J.Buckley & N.Hashai / The Impact of the Global Factory on Economic Development; P.J.Buckley / PART II: KNOWLEDGE, INNOVATION AND MANAGEMENT / Under What Conditions do Firms Benefit from the Research Efforts of Other Organizations?; M.I.Kafouros & P.J.Buckley / The Role of Internationalization in Explaining Innovation Performance'; M.I.Kafourosa, P.J.Buckley, J.A.Sharpb & C.Wang / Knowledge Accession and Knowledge Acquisition in Strategic Alliances: The Impact of Supplementary and Complementary Dimensions; P.J.Buckley, K.W.Glaister, E.Klijn & H.Tan / Do Managers Behave the Way Theory Suggests? A Choice Theoretic Examination of Foreign Direct Investment Location Decision Making; P.J.Buckley, T.M.Devinney & J.J.Louviere / The Role of Headquarters in the Global Factory; P.J.Buckley / PART III: CULTURAL DISTANCE AND ASIAN BUSINESS / Close Neighbours and Distant Friends - Perceptions of Cultural Distance; M.Chapman, H.Gajewska-De Mattos, J.Clegg & P.J.Buckley / Doing Business in Developing and Transitional Countries, an Empirical Example of the Dominant Logic and its Alternative; P.J.Buckley, M.Chapman, J.Clegg & H.Gajewska-De Mattos / The Rise of the Japanese Multinational Enterprise: Then and Now; P.J.Buckley / Japanese Multinational Enterprises in China: Successful Adaptation of Marketing Strategies; P.J.Buckley & S.A.Horn

The Convergence of Corporate Governance Promise and Prospects Edited by Abdul Rasheed, Professor of Strategic Management and International Business, University of Texas, USA and Toru Yoshikawa, Strategic Market Leadership and Health Services Management, Professor of Human Resources & Management, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada

A volume of papers addressing the practical challenges associated with changing patterns of provision in global higher education. This text also includes reflective reviews of key trends in diverse areas of international academic activity and analyzes different national experiences. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Introduction and Overview; C.T.Ennew & D.Greenaway / PART I: CHANGING PATTERNS OF COMPETITION / National Reforms and International Ambitions; A.Langlands / Global Tunes and National Melodies: Being Global and Sounding Local; D.Eastwood / Dynamics of East Asian Higher Education; S.Marginson / PART II: CHANGING PATTERNS OF PROVISION / Internationalisation of Higher Education: Global Trends and Regional Perspectives; E.Egron-Polak / Around the World in 80 Ways: Internationalizing Higher Education; C.T.Ennew / Global Challenges - Their Impact on Research and Training; J.Wood / The Importance and Mutual Benefit of Vibrant Relationships Between Industry and Academia; N.Morris / The Meaning of Liberal Education in a Globalised World; P.Nolan / PART III: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES / The Higher Educational Transformation of China and its Global Implications; Y.A.Li, J.Whalley, S.Zhang & X.Zhao / An Ever-Closer Union? The Role of ‘Brussels’ in Shaping European Higher Education; B.Wächter / Higher Education in India; D.Kapur / Origins, Challenges and the Future Direction of Transnational Education in Malaysia; C.Hill September 2012 304pp Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-35486-9

August 2012 432pp 216x138mm 31 b/w tables, 38 diagrams and 1 graph Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-28966-6

This text takes readers through an in-depth examination of many leading industrialized nations and identifies both the drivers that propel corporations towards convergence and the major impediments that stand in the way of convergence. Also examines many mechanisms of convergence such as governance codes, MNCs, and IPOs. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Notes on Contributors / Convergence of Corporate Governance: Promise and Prospects; A.A.Rasheed & T.Yoshikawa / Reflections on the End of History for Corporate Law; H.Hansmann & R.Kraakman / Does Convergence in Regulation Lead to Convergence in Practice? The Case of Dissident Proxy Contests in Canada; K.A.Bates & D.A.Hennessy / Corporate Governance in Germany: Converging Towards Shareholder Value-Orientation or Not So Much?; A.Tuschke & M.Luber / Corporate Governance in India: Progress, Problems, and Prospects; N.Rajagopalan & Y.Zhang / Corporate Governance Convergence in Japan; C.L.Ahmadjian / Transformation of Corporate Governance in Korea; H.Kim & Ji-H.Lee / Converging Divergence in Corporate Governance in Singapore; L.S.Tsui-Auch / A Decade of Corporate Governance Reforms in Spain (2000-2010); R.GarciaCastro & R.V.Aguilera / Globalization and Corporate Governance Convergence: The Multinational Corporations as a Neglected Agent of Convergence; / K.Sikavica & T.Yoshikawa / Are Codes Fostering Convergence in Corporate Governance? An Institutional Perspective; I.Haxhi & R.V.Aguilera / Why Do Chinese Firms Cross-list in the United States?; M.W.Peng & D.P.Blevins July 2012 288pp 216x138mm 20 b/w tables, 5 diagrams and 2 graphs Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-29746-3




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business and management

New Mega Trends

Management and Leadership

Implications for our Future Lives Sarwant Singh, Partner of Frost and Sullivan, the business research and consulting firm, responsible for developing and implementing business strategy and the fulfilment of high-value consulting projects on more than 250 strategic consulting projects

Competition, Gender and Management Beyond Winning and Losing Jane Dennehy, Researcher and Consultant with extensive commercial experience in organizations in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. In 2011, she established The Gender Hub, a network of specialists in applied gender theory which provide organizations with communications advice and programme evaluation based on active research and analysis

New Mega Trends predicts the ten trends that will make the greatest impact to business in the future. Singh not only identifies and evaluates the emerging trends, but also translates these into opportunities for everyday business and personal life. Contents: E-mobility / Urbanization / Health, Wellness and Well-being / Social Trends / New Battlefields / Virtual Connected World / Innovating to Zero / Value for Money Business Models / Smart is the New Green / From Planes to Trains September 2012 208pp Hardback £20.00

234x156mm 978-1-137-00808-4

Empowering Women in Work in Developing Countries Maarten Van Klaveren, Lecturer in Politics, University of Hull, UK and Kea Tijdens, Researcher, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Professor of Women and Work, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Presents the outcomes of a major fourteencountry project aimed at empowering girls and young women. Provides a discussion of their choices in life, comparing factors such as family background, health, education, employment opportunities and the use of and access to the internet.

Investigates eight dimensions of competition which are active yet covert in the lives of managers. Explains in great detail the everyday experiences of men and women and the ways in which different cultures at work and in wider society, particularly exposure to sport and media, affect and reflect the relationship between gender and competition.

Seven Management Moralities Thomas Klikauer, School of Management, University of Western Sydney, Australia

For the first time, Seven Management Moralities delivers a comprehensive overview of all forms of moral and immoral behaviour displayed by management. Utilising Kohlberg’s ascending scale of seven moralities, the book includes the ethics of Aristotle, Kant, Utilitarianism, Bauman, Habermas, and Singer. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Introducing Seven Management Moralities / Seven Moralities and Management / Seven Moral Philosophies of Management / The Management Morality of Obedience and Punishment / The Management Morality of Selfishness and Egoism / The Management Morality of Conforming to Social Virtues / The Management Morality of Law and Order / The Management Morality of Utilitarian Welfare / The Management Morality of Universalism / The Management Morality of Environmentalism / Conclusion: Morality and Management / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 400pp 216x138mm 20 b/w tables, 10 diagrams and 1 figure Hardback £70.00 978-0-230-36934-4

Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Gender and Sport / Competition Cage / Work Relationships / Language and Images / Confidence and Success / Collisions with Time / Beyond Winning and Losing September 2012 288pp tables and figures Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-38936-6

Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Introduction / Demography, Health and Inequality: Basic Perspectives in the Lives of Young Women / Education and Skills of Young Women / Employment, Wages and Working Conditions of Young Women / Governance, Labour Relations, Union Organisation - and the Internet! / Perspectives for Using the Internet: The case of the Minimum Wage September 2012 252pp Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36935-1

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business and management

Business Administration Education

University Leadership Approaches, Formation and Challenges in Europe

Changes in Management and Leadership Strategies Edited by Joan Marques, Director of the Bachelor’s in Business Administration Program; Assistant Professor of Management, Satinder Dhiman, Associate Dean, School of Business; Director, MBA Program, and Svetlana Holt, Assistant Professor of Management, all at Woodbury University in California, USA

A dynamic collaboration of nine experienced scholars, share their rich blend of experiences and insights in this book, which consists of three parts with one over-arching theme: emerging paradigms. This multi-faceted work will assist students, scholars, and practitioners in attaining and maintaining excellence in an evolving world. Contents: Changed Learning Needs: What are Conscious Business Students Looking for?; J.McHann / What Makes Adult Education Compelling? Diversity as Enrichment Strategy; J.Marques / An Interdisciplinary Approach on Wisdom Transfer in Work and Learning Environments using Storytelling to Inspire Positive Change; S.Dhiman / What do Empathy and Emotional Intelligence have to do with Change?; S.Holt / The Virtue of Integrity: Ethical Leaders make Reliable Business; D.Gifford / The Essence of Being There: Wakefulness as a Strategic Leadership Tool; J.Marques / Creativity and Innovation: Increasing Purpose in our Personal and Professional Lives; V.Andrews / Knowing our Audience: Business Leaders Need Better Tools and Techniques to Connect with Consumers; M.Levens / Including the Global Context: The Need to Enlarge our Horizons; T.Koybaeva / Measure Local, Manage Global: Intangible Assets Metric Standards for Sustainability; W.Fisher / Social Responsibility: Caring for People, Products, Peace, Preservation, and Planet; S.Dhiman / Connecting with the Future: Embracing the Millennials; S.Holt

Michael O’Mullane

Using a platform of substantial theories and applications, this book explores approaches taken to university leadership, how leadership is formed, and challenges that leadership of universities experiences within the context of Europe. Contents: Organisational Leadership: Background and Framework for a Study of European Universities / The University as ‘Organisation’ in the Context of Leadership / Approaches to Data Collection and Analysis / Approaches Universities take in their own Leadership and Management / Forming Leadership: Approaches taken in Developing Leadership and Management Capability / Challenges Facing University Leadership / Summary, General Outcomes, Implications and Future Directions October 2011 232pp 11 figures and 27 b/w tables Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-31403-0

A Concise Introduction Richard Pettinger, Business and Management Consultant; Lecturer in Management, University College London, UK

'A comprehensive overview of management giving business students an understanding of the key challenges and opportunities facing managers in the 21st century with a practical focus on issues at both micro and macro levels.' David Banner, University of Westminster, UK
 Management: A Concise Introduction has been written with the student in mind - short chapters, easy identification of the key points and revisionfriendly sections. Backed by robust academic theory, it has an engaging style and is everything a student needs to understand the subject. Contents: PART I: THE FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT / Preface / Introduction / Organisations, Managers and the Environment / Managing in a Changing Environment / Management Ethics and Risk / The Practice of Management / PART II: ORGANISATIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT / Culture and Structure / Communication / Organisation Politics / Human Resource Management / Leadership and Management / PART III: STRATEGY, POLICY, DIRECTION AND PRIORITIES / Strategy, Policy and Direction / Marketing / Managing Operations and Projects / Financial and Quantitative Aspects of Management / Performance Management / PART IV: ENDURING PRIORITIES OF MANAGEMENT / The Management of Risk / Management and Motivation / Management on a Daily Basis / Management Development / Conclusions: Managing for the Present and Future 234x177mm 10 b/w tables 978-0-230-28535-4



August 2012 284pp 20 b/w line drawings Paperback £26.99

July 2012 256pp 216x140mm 7 b/w illustrations and 2 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-34103-6





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business and management Marketing and Branding

Defending Your Brand How Smart Companies use Defense Strategy to Deal with Competitive Attacks Tim Calkins, Clinical Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management; Co-academic Director of Kellogg’s branding program, Northwestern University, USA

Here Calkins shows businesses how to create and maintain a defensive strategy including: how to understand and get competitive intelligence; how to determine if your brand or company is at risk; how to create a defensive strategy; limiting risk and preventing a trial; understanding your own IP as a weapon - and much more. Contents: Introduction: The Hidden Strategy / The Threat / Three Critical Insights / Competitive Intelligence / The Key Question: Defend or Not? /Stopping the Launch / Blocking Distribution / Limiting Awareness / Preventing Trial / Fighting Repeat / Using IP as a Competitive Weapon / Understanding Antitrust Regulations / Avoiding Attacks / A Note for Innovators September 2012 256pp Hardback £18.99

Rethinking Reputation How PR Trumps Marketing and Advertising in the New Media World Fraser P. Seitel, Public Relations Consultant, Author, Lecturer, Columnist, and Media Commentator and John Doorley, Founding Academic Director, Master of Science in Public Relations Degree Program, New York University, USA; formerly Head of Corporate Communications, Merck & Co., which was named America's Most Admired Company

PR experts Seitel and Doorley argue that PR is more important to business success than marketing. Rethinking Reputation shows how to harness PR power to protect a company's reputation by examining case studies to glean the PR do's and don’ts for the new media world. The book offers a wake-up call for anyone tasked with representing their business to the world. Contents: Introduction: How to Build and Retain Reputation with the Help of the World's Second Oldest Profession / PART I: HOW TO BUILD REPUTATION / The Power of Relationships / The Power of Publicity / The Power of The Truth / The Power of your Personal or Company Brand / The Power of Reputation / PART II: HOW TO PROTECT AND RETAIN REPUTATION / Controlling the Agenda / Choosing your Road / Sticking to the Script / Sinning by Spinning / Rethinking Reputation September 2012 256pp Hardback £16.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-33833-3

Operations Management

Sustainable Global Outsourcing Achieving Social and Environmental Responsibility in Global IT and Business Process Outsourcing Ron Babin, Associate Director & Assistant Professor, Ryerson University, Canada and Brian Nicholson, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Business School, UK

Through a series of case studies and surveys the authors examine current sustainability trends in outsourcing and recommend how providers should prepare for increasing buyer demands in this area, suggesting buyers and providers can work together to build successful outsourcing relationships through collaborative sustainability projects. Contents: Introduction: Achieving Social and Environmental Responsibility in Global Outsourcing / Why is Sustainable Outsourcing Important?/ Integrating Sustainability and Outsourcing / Measuring Sustainability / Collaborating for Shared Value / Leveraging Sustainability in Relationships / Steering a Course on Sustainability / Conclusion August 2012 160pp 25 figures and 14 b/w tables Hardback £26.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-28507-1

229x152mm 978-0-230-34034-3

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business and management Organization Studies

Understanding Organizations in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments Edited by Anabella Davila, Professor of Organization Theory, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, Marta Elvira, Professor, IESE Business School, Spain, Jacobo Ramirez, Assistant Professor; Co-director, Research Chair in European Studies and Laura Zapata-Cantu, Assistant Professor, both at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

Explores the concept of complexity and analyzes how organizational governance can contribute to environmental sustainability. A common theme in these chapters is that organizations actively engage with their environments. Consequently, organizational responses are partly the result of iterative processes with the environment. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Foreword / Notes on Contributors / PART I: COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS AND GOVERNANCE / PART II: INNOVATION MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 224pp 13 b/w tables and 6 figures Hardback £65.00


Contemporary Issues in Mining

Diversity in Organizations

Leading Practice in Australia

Concepts & Practices

Edited by Nigel Finch, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, University of Sydney, Australia

Mary Ann Danowitz, Fellow, Institute for Organisation Studies and Organisational Behaviour, Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Professor for Gender and Diversity in Organizations; Head, Gender and Diversity Management Group and Heike Mensi-Klarbach, Assistant Professor, Gender and Diversity Management Group, all at Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Provides case studies, commentary and analysis on the mining sector from international experts in business, across the four key focus areas of strategic, operational, financial and disclosure perspectives on mining. Invaluable to executives, managers and advisers involved in the mining sector, including public and private mining companies. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Editor and Contributors / Overview / PART I: STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES / An Overview of the Business History of the International Mining Industry; S.Mollan & D.Kelsey / The Role of Mining in the Australian Economy; N.Garrow & T.Valentine / PART II: OPERATIONAL PERSPECTIVES / Transportation Issues of Australian Coal and Iron Ore; E.Barber / Mro Procurement: Best Practices Framework for Capital Equipment; A.S.Jeeva / PART III: FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVES / Practical Problems in Mining Valuations; W.Lonergan & H.Chu / The Tax Accounting Interface in the Mining Industry in the Context of IFRS; L.Nethercott / Carbon Tax: Economic Impact on the Latrobe Valley; M.Barrett, S.Maslyuk & D.Pambudi / PART IV: DISCLOSURE PERSPECTIVES / Permissive and Uninformative Reporting of Clean Up Costs; R.G.Walker / Capital Management Determinants of Financial Instrument Disclosures in the Extractive Industries: Evidence from Australian Firms; G.Taylor & G.Tower / Transnational Corruption and Conflict Minerals; D.Chaikin August 2012 208pp 216x138mm 14 b/w tables, 7 maps and 3 graphs Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-02579-1


‘A must read for all people, students, employees and managers alike, concerned with the persistence of inequality (regimes) in organizations. Diversity in Organizations provides theoretically well informed and practice-oriented, step-by-step guidelines for the development of surprisingly dynamic diversity policies and practices in contemporary organizations.’ -Dr. Ida Sabelis, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Joint Editor-In-Chief for Gender, Work and Organization A core text for modules in diversity management that examines concepts, research and practices from Europe and the wider world, in particular to United States, to provide approaches to diversity and inclusivity which recognize the importance of organizational and individual considerations in historical, political, social and cultural contexts. Contents: Preface / PART I: FRAMING DIVERSITY IN ORGANIZATIONS / Introduction / Theoretical Perspectives on Diversity in Organizations / The European Diversity Context / PART II: INDIVIDUAL AND CROSS-CULTURAL DIVERSITY PROCESSES / Doing Gender - Doing Difference / Cross-cultural Gender and Diversity Contexts / PART III: ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES /Organizational Strategies and Policies / Diversity Management: The Business and Moral Cases /Organizational Analyses / Organizational Implementation / Work Life Equilibrium / PART IV: FROM DIVERSE TO INCLUSIVE ORGANIZATIONS / Lessons from Good Practice and the Future of Diversity and Inclusivity / Glossary September 2012 252pp Paperback £32.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-36131-7 TB




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business and management

Understanding Psychological Bonds between Individuals and Organizations

Group Dynamics & Organizational Culture

Assembling Health Care Organizations

Effective Work Groups and Organizations

Practices, Materialities and Institutions

The Coalescence Model of Organizational Identification

Adrian Furnham, Professor of Psychology, University College London, UK and Athena Xenikou, Lecturer in Social Psychology, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece

Sebastian Fuchs, Lecturer, Middlesex University Business School, UK Foreword by Martin R. Edwards

Investigates how individuals form strong, meaningful psychological bonds with their organizations, which in turn are associated with organizationally desired attitudes and behaviours. In fast-paced labour markets both organizations and individuals alike benefit from a certain degree of mutual commitment in their relationship. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Foreword Martin R. Edwards / Preface / Abbreviations and Symbols / Introduction / Psychological Bonds in Organizations / Methodical Issues / The impact of Organizational Identification / The Coalescence Model of Organizational Identification / Common Method Variance Analysis of Structural Models / Discussing the Structural Models / Conclusion / References / Appendices / Index August 2012 256pp 23 b/w tables and 16 diagrams Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36346-5

‘An excellent introductory text to organization culture - accessible, researchbased, and engaging for the reader. The authors have managed to fuse a review of research and practice across the diverse areas of organization culture and team working in organizations. This book deserves to be on the shelf of every student in HRM-OB and practicing manager with any remit toward organization change or development. The use of examples and case studies is particularly useful for the reader - this book is a valuable addition to this area.’ - Neil Anderson, Professor of HRM; Director of Research, Work and Organization Research Centre, Brunel University, UK Furnham and Xenikou provide an overview of the classic and contemporary theories debated within organizational culture, grounding debates within the context of group dynamics. This psychological focus ties in with Organisational Behaviour modules, allowing students to develop their understanding of the psychological processes underpinning organizational life.

Kajsa Lindberg, Assistant Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Alexander Styhre, Associate Professor, Department of Project Management, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden and Lars Walter, Assistant Researcher and Project Administrator, Department of Business Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Assembling Health Care Organizations combines an institutional theory perspective with a materialist view of the technologies, devices, biological specimens, and other material resources mobilized and put to work in health care work. Contents: List of Figures / Preface / PART I: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES / Introduction: Organizing Health Care Work in Late Modernity / Organizing Health Care Work: Co-aligning Institutions and Materiality / Organization Studies of Health Care Work: An Overview and Look at the Future / PART II: HEALTH CARE PRACTICES / Coordinating Care Paths: The Patient as a Boundary Object / Standardizing: The Introduction of Evidence-based Methods into Drug Abuse Treatment / Crossing and Constructing Boundaries: A Case of an Infusion Pump / Engaging Material Resources: Nursing Work in Leukaemia Care / PART III: BRIDGING INSTITUTIONAL AND MATERIALITY IN HEALTH CARE / Assembling Health Care Work / Appendix: Research Methods / Bibliography / Index July 2012 2 diagrams Hardback





Contents: The Concept of Organizational Culture / Approaches to Organizational Culture / Assessing Organizational Culture: The Qualitative Approaches and the Quantitative Approaches / Theories of Organizational Culture / Leadership and Organizational Culture / Organizational Culture and Performance / Organizational Innovation, Creativity and Culture / Organizational Change and Organizational Culture / Conclusions August 2012 Paperback

208pp £26.99

234x156mm 978-1-4039-8733-4 TB

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business and management

Police Leadership A Primer for the Individual and the Organization Quinn McCarthy, Police Captain, Tucson Police Department, Arizona

This volume goes beyond other books on police leadership by exploring the topic from a distinctively police perspective. Based on a leadership model developed specifically for the police leader, the book focuses on behaviour and how that behaviour shapes both the culture and the climate of an organization. Contents: List of Tables / Acknowledgements / Introduction: Another Book about Police Leadership / PART I: THE INDIVIDUAL AS A LEADER / Why We Need a New Approach / ‘Do we want leaders or administrators?’ / Principles of Leadership / ‘Back to the basics works but only if you understand the basics’ / Leadership Styles and The CORE Leadership Model / ‘I tried doing what the books say but it isn’t working - Now what?’ / Competency in Leadership / ‘Trust Me; I know what I am doing’ / Organizational Climate / ‘It’s okay to make an honest, well-thought out mistake’ / Responsibility / ‘Your people are you’ / Extending Influence / ‘Perception is Reality’ / PART II: THE ORGANIZATION AS A LEADER / Levels, Stages and Interrelationships of Police Leadership / ‘I haven’t changed! I just understand the big picture now’ / Training Leaders / ‘Getting the most out of what precious little time we have’ / Promoting Leaders / ‘Now that promotional list makes sense!’ / PART III: THE LEADERSHIP PRIMER / Learning to Deal with Leadership Failure and Success / ‘How the heck did that happen?’ July 2012 3 b/w tables Hardback





Managing Privacy through Accountability Edited by Daniel Neyland, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK, Leon Hempel, Senior Researcher, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, Inga Kroener, Senior Research Associate, Lancaster University Management School, UK, Hector Postigo, Associate Professor, Temple University, USA, Carla Ilten and Daniel Guagnin, both Junior Researchers, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Draws together contributions from leading figures in the field of surveillance to engage in the discussion of the emergence of accountability as a means to manage threats to privacy. The first of its kind to enrich the debate about accountability and privacy by drawing together perspectives from experienced privacy researchers and policy makers. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Preface / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; D.Neyland, D.Guagnin, L.Hempel, C.Ilten, I.Kroener & H.Postigo / The Meaning of ‘Accountability’ in the Information Privacy Context; C.Raab / The Accountability Approach to Privacy and Data Protection: Assumptions and Caveats; C.J.Bennett / The Accountability Principle in Data Protection Regulation: Origin, Development and Future Directions; J.Alhadeff, B.Van Alsenoy & J.Dumortier / The Challenges of Working out Surveillance and Accountability in Theory and Practice; D.Neyland / Bridging the Gap: We Need to Get Together; D.Guagnin, L.Hempel & C.Ilten / Privacy and Trust in Sociotechnical Systems of Accountability; P.M.Regan & D.G.Johnson / Maintaining Sovereignty over Personal Data in Social Networking Sites; E.AImeur, S.Gambs & A.Ho / ’Cold Intimacies’: Community Notification, Satellite Tracking and the Ruined Privacy of Sex Offenders; M.Nellis / Electronic Health Records - The Case for Accountability in Hospitals; A.Dix / Accountability and System Responsibility: New Concepts in Data Protection Law and Human Rights Law; P.De Hert / Accountability and Independence of Data Protection Authorities - A Trade-off?; P.Schütz / Beyond Accountability, the Return to Privacy?; R.Gellert & S.Gutwirth August 2012 304pp 1 b/w table and 5 diagrams Hardback £65.00

Metaphor and Dialectic in Managing Diversity Christina Schwabenland, Senior Lecturer, London Metropolitan University, UK

Metaphor and dialectic are modes of thinking that influence the ways in which we identify what we have in common with others, how we differ and how we manage this diversity to achieve organizational goals. This book explores how we can become more aware of these unconscious processes and challenge stereotypes. Contents: Acknowledgements / Re-writing Imagination into Management / ‘All beautiful poetry is an act of resistance’ Introducing Metaphor / Fireworks and Football Crowds: Metaphor as Theory / Listening to Evelyn Glennie: Metaphor as Art / ‘Exchanges with strangers and things alien’ Introducing Dialectic / Polarities, Paralysis and Paradox: Centrifugal Dialectics / Hybridity and Synthesis: Centripetal Dialectics / Cacophony or Polyphony? Concluding Thoughts / Bibliography July 2012 256pp 2 colour illustrations Hardback £65.00



216x138mm 978-0-230-36932-0

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Comes with a CD/DVD

business and management

Intelligence in Action


Teaching about the Future Peter C. Bishop, Associate Professor and Andy Hines, Lecturer / Executive in Residence, both at University of Houston, USA

The faculty at the University of Houston’s program in Futures Studies share their comprehensive, integrated approach to preparing foresight professionals and assisting others doing foresight projects. Provides an essential guide to developing classes on the future or even establishing whole degree programs. Contents: Lists of Tables / List of Figures / Preface / Purposes / Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: UNDERSTANDING / PART II: MAPPING / PART III: INFLUENCING A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 328pp 216x138mm 26 b/w tables, 39 diagrams, 4 graphs, 1 chart and 2 colour illustrations Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-36349-6

Strategically Managing Knowledge Assets G.Scott Erickson, Professor of Marketing/Law, Ithaca College, USA and Helen Rothberg, Professor of Strategy, Marist College, USA Foreword by John Prescott

This is the first book to combine financial results with proprietary benchmarking data and indepth interviews with experienced knowledge practitioners. The resulting framework provides an inside- and outside-the-firm view of the risks and opportunities found in knowledge management and competitive intelligence. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Foreword; J.Prescott / Acknowledgements / Setting the Stage / SPF Review: Our Journey / Preparing for Launch / SPF45: From the Top / SPF45: From the Inside / SPF30: From the Top / SPF30: From the Inside / SPF15: From the Top / SPF15: From the Inside / SPF5: From the Top / SPF5: From the Inside / Conclusions: More is Not Always Better, Better is Knowing What's More / References August 2012 240pp 216x138mm 1 diagram, 33 b/w tables and 22 graphs Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-34823-3

21st Century Management

The Business of Global Energy Transformation Saving Billions through Sustainable Models Mats Larsson, Global Energy Transformation Insitute

One of the first books to analyze business and financial aspects of sustainable transport and fuels systems and provides novel insights for researchers, managers, and politicians who work in energy and sustainability related areas. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Acknowledgements / Target Audiences / I Mean ‘Business!’ / PART I: EMERGING TRANSPORT AND ENERGY SYSTEMS - A FOUNDATION FOR GROWTH / The Need for Large Scale Energy Systems Transformation / Not Technology, but ‘Orgware,’ Business, and Financing / What Will Happen if We Fail? / How to Identify Lack of Business ‘Orgware’ / The Contents of Business ‘Orgware’? / Four Categories of ‘Orgware’ / Geographical Aspects of ‘Orgware’ / PART II: TWO: EMERGING ENERGY SYSTEMS - SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODELS / Business Situations / Business Situations, Technologies, and Emerging Business Models / Smart Grids and New and Visionary Materials Technologies / Development Opportunities for Well Established Technologies / PART III: THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND ‘ORGWARE’ / Development of a Visual Model and Decision Making Method / The Role of ‘Orgware’ in Energy Systems Transformation / Doing the Right Thing / Important Aspects of Change Management / Conclusions

Making People Dance in the Thought Economy

September 2012 288pp tables and figures Hardback £65.00


Mats Lindgren, CEO at Kairos Future


Explores the changing business landscape of the twenty-first century and what it means for organizations. The author presents a new model for how to think about and handle the complex world of business from a managerial and innovative perspective with tips and tools for motivating and engaging your organization, clients and customers. Contents: Introduction / The Thought Economy and the New Knowledge Paradigm / The Five Principles for Winning the Future / Dancing With the Data / Dancing With the Future / Dancing With Ideas / Dancing With the Customers / Dancing With People / Building the Connected Organization September 2012 256pp Hardback £26.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-29789-0

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business and management

The Compliance Business and Its Customers

Environmental Innovation and Firm Performance

Edward Kasabov, Lecturer in Marketing, University of Bath, UK and Alex Warlow, Director at Noridol Ltd

Gregorio Martín de Castro, Assistant Professor, Javier Amores Salvadó, Assistant Professor, José Emilio Navas López, Professor of Business Administration and Miriam Delgado Verde, Assistant Professor, all at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

The internet has changed the way consumers interact with companies. Businesses must maintain good levels of customer service in a digital world where old strategies may no longer suffice. This book explores what the successful compliancecentred businesses are doing to manage and improve customer experience. Contents: PART I: HOW DID IT ALL COME ABOUT? / Historical Development / Types of Businesses / PART II: THE REACTION! / Misunderstanding and Negative Reaction / Resistance to Building Software Managed Systems / PART III: THE TECHNOLOGY / Automated Computerised Systems and How They Work / Automated Marketing / Building Databases / Integrating with Other Media, TV, E-mail, Mobile Phone / PART IV: INNOVATIONS IN MANAGEMENT STRATEGY / Extensive Use of Merchant Partners and Link Marketing / Willingness to Integrate Systems with Customers, Suppliers and Partners / High Levels of Reliability, Punctuality, Rapid Response / Flat Management Structures, Openness and Democratisation / Front-line Personnel / Enabling Staff / Innovative Ways of Financing Businesses / PART V: MARKETING INNOVATIONS / Fast Reaction to Market Changes / Systems for Service Recovery and Complaint Management / Relations and Long-term Loyalty / PART VI: THE FUTURE AND ITS IMPACT / Future Development and Effects on Society / The Growth of Worldwide Databases / Automated Compliance Systems / The Importance of Social Networking Sites September 2012 256pp 234x156mm Hardback £26.00 978-0-230-28419-7

The links between a firm’s competitiveness and the natural environment have been studied since the mid nineteen-nineties. This volume explores, both theoretically and empirically, the relationships between environmental product innovation, green image and firm performance. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Theoretical Framework / The Nature of Environmental Product Innovation and Green Image / Research Model / Methodology / Research Results / Conclusions September 2012 288pp tables and figures Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36347-2

Strategies for Longevity in Family Firms Carlo Salvato, Associate Professor and Guido Corbetta, Professor, both at Bocconi University, Italy

The strategic concepts and tools illustrated in this book provide a framework for devising and implementing strategies favouring longevity of family-controlled business entities. The authors illustrate their arguments with examples drawn from their direct knowledge of representative Italian and European family firms.

Entrepreneurial Excellence in the Knowledge Economy Intellectual Capital Benchmarking Systems Jose Maria Viedma Marti, Professor of Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain and Maria do Rosario Cabrita, holds a Ph.D., Assistant Professor; Researcher, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Foreword by Leif Edvinsson

Provides readers with a comprehensive overview of how to achieve entrepreneurial excellence in the knowledge economy and offers them ICBS - a methodology for strategy check-up of organizations in the knowledge economy context. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Foreword; L.Edvinsson / Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations / Introduction / The Knowledge Economy / Entrepreneurial Excellence in the Knowledge Economy Context: The Theoretical Foundations / The Practice of Entrepreneurial Excellence in the Knowledge Economy Context / Building an Integrative Methodology and Framework for Strategy Formulation / Operations Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System (OICBS) / Innovation Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System (IICBS) / Social Capital Benchmarking System (SCBS) / Conclusions August 2012 304pp 19 b/w tables and 120 figures Hardback £67.50

216X138mm 978-1-137-02457-2

Bocconi on Management

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Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Introduction: Strategies for Longevity in Family Firms / Some Myths about Family Firms / Unique Characteristics of Family Firms / Analyzing Family Firms: Tools and Contents / Successful Family Firms / Competitive Strategies in Family Firms / Diversifying the Family Estate / Financial Strategies / Organizational Strategies / Institutional Strategies / The Process of Generational Change / Transition Processes and ‘Third Parties’ / Bibliography September 2012 224pp tables and figures Hardback £65.00


Comes with a CD/DVD

british film institute British Film Institute

Elizabeth Taylor Susan Smith, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, University of Sunderland, UK

Nicole Kidman Pam Cook, Professor Emerita, Film, University of Southampton, UK

Pam Cook's study of the star persona of Nicole Kidman traces Kidman's career trajectory through an examination of her (sometimes controversial) film choices and places her in the context of a globalized media and celebrity culture. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / Stardom / Performance / Persona / Notes / Bibliography / Filmography / Index July 2012 Paperback

112pp £12.99

190x135mm 978-1-844-57488-9

Published by British Film Institute Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The first in-depth academic analysis of Elizabeth Taylor’s work in film. It examines her distinctive features as a performer and shows how various aspects of her performance repertoire evolved along with her star persona, during the course of her career, both on and off screen.

Star Studies: A Critical Guide Martin Shingler, Senior Lecturer in Radio and Film Studies, University of Sunderland, UK

Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith

Star Studies: A Critical Guide clearly charts the major developments within star studies - a key area of film studies. It identifies a number of dominant themes, explains major theories, concepts and methodologies, and explores the diversity of approaches adopted by numerous leading international scholars. An accessible guide to the Film Stars Series, Star Studies: A Critical Guide also equips the reader with a useful set of themes and issues for their own investigations. It is the perfect companion for film students wishing to do further research on stardom across a wide range of contexts, from national cinema, to mainstream and marginal cinemas, to different historical periods and beyond.

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Contents: Introduction / Mapping Star Studies / ReMapping Star Studies / The Co-ordinates of a Star Study / Conclusion

Contents: Introduction / Riding to Stardom / The Animal Returns / Acting on Instinct? / Compassion / Coda: Moving On / Notes / Bibliography / Filmography / Index July 2012 156pp 20 b/w halftones Paperback £12.99

190x135mm 978-1-844-57486-5

Published by British Film Institute

July 2012 192pp 20 b/w halftones Paperback £12.99

190x135mm 978-1-844-57490-2

Published by British Film Institute Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

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british film institute

Il Conformista (The Conformist)

BFI Film Classics 20th Anniversary To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the BFI Film Classics series, BFI Publishing are releasing twelve limited edition specially designed Film Classics with three new titles included. The publication will tie-in with the results of Sight & Sound’s poll of critics and filmmakers to establish a top ten best films of world cinema in their September issue. The nine re-issued titles are:

Metropolis by Thomas Elsaesser 978-1-844-57501-5 Taxi Driver by Amy Taubin 978-1-844-57499-5 The Wizard of Oz by Salman Rushdie 978-1-844-57516-9

Christopher Wagstaff, Senior Lecturer, Department of Italian, University of Reading, UK

The Conformist has mesmerized audiences by Bertulocci's mastery of the telling, the beauty of the images, the camera work, its soundtrack, and the intensity with which the characters convey powerful psychic energies. This unique European film classic deserves no less the unique perspective brought to it here by Christopher Wagstaff's expert eye.

Blade Runner by Scott Bukatman 978-1-844-57522-0

August 2012 b/w halftones Paperback

Citizen Kane by Laura Mulvey

Published by British Film Institute


Went the Day Well? by Penelope Houston






Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Eric Smoodin, Director; American Studies Program; Professor of both American Studies and Film Studies, University of California, USA

On release in the 1930s, Snow White became a milestone in animated film, Disney production and the US box office. Today its fans cross generations and continents, proving that this tale of the loveable, banished princess and her seven outstanding friends possesses a special magic that makes it both an all-time Disney great and a true film classic. August 2012 b/w halftones Paperback





Published by British Film Institute

Singin’ in the Rain by Peter Wollen

La Regle du jeu


Vertigo by Charles Barr

V.F. Perkins, Lecturer, Warwick University, UK


Don’t Look Now by Mark Sanderson 978-1-844-57515-2

Renoir’s famous and controversial comedy of manners has a troubled history. Though now it is regarded as a French cinematic triumph, on initial release it was banned by the French government after it premiered to an appalled Parisian audience offended by Renoir’s portrayal of the bourgeoisie.Victor Perkins presents here a sensitive socio-historical study of Renoir’s revised edition of the film, released twenty years after its premiere; shaped by the profundity and originality of its form. August 2012 b/w halftones Paperback





Please use the following ISBN to order all titles in this series: Paperback: 978-0-230-21783-6

Published by British Film Institute




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british film institute • culture and media

What if I had been the Hero? Investigating Women’s Cinema Sue Thornham, Professor; Head, Department of Media and Film, University of Sussex, UK

Sue Thornham’s study explores issues in feminist filmmaking through an examination of a wide range of films by women filmmakers, ranging from the avant-garde to mainstream Hollywood, and from the 1970s to the present day, discussing directors including Sally Potter, Jane Campion, Julie Dash, Patricia Rozema and Lynne Ramsay. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / PART I: QUESTIONS / What if I’d Been the Hero? / Women’s Liberation Cinema? / Unexplored Territories / PART II: EXPLORATIONS / Heroes and Writers / Landscapes and Stories / Bodies and Passions / Conclusion: Unfinished Business / Postscript / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 224pp 43 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00 Paperback £16.99

234x153mm 978-1-84457-364-6 978-1-84457-363-9

Published by British Film Institute

Culture and Media

Media Practice in Iraq Ahmed K. Al-Rawi, Lecturer, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

A historical survey of the Iraqi media from its beginning up to the present day, focusing on the post-2003 media scene and the political and societal divisions that occurred in Iraq after US-led occupation. Investigates the nature of the media outlets and offers an analysis of the way Iraqi satellite channels covered the 2010 general elections. Contents: Acknowledgment / Introduction / The Iraqi Media: The Beginnings / American Propaganda Efforts to Wage a War on Iraq: The Case of Nassiriah and Babil Newspapers / The US Role in Shaping Iraq’s Post 2003 Media / The Iraqi Media after the US-led Invasion / Television and Iraqi Elections / Iraqi TV Coverage of the 2010 General Election / Conclusion / Appendix I: The Articles of Nassiriah and Babil Newspapers / Appendix II: An Inventory of Iraqi Satellite Channels / Index August 2012 Hardback

240pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-35452-4

Understanding Terrorism in the Age of Global Media

France, Film, and the Holocaust From Génocide to Shoah Ferzina Banaji, Project Director, BBC World Service Trust, an organization that works to promote media uses in the development field; formerly Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge, UK

France, Film, and the Holocaust traces how representations of the Holocaust in French cinema have shaped the memory of the event in France. Through examining French films of the War, Banaji demonstrates the dual processes of films shaping our past and present contexts shaping our films. The book falls into chronological sections reflecting the major shifts in French Holocaust memory, as charted by and reflected in film. Contents: Representing the ‘Un-Representable’ / Resistance and Repression (1940–1960) / Revisiting Collaboration: Vichy and the Holocaust (1961–1980) / From Lanzmann’s Shoah to La Shoah (1981–2000) / A ‘Century of Genocide’ and Beyond (2000–) August 2012 Hardback

208pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00883-1

Studies in European Culture and History Series Editor: Jack Zipes

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

A Communication Approach Cristina Archetti, University of Salford, UK

We cannot truly understand - let alone counter terrorism in the twenty-first century unless we also understand the processes of communication that underpin it. This book challenges what we know about terrorism, showing that current approaches are inadequate and outdated, and develops a new communication model to understand terrorism in the media age. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Introduction: A Different Perspective on Terrorism / The Problems with Terrorism Research / Terrorism, Communication, and the Media / A Communication Approach / Explaining Radicalisation / The Role of Narratives / The Al Qaeda Narrative as a Brand / The Way Forward / Notes / Bibliography / Index September 2012 192pp figures Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36049-5

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culture and media

Television and the Moral Imaginary

Music, Radio and the Public Sphere

Society through the Small Screen

The Aesthetics of Democracy

Tim Dant, Lancaster University, UK

Just how bad is television? Drawing on a range of theoretical sources including Husserl Lacan, Lefebvre, Sartre, Schutz and Adam Smith, this book takes a phenomenological approach to the small screen to offer an original sociological approach to television and its contribution to moral culture of late modern societies. Contents: Introduction: the Small Screen and Morality / Morality on Television / Sociology and the Moral Order / Televisuality: Style and the Small Screen / The Phenomenology of Television / Society and the Small Screen / Mediating MoralityTelevision and the Imaginary / Conclusion / Endnotes / References / Index August 2012 Hardback

248pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23481-9

Charles Fairchild, University of Sydney, Australia

'This monograph offers a theoretical intervention into and a detailed analysis of the democratic space opened by community radio against the backdrop of commercialism and corporate power typically associated with the music and radio industries. As the author explains, a scathing critique of the commercial music and radio systems alone would not reveal the democratic potential of these popular forms, and the book’s attention to the democratic aesthetics of community radio addresses this critical question persuasively.' - Bethany Klein, University of Leeds, UK Radio, the most widely used medium in the world, is a dominant mediator of musical meaning. Through a combination of critical analysis, interdisciplinary theory and ethnographic writing about community radio, this book provides a novel theorization of democratic aesthetics, with important implications for the study of old and new media alike. Contents: Introduction: the Unknown and the Unheard / PART I: ENFORCING AND EVADING RATIONALISATION / Social Solidarity in the Luminiferous Ether / Corporate Rationality, Communicative Reason and Aesthetic Experience / Of Communities and Constituencies: Radio, the Market and the State / PART II: MAKING RADIO, MAKING MEANING / What Does a Civil Society Sound Like? / Local Music for Local People / Mixing: the Rational, the Reasoned, the Resourceful / Conclusion: the Unheard and the Unknown / Bibliography / Index June 2012 Hardback

248pp £50.00

Consumer Culture and the Media Magazines in the Public Eye Mehita Iqani, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

'This book represents a milestone in the study of magazines. By developing an understanding of the public spaces of consumer culture, Mehita Iqani shifts the lens through which we think about magazines, showing the key role they play in ‘selling’ consumerism. A brilliant and original book, it is beautifully written and replete with vivid examples. It will be essential reading for students and scholars of media and communication studies, sociology, cultural geography and gender studies - as well as anyone interested in the relationship between media, communication technologies and consumer culture.' - Rosalind Gill, King’s College London, UK How did consumer culture become synonymous with westernised societies? Iqani argues that it is the way it is promoted by media texts. She provides a detailed analysis of publicly displayed consumer magazine covers and engages with big questions about the public, power and identity in mediated consumer culture. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Figures / Media in Consumer Culture: An Introduction / The Public, Identity and Power in Mediated Consumer Culture / A Research Approach for Mediated Consumer Culture / Media Retail Spaces as Multimodal Spectacles: The Case of the Newsstand / Glossiness in Hyperreal Celebrity Portraiture / Commodity Choice and Commercial Heteroglossia in Consumer Media / Sexiness and Selling: Consumerism’s Pornographic Imagination / Paper Mirrors: Images of Ideal Consumers / Media Strategies for Selling Consumer Culture: A Conclusion / References / Index August 2012 figures Hardback





216x138mm 978-0-230-39050-8




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culture and media

Psychoanalyzing Cinema

The Mnemonic Imagination

A Productive Encounter of Lacan, Deleuze, and Zizek

Remembering as Creative Practice

Edited by Jan Jagodzinski, Professor of Visual Art and Media Education, University of Alberta, Canada

Written by leaders in the field, this is the first book that brings together comparisons of the writing and influence of the two most important theorists in film studies today: Gilles Deleuze and Slavoj Zizek. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. September 2012 256pp Hardback £55.00

210x140mm 978-0-230-33855-5

Preservation and National Belonging in Eastern Germany Heritage Fetishism and Redeeming Germanness Jason James, University of Mary Washington, USA

Drawing on cultural anthropology and cultural studies, this book sheds new light on the everyday politics of heritage and memory by illuminating local, everyday engagements with Germanness through heritage fetishism, claims to hometown belonging, and the performative appropriation of cultural property. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Figures / The Historic Cityscape and the Unified Nation / Heimat Eisenach / Cultural Heritage and Germanness / Heritage Fetishism and the Heimat Imaginary / Claiming Cultural Belongings Redemption and the Voice of Trauma / List of Works Cited / Index August 2012 240pp 6 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-32034-5

Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Series Editors: Andrew Hoskins and John Sutton

Public Memory, Public Media and the Politics of Justice Edited by Philip Lee, Deputy Director of Programmes, World Association for Christian Communication and Pradip Ninan Thomas, Associate Professor, University of Queensland, Australia

Emily Keightley, Lecturer in Communication and Media Studies and Michael Pickering, Professor of Media and Cultural Analysis, both at Loughborough University, UK

An exploration of some of the key theoretical challenges and conceptual issues facing the emergent field of memory studies, from the relationship between experience and memory to the commercial exploitation of nostalgia, using the key concept of the mnemonic imagination. Contents: An Outline of What Lies Ahead / Memory and Experience / The Mnemonic Imagination / Personal and Popular Memory / The Reclamation of Nostalgia / The Foreclosure of Mnemonic Imagining / Creative Memory and Painful Pasts / Coda / Index September 2012 252pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-24336-1

Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Series Editors: Andrew Hoskins and John Sutton

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

'This is an extremely timely and significant book that tackles a growing area of media and memory studies, namely mediated public memory and its relationships to the politics of justice. The book has an international line up of authors who have provided insightful and original material from around the world.' - Anna Reading, University of Western Sydney, Australia Exposing how memory is constructed and mediated in different societies, this collection explores particular contexts to identify links between the politics of memory, media representations and the politics of justice, questioning what we think we know and understand about recent history. Contents: Foreword / Introduction: Public Media and the Right to Memory: Towards an Encounter with Justice / Rethinking Justice: Between Public Amnesia and Public Memory / Images of Disappearance in Argentina: How Films, Photos, and Television Buttress Memory / East Timor, the United States and Mass Atrocities: Remembering and Forgetting / Justice, Media and Memory: The South African Transition / A Time of Mourning: The Politics of Commemorating the Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda / The European Roma: An Unsettled Right to Memory / The Chechen Memory of Deportation: From Recalling a Silenced Past to the Political Use of Public Memory / 'Media memories' in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Slavery and Emancipation in the Caribbean: Preserving the Public Memory / Endnote / Index

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

August 2012 Hardback

Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Series Editors: Andrew Hoskins and John Sutton

232pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-35406-7

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culture and media

1950s “Rocketman” TV Series and Their Fans

Speaking of Monsters

The Hiplife in Ghana

A Teratological Anthology

The West African Indigenization of Hip-Hop

Cadets, Rangers, and Junior Space Men Edited by Cynthia J. Miller, Part-time Faculty Member, Emerson College, UK and A. Bowdoin Van Riper, Adjunct Professor, Social and International Studies Department, Southern Polytechnic State University, USA

This volume explores the many social and cultural facets of the 1950s Rocketman television series, such as Tom Corbett, Space Cadet; Captain Video and His Video Rangers; Space Patrol; Captain Z-Ro; Flash Gordon; and Rocky Jones, Space Ranger. The essays included in the volume examine the relationship of these series with the everyday lives of their fans, other media, and the wider commercial environment exploring the many social and cultural aspects of the series and fandom, including questions of gender, mentoring, and promoting interest in the space program. Contents: Introduction / PART I: LEARNING TO BE ROCKETMEN / Captain Midnight/Jet Jackson and the Military Industrial Complex / ‘A Commotion in the Firmament': Tom Corbett and the Lost Boys / Girls and 'Space Fever' / Boys Wonder: Male Teenage Assistants in 1950s Sci-Fi Movie Serials and Cold War Masculinity / PART II: REACHING FOR TOMORROW / Space Fever: From Fantasy to Reality / Atomic Age Social Networking: The Space Ranger Movement / Space Opera TV: Seeing the World of Tomorrow / PART III: AS SEEN ON TV / The Sky is the Limit: Advertising and Consumer Culture in Rocketman Television Shows of the 1950s / Imagination Run Wild: The Glorious Legacy of Space Opera Toys of the 1950's / From Space Patrol Headquarters to Your Living Room / PART IV: LOOKING AT THE EARTH / Making the Universe Safe for Democracy: Rocky Jones, Space Ranger / Rocketmen and Rubble: Adapting Flash Gordon to the Small Screen / Lessons about the Past, From the Future: Learning History with Captain Z-Ro / Epilogue: The Twenty-first Century and Beyond / Confessions of A Commando Cody Addict (Or, How The Flying Suit Changed My Life) September 2012 272pp Hardback £55.00

Edited by Caroline Joan S. Picart, formerly a Tenured Associate Professor of English and Humanities, Florida State University, USA and John Edgar Browning, PhD Student; Arthur A. Schomburg Fellow in American Studies, State University of New York, USA

Speaking of Monsters employs a range of approaches to examine how ‘monster-talk’ pervades not only popular culture but also public policy through film and other media. This book is envisaged as a ‘onestop shop’ of sorts for students and instructors employing various approaches and media in the study of ‘teratologies,’ or discourses of the ‘monstrous.’ Contents: General Theories of Monstrosity / Gender and Monstrosity / Teratologies of Nationality and Race / Queer Theory and Boundary Crossings / Criminology, Law and Teratologies: Between the Real and the Reel / Science, Nature and the Mechanical: The HumanAnimal-Machine Divides / In Between Fear and Desire / Teratologies and Ethics July 2012 336PP 11 figures and 1 b/w table Hardback £57.50

235x152mm 978-0-230-11450-0

Halifu Osumare, Associate Professor & Director of African American & African Studies, University of California, USA; Author of The Africanist Aesthetic in Global Hip-Hop

The Hiplife in Ghana explores one international site, Ghana, West Africa, where hip-hop music and culture has morphed over two decades into a whole new form of world music called hiplife. It investigates hiplife music not merely as an imitation and adaptation of hip-hop, but as a revision of Ghana's own century-old popular music called highlife. Local hiplife artists have evolved a five-phased indigenization process that has facilitated a dynamic youth agency transforming Ghanaian society. However these social shifts, facilitated by hiplife, have occurred within Ghana's 'corporate recolonization,' serving as another example of neoliberalism's global free market agenda that has become a new form of colonialism. The text examines hiplife artists' complicity with these socio-economic forces, while also creating counter-hegemonic projects that challenge this socio-economic context and push aesthetics limits at the same time. Contents: 'Making an African out of the Computer': Globalization and Indigenization in Hiplife / ‘Empowering the Young: Hiplife’s Youth Agency’ / ‘Society of the Spectacle’: Hiplife and Corporate Recolonialization / ‘The Game’: Hiplife’s Counter-Hegemonic Discourse August 2012 10 images Hardback





210x140mm 978-0-230-37731-8




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culture and media

Understanding Media Policies A European Perspective Edited by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Lawyer and Research Fellow, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy, Greece

Leading scholars investigate media policies in Europe, inquiring into the regulatory practices, policy tools and institutional features of media policy-making in fourteen countries. The book offers a fresh assessment of the ways European media policies are formulated and identifies the factors that exert an influence throughout the process. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Recasting the Contours of Media Policy in a Political Context: An Introduction; E.Psychogiopoulou & D.Anagnostou / Media Policy in Belgium: How a Complex Institutional System Deals with Technological Developments; B.Van Besien & P-F.Docquir / Democracy and the Media in Bulgaria: Who Represents the People?; R.Smilova, D.Smilov & G.Ganev / Croatia: A Dynamic Evolvement of Media Policy; P.Bilić & N.Švob-Đokić / Danish Media Policy; H.Søndergaard & R.Helles / Media Policy in Estonia: Small Market Paradoxes; U.Loit & H.Harro-Loit / Finnish Media Policy: Less Restrictive, More Directive; H.Kuutti, E.Lauk, P.Nevalainen & R.Sokka / Media Policy in Germany: Main Features and Current Issues; S.Müller & C.Gusy / The Greek Media Policy Revisited; E.Psychogiopoulou, A.Kandyla & D.AnagnostouItalian / Media Policy Under On-going Transition to Meet the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century; F.Casarosa / Struggling with Media Capture: Romania; A.Mungiu-Pippidi & C.Ghinea / Slovakia: Reinventing Media Policy without a Practical Perspective; A.Školkay & M.Hong / Media Policy in Spain: Public Service, Free Competition and some Internal Diversity; la Sierra, E.Guichot, M.Mantini & I.Sobrino / Turkish Media Policy in National Context; D.Kurban & E.Elmas / Media Policy in the United Kingdom: Trust and Distrust in a Converging Media Environment; R.Craufurd Smith & Y.Stolte / Serving Two Masters: The Roles of the Market and European Politics in the Governance of Media Transformations; K.Sarikakis / References / Index August 2012 304pp 2 figures and 1 b/w table Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34812-7

Mediating Cultural Diversity in a Globalised Public Space Edited by Isabelle Rigoni, Lecturer, University of Poitiers, France and Eugenie Saitta, Associate Professor, University Rennes 1, France

Representing History, Class, and Gender in Spain and Latin America Children and Adolescents in Film Edited by Carolina Rocha, Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University, USA and Georgia Seminet, Assistant Professor of Spanish, St. Edward’s University, USA

Through enhancing reflection on the treatment of cultural diversity in contemporary Western societies, this collection aims to move the debate beyond the opposition between ethnicity and citizenship and demonstrate ways to achieve equality in multicultural and globalized societies. Contents: Notes on the Contributors / Democratising the Public Space? Ethnic Minority Media in a Glocal Context; I.Rigoni & E.Saitta / PART I: INTERNET AS A SPACE OF SUPER-DIVERSITY? / Diasporas in Online Spaces: Practices of Self-Representation and Belonging; O.G.Bailey / ‘Netizenship’ and Migrants’ Online Mobilisation: Transnational Participation and Collective Action in the Digital Era; M.Nedelcu / PART II: TOWARDS A NEW PUBLIC COMMUNICATIVE SPACE? / In the Discourse Laboratory: Migrant Media and the Politics of Migration; G.Titley / Migrant Minority Media: Towards A Democratisation of the Western Mediascape?; L.Suárez Navaz & A.Ferrández Ferrer / Diasporic Media as the ‘Focus’ of Communicative Networking Among Migrants; C.Bozdag, A.Hepp & L.Suna / PART III: LIMITS AND CONTRADICTIONS OF COUNTER-HEGEMONIC RESISTANCES / Cultural Practices and Media Production: The Case of Bollywood; D.K.Thussu / Giving Voice to Voiceless or Giving Peace to the Establishment? - The Ambivalent Institutionalisation of ‘Minorities’’ Alternative Media in Mexico and Israel; B.Ferron / Sourcing and Representation Routines at the Black African Press in the United-Kingdom; O.Ogunyemi / Index September 2012 224pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34877-6

This anthology explores the role of children and teenagers in Latin American and Spanish Film as protagonists, victims and witnesses of societies polarized by and still grappling with the consequences of political divisions.

