New Books List July-September 2014
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New Books List July - September 2014
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Title is, or comes with, a CD-ROM/DVD
Contents Accountancy
Life Sciences
Banking and Finance
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
Business and Management
Nursing and Health
British Film Institute
Philosophy and Religion
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Culture and Media
Popular Science
Social Work and Social Policy
General and Reference
Study Skills
Theatre and Performance
Palgrave Pivot
Language and Linguistics
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St. James’s Place Tax guide 2014–2015
Smile Pricing explained
Peter Austing, Barclays Capital, UK
Science and Sustainability
43rd edition Walter Sinclair, with E. Barry Lipkin, both Independent Tax Specialists, UK
Reviews of previous editions: “no other manual compares...the complete a-z on Tax.” - The Times “The best book ever written on taxation.” The Daily Telegraph “acknowledged among consumers and professionals alike as the best book on the subject.” - The Independent The 43rd annual edition of the leading guide to taxation in Britain. This practical and user-friendly guide is a bestseller with students, professionals, accountants and private individuals, explaining in simple terms how the UK tax system works and how best to minimise tax liabilities. Contents: Preface / AbbreviationsIntroduction / 1. This Year’s Tax Changes / 2. The Basis of Your Tax Liability / 3. Personal Reliefs / 4. Annual Payments and Interest / 5. Computing Your Income Tax Bill / 6. Husband, Wife, Civil Partners and Children / 7. Income from Land and Property / 8. Income from Dividends and Interest / 9. Life Assurance / 10. Income from Employments and PAYE / 11. Income from Businesses and Professions / 12. Partnerships / 13. Companies / 14. Pensions / 15. Miscellaneous Aspects / 16. Returns, Assessments and Repayment Claims / 17. Domicile and Residence / 18. Tax on Foreign Income / 19. Non-residents, Visitors and Immigrants / 20. Capital Gains Tax / 21. The Taxation of Trusts and Estates / 22. Inheritance Tax / 23. An Outline of VAT24. Stamp Duty / 25. Social Security / 26. Tax Saving Hints / Tax Tables / Glossary / Index July 2014 Hardback
banking and finance
472pp £34.99
Smile Pricing Explained provides a clear and thorough explanation of the concepts of smile modelling that are at the forefront of modern derivatives pricing. The key models used in practice are covered, together with numerical techniques and calibration.
Learning from indigenous Wisdom Joy Hendry, Professor, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Indigenous peoples have passed down vital knowledge for generations, from which local plants help cure common ailments, to which parts of the land are unsuitable for buildings because of earthquakes. Here, Hendry examines science through these indigenous roots, problematizing the idea that Western science is the only type that deserves that name. Contents: Introduction / 1. Fire and Water: Sustaining the Land / 2. Making a Sustainable Living / 3. Architecture and House Building / 4. Health and Death / 5. Calendars and Climate Change / 6. Astronomy and Navigation Skills / 7. Physics and Mathematics / 8. Technology and Sustainability / 9. Facing Both Ways / Conclusion: ‘Seeing through Both Eyes’ Science September 2014 220pp 21 b/w images Hardback £55.00 Paperback £17.99
Contents: 1. Introduction to Derivatives / 2. Stochastic Calculus / 3. Martingale Pricing / 4. Dynamic Hedging and Replication / 5. Exotic Options in Black-Scholes / 6. Smile Models / 7. Stochastic Volatility / 8. Numerical Techniques / 9. Local Stochastic Volatility / 10. Volatility Products / 11. Multi-Asset September 2014 200pp 10 figures and 3 b/w tables Paperback £26.99
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9781137435903 9781137435910
216x138mm 9781137411921
Web resource available
Financial Engineering Explained Series Editor: Wim Schoutens
Comes with a CD/DVD
banking and finance
Interest Rate Modelling in the Multi-Curve Framework
On the Brink
Foundations, Evolution and Implementation
How a Crisis Transformed Lloyd’s of London Andrew Duguid, holds a degree in economics from the London School of Economics and an MA in Marketing from Lancaster University, UK
Huge losses very nearly destroyed Lloyd’s, a revered British institution, the world’s largest insurance market. Ten thousand people faced big personal bills they thought profoundly unfair. They challenged a complacent institution, forcing it to confront its biggest ever crisis. This book tells what really happened, from the inside. Contents: 1. Inside Out / 2. Hidden Trains / 3. Alarm Bells / 4. Fresh Start / 5. The Chasm / 6. Last Chance / 7. Struggling / 8. Tightrope / 9. Aftermath Reflections August 2014 352pp 234x156mm 7 b/w tables, 12 figures and 10 b/w illustrations Hardback £24.99 9781137299291
Marc Henrard, Head of the Product Committee and member of the Quantitative Research team at OpenGamma, an open source risk management technology firm for financial institutions, founded in 2009; Honorary Senior Lecturer, University College London, UK
Following the financial crisis dramatic market changes, a new standard in interest rate modelling emerged, called the multi-curve framework. The author provides a detailed analysis of the framework, through its foundations, evolution and implementation. The book also covers recent extensions to collateral and stochastic spreads modelling. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. The Multi-Curve Framework Foundations / 3. Variation on a Theme / 4. Interpolation / 5. Curve Calibration / 6. More Instruments / 7. Options and Spread Modelling / 8. Collateral and Funding / Appendix A. Gaussian HJM / Appendix B. Conventions / Appendix C. Implementation in a Library
Private Equity Unchained A Private Equity Investment Strategy Primer Thomas Meyer, Partner and Co-founder of LDS Partners, specializing in the development of private equity risk measurement models and investment strategies
There are significant returns to be made from private equity, infrastructure, real estate and other illiquid investments, but a competitive strategy is essential for investment success and for meeting objectives. This book takes readers through all the considerations of planning and implementing an investment strategy in illiquid investments. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. A Neo-Classical Asset Class / 3. The ‘Repair-Shop of Capitalism’ / 4. Strategy Challenges / 5. Strategic Asset Allocation / 6. The Sky is Not the Limit / 7. The Limited Partnership as Part of Humanity’s DNA / 8. Intermediation / 9. Economics of Private Equity Firms / 10. Objectives / 11. Performance Persistence / 12. Nobody knows Anything / 13. Spreading Risks - Thickly and Thinly / 14. Private Equity Risk / 15. Performance Measurement / 16. The Galapagos Islands of Finance / 17. The Locust and the Deep Blue Sea / 18. Intelligence / 19. Spreading Risks - Part II / 20. OpenEnded Relationships / 21. Hard and Soft Power / 22. Real Options / 23. No Plan Survives… / 24. The Heavy Hand of Regulation / 25. Private Equity Unchained September 2014 272pp 234x156mm 22 figures Hardback £34.99 9781137286819
June 2014 256pp 234x156mm 24 figures and 35 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 9781137374653
Applied Quantitative Finance
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banking and finance
Quantitative Methods Les Oakshott, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK
Offering a studentfriendly introduction to quantitative methods, this text covers all of the need to know basics in a clear and engaging manner. Quantitative Methods is an ideal text for students of all levels coming to the subject for first time. Contents: PART I: MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS / 1. Revision Mathematics / 2. Keeping up with Change: Index Numbers / PART II: COLLECTING AND INTERPRETING DATA / 3. Collecting Data: Surveys and Samples / 4. Finding Patterns in Data: Charts and Tables / 5. Making Sense of Data: Averages and Measures of Spread / PART III: PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS / 6. Taking a Chance: Probability / 7. The Shape of Data: Probability Distributions / 8. Interpreting with Confidence: Analysis of Sample Data / 9. Checking Ideas: Testing a Hypothesis / 10. Cause and Effect: Correlation and Regression / PART IV: DECISION MAKING TECHNIQUES / 11. Choosing Wisely: Investment Appraisal / 12. Forecasting: Time Series Analysis / 13. Making the Most of Things: Linear Programming / 14. Planning Large Projects: Critical Path Analysis / Appendices / Index June 2014 252pp 80 b/w tables and 65 figures Paperback £15.00
The Women’s guide to Successful investing
Understanding alternative investments
achieving financial Security and Realizing Your goals
creating diversified Portfolios that Ride the Wave of investment Success
Nancy Tengler, Recognized Expert in Wealth Accumulation and Personal Investing
Women now occupy every walk of corporate life and are, in growing cases, the breadwinner of the family. Yet the one area where women are not thriving is in the management of their own growing portfolios. This book introduces women to wealth accumulation strategies that can be implemented with success. Tengler utilizes her successful career as an investment professional to reveal techniques to identify and purchase stock in high-quality investments. By providing the tools necessary to identify sound managers and their strategies, the reader will develop both the expertise to invest directly and through well-managed bond funds. This technique is unique to The Women's Guide to Successful Investing and is especially important for investors to master in these volatile markets.
September 2014 256pp Hardback £17.99
234x156mm 9781137403346
Palgrave Business Briefing
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Stephen Todd Walker, Managing Director, Oppenheimer and Co., Inc. USA
One of the top wealth managers in the world, Stephen Todd Walker, draws on examples of ‘smart money’ institutions, as well as his revolutionary theory ‘Modern Portfolio Allocation’ to show how any investor can use alternatives to diversify their portfolio, decrease risk and increase return. Contents: Introduction: That Was Then, This is Now / 1. Does the Universe Move in Waves? / 2. Not All Financial Advisors Are Created Equal / 3. Access to Alternative Investments and Competitive Advantages / 4. Knowledge Really is Power / 5. The Changing Financial Landscape / 6. I Hate To Say, It But I Told You So / 7. The Market and Alternative Investments / 8. Diversification is Not Limited / 9. The ‘Smart Money’ Is Global / 10. Are All Hedge Funds Evil or Are They Really Angels in Disguise? / 11. The Fools Gold or the Real Deal? / 12. Venture Capital is Back / 13. Asset Allocation and Alternative Investments / 14. Modern Portfolio Allocation / 15. There is Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself / 16. Devising Portfolios with Alternative Investments and Comparables / 17. Alternative Investments Over the Past 20 Years / 18. The Asset Allocation Process and Sample Portfolios July 2014 340pp 86 figures and 41 b/w tables Hardback £40.00
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
banking and finance • BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT
The Regulatory Black Hole Basel III and Other Challenges for Transaction Banking Ruth Wandhöfer, Regulatory expert in the field of banking and one of the foremost authorities on transaction banking regulatory matters; Global Head of Regulatory and Market Strategy, Citigroup's Transaction Services business covering the payments, trade finance, securities, and funds space
This book takes you on a journey through postcrisis regulatory reform, highlighting the unintended consequences of some of the measures on transaction banking, a business that provides the backbone of financial markets. Contents: 1. Regulation and Transaction Banking / 2. Post-Crisis Regulatory Change … or How to Drown in Reforms / 3. Transaction Banking 101 / 4. The Journey from Basel I to Basel III / 5. Europe Versus the US, or How to Regulate Payments …Away / 6. Impacts of Basel III and Other Regulations on the Transaction Banking Business / 7. The Magic Mix: Or How to Avoid Future Financial Crises September 2014 288pp 234x156mm 9 figures and 33 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 9781137351760
Business and Management/ business ethics HIGHLIGHT
Business in Asia
Risky Business in China A Guide to Due Diligence Jeremy Gordon has worked with government departments, financial institutions and major corporates on strategy, risk and business development in China over the past 20 years
The Social License How to Keep Your Organization Legitimate John Morrison, Leading practitioner and thinker on issues relating to the social responsibilities of government, business, and civil society; Executive Director of the Institute for Human Rights and Business (
A distinctive and direct guide to legitimacy in business, focusing on the new benchmark of a ‘Social License to Operate’. Featuring case studies of what is and isn’t working, this book explains how business owners and CSR professionals can integrate legitimacy into the heart of their company strategy, beyond CSR and good PR. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / 1. Macondo / 2. The Social Licence / 3. What’s Wrong with CSR? / PART II: THE FOUNDATIONS / 4. Legitimacy – Who Can and Who Cannot Have a Social Licence / 5. Trust – Confidence in the Relationship with Those Affected / 6. Consent – Granting Necessary Permissions for an Activity / PART III: MAINTAINING THE SOCIAL LICENCE / 7. Benefits – the Delivery of Sufficiently Positive Outcomes for All Concerned / 8. Power, Knowledge and Participation – Equity Among All Parties / 9. Transparency and Accountability – the Ability to Hold Parties Responsible / 10. Prevention and Remedies – Protecting Victims and Ensuring Justice / PART IV: WHAT NEXT? / 11. Different Organizations and the Social Licence / 12. A Basis for Partnership and Accountability / 13. The Social Licence – a Prognosis
Risk is a major reason that companies fail in, or fail to enter, China. Packed with case studies, this unique book demonstrates how correctly applied due diligence can not only reduce business risk in China, but also provide excellent business intelligence to support negotiations and business relationships. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. How Risky is China Business? / 3. Due Diligence Types and Targets / 4. Putting Due Diligence on the Map / 5. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly / 6. Survival Toolkit / 7. Emergency Services / 8. The New Reality / 9. Resources September 2014 240pp 198x129mm 22 diagrams, 8 b/w tables, 9 b/w illustrations and 3 figures Paperback £16.99 9781137433213
Palgrave Pocket Consultants To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
September 2014 192pp 216x138mm 1 map Hardback £22.99 9781137370716
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bUSineSS and ManageMenT enTRePReneURSHiP and SMaLL bUSineSS
HUMan ReSOURce ManageMenT and eMPLOYee ReLaTiOnS
Secrets of Silicon Valley What everyone else can Learn from the innovation capital of the World Deborah Perry Piscione, CEO of Alley to the Valley,USA
“a powerful combination of history, original reporting and anthropological observation, Secrets of Silicon Valley dares every politician in america - or better, the world - to not learn from Silicon Valley’s success and its continuous cycles of innovation. Perry Piscione pulls back the curtain for policymakers, revealing the answers we’ve all been waiting for.” - Rep. ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairman of the House foreign affairs committee “a valuable glimpse of a mecca of innovation.” Kirkus Reviews In New York Times Bestseller, Secrets of Silicon Valley, entrepreneur Deborah Perry Piscione takes us inside this vibrant ecosystem where meritocracy rules the day. She explores Silicon Valley’s exceptionally risk-tolerant culture, and why it thrives despite the many laws that make California one of the worst states in the union for business. July 2014 256pp 234x156mm 10 b/w photographs Paperback £10.99 9781137279170
The curve ahead discovering the Path to Unlimited growth
Measuring and Maximizing Training impact
Dave Power, President of Power Strategy, has guided growth companies as an operating executive, board member, and advisor for over 25 years
bridging the gap between Training and business Result Paul Leone, Organizational Psychologist and Consultant with over 10 years of experience delivering impact studies and training results for organizations around the world
This book shows trainers how to create building blocks, construct the right linkages, and measure the impact of training programs from the first step (Level 1 – reaction) to the final destination (Level 5 – ROI). Including a new ground-breaking Level 6 exploring training sustainability, this is a must-read for HR professionals.
Why do most growth companies stop growing? What can leaders do to overcome the barriers to growth? The Curve Ahead tackles these questions using examples from brands like LoJack and Myspace which experienced a similar decline. This book will help SMEs overcome the growth hump by providing tools to succeed and thrive. august 2014 224pp 15 b/w illustrations Hardback £16.99
Contents: Foreword – Why Measure? / Introduction – Bridging The Gap Between Training and Business Results / 1. Did They Like It? / 2. Did They Learn Anything? / 3. Are They Doing Anything Different? / 4. Did it Impact the Business? / 5. Was it Worth it? / 6. How do we Maximize Impact? / Summary / Conclusion / Case Study 1 / Case Study 2 September 2014 190pp Hardback £19.99
234x156mm 9781137414793
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
business and management International Business
International Business Negotiation Principles and Practice Barry Maude, Management Consultant who has carried out assignments in more than 40 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East; formerly a Senior Lecturer, University of Staffordshire, UK
A comprehensive text that covers the theory and practice of international business negotiation. Ideal for use as an undergraduate, postgraduate or MBA course text.
Contents: PART I: PRINCIPLES / 1. International Business Negotiation / 2. Impact of Culture / 3. Negotiating Power / 4. Two-Party and Multi-Party Negotiations / 5. Negotiation Process / 6. Selection and Training of IB Negotiators / PART II: PRACTICE / 7. Preparing to Negotiate; Pre-Negotiation / 8. Negotiation Strategies and Outcomes / 9. International Sales and Marketing Negotiations / 10. International Business Alliance and Joint Venture Negotiations / 11. Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Arbitration, Litigation / 12. Ethical Aspects of International Business Deals September 2014 320pp 234x156mm 13 figures and 2 b/w tables Paperback £34.99 9781137270511 TB
Marketplace 3.0
Corporate Reputation in Asia
Rewriting the Rules of Borderless Business
How to Build and Manage Corporate Brands in the World’s Most Dynamic and Networked Region
Hiroshi Mikitani, Founder and Chief Executive of Rakuten, the third largest e-commerce marketplace company in the world
“Highly readable... Mikitani gives a wellconsidered argument for why Rakuten’s business model should be the way of the future...Mikitani’s vision for the next stage of the online revolution and his conviction that internet companies have a responsibility to drive change for the better may be an inspiration to aspiring digital entrepreneurs.” - Financial Times Hiroshi Mikitani, founder of e-commerce giant Rakuten, offers an alternate online model that benefits vendors, customers, and communities alike by empowering players at every step in the process. Marketplace 3.0 is an exciting new vision for global commerce, from a company that’s challenging all the accepted wisdom. July 2014 272pp 235x156mm Paperback £10.99 9781137279187
Michael Netzley, Academic Director of Executive Development, Singapore Management University
Drawing on engaging case studies and contributions from leading experts, Corporate Reputation in Asia examines how Asian companies manage their reputation with stakeholders. Focusing on the client-side, Netzley presents practical advice to help manage this function strategically.