Contents: PART I: MEMORY AND TRAUMBA / Introduction; C.Rocha & G.Seminet / Surviving Childhood: The Nepantla Generation as Portrayed in On the Empty Balcony by Jomí García Ascot (1962); J.Tuñón / Fairies, Maquis, and Children Without Schools: Romantic Childhood and Civil War in Pan’s Labyrinth; A.G.L.Quiñones / A Child’s Voice, A Country’s Silence: Ethnicity, Class and Gender in El silencio de Neto (1996); G.Seminet / Children’s Views of State-Sponsored Violence in Latin America: Machuca and The Year My Parents Went on Vacation; C.Rocha / Enabling, Enacting and Envisioning Societal Complicity: Daniel Bustamante’s Andrés no Quiere Dormir la Siesta (2009); J.Breckenridge / PART II: CHILDHOOD AND PATHS TO CITIZENSHIP IN FILM / Innocence Interrupted: Neoliberalism and the End of Childhood in Recent Mexican Cinema; I.Sánchez Prado / From Buñuel to Eimbcke: Orphanhood in Recent Mexican Cinema; D.Russek / Through ‘Their’ Eyes: Internal and External Focalizing Agents in the Representation of Children and Violence in Iberian and Latin American Film; E.Ledesma / Roads to Emancipation: Sentimental Education in Viva Cuba; R.Díaz Zambrana / PART III: GENDER IDENTITY / Constructing Ethical Attention in Lucía Puenzo’s XXY Cinematic Strategy, Intersubjectivity, and Intersexuality; J.Zamostny / Cinematic Portrayals of Teen Girls in Brazil’s Urban Peripheries: Realist and Subjectivist Approaches to Adolescent Dreams and Fantasy in Sonhos Roubados and Nina Beatriz Urraca: No Longer Young: Childhood, Family, and Trauma in Las Mantenidas Sin Sueños; J.Draper July 2012 Hardback

288pp £57.50

216x140mm 978-1-137-03086-3

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culture and media

Reporting Conflict James Rodgers, formerly Journalist, Reuters Television and BBC

In Reporting Conflict, a correspondent turned lecturer draws on his personal experience of journalism in wartime. The author, James Rodgers, has reported on world-changing conflicts. The book combines reflection on this personal experience with an assessment of other accounts of journalism in wartime, and academic studies on the subject. Contents: Milestones of War Reporting / Access / Objectivity / How the War was Spun: the Role of Public Relations Companies, Consultants, and Politics / Storytelling in the Digital Age / ‘Remember, it’s not your war’ - Reporter Involvement / Conclusions September 2012 208pp Paperback £14.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-27446-4

Journalism Series Editors: Julian Petley and Sarah Niblock

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Texture of Culture

Utopianism in the Twenty-First Century

An Introduction to Yuri Lotman’s Semiotic Theory

Lucy Sargisson, Associate Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham, UK

What’s wrong with the world today and how might it become better (or worse)? These are the questions pursued in this book, which explores the hopes and fears, dreams and nightmares of the twenty-first century. Through architecture, fiction, theory, film and experiments with everyday life, Sargisson explores contemporary hopes and fears about the future. Contents: Introduction: Fool’s Gold / Definitions, Debates and Conflicts / Religious Fundamentalism / Feminism and Gender / Sex and Sexual Identity / Climate Change and Catastrophe / Human Attitudes to Nature / Green Intentional Communities / Fantastic Architecture: Dubai / Domestic Architecture: New Urbanism and Cohousing / Computer Gaming / Cloning, Cyborgs and Robots / Conclusions / Notes / Appendi / List of Primary Sources / Bibliography July 2012 288pp 216x138mm 8 b/w illustrations and 2 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-1-4039-9242-0

Aleksei Semenenko, Research Fellow and Lecturer, University of Stockholm, Sweden

Semenenko provides an introduction to the semiotic theory of one of the most original thinkers of the twentieth century, the Russian literary scholar and semiotician Jurij Lotman. The book offers a new look at Lotman's profound legacy by conceptualizing his ideas in modern context and presenting them as a useful tool of cultural analysis. Semenenko attempts to demonstrate how Lotman's holistic theory, transcending the traditional boundaries of academic disciplines, offers a genuinely interdisciplinary approach to culture. This study makes Lotman accessible to a larger audience not limited only to specialists in Slavic studies and semiotics, covering a wide range of topics, from artificial intelligence to the role of an individual in history. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 224pp 13 figures and 3 b/w tables Hardback £55.00



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216x140mm 978-1-137-00714-8

Semiotics and Popular Culture

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culture and media

Critical Essays on Colombian Cinema and Culture Cinembargo Colombia Juana Suárez, Assistant Professor of Latin American Cinema and Visual Culture, Hispanic Studies Department, University of Kentucky, USA and Laura Chesak, Associate Professor of Romance Languages (Spanish); Interim Associate Dean, The Graduate School of the University of North Carolina, USA

An expanded translation of the groundbreaking book on Colombian cinema, this work addresses not only the inadequate distribution of criticism on Colombian cinema outside Latin America, but also employs an interdisciplinary focus that combines historical, anthropological, and sociological approaches to the country’s culture. Contents: Translator’s Preface / Introduction / Chaos, Myths, and Silences: Colombian Silent Filmmaking / The Construction of a Filmic Discourse on La Violencia / The Vampires of the Margin: Cinema and Liminality in Colombia / Gendered Genres: Women and Filmmaking in Colombia / Visual Disjunctions: From the Experimental to Tropical Gothic / Decentering the Centro: Film Noir and the Metamorphosis of Bogotá / Frame Changes? Towards Other Forms of Representing Violence / De-forming the Other: Cultural Cannibalism and Comedia Popular / At the Transnational Crossroads: Colombian Cinema and its Search for a Film Industry August 2012 288pp 20 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00

210x140mm 978-0-230-11517-0

Global and Local Televangelism Edited by Pradip Ninan Thomas, Co-Director, Centre for Communication & Social Change, University of Queensland, Australia and Philip Lee, Deputy Director of Programmes, World Association for Christian Communication Foreword by N. Echchaibi

An exploration of the many faces of televangelism in our world today, including Christian, Islamic and Hindu. The collection analyzes the correspondences and major differences between global and local televangelism, focusing on the main individuals involved in televangelism, their practices and the social and cultural impact of their ministries. Contents: Foreword; N.Echchaibi / Global & Local Televangelism: An Introduction; P.N.Thomas & P.Lee / PART I: ISLAMIC TELEVANGELISM: ON PRIESTS & PROPHETS / Storytelling, Sincerity and Islamic Televangelism in Egypt; Y.MollIslamic / Televangelism in Changing Indonesia: Transmission, Authority, and The Politics of Ideas; A.MuzakkiIslamic / Televangelism: The Salafi Window to their Paradise; I.Saleh / PART II: CHRISTIAN TELEVANGELISM: BRANDING THE GLOBAL & THE LOCAL / Preaching the Good News Glad: Joel Osteen’s Tel-e-vangelism; P.L.Sinitiere / The Global in the Local: the Ambivalence and Ambition of Christian Televangelism in India; J.D.James / Hearing, Viewing and being Touched by the Spirit: Televangelism in Contemporary African Christianity; J.Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu / PART III: HINDU TELEVANGELISM: AN EMERGING PHENOMENON / The Avatars of Baba Ramdev: The Politics, Economics, and Contradictions of an Indian Televangelist; S.Chakravarti / PART IV: TELEVANGELISM, POLITICS & POPULAR CULTURE / From Televisuality to Social Activism: Nigerian Televangelists and their Socio-Political Agenda; W.C.Ihejirika / God’s Politicians:Pentecostals, Media and Politics in Guatemala and Brazil; D.A.Smith & L.Silveira Campos / Religiosity as Mediated Space: Mass Meditation in Contemporary Thailand; A.Feungfusakul / Whither Televangelism: Opportunities, Trends, Challenges; P.N.Thomas / Index August 2012 Hardback

256pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34810-3

Self-Representation and Digital Culture Nancy Thumim, Lecturer in Communication Studies, University of Leeds, UK

Taking a close look at ordinary people ‘telling their own story’, Nancy Thumim explores selfrepresentations in contemporary digital culture in settings as diverse as reality TV, online storytelling, and oral histories displayed in museums. Contents: Introduction: Self-Representation and Digital Culture / Histories of Self-Representation / Mediation / Broadcasters / Museums and Art Worlds / Self-Representation Online / Self-Representation, Digital Culture and Genre / Bibliography / Endnotes / Index August 2012 Hardback

216pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-22966-2

American Culture Transformed Dialing 9/11 Bruce Tucker, Professor of History; Associate VicePresident, University of Windsor, Canada and Priscilla Walton, Professor of English; Director, Carleton Centre for Research in American Studies, Carleton University, Canada

The bombing of the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001, marked a major turning point in modern American culture. Authors Bruce Tucker and Priscilla L. Walton examine critical moments in the aftermath of 9/11 arguing that commentators abandoned complexity, seeking to reduce events to their simplest signification. Contents: Preface / Heroes, Hype, and History / Spinning and Counter-Spinning: Jessica Lynch and Lynndie England / Corporate Complications / Sometimes Paranoia is Just Common Sense: Leaving Behind Da Vinci / A Movie and a Funeral: Michael Moore and Ronald Reagan circa 2004 / Conclusion: Fast Forward / List of Works Cited / Index August 2012 Hardback Paperback

200pp £55.00 £16.99

216x138mm 978-1-137-00233-4 978-1-137-03349-9

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culture and media

The Cultural Afterlives of Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle Representations Across the Media Edited by Sabine Vanacker and Catherine Wynne, both Lecturers in English, University of Hull, UK

Sherlock Holmes is an iconic figure within cultural narratives. More recently, Arthur Conan Doyle has also appeared as a fictional figure in contemporary novels and films, confusing the boundaries between fiction and reality. This collection investigates how Holmes and Doyle have gripped the public imagination to become central figures of modernity. Contents: Introduction; C.Wynne / The Case of the Multiplying Millions: Sherlock Holmes in Advertising; A.J.Field / Sherlock Holmes and the Politics of Adaptation; N.McCaw / 'Open the window, then!’: Filmic Interpretation of Gothic Conventions in Brian Mills’s The Hound of the Baskervilles; T.Scarborough / The Curious Case of the Kingdom of Shadows: The Transmogrification of Sherlock Holmes in the Cinematic Imagination; H.O’Brien / Sherlock Holmes, Italian Anarchists and Torpedoes: The Case of a Manuscript Recovered in Italy; C.Capancioni / Sherlock’s Progress through History: Feminist Revisions of Holmes; S.Vanacker / Sherlock Holmes Reloaded: Holmes: Videogames and Multiplicity; S.Mukherjee / Sherlock Holmes Version 2.0: Adapting Doyle in the Twenty-First Century; B.Nicol / The Strange Case of the Scientist Who Believed in Spiritualism; A.Lycett / Channelling the Past: Arthur & George in NeoVictorian Biography; P.Pulham / Arthur Conan Doyle’s Appearances as a Detective in Historical Crime Fiction; J.S.Palmer / Sherlock Holmes in Fairyland: The Afterlife of Arthur Conan Doyle; C.Bloom / Index September 2012 224pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-30050-7



Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media Culture Edited by Patrick W. Galbraith, Researcher and Jason G. Karlin, Associate Professor, both at University of Tokyo, Japan

This is the most complete and compelling account of idols and celebrity in Japanese media culture to date. Engaging with the study of media, gender and celebrity, and sensitive to history and the contemporary scene, these interdisciplinary essays cover male and female idols, production and consumption, industrial structures and fan movements. Contents: Forward: Revisiting ‘Idology’; A.Hiroshi / Introduction: The Mirror of Idols and Celebrity; P.W.Galbraith & J.G.Karlin / PART I: SYSTEMS / The Jimusho System: Understanding the Production Logic of the Japanese Entertainment Industry; W.D.Marx / Megaspectacle and Celebrity Transgression in Japan: The Sakai Noriko Media Scandal; I.Prusa / Through a Looking Glass Darkly: Television Advertising, Idols and the Making of Fan Audiences; J.G.Karlin / PART II: DESIRE / Johnny’s Idols as Icon: Female Desires to Fantasize and Consume Male Idol Images; K.Nagaike / From Boys Next Door to Boys’ Love: Gender Performance in Japanese Male Idol Media; L.Glasspool / The Homo Cultures of Iconic Personality in Japan: Mishima Yukio and Misora Hibari; J.D.Mackintosh / PART III: DIFFERENCE / Idol as Accidental Activist: Agnes Chan, Feminism and Motherhood in Japan; A.Hambleton / Emotions, Desires and Fantasy: What Idolizing Means for Yon-sama Fans in Japan; H.S.Lin / PART IV: IMAGE / Idols: The Image of Desire in Japanese Consumer Capitalism; P.W.Galbraith / The Virtual Idol: Producing and Consuming Digital Femininity; D.Black / Index September 2012 240pp Hardback £50.00

Transnational Television Drama Special Relations and Mutual Influence between the US and UK Elke Weissmann, Senior Lecturer, Edge Hill University, UK

This history of British and American television drama since 1970 charts the increased transnationalization of the two production systems. From The Forsyte Saga to Roots to Episodes, it highlights the close relationship that drives innovation and quality on both sides of the Atlantic. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations List of Figures / Introduction / American and British Television 1970 to 2010 / National Specificities and Transnational Success and Failure / Transnational Aesthetic Influences and Performance / The Development of a New Genre / Making Sense of a Transnational Genre: Forensic Science Drama / International Co-Productions and their National Location / Transnational Origins and National Quality: ‘American Quality Drama’ / Conclusions and Outlook / Notes / Bibliography / Index September 2012 224pp figures Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29830-9

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culture and media • economics

Islam, Migrancy, and Hospitality in Europe Meyda Yegenoglu, Professor of Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

This book cuts across important debates in cultural studies, literary criticism, politics, sociology, and anthropology. Meyda Yegenoglu brings together different theoretical strands in the debates regarding immigration, from Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalytic understanding of the subject formation, to Zygmunt Bauman’s notion of the stranger. Contents: Introduction: Sovereign Europe and its Doubles / Inhabiting other Spaces: Destabilization and Reinstitution of Sovereignty / Liberal Multiculturalism and the Ethics of Hospitality in the Age of Globalization / Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in a Globalized World / The Return of the Religious: Revisiting Europe and its Islamic Others / Islam in Europe, Limits of Liberal Tolerance and the New Race Thinking / Replication of the External Enemy and Hostile Hospitality in Europe / Veiled Threats and the Sacralized Defense of Secularism in Turkey / Caché: European Memory, Responsibility and the 'New' Europe-to-Come March 2012 Hardback

268pp £50.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-12043-3

Literatures and Cultures of the Islamic Series Editor: Ivo Kamps

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Semiotics of Exile in Contemporary Chinese Film Hong Zeng, Assistant Professor, Asian Languages and Literatures, Carleton College, USA

Examines film form as a language that generates meaning through film codes, demonstrating that the motif of exile is not only a crucial characteristic of mainland China in its postsocialist, postmodern era and age of globalization, but also a defining frame for Taiwan and Hong Kong with their colonialist pasts. Contents: Semiotics of Photography and Exile / Postmodernism and Semiotics of Exile / Female Doubling and Postcolonial Exile / Semiotics of Exile and Genre Upsetting: Xie Jin’s Subversion of Melodrama in Hibiscus Town / Failure of Root-searching in Chen Kaige / Semiotics of Exile and Displaced Film Codes: Jia Zhangke’s Three Films July 2012 Hardback

256PP £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00239-6

Semiotics and Popular Culture

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The Global Macro Economy and Finance Edited by Franklin Allen, Professor of Finance and Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA, Masahiko Aoki, Professor of Economics, Stanford University, USA, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Princeton University, USA, Roger Gordon, Professor of Economics, University of California, USA and Joseph E. Stiglitz, Professor of Economics, Princeton University, USA

This volume explores the measurement of economic and social progress in our societies, and proposes new frameworks to integrate economic dimensions with other aspects of human wellbeing. Leading economists analyze the light that the recent crisis has shed on the global economic architecture, and the policies needed to address these systemic risks. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE MEASURE OF SOCIAL WELFARE / PART II: MACROECONOMIC THEORY AND POLICY: FINANCIAL FRICTIONS AND AGGREGATE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY / PART III: INTERNATIONAL MACRO THEORY AND POLICY: INTERCONNECTIVITY AND GLOBAL EXTERNALITIES / PART IV: THE FUTURE OF CORPORATE TAXATION IN A GLOBALIZED ECONOMY / PART V: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND BEHAVIOUR A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 256pp 12 b/w tables and 55 figures Hardback £65.00 Paperback £25.99

234x156mm 978-1-137-03423-6 978-1-137-03424-3

International Economic Association Series Editor: Joan Esteban

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Complexity, Norms, and Organizations

China’s Economic Development

Edited by Masahiko Aoki, Professor of Economics, Stanford University, USA, Kenneth Binmore, University College London, UK, Simon Deakin, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, UK and Herbert Gintis, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, USA

Edited by Masahiko Aoki, Professor of Economics, Stanford University, USA and Wu Jinglian, Professor of Economics, Beijing Normal University, China

Past, Present and Future

Drawing on behavioural, experimental and neoclassical economics, this volume brings together eminent academics and practitioners to provide working macroeconomic models and explore the social norms governing a post-crisis financial world. Contents: PART I: THEORY AND EMPIRICAL REALITY / Theory and Reality in Economics: Insights from Three Allegories; M.Kandori / PART II: COMPLEX ECONOMIC DYNAMICS: AGENT-BASED AND ANALYTICAL MODELS / The Dynamics of Pure Market Exchange; H.Gintis / Towards an Analytical Solution for Agent Based Models; an Application to a Credit Network Economy; C.Guilmi, M.Gallegati, S.Landini & J.Stiglitz / The EURACE Macroeconomic Model and Simulator; S.Cincotti, M.Roberto & A.Teglio / PART III: SOCIAL NORMS / Fairness as an Equilibrium Selection Device; K.Binmore / Aspects of Naturalising the Social Contract; B.Skyrms / The Role of Salience in the Emergence and Reproduction of Norms; R.Sugden / PART IV: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND ORGANISATION / Shapley-Value Parables of Corporations as Evolutive Systems of Associational Cognition; M.Aoki / An End to Consensus? The Selective Impact of Corporate Law Reform on Financial Development; S.Deakin, P.Sarkar & A.Singh / On the Plasticity of the Corporate Form; K.Pistor / Government Banks and Growth: Theory and Evidence; S.Andianova, P.Demetriades & A.Shortland August 2012 240pp 32 figures and 27 b/w tables Hardback £65.00 Paperback £25.99

234x156mm 978-1-137-03419-9 978-1-137-03420-5

International Economic Association Series Editor: Joan Esteban

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

China has enjoyed a higher growth rate for a longer period than any other nation to date. This volume brings together leading economists to analyze this unprecedented economic boom, and discuss prospects for the future. The chapters address a wide range of issues, covering not only financial systems, but also the social and cultural impact of growth. Contents: Introduction / PART I: FITOUSSI LECTURE / Economics and China’s Economic Rise; J.Wu / PART II: PERSPECTIVES OF THE CHINESE ECONOMY / China’s Investment and GDP Growth Boom: When and How will it End?; D.Perkins / Six Systemic Reforms with which China Must Press Ahead; J.Lou / When Demographic Dividend Disappears: Growth Sustainability of China; F.Cai & W.Zhao / PART III: LABOR MARKET, SOCIAL INSURANCE AND DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE / Adjusting to Really Big Changes: The Labour Market in China, 1989-2009; W.Chi, R.Freeman & H.Li / Social Insurance and Household Consumption in China; C.Bai & B.Wu / Population Aging and Economic Growth in China; J.Banister, D.Bloom & L.Rosenberg / Health, Education and China’s Demographic Transition Since 1950; K.Eggleston / PART IV: BANKING AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE / The Initial Public Offering of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC); F.Allen, D.Huang, J.Qian & M.Zhao / PART V: ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY / An Integrated Assessment of the Economic Costs and Environmental Benefits of Pollution and Carbon Control; J.Cao, M.Ho & D.Jorgenson / PART VI: INSTITUTIONS IN CHINA’S DEVELOPMENT / Institutional Foundations of China’s Structural Problems; C.Xu / Political Competition at a Multilayer Hierarchy: Evidence from China; C.Liu, X.Li, X.Weng & L.Zhou / Making Sense of Institutional Change in China: The Cultural Dimension of Economic Growth and Modernization; C.Pillath August 2012 256pp 50 tables and 55 figures Hardback £70.00 Paperback £25.99

Institutions and Comparative Development Edited by Masahiko Aoki, Professor of Economics, Stanford University, USA

This collection of essays from eminent scholars discusses different phases and measures of economic development, evaluating the success of national economic transitions and providing valuable policy lessons for developing economies. Contents: PART I: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / The Five Phases of Economic Development and Institutional Evolution in China, Japan and Korea; M.Aoki / Social Organizations, Risk Sharing Institutions and Economic Development; A.Greif, M.Iyugun & D.Sasson / Before and Beyond Divergence; J.Rosenthal & R.Wong / Understanding the Individualism-Collectivism Cleavage and its Effects; Y.Gorodnichenko & G.Roland / Why Development Patterns Differ; J.Svejnar & M.Uvalic / PART II: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / Sharing the Future; S.Jha / The Evolution of Domestic Trade Flows When Foreign Trade is Liberalized; W.Keller, B.Li & C.Shuie / Physical, Social and Informational Barriers to Domestic Migration; P.Choudhury & T.Khanna / Developmental ‘Paths’ and ‘Civilisations’ in Africa and Asia; G.Austin / PART III: POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS ON DEVELOPMENT PATHS / Political Consequence of the Middle East’s Islamic Economic Legacy; T.Kuran / Separation of Powers and the Medieval Roots of Institutional Divergence between Europe and the Islamic Middle East; E.Chaney / Political Institution and Long Run Economic Trajectory; D.Ma / PART IV: CHALLENGES OF FOOD SECURITY UNDER GLOBALIZATION / Food Security, Commodity Price Volatility and the Poor; J.von Braun & G.Tadesse / Supply Responses to Food Price Changes in Asian Countries; K.Imai, R.Gaiha, G.Thapa & A.All / Structural Transformation, Small Farmers and Food Security in Asia; C.Timmer August 2012 352pp 32 figures and 21 b/w tables Hardback £70.00

234x156mm 978-1-137-03427-4 978-1-137-03428-1

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International Economic Association Series Editor: Joan Esteban

International Economic Association Series Editor: Joan Esteban



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Geographical Indications and International Agricultural Trade The Challenge for Asia Edited by Louis AugustinJean, Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Hélène Ilbert, Professor of International Economics, CIHEAM-IAMM and Neantro Saavedra-Rivano, Professor, Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Food safety concerns have boosted the Asian demand for quality food in general and products of geographical indications in particular. This books shows how Asian countries are empowering regions and enterprises involved in differentiation strategies, and the effects that this regulation can have. Contents: The Globalization of Geographical Indications: The Challenge for Asia / PART I: THE THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS OF PRODUCTS OF ORIGINS / Geographical Indications and International Trade / Are Foodmarkets Special Markets? / Standardization vs. Products of Origins / The Multidimensional Definition of Quality / Products with Denominations of Origin and Intellectual Property Rights: The International Bargaining Process / The Concept of Terrior as the Basis of Corporate Strategy in Agribusiness / PART II: ASIAN CHALLENGES / From Products of Origin to Geographical Indications in Japan / The Development of Geographical Standards for Sake in Japan / An Export Niche in the Philippines / Geographical Indication and Industrial Organization of Food Market in China / Terrior and Green Tea in China August 2012 272pp 10 figures and 10 b/w tables Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-35575-0

Globalization and the BRICs

From Crisis to Recovery

Why the BRICs Will Not Rule the World For Long

Old and New Challenges in Emerging Europe

Francesca Beausang, Emerging Market Analyst, Hades Research

Edited by Thierry Bracke and Reiner Martin, Head of Section, both at European Central Bank, Germany

As the Eurozone faces an uncertain future and Obama struggles to demonstrate that America still has a superpower status, this book challenges the widespread perception that Brazil, Russia, India and China are becoming global economic and political powers, instead forecasting a decline rooted in excessive inequality and insufficient innovation.

Emerging Europe has suffered a severe economic crisis in recent years, and is only gradually recovering; the prospects for a convergence with the rest of the EU are still uncertain. In this book policymakers, high-level practitioners and experts from central banks identify the main reasons for the crisis and the challenges for the recovery process.

Contents: BRICSs: Beyond Developing? / BRICs and Global Economic Power / BRICs and Global Political Power / BRICs and Inequality / BRICs and the Silent Power of Ideas / The Innovation-Equality-Development Triangle August 2012 224pp 22 tables and 10 figures Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-24314-9

The Unbalanced Economy A Policy Appraisal Ciaran Driver, Professor of Economics; Head of the Doctoral Programme DeFiMs, SOAS, University of London, UK and Paul Temple, Reader in Economics, University of Surrey, UK

Contents: Convergence in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons and Non-Lessons from the Crisis; L.B.Smaghi / Crisis and Recovery in Emerging Europe: the Policy Response in Retrospect and Challenges Ahead; J.Stark / A Fragile Recovery: Emerging Europe since the 2008-9 Crisis; Y.Koriyenko, F.Ohnsorge, F.Ricka & J.Zettelmeyer / Emerging Europe: Refining the Growth Model to Support Sustainable Convergence; B.B.Bakker & Y.Sun / Emerging Europe in the Great Recession: Is Europe Different? F.Coricelli / Balance Sheet Repair and Reviving Private Sector Lending; P.Mooslechner & T.Reininger / Challenges after the Crisis in Emerging Europe: A Look Outside the EU Borders; K.Buysse & F.Gurtner August 2012 208pp 11 tables and 91 figures Hardback £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-35528-6

During the 1980s Britain became one of the world’s most market-oriented economies, an approach which resulted in three severe recessions and a deepening degree of inequality. This book argues that a rebalancing of the economy will remain elusive until proactive policies are implemented at the corporate and industrial level. Contents: Economic Performance in the Market Era / Investment, The Labour Market and Economic Policy / The Question of International Competitiveness / Capital Investment: A Neglected Issue / Underinvestment or/ and Overinvestment? / Global Finance, Industry and Shareholder Value / Reforms to Corporate Governance / A Look Ahead August 2012 Hardback

208pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28031-1

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Derivatives and Development A Political Economy of Global Finance, Farming, and Poverty Sasha Breger Bush, Adjunct Professor, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, USA; Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business, The Colorado College, USA

An analysis of an increasingly popular set of policy proposals coming from international development organizations and nonprofits which suggest that developing country farmers should be hedging their considerable exposure to price risk on derivatives markets thereby securing their incomes from the vagaries of global commodity markets. Contents: Introduction / Derivatives and Rural Development: Overview of Contemporary Applications / Debating Rural Poverty: Derivatives, Development Orthodoxy, and the Global Coffee Commodity Chain / Derivatives and Income Security for Coffee Producers: Theory and Practice / Derivatives, Coffee Farmers, and the Politics of Alternatives / Conclusions July 2012 272pp 4 b/w line drawings Hardback £62.50

The Genesis and Ethos of the Market Luigino Bruni, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy

A discussion of the anthropological roots of the market, tracing its development using the history of ideas and cultures as well as simple game theory. In his analysis of market ethics Bruni calls for a reconsideration of some of the central tenets of modern political economy, and the need for a new spirit of capitalism. Contents: From the Community-Without Individuals to Individuals-Without-Community / The Dawn of the Tragic Community in Greece and Israel / Solutions to the Ambivalent Quality of Life in Common / Dawn of the Modern Age / Towards a Community of Individuals / Between Hobbes and Smith / Relationship and Vaccine / The Neapolitan Tradition of Civil Economy / Virtues and Awards / The Ethos of Civil Economy / Evolution, Virtues, Rewards, Philia and Beyond July 2012 19 figures Hardback





216x140mm 978-0-230-33892-0

Basic Income Guarantee and Politics Basic Income Guarantee and Politics, Caputo
International Experiences and Perspectives on the Viability of Income Guarantee Edited by Richard K. Caputo, Professor of Social Policy & Research; Director, Doctoral Program in Social Welfare, Yeshiva University, USA; Author of four books, one edited volume, and numerous peer-reviewed articles

This exciting and timely collection brings together international and national scholars and advocates to provide historical overviews of efforts to pass basic income guarantee legislation in their respective countries and/or across regions of the globe. Contents: Introduction: Hopes and Realities of Adopting Unconditional Basic Income Guarantee Schemes; R.K.Caputo / On the Political Feasibility of the Basic Income Guarantee: Theoretical Considerations; J.D.Wispelaere & J.A.Noguera / PART I: HOPES / The Best Income Transfer Program for Modern Economies; E.M.Suplicy / An Anniversary Note - BIEN's 25th; G.Standing / PART II: REALITIES / European Union Countries / Finland: Institutional Resistance of the Welfare State against a Basic Income; M.Ikkala / Germany: Far, though Close: Problems and Prospects of BI in Germany; S.Liebermann / Ireland: Pathways to a Basic Income in Ireland; S.Healy & B.Reynolds / Netherlands: Final Piece of the Welfare State is Still to Come; M.Hasslet / Spain: Basic Income from Social Movements to Parliament and Back Again; D.Raventós, J.Wark, & D.Casassas / PART II: OTHER OECD COUNTRIES / Australia: Will Basic Income Have a Second Coming?; J.Tomlinson / Canada: A Guaranteed Income Framework to Address Poverty and Inequality?; J.P.Mulvale & Y.Vanderborght / Japan: Political Change after the Economic Crisis Introduces Universalist Benefit; T.Yamamori / Mexico: The First Steps toward Basic Income; P.Yanes / United Kingdom: Only for Children?; M.Torry / United States of America; R.K.Caputo / PART III: OTHER COUNTRIES / Iran: A Bumpy Road toward Basic Income; H.Tabatabai June 2012 2 b/w tables Hardback





Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee Series Editors: Karl Widerquist, James Bryan and Michael A. Lewis

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Room for Development


How China Became Capitalist

Housing Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean Inter-American Development Bank, an international institution created in 1959 to foster economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB is the main source of multilateral financing and expertise for sustainable economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Ronald Coase, Nobel Laureate in Economics; currently Clifton R. Musser Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Chicago Law School, USA; Research Advisor, Ronald Coase Institute and Ning Wang, Assistant Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University, USA

'This is a major contribution to the whole literature on economic change as well as on China. Nowhere in all of the literature on economic change and development that I know is there such a detailed study of the fumbling efforts of a society to evolve and particularly one that had as long and as far to go as China did.' - Douglass C. North, 1993 Nobel laureate in Economics 'This book is one of the greatest works in economics and in studies of China, not only for today, but for the future.' - Chenggang Xu, University of Hong Kong 'Ronald Coase, now 100 years plus, and Ning Wang have written a compelling and exhaustive commentary about China’s fitful transition from Socialism under Mao to today’s distinctive capitalist economy. No student of China or socialism can afford to miss this volume.' - Richard Epstein, University of Chicago Law School, USA An examination of the extraordinary events that led to China’s transformation from a closed agrarian economy to an invincible manufacturing powerhouse of the global economy. Contents: Preface / China at the Death of Mao / China in Transition / How China’s Market Reform Began / A Bird in the Cage: Market Reform Under Socialism / Growing out of Socialism: Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics / From Capitalism to Capitalisms March 2012 1 map Hardback





Edited by Cesar P. Bouillonis, a lead Research Economist, Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank, USA

Latin American and Caribbean countries are the most urban in the developing world and have very high home ownership rates. However, many of the region’s inhabitants are still poorly housed. This book examines three key contributing issues: high housing prices relative to family income, lack of access to mortgage credit, and high land prices. Contents: Dirt Floors and Unpaved Streets: Why Housing Markets Matter / Portrait of a Problem: The Housing Sector / Two Bedrooms, Two Bathrooms, and a Big Yard? Housing Demand in Latin America and the Caribbean / To Buy or Not to Buy: Expanding the Rental Housing Market / Digging up the Truth about Land Markets / A Construction Industry in Need of Remodeling / Too Small to Thrive: The Housing Finance Market / Doing It Yourself / Hammering Out a Housing Policy that Works May 2012 Hardback Paperback

344pp £70.00 £24.99

Policy Regimes and the Political Economy of Poverty Reduction in Malaysia Edited by Boo Teik Khoo, Executive Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan

Malaysia’s forty-year strategy of ‘poverty eradication’ has met with a great deal of success, yet has caused controversy for its links to ethnically-oriented social restructuring. This book is a critical evaluation of changing policy regimes affecting Malaysia’s development, record of industrialization, and efficacy in adapting social policies. Contents: Political Economy of Poverty Eradication in Malaysia: An Overview; K.Teik & K.Jin / Development Strategies and Poverty Reduction; K.Teik / Poverty and Inequality; K.Teik / Welfare Regimes, Social Services and Poverty Reduction; H.Salleh / Organized Groups, Development Strategies and Social Policies; F.Wah / Developmental State Capacity and Institutional Reform; A.Embong / Achievements, Limitations and Contradictions; K.Teik September 2012 256pp 37 b/w tables Hardback £65.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-26700-9

Developmental Pathways to Poverty Reduction Series Editor: Yusuf Bangura

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235x152mm 978-1-137-00564-9 978-1-137-00563-2

Development in the Americas

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Essentials of Economics

Taking Liberties

Latin American Urban Development into the Twenty First Century

International Student Edition

A Critical Examination of Libertarian Paternalism

Towards a Renewed Perspective on the City

First Announcement


2nd edition

Riccardo Rebonato, Visiting Lecturer in Mathematical Finance and Applied Mathematics, Oxford University, UK; Adjunct Professor, Imperial College London; Global Head of Rates and FX Analytics for the major international asset manager, PIMCO

Paul Krugman and Robin Wells, both at Princeton University, USA and Kathryn Graddy, Exeter College, UK Essentials of Economics brings the captivating writing and innovative features of Krugman and Wells to the one-term micro or macro course. It is ideal for teaching basic economic principles in a real-world context. This new edition includes coverage of the current financial crisis and new learning aids including a full range of media and supplements available to enhance student learning and lecture delivery.
Contents: PART I: WHAT IS ECONOMICS? / First Principles / Economic Models: Trade-offs and Trade / Appendix: Graphs in Economics / PART II: SUPPLY AND DEMAND / Supply and Demand / The Market Strikes Back / Elasticity and Taxation / PART III: THE PRODUCTION DECISION / Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs / Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve / PART IV: BEYOND PERFECT COMPETITION / Monopoly, Oligopoly, and Monopolistic Competition / Externalities and Public Goods / PART V: INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS / Macroeconomics: The Big Picture / Tracking the Macroeconomy / Unemployment and Inflation / PART VI: ECONOMIC GROWTH AND FLUCTUATIONS / Long-Run Economic Growth / Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply / PART VII: STABILIZATION POLICY / Fiscal Policy / Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve System / Monetary Policy / PART VIII: THE OPEN ECONOMY / International Trade, Capital Flows, Exchange Rates April 2011 Paperback

560pp £46.99

Riccardo Rebonato offers a critical analysis of the Libertarian Paternalist approach that has taken the political landscape by storm. This book explores the justifications used by states to influence behaviour, and the impact of such policies on individual freedoms and rights, opening up new avenues of criticism. Contents: Introduction / What is Libertarian Paternalism? / Libertarian Paternalism in Practice / Existing Lines of Criticism / The Libertarian Paternalistic Rebuttal / New Lines of Criticism / Conclusions June 2012 Hardback Paperback

272pp £24.99 £14.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-39155-0 978-1-137-03415-1

272x213mm 978-1-4292-9144-6

Published by Worth Publishers

Edited by Dennis Rodgers, Senior Research Fellow, Brooks World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester, UK, Jo Beall, Director of Education and Society, UNUWIDER, Finland; Member of the Executive Board of the British Council; formerly Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Cape Town and Ravi Kanbur, T.H Lee Professor of World Affairs; International Professor of Applied Economics and Management; Professor of Economics, Cornell University, USA

By the dawn of the twenty-first century, more than half of the world’s population was living in urban areas. This volume explores the implications of this unprecedented expansion in the world’s most urbanized region, Latin America, exploring the new urban reality, and the consequences for both Latin America and the rest of the developing world. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION; D.Rodgers, J.Beall & R.Kanbur / PART II: RECONCEPTUALIZING URBAN FRAGMENTATION / Urban Violence, Quality of Life, and the Future of Latin American Cities; D.Davis / Cocaine Cities; I.Navarro / Mobility Challenges in Santiago de Chile; P.Jiron / The Vecino as Citizen; H.Risor / Separate but Equal Democratization?; D.Rodgers / PART III: RECONNECTING THE CITY / Irregular Urbanization as a Catalyst for Radical Social Mobilization; L.Earle / OnStreet Upgrading?; L.Aliaga-Linares / Of Guns, Ideas and Taxes; F.Sanin, M.Gutierrez, T.Pardo, J.Gomez & M.Pinto / Public-Private Co-operation for Gas Provision in Poor Neighbourhoods of Buenos Aires; C.Goytia, R.Pasquini & P.Sanguinetti / A New Way of Monitoring the Quality of Urban Life in Latin America; E.Lora & A.Powell / PART IV: CONCLUSION / Towards a New Research Agenda for 21st Century Latin American Urban Development; D.Rodgers, R.Kanbur & J.Beall August 2012 272pp 216x138mm 4 figures, 4 maps, 7 b/w illustrations and 13 b/w tables Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-37154-5 TB

Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series Editor: Anthony Shorrocks

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Comes with a CD/DVD

economics • education

Approximating Prudence



Modern Money Theory

Aristotelian Practical Wisdom and Economic Models of Choice

Social Justice in Education

A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems

Andrew M. Yuengert, Professor of Economics, Seaver College, Pepperdine University, USA

An Introduction

L. Randall Wray, Professor of Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA; Research Director, Centre for Full Employment and Price Stability; Senior Scholar, Levy Economics Institute, Bard College, USA

In a challenge to conventional views on modern monetary and fiscal policy, this book presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how the mystification of the nature of money has constrained governments, and prevented states from acting in the public interest. Contents: Basics of Macro Accounting / Spending by Issuer of Sovereign Currency / Basics of the Operation of Domestic Monetary Systems / Fiscal Operations / Alternative Policy for Sovereign Currencies / Modern Money and Macro Stabilizers / What is Money? Conclusions on the Nature of Money August 2012 272pp 3 b/w tables and 19 figures Hardback £65.00 Paperback £19.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-36888-0 978-0-230-36889-7

In a unique undertaking, Andrew Yuengert explores and describes the limits to the economic model of the human being, providing an alternative account of human choice, to which economic models can be compared. Contents: Practical Wisdom and Economic Models of Choice / Is there Anything Economics Cannot Do? The Need for a Background Account / Practical Wisdom, or Thinking about What to Do / Objective Functions and the Goals of Human Action / Contingency and Uncertainty / Modeling Virtue / The Synthetic Nature of Choice / The Unformulability of Practical wisdom / Conclusions September 2012 240pp 216x140mm 1 b/w illustration, 2 b/w tables and 8 b/w line drawings Hardback £62.50 978-0-230-12091-4

Perspectives from Social Economics Series Editor: Mark D. White

Exporting the Alaska Model

Barry L. Bull, Professor of Philosophy of Education, Indiana University, USA

Are American schools socially just institutions? Using the methods of political philosopher John Rawls, this book answers that question by arguing for four principles that express the basic purposes that Americans hold for their schools - principles of Personal Liberty, Democracy, Equal Opportunity, and Economic Growth. Contents: The Nature and Importance of Social Justice in Education / A Political Theory of Social Justice for Education / Personal Liberty and Education: Families, Cultures, and Standards / Democracy and Education: Multicultural and Civic Education / Equal Opportunity and Education: Control of Schools / Economic Growth and Education: The Financing of Education / Socially Just Education in a Representative American Community

Adapting the Permanent Fund Dividend for Reform around the World

March 2012 Paperback

Edited by Karl Widerquist, Visiting Associate Professor in Political Philosophy, Georgetown University, USA and Michael W. Howard, Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Maine, USA

All Alaskan’s get a small dividend financed by returns on a fund created from the state’s resource revenues, we call this the Alaska model. This book examines how the model can be adapted for use elsewhere, the issues of implementation and shows that this model can be employed even in resource-poor areas. July 2012 272pp 216x140mm 8 b/w line drawings and 7 b/w tables Hardback £65.00 978-1-137-00659-2

Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee Series Editors: Karl Widerquist, James Bryan and Michael A. Lewis

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216pp £20.50

210x140mm 978-0-230-33898-2

Previously Announced

Intersections of Children’s Health, Education, and Welfare Janet Mulvey, Assistant Professor of Education, Pace University, USA and Bruce Cooper, Professor of Educational Leadership August 2012 256PP 17 b/w tables and 3 figures Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34014-5

Education Policy

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Constructing Twenty-first Century Socialism in Latin America The Role of Radical Education

Politics and the History Curriculum The Struggle over Standards in Texas and the Nation Edited by Keith A. Erekson, Award-winning Writer, Teacher, and Historian; Founder and Director, Centre for History Teaching & Learning, University of Texas, USA

Mike Cole, Research Professor in Education and Equality; Head of Research, Bishop Grosseteste University College, UK and Sara Motta, Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham, UK

Mike Cole and Sara Motta explore the role of radical education in constructing twenty-first century socialism in Latin America, focusing on Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, and Mexico. August 2012 Hardback

256pp £57.50

210x140mm 978-0-230-33823-4

Marxism and Education

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The politicians and pastors who revised the Texas social studies standards made worldwide headlines. Politics and the History Curriculum sets the debate over the Texas standards within a broad context of politics, religion, media, and education, providing a clear analysis of these events and recommendations for teachers and policy makers. Contents: Preface / PART I: REWRITING HISTORY IN TEXAS / Culture War Circus: How Politics and the Media Left History Education Behind; K.A.Erekson / ‘As Texas Goes, So Goes the Nation’: Conservatism and Culture Wars in the Lone Star State; G.B.Preuss / Hijacks and Hijinks on the U.S. History Review Committee; L.K.Muñoz & J.Noboa / A Voice Crying in the Wilderness? An Expert Reviewer’s Experience; la Teja / Negotiating for Quality: Taking a Proactive Approach to Achieve a Positive Outcome; S.Cure / Moving the Liberal-Minority Coalition Up the Educational Pipeline; E.Zamora / PART II: ANALYSIS AND ALTERNATIVES / Names, Numbers, and Narratives: A Multicultural Critique of the U.S. History Standards; J.Noboa / Why Do We Think of America as a Christian Nation?; R.T.Hughes / Neo-Confederate Ideology in the Texas History Standards; E.H.Sebesta / A Missed Opportunity for World History in Texas; D.C.Fisher / Standards before Standardization: The Affiliated Schools Program, 1885-1917; L.J.Black / A Perfect Storm in Austin and Beyond: Making the Case - and Place - for U.S. History in Texas and the Nation; L.K.Salvucci June 2012 288pp 16 figures and 2 b/w tables Hardback £55.00

Early Childhood Education, Postcolonial Theory, and Teaching Practices in India Balancing Vygotsky and the Veda Amita Gupta, Assistant Professor of Education, The City College of New York, USA

This book presents previously unexamined connections between teaching practices and specific philosophical ideas, locating the prior beliefs and practical knowledge of early childhood practitioners in urban India within the broader social and historical religio-philosophical context. Contents: Preface / Conceptualizing and Setting the Stage / The Socio-cultural Context of Education in India: Core Concepts of Philosophy Underlying the Worldview of Indians / Educational Systems in India: Past and Present / Aims of Education Contextualized within Urban Indian Society / The Image, Roles and Responsibilities of the Early Childhood Teacher in India / The Image of the Child: What is Developmentally and Socially Appropriate for Children Growing up in Indian Society? / Learning to Teach: A Socio-cultural-historical Constructivist Theory of Teaching / Contextualizing and Demystifying the Challenges of Large Class Size in India / A Socio-culturally Constructed Early Childhood Postcolonial Curriculum: The Interfacing of Three Culturally Different Educational Discourses / Aligning Teacher Education and Early Childhood Practice in India: Balancing Vygotsky and the Veda / Reflecting on the Process of Early Childhood Postcolonial Research July 2012 272pp Paperback £22.50

216x140mm 978-1-137-00893-0




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210x140mm 978-1-137-00925-8

Comes with a CD/DVD


Local Education Reform

Action Research Methods

The Global University

Mayoral Initiatives in Indianapolis Schools

Plain and Simple

Past, Present, and Future Perspectives Edited by Sheri R. Klein, PhD, MFA, Visual Artist, Researcher, Art Educator, and Author; her research interests include praxisoriented pedagogy and research in art and teacher education, arts-based research, and graphic narratives as an art form for self-reflexive visual inquiry

David Harris, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Mind Trust and Bart Peterson, Founding Member and Board Chair of The Mind Trust; served two terms as Mayor of Indianapolis, USA; Fellow, Centre for Public Affairs, Ball State University, USA; Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Communications, Eli Lilly and Company

Local Education Reform tells the story of educational reform in Indianapolis from a practical, political viewpoint useful to education reformers and politicians fighting for school reform. Detailing the history of the main players and events, this book provides an in-depth look at what happens when one school simply-yet complexly-fails. Contents: Introduction: Taking on the Education Establishment / An Idea that Made Sense / Unattainable Peace / Legislative Impediments to Change / Charter Schools from Scratch / Mayors as Authorizers / Closing a School / Human Capital Challenges September 2012 256pp Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-02306-3

Education Policy

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

In Action Research Methods, the authors acknowledge that the methodology component is where most of the struggle and confusion lies with students in research methods courses. The overall aim is to assist master’s level education students with practical and theoretically grounded approaches to the action research process. Contents: List of Figures / List of Tables / Preface / Acknowledgments / Action Research: Before You Dive In, Read This!; S.R.Klein / Interviews; F.AgostinoneWilson / Participant Observation; G.Zieman / A Case for Case Study Research in Education; K.Grauer / Visual Research, Visual Data; S.R.Klein & F.Agostinone-Wilson / Arts-Based Research: Datum is Constructed, Not Found; K.Riddett-Moore & R.Siegesmund / The Value of Portfolio Data in Action Research; D.Boughton / Quantitative Methods in Action Research; J.Flynn Fee / Program Evaluation Research; J.Thomas / Critique, Advocacy and Dissemination: I’ve Got the Data and the Findings, Now What?; K.Keifer-Boyd / Notes on Contributors / Subject Index June 2012 256pp 5 b/w tables and 5 figures Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-11383-1

Edited by Adam R. Nelson, Professor of Educational Policy Studies and History, University of WisconsinMadison, USA and Ian P. Wei, Senior Lecturer in Medieval European History, University of Bristol, UK

Engages a topic of pressing concern for government, business, and education leaders around the world: the race to establish ‘worldclass’ universities. Some herald the globalization of higher education as the key to a dynamic and productive ‘knowledge society.’ Others worry that modern universities have come to resemble multinational corporations. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: The Global University: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives; A.R.Nelson / PART I: REGIONALISM(S) AND GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION REFORM / PART II: THE CHANGING DIMENSIONS OF UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE / PART III: ACADEMIC ROLES AND THE PURPOSES OF THE UNIVERSITY / PART IV: SHIFTING PATTERNS IN GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION / PART V: UNIVERSITIES AND EXTERNAL FUNDING A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. April 2012 284pp 26 b/w tables and 2 figures Hardback £60.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-39245-8

Historical Studies in Education

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Histories of Social Studies and Race: 1865–2000 Edited by Christine Woyshner, Professor of Education, Temple University, USA and Chara Haeussler Bohan, Associate Professor, College of Education, Georgia State University, USA

This collection of historical essays on race develops lines of inquiry into race and social studies, such as geography, history, and vocational education. Contributors focus on the ways African Americans were excluded or included in the social education curriculum and the roles that black teachers played in crafting social education curricula. Contents: Introduction: Social Studies and Race; C.Woyshner & C.Bohan / Race, Social Studies, and Culturally Relevant Curriculum in Social Studies’ Prehistory: A Cautionary Meditation; R.E.Butchart / The Early History of Negro History Week; S.Bair / Notions of Citizenship: Discussing Race in the Shortridge High School Senate, 1900–1928; J.S.Clark / The Racial and Cultural Assumptions of the Early Social Studies Educators, 1901–1922; T.D.Fallace / Countering the Master Narrative in US Social Studies: Nannie Helen Burroughs and New Narratives in History Education; A.Murray-Blue / Race in Elementary Geography Textbooks: Examples from South Carolina, 1890–1927; M.Spearman / Atlanta’s Desegregation Era Social Studies Curriculum: An Examination of Georgia History Textbooks; C.Bohan & P.Randolph / Placing Social Justice at the Center of Standards-Based Reform: Race and the Social Studies at McDonogh No. 35 Senior High, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1980-2000; E.DeCuir / Did Curriculum Reform Support Racial Integration?; J.Watras / African-Centered Education in the Detroit Public Schools, 1968–2000; A.Halvorsen / Epilogue; M.Crocco July 2012 6 figures Hardback





Women, Universities, and Change Gender Equality in the European Union and the United States Edited by Mary Ann Danowitz Sagaria, Higher Education Program, College of Education, University of Denver, USA

'It is an indispensable source of information for academia, students, administrators, and policymakers who devote themselves to the question of how to effectively promote gender equality in higher education.' - Equal Opportunities International This volume analyzes how higher education responses to socio-political and economic influences affect gender equality at the nationstate and university levels in the European Union and the United States. Contents: Reframing Gender Equality as University Adaptation; M.A.Danowitz Sagaria / Pushing the Gender Equality Agenda Forward in the European Union; T.Rees / Between Change and Resistance: Gender Structures and Gender Cultures in German Institutions of Higher Education; U.Müller / Gender Equality Challenges and Higher Education Reform: A Case Study University of Dortmund; C.Roloff / Gender Equity and Higher Education Reform in Austria; A.Pellert & M.Gindl / University Adaptation and Gender Equality: A Case Study of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration; B.Sporn / Women in Universities in Finland: Relative Advances and Continuing Contradictions; L.Husu / Promotion of Gender Equality in the University of Helsinki; L.Husu & T.Saarikoski / Gender and UK Higher Education: Postfeminism in a Market Economy; L.Morley / Personal Learning on Professional Doctorates: Feminist and Women’s Contributions to Higher Education; M.E.David / Gender Equality in the American Research University: Renewing the Agenda for Women’s Rights; J.Glazer-Raymo / Academic Excellence and Gender Equality at The Ohio State University; M.A.Danowitz Sagaria & P.S.Van Horn / Helping or Hurting Women? The Case of a Dual Career Couple Policy at the University of Kansas; S.Rice, L.Wolf-Wendel & S.Twombly / Frames, Changes, Challenges, and Strategies; M.A.Danowitz Sagaria & L.J.Agans July 2012 Paperback

244pp £20.00

The Comprehensive Public High School Historical Perspectives Edited by Geoffrey Sherington, Professor; formerly Dean, Faculty of Education and Craig Campbell, Senior Lecturer, both at University of Sydney, Australia

This book traces the decline of the public comprehensive high school. New educational markets emphasized school diversity and parental choice rather than social equity through common schooling, and they were criticized for declining standards. The book also considers government education policies and their regional manifestations. Contents: Introduction / Origins of the Comprehensive High School / Social and Political Contexts / The Social Justice Era / The Comprehensive High in an Education Market / Embattlement and Survival / Conclusion September 2012 256pp Paperback £20.00

Secondary Education in a Changing World

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Previously Announced

To Want To Learn Insights and Provocations For Engaged Learning 2nd fully revised edition Jackson Kytle, Deputy Provost, New School University, USA August 2012 2 b/w tables Paperback





246x189mm 978-1-137-03373-4

Issues in Higher Education

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210x140mm 978-1-137-03374-1

Comes with a CD/DVD


Gentrification and Schools

Educational Diversity

The Process of Integration When Whites Reverse Flight

The Subject of Difference and Different Subjects

Jennifer Burns Stillman, Research Analyst, Office of Innovation, New York City Department of Education, USA

Through fifty-two interviews with New York City parents in gentrifying neighborhoods, this book examines the school choice process to determine how, through the compounding effect of these parents’ many individual choices, a segregated urban school in a gentrifying neighborhood is able to transform into an integrated school. Contents: Introduction to Tipping In / Research Design / Gentry Parents: Their School Choice Preferences and their Process of Choosing a School / Tipping In: Attracting the Innovator and Early Adopter GPS to Segregated Schools / Solving the Collective Action Problem / Tipping In: Retaining the Innovator and Early Adopter GPS / Tipping In: Attracting Early Majority GPS to a Stage 2 Changing School / Tipping In: Retaining the Early Majority GPS, a Crucial Period in the School Integration Process / Tipping In: A Diverse School / Summary and Policy Recommendations / References / Appendices / Tables July 2012 224pp 4 b/w tables and 8 figures Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00899-2

Education Policy

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Edited by Yvette Taylor, Lecturer, Newcastle University, UK

This collection explores the relationship between new equality regimes and continued societal inequalities, exploring change, ambivalence and resistance specifically in relation to compulsory and post-compulsory education, seeking to more fully situate the educational journeys and experiences of staff and students. Contents: Educational Diversity: The Subject of Difference and Different Subjects; Y.Taylor / Doing Diversity Differently; D.Reay / Space, Affect and Value: A Commentary on Educational Diversity: The Subject of Difference and Different Subjects; J.Binnie / PART I: COMPULSORY EDUCATION, COMPELLING DIVERSITY / Inclusion through Exclusion: A Critical Account of New Behaviour Management Practices in Schools; V.Gillies / 'It’s just them, not us': Doing Research with Children Designated as Having SEN: Identity, Agency and Voice; V.Sundaram & A.Wilde / Learning to be Hearing: Is the Mainstream School a Space for Normalising Deaf Children?; E.Mathews / Shaping Young People’s Gender and Sexual Identities in Taiwan: Can Teaching Practices Produce Diverse Subjects?; Y.Hsieh / PART II: HIGHER EDUCATION, HIGHER STANDARDS? / Unpicking that ‘Something Special’: Background and the University Application Process; S.Evans / Beyond ‘Inclusion’: Student Diversity as a Learning Resource; J.Shaw & K.Bridger/ Mapping Exclusion in Undergraduate Psychology: Towards a Common Architecture of the Minority Student Experience; I.Hodges & S.Jobanputra / Embodying Diversity and Pedagogies of Progress; K.Inckle / Doing Diversity and Evading Equality: The Case of Student Work Placements in the Creative Sector; K.Allen, J.Quinn, S.Hollingworth & A.Rose / PART III: BOUNDARY CONDITIONS / Embodying Diversity: Problems and Paradoxes for Black Feminists; S.Ahmed / Talking about ‘Diverse Genders and Sexualities’ Means Talking about More Than White Middle-Class Queers; D.W.Riggs / Feeling Your Way within and Across Classed Spaces: The (Re)making and (Un)doing of Identities of Value within Higher Education in the UK; M.Addison / Facts, Fictions, Identity Constrictions: Sexuality, Gender and Class in Higher Education; Y.Taylor / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

288pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29342-7

Social Change and Education in Greece A Study in Class Struggle Dynamics Spyros Thelemis, Lecturer in Education, Middlesex University, UK

Aims to inform students, scholars, and educators about the complex processes and factors that promote or impede education’s potential to enhance individual advancement within the socioeconomic structure of a late-industrialized country within the context of modern capitalism. Contents: Introduction / Social Stratification and Development / Social Mobility / The Greek Social Stratification / Education in Greece / Setting the Scene / Social Mobility: a Macro-sociological Perspective / Occupational Pathways / Educational Mobility / Alternative Pathways / Conclusion August 2012 Hardback

256pp £62.50

210x140mm 978-0-230-33822-7

Marxism and Education

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Art Education Beyond the Classroom Pondering the Outsider and other Sites of Learning Edited by Alice J. Wexler, Associate Professor; Program Director of Art Education, School of Fine and Performing Arts, State University of New York, USA

By focusing on children and adults with disabilities, each contributor offers critical research which challenges the non-transferable divide between us and them, encouraging art teachers, therapists, critics, and general readers alike to uncover their biases regarding the nature of art and education. Contents: An Ode to Joy: the Art of Autism; T.Rollins / Enigmatic Images; Reflections on Autistic Art; R.Cardinal / The Art of Dying; L.Weintraub / The Faltering Hand; P.Kornfeld / Making Art Together; A.Walker / Crossing Over: When Outsiders become Insiders and Vice-Versa; L.Rexer / The Meaningful Critique: Responding to Art from Pre-School to Postmodernism; D.Henley July 2012 Hardback

256PP £57.50

216x140mm 978-0-230-11430-2

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engineering • gender studies Engineering

Design of Structural Elements

Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines 4th edition

To Eurocodes

Richard Stone, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK

2nd edition W.M.C. McKenzie, Lecturer in Structural Engineering, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

Review of the 1st edition: '[A]n excellent text for undergraduate students ...[R]ecommended... particularly because of the 'real examples''. - David Easterbrook, Senior Lecturer, School of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Plymouth, UK A detailed study of the process of design for structural elements, updated comprehensively for the new Eurocodes in all four building materials: concrete, steel, timber and masonry. The scope of this text is wide, and its numerous examples, practical problems and easy-to-follow diagrams make it an ideal course text. Contents: Preface / PART I / Structural Analysis Techniques / Design Philosophies / Structural Loading / Structural Instability, Overall Stability and Robustness / PART II / Reinforced Concrete Elements / PART III / Structural Steelwork Elements / PART IV / Structural Timber Elements / PART V / Structural Masonry Elements / PART VI: APPENDICIES / Greek Alphabet, SI Prefixes, Coefficients of Friction and Typical Material Properties / Properties of Geometric Figures / Beam Reactions, Bending Moments and Deflections / Continuous Beam Coefficients / Self-weights of Construction Materials / Reinforcement Bar Cross-sectional Areas / Black-bolt and H.S.F.G. - Bolt Data / Bibliography / Index September 2012 704pp Paperback £34.99

The most comprehensive introduction to the combustion engine for higher level undergraduates in mechanical or automotive engineering, as well as those taking specialist subjects, this text will also be valuable for practising engineers. Clear, well-illustrated with a wealth of worked examples and end of chapter questions, it is fully updated throughout for this fourth edition. Contents: Introduction / Thermodynamic Principles / Combustion and Fuels / Spark Ignition Engines / Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engines / Compression Ignition Engines / Controlled Auto-Ignition Engines / Induction and Exhaust Processes / Two-stroke Engines / In-cylinder Motion / Turbocharging and Supercharging / Engine Modelling / Mechanical Design Considerations / Heat Transfer in Internal Combustion Engines / Experimental Facilities / Case Studies August 2012 Hardback

496pp £49.99

276x216mm 978-0-230-57663-6 TB

246x189mm 978-0-230-21771-3

Gender Studies

Representing Masculinity Male Citizenship in Modern Western Culture Edited by Stefan Dudink, Assistant Professor, Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University,The Netherlands, Karen Hagemann, James Kenan III Distinguished Professor of History, History Department, University of North Carolina, USA and Anna Clark, Professor of History; Samuel Russell Chair in the Humanities, University of Minnesota, USA

This book explores how the ideal of citizenship promised universality but excluded many on the basis of gender, class, and race. Contents: PART I: CONCEPTS AND REPRESENTATIONS OF MASCULINITY AND CITIZENSHIP IN MODERN WESTERN POLITICAL CULTURE; A.Clark / PART II: MASCULINITIES AND CITIZENSHIP IN THE AGE OF THE DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTIONS / The Soldiers’ Revolution - Concepts of Citizenship, Masculinity in Revolutionary America; G.Knouff / Napoleon and his Colonised ‘Others’: The Demise of Citizenship in PostRevolutionary and Napoleonic History Paintings; M.Ulz / Representations of Citizenship and Monarchic Masculinity in Early 19th Century Prussia; K.Hagemann / Citizenship and Masculinity in Dutch Political Culture, 1813–1848; S.Dudink / PART III: REPRESENTATIONS OF POLITICAL MASCULINITY IN THE AGE OF NATION STATES AND EMPIRES / The Revolutionary Citizen Soldier and his Legacy in 19th Century France; A.Forrest / Fit to Fight but Not to Vote? Masculinity and Citizenship in Britain, 1832–1918; S.Rose / Military and Masculinities in the Austrian Empire, 1868–1914; C.Hämmerle / Subjectivity, Civic Ideals and Figures of Ideal Masculinity in Late Victorian Sculpture; A.Potts / PART IV: THE WHITE MALE CITIZEN OF THE WEST AND ITS OTHERS IN EARLY 20TH CENTURY / Representations of Masculinity and Political Parties in early 20th Century America; K.Murphy / Soldiers, Patriarchs, and Republicans: The Crisis of Paternity in French Syria and Lebanon; E.F.Thompson / The Domestication of Native Elites in (Post) Colonial Indonesia: Photography and Changing Representations of Masculinity; F.Gouda / PART V: TOWARDS A GENDERED HISTORY OF MASCULINE CITIZENSHIP / Concepts and Images of Masculinity in Modern Western Political Culture; M.Sinha August 2012 Paperback


288pp £19.99

210x140mm 978-0-230-34015-2

Studies in European Culture and History

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general and reference General and Reference

The International Handbook of Universities

The Grants Register 2013 The Complete Guide to Postgraduate Funding Worldwide 31st edition

24th edition International Association of Universities

This three-volume set is an indispensable and up-to-date guide to over 16,000 education institutions worldwide that offer at least a postgraduate degree or a four-year professional diploma. The 24th edition includes single-user online access for 12 months from publication date. Contents: Preface / Guide to the Entries / The International Association of Universities / Offices of the International Association of Universities / List of Publications / Universities Listed Alphabetically by Country / Index of Institutions / Index of Fields of Study / Index of Regional/International Higher Education Organisations / NEW: Includes Single-user Access to World Higher Education Database Online for 12 months from publication date August 2012 Hardback

5000pp £425.00

297x210mm 978-0-230-22348-6

Published for/on behalf of International Association of Universities

Edited by Palgrave Macmillan Ltd

The most comprehensive guide on postgraduate grants and professional funding globally. For thirty-one years it has been the leading source for up-todate information on the availability of, and eligibility for, postgraduate and professional awards. Each entry is verified by its awarding body and all information is updated annually. Contents: Preface / How to Use The Grants Register / The Grants Register / Subject and Eligibility Guide to Awards / Index of Awards / Index of Discounted Awards / Index of Awarding Organizations July 2012 Hardback

1152pp £235.00

297x210mm 978-0-230-36165-2


The Statesman’s Yearbook 2013 The Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World 149th edition Edited by Barry Turner, Author, Editor, Journalist and Broadcaster

'All you need to know about the population of various states and countries, officials, exports, constitutions, governments, diplomatic representatives, religion, finance and basic histories.' - The New York Times 'Should be in every office which is concerned with world trade and, indeed, in every school which produces the future traders. It is an essential tool of all global thinking.' - Geographical Magazine Bestselling Reference title - ‘Originally designed for statesmen but now used by anyone needing information on the politics, cultures, and economies of the world, this yearbook is one of the longest-running annual publications in history.' - Library Journal Now in its 149th edition, The Statesman’s Yearbook continues to be the reference work of choice for accurate and reliable information on every country in the world. Covering political, economic, social and cultural aspects, the Yearbook is also available online for subscribing institutions: Contents: Time Zones Map / Flags of the World/Map of the World (Colour Pull-out Section) / Key World Facts / Chronology of World Events / PART I: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS / PART II: COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD A-Z / Key Historical Events / Territory and Population / Social Statistics / Climate / Constitution and Government / Government Chronology / Recent Elections / Current Administration / Current Leaders / Defence / International Relations / Economy / Energy and Natural Resources / Environment / Industry / International Trade / Communications / Social Institutions / Culture / Diplomatic Representatives / Further Reading / Abbreviations / Place and International Organizations Index /Index of Current Leaders August 2012 Hardback

1600pp £195.00

246x189mm 978-0-230-36009-9

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history History/American and Latin American History

Hollywood’s South Seas and the Pacific War

Liberty and American Anti-Imperialism 1898–1909 Michael Patrick Cullinane, Senior Lecturer of American History, Northumbria University, UK

Searching for Dorothy Lamour Sean Brawley, Associate Professor of History; Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of New South Wales, Australia and Chris Dixon, Reader in History; Associate Dean, University of Queensland, Australia

This book explores the expectations, experiences, and reactions of Allied servicemen and women who served in the wartime Pacific and viewed the South Pacific through the lens of Hollywood’s South Seas. Based on extensive archival research, it explores the intersections between military experiences and cultural history. Contents: Pardon My Sarong: Dorothy Lamour’s Legacy / The Wartime Search for the South Seas / Through Hollywood’s Lens: Prewar Visions of the South Pacific / Wartime Tourists on a Hollywood Jungle Set: Anticipating the South Seas and Encountering the South Pacific / ‘Dorothy Lamour Syndrome’: South Seas Dreams and South Pacific Disappointments / ‘That Gal’s Getting Whiter Every Day’: Servicemen’s Encounters with Native Women / Combating South Seas Disillusionment: A South Pacific Education / ‘Solitary Jewels’ or ‘Brazen, Shameless Hussies’?: Allied Women at War / ‘Black White Men’: African-American Encounters with the Wartime Pacific / Rainbow Island: Wartime Hollywood and the South Seas / South Seas Savior: James A. Michener and Postwar Visions of the South Pacific / The Queen of the Hollywood Islands July 2012 Hardback

288pp £57.50

This book provides a study of the American anti-imperialist movement during its most active years of opposition to US foreign policy, from 1898 to 1909. It re-evaluates the movement’s motives and operations throughout these years by evaluating the way in which Americans conceived the idea of ‘liberty.’ Contents: The Origins of a Movement / Opposing the Treaty of Paris / Citizenship and the Election of 1900 / Building Transnational Networks / The Insular Cases / The Social Movement / Split and Decline July 2012 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00256-3

The Paper War and the Development of Anglo-American Nationalisms, 1800–1825 Joe Eaton, Assistant Professor of History, National Chengchi University, China

The Paper War and the Development of AngloAmerican Nationalisms, 1800-1825 offers fresh insight into the evolution of British and American nationalisms, the maturation of apologetics for slavery, and the early development of antiAmericanism, from approximately 1800 to 1830. Contents: Introduction / Travellers, Reviewers, and Jeffersonian-era America / Inchiquin’s Letters and AngloAmerican Nationalism, 1810-1815 / ‘A Blessing to the Whole Earth’: Birkbeck’s Illinois English Prairie / The End of Anglo-mania / Conclusion: Heroes, but No Victors August 2012 Hardback

240pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29432-5

Britain and the World Series Editors: James Onley, A.G. Hopkins, Gregory Barton and Bryan Glass

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Diplomatic Education of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882–1933 Graham Cross, Teaching Associate, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, UK

An exploration of the development of FDR’s views in the years before he became president. Contents: A Patrician Internationalist, 1882–1910 / The Challenges of Public Office, 1910–1917 / War and Peace, 1917-1919 / The Presidential Election of 1920 / Finding a Voice, 1921–1928 / Internationalism, 1928–1933

216x140mm 978-0-230-11656-6

June 2012 256pp 8 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-01453-5

The World of the Roosevelt’s Series Editor: David B. Woolner

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The Right of the Protestant Left God’s Totalitarianism

Debating American Exceptionalism

Mark Thomas Edwards, Assistant Professor of American History, Spring Arbor University, USA

Empire and Democracy in the Wake of the Spanish-American War

While serving as an introduction to ecumenical liberal Protestantism and the social gospel over the course of the twentieth-century this book also highlights certain totalitarian as well as more fundamental conservative tendencies within those movements. Contents: 'Growing Christendom': The Inheritance of Christian Realism, 1890–1932 / ‘Seasoned Idealism’: The Faith of Christian Realism, 1919–1933 / ‘Evangelical Catholicism’: Fixing Christian Realism in America, 1933–1939 / A ‘Christian Internationale’: Christian Realism on the Frontlines of World Protestantism, 1928–1941 / ‘Bringing Our World Together’: The Dominion of Christian Realism, 1941–1945 / ‘The World Is a Conflict’: The Reverse Course of Christian Realism, 1945–1952 / ‘Responsible Freedom’: The Imagination of Christian Realism, 1948–1961 / ‘The Humane Scale’: The Situation of Christian Realism, 1950–1970 / ‘The New Reformation’: The Legacy of Christian Realism, 1962–1980 / Epilogue: ‘Good-by to Gothic?’: The Relevance of Christian Realism July 2012 Hardback

288pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-01989-9

The Life of Herbert Hoover Fighting Quaker, 1928–1933 Glen Jeansonne, Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA; his books include A Time of Paradox: American Since 1890

Fabian Hilfrich, Lecturer in American History, University of Edinburgh, UK

The Spanish-American War focused not only on foreign policy, but also on the nation’s very essence and purpose. At the heart of this debate was a consensus on American nationalism. This book explains why the belief in exceptionalism still serves as the basis of American nationalism and foreign policy even in spite of more recent military failures.