Contents: 1. Asia’s Changing Business Environment Demands for Increased Communication and Transparency / 2. Communication Strategy - Asia Unique Market Characteristics Require a Localized Response / 3. Identity, Image, and Reputation - Managing Risks to Your Reputation in Emerging and Dynamic Markets / 4. The Digital Revolution - Real-time Communications in TechSavvy Asia / 5. Media Relations - Why Newspapers and Television Still Matter / 6. Employee Communications Competing for Talent in the Age of Global Mobility / 7. The Public Sector - Managing Relations with Governments and NGOs. / 8. Investor Relations - Competing for Capital and Building Strategic Credibility / 9. Corporate Social Responsibility - Investing in Reputation by Doing Good / 10. Crisis Communication - What to Do When Your Company Makes the Headlines for the Wrong Reasons October 2014 208pp 216x138mm Hardback £29.99 9781137004215
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bUSineSS and ManageMenT ManageMenT and LeadeRSHiP
Work with Me
The inevitable city
Predictive Leadership
The Resurgence of new Orleans and the future of Urban america
avoiding the 12 critical Mistakes That derail growth-Hungry companies
Scott Cowen, President of Tulane University, USA and was one of the key players in the rebuilding of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina with Betsy Seifter
The 8 blind Spots between Men and Women in business Barbara Annis, Worldrenowned expert on Gender Intelligence® and inclusive leadership and John Gray, Leading Relationship expert in the world and bestselling relationship author of all time
For the first time, two of the world’s foremost authorities on gender relations, Barbara Annis and John Gray, reveal survey results of over 100,000 in-depth interviews of men and women executives in over 60 Fortune 500 companies and expose the Eight Gender Blind Spots that cause our miscommunications, mistrust and frustrations at work. A Full Table of Contents is Available at June 2014 Paperback
272pp £11.99
Foreword by Walter Isaacson
The Inevitable City is the story of the reinvention of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Ordinary citizens empowered to actively rescue their own city after politicians and government officials failed them used 10 principles that changed the city, and if adopted can alter the curve for any business, endeavor, and community. A Full Table of Contents is Available at July 2014 8pp b/w spread Hardback
Kirk Dando, Highly sought-after and well-respected leadership and growth expert; CEO of Dando Advisors
“Predictive Leadership will help you see the successes and predict the failures every business experiences before they materialize. kirk dando’s been there, done that perspective gives you an insider’s view of what really happens in high growth companies and shows you how to unlock the leader inside.” Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 new York Times bestseller Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive Most companies fail not because demand is low or conditions are difficult, but because they don’t know how to manage, nurture, or even maintain their own growth and success. In his new book, leadership guru Kirk Dando (known as ‘the company whisperer’) points out the most common mistakes businesses make while scaling up, and how to avoid them. A Full Table of Contents is Available at June 2014 240pp 16 b/w illustrations Hardback £17.99
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
business and management
Doing More with Less
Destined to Lead
Measuring, Analyzing and Improving Performance in the Public Sector 2nd edition
Executive Coaching and Lessons for Leadership Development
Bernard Marr, Leading Global Authority and Best-selling Author on organisational performance and business success and James Creelman, Author, Practitioner and Advisor specializing in the Balanced Scorecard and enterprise performance management
Written in an accessible and practical style, Doing More With Less 2nd edition addresses the efficiency drive using models, tools, and ideas more commonly found in the corporate world. This fully updated edition also includes case studies from Audit Scotland, Belfast City Council, FBI, NHS, Ministry of Works (Bahrain), and many more. Contents: Introduction / 1. Both Efficient and Effective, The New Public Sector Performance Agenda / 2. Balanced Scorecards, the Journey from Measurement to Strategic Performance Management / 3. Using Lean Thinking to Improve Strategic Performance / 4. Designing Strategy Maps to Agree Strategic Priorities / 5. Agreeing High Level Strategic Outcome Targets and Key Performance Indicators / 6. Selecting Strategic Initiatives / 7. Aligning Financial Management with Strategic Goals / 8. Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball: Reporting And Reviewing Performance / 9. Building a Culture Focused on Strategic Performance Management / Conclusion and Key Strategic Performance Questions September 2014 304pp 216x138mm Hardback £29.99 9781137437792
Marketing and Branding Karol M. Wasylyshyn, Leadership Development Forum
“With Destined to Lead, Karol Wasylyshyn turns the rainbow of art/ science/theory/practice into a laser of insight and wonder. A seminal work!” - Frank Smith, Former Vice President of Organization Development, Revlon “Wasylyshyn, a true master in the field of executive development and an exquisite storyteller, takes us into actual coaching cases that reveal her stunning originality, humanity, and profound skill in accelerating the success of top business leaders. A must read for any leader — and those who aspire to get there. I wouldn’t be where I am without her.” - Pierre Brondeau, Chairman and CEO, FMC In a field that’s crowded with how-to coaching books and academic tomes on organization/ leadership behavior, Destined to Lead breaks away from the crowd with its specificity and candor on how real cases unfolded in the hands in one of the world’s most respected pioneers of executive coaching. Contents: 1. The Relentless Champion / 2. Destined to Lead / 3. The Recovering Perfectionist / 4. The Duality Within / 5. The Demon Slayer: Conquering a Dark Side of Difference / 6. A Mid-Life Reinvention / 7. Fighting the Force of Old Habits / 8. The Reluctant President / 9. The Reluctant President Revisited / 10. On Making the Transition from Executive Coach to Trusted Advisor / 11. The Case Studies: A Comparison of Client/Trusted Advisor Perspectives / Coda: As to the Future...
Why Marketing to Women Doesn’t Work Using Market Segmentation to Understand Consumer Needs Jenny Darroch, Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management, USA
This book addresses the challenges and subtleties behind marketing to women and confronts the idea that gender alone can be used as an indicator to target your market. Darroch provides practical insights into market segmentation and recommends a new approach that focuses on targeting human needs, not gender, in order to reach female customers. Contents: 1. Introduction / PART I: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN / 2. Demographic Differences Between Men and Women / 3. Psychographic and Behavioral Differences Between Men and Women / PART II: MARKET SEGMENTATION THEORY AND PRACTICE / 4. An Introduction To Market Segmentation Theory and Practice / 5. Understanding Our Products / 6. Understanding Our Customers / 7. The Bridge / 8. Ansoff’s Growth Matrix – In Detail / 9. The Problems-Solutions TM Framework / PART III: MARKETING TO WOMEN / 10. How to More Effectively Market to Women / 11. Masculine and Feminine / 12. Conclusions July 2014 216pp 216x138mm 41 b/w tables and 30 figures Hardback £22.99 9781137358165
September 2014 288pp 229x152mm illustrations Hardback £24.99 9781137357762
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bUSineSS and ManageMenT
all Thumbs
The new Rules of Retail
Real Luxury
Mobile Marketing that Works
competing in the World’s Toughest Marketplace
How Luxury brands can create Value for the Long Term
Michael Dru Kelley, Co-founder of Unconventional Partners, USA
Mobile devices are now in the hands of nearly half of the world’s population. However, 80% of mobile marketing either doesn’t work and has a high abandon rate, or doesn’t fit into a brand’s overall strategy. Aimed at businesses of all sizes, this practical guide shows owners and marketers how to develop a campaign that gets results. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2014 224pp 15 b/w illustrations Hardback £16.99
Robin Lewis, Founder and CEO of The Robin Report and Michael Dart, Principal, Head of Private Equity & Strategy, Kurt Salmon Associates, USA
In The New Rules of Retail, industry gurus Robin Lewis and Michael Dart explained how unprecedented consumer power, enabled by technology and globalization, is revolutionizing retail. In this fully revised and updated edition they assess how retailers must continue to evolve in the era of e-commerce, data mining and tiered distribution. august 2014 Hardback
272pp £16.99
The Mindful Marketer How to Stay Present and Profitable in a data-driven World Lisa Nirell, Chief Energy Officer of EnergizeGrowth® LLC
Misha Pinkhasov, has worked in international communications, public policy, financial markets, branding and media for 16 years and Rachna Joshi Nair has worked in the luxury, apparel and hospitality industries for 20 years, spanning both Eastern and Western cultures
Real Luxury examines what a ‘luxury brand’ is from economic, sociological and psychological standpoints. It spells out the challenges the industry is facing and puts forward a new, practical model aimed at reviving and protecting luxury brands, based on the authors’ hands-on experience in the industry. Contents: Introduction / 1. A Dilemma Across Time and Culture / 2. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Luxury / 3. The Environment for Luxury / 4. Luxury and the Search for Meaning / 5. Towards a Socially Valuable Business / 6. Creating a Culture of Shared Value / 7. Adapting the Business Model / 8. The Outlook for Luxury august 2014 240pp 216x138mm 3 b/w tables, 12 figures and 2 b/w illustrations Hardback £22.99 9781137395566
The Mindful Marketer lays the groundwork for any leader who wants to deepen relationships with their peers in the C-suite, drive more demand, harness digital trends, and create more customer evangelists. In this revealing book, Lisa Nirell shares practical strategies that every marketing leader can implement immediately. September 2014 240pp Hardback £18.99
234x156mm 9781137386298
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
business and management
Engaging Customers Using Big Data How Marketing Analytics are Transforming Business Arvind Sathi, World Wide Communication Sector Architect for Big Data, IBM®
Data is transforming how and where we market to our customers. Using a series of case studies from pioneers, this book will describe how each marketing function is undergoing fundamental changes, and provides practical guidance about how companies can learn the tools and techniques to take advantage of marketing analytics. Contents: Foreword / PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART II: DISRUPTIVE FORCES / PART III: PIONEERS / PART IV: PROPOSITION 1 - BIG DATA MEANS A LOT MORE OBSERVATIONS / PART V: PROPOSITION 2 - AUTOMATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA / PART VI: PROPOSITION 3 - PERSONALIZED MARKETING / PART VII: TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS / PART VIII: SKILLS REQUIREMENTS - DATA SCIENTISTS AND DATA ENGINEERS / PART IX: WHERE ARE WE HEADED? A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 224pp 235x155mm 13 figures Hardback £19.99 9781137386182
Brand Media Strategy Integrated Communications Planning in the Digital Era 2nd edition
Organization Studies
Work Psychology in Action Anna Sutton, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Antony Young, President, Water Cooler Group
This fully updated edition of Brand Media Strategy explains how innovative marketers are growing their brands using advertising, digital media, and the employment of nonpaid and nontraditional media vehicles. Includes updated case studies, data and statistics, and outlines how to build this new data into your planning. Contents: Foreword / Introduction / 1. Google and Facebook / How They’re Changing the Game / 2. The New Media Playbook / A New Set of Rules for a New Media World / 3. A Shift from Media Planning / To Communications Planning / Enter the Super Planner / 4. Focusing on Outcomes, Not Outputs / Setting the Brand Media Strategy Communication Goals / 5. Insight over Analysis / Finding a Way in for the Brand Media Strategy / 6. 1 + 1 = 3 / Sparking Consumer Brand Conversations Through Media / 7. Conducting the Orchestra / Making Integration Real / 8. Unlocking Moments of Receptivity / How Media Context Helps Advertising / Deliver More Relevant Communications / 9. Touch Point Selection / Determining the Right Media Channel Mix / 10. Getting Social / Connecting Through Socially-Enabled Communications / 11. Execution is the X-Factor / Bringing the Brand Media Strategy to Life / 12. Measurement and Metrics / Making the Brand Media Strategy Accountable / 13. Big Data and Analytics / From Mad Men to Math Men (And Women) / Acknowledgements / Further Reading / Notes / Index
A new introductory text for modules in work psychology. Written for business and psychology students, it bridges the gap between business and psychology, making the psychological theories accessible to business students and providing psychology students with an understanding of how key business priorities inform psychology.
Contents: About this Book / PART I: BUSINESS IS ABOUT PEOPLE / 1. What is Work Psychology? / 2. Finding and Measuring Talent / 3. Developing and Retaining Talent / 4. Motivating People / 5. Communicating Effectively / 6. Building Effective Teams / 7. Leadership: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly / PART II: SURVIVING AND THRIVING AT WORK / 8. More Than Just Survival – Managing Change / 9. Stress and Well-being at Work / 10. Positive Psychology at Work / PART III: CUTTING EDGE PSYCHOLOGY / 11.Contemporary Topics in Work Psychology / 12. The Realities of Research in Business Psychology / Glossary September 2014 328pp 246x189mm 31 colour photographs, 22 colour tables and 27 figures Paperback £38.99 9781137302304 TB
September 2014 256pp Hardback £18.99 9781137279569
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business and management • BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE
The Wealth choice
Predictive analytics, data Mining and big data
Success Secrets of black Millionaires Dennis Kimbro, Author of four books, including Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice
Myths, Misconceptions and Methods Steven Finlay, one of the UK's leading experts on predictive analytics and its application within Big Data environments
This in-depth guide provides managers with a solid understanding of data and data trends, the opportunities that it can offer to businesses, and the dangers of these technologies. Written in an accessible style, Steven Finlay provides a contextual roadmap for developing solutions that deliver benefits to organizations. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Using Predictive Models / 3. Analytics, Organization and Culture / 4. The Value of Data / 5. Ethics and Legislation / 6. Types of Predictive Models / 7. The Predictive Analytics Process / 8. How to Build a Predictive Model / 9. Text Mining and Social Network Analysis / 10. Hardware, Software and All That Jazz July 2014 272pp 9 b/w tables and 23 figures Hardback £29.99
bRiTiSH fiLM inSTiTUTe
Based on a study of 1,000 of the wealthiest African Americans, The Wealth Choice offers a trove of sound and surprising advice about climbing the economic ladder, even when the odds seem stacked against you. Readers learn how business leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities like Bob Johnson, Spike Lee, and L. A. Reid found their paths to wealth.
Sabu Michael Lawrence, University of Sussex, UK
In this captivating study of Sabu, the first Indian to become an international film star, Michael Lawrence charts the historical, political, cultural and technological contexts of Sabu’s career and explores how his association with the ‘exotic’ reflected contemporary attitudes to ‘the East’ and led to an underestimation of his agency as an actor. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2014 176pp Hardback £50.00 Paperback £15.99
190x135mm 9781844575190 9781844574551
Published by British Film Institute
A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 Paperback
304pp £10.99
235x156mm 9781137279149
Murray Pomerance, Ryerson University, USA
A thrilling tale of anxiety and moral extremity, Marnie (1964) cemented Hitchcock’s reputation as a master of suspense and the visual form. Murray Pomerance’s stimulating and original introduction to this classic film sparks new critical discussion and provides fresh insights into Marnie’s character and her historical and geographical contexts.
216x138mm 9781137379276
Business in the Digital Economy Series Editors: Alan Brown and Mark Thompson
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
august 2014 Paperback
96pp £12.99
190x135mm 9781844576548
Published by British Film Institute BFI Film Classics
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Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
british film institute
The Essential Raymond Durgnat Edited by Henry K. Miller, Film Critic and Historian, UK
Raymond Durgnat (1932-2002) was one of the best-regarded film critics of his time. A maverick voice in the golden age of film culture, his work appeared in every significant film publication in Britain and the USA. Thoroughly introduced and annotated, this careerspanning collection brings together his essential writing for the very first time. Contents: Preface / Introduction: The Divided Self / PART 1: AUTEUR WARS / Introduction / Standing Up for Jesus / Who Really Makes the Movies? / Cat and Mouse Games / Michael Powell / Annotations / PART 2: JET-PROPELLED PHOTOGRAPHS / Introduction / Flyweight Flicks / Wholly Communion / Underground Film Festival Programme Notes / Asides on Godard / Ker-Plow! / Dwoskin’s Dream-Films / London Film-Makers Co-operative Catalogue Entries / Tonite Let’s All Make Love in London / One Plus One / Cutting With a Keen Edge / Annotations / PART 3: IMAGES OF THE MIND / Introduction / Fake, Fiddle and the Photographic Arts / Images of the Mind I: Throwaway Movies / Images of the Mind II: Ebb and Flow / Images of the Mind III: The Impossible Takes a Little Longer / Images of the Mind IV: Style and the Old Wave / Annotations / PART 4: BRITAIN THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS / Introduction / Brain Drains: Drifters, Avant-Gardes and Kitchen Sinks / TV’s Young Turks / The Great British Phantasmagoria / Sexual Alienation in the Cinema / Annotations / PART 5: CALIFORNIA SPLIT / Introduction / Montage Rides Again! / Pacific Film Archive Programme Notes / From Signs to Meanings in the Cinema / Popeye Pops Up / Annotations / PART 6: LOOKING BACK / Introduction / About John Ford / A Skeleton Key to Stephen Dwoskin / Cooped in a Co-op? / Jean-Luc Godard: His Crucifixion and Resurrection / Resnais and Co.: Back to the Avant-Garde / Aiming at the Archers / The Prewar Bs: Rewards and Fairies / Remembering Michael Powell / Annotations / Appendix I: Pacific Film Archive Programmes / Appendix II: Top Tens / Bibliography / Index
The Video Game Business Randy Nichols, Bentley University, USA
A dominant international cultural force, the video game industry is diverse and increasingly influential. In this illuminating study, Randy Nichols examines the origins, history, and current characteristics of the industry - including case studies of it’s major players and analysis of it’s culture, production processes and ties to other industries. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction: Video Games as a Global Phenomenon / An Industrial History of Video Games / Market Structure, Audiences and Software Production / Video Game Hardware, Distribution and Retail / Video Games and Other Related Industries / Labour and Production in the Global Video Game Industry / Conclusion: Making Sense of the Global Video Game Industry / Bibliography / Index August 2014 240pp 234x153mm Hardback £60.00 9781844573189 Paperback £22.99 9781844573172
Published by British Film Institute International Screen Industries Series Editors: Paul McDonald and Michael Curtin
Decades Never Start on Time A Richard Roud Anthology Edited by Michael Temple, Reader in Film and Media, Birkbeck, University of London, UK and Karen Smolens, Richard Roud’s Niece
An anthology of selected writings by Richard Roud, the influential film critic and co-founder of the New York Film Festival. Charting his career from the 1950s to the 1980s, it includes rare archival and previously-unpublished material and highlights Roud’s role in bringing European art cinema to the attention of American and British audiences. Contents: Foreword; David Thomson / Introduction; Michael Temple / Chronology; Karen Smolens / PART 1: 1956-1962 / PART 2: 1963-1969 / PART 3: 1970-1976 / PART 4: 1977-1983 / PART 5: 1984-1989 / Bibliography July 2014 256pp 234x153mm Hardback £65.00 9781844576265 Paperback £25.99 9781844576258
Published by British Film Institute
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
September 2014 256pp 234x172mm Hardback £65.00 9781844574520 Paperback £25.99 9781844574513
Published by British Film Institute
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british film institute • COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY
Hanna Schygulla
Throne of blood Ulrike Sieglohr, Honorary Research Associate in Film, Television and Radio Studies, Staffordshire University, UK
A revealing insight into the star persona and career of Hanna Schygulla, the iconic actor of the New German Cinema – from her early days as a member of Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s anti-teater group, to her work with eminent European auteur including Jean-Luc Godard, Andrzej Wajda and Fatih Akin, and her reinvention as an acclaimed cabaret chanteuse. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Fassbinder’s Muse and Anti-Star 1967-1974 / From ‘Backstreet Marilyn’ to New Marlene: The Rise to International Fame as a Star Directed by Fassbinder, 1975-1982 / A Transnational European Star in Search of a Post Fassbinder Persona 1981-1989 / The Wilderness Years and Homecoming: Diversification, Reinvention and Reaffirmation 1990-2012 / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Filmography / Index august 2014 Paperback
144pp £14.99
Robert N. Watson, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood (1957) is widely regarded as the greatest film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. This fascinating interpretation of the film explores how Kurosawa draws key philosophical and psychological arguments from Shakespeare, translates them into strong visual metaphors, and inflects them through the cultural history of Japan. august 2014 Paperback
96pp £12.99
Solution-focused Practice effective communication to facilitate change Guy Shennan, Guy Shennan Associates, UK
This book provides a comprehensive and accessible guide for anyone who wishes to incorporate solutionfocused practice in to their helping conversations with people, whether these take place within structured sessions or in more unplanned and spontaneous ways.