This is the first definitive study of the presidency of America’s least understood and most under-appreciated Chief Executive. Combining government with private resources, Hoover became the first president to pit government action against the economic cycle, setting precedents and spawning ideas employed by his successor and all future presidents.

Contents: Democracy and Freedom Abroad / Democracy and Exclusion: The Issue of Race / Roads to Utopia: Exceptionalism, Mission, and Principles / Democracy at Home: Democratic Sanction for Foreign Policy / What is America? / Doomsday Scenarios / The Right to Dissent and the Meaning of Patriotism

Contents: The Long Dusty Road from West Branch / Landslide / Prepping for the Presidency and Sparring with Congress / Humanizing Hoover / A Whirling Dervish / The Engine of Prosperity Jumps the Track / The Seventy-First Congress: Fighting the Political Wars / Hoover and the World: Foreign Policy, 1929–1930 / A Polarized Party / Combating the Depression: Phase One, 1929–1930 / The Seventy-Second Congress: Frustrating, Yet Fruitful / Fighting the Depression: Phase II, 1931–1932 / Frustrated Farmers, Angry Veterans / Race, Gender, and Labor / The Grim Reaper Stalks the World: Foreign Affairs, 1931–1933 / Life in the White House: Personal and Social / The Peter Pan in Hoover: Children and Fish / The Fourth Estate / Running for His Life: The Election of 1932 / The Hard Interregnum / Fighting Quaker

June 2012 304pp 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-39289-2

March 2012 14 photographs Hardback





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Fundamentalism and Education in The Black Campus Movement the Scopes Era Black Students and the Racial Reconstitution of God, Darwin, and the Roots of America’s Culture Wars Adam Laats, Assistant Professor; Associate Director, Centre for the Teaching of American History, State University of New York, USA

This work explores the wide-ranging educational activism of conservative Protestant fundamentalists in the 1920s. Contents: PART I: FUNDAMENTALISM AND FUNDAMENTALISTS / A New Kind of Protestant / What’s in a Name? / PART II: GOD AND SCHOOL / Campus Skirmishes / Early Legislative Battles / Of Monkeys and Men / PART III: MONKEYS AND MODERNISM / School Legislation after Scopes / College Controversies after Scopes / Fundamentalists, Bibles, and Schooling in the 1920s / PART IV: FUNDAMENTALISM TRANSFORMED / Fundamentalists and the New Fundamentalism / Fundamentalists outside the New Fundamentalism July 2012 Paperback

268pp £20.00

210x140mm 978-1-137-02101-4

The Grenada Revolution in the Caribbean Present Operation Urgent Memory Shalini Puri, Associate Professor of English, University of Pittsburgh, USA

The first scholarly book on the Grenada Revolution from the humanities investigates and breaks the long public silence on the legacies of the Grenada Revolution, revealing how the Revolution shaped the cultural and political vocabularies of the entire Caribbean both during its four-year life and in the quarter century since its downfall. Contents: Introduction: Operation Urgent Memory / Wave / Faultlines / Fort / Continent / Stone / Volcano / Cross / Hurricane / Prison / Sand August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

Higher Education, 1965–1972

Ibram H. Rogers, Assistant Professor of History, State University of New York, USA

This book provides the first national study of this intense and challenging struggle which disrupted and refashioned institutions in almost every state in the USA. It also illuminates the context for one of the most transformative educational movements in American history through a history of black higher education and black student activism before 1965. Contents: An ‘Island Within’: Black Students and Black Higher Education Prior to the Black Campus Movement / ‘God Speed the Breed’: New Negro in the Long Black Student Movement / ‘Strike while the Iron is Hot’: Civil Rights in the Long Black Student Movement / ‘March that Won’t Turn Around’: Formation and Development of the Black Campus Movement / ‘Shuddering in a Paroxysm of Black Power’: A Narrative Overview of the Black Campus Movement / ‘A Fly in Buttermilk’: BCM Organizations, Demands, Protests, and Support / ‘Black Jim Crow Studies’: Opposition and Repression / ‘Black Students Refuse to Pass the Buck’: Racial Reconstitution of Higher Education April 2012 256pp 9 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 Paperback £17.99

The Tobacco-Plantation South in the Early American Atlantic World Steven Sarson, Lecturer, Department of History, Swansea University, UK

A look at the extensive inequality and individualism in Prince George's County, Maryland, and the wider tobacco south. It also draws on colonial historiography to take a groundbreaking approach, examining the profound impacts on local life of the structure of the international tobacco trade. Contents: Introduction: A ‘chosen people’: Thomas Jefferson and the Yeoman Myth / Prologue: ‘The Interest of the County’: Prince George’s County Levy Court and Local Politics, Economy, and Society / ‘To live splendidly’: The Planters / ‘I Don’t Stand to the Will’: Yeomen Farmers and Smallholders / ‘To have liberty’: Tenant Farmers and Artisans / ‘The torment with the servants’: Wage Workers, Servants, and Slaves / ‘Objects of Distress’: The Poor and the Destitute / A Statistical Analysis: Wealth Distribution and Mobility in Prince George’s County, Maryland, 1800–1820 August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

Americas in the Early Modern Atlantic World

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235x152mm 978-0-230-11780-8 978-0-230-11781-5

Contemporary Black History Series Editor: Peniel E. Joseph

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210x140mm 978-0-230-12032-7

New Caribbean Studies

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216x138mm 978-0-230-11189-9

Comes with a CD/DVD


Time, Space, Race

Ancient History

Geography and History of Atlantic Racism Gary Taylor, George Metthew Edgar Professor of English, Florida State University, USA

This book links the historical development of modern racisms, including the conflict between America and Islam, to the way the very specific geography of the Atlantic conditioned interactions between human groups. Contents: Race and Proximity / Temporal Distance / Christian Time / Secular Space / Oceanic Time / Breaching the Atlantic / Representing the Atlantic / Geography and History August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

210x140mm 978-1-4039-7996-4

Signs of Race Series Editors: Gary Taylor and Arthur L. Little, Jr.

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia J. Eric Cooper, CEO and Senior Consultant, Akrites, LLCC and Michael Decker, Maroulis Professor of Byzantine History and Orthodox Religion, University of South Florida, USA

This is the first in-depth historical study of Byzantine Cappadocia. The authors draw on extensive textual and archaeological materials to examine the nature and place of Cappadocia in the Byzantine Empire from the fourth through eleventh centuries.

America Imagined

Contents: Introduction / PART I / ‘A Vast and Admirable Land’ / The Increase of the Earth / Land of Beautiful Horses / PART II / If One, Why So Many? / City of God / PART III / Elite Society / The Warlords / Conclusion / Endnotes / Primary Sources / Bibliography / Index

Images of the United States in NineteenthCentury Europe and Latin America

June 2012 328pp 216x138mm 4 maps, 2 b/w photographs and 13 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-36106-5

Edited by Axel Körner, Reader in Modern European History, Nicola Miller, Professor of Latin American History and Adam Smith, Senior Lecturer in American History, all at University College London, UK

A wide-ranging collection looking at how the United States has historically been perceived in Europe and Latin America. Contents: Land of Opportunity / A Model Republic / Liberty, Lipstick and Lobsters / Barbarous America / A World Apart, A Race Apart / Slavery and Abolition August 2012 288pp 6 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00


Asian and African History

The Origins of Modern Historiography in India Antiquarianism and Philology, 1780–1880 Rama Sundari Mantena, Assistant Professor of History, University of Illinois, USA

This book uncovers practices surrounding acts of collecting, surveying, and antiquarianism during British colonial rule in India. By examining these practices, this book traces the colonial conditions of the production of ‘sources,’ the forging of a new historical method, and the ascendance of positivist historiography in nineteenth-century India. Contents: The Origins of Modern Historiography in India / Conquest and History: The Making of Colonial Archives / Colin Mackenzie and the Search for History / The Kavali Brothers: Native Intellectuals in Early Colonial Madras / Colin Mackenzie’s Archival Project and the Telugu Historical Record / Colonial Philology and the Progressive History of Telugu March 2012 6 photographs Hardback





Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Series Editors: Anthony La Vopa, Suzanne Marchand and Javed Majeed

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://


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Africa since Independence 2nd edition Paul Nugent, Professor of Comparative African History; Director, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK

'This is an exceptional work, applying an expert analysis of sub-Saharan Africa and providing the reader with a comparative history of the continent since independence. It is clearly the best singlevolume on Africa’s modern history in existence.' - Ian Taylor, University of St Andrews, UK A genuinely comparative study of the different trajectories and experiences of independent African states. This expanded, revised and updated new edition of an established text now includes the latest scholarship and features more on issues such as AIDS, urbanization, South Sudan, questions of citizenship and the importance of transnational spaces. Contents: List of Maps and Tables / Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / Map 1: Africa Showing Dates of Independence / Introduction: The Basis of Comparison / African Independence: Poisoned Chalice or Cup of Plenty? / A Profile of Africa at Independence / The Shape of Things to Come: Irredentism, Secessionism and the Pan-African Ideals / Modernity and Tradition, Power and Prestige: Monarchs, Chiefs and Politicians, 1956–74 / ‘Ism Schisms’: African Socialism and Home-Grown Capitalism, 1960–85 / Khaki Fatigue: Military Rule in Africa, 1960–95 / Second Liberation: Guerrilla Warfare, Township, Revolt and the Search for a New Social Order / Invasion of the Acronyms: SAPs, AIDS and the NGO Takeover / Democracy Rediscovered: Popular Protest, Elite Mobilisation and the Return of Multipartyism, 1990–2011 / Millennial Africa: The National Question Revisited / Notes / Bibliography / Index

Communal Labor in Colonial Kenya The Legitimization of Coercion, 1912–1930 Opolot Okia, Assistant Professor of African History, Wright State University, USA

This project examines the development of forced labor in colonial Kenya from 1912 to 1930 and the parallel normalization of communal forced labor during this time period. Contents: Werengeka’s Anxiety / Forced Labor and Colonial Development in Africa / The Juridical Foundation of Government Forced Labor / ‘Making the Lazy Nigger Work:’ European Settlers, the State and Forced Labor, 1895–1919 / The Northey Forced Labor Crisis, 1919–1921 / Interlude: Forced Labor Bounded, 1921–1925 / Normalizing Force: Archdeacon Walter Owen and the Issue of Communal Labor, 1920–1930 July 2012 208pp 3 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-39295-3

British and Irish History

The Rise and Fall of Radical Westminster, 1780–1890 Marc Baer, Professor; Chair, Department of History, Hope College, USA

The Rise and Fall of Radical Westminster, 1780–1890 explores a critical chapter in the story of Britain’s transition to democracy. Utilizing the remarkably rich documentation generated by Westminster elections, Baer reveals how the most radical political space in the age of oligarchy became the most conservative and tranquil in an age of democracy. Contents: List of Figures / List of Tables / Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / Commencement: The Boundaries of Politics / Stories: Whig, Radical, and Tory Westminster / Tribunes: The Personality of Democracy / Words: The Languages of Democracy / Crowds: The Decline of Disorder / Spaces: Civic, Public, Private and Social / Rituals: Performing Demotic Culture / Associations: From Actors to Audiences / Pictures: Democracy Imagined / Conclusion: The Workshop of Democracy / Appendix: Westminster Election Results, 1780-1891 / Bibliography / Index June 2012 352pp tables and figures Hardback £65.00

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB



Studies in Modern History Series Editor: J.C.D. Clark

June 2012 664pp 234x156mm 14 b/w tables, 6 b/w photographs and 8 maps Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-27287-3 Paperback £17.99 978-0-230-27288-0




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A History of the British Isles 3rd edition Jeremy Black, Professor of History, University of Exeter, UK

'Jeremy Black’s concise history of the British Isles is extremely comprehensive and eminently readable. It possesses a helpful focus on political developments, economic history, and technological change but also pays considerable attention to social and cultural issues. It is an admirable attempt at both synthesis and explication.' - Paul Deslandes, University of Vermont, USA Review of the 2nd edition: 'The perspective of the work is wider and fuller than that of any other recent history. Black’s work is also remarkable for the sense which it conveys of the power of broad social and cultural change.' - Times Educational Supplement From earliest times to the present day, Jeremy Black explores the rich history of the whole of the British Isles and how they have achieved their current identity. The third edition of this established concise text has been revised and updated throughout, and now contains more on social and cultural history and the British Empire. Contents: List of Maps / Preface / Introduction / Maps / Pre-Roman and Roman Britain / British, English and Scandinavians, AD 400-1066 / The Middle Ages / The Sixteenth Century / 1603-88 / 1689-1815 / Age of Reform and Empire, 1815-1914 / The Twentieth Century / The British Isles Today / Conclusions / Selected Further Reading / Index August 2012 7 maps Hardback Paperback



£55.00 £16.99

978-0-230-36205-5 978-0-230-36206-2

Palgrave Essential Histories series Series Editor: Jeremy Black

Missionary Discourses of Difference


Riot City Protest and Rebellion in the Capital

Negotiating Otherness in the British Empire, c.1840–1900 Esme Cleall, Lecturer in Modern History, Department of History, University of Liverpool, UK

Clive Bloom, Emeritus Professor, Middlesex University, UK

Since 2000, London has seen unprecedented levels of unrest. Its streets have become the battleground for a host of new demands and new ideological standpoints; its occupants, protesters and authority alike, have had to invent new tactics to cope with the pressure of street politics and advances in social media.

Riot City deals in detail with the story behind the capital's unrest from the perspective of protesters, police and government. Using a range of sources, from security briefings to reportage, Clive Bloom provides an analysis of the modern protest movement, placing it in the context of a long history of rebellion. From the student protests to the August riots, Bloom deftly draws parallels between London's shocking events and reveals, more disturbingly, how many lessons can still be learned from our riotous past. Contents List of Illustrations in the Text / Plate Section / Acknowledgements / Permissions / 2000: Preface to Disorder in the Twenty-First Century / 2010: Occupy Everything / 2010 to 2012: the Constant Threat and the Distant Fear / 2010: The Crisis and the Student Riots / 2011: The Summer Riots - A Cold Wind in August / 1668, 1780, 1981: Contexts and Explanations / Appendix I: 1968: The Revolutionary Model Redefined / Appendix II: Under this Sign Conquer: The Visible Republic of London / Appendix III: A Little Riotous Chronology / Notes / Index July 2012 216pp 198x129mm 6 b/w illustrations and 41 b/w photographs Paperback £9.99 978-1-137-02935-5

Missionary Discourse examines missionary writings from India and southern Africa to explore colonial discourses about race, religion, gender and culture. The book is organized around three themes: family, sickness and violence, which were key areas of missionary concern, and important axes around which colonial difference was forged. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction. Difference and Discourse in the British Empire / Note on Terminology / PART I: FAMILIES AND HOUSEHOLDS: DIFFERENCE AND DOMESTICITY / Introduction: Difference and Domesticity / Representing Homes: Gender and Sexuality in Missionary Writing / Remaking Homes: Ambiguous Encounters and Domestic Transgressions / PART II: SICKNESS AND THE EMBODIMENT OF DIFFERENCE / Introduction: Sickness and the Embodiment of Difference / Pathologising Heathenism: Discourses of Sickness and the Rise of Medical Missions / Illness on the Mission Station: Sickness and the Presentation of the ‘Self’ / PART III: VIOLENCE AND DIFFERENCE / Violence and the Construction of the Other / Colonial Violence: Whiteness, Violence and Civilisation / Conclusion August 2012 232pp 2 b/w photographs Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29680-0

Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series Series Editors: Megan Vaughan and Richard Drayton

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A Historical Guide to NGOs in Britain Charities, Civil Society and the Voluntary Sector since 1945 Matthew Hilton, Professor of Social History, Department of Modern History, Nick Crowson, Reader in Contemporary British History, both at University of Birmingham, UK, Jean-François Mouhot, Marie Curie Research Fellow, Georgetown University & EHESS, France and James McKay, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK

Aiming to furnish the reader with the historical data to engage with the debates surrounding the Cameron government’s ‘Big Society’ and civil society, this book gives the reader a greater and more informed historical consciousness of how the NGO sector has grown and influenced. Contents: Preface / List of Abbreviations / Definitions / The Scale and Growth of NGOs, Charities and Voluntary Organisations / Key Sectors Profiles Since 1945 / Leading Campaign Groups and NGOs in the UK / Key Players / Membership and Volunteering / NGO Income Streams and Giving / The Impact of NGOs / Governance and Professionalism / International Comparisons / Further Reading and Guide to Further Information June 2012 400pp 295 figures and 32 b/w tables Hardback £80.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-30444-4

British Masculinity on the Queensland and British Columbia Frontiers, 1840–70 Robert Hogg, School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics, University of Queensland, Australia

In mid-nineteenth-century Britain, there existed a dominant discourse on what it meant to be a man - denoted by the term ‘manliness’. Based on the sociological work of R.W. Connell and others who argue that gender is performative, I ask how British men performed manliness on the colonial frontiers of Queensland and British Columbia. Contents: Introduction / Masculinities and Frontiers / 'The Most Manly Class that Exists' / 'The Sterling Qualities of the Saxon Race' / Men Without (White) Women / Blacks, Chinks, and Broken Down Swells / 'A Hand Prepared to be Red' / 'A Wild Self-dependence of Character' / Conclusion September 2012 304pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-25017-8

Genders and Sexualities in History Series Editors: John H. Arnold, Sean Brady and Joanna Bourke

Modernism and British Socialism Thomas Linehan, Lecturer in Modern History, Brunel University,UK

Thomas Linehan offers a fresh perspective on late Victorian and Edwardian socialism by examining the socialist revival of these years from the standpoint of modernism. In so doing, he explores the modernist mission as extending beyond the concerns of the literary and artistic avant-garde to incorporate political and social movements. Contents: Series Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Defining Modernism / The Spiritual and Epiphanic Modernism of British Socialism / Socialist Utopian Modernism: the Myths of the Kingdom and the Golden Age / Experiments in Social Modernism: the Communities of Hope / Contesting Abstract Space / The Return to Origins: Modernism, Socialism and Childhood / Fabian Modernism / Conclusion / Notes / Select Bibliography / Index July 2012 Hardback Paperback

192pp £50.00 £16.99

198x129mm 978-0-230-23010-1 978-0-230-23011-8

Modernism and... Series Editor: Roger Griffin

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Women and the Irish Nation Femininity, Associational Life and Irish Identity, 1890–1914 Jim MacPherson, Research Fellow, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland

At the turn of the twentieth century women played a key role in debates about the nature of the Irish nation. Examining women’s participation in nationalist and rural reform groups, this book is an important contribution to our understanding of Irish identity in the prelude to revolution and how it was shaped by women. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements / Introduction / Women, Gender and National Identity: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives / The Rural Reform Movement / The United Irishwomen / The Gaelic League / Sinn Féin and Radical Nationalism / Conclusion / Bibliography August 2012 Hardback

224pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29437-0




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Comes with a CD/DVD

history Early Modern and Medieval History

The Last Plantagenet Consorts Gender, Genre, and Historiography, 1440–1627

Women in the Military Orders of the Crusades

Kavita Mudan Finn, Lecturer at both the University of Maryland and Georgetown University, USA

Myra Miranda Bom, Independent Scholar with a PhD from the University of North Carolina USA

An examination of fifteenth-century British queens through literature and history.

This study of the female members of the Order or Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in the High Middle Ages analyzes their presence in the context of female monasticism and compares their position to the position of women in other religious military orders. Introducing questions of gender into the history of the military orders. Contents: Female Monasticism / The Order of Saint John of Jerusalem / Female Hospitallers / The Hospital and its Female Members July 2012 256pp 216x140mm 3 maps, 3 b/w illustrations and 4 b/w tables Hardback £50.00 978-0-230-11413-5

The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Contents: Narrating Queens in the Fifteenth Century / ‘By Meane of a Woman’: Changing the Subject in Polydore Vergil’s Anglica Historia and Sir Thomas More’s History of King Richard the Third / ‘The point of a very woman’: Gendering Destabilization in Edward Hall’s Union and Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicle / Queens in the Margins: Allegorizing Anxiety in A Mirror for Magistrates / Performing Queenship in Legge’s Richardus Tertius, The True Tragedy of Richard III, and Heywood’s Edward IV / ‘A Queen in Jest’: Queenship and Historical Subversion in Shakespeare’s First Tetralogy / ‘The Fetters of Her Sex’: Voicing Queens in the Historical Poetry of Michael Drayton and Samuel Daniel June 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-39298-4

Queenship and Power Series Editors: Carole Levin and Charles Beem

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Mediterranean World of Alfonso II and Peter II of Aragon (1162–1213) Ernest E. Jenkins, Instructor of History, University of South Carolina, USA

Considering a wide array of sources, this book reveals the tenacity with which Alfonso II (1162–1196) and his son Peter II (1196–1213) of the Crown of Aragon forged a tighter Mediterranean regional network and augmented their regional success. Contents: Preface / The Mediterranean Matrix of Connections for Alfonso II and Peter II / Forging a Regional Community: Alfonso II and the Midi / Regional Networks and Pilgrimage Spirituality / Law, Spirituality, and the Practice of Ethics / The Matrimonial Adventures of Peter II of Aragon and Marie of Montpellier / Mediterranean Communities in Competition and Conflict / Fracturing a Regional Community, Part 1: Peter II and the Genesis of the Albigensian Crusade / Fracturing a Regional Community, Part 2: Peter II and the Conflicts of the Albigensian Crusade / Alfonso II, Peter II, and the Tradition of Community in the Mediterranean World / Bibliography July 2012 Hardback

288pp £50.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-10714-4

The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866



The Political Economy of Empire in the Early Modern World Edited by Sophus Reinert, Research Fellow in History, Gonville & Caius College, UK and Pernille Røge, Research Fellow and Lecturer in History, Queen’s College, UK

An important reassessment of the political economy of empire in the early modern world. Contributions by a group of international scholars paint a powerful picture of Europe’s greatest imperial powers and the nature and implementation of political economy in the long eighteenth century, from the East to the West Indies. Contents: Preface: S.A. Reinert & P.Røge / Introduction: R.Drayton / PART I: THEORISING THE EARLY MODERN EMPIRE / An Empire of Trade: Commercial Reason of State in Seventeenth-Century Holland; J.Hartman & A.Weststeijn / A Natural Order of Empire: The Physiocratic vision of colonial France after the Seven Years’ War; P.Røge / Colonies and the Natural Order: Modelling Colonial Development in Adam Smith’s Political Economy; T.Hopkins / Views from the South: The Image and Uses of British Political Economy in Iberian Colonial Reform, 1740-1810; G.Paquette / The Empire of Emulation: A Quantitative Analysis of Economic Translations in the European World, 1500-1849; S.A. Reinert / PART II: IMPERIAL EXPERIENCES / War and Peace in the Early Stock Market; G.Parkinson / The Impact of Gifts and Trade: the Georgia Colonists and the Yamacraw Indians in the Colonial American Southeast; C.Levenson / Retrenchment, Reform and the Practice of Military-Fiscalism in the Early East India Company State; J.Lees / How Feeding Slaves Shaped the French Atlantic: Mercantilism and the Crisis of Food Provisioning in the Franco-Caribbean during the 17th and 18th centuries; B.Mandelblatt / Afterword: I.Hont September 2012 240pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23064-4

Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series Series Editors: Megan Vaughan and Richard Drayton

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Long European Reformation Religion, Political Conflict, and the Search for Conformity, 1350–1750 2nd edition Peter G. Wallace, Dewar Professor of History, Hartwick College, USA

Peter G. Wallace interweaves the Reformation into the transformations of political institutions, socio-economic structures, gender relations, and cultural values in Europe. The revised second edition now incorporates the latest research, as well as a new chapter on the Reformation and Islam, expanded discussion of gender issues, and a glossary. Contents: List of Maps / Abbreviations / Acknowledgements / Preface to the Second Edition / Introduction / PART I: THE WARP: THREADS OF REFORMATION HISTORIES, 1350–1650 / The Late Medieval Crisis, 1347–1517 / Resistance, Renewal, and Reform, 1414–1521 / Evangelical Movements and Confessions, 1521–59 / Reformation and Religious War, 1550–1650 / PART II: THE WEFT: MAKING SENSE OF THE LONG EUROPEAN REFORMATION / Settlements, 1600–1750: Church Building, State Building, and Social Discipline / Rereading the Reformation through Gender Analysis / The Reformation and Islam: From Menace to Coexistence / Conclusions / Notes / Glossary / Select Bibliography / Index August 2012 3 maps Hardback Paperback



£60.00 £19.99

978-0-230-57482-3 978-0-230-57483-0

Icons of Irishness from the Middle Ages to the Modern World Maggie Williams, Assistant Professor of Art History, William Paterson University, USA

From majestic Celtic crosses to elaborate knotwork designs, visual symbols of Irish identity at its most medieval abound in contemporary culture. Consdering both scholarly and popular perspectives this book offers a commentary on the blending of pasts and presents that finds permanent visualization in these contemporary signs. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Illustrations / Author's Note / Introduction: Icons of Irishness / Visualizing Antiquity / Classifying Taste / Meet Me at the Fair / Keepsakes and Souvenirs / Proclaiming Independence, Expressing Solidarity / Afterword / Select Bibliography August 2012 Hardback

240pp £50.00

The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

European History in Perspective Series Editor: Jeremy Black

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216x140mm 978-0-230-10320-7

Comes with a CD/DVD

history European and Russian History

The Vernacular Mystic Poetry of Islam Spain Sufi Songs of Andalusia Lourdes Maria Alvarez, Associate Professor of Spanish, Catholic University of America, USA

This book explores the Andalusian mystic popular songs used to resist the Islamic fundamentalists heterodoxy advanced in response to the Christian reconquista. Contents: Sufi Songs across an Andalusian Sky / All the Languages of God / Singing at the Crossroads of Cultures / Poetry and Mysticism / Surfaces and Sacred Metaphor / ‘My heart has taken every shape’ August 2012 Hardback

256pp £42.00

234x156mm 978-1-4039-7561-4

The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler

Fandom, Authenticity, and Opera Mad Acts and Letter Scenes in Fin-de-Siècle Russia Anna Fishzon, Assistant Professor of History, Williams College, USA

A study of commercialized opera culture in Russia, exploring the ‘melodramatic imagination’. Contents: Entrepreneurs and the Public Mission of Russian Private Opera / Russia’s New Celebrities: Offstage Narrative and Performance / Deviant Audiences and the Feminization of Fandom / The Operatics of Everyday Life, or, How the Gramophone Changed Work and Leisure in Russia / Fan Letters, Melodrama, and the Meaning of Love August 2012 Hardback

288pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-02344-5

Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Series Editors: Anthony La Vopa, Suzanne Marchand and Javed Majeed

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

A History of the Low Countries 2nd edition Paul Arblaster, Visiting Lecturer, Zuyd University, The Netherlands

'Arblaster does excellent work in weaving together a single history of a number of modern states, namely the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Despite their complex relationship, historically they have been one region politically, economically, and religiously. This history is careful to include pertinent facts and covers a variety of groups and individuals who have responded to challenges of diversity, change, and identity.' - John Roney, Sacred Heart University, USA This successful text remains the sole historical survey of the Benelux area to be written in English. Arblaster describes the full sweep of the history of the Low Countries, from Roman frontier provinces to the present day. The new edition has been revised and updated in the light of recent events and scholarship, and brings the story up to 2011. Contents: Preface to the Second Edition / Preface to the First Edition / Maps / Introduction / From Pagans to Crusaders, 57BC to AD1100 / Patterns of Power and Piety, 1100–1384 / The Low Countries United and Divided, 1384–1609 / From Delftware to Porcelain, 1609–1780 / The Rise and Fall of the Liberal Order, 1776–1914 / World Wars and World Peace, 1914–2011 / Chronology of Major Events / List of Dynasties and Rulers / List of Political Parties and Governments since 1918 / Selected Further Reading / Index June 2012 4 maps Hardback Paperback



£55.00 £16.99

978-0-230-29309-0 978-0-230-29310-6

Palgrave Essential Histories Series Series Editor: Jeremy Black TB

The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture Edited by Michael Broers, Professor of Western European History, University of Oxford, UK, Peter Hicks, Historian and International Affairs Manager, Fondation Napoléon, France; Visiting Professor, University of Bath, UK and Agustin Guimera, Researcher, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain Contributors: Katharine Aaslestad, Professor, University of West Virginia, USA / José Álvarez Junco, Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain / Jean-Rene Aymes, Professor, Université Paris III, France / Martijn Van Der Berg, Lecturer, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Howard Brown, Professor, Binghamton University, USA / Gabriele Clemens, Professor, Universität des Sarrelandes, Germany / Fernando Dores Costa, Professor, Instituto Superior de Ciencias del Trabajo y Empresa, Portugal / Alan Forrest, Professor, University of York, UK / Alex Grab, Professor, University of Maine, USA / Karen Hagemann, James G. Kenan Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina, USA / Johan Joor, Historian and Honorary Research Fellow, International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Annie Jourdan, Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Emilio La Parra Lopez, Professor, Universidad de Alicante, Spain / Thierry Lentz, Director of the Fondation Napoléon, France / Matthijs Lok, Assistant Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Marta Lorente, Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain / Ute Planert, Professor, Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany / José María Portillo, Professor, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain / Anna-Maria Rao, Professor, Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II, Italy / Michael Rapport, Professor, University of Stirling, UK / Michael Rowe, Senior Lecturer, King's College, UK / Reinhard A. Stauber, Professor, Universität von Klagenfurt, Austria / Marie-Cécile Thoral, Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University, UK / Nicola Todorov, Teacher, Lycée Gustave Flaubert and Lecturer at the University of Rouen, France A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 1 map Hardback





War, Culture and Society, 1750-1850 Series Editors: Rafe Blaufarb, Alan Forrest and Karen Hagemann

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Villagers and Lords in Eastern Europe, 1300–1800

Liberal Imperialism in Europe Edited by Matthew P. Fitzpatrick, Senior Lecturer in International History, Flinders University, Australia

Markus Cerman, Associate Professor of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna, Austria

Cerman revises the traditional view of ‘serfdom’ by providing an up-to-date survey of social and economic conditions in early modern Eastern Europe. Incorporating the latest research, Cerman identifies the role of villagers actively shaping rural societies and reassesses their legal, social and economic status, as well as rural power relations. Contents: List of Tables / Note on References / Series Editors’ Preface / Acknowledgements / Glossary / Map / Understanding ‘Demesne Lordship’ / The Myth of a ‘Second Serfdom’ / Explaining the Rise of Demesne Lordship and of the Demesne Economy / A Characterization of the Economic System / A General Backwardness? / Towards a New Assessment / Bibliography / Index September 2012 144pp 1 map and 18 b/w tables Paperback £16.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-00460-3

Studies in European History Series Editors: John Breuilly, Peter Wilson and Julian Jackson

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB

In this state-of-thefield anthology, leading scholars in the fields of European imperial history and intellectual history explore the nature of European imperialism during the ‘long nineteenth century’, scrutinizing the exact relationship between the various forms of liberalism in Europe and the various imperial projects of Europe. Contents: Introduction: Particular or Universal?: Historicizing Liberal Approaches to Empire in Europe / The Rise of Spanish Liberalism and the Fall of an Empire / Imperialism After the Great Wave: The Dutch Case in the Netherlands East Indies, 1860–1914 / Italy, Liberalism and the Age of Empire / Between Völkisch and Universal Visions of Empire: Liberal Imperialism in Mitteleuropa, 1890–1918 / Russian Liberalism and the Problem of Imperial Diversity / Liberty, Equality and Nationality: National Liberalism, Modernization and Empire in Hungary in the 19th Century / From Independence to Trialism: The Croatian Party of Right and the Project for a Liberal ‘Greater Croatia’ within the Habsburg Empire, 1861–1914 / An Empire of Scientific Experts: Polish Physicians and the Medicalization of the German Borderlands, 1880–1918 / Holy Lands, Promised Lands and Sanctuaries for the Night: Zionism, Territorialism, and the Search for Jewish Nationhood in the Age of Empire / The Ottoman Empire’s Negotiation of Western Liberal Imperialism / British and Greek Liberalism and Imperialism in the Long Nineteenth Century August 2012 Hardback

288pp £55.00

The German Democratic Republic Peter Grieder, Lecturer in Twentieth-Century History, University of Hull, UK

A clear, concise and thought-provoking introduction to the history of East Germany which engages critically with key debates and advances new interpretations of the origins, development and demise of the GDR. Peter Grieder also offers an original conceptualization of the GDR as a totalitarian welfare state. Contents: Note on References / Editors’ Preface / Acknowledgements / Abbreviations and Glossary / Map of the GDR / Introduction: Concepts / Conception, 1945–1949 / Construction, 1949–1960 / Consolidation, 1961–1971 / Conservativism, 1971–1977 / Crisis, 1977–1989 / Collapse, 1989–1990 / Conclusion: Obituary / Bibliography / Index July 2012 1 map Paperback





Studies in European History Series Editors: John Breuilly, Peter Wilson and Julian Jackson

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB

216x140mm 978-1-137-01996-7




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Comes with a CD/DVD


The French Enlightenment and its Others The Mandarin, the Savage, and the Invention of the Human Sciences David Allen Harvey, Associate Professor of History, New College of Florida, USA

This book explores the French Enlightenment’s use of cross-cultural comparisons - particularly the figures of the Chinese mandarin and American and Polynesian savage - to praise of critique aspects of European society and to draw general conclusions regarding human nature, natural law, and the rise and decline of civilizations. Contents: Philosophy in the Seraglio / The Wisdom of the East / The New World and the Noble Savage / The Last Frontiers / The Varieties of Man / An Indelible Stain / The Apotheosis of Europe August 2012 Hardback

288pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00253-2

Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Series Editors: Anthony La Vopa, Suzanne Marchand and Javed Majeed

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Exodus to Shanghai Stories of Escape from the Third Reich Steve Hochstadt, Professor of History, Illinois College, USA

Of the 400,000 Germanspeaking Jews that escaped the Third Reich, about 16,000 ended up in Shanghai, China. This groundbreaking volume gathers twenty years of interviews with over a hundred former Shanghai refugees. It offers a moving collective portrait of courage, culture shock, persistence, and enduring hope in the face of unimaginable hardships. Contents: In the Third Reich / Leaving Home / Culture Shock and Community Creation in Shanghai / In the Designated Area / The End of the War / After the War / 'Auf Wiedersehen, Shanghai! But where do we go?' / Another New Life / My Life as a Refugee August 2012 272pp 235x152mm 23 b/w illustrations, 1 chart and 2 maps Hardback £60.00 978-1-137-00670-7 Paperback £17.99 978-1-137-00671-4

Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Napoleon and the Revolution David P. Jordan, Distinguished Professor of French History, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA

'David Jordan has a clear thesis - that Napoleon not only inherited the political changes made possible by the French Revolution but inadvertantly helped to make them permanent. The book is written with a certain panache, and Napoleon emerges as a more complex figure than has been suggested by many of his biographers.' Alan Forrest, Professor, University of York, UK This new study of Napoleon emphasizes his ties to the French Revolution, his embodiment of its militancy, and his rescue of its legacies. Jordan’s work illuminates all aspects of his fabulous career, his views of the Revolution and history, the artists who created and embellished his image, and much of his talk about himself and his achievements. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Prologue: Napoleon and the French Revolution / Becoming a Revolutionary / First Revolutionary Steps / Italy the Imperial Revolution / Egypt / Power / Entr’acte: Revolution and Empire / The Weapons of Revolution / Entr’acte: A Sighting in Jena / Napoleon at Zenith / Entr’acte: Napoleon and the Political Culture of the French Revolution / Catastrophe and Decline / Entr’acte: Napoleon Explains the Revolution / Napoleon Brought to Bay / Ending the Revolution / Entr’acte: Reputation / The End of the End Game / Death and Rebirth / Epilogue: Napoleon and the Revolutionary Tradition / Appendix: Some Remarks about Arsenic Poisoning / Notes / Bibliography July 2012 Hardback

344pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36281-9

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Alfred Weber and the Crisis of Culture, 1890–1933 Colin Loader, Professor of History, University of Nevada, USA

Previously Announced

Hitler - Films from Germany History, Cinema and Politics since 1945

Alfred Weber was an important participant in the dialogue over the political and cultural crises of the late Empire and Weimar Republic. This study connects Weber’s career to the social, political, intellectual, cultural, and institutional contexts of the period. Contents: PART I: ALFRED WEBER IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE / The Context of Alfred Weber’s Early Work / Early Economic Writings / Heidelberg and the Empire, 1907–1917 / The Question and Sociology of Culture / The Cultural Theory of Politics / PART II: ALFRED WEBER IN THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC / The Weimar Republic and the End of the Discursive Coalition / The Sociology of Culture in Weimar / Cultural Politics in Weimar / Epilogue: Alfred Weber after 1933 July 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-03114-3

Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Series Editors: Anthony La Vopa, Suzanne Marchand and Javed Majeed

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Edited by Karolin Machtans, Assistant Professor of German, California Polytechnic State University, USA and Martin A. Ruehl, Lecturer in German, University of Cambridge, UK

The first book-length study to critically examine the recent wave of Hitler biopics in German cinema and television. A group of international experts discuss films like Downfall in the context of earlier portrayals of Hitler and draw out their implications for the changing place of the Third Reich in the national historical imagination. Contents: Introduction: Beyond the Gorgon’s Gaze: Representing Hitler in German Cinema since 1945; K.Machtans & M.Ruehl / The Führer’s Fake: Presence of an Afterlife; E.Rentschler / ‘Hitler’s shadow still looms over us’: G.W. Pabst’s Der letzte Akt and its Contemporary Public Response; M.Töteberg / Our Hitler: A Film by Hans Jürgen Syberberg; T.Elsaesser / Entombing the Nazi Past: On Downfall and Historicism; S.Hake / Tragedy and Farce: Dani Levy’s Mein Führer - Die Wirklich Wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler; M.D.Richardson / Man, Demon, Icon: The Cinematic Image of Hitler between Representation and Historical Reality; M.Elm / Hitler Wars: From Hirschbiegel to Harald Schmidt; M.Butter / Hitler Nonfictional: Hitler’s Image in Recent Documentary Films; K.Stutterheim / Encountering Hitler: Seductive Charisma and Memory Spaces in Heinrich Breloer’s Speer und Er (2005); A.Bangert / Conclusion: Far Away So Close: Loving to Hate Hitler; J.von Moltke August 2012 256pp 110 line drawings Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-22990-7

The Holocaust and its Contexts Series Editors: Olaf Jensen and Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann

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Heimat, Region and Empire New Approaches to Spatial Identities under National Socialism Edited by Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann, Reader in Modern European History, Loughborough University, UK and Maiken Umbach, Professor of History, University of Nottingham, UK

This collection brings together international scholars pursuing cutting-edge research on spatial identities under National Socialism. Contents: List of Maps and Images / Preface / Notes on Contributors / Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations / Introduction; C.C.W.Szejnmann & M.Umbach / PART I: RE-MOULDING REGIONAL IDENTITIES / Region and National Socialist Ideology: Reflections on Contained Plurality; M.Steber / Milieus, Political Culture and Regional Traditions in Lower Saxony in Comparative Perspective; D.Schmiechen-Ackermann / Grenzlandschicksal: Historical Narratives of Regional Identity and National Duty in Gau Oberrhein 1940–44; T.Williams / National Socialism and Hierarchichal Regionalism: The German Minorities in Interwar Poland; W.Chu / PART II: TRANSFORMING SPACES / Germanization of the Warthegau: Germans, Jews, and Poles and the Making of a 'German' Gau; C.Epstein / 'A Sense of Heimat Opened up During the War': German Soldiers and Heimat Abroad; C.C.W.Szejnmann / 'Here too lies our Lebensraum': Colonial Space as German Space; W.Sandler / Conceptions, Competences and Limits of the German Regional Planning during the 'Four Year Plan', 1936 to 1940; O.Werner / PART III: RE-MAKING ETHNICITIES / Race, Regional Identity and Volksgemeinschaft: Naturalization of Ethnic German Resettlers in World War II by the Einwandererzentralstelle/Central Immigration Office of the SS; A.Strippel / The Reich Propaganda Offices and the Political Mentoring of Ethnic German Resettlers; D.Mühlenfeld / Suitable Germans - Enforced Assimilation Policies in Danzig Westprussia, 1939–1945; G.Wolf / On the Margins of Volksgemeinschaft: Criteria for Belonging to the Volk in the Nazi Germanization Policy in the Annexed Territories and Beyond, 1939–1945; A.Stiller / Commentary: Empire, Ideology, and the East: Thoughts on Nazism's Spatial Imaginary; G.Eley / Index September 2012 272pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-39109-3

The Holocaust and its Contexts Series Editors: Olaf Jensen and Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://




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Comes with a CD/DVD


Making Sense of Anarchism Errico Malatesta’s Experiments with Revolution, 1889–1900 Davide Turcato, Computational Linguist with an interest in history

Through a historical analysis of the ideas and action of the noted Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta during the central years of his life, this book challenges the mainstream, stereo-typical dismissal of anarchism as a movement doomed by its irrationality, offering instead a charitable interpretation of anarchism as a reasonable strategy of action. Contents: Preface / Introduction: Anarchism, a Simple and Odd Business? / The First International: A Lasting Heritage / An ‘Anarchist Rarity’ Reappears, 1889 / A Short-Lived, Momentous Periodical, 1889–90 / Opaque Insurrectional Trials, 1890–92 / Open-Ended Popular Movements, 1892–94 / Patient Work in the Light of Day, 1894–98 / From the Other Side of the Atlantic Ocean, 1899–1900 / Malatesta’s Anarchism: A Charitable Interpretation / Conclusion: A Complex, Rational Business / References September 2012 348pp Hardback £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-30179-5

Popular Perceptions of Soviet Politics in the 1920s Olga Velikanova, Assistant Professor, Russian History, University of North Texas, USA

This is the first study of popular opinions in Soviet society in the 1920s. These voices which made the Russian revolution characterize reactions to mobilization politics: patriotic militarizing campaigns, the tenth anniversary of the revolution and state attempts to unite the nation around a new Soviet identity. Contents: List of Photographs / List of Tables / Acknowledgements / Glossary and Abbreviations / Introduction / Mobilization Model and Popular Opinions in the USSR: Historiographical Context / Society in the 1920s: Everyday Hardships and Dissatisfaction Sources / Foreign Threat: Leadership’s and Popular Perceptions in 1923 and 1924 / The War Scare of 1927: Power Discourse / The War Scare of 1927: Popular Perceptions / Rural Consolidation against the Soviet Politics: Peasant Union Movement in the 1920s / The Crisis of Faith: Popular Reactions to the Tenth Anniversary of October Revolution / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index September 2012 248pp tables and photographs Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-03074-0

History of Science, Medicine and Technology

Asia, Europe, and the Emergence of Modern Science Knowledge Crossing Boundaries Edited by Arun Bala, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore

This volume brings together essays from leading thinkers to examine what role Asian traditions of knowledge played in the rise of modern science in Europe, the implications this has for the epistemology of science, and whether premodern Asian traditions can provide resources for advancing scientific knowledge in future. Contents: PART I: TOWARD DIALOGICAL HISTORY / Global Dialogical History and the Challenge of Neo-Eurocentrism; J.M.Hobson / A Passage to Infinity: The Contribution of Kerala to Modern Mathematics; G.G.Joseph / Copernicus, Arabic Science and Scientific (R)evolutions; M.Kokowski / Time Atomism and Ash’arite Origins for Cartesian Occasionalism Revisited; R.T.W.Arthur / Pramanas, Proofs and the Yukti of Classical Indic Science; R.Narasimha / PART II: SCIENCE, RATIONALITY AND INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE / Traditional Knowledge and the Smallpox Eradication Campaign; J.R.Brown / The Dialogical Copernican Revolution: Implications for Scientific Method; A.Bala / How Indigenous are ‘Indigenous Sciences’? The Case of ‘Islamic Sciences’; A.Paya / The Role of Intercultural Dialogue in the Rise of Modern Science; A.Khursheed / Science, Technology and Civilization Reconsidered; A.Brennan / PART III: FORGING NEW KNOWLEDGE / The Relevance of Classical Chinese Medicine; K.Lee / Diverse Cultural Contributions to a ‘Science of Religion’: An Emerging Asia-Europe Dialogue on the Scientific Study of Religion; D.Wiebe / Reclaiming Tradition: Implications of a Knowledge Indigenization Perspective for Asian Education; S.Gopinathan / Southeast Asia’s Indigenous Knowledge: The Conquest of the Mental Terra Incognitae; V.R.Savage July 2012 304pp 216x140mm 5 b/w illustrations and 2 graphs Hardback £55.00 978-1-137-03172-3

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First Announcement

Medical Conflict and Drug Dependence in England Since the 1960s

Marie Curie and Her Daughters

Second Wind

The Private Lives of Science’s First Family

Oral Histories of Lung Transplant Survivors

Shelley Emling has been a journalist for twenty years. She is currently employed by AOL to establish local news websites, called Patch sites, across the United States; she is author of The Fossil Hunter. She lives in New Jersey

The first - and only book to focus on the relationship between famed scientist Marie Curie and her two remarkable daughters. Marie Curie was not only a pioneering scientist and twice winner of the Nobel Prize but a mother, widowed young, who raised two extraordinary daughters alone: Irène, a Nobel Prize winning chemist in her own right, who played an important role in the development of the atomic bomb, and Eve, a highly regarded humanitarian and journalist, who reported from the frontlines during World War II.

Mary Jo Festle, Professor of History, Elon University, USA

This book uses both oral and conventional historical methods to describe and analyze the history of lung transplantation in the USA. While drawing on accounts from doctors and other specialists, it primarily focuses on the experiences of patients and explores themes of uncertainty, timing, identity, coping, and quality of life. Contents: Experience of End-Stage Lung Disease / SocioMedical History of Lung Transplantation, 1963–2000 / Making the Decision and Being Evaluated for Transplant / Waiting and Coping / Getting ‘The Call’ / Second Wind: Life after Transplant with a Donor Lung / Quality of Life after Transplant / Lung Transplants in the Twenty-first Century

Drawing on personal interviews with Curie’s descendents, as well as revelatory new archive material and family papers, Marie Curie and Her Daughters is a wholly new story about Marie Curie and a family of women inextricably connected to the dawn of nuclear physics.

March 2012 9 photographs Hardback

September 2012 272pp 8pp b/w photographs Hardback £16.99

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

234x156mm 978-0-230-11571-2



The Politics of Addiction





Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: Bruce M. Stave and Linda Shopes

Sarah Mars, Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

The Politics of Addiction examines power and policy-making in the context of a bitter conflict between private and publicly employed doctors treating addiction. Regulation was used by both the profession and the state to shape the treatment of addiction and who could provide it, with the media feeding into the process. Contents: Acknowledgments / List of Tables / List of Figures / Glossary / List of Abbreviations / Introduction / 1965–2010: A Background Sketch / Prescribing and Proscribing: The Treatment and Rehabilitation Report Defining ‘Good Clinical Practice’ / Ambiguous Justice: The General Medical Council and Dr Ann Dally / ‘Friendly’ Visits and ‘Evil Men’: The Home Office Drugs Inspectorate / Unifying Hierarchs and Fragmenting Individualists: Three Professional Groups / Guidelines and the Licensing Question / Conclusion / Appendix / Bibliography / Index August 2012 320pp tables and figures Hardback £55.00

Web resource available


Science, Technology and Medicine in Modern History Series Editor: John V. Pickstone

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://



Comes with a CD/DVD

history Gender and Women’s History

Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century China Paul J. Bailey, Professor of Modern Chinese History, University of Durham, UK

'Bailey draws on, and synthesizes, a wealth of scholarship produced on gender in modern China over the last few decades. Easy to read and full of very interesting examples, this is an accessible and informative text.' - Emily Honig, University of California, USA A narrative and analytical account of Chinese women’s experiences during the twentieth century. Synthesizing and incorporating the latest research, Paul J. Bailey assesses in particular the impact of political, cultural and social change in Chinese women’s lives, and explores the evolution of gender discourses during this period. Contents: Introduction / Women in Pre-TwentiethCentury China / Reform, Nationalism and the ‘Woman Question’, 1897–1912 / Gender Discourses in the Early Republic / ‘A World Turned Upside Down’: Mobilising Women for the Revolution / Women in the City and Countryside before 1949 / The New Communist State and Marriage Reform: ‘Public Patriarchy’ in Practice? / ’Women Hold Up Half the Sky’: The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution / Women and Socioeconomic Change in the Post-Mao Era / Conclusion Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback Paperback

224pp £60.00 £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-57776-3 978-0-230-57777-0

Gender and History Series Editors: Amanda Capern and Louella McCarthy

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB

Gender and Conflict since 1914 Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Gender, Citizenship and the Media

Edited by Ana Carden-Coyne, Co-Director, Centre for the Cultural History of War, University of Manchester, UK

Jane Chapman, Reader in Journalism Studies, Lincoln University, UK

'Ana Carden-Coyne and her energetic contributors...are our intellectual land mine defusers. If we, their fortunate readers, read their findings slowly, if we pause to mull over their comparisons and causal revelations, we just might make it safely across the minefield of militarized gender politics to draw useful lessons on the other side.' - Cynthia Enloe, Clark University, USA (from the Afterword)

What was the precise nature of the synergy between gender, citizenship and media from an historical perspective? This study examines evidence of female influence in the relationship between newspapers and society, using examples of mass communications across continents, empires and periods.

An interdisciplinary collection of essays that offers fresh perspectives on gendered discourses and practices in periods of conflict, from the First World War through to the 'War on Terror'. Contents: Introduction; A.Carden-Coyne / Gendered Experiences of Civilian Internment During the First World War: A Forgotten Dimension of Wartime Violence; M.Stibbe / Defending the Home(land): Gendering Civil Defence from the First World War to the 'War on Terror'; S.R.Grayzel & L.Noakes / Men Refusing to Be Violent: Manliness and Military Conscientious Objection, 1914 to the Present Day; L.S.Bibbings / Tresspassing on the 'Trench-Fighter's Story': (Re)-Imagining the Female Combatant of the First World War; L.Murphy / Courage, Conflict and Activism: Transnational Feminist Peace Movements, 1900 to the Present Day; L.R.Cohen / Gendering the Politics of War Wounds Since 1914; A.Carden-Coyne / The Not Dead: War Disability in Film and Literature from the First World War to the Present; J.Meyer / Emotional Women and Frail Men: Gendered Diagnostics from Shellshock to PTSD, 1914–2010; H.Croft / Masculinities, Ethnicities and the Terrorist in Cyprus (1950–9) and the 'War on Terror', (2001–); G.Koureas / Where the Boys Are: Militarization, Sexuality and Red Cross Donut Dollies in the Vietnam War; K.D.Vuic / 'I was one of the better interrogators': Gender Performativity, Identity Transformation and the Female Military Intelligence Officer in the Iraq War; P.Godfrey / Afterword; C.Enloe August 2012 Hardback Paperback

192pp £60.00 £19.99

Contents: PART I: SETTING THE PARAMETERS / Introduction: Tracing Patterns, Linkages and Evidence / PART II: PIONEERS AND EMERGING COMMERCIAL TENSIONS / France: Pioneering the Popular Newspaper Brand and the Female Market / France and Britain: Cultural Citizenship and the Rise of Consumer Society / PART III: LABOUR MOVEMENT ROOTS AND THE POLITICS of EXCLUSION / French India: From Private to Public Sphere / Britain: Finding a Voice for the Vote in the Mainstream Press / PART IV: CULTURAL CITIZENSHIP AND DIRECT ACTION / Britain: Apocalypse and Press as a Double Edged Sword / British India: Women and the Hegemonic Colonial Press / PART V: TRACES AND OUTCOMES / Afterwords and Conclusion / BIBLIOGRAPHY / TABLES September 2012 304pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23244-0

Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media Series Editors: Bill Bell, Chandrika Kaul and Kenneth A. Osgood

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

234x156mm 978-0-230-28094-6 978-0-230-28095-3

Gender and History Series Editors: Amanda Capern and Louella McCarthy

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history Middle Eastern and Jewish History

The Gulf War, 1990–91 William Thomas Allison, Professor of Military History, Georgia Southern University, USA

'William Allison has written a concise, highly readable account of the 1991 Gulf War. Students of History and International Affairs will especially welcome its thorough exploration of the reasons behind the conflict and President George H.W. Bush’s building of the impressive international coalition that drove the Iraqi army from Kuwait.' - Spencer Tucker, Virginia Military Institute, USA Incorporating the latest scholarship, William Thomas Allison provides a concise overview of the origins, course and outcomes of the first Gulf War, as well as the major issues and debates. Allison also examines the relevance of this war to other twentieth-century conflicts and the ongoing situation in the region. Contents: List of Figures / Preface / Inventing the Middle East and Iraq / Republican Iraq and the Rise of Saddam Hussein / The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait / Building Desert Shield / Moving to the Offensive / Instant Thunder / The Ground War / Aftermath and Legacies / Notes / Chronology / Glossary / Select Bibliography / Index August 2012 208pp 216x138mm 2 maps and 7 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-20264-1 Paperback £18.99 978-0-230-20265-8

World History


The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848–1918 Edited by Mitchell G. Ash, Professor for Modern History, and Jan Surman, PhD Student, Department of History, both at University of Vienna, Austria

This volume challenges the widespread belief that scientific knowledge as such is international. Employing case studies from Austria, Poland, the Czech lands, and Hungary, the authors show how scientists in the late Habsburg Monarchy simultaneously nationalized and internationalized their knowledge.

Terrorist’s Creed Fanatical Violence and the Search for Meaning Roger Griffin, Professor in Modern History, Oxford Brookes University , UK

Using case studies gleaned from social science theory, novels and films to offer an interpretation of social and psychological dynamics of acts of terrorism. The origins of the fanaticism demanded by such acts is located in the human need to create a transcendent meaning, which is constantly threatened by the impact of modernity.

Contents: List of Tables and Figures / The Authors / The Nationalisation of Scientific Knowledge in Nineteenthcentury Central Europe: An introduction; M.G.Ash & J.Surman / Science and its Publics: Internationality and National Languages in Central Europe; J.Surman / ‘Staatsnation’, ‘Kulturnation’, ‘Nationalstaat’: The Role of National Politics in the Advancement of Science and Scholarship in Austria from 1848 to 1938; J.Feichtinger / ‘National Agreement’ as Culture and Practice: The Geological Survey in Vienna and the Habsburg Empire (1849–1867); M.Klemun / Scientific Nationalism: A Historical Approach to Nature in Late Nineteenth-century Hungary; G.Palló / Acts of Creation: The Eötvös Family and the Rise of Science Education in Hungary; T.Frank / Patriotism, Nationalism and Internationalism in Czech Science: Chemists in the Czech National Enlightenment; S.Štrbáňová / Fault Lines and Borderlands: Earthquake Spotting in Imperial Austria; D.R.Coen / Nationalising Eugenics: The Hungarian Public Debate of 1910–1911; M.Turda / The Politics of Fin-desiècle Anatomy; T.Buklijas / Index

Contents: Acknowledgments / Preface / Introduction: The Liquid Fear of Terrorism / Terrorism as Zealotry: Defending the Nomos / Modernist Terrorism: Creating the Nomos / The Metapolitics of Terrorism in Fiction / The Metapolitics of Terrorist Radicalization / Modern Zealots of the Sacred Homeland / Modernist Terrorism Red, Black, and White / The Hybrid Metapolitics of Religious Terrorism / Islamism’s Global War against Nomocide / Afterthoughts on the Nature of Terrorism / Endnotes / Index

July 2012 208pp tables and figures Hardback £50.00

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x138mm 978-0-230-28987-1

September 2012 172pp Hardback £50.00

Modernism and... Series Editor: Roger Griffin

Twentieth Century Wars Series Editor: Jeremy Black

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB




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198x129mm 978-0-230-24129-9

Comes with a CD/DVD


Postwar Anti-Racism The United States, UNESCO, and “Race,” 1945–1968

The Development of Consumer Credit in Global Perspective Business, Regulation, and Culture

Anthony Q. Hazard Jr., Inclusive Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow, Santa Clara University, USA

This book explores the discourse and practice of anti-racism in the first two decades following World War II, uncovering the ways scientific and cultural discourses of ‘race’ continued to circulate in the early period of contemporary globalization through the lens on UNESCO. Contents: Early Postwar Anti-Racism: UNESCO in the 1940s / Science and Politics: UNESCO Studies ‘Race’ / UNESCO under Fire: Anti-Communism and AntiRacism / Anti-Racism and Orientalism / Movement and Momentum: UNESCO in the Early 1960s / Radicalization and the Collapse of Postwar Anti-Racism September 2012 224pp Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00383-6

Contemporary Black History Series Editor: Peniel E. Joseph

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Edited by Jan Logemann, Research Fellow, German Historical Institute, USA

This volume brings together historians, economists, political scientists, and anthropologists to present a global perspective on the new forms of lending and borrowing that have become a key feature of twentieth-century mass consumer societies, emphasizing comparative and transnational historical perspectives. Contents: Towards a Global History of Credit in Modern Consumer Societies; J.Logemann / PART I: LENDERS AND LENDING PRACTICES / Selling Televisions on Credit: The Rise of Consumer Credit in Postwar France; I.Gaillard / Moral or Modern Marketing? Sparkassen and Consumer Credit in West Germany; R.Belvederesi-Kochs / Credit in a Nation of Savers: The Growth of Consumer Borrowing in Japan; A.Gordon / PART II: BORROWERS AND CREDIT ACCESS / The Business of Working-Class Credit: Subprime Markets in the United Kingdom since 1880; S.O’Connell / American Women’s Struggle to End Credit Discrimination in the Twentieth Century; L.Bowdish / Virtually Creditworthy: Privacy, the Right to Information, and Consumer Credit Reporting in West Germany, 1950–1985; L.Frohman / PART III: STATE REGULATION AND CREDIT POLICIES / Banking on Consumer Credit: Explaining Patterns of Household Borrowing in the United States and France; G.Trumbull / French Consumer Credit Policy in the 1950s and 1960s: From Opposition to Control; S.Effosse / From Cradle to Bankruptcy? Credit Access and the American Welfare State; J.Logemann / PART IV: CULTURES OF CREDIT / Economic Agents and the Culture of Debt; S.Meyer / Japan and the Western Model: An Economist’s View of Cultures of Household Finance; C.Y.Horioka / ‘Ahead a Good Deal’: Taking the Long View of Household Debt and Credit in American Life; L.Calder July 2012 304pp 7 figures and 2 b/w tables Hardback £60.00

Ordering Independence Spencer Mawby, Senior Lecturer, School of History, University of Nottingham, UK

Spencer Mawby analyzes the conflicts between the British government and Caribbean nationalists over regional integration, the Cold War, immigration policy and financial aid in the decades before Jamaica, Trinidad and the other territories of the Anglophone Caribbean became independent. Contents: Introduction / The Struggle for Independence 1947–1952 / Ordering the Islands 1952–1958 / The Triumph of Disorder 1958–1962 / Order and Disorder Between Dependence and Independence 1962–1969 / Conclusions / Notes / Bibliography / Index June 2012 Hardback

312pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27818-9

Britain and the World Series Editors: James Onley, A.G. Hopkins, Gregory Barton and Bryan Glass

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x140mm 978-0-230-34105-0

Worlds of Consumption

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Western Anti-Communism and the Interdoc Network



Cold War Internationale

A Cultural History Javier Moscoso, Research Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, Institute of Philosophy, Spanish National Research Council, Spain

Giles Scott-Smith, Senior Researcher, Roosevelt Study Centre, The Netherlands

Interdoc was established in 1963 by Western intelligence services as a multinational effort to co-ordinate an anti-communist offensive. Drawing on exclusive sources and the memories of its participants, this book charts Interdoc’s campaign, the people and ideas that lay behind it and the rise and fall of this remarkable network during the Cold War.

Halfway between history and philosophy, this book deals with the historical forms that have permitted the understanding of human suffering from the Renaissance to the present. Representation, sympathy, imitation, coherence and narrativity are but a few of the rhetorical recourses that men and women have employed in order to feel our pain.

Contents: Introduction: Answering the Communist Challenge / International Cooperation in AntiCommunism / Building the International Network / The European Web / International Festivals and Interdoc Youth / The Fallout from Ostpolitik / Bringing the Americans Back In / Interdoc Reconfigures - The 1970s and Detente / Conclusion / Bibliography

Contents: Preface / Representations / Imitation / Sympathy / Correspondence / Trust / Narrativity / Coherence / Reiteration

Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series Series Editors: Akira Iriye and Rana Mitter

August 2012 Hardback

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

288pp £25.00

216x138mm 978-1-4039-9118-8

August 2012 Hardback

320pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-22126-0

Engineering Society The Role of the Human and Social Sciences in Modern Societies, 1880–1980 Edited by Benjamin Ziemann, Reader in Modern History, University of Sheffield, UK, Kerstin Bruckweh, Research Fellow, German Historical Institute, UK, Richard Wetzell, Research Fellow, German Historical Institute, USA and Dirk Schumann, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Georg August University, Germany

Explaining crime by reference to abnormalities of the brain is just one example of how the human and social sciences have influenced the approach to social problems in Western societies since 1880. Focusing on applications such as penal policy, therapy, and marketing, this volume examines how these sciences have become embedded in society. Contributors: Peter Becker, Professor of History, University of Vienna, Austria / Chris Dols, Cultural Historian, Junior Researcher, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands / Thomas Etzemüller, Adjunct Professor in Modern History, University of Oldenburg, Germany / Sarah E. Igo, Associate Professor of History, Political Science, and Sociology, Vanderbilt University, USA / Till Kössler, Professor for the History of Education, Childhood and Youth, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany / Anja Kruke, Head of Department of the Archiv der Sozialen Demokratie, Friedrich-EbertStiftung, Germany / Martin Lengwiler, Professor of Modern History, University of Basel, Switzerland / Elizabeth Lunbeck, Nelson Tyrone, Jr. Professor of History, and Professor of Psychiatry, Vanderbilt University, USA / Julia Moses, Lecturer in Modern History, University of Sheffield, UK / Harry Oosterhuis, Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands; affiliated with the Huizinga Research School for Cultural History, The Netherlands / Lutz Raphael, Professor for Contemporary History, University of Trier, Germany / Stefan Schwarzkopf, Associate Professor in Business History, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark / Mathew Thomson, Reader, Department of History, University of Warwick, UK / Emil Walter-Busch, Senior Lecturer Emeritus of Applied Social Research and Social Psychology, Universities of St.Gall and Zurich, Switzerland A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 Hardback




Web resource available

384pp £65.00

Comes with a CD/DVD

234x156mm 978-0-230-27907-0

language and linguistics Language and Linguistics

The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education

Languages and the Military


Alliances, Occupation and Peace Building

Language and Identities in a Lesbian Group

Edited by Hilary Footitt, Senior Research Fellow, University of Reading, UK and Michael Kelly, Professor, School of Modern Languages, Southampton University, UK

Argiris Archakis, Associate Professor, University of Patras, Greece and Villy Tsakona, Adjuct Lecturer in Linguistics, University of Thrace, Greece

Based on approaches from discourse analysis and sociolinguistics, this study proposes an analytical model focusing on the linguistic and discursive means narrators use to construct a variety of identities in everyday stories. This model is further exploited in language teaching to cultivate students’ cultural sensitivity and critical literacy. Contents: List of Tables / Acknowledgments / Introduction / PART I: ON THE THEORY OF IDENTITIES / Introducing Identities / Defining Identity / PART II: IDENTITIES IN CONVERSATIONAL NARRATIVES / Narrative Theory, Data, and Methodology of the Study / Analyzing Conversational Narratives / PART III: IDENTITIES IN CONVERSATIONAL NARRATIVES: A MODEL FOR THEIR EXPLOITATION IN LANGUAGE TEACHING / Narratives and Language Teaching / Narratives and Critical Literacy / Exploring the Narrative Construction of Identities in Class / Conclusion / Endnotes / References / Index September 2012 208pp 3 b/w tables Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-31395-8

Through detailed case studies ranging from the eighteenth century until today, this book explores the role of foreign languages in military alliances, in occupation and in peace building. It brings together academic researchers and practitioners from the museum and interpreting worlds and the military. Contributors: Louise Askew / Catherine Baker / Constadina Charalambous / Maria Manuela Fernandez Sanchez / Linda Fitchett / Nicholas Fletcher / Peter Hare / Franziska Heimburger / Sylvie Kleinman / Pekka Kujamaki / Lieutenant Colonel Justin Lewis / Diarmait Mac Ghiolla Chriost / Petra Svoljsak / James Taylor / Simona Tobia / Christopher Tozzi A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 272pp 3 b/w tables and 1 figure Hardback £55.00


Lucy Jones, Senior Lecturer in English Language, Edge Hill University, UK

This book explores the construction of identities within a lesbian group, outlining interactive tactics used in the production of mutually-negotiated norms of authenticity. Using ethnography and discourse analysis, a range of group-specific personae are revealed to be continually reworked and reproduced within the women’s interaction. Contents: Transcription Conventions / List of Transcriptions / Introduction / Sociocultural Approaches to Linguistics / Approaches to Language and Sexuality / Doing Ethnography with the Stompers / Dyke and Girl / Negotiating Authentic Style and Practice / Indexing Authenticity via Cultural Knowledge / Political Difference and Maintenance of Shared Identity / Understanding Communities of Practice / Sociocultural Linguistics and Sexuality / Notes / References July 2012 Hardback

224pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29256-7


Palgrave Studies in Languages at War Series Editors: Hilary Footitt and Michael Kelly

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language and linguistics

German Images of the Self and the Other Nationalist, Colonialist and Anti-Semitic Discourse 1871–1918 Felicity Rash, Professor of German Linguistics, Queen Mary University of London, UK

A detailed linguistic analysis of the nationalist discourses of the German Second Reich, which most effectively demonstrates the contrasting images of the German Self and its various Others, such as Jews, native Africans, gypsies and the enemy Other during the First World War. Contents: Foreword / Methodological Framework / Self-identity, Otherness and Nationalism / Racism in Discourse / Anti-Semitism in Discourse / Colonialism in Discourse / Discourse in War-Time / Conclusion August 2012 1 b/w table Hardback





Essential Statistics in Applied Linguistics

Digital Games in Language Learning and Teaching

Wander Lowie, Senior Lecturer and Bregtje Seton, PhD Student, both at University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Edited by Hayo Reinders, Head of Learner Development, Middlesex University, UK

An accessible introduction to statistics and methodology for students of (Applied) Linguistics. Assuming no prior knowledge of statistics, the authors take an activity-based approach, focussing on the application of statistics and helping students to understand why statistical analyses are needed. Includes How-To sections and exercises throughout. Contents: Preface: How to Use this Book / PART I / Types of Research Systematicity in Statistics: Variables / Descriptive Statistics / Statistical Logic / Doing Statistics: From Theory to Practice / Common Statistics for Applied Linguistics / Conclusion / References / PART II: HOW TO SPSS / Introduction / How to do Descriptive Statistics / How to Check Assumptions / How to do a t-test / How to do a One-Way ANOVA / How to do a (Two-Way) ANOVA / How to do a Correlation Analysis / How to do a Simple Regression Analysis / How to do a Chi-square Analysis / PART III: SPSS PRACTICALS / Practical 1: Exploring SPSS and Entering Variables / Practical 2: Descriptive Statistics / Practical 3: Calculations using SPSS / Practical 4: Inductive Statistics / Practical 5: Miscellaneous Assignments / Practical 6: Miscellaneous Assignments September 2012 144pp Hardback £50.00 Paperback £16.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-30480-2 978-0-230-30481-9 TB

Foreword by James Paul Gee

This edited volume explores how digital games have the potential to engage learners both within and outside the classroom and to encourage interaction in the target language. This is the first dedicated collection of papers to bring together state-of-the-art research in game-based learning. Contents: Foreword; J.P.Gee / Introduction; H.Reinders / PART I: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE / Contextualising Digital Game-based Language Learning: Transformational Paradigm Shift or Business as Usual?; M.Thomas / Conceptualizing Digital Game-mediated L2 Learning and Pedagogy: Game-enhanced and Gamebased Research and Practice; J.Reinhardt & J.Sykes / Behaviorism, Constructivism, and Communities of Practice: How Pedagogic Theories help us Understand Game-based Language Learning; M.Filsecker / Language Learner Interaction in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game (MMORPG); M.Peterson / PART II: FROM PRACTICE TO THEORY / Digital Gameplay for Autonomous Foreign Language Learning: Gamers and Language Teachers’ Perspectives; A.Chik / Gamebased Practice in a Reading Strategy Tutoring System: Showdown in iSTART-ME; T.Jackson, K.Dempsey & D.McNamara / Sprites and Rules: What ERPs and Procedural Memory can tell us about Video Games and Language Learning; R.Reichle / Talk to Me! Games and Students’ Willingness to Communicate; H.Reinders & S.Wattana / World of VocCraft: Computer Games and Swedish Learners’ L2 English Vocabulary; P.Sundqvist & K.Sylven / Collocation Games from a Language Corpus; S.Wu, M.Franken & H.Witten June 2012 240pp 27 b/w tables and 23 figures Paperback £19.99

216x138mm 978-1-137-02283-7

New Language Learning and Teaching Environments Series Editor: Hayo Reinders

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language and linguistics • law

Mastering Practical Grammar Sara Thorne, formerly Joint Chief Examiner for AS/A2 English Language and Literature; currently Educational Consultant and LEA English Adviser

This text introduces the basic terminology and concepts of modern grammar, with practical reinforcement throughout. The book contains exercises to test understanding and give readers the opportunity to consider grammar in context. Contents: Preface / Symbols and Conventions / Phonemic Symbols / Introduction / What is Grammar? / Why Learn about Grammar? / Approaches to Grammar / Levels of Language / Getting Started / How to Use This Book / PART I: WORDS / Word Classes / Nouns / Adjectives / Verbs / Adverbs / Determiners / Pronouns / Prepositions / Conjunctions / Conclusion / Using your Knowledge / Nouns / Adjectives / Verbs / Adverbs / Conjunctions / PART II: PHRASES / What is a Phrase? / Noun Phrases / Adjective Phrases / Verb Phrases / Adverb Phrases / Prepositional Phrases / Phrases in Sentences / Conclusion / Using Your Knowledge / Noun Phrases / Adjective Phrases / Verb Phrases / Adverb Phrases / Phrases in Different Text Types / PART III: CLAUSES / What is a Clause? / Main and Subordinate Clauses / The Six Types of Subordinate Clause / Clause Elements / Clause Structure / The Position and Function of Clauses / Identifying Subordinate Clauses in Sentences / Grammatical Ambiguity / Conclusion / Using Your Knowledge / Using Main and Subordinate Clauses / Text Type and Clause Structure / Grammatical Ambiguity / PART IV: SENTENCES / What is a Sentence? / Sentence Types / Analysing Sentences / Linking Sentences / Sentence Organisation / Grammatical Mood / Conclusion / Using your Knowledge / Sentence Type and Structure / Linking Sentences and Sentence Organisation / Grammatical Mood / PART V: DISCOURSE / What is Discourse? / Language Variation / Register / Text Types / Context / Standard and Non-standard English / Conclusion / Using Your Knowledge / Register / Text Types / Context / Non-standard English / What Next? / PART VI: APPENDICES / A: Suggested Framework for Analysis / B: Glossary / C: Wider Reading June 2012 272pp 234x156mm 34 tables, 3 illustrations and 5 diagrams Paperback £15.99 978-0-230-54290-7

Law Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes The Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes series has been developed to meet the needs of today's law students. Compiled by experienced lecturers, each title contains the essential materials needed at LLB level and, where applicable, on GDL/CPE courses. They are specifically designed to be easy to use under exam conditions and in the lecture hall.

Core Statutes on Family Law 2012–2013 Frances Burton, CoDirector, Centre for Family Law and Practice, London Metropolitan University, UK

‘The up-to-date, wideranging coverage and accessible, easy-tonavigate structure make this an invaluable statutes book for those studying Family Law.’ Janette Porteous, Lincoln Law School, University of Lincoln, UK July 2012 Paperback

416pp £13.99

Core EU Legislation 2012–2013 Nicole Busby, Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Stirling, UK and Rhona Smith, Professor of International Human Rights, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK

'This book is amongst the best statute books currently available. The coverage is up-todate and precise, the presentation is accessible and clear, and the price offers good value for money.' - Caoimhín MacMaoláin, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland July 2012 Paperback

432pp £11.99

246x171mm 978-1-137-02209-7

Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2012–2013 Kate Cook, Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Mark James, Head of Law School, University of Salford, UK and Richard Lee, Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

246x171mm 978-1-137-02208-0

'The user-friendly layout makes access to the law quick and easy, while the un-annotated format makes it ideal for use in examinations.' - Karen Davies, Swansea University School of Law, UK July 2012 Paperback

224pp £11.99

246x171mm 978-1-137-02213-4 TB

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Core Statutes on Company Law 2012–13

Core Statutes on Employment Law 2012–2013

Cowan Ervine, Honorary Teaching Fellow, School of Law, University of Dundee, UK

'This book stands out for its clarity and offers an authoritative collection of the most relevant statutory provisions across the field of company law.' - Demetra Arsalidou, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University, UK July 2012 Paperback

736pp £13.99

246x171mm 978-1-137-02214-1

Core Documents on International Law 2nd edition

Dominique Lauterburg, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

July 2012 Paperback

416pp £14.99

246x171mm 978-1-137-02230-1

• The Information and Consultation of Employee Regulations 2004 'Contains the most relevant employment statutes for students. The book is both well structured and accessible.' - Karen Davies, School of Law, Swansea University, UK July 2012 352pp 246x171mm Paperback £13.99 978-1-137-02215-8


'Students only have to buy one single book in which they can find all the documents they need: it is both practical and cost-effective.’ Caroline Fournet, School of Law, University of Exeter, UK July 2012 Paperback

416pp £11.99

246x171mm 978-1-137-02217-2

Core Statutes on Property Law 2012–2013 Peter Luther, Senior Lecturer, University of Essex, UK and Alan Moran, Senior Lecturer, University of Essex, UK

‘The book’s studentfriendly structure and presentation make it very easy to locate statutes quickly. I would recommend this book to all those on property law courses.’ - Linda Clements, Law School, University of Hull, UK ‘This well presented book contains all the most relevant statutes on property law. It is excellent value for money and an indispensable tool for students.’ - Sue Farran, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK July 2012 352pp 246x171mm Paperback £11.99 978-1-137-02216-5


Rhona Smith, Professor of International Human Rights, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK Eimear Spain, Lecturer in Law, School of Law, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland, and Richard Glancey, Lecturer, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK

New to this edition: • The Agency Workers Regulations 2010

Karen Hulme, Senior Lecturer, University of Essex, UK

'This accessible collection brings together the essential international law documents that students need at a very reasonable price.’ - James Summers, Lancaster University Law School, UK

Core Statutes on Public Law and Civil Liberties 2012–2013


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Core Documents on European and International Human Rights 2nd edition Rhona Smith, Professor of International Human Rights, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK

'A handy, well classified and very accessible compilation of European and international human rights documents. Excellent value for money.’ - Bharat Malkani, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, UK July 2012 Paperback

368pp £14.99

246x171mm 978-1-137-02229-5

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Indigenous Crimes and Settler Law White Sovereignty after Empire

Core Statutes on Contract, Tort and Restitution 2012–2013

July 2012 Paperback

272pp £11.99

Graham Stephenson, formerly, University of Central Lancashire, UK

Martin Wasik, Professor of Criminal Justice, Keele University, UK

'Complete and concise. Just what the law student needs.' - John Halladay, Buckingham Law School, University of Buckingham, UK

A carefully selected and competitively priced collection of the key materials.

246x171mm 978-1-137-02221-9

Core Statutes on Commercial and Consumer Law 2012–2013 Graham Stephenson, formerly, University of Central Lancashire, UK

'Highly recommended to those studying commercial and consumer law: this book is well presented and provides good value for money.' - Mark Van Hoorebeek, Bradford University Law School, UK 'Palgrave’s Core Statutes on Commercial and Consumer Law provides good coverage of the relevant legislation for students on commercial and consumer law courses, and represents value for money.' - Joan Loughrey, School of Law, University of Leeds, UK July 2012 Paperback

432 pp £13.99

Core Statutes on Criminal Justice and Sentencing 2012–2013

July 2012 Paperback

416pp £14.99

246x171mm 978-1-137-02223-3

Please use the following ISBN to order all titles in this series: Paperback: 978-0-230-53716-3

Heather Douglas, Associate Professor, TC Beirne School, of Law, University of Queensland, Australia and Mark Finnane, ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, Griffith University, Australia

In a break from the contemporary focus on the law’s response to inter-racial crime, the authors examine the law’s approach to the victimization of one Indigenous person by another. Drawing on a wealth of archival material relating to homicides in Australia, they conclude that settlers and Indigenous peoples still live in the shadow of empire. Contents: 'Troublesome friends and dangerous enemies' / Amenable to the Law / The Exercise of Jurisdiction / A Question of Custom / Equality Before the Law / Towards Formal Recognition / A National Emergency / Conclusion August 2012 Hardback

224 pp £65.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-31650-8

Palgrave Macmillan Socio-Legal Studies Series Editor: David Cowan

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246x171mm 978-1-137-02222-6

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law • life sciences

Legal Theory 6th edition Ian McLeod, Visiting Professor of Law, University of StIrling, UK

Why do some rules have the status of law while others do not? Is law simply a matter of rules anyway? What is justice? Legal Theory asks questions such as these and explains some of the answers that legal theorists have given over the ages, from Ancient Greece to the present day.

Contents: The Nature of Legal Theory: From Laws to Law / An Overview of the Relationship between Law and Morality / The Natural Law Tradition / English Analytical Positivism / Kelsen’s Hierarchy of Norms / The Revival of Natural Law: Fuller and Finnis / Policies, Principles, Rights and Interpretation: Dworkin’s Theory of Law / American Realism / Critical Perspectives on Law / Theories of Justice / Law and Morality August 2012 Paperback

264pp £20.99

Community Ecology

Life Sciences

234x156mm 978-0-230-36204-8

Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters Series Editor: Marise Cremona

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Gary G. Mittelbach, Michigan State University, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, USA


Molecular Cell Biology

This is a much-needed up-to-date text on community ecology, covering both the earlier and later paradigms of community ecology with deep expertise.

International Edition - 7th edition Harvey Lodish, MIT, USA, Arnold Berk, University of California, USA, Chris A. Kaiser and Monty Krieger, both at MIT, USA, Anthony Bretscher, Cornell University, USA, Hidde Ploegh and Angelika Amon, both at MIT, USA and Matthew P. Scott, Stanford University, USA

With its acclaimed authors, cutting-edge content, emphasis on medical relevance and landmark experiments, Molecular Cell Biology is an impeccable textbook. Updated throughout, the seventh edition features new co-author Angelika Amon, a completely rewritten chapter on the Cell Cycle and significant updates to experimental techniques. Contents: Molecules, Cells, and Evolution / Chemical Foundations / Protein Structure and Function / Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms / Molecular Genetic Techniques / Genes, Genomics, and Chromosomes / Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression / PostTranscriptional Gene Control / Culturing, Visualizing, and Perturbing Cells / Biomembrane Structure / Transmembrane Transport of Ions and Small Molecules / Cellular Energetics / Moving Proteins into Membranes and Organelles / Vesicular Traffic, Secretion, and Endocytosis / Signal Transduction and G ProteinCoupled Receptors / Signaling Pathways that Control Gene Expression / Cell Organization and Movement I: Microfilaments / Cell Organization and Movement II: Microtubules and Intermediate Filaments / The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle / Integrating Cells into Tissues / Stem Cells, Cell Asymmetry, and Cell Death / Nerve Cells / Immunology / Cancer


350pp £48.99

Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc. TB

Lecturer and student supplements are available. August 2012 Hardback

973pp £59.99

280x220mm 978-1-4641-0981-2

Published by W. H. Freeman with Palgrave Macmillan TB




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190x210mm 978-0-87893-509-3

Comes with a CD/DVD

life sciences • literature

Oceanography and Marine Biology An Introduction to Marine Science David W. Townsend, Professor, University of Maine, USA

Oceanography and Marine Biology presents the basic elements of the physical, chemical, and geological aspects of the marine sciences, and merges them into a broader framework of marine biology and ecology. The text uses everyday examples of how these areas form the foundations for understanding the marine environment in a changing world.

Literature/Early Modern Literature

The Tempest and New WorldUtopian Politics Frank W. Brevik, Assistant Professor, Department of English, LaGrange College, USA

A post-1989 interpretation of The Tempest that reaches new conclusions about how to teach about the play’s setting, Caliban, and its New World-utopian politics.

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.

Contents: PART I: THE NEW WORLD TEMPEST ORTHODOXY AS MULTICULTURAL PEDAGOGY / The Rampant Politicization of Tempest - Criticism - and its Recent Discontents / Teaching The Tempest in an American-Adamic Context / PART II: ‘TEXT’ VERSUS ‘CONTEXT’ IN POST-SECOND WORLD WAR CRITICISM / Such Maps as Dreams are Made on: Discourse, Utopian Geography, and The Tempest‘s Island / Calibans Anonymous: The Journey from Text to Self in Modern Criticism / PART III: SUBVERSIVE AMERICAN ADAMS AND ANARCHIC UTOPISTS / The Tempest Beyond Post-Colonial Politics: Vargas Llosa’s The Storyteller as Topical Retrotext / ‘Any Strange Beast there Makes a Man’: New World Manliness as Old World / Kingliness in The Tempest / ‘Thought is Free’: The Tempest, Freedom of Expression, and the New World / PART IV: APORIC HYPER-TOPICALITY AND TEMPESTIAN MULTIVALENCY / Towards a Post-1989 Reading of The Tempest / A Presentist New Formalism?

August 2012 Hardback

August 2012 Hardback


575pp £45.99

275x210mm 978-0-8789-3602-1

Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.

208pp £55.00

Femininity, Crime and SelfDefence in Victorian Literature and Society From Dagger-Fans to Suffragettes Emelyne Godfrey, Freelance Writer

An exploration into the development of women’s self-defence from 1850 to 1914. This text features major writers, including H.G. Wells, Elizabeth Robins and Richard Marsh, and encompasses an unusually wide-ranging number of subjects from hatpin crimes to the development of martial arts for women. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgments / A Note on the Text / Abbreviations / Introduction / PART I: ‘A DOOR OPEN, A DOOR SHUT’ / On the Street / Danger en Route / Behind Closed Doors: Bogey-Husbands in Disguise: Mona Caird’s The Wing of Azrael (1889) / PART II: FIGHTING FOR EMANCIPATION / Elizabeth Robins’s The Convert / The Last Heroine Left? / PART III: THE PREWAR FEMALE GAZE / ‘Where Are You Going To, My Pretty Maid?’: Elizabeth Robins on White Slavery Read My Lips / Bibliography / Index September 2012 208pp figures Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-30031-6

Crime Files Series Editor: Clive Bloom

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216x140mm 978-1-137-02179-3


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Posthumanist Shakespeares Edited by Stefan Herbrechter, Reader in Cultural Theory; Postgraduate Programme Manager, Coventry University, UK and Ivan Callus, Professor of English, University of Malta

Shakespeare scholars and cultural theorists critically investigate the relationship between early modern culture and contemporary political and technological changes concerning the idea of the ‘human.’ The volume covers the tragedies King Lear and Hamlet in particular, but also provides post-humanist readings of other Shakespearean plays. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Notes on the Contributors / Introduction: Shakespeare Ever After; S.Herbrechter / PART I: READING SHAKESPEARE ‘AFTER’ HUMANISM / The Science of the Heart: Shakespeare, Kames and the EighteenthCentury Invention of the Human; N.Rhodes’ / 'A passion so strange, outrageous, and so variable:’ The Invention of the Inhuman in The Merchant of Venice; S.Herbrechter / Shakespeare and the Character of Sheep; B.Boehrer / Homeostasis in Shakespeare; G.Egan / PART II: ‘POSTHUMANIST’ READINGS / Care, Scepticism, Speaking in the Plural: Posthumanisms and Humanisms in King Lear; A.Mousley / Cyborg Coriolanus / Monster Body Politic; M.Pfannebecker / Renaissance Self-Unfashioning: Shakespeare’s Late Plays as Exercises in Unravelling the Human; R.Emig / Surviving Truth (Measure for Measure); M.Robson / PART III: HAMLET, ‘POSTHUMANIST’ / (Post-)Heideggerian Hamlet; L.Milesi / Loam, Moles, and l’homme: Reversible Hamlet; M-D.Garnier / ''This'?:' Posthumanism and the Graveyard Scene in Hamlet; I.Callus / Afterword: Post-Posthumanist Me: An Illiterate Reads Shakespeare; A.M.Cohen & D.B.King / Index

Shakespeare and the Shrew

Shakespeare’s Irrational Endings

Performing the Defiant Female Voice

The Problem Plays

Anna Kamaralli, Teaching Fellow on the Theatre Programme, School of English, Film, Theatre and Media Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; her articles have appeared in Shakespeare Survey and Shakespeare Bulletin

An investigation of the many ways that Shakespeare uses the defiant voice of the shrew. Kamaralli explores how modern performance practice negotiates the possibilities for staging these characters who refuse to conform to standards of acceptable behaviour for women, but are among Shakespeare’s bravest, wisest and most vivid creations. Contents: Introduction/ 'Shrewd tempters with their tongues': Historic Shrews / Constance, Kate Percy, Jeanne la Pucelle, Margaret d’Anjou / 'My tongue will tell the anger of my heart': Comic Shrews / Adriana, Katherine, Beatrice / 'Well she can persuade': Shrews Post-Comedy / The Tragedies: Goneril, Emilia / The not-quite Tragedies: Isabella, Marina, Paulina / Conclusion / 'Let her speak too' / Index September 2012 224pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34809-7

Palgrave Shakespeare Studies Series Editors: Michael Dobson and Dympna Callaghan

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David Margolies, Emeritus Professor of English, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

'An important contribution to the debate about what constitutes a Shakespearean ‘problem play’, how we address the problems that they raise, and how they fit within the overall canon...I have no doubt that this is a book that will be widely adopted by undergraduate and general readers, theatre-goers and theatre-makers.' - Simon Barker, University of Lincoln, UK 'Problem Plays' has been an awkward category for those Shakespeare plays that don’t fit the conventional groupings. Expanding from the traditional three plays to six, the book argues that they share dramatic structures designed intentionally by Shakespeare to disturb his audience by frustrating their expectations. Contents: Preface / Introduction / All’s Well that Ends Well / Much Ado about Nothing / Measure for Measure / The Merchant of Venice / Troilus and Cressida / Othello / Conclusion / Notes / Index June 2012 1 diagram Hardback





August 2012 256pp 216x138mm 2 b/w photographs and 3 b/w line drawings Hardback £50.00 978-0-230-36090-7

Palgrave Shakespeare Studies Series Editors: Michael Dobson and Dympna Callaghan

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Re-imagining Western European Geography in English Renaissance Drama Monica Matei-Chesnoiu, Ovidius University Constanta, Romania

Matei-Chesnoiu examines the changing understanding of world geography in sixteenthcentury England and the concomitant involvement of the London theatre in shaping a new perception of Western European space. Fresh readings are offered of Shakespeare, Jonson, Marlowe, Middleton, Dekker, Massinger, Marston, and others. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Dramatic Geographies of the Self / Geography as the Eye of History / Romanticized France in the English Imagination / Shifting Views of the German Principalities / Geography and Trade: The Low Countries and Denmark / Spain from Court to Country / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

200pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36630-5

Early Modern Literature in History Series Editors: Cedric C. Brown and Andrew Hadfield

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Eighteenth-Century LiteratuRE

Bluestockings Women of Reason from Enlightenment to Romanticism Elizabeth Eger, Lecturer in English, King’s College London, UK

'Eger’s meticulously researched discussion does much to enrich our understanding of women’s role in Enlightenment and Romantic essential text for those studying the blustockings as well as eighteenth-century women writers.' JoEllen DeLucia, New Books Online - 19 'Illuminates the more peripheral contributions that ‘bluestocking’ women - who often were not very interested in publishing their work - made to literary culture...Eger shows a rich and varied tradition of female-authored Shakespeare criticism.' - Times Literary Supplement This study, now in paperback, argues that female networks of conversation, correspondence and patronage formed the foundation for women’s work in the realms of Shakespeare criticism and poetry. Eger traces the transition between Enlightenment and Romantic culture, arguing for the relevance of rational argument in the history of women’s writing. Contents: Preface to the Paperback Edition / List of Illustrations / Introduction: The Nine Living Muses of Great Britain (1779) / Living Muses: the Female Icon / The Bluestocking Salon: Patronage, Correspondence and Conversation / ‘Female Champions’: Women Critics of Shakespeare / The Bluestocking Legacy in the Romantic Era / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 296pp 30 b/w photographs Paperback £18.99

210x140mm 978-1-137-01847-2

Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print Series Editors: Clifford Siskin and Anne Mellor

The Rise of the Novel Nicholas Seager, Lecturer in English Literature, Keele University, UK

'A remarkably comprehensive, lucid, and wellorganised account...judicious and convincing.' Shaun Regan, Queen’s University Belfast, UK 'Nicholas Seager deserves thanks for this gentle but rigorous introduction to the arguments over the eighteenth-century novel, a learned, wideranging, and scrupulously fair overview of the major accounts of the form.' - Jack Lynch, Rutgers University, USA Explores the dominant methodologies, theories and debates surrounding the emergence of the novel during the eighteenth century. Covering key criticism on authors such as Defoe, Fielding, Richardson and Austen, the emphasis is on how critical work is interrelated, allowing readers to discern trends in the critical conversation. Contents: Introduction / Eighteenth- and NineteenthCentury Accounts of the Rise of the Novel / New Criticism to the Rise of the Novel, 1924–1957 / Restructuring the Rise of the Novel, 1958–1985 / Cultural History and the Rise of the Novel, 1980–1989 / Feminism and the Rise of the Novel / Postcolonialism, Postnationalism and the Rise of the Novel / Rethinking the Rise of the Novel, 1990–2000 / Print Culture and the Rise of the Novel, 1990–2010 / Thematic Criticism of the Rise of the Novel 1: Family, Law, Sex and Society / Thematic Criticism of the Rise of the Novel 2: Politics, Medicine, Politics and Things / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index September 2012 200pp Hardback £47.50 Paperback £15.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-25182-3 978-0-230-25183-0

Readers’ Guides to Essential Criticism Series Editor: Nicolas Tredell

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Novel Minds

Irish Literature

Philosophers and Romance Readers, 1680–1740 Rebecca Tierney-Hynes, Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada

Advertising, Literature and Print Culture in Ireland, 1891–1922

'Novel Minds delivers a nuanced understanding of the instabilities and uncertainties of the consciousness shaped by reading imagined in eighteenth-century philosophy and narrative prose. In a lively and engaging style, TierneyHynes brings the writings of significant writers into interesting conversation with each other.' - Ros Ballaster, Professor of 18th Century Studies, University of Oxford, UK Eighteenth-century philosophy owes much to the early novel. Using the figure of the romance reader this book tells a new story of eighteenth-century reading. The impressionable mind and mutable identity of the romance reader haunt eighteenthcentury definitions of the self, and the seductions of fiction insist on making an appearance in philosophy. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: From Passions to Language: The Transformation of the Imagination / Locke: Metaphorical Romances / Behn: Romance from the Stage to the Letter / Shaftesbury: Conversation and the Psychology of Romance / Hume: Reading Romances, Writing the Self / Richardson: How to Read Romance / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

232pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36937-5

Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print Series Editors: Clifford Siskin and Anne Mellor

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Literary History

John Strachan, Professor and Claire Nally, both at Northumbria University, UK

First Announcement

Mary I Gender, Power, and Ceremony in the Reign of England’s First Queen

A study of Irish advertising’s cultural, literary and ideological resonance in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Contents: List of Illustrations /Acknowledgements / Introduction /PART I: ADVERTISING IN IRELAND 1850–1914 / Prologue - The Irish Advertising Scene from the 1850s to the 1880s / Advertising and the Nation in the Irish Revival / PART II: PRINT CULTURE / The Shan Van Vocht (1896–1899) and The Leader (1900–1936): National Identity in Advertising / The Sinn Féin Depot and the Selling of Irish Sport / The Lady of the House (1890–1921): Gender, Fashion and Domesticity / Unionism, Advertising and the Third Home Rule Bill / PART III: 'HIGH' CULTURE / Oscar Wilde as Editor and Writer: Aesthetic Interventions in Fashion and Material Culture / Consumerism and Anti-Commercialism: The Yeatses, Print Culture, and Home Industry / PART IV: ADVERTISING IN IRELAND 1914–1922 / Advertising, Ireland and the Great War / Coda - From the Armistice to the Saorstát / Bibliography / Index August 2012 296pp 70 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29873-6

Edited by Sarah Duncan, Assistant Professor of History, Spring Hill College, USA

Explores the gender politics of the reign of Mary I of England from her coronation to her funeral and examines the ways in which the queen and her supporters used language, royal ceremonies, and images to bolster her right to rule and define her image as queen.

Contents: Mary, the Queen / The Succession of a Queen / The Coronation of a Queen / The Queen’s Two Bodies: Female Sovereignty and the Anglo-Spanish Marriage Negotiations / The Marriage of a Queen: Mary’s Consort, Philip of Spain and the Royal Marriage Ceremony / To Be the King: Defining the Roles of Queen Regnant and King Consort / 'Cruele Jezebel' or 'Handemayde of God'?: Mary as Jezebel and Virgin / 'An uncroned king out of a straunge lande': Philip as Conqueror or Savior / The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen June 2012 304pp 9 b/w illustrations Hardback £57.50

210x140mm 978-0-230-34104-3

Queenship and Power

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Britain’s Bloodless Revolutions

Romantic Misfits

1688 and the Romantic Reform of Literature

Robert Miles, Chair, English Department, University of Victoria, Canada

Anthony Jarrells, Assistant Professor of English, William Paterson University, USA

'...intelligent and attractive.' - Archives Now in paperback with a new preface. An exploration of the emerging category of ‘Literature’ as a kind of political institution to the emerging threat of popular violence between the Bloodless Revolution and the Romantic turn from revolution to reform. Contents: Preface to the Paperback Edition / Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: VIOLENCE AND THE PURSUITS OF LITERATURE / Why Literature - Not the People - Rose / Lyrical Ballads and Terrorist Systems / The Political Institution of Literature / PART II: FROM THE BLOODLESS TO THE ROMANTIC REVOLUTION / Jacobitism and Enlightenment / Bloodless Revolution and the Form of the Novel / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Paperback

240pp £18.99

210x140mm 978-1-137-01867-0

Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print Series Editors: Clifford Siskin and Anne Mellor

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'...a book that contains such a wealth of material and perceptive discussion...' - English Studies ‘An outstanding, learned and deeply thoughtful achievement, presenting an updated narrative of Romantic critical history that will solidify the reader’s grasp of the interplay and progress of seminal modes of thought.’ - Celestine Woo, Romantic Circles Review This book, now in paperback with a new preface, explores the false starts of Romantic writing in Britain - misfits and misfittings - as a constitutive challenge to canonical romanticism and a distinctive literary field worth examining on its own account. Misfits include Shakespeare forger W.H. Ireland, the novel itself and the culture of Dissent. Contents: Preface to the Paperback Edition / Introduction / The Original Misfit: The Shakespeare Forgeries, Herbert Croft’s Love and Madness, and W.H. Ireland’s Romantic Career / Gothic Wordsworth / The Romantic Abject: Cagliostro, Carlyle, Coleridge / The Romantic-era Novel / Dissent: Anna Letitia Barbauld / Bibliography / Index July 2012 256pp 210x140mm 5 in-text b/w photographs/illustrations Paperback £18.99 978-1-137-01852-6

Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print Series Editors: Clifford Siskin and Anne Mellor

Forms of English History in Literature, Language, and Architecture John Twyning, University of Pittsburgh, USA

An exploration of the way English literature has interacted with architectural edifices and the development of landscape as a national style from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century. Analyzing texts in relation to cultural artefacts, each chapter demonstrates the self-conscious production of English consciousness as its most enduring history. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Figures / Introduction: Reproducing Englishness / In Pursuit of the English Style: the Allure of the Gothic / Gothic Adaptations and Reprisals / Tracing the Wild Man in Shakespeare’s England / The Estate and Landscape’s Nation / Thomas Hardy’s Architecture of History / Dracula and Gothic Tourism / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

260pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-02000-9

Language, Discourse, Society Series Editors: Stephen Heath, Colin MacCabe and Denise Riley

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literature Literary Theory

Postcolonial Literatures and Deleuze Colonial Pasts, Differential Futures Edited by Lorna Burns, University of Edinburgh, UK and Birgit M. Kaiser, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

'This volume offers an impressive lineup of scholars, who tackle the complex intersection between Deleuze’s philosophy and postcolonial literature head on and with a laudable thoroughness.' - Visiting Tutor, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK Bringing together high profile scholars in the fields of Deleuze and postcolonial studies, this book highlights the overlooked connections between two major schools of contemporary criticism and establishes a new critical discourse for postcolonial literature and theory.

Intuitions in Literature, Technology, and Politics Parabilities

232pp £50.00

Geraldine Higgins, Assistant Professor of English, Emory University, USA; Associate Director, Yeats Summer School

Alan Clinton, Santa Clara University, USA

Explores the way in which writing registers the changing status of the object - as commodity, as psychoanalytic, spatial, or philosophical concept - from WWII to the present. Sharp and surprising, this wide-ranging project engages with the work of Pynchon, Eco, Forché, Merrill, Weiner, Plath, Ashbery, and Eigner. Contents: Intuitions In / Space, Spectrality, and Parability / Conspiracy of Commodities: Encyclopedic Narrative and Crowdedness / From Spectacle to Fascicle: Walter Benjamin, Carolyn Forché, and Messianic History / Spectral Conversions: James Merrill and Hannah Weiner / Sylvia Plath and Electracy: Spectral Poetics With(out) Specters / The Wireless Spaces of Ashbery and Eigner / Louis Zukofsky and Quantum Criticism (A/One Conclusion) August 2012 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00696-7

American Literature Readings in the Twenty-First Century

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Contents: Introduction / PART I: DETERITORIALIZING DELEUZE, RETHINKING POSTCOLONIALISM / Forget Deleuze; B.B.Janz / The Bachelor-Machine and The Postcolonial Writer; G.Lambert / The World With(out) Others, or How to Unlearn the Desire for the Other; K.Thiele / Edward Said Between Singular and Specific; D.Huddart / Deleuze, Hallward, and the Transcendental Analytic of Relation; N.Nesbitt / PART II: THE SINGULARITY OF POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURES / The Singularities of Postcolonial Literature: Preindividual (hi)stories in Mohammed Dib's 'Northern Trilogy'; B.M.Kaiser / Postcolonialism Beyond the Colonized and the Colonizer: Caribbean Writing as Postcolonial 'Health'; L.Burns / Becoming-animal, Becoming-political in Rachid Boudjedra's L'Escargot Entêté; R.Bensmaia, translated by P.Krus / Revolutionizing Pleasure in Writing: Subversive Desire and Micropolitical Affects in Nalo Hopkinson's The Salt Roads; M.Marinkova / Undercurrents and the Desert(ed): Negarestani, Tournier and Deleuze Map the Polytics of a 'New Earth'; R.Dolphijn / Afterword / Postcolonial Deleuze; R.Braidotti / Index July 2012 Hardback

Heroic Revivals from Carlyle to Yeats

'This is an attractively written, well researched and lively book, which will sell to senior undergraduates, postgraduates and the very large numbers of scholars and students who work in the everexpanding field of Irish Studies.' - George Watson, University of Aberdeen, UK Reassesses the cultural and political dimensions of the Irish Revival’s heroic ideal and explores its implications for the construction of Irish modernity. By foregrounding the heroic ideal, it shows how the cultural landscape carved out by these writers is far from homogenous. Contents: INTRODUCTION: PASSIONATE INTENSITY / Endnotes / PART I: CARLYLE AND O’GRADY’S CELTIC CONGREGATION / Introduction / Desired History / The Chosen Race: Heroic Bloodlines / O’Grady’s Cuchulain / Legend Clings Close to the Soil / Hero Worship: Submission Burning and Boundless / O’Grady’s Heroic Restoration / Endnotes / PART II: GEORGE RUSSELL (AE): THE MEMORY OF RACE / Introduction / The Lost Boys: Childhood and Heroism in AE / The Creation of Heroic Archetypes: AE’s Royal Avatar / Priest or Hero? / Disillusionment / Last Works / Conclusion / Endnotes / PART III: J.M. SYNGE: OUT OF HISTORY INTO LEGEND / Introduction / From World to World / ‘A fine bit of talk’ in The Shadow of the Glen / Codes and Curses in The Tinker’s Wedding / 'Rhyming to set the darkness echoing' in The Well of the Saints / The Hero as Storyteller in the Playboy of the Western World / Conclusion / Endnotes / PART IV: W.B. YEATS: ‘BEFORE ALL ELSE, THE PHRASE OF THE HERO’ / Introduction / Yeats’s Heroic Inheritance: 'A fardel of stories and of personages' / The Dynamism of Escape / Poor Parnell!...My Dead King! / The Parnellite Plays / Heroic Types / Strategic Retreat / Yeats, Pearse and 1916 / Endnotes / Bibliography September 2012 256pp Hardback £40.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34825-7



216x138mm 978-1-137-03562-2


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literature Lives and Letters

Romantic Consciousness Blake to Mary Shelley John Beer, Emeritus Professor and Fellow of Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge, UK

At the end of the eighteenth century English writers probed the riddle of human consciousness and how it differed from ‘Being’ in a divine or universal sense. In the first of two studies, now with a new Preface, Beer traces this question in work by Blake, Coleridge and Wordsworth and its impact on successors such as Keats, Byron and the Shelleys. Contents: Preface to the Paperback Edition / Foreword / Consciousness and the Mystery of Being / Blake’s Fear of Non-Entity / Coleridge, Wordsworth and ‘Unknown Modes of Being’ / Keats and the Highgate Nightingales / De Quincey and the Dark Sublime / Tennyson, the Cambridge Apostles and the Nature of ‘Reality’ / Shelley and Byron: Polarities of Being / Mary Shelley’s Mediation / Appendix: Wordsworth’s Later Sense of Being / Abbreviations / Index July 2012 240pp two small illustrations Paperback £18.99

210x140mm 978-1-137-01811-3

Post-Romantic Consciousness

John Keats

Dickens to Plath

A Literary Life

John Beer, Emeritus Professor and Fellow of Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge, UK

R.S. White, Australian Professorial Fellow; Professor of English and Cultural Studies, University of Western Australia

'Lucid, infectiously enthusiastic and unignorable... Beer has shown himself to be a critic unusually capable of handling the reach and dynamics of the Coleridgean repertoire.' - Paul Hamilton, Queen Mary, University of London, UK, Romanticism 'Beer's book makes a persuasive case for the enduring legacy of the Romantic preoccupation with that part of the self that is distinct from 'conscious ratiocination''. - Ann Gaylin, Times Literary Supplement In this sequel to Romantic Consciousness Beer discusses further questions of human consciousness. Discussions of questions of 'Being' by thinkers such as Heidegger are accompanied by the assertion that writers such as Woolf and Lawrence, followed by Hughes and Plath, owed deeper debt than philosophical contemporaries to their Romantic predecessors. Contents: Questioning Consciousness / Dickens’s Unfinished Fiction / Essaying the Heights, Sounding the Depths: F.W.H. Myers and Edmund / Gurney / James, Heidegger, Sartre, Havel: Other Versions of Being / Woolf’s Moments; Lawrence’s Daemon / Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes: The Hazards of Incompleteness / Index July 2012 Paperback

216pp £18.99

210x140mm 978-1-137-01822-9

Romantic Consciousness (2 volume pack) John Beer, Emeritus Professor and Fellow of Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge, UK July 2012 240pp two small illustrations Pack £30.00


'There is much in these pages that will provoke thought for students and more experienced Keatsians.' - Professor Nicholas Roe, University of St. Andrews, UK '...makes significant contributions at the most advanced level of research and, at the other end of the scale, would be an excellent introduction for college undergraduates and general readers...a fine piece of research and writing...' - Jack Stillinger, New Books Online At the heart of this ‘Literary Life’ is fresh interpretations of Keats’s most loved poems, alongside other neglected but rich poems. The readings are placed in the context of his letters to family and friends, his medical training, radical politics of the time, his love for Fanny Brawne, his coterie of literary figures and his tragic early death. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations / 'He could not quiet be' / 'Aesculapius' / ‘Was there a poet born?' / 'Fraternal souls' and Poems (1817) / 'That which is creative must create itself': 1817 and Endymion / '- Things real - things semireal - and no things -': 1818: January to June / Walking North and the Death of Tom: 1818: July to December / 'A Gordian complication of feelings': Love, Women and Romance / 'Tease us out of thought': May 1819: Odes / Playwright / Autumn in Winchester / 'A frog in a frost': the Final Journey / Poems (1820) / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Paperback

272pp £19.99

210x140mm 978-1-137-03047-4

Literary Lives

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literature Media and Cultural Theory

Comparative Early Modernities

Reading History in Children’s Books

Edited by David Porter, Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, niversity of Michigan, USA

Catherine Butler, Senior Lecturer in English Literature, University of West of England, UK and Hallie O’Donovan, Critic of Children's Literature

Featuring the cutting-edge interventions of nine leading scholars in Asia and Europe, this interdisciplinary volume showcases new comparative perspectives in the fields of literary, social, artistic, and economic history and reexamines the theoretical and methodological premises of comparative historical studies.

A critical account of historical books about Britain written for children, including realist novels, nonfiction, fantasy and alternative histories. It also investigates the literary, ideological and philosophical challenges involved in writing about the past, especially for an audience whose knowledge of history is often limited. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: That Was Then? / The Eagle Has Landed: Representing the Roman Invasion of Britain in Texts for Children / Once, Future, Sometime, Never: Arthur in History / 'She Be Faking It': Authenticity and Anachronism / Dreams of Things that Never Were: Authenticity and Genre / Ancestral Voices, Prophesying War / Patterns of History / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Hardback

232pp £50.00

Contents: PART I: GLOBALIZING EARLY MODERNITY / Eurasian Literature; W.Cohen / A War of Worlds: Becoming 'Early Modern' and the Challenge of Comparison; A.Ramachandran / Asia-Centered Approaches to the History of the Early Modern World; L.Clossey / PART II: COMPARATIVE CULTURAL HISTORY / Pornography, Chastity, and 'Early Modernity' in China and England, 1500-1640; K.Carlitz / Hiding in Plane Sight: Accommodating Incompatibilities in Early Visual Modernity; R.Vinograd / Cultural Trajectories: The Power of the Traditional within the Early Modern; J.Goldstone / PART III:ECONOMIES AND STATES / Visualizing the State in Early Modern England and China; M.Powers / Areas,Networks, and the Search for 'Early Modern' East Asia; K.Pomeranz / Did China’s Late Empire have an Early Modern Era?; R.B.Wong August 2012 Hardback

288pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-12089-1

216x138mm 978-0-230-27808-0

Cultural Afterlives and Screen Adaptations of Classic Literature Wuthering Heights and Company Hila Shachar, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia

Film and television adaptations of classic literature have held a longstanding appeal for audiences, an appeal that this book sets out to examine. With a particular focus on Wuthering Heights, the book examines adaptations made from the 1930s to the twentyfirst century, providing an understanding of how they help shape our cultural landscape. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Introduction: The Screen Afterlife of Wuthering Heights / Before the Afterlife: Analysing Wuthering Heights / The Cinema of Spectacle: Establishing the Wuthering Heights Tradition on the Eve of Hollywood’s Golden Era / Moving Backward, Looking Forward: Jacques Rivette’s Hurlevent Wuthering Heights in the 1990s: Peter Kosminsky’s Ambitious Narrative / Catherine and Heathcliff for the Y Generation: MTV’s Modernisation of Wuthering Heights / Critical Legacies and Contemporary Audiences: The Politics of Neo-Victorianism in ITV’s 2009 Adaptation of Wuthering Heights / Afterword: Myths and Demystification / Appendix: Wuthering Heights Screen Adaptations / Notes / Select Bibliography / Index August 2012 248pp 10 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29404-2




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literature Medieval Literature

First Announcement

Figures of Desire in The Canterbury Tales

Chaucer’s Language

Market Power

2nd edition

Lordship, Society, and Economy in Medieval Catalonia (1276–1313)

Simon Horobin, Reader, University of Oxford, UK

Contents: Preface / Abbreviations / Why Study Chaucer’s Language? / Writing in English / What was Middle English? / Spelling and Pronunciation / Vocabulary / Grammar / Language and Style / Discourse and Pragmatics / Conclusion / Appendix: Sample Texts / Glossary of Linguistic Terms / Bibliography / Index September 2012 224pp Paperback £16.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-29379-3

John A. Pitcher, Visiting Scholar, Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada

Gregory B. Milton, Assistant Professor of History, University of South Florida, USA

Review of the 1st edition: 'A well-written and informative book.' Robert Boenig, Texas A&M University, USA Assuming no previous linguistic knowledge, Simon Horobin introduces students to Chaucer’s language and the importance of reading Chaucer in the original, rather than in a modern translation. This updated edition includes references to most recent scholarship, suggestions for future research and an extensive glossary with sample quotations.

Chaucer’s Feminine Subjects

Market Power explores society and economy in medieval Iberia, examining the intersection of regional commercial interests, lordship, and royal authority as part of the evolution of a small village into a rural market town. Contents: Town, Country, and Lordship / Notaries and their Contracts / Developing a Market Town / A Financial Market / Commercial Crossroads / Power, Status, and Economy / The Annual Fair of September March 2012 Hardback

272pp £57.50

216x140mm 978-0-230-39170-3

The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler

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Demonstrates how poststructuralist and psychoanalytic theory can serve to clarify structures of identity and economies of desire in medieval texts.

Contents: The Martyr's Purpose: The Logic of Sacrifice in The Clerk's Tale / Chaucer's Wolf: Exemplary Violence in The Physician's Tale / The Rhetoric of Desire in The Franklin's Tale / Figures of Desire in The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale June 2012 Hardback

208pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-4039-7322-1

The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler

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The Anglo-Scottish Border and the Shaping of Identity, 1350–1600 Edited by Katherine Terrell, Assistant Professor of English, Hamilton College, USA and Mark P. Bruce, Assistant Professor of English, Bethel University, USA

The Anglo-Scottish Border and the Shaping of Identity, 1350-1600 explores the roles that Scotland and England play in one another's imaginations. This collection of essays brings together eminent scholars and emerging voices from the frequently divergent fields of English and Scottish medieval studies. Contents: Introduction: Writing Across the Borders; M.P.Bruce & K.H.Terrell / The Borderlands of Satire: Linked, Opposed, and Exchanged Political Poetry during the Scottish and English Wars of the Early Fourteenth Century; A.Galloway / Sovereign Exception: Pre-National Consolidation in The Taill of Rauf Coilyear; R.P.Schiff / Friend or Foe? Negotiating the Anglo-Scottish Border in Sir Thomas Gray’s Scalacronica and Richard Holland’s Buke of the Howlat; K.Ash / Anglo-Scottish Relations in John Hardyng’s Chronicle; S.L.Peverley / The Border, England and the English in some Older Scots Lyric and Occasional Poems; J.Martin / The Border Writes Back; R.F.Green / Passing the Book: The Scottish Shaping of Chaucer’s Dream States in Bodleian Library, MS Arch. Selden. B.24; K.Murray / Lydgate Mauscripts and Prints in Late Medieval Scotland; W.H.E.Sweet / What Happened to Rhyme Royal in Scotland?; R.J.Goldstein / ‘Rois red and quhit, resplendent of colour’: Margaret Tudor and Scotland’s Floricultural Future in William Dunbar’s Poetry; C.Honeyman / The Scottish Identity of Gavin Douglas; N.Royan / Afterword; L.O.A.Fradenburg August 2012 240pp 2 b/w illustrations Hardback £52.00


Nineteenth-Century Literature

Gender and Ventriloquism in Victorian and Neo-Victorian Fiction

Sublime Coleridge

Passionate Puppets

The Opus Maximum

Helen Davies, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

Edited by Murray J. Evans Professor of English, University of Winnipeg, Canada

Sublime Coleridge focuses on the role of the Opus Maximum in explaining Samuel Taylor Coleridge's ideas about religion, psychology, and the sublime. This book is an introduction, a reader's guide, and an interpretation of this central text in British Romanticism. Contents: List of Tables / List of Figures / Preface / Acknowledgments / Abbreviations / Introduction: Opus Maximum: Contexts / Reading ‘Will’: A Primer for the Opus Maximum / ‘Divine Ideas’ and Coleridge’s Two Rhetorics of ‘Idea’ / Human Subjects in the Opus Maximum / Arguing for the Trinity: Rhetoric and the ‘Divine Tetractys’ / The Opus Maximum and Coleridge’s Sublime / Appendix: Location in Sublime Coleridge of Summaries of Each Section of Opus Maximum / Works Cited August 2012 256pp 4 b/w illustrations and 1 table Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-34139-5

Nineteenth Century Major Lives and Letters Series Editor: Marilyn Gaull

Is ventriloquism just for dummies? What is at stake in neo-Victorian fiction’s desire to ‘talk back’ to the nineteenth century? This book explores the sexual politics of dialogues between the nineteenth century and contemporary fiction, offering a new insight into the concept of ventriloquism as a textual and metatextual theme in literature. Contents: Introduction: The Victorians for Dummies? Talking Back to the Nineteenth Century / Voices from the Past: Rethinking the Ventriloquial Metaphor / Victorian Ventriloquists: Henry James and George Du Maurier / Sirens and Svengalis: Nights at the Circus, Alias Grace and Clara / Queering the Dummy/ventriloquist Dichotomy: Oscar Wilde and Ventriloquial Influence / Sexual Rescripting: Ventriloquial Repetitions and Transformations in Sarah Waters’ Tipping the Velvet and Affinity / Talking to Ourselves? Ventriloquial Criticism and Readership in Neo-Victorian Fiction / Afterword: Voices beyond the Victorian Era? Wesley Stace and Ventriloquism / Notes Bibliography / Index September 2012 240pp Hardback £50.00

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The New Middle Ages Series Editor: Bonnie Wheeler

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216x138mm 978-0-230-34366-5

Comes with a CD/DVD


Uses of Jane Austen Edited by Gillian Dow, Chawton Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK and Clare Hanson, Professor of English, Loughborough University, UK

Urdu Literary Culture Vernacular Modernity in the Writing of Muhammad Hasan Askari Mehr Farooqi, Assistant Professor of South Asian Literature, University of Virginia, USA; Editor of The Oxford India Anthology of Modern Urdu Literature

This volume explores the values which Austen’s life and works can be made to represent in diverse cultural contexts. It also engages with the history of her literary reputation and her construction as a canonical author, and examines the tension between the responses of her 'common readers' and the views of the literary-critical establishment. Contents: Introduction; G.Dow & C.Hanson / 'A genius for foretelling': Augustan Austen and Future Fiction; D.Lynch / 'England’s Jane': The Legacy of Jane Austen in the Fiction of Barbara Pym, Dodie Smith and Elizabeth Taylor; M.Joannou / 'The Future of Pemberley': Emma Tennant, the 'classic progression' and Literary Trespassing; R.Munfort / New Theoretical Approaches to Austen in Contemporary Popular Culture; J.Wells / Becoming Jane: The Life of Jane Austen in Contemporary Biography and Film; J.North / Letters to Jane: Austen, the letter, and Twentieth-century Women’s Writing; W.May / At Home with Jane: Placing Austen in Contemporary Culture; F.James / Uses of Translation: The Global Jane Austen; G.Dow / The Imperial Economy of Chadha’s Bride and Prejudice; S.Jones / 'Bin Laden a Huge Jane Austen Fan': Jane Austen in Contemporary Political Discourse; M.A.O’Farrell / 'What Would Jane Do?' Postfeminist Media Uses of Austen and the Woman Reader; S.Cobb / Bibliography / Index September 2012 240pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-31946-2

Urdu Literary Culture examines the impact of political circumstances on vernacular (Urdu) literary culture through an in-depth study of the writings of Muhammad Hasan Askari, who lived during the Partition of India.