190x135mm 9781844576647
Published by British Film Institute BFI Film Classics
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
190x135mm 9781844574636
Published by British Film Institute
Contents: Discovering Solution Focused Practice / Contracting / Description I: The Preferred Future / Description II: Instances of the Preferred Future Already in Place / Bridging the Preferred Future and its Instances - Scaling Questions / Ackonwledgement and Possibility - Coping Questions / Putting it All Together - First and Follow-up Questions / Applications and Adaptations / Frequently Asked Questions / Bibliography / Index September 2014 256pp Paperback £16.99
Film Stars Series Editors: Martin Shingler and Susan Smith
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
234x156mm 9780230359123
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
culture and media Culture and Media
Humanities Computing
Sharing our Lives Online Risks and Exposure in Social Media David Brake, University of Bedfordshire, UK
"In the age of social media sharing, David Brake presents a nuanced, evidencebased, and highly readable account of the dangers of exposing our lives online - grounded in understandable scientific and scholarly theory. Steering between uncritical enthusiasm at one pole and moral panic at the other - extremes that have characterized much of the public discourse about the effects of social media , Brake shows exactly how, and in what circumstances, sharing aspects of our personal lives online can be risky....[He] also offers sound advice to individuals and parents who need to know what to do themselves to take advantage of social media without running into the pitfalls of oversharing, and need to know how to talk to their children about risks and cautions." - Howard Rheingold Why do we share so much about our lives on social media when we often have little idea who might be reading or viewing? David Brake examines the causes and consequences of moving towards a radically open society. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. What is Risky and Who is at Risk? / 3. How and Why Social Media Interaction is Different / 4. Imagining the Reader / 5. Time and Memory in Social Media / 6. Towards a Radically Open Society / 7. Conclusion / Bibliography
The Unacceptable Edited by John Potts and John Scannell, both at Macquarie University, Australia
Willard McCarty, King’s College London, UK
Now with a new preface, Humanities Computing provides a rationale for a computing practice that is of and for as well as in the humanities and the interpretative social sciences. It engages philosophical, historical, ethnographic and critical perspectives to show how computing helps us fulfil the basic mandate of the humane sciences. Contents: Acknowledgements / Preface / 1. Modelling / 2. Genre / 3. Discipline / 4. Computer Science / 5. Agenda / Bibliography / Index July 2014 296pp 216x138mm Paperback £21.99 9781137440426
“The unacceptable tempts and tests us with new possibilities and unimaginable horrors. This fraught combination of creativity and destructiveness remains the perilous fault line where the most telling cultural tensions reveal themselves. Neither quick to condemn nor seduced by easy enthusiasm, this bold collection takes up the challenge of the theory and practice of the unacceptable, significantly advancing our understanding of the shifting limits of what we are allowed to think, say and be.” - Nick Mansfield, author of Masochism: the Art of Power, Theorizing War and The God Who Deconstructs Himself Confronting the issue of the unacceptable as a social category, this collection of international essays provides distinctive perspectives on the theme of what is deemed socially acceptable. The book reveals the ways in which the category of the unacceptable reflects sexual, racial and political fault-lines of a society. Contents: PART I: THE SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE / PART II: REPRESENTING THE UNACCEPTABLE A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2014 248pp 216x138mm Paperback £19.99 9781137440198
September 2014 208pp 216x138mm Hardback £55.00 9780230320291 Paperback £16.99 9780230320369
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cULTURe and Media
Media framing of the Muslim World conflicts, crises and contexts Halim Rane, Jacqui Ewart, both at Griffith University, Australia and John Martinkus, University of Tasmania, Australia
"at a time when Muslims are ever more prominent in international news, what more can be said about the relationship between Muslims and the media? including primary research and scholarly debate with first hand experiences of journalists reporting on the ground, this book makes a significant and engaging contribution. With an international outlook and chapters focusing on news production and the role of new technologies the authors widen the scope of study in this important area. essential reading for newsmakers and analysts alike." - elizabeth Poole, keele University, Uk Media Framing of the Muslim World examines and explains how news about Islam and the Muslim world is produced and consumed, and how it impacts on relations between Islam and the West. The authors cover key issues in this relationship including the reporting on war and conflict, terrorism, asylum seekers and the Arab Spring.
digital Media and Society
Timothy Shanahan, Loyola Marymount University, USA
Philosophy and Blade Runner explores philosophical issues in the film Blade Runner, including human nature, personhood, identity, consciousness, free will, morality, God, death, and the meaning of life. The result is a novel analysis of the greatest science fiction film of all time and a unique contribution to the philosophy of film. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Being Human / 3. Persons / 4. Identity / 5. Consciousness / 6. Freedom / 7. Doing Good / 8. God / 9. Death / 10. Time and Meaning / Epilogue / Appendix: The Deck-a-Rep Debate / Literature Cited / Endnotes / Index June 2014 Paperback
240pp £16.99
198x129mm 9781137412287
Contents: Introduction / 1. Islam and the Muslim World / 2. Media-generated Muslims and Islamophobia / 3. Image and Reality of Reporting War and Conflict in the Muslim World / 4. Asylum Seekers / 5. Covering Terrorism Suspects / 6. The Arab Spring / 7. A Clash of Civilizations? / 8. Moving on from 9/11? / Conclusion June 2014 Hardback Paperback
240pp £60.00 £18.99
Transforming economics, Politics and Social Practices
Philosophy and blade Runner
216x138mm 9781137334817 9781137334824
Andrew White, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
“White has provided a ground-breaking examination of the implications of digital media for the fundamental workings of society. its international perspective makes this new classic required reading for any serious student of media in the age of global and digital communication.” - John Pavlik, Rutgers, USa Referencing key contemporary debates on issues like surveillance, identity, the global financial crisis, the digital divide and Internet politics, Andrew White provides a critical intervention in discussions on the impact of the proliferation of digital media technologies on politics, the economy and social practices. Contents: PART I: POLITICS AND DIGITAL MEDIA: THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL MEDIA ON THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SPHERES / Introduction to Part I / 1. From the Public to the Private: The Digitization of Scholarship / 2. From the Private to the Public: Online Identity / 3. Digital Media and Politics in the Liberal Democratic State / Conclusion of Part I / PART II: THE DIGITAL ECONOMY / Introduction to Part II / 4. The Digital Economy and the Creative Industries / 5. The Digital Economy and the Global Financial Crisis / PART III: DIGITAL MEDIA USE / Introduction to Part III / 6. Reading/Using Digital Media / 7. The New Social Movements / 8 Surveillance: The Role of Databases in Contemporary Societies / 9. Digital Media Use in the Developing World / Epilogue / Endnotes / Bibliography / Index august 2014 Hardback Paperback
240pp £60.00 £22.99
216x138mm 9781137393616 9781137393623
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
economics Economics
Income Contingent Loans
Theory, Practice and Prospects
3rd edition
Edited by Bruce Chapman, University of Toronto, Canada, Timothy Higgins, Australian National University, Australia and Joseph E. Stiglitz, Columbia University, USA
This study explores the prospect of the application of the basic principles of ICL into many other potential areas of social and economic policy. Using case studies it evaluates previously implemented ICL schemes where interest rate subsidies are usually the norm, and questions the merits of this approach. Contents: PART I: TOWARDS A THEORY FOR INCOME CONTINGENT LOANS / PART II: PRACTICE IN HIGHER EDUCATION / PART III: SPECULATIONS ON APPLICATIONS / PART IV: COMMENTARY A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2014 304pp 234x156mm Hardback £100.00 9781137413185 Paperback £40.00 9781137413192
International Economic Association Series Editor: Joseph E. Stiglitz
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Environmental Debt The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy
Eric Chiang, Associate Professor and Graduate Director, Economics Department, Florida Atlantic University, USA
In this latest edition of CoreEconomics Eric Chiang brings a contemporary teacher’s perspective to the book by introducing modern topics, new pedagogy, a more visual presentation, and well-integrated media tools. All this while maintaining the book’s defining focus on just those topics instructors cover most often in the course. Contents: 1. Exploring Economics / 2. Production, Economic Growth, and Trade / 3. Supply and Demand / 4. Markets and Government / 5. Elasticity / 6. Consumer Choice and Demand / 7. Production and Costs / 8. Perfect Competition / 9. Monopoly / 10. Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Game Theory / 11. Labor Markets / 12. Land, Capital Markets, and Innovation / 13. Externalities and Public Goods / 14. Global Networks / 15. Poverty and Income Distribution / 16. Introduction to Macroeconomics / 17. Measuring Inflation and Unemployment / 18. Economic Growth / 19. Aggregate Expenditures / 20. Aggregate Demand and Supply / 21. Fiscal Policy and Debt / 22. Saving, investment, and the Financial System / 23. Money Creation and the Federal Reserve / 24. Monetary Policy / 25. Macroeconomic Policy Challenges
Amy Larkin, Business Advisor for Greenpeace International and the former Director of Greenpeace Solutions, USA "Environmental Debt expertly connects the two big systems we all depend on - financial and ecological - and shows that they're completely intertwined - one cannot succeed without the other. Larkin is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap and map out a plan to make both systems stronger. - Andrew Winston, co-author of Green to Gold
In Environmental Debt, award-winning environmentalist Amy Larkin issues a call to recalculate financial contributions of the natural world and the hidden costs of environmental damage. As companies struggle to strategize in these uncertain times, this important book will transform how leaders approach the future of commerce. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2014 256pp Paperback £10.99 9781137279200
March 2014 800pp 297x210mm Hardback £43.99 9781429278461
Published by Worth Publishers TB
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economic development from the State and Local Perspective
Life after debt
case Studies and Public Policy debates
Pragmatic capitalism
David J. Robinson, Ohio State University and the Montrose Group, USA
What every investor needs to know about Money and finance
"This book is both interesting and informative from the perspective of a true expert in the economic development field." - Jeff finkle, President, international economic development council, USa This definitive work mixes case law, public policy, economic strategy, and examines the wide range of issues facing efforts to improve the American economy, to illustrate how economic growth is driven through strong public-private partnerships, and how successful growth strategies from the state and local level operate to grow jobs. September 2014 368pp 229x152mm 26 tables, 11 graphs, 7 figures and 4 images Hardback £70.00 9781137320667 Paperback £22.00 9781137320674
The illusion of Well-being economic Policymaking based on Respect and Responsiveness Mark D. White, College of Staten Island, City University of New York, USA
In The Illusion of Well-Being, author Mark D. White argues against the use of well-being to guide policymaking and in favour of a rule-oriented approach to policymaking that respects the choices of individuals. Contents: Introduction / 1. Happiness / 2. Well-Being / 3. Interests / 4. Respect/ Conclusion September 2014 208pp Hardback £70.00 Paperback £20.99
216x140mm 9781137364654 9781137364661
The Origins and Resolutions of debt crisis
Cullen Roche, Founder of Orcam Financial Group, USA
Being successful in the modern world of finance requires a more in-depth understanding of our global economies on a macro level. What does a shifting demographic cycle mean? How does the explosive growth of emerging markets matter? Why does the world’s population affect my portfolio? Does the global monetary system impact my results this year? How does government intervention in markets impact my strategy? In Pragmatic Capitalism, Cullen Roche explores how our global economy works and why it is more important now than ever for investors to understand macroeconomics. He combines his expertise in global macro portfolio management, quantitative risk management, behavioral finance, and monetary theory to explain to readers how macroeconomics works, and provides insights and suggestions for getting the most out of their investment strategies. This book will uncover market myths and explain the rise of macroeconomics and why it impacts the readers’ portfolio construction. Pragmatic Capitalism is a must for any sophisticated investor who wants to make the most of their portfolio.
Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Columbia University, USA and Daniel Heymann, Univeristy of Buenos Aires, Argentina
This volume provides a pluralistic discussion from world-renowned scholars on the international aspects of the debt crisis and prospects for resolution. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of how the debt crisis has impacted Western Europe, the emerging markets and Latin America, and puts forward different suggestions for recovery. Contents: PART I: ANALYTICAL ISSUES / PART II: DEBT CRISES: VARIETIES OF EXPERIENCES / PART III: DEBT DEFAULTS: COSTS AND RESTRUCTURING GAMES / PART IV: DEALING WITH CRISES: INSTRUMENTS AND POLICIES July 2014 Hardback Paperback
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Web resource available
234x156mm 9781137411464 9781137411471
International Economic Association Series Editor: Joseph E. Stiglitz
A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 256pp 25 b/w illustrations Hardback £17.99
288pp £100.00 £30.00
Comes with a CD/DVD
education Education
New Frontiers in Technological Literacy Breaking with the Past Edited by John R. Dakers, University of Glasgow, UK
New Frontiers in Technological Literacy attempts to rethink the concept of technological literacy in a modern context, not only in terms of a subject area taught in schools, but also as an important general concept that all citizens should engage with. As this book will illustrate, the concept of technological literacy has no universally agreed definition. Contents: Foreward; C.Mitcham / Introduction: Breaking with the Past; J.R.Dakers / 1.Technological Literacy as a Creative Process of Becoming Other; J.R.Dakers / 2.Postliterate Machineries; S.Petrina / 3.Technology and Technology Education: Perspectives from a young person; M.Watson / 4.Technological Literacy and Digital Democracy: A Relationship Grounded in Technology Education; P.J.Williams / 5. Re-Envisioning Our Knowledge Tradition: From Gender-Blind to Gender Aware; M.Kirk / 6. Eco-technological Literacy for Resiliency; L.Elshof / 7. A Chinese Perspective on Technological Literacy; N.Wang / 8. Enabling Both Reflection and Action: A Challenge Facing Technology Education; D.Barlex / 9. From CyberEducation to CyberActivism: Can CyberLiteracy Transform the Public Sphere?; A.Alonso / 10. Situating Technological Literacy in the Workplace; J.Wallace & C.Hasse / 11. Genetic Literacy: Scientific Input as a Precondition for Personal Judgment?; S.Samerski July 2014 272pp 235x152mm Hardback £60.00 9781137394743 Paperback £20.99 9781137386328
Defining Technological Literacy Towards an Epistemological Framework 2nd edition revised and updated
Nontraditional Students and Community Colleges The Conflict of Justice and Neoliberalism John S. Levin, University of California, Riverside, USA
Edited by John R. Dakers, University of Glasgow, UK
"There have been many and anguished calls for technological literacy in the advanced industrial countries. They have mostly been in vain for two reasons. One is the lack of an incisive and circumspect conception of technology. The other is the absence of helpful theories and practices of teaching technological literacy. This books meets both of these needs. It deserves to become a landmark." - Albert Borgmann, Author of Holding On to Reality Fully revised and up-to-date chapters set out a philosophical and practical explanation of what technological literacy is, how we think when we employ it, how we teach it, how we learn it, and how we use it. Contents: PART I: CONSIDERING ASPECTS OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE FOR DEVELOPING TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY / 1. What is Philosophy of Technology?; A.Feenberg / 2. Technological Knowledge and Artifacts: An Analytical View; Vries / 3. How to Understand Mundane Technology: New Ways of Thinking about Human-Technology Relations; M.Michael / 4. Walking the Plank: A Mediation on the Process of Skill; T.Ingold / 5. Ethical Technological Literacy as Democratic Curriculum Keystone; S.Keirl / PART II: CONSIDERING ASPECTS OF DESIGN IN DEVELOPING TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY / 6. The Design of Design; C.Mitcham & J.B.Holbrook / 7. The Designer Fallacy and Technological Imagination; D.Ihde / PART III: CONSIDERING ASPECTS OF PEDAGOGY FOR DEVELOPING TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY / 8. Towards a Philosophy for a New Technology Education; J.R.Dakers / 9. Implicit Theories: Their Impact on Technology Education; W.Dow / PART IV: CONSIDERING GLOBALIZATION, COMPUTERS, THE WORLDWIDE-WEB, AND THEIR IMPACT IN DEVELOPING TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY / 10. Reconstructing Technoliteracy: A Multiple Literacies Approach; R.Kahn & D.Kellner / 11. From Knowledge to Information: Virtual Classrooms or Automated Diploma Mills?; M.Peters July 2014 352pp 216x140mm Paperback £20.99 9781137373465
“Levin makes a meaningful contribution to the literature regarding nontraditional students and community colleges in particular and illuminates how neoliberalism is threatening education in general. This book deserves an audience in higher education, student affairs, and other curricula where professorinals are learning about the needs of nontraditional students, history and philosophy of community colleges, or how contemporary political issues influence the fundamental purposes of education.” - Tracy L. Davis, Canadian Journal of Higher Education Focusing on non-traditional students in higher education institutions, this paperback with new preface from renowned scholar John Levin examines the extent to which community college students receive justice both within their institution and as an outcome of their education. Contents: Introduction: The Themes of Justice and Neoliberalism / 1. Nontraditional Students in Higher Education / 2. Theoretical Frameworks / 3. Multiple Identities, Multiple Motivations and Goals,and the Student-Institution Disconnection / 4. The Ways in Which Students Experience College / 5. Student Characteristics and Institutional Contexts:The Nexus of Student Experience and Attainment / 6. Strategies and Actions of Community Colleges, and Their Behaviors, in Accommodating Nontraditional Students / 7. Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning / 8. Justice and New Nontraditional Community College Students August 2014 288pp 235x152mm Paperback £21.00 9781137445322
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The Unruly Phd
conflicts in curriculum Theory
doubts, detours, departures, and Other Success Stories
Foreword by Donaldo Macedo
"a tour de force of a book filled with glittering forays and powerful, expansive, pragmatic, and prescriptive insight. Paraskeva’s is a sharp, incisive, and distinctive voice. Conflicts in Curriculum Theory is rich, provocative and eminently readable." - cameron Mccarthy, University of illinois at Urbana-champaign, USa Conflicts in Curriculum Theory challenges educators to be agents of change, to take history into their own hands, and to make social justice central to the educational endeavour. Paraskeva embraces a pedagogy of hope championed by Paulo Freire where people become conscious of their capacity to intervene in the world to make it less discriminatory and more humane. Contents: Foreword: Re-Inserting Historicity Into the Curriculum; D.Macedo / Introduction / 1. The Nature of Conflict / 2. The Struggle over Knowledge Control / 3. A Simplistic Tool for a Lethal Phenomenon / 4. The Emergence of Ralph Tyler / 5. The Prosser Resolution / 6. The Struggle for Curriculum Relevance / 7. The Emergence and Vitality of a Specific Critical Curriculum River / 8. Challenging Epistemicides: Toward an Itinerant Curriculum Theory august 2014 Paperback
270pp £19.99
education, Work and Social change
Rebecca Peabody, Getty Research Institute, USA
challenging Hegemonic epistemologies João M. Paraskeva, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA
fiRST annOUnceMenT
This collection features former graduate students who speak frankly about the challenges and decisions they faced along the way to their doctorates. Peabody leaves no doubt that there are as many right ways to get through a PhD, and as many right career tracks on the other side, as there are students willing to forge their own paths. Contents: PART I: PHDS IN ACADEMIA / Essay 1: Derek / Essay 2: Josephine / Essay 3: Jennifer / Interview: Kara Cooney / Sidebar 1: What it Took to Get it Done / PART II: PHDS OUTSIDE OF ACADEMIA / Essay 1: Anika / Essay 2: Gabriel / Essay 3: Kerry / Interview: Peter Weller / Interview: Karen Kelsky / Sidebar 2: What I Know Now that I Wish I’d Known Then / PART III: PHDS REDIRECTED / Essay 1: Rodrigo / Essay 2: Jason / Essay 3: Tony / Interview: Lauren Willig august 2014 Paperback
192pp £18.00
216x140mm 9781137373106
Young People and Marginalisation in Post-industrial britain Robin Simmons, Ron Thompson and Lisa Russell, all at University of Huddersfield, UK
“This book is a delight to read. Simmons, Thompson and Russell have produced a text that is both empirically grounded and theoretically informed. The case studies of the young people interviewed provide a moving authenticity. The authors confirm the message of several previous studies in this area. The problems of youth marginalization lie in the intersection of the structural and personal. This is sociology at its best, as c. Wright Mills put it, at the junctions of history and biography and of private troubles and public issues. it should be read by all politicians, journalists, youth workers and students seeking to understand some of issues surrounding marginalized young people.” ian finlay, Oxford University, Uk Drawing on a longitudinal study of the lives of NEET young people, this book looks beyond dominant discourses on youth unemployment to provide a rich, detailed account of young people’s experiences of participation and non-participation on the margins of education and employment, highlighting the policy implications of this research.