Contents: Quot Rami Tot Arbores: The University of Allahabad and Beyond / Askari and Firaq: Queer Relations in Life and Literature / Fiction, Theory of Fiction, and the Critical View / Jhalkiyan: World Literature, Partition, and Rupture / The Illusion of Form and the Power of Tradition / Revisiting the Indo-Muslim Consciousness / Conclusion: Reopening the Past; Bright Morning and Foggy Night July 2012 Hardback

304pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00902-9

Literatures and Cultures of the Islamic Series Editor: Hamid Dabashi

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Return of England in English Literature Michael Gardiner, Associate Professor, University of Warwick, UK

This lively study provides an account of the 'fall and rise' of the English nation within the British discipline of English Literature between the late eighteenth century and the present day, offering a reconceptualization of the relationship between English Literature and the formation of English cultural identity. Contents: Acknowledgements / The Burkean Legacy and the Imperial Eclipse / The Journey Back / The Battle for the Organic Estate / The Critique of the Establishment / Thatcherism, Neo-Gothic, and State-nationalism / The Devolutionary Push / The Disciplinary Challenge / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Hardback

224pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-31947-9

Emerson’s Transatlantic Romanticism David Greenham, Associate Head of Department of Arts, University of the West of England, UK

Provides an original account of Emerson’s creative debts to the British and European Romantics, including Coleridge and Carlyle, firmly locating them in his New England context. Moreover this book analyzes and explains the way that his thoughts shapes his unique prose style in which idea and word become united in an epistemology of form. Contents: Preface / Abbreviations / The Book of Nature / The New Mythus / The Divine Mind / The Alembic of Analogy / The Transcendental Self / The One and the Many / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

240pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28417-3

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Wordsworth and Coleridge Promising Losses Peter Larkin, Librarian of Arts, University of Warwick, UK; he has published numerous essays on British Romantic Poetry and on Contemporary Ecopoetics

'Criticism at its best... Full of the most discriminating and rewarding attentiveness throughout, its engagement with Wordsworth transforms our understanding of his late, revisionary imagination.' - Tim Fulford, Nottingham Trent University, UK Wordsworth and Coleridge: Promising Losses assembles essays spanning the last thirty years, including a selection of Peter Larkin’s original verse, with the concept of promise and loss serving as the uniting narrative thread. Contents: Wordsworth's 'After-Sojourn': Revision and Unself-Rivalry in the Later Poetry / The Secondary Wordsworth's First of Homes: Home at Grasmere / Wordsworth's 'Cloud of Texture' / Lyrical Ballads: Wordsworth's 'Book of Questions' / Relations of Scarcity: Ecology and Eschatology in 'The Ruined Cottage' / Scarcity by Gift: Horizons of the 'Lucy' Poems' / Scarcely on the Way: The Starkness of Things in Sacral Space / Wordsworth's Maculate Exception: Achieving the 'Spots of Time' / Imagining Naming Shaping: Stanza VI of 'Dejection: An Ode' / 'Fears in Solitude': Reading (from) the Dell / 'I mourn to thee': Dedication and Insufficiency in 'Constancy to an Ideal Object' / 'Frost at Midnight': Some Coleridgean Intertwinings / Coleridge Conversing: Between Soliloquy and Invocation / Repetition, Difference, and Liturgical Participation in Coleridge's 'The Ancient Mariner' / Voice, Judgment, and the Innocence of the Self in Coleridge / Envoi: "Brushwood by Inflection, 2" April 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

Children’s Literature, Popular Culture and Robinson Crusoe Andrew O’Malley, Associate Professor, Department of English, Ryerson University, Canada

This study of the afterlife of Robinson Crusoe offers insights into the continued popularity and relevance of Crusoe’s story and how modern conceptions of childhood are shaped by nostalgia and ideas of 'the popular'. Examining many adaptations in a variety of formats, it reconsiders the place Crusoe has occupied in our culture for three centuries. Contents: List of Illustrations / Introduction / Performing Crusoe and Becoming Crusoes: the Pedagogical Uses of Robinson Crusoe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries / Crusoe Comes Home: Robinsonades and Children’s Editions of Robinson Crusoe / Poaching on Crusoe’s Island: Popular Reading and Chapbook Editions of Robinson Crusoe / 'Animal Spirits are Everything!': Robinson Crusoe Pantomimes and the Child of Nostalgia / An Island of Toys: Childhood and Robinson Crusoe Consumer Goods / Epilogue / Bibliography / Index August 2012 224pp 19 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27270-5

Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature Series Editors: Kerry Mallan and Clare Bradford

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Children’s Literature and Capitalism Fictions of Social Mobility in Britain, 1850–1914 Christopher Parkes, Associate Professor, Department of English, Lakehead University, Canada

After the first phase of industrialization in Britain, the child emerged as both a victim of and a threat to capitalism. This book explores the changing relationship between the child and capitalist society in the works of some of the most important writers of children’s and young-adult texts in the Victorian and Edwardian periods. Contents: Introduction / Dead Ends and Blind Alleys: Young-Adult Literature and the Nineteenth-Century British Labour Market / Family Business and Childhood Experience: Charles Dickens's David Copperfield and Great Expectations / Adventure Fiction and the Youth Problem: Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island and Kidnapped / Commercialism and Middle-Class Innocence: E. Nesbit's The Story of the Treasure Seekers and The Railway Children / Educational Tracking and the Feminized Classroom: Frances Hodgson Burnett's A Little Princess and The Secret Garden / The Female Life History and the Labour Market: L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables and Anne's House of Dreams / Conclusion: Childhood in the Age of Self-Branding / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

240pp £50.00

Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature Series Editors: Kerry Mallan and Clare Bradford

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216x140mm 978-0-230-33736-7

Nineteenth Century Major Lives and Letters Series Editor: Marilyn Gaull

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216x138mm 978-0-230-36412-7


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Shelley and Vitality Sharon Ruston, Professor in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, University of Salford, UK

'An interesting and suggestive study which should continue to galvanize our sense of the range, relevance, and maturity of Shelly’s work.' - Modern Language Review 'Ruston’s summary of the Lawrence/Abernethy rift is detailed, scholarly and impressively clear: this section of the book can stand alone as a good introduction to that chapter in the history of medical science and culture.' Clark Lawlor, The Keats-Shelley Review Now in paperback, this study reassesses Shelley’s engagement with early nineteenth-century science and medicine, specifically his knowledge and use of theories on the nature of life, offering new biographical information to link Shelley to a medical circle and exploring the ways in which he exploits the language and ideas of vitality. Contents: Author Preface / Preface to the Paperback Edition / Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations Cited / Introduction: A New Dawn / What is Life? / The Vitality Debate / Materialism and Atheism / PART I: THE VITALITY DEBATE, 1814–19 / Vitality and Radical Scientists / Humphry Davy and Romantic Scientist / Abernethy and Lawrence / After 1819 / PART II: SHELLEY’S KNOWLEDGE OF THE ‘SCIENCE OF LIFE’ / 1811 / Shelley and Bart’s / Lawrence and the Bracknell Circle / Shelley’s Notes on Davy / PART III: THE POLITICAL BODY: PROMETHEUS UNBOUND / The Furies and Animal Life / Electricity as Life / Earth as a Living Being / Utopian New Life / PART IV: 'THE PAINTED VEIL': DEFINING LIFE / Sensibility and the Figure of the Poet / Mutability / The Painted Veil / Materialism / PART V: 'THE POETRY OF LIFE' / Life Cycles / Vitally Metaphorical / Posthumous Life / Beginnings and Endings / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Paperback

240pp £18.99

Victorian Unfinished Novels The Imperfect Page Saverio Tomaiuolo, Lecturer in English Language and Literature, Cassino University, Italy

'An important project - so much so one wonders why nobody has written a book like this before.' Andrew Mangham, Lecturer in English, University of Reading, UK The first detailed study on the subject of Victorian unfinished novels, this book sheds further light on novels by major authors that have been neglected by critical studies and focuses in a new way on critically acclaimed masterpieces, offering a counter-reading of the nineteenth-century literary canon. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: The Sense of Unending: Closing Charlotte Brontë’s Emma / Becoming Ladies and Gentlemen in W. M. Thackeray’s Denis Duval and Elizabeth Gaskell’s Wives and Daughters / The Mystery of Edwin Drood and the Decomposition of Forms / The Strange Case of Weir of Hermiston and St. Ives: R.L. Stevenson’s Last Adventures in Narration / Time Changes: Anthony Trollope’s The Landleaguers and Wilkie Collins’s Blind Love / Conclusion: Henry James Sensing the Past / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Hardback

224pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-00817-6

Twentieth-Century and Contemporary literature

The Afro-Modernist Epic and Literary History Tolson, Hughes, Baraka Edited by Kathy Schultz, Assistant Professor of English, University of Memphis, USA

This text traces the unique lineage of the AfroModernist epic poem, showing the contribution of African American poets Melvin B. Tolson, Langston Hughes, and Amiri Baraka to an American modernism that combines modernist formal experimentation with critiques of the social and legal orders that excluded African Americans from the status of full citizenship. Contents: Modern, Modernist, Afro-Modernist: Melvin B. Tolson in the 1930s and 1940s / Melvin B. Tolson’s AfroModernist Epics / Langston Hughes In/And the 1950s / Diasporic Modernism in Hughes’s Ask Your Mama: 12 Moods for Jazz / 'In the Tradition': Amiri Baraka as Late Twentieth Century Afro-Modernist / Why’s Wise Y’s: Afro-Modernism as Jazz Performance July 2012 Hardback

256pp £52.00

210x140mm 978-0-230-33873-9

Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics

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210x140mm 978-1-137-01112-1

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Readings of Trauma, Madness, and the Body Sarah Anderson, Associate Lecturer of English Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Anderson explores how Modernist fiction narratives by Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, H.D., and Zelda Fitzgerald represent the struggle between the need to speak about one’s trauma and the equally powerful impulse to keep silent. Contents: PART I / Trauma Theory / Readings of Resistance in Hemingway’s Trauma Fiction / Domestic Trauma in H.D.’s HERmione / PART II / Madness in Modern Literature / Readings of Gender and Madness in Hemingway’s Across the River and Into the Trees and The Garden of Eden / Infidelity and Madness in Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night / Production of the Body and Omission of Madness in Zelda Fitzgerald’s Save Me the Waltz / Creating a Language of Rebellion: Madness in H.D.’s HERmione / Conclusion September 2012 208pp Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-03005-4

American Literature Readings in the Twenty-First Century

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Literary North

First Announcement

Edited by Katharine Cockin, Lecturer in English, The University of Hull, UK

According to Orwell, the North was ‘a strange country.’ In an industrial landscape, its inhabitants seem to inhabit a bleak world caught in the gaze of 1930s realism. Such stereotypes have been tenacious. This book challenges these stereotypes, establishing the strategic and mobile nature of ‘the North’ and the effects of literary realism. Contents: List of Illustrations / Preface / Notes on Contributors / Introducing the Literary North; K.Cockin / 'The Chimneyed City': Imagining the North in Victorian Literature; J.Guy / 'By the People, For the People': The Literary North and the Local Press 1880–1914; J.Hewitt / The Sublime and Satanic North: The Potteries in George Moore’s A Mummer’s Wife (1885) and Arnold Bennett’s Anna of the Five Towns (1902); A.Heilmann / Clogdancers and Clay: The Geography of Arnold Bennett’s North in Clayhanger; R.Robbins / 'Dirty Old Town': The Presentation of the Northern Cityscape in Ewan MacColl’s Landscape with Chimneys; C.Warden / 'The North, My World': W.H. Auden’s Pennine Ways; A.Sharpe / Northern Yobs: Representations of Youth in 1950s Writing: Hoggart, Sillitoe and Waterhouse; N.Bentley / The Unknown City: Hull and the North in the Poetry of Larkin, Dunn and Didsbury; S.O’Brien / 'Northern Working-class Spectator Sports': Tony Harrison’s Continuous; J.Gill / North-east Childhood: Representations of the North-east of England in the Work of Robert Westall; N.Dalrymple / 'Where you going now?': Themes of Alienation and Belonging in the North-east in Children’s Literature; R.Lee / The North in Children’s Fiction; T.Cosslett / The Literary Response to Moss Side, Manchester: Fact or (Genre) Fiction?; L.Pearce / Locating the Literary North; K.Cockin / Selected Bibliography / Index July 2012 264pp 2 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36740-1

American Authorship and Autobiographical Narrative Mailer, Wideman, Eggers Jonathan D’Amore, Lecturer, Department of English, St. Michael's College, USA

Explores the conflicted relationship writers have with their public image, particularly when they have written about their personal lives. D’Amore analyzes the autobiographical works of Norman Mailer, John Edgar Wideman, and Dave Eggers in light of theories of authorship, autobiography, and celebrity. Contents: Norman Mailer’s Existential Autobiography / Process and Play in 'Great Time': John Edgar Wideman’s Interactive Autobiographical Project / 'But SelfAwareness is Sincerity': Authorship and Exposure, Irony and Earnestness, Dave Eggers and A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius June 2012 Hardback

224pp £50.00

American Literature Readings in the Twenty-First Century

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216x140mm 978-0-230-39067-6

Comes with a CD/DVD


Beyond the Postcolonial World Englishes Literature Emma Dawson Varughese, Sessional Lecturer in Humanities, Keele University, UK

'A highly original book: it makes a clear argument about the role of the postcolonial, it uses an innovative range of methodologies and most importantly, it introduces many writers to a global audience for the first time. It is a model for going 'beyond the postcolonial''. - Professor Robert Eaglestone, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Race and White Identity in Southern Fiction From Faulkner to Morrison John N. Duvall, Professor of English, Purdue University, USA; Author of Faulkner’s Marginal Couple: Invisible Outlaw, and Unspeakable Communities

With the backdrop of new global powers, this volume interrogates the state of writing in English. Strongly interdisciplinary, it challenges the prevailing orthodoxy of postcolonial literary theory. An insistence on fieldwork and linguistics makes this book scene-changing in its approach to understanding and reading emerging literature in English.

Explores a form of literary racial passing that has gone largely unnoticed in fictional characters who present a white face to the world even as they unconsciously perform cultural blackness, such as in the work of William Faulkner among others, revealing that being merely Caucasian was insufficient to claim Southern Whiteness.

Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction: Being beyond / Methodology and Overview of Findings: Stories as Data/ Cameroon: (Fr)Anglophone? / Nigeria: Generation ‘Y’ / Uganda: The Power of The Pen Kenya: Rifts Apart / Malaysia: Bahasa Manglish(es) / Singapore: Mad About Singlish / India: Emerging Economy, Emerging Literature / Conclusion: Beyond This / References / Index

Contents: Preface: White Face, Black Performance / Artificial Negroes, White Homelessness, and Diaspora Consciousness / William Faulkner, Whiteface, and Black Identity / Flannery O’Connor, (G)race, and Colored Identity / John Barth, Blackface, and Invisible Identity / Dorothy Allison, ‘Nigger Trash,’ and Miscegenated Identity / Black Writing and Whiteface

August 2012 Hardback

September 2012 224pp Paperback £17.99

248pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-30096-5

210x140mm 978-0-230-34044-2


British Crime Film Subverting the Social Order Barry Forshaw, Writer and Journalist specializing in crime fiction and cinema

Presenting a social history of British crime film, this book focuses on the strategies used in order to address more radical notions surrounding class, politics, sex, delinquency, violence and censorship. Spanning post-war crime cinema to present-day 'Mockney' productions, it contextualizes the films and identifies important and neglected works. Contents: A Social History of the Crime Film / The Age of Austerity: Post-war Crime Movies / Class and Crime: Social Divisions / Between Left and Right: Politics and Individuals / Heritage Britain / Shame of a Nation: Juvenile Delinquents and Exploitation / The New Violence: The Loss of Innocence / Scourging the Unacceptable: Censorship Battles / Metropolitan Murder: London / The Regions / Breaking Taboos: Sex and the Crime Film / Corporate Crime: Curtains for the Maverick / Mockney Menace: The New Wave / The Age of Acquisition: New Crime / 21st Century Hybrids / The Directors: Makers of Key Crime Films / APPENDIX I: TV Crime / APPENDIX II: Crime and Espionage / Index August 2012 Hardback Paperback

192pp £50.00 £16.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-30370-6 978-1-137-00503-8

Crime Files Series Editor: Clive Bloom

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Conrad’s Secrets Robert Hampson, Professor of Modern English Literature, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

An exploration of a range of knowledges which would have been familiar to Conrad and his original readers. Drawing on research into trade, policing, sexual and financial scandals, changing theories of trauma and contemporary war-crimes, the book provides contexts for Conrad’s fictions and produces original readings of his work. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Covert Plots and Secret Trades: Almayer’s Folly, An Outcast of the Islands, The Rescue / Trade Secrets: Heart of Darkness, The Inheritors / Political Secrets: The Secret Agent / City Secrets: Chance / Sexual Secrets: Victory / Medical Secrets: Lord Jim, The Arrow of Gold, The Rover / Naval Secrets: The Tale / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 1 figure Hardback





Women’s Writing, Englishness and National and Cultural Identity

Susan Harris Smith, Professor of English, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Between 1890 and 1918, over 125 plays by 70 dramatists were published in 14 American general interest periodicals aimed at the middle-class reader and consumer. This book analyzes the issues dramatized in those plays which reveal Americans to have been 'dis/contented' citizens, conflicted by the demands of a dynamically changing nation. Contents: One Nation Divided: Varieties of Dramatic Experience / Cultures of Social Distance and Difference / Women as American Citizens / Cultural Displacement / Discontented Citizens September 2012 244pp Paperback £17.99

210x140mm 978-1-137-03296-6

A CHOICE Review of Books Outstanding Academic Title Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History

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Imagined Identities

The Mobile Woman and the Migrant Voice, 1938-62

Fiona McCulloch, Senior Lecturer in English Literature, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Mary Joannou, Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

'This is a fresh and stimulating study which devolves contemporary British fiction in new and insightful directions.' Aaron Kelly, Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK

An original mapping of women’s writing in the 1940s and 1950s, this book looks at Englishness and national identity in women’s writing and includes writing from Scotland, Wales, Ireland the Indian subcontinent and Africa. The authors discussed include Virginia Woolf, Daphne Du Maurier, Doris Lessing and Muriel Spark. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: The Mobile Woman and the Migrant Voice / The People’s War / Austen and Englishness / Englishness as History / Present Laughter / My Ain Folk' / Indias of the Mind' / In and Out of Africa / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

248pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28577-4

Plays in American Periodicals, 1890–1918

Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary British Fiction

Adapting Poe Re-Imaginings in Popular Culture Edited by Dennis R. Perry, Associate Professor of Literature and Film and Carl H. Sederholm, Associate Professor of Humanities, both at Brigham Young University, USA

Adapting Poe is a collection of essays that explores the way Edgar Allan Poe has been adapted over the last hundred years in film, comic art, music, and literary criticism. A major theme that pervades the study concerns the more recent re-imaginings of Poe in terms of identity construction in a postmodern era.

A concise and engaging analysis of contemporary literature viewed through the critical lens of cosmopolitan theory. It covers a wide spectrum of issues including globalization, cosmopolitanism, nationhood, identity, philosophical nomadism, posthumanism, climate change, devolution and love. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: QUEER FRONTIERS / 'Cross That Bridge': Journeying Through Zoe Strachan’s Negative Space / 'Boundaries: Desire': Philosophical Nomadism in The Powerbook and The Stone Gods / PART II: COSMOPOLITAN CARTOGRAPHIES / 'Fellow Humans': Cosmopolitan Citizens in Nadeem Aslam’s Maps for Lost Lovers / 'The Bridge to the stars': Travelling Home in His Dark Materials / PART III: TIME TRAVELLERS / 'Around We Go': Transpositional Life Cycles in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas / 'Remember You Must Live - Remember You Most Love Remember You Must Leave': Passing Through Ali Smith’s Hotel World / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Hardback

224pp £50.00

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 Hardback


304pp £57.50

216x140mm 978-0-230-12086-0

Web resource available

216x138mm 978-0-230-23477-2

Comes with a CD/DVD


Modernism and Market Fantasy British Fictions of Capital, 1910–1939

Utopia and the Village in South Asian Literatures

Carey James Mickalites, Assistant Professor of English, University of Memphis, USA

Anupama Mohan, Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, USA

Examining work from Ford and Conrad’s prewar impressionism through Rhys’s fiction of the late 1930s, the author shows how modernist innovation engages with transformations in early twentieth-century capitalism and tracks the ways in which modernist fiction reconfigures capitalist mythologies along the fault lines of their internal contradictions. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Modernism and Market Fantasy: British Fictions of Capital, 1910–1939 / Impressions of the Market: Ford, Conrad, and Modernist Investment Fantasy / Dubliners’ IOU: Joyce’s Aesthetics of Exchange / The Instant and the Outmoded: Wyndham Lewis, Ulysses, and the Spectacle of Time / Alienated Vision and the Will to Intimacy, or, Virginia Woolf and 'the Human Spectacle' / Good Morning, Midnight: Jean Rhys’s Melancholic Late Modernism / Conclusion September 2012 240pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-39152-9

'Strikingly original...a refreshing rethinking of the utopian...the important new step the field has been waiting to take.' - Linda Hutcheon, University Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, Canada Shifting the postcolonial focus away from the city and towards the village, this book examines the rural as a trope in twentieth-century South Asian literatures to propose a new literary history based on notions of utopia, dystopia, and heterotopia and how these ideas have circulated in the literary and the cultural imaginaries of the subcontinent. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Representing the Rural / Hind Swaraj and Rural Utopia / Beddagama: Dystopia in Ceylon / Kanthapura and Khasak: Utopia in Distress / Koggala and the Reclaimed Buddhist Utopia / Rethinking the Binary: Rural Heterotopia / Conclusion / Works Cited / Index August 2012 Hardback

248pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-35498-2

Hispanic Caribbean Literature of Migration Narratives of Displacement Edited by Vanessa Pérez Rosario, Assistant Professor of Puerto Rican and Latino Studies, City University of New York,USA

' extremely valuable collection of essays...' CHOICE A collection of essays that explore the tradition of Caribbean Latino literature written in the USA beginning with José Martí and concluding with 2008 Pulitzer Prize winner, Junot Díaz. Contents: PART I: MIGRATORY IDENTITIES / The Unbreakable Voice in a Minor Language: Following José Martí’s Migratory Routes; L.Lomas / Más que Cenizas: An Analysis of Juan Bosch’s Dissident Narration of Dominicanidad (Ausente); L.G.Peña / Creating Latinidad: Julia de Burgos’ Legacy in U.S. Latina Literature; V.P.Rosario / PART II: DISLOCATED NARRATIVES / Travel and Family in Julia Alvarez’s Canon; V.N.Halloran / Making it Home: A New Ethics of Immigration in Junot Díaz’s Drown; Y.Irizarry / Days of Awe and the Jewish Experience of a Cuban Exile: The Case of Achy Obejas; C.Wolfenzon-Niego / PART III: GENDER CROSSINGS / A Community in Transit: The Performative Gestures of Manuel Ramos Otero’s Narrative Triptych; M.L.Ortega / A Revolution in Pink: Cuban Queer Literature Inside and Outside the Island; A.B.M.Sevillano / Gender Pirates on the Caribbean Sea: Queering Gender, Race, and Diaspora in the Novels of Christopher John Farley and Zoe Valdés; O.N.Tinsley / PART IV: RACIAL MIGRATIONS / Insular Interventions: Jesús Colón Unmasks Racial Harmonizing and Populist Uplift Discourses in Puerto Rico; M.Stanchich / Coloniality of Diasporas: Racialization of Negropolitans and Nuyoricans in Paris and New York; Y.Martínez-San Miguel / The Dominican Diaspora Talks Back: Cultural Archive and Race in Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wonderful Life of Oscar Wao; J.Heredia July 2012 Paperback

256pp £17.50

210x140mm 978-1-137-00807-7

New Concepts in Latino American Cultures Series Editors: Licia Fiol-Matta and José Quiroga

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100 American Crime Writers Edited by Steven Powell, University of Liverpool, UK

Features discussion and analysis of the lives of crime writers and their key works, examining the developments in American crime writing from the Golden Age to hardboiled detective fiction. This study is essential to scholars and an ideal introduction to crime fiction for anyone who enjoys this fascinating genre. Contents: Acknowledgements / 'Out of the Venetian Vase': From Golden Age to Hard-boiled / 'After These Mean Streets': Crime Fiction and the Chandler Inheritance / Megan Abbott / Paul Auster / W.T. Ballard / Ann Bannon / Robert Bloch / Lawrence Block / Leigh Brackett / Gil Brewer / Fredric Brown / Howard Browne / Edward Bunker / James Lee Burke / W.R. Burnett / James M. Cain / Paul Cain / Truman Capote / John Dickson Carr / Vera Caspary / Raymond Chandler / Harlan Coben / Max Allan Collins / Richard Condon / Michael Connelly / Patricia Cornwell / Robert Crais / James Crumley / Carroll John Daly / Norbert Davis / Mignon G. Eberhardt / James Ellroy / Janet Evanovich / William Faulkner / Kenneth Fearing / Rudolph Fisher / Kinky Friedman / Jacques Futrelle / Erle Stanley Gardner / William Campbell Gault / David Goodis / Sue Grafton / Davis Grubb / Frank Gruber / Dashiell Hammett / Thomas Harris / Carl Hiaason / Patricia Highsmith / George V. Higgins / Tony Hillerman / Chester Himes / Dorothy B. Hughes / Roy Huggins / Day Keane / Jonathan Kellerman / C. Daly King / Jonathon Latimer / Dennis Lehane / Elmore Leonard / Ira Levin / Elizabeth Linnington / Eleazar Lipsky / John Lutz / Ed McBain / Horace McCoy / William P. McGivern / John D. MacDonald / Ross Macdonald / Dan J. Marlowe / Margaret Millar / Walter Mosely / Marcia Muller / Frederick Nebel / Barbara Neely / William F. Nolan / Sara Paretsky / Robert B. Parker / George Pelecanos / Edgar Allan Poe / Melville Davisson Post / Richard S Prather / Bill Pronzini / Ellery Queen (aka Dannay and Lee) / Arthur B. Reeve / Mary Roberts Rinehart / James Sallis / George S Schuyler / Viola Brothers Shore / Iceberg Slim / Mickey Spillane / Rex Stout / Jim Thompson / Ernest Tidyman / Lawrence Treat / S.S. Van Dine (Willard Huntington Wright) / Joseph Wambaugh / Carolyn Wells / Donald E. Westlake / Raoul Whitfield / Charles Willeford / Charles Williams / Cornell Woolrich / Bibliography / Index June 2012 Hardback

320pp £55.00

Franco-British Cultural Exchanges, 1880–1940

Egyptian Colloquial Poetry in the Modern Arabic Canon

Channel Packets

New Readings of Shi’r al-’Ammiyya Edited by Andrew Radford, Department of English Literature and Victoria Reid, Lecturer, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, both at University of Glasgow, UK

This volume focuses on the literary connotations of the 'Channel Packet' and sets forth lively dialogues between French and British culture at a key period of artistic innovation and exchange between 'high' and popular art forms. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction: Channel Vision; A.Radford & V.Reid / Sea Change: English Responses to French Poetry between Decadence and Modernism; J.Higgins / Entente Asymétrique? Franco-British Literary Exchanges in 1908; R.Hibbitt / Misfits in France: Wild(e) about Dieppe; J.Barnes & H.Lee / Transposing Wilde’s Salomé: The French Operas by Strauss and Mariotte; E.Eells / Valery Larbaud, Thomas Hardy and The Dynasts, with Two Letters from Larbaud to Hardy; D.Roe / Exploring English Realist Fiction: André Gide and his Correspondents; P.Pollard / Alain-Fournier’s Le Grand Meaulnes, the Nouvelle Revue Française and the English Adventure Novel; D.Steel / Marcel Schwob and Robert Louis Stevenson: Encounters in Death and Letters; V.Reid / Croisset-London and Back, or, Flaubert’s Anglo-Saxon Ghosts; C.Patey / The Imagination of Space: Ford Madox Ford and France; L.Colombino / An Atlas of Unknown Worlds: Charting Interwar Paris in the Short Stories of Mary Butts; A.Radford / Index July 2012 Hardback

256pp £50.00

Noha M. Radwan, Assistant Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature, University of California, USA

Noha Radwan offers the first book-length study of the emergence, context, and development of modern Egyptian colloquial poetry, recently used as a vehicle for communications in the revolutionary youth movement in Egypt on January 25th 2011, and situates it among modernist Arab poetry. Contents: Historically Speaking: Arabic Poetry and the Language of Speech / Shi’r al-’Ammiyya and Modernism in Arabic Poetry / A Modernist in Traditional Garb / A Sage in Fools’ Clothing / Among Cairenes March 2012 Hardback

252pp £55.00

Literatures and Cultures of the Islamic Series Editor: H. Dabashi

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216x138mm 978-0-230-28394-7

216x138mm 978-0-230-52537-5

Crime Files Series Editor: Clive Bloom

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216x140mm 978-0-230-34132-6

Comes with a CD/DVD


Modernist Impersonalities

Modernist Nowheres

Affect, Authority and the Subject

Politics and Utopia in Early Modernist Writing 1900–1920

Rochelle Rives, Assistant Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community College, USA

Rives uncovers a context of aesthetic and social debate that modernist studies has yet to fully articulate, examining what it meant, for various intellectuals working in early twentieth-century Britain and America, to escape from personality. Contents: Modernism and the 'Escape From Personality' / 'The Dissociation of Personality:' Space and the Impersonal Ideal / The Impersonal Contract: H.D. and the Limits of Poetic Authority / A 'Peculiar Feeling of Intimacy:' D.H. Lawrence, Modernist Violence, and Impersonal Narrative / Problem Space: Wyndham Lewis, Mary Butts and the Impersonal Object / A 'Solicitude for Things:' Elizabeth Bowen and the Bildungsroman / Conclusion: Emotion after the Death of the Heart August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-02187-8

Nathan Waddell, Teaching Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK

Modernist Nowheres explores connections in the Anglo-American sphere between early literary modernist cultures, politics, and utopia. Foregrounding such writers as Conrad, Lawrence and Wyndham Lewis, it presents a new reading of early modernism in which utopianism plays a defining role prior to, during and immediately after the First World War. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Maps Worth Glancing At / Meliorism and Edwardian Modernity / Questions of Perfectibility / Forlorn Hopes and The English Review / Magnetic Cities and Simple Lives / Individualism, Happiness, and Labour / Vorticism and the Limits of BLAST / Satire, Impressionism, and War / Idealisms and Contingencies / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

248pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27899-8

Iris Murdoch: Texts and Contexts Edited by Anne Rowe, Senior Lecturer and Director for the Centre of Iris Murdoch Studies and Avril Horner, Emeritus Professor of English, both at Kingston University, UK

Using unpublished archive material, including correspondence and the many annotations Murdoch made to the books held in her Oxford library, this book offers fresh insights into Murdoch’s work by placing it within a diversity of new contexts. It also reveals startling parallels between Murdoch’s work and other literary and philosophical texts. Contents: Introduction; A.Rowe & A.Horner / PART I: THEOLOGICAL AND VISIONARY CONTEXTS / Iris Murdoch: A Case of Star-Friendship; D.Cupitt / The Visionary Aspects of Iris Murdoch's Philosophy; H.Widdows / PART II: POLITICS AND CULTURAL CONTEXTS / Iris Murdoch and the Two Cultures: Science, Philosophy and the Novel; P.Waugh / Iris Murdoch, Ian McEwan and the Place of the Political in Contemporary Fiction; A.Rowe & S.Upstone / PART III: THE DERRIDEAN CONTEXT / Murdoch and Derrida: Holding Hands Under the Table; T.Milligan / Murdoch, Derrida and The Black Prince; P.Fiddes / Minding the Gap: Mourning in the Work of Murdoch and Derrida; P.Osborn / PART IV: CONTEXTS OF POWER / Iris Murdoch and Theodor Reik: Sado Masochism in The Black Prince; M.Luprecht / Iris Murdoch and Elias Canetti: Towards a Reassessment; E.Morley / PART V: LITERARY CONTEXTS / The 'wondrous necessary man': Canetti, The Unicorn and The Changeling; A.Horner / A Post-Christian Concept of Martyrdom and the Murdochian Chorus: The One Alone and T.S.Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral; F.White / Language, Memory and Loss: Kristevan Psychoanalytical Perspectives on Intertextual Connections in the Work of Iris Murdoch and John Banville; W.Vaizey / PART VI: BIOGRAPHICAL CONTEXTS / The Influence of Childhood Reading on the Fiction of Iris Murdoch; J.Skinner / Murdoch on Film: 'Re-seeing Reality' in Richard Eyre's Iris (2001); A.Ramon / Bibliography / Index September 2012 232pp Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34828-8

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


mathematics, physics and chemistry • philosophy and religion Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Exploring Chemical Analysis

Philosophy and Religion

Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture

International Edition - 5th edition

Elisa Aaltola, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Daniel C. Harris, Michelson Laboratory, USA

This short introduction to analytical chemistry is ideal for a one-semester course for students outside of chemistry. It teaches students to understand analytical results, to understand their limitations, and to develop laboratory skills that will apply in their own fields of study. The new edition is updated with the latest research and applications and enhanced coverage of spectometry, green chemistry and forensic chemistry. The spreadsheet instructions have also been updated for Excel 2007. Contents: The Analytical Process / Chemical Measurements / Math Toolkit / Statistics / Quality Assurance and Calibration Methods / Good Titrations / Gravimetric and Combustion Analysis / Introducing Acids and Bases / Buffers / Acid-Base Titrations / Polyprotic Acids and Bases / A Deeper Look at Chemical Equilibrium / EDTA Titrations / Electrode Potentials / Electrode Measurements / Redox Titrations / Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry / Let There Be Light / Spectrophotometry: Instruments and Applications / Atomic Spectroscopy / Principles of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry / Gas and Liquid Chromatography / Chromatographic Methods and Capillary Electrophoresis / Experiments (on the Companion Website) / Glossary / Appendices

Exploring how animal suffering is made meaningful within Western ramifications, the book investigates themes such as skepticism concerning non-human experience, cultural roots of compassion, and contemporary approaches to animal ethics. At its centre is the pivotal question: What is the moral significance of animal suffering? Contents: Series Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Animal Suffering: The Practice / Knowing Suffering / History of Caring / Morality and Non-Human Suffering: Analytical Animal Ethics / Morality and Animal Suffering: Continental Investigations / Emotion, Empathy, and Intersubjectivity / Action Against Suffering / Conclusion / Notes / References / Index August 2012 Hardback

272pp £55.00

Mathematics in Science: A Philosophical Perspective Sorin Bangu, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois, USA

Examines a series of philosophical issues arising from the applicability of mathematics to science. It consists of scientifically-informed philosophical analysis and argument. One distinctive feature of this project is that it proposes to look at issues in philosophy of mathematics within the larger context of philosophy of science. Contents: Introduction / Mathematical Symmetries and their Predictive Role / Mathematical Idealization / The Explanatory Role of Mathematics and the 'Enhanced' Indispensability Argument / Criticisms of the Explanationist Strategy / Unreasonable Effectiveness: Mathematics, Scientific Representation and Naturalism / Unreasonable Effectiveness and Heuristics / Conclusion / References / Index September 2012 256pp Hardback £55.00

New Directions in the Philosophy of Science Series Editor: Steven French

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216x138mm 978-0-230-28391-6

The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series Series Editors: Andrew Linzey and Priscilla Cohn

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Lecturer and student supplements are available. July 2012 Paperback

640pp £49.99

253x200mm 978-1-4292-9576-5

Published by W. H. Freeman with Palgrave Macmillan TB




Web resource available

216x138mm 978-0-230-28520-0

Comes with a CD/DVD

philosophy and religion

Lacan and the Concept of the 'Real' Thomas Eyers, Research Fellow, Washington University, USA

This is the first book in English to explore in detail the genesis and consequences of Lacan's concept of the 'Real', providing readers with an invaluable key to one of the most influential ideas of modern times. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction - Approaching the Real / The Imaginary and the Real / The Symbolic and the Real / Space and the Real / Psychopathology and the Real / Lacanian Materialism? / Conclusion / References / Index August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-02638-5

Growing Moral Relations Critique of Moral Status Ascription Mark Coeckelbergh, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Twente, The Netherlands

New scientific and technological developments challenge us to reconsider our moral world order. This book offers an original philosophical approach to this issue: it makes a distinctive contribution to the development of a relational approach to moral status by re-defining the problem in a social and phenomenological way. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction - The Problem of Moral Status / PART I: MORAL ONTOLOGIES: FROM INDIVIDUAL TO RELATIONAL DOGMAS / Individual Properties / Appearance and Virtue / Relations: Communitarian and Metaphysical / Relations: Natural and Social / Relations: Hybrid and Environmental / Conclusion Part I: Diogenes’s Challenge / PART II: MORAL STATUS ASCRIPTION AND ITS CONDITIONS OF POSSIBILITY: A TRANSCENDENTAL ARGUMENT / Words and Sentences: Forms of Language Use / Societies and Cultures (1): Forms of Living Together / Societies and Cultures (2): Forms of Life / Bodies and Things: Forms of Feeling and Making / Spirits and Gods: Forms of Religion / Fences, Walls, and Maps: Forms of Historical Space / Moral Metamorphosis: Concluding the Transcendental Argument / General Conclusion / References / Index August 2012 Hardback

240pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-02595-1

Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought Studies in Honor of Professor Hossein Modarressi Edited by Michael Cook, Independent Scholar, Najam Haider, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies Department, Franklin and Marshall College, USA, Intisar Rabb, Law Faculty, Boston College Law School, USA and Asma Sayeed, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies Department, Lafayette College, USA

Bringing together essays on topics related to Islamic law, this book is composed of articles by prominent legal scholars and historians of Islam. They exemplify a critical development in the field of Islamic Studies: the proliferation of methodological approaches that employ a broad variety of sources to analyze social and political developments. Contents: PART I: ISLAMIC LAW AND ITS SOURCES / References to the Shi’a in the Qur’an: Notes on Imami Exegesis and the ‘Abu Basir Tradition’; E.Kohlberg / The Stylometric Approach to the Composition and Chronology of the Qur’an; B.Sadeki / Why Incline to the Left in Prayer? Sectarianism, Dialectic, and Archaeology in Imami Shi’ism; M.Cook / Shi’i Hadith Methodology in Shi’i Usuli Legal Argumentation; / Fatima and Abu Bakr: Inheritance Law in Sectarian Polemics; D.Soufi / ‘Alid Women in Hadith Literature: The Legacies of Sukayna bt. Al-Husayn and Nafisa bt. Al-Hasan b. Zayd; A.Sayeed / PART II: DISCOURSES ON ISLAMIC LAW / Ijtihad and Taqlid: Practice and Concept; R.Mottahedeh / The Discourses on Husn and Qubh in Sunni and Shi’i Jurisprudence; K.A.El Fadl / Mu’awiya in Medina: A Shafi’i-Zaydi Attack on the Integrity of Medinan ‘Amal; N.Haider / When Jurists Disappear: The Social Logic of Legal Maxims; I.A.Rabb / PART III: INTELLECTUAL TRADITIONS / The Place of Logic in the Curriculum of the Khayrabadi School: From Imam-i Haqq to Muntakhab al-Haqq; A.Ahmed / Two Commentaries on Najm al-Din al-Katibi’s al-Risala al-Shamsiyya; S.Schmitdke / Al-Hasan b. Musa al-Nawbakhti: Shi’i Theologian or Philosopher?; W.Madelung / Conversion and Law: A Muslim-Christian Comparison; R.Bulliet August 2012 304pp 9 figures and 2 b/w tables Hardback £55.00

210x140mm 978-0-230-11329-9

Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law and History Series Editor: Khaled Abou El Fadl

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

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philosophy and religion First Announcement

Language, Charisma, and Creativity

Academic Freedom and the Telos of the Catholic University

Community without Community in Digital Culture

Kenneth Garcia, Associate Director, Institute for Scholarship, Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame, France

Charlie Gere, Reader in New Media Research, Lancaster University, UK

Ritual Life in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Thomas J. Csordas, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego, USA

'A timely, well-written contribution to our understanding of a number of important phenomena in the contemporary world...’ Erika Bourguignon, Ohio State University, USA ‘...succeeds in the difficult feat of speaking both to specialists in a cluster of scholarly disciplines and to the general reader.’ - R. W. Rousseau, University of Scranton, USA An eloquent analysis of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal answers one of the primary callings of anthropology: to stimulate critical reflection by making the exotic seem familiar and the familiar appear strange.

There are currently no books on Catholic higher education that offer a theological foundation for academic freedom. This book presents a theologically grounded understanding of academic freedom that builds on, extends, and completes the prevailing secular understanding for Catholic higher education. Contents: The Current State of Catholic Higher Education / The Medieval Liberal Arts and the Journey of the Mind to God / Berlin: The Prototype of the Modern University / Academic Freedom and Religion in America / The Pursuit of Intellectual and Spiritual Wholeness, 1920–1960 / The Consequence of Caesar’s Gold / ‘The Direction Towards Which Wonder Progresses’ / Endnotes / Selected Bibliography August 2012 Hardback

256pp £50.00

This text presents the view that our digital culture is determined not by greater connection, but by the separation and gap that is a necessary concomitant of our fundamental technicity. Contents: Acknowledgements / Digitality / The Theological Origins of the Digital / Deconstruction, Technics and the Death of God / Derrida, Nancy and the Digital / Darwin after Dawkins after Derrida / Slitting Open the Kantian Eye / The Work of Art in the Post Age / Non-Relational Aesthetics / Luther Blissett / Bartleby Off-line / Exploding Plastic Universe / Conclusion / Notes and References / Index August 2012 Hardback

208 pp £50.00

Power, Knowledge, Animals Lisa Johnson, Associate Professor of Law and Ethics, University of Puget Sound, USA

216x140mm 978-1-137-03191-4

Using Michel Foucault’s archaeology as a methodology, Lisa Johnson’s groundbreaking work examines the way that Western societies have institutionalized the way people think about animals and will nudge a paradigm shift away from seeing animals as property.

Contents: PART I: MEANING AND MOVEMENT / Building the Kingdom / Religion in the Postmodern Condition / PART II: HABITUS AND PRACTIVE / A Communitarian Ideal / Ritualization and Radicalization / Interlude / Toward a Rhetorical Theory of Charisma / PART III: METAPHOR AND PERFORMANCE / Ritual Language: Speaking the Kingdom / Prophetic Utterance and Sacred Reality / Epilogue / Creativity, Constraint, and the Sacred March 2012 Paperback

342pp £22.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-34110-4

216x138mm 978-1-137-02666-8

Contents: Series Preface / Introduction / The Essential Political Problem / Contemporary Discourses about Animals / Insurrection / On Blindness to Being / Parallelisms (Or, the Changeable Nature of Knowledge) / References / Index

Contemporary Anthropology of Religion Series Editor: Laurel Kendall

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

August 2012 Hardback

224pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28257-5

The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series Series Editors: Andrew Linzey and Priscilla Cohn

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://




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Comes with a CD/DVD

philosophy and religion First Announcement

First Announcement

Religion and the Health of the Public

Womanism Against SociallyConstructed Matriarchal Images

Shifting the Paradigm

A Theoretical Model Towards a Therapeutic Goal

Gary Gunderson, Senior Vice President for Health and Welfare Ministries for Methodist Healthcare; Director for the Interfaith Health Program, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, USA and Jim Cochrane, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Co-Principal of the African Religious Health Assets Programme (ARHAP), and Director of the Research Institute on Christianity in Southern Africa (RICSA)

The book proposes a critical theory of the role and place of religion in public health and argues for a programmatic reorientation of these two fields of practice and inquiry to more effectively align religious health assets - widely present in many contexts - and public health services and facilities. Contents: In Search of a New Paradigm for the Health of the Public / Public Health and the Religious Mind: Connections and Disconnections / Religious Health Assets: What Religion Brings to Health / Leading Causes of Life: Pathology in its Place / Seeking Health: Persons, Bodies and Choices / People who Congregate: Building on Strengths / Boundary Leadership: Embodying Complexity in Turbulence / Re-Imagining the Political Economy of Health / Religion and the Health of the Public: Deep Accountability March 2012 Hardback Paperback

240pp £65.00 £22.99

216x140mm 978-0-230-34127-2 978-0-230-34152-4

MarKeva Gwendolyn Hill, Executive Director, Multicultural Counselling Center in Denver, USA

This book stems from a concern to assist pastoral counsellors in developing a therapeutic alliance with African-American women. It focuses on the social construct of the African-American matriarch, which can easily misinform the counsellor and cause emotional jeopardy for African-American women who attempt to live up to its expectations. Contents: ’Are All the Children at the Table?’ / ‘My Soul Looks Back and Wonders’ / Who is the African-American Female? / African-American Mother/Daughter Social Construction / Womanism: Embodying One’s Own Particularity / Psychological Confrontation of Matriarchy / Forgiveness: A Healing Response / Conclusion and Wider Implications May 2012 Hardback

192pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34065-7

Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice Series Editors: Dwight N. Hopkins and Linda E. Thomas

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Decolonizing the Body of Christ Theology and Theory after Empire? Edited by David Joy, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and New Testament, United Theological College, India and Joseph Duggan, Founder of Postcolonial Networks

This text offers a preview of the series focus on multi-religious, indigenous, and transnational scholarly voices. In this book, the once arch enemies of Religious studies and Postcolonial theory become critical companions in shared analysis of major postcolonial themes. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction to Postcolonialism and Religions Series; J.F.Duggan / Introduction; C.I.D.Joy / Preface; D.Forrester / PART I: DECOLONIZING THE SOURCES / Decolonizing the Bible, Church, and Jesus: A Search for an Alternate Reading Space for the Postcolonial Context; C.I.D.Joy / Decolonizing Marital Gender Norms in Eph. 5:21–33; J.Lalitha / 'Pierced by the curved end of a rainbow': Decolonizing the Body of the Martyr; J.J.Sebastian / Decolonizing the Formulation of Scripture: A Postcolonial Reading of Genesis 12, 20, and 26; N.Rao / PART II: DECOLONIZING RELATES BETWEEN THEOLOGY AND THEORY / Postmodernity, Postcoloniality, and Religious Cultures; S.Malhotra / Theologies of, for, and by Asians: Reformulating Dialogue; S.A.Bong / Allama Muhammad Iqbal: Poet Philosopher and the Dangers of Appropriation; M.A.Raja / PART III: DECOLONIZING CONTEXTS / Diaspora and Kenosis as Postcolonial Themes; M.G.Brett / Discourses of Learning and Love: Sufi Paths in Pakistan; M.Shoaib / PART IV: RESPONDENT CHAPTERS / Postcolonial Theory and Theology: On Educating Ourselves to be Planetary Subjects; M.Sebastian / Decolonizing the Body of Christ: An Initial Response; A.Reddie / Notes on the Contributors July 2012 Hardback

240pp £57.50

216x140mm 978-1-137-00289-1

Postcolonialism and Religions Series Editor: Joseph Duggan

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


philosophy and religion First Announcement

The Epistemology of Religious Disagreement A Better Understanding James Kraft, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Huston-Tillotson University, USA

Many assume falsely that religious disagreements engage rules of evidence presentation and belief justification radically different than the ordinary disagreements people have every day, whether those religious disagreements are in Sri Lanka between Hindus and Buddhists or in the Middle East among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE EPISTEMOLOGY OF ORDINARY DISAGREEMENTS / Justified True Belief? / Varieties of Luck and Possible Worlds / Skepticism between Beginner’s and Lottery Luck / Ordinary Disagreements / PART II: FROM ORDINARY TO RELIGIOUS DISAGREEMENTS / Ordinary and Religious Disagreements Compared / Exclusivism, Pluralism, Postmodernism, Contextualism, and Hermeneutics / Non-Reductive Religious Disagreement / Reduction / Conclusion May 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

Scientific Enquiry and Natural Kinds From Planets to Mallards P.D. Magnus, Associate Professor, University at Albany, State University of New York, USA

First Announcement

Faith, Fallibility, and the Virtue of Anxiety An Essay in Religion and Political Liberalism

Some scientific categories seem to correspond to genuine features of the world and are indispensable for successful science in some domain; in short, they are natural kinds. This book gives a general account of what it is to be a natural kind and puts the account to work illuminating numerous specific examples. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Introduction / How to Think About Natural Kinds / A Modest Definition / Natural Kinds Put to Work / Practical and Impractical Ontology / The Menace of Triviality / Causal Processes and Property Clusters / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index August 2012 12 figures Hardback





New Directions in the Philosophy of Science Series Editor: Steven French

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Derek Malone-France, Associate Professor of Religion and of Writing, George Washington University, USA where he also directs the University Writing Program

Malone-France brings together important themes from religious studies, philosophy, and political theory to articulate a fundamental re-conception of religious faith and an innovative argument for classic liberal norms. Contents: Introduction: Context, Terminology, and Structure / Anxiety: From Problem to Virtue / Anxiety, Secrecy, and Authority in the Abrahamic and Liberal Traditions / Faith, Freedom, Reason, and Responsibility / Divine Anxiety and the Metaphysics of Freedom / Process Metaphysics and Democratic Deliberation March 2012 Hardback

208pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-11190-5



216x138mm 978-0-230-11071-7


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Comes with a CD/DVD

philosophy and religion


Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion

A Philosophical Study

Edited by Yujin Nagasawa, Reader, University of Birmingham, UK

Paul McLaughlin, Senior Lecturer in Practical Philosophy, University of Tartu, Estonia

Confusion, controversy and even fear surrounds the political phenomenon of radicalism. This book attempts to make conceptual and historical sense of this phenomenon, both as a kind of practice and as a kind of thought, before defending it in a traditional if unfashionable form: a form that is historically progressive and politically humanistic. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / The Meaning of Radicalism / The History of Radicalism / Radicalism and Progress / Radicalism and Humanism / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

224 pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34784-7

First Announcement

Terrorism: A Philosophical Inquiry Anne Schwenkenbecher, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Vienna, Austria

Engages with the most urgent philosophical questions pertaining to the problem of terrorism. What is terrorism? Could it ever be justified? Assuming that terrorism is just one of many kinds of political violence, the book denies that it is necessarily wrong and worse than war. In fact, it may be justifiable under certain circumstances. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: DEFINING ‘TERRORISM’ / On the Current Debate On Defining Terrorism / What is Terrorism? / PART II: ETHICS OF TERRORISM OR CAN TERRORISM EVER BE PERMISSIBLE? / Innocents and Non-Innocents / Terrorism Against Non-Innocents / Terrorism Against Innocents / Collateral Damage / Concluding Remarks / References / Index June 2012 3 tables Hardback





Tackling central problems in philosophy of religion by referring to relevant theories and findings in cognitive science, anthropology, developmental psychology, decision theory, biology, physics, cosmology, the contributors address a range of topics, including divine attributes; God, creation and evolution; God and the universe; religious beliefs. Contents: Series Editors’ Preface / Notes on Contributors / Introduction: Y.Nagasawa / PART I: DIVINE ATTRIBUTES / The Necessity of God and the Psychology of Counterfactual Thinking; R.Le Poidevin / Why Would Anyone Believe in a Timeless God?: Two Types of Theology; B.Murphy / PART II: GOD, CREATION AND EVOLUTION / Darwin’s Argument from Evil; P.Draper / Attributing Agency: Fast and Frugal or All Things Considered?; G.Wood / PART III: GOD AND THE UNIVERSE / On Non-Singular Spacetimes and the Beginning of the Universe; W.L.Craig & J.D.Sinclair / The Theistic Multiverse: Problems and Prospects; K.J.Kraay / PART IV: RELIGIOUS BELIEFS / How Relevant is the Cognitive Science of Religion to Philosophy of Religion?; D.Leech & A.Visala / The Rationality of Classical Theism and its Demographics; T.J.Mawson / PART V: RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE AND DISAGREEMENT / Coercion, Consequence and Salvation; S.Clarke / Polarized yet Warranted Christian Belief; D.Efird / PART VI: THE COMPATIBILITY OF SCIENCE AND RELIGION / Freedom, Science, and Religion; K.A.Rogers / The Compatibility of Science and Religion: Why the Warfare Thesis is False; M.Ruse / Index August 2012 1 figure Hardback





On the Production of Subjectivity Five Diagrams of the Finite-Infinite Relation Simon O’Sullivan, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, UK

Offers a series of critical commentaries on, and forced encounters between, different thinkers. At stake in this philosophical and psychoanalytical enquiry is the drawing of a series of diagrams of the finite/infinite relation, and the mapping out of the contours for a speculative and pragmatic production of subjectivity. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / Introduction: Contemporary Conditions and Diagrammatic Trajectory / From Joy to the Gap: The Accessing of the Infinite by the Finite (Spinoza, Nietzsche, Bergson) / The Care of the Self versus the Ethics of Desire: Two Diagrams of the Production of Subjectivity (and of the Subject’s Relation to Truth) (Foucault versus Lacan) / The Aesthetic Paradigm: From the Folding of the FiniteInfinite Relation to Schizoanalytic Metamodelisation (to Biopolitics) (Guattari) / The Strange Temporality of the Subject: Life In-between the Infinite and the Finite (Deleuze contra Badiou) / Desiring-Machines, Chaoids, Probeheads: Towards a Speculative Production of Subjectivity (Deleuze and Guattari) / Conclusion: Composite Diagram and Relations of Adjacency / Bibliography / Index August 2012 43 figures Hardback





Palgrave Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion Series Editors: Yujin Nagasawa and Erik Wielenberg

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philosophy and religion First Announcement

Theology of Migration in the Abrahamic Religions Edited by Elaine Padilla, Assistant Professor, New York Theological Seminary, USA and Peter Phan, Ignacio Ellacuría Chair of Catholic Social Thought, Theology Department, Georgetown University, USA

From both the official statements and the works of major theologians in each religious tradition, this volume seeks to present the theologies of migration proposed by various Christian religious churches and denominations, Judaism, and Islam.

Kant’s Deduction and Apperception

Sacred Humanism Without Miracles

Explaining the Categories

Responding to the New Atheists

Dennis Schulting, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Offers a thoroughgoing, analytic account of the Deduction of the Categories in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason that is different from existing interpretations in at least one important aspect: its central claim is that the categories are derivable from the principle of apperception.

Contents: Introduction; E.Padilla & P.Phan / Jewish Theology of Migration; M.Raphael-Levine / Roman Catholic Theology of Migration; P.Phan / Orthodox Theology of Migration; V.Karras & E.H.Prodromou / Protestant Theology of Migration; J.M.Hagan / Evangelical/Pentecostal Theology of Migration; A.Yong / Islamic Theology of Migration; A.Hussain / Ecumenical Theology of Migration; E.Tapia

Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / The Deduction and the 'Self-Knowledge' of Reason / Deductive Proof and Regressive Analysis / The Unity in Thought: On the Guiding Thread / On the Analyticity of the Principle of Apperception / Deducing the Categories of Modality / Deducing the Categories of Relation / Deducing the Categories of Quality / Deducing the Categories of Quantity / How the Progressive and Regressive Arguments Interlock / Full Circle: Apperception, Objectivity, Judgment / Conclusion: 'I am the original of all objects' / References / Index

May 2012 Hardback

September 2012 304pp Hardback £55.00

256pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-00103-0

Christianities of the World Series Editor: Ivo Kamps

216x138mm 978-0-230-35882-9

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Roy G. Saltman, formerly a Computer Scientist and an expert in voting technology; Author of The History and Politics of Voting Technology, 2006, published by Palgrave Macmillan, and he has advanced degrees from MIT, Columbia University, and American University, all in the USA

Theory and Practice in the Philosophy of David Hume

The New Atheists’ claim that religion always leads to fanaticism is baseless. State-backed religion results in tyranny. Sacred humanists work to implement their highest values that will improve this world; separation of church and state, eliminating denigration of nonbelievers, assuring just governance, and preventing human trafficking. Contents: About the Author / Worldviews in Conflict / Our Physical Universe - Beyond Belief / Religion: Origins, Interpretations, and Current Practices / Religion and the State: A Tyrannous Alliance / Contemporary Interreligious Conflicts / Acting on Sacred Values in a Scientific Age May 2012 Hardback

276pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00361-4

James Wiley, Independent Scholar, USA

An original interpretation of Hume’s philosophy as centered on the relationship between theory and practice. The author argues that Hume’s Essays and History represent a humanist practical philosophy derived from the speculative philosophy of A Treatise of Human Nature and the Enquiries. Contents: Acknowledgements / Hume and the Problem of Theory and Practice in Philosophy and Political Theory / Hume’s Naturalism and Skepticism in the Treatise and His Appeal from Theory to Practice / The Systematic Theory of Theory of the Treatise of Human Nature / The Behaviorist Theory of Practice of the Treatise / The Practical Philosophies of Skepticism and Commercial Humanism / The Common Sense Theory of Theory of the Enquiries, Essays and History of England / The Common Sense Theory of Practice of the Later Works / Hume, Theory and Practice Today / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

304pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-02641-5


Women’s Spirituality and Education in the Black Church Yolanda Y. Smith, Assistant Professor of Christian Education, Yale University Divinity School, USA August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice Series Editors: Dwight N. Hopkins and Linda E. Thomas

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216x138mm 978-0-230-61833-6

Comes with a CD/DVD

philosophy and religion First Announcement

Theology and Marxism in Eagleton and Zizek A Conspiracy of Hope Ola Sigurdson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Director, Centre for Culture and Health, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Taking its cue from the renewed interest in theology among Marxist and politically radical philosophers or thinkers, this study inquires into the reasons for this interest in theology focusing on the British literary theorist Terry Eagleton and the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavojek, as two contemporary prominent Marxist thinkers. Contents: Introduction / Aim and Structure / Marxism and Theology / How to Read Eagleton and Žižek / Eagleton and the Sublunar Sublime / Žižek and the Trauma of Faith / Ideology as Idolatry or Vice Versa / Ideology Critique Beyond the Postmodern / The Embodied Self / The Moderately Rational Nature of Human Beings / Looking Awry / Ideology as Doctrine, Ritual, and Belief / Ideology and the Real / The Continuing Need for a Critique of Ideology / The Need for Faith / The Creed According to Eagleton / Faith, Reason, and Engagement / The Adventures of Spirit / The Importance of Being Born Again / Catholic Thomism and Hegelian Protestantism / God, Evil, and Freedom / Aquinas and The Void of God / Freedom After Nihilism / The Reason for Evil / Schelling, God and Evil / The Abandonment of God / Against Idolatry: On Not Quite Being Opposites / An Arrested Dialogue / Against the Ethics of the Real: Eagleton on Žižek / Against the Return to the Symbolic: Žižek on Eagleton / On Neighbourly Love / An Anatomy of Hope / Eschatology / Revolution / Communism / Hope / The (Re)turn to Theology Revisited May 2012 Hardback

240pp £58.00

Counterfactuals and Scientific Realism

Dialectics of Human Nature in Marx’s Philosophy

Michael J. Shaffer, Associate Professor of Philosophy, St. Cloud State University, USA

Michael Shaffer argues that it is almost never the case that theoretical claims in the physical sciences are intended to be strictly true of the real world. Rather, most theoretical claims in the physical sciences are intended to hold only in more or less idealized models, and so are intended to hold only in more or less idealized possible worlds. Contents: Introduction / PART I / The Concept of Idealization / The Ubiquity of Idealization / The Logic of Idealization / PART II / Epistemic Access, Confirmation and Idealization / Idealization and Inference to the Best Explanation / Realism and Idealization / References / Index August 2012 Hardback

240pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-30845-9

New Directions in the Philosophy of Science Series Editor: Steven French

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Mehmet Tabak, New York University, USA

A scholarly exploration of Marx’s thought without any favorable or critical ideological agendas, this book opposes the compartmentalization of Marx’s thought into various competing doctrines, such as historical materialism, dialectical materialism, and different forms of economic determinism. Contents: Marx's Conception of Human Nature: 'Is there no human nature just as there is a universal nature of plants and stars?' / Historical Materialism: General Theory of History / Dialectics and Historical Materialism: Determinants of the Structure / Alienation: Marx's Critical Explanation and Evaluation of the Internal Structure of Bourgeois Society / The State in Bourgeois Society and the Bourgeois State / Justice, Rights and Alienation / Marx's Critique of Ideology, Moral Positivism and Moralizing Criticism: Introduction to Critical-Revolutionary Dialectic July 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

210x140mm 978-0-230-34146-3

216x138mm 978-0-230-34011-4

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


philosophy and religion Palgrave Philosophy Today



Series Editor: Vittorio Bufacchi

Shaun Gallagher, Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, University of Central Florida, USA

The Palgrave Philosophy Today series will help all philosophers, established and aspiring, to understand, appreciate and engage with the intricacies which characterize all the many faces of philosophy. They are ideal teaching tools as textbooks for more advanced students. These books may not be meant primarily for those who have yet to read their first book of philosophy, but all students with a basic knowledge of philosophy will benefit greatly from reading these exciting and original works, which will enable anyone to engage with all the defining issues in contemporary philosophy.

Offers an exciting contemporary perspective of the subject by retrieving many important insights made by the classic phenomenological philosophers, updating some of these insights in innovative ways, and showing how they directly relate to ongoing debates in philosophy and psychology.

Philosophy of Psychology Pascal Engel, Professor of Philosophy, University of Geneva, Switzerland

This short introduction to issues in philosophy of psychology , such as the nature of psychological explanation and the specific status of psychology as a science, attempts to bring together some of the main problems of the scientific study of the mind through an analysis of the nature of mental representations and of mental phenomena in general. Contents: Psychological Explanation / The Aims and Scope of Cognitive Psychology / The Normative Mind and the Causal Mind / Is Knowledge a Natural Kind? / Should Psychology go Social? August 2012 Hardback Paperback

224pp £60.00 £16.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-27245-3 978-0-230-27246-0

Contents: The Situation of Phenomenology / What is Phenomenology? / Phenomenologies / Historical Background and Foreground / Death and Reincarnation / A Different Phenomenology / Further Reading / Psychologism, Transcendentalism and a New Naturalizing / Mathematics and Psychology / Naturalistic and Transcendental Accounts / The New Naturalism / Some Natural Ways of using Phenomenology / Formalizing Phenomenology / Neurophenomenology / Front-loaded Phenomenology / Phenomenological Methods and some Retooling / The Natural Attitude / The Epoché / The Phenomenological Reduction / Retooling the Eidetic Reduction / Some Questions about the First Person Perspective and Language / Intentionalities / Husserl’s Theory of Intentionality / Noesis-noema / Enactive Intentionality / Embodiment and the Hyletic Dimension / Hyle: A Sensational Concept / The Critique of Husserl’s Theory / Hyle and Quale / Embodiment and Hyletic Experience / Deepening the Enactive Interpretation / Time and Iime Again / Experiencing Time / Husserl’s Analysis / Self and First-person Perspective / A Tradition of Disagreements / Prereflective and Minimal Aspects of Self / The Sense of Ownership / Schizophrenia / Somatoparaphrenia / Rubber Hand Illusion and Whole Body Displacement / The NASA Robot Experience / First-person Perspective /Lifeworld, Action, Narrative / The Lifeworld / Turning the Tables / Action and Agency / The Narrative Scale / Intersubjectivity and Second-person Perspective / Transcendental Intersubjectivity / Being-with others / Standard Views of Social Cognition / Phenomenologial Approaches to Social Cognition / Developmental Studies/ Behavioral and Phenomenological Evidence / Evidence from Dynamic Systems Modeling / Revisiting Transcendental Intersubjectivity August 2012 Hardback Paperback

224pp £60.00 £16.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-27248-4 978-0-230-27249-1

Simon Kirchin, Lecturer in Philosophy, Unviersity of Kent at Canterbury, UK

Metaethics is an engaging and argumentative textbook introducing advanced students to the cutting edge of the debate in one of the most exciting areas of contemporary philosophy. Kirchin covers key topics, including varieties of moral realism, error theory, noncognitivism, and a brand new position; metaethical pluralism. Contents: What is Metaethics? / Moral Realism: Initial Thoughts / Moral Realism: Naturalism and Reductionism / Moral Error Theory / Noncognitivism / Sensibility Theory / Moral motivation / Further Thoughts August 2012 Hardback Paperback

208pp £60.00 £16.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-21946-5 978-0-230-21947-2 TB

Global Political Philosophy Mathias Risse, Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy, Harvard University, USA

Risse takes a refreshingly different approach to understanding the important and topical debates in the subject through the lens of issues of global reach such as justice, human rights, fair trade and immigration, focusing on normative questions that arise about globalization. Contents: Introduction / Universalism vs. Relativism / Human Rights / Why States? / Distributive Justice at the Global Level / Reparations for Past Injustice: Domestic and Global / Immigration / Fairness in Trade / Conclusion August 2012 Hardback

176pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36072-3 TB




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philosophy and religion • politics

Mind and Machine Joel Walmsley, Lecturer, University College Cork, Republic of Ireland

Walmsley offers a succinct introduction to major philosophical issues in artificial intelligence for advanced students of philosophy of mind, cognitive science and psychology. Whilst covering essential topics, it also provides the student with the chance to engage with cutting edge debates. Contents: Historical and Theoretical Background / Classical Cognitive Science and “Good Old Fashioned” AI / Godel, The Turing Test and the Chinese Room / Connectionism and Neural Networks / Criticisms and Consequences of the Connectionist Approach / From AI to A-Life: Dynamical and Embodied Approaches / The Future: Cyborgs, Hybrids and Human Nature / Glossary / Annotated Bibliography and Suggestions for Further Reading August 2012 176pp 216x138mm Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-30293-8 Paperback £16.99 978-0-230-30294-5 TB

Please use the following ISBNs to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-00232-6 Paperback: 978-0-230-00233-3

Politics/African Politics

Memories of the Maghreb Transnational Identities in Spanish Cultural Production Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo, Assistant Professor, Oakland University, USA

This book studies how literary and filmic accounts of Spain’s colonization of the Maghreb (1860 to 1956) inform the country’s struggle to reconcile its cultural diversity with a coherent national discourse while simultaneously trying to integrate itself in the postnational project of the European Union. Contents: Introduction / PART I / The Historical Novel and the Maghreb / Colonial Memories in the Mass Market / From Imperial to National Identity: Revisiting the Realist Tradition in Spanish Literature / Haunted by Colonial Dreams: Contemporary Fiction on the Spanish Colonization of the Maghreb / PART II / Diasporic Narratives: From the Maghreb to Sepharad / Sephardic Identity and the Enlightenment’s European Project. / A Plurilingual Memory: Representations of the Sephardim in Contemporary Spanish Literature / Antonio Muñoz Molina’s Sefarad: A Monolingual Memory /Iberianism and its Discontents / Daoudi’s El diablo de Yudis: Identity as Performance / Necessary Fictions: Building New Imagined Communities in Contemporary Catalonia / PART III / Hispano-Saharawi Fraternity: Nomadic Desire and Imperial Nostalgia / Western Sahara: The Last and Lasting Colonial Conflict in Africa / Rhizome and Colonial Desire: Spain in Western Sahara / Spanish Cultural Production on Western Sahara / Conclusion August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

State Fragility and SelfOrganization in Nigeria Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome, Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College, CUNY, USA

This book explores the linkages between state failure, self-help, and self-organization. It looks at the emergence of Nigerian civil society in the broader sense, outlining its dynamics and successes, but also revealing its costs and ambiguities. Contents: State Failure, Civil Society, and ‘Uncivil Society’: Concepts and Outline / Cooperative Investment and Credit Societies in Southwest Nigeria / From ‘Area-Boyism’ to ‘Junctions and Bases’: Social Order and Violence in Lagos Island / State Failure and the Niger Delta / Radical Ethnic Actors and Militias / Conflict Management and Peace-Building Capacities of State and Non-State Actors / Gendered States: State Failure, Gender, and the Women’s Rights Movement / Women in ‘Traditional’ / Local-Level Governance / Local Government and Community Self-Help Organisations / Contradictions in the Public Sphere: The Media / Churches as a (Failed?) Alternative July 2012 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00677-6

216x140mm 978-1-137-02814-3

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Constructing China’s Capitalism

Asian Politics

Governance of Energy in China Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy Philip Andrews-Speed, Director, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee, UK

The way in which energy is governed in China is driving its rising level of carbon dioxide emissions. This book analyzes the nature of energy governance in China by combining ideas relating to transition management with institutionalist theories, which helps to identify factors which assist or constrain the country’s path to a low-carbon economy. Contents: Introduction / China’s Energy Sector 19802010 / China’s Carbon Emissions: Outlook and Challenges / Managing the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy / Governance, Institutions and Society / China’s Institutions of Governance / Energy Policy-Making / Energy Sector Reform / Energy Policy Implementation and Regulation / Technological Innovation and Household Energy Saving / Implications for China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy August 2012 Hardback

288pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-28224-7

Energy, Climate and the Environment Series Editor: David Elliott

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Shanghai and the Nexus of Urban-Rural Industries

The Death Penalty in Contemporary China

Daniel Buck, Assistant Professor of Asian Studies and Geography, University of Oregon, USA

By investigating the nexus of relationships between urban and rural factories in the Shanghai region of China, this book sheds light on an overlooked part of China’s massive industrial growth from the 1980s on. Contents: Connecting City and Country: Shanghai’s SOEs and TVEs / The Geography of the Deepening Division of Labor / Failure of the Regional System / The Nexus Unravels / ‘Finding a Way Out’ / Reworking the Rural July 2012 272pp 1 map and 1 figure Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-34095-4

China in Transformation Series Editor: Ivo Kamps

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Bilateral Perspectives on Regional Security Australia, Japan and the Asia-Pacific Region Edited by William Tow, Professor, Department of International Relations and Rikki Kersten, Professor, Department of Political and Social Change, both at Australia National University, Australia

Assessing the key factors underlying AustralianJapanese cooperation and those policy challenges that could impede it, this book offers critical insights into why their two countries – traditionally the two key ‘spokes’ in the US bilateral alliance network spanning Asia – are moving toward a security relationship in their own right. August 2012 Hardback

256 pp £57.50

Susan Trevaskes, Australian Research Council QEII Research Fellow, Griffith University, Australia

China's infamous death penalty record is the product of firm Party-state control as policy informs capital punishment by courts. A quest for leniency eventually ousted China's 'Strike Hard' policy, as the Party-directed dialectic swung from 'kill many' for the first two decades of China's reform era from the early 1980s, towards 'kill fewer' from the mid2000s. The Supreme People's Court is instrumental in reform, with regaining its gatekeeping capacity to review and approve all death penalty decisions (2007), and progressively institutionalizing the 'suspended death sentence' in the courts, both intrinsic to today's 'Balancing Leniency and Severity' policy to the ethos of 'kill fewer'. This book details the story. Contents: Introduction: The Death Penalty Story / Killing Many and Killing Fewer / Deciding Guilt / Sentencing to Death / Choosing Life over Death / The Turning Point / Shifting Narratives of State Killing / Soft-Peddling Harsh Punishment / Conclusion July 2012 3 b/w tables Hardback





Palgrave Series in Asian Governance

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216x138mm 978-0-230-27901-8

Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific Series Editor: Mark Beeson

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The East Asian Peace Conflict Prevention and Informal Peacebuilding

Civil Society Networks in China and Vietnam

Mikael Weissmann, Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden

Informal Pathbreakers in Health and the Environment

Using a case study based approach, Weissmann analyzes the post-Cold War East Asian security setting to demonstrate why there is a paradoxical inter-state peace. He points out processes that have been important for the creation of a continuing relative peace in East Asia, as well as conflict prevention and peacebuilding mechanisms. Contents: PART I: THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK / The Paradox of the East Asian Peace / PART II: CASE STUDIES / Mainland China – Taiwan Relations and the Taiwan Issue / The South China Sea and Sino-ASEAN Relations / The Korean Nuclear Conflict / PART III: CONCLUSIONS / Conclusion: Understanding the East Asian Peace July 2012 7 tables Hardback





Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific Series Editor: Mark Beeson

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Political Economy of Stateowned Enterprises in China and India

Andrew Wells-Dang, Regional Management Quality Advisor, Catholic Relief Services Southeast Asia

Edited by Xu Yi-chong, Research Professor, Centre of Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University, Australia

This book brings a fresh, original approach to understand social action in China and Vietnam through the conceptual lens of informal environmental and health networks. It shows how citizens in non-democratic states actively create informal pathways for advocacy and the development of functioning civil societies.

Focused on unique features of economic development, this edited volume examines the nature and structure of corporate governance of several key state-owned enterprises in China and public sector units in India in five strategic sectors: oil and natural gas, steel, coal, electricity generation, and banking industries.

Contents: The Dynamic Societies of China and Vietnam / Redefining Civil Society: Networks and Advocacy / The Bright Future Group of People with Disabilities / The China Women’s Network Against AIDS / Preserving Hanoi’s Reunification Park / The China Rivers Network / Conclusion: Civil Society Networks and Political Change

Contents: The Political Economy of State-Owned Enterprises; X.Yi-Chong / The Shenhua Group – a Giant made in a Decade; J.Zhao & X.Yi-Chong / Coal India Limited – the last one standing; X.Yi-Chong / China’s Oil Industry: ‘Corporate Governance with Chinese Characteristics’; M.Taylor / Old Jewels in New Boxes? India’s Major Public Sector Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploration and Production Enterprises; S.De / The State Grid Corporation of China; X.Yi-Chong / National Thermal Power Corporation: Power in Public Enterprises; S.Narayan / The Baosteel Group: A National Champion amongst National Champions; J.D.Wilson / SAIL: Sailing or Stumbling?; A.Palit / A State Enterprise in China’s Capitalist Transformation: The Bank of China; L.Liew / State Bank of India: The Opportunities and Challenges of being a State-owned Bank in India; R.Chakrabarti

August 2012 Hardback

224pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-38020-2

Non-Governmental Public Action Series Editor: Jude Howell

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

August 2012 Hardback

304pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36074-7

International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

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politics European Politics

Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy Converging Security and Defence Policy in an Enlarged EU Laura Chappell, Lecturer in European Studies, School of Politics, University of Surrey, UK

A comparative analysis of an old and new EU Member State’s perceptions of and contributions to EU security and defence. This book focuses on change and continuity in both countries’ defence policies and where convergence and divergence has occurred. This has important implications for the EU’s effectiveness as an international security actor. Contents: Introducing Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) / Constructing an Analytical Framework / The Impact of Strategic Culture on Germany’s and Poland’s Security and Defence Policy / German and Polish Roles and CSDP / Germany, Poland and the European Security Strategy: Analysing Continuity and Change / Developing the EU Battlegroup Concept: The Perceptions and Contributions of Germany and Poland / Conclusion / References August 2012 256pp 216x138mm 10 b/w tables and 2 b/w line drawings Hardback £57.50 978-0-230-29201-7

New Perspectives in German Political Studies Series Editors: William E. Paterson and Charlie Jeffery

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The Politics of Belgium

European Disunion

Governing a Divided Society 2nd edition

Between Sovereignty and Solidarity

Kris Deschouwer, Professor of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Review of the 1st edition: ‘[A] long overdue single-authored book-length study of Belgian politics...which is likely to remain a key reference...for several years to come...There is little to fault in this book...Kris Deschouwer, one of Belgium’s leading political scientists...knows Belgian politics very well, writes in a clear and accessible style...[and] is an excellent comparative scholar.’ - Wilfred Swenden, Acta Politica A fully updated edition of the leading text on this small divided country at the heart of Europe that set a new world record by taking 541 days to form a new federal coalition in 2011. Contents: Why Belgium? A Short Political History / Territorial Organization and Reorganization / Political Parties Voting and Elections / The Government / The Parliament / Policymaking / Belgium in the World / Still Belgium? September 2012 288pp 24 b/w tables and 22 figures Hardback £70.00 Paperback £25.99

Edited by Jack Hayward, Research Professor of Politics and Rüdiger Wurzel, Reader and Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Studies, both at Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Hull, UK

The Euro crisis catapulted the EU into its most serious political crisis since its inception, leaving it torn between opposing demands for more sovereignty and solidarity. This volume focuses on the key themes of disunion, sovereignty and solidarity. It assesses the main EU institutions: member states, civil society actors and policy areas. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. September 2012 304pp Hardback £60.00

Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series Editors: Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson, Michelle Egan and Christopher Hill

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x138mm 978-1-137-03024-5 978-1-137-02960-7

Comparative Government and Politics

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216x138mm 978-0-230-36773-9

Comes with a CD/DVD


Waiting For Reform Under Putin and Medvedev Edited by Lena Jonson, Head of the Russia Research Programme and Senior Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Sweden and Stephen White, Professor of International Politics and Senior Research Associate of the Institute of Central and Eastern Europe, University of Glasgow, UK

In September 2009 Dmitrii Medvedev unveiled the term that was to become the defining objective of his presidency: ‘modernization.’ The contributors to this book, drawn from the leading scholars in Russian affairs, focus on the contested nature of the concept of modernization and the obstacles that arose in attempting to carry it out. Contents: Introduction; L.Jonson & S.White / PART I: THE CHALLENGE OF MODERNIZATION IN RUSSIA / Globalization and Discursive Resistance: Authoritarian Power Structures in Russia and the Challenges of Modernity; N.Hayoz / Russian Modernization Doctrines under Debate; M.Urnov / PART II: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM / The Nature and Function of ‘Putinism’; L.Gudkov / The Myth of the Russian ‘Unique Path’ and Public Opinion; B.Dubin / Socio-Cultural Factors and Russian Modernization; E.Pain / PART III: PIECEMEAL REFORM UNDER PUTIN AND MEDVEDEV / The Policymaking Process in Putin’s Prime Ministership; S.Fortescue / Business Representation in the State Duma; P.Chaisty / De-bureaucratizing the Small Business Sector; E.Huskey / United Russia’s Political Recruitment in the Russian Regions and ‘the strengthening of the Power Vertical’: The Case of Novgorod Region; C.Fauconnier / PART IV: CHALLENGES AND RISKS OF MODERNIZATION / Modernization and the Russian Regions; N.Petrov / Benefits and Risks of Political Modernization in Russia; I.Busygina & M.Filippov / PART V: REFLECTIONS IN EARLY 2012 / Modernization and After; S.White & L.Jonson August 2012 Hardback

256pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-1-137-01119-0

First Announcement

Liberalization Challenges in Hungary

Institutionalizing Intersectionality The Changing Nature of European Equality Regimes Edited by Andrea Krizsan, Research Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Hungary, Hege Skjeie, Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway and Judith Squires, Professor of Political Theory, University of Bristol, UK

Elitism, Progressivism, and Populism Umut Korkut, Lecturer, Department of Economic Affairs and International Business, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Examining political and economic liberalization in Hungary, this book identifies why and how liberalization has slowed down or halted since the country’s accession to the EU. Placed in the context of its Central and Eastern European neighbours, Hungary forms a case study for exploring the idea of “quality of democracy.” Contents: Why Hungary? / What Causes Liberalization Troubles? / Historical Features of Liberal Thought and Liberalism in Hungary / Liberalization after 1989 / The Conservative Reaction June 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-11459-3

Europe in Transition: The NYU European Studies Series Series Editor: Martin A. Schain

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An exploration of the ways that multiple inequalities are being addressed in Europe. Using country-based and region-specific case studies it provides an innovative comparative analysis of the multidimensional equality regimes that are emerging in Europe, and reveals the potential that these have for institutionalizing intersectionality. Contents: Institutionalising Intersectionality? A Theoretical Framework; A.Krizsan, H.Skjeie & J.Squires / The European Union: Initiator of a New European Anti-Discrimination Regime?; J.Kantola & K.Nousiainen / Institutionalising Intersectionality in the Nordic Countries: Anti-Discrimination and Equality in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden; A.Borchorst, L.Freidenvall, J.Kantola, L.Reisel & M.Teigen / Institutionalising Intersectionality in the ‘Big Three’: The Changing Equality Framework in France, Germany, Britain; C.Hermanin & J.Squires / Institutionalising Intersectionality in the Low Countries: Belgium and The Netherlands; K.Celis, J.Outshoorn, P.Meier & J.Motmans / Institutionalising Intersectionality in Southern Europe: Italy, Spain and Portugal; A.Alonso, M.Bustelo, M.Forest & E.Lombardo / Institutionalizing Intersectionality in Central and Eastern Europe: Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovenia; A.Krizsan & V.Zentai / European Equality Regimes: Institutional Change and Political Intersectionality; A.Krizsan, H.Skjeie & J.Squires July 2012 14 b/w tables Hardback





Gender and Politics Series Editors: Judith Squires and Johanna Kantola

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European Union Budget Reform Institutions, Policy and Economic Crisis Simona Milio, Lecturer in European Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and Giacomo Benedetto, Lecturer in Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

A tension between (richer) contributing Member States and (poorer) recipient Member States has always characterized the history of the budget of the European Union, the politics of which has often turned fraught. This volume evaluates the prospects for major change to expenditure and the structure of the budget for the period starting in 2014. Contents: Introduction: A History of the European Union Budget and the Possibilities for Reform; G.Benedetto / PART I: THE POLITICS OF BUDGET REFORM / Negotiations of the European Union Budget: How Decision Processes Constrain Policy Ambition; S.Hagemann / Budget Reform and the Lisbon Treaty; G.Benedetto / European Growth Policies in Times of Change: Budget Reform, Economic Crisis and Policy Entrepreneurship; R.Kaiser & H.Prange-Gstöhl / The Lisbon Treaty, Financial Crisis and Exit from Budget Gridlock; C. B.Blankart & G.B.Koester / PART II: PUBLIC SPENDING AND BUDGET REFORM / Reform of the European Union Budget: Implications for the Common Agricultural Policy; A.Greer / Challenges for the Future of the Structural Funds; S.Milio / Foreign and Security Policy in Austerity Europe: Budgetary Aspects of the Development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defence Policy; A.Miskimmon / Conclusion: Budget Policy, Past Experience and the Future; G.Benedetto & S.Milio / Bibliography / Index September 2012 224pp Hardback £57.50

National Interests and European Integration

The EU’s Lisbon Strategy

Discourses and Politics of Blair, Chirac and Schröder

Edited by Dimitris Papadimitriou, Reader in European Politics, Politics and Paul Copeland, Hallsworth Research Fellow, Department of Politics, both at University of Manchester, UK

Katrin Milzow, Scientific Officer, Swiss National Science Foundation

This study combines an account of Blair, Chirac, Schröder and their attitudes towards European integration. It analyzes political discourses on ‘national interests’ and the EU, the frequently debated role of political discourse, the concept of national interest, and offers an alternative point of view on intergovernmental interaction. Contents: Introduction / The Common Agricultural Policy: A European Agricultural Model between Sectoral and ‘National’ Interests? / The Eastern Enlargement: Ideals, Interests and Integration / The European Security and Defence Policy from ‘National’ to ‘European’ Interests? / Conclusion: Discourse and Politics of ‘National Interest’ in a Changing European Union August 2012 Hardback

256pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-34773-1

International Relations and Development Series Series Editors: Marc Galvin and André Liebich

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Evaluating Success, Understanding Failure

How successful was the EU’s Lisbon Strategy? This volume provides the first comprehensive assessment of the strategy and reflects on its key developments during its ten-year cycle. The volume contains both theoretical and empirical contributions by some of the leading scholars of EU studies across the social sciences. Contents: Introduction; P.Copeland & D.Papadimitriou / The Origins and Evolution of the Lisbon Strategy; S.James / Governing the Lisbon Strategy: Uncertain Governance in Turbulent Economic Times; S.Bulmer / Conceptualising the Lisbon Strategy: Europeanization and Varieties of Capitalism; K.Featherstone, A.Kornelakis & S.Zartaloudis / Social Inclusion and the Lisbon Strategy; M.Daly / Employment and the Lisbon Strategy; S.Velluti / Pensions and the Lisbon Strategy; P.Tinios / Healthcare and the Lisbon Strategy; Ruijter & T.K.Hervey / Education and the Lisbon Strategy; A.Corbett / Research and Innovation and the Lisbon Strategy; J.Edler / Economic and Monetary Union and the Lisbon Strategy; K.Dyson & L.Quaglia / The Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020: From the Governance of Coordination to the Coordination of Governance; K.A.Armstrong / Conclusion: The Lisbon Strategy: Evaluating Success and Understanding Failure; P.Copeland & D.Papadimitriou September 2012 288pp Hardback £60.00

Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics Series Editors: Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson, Michelle Egan and Christopher Hill

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x138mm 978-1-137-00497-0

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216x138mm 978-0-230-33712-1


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EU-ASEAN Relations in the 21st Century

The IMF and European Economies Crisis and Conditionality

Towards a Stronger Partnership Edited by Clara Portela, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Singapore Management University, Singapore and Daniel Novotny, Founder and Director of Global Europe Think Tank and editor of EU External Affairs Review

Escaping the economic and security-centred approaches, prevalent in contemporary U.S. debate the contributors explore political relations between the European Union (EU) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) . Their interdisciplinary perspectives touch on domains such as security, comparative integration, human rights, energy. Contents: Introduction: Growing Closer Together or Drifting Further Apart?; D.Novotny & C.Portela / ASEAN AND THE EU TODAY / The Context of EU-ASEAN Relations: Trials and Tribulations of Regionalism in Post-Cold War Europe and Asia; D.Webber / The EU and Non-Traditional Security in Southeast Asia September 2012 224pp Hardback £57.50

216x138mm 978-1-137-00749-0

Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy Series Editors: Toby Carroll, M. Ramesh and Darryl S.L. Jarvis

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Chris Rogers, Department of Politics, University of York, UK

With global markets in turmoil, financial crisis management is the vital topic of this decade. Examining the role that the International Monetary Fund has played since 1976, this volume explores: Britain's stand-by from the late 1970s, the Fund's apparent marginalization in the global economy following the Asian financial crisis, and early responses to the Greek sovereign debt crisis. By focusing on the ideas and interests of domestic policy-makers, Rogers is able to demonstrate how the Fund has been used by domestic economic policy-making elites to reconcile contradictions between accumulation and legitimation that appear inherent to the social relations of capitalism. Contents: Introduction / The Politics of Economic PolicyMaking: Conceptualizing IMF / Lending The Context of Program Ownership: British Economic Policy in 1974 / Establishing Program Ownership 1: The Sterling Exchange Rate and Counter-Inflation / Establishing Ownership 2: External Financing and Public Expenditure / Consolidating Ownership: The 1976 IMF loan / The Legitimacy Deficit: Competing Institutions, Competing Consensus, and SelfInsurance / The IMF and European Sovereign Debt: New Crisis, New Clients / Conclusions August 2012 Hardback

224pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-30065-1

International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The European Neighbourhood Policy in Perspective Context, Implementation and Impact Edited by Richard G. Whitman, Professor of Politics, University of Bath, UK and Stefan Wolff, Professor of Political Science, University of Nottingham, UK

‘An important source for students of EU external policies by providing a systematic background to the ENP and neighbouring countries.’ Journal of Common Market Studies 'This collection provides the reader with an extensive overview of the ENP and its weaknesses.’ - Karen Smith, West European Politics Contributors offer new approaches to the study of the European Neighborhood Policy. While the main emphasis is on the empirical assessment of the impact that the ENP has had to-date and on the factors that have shaped its implementation, it also provides new theoretical and methodological perspectives on how to study this policy area. Contents: PART I: THE STUDY OF THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY / PART II: MAKING SENSE OF THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY / PART III: THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY IN PRACTICE / CONCLUSIONS: WHERE NEXT FOR THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENP? A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 288pp 216x138mm 2 b/w illustrations and 1 b/w table Paperback £22.99 978-1-137-03123-5

Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics

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Key Controversies in European Integration Edited by Hubert Zimmermann, Professor, University of Marburg, Germany and Andreas Dür, Professor, University of Salzburg, Austria

'I look forward to teaching from this great new text. An excellent project, well conceived and executed, I even like the parts I disagree with.’ - Erik Jones, Johns Hopkins University, Bologna

This innovative text brings together pairs of specially commissioned contributions by prominent scholars who debate fourteen key controversies in relation to the nature, current state and future of European integration. The contributors represent the whole spectrum of thinking about the EU and examine the most fundamental contemporary issues. Contents: Introduction / The European Union: Success or Failure? / The Political Efficiency of the EU / More Powers for Brussels or Renationalization? / How Democratic Is The EU? / Too Much Power for the Judges? / Can There Be A Common European Identity? / The Uncertain Future of the Euro / Can The EU Tame Big Finance? / The EU’s Cohesion Policy: Reducing Disparities? / The Big Waste? The Common Agricultural Policy / Foreign Economic Policies: How Much Power for the Lobbyists? / Does The EU Act as a Normative Power? / Turkey and Beyond: Is EU Enlargement A Success Story or Has It Gone Too Far? / Towards A Common European Army? / Conclusion August 2012 Hardback Paperback

304pp £65.00 £23.99

234x156mm 978-1-137-00615-8 978-1-137-00614-1

The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson

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General and Comparative Politics

Comparative Political Leadership Edited by Ludger Helms, Professor of Political Science and Chair of Comparative Politics, University of Innsbruck, Austria

‘A most impressive and important collection of chapters written by a truly international team of scholars that will be essential reading for all those seeking an authoritative assessment of recent developments in the key areas of political leadership, and the international state of the art in comparative leadership research.’ - Professor Sergio Fabbrini, author of Compound Democracies 'Not just a splendid textbook, but one which significantly deepens and broadens the study of leadership. A brilliant incentive to do further research in the field.' - Professor Jean Blondel, author of Political Leadership Written by a team of distinguished leadership scholars, this volume explores all the major fields of political leadership, from executive, legislative and party leadership to leadership in social movements and international organizations. The special value and appeal of this volume is the comparative focus which characterizes all chapters.

Elite Statecraft and Electoral Administration Bending the Rules of the Game? Toby S. James, Lecturer, Department of Political and Cultural Studies, Swansea University, UK

The way in which elections are run is changing, as radical reforms or experiments have been introduced across the world. This book establishes why election administration might be used by political elites to win and maintain power. It identifies the role of elite interests in shaping election administration in USA, UK and Ireland. Contents: Election Administration and Electoral Studies: Theories, Frameworks and Anomalies / Election Administration – a Tool for Political Statecraft? / The Statecraft Approach: Bringing Political Elites Back In / ‘Stopping the Vote’: Election Administration in the USA / ‘Modernising’ Elections? Election Administration in Britain / ‘Our silly aul’ pencils’: Election Administration in Ireland / Agendas, Systems and Processes: Elite Strategy and Election Administration in Comparative Perspective / Conclusions and Lessons for Theorists and Constitutional Designers August 2012 288pp 216x138mm 12 b/w tables and 6 b/w line drawings Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-30842-8

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 Hardback

336pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29649-7

Palgrave Studies in Political Leadership Series Editors: Ludger Helms, Robert Elgie, Takashi Inoguchi and Barbara Kellerman

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Just Peace

Globalization and International Relations

How Wars Should End Mona Fixdal, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Contemporary History, University of Oslo, Norway

Conflicts and Wars

Drawing on many of the wars and peaces of recent decades, this book offers a persuasive new perspective on postwar justice. In her analysis wars of succession, wars for territory, and the political institutions that precede and follow wars, Fixdal explores the outer limits of the idea that it is worth paying almost any price for peace.

Their Fallout and Prevention Hossein Askari, Iran Professor of International Business and International Affairs, George Washington University, USA

Explaining how the price of aggression is low enough that governments do not avoid conflicts, this book examines many dimensions of costs incurred by warfare and proposes a private sector solution to warfare’s low cost.

Contents: Theoretical Foundations / Outcomes to Secessionist Wars / Outcomes to Territorial Wars / Outcomes to Wars over Government August 2012 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-60034-8

Contents: A Glance at Recent Conflicts and Wars / Estimating the Price of Conflicts and Wars / The Seeds of Conflict and War - the Persian Gulf / The Global Costs of Three Wars in the Persian Gulf / How Conflicts and Wars Can Be Ended July 2012 240pp 8 figures and 22 b/w tables Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-02094-9

Territories of Citizenship Edited by Ludvig Beckman and Eva Erman, both Senoir Lecturers, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, Sweden

A comprehensive exploration of theories of citizenship and inclusiveness in an age of globalization. The authors analyze democracy and the political community in a transnational context, using new critical, conceptual and normative perspectives on the borders, territories and political agents of the state. Contents: Citizens and Resident Aliens / Is Residence Special? / Naturalisation, Desert and the Symbolic Meaning of Citizenship / ‘Democratic Agents’ and ‘Agents of Democracy’ in Multilayered Governance / The Practical Conditions of Sovereignty of the People / The Limits of Post-Territorial Political Community / Making Global Governance Public / Initial Citizenship and Rectificatory Secessions July 2012 Hardback

208pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-34775-5

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politics First Announcement

Nationalism and Human Rights In Theory and Practice in the Middle East, Central Europe, and the Asia-Pacific Edited by Grace Cheng, Associate Professor of Political Science, Hawai’i Pacific University, USA

This collection of essays offers a comprehensive discussion of the challenge of promoting human rights in the face of nationalism’s persistence as an ideological and mobilizational force in politics. Contents: Foreword; Z.Arat / The Relationship between Nationalism and Human Rights: An Introduction to the Dimensions of the Debate; G.Cheng / Human Rights as a Security Challenge: An Examination of Turkish Nationalist Discourse on Minority Rights Reformations; B.Ç.Tekin / All in the Name of Human Rights: Australian Nationalism and Multiculturalism, 1980-1990; T.Whitford / Migrants at Home: The Impact of Israeli Land Policy and Patrilocal Residence on Palestinian Women in Israel; L.AbouTabickh / National Rights, Minority Rights, and Ethnic Cleansing; O.Dahbour / Cosmopolitan Citizenship as a Thin Concept: Who is Willing to Die for Humanity?; F.Kartal / The Contradictions of Human Rights and Sovereignty: Contemporary Dilemmas of Postwar Historical Practice; G.Cheng / Taming the Nation-State: Human Rights and Peoples; M.Avila / Conclusion: Nationalism versus Human Rights; F.Türkmen March 2012 Hardback

206pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-33856-2

Protest and Organization in the Alternative Globalization Era NGOs, Social Movements, and Political Parties Heather Gautney, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Fordham University, USA

This study looks at the ongoing efforts of the Alternative Global Movement and World Social Forum to reconcile contests over political organization among three of the most prominent groups on the contemporary left - social and liberal democratic NGOs, anti-authoritarian (anarchist) social movements, and political parties. Contents: Neoliberal Globalization: Origins and Effects / The Alternative Globalization Movement and World Social Forum / Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) / Anti-Authoritarian Social Movements / Political Parties and the State / States and Movements August 2012 Paperback

224pp £20.00

210x140mm 978-1-137-01332-3

Christian Approaches to International Affairs Jodok Troy, Lecturer in Political Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Troy analyzes how the understanding of religion in realism and the English school helps in working toward the greater good in international relations, and studies religion within the overall framework of international affairs, integrating and framing religion, as well as religion within the field of peace studies. Contents: PART I: RELIGION IN THE INTERNATIONAL REALM / The Power of the ‘Legions not Always Visible on Parade’ / The Resurgence of Religion in Global Politics / The Christian Context: Religion as Being / PART II: THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS / The Unending Struggle: In and Outside the Box / The English School: Modes of Society / Realism: Overcoming Evil / PART III: CONCLUSION / Another Notion of Religion in World Politics August 2012 Hardback

208pp £55.00

Global Matters for NonGovernmental Public Action Edited by Jude Howell, Professor and Director, Centre for Civil Society, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

Professor Howell brings together eight in-depth studies of the politics of global non-governmental public action; covering detailed empirical research around the themes of environmentalism, security, children’s rights and more, the contributors explore the complex politics amongst non-governmental public actors acting transnationally. Contents: Introduction; J.Howell / Global Norms, Domestic Politics: Children’s Rights and Civil Society in Argentina; J.Grugel & E.Peruzzotti / Post-9/11 Global Security Regime and Non-governmental Public Action; J.Howell / NGO Coalitions and the Global Access to Medicines Campaign: The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Developing Countries; D.Matthews / The Influence of Transnational Non-governmental Public Actors on Policy Processes and Policy Outcomes: Rethinking North-south Relations; R.Crook Ngos / The State and ‘Cultural Values’: Imagining the Global in Sri Lanka; H.Amarasuriya & J.Spencer / Alternative Media and Public Action: How Online Media Movements (Don’t) Use Resources; A.Spicer / North-South Environmentalisms: Friends of the Earth International (FOEI); B.Doherty & T.Doyle / Global Policy and the Public Action of Private Philanthropy: The Open Society Foundation; D.Stone September 2012 272pp Hardback £57.50

Non-Governmental Public Action Series Editor: Jude Howell

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x138mm 978-0-230-36291-8




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216x138mm 978-0-230-29035-8

Comes with a CD/DVD


A Nuclear Weapons-Free World? Britain, Trident and the Challenges Ahead Nick Ritchie, Research Fellow, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK

NATO’s Post-Cold War Trajectory Decline or Regeneration Mark Webber, Department of Politics, Loughborough University, UK, James Sperling, Professor of Political Science, University of Akron, USA and Martin A. Smith, Senior Lecturer, Defence and International Affairs, Royal Military Academy, UK

President Obama and the UK Labour and Coalition governments have all backed the renewed momentum for serious progress towards a world free of nuclear weapons, whilst the UK finds itself embarked on a controversial and expensive programme to renew its Trident nuclear weapons system. What does the UK process tell about the prospects for disarmament? Contents: Introduction / PART I: CONTEXT / British Nuclear Weapons after the Cold War / Reykjavik Revisited / Trident Renewal / PART II: ENABLERS / Deterrence / Identity / A Very Special Nuclear Relationship / The Submarine-Building Industry / PART III: RESISTANCESNuclear Disarmament /Cost Options Towards a Nuclear-Weapons Free World August 2012 Hardback

256pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-29102-7

Global Issues Series Editor: Jim Whitman

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Two decades since the watershed of the Cold War, this book investigates NATO’s staying power. This book investigates how the Alliance has adapted and managed to attend to new roles and purposes through the lens of International Relations theory. The Alliance will continue, but will remain subject to ongoing crises and challenges of change. Contents: Where is NATO Going? / Thinking NATO Through Theoretically / Operations / Enlargement / NATO-Russia Relations / NATO and the European Union / Cconclusion / Endnotes August 2012 Hardback

288pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-00452-8

New Security Challenges Series Editor: Stuart Croft

Latin-American Politics

Civil Society and Electoral Accountability in Latin America Edited by Sharon F. Lean, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Wayne State University, USA

What is the role of civic associations in generating electoral accountability and how do efforts by national groups to ensure free and fair elections advance democratic consolidation? Lean advances our understanding of how civic activism can strengthen election processes, and provides new insight into role of elections for democratic consolidation. Contents: Civil Society and the Struggle for Electoral Accountability / Elections and Election Monitoring in Latin America / Civil Society and Elections in Mexico / Civil Society and Elections in Venezuela / Regional Networking for Electoral Accountability / Domestic Election Monitoring in Other Regions August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

210x140mm 978-0-230-33979-8

Elections, Voting, Technology Series Editor: Ivo Kamps

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

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José Martí

Raúl Castro and Cuba

Images of Memory and Mourning

A Military Story

Emilio Bejel, Distinguished Professor of Latin American Studies, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California at Davis, USA

This book is devoted to studying the visual representations of José Martí’s body and the discourses of power that make it possible for Martí’s images to be perceived as icons today. Contents: Gaze, Intentionality, and Manipulation / Battling for the National Icon / The Filming of a Memory / Melancholia for Martí / Afterthoughts: Resisting Cuban Melancholia September 2012 192pp 24 illustrations Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-34075-6

The State and the Private Sector in Latin America The Shift to Partnership Mauricio Font, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies, Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA

States worldwide are shifting toward collaboration with the private sector, particularly for the provision of large-scale infrastructure projects. This book focuses on the growing reliance on publicprivate partnerships and concessions to address societal needs Contents: State and Market / Analytical Framework / A Global Phenomenon / Shifting Latin America / Brazil / Subnational Brazil / Transantiago: Urban Development in Chile July 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

Hal Klepak, Professor of History and Warfare Studies, Royal Military College of Canada

This book tells the story of the military life of the longest serving minister of defense of any country in recent times. While the picture that often emerges of Raúl Castro is that of a colorless younger brother of Fidel - a product essentially of that grander figure - this book analyzes Raúl Castro as a man of his own, a politician and an impressive military commander and organizer, as well as a highly original thinker on both military matters and wider national issues that have faced the Cuban state over more than half a century. Filling a gap in recent scholarship, it demonstrates that the government he has put into place in Cuba in the last four years is very much his, and is not, as some believe, a mere shadow of his brother's.

Cuban Identity and the Angolan Experience Christabelle Peters, Visiting Teaching Fellow, Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies, University of Nottingham, UK

Exploring the cultural politics of Cuba’s epic military engagement in the Angolan civil war, this book narrates the transformation of Cuban national identity from Latin African to Caribbean through the experience of internationalism in Angola. Contents: SEPARATION / Slave Nostalgias / The Public Lives of Santería / The Map of Africanía: Part One / TRANSITIONS / Rituals of War / Return of the Slaves / The Map of Africanía: Part Two / INCORPORATION / ‘One Caribbean Sun’ / The Map of Africanía: Part Three September 2012 240pp 8 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00

208pp £55.00

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x140mm 978-0-230-34074-9

Studies of the Americas Series Editor: Maxine Molyneux

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x138mm 978-0-230-11140-0




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New Concepts in Latino American Cultures Series Editors: Licia Fiol-Matta and José Quiroga

Contents: Youth, Soldier, Officer, First Command / Minister but Nonetheless a Soldier / We’ll Have to Think Again: The ‘80s and the Weakening of the Soviet Connection / The Special Period for Raúl, the FAR and Cuba / Partial Recuperation and Last Years as Minister / A Military Man as President / A Revolutionary Soldier and ‘His’ Revolutionary Defense System / Conclusions July 2012 Hardback


Comes with a CD/DVD

politics First Announcement

Black Social Movements in Latin America

First Announcement

Taxation and Society in Twentieth-Century Argentina

From Monocultural Mestizaje to Multiculturalism Edited by Jean Muteba Rahier, Associate Professor of Anthropology and of African & African Diaspora Studies, Florida International University, USA

This collection of essays aims to explore the transformations of the political landscapes within which Afro Latino social movements have been operating since the end of the 1970s. Every individual essay emphasizes the processes that led to the emergence of state corporatism/cooptation of Afro Latinos and their consequences on Afro Latino social movements. As many of the contributions show, these new situations have rendered Afro Latino political struggles more complex. Sometimes, as in the case of the Pacific Lowlands of Colombia, they have heightened to new levels of aggressiveness dominant socio-political actors' antagonism towards them. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. June 2012 4 b/w tables Hardback

José Antonio Sánchez Román, Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

This book provides a historical narrative of the Argentine tax system in the twentieth century. It argues that the failure to build permanent trust between the state and the civil society and the unraveling of confidence within Argentine society itself account for the collapse of the progressive tax system. Contents: Introduction / Discussing the Income Tax (1914-1930) / Economic Elites, Legitimacy, and Progressive Taxation (1930-1945) / Taxation and Peronism (1946-1955) / Into the Labyrinth (1955-1976) / Searching for Solutions: the VAT / Conclusions June 2012 272pp 5 figures and 4 b/w tables Hardback £57.50

216x140mm 978-0-230-34126-5

Studies of the Americas Series Editor: Maxine Molyneux

288 pp


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African Roots, Brazilian Rites Cultural and National Identity in Brazil Cheryl Sterling, Master Teacher of the Liberal Studies Programe, New York University, USA

Questions of Africanness and blackness rim the Afro-Brazilian sphere of interaction. What is Africa? How is it constructed by Afro-Brazilians? What do these constructions accomplish? How are they reflected in the national character? And how do these constructs lend themselves to ideations of blackness? In fact, what exactly is blackness, given that Brazil is a hybrid nation in both its ethnic composition and cultural modalities? This book examines the field cultural and racial representation by Afro-Brazilians in Candomblé culture, public rituals, carnival, plays, poetry and hip-hop videography, to reposition Afro-Brazilians in the framework of Brazil's social and political processes. Contents: Introduction: ‘Why Keep Asking Me About My Identity?’ / Chapters / Where is Africa in the Nation? History becomes Transformative Praxis / Ritual Encounters and Performative Moments / From Candomblé to Carnaval: The Transformation of Ritual into Public Performance and Discourse /Performing Bodies Performing Blackness Performing Self: The Transformative Poesies of TEN and the Bando de Teatro Olodum / Aesthetically Black: The Articulation of Blackness in the Black Arts Movement and Quilombhoje / Deliberating Blackness: Hip-Hop, Periferia Narratives and the Outing of Marginality / Conclusion: ‘Uma luta que nos transcende.’ September 2012 256pp Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00999-9

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Latin America After Neoliberalism Developmental Regimes in Post-Crisis States Chris Wylde, Teaching Fellow, University of York, UK

'In the burgeoning literature on postneoliberalism in Latin America, this book is sure to become a groundbreaking text...' - Professor Peadar Kirby, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland Wylde analyzes Kirchnerismo in Argentina and the developmental regime approach in the political economy of development in Latin America. He shows the systematic way in which relationships between state-market, state-society, and nationalinternational dichotomies can be characterized within a developmentalist paradigm. Contents: Introduction: The Political Economy of Development and Crisis / PART I: COMPARATIVE THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES AND DEBATES / The Rise of Developmentalism in Latin America: Beyond the Washington Consensus? / From Developmental States to Developmental Regimes: Lessons from Asia for Contemporary Latin America / PART II: SURVEYING THE LANDSCAPE: THE CASES OF ARGENTINA AND BRAZIL / The Economic Policies of Néstor Kirchner’s Argentina 2003-2007 / Argentina, Kirchnerismo, and Neodesarrollismo: Argentine Development under Néstor Kirchner 2003-2007 / The Economic Policies of Lula’s Regime in Brazil / Neoliberalism or Developmentalism? The Political Economy of Brazil 2003-2010 / PART III: POST-CRISIS POLITICAL ECONOMY IN LATIN AMERICA: GLOBAL Lessons? / Crisis and Post-Crisis States in a Regional and Global Comparative Perspective / Conclusion: Continuity and Change in Post-Crisis Political Economy - The Rise of Latin America? July 2012 288pp 216x138mm 7 b/w tables and 17 b/w photographs Hardback £57.50 978-0-230-30159-7

International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

Middle East Politics

The Role of the Arab-Islamic World in the Rise of the West

Islam in the West Key Issues in Multiculturalism Edited by Max Farrar, Sociologist, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, Simon Robinson, Professor of Applied and Professional Ethics, University of Leeds, UK and Yasmin Valli, Principal Lecturer and Teaching Fellow and Paul Wetherly, Principal Lecturer in Politics, both at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

Edited by Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan, Senior Member, St Antony’s College, Oxford, UK

This book takes a fascinating look at the role of the Arab-Islamic world in the rise of the West. It examines the cultural transmission of ideas and institutions in a number of key areas, including science, philosophy, humanism, law, finance, commerce, as well as the Arab-Islamic world’s overall impact on the Reformation and the Renaissance. Contents: Introduction: A Thousand Years of Amnesia / The Arabs and the Italian Renaissance / Re-Orienting the Reformation? Prolegomena for a History of the Reformation's Connection with the Islamic World / The Possible Contribution of Islamic Legal Institutions to the Energence of a Rule of Law and the Modern State in Europe / Islamic Commerce and Finance in the Rise of the West / Suppressed or Falsified History? The Untold Story of Araba-Islamic Rationalist Philosophy / A Forgotten Debt: Humanism and Education, from the Orient to the West / The Arabic-Latin Intercultural Transmission of Scientific Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe: Historical Context and Case Studies / The Way Forward: Implications for Contemporary Trans-Cultural Relations September 2012 272pp Hardback £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-39320-2

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

This book contributes to understanding of the contemporary relationship between Muslims and the Western societies in which they live, focusing particularly on the UK. Chapters reflect on the nature of multiculturalism, as well as a wide range of specific aspects of daily life, including religious dialogue, gender, freedom of speech and politics. Contents: Foreword; I.I.Mogra / Introduction - ‘Islam’, ‘the West’ and ‘Multiculturalism’; P.Wetherly, S.Robinson, Y.Valli & M.Farrar / Multiculturalism in the UK – a Contested Discourse; M.Farrar / Multiculturalism: Commonality, Diversity and Psychological Integration; T.Ramadan / Freedom of Expression, Multiculturalism, and the ‘Danish Cartoons’; P.Wetherly / Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Lecture: a Flashpoint in ChristianMuslim Relations; I.Markham / Secularism and the Accommodation of Religious Law: Reflections on Rowan Williams’s Lecture; S.Robinson & P.Wetherly / The Role of Muslim Womenin Britainin Relation to the Government’s ‘Prevent Agenda’; Z.R.Ahmed / Veiled Interventions in Pure Space: Honour, Shame and Embodied Struggles among Muslims in Britain and France; P.Werbner / Sexuality Politics in Islam; A.N.Pilgrim / Deconstructing the Debate around Sport and the ‘Question’ of ‘Muslim Minorities’ in the West; M.Amara & I.Henry / Islam, Responsibility and Business; S.Robinson / Towards a Shared Future?: Opportunity and Denial in Bradford’s Experience of Ethnic and Religious Change; A.Carling / From Madrassa to Mainstream - The Role of the Madrassa in Shaping the Core Islamic Values and Practice Amongst Young British Muslims; Y.Valli / The Construction of Criminality and Disorder among British Muslim Young People; C.Webster / Islamism and Terror: A Western Way of Doing Politics; M.Farrar June 2012 3 b/w tables Hardback








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Old Conflict, New War Israel’s Politics Toward the Palestinians

Bahrain from the Twentieth Century to the Arab Spring

Uri Ben-Eliezer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Haifa University, Israel

This book provides a comprehensive sociological and cultural explanation of Israel’s politics toward the Palestinians, covering the period of the Oslo Accords and the Second Intifada and focusing on the concept of a ‘new war’ that is an outgrowth of internal relations within Israel itself and the diversionary politics of its leadership. Contents: Introduction: The Muqata / New Wars in the Global Era / PART I: THE CHANCES FOR PEACE / Internal Struggle around the Oslo Agreements / The Military Politics of the IDF /PART II: AL-AQSA INTIFADA / ‘No Partner to Peace’ / From Disturbances to War / Israel and the ‘Global War on Terror’ / Operation Defensive Shield / Social Protest in the War / PART III: THE POLITICS OF SEPARATION / Israel’s Reaction to the Roadmap / The Separation Fence / Withdrawal from Gaza / Epilogue: Israel’s Further New Wars August 2012 Hardback

272pp £60.00

235x152mm 978-1-137-02756-6

Alliance Security Dilemmas in the Iraq War German and Japanese Responses Natsuyo Ishibashi, Postdoctoral Fellow, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

This book explains why Germany opposed the U.S. decision to attack Iraq in 2003 and Japan supported it, despite the two countries' many similarities, by employing the concept of alliance security dilemma. The author's conclusions are based on analysis of primary and secondary materials as well as interviews conducted with key political actors in both countries.

Miriam Joyce, Professor of History, Purdue University Calumet, USA

Edward Said on the Prospects of Peace in Palestine and Israel John Randolph LeBlanc, Associate Professor, Political Science Division of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Tyler, USA

Based on both British and American sources, this book explores the modern history of Bahrain and its international relations. Focusing particularly on British and American relations with Bahrain, Joyce's history investigates also Bahrain's relations with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the USSR. Finally, the book covers the history of tension between Sunni and Shia Bahrainis, and concludes with the still unfolding events of the 2011 Arab spring.

The Palestinian-American critic and activist Edward Said's political commitment to giving voice to the Palestinian story occupied much of his adult life. He told the story in an environment resistant to the very notion of the existence of a Palestinian people. In this book, a political theorist reads Said's work, concluding that he preferred 'reconciliation' to segregation in Palestine/Israel. Suitable for scholars and a general audience, this book explores Said's work for what it says about negotiating the troubling, proximate and unsettling presence of our most perplexing others. Said's value as a political thinker is what he tells us about peacebuilding, for any peace in Palestine/Israel will come from below, in the forebearance, recognition, and, ultimately, the reconciliation of two communities of suffering.

Contents: Oil, Iran and Palestine / Arab Nationalism and the British Decision to Depart / From Independence to the Ramadan/Yom Kippur War / Old Problems and New Challenges / After the Shah’s Departure / From the Gulf Cooperation Council to the Arab Spring

Contents: Introduction / PART I: DISPLACEMENT AND THE DEMOCRATIC / Said’s Camus—Living Displacement / The Ambiguities of the Democratic / PART II: UNDERDEMOCRATIC PARADOX: ATTAHMENTS AND ENCLOSURES / Unsettling Attachments to Unsettled Places / Overcoming Enclosures of Space and Meaning / PART III: DEMOCRATIC PRACTICES OF DETACHMENT / Conceptual Detachment—Exile and Exodus / Detachment without Disengagement—Articulating Presence / PART IV: IMPLICATIONS / Presence before Politics: Said’s Political Theory

September 2012 208pp Hardback £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-03178-5

Middle East Today Series Editor: Ivo Kamps

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-00846-6

Contents: Introduction / Background / Regional Security Environments (Europe vs. East Asia) / Alliance Institutions (NATO vs. the US -Japan Security Treaty) / Military Institutions (The German Army vs. Japan Ground SelfDefense Force) / Theoretical Alternatives and Implications / Conclusion July 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-33733-6

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Iran From Theocracy to the Green Movement Edited by Negin Nabavi, Associate Professor of History, Montclair State University, USA

Recent Iranian history has been full of unexpected turns. Whether it was the 1979 revolution, the rise to power of the reformist movement in 1997, or the emergence of the Green Movement in June 2009, the world was taken unawares at every juncture. This book brings together essays that both speculate on the import of the developments of 2009 and also shed light on the complexities and the ever-changing dynamics of post-revolutionary Iran. Contents: PART I: RELIGION, POLITICS, AND DISCOURSE / The Tenth Presidential Elections and their Aftermath; F.Farhi / The Political Economy of the Green Movement: Contestation and Political Mobilization in Iran; F.Adelkhah / From ‘Reform’ to ‘Rights’: Mapping a Changing Discourse in Iran, 1997-2009; N.Nabavi / The Sacred in Fragments: Shi’i Iran since the 1979 Revolution; B.Rahimi / PART II: NATIONAL IDEOLOGY, THE ECONOMY, AND THE STATE / Matters of Authenticity: Nationalism, Islam and Ethnic Diversity in Iran; R.C.Elling / From ‘Enemies of the Revolution’ to Unfulfilled Ideal: Private Industrial Entrepreneurs in the Islamic Republic of Iran; K.Selvik / PART III: WOMEN, YOUTH, AND SOCIETY / The Green Movement: A Struggle against Islamist Patriarchy?; F.Sadeghi / Socio-demographic Changes in the Family and their Impact on the SocioPolitical Behavior of the Youth in Post-Revolutionary Iran; M.Ladier-Fouladi July 2012 256pp 3 b/w tables and 2 figures Hardback £57.50 Paperback £19.99

235x156mm 978-0-230-11461-6 978-0-230-11469-2

Inevitable Democracy in the Arab World

Science, Development, and Sovereignty in the Arab World

New Realities in an Ancient Land

A. B. Zahlan, formerly Professor of Physics, American University of Beirut (1956-1976), he is involved in consulting in science policy in the Arab world

Wissam S. Yafi, Technologist and International Development Harvard Scholar, USA

In this comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and thought-provoking book, Wissam S. Yafi argues that there are four dynamics leading to inevitable change in the Arab region: geopolitical, geoeconomic, geosocial, and technological. The incumbent autocratic regimes are unable to counter these forces and change has become inevitable - but what are the alternatives? Yafi considers anarchy, neodictatorship, theocracy, liberalized autocracy, and democracy. Logically and carefully analyzing each, Yafi comes to the conclusion that no system will be able to support the dynamics in place except for democracy, which will alter the current failed social contract to one that supports self-determination and self-sufficiency. Contents: PART I: NEW REALITIES / Geopolitical Realities: Game Changers / Geo-Economic Realities: It’s the Economy Stupid / Geo-social Realities: Babies Everywhere / Technological Realities: Virtual Genie / PART II: INEVITABLE ARAB DEMOCRACY / The Paradox of Arab Weakness / Change and Potential Outcomes / Myths and Misconceptions of Arab Democracy / Islam and Democracy / Epilogue: Impending Arab Dip and the Role of the International Community July 2012 6 b/w tables Hardback Paperback



£62.50 £17.99

978-1-137-00802-2 978-1-137-00849-7

Zahlan’s detailed study examines recent and current performance of Arab countries and their organizations in scientific research in relation to their socioeconomic development. It shows that the Arab countries are severely handicapped by a political economy dominated by technological dependence, corruption, and limited research collaboration. Contents: Background / R&D in the Arab World / R&D and Its Functions / Science, Universities and Enterprise / Scientific Collaboration in the Arab World / International Collaboration of Arab Scientists / Seeding the Arab World / Science and National Security / Science and Poverty / Building Organizations: Learning, Adapting, Accumulating, Integrating / Municipalities, Science and Technology / Future Prospects July 2012 288pp 8 figures and 14 b/w tables Hardback £55.00



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Comes with a CD/DVD

politics Political Science and Political Theory

Dialogues with Contemporary Political Theorists Edited by Gary Browning, Professor of Political Theory, Oxford Brookes University, UK, Raia Prokhovnik, Department of Politics and International Studies, The Open University, UK and Maria Dimova-Cookson, Lecturer, School of Government and International Affairs, University of Durham, UK

A lively and engaging collection which explains the various strands of political theory, identifies key futures trends and explains the foundations of contemporary debate. Features interviews with key international theorists, including Quentin Skinner, Carole Pateman and Alex Honneth. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. September 2012 256 pp Hardback £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-30305-8

International Political Theory Series Editor: Gary Browning

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Deliberative Democracy A Critical Introduction Zsuzsanna Chappell, Fellow in Political Theory, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

'Deliberative democracy goes from strength to strength in political theory, social science and institutional innovation, but until now had no text that unifies and summarizes the field. Zsuzsanna Chappel has fulfilled that need in admirable fashion with a treatment that is accessible, intelligent and comprehensive.’ - John S. Dryzek, Australian National University, Australia Deliberative democracy is a key focus of research in contemporary democratic theory. This important new text is the first to provide a systematic and accessible introduction to the main theories and debates in the field and in addition offers a detailed critical assessment of both the theory and practice of deliberative democracy. Contents: Introduction / Deliberation in Detail / Deliberation, Reason and Rationality / Equality and Inclusion / Deliberation and Decision Making / Implementing Deliberation / Micro Deliberation in Practice / Conclusion August 2012 240pp 2 b/w tables and 1 figure Hardback £65.00 Paperback £22.99

The Social and Gender Politics of Confucian Nationalism Women and the Japanese Nation-State Nicole L. Freiner, Assistant Professor of History and Social Sciences, Bryant University, USA

This book argues that Confucian Nationalism is a key concept in understanding the relationship between citizens and the state in Japan, and specifically women and the state. The key policy areas of education and social security are examined alongside the role that women have played in these initiatives.