216x138mm 9781137430465
Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Poverty, Social Exclusion and Marginalisation / 3. Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training / 4. Researching the Lives of Marginalised Young People / 5. Education, Training and Youth Employment / 6. Danny’s Story / 7. Hailey’s Story / 8. Sean’s Story / 9. Family, Community and Welfare / 10. Isla’s Story / 11. Saheera’s Story / 12. Cayden’s Story / 13. Conclusion
Education, Politics and Public Life Series Editors: Henry A. Giroux and Susan Searls Giroux
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
May 2014 Hardback Paperback
240pp £70.00 £24.99
216x138mm 9781137335920 9781137335937
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Comes with a CD/DVD
engineering • general and reference Engineering
General and Reference
Race Car Design Derek Seward, Department of Engineering, Lancaster University, UK
“The book is extremely useful and will benefit students across all levels. Examples and calculations are very clear and show all the relevant stages, and the book is written in a very user-friendly way.” - Steve Hill, Programme Leader for Motorsport Engineering, University of Derby, UK “This book will be of value to engineering students studying motorsport, undertaking a motorsport design project or participating in Formula Student or Formula SAE. The style of writing is accessible and the book offers a balance between the practical and theoretical aspects of the discipline.” - Clive Temple, Programme Director of MSc Advanced Motorsport Engineering, Cranfield University, UK An innovative text covering the fundamentals of design including the chassis frame, suspension, steering, brakes, transmission and fuel systems using the basic principles of engineering science and mathematics. This text is perfect for students on motorsport degree courses, those involved in Formula Student/FSAE and practicing car designers and constructors. Contents: 1. Racing Car Basics / 2. Chassis Structure / 3. Suspension Links / 4. Springs, Dampers and Anti-roll / 5. Tyres and Balance / 6. Front Wheel Assembly and Steering / 7. Rear Wheel Assembly and Power Transmission / 8. Brakes / 9. Aerodynamics / 10. Engine Systems / 11. Set-up and Testing / Appendix 1 Deriving Pacejka Tyre Coefficients / Appendix 2 Tube Properties August 2014 352pp 246x189mm 27 graphs, 18 b/w tables, 18 colour photographs and 179 diagrams Paperback £39.99 9781137030146 TB
The Grants Register 2015
The Statesman’s Yearbook 2015
The Complete Guide to Postgraduate Funding Worldwide 33rd edition
The Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World 151st edition
Edited by Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
The Grants Register is the most comprehensive guide on postgraduate grants and professional funding globally. For thirty-three years it has been the leading source for up-todate information on the availability of, and eligibility for, postgraduate and professional awards. Each entry is verified by its awarding body and all information is updated annually. Contents: Preface / How to Use The Grants Register / The Grants Register / Subject and Eligibility Guide to Awards / Index of Awards / Index of Discounted Awards / Index of Awarding Organizations July 2014 Hardback
1224pp 297x210mm £265.00 9781137367341
Edited by Barry Turner, Author and Historian
"The fact that so much information can be crammed into one volume is a testament to the care and research involved." - The Diplomat Bestselling Reference title: "Originally designed for statesmen but now used by anyone needing information on the politics, cultures, and economies of the world, this yearbook is one of the longest-running annual publications in history." - Library Journal "The information this book contains renders it indispensable." - The New York Times, 1874 Now in its 151st edition, The Statesman’s Yearbook continues to be the reference work of choice for accurate and reliable information on every country in the world. Covering political, economic, social and cultural aspects, the Yearbook is also available online for subscribing institutions: Contents: Time Zones Map / Flags of the World/ Map of the World (Colour Pull-out Section) / Key World Facts / Chronology of World Events / PART I: / International Organizations / PART II: COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD A-Z: / Key Historical Events / Territory and Population / Social Statistics / Climate / Constitution and Government / Government Chronology / Recent Elections / Current Administration / Current leaders / Defence / InternationalRelations / Economy / Energy and Natural Resources / Environment / Industry / InternationalTrade / Communications / Social Institutions / Culture / Diplomatic Representatives / Further Reading / Abbreviations / Place and International Organizations Index / Index of Current leaders August 2014 Hardback
1588pp 246x189mm £230.00 9781137323248
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
general and reference • GEOLOGY
international Handbook of Universities
Study guide for Understanding earth
26th edition
7th edition
Edited by International Association of Universities
Understanding earth
Peter L. Kresan and Reed Mencke
This three-volume set is an indispensable and up-to-date guide to over 18,000 education institutions worldwide that offer at least a postgraduate degree or a four-year professional diploma.
7th edition
For use with Understanding Earth, 7th edition, this excellent study guide reinforces the topics and key concepts covered in the text.
Contents: Preface / Guide to the Entries / The International Association of Universities / Offices of the International Association of Universities / List of Publications / Universities Listed Alphabetically by Country / Index of Institutions / Index of Fields of Study / Index of Regional/International Higher Education Organisations September 2014 5382pp Hardback £495.00
297x210mm 9781137323262
John P. Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology, USA and Thomas H. Jordan, University of Southern California, USA
Understanding Earth is designed to bring the worldview of the working geologist to an audience new to learning about science. Students aren't merely presented with concepts and processes - they come to learn how we know what we know, and how that knowledge impacts their lives as citizens and helpful environmental stewards of the planet.
Contents: Please see details under main text ISBN: 9781464138744
June 2014 Paperback
650pp £53.99
276x215mm 9781464138744
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Web resource available
277x216mm 9781464174698
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company - A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Contents: The Earth System / Plate Tectonics: The Unifying Theory / Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks / Igneous Rocks: Solids from Melts / Sedimentation: Rocks Formed by Surface Processes / Metamorphism: Alteration of Rocks by Temperature and Pressure / Deformation: Modification of Rocks by Folding and Fracturing / Clocks in Rocks: Timing the Geologic Record / Early History of the Terrestrial Planets / History of the Continents / Geobiology: Life Interacts with the Earth / Volcanoes / Earthquakes / Exploring Earth's Interior / The Climate System / Weathering, Erosion, and Mass Wasting: Interactions Between the Climate and Plate Tectonic Systems / The Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater / Stream Transport: From Mountains to Oceans / Winds and Deserts / Coastlines and Ocean Basins / Glaciers: The Work of Ice / Landscape Development / The Human Impact on Earth's Environment april 2014 Paperback
320pp £34.99
Comes with a CD/DVD
geology • history FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT
Earth Transformed William F. Ruddiman, University of Virginia, USA
William Ruddiman's Earth Transformed presents an overview of the record of early human effects on landscapes and climate, from the development of agriculture through the Industrial Revolution to the present day. Brief and adaptable, Earth Transformed makes the science behind climate change issues understandable and fascinating for the non-scientist. Contents: Prologue Did Civilization Develop in a Naturally Warm World? / PART I: A MYSTERY: WRONGWAY GREENHOUSE-GAS TRENDS / Natures Climatic Cycles / Wrong-Way Methane Trend / Wrong-Way Carbon Dioxide Trend / PART II: EARLY AGRICULTURE: ANSWER TO THE CO2 AND CH4 MYSTERIES? / The Fertile Crescent and Europe / China and Southern Asia / The Americas / Africa, Australia, and Oceania / PART III: DEBATING A NEW HYPOTHESIS / Early Farming and Per Capita Land Use / How Should Interglacial Gas Trends Be Compared? / Natural Versus Anthropogenic CH4 Sources: Closer Scrutiny / Natural Versus Anthropogenic CO2 Sources: Closer Scrutiny / PART IV: HOW SCIENCE MOVES FORWARD / Falsification / Paradigm Shifts / An Emerging Paradigm for the Anthropogenic Era? / PART V: EARLY HUMAN EFFECTS ON CLIMATE / Is the Next Glaciation Overdue? / Other Climatic Effects of Early Land Clearance / The End of Northern Hemisphere Glaciations / PART VI: SMALL STEPS BACK TOWARD AN ICE AGE / The Little Ice Age / Were the Drops in CO2 and CH4 Natural? / Mass Human Mortality and CO2 Decreases / Effects of Humans on Short-Term Greenhouse-Gas Reductions March 2014 375pp 229x152mm Paperback £24.99 9781464107764
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company - A Macmillan Higher Education Company
History/American and Latin American History NEW IN PAPERBACK
Lincoln Dreamt He Died The Midnight Visions of Remarkable Americans from Colonial Times to Freud Andrew Burstein, Charles P. Manship Professor of History, Louisiana State University, USA and Author of The Passions of Andrew Jackson, Jefferson's Secrets
For the first time, historian Andrew Burstein explores the relationship between dreams and the establishment of ‘American’ psyche, a dynamic that remains central to the ideas and values upheld by the country today. Including a study of dreams recorded by iconic American figures such as John and Abigail Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 336pp 235x156mm 20 b/w photographs Paperback £10.99 9781137279163
Against Their Will The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America Allen M. Hornblum, Judith Lynn Newman and Gregory J. Dober
Against Their Will reveals the little known history of unethical and dangerous medical experimentation on children during the cold war. Based on years of archival work, and numerous interviews with both scientific researchers and former test subjects, this is a fascinating and chilling look at the dark underbelly of American medical history. September 2014 288pp Paperback £10.99 9781137279422
Soul Thieves White America’s Appropriation of African American Culture Baruti N. Kopano, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Communication Studies, Morgan State University, USA and Tamara Lizette Brown, Assistant Professor of History and Director of Women’s Studies, Bowie State University, USA
Soul Thieves considers the misappropriation of African American popular culture through various genres, largely Hip Hop, to argue that while such cultural creations have the potential to be healing agents, they are still exploited -often with the complicity of African Americans- for commercial purposes and to maintain white ruling class hegemony. Contents: PART I: ENTERTAINMENT AND FASHION / PART II: BLACK POWER STUDIES / PART III: MUSIC AND TECHNOLOGY September 2014 224pp 216x138mm Hardback £55.00 9780230108912 Paperback £16.99 9780230108974
Contemporary Black History Series Editors: Peniel E. Joseph and Yohuru Williams
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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What So Proudly We Hailed francis Scott key, a Life Marc Leepson, Author of eight books, including Lafayette
What We So Proudly Hailed tells the story of the forgotten American patriot Francis Scott Key, leader of the American Colonization Society – a national movement that worked to send freed slaves back to Africa that led to the creation of the West African nation Liberia. A Full Table of Contents is Availble at: July 2014 256pp 12 b/w photographs Hardback £15.99
235x156mm 9781137278289
Unreasonable Men Theodore Roosevelt and the Republican Rebels Who created Progressive Politics Michael Wolraich, Political Writer, Author of Blowing Smoke
Vividly recounting the fascinating back-room struggle that introduced the words “progressive” and “conservative” to American politics, Unreasonable Men explores the greatest period of political change in US history.
aSian and afRican HiSTORY
Tiananmen exiles
fanonian Practices in South africa
Voices of the Struggle for democracy in china Rowena Xiaoqing He, Department of Government, Harvard University, USA
from Steve biko to abahlali baseMjondolo Nigel Gibson, Director of the Honors Program, Emerson College, USA
"gibson’s book is another serious piece of work on the state of post-apartheid South african society, which critics of the negotiated settlement that ended apartheid insist remains in the economic inequality that characterised the apartheid era." Commonwealth and Comparative Politics "This is a refreshing and imaginative reading of frantz fanon’s groundbreaking thoughts regarding the theory and practice of revolutionary transformation. nigel gibson has found an exciting voice to re-energise the transformation discourse in post-apartheid South africa." - City Press Examines Frantz Fanon’s relevance to contemporary South African politics and by extension research on postcolonial Africa and the tragic development of postcolonies. Scholar Nigel C. Gibson offers theoretically informed historical analysis, providing insights into the circumstances that led to the current hegemony of neoliberalism in South Africa.
Foreword by Perry Link, University of California, Riverside, USA
Tracing the lives of three exiled student leaders over two continents before and after the 1989 Tiananmen Uprising, this fascinating oral history explores how their political ideals were shaped by institutionalized education and social movements in China, led to action and punishment, and were revised under the challenges of exile. Contents: Dedication / Acknowledgments / Chronology / PART ONE: INTRODUCTION / Prologue: Surviving 1989 / 1. June 4: History and Memory in Exile / 2. Seeds of Fire / PART TWO: TRIUMPH AND TRAUMA / 3. On the Road: Yi Danxuan / 4. No Direction Home: Shen Tong / 5. Living Somewhere Else: Wang Dan / 6. Romance and Revolution: Group Discussions / PART THREE: CONCLUSION / 7. Citizenship in Exile / Epilogue: Beginning of an End / Bibliography april 2014 Hardback Paperback
320pp £17.99
October 2014 Paperback
320pp £20.00
235x152mm 9781137414779
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
234x156mm 9781137438300 9781137438317
Palgrave Studies in Oral History Series Editors: David P. Cline and Natalie Fousekis
A Full Table of Contents is Availble at: august 2014 Hardback
240pp £60.00 £17.99
Contents: 1. Amandla is Still Awethu: Fanonian Practices in Post-apartheid South Africa / 2. Biko’s Fanonian Practices / 3. The Pitfalls of South Africa’s Liberation / 4. The New ‘reality of the nation’: The Rich and the Poor / 5. Unfinished Struggles for Freedom: The Birth of a New Shack Dwellers’ Movement / 6. Xenophobia or a New Humanism? Fanon in the Shacks / 7. In Place of a Conclusion
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
history British and Irish History NEW IN PAPERBACK
Shell Shock Traumatic Neurosis and the British Soldiers of the First World War Peter Leese, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
“A powerful and authoritative study of the war’s mental legacy.” - Ben Shephard, Times Literary Supplement “Shell shock was born as a condition in 1915 but has grown to become a metaphor for the horrors of total war. Leese tells the story of that evolution with learning, sympathy and a shrewd sense of the way medical history can illuminate our understanding of the violent twentieth-century as a whole.” - Jay Winter, Department of History, Yale University, USA The lives of soldiers shell shocked in the First World War help us understand the trauma of contemporary military conflicts. Peter Leese’s Shell Shock narrates the story of British servicemen to reveal how their medical conditions were caused by emerging industrial technologies, to examine how the Great War is remembered. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / 1. Introduction / PART I: DISCOVERIES / 2. Shocking Modernity: Hysteria, Technology and Warfare / 3. Casualties: On the Western Front / PART II: WARTIME / 4. Enlistment: Army Policy, Politics and the Press / 5. Treatment: On the Home Front / 6. Patients: The Other Ranks / 7. Patients: The Officer Ranks / PART II: LEGACIES / 8. Demobilization: On Returning Home / 9. Veterans: War Neurotic ExServicemen / 10. Recall: The Great War in the Twentieth Century / 11. Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index September 2014 248pp 216x138mm Paperback £19.99 9781137453372
Early Modern and Medieval History
European and Russian History
The Past as History
History and Psyche
National Identity and Historical Consciousness in Modern Europe
Culture, Psychoanalysis, and the Past
Stefan Berger, RuhrUniversität Bochum, Germany and Christoph Conrad, University of Geneva, Switzerland
The book provides a synthesis of the development of the genre of national history writing in Europe, in particular it seeks to illuminate the relationship between history writing and the construction of national identities in modern Europe. Contents: 1. Introduction - Constructing the Nation Through History / 2. National History Before the Nation State – from the High Middle Ages to the Enlightenment / 3. The Invention of European National Traditions During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century / 4. Scientificity and Historiographical Nationalism, 1850 – 1914 / 5. National Histories in and between the World Wars / 6. National Histories from post-Second World War to postCold War / 7. Conclusion – What Balance Sheet and What Future for National Histories? September 2014 448pp 234x156mm 14 b/w photographs Hardback £80.00 9780230500099 Paperback £19.99 9781137414090
Writing the Nation Series Editors: Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad and Guy P. Marchal
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Edited by Sally Alexander, Goldsmiths University of London, UK and Barbara Taylor, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
"For a century psychoanalysts have carefully listened to their patient’s accounts of their past and together have constructed ‘a history.' This volume has brilliantly transformed that past into a rich and moving account of psychoanalytical historiography." - Christopher Bollas, Psychoanalyst Today, a widening range of historical phenomena are being examined through the psychoanalytic lens, while the psychoanalytic tradition itself is coming in for unprecedented historical scrutiny. This collection of essays showcases the innovative, and sometimes contentious, encounters between psychoanalysis and history. Contents: PART I: FREUD, FREUDIANISM AND HISTORY / PART II: PSYCHOANALYTIC PASTS / PART III: PSYCHOANALYSIS AND HISTORICAL SUBJECTIVITIES A Full Table of Contents is Availble at: November 2012 356pp 235x152mm 2 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 9780230113367
Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Series Editors: Anthony LaVopa, Javed Majeed and Suzanne Marchand
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
HiSTORiOgRaPHY and RefeRence
napoleon and the Revolution
Population Resettlement and State Reconstruction in the Soviet-east european borderlands, 1945-50 Edited by Peter Gatrell, University of Manchester, UK and Nick Baron, University of Nottingham, UK
“it is inter-ethnic subtleties of this kind which are brought to light so well in this excellent collection of essays - essential reading for students of central and eastern europe.” European History Quarterly The displacement of population during and after the Second World War took place on a global scale and formed part of a longer historical process of violence, territorial reconfiguration and state ‘development’. This book focuses on the profound political, social and economic upheavals in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe at this time. Contents: PART I: TRANSIT: NATIONAL EXPERIENCES AND INTERNATIONAL INTERVENTIONS IN POSTWAR DP CAMPS / PART II: RETURN: SOVIET POSTWAR RESETTLEMENT PRACTICES AND POPULATION MANAGEMENT / PART III: BORDER CROSSINGS: STATE PRACTICES OF DISPLACEMENT AND NATIONAL RECONSTRUCTION / PART IV: THE POLITICS OF MEMORY: LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVES ON DISPLACEMENT A Full Table of Contents is Availble at: august 2014 320pp 216x138mm 3 maps, 2 tables and 3 b/w illustrations Paperback £19.99 9781137441423
David P. Jordan, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
a CHOICE Outstanding academic Title “did napoleon destroy the french Revolution? Or was he its heir? The distinguished historian david Jordan argues that napoleon, a man of great complexity, saved the french Revolution from the fate of many subsequent revolutions. This elegant study is thought-provoking and is sure to generate vigorous debate.” - John Merriman, Yale University, USa This new study of Napoleon emphasizes his ties to the French Revolution, his embodiment of its militancy, and his rescue of its legacies. Jordan’s work illuminates all aspects of his fabulous career, his views of the Revolution and history, the artists who created and embellished his image, and much of his talk about himself and his achievements. Contents: Prologue: Napoleon and the French Revolution / 1. Becoming a Revolutionary / 2. First Revolutionary Steps / 3. Italy the Imperial Revolution / 4. Egypt / 5. Power / 6. Entr’acte: Revolution and Empire / 7. The Weapons of Revolution / 8. Entr’acte: A Sighting in Jena / 9. Napoleon at Zenith / 10. Entr’acte: Napoleon and the Political Culture of the French Revolution / 11. Catastrophe and Decline / 12. Entr’acte: Napoleon Explains the Revolution / 13. Napoleon Brought to Bay / 14. Ending the Revolution / 15. Entr’acte: Reputation / 16. The End of the End Game / 17. Death and Rebirth / Epilogue: Napoleon and the Revolutionary Tradition / Appendix: Some Remarks about Arsenic Poisoning / Notes / Bibliography July 2014 11 figures Paperback
imperial Hygiene a critical History of colonialism, nationalism and Public Health Alison Bashford, University of Cambridge, UK
"bashford delivers a very innovative study on colonial medicine in the global context of nationalism.’ - eva Marie Stolberg, H-net "bashford’s book provides a very interesting overarching historical narrative of how spatial management of health and race were central to the process of nation-building in australia." amna khalid, bJHS Taking British colonialism and White Australia as case studies, Alison Bashford’s innovative study, now published for the first time in paperback, examines the enclosures, boundaries and borders which were the objects and means of public health, as well as of colonial, national and racial administration between 1850 and 1950. Contents: 1. Introduction: Lines of Hygiene, Boundaries of Rule / 2. Vaccination: Foreign Bodies, Contagion and Colonialism / 3. Smallpox: The Spaces and Subjects of Public Health / 4. Tuberculosis: Governing Healthy Citizens / 5. Leprosy: Segregation and Imperial Hygiene / 6. Quarantine: Imagining the Geo-Body of a Nation / 7. Foreign Bodies: Immigration, International Hygiene and White Australia / 8. Sex: Public Health, Social Hygiene and Eugenics / Conclusion / Notes / Select Bibliography July 2014 280pp 11 b/w illustrations Paperback £19.99
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Comes with a CD/DVD
history World History NEW IN PAPERBACK
Medicine At The Border Disease, Globalization and Security, 1850 to the Present Edited by Alison Bashford, University of Cambridge, UK
“It is rare for an edited collection of essays to be of consistently high quality, relevance and readability. Medicine at the Border is one such volume...Combining the disciplines of history, anthropology, public health, and social policy, and bringing together scholars from five continents, Medicine at the Border shows how the study of contemporary public health demands the crossing of disciplinary boundaries.” - Alex de Waal, Program Director, Social Science Research Council The threat of global pandemic disease is currently mobilizing experts, governments, and the exploding industry in ‘security’; and yet this has all happened before. Alison Bashford explores the pressing issues of border control and infectious disease in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twentyfirst centuries. Contents: PART I: WORLD HEALTH: COLONIAL AND NATIONAL HISTORIES / PART II: NATIONAL SECURITY: MIGRATION, TERRITORY AND BORDER REGULATION / PART III: GLOBALIZATION: DETERRITORIALIZED HEALTH? A Full Table of Contents is Availble at: August 2014 286pp 216x138mm tables and figures Paperback £19.99 9781137444660
Nations Divided
American Jews and the Struggle over Apartheid Marjorie N. Feld, Babson College, USA
A pioneering study of American Jewish involvement in the fight against racial injustice in South Africa. Contents: 1. Postwar Conflicts over Racial Justice, 1948-59 / 2. American Zionism and African Liberation, 1959-64 / 3. The New Militants, 1967-75 / 4. ‘South Africa Needs Friends’: Israel and Third World Solidarity, African Americans and American Jews, 1975 to 1985 / 5. Jewish Women’s Leadership in the Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1975-90 / 6. Apartheid and Divestment in the 21st Century: South Africa, Israel, and American Jews / 7. Conclusion: ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ A Full Table of Contents is Availble at: July 2014 256pp 235x152mm Hardback £60.00 9781137029706 Paperback £17.99 9781137029713
Pax Britannica Ruling the Waves and Keeping the Peace before Armageddon Barry Gough, Canada
This book by worldexpert Barry Gough examines the period of Pax Britannica, in the century before World War I. Following events of those 100 years, the book follows how the British failed to maintain their global hegemony of sea power in the face of continental challenges. Contents: 1. Defining Pax Britannica / 2. Empire of the Seas / 3. Anchors of Empire / 4. Surveying the Seas, Expanding the Empire of Science / 5. Informal and Formal Empires in the Americas / 6. Challenges of Europe, the Mediterrarnean, and the Black Sea / 7. Indian Ocean, Singapore and the China Seas / 8. Imperial Web in the South Pacific / 9.Send a Gunboat! / 10. Anti-Slaver: West Affrica and the Americas / 11. Treaty Making and Dhow Chasing in the Indian Ocean / 12. Darkening Horizons / 13. The Lion and the Eagle / 14. Trident Bearers: The Navy as Britannia’s Instrument / 15. Recessional: End of Pax Britannica and the American Inheritance July 2014 384pp 234x156mm 27 figures Hardback £25.00 9780230354302
Britain and the World Series Editors: James Onley, A.G. Hopkins, Gregory A. Barton and Bryan Glass
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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LangUage and LingUiSTicS
death in the baltic The World War ii Sinking of the Wilhelm gustloff
Pragmatics and the english Language
Cathryn Prince
In Death in the Baltic, award-winning author Cathryn Prince reconstructs the story of the one the worst maritime disasters ever when 9,000 German refugees drowned fleeing the Red Army. Drawing on original interviews with ten remaining survivors and newly declassified records, she brings to life this unimaginable horror. A Full Table of Contents is Availble at: September 2014 256pp Paperback £10.99
Translation: a Multidisciplinary approach
Jonathan Culpeper, Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK and Michael Haugh, School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University, Australia
"in many ways, this book represents a unique yet highly accessible introduction to the fundamentals of and new advances in the domain of pragmatics. as a teacher and researcher of english, i particularly appreciate the exceptional effort that the authors have made in presenting the pragmatics of this global language, an accomplishment that no one else in the field has made in a more systematic way." - Xinren chen, School of foreign Studies, nanjing University, china While covering typical pragmatics topics, this book presents a new view on pragmatics: integrative pragmatics. It is comprehensive in its coverage, yet incorporates state-of-the-art research. Examples and case studies throughout connect theory with data, and illuminate how pragmatics phenomena and concepts are realised or tempered in English. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Referential Pragmatics / 3. Informational Pragmatics / 4. Pragmatic Meaning I / 5. Pragmatic Meaning II / 6. Pragmatic Acts / 7. Interpersonal Pragmatics / 8. Metapragmatics / 9. Conclusion / Bibliography / Index
Edited by Juliane House, Hamburg University, Germany
The cross-linguistic and cross-cultural practice of translation is a field of rapidly growing international importance. World-renowned experts offer new and multidisciplinary insights on this subject, viewing translation as social action and intercultural communication, and as a phenomenon of languages in contact and a sociocognitive process. Contents: Introduction; J.House / 2. Translation and Equivalence; M.Krein-Kühle / 3. Discourse and Translation – A Social Perspective; I.Mason / 4. Chinese Discourse on Translation as Intercultural Communication: The Story of ‘jihe’ (geometry? mathematics?); M.P.Y.Cheung / 5. Crosscultural Pragmatics and Translation: The Case of Museum Texts as Interlingual Representation; M-N.Guillot / 6. Translations as a Locus of Language Contact; S.Kranich / 7. Reorienting Translation Studies: Cognitive Approaches and the Centrality of the Translator; S.L.Halverson / 8. Literary Translation; C.Koster / 9. Translation as Renarration; M.Baker / 10. Corpora in Translation; F.Zanettin / 11. Translation and New(s) Media: Participatory Subtitling Practices in Networked Mediascapes; L.PérezGonzález / 12. The Role of Translation in Language Learning and Teaching; H.G.Widdowson / 13. Translation Quality Assessment: Past and Present; J.House
September 2014 304pp 234x156mm 2 b/w photographs, 12 b/w tables and 10 diagrams Paperback £21.99 9780230551732
august 2014 272pp 7 b/w tables and 3 figures Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
Perspectives on the English Language Series Editors: Dan McIntyre and Lesley Jeffries
Palgrave Advances in Language and Linguistics Series Editor: Christopher N. Candlin
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
216x138mm 9781137025463 9781137025470
language and linguistics
Word Meaning and Legal Interpretation An Introductory Guide Christopher Hutton, School of English, University of Hong Kong, China
"Framed as an introduction, Hutton’s book is much more than that. It is a masterpiece of lucidity in telling the stories of classic legal disputes over meaning from the US, Hong Kong, the UK and India, and associating each dispute with the linguistic dilemma that caused the disagreement and the legal culture that resolved it. For those who care about the law, the human mind, or both, it is a wonderful book to read." Lawrence M. Solan, Brooklyn Law School, USA This book introduces ideas about word meaning in the context of law. It analyzes cases from common law jurisdictions that concern the meaning, definition and legal status of individual words, labels and categories. The focus is on the question of how law assigns authority over word meaning in different circumstances and in different domains of law. Contents: PART I: MEANING AND INTERPRETATION / PART II: CASE STUDIES / PART III: CONCLUDING DISCUSSION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: February 2014 260pp 234x156mm 8 b/w tables and 3 diagrams Paperback £22.99 9781137016140 TB
English in Japan in the Era of Globalization
Language in Mind An Introduction to Psycholinguistics
Edited by Philip Seargeant, The Open University, UK
“English in Japan in the Era of Globalization will appeal to scholars from a wide range of disciplines, including applied linguistics, global studies and Japanese studies. It makes a significant contribution to an emerging body of literature (e.g. Heinrich and Galan, 2010) that more accurately depicts the intricacies and complexities of contemporary Japan’s linguistic ecology. This collection of innovative chapters will therefore force readers to think about the interplay between globalization and language in fresh and dynamic ways. Accordingly, it is highly recommended.” - Discourse amd Society Leading scholars in the field examine the role played by the English language in contemporary Japanese society. Their various chapters cover the nature, status, and function of English in Japan, focusing on the ways in which globalization is influencing language practices in the country. Contents: 1. Introduction; P.Seargeant / PART I: ENGLISH IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM / 2. Elite Discourses of Globalization in Japan; M.Yamagami & J.W.Tollefson / 3. ‘Not Everyone Can Be A Star’; A.Matsuda / 4. Parallel Universes; A.Stewart and M.Miyahara / 5. The Native Speaker English Teacher and the Politics of Globalization in Japan; Y.Breckenridge & E.J.Erling / 6. Immigration, Diversity, and Language Education in Japan; R.Kubota / PART II: ENGLISH IN SOCIETY AND CULTURE / 7. English as an International Language and ‘Japanese English’; Y.Yano / 8. The Position of English for a New Sector of ‘Japanese’ Youths; L.Kamada / 9. The Ideal Speaker of Japanese English as Portrayed in ‘Language Entertainment’ Television; A.Moody & Y.Matsumoto / 10. The Symbolic Meaning of Visual English in the Social Landscape of Japan; P.Seargeant / Index
Julie Sedivy, University of Calgary, Canada
Psycholinguistics is a new, up-to-date textbook that provides a broad and accessible overview of the important questions and approaches in psycholinguistics, featuring a wealth of pedagogical features and comprehensive companion website designed to help students develop and apply their understanding and support the transition to using primary sources. Contents: Science, Language, and the Science of Language / The Origins of Human Language / Language and the Brain / Learning Sound Patterns / Learning Words / Learning the Structure and Meaning of Sentences / Word Recognition / Processing Sentence Structure and Meaning / Speaking: From Planning to Articulation / Discourse and Inference / The Social Nature of Language / Language Diversity: Languages, Culture and the Mind June 2014 450pp 279x216mm Hardback £44.99 9780878935987
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc. TB
April 2014 218pp 216x138mm 1 b/w line drawing and 2 tables Paperback £21.99 9781137439147
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
language and linguistics • LAW
Writing about Quantitative Research in applied Linguistics
Lindy Woodrow, University of Sydney, Australia
With increasing pressure on academics and graduate students to publish in peer reviewed journals, this book offers a much-needed guide to writing about and publishing quantitative research in applied linguistics. With annotated examples and useful resources, this book will be indispensable to graduate students and seasoned researchers alike. Contents: PART I: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS IN WRITING ABOUT QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH / PART II: WRITING ABOUT SPECIFIC STATISTICAL PROCEDURES / PART III: PUBLISHING QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS
Kate Cook, Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Mark James, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK and Richard Lee, Manchester Law School, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
The Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes series has been developed to meet the needs of today's law students. Compiled by experiended lecturers, each title contains the essential materials needed at LLB level and, where applicable, on GDL/CPE courses. They are specifically designed to be easy to use under exam conditions and in the lecturer hall.
core eU Legislation 2014–2015
A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
Nicole Busby, School of Law, University of Strathclyde, UK and Rhona Smith, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK
September 2014 160pp 216x138mm 9 b/w tables, 1 figure and 85 tables Hardback £55.00 9780230369962 Paperback £19.99 9780230369979
core Statutes on criminal Law 2014–2015
Review of the previous edition: "This book is amongst the best statute books currently available. The coverage is up-todate and precise, the presentation is accessible and clear, and the price offers good value for money.’ - caoimhín MacMaoláin, School of Law, Trinity college dublin, Republic of ireland
Review of the previous edition: "This book is an accessible and easyto-use collection of the essential statutes for a criminal law student and has the added virtue of being right up-todate." - andrew clemes, School of Law, Swansea University, Uk A Full Table of Contents is Available on July 2014 Paperback
456pp £13.99
246x171mm 9781137433350 TB
Web resource available
246x171mm 9781137432865
216pp £13.99
Comes with a CD/DVD
Core Statutes on Company Law 2014–2015
Core Statutes on Property Law 2014–2015
Cowan Ervine, Dundee Law School, University of Dundee, UK
Review of the previous edition: "This book stands out for its clarity and offers an authoritative collection of the most relevant statutory provisions across the field of company law." - Demetra Arsalidou, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University, UK Well-selected and authoritative, Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes provide the key materials needed by students in a format that is clear, compact and very easy to use. They are ideal for use in exams. Contents: PART I: STATUTES / PART II: STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS / PART III: EU LEGISLATION / Index
Peter Luther and Alan Moran, both at School of Law, University of Essex, UK
Reviews of the previous edition: "The book’s studentfriendly structure and presentation make it very easy to locate statutes quickly. I would recommend this book to all those on property law courses." - Linda Clements, Law School, University of Hull, UK "This well-presented book contains all the most relevant statutes on property law. It is excellent value for money and an indispensable tool for students." - Sue Farran, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK A Full Table of Contents is Available on
A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
July 2014 344pp 246x171mm Paperback £13.99 9781137433534
July 2014 776pp 246x171mm Paperback £16.99 9781137433473
Core Statutes on Public Law & Civil Liberties 2014–2015 Rhona Smith, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK, Eimear Spain, School of Law, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland and Richard Glancey, School of Law, Northumbria University, UK
Review of the previous edition: "I recommend Core Statutes on Public Law and Civil Liberties to my students for exam use because it is clearly laid out, without any superfluous material." - John Lloyd, Law School, University of Exeter, UK A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 424pp 246x171mm Paperback £14.99 9781137433046 TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
great debates in Medical Law and ethics core Statutes on contract, Tort & Restitution 2014–2015 Graham Stephenson, formerly, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Review of the previous edition: "complete and concise. Just what the law student needs." - John Halladay, buckingham Law School, University of buckingham, Uk Contents: Preface / PART I: STATUTES / PART II: STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS / PART III: EU LEGISLATION / Index A Full Table of Contents is Available at: august 2014 Paperback
280pp £13.99
246x171mm 9781137437570 TB
great debates in equity and Trusts
Imogen Goold, St Anne’s College and Jonathan Herring, Exeter College, both at University of Oxford, UK
An engaging introduction to the fascinating debates surrounding medical law and ethics, providing a cutting edge for students who are looking to gain additional insights with which to excel. Readers are introduced to the many concepts and debates surrounding each core area and presented with the key tensions and questions underlying each topic. Contents: General Ethical Decisions / Consent / Capacity / Clinical Negligence / Reproduction / Abortion / Organ Donation / Selling and Owning Human Body Parts / Death / End of Life Decisions September 2014 272pp Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 9781137327468
Palgrave Macmillan Great Debates in Law Series Editor: Jonathan Herring To order all titles in this series please go to: http:// TB
Alastair Hudson, University of Southampton , UK
An engaging introduction to some of the more advanced concepts in Equity and Trusts, providing a cutting edge for students who are looking to gain additional insights with which to excel. Illuminated throughout with discussion of the specific issues which reveal the practical significance of different theoretical positions. Contents: Preface / Introduction / The Nature of Equity / The Nature of Trusts Law / The Unjust Enrichment Insurgency / Certainties / The Beneficiary Principle and International Trusts Law / Trusteeship / Resulting and Quistclose Trusts / Constructive Trusts / Trusts of Homes / Breach of Trust and Strangers / Tracing / Women and the Law of Trusts / Injunctions / Conclusions august 2014 1 diagram Paperback
Palgrave Macmillan Great Debates in Law Series Editor: Jonathan Herring To order all titles in this series please go to: http:// TB
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Great Debates in Jurisprudence Nicholas J. McBride, Pembroke College, UK and Sandy Steel, King’s College London, UK
The Foundations of Public Law Principles and Problems of Power in the British Constitution 2nd edition Keith Syrett, Cardiff Law School, University of Cardiff, UK
An clear and critical exposition of the more advanced concepts in Jurisprudence, providing a cutting edge for students who are looking to gain additional insights with which to excel. Readers are introduced to the many debates surrounding each core area and presented with the key tensions and questions underlying each topic. Contents: The Nature of Law / The Normativity of Law / The Rule of Recognition / The Morality of Legality / Natural Law / Adjudication and Interpretation / The Obligation to Obey the Law / Morality and Rights / Justice / The Enforcement of Morality / The Value of Studying Jurisprudence September 2014 288pp 234x156mm 7 b/w tables Paperback £19.99 9781137327536
Palgrave Macmillan Great Debates in Law Series Editor: Jonathan Herring To order all titles in this series please go to: http:// TB
Great Debates in Company Law
A new edition of this insightful and thoughtprovoking study of public law. Ideal both as pre-course/introductory reading and as an ongoing companion to a main course textbook for those studying the subject as part of a law or politics degree. Contents: An Introduction to the Study of Public Law / Classifying and Controlling Power / The Legislature / The Executive / The Judiciary / Shifting Patterns of Power in the Modern British Constitution August 2014 320pp 234x156mm Paperback £21.99 9781137362674 TB
Lorraine Talbot, School of Law, University of Warwick, UK
An engaging introduction to some of the more advanced concepts in Company Law and corporate governance, providing a cutting edge for students who are looking to gain additional insights with which to excel. Readers are introduced to the many debates surrounding each core area and presented with the key tensions and questions underlying each topic. Contents: Preface: The Great Debate in Company Law and Governance: ‘What is the Company?’ / What is the Company and is Company Law Important? / Are Shareholders the Company’s Owners? Claims in Law, Claims in Ideology / Should Shareholders have Power over the Company? / The Board of Directors: Effective Management or a Reflection of Social Inequality and Prejudice? / The Multi-national Enterprise, International Human Rights and Investor Rights / Can Companies be Moral and the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility / What the Company Could Be August 2014 208pp 234x156mm 3 diagrams and 5 b/w tables Paperback £19.99 9780230304451
Palgrave Macmillan Great Debates in Law Series Editor: Jonathan Herring To order all titles in this series please go to: http:// TB
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life sciences • LITERATURE
Study guide for Principles of Life
Life ScienceS
2nd edition
Principles of Life
David M. Hillis, University of Texas at Austin, USA
2nd edition
This study guide provides extra study support for students using Principles of Life 2nd edition by Hillis, Sadava and Hill.
David M. Hillis, University of Texas at Austin, USA, David Sadava, Claremont Colleges, USA, Richard W. Hill, Michigan State University, USA and Mary V. Price, University of California, Riverside, USA
With its first edition, Principles of Life provided a textbook that cut through the excessive detail and factual minutiae to focus on what matters most in biology today. Now this thoroughly updated new edition focuses on the vision to evolve with today’s changing biology classroom.