Contents: Creating Nationalism: Confucian Legacies / Forging the Family: Social Security Policy / Socializing Citizens: Education Policy / Instituting Action: Women’s Centers / Mobilizing from the Home: Environmental Activism / Understanding the Politics of Gender in Japan: Conclusions

978-0-230-25215-8 978-0-230-25216-5

August 2012 208pp 2 figures and 6 b/w tables Hardback £55.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-61928-9


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Freedom After the Critique of Foundations

North American Critical Theory After Postmodernism

Recognition Theory as Social Research

Marx, Liberalism, Castoriadis and Agonistic Autonomy

Contemporary Dialogues

Investigating the Dynamics of Social Conflict

Alexandros Kioupkiolis, Lecturer, School of Political Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

An exploration of the contemporary reconception of freedom after the critique of objective truths and ideas of an unchanging human nature, in which modern self-determination was grounded. This book focuses on the radical theorist Cornelius Castoriadis and the new paradigm of ‘agonistic autonomy’ is contrasted with Marxian and liberal approaches. Contents: Marx on a Tightrope: The Essence of Freedom and the Movement of Becoming / Kantian Transcendence and Beyond / Knowledge and Practice in Trouble: A Reasonable Way Out of Ontological Traps / Liberal Detours and their Mishaps. Negative Liberty; I.Berlin & J.S.Mill / Agonic Subjectivity and the Stirrings of the New / The Social, the Imaginary and the Real / Freedom, Agonism and Creative Praxis / Post-critical Liberalism and Agonistic Freedom / Post-foundational Reason and Sustainable Affirmation / Contents: Past Agonies and Present Openings of Freedom / Bibliography August 2012 Hardback

288 pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27912-4

International Political Theory Series Editor: Gary Browning

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Edited by Patricia Mooney Nickel, Lecturer, School of Social and Cultural Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

In a series of interviews this book explores the formative experiences of a generation of critical theorists whose work originated in the midst of what has been called ‘the postmodern turn,’ including discussions of their views on the evolution of critical theory over the past thirty years and their assessment of contemporary politics.

Edited by Shane O’Neill, Professor of Political Theory and Dean, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast, UK and Nicholas H. Smith, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Macquarie University, Australia

Contents: North American Critical Theory after Postmodernism; P.M.Nickel / Timothy W. Luke / Douglas Kellner / Craig Calhoun / Seyla / Benhabib / Andrew Arato / Ben Agger / Nancy Fraser / Robert J. Antonio / Epilogue; P.M.Nickel

The contributors to this volume present the case for an exciting new research program in the social sciences based on the theory of recognition developed by Axel Honneth and others in recent years. The book is comprised of eleven specially commissioned, previously unpublished contributions that investigate the fundamental significance of recognition for social and political thought. The theory of recognition is used as a frame for investigating the dynamics of social conflicts that arise around the institution of marriage, the organization of work, the categorization of crime, legal exemption on the grounds of religious belief, the political accommodation of ethnic and national minorities, the claims of migrants, and international relations. The potential of recognition theory to guide just resolutions of these conflicts is also explored.

August 2012 Hardback

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www.

288pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36927-6

August 2012 256pp 1 b/w line drawing Hardback £57.50

New Forms of Governing Peter Triantafillou, Associate Professor, Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University, Denmark

Triantafillou analyzes the changing ways of governing the public sector and the ways in which public organizations have become the target of interventions seeking to improve their efficiency and quality. He exposes how political and social science theories were adopted in often unpredictable ways in the process of reforming the public sector. Contents: Introduction / Purpose and Concepts / Methodological Challenges / Governing the Performance of Governments / Activating Government Life: New Forms of Public Health / Labour: Employment and Activation / Learning: The Making of Competent and Entrepreneurial Populations / Conclusion September 2012 272pp Hardback £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-29198-0




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216x138mm 978-0-230-29655-8

politics Public Policy and Planning

Government Transparency Impacts and Unintended Consequences Tero Erkkilä, Lecturer, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland

Transparency has become a global concept of responsible government. This book argues that the transnational discourse of transparency promotes potentially contradictory policy ideas that can lead to unintended consequences. It critically examines whether or not increased transparency really leads to increased democratic accountability. Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND AND THEORY / Introduction / Paradoxes and Unintended Consequences of Transparency / PART II: TRANSPARENCY AND CENTRAL STEERING / Transparency and Ideational Changes: Nordic Openness as a Policy Discourse / Transparency and Institutions of Public Accountability / PART III: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS / NPM, Budget Transparency and Census Information / New Domains of Openness and Transparency: Performing Foreign Affairs / PART IV: CONCLUSIONS / Conclusions / Bibliography August 2012 288pp 216x138mm 6 b/w tables and 28 b/w line drawings Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-30005-7

Public Sector Organizations Series Editors: Geert Bouckaert and B. Guy Peters

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Political Institutions and Elderly Care Policy

Managing Regulation Regulatory Analysis, Politics and Policy

Comparative Politics of Long-Term Care in Advanced Democracies

Martin Lodge, Reader in Political Science and Public Policy, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and Kai Wegrich, Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Hertie School of Governance, Germany

Takeshi Hieda, Assistant Professor, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University, Japan

Although most advanced industrialized countries are facing population aging and other social changes, public long-term care programs for the aged are remarkably diverse across them. This book accounts for the variations in elderly care policy by combining statistical analysis with historical case studies of Sweden, Japan and the USA. Contents: Introduction / Understanding the Politics of Universalistic Social Care Services: A Theoretical Framework / Political Institutional Conditions for the Development of Elderly Care Programs: Quantitative Evidence / Sweden: The Manipulative State / Japan: ‘MHW and Japan’s Miracle’, in a Sense / The United States of America: Evolution without Revolution / Conclusion: Political Institutions, Voter-Politician Linkage, and Universalistic Social Policy / Bibliography July 2012 296pp 216x138mm 19 colour line drawings and 14 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-36178-2

This major new text assesses the main theoretical approaches and applies them to understanding realworld regulatory problems, encouraging students and practitioners in public management to think critically and creatively about the different tools available to them. Contents: What is Regulation? / Theories of Regulation / Standard Setting / Enforcement / Alternatives to Regulation / Regulation Inside Government / International Regulation / Infrastructure Regulation / Franchising / Better Regulation / Risk and Regulation / What is Good Regulation? August 2012 288pp 24 b/w tables and 2 figures Hardback £65.00 Paperback £23.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-29879-8 978-0-230-29880-4

The Public Management and Leadership Series Series Editor: Paul ’t Hart

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Learning from Wind Power Governance, Societal and Policy Perspectives on Sustainable Energy Edited by Joseph Szarka, Reader in European Studies, University of Bath, UK, Richard Cowell, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Planning and Policy, Cardiff School of City and Regional Planning, UK, Geraint Ellis, Senior Lecturer, School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen's University Belfast, UK, Peter Strachan, DBA Director, Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, UK and Charles Warren, Senior Lecturer, School of Geography and Geoscience, University of St Andrews, UK

Bringing together contributions from leading researchers, this volume reflects on the political, institutional and social factors that have shaped the recent expansion of wind energy, and to consider what lessons this experience may provide for the future expansion of other renewable technologies. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. June 2012 Hardback

304pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29874-3

Energy, Climate and the Environment Series Editor: David Elliott

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

The State and Social Politics

Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050 Edited by Horace Herring, Visiting Research Fellow, Energy & Environment Research Unit, The Open University, UK

What would it be like to live in a low carbon world? Where our houses are heated not by gas, but by solar energy; where our cars run not on oil but on electricity; and where the countryside is empty of cows but full of new energy and food crops. Governments may talk about reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by eighty per cent by 2050, but any pursuit of significant change will require drastic changes in either our energy supply or our lifestyles, or preferably a combination of both. Combining theory, case studies and speculative fiction, a range of contributors, from leading UK academics to pioneering renewable activists, create a compelling picture of the potential perks and pitfalls of a low carbon future. Contents: Introduction; H.Herring / PART I: POLICY: Why a Low-carbon Society; S.Peake / Low Carbon Living in 2050; N.Hole / What is the Carbon Footprint of a Decent Life?; A.Druckman & T.Jackson / Transport and Mobility Choices in 2050; S.Potter / A Low Carbon Transition; N.Strachan & T.Foxon / PART II: CASE STUDIES / Case Studies in Low Carbon Living; R.Roy / Designing and Creating my Low Carbon Home; C.Mitchell / Land use Scenario 2050; G.Crabb & A.Thorogood / Zero Carbon Britain: Time to say 'we will'.; T.Hawkes / Low Carbon Society in Switzerland; B.Girod / PART III: STORIES / Little Greenham; J.Goodman / The Housing Ladder; R.Levett / The Refugee; T.Hawkes / The Gun and the Sun; H.Herring / Conclusion; H.Herring July 2012 Hardback

240pp £57.50

Greening Citizenship Sustainable Development, the State and Ideology Andy Scerri, Research Fellow, Global Cities Research Institute and Lecturer in School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning, both at RMIT University, Australia

The greening of citizenship, the state and ideology has created both opportunities and bottlenecks for progressive political movements. Scerri argues that these are pursuing justice by making holistic demands for: fair distribution and status recognition, adequate representation and effective participation. Contents: Introduction: Citizenship, the State and Ideology in a Critical, Pragmatic and Realist Lens / Modern Artificialism: An Alternative Perspective on Natureculture Dualism / Challenging Modern Artificialism / The New Citizenship, Imperatives of State and Questions of Justice / Not just the Warm, Fuzzy Feeling you get from Buying Free-range Eggs…/ Action after Dualism / Conclusion September 2012 208pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28225-4

Energy, Climate and the Environment Series Editor: David Elliott

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276x216mm 978-1-137-01030-8

Comes with a CD/DVD

politics Third World Politics and Development

Affirmative Action in Plural Societies International Experiences Edited by Graham Brown, Senior Lecturer in the Politics of Development, Department of Economics and International Development, University of Bath, UK, Arnim Langer, Lecturer in International Relations and Director, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies (CPRS), University of Leuven, Belgium and Frances Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Development Economics and Director, Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE), University of Oxford, UK

Across the developmental spectrum, the prospects and problems of 'affirmative action' are increasingly important issues facing multiethnic countries. Drawing on philosophy, economics and sociology, the contributors explore the merits and demerits of affirmative action, and explain why affirmative action is needed in countries facing large inequalities across ethnic, religious or racial groups. They analyze the origin, nature and consequences of experience with affirmative action in Brazil, South Africa, the United States, Malaysia, China, Northern Ireland and Nigeria. Evaluating alternative policies, they seek to provide guidance on the design of policies in different circumstances, with the aim of reducing horizontal inequalities, while minimizing possible negative consequences of the policies.

Rwanda Fast Forward Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects

Milestones and Turning Points in Development Thinking Edited by Richard Jolly, Honorary Professor and Research Associate, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK

Edited by Maddalena Campioni and Patrick Noack, both Consultants, Scenario Development, Switzerland

The future of Rwanda lies in its diversity, in how this diversity is handled and prioritized. With a vast array of first-hand experience, the contributors offer insights on Rwandan social, military, civil society, governance and economic matters to weave a picture that is as compelling as it is balanced. Assessing Rwanda's future beyond its 'development plan', they discuss the implications of decisions taken today and their future role in the region. In a diversified, incisive and comprehensive series of responses that are neither 'for' nor 'against' the current political regime, the contributors ask fundamental questions that will shape the future of this tiny mountain country in central Africa. Contents: PART I: RECONCILIATION, RECONSTRUCTION, UNIFICATION AND CIVIL SOCIETY ISSUES / PART II: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT / PART III: CONFLICT AND THE ROLE OF THE MILITARY A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 288pp 9 tables and figures Hardback £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-36048-8

The first volume of IDS Companions to Development Studies focuses on pivotal writing emerging from the IDS fellowship during the last fifty years. It includes five topics: perspectives and paradigms, debunking myths, development policy, gender and international perspectives, and policy, as well as names like Seers, Singer, Lipton, Reg Green. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. 536843 May 2012 Hardback

304pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-36833-0

IDS Companions to Development Series Editor: Nick Perkins

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 Hardback

304pp £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27780-9

Conflict, Inequality and Ethnicity Series Editor: Frances Stewart

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Employment and Development under Globalization

Regions and Crises New Challenges for Contemporary Regionalisms

State and Economy in Brazil

Edited by Lorenzo Fioramonti, Senior Research Fellow, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Samuel Cohn, Professor of Sociology, Texas A and M University, USA

Globalization has changed the models of development that are open to most states both in the industrialized and less industrialized world. Using the unusual case of Brazilian barbers, beauticians, hotels and restaurants, Samuel Cohn lays out a model of the role of the state and development that is an alternative to more highly visible formulas associated with East Asia. By identifying a number of unjustly ignored government initiatives that substantially increase employment and significantly reduce poverty, he provides a third alternative to the development strategies being put forward by traditional and critical development scholars. Contents: Rethinking the State and Development: The Importance of Palliative Development / What Would Have Happened if the Government Had Done Nothing / O’Connorian Models of Development: How States Literally Build Economic Growth / Major Infrastructure and the Larger Economy: The Central Importance of Airports (with Jessica Schuett) / How Brazilian Vocational Education Reduces Poverty – Even if No One Wants to Hire the Trainees / Government Effectiveness in the Face of Debt / Why Reducing Taxes For Employers Does Not Raise Employment / How Rent and Verticalization Can Reduce Employment / Frontier Development as Job Creation – With Social Costs / When Does Not Being Green Reduce Employment? (with David Watkins) / Palliative Development and the Great Theories of the State and Economic Growth / Development Strategies in a Post Debt World July 2012 224pp 10 tables and 12 graphs Hardback £57.50

216x138mm 978-1-137-00140-5

International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

Pentecostalism and Development

Will the European Union survive the global economic crisis? Will the Arab Spring trigger new forms of regional cooperation in North Africa? Will Asian regionalism prevail?This book investigates the intimate relationship between regional governance processes and global crises. Starting with a thorough analysis of the so-called 'Eurocrisis' and its impact on the European Union, the contributors look at how regional cooperation and integration in the Arab world, Africa, Asia and Latin America has been improved or challenged by local and global crises. Through a selection of topical studies dealing with economic, humanitarian and democratic crises, they discuss the future evolutions of regional governance and calls for a new paradigm to put 'citizens' at the centre of regionalism. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. June 2012 2 b/w tables Hardback





International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

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Edited by Dena Freeman, Lecturer in Anthropology, University College London, UK

Development was founded on the belief that religion was not important to development processes. The contributors call this assumption into question and explore the practical impacts of religion by looking at the developmental consequences of Pentecostal Christianity in Africa, and by contrasting Pentecostal and secular models of change. Contents: The Pentecostal Ethic and the Spirit of Development; D.Freeman / PART I: PENTECOSTALISM AND THE NEOLIBERAL TURN / Pentecostalism, Populism and the New Politics of Affect; J.Comaroff / Prosperity Gospels and Enchanted Worldviews: Two Responses to Socio-Economic Transformations in Tanzanian Pentecostal Christianity; P.Hasu / Pentecostalism and Post-Development: Pentecostal Development Ideologies in Ghanaian Migrant Communities; R.van Dijk / PART II: CHURCHES AND NGOS: DIFFERENT ROUTES OF SALVATION / Pentecostal and Development Imaginaries in West Africa; C.Piot / Saving Development: Secular NGOs, the Pentecostal Revolution, and the Search for a Purified Political Space in the Taita Hills, Kenya; J.Smith / Development and the Rural Entrepreneur: Pentecostals, NGOs and the Market in the Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia; D.Freeman / Pentecostalism, Development NGOs and Meaning in Eastern Uganda; B.Jones / Agents of Gendered Change: Empowerment, Salvation and Gendered Transformation in Urban Kenya; D.Parsitau September 2012 288pp Hardback £57.50

Non-Governmental Public Action Series Editor: Jude Howell

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216x138mm 978-1-137-01724-6

Comes with a CD/DVD


Developmental Politics in Transition

Basic Income Worldwide Horizons of Reform

The Neoliberal Era and Beyond Edited by Chang Kyung-Sup, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University, Korea, Ben Fine, Professor of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK and Linda Weiss, Professor of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney, Australia

Blending theory and case studies, this volume explores a vitally important and topical aspect of developmentalism, which remains a focal point for scholarly and policy debates around democracy and social development in the global political economy. Includes case studies from China, Vietnam, India, Brazil, Uganda, South Korea, Ireland, Australia. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 336pp 216x138mm 15 b/w photographs and 15 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-29430-1

International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Edited by Matthew C. Murray, Associate Lecturer, Department of Politics, Cardiff University, UK and Carole Pateman, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, UCLA, USA

In the midst of growing criticism of current economic orthodoxies and welfare systems, basic income is growing in popularity. This is the first book to discuss existing examples of basic income, in both rich and poor countries, and to consider its prospects in other places around the world. Contents: Introduction / PART I: EXPERIMENTS / The Basic Income Guarantee in the United States: Past Experience, Current Proposals; K.Widerquist & A.Sheahan / Seeing the Sun Rise: The Basic Income Grant Pilot Project in Namibia - Realities and Hopes; C.Haarmann & D.Haarmann / Minimum Income in Brazil: A New Model of Innovation Diffusion; D.B.Coêlho / The Case for Basic Income in Canada; E.L.Forget / PART II: PROPOSALS / / Basic Income and Republican Freedom in North and South: Financing Proposals for Catalonia and East Timor; D.Cassassas, J.Wark & D.Raventos / The Continuing Politics of Basic Income in South Africa; J.Seekings & H.Matisonn / Ireland and the Prospects for Basic Income Reform; S.Healy & B.Reynolds / Manifold Possibilities, Peculiar Obstacles – Basic Income in the German Debate; S.Liebermann / Prospects for a Tax-Benefit Reforms in New Zealand that Incorporates a Basic Income; K.Rankin / Basic Income in Australia - A Distant Horizon; J.Tomlinson / Conclusion August 2012 Hardback

288pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-28542-2

International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

China's Resource Diplomacy in Africa Powering Development? Marcus Power, Reader in Human Geography, University of Durham, UK, Giles Mohan, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies, The Open University, UK and May Tan-Mullins, Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

This book seeks to understand China’s evolving political and economic role in Africa and assesses what impacts Chinese aid, trade and investment have on the politics of specific African countries, and the extent to which it excites geopolitical competition. Contents: Introduction: Mediating China-Africa / Contextualising China-Africa Relations / Chinese Policies and its Implications in Africa / Towards a Chinese ‘Socialist Market Economy’ / Evolving Aid Diplomacy in Africa / Domestic Governance, Regime Stability and African Civil Society / Eco-Politics and Environmental Diplomacy: Chinese Environmental Governance and its Footprints in Africa / The Geopolitics of China-Africa Engagement / Conclusion: Contexts, Changes and Future of China-Africa Relations August 2012 304pp 216x138mm 5 b/w tables and 34 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-22912-9

International Political Economy Series Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw

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Participatory Budgeting in Asia and Europe Key Challenges of Participation Edited by Rudolf Traub-Merz, Director, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Yves Sintomer, Professor of Political Science, University of Paris, France and Junhua Zhang, Professor of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, China

Citizens’ participation, especially participatory budgeting, has spread out in both continents, even if the context is very different. This book offers an overview of the latest developments in democratic innovation, presenting contributions from scholars and practitioners of each continent who are highly recognized as experts in their fields. Contents: Introduction /PART I: ASIAN EXPERIENCES / PART II: FOCUS: CHINESE EXPERIENCES /PART III – EUROPEAN EXPERIENCES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. September 2012 288pp Hardback £60.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-00914-2

International Migration, Development and Human Wellbeing Katie Wright, Teaching Fellow and Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Economics and International Development, University of Bath, UK

International Migration, Development and Human Wellbeing explores how human wellbeing is constructed and how it ‘travels’ across spatial boundaries. It draws on empirical research, undertaken with Peruvian migrants based in London and Madrid and their Peru-based relatives and close friends to explore how human wellbeing is constructed and how it ‘travels’ transnationally. Contents: Introduction / Migrating for a Better Life? / Contextualizing Human Wellbeing in London and Madrid / International Migration and Human Wellbeing in London and Madrid / How do Constructions of Human Wellbeing Travel? Investigating the Global Interconnectedness of Human Wellbeing Outcomes between London, Madrid and Peru / Conclusions and Implications for Theory and Policy September 2012 208pp Hardback £55.00

UK Politics Highlight

Britannia Unchained Kwasi Kwarteng, MP for Spelthorne, UK, Priti Patel, MP for Witham, UK, Dominic Raab, MP for Esher and Walton, UK, Chris Skidmore, MP for Kingswood, UK and Elizabeth Truss, MP for South West Norfolk, UK

Britain is at a cross-roads; from the economy, to the education system, to social mobility, Britain must learn the rules of the twenty-first century, or face a slide into mediocrity. Brittania Unchained travels around the world, exploring the nations that are triumphing in this new age, seeking lessons Britain must implement to carve out a bright future. Contents: Introduction / A Tale of Two Nations / Revenge of the Geeks / The Lost Virtue / Fear Itself / Lion Rampant / Conclusion September 2012 224pp Paperback £12.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-24828-1

Rethinking International Development Series Series Editors: Andy Sumner and Ray Kiely

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216x138mm 978-1-137-03223-2

politics US Politics

Independents Rising How Third Parties and Outsider Movements Are Reshaping the Politics of the Twenty-First CenturyIndependent insider Jacqueline Salitis, President of IndependentVoting. org, USA

As today's Tea Party movement demonstrates, Republicans and Democrats are out of touch with a huge section of the electorate. Despite twoparty dominance in Washington, a full thirty-eight percentof Americans identify themselves as independents who hold no allegiance to either the Democrats or the Republicans. Yet, as large as this group has become, they are only vaguely understood. Independent insider Jacqueline Salit chronicles the history of the independent movement on both ends of the spectrum and explores what these unclaimed voters mean for the future of American politics. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. July 2012 Hardback

256 pp £16.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-33912-5

U.S. Immigration Reform and Its Transnational Impact

Teaching America to the World and the World to America

A Case Study of the Postville Raid

Education and Foreign Relations since 1870

Erik Camayd-Freixas, Professor of Latin American Literature, Director of Translation Studies, and Founder of the Research Initiative on Immigration Reform, Florida International University, USA

Edited by Richard Garlitz, Assistant Professor of History, University of Tennessee at Martin, USA and Lisa Jarvinen, Assistant Professor of History, La Salle University, USA

An insider’s account of the Postville case, this book gauges the raid’s human, social, and economic impact, based on interaction with the main participants and interviews with local citizens and arrestees in the U.S. and Guatemala. Intended for the general reader, this book offers scholarly analyses of a landmark case in recent American history, for the entire legal community, policymakers, and all those interested in immigration, labor, regional, border, and Latino studies. Contents: Requiescat in Postville: A Case Study: Significance, Objectives, Arguments, and Sources / Hometown to the World: A Brief History of Postville / ICE over the Heartland: Anatomy of the May 2008 Raid / Theatrum Juridicum: Insider Analysis of the Judicial Proceedings / The Script and the Scandal: Reaction from the Legal Community, Congress, and the Supreme Court / National and International Reaction: Public Reaction by the Press, Individuals, NGOs, the UN and OAS / The Orphans of Globalization: A Historical and Personal Portrait of the Migrant Workers / The Jungle at the Slaughterhouse: Chronicle of AgriProcessors (19872009) / The Prelude and the Aftermath: Immigration Raids and Enforcement Before and After Postville / The Day Democracy Died: How Immigration Enforcement Undermines the Constitution / Enlightened Immigration Reform: Lessons and Guidelines for Comprehensive Immigration Reform September 2012 256pp Hardback £55.00

A fresh analysis of the study of American foreign relations history, this book shows the ways in which international education has shaped the US relationship with the world. Contents: Is the World Our Campus?: International Students and U.S. Global Power in the Long Twentieth Century; P.A.Kramer / Sarmiento’s Self-Strengthening Experiment: Americanizing Schools for Argentine NationBuildin; K.Leroux / Educating the Sons of the Revolution: The Cuban Educational Association, 1898-1901; L.Jarvinen / A Vital, Free, Independent and Lay Republic: John Dewey and the Role of Education in Establishing the Turkish State; D.A.Santoro & C.Dorn / Education and International Cultural Understanding: The American Elite Approach, 1920-1937; L.Bu / Sex Education: Gender, Sexuality, and Race in French-American Relations in the Twentieth Century; W.Walton / French Academic Propaganda in the United States, 1930-1939; D.Bouquet / Lost in Translation: Japanese Fulbright Students as Cultural Interpreters; S.Otsuka / American University Advisors and Education Modernization in Iran, 1951-1967; R.Garlitz August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-33945-3

210x140mm 978-0-230-10585-0

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Being American on the Edge Penurbia and the Metropolitan Mind, 1945-2010 Joseph Goddard, Associate Professor, University of Aalborg, Denmark

The book explains the interaction of dream and landscape on America’s urban borderlands. Contents: Introducing Penurbia / Thinking about City Edges / Penurbanites and Exurbanites - Peoples of the Fringe / Charting Penurban Growth / Politics, Planning, and Administration / Penurban Civil Society / Images from Popular Culture / Magazines and Penurbia / Professional Views of Penurban Change August 2012 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-02079-6

Canada/US and Other Unfriendly Relations

The RAND Corporation (1989– 2009)

Before and After 9/11

The Reconfiguration of Strategic Studies in the United States

Patricia Molloy, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada

An inter-disciplinary examination of contentious events both within and beyond Canada, their relationship to and impact on (primarily) Canada/ US relations, as well as Canadian political and cultural identity both before and after 9/11. Contents: Introduction / Killing Canadians (I): The International Politics of Capital Punishment / Killing Canadians (II): The Righteous Politics of the Accident / Marrying Americans: The Identity Politics of the Election(s) / Framing Canadians (I): The Spectacular Politics of the Arrests / Framing Canadians (II): The Extraordinary Politics of Rendition / Resisting Americans: The Precarious Politics of Asylum / (B)ordering Canadians: The Hyperreal Politics of Canada/US Relations in CBC’s The Border August 2012 Hardback

208pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-1-137-02340-7

America and the Rogue States Thomas H. Henriksen, Senior Fellow, Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and the U.S. Joint Special Operations University, USA

Contents: PART I: THE INVARIANTS OF THE MILITARY INTELLECTUAL FIELD / The Inheritance of a Technicist Ideology / The Competitive Dynamics of the Strategic Field / PART II: REWRITING THE AMERICAN MILITARY DOCTRINE / Transformations in the Defense Department / The Work of Legitimizing Political Agendas / PART III: THE EMISSARIES OF AMERICAN MILITARY THOUGHT / An Exemplary Regionalization of American Politics / The International Distribution of American Sciences of Government / Conclusion: The Disenchantment of Strategists?

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

234x156mm 978-1-137-00639-4 978-1-137-01999-8



216x140mm 978-0-230-34092-3

Sciences Po Series in IR and PE Series Editor: Ivo Kamps

Contents: The Rogue Phenomenon / Iraq - Rogue State in an Ancient Land / Iran - Ace of Axis of Evil / North Korea - Blackmailing Rogue / Lesser Rogues and Troublesome States 256pp £60.00 £22.50

Based on a case study of the RAND Corporation, this shows how the uncertainties of US defense policies since the fall of the USSR can be understood and illustrated through an analysis of the evolution of the think tank community, and more particularly through a sociological study of the so-called defense intellectuals such as the RAND Corporation.

June 2012 208pp 1 b/w line drawing Hardback £55.00

America and Rogue States narrates and analyzes the US relationship with the main nuclear-threatening, terrorist-sponsoring outcast states during the last two decades.

June 2012 Hardback Paperback

Jean-Loup Samaan, Professor of strategic Studies, NATO Defense College, USA


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politics • psychology First Announcement

Democracy Deferred Civic Leadership after 9/11 David W. Woods, Sociologist and Urban Planner who specializes in urban and political sociology, global civic engagement

The day after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, civic leaders began to organize four coalitions that aimed to give ordinary citizens a chance to meet, to heal, and to be heard in rebuilding decisions. This book tells the inside story of the civic renewal movement they founded. Contents: Healing and Rebuilding: The Post-9/11 Call for Civic Leadership in New York’s Struggle for a Citizen Voice / Phase I: Getting Organized to Make a Difference: A Participatory Democratic Framework for Raising a Citizen Voice / Phase II: Getting Heard and Throwing Weight Expert Advocacy to Influence Decisions / Democracy Deferred: Lessons for the Future / Beyond Vague Consensus: A Braided Rope of Democratic Theories to Guide Lower Manhattan’s Civic Renewal Process April 2012 Hardback

210pp £55.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-34042-8


Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject


Selected Writings of Klaus Holzkamp

A Brief Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory Stephen Frosh, Professor of Psychology and Pro-ViceMaster, Centre for Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK

'Extremely accessible and stunningly erudite. Frosh has an uncanny capacity to pick out the most important contributions in the history of psychoanalysis.’ Professor Peter Fonagy, Freud Memorial Professor of Psychoanalysis, University College London, UK How is psychoanalytic theory relevant in the modern age? How does it inform and interact with culture? From Freud to Lacan, this insightful text clearly explores key psychoanalytic writers, core ideas, and their development. A vibrant text mapping the relevance of psychoanalysis across social sciences, humanities and the arts. Contents: PART I: FREUDIAN THEORY / The Appeal of Psychoanalysis / A Family History of Psychoanalysis / What Freud was Trying to Do / The Freudian Unconscious / Sex, Aggression, Life and death / Repression and Other Defences / The Structure of the Mind: Id, Ego, Superego / Oedipus, Masculinity, Femininity / Psychopathology: What Makes Us Sad (and Mad) / PART II: DEVELOPMENTS IN PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY / Psychoanalysts After Freud / Attachment and Mentalisation / The Principles of Object Relations Theory / Mourning, Melancholia, Depression and Loss / The Paranoid-Schizoid Position and Other Extremes / Projection and Projective Identification / Lacanian Psychoanalysis / Interpretation and Transference / Psychotherapeutic Relationships / PART III: WIDER APPLICATIONS / Psychoanalysis, Film and Literature / Politics and Society / Conclusion / Recommended Reading May 2012 256pp Hardback £45.00 Paperback £14.99

Klaus Holzkamp, was a German Psychologist and considered the founder of Critical Psychology, Ute Osterkamp, Reader, Department of Psychology, Free University Berlin, Germany, Ernst Schraube, Associate Professor of Psychology, Roskilde University, Denmark and Andrew Boreham, Lecturer, Berlin School of Economics, Germany

This book introduces the ground-breaking work of the German critical psychologist Klaus Holzkamp. In contrast to contemporary psychology’s worldlessness, the writings present a concept of psychology based on the individual’s relations to the world and open up new perspectives on human subjectivity, agency and the conduct of everyday life. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction; U.Osterkamp & E.Schraube / PART I: BASIC CONCERNS AND CONCEPTS OF SUBJECT SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY / PART II: CRITICAL ANALYSES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONCEPTS / PART III: DESUBJECTIFICATION OF LEARNING IN PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY AND SCHOOL / PART IV: CHILDHOOD AS AN EXPLANATORY MODEL FOR PRESENT CONFLICTS / PART V: CONDUCT OF EVERYDAY LIFE A Full Table of Contents is available at: http://www. July 2012 Hardback

256pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-57767-1

Critical Theory and Practice in Psychology and the Human Sciences Series Editor: Tod Sloan

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198x129mm 978-0-230-36929-0 978-0-230-36930-6 TB

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psychology • social work and social policy

Discovering Human Sexuality

Brain Gain

2nd edition

Technology and the Quest for Digital Wisdom Simon LeVay, Stanford University, USA, Janice Baldwin and John Baldwin, University of California,

This alternative version of LeVay and Baldwin's acclaimed text Human Sexuality is more accessible to students who have a limited background in biology, but maintains the evidence-based approach and readability of the original. The language and terminology throughout are more comprehensible and the coverage of some of the sociological aspects of sexuality has been expanded, making it suitable for interdisciplinary study. The new edition has been thoroughly updated, with new pedagogical features, illustrations, FAQs, and more. Contents: Sexuality: Pathways to Understanding / Women’s Bodies / Men’s Bodies / Sex and Gender Differences / Attraction, Arousal, and Response / Sexual Behavior / Sexual Relationships / Fertility, Pregnancy, and Childbirth / Contraception and Abortion / Sexuality across the Lifespan: From Birth to Adolescence / Sexuality across the Life Span: Adulthood / Sexual Orientation / Atypical Sexuality / Sexual Disorders / Sexually Transmitted Diseases / Sexual Assault, Harassment, and Partner Violence / Sex as a Commodity September 2012 560pp Paperback £61.99

280x220mm 978-0-87893-571-0

Published by Sinauer Association, Inc. TB

Social Work and Social Policy

Marc Prensky, Internationally Acclaimed Speaker, Writer, and Consultant in Education and Learning

Working with Young People

Most people use technology to help them keep track of their daily lives. Yet, we’re constantly questioning if this is truly a useful “crutch”, or if we’re merely damaging our own ability to think and remember. In Brain Gain, Marc Prensky argues that the power of technology improves natural cognitive abilities and benefits our lives and our brain.

Sociological Perspectives

Contents: Introduction: 'Brain Gain': Mind Evolution in Our Time / PART 1: The Human Mind Liberated, Improved, Extended, Enhanced and Amplified by Technology / Attitude Matters / Mind, Brain, and the State of Neuroscience / Our Brains' Strengths (and Weaknesses) / Technology's Weaknesses (and Strengths) / Outsourcing to Extend, Enhance, and Amplify the Mind / The Liberated Mind: A Useful Perspective / PART 2: The Quest for Digital Wisdom and the Emerging Homo Sapiens Digital / What is Wisdom? / Wisdom And Technology / The Quest for Digital Wisdom / Mind, Brain, Belief and 'Being Human': Dangerous Myths, Fears and Fallacies / Digital Wisdom: The Wise Symbiosis of Mind and Technology / PART 3: Are We Wiser If…?: Brain Gain and Digital Wisdom, from Combining the Human Mind and Technology to:Overcome our Brain's Deficiencies / Improve our communication / Augment our Physical Well-being / Improve our Relations with Other People / Make our World a Better Place / Deepen our Analyses / Derive New and Useful Insights / Increase our 'Executive Thinking' (i.e. decision making) Ability / Increase our Creativity / Involve our Whole Planet / Do New, Wiser Things / PART 4: Lesser Paths for Technology and Wisdom: Digital Cleverness and Digital Stupidity / PART 5: The Trade-Offs: Cultivating Brain Gain and Digital Wisdom /In Life / In the Professions / In the Arts / In other Spheres / PART 6: Teaching Digital Wisdom: How Can We Help Our Kids Develop It? / PART 7: Are There Real Dangers? What Should We Be Wary Of? / PART 8: Beyond Digital Wisdom: The "Singularity" and the Continually Evolving Human September 2012 256pp Hardback £15.99

Simon Bradford, Reader in Social Science and Director, Centre for Youth Work Studies, Brunel University, UK

How can sociology inform our understanding of young people’s experiences? This key text introduces essential theory in an accessible way, drawing on a range of cultural resources. It demonstrates how a sociological imagination can enhance informal educational and social welfare approaches to work with young people. Contents: Thinking Sociologically: Sociological Perspectives and Young People / Coming of Age in the Present: From 1945 to the 2000s / Growing Up in Public and Private: Youth and Identity Making / Being Similar and Different: Young People and Social Difference / Being Social: Complying and Transgressing / Youth, Space and Place / Living in a World of Change and Constancy: Citizenship, Globalization and Young People / Conclusions September 2012 208pp Paperback £19.99

Working with Young People Series Editors: Sarah Banks and Jean Spence

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234x156mm 978-0-230-33809-8




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234x156mm 978-0-230-23798-8

Comes with a CD/DVD

social work and social policy

Residential Care Transformed


Interculturalism: The New Era of Cohesion and Diversity Ted Cantle, Director, Cohesion Institute, UK

Interculturalism is a new concept for managing community relations in a world defined by globalization and super diversity. This book argues that as all countries become more multicultural a new framework of interculturalism is needed to mediate these relationships and that this will require new systems of governance to support it. Contents: Introduction / Globalization and ‘Super Diversity’ / The ‘Failure’ of Multiculturalism / The Advent of Community Cohesion / Segregation and Integration / Interculturalism / Positive Interculturalism: A New Perspective for National and International Relations, Identities and Governance July 2012 Hardback Paperback

256pp £60.00 £19.99

216x138mm 978-1-137-02748-1 978-1-137-02746-7

Comparative Research in Crime and Punishment Bill Hebenton, Lecturer in Criminology, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Manchester, UK and Susyan Jou, Graduate School of Criminology, National Taipei University, Taiwan, Republic of China

Revisiting ‘The Last Refuge’ Julia Johnson, Senior Lecturer, Sheena Rolph, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, both at The Open University, UK and Randall Smith, Professorial Research Fellow, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, UK

This book, now in paperback, revisits Peter Townsend’s classic study of residential care for older people in Britain conducted in the late 1950s. It provides not only a fascinating account of residential care for older people over the last fifty years but is also an important contribution to the literature on research methods. Contents: In Memoriam / Acknowledgements / PART I: THE CONTEXT / Why Revisit ‘The Last Refuge’? / Changing Contexts of Care / The Study Design and Methods / PART II: REVISITING ‘THE LAST REFUGE’ / Survivors and Non-survivors / Residents and Staff / The Living Environment / Daily Lives / The Quality of Care / PART III: CONCLUSIONS / Revisiting and Reuse / Continuity and Change in Residential Care for Older People / Appendixes / Notes / References / Index August 2012 304pp 216x138mm 14 b/w illustrations, 20 b/w tables, 1 map and 1 figure Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-26569-2

First Announcement

The People Solutions Sourcebook 2nd edition Neil Thompson, Independent Trainer, Consultant and Director of Avenue Consulting Ltd., UK

An entirely revamped edition that provides a practical kit of ideas, methods and approaches to support all direct work with people - from service users and patients to employees and colleagues. Introducing over eighty techniques and spanning a wealth of professional settings, it is another quality text from an author with a proven pedigree. Contents: Introduction: Why, What and How / PART I: UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE AND THEIR PROBLEMS / PART II: PROBLEM-SOLVING METHODS / PART III: GUIDE TO FURTHER LEARNING / Further reading / Organizations and websites / References / Index June 2012 Paperback

304pp £15.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-29147-8 TB

Our new century is an age of comparison and increasingly scholars and policy-makers are placing issues of crime and punishment under the comparative gaze. This book is distinct in the way it gives equal priority both to matters of comparative research and method and to contextual interpretation for the drawing of any policy lessons. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Acknowledgements / Introduction and Rationale / Understanding Crime, Criminal Justice and Punishment / Research on Crime and Victimization / Research on Police and Prosecution / Research on Sentencing / Research on Prison Use and Other Penalties / Contexts of Understanding I: International Assistance and Policy Transfer / Contexts of Understanding II: China (region) Case Study / Criminology itself in Comparative Perspective /References / Appendix July 2012 Hardback

256pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-52735-5

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sociology Sociology

Women and Fluid Identities Strategic and Practical Pathways Selected by Women Edited by Haleh Afshar, Reader in Politics, University of York

This book argues that it is the fluidity of women’s identities that enables them to bridge the gender divides and roles ascribed to them by society and culture with those that they have chosen for themselves whilst retaining a sense of their self. Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Tables / The Fluidities of Identities: Some Strategic and Practical Pathways Selected by Women; H.Afshar / Mothers’ Pasts and Daughters’ Presents and Futures: Across Generational Exploration of Women’s Work and Aspirations in Urban China; J.Liu / The Wives and Mothers of Heroes: Evolving Identities of Palestinian Refugee Women in Lebanon; M.Holt / Mobilizing Collective Networks to Enable Individual Success: The Case of Middle Class Indian Women Employed in Information Technology; J.Belliappa / Identity, Moral Economy and Livelihoods: Women's Use of Microfinance in Luribay, Bolivia; K.Maclean / 'She Who Disputes' Muslim Women Activists in Italy and the UK Speak for Themselves; A.Belli / Iranian State's Religo-ideological Policies and their Impact on Young Migrant Women in Tabriz; M.Velayati / Afghan Women's Resistance and Struggle: Gender, Agency and Identity; E.Rostami-Povey / Competing Interests: Democracy, Islamification and Women Politicians in Iran; H.Afhsar / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 4 b/w tables Hardback





Security, Surveillance and the Olympic Games Edited by Vida Bajc, Assistant Professor, Methodist University in Fayetteville, USA

International Diplomacy and the Olympic Movement The New Mediators Aaron Beacom, Senior Lecturer, University College Plymouth, UK

Analyzes the relationship between the Olympic Games, with its ethos of openness and collectivism, and the security concerns and surveillance technologies becoming increasingly prevalent in the organization of public events. Chapters examine how each state has dealt differently with perceived threats, proposing a theory of security as meta-ritual. Contents: Introduction; V.Bajc / Olympic Insecurities as Seen from Inside the Tent; R.Pound / Ordering the Games Militarily - The Tokyo Olympics of 1964; C.Tagsold / Public Protest and GUns in the Land of Harmony: The 1968 Mexico City Olympics; K.Witherspoon / Policing the Enemy Within: Fear of the Radical Sects and the Winter Games in Sapporo 1972; K.Abe / Between Spontaneity and Control: The Munich Olympics in 1972; J.Hansen / Dissidents, Foreigners and Human Rights: The 1980 Moscow Olympic Games; B.Keys / The Los Angeles Olympics of 1984: Universalism or Particularism? D.Handelman / More Like a War Alert: The South Korean Summer Olympics of 1988; G.Ok & K.Ho Park / Separatist Movements and Minority Nationalism in a Post-fascist State: The 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games; S.Essex / The Integrated Security System and Centralization of Data Base in Sydney in 2000; K.Toohey & T.Taylor / Athens Olympics: Asymmetric Power Relations; A.Tsoukala / Geographies of Governance in Turin 2006; A.Vanolo / Popular Uprising and the People’s Olympics in Beijing 2008; Kloet / Studying Security and Surveillance in the Olympics: Methodological Reflections; I.Rudie August 2012 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28955-0

Transnational Crime, Crime Control and Security Series Editors: Anastassia Tsoukala and James Sheptycki

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

This book explores the relationship between diplomatic discourse and the Olympic movement, charting both its continuity and change from an historical perspective. Contents: List of Tables / Preface / Introduction / PART I / International Diplomacy and the Olympic Movement / Olympic Diplomacy: The IOC as Diplomatic Actor / Mediation Through Impairment – Diplomacy and Paralympism / International Diplomacy and the Olympic Bid / International Diplomacy and the Olympic Boycott / PART II / Athens to Melbourne: British Olympic Diplomacy During the Formative Years / From Rome to Athens: Foreign Relations and Olympic Diplomacy / 2008: Re-aligning Power Relations – Beijing and Olympic Diplomacy / New Challenges for Olympic Diplomacy: International Discourse and the 2012 London Games / Perspectives on the Future of Olympic and Paralympic Diplomacy / Bibliography / Appendices / Annex / Endnotes August 2012 320pp 216x138mm 12 b/w tables and 1 b/w photograph Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-24106-0

Global Culture and Sport Series Series Editors: Stephen Wagg and David Andrews

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Fraud, Corruption and Sport Graham Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Fraud and Corruption, University of Portsmouth, UK, Azeem Aleem, Principal Lecturer in Risk and Security, University of Portsmouth, UK and Mark Button, Reader, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth, UK

Offers historical and contemporary international analysis of corruption in sport with a particular focus on the influence of betting on sponsorship and management. Influences such as these have opened up new avenues to sport stars, managers and referees. The book analyzes all those involved in contemporary sport and the challenges they face. Contents: Introduction / PART I: FRAUD, CORRUPTION AND SPORT IN CONTEXT / Defining Fraud and Corruption in Sport / The Extent of Fraud and Corruption in Sport / Why do Those in Sport Commit Fraud? / Internet Fraud, Corruption and Sport / PART II: KEY BODIES, ENFORCEMENT AND GOVERNANCE / Fraud and Corruption in Soccer / Fraud and Corruption in Cricket / Fraud and Corruption in Horse Racing / Fraud and Corruption in Basketball / Fraud and Corruption in Boxing / Fraud and Corruption in Baseball / Overview and Final Reflections August 2012 Hardback

224pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29978-8

Global Culture and Sport Series Series Editors: Stephen Wagg and David Andrews

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Discourses of Olympism From the Sorbonne 1894 to London 2012 Dikaia Chatziefstathiou, Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Sport and Leisure, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK and Ian P. Henry, Professor of Leisure Policy and Management and Director, Institute of Sport and Leisure Policy, Loughborough University, UK

This book evaluates the moral project of Olympism, analzying the changing value positions adopted in relation to the ideology of Olympism across the period from the 1890s to the present day. The book also analyzes discourses of Olympism concerned with youth, governance, sport for development and international relations. Contents: Introduction: Developing Discursive Constructions of Olympism / The Discursive Construction of Modern Olympic Histories / Coubertin: Patronage and Paternalistic Discourses of Olympism (1887-1937) / Carl Diem - Olympism in the Shadow of Fascism and the Post-war Rehabilitation (1912-1961) / From Bi-polar to Multi-polar International Relations: Olympism and the Speakers at the International Olympic Academy in the Cold War and Post-Cold War Era / Technologies of Power, Governmentality and Discourses of Olympism in the Twenty-First Century / Bibliography / Index August 2012 320pp 2 figures and 1 b/w table Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28957-4

Global Culture and Sport Series Series Editors: Stephen Wagg and David Andrews

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://


Global Sociology 3rd edition Robin Cohen, Emeritus Professor and formerly Director of the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford, UK and Paul Kennedy, Reader in Sociology and Global Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

'Having taught global sociology for many years now I was impressed and invigorated by their approach...I like the set-up and the fact that it is so comprehensive and that it treats global sociology in its genealogical context.’ - Daniel Levy, Associate Professor of Sociology, SUNY-Stony Brook, USA From religion to recession and social media to corporate power, this third edition continues to be the authority on global issues in contemporary society. Combining updated discussion of global challenges with clear writing and an emphasis on critical thinking, Global Sociology will inspire today’s students of global society across disciplines. Contents: Introduction / PART I: INTERPRETATIONS / The Making of Global Sociology / Thinking Globally / Modernity and the Evolution of World Society / Work, Production and Finance / Political Sociology: Changing Nation States / PART II: DIVISIONS / Global Inequalities: The Victims / Class, Income and Wealth / Gender and Sexualities / Race, Ethnicity and Intersectionality / Corporate Power and Social Responsibility / Crime, Terrorism and Violence / PART III: EXPERIENCES / Population and Migration / Globalization, Families and Social Change / Consuming Culture / Lifestyle and Leisure / Media and the Digital Age / Global Religions / Urban Life / PART IV: DYNAMICS AND CHALLENGES / Global Civil Society and Political Activism / Towards an Environmentally Safe World / Identities and Belonging / Conclusion: Global Uncertainties and Ways Forward September 2012 512pp Paperback £24.99

246x189mm 978-0-230-29374-8 TB

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866



Max Weber and Contemporary Capitalism

The Politics of International Migration Management Edited by Martin Geiger, Lecturer, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, University of Osnabruck, Germany and Antoine Pécoud, Research Associate, University of Paris VII and University of Poitiers, France

Nicholas Gane, Department of Sociology, University of London, UK

This book explores the uses and limits of Max Weber’s work for thinking sociologically about capitalism today. The book argues that through Weber, a network of concepts can be developed that can frame a sociological analysis of the present Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Method / Capitalism / Markets / Neoliberalism / Class / Modernity / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

208pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-24203-6

Remaking Citizenship in Multicultural Europe Women’s Movements, Gender and Diversity Edited by Beatrice Halsaa, Professor in Gender Studies, University of Oslo, Norway, Sasha Roseneil, Professor of Sociology and Social Theory, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK and Sevil Sumer, Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Senior Researcher, Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Research, University of Bergen, Norway

A ground-breaking analysis of how women’s movements have been remaking citizenship in multicultural Europe. Presenting the findings of a large scale, multi-disciplinary cross-national feminist research project, FEMCIT, it develops an expanded, multi-dimensional understanding of citizenship as practice and experience. August 2012 272pp 3 figures and 12 b/w tables Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27628-4

Citizenship, Gender and Diversity Series Editors: Beatrice Halsaa, Sasha Roseneil and Sevil Sumer

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

‘This is a valuable, well documented and scholarly contribution.’ - Journal of Population Research '...essential reading for international migration scholars, including students at the graduate level.’ - Population, Space and Place This book presents a critical analysis of 'international migration management', the new motto for a range of discourses and practices that aim at rethinking approaches to international migrant flows. Contents: The Politics of International Migration Management; M.Geiger & A.Pécoud / Liberalizing Movements? The Political Rationality of Global Migration Management; S.Kalm / For the Benefit of Some: The International Organization for Migration and its Global Migration Management; F.Georgi / Imagined Migration World: The European Union’s Anti-Illegal Immigration Discourse; W.Walters / ‘We are Facilitating States!’ An Ethnographic Analysis of the International Centre for Policy Development; S.Hess / Borders and Populations in Flux: Frontex’ Place in the European Union’s Migration Management; B.Kasparek / Mobility, Development, Protection, EU-Integration! The IOM’s National Migration Strategy for Albania; M.Geiger / Expanded Borders: Policies and Practices of Preventive Refoulement in Italy; C.Marchetti / Informing Migrants to Manage Migration? An Analysis of IOM’s Information Campaigns; A.Pécoud / Migration Policy Development in Mauritania: Process, Issues, and Actors; P.Poutignat & J.Streiff-Fénart / International Refugee Law, ‘HyperLegalism’ and Migration Management: The Pacific Solution; C.Inder / Refugees or Migrants? The UNHCR’s Comprehensive Approach to Afghan Mobility into Iran and Pakistan; G.Scalettaris / From ‘The Whole Enchilada’ to Financialization: Shifting Discourses of Migration Management in North America; M.Bakker August 2012 Paperback

320pp £19.99

Masculinities, Care and Equality Identity and Nurture in Men’s Lives Niall Hanlon, Lecturer in Social Sciences, Dublin Business School, Republic of Ireland

This book explores men’s ambiguous relationship with intimate caring work within a context where carefree and nurturing expectations for men are competing for influence. For men, to be more involved carers clashes with commonly valued expectations of them as men and this book analyses how men confront this contradictory expectation. Contents: Preface / Care in Masculinities Studies / Gendered Care Practices / Masculinities and Care / Masculinities and Emotions /Nurturing Femininities / Breadwinner Masculinities / Nurturing Masculinities / Childhood Care Stories / Care-Free Masculinities / CareFull Masculinities / Toward Affective Equality / Notes / References / Index August 2012 2 b/w tables Hardback





Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences Series Editors: Victoria Robinson and Diane Richardson

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x140mm 978-1-137-03023-8




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Witnesses to Terror

Crafting Citizenship

Understanding the Meanings and Consequences of Terrorism

Understanding Tensions in a Multi-Ethnic Society Menno Hurenkamp, Researcher, Evelien Tonkens, Professor of Sociology and Jan Willem Duyvendak, Professor of Sociology, all at University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Luke Howie, Lecturer, Monash University, Australia

This book argues that it is witnesses who are the targets of terrorism and that the question of whose witnessing counts, and which stories are the most legitimate, is of vital importance for understanding the meanings and consequences of contemporary terrorism. Contents: Preface / Uncertainty in the Study of Terrorism / The Witness of Terrorism / Like a Weapon in the Street: Terrorism and the Media in the 21st Century / Witnessing Terrorism and its Enduring Consequences / Elder Witnesses: Witnessing Terrorism in Later/Middle Life / Vampires, Lawyers, Merchant Bankers: Post-9/11 Organizations in Science Fiction / Guarding the Contact Zones: Security Guards in a Time of Terror / Witnessing Terrorism / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 Hardback

224pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29975-7

According to politics and the media, immigration and individualization drive citizens apart but in neighbourhoods social life is often thriving, depending on the talents of particular citizens or of local institutions. This book examines new forms of active citizenship and the actual conditions that hinder social cohesion. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Acknowledgements / Feeling Good, Quarrelling Bad / The Construction of Citizenship in Public Debate / The Delegitimation of Political Authority / Individualization and the Public Interest / Globalization and the Culturalization of Citizenship / The Three Freedoms of the Dutch: The Culturalization of Citizenship in the Netherlands / Put in an International Perspective / Crafting Citizenship / Appendix / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2012 11 figures Hardback





The Olympic Games and the Environment John Karamichas, Lecturer in Sociology, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

An examination of the environmental credentials of Olympic Host cities and the opportunities afforded by hosting the Games towards the ecological modernization of the host nation by using perspectives offered by environmental sociology. It also sets out projections for the environmental legacy of London 2012. Contents: Introduction / Olympic Games: A Quintessentially Modern Project / The Environmental Issue: Opposing Development and Progress / Environmental Concern and Environmental Sociology: Parallel Developments / Reflexive Modernisation: Connecting the Environment with Modernity and Modernisation / Olympic Games and the Environment / Olympic Games and Ecological Modernisation: Three Case Studies (Sydney, Athens, Beijing) / London 2012: Evaluating the Prospects / Concluding Remarks July 2012 Hardback

224pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-22861-0

Global Culture and Sport Series Series Editors: Stephen Wagg and David Andrews

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Islam, Migration and Integration

Culture & Identity

Red Racisms

The Age of Securitization

2nd edition

Racism in Communist and Post-Communist Contexts

Ayhan Kaya, Director, European Institute, Department of International Relations, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey

‘Its fresh analysis of the landscape of European migration and its interdisciplinary appeal make Kaya’s Islam, Migration and Integration a valuable resource for students of international migration and of Muslim disporas.’ - Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews ‘...a fresh perspective to the issue of the integration of Muslim communities in Europe by opening up the transnational space between the host and the sending countries.’ - Journal of Islamic Studies This work, now in paperback, explores contemporary debates on migration and integration, focussing on Euro-Muslims. It critically engages with republicanist and multiculaturalist policies of integration and claims that integration means more than cultural and linguistic assimilation of migrant communities. Contents: Preface / List of Maps / List of Tables / List of Figures / Introduction / Germany: From Segregation to Integration / France: From Integration to Segregation / Belgium: A Culturally Divided Land / The Netherlands: From Multiculturalism to Assimilation / Building Communities: Comfort in Purity / Accomodation of Islam: Individualization vs. Institutionalization / Islamophobia as a Form of Governmentality: Unbearable Weightiness of the Politics of Fear / Conclusion: Transnationalizing Integration / Bibliography

Warren Kidd, Senior Lecturer of Education, University of East London, UK and Alison Teagle, Head of Sixth Form, St Paul’s Catholic College, UK

An understanding of culture and identity is essential for new sociologists. This studentfocused text explains the themes and theories behind these core ideas. With up-to-date discussion of ‘chavs’, masculinity and social networking, skills-based activities and a new chapter on research, this is invaluable reading for anyone new to this topic. Contents: Introduction / Key Issues in the Study of Culture and Identity / Classical Views on Culture and Identity / The Development of ‘Action’ Sociology and Interactionists / Socialisation, Self Identity and the Life Course / How Much ‘Agency’ do Individuals have in Culture? / Modern and Postmodern Culture and Identity / Mass Culture and Popular Culture / Youth Culture and Sub-Culture / Semiology, Structuralism and PostStructuralism / Class and Consumption / Sex and Gender – Femininity and Masculinity / Ethnicity and Identity / Community, Nation and Globalization September 2012 256pp Paperback £24.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-28102-8

Skills-based Sociology Series Editors: Tony Lawson and Tim Heaton

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Ian Law, Head of Department, School of Sociology and Social Policy and Director, Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies, University of Leeds, UK

This book analyzes racism in Communist and post-Communist contexts, examining the ‘Red’ promise of an end to racism and the racial logics at work in the Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe, Cuba and China, placing these in the context of global racialization. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Racializing Russia / Racial Proletarianization and After: Anti-Roma Racism in Central and Eastern Europe / Cuba: The Raceless Nation / Racial Sinicisation: Han Power and Racial and Ethnic Domination in China / Red Racisms and After: The Promise, The Logics, The Prospects / Bibliography / Index July 2012 208pp 1 b/w photograph and 1 figure Hardback £55.00

To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB

Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series Editors: Robin Cohen and Zig Layton-Henry

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://



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Mapping Global Racisms Series Editor: Ian Law

June 2012 264pp 216x138mm 12 figures, 32 b/w tables and 2 maps Paperback £19.99 978-1-137-03022-1



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Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature A View from India Edited by Satya P. Mohanty, Professor of English and Minority Studies, Cornell University, USA

The product of years of cross-border and crossdisciplinary collaboration, this is an innovative volume of essays situated at the intersection of multi-disciplinary fields: postcolonial/ subaltern theory; comparative literary analysis, especially with a South Asian and transnational focus; the study of ‘alternative’ and ‘indigenous’ modernities. Contents: Introduction: Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: Introducing the Issues; S.P.Mohanty / PART I: VIEWS FROM BELOW: COMPARING LITERARY PERSPECTIVES / Critical Realisms in the Global South: Narrative Transculturation in Senapati’s Six Acres and a Third and García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude; J.H.Vargas / Views from Above and Below: George Eliot and Fakir Mohan Senapati; P.L.Sawyer / Two Classic Tales of Village India: Investigating the Realist Epistemology in Chha Mana Atha Guntha and Godaan; H.S.Mohapatra / Girls for Sale and Six Acres: The Shared World of Gurajada Apparao and Fakir Mohan Senapati; V.N.Rao / The Emergence of the Modern Subject in Oriya and Assamese Literatures: Fakir Mohan Senapati and Hemchandra Barua; T.Misra / ‘Why Don’t You Speak?’: The Narrative Politics of Silence in Three South Asian Novels; U.Anjaria / PART II: THE MANY CONTEXTS OF SIX ACRES AND A THIRD / Gender and the Representation of Women in Six Acres and a Third; C.Horan / Rediscovering Ramachandra Mangaraj. Chha Mana Atha Guntha: A Critique of Colonial Rule; G.N.Dash / Tradition-Modernity Dialectic in Six Acres and a Third; D.K.Dash & D.R.Pattanaik / Appendix: Hemchandra Barua’s Classic Text Bahire Rongsong Bhitare Kowabhaturi (Fair Outside and Foul Within) - Translated from the Assamese by Tilottoma Misra July 2012 Paperback

270pp £16.99

Imperial Migrations Colonial Communities and Diaspora in the Portuguese World Edited by Eric Morier-Genoud, Lecturer in African and Imperial History, Queen’s University Belfast, UK and Michel Cahen, CNRS Researcher

This volume investigates what role colonial communities and diaspora have had in shaping the Portuguese empire and its heritage, exploring topics such as Portuguese migration to Africa, the Ismaili and the Swiss presence in Mozambique, the Goanese in East Africa, the Chinese in Brazil, and the history of the African presence in Portugal. Contents: List of Illustrations / Notes of Contributors /Introduction: Portugal, Empire and Migrations; E.Morier-Genoud & M.Cahen / PART I: LONGUE-DUREE MIGRATIONS IN AND AROUND THE PORTUGUESE EMPIRE / PART II: COLONIAL MIGRATIONS IN THE THIRD PORTUGUESE EMPIRE / PART III: MIGRATIONS AT THE MARGINS OF THE THIRD EMPIRER / PART IV: IDEOLOGY AND HERITAGE A Full Table of Contents is Available at: http://www. August 2012 320pp 216x138mm 6 b/w photographs and 5 b/w tables Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-35369-5

Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series Editors: Robin Cohen and Zig Layton-Henry

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Majority-Minority Relations in Contemporary Women’s Movements Strategic Sisterhood Line Nyhagen Predelli, Lecturer in Sociology, Loughborough University, UK and Beatrice Halsaa, Professor of Gender Studies, University of Oslo, Norway

This book examines contemporary relations between ethnic majority and ethnic minority women’s movements in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom, and women’s movements’ participation in and influence on public policy that focuses on violence against women. Contents: Dedication / Preface / Acknowledgements / Foreword / Women’s Movements, Gender Equality, Citizenship and Ethnic Diversity in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom / Women’s Movements in Norway, Spain and the UK / Citizenship, Recognition and Justice / Political Opportunities and Violence Against Women / Researching Women’s Movements / Towards Strategic Sisterhood on Balanced Terms: Recognition, Participation, Inclusion and Solidarity / Seeking Policy Impact / Conclusion / Bibliography / Appendices / Index June 2012 4 b/w tables Hardback





Citizenship, Gender and Diversity Series Editors: Beatrice Halsaa, Sasha Roseneil and Sevil Sumer

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

216x140mm 978-0-230-61908-1

Future of Minority Studies

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sociology • study skills

Cross Border Migrant Organizations in Comparative Perspective Edited by Ludger Pries, Director of the Institute of Sociology and Zeynep Sezgin, both at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany


Military Migrants


Fighting for YOUR Country

Decide. Prepare. Apply.