Contents: Please see details under main text ISBN: 9781464109478 March 2014 Paperback
915pp £34.99
277x214mm 9781464184758
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company - A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Webster: The duchess of Malfi David Carnegie, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
This introductory guide to one of Webster’s most widely-studied plays offers a scene-by-scene theatrically aware commentary, a brief history of the text and first performances, case studies of key performances and productions, a survey of film and TV adaptations, and a wide sampling of critical opinion and annotated further reading. Contents: General Editors’ Preface / Preface / The Text and Early Performances / Commentary / The Play’s Sources and Cultural Context / Key Productions and Performances / The Play on Screen / Critical Assessments / Further Reading / Index September 2014 184pp Hardback £45.00 Paperback £11.99
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
254x229mm 9781464109478
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company - A Macmillan Higher Education Company
198x129mm 9780230243743 9780230243750
Shakespeare Handbooks Series Editors: Kevin Ewert and Paul Edmondson
A Full Table of Contents is Available at: february 2014 Hardback
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Ecocriticism and Shakespeare Reading Ecophobia Simon C. Estok, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
“A milestone work.” Early Modern Literary Studies Combining close readings with theoretical sophistication, this book is a path-breaking addition to both Shakespearean scholarship and the burgeoning field of ecocriticism. Refreshingly, Estok takes readers back to the radical possibilities ecocriticism began with to give new insight into a dramatist who had a lot to say about the natural world. Contents: 1. Doing Ecocriticism with Shakespeare / 2. Dramatizing Environmental Fear: King Lear‘s Unpredictable Natural Spaces and Domestic Places / 3. Coriolanus and Ecocriticism: A Study in Confluent Theorizing / 4. Pushing the Limits of Ecocriticism: Environment and Social Resistance in 2 Henry VI and 2 Henry IV / 5. Monstrosity in Othello and Pericles: Race, Gender, and Ecophobia / 6. Disgust, Metaphor, Women: Ecophobic Confluences / 7. Staging Exotica and Ecophobia / 8. The Ecocritical Unconscious: Early Modern Sleep as ‘Go-between’ Coda: Ecocriticism on the Lip of a Lion September 2014 194pp 216x140mm Paperback £19.00 9781137446893
Literatures, Cultures, and the Environment Series Editor: Ursula K. Heise
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Media and Cultural Theory
Alice Munro’s Narrative Art
As You Like It
Isla Duncan Research Associate, University of Chichester UK; Teacher, Canadian Literary Studies programme, University of Strathclyde, UK. She also runs the Candaian Literature Reading Group
"A useful companion to any study of Munro’s work." - British Journal of Canadian Studies "Duncan shows why Munro’s seemingly quiet fiction leaves the reader silent as well, barely understanding how in such simple stories Munro creates tension, snap, verve, wildness. Summing Up: Highly recommended." - CHOICE Among the first critical works on Alice Munro’s writing, this study of her short fiction is informed by the disciplines of narratology and literary linguistics. Through examining Munro’s narrative art, Isla Duncan demonstrates a rich understanding of the densely layered stories.
William Shakespeare
Edited by Pamela Allen Brown, Associate Professor of English, University of Connecticut, Stamford, USA and Jean E. Howard, Professor and Teacher of Early Modern Literature, Columbia University, USA
This edition of As You Like It reprints the Bevington edition of the play accompanied by four sets of primary documents and illustrations. Including pastoral poetry, ballads, diatribes, jest books, maps and woodcuts, the documents contextualizes a variety of themes exploring the joys and trials of rural life. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: March 2014 464pp 216x138mm Paperback £15.99 9781403946348 TB
Contents: 1. The Confiding First Person Narrator / 2. Changing Perspectives / 3. Competing Testimonies / 4. The Queer Bright Moment / 5. The Love of a Good Woman / 6. What Is Remembered / 7. A Constant Reworking of Close Personal Material September 2014 204pp 210x140mm Paperback £19.00 9781137451224
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Philip Pullman
Edited by Catherine Butler, University of the West of England, UK and Tommy Halsdorf, Athenee de Luxembourg, Belgium
neW in PaPeRback
Whiteness and Trauma The Mother-daughter knot in the fiction of Jean Rhys, Jamaica kincaid and Toni Morrison Victoria Burrows, University of Sydney, Australia
Winner of the Toni Morrison Society’s award for excellence "[This] is a first rate literary study. by using metaphor as the instrument through which it seeks to come to terms with the vexed social and cultural issues it considers, it gives primacy to the distinctive work that literature performs...original and incisive." - Professor cheryl a. Wall, department of english, Rutgers, The State University of new Jersey, USa This original and incisive study of the fiction of Jean Rhys, Jamaica Kincaid and Toni Morrison uses cutting edge cultural and literary theory to examine the ‘knotted’ mother-daughter relations that form the thematic basis of the texts examined. Contents: 1. Introduction: Unravelling the Knot / 2. ‘The White Hush Between Two Sentences’: The Traumatic Ambivalence of Whiteness in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea / 3. Keeping History Safe / 4. ‘Caught Between Ghosts of Whiteness’: The Other Side of the Story / 5. Lucy: Jamaica Kincaid’s Postcolonial Echo / 6. The Search for a Voice / 7. ‘The Sea Is History’ / 8. ‘Knots of Death’: Toni Morrison’s Sula / 9. Ambivalent Maternal Inheritances / 10. The ‘Gift for Metaphor’ / 11. A Meditation on Silence / Bibliography / Index July 2014 Paperback
272pp £19.99
The Poetry of Ted Hughes
216x138mm 9781137440853
Sandie Byrne, Oxford University, UK
This Reader’s Guide charts the reception history of Ted Hughes’ poetry from his first to last published collection, culminating in posthumous tributes and assessments of his lifetime achievement. Sandie Byrne explores the criticism relating to key issues such as nature, myth, the Laureateship, and Hughes’ relationship with Sylvia Plath.
"covers a variety of approaches and includes selected topics that are relevant and significant." carole Scott, San diego State University, USa "an engaging and thought-provoking collection of essays which offers some illuminating criticism on Pullman’s work." - Lucy Pearson, newcastle University, Uk Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy enthrals children through its storytelling but is also an ambitious and sophisticated work. This collection, consisting of brand new essays by an international team of scholars, provides both an overview and a critical assessment of the trilogy’s reputation and its place within modern children’s literature. Contents: Introduction; T.Halsdorf & C.Butler / Philip Pullman’s ‘Religious Reaction against Religion’ in ‘His Dark Materials’; P.Pinsent / Pullman, the Idea of Soul, and Multimodal ‘Seeability’ in ‘Northern Lights’ and the Film ‘The Golden Compass’; R.Ross Johnston / The Pursuit of Knowledge: Scientific Enquiry in ‘His Dark Materials’; A.Waller / The Controversialist: Philip Pullman’s Secular Humanism and Responses to ‘His Dark Materials’; N.Wood / Bearly Conscious? Deconstructing Pullman’s Postmodern Marionettes; A.M.Butler / ‘Without Contraries is No Progression’: Romantic Constructions of Childhood and Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’; K.O’Sullivan / Representations of Gender in Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ Trilogy; T.Halsdorf / Persephone Ascending: Goddess Archetypes and Lyra’s Journey to Wholeness; S.Redington Bobby / Interview with Philip Pullman / Selected Bibliography and Further Reading / Index July 2014 Hardback Paperback
200pp £45.00 £14.99
Contents: Introduction / Early Work / Nature Poetry / The Sequences / Hughes and Plath / Later Work / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index august 2014 Hardback Paperback
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
216x138mm 9781137336798 9781137336767
New Casebooks Series Editor: Martin Coyle
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
Web resource available
216x138mm 9781137310934 9781137310927
Readers’ Guides to Essential Criticism Series Editor: Nicolas Tredell
212pp £47.50 £15.99
Comes with a CD/DVD
literature • mathematics, physics and chemistry
David Almond
Edited by Rosemary Johnston, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
"A stellar academic cast does full justice to a writer who has pushed the boundaries of children’s literature and magical /mystical realism..." – Peter Hunt, Professor Emeritus, Cardiff University, UK David Almond is critically acclaimed as one of the most innovative authors writing for children and young people today. This collection of original essays by international leaders in children’s literature criticism provides a theoreticallyinformed overview of his work as well as a fresh analysis of individual texts. Contents: Introduction: David Almond and Mystical Realism; R.Ross Johnston / Living Just Beyond the Wall: Versions of the Savage in David Almond’s Novels; P.Nodelman / Ontology, Epistemology, and Values: Philosophy and Cognitive Science in David Almond’s Skellig and My Name is Mina; R.Seelinger Trites / The Possibilities of Becoming: Process-Relational Theology in the Works of David Almond; K.Coats / ‘A Sense Sublime’: Religious Resonances in the Work of David Almond; V.Coghlan / Birdmen from the Depths of the Earth: Radical Landscape in the Fiction of David Almond; N.Dalrymple / ‘They thought we had disappeared, and they were wrong’: The Depiction of Working Class in Almond’s Novels; C.Dunbar / ‘Melting and Opening Underfoot’: Almond’s Heaven Eyes as a Complex Variation; P.Nodelman / The Transcendent in David Almond’s Play Wild Girl, Wild Boy; M.Levy / Of Writing: The True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean: telt by hisself; R.Ross Johnston / Appendix: The David Almond Archive at Seven Stories, National Centre for Children’s Books; H.Izod / Further Reading / Index September 2014 208pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137301161 Paperback £14.99 9781137301154
New Casebooks Series Editor: Martin Coyle
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
Magical Realism and the Postcolonial Novel
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
Between Faith and Irreverence
6th edition
Christopher Warnes, University of Cambridge, UK
"Clearly in touch with the central voices in this dialogue...Warnes achieves the task for which he aims. In the process, he composes a text that will be useful to both novice and experienced critics of magical realism, as well as scholars of postcolonial and twentieth-century literature more broadly." - Kim Sasser, University of Edniburgh, UK, Interventions This book rethinks the origins and nature of magical realism and provides detailed readings of key novels by Asturias, Carpentier, García Márquez, Rushdie, and Okri. Identifying two different strands of the mode, one characterized by faith, the other by irreverence, Warnes makes available a new vocabulary for the discussion of magical realism. Contents: Preface / 1. Introduction: Re-thinking Magical Realism / 2. Magical Realism as Postcolonial Romance / 3. Faith, Idealism and Irreverence in Asturias, Borges and Carpentier / 4. Magical Realism and Defamiliarisation in Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude / 5. Migrancy and Metamorphosis in Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses / 6. The African World View in Ben Okri’s The Famished Road / 7. Conclusion / Bibliography July 2014 208pp 216x138mm Paperback £19.99 9781137440860
Geoff Rayner-Canham, Grenfell Campus Memorial University, Canada and Tina Overton, University of Hull, UK
This text introduces descriptive inorganic chemistry in a less mathematical way, using the periodic table as a context for exploring chemical properties and uncovering relationships between elements in different groups. The sixth edition offers new study tools, expanded coverage of biological applications, and new help with problem-solving. Contents: The Electronic Structure of the Atom: A Review / The Structure of the Periodic Table / Covalent Bonding and Molecular Spectroscopy / Metallic Bonding, Alloys, and Composites / Ionic Bonding and Solid State Behaviour / Why Compounds Exist - Inorganic Thermodynamics / Solvent Systems and Acid-Base Behavior / Oxidation and Reduction / Periodic Patterns / Hydrogen / The Group 1 Elements: The Alkali Metals / The Group 2 Elements: The Alkaline Earth Metals / The Group 13 Elements / The Group 14 Elements / The Group 15 Elements: The Pnictogens / The Group 16 Elements: The Chalcogens / The Group 17 Elements: The Halogens / The Group 18 Elements: The Noble Gases / Transition Metal Complexes / Properties of the 3d Transition Metals / Properties of the 4d and 5d Transition Metals / The Group 12 Elements / Organometallic Chemistry / The Rare Earth and Actinoid Elements March 2014 720pp 254x203mm Hardback £59.99 9781464125577
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company TB
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
mathematics, physics and chemistry • nursing and health • philosophy and religion fiRST annOUnceMenT
nURSing and HeaLTH
Student Solutions Manual for descriptive inorganic chemistry
Practical Skills for Mentoring in Healthcare
with 6th edition correlation
a guide for busy Practitioners
Geoff Rayner-Canham, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University, Canada and Tina Overton, University of Hull, UK
Morag Gray, Emeritus Professor of Nursing Education, Edinburgh Napier University, UK, and Director of Gray Academic
This Student Solutions Manual includes the worked solutions to all of the odd-numbered problems found in Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, 6th edition. To use this manual in conjunction with Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, Sixth Edition, students can access the Correlation Grid at:
"an effective introduction to the mentoring role for those undertaking preparation, and a valuable resource for more experienced mentors seeking to improve their practice." - Margaret fisher, associate Professor in Midwifery, Plymouth University, Uk
Contents: Please see details under main text ISBN: 9781464125577
How do you juggle the many responsibilities of the mentoring role with your own workload? This friendly text explores the challenges and rewards of supervising and assessing students of nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions. From providing effective guidance to problem-solving, it supports those shaping our future practitioners.
May 2014 Paperback
130pp £36.99
254x203mm 9781464125607
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company A Macmillan Higher Education Company
Contents: List of Boxes; Figures and Tables / Introduction / Mentoring: Background Context / Preparing for Your Mentoring Role and Responsibilities in the Real World / Managing the Beginning of the Student’s Placement Journey: Application of Theory to Practice / Managing the Middle of the Student’s Journey: Practical Application of Theory to Your Mentor Role / Managing the End of Your Student’s Journey: Effective and Efficient Review and Evaluation of the Mentoring Relationship / Managing When Things Go Wrong… / Conclusion / References / Index September 2014 192pp 30 figures and 13 b/w tables Paperback £21.99
216x138mm 9781137274625 TB
Religion and the implications of Radical Life extension Edited by Calvin Mercer and Derek F. Maher, both at East Carolina University, USA
“To say that the questions this volume raises are better than the answers it proposes does not for a moment diminish the value of this rich anthology of recent thinking in the study of radical life extension...” - Rabbi neil gillman, Professor of Jewish Philosophy, Jewish Theological Seminary If the science of ‘radical life extension’ is realized and the technology becomes widely available, it would arguably have a more radical impact on humanity than any other development in history. This book is the first concerted effort to explore implications of radical life extension from the perspective of the world’s major religious traditions. Contents: Introduction: Living For 1,000 Years - Or Longer; D.F.Maher & C.Mercer / 2. Radical Life Extension: Technological Aspects; Grey / 3. The Evidence-based Pursuit of Radical Life Extension; P.Estep / 4. Be Careful What You Wish For? Radical Life Extension Coram Deo: A Reformed Protestant Perspective; S.Cameron & A.DeBaets / 5. Extreme Longevity Research: A Progressive Protestant Perspective; R.Cole-Turner / 6. Becoming Yet More Like God: A Jewish Perspective on Radical Life Extension; Rabbi E.N.Dorff / 7. Karma, Austerity, and Time-Cycles: Jainism and Radical Life Extension; S.Fohr / 8. Told You So: Extreme Longevity and Daoist Realization; L.Kohn / 9. Churning the Ocean of Milk: Imaging the Hindu Tantric Response to Radical Life Technologies; Jeffrey Lidke in collaboration with J.W.Dirnberger / 10. Two Wings of a Bird: Radical Life Extension from a Buddhist Perspective; D.F.Maher / 11. ...A Thousand Years, Less Fifty: Toward a Quranic View of Extreme Longevity; A.Y.Musa / 12. Radical Life Extension: Implications for Roman Catholicism; T.L.Nichols / 13. ‘May You Live Long’: Religious Implications of Extreme Longevity in Hinduism; A.Sharma / 14. Afterword: Theological, Spiritual, and Ethical Reflections on Radical Life Extension; T.Peters September 2014 208pp Paperback £20.00
216x138mm 9781137448590 TB
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
politics Politics/Political Science and Political Theory
Urban Design, Space and Society Ali Madanipour, University of Newcastle, UK
This major new text introduces the nature and dynamics of Urban Design. Setting Urban Design in its broader context, it demystifies the subject for nondesigners and enriches it for designers. Contents: 1. A Case for Urban Design / 2. Shaping the Urban Environment / 3. In Search of a Well-Ordered City / 4. Connective Urbanism / 5. Regenerative Urbanism / 6. Inclusive Urbanism / 7. Ecological Urbanism / 8. Democratic Urbanism / 9. Meaningful Urbanism / 10. Socio-Spatial Urbanism: Connections and Disconnections July 2014 312pp 216x138mm 48 photographs Hardback £70.00 9781137023667 Paperback £27.99 9781137023650
Planning, Environment, Cities Series Editors: Yvonne Rydin and Andy Thornley
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
European Politics
Governance and Politics of the Netherlands
Europe Recast A History of European Union 2nd edition Desmond Dinan, George Mason University, USA
4th edition Rudy B. Andeweg and Galen A. Irwin, both at Leiden University, The Netherlands
Reviews of previous editions: “Comprehensive yet clear, this book provides an excellent introduction to the government and politics of the Netherlands.” - W. Maas, Choice “Essential reading...This book is no ordinary textbook...Andeweg and Irwin attack the complexities and peculiarities of the Dutch system head on...[C]omprehensive yet compact... [it] should be read and used by anyone interested in Dutch Politics.” - Steven Wolinetz, Acta Politica The fourth edition of this leading text provides again a clear and comprehensive account of politics in the Netherlands. It has been revised and updated throughout to provide full coverage of recent developments and events - and, in particular, examines the challenges to the distinctively Dutch quest for consensus. Contents: 1. The Country, the Nation, and the State / 2. A Country of Minorities / 3. Political Parties and the Party System / 4. Elections / 5. The Core Executive / 6. Parliament / 7. The Policy-Making Process / 8. MultiLevel Governance / 9. Economic and Welfare Policy / 10. Foreign Policy / 11. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Consensus Government August 2014 352pp 234x156mm Hardback £70.00 9781137289940 Paperback £28.99 9781137289933
Comparative Government and Politics
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Review of the 1st edition: "A fascinating account that is not dull and dry, but rather full of idealism, bureaucratic intrigue, personalities and political entrepreneurs, ideological struggles, and fluctuating international complexities and environments. Dinan masterfully brings these all together to provide an excellent treatment of the European Community’s and later the European Union’s institutional and policy development." Peter H. Loedel, EUSA Review Written by a leading authority on the European Union in a clear, entertaining and accessible style, the fully updated 2nd edition of the leading text on the history and evolution of the European Union tells the story of European integration from its modern origins in the 1940s to the challenges of the Eurozone crisis. Contents: Introduction / Finding a Way Forward / Europe of the Communities / Constructing the European Community / Setbacks and Struggles / Variable Weather / Transformation / Achieving European Union / The Triumphs and Tribulations of European Union / The Limits of European Union / Conclusion August 2014 400pp 229x152mm Paperback £27.99 9781137436443
Co-publisher: Loynne Rienner Publishers The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson
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The european Union
The european Union
Readings on the Theory and Practice of european integration 4th edition
What it is and how it works Ingeborg Toemmel, University of Osnabruck, Germany
Edited by Brent F. Nelsen, Furman University, USA and Alexander Stubb, Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade of Finland
Reviews of previous editions: “in little over three hundred and fifty pages, The European Union manages to provide a thorough grounding in the political and theoretical works that continue to dominate the study of european integration.” - Paul Riseborough, Journal of European Affairs “This is, undoubtedly, the reader of choice for undergraduate and graduate courses on the european Union, and regional or global governance.” - Osvaldo croci, Journal of European Integration “Highly accessible to students; each reading is clearly prefaced, set in context, and carefully and honestly abridged.” - Talking Politics This new edition of the leading reader on European Integration makes conveniently available to students the key texts of politicians and scholars. The selection of readings has been updated throughout and now includes the reflections of current leaders and scholars on the implications of the crisis in Europe. Contents: PART I: VISIONS OF A UNITED EUROPE / PART II: EARLY CURRENTS IN INTEGRATION THEORY / PART III: EUROPE RELAUNCHED / PART IV: CURRENT DEBATES IN INTEGRATION THEORY A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2014 424pp Paperback £28.99
235x152mm 9781137410917
Co-Publisher: Lynne Rienner The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
gLObaLizaTiOn and inTeRnaTiOnaL ReLaTiOnS
This new introduction to the European Union is distinguished by its focus on the evolution and functioning of the political system of the EU and how best to understand and theorize its often contradictory and multifaceted nature and the dynamics of European integration. Contents: 1. Introduction: The Political System of the EU / 2. Theorizing European Integration and the Union as a Political System / 3. Building the European Union: Supranational Dynamics and Intergovernmental Configurations / 4. Consolidating the European Union: Enlargement, Deepening Integration and Crisis Management / 5. The Core Institutional Structure / 6. Decision-Making: Cooperation and Conflict among the Core Institutions / 7. Decision-Making and ConsensusBuilding within the Core Institutions / 8. Expanding and Diversifying the Core Institutional Structure / 9. Promoting Integration: Policy-making and Governance / 10. Building a Multi-Level System / 11. Building a Multi-Actor System / 12. Assessing the European Union: Efficiency and Effectiveness / 13. The Democratic Legitimacy of the EU / 14. Conclusions: The Nature of the European Union September 2014 356pp Hardback £70.00 Paperback £28.99
234x156mm 9781137427533 9781137427526
advances in international environmental Politics 2nd edition Edited by Michele M. Betsill, Colorado State University, USA, Kathryn Hochstetler, University of Waterloo, Canada and Dimitris Stevis, Colorado State University, USA
This book provides authoritative and upto-date research for anyone interested in the study of international environmental politics. It demonstrates how the field of international environmental politics has evolved and identifies key questions, topics and approaches to guide future research. Contents: PART I: THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS / PART II: MAJOR RESEARCH AREAS / PART III: FRAMEWORKS FOR EVALUATING GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 384pp 1 figure and 1 colour table Hardback £70.00 Paperback £25.99
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
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9781137338969 9781137338990
The European Union Series Series Editors: Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies A Cultural Perspective Edited by Wolfgang Dietrich, Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, MA Program for Peace Studies, both at University of Innsbruck, Austria, Gustavo Esteva, Universidad de la Tierra en Oaxaca, Mexico, Daniela Ingruber and Norbert Koppensteiner, MA Program for Peace Studies, both at University of Innsbruck, Austria
“No other book of peace studies provides such a rich, in depth, and wonderfully interactive conversation about our many understandings and lived cultural etymologies around a single word[...]An extraordinary balance and contribution to a field overly dominated by narrow academic definitions, a must for our classes and bookshelves.” - John Paul Lederach, Kroc Institute University of Notre Dame, USA This handbook explores the etymological meaning and the religious, legal and political connotations of the concept of ‘peace’. The wide range of international contributors provide evidence to show how adopting a multi-faceted approach to peace could ultimately lead to a more authentic understanding of peace across the world. Contents: PART I: PEACE CONCEPTS IN EUROPE / PART II: PEACE CONCEPTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST / PART III: PEACE CONCEPTS IN SOUTH AND EAST ASIA / PART IV: MAORI AND NATIVE AMERICAN PEACE CONCEPTS / PART V: PEACE CONCEPTS IN AFRICA / PART VI: PEACE THINKERS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 704pp 234x156mm 4 b/w tables and 8 b/w line drawings Paperback £35.00 9781137453235
The U.S.-Japan Security Alliance Regional Multilateralism Edited by Takashi Inoguchi, University of Niigata Prefecture, Japan, G. John Ikenberry, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, USA and Yoichiro Sato, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, USA
In this book, American and Japanese experts examine to what extent diverging priorities in the U.S.-Japan alliance are real and whether they are not remedied with political and diplomatic leadership and other processes. American and Japanese authors are paired to analyze the same topic, where doing so is possible, for comparing their perspectives.