Vron Ware, The Open University, UK

A study of the British Army as one of the country’s most important and symbolic national institutions. Asking questions about British culture, nationalism and history, the book will enrich public discussion about the impact of war on UK society since the start of the twenty-first century.

An analysis of the aims, activities and structures of cross border migrant organizations in four European countries of arrival and seven countries of origin, exploring different patterns of cross-border resource mobilization and co-ordination. Contents: List of Tables / List of Abbreviations / Preface and Acknowledgements / Migration, Organisations and Transnational Ties; L.Pries & Z.Sezgin / Polish and Turkish Migrant Organizations in Germany; D.Halm, P.Pielage, L.Pries, Z.Sezgin & T.Tuncer-Zengingül / CrossBorder Migrant Organizations in Poland; M.Biernath / Indian and Polish MOs in the UK; T.Lacroix / Moroccan and Ecuadorian MOs in the Spanish State; N.GarcíaGonzález, M.López, A.Franas & A.Veinguer / CBMOs in Their Organizational and Institutional Environment: A Comparison of Countries and Cases; L.Pries, D.Halm & Z.Sezgin Anhang / Bibliography / Index August 2012 304pp 4 figures and 3 b/w tables Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-34791-5

Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series Editors: Robin Cohen and Zig Layton-Henry

Study Skills

Contents: Preface / Introduction / For Queen and Commonwealth / PART ONE / The Race to Recruit / The Promised Land / PART TWO / Culture Shock / Keeping the Faith / PART THREE / Crossing the Line / The Force of the Law / PART FOUR / Like Coming to Mars / Caught in the Crossfire / Conclusion / Militarised Multiculture / Notes / Index August 2012 Hardback

328pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-1-137-01002-5

Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series Editors: Robin Cohen and Zig Layton-Henry

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Stella Cottrell, Director of Lifelong Learning, University of Leeds, UK

You2Uni is the ideal book for young people thinking about going to university, and for teachers and careers advisors who want to encourage and support entry into higher education. It helps readers to make informed decisions about what is right for them, improve their academic skills, and develop skills for independent everyday life. Contents: Acknowledgements / Acronyms / Introduction / Getting Started / Is Uni for Me? You2Uni Quiz / PART I: CHOICES AND DECISIONS / When is Best Time? / Be Fully Informed / Employability and Life Chances / Choosing Your Uni / Choosing Your Subject and Programme / Teaching and Assessment / Money Decisions and Choice of Uni / Making Your Decisions / Making Your Application / A Picture of Uni / PART II: ACADEMIC SKILLS FOR UNI / Reading: the Need for Speed / Developing Reading Strategies for Uni / Build Your Word Power / Making Effective Notes / Writing / Essays at Uni / Critical Analysis at Uni / Timemanagement at Uni / What’s Different about Study at Uni? / Uni-facts / PART III: UNI-LIFE / Fantasy and Reality of Life at Uni / Managing Your Money / Shopping for Food / Food at Uni: Famine or Feast / Get on the Move / Finding the Real You / Taking Care of Yourself / Appendix 1: Timeline for Applications / Appendix 2: Countdown to Uni: Action Plan / Appendix 3: Costs, Financial Support and Repayments / Appendix 4: Where to Get More Information / Answers / Glossary of Terms / References / Index July 2012 272pp 119 line drawings Paperback £11.99

189x189mm 978-1-137-02242-4 TB




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study skills

University Life

How to Get a First

Study Skills Connected

Making it Work for You

Insights and Advice from a First-class Graduate

Using Technology to Support Your Studies

Lauren Lucien, a recent Creative Writing with English Literature Graduate; Academic Advisor and former Peer Assisted Learning mentor and Library Assistant, Kingston University, UK

'I really enjoyed this book. It was personal and insightful and I could have done with reading it before I came to university. It was clear that it was written by students but that just made it more fun and easy going.’ - Ellie Shipton, first year student, University of Bristol, UK University Life provides an honest inside view of academic life and study, with advice and strategies for making the most of your time in higher education. Contents: About the Author / Acknowledgements / Introduction / How to Use this Book / Getting Ready to Go / Freshers / Halls and Housing / Food / Study / Managing, Making and Saving Money at University / Working / Mind and Body / Changes / What Next? / Uni Dictionary / Useful Resources / Index / July 2012 112pp 190x135mm 24 line drawings and 2 b/w tables Paperback £7.99 978-0-230-39231-1

Palgrave Student to Student

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Michael Tefula graduated in 2010 with a First Class Degree in Accounting and Finance, University of Birmingham, UK; Winner of the Ernst & Young prize for the highest dissertation mark (86%) and joint winner of the Deloitte prize for the highest module mark (80%; and co-founder of Birmingham Entrepreneurs’ society (University of Birmingham)

'I have to say I really did love this book! Feeling very motivated and inspired after reading it (a boost most students need at some point during their studies!).’ - Iram Satti, University of Birmingham, UK A lively and original perspective on gaining an outstanding degree from a recent first-class graduate. Combines personal experience, scientific research and motivational anecdotes from students to create a comprehensive guide to academic success, with strategies to immediately boost grades and improve confidence. Contents: Introduction / Degree Choice / The Growth Mindset / Work Ethic / Happiness and Grades / Support Systems / Memory Mastery / Task Management / Procrastination / Lectures / Body and Mind / Study Environment / Coursework / Exams / Concluding Remarks / Book Summary / Acknowledgements July 2012 1 graph Paperback





Stella Cottrell, Director of Lifelong Learning and Neil Morris, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Biological Sciences, both at Leeds University , UK

Engaging, accessible and practical, this book helps students to get the most out of new technologies to enhance their learning practices, engage with their studies and improve their study skills. Covering a broad range of topics, it encourages a reflective perspective on e-learning resources. Contents: Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / Introduction / Studying With New Technologies / Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) / Managing Information Online for Academic Study / Podcasts / Blogs / Wikis / Social Media / Classroom and Communication Technologies / Drawing it Together / Glossary / Useful Resources / References / Index July 2012 Paperback

200pp £12.99

246x189mm 978-1-137-01945-5 TB

Palgrave Student to Student


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study skills

Improve Your Grammar Mark Harrison, Freelance Writer, former Director, Centre for English Learning and Teaching, University of Westminster, UK, Vanessa Jakeman, has co-ordinated English Language and EAP programmes, worked extensively in English Language Testing, and jointly authored Cambridge ESOL Practice Test books and IELTS course books and Ken Paterson, ELT author for 20 years, has contributed to Macmillan English Campus, and is the author of Cambridge ESOL Practice Test books, titles covering Grammar and Testing, and ‘Use of English Skills’ (OUP and Macmillan)

'It is very clear and well considered. This is certainly a book one could use with students, partly because it’s not cluttered with too many examples and exceptions but concentrates on the core and then reinforces things with its exercises. These are very helpful, as are the answers.’ Martin Coyle, Cardiff University, UK An accessible study and practice book for UK students, covering in detail all the areas where grammatical mistakes are typically made. Using realistic academic contexts, each unit explains the key grammar in a clear and lively way, and then checks understanding with easy-to-use practice exercises that build the user’s confidence. Contents: Introduction / PART A: KEY TERMS / PART B: KEY GRAMMAR / PART C: KEY PUNCTUATION / PART D: CONNECTIONS WITHIN SENTENCES / PART E: PRODUCING GOOD SENTENCES / PART F: FEATURES OF WRITING / PART G: USING THE RIGHT WORDS / Index August 2012 160pp 246x189mm 1 b/w illustration, 8 illustrations and 13 b/w line drawings Paperback £12.99 978-0-230-36053-2

Write it Right

The Student’s Guide to Writing

The Secrets of Effective Writing 2nd edition

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 3rd edition

John Peck, former Reader in Victorian Literature and Martin Coyle, Head of English Literature, both at Cardiff University, UK

'This is an excellent book. The writers have managed the difficult task of making a rather dry and unexciting topic interesting and approachable...I think Peck and Coyle have found exactly the right tone for a book of this kind.’ - Geoffrey Finch, Senior Lecturer in Humanities, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK This book shows students how to make their writing effective and grammatically correct. Organized into mini units and easy to read, it deals with everyday tasks and problems. This second edition adds further guidance on common questions raised by students, such as ‘When does one use italics and/or underlining?’ Contents: About This Book / The Logic of Effective Writing / Applying for a Course, Applying for a Job / Writing Correct and Convincing Sentences / Punctuating a Sentence: Commas, Colons and Semicolons / Avoidable Errors / Tricks of the Writer’s Trade / Essay Writing: Structure / Essay Writing: Paragraph Control / Make Every Essay an Effective Essay / Taking Stock / Twenty Questions / Glossary / Index July 2012 Paperback

208pp £12.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-37384-6

John Peck, formerly Reader in Victorian Literature and Martin Coyle, Head of English Literature, both at Cardiff University, UK

'Excellent, valuable text.’ - Lorraine Shaw, Liverpool John Moores University, UK ‘This book is a little gem! For anyone interested in the English Language and with a concern for proper usage, this book is a delight - a must!’ - Mr Francis J. Dempsey, GalwayMayo Institute of Technology, Republic of Ireland Aimed at students wishing to improve their writing skills, this guide deals with the key basics of grammar, punctuation and spelling while also showing students how to construct a sentence, how to build a paragraph and how to structure an essay. This third edition includes an expanded ‘Spot the Mistake’ section. Contents: About this Book / PART ONE: WRITING CORRECTLY / Writing a Sentence / Punctuation / Spelling / PART TWO: WRITING CONFIDENTLY / The Wellcrafted Sentence / Polished Punctuation / Spelling and Usage / PART THREE: WRITING WITH STYLE / Writing an Essay / Punctuation and Presentation / The Right Word / A Note on Grammar / Twenty to remember Spot the Mistake / Index July 2012 Paperback

176pp £12.99 TB





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216x138mm 978-0-230-37388-4

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study skills

The Mature Student’s Guide to Writing

Report Writing Michelle Reid, Study Adviser, University of Reading, UK

3rd edition Jean Rose, Freelance Writer and Associate Lecturer, The Open University, UK

Reviews for the 2nd edition: ‘The tone is approachable and supportive and I feel that this is one of the best selling points for the book. The combination of occasional short, decisive sentences adds to the tone of authority within the work.’ - Lucinda Becker, University of Reading, UK ‘Having taught mature - return-to-study students...I realize only too well their insecurities over writing coursework assignments. This book is aimed at all such students...a very useful study guide...’ - Christine Webb, Journal of Advanced Nursing Through its use of conversational and supportive tones, this popular guide puts readers at ease, assisting the transition to academic study. With clear explanations, summaries and exercises, it is an invaluable companion for the mature student. This third edtition has much new content including a new chapter on writing a dissertation proposal.

Reflective Writing

Aims to give students the understanding, confidence and tools to use report writing conventions to communicate their purpose, whatever their subject and whatever report they are writing. Real-life student examples included to illustrate good writing style and effective communication. Diagrams and illustrations are used to make key points. Contents: Introduction / The Purpose of Reports / Gathering Your Information / Structuring Your Report / Business Plans, Project Proposals and Dissertations / Presenting Your Findings / Writing Concisely / Report Writing at Work / References / Useful Sources / Index July 2012 80pp 108x138mm 17 b/w illustrations and 41 figures Paperback £5.99 978-0-230-37655-7 TB

Kate Williams, Learning Development Manager, Study Advice Centre, Mary Woolliams, Lecturer in Health and Social Care, and Jane Spiro, Principal Lecturer for Student Experience, School of Education, all at Oxford Brookes University, UK

Reflective Writing provides concise and practical guidance on how students can improve their academic writing through self-reflective thinking, reading and writing. Covering a range of frameworks and strategies, it includes advice on applying reflective practices to personal and CV development. Contents: Introduction / PART I: UNDERSTANDING REFLECTIVE WRITING / PART II: FORM AND STYLE IN REFLECTIVE WRITING / PART III: REFLECTION IN READING AND WRITING / PART IV:USING FRAMEWORKS IN REFLECTIVE WRITING / PART V: REFLECTION FOR CAREER PLANNING / Useful Sources / Index July 2012 128pp 108x138mm 18 line drawings, 29 tables and 5 diagrams Paperback £5.99 978-0-230-37725-7 TB

Contents: Acknowledgements / Who is This Book For? / If You Think You May Be Dyslexic... / PART I: THE BIG PICTURE / Taking Notes / Writing an Essay / Quoting and Referencing / PART II: WRITING FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES /Style / Summaries / Letters / Creative Writing / Reports / Articles / Oral Presentations / Exam Essays / The Proposal For Your Undergraduate Dissertation / PART III: THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF GOOD WRITING / Verbs and Other Parts of Speech / Writing Clear Sentences / Punctuation / Getting Conversation on Paper / PART IV: MOVING ON / Your CV / Letters and Statements for Job Applications / Appendix 1: Spelling Strategies / Appendix 2: Common Confusions / Answers / Bibliography / Index August 2012 256pp 216x138mm 9 figures, 1 diagram and 1 colour line drawing Paperback £14.99 978-0-230-29787-6 TB

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study skills • theatre and performance

Studying with Dyslexia

Theatre and Performance

Janet Godwin, Dsylexia/ SpLD and Upgrade Tutor, Students Services, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Eugene O’Neill’s One-Act Plays Edited by Michael Y. Bennett, Assistant Professor of English in Drama, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA and Benjamin D. Carson, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of English, Bridgewater State University, USA


Theatrical Responses Since 1991 Jeanne Colleran, Dean and Professor, John Carroll University, USA

New Critical Perspectives

This handy guide offers skills and advice to help you use your dyslexia constructively and become an effective student.

July 2012 96pp 108x138mm 30 illustrations and 24 illustrations Paperback £5.99 978-0-230-39056-0

Theatre and War

Although Eugene O'Neill's work has generated much scholarship, his one-act plays have not received the critical attention they deserve. Given that O'Neill began his career writing one-act plays, including his justly famous "Sea Plays," associated with the Provincetown Players, it is surprising that his one-acts have been largely neglected. This collection aims to fill the gap by examining O'Neill's one-act plays, during what can be considered O'Neill's formative writing years, and the formative period of American drama. It is our hope that a wide-ranging investigation into O'Neill's one-acts will shed light on a less-explored part of his career, and thus assist scholars in understanding O'Neill's entire oeuvre. Contents: Introduction; B.D.Carson /The Playwright's Theatre: O'Neill's use of the Province town Players as Laboratory; J.Kennedy / 'Hidden Treasures': Intimations of The Count of Monte Cristo and the Theater of Cruelty in O'Neill's One-Act Plays; R.G.Majumdar / 'Why d'yuh hate me so?': Between Sensationalism and Sociology in O'Neill's The Web; J.C.Westgate / Eugene O'Neill's Abortion and Standard Family Roles: The Economics of Terminating a Romance and a Pregnancy; L.Broder / 'It'll Make a Great Picture': Existential Film and the Comedy of War in O'Neill's The Movie Man; C.F.Miller / Inherited Insanity in Where the Cross is Made and other Plays by Eugene O'Neill; K.Kuzmich / 'God stiffen us...': A Queer Reading of O'Neill's Early One Acts; P.Barnhart / Longing for Home in the Glencairn Plays; E.Young / Land Ahoy?: The 'Sea Plays'; M.Y.Bennett / Waiting for O'Neill; S.Bloom / O'Neill's Hughie: The Sea Plays Revisited; R.Combs July 2012 Hardback

224pp £55.00

Explores the effects of mediatization on the public sphere and on the nature of interventionary art, it looks specifically at issues attached to the war in Iraq: censorship, torture, detention, representations of Muslim identity, race, class, and gender issues in the armed forces, globalization, and political veracity. Contents: Introduction: Spectator of Calamities / Five Political Crises / Turning History into Happening / The Persians / From the Ruins of 9/11 / Facing Terror / War Documents / Bodies Count / The Spectacle of Our Suffering July 2012 Hardback

288pp £55.00

What is Theatre? Series Editor: Ann C. Hall

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216x140mm 978-0-230-33981-1




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216x140mm 978-1-137-00629-5

Comes with a CD/DVD

theatre and performance

Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance

Britain Had Talent A History of Variety Theatre

The Ghosts of the Franklin Expedition Heather Davis-Fisch, Postdoctoral Fellow in Theatre Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada

Examines performances produced following the 1845 disappearance of John Franklin’s Northwest Passage expedition. The remarkable archive of performative remains generate critical insights into how those affected understood the losses they experienced suggesting that performance functions as a repository of cultural history. Contents: Introduction: Jane Franklin’s Dress: Archives and Affect / Disciplining Nostalgia in the Navy; or, Harlequin in the Arctic / “The Sly Fox”: Reading Indigenous Presence / Going Native: “Playing Inuit,” “Becoming Savage,” and Acting Out Franklin / Aglooka’s Ghost: Performing Embodied Memory / The Last Resource: Witnessing the Cannibal Scene / The Designated Mourner: Charles Dickens Stands in for Franklin / Conclusion: Franklin Remains July 2012 256pp 216x140mm 1 map, 2 b/w photographs and 5 b/w line drawings Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-34032-9

Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History Series Editor: Don B. Wilmeth

To order all titles in the series please go to: http://

Oliver Double, Senior Lecturer in Drama, University of Kent, UK

'An interesting, well written and colourful history of the variety form, which will appeal to students, researchers and general readers. It is chockfull of material which is well organized and referenced - the content is terrific.’ - Jason Price, Lecturer in Drama and Performance Studies, University of Sussex, UK In the first major academic work to examine British variety theatre, Double provides a detailed history of this art form and analyzes its performance dynamics and techniques. Encompassing singers, comedians, dancers, magicians, ventriloquists and diverse speciality acts, this vibrant book draws on a series of new interviews with variety veterans. Contents: Preface / Introduction / PART ONE: HISTORY OF VARIETY PERFORMANCE / Britain’s Got Talent The Variety Bill Music Hall becomes Variety The Golden Age of Variety Variety Falls Apart / PART TWO: PERFORMANCE DYNAMICS / Personality Participation SkillNovelty / PART THREE: VARIETY PERFORMANCE TODAY / Variety NowBibliography August 2012 256pp 216x138mm 8 illustrations and 2 b/w photographs Hardback £52.50 978-0-230-28459-3 Paperback £17.99 978-0-230-28460-9

Contemporary British Queer Performance Brief Encounters Stephen Greer, Lecturer in Drama, Theatre and Performance, University of Aberystwyth, UK

Examines queer performance in Britain since the early 1990s, arguing for the significance of emerging collaborative modes of practice. Using queer theory and the history of early lesbian and gay theatre to examine claims to representation among other things, it interrogates the relationships through which recent works have been presented. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Theorising Queer Performance / Claiming Representation: The Performance Politics of Gay Sweatshop / Community and Nation: Staging Queer Histories / Legitimately Queer: Identity Claims in Theatre-In-Education / Pride and Shame: Developments in the Performance of Queer Protest / Staging Difference: The Rise of Queer Arts Festivals / Networked Identities / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 224pp 6 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-30442-0

Performance Interventions Series Editors: Elaine Aston and Bryan Reynolds

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theatre and performance

Histories and Practices of Live Art Edited by Deirdre Heddon, Reader in Theatre Studies, University of Glasgow, UK and Jennie Klein, Associate Professor and Chair in Art History, Ohio University, USA

In this dynamic collection a team of experts map the development of Live Art culturally, thematically and historically. Supported with examples from around the world, the text engages with a number of key practices, asking what these practices do and how they can be contextualized and understood. Contents: Introduction: Writing Histories and Practices of Live Art; D.Heddon / Developing Live Art; J.Klein / The Time of Live Art; B.Hoffman / Art, Meeting and Encounter: The Art of Action in Great Britain; R.Hunter & J.Bodor / Hunter Site: Between Ground and Groundlessness; S.Hodge & C.Turner /Intimacy and Risk in Live Art; D.Johnson / Collaboration in Performance; C.Macdonald / The Politics of Live Art; D.Heddon / Conclusion: Looking Back Looking Forward; D.Heddon & J.Klein / Postscript / Bibliography / Index August 2012 256pp 12 b/w photographs Hardback £50.00 Paperback £16.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-22973-0 978-0-230-22974-7 TB

Acts of Manhood

The Odin Teatret

The Performance of Masculinity on the American Stage, 1828-1865

Theatre in a New Century

Karl M. Kippola, Assistant Professor of Theatre, American University, USA; Professional Actor and Director for the last twenty-five years

Exploring the performance of masculinity on and off the nineteenth-century American stage, this book looks at the shift from the passionate muscularity to intellectual restraint as not a linear journey toward national refinement; but a multitude of masculinities fighting simultaneously for dominance and recognition. Contents: Act Like a Man: Images and Rhetoric of Reconstructed Manhood / A Glorious Image of Unperverted Manhood: Edwin Forrest as Masculine Ideal / A Masculine Identity Worth Dying For: The Astor Place Riot / Decorum and Delicacy: The Feminized Manliness of Edwin Booth / A Multitude of Masculinities: The Theatrical Spectrum of Manly / Impossibly Genial: The Masculine Transformations of John McCullough September 2012 272pp 19 b/w illustrations Hardback £55.00

Adam J. Ledger, Lecturer in Drama and Theatre Practice, University of Hull, UK

'Ledger’s research provides a wealth of unique insights into Barba’s work...he provides the first comprehensive discussion of Barba’s large scale Theatrum Mundi productions in English through the dual lenses of Barba’s production history and his intercultural research.’ - Ian Watson, Professor of Theatre and Chair, Department of Arts, Culture and Media, Rutgers University-Newark, USA The Odin Teatret is one of the most significant international theatre groups and the prolific writings by its director have become a cornerstone of the study of theatre, acting and performance. This book brings information and discussion of this important company up-to-date, drawing on new material, translations and interviews with actors. Contents: Introduction / Burning the House: Paradigms of Practice / ‘A Privileged Universe’: Training at the Odin Teatret / Performances / Odin Teatret in the Community: Barter and Festuge / Intercultural Theatre / Faces of the Future / Bibliography / Index September 2012 240pp Hardback £50.00

216x140mm 978-0-230-34045-9

Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History Series Editor: Don B. Wilmeth

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216x138mm 978-0-230-24748-2

Comes with a CD/DVD

theatre and performance

Neoliberalism and Global Theatres Performance Permutations

Applying Performance


Live Art, Socially Engaged Theatre and Affective Practice

First Announcement

Nicola Shaughnessy, Senior Lecturer and Director of Performance, University of Kent, UK

Edited by Lara D. Nielsen, Assistant Professor, Macalester College, USA and Patricia Ybarra, Assistant Professor, Brown University, USA

How do theatre and performance transmit and dispute ideologies of neoliberalism? The essays in this anthology examine the mechanisms and rhetorics of contemporary multinational and transnational organizations, artists, and communities that produce theatre and performance for global audiences. Contents: Introduction; L.D.Nielsen & P.Ybarra / PART I: INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIES / Irreal Entries; L.Nielsen / Nintendo Museum: Intercultural Pedagogy, Neoliberal Citizenship, and a Theatre without Actors; M.Werry / Bentin Archaeologies of Empire: Colonial Hollywood and the Neoliberal Academy; S.Calderon / Neoliberalism and the Global University; E.B.Lim / Branding the Revolution: Hair Redux; D.Savran / PART II: MODES OF TRANSMISSION / I Feel For You; P.Anderson / Staging a Moving Map in Byron Au Yong and Aaron Jafferis’ Stuck Elevator; K.Shimakawa / Fighting for a Future in a Free Trade World; P.Ybarra / Unchecked Popularity: Neoliberal Circulations of Black Dance; T.Defrantz / PART III: FORMAL ECONOMIES / Model Dissent: Lu'u Quang Vũ and the Melodramatic Performance of Renovation in Post-War Vietnam; K.T.Ngyuen / Representational Practices and Real Abstractionsin Early EighteenthCentury London; M.Kobialka / The Gift of the New Orleans Second Line; M.Olsen / Wole Soyinka’s The Beatification of Area Boy as Neoliberal Kaleidoscope; C.Cole / PART IV: SITES OF ARTICULATION / Teatro Visión and the Limits of Chicano Politics in Neoliberal Space; J.Rossini / Repairing Teatro Oficina Perdiz; N.Tenenblat / Palimpsestic City: Nostalgia and Adaptation in Neoliberal Bangalore; J.Menon / Desiring the Stage: The Interplay of Mobility and Resistance; D.Larasati / The Future of Water: Environmental Theatre Experiences Urban Space; M.Joseph / Index July 2012 320pp 1 b/w photograph and 2 maps Hardback £55.00

'Applying Performance is a timely and engaging addition to the field, extending the scope and possibilities of what defines applied theatre, and pointing to emerging trends and thinking.’ Michael Balfour, Chair, Applied and Social Theatre, School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Australia Draws upon cognitive and affect theory to examine applications of contemporary performance practices in educational, social and community contexts. The writing is situated in the spaces between making and performance, exploring the processes of creating work defined variously as collaborative, participatory and socially engaged. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Preface: Applying Performance / PART I: HISTORIES & CONTEXTS / Setting the Scene: Critical and Theoretical Contexts / Pasts, Pioneers, Politics / Principles of Applying Performance / PART II: PRACTICES / Performing Lives / Placing Performance / Digital Transportations / PART III: PARTICIPATION / Unhappy Relations: Critiques of Collaboration / Theme Park Hells: Incarcerations / Participant Centred Pedagaogy and the Affective Learning Environment: LIFT 2011 / A Taste of Heaven: (Syn) aesthetics and Participatory Visceral Performance / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index


August 2012 272 pp 16 b/w photographs Hardback £55.00


The Art of Clowning More Paths to Your Inner Clown 2nd edition Eli Simon, Professor of Acting, University of California, USA

The first book on clowning technique and offers a step-bystep process for actors and other theatrical enthusiasts to discover their inner clown. This fun and accessible guide expands on theories and exercises to help students and beginners develop solo and group performances. Now with even more ways to find your inner clown! Contents: Introduction / Clowning Rules / Finding your Clown / Mission: Impossible / Stretching in New Directions / The Ins and Outs of White-face / Voice and Text / Afterword: Building a Troop April 2012 Paperback

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Studies in International Performance Series Editors: Janelle Reinelt and Brian Singleton

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index A Aaltola Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture 86 Academic Freedom and the Telos of the Catholic University Garcia 88 Action Research Methods Klein 37 Acts of Manhood Kippola 136 Adapting Poe Perry Sederholm 82 Advertising, Literature and Print Culture in Ireland, 1891-1922 Strachan Nally 70 Affirmative Action in Plural Societies Brown Langer Stewart 115 Africa since Independence Nugent 46 African Roots, Brazilian Rites Sterling 107 The Afro-Modernist Epic and Literary History Schultz 79 Afshar Women and Fluid Identities 124 Alfred Weber and the Crisis of Culture, 1890-1933 Loader 54 Allen Aoki Kiyotaki Gordon Stiglitz The Global Macro Economy and Finance 29 Alliance Security Dilemmas in the Iraq War Ishibashi 109 Allison The Gulf War, 1990-91 58 Al-Rawi Media Practice in Iraq 21 Al-Rodhan The Role of the Arab-Islamic World in the Rise of the West 108 Alternative Work Organisations Atzeni 8 Alvarez The Vernacular Mystic Poetry of Islam Spain 51 America and the Rogue States Henriksen 120 America Imagined Körner Miller Smith 45 American Authorship and Autobiographical Narrative D’Amore 80 American Culture Transformed Tucker Walton 27 Anderson Readings of Trauma, Madness, and the Body 80 Andrews-Speed The Governance of Energy in China 96 The Anglo-Scottish Border and the Shaping of Identity, 1350-1600 Terrell Bruce 76 Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture Aaltola 86 Aoki Binmore Deakin Gintis Complexity, Norms, and Organizations 30 Aoki Institutions and Comparative Development 30 Aoki Jinglian China’s Economic Development 30 Applying Performance Shaughnessy 137 Approximating Prudence Yuengert 35 Arblaster A History of the Low Countries 51 Archakis Tsakona The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education 61 Archetti Understanding Terrorism in the Age of Global Media 21 Art Education Beyond the Classroom Wexler 39 The Art of Clowning Simon 137 Ash Surman The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848-1918 58



Asia, Europe, and the Emergence of Modern Science Bala Askari Conflicts and Wars Assembling Health Care Organizations Lindberg Styhre Walter Atwal Jain The Luxury Market in India Atzeni Alternative Work Organisations Augustin-Jean Ilbert Saavedra-Rivano Geographical Indications and International Agricultural Trade

55 103 15 7 8 31

B Babin Nicholson Sustainable Global Outsourcing 13 Baer The Rise and Fall of Radical Westminster, 1780-1890 46 Bahrain from the Twentieth Century to the Arab Spring Joyce 109 Bailey Women and Gender in Twentieth-Century China 57 Bajc Security, Surveillance and the Olympic Games 124 Bakir Bank Behaviour 3 Bala Asia, Europe, and the Emergence of Modern Science 55 Banaji France, Film, and the Holocaust 21 Bangu Mathematics in Science: A Philosophical Perspective 86 Bank Behaviour Bakir 3 Bank Behaviour in Modern Banking Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics Pastor Monsálvez 4 Banks Risk Culture 3 Basic Income Guarantee and Politics Caputo 32 Basic Income Worldwide Murray Pateman 117 Beacom International Diplomacy and the Olympic Movement 124 Beausang Globalization and the BRICs 31 Beckman Erman Territories of Citizenship 103 Beer Post-Romantic Consciousness 73 Beer Romantic Consciousness 73 Beer Romantic Consciousness (2 volume pack) 73 Being American on the Edge Goddard 120 Bejel José Martí 106 Belief and Organization Case Höpfl Letiche 6 Ben-Eliezer Old Conflict, New War 109 Bennett Carson Eugene O’Neill’s One-Act Plays 134 Beyond the Postcolonial Dawson Varughese 81 Bilateral Perspectives on Regional Security Tow Kersten 96 Bishop Hines Teaching about the Future 17 Bitzenis Vlachos Papadimitrios Mergers and Acquisitions as the Pillar of Foreign Direct Investment 9 Black A History of the British Isles 47 The Black Campus Movement Rogers 44 Black Social Movements in Latin America Rahier 107


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Bloom Riot City 47 Bluestockings Eger 69 Board Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility Boubaker Nguyen 6 Bom Women in the Military Orders of the Crusades 49 Boubaker Nguyen Board Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility 6 Bracke Martin From Crisis to Recovery 31 Bradford Working with Young People 122 Brain Gain Prensky 122 Brawley Dixon Hollywood’s South Seas and the Pacific War 42 Breger Bush Derivatives and Development 32 Brevik The Tempest and New World-Utopian Politics 67 A Brief Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory Frosh 121 Britain Had Talent Double 135 Britain’s Bloodless Revolutions Jarrells 71 Britannia Unchained Kwarteng Patel Raab Skidmore Truss 118 British Crime Film Forshaw 81 British Masculinity on the Queensland and British Columbia Frontiers, 1840-70 Hogg 48 Broers Hicks Guimera The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture 51 Brooks Aleem Button Fraud, Corruption and Sport 125 Brown Langer Stewart Affirmative Action in Plural Societies 115 Browning Prokhovnik Dimova-Cookson Dialogues with Contemporary Political Theorists 111 Bruni The Genesis and Ethos of the Market 32 Buck Constructing China’s Capitalism 96 Buckley Innovations in International Business 10 Buddhism in Iran Vaziri 2 Bull Social Justice in Education 35 Burns Kaiser Postcolonial Literatures and Deleuze 72 Burton Core Statutes on Family Law 2012-2013 63 Busby Smith Core EU Legislation 2012-2013 63 Business Administration Education Marques Dhiman Holt 12 The Business of Global Energy Transformation Larsson 17 Butler O’Donovan Reading History in Children’s Books 74

C Calkins Defending Your Brand Camayd-Freixas U.S. Immigration Reform and Its Transnational Impact Campioni Noack Rwanda Fast Forward Campoy-Cubillo Memories of the Maghreb Canada/US and Other Unfriendly Relations Molloy Cantle Interculturalism: The New Era of Cohesion and Diversity

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13 119 115 95 120 123

index Caputo Basic Income Guarantee and Politics Carden-Coyne Gender and Conflict since 1914 Case Höpfl Letiche Belief and Organization Cerman Villagers and Lords in Eastern Europe, 1300-1800 Chapman Gender, Citizenship and the Media Chappell Deliberative Democracy Chappell Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy Chatziefstathiou Henry Discourses of Olympism Chaucer’s Feminine Subjects Pitcher Chaucer’s Language Horobin Cheng Nationalism and Human Rights Children’s Literature and Capitalism Parkes Children’s Literature, Popular Culture and Robinson Crusoe O’Malley China’s Economic Development Aoki Jinglian China’s Resource Diplomacy in Africa Power Mohan Tan-Mullins Christian Approaches to International Affairs Troy Christopher Communication Across Cultures Cicalo Urban Encounters Civil Society and Electoral Accountability in Latin America Lean Civil Society Networks in China and Vietnam Wells-Dang Cleall Missionary Discourses of Difference Clinton Intuitions in Literature, Technology, and Politics Coase Wang How China Became Capitalist Cockin The Literary North Coeckelbergh Growing Moral Relations Cohen Kennedy Global Sociology Cohn Employment and Development under Globalization Cole Motta Constructing Twenty-first Century Socialism in Latin America Colleran Theatre and War Collinson Jay From Complexity to Simplicity Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature Mohanty Communal Labor in Colonial Kenya Okia Communication Across Cultures Christopher Community Ecology Mittelbach Community without Community in Digital Culture Gere Comparative Early Modernities Porter Comparative Political Leadership Helms Comparative Research in Crime and Punishment Hebenton Jou Competition, Gender and Management Dennehy Complexity, Norms, and Organizations Aoki Binmore Deakin Gintis

32 57 6 52 57 111 98 125 75 75 104 78 78 30 117 104 9 2 105 97 47 72 33 80 87 125 116 36 134 8 129 46 9 66 88 74 102 123 11 30

The Compliance Business and Its Customers Kasabov Warlow The Comprehensive Public High School Sherington Campbell Conflicts and Wars Askari Conrad’s Secrets Hampson Constructing China’s Capitalism Buck Constructing Twenty-first Century Socialism in Latin America Cole Motta Consumer Culture and the Media Iqani Contemporary British Queer Performance Greer Contemporary Issues in Mining Finch The Convergence of Corporate Governance Rasheed Yoshikawa Cook Haider Rabb Sayeed Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought Cook James Lee Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2012-2013 Cook Nicole Kidman Cooper Decker Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia Core Documents on European and International Human Rights Smith Core Documents on International Law Hulme Core EU Legislation 2012-2013 Busby Smith Core Statutes on Commercial and Consumer Law 2012-2013 Stephenson Core Statutes on Company Law 2012-2013 Ervine Core Statutes on Contract, Tort and Restitution 2012-2013 Stephenson Core Statutes on Criminal Justice and Sentencing 2012-2013 Wasik Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2012-2013 Cook James Lee Core Statutes on Employment Law 2012-2013 Lauterburg Core Statutes on Family Law 2012-2013 Burton Core Statutes on Property Law 2012-2013 Luther Moran Core Statutes on Public Law and Civil Liberties 2012-2013 Smith Spain Glancey Corporate Income Tax Harmonization in the European Union Pîrvu Cosma Gualandri The Italian Banking System Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary British Fiction McCulloch Cottrell Morris Study Skills Connected Cottrell You2Uni Counterfactuals and Scientific Realism Shaffer Crafting Citizenship Hurenkamp Tonkens Duyvendak Crisis, Risk and Stability in Financial Markets Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics Pastor Monsálvez Critical Essays on Colombian Cinema and Culture Suárez Chesak

18 38 103 82 96 36 22 135 14

Cross Border Migrant Organizations in Comparative Perspective Pries Sezgin Cross The Diplomatic Education of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882-1933 Csordas Language, Charisma, and Creativity CSR in the Middle East Jamali Sidani Cuban Identity and the Angolan Experience Peters Cullinane Liberty and American Anti-Imperialism Cultural Afterlives and Screen Adaptations of Classic Literature Shachar The Cultural Afterlives of Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle Vanacker Wynne Culture & Identity Kidd Teagle


45 64 64 63 65 64 65 65 63 64 63 64 64 5 3 82 131 130 93 127 4 27

42 88 7 106 42 74 28 128


87 63 19


D’Amore American Authorship and Autobiographical Narrative Danowitz Hanappi-Egger Mensi-Klarbach Diversity in Organizations Dant Television and the Moral Imaginary Davies Gender and Ventriloquism in Victorian and Neo-Victorian Fiction Davies The Era of Global Transition Davila Elvira Ramirez Zapata-Cantu Understanding Organizations in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments Davis-Fisch Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance Dawson Varughese Beyond the Postcolonial The Death Penalty in Contemporary China Trevaskes Debating American Exceptionalism Hilfrich Decolonizing the Body of Christ Joy Duggan Defending Your Brand Calkins Deliberative Democracy Chappell Democracy Deferred Woods Dennehy Competition, Gender and Management Derivatives and Development Breger Bush Deschouwer The Politics of Belgium Design of Structural Elements McKenzie The Development of Consumer Credit in Global Perspective Logemann Developmental Politics in Transition Kyung-Sup Fine Weiss Dialectics of Human Nature in Marx’s Philosophy Tabak Dialogues with Contemporary Political Theorists Browning Prokhovnik Dimova-Cookson Digital Games in Language Learning and Teaching Reinders The Diplomatic Education of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882-1933 Cross Discourses of Olympism Chatziefstathiou Henry Discovering Human Sexuality LeVay Baldwin

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80 14 22 76 9

14 135 81 96 43 89 13 111 121 11 32 98 40 59 117 93 111 62 42 125 122


index Diversity in Organizations Danowitz Hanappi-Egger Mensi-Klarbach 14 Double Britain Had Talent 135 Douglas Finnane Indigenous Crimes and Settler Law 65 Dow Hanson Uses of Jane Austen 77 Driver Temple The Unbalanced Economy 31 Dudink Hagemann Clark Representing Masculinity 40 Duncan Mary I 70 Duvall Race and White Identity in Southern Fiction 81 Dyke/Girl Jones 61

Eugene O’Neill’s One-Act Plays Bennett Carson European Disunion Hayward Wurzel The European Neighbourhood Policy in Perspective Whitman Wolff European Union Budget Reform Milio Benedetto Evans Sublime Coleridge Exodus to Shanghai Hochstadt Exploring Chemical Analysis Harris Exporting the Alaska Model Widerquist Howard Eyers Lacan and the Concept of the ‘Real’


101 100 76 53 86 35 87


Early Childhood Education, Postcolonial Theory, and Teaching Practices in India Gupta The East Asian Peace Weissmann Eaton The Paper War and the Development of Anglo-American Nationalisms, 1800-1825 Educational Diversity Taylor Edward Said on the Prospects of Peace in Palestine and Israel LeBlanc Edwards The Right of the Protestant Left The Efficient Market Hypothesists Read Eger Bluestockings Egyptian Colloquial Poetry in the Modern Arabic Canon Radwan Elite Statecraft and Electoral Administration James Elizabeth Taylor Smith Emerson’s Transatlantic Romanticism Greenham Emling Marie Curie and Her Daughters Employment and Development under Globalization Cohn Empowering Women in Work in Developing Countries Van Klaveren Tijdens Engel Philosophy of Psychology Engineering Society Ziemann Bruckweh Wetzell Schumann Entrepreneurial Excellence in the Knowledge Economy Viedma Marti do Rosario Cabrita Environmental Innovation and Firm Performance Martín de Castro Amores Salvadó Navas López Delgado Verde The Epistemology of Religious Disagreement Kraft The Era of Global Transition Davies Erekson Politics and the History Curriculum Erickson Rothberg Intelligence in Action Erkkilä Government Transparency Ervine Core Statutes on Company Law 2012-2013 Essential Statistics in Applied Linguistics Lowie Seton Essentials of Economics Krugman Wells Graddy The EU’s Lisbon Strategy Papadimitriou Copeland EU-ASEAN Relations in the 21st Century Portela Novotny


134 98


36 97 42 39 109 43 6 69 84 102 19 77 56 116 11 94 60 18

18 90 9 36 17 113 64 62 34 100 101

Fairchild Music, Radio and the Public Sphere Faith, Fallibility, and the Virtue of Anxiety Malone-France Fandom, Authenticity, and Opera Fishzon Farooqi Urdu Literary Culture Farrar Robinson Valli Wetherly Islam in the West Femininity, Crime and Self-Defence in Victorian Literature and Society Godfrey Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics Pastor Monsálvez Bank Behaviour in Modern Banking Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics Pastor Monsálvez Crisis, Risk and Stability in Financial Markets Festle Second Wind Financial Crisis and Institutional Change in East Asia Lai Finch Contemporary Issues in Mining Fioramonti Regions and Crises Fishzon Fandom, Authenticity, and Opera Fitzpatrick Liberal Imperialism in Europe Fixdal Just Peace Font The State and the Private Sector in Latin America Fool’s Gold? Sargisson Footitt Kelly Languages and the Military Forms of English History in Literature, Language, and Architecture Twyning Forshaw British Crime Film France, Film, and the Holocaust Banaji Franco-British Cultural Exchanges, 1880-1940 Radford Reid Fraud, Corruption and Sport Brooks Aleem Button Freedom After the Critique of Foundations Kioupkiolis Freeman Pentecostalism and Development Freiner The Social and Gender Politics of Confucian Nationalism The French Enlightenment and its Others Harvey From Complexity to Simplicity Collinson Jay From Crisis to Recovery Bracke Martin Frosh A Brief Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory


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22 90 51 77 108 67 4 4 56 4 14 116 51 52 103 106 26 61 71 81 21 84 125 112 116 111 53 8 31 121

Fuchs Understanding Psychological Bonds between Individuals and Organizations Fundamentalism and Education in the Scopes Era Laats Furnham xenikou Group Dynamics & Organizational Culture

15 44 15

G Galbraith Karlin Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media Culture Gallagher Phenomenology Gane Max Weber and Contemporary Capitalism Garcia Academic Freedom and the Telos of the Catholic University Gardiner The Return of England in English Literature Garlitz Jarvinen Teaching America to the World and the World to America Gautney Protest and Organization in the Alternative Globalization Era Geiger Pécoud The Politics of International Migration Management Gender and Conflict since 1914 Carden-Coyne Gender and Ventriloquism in Victorian and Neo-Victorian Fiction Davies Gender, Citizenship and the Media Chapman The Genesis and Ethos of the Market Bruni Gentrification and Schools Stillman Geographical Indications and International Agricultural Trade Augustin-Jean Ilbert Saavedra-Rivano Gere Community without Community in Digital Culture The German Democratic Republic Grieder German Images of the Self and the Other Rash Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy Chappell Gidron Hasenfeld Social Enterprises Global and Local Televangelism Thomas Lee The Global Macro Economy and Finance Allen Aoki Kiyotaki Gordon Stiglitz Global Matters for Non-Governmental Public Action Howell Global Political Philosophy Risse Global Sociology Cohen Kennedy The Global University Nelson Wei Globalization and the BRICs Beausang The Globalization of Higher Education Greenaway Ennew Goddard Being American on the Edge Godfrey Femininity, Crime and Self-Defence in Victorian Literature and Society Godwin Studying with Dyslexia The Governance of Energy in China Andrews-Speed

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28 94 126 88 77 119 104 126 57 76 57 32 39

31 88 52 62 98 8 27 29 104 94 125 37 31 10 120 67 134 96

INDEX Government Transparency Erkkilä 113 The Grants Register 2013 Palgrave Macmillan Ltd 41 Greenaway Ennew The Globalization of Higher Education 10 Greenham Emerson’s Transatlantic Romanticism 77 Greening Citizenship Scerri 114 Greer Contemporary British Queer Performance 135 The Grenada Revolution in the Caribbean Present Puri 44 Grieder The German Democratic Republic 52 Griffin Terrorist’s Creed 58 Group Dynamics & Organizational Culture Furnham xenikou 15 Growing Moral Relations Coeckelbergh 87 The Gulf War, 1990-91 Allison 58 Gunderson Cochrane Religion and the Health of the Public 89 Gupta Early Childhood Education, Postcolonial Theory, and Teaching Practices in India 36

H Halsaa Roseneil Sumer Remaking Citizenship in Multicultural Europe 126 Hampson Conrad’s Secrets 82 Hanlon Masculinities, Care and Equality 126 Harris Exploring Chemical Analysis 86 Harris Peterson Local Education Reform 37 Harris Smith Plays in American Periodicals, 1890-1918 82 Harrison Jakeman Paterson Improve Your Grammar 132 Harvey The French Enlightenment and its Others 53 Hayward Wurzel European Disunion 98 Hazard Jr. Postwar Anti-Racism 59 Hebenton Jou Comparative Research in Crime and Punishment 123 Heddon Klein Histories and Practices of Live Art 136 Heimat, Region and Empire Szejnmann Umbach 54 Helms Comparative Political Leadership 102 Henriksen America and the Rogue States 120 Herbrechter Callus Posthumanist Shakespeares 68 Heroic Revivals from Carlyle to Yeats Higgins 72 Herring Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050 114 Hieda Political Institutions and Elderly Care Policy 113 Higgins Heroic Revivals from Carlyle to Yeats 72 Hilfrich Debating American Exceptionalism 43 Hill Womanism Against Socially-Constructed Matriarchal Images 89 Hilton Crowson Mouhot McKay A Historical Guide to NGOs in Britain 48 The Hiplife in Ghana Osumare 24 Hispanic Caribbean Literature of Migration Pérez Rosario 83 A Historical Guide to NGOs in Britain Hilton Crowson Mouhot McKay 48

Histories and Practices of Live Art Heddon Klein 136 Histories of Social Studies and Race: 1865-2000 Woyshner Bohan 38 A History of the British Isles Black 47 A History of the Low Countries Arblaster 51 Hitler - Films from Germany Machtans Ruehl 54 Hochstadt Exodus to Shanghai 53 Hogg British Masculinity on the Queensland and British Columbia Frontiers, 1840-70 48 Hollywood’s South Seas and the Pacific War Brawley Dixon 42 Holzkamp Osterkamp Schraube Boreham Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject 121 Horobin Chaucer’s Language 75 How China Became Capitalist Coase Wang 33 How to Get a First Tefula 131 Howell Global Matters for Non-Governmental Public Action 104 Howie Witnesses to Terror 127 Hulme Core Documents on International Law 64 Hurenkamp Tonkens Duyvendak Crafting Citizenship 127

I Icons of Irishness from the Middle Ages to the Modern World Williams Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media Culture Galbraith Karlin Il Conformista (The Conformist) Wagstaff The IMF and European Economies Rogers Imperial Migrations Morier-Genoud Cahen Improve Your Grammar Harrison Jakeman Paterson Independents Rising Salitis Indigenous Crimes and Settler Law Douglas Finnane Inevitable Democracy in the Arab World Yafi Innovations in International Business Buckley Institutionalizing Intersectionality Krizsan Skjeie Squires Institutions and Comparative Development Aoki Intelligence in Action Erickson Rothberg Inter-American Development Bank Bouillonis Room for Development Interculturalism: The New Era of Cohesion and Diversity Cantle International Association of Universities The International Handbook of Universities International Diplomacy and the Olympic Movement Beacom The International Handbook of Universities International Association of Universities International Migration, Development and Human Wellbeing Wright Intersections of Children’s Health, Education, and Welfare Mulvey Cooper

50 28 20 101 129 132 119 65 110 10 99 30 17

Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines Stone 40 Intuitions in Literature, Technology, and Politics Clinton 72 Iqani Consumer Culture and the Media 22 Iran Nabavi 110 Iris Murdoch: Texts and Contexts Rowe Horner 85 Ishibashi Alliance Security Dilemmas in the Iraq War 109 Islam in the West Farrar Robinson Valli Wetherly 108 Islam, Migrancy, and Hospitality in Europe Yegenoglu 29 Islam, Migration and Integration Kaya 128 The Italian Banking System Cosma Gualandri 3

J Jagodzinski Psychoanalyzing Cinema Jamali Sidani CSR in the Middle East James Elite Statecraft and Electoral Administration James Preservation and National Belonging in Eastern Germany Jarrells Britain’s Bloodless Revolutions Jeansonne The Life of Herbert Hoover Jenkins The Mediterranean World of Alfonso II and Peter II of Aragon (1162-1213) Joannou Women’s Writing, Englishness and National and Cultural Identity John Keats White Johnson Power, Knowledge, Animals Johnson Rolph Smith Residential Care Transformed Jolly Milestones and Turning Points in Development Thinking Jones Dyke/Girl Jonson White Waiting For Reform Under Putin and Medvedev Jordan Napoleon and the Revolution José Martí Bejel Joy Duggan Decolonizing the Body of Christ Joyce Bahrain from the Twentieth Century to the Arab Spring Just Peace Fixdal

41 124 41 118 35

23 71 43 49 82 73 88 123 115 61 99 53 106 89 109 103


33 123

23 7 102

Kamaralli Shakespeare and the Shrew 68 Kant’s Deduction and Apperception Schulting 92 Karamichas The Olympic Games and the Environment 127 Kasabov Warlow The Compliance Business and Its Customers 18 Kaya Islam, Migration and Integration 128 Keightley Pickering The Mnemonic Imagination 23 Key Controversies in European Integration Zimmermann Dür 102 Khoo Policy Regimes and the Political Economy of Poverty Reduction in Malaysia 33

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INDEX Kidd Teagle Culture & Identity 128 Kioupkiolis Freedom After the Critique of Foundations 112 Kippola Acts of Manhood 136 Kirchin Metaethics 94 Klein Action Research Methods 37 Klepak Raúl Castro and Cuba 106 Klikauer Seven Management Moralities 11 Korkut Liberalization Challenges in Hungary 99 Körner Miller Smith America Imagined 45 Kraft The Epistemology of Religious Disagreement 90 Krizsan Skjeie Squires Institutionalizing Intersectionality 99 Krugman Wells Graddy Essentials of Economics 34 Kwarteng Patel Raab Skidmore Truss Britannia Unchained 118 Kytle To Want To Learn 38 Kyung-Sup Fine Weiss Developmental Politics in Transition 117

L La Regle du jeu Perkins 20 Laats Fundamentalism and Education in the Scopes Era 44 Lacan and the Concept of the ‘Real’ Eyers 87 Lai Financial Crisis and Institutional Change in East Asia 4 Language, Charisma, and Creativity Csordas 88 Languages and the Military Footitt Kelly 61 Larkin Wordsworth and Coleridge 78 Larsson The Business of Global Energy Transformation 17 The Last Plantagenet Consorts Mudan Finn 49 Latin America After Neoliberalism Wylde 108 Latin American Urban Development into the Twenty First Century Rodgers Beall Kanbur 34 Lauterburg Core Statutes on Employment Law 2012-2013 64 Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought Cook Haider Rabb Sayeed 87 Law Red Racisms 128 Lean Civil Society and Electoral Accountability in Latin America 105 Learning from Wind Power Szarka Cowell Ellis Strachan Warren 114 LeBlanc Edward Said on the Prospects of Peace in Palestine and Israel 109 Ledger The Odin Teatret 136 Lee Thomas Public Memory, Public Media and the Politics of Justice 23 Legal Theory McLeod 66 LeVay Baldwin Discovering Human Sexuality 122 Liberal Imperialism in Europe Fitzpatrick 52 Liberalization Challenges in Hungary Korkut 99 Liberty and American Anti-Imperialism Cullinane 42



Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia Cooper Decker The Life of Herbert Hoover Jeansonne Lindberg Styhre Walter Assembling Health Care Organizations Lindgren 21st Century Management Linehan Modernism and British Socialism The Literary North Cockin Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050 Herring Loader Alfred Weber and the Crisis of Culture, 1890-1933 Local Education Reform Harris Peterson Lodge Wegrich Managing Regulation Lodish Berk Kaiser Krieger Bretscher Ploegh Amon Scott Molecular Cell Biology Logemann The Development of Consumer Credit in Global Perspective The Long European Reformation Wallace Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance Davis-Fisch Lowie Seton Essential Statistics in Applied Linguistics Lucien University Life Luther Moran Core Statutes on Property Law 2012-2013 The Luxury Market in India Atwal Jain

45 43 15 17 48 80 114 54 37 113 66 59 50 135 62 131 64 7

M Machtans Ruehl Hitler - Films from Germany MacPherson Women and the Irish Nation Magnus Scientific Enquiry and Natural Kinds Majority-Minority Relations in Contemporary Women’s Movements Predelli Halsaa Making Sense of Anarchism Turcato Malone-France Faith, Fallibility, and the Virtue of Anxiety Management Pettinger Managing Privacy through Accountability Neyland Hempel Kroener Postigo Ilten Managing Regulation Lodge Wegrich Mantena The Origins of Modern Historiography in India Margolies Shakespeare’s Irrational Endings Marie Curie and Her Daughters Emling Market Power Milton Marques Dhiman Holt Business Administration Education Mars The Politics of Addiction Martín de Castro Amores Salvadó Navas López Delgado Verde Environmental Innovation and Firm Performance Mary I Duncan Masculinities, Care and Equality Hanlon Mastering Practical Grammar Thorne


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54 48 90 129 55 90 12 16 113 45 68 56 75 12 56

18 70 126 63

Matei-Chesnoiu Re-imagining Western European Geography in English Renaissance Drama 69 Mathematics in Science: A Philosophical Perspective Bangu 86 The Mature Student’s Guide to Writing Rose 133 Mawby Ordering Independence 59 Max Weber and Contemporary Capitalism Gane 126 McCarthy Police Leadership 16 McCulloch Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary British Fiction 82 McKenzie Design of Structural Elements 40 McLaughlin Radicalism 91 McLeod Legal Theory 66 Media Practice in Iraq Al-Rawi 21 Mediating Cultural Diversity in a Globalised Public Space Rigoni Saitta 25 The Mediterranean World of Alfonso II and Peter II of Aragon (1162-1213) Jenkins 49 Memories of the Maghreb Campoy-Cubillo 95 Mergers and Acquisitions as the Pillar of Foreign Direct Investment Bitzenis Vlachos Papadimitrios 9 Metaethics Kirchin 94 Metaphor and Dialectic in Managing Diversity Schwabenland 16 Mickalites Modernism and Market Fantasy 83 Miles Romantic Misfits 71 Milestones and Turning Points in Development Thinking Jolly 115 Milio Benedetto European Union Budget Reform 100 Military Migrants Ware 130 Miller Van Riper 1950s “Rocketman” TV Series and Their Fans 24 Milton Market Power 75 Milzow National Interests and European Integration 100 Mind and Machine Walmsley 95 Missionary Discourses of Difference Cleall 47 Mittelbach Community Ecology 66 The Mnemonic Imagination Keightley Pickering 23 Modern Money Theory Wray 35 Modernism and British Socialism Linehan 48 Modernism and Market Fantasy Mickalites 83 Modernist Impersonalities Rives 85 Modernist Nowheres Waddell 85 Mohan Utopia and the Rural in South Asian Literatures 83 Mohanty Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature 129 Molecular Cell Biology Lodish Berk Kaiser Krieger Bretscher Ploegh Amon Scott 66 Molloy Canada/US and Other Unfriendly Relations 120 Mooney Nickel North American Critical Theory After Postmodernism 112 Morier-Genoud Cahen Imperial Migrations 129 Morrell Organization, Society and Politics 7 Moscoso Pain 60

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INDEX Mudan Finn The Last Plantagenet Consorts Mulvey Cooper Intersections of Children’s Health, Education, and Welfare Murray Pateman Basic Income Worldwide Music, Radio and the Public Sphere Fairchild

49 35 117 22

N Nabavi Iran Nagasawa Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion Napoleon and the Revolution Jordan The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture Broers Hicks Guimera The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education Archakis Tsakona National Interests and European Integration Milzow Nationalism and Human Rights Cheng The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848-1918 Ash Surman NATO’s Post-Cold War Trajectory Webber Sperling Smith Nelson Wei The Global University Neoliberalism and Global Theatres Nielsen Ybarra New Forms of Governing Triantafillou New Frontiers in Work-Family Research Poelmans Greenhaus Las Heras Maestro New Mega Trends Singh Neyland Hempel Kroener Postigo Ilten Managing Privacy through Accountability Nicole Kidman Cook Nielsen Ybarra Neoliberalism and Global Theatres 1950s “Rocketman” TV Series and Their Fans Miller Van Riper North American Critical Theory After Postmodernism Mooney Nickel Novel Minds Tierney-Hynes A Nuclear Weapons-Free World? Ritchie Nugent Africa since Independence

110 91 53 51 61 100 104 58 105 37 137 112 8 11 16 19 137 24 112 70 105 46

O O’Malley Children’s Literature, Popular Culture and Robinson Crusoe 78 O’Mullane University Leadership 12 O’Neill Smith Recognition Theory as Social Research 112 O’Sullivan On the Production of Subjectivity 91 Oceanography and Marine Biology Townsend 67 The Odin Teatret Ledger 136 Okia Communal Labor in Colonial Kenya 46 Okome State Fragility and Self-Organization in Nigeria 95 Old Conflict, New War Ben-Eliezer 109 The Olympic Games and the Environment Karamichas 127

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