The Nature of Intractable Conflict Resolution in the Twenty-First Century Christopher Mitchell, George Mason University, USA
Building upon Mitchell’s earlier work, The Structure of International Conflict, this volume surveys the field of conflict analysis and resolution in the twenty-first century, exploring the methods which people have sought to mitigate destructive processes including the creative and innovative new ways of resolving insoluble disputes. Contents: Foreword / 1. Compulsion; Natural Born Killers? / 2. Formation: Sources and Emergence / 3. Classification; Intractable Conflicts / 4. Perpetuation; Dynamics and Intractability / 5.Prevention / 6.Mitigation / 7.Regulation: Conflict Within Limits / 8. Institutionalisation / 9.Termination I: Keeping the Peace / 10. Termination II: Resolving the Issues / 11. Creation; Towards Transformation / 12. Reconciliation; Ending the HatredAfterword August 2014 368pp 216x138mm 6 b/w illustrations Hardback £75.00 9781403945181 Paperback £24.99 9781403945198
Contents: 1. Alliance Constrained: Japan, the United States and Global security; T.Inoguchi & J.Ikenberry / 2. Bilateral Merits of Alliance: A Japanese Perspective; T.Shinoda / 3. Bilateral Merits of Alliance: An American Perspective; S.Smith / 4. Global Merits of Alliance: A Japanese Perspective; A.Fukushima / 5. Global Merits of Alliance: An American Perspective; M.Mastanduno / 6. Korea and the Japan-United States Alliance: A Japanese Perspective; Y.Sakata / 7. Korea and the United StatesJapan Alliance: An American Perspective; S.Snyder / 8. China and the Japan-United States Alliance: A Japanese Perspective; C.Ueki / 9. China and the United States – Japan Alliance: An American Perspective; A.Goldstein / 10. Russia and the Japan-United States Alliance: A Japanese Perspective; A.Kawato / 11. Russia and the United StatesJapan Alliance: An American Perspective; J.Ferguson / 12. The ASEAN and Australia and the Japan-United States Alliance: A Japanese Perspective; T.Terada / 13. The ASEAN and Australia and the United States-Japan Alliance: An American Perspective; S.Simon / Conclusion; G.J.Ikenberry, T.Inoguchi & Y.Sato September 2013 324pp 216x140mm 2 pages of tables and 3 pages of figures Paperback £20.00 9781137353597
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first World Hunger Revisited food charity or the Right to food Edited by Graham Riches, University of British Columbia, Canada and Tiina Silvasti, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Is food aid the way of the future? What are the prospects for integrated public policies informed by the right to food? First World Hunger Revisited investigates the rise of food charity and corporately sponsored food banks as effective and sustainable responses to increasing hunger and food poverty in twelve rich ‘food-secure’ societies. Contents: 1. Hunger in the Rich World: Food Aid and Right to Food Perspectives; G.Riches & T.Silvasti / 2. Food Banks in Australia: Discouraging the Right to Food; S.Booth / 3. A Right to Food Approach: Public Food Banks in Brazil; C.Rocha / 4. Canada: Thirty Years of Food Charity and Public Policy Neglect; G.Riches & V.Tarasuk / 5. Hunger and Food Aid in Estonia: A Local Authority and Family Obligation; J.Kõre / 6. Hunger in a Nordic Welfare State: Finland; T.Silvasti & J.Karjalainen / 7. Poverty Amid Growth: post-1997 Hong Kong Food Banks; K-L.Tang, Y-H.Zhu & Y-Y.Chen / 8. Privatising the Right to Food: Aotearoa/New Zealand; M.O’Brien / 9. Between Markets and Masses: Food Assistance and Food Banks in South Africa; S.Hendriks & A.McIntyre / 10. Erosion of Rights, Uncritical Solidarity and Food Banks in Spain; K.Pérez de Armiño / 11. Food Banking in Turkey: Conservative Politics in a Neo-liberal State; M.Koc / 12 Food Banks and Food Justice in ‘Austerity; E.Dowler / 13. Food Assistance, Hunger and the End of Welfare in the USA; J.Poppendieck / 14. Hunger and Food Charity in Rich Societies: What Hope for the Right to Food?; T.Silvasti & G.Riches / References September 2014 248pp 1 b/w table Hardback £65.00 Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 9781137298713 9781137298720
neW in PaPeRback
Politics is about Relationship
battles to bridges
a Worldview for the citizens’ century
US Strategic communication and Public diplomacy after 9/11
Harold H. Saunders, Kettering Foundation
R. S Zaharna, American University
"i congratulate Hal Saunders for urging practitioners, academics, and other readers to recognize those in the private sector as indispensable political actors. i can testify to the remarkable energy, ability, creativity and determination of individuals in meeting the challenges to human progress our world faces. This ground-breaking political paradigm deserves our most serious attention." - Jimmy carter, 39th President of the United States and nobel Laureate In this straightforward exploration of core problems facing humanity, Saunders outlines how concerned citizens can bring about social and political change. This book is full of real stories of how building ‘relationship’ among people can empower citizens outside government. Contents: Introduction: Meeting the Challenges of a World in Crisis: Engaging Whole Bodies Politic / PART I: OUR STARTING POINTS / 1. Politics Is About...? / 2. A Proper World View, Appropriate for Its Time / PART II: THE PARADIGM AND THE CONCEPT / 3. The Relational Paradigm: A Multilevel Political Process of Continuous Interaction / 4. The Concept of Relationship / PART III: DIALOGUE MAKES IT HAPPEN / 5. A Different Way of Thinking - Another Way of Relating / 6. Transformation in South Africa: A People Engaged / 7. Public Peacemaking and Peacebuilding in Tajikistan / 8. Power and Public Work in West Virginia / 9. Citizens Talk about the Russia-US Relationship / 10. Conducting the China-US Relationship: A Diplomat’s View11. Development Is about Relationship: Applying the Relational Paradigm to Economic and Social Development / PART IV: THE CITIZEN’S CENTURY / 12. What Difference Does It Make? What Makes This Difference? July 2014 Paperback
320pp £20.00
234x156mm 9781137435378
"zaharna’s Battles to Bridges is an interesting, thorough, and accessible piece of scholarship. it is well written, and for academics in fields related to international relations, mass communication and politics it is well worth a read.’ - War, Media & Conflict "Battles to Bridges will undoubtedly be part of the public diplomacy lexicon for years to come, and it will be of value for those with an interest in the US or in diplomacy and strategic communication." Hague Journal of Diplomacy "This study draws on a rich array of theoretical perspectives to develop a much-needed and robust alternative to further increasing assertive strategies in US Public diplomacy." - Journal of American Studies This paperback tackles the pressing need to expand the vision of strategic US public diplomacy. It explores the interplay of power politics, culture, identity, and communication and explains how the underlying communication and political dynamics have redefined what ‘strategic communication’ means in today’s international arena. Contents: Foreword to Paperback Edition; N.Cull / Author Preface to the Paperback Edition; R.S Zaharna / PART I: CRISIS PUBLIC DIPLOMACY / 1. America’s Communication Problem / 2. Battle for Hearts and Minds / 3. Search for Answers / PART II: CHANGING DYNAMICS / 4. Changing Dynamics and Strategic Vision / 5. Soft Power Differential / 6. Communication, Culture and Identity in Public Diplomacy / PART III: EXPANDING THE VISION OF STRATEGIC US PUBLIC DIPLOMACY / 7. Strategy and Tactics: Conceptual Frameworks / 8. Grand Strategy: From Battles to Bridges august 2014 240pp 216x138mm 10 b/w illustrations and 1 b/w table Paperback £24.99 9781137446152 TB TB
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politics Middle East Politics
Death to the Infidels Radical Islam’s War Against the Jews Mitchell Bard, Executive Director of the nonprofit American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) and one of the leading authorities on U.S.-Middle East policy
The growth of radical Islam in the Middle East has transformed what had primarily been a political conflict into a one-sided religious war pitting radical Muslims against Jews around the world - particularly in Israel. Death to the Infidels documents this dramatic shift and its dire consequences for peace worldwide. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2014 288pp Hardback £16.99 9781137279071
Political Science and Political Theory
Human Rights Kerri Woods, University of Leeds, UK
What are human rights? Why do we have them? How should we respond when we do not all agree on them? These are just a few of the questions taken up in Human Rights which gives a comprehensive account of human rights, from their nature and range to their role in contemporary debates in areas such as religion, multiculturalism and the environment. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. What is a Human Right? / 3. Philosophical Foundations for Human Rights / 4. A Political Conception of Human Rights / 5. Religion and Human Rights / 6. Universalism and Relativism / 7. Minority Groups and Minority Rights / 8. Global Justice and Human Rights / 9. The Environment and Human Rights / 10. Global Poverty and Human Rights / 11. Environmental Human Rights / 12. Conclusion
Public Policy and Planning
The Future Declassified Megatrends That Will Undo the World Unless We Take Action Mathew Burrows, Director of the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Foresight Initiative, USA; former counselor, National Intelligence Council
The next 15 years will bring staggering change - from unprecedented aging to an eastward shift in economic power and a growing number of disruptive technologies. Expanding upon The Global Trends Report prepared every four years for the White House, The Future Declassified is an authoritative and fascinating guide to our future. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2014 256pp Hardback £16.99 9781137279552
June 2014 224pp 216x138mm Hardback £70.00 9780230302747 Paperback £27.99 9780230302754
Issues in Political Theory Series Editors: Peter Jones and Albert Weale
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Rethinking Public Strategy Sean Lusk, Valuation Office Agency Nick Birks, HMRC
Drawing on a wide range of international experience, a state of the art introduction to the distinctive role and nature of public strategy which is designed to meet the needs of students and practitioners alike. Contents: 1. Introduction: Strategy - Everywhere and Nowhere / 2. Public Strategy / 3. Corporate Strategy and Public Strategy / 4. Barriers to Strategic Thinking / 5. Thinking Strategically - Methods and Approaches / 6. Acting Strategically Building Strategic Appetite / 7. Delivering Strategically - Performance and Accountability for Results / 8. Imagination, Curiosity and Strategic Judgement / 9. Conclusion July 2014 Hardback Paperback
264pp £70.00 £27.99
234x156mm 9781137377579 9781137377562
The Public Management and Leadership Series Series Editors: Paul ‘t Hart, John Alford, Geert Bouckaert and Per Lægreid
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THiRd WORLd POLiTicS and deVeLOPMenT STUdieS
On the Production of Subjectivity
Rethinking the Third World
five diagrams of the finite-infinite Relation
international development and World Politics Mark T. Berger, Department of Defense Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School, USA and Heloise Weber, University of Queensland, Australia
A systematic reassessment, by two leading figures in the field, of the paradigm of international development in both theory and practice. Contents: 1. Introduction: International Development, World Politics and Global Modernity / 2. Global Modernity and International Development: The Origins of the Third World / 3. Third World Rising: Decolonization, the Cold War and Third Worldism / 4. The Golden Age of Third Worldism: International Development, the Cold War and the Contradictions of Global Modernity / 5. Third Worldism in Decline: International Development, the End of the Cold War and the Crisis of Global Modernity / 6. The Resurrection of Nation-Building and Modernization: Security and International Development in the Third World after the Cold War / 7. A New Agenda for Negotiating Global Modernity: A Regional DevelopmentSecurity Framework After Third Worldism / 8. Conclusion: Rethinking the Third World august 2014 Hardback Paperback
208pp £70.00 £27.99
216x138mm 9781403995889 9781403995896
Rethinking World Politics Series Editor: Michael Cox
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Simon O’Sullivan, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, UK
"...On the Production of Subjectivity is a fundamental reference point for questions bearing upon mental ecology, and a sourcebook for thinking beyond the diluted subjectivities available under semiocapital.” gary genosko, Professor of Sociology and canada Research chair, Lakehead University, canada This book offers a series of critical commentaries on, and forced encounters between, different thinkers. At stake in this philosophical and psychoanalytical enquiry is the drawing of a series of diagrams of the finite/infinite relation, and the mapping out of the contours for a speculative and pragmatic production of subjectivity. Contents: Introduction: Contemporary Conditions and Diagrammatic Trajectory / 1. From Joy to the Gap: The Accessing of the Infinite by the Finite (Spinoza, Nietzsche, Bergson) / 2. The Care of the Self versus the Ethics of Desire: Two Diagrams of the Production of Subjectivity (and of the Subject’s Relation to Truth) (Foucault versus Lacan) / 3. The Aesthetic Paradigm: From the Folding of the Finite-Infinite Relation to Schizoanalytic Metamodelization (to Biopolitics) (Guattari) / 4. The Strange Temporality of the Subject: Life In-between the Infinite and the Finite (Deleuze contra Badiou) / 5. Desiring-Machines, Chaoids, Probe-heads: Towards a Speculative Production of Subjectivity (Deleuze and Guattari) / Conclusion: Composite Diagram and Relations of Adjacency / Notes / Bibliography / Index May 2014 43 figures Paperback
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politics • popular science HIGHLIGHT
Popular Science
Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It
Theopoetics of the Word
A New Beginning of Word and World
The Science of Why Jokes Make Us Laugh, Movies Make Us Cry, and Religion Makes Us Feel One with the Universe
Gabriel Vahanian, Universite Marc Bloch, France, Noëlle Vahanian, Lebanon Valley College, USA and Mike Grimshaw, School of Language, Social and Political Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Gabriel Vahanian’s final work, Theopoetics of the Word weaves together Christian theology, continental philosophy and cultural studies to present a new theology of language and technology for the 21st century. Contents: Preface / Foreword; N.Vahanian / Introduction; M.Grimshaw / 1. Wording the World and Worlding the Word / 2. The Kenotic Utopianism of Language / 3. God and the Fallacy of Identity: A Theological Disintoxication of the West / 4. The Secular, a Christian Contribution to the East / West Dialogue / 5. No Christ No Jesus / 6. Christ beyond Christ / 7. Language and Co.: The Conditioning of God, a Foray / Postscript
Get Up!
Jim Davies, Professor, Institute of Cognitive Science of Carleton University,USA and Director of the Science of Imagination Laboratory, USA
Why do some things pass under the radar, while others capture our attention? From art to religion, sport to supersistion Riverted is a fascinating and accessible exploration of the scientific and evolutionary underpinnings of why we find things compelling. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: August 2014 288pp Hardback £16.99 9781137279019
James A. Levine, Co-director, Mayo Clinic/ Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, USA
With the average adult spending 50-70% of their day sitting down, our modern sedentary lifestyle has become a global epidemic. In Get Up!, health expert James A. Levine’s original, scientific research explores how today’s chair-based world is a leading cause of diabetes, cancer and heart disease, as well as how to combat these effects. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2014 240pp 210x140mm Paperback £10.99 9781137278999
August 2014 192pp 235x155mm Hardback £60.00 9781137440617 Paperback £19.00 9781137440624
Radical Theologies Series Editors: Mike Grimshaw, Joshua Ramey and Michael Zbaraschuk
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popular science • PSYCHOLOGY PSYcHOLOgY
Study guide for developing Person Through the Life Span
The Unhappy divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis Edited by Lynn Chancer, Department of Sociology and John Andrews, Department of Sociology, The Graduate Center, both at City University of New York, USA
Kathleen Berger, Professor, Bronx Community College of the City University of New York, USA
Contents: PART I: BEGINNINGS / 1. Introduction / 2. Beginnings: Theories of Development / 3. Beginnings: Heredity and Environment / 4. Beginnings: Parental Development and Birth / PART II: THE FIRST TWO YEARS / 5. The First Two Years: Biosocial Development / 6. The First Two Years: Cognitive Development / 7. The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development / PART III: EARLY CHILDHOOD / 8. Early Childhood: Biosocial Development / 9. Early Childhood: Cognitive Development / 10. Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development / PART IV: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD / 11. Middle Childhood: Biosocial Development / 12. Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development / 13. Middle Childhood: Psychosocial Development / PART V: ADOLESCENCE / 14. Adolescence: Biosocial Development / 15. Adolescence: Cognitive Development / 16. Adolescence: Psychosocial Development / PART VI: EMERGING ADULTHOOD / 17. Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development / 18. Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development / 19. Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development / PART VII: ADULTHOOD / 20. Adulthood: Biosocial Development / 21. Adulthood: Cognitive Development / 22. Adulthood: Psychosocial Development / PART VIII: LATE ADULTHOOD / 23. Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development / 24. Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development / 25. Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development / Epilogue: Death and Dying april 2014 Paperback
406pp £31.99
276x215mm 9781429283946
Published by Worth Publishers
Graham Davey, Suzanne Dash and Frances Meeten, all at University of Sussex, UK
diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial
9th edition
For use with The Developing Person Through the Life Span, 9th edition, this study guide reinforces the topics and key concepts covered in the text.
Obsessive compulsive disorder
A collection of 21 contributions by well-known scholars in and outside the US, The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis shows how sociology has much to gain from incorporating rather than overlooking or marginalizing psychoanalysis and psychosocial approaches to a wide range of social topics. Contents: PART I: THE HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHOANALYSIS IN THE US: DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES ON A LONGSTANDING RELATIONSHIP / PART II: ARE PSYCHOSOCIAL/SOCIOANALYTIC SYNTHESES POSSIBLE / PART III: THE UNFULFILLED PROMISE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS AND SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY / PART IV: THE PSYCHOSOCIAL(ANALYTIC) IN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE A Full Table of Contents is Available at: august 2014 3 b/w tables Hardback Paperback
£65.00 £19.99
9781137304568 9781137304575
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disabling and distressing mental health problem. This accessible introduction examines OCD’s causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and is richly illustrated with case studies, making it engaging reading for anyone wishing to understand this complex condition. Contents: PART I: WHAT IS OCD? / OCD: Symptoms and Diagnosis / OCD: Prevalence and Epidemiology / OCD Related Mental Health Problems / PART II: WHAT CAUSES OCD? / Cognitive Factors / Behavioural, Psychodynamic and Social Factors / Biological Models of OCD / PART III: HOW DO WE TREAT OCD? / Psychological Treatments / Biological and Pharmacological Treatments august 2014 232pp 216x138mm 13 b/w tables and 3 b/w line drawings Paperback £11.99 9781137308689
Palgrave Insights in Psychology series Series Editors: Nigel Holt and Rob Lewis
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Studies in the Psychosocial Series Editors: Peter Redman, Stephen Frosh and Wendy Hollway
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Psychology in the Bathroom Nick Haslam, University of Melbourne, Australia
“In this extraordinary book, Nick Haslam kicks down the bathroom door and follows the plumbing lines wherever they lead. It’s great fun to read - a roller coaster ride through body, mind, and soul.” - Jonathan Haidt, Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia, USA “Beautifully written with unfailing clarity and truly enviable humour, this important, captivating and charming exploration of the psychology of a universal phenomenon is a must-read for researchers and general readers alike.” - The Psychologist “Toilet reading” of a high order.” - Nature Excretion is a topic that is veiled in taboo. This book takes the reader on a fascinating tour of a variety of embarrassing processes, shameful disorders and disgusting habits, presenting cutting-edge science in a playful manner that will be accessible to students in psychology and the general reader. Contents: Introduction / 1. The Irritable Bowel / 2. The Nervous Bladder / 3. On Flatulence / 4. The Anal Character / 5. Potty Mouth / 6. Toilet Graffiti / 7. Seat Up or Down? June 2014 192pp 216x138mm 3 b/w tables Paperback £19.99 9780230368255
A Prescription for Psychiatry Chris Irons, Clinical Psychologist working for a mental health team in the National Health Service (NHS), UK
It has been estimated that depression may affect 12-18% of people at some point during their lifetime. This accessible introduction covers the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of clinical depression, and is engaging reading for anyone wishing to understand this complex mental health problem. Contents: Introduction / Diagnosis and Classification / Biological Explanations / Psychological Explanations / Social Explanations / Evolutionary Explanations / Biological Interventions / Psychological Interventions / Social Interventions September 2014 208pp 216x138mm 7 diagrams Paperback £11.99 9781137311375
Why We Need a Whole New Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing Peter Kinderman, University of Liverpool, UK
This is a manifesto for an entirely new approach to psychiatric care; one that truly offers care rather than coercion, therapy rather than medication, and a return to the common sense appreciation that distress is usually an understandable reaction to life’s challenges. Contents: Introduction: The Disease-model of Mental Health: A System in Crisis / 1. Get the Message Right: A Psychosocial Model of Mental Health and Well-being / 2. Understand, Don’t Diagnose / 3. The Drugs Don’t Work… So Offer Real Solutions / 4. Promote Health and Well-being / 5. Residential Care… Not Medical Coercion / 6. Teamworking / 7. Social and Community Services in Local Authority Management / 8. Can We Afford It? / 9. A Manifesto for the Reform of Mental Health and Wellbeing Services September 2014 208pp 216x138mm 1 figure Hardback £65.00 9781137408693 Paperback £18.99 9781137408709
Palgrave Insights in Psychology series Series Editors: Nigel Holt and Rob Lewis
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developmental Psychology Amanda Ludlow and Roberto Gutierrez, both at University of Hertfordshire, UK
This accessible introduction to developmental psychology examines how children develop, from language development to social learning and the development of emotion. Comprehensive and engaging, it is the ideal introduction for A-level and undergraduate students, and for anyone interested in learning more about development in childhood. Contents: Introduction / Developmental Theories / Research Methodology / Biological Psychology / Cognitive Psychology / Language and communication / Emotional Development / Moral Development / Social Learning / Developmental Psychopathology August 2014 7 b/w tables Paperback £11.99
Palgrave Insights in Psychology series Series Editors: Nigel Holt and Rob Lewis
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de-Medicalizing Misery ii Society, Politics and the Mental Health industry Edited by Joanna Moncrieff, University College London, UK, Mark Rapley, University of East London, UK and Ewen Speed, University of Essex, UK
This book extends the critical scope of the previous volume into a wider social and political context, developing the critique of the psychiatrization of Western society. It explores the contemporary mental health landscape and poses possible alternative solutions to the continuing issues of emotional distress. Contents: Preface: Misery, Meaning and Politics / 1. Is it Justice? Therapeutic History and the Politics of Recognition; F.Furedi / 2. Mentality of Morality? Membership Categorization, Multiple Meanings and Mass Murder; M.Rapley, D.McCarthy & A.McHoul / 3. Uncovering Recovery: the Resistible Rise of Recovery and Resilience; D.Harper & E.Speed / 4. The Failure of Modern Psychiatry and Some Prospects of Scientific Progress Offered by Critical Realism; D.Pilgrim / 5. The Construction of Psychiatric Diagnoses: the Case of Adult ADHD; J.Moncrieff, M.Rapley & S.Timimi / 6. The Hyperactive State: ADHD in Historical Perspective; M.Smith / 7. The Medicalization of ‘Ups and Downs:’ The Marketing of the New Bipolar Disorder; J.Moncrieff / 8. ‘It Made Me Realise That’s How I Was’: Identity Management by People with Diagnoses of ‘Learning Disability’ and ‘Mental Illness’; D.Whittuck / 9. ADHD: How a Lie ‘Medicated’ Often Enough Became the Truth; M.Whitely / 10.Transforming Misery into Sickness: The Genealogy of Depression in the DSM; Joan Busfield / 11. The Cardinals of Psychiatry; D.Healy / 12. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: A History of Critiques of Psychiatric Classification Systems; C.Newnes / 13. Time to Abandon the BioBio-Bio Model of Psychosis: Exploring the Epigenetic and Psychological Mechanisms by which Adverse Life Events Lead to Psychotic Symptoms; J.Read, R.P.Bentall & R.Fosse / 14. Trauma, Dissociation Attachment and Neuroscience: A New Paradigm for Understanding Severe Mental Illness; J.Dillon, L.Johnstone & E.Longden august 2014 288pp 4 b/w tables and 5 figures Hardback £65.00 Paperback £19.99
Psychology in Modules with Updates on dSM-5 10th edition David G. Myers, Hope College, USA
Inspired by research showing that shorter reading assignments are more effectively absorbed than longer ones, this version of Myers’ Psychology breaks down the 10th edition’s 16 chapters into 54 brief modules. This update features new content from Myers in response to the release of the DSM-5, without changing the pagination or module structure. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY AND SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY / PART II: THE BIOLOGY OF MIND / PART III: CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE TWO-TRACK MIND / PART IV: NATURE, NURTURE, AND HUMAN DIVERSITY / PART V: DEVELOPING THROUGH THE LIFE SPAN / PART VI: SENSATION AND PERCEPTION / PART VII: LEARNING / PART VIII: MEMORY / PART IX: THINKING, LANGUAGE, AND INTELLIGENCE / PART X: MOTIVATION AND WORK / PART XI: EMOTIONS, STRESS, AND HEALTH / PART XII: PERSONALITY / PART XIII: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY / PART XIV: PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS / PART XV: THERAPY april 2014 Hardback
Textbook TB
216x138mm 9781137304643 9781137304650
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254x239mm 9781464164767
Published by Worth Publishers A Macmillan Higher Education Company
778pp £58.99
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 2nd edition Jerry W. Rudy, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
This second edition provides a synthesis of the interdisciplinary field of how the brain learns and remembers, with new and reorganized content to incorporate the latest findings and concepts. Each chapter makes the key concepts transparent and accessible and is extensively illustrated with photographs and figures. Contents: Introduction: Fundamental Concepts and Historical Foundations / PART I: SYNAPTIC BASIS OF MEMORIES / Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity: Introduction / Modifying Synapses: Central Concepts / Generating and Stabilizing the Trace / Consolidation of Synaptic Changes: Translation and Transcription / Consolidation of Synaptic Changes: Specific Mechanisms / Maintaining the Consolidated Trace / Toward a Synthesis / PART II: MOLECULES AND MEMORIES / Making Memories: Conceptual Issues and Methods / Memory Formation: Early Stages / Memory Consolidation / Memory Maintenance and Forgetting / Memory Modulation Systems / The Fate of Retrieved Memories / PART III: NEURAL SYSTEMS AND MEMORY / Memory Systems and the Hippocampus / The Hippocampus Index and Episodic Memory / Hippocampal System: Episodic Memory, Semantic Memory, and Ribot’s Law / Actions, Habits, and the Cortical–Striatal System / Learning about Danger: The Neurobiology of Fear Memories February 2014 400pp 285x250mm Hardback £63.99 9781605352305
Schizophrenia Kevin Silber, University of Derby, UK
This comprehensive introduction to schizophrenia is an ideal starting point for students. It covers the theoretical foundations of different perspectives of schizophrenia, including medical, evolutionary and social, to give readers a solid grounding and then discusses the various forms of treatments and the arguments surrounding each perspective. Contents: What is Schizophrenia? / Inheriting Schizophrenia / Neurotransmitter Explanations / Brain Correlates of Schizophrenia / Alternative Biological and Evolutionary Explanations / Social and Cognitive Explanations / Psychodynamic Explanations and Family Functioning / Biological Treatments / Psychosocial Approaches to Treatment August 2014 220pp 216x138mm 2 b/w tables, 3 b/w line drawings, 3 diagrams and 1 b/w photograph Paperback £11.99 9780230299863
Palgrave Insights in Psychology series Series Editors: Nigel Holt and Rob Lewis
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Social Work and Social Policy
Safeguarding Adults Alison Brammer, School and Department of Law, University of Keele, UK
How do you apply the principles, structures and processes of the law to everyday practice? Drawing on a wealth of contemporary case examples, this handy pocket book provides a clear text which brings the many complex strands of safeguarding adults together in a succinct and accessible way. Contents: Introduction / Guidance, Policies and Procedures / Support and Prevention / Criminal Law and Safeguarding / Capacity and Safeguarding / Regulation / Other Legal Provision / Messages from Serious Case Reviews / Conclusions / Useful Websites / Glossary / Bibliography / Index September 2014 192pp 198x129mm Paperback £13.99 9781137289957
Focus on Social Work Law Series Editor: Alison Brammer
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc. TB
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SOciaL WORk and SOciaL POLicY
Rethinking anti-discriminatory and anti-Oppressive Theories for Social Work Practice Christine Cocker, Principal Lecturer in Social Work and Trish Hafford-Letchfield, Senior Lecturer, both at Middlesex University, UK
For years Anti-discriminatory and Anti-oppressive practice have been embedded in the social work landscape. Thinking beyond the mainstream approaches, this book refreshes and challenges some of the core concepts and issues in social work, providing fresh perspectives and opportunities for educators, students and practitioners of social work. Contents: Foreword; J.Weeks and D.Cooper / Introduction; C.Cocker and T.Hafford-Letchfield / PART I: POWER / Equality, the Law and Anti-Oppressive Social Work; Salaried / Questioning the Concepts of AntiOppressive Social Work; B.Featherstone / Immigration, Ethnicity and Racism; S.Sinha / PART II: DISCOURSE / Ableism; F.Campbell-Kumari / Social Work, Austerity and Resistance; M.Lavalette and I.Ferguson / Working with Indigenous Communities; L.Meo-Sewabu / PART III: SUBJECTIVITY / The Subjectivity of Social Work; M.Gray and S.Webb / Involving Service Users; S.Cowden and G.Singh / Sexuality and Social Work; S.Carr / Ethnicity and Racism; C.Bernard / PART IV: DECONSTRUCTION / Diversity and Difference; P.M.Garrett / The Language of Social Work; D.Turney / Deconstructing the Family; S.Hicks / Deconstructing Anti-Oppressive Practice; D.Jeyasingham / Conclusion august 2014 Paperback
240pp £23.99
234x156mm 9781137023971 TB
being critically Reflective
children in need of Support
engaging in Holistic Practice Fiona Gardner, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia
Reflection is a vital part of professional practice, but complex theory and models can make it difficult to embed in your everyday actions. From an international authority this concise guide is applicationfocused and shows how a critically reflective approach can support learning, supervision and team working within contemporary practice contexts. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCING CRITICAL REFLECTION THEORY AND PROCESSES / What is Critical Reflection? / Theoretical Underpinnings / Practising Critical Reflection / PART II: CRITICAL REFLECTION IN ORGANIZATIONS / Organizational Context / Supervision and Team Work / Critical Reflection and Organizational Learning / PART III: CRITICAL REFLECTION AND THE BROADER THEORETICAL CONTEXT / Ethical Issues / Managing Uncertainty, Change and Conflict / Interprofessionalism and Critical Reflection / PART IV: CONCLUSION / Embedding Critical Reflection into Individual and Organizational Practice June 2014 4 figures Paperback
Joanne Westwood, University of Central Lancashire, UK
How do you apply the principles, structures and processes of the law to everyday practice? Drawing on a wealth of contemporary case examples, this handy pocket book demystifies the legislation on children in need and demonstrates the practical duties and responsibilities of professionals within both the statutory and voluntary sectors. Contents: Introduction / Who are Children in Need and Who Works With Them? / Legislation, Policy Statutes and Policy Developments / Practice Guidance / Children’s Rights Perspectives / Working with Migrant / Unaccompanied Children / Working with Children with Disabilities / Working with Care Leavers / Conclusion September 2014 192pp Paperback £13.99
Focus on Social Work Law Series Editor: Alison Brammer
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Practice Theory in Context Series Editor: Jan Fook
To order all titles in the series please go to: http:// TB
198x129mm 9781137286581
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
social work and social policy • sociology
Adult Social Care Law in England John Williams, Department of Law and Criminology, Aberystwyth University, UK, Gwyneth Roberts and Aled Griffiths, both at University of Wales Bangor, UK
Intertwining case scenarios with clear explanations of social work law and policy, this text clearly illustrates the complex relationship between legal powers and duties on the one hand and professional values on the other. It addresses this dilemma and exemplifies possible courses of action to aid readers in their practice. Contents: Social Work Practice - The Organizational Context / Social Care and Other Allied Services / Referral and Assessment in Social Care / The Provision of Social Care / The Financial Implication of Community Care / Carers’ Rights to Services and to be Consulted / Mental Health / Challenging Social Care Decisions and Quality Assurance June 2014 240pp 234x156mm Paperback £18.99 9780230280106
Reshaping Social Work Series Editors: Robert Adams, Lena Dominelli and Malcolm Payne TB
What Works in Therapeutic Prisons
Childhood and Consumer Culture
Evaluating Psychological Change in Dovegate Therapeutic Community
Edited by David Buckingham, Loughborough University, UK and Vebjørg Tingstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Jennifer Brown, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, Sarah Miller, Bond University, Australia, Sara Northey, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, UK and Darragh O’Neill, University College London, UK
"This book gives terrific practical attention to the details of describing the project, remembering its history and context, exploring its methods, and raising issues on an increasingly complex level as the book evolves. It will be welcomed by its readership.’ - Russ Immarigeon, Editor - Offender Programs Report, USA Exploring the first purpose-built prison community of its kind, the HMP Dovegate Therapeutic Community, this book provides the most comprehensive coverage of this research to date, following the progress of individual prisoners’ through therapy and highlighting the key essentials for prisoners to address their motivations and criminal behaviour. Contents: Preface; Roland Woodward / 1. Aims and Overview / 2. The ‘What Works’ Debate and the Fit of Prison-Based Democratic TCs / 3. Controversies, Beginnings and Workings of the Dovegate TC / 4. The Data / 5. Personality Disorder / 6. Changes over Time: The Psychometric Data / 7. Experiential Perspectives from Within the TC: The Focus Groups / 8. Attachments: The Multiple Sorting Task Procedure / 9. After the TC: Post Residency Questionnaire, Interviews and psychometrics / 10. Back in the Outside World: Case Studies of Former Residents on Release / 11. Getting It: A Quantification of Long-Term Outcomes / 12. Practice Issues and Research Overview
“Childhood and consumption scholars from all corners will find some reward in perusing this book for intellectual treasure.” - Children and Society In recent years children have become an increasingly important consumer market, and there is growing concern about the ‘commercialisation’ of childhood. This book, now in paperback, offers new empirical data and challenging critical perspectives on children’s engagement with consumer culture from a wide range of international settings. Contents: PART I: HISTORY OF CHILDREN’S CONSUMPTION / PART II: THEORY AND METHOD IN RESEARCH ON CHILDREN’S CONSUMPTION / PART III: PRACTICES OF CONTEMPORARY MARKETERS / PART IV: SOCIAL CONTEXTS OF CHILDREN’S CONSUMPTION PART V: CHILDHOOD IDENTITIES AND CONSUMPTION A Full Table of Contents is Avialable at: June 2014 272pp 216x138mm 5 b/w tables and 2 figures Paperback £21.99 9781137442222
Studies in Childhood and Youth Series Editors: Allison James and Adrian L. James
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June 2014 248pp 234x156mm 29 charts, 41 figures and 68 b/w tables Hardback £65.00 9781137306197 Paperback £23.99 9781137306203
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doing a Successful Research Project Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods 2nd edition Martin Brett Davies, University of East Anglia, UK and Nathan Hughes, University of Birmingham, UK
"This updated and revised version builds on the strengths of the first edition. its comprehensive coverage, clarity of explanation and step-by-step approach makes this book an excellent resource for students undertaking a dissertation or research project." - Jill annison, Plymouth University, Uk Doing a Successful Research Project gives students the knowledge, self-discipline and confidence to carry out their first research project. Describing processes, tools and strategies in a simple, succinct way, it guides the reader carefully through the planning and design stages, to implementation, analysis and completion. Contents: PART I: PLANNING YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT / 1. So You’re Going to do a Research Project / 2. Let’s Make a Start / 3. Preparing for a Successful Research Project / PART II: QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH / 4. The Principles of Sampling / 5. Carrying Out Your Survey / 6. Questionnaires / 7. The Art and Science of Survey Interviewing / 8. Analysing Your Survey Data / 9. Testing for Statistical Significance: Into More Complex Territory / 10. A Quantitative Researcher’s Briefing Sheet / PART III: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH / 11. Studying a Small Sample / 12. Qualitative Research Reviewing / 13. There is More to Qualitative Research than Interviewing / 14. Analysing Qualitative Data / 15. A Qualitative Researcher’s Briefing Sheet / PART IV: THE LAST LAP / 16. Writing Your Report / Bibliography March 2014 Paperback
288pp £19.99
Prisons, Punishment and the Pursuit of Security
against Violence against Women The case for gender as a Protected class Rona M. Fields, Howard University, USA
Deborah Drake, The Open University, UK
"it is a research monograph that will undoubtedly make an enduring contribution to prison scholarship and which one could whole-heartedly recommend to students, anticipating that it will challenge and inspire them. drake’s great achievement is in shining light on the very ‘deepest’ end of the penal estate at a time when security has risen to a level of prominence that eclipses every other consideration, including what it means to be human." - British Journal of Criminology Drawing on research in men’s long-term, maximum-security prisons, this book examines three interconnected problems: the tendency of the prison to obscure other social problems and conceal its own failings, the pursuit of greater levels of human security through repressive and violent means and the persistence of the belief in the problem of ‘evil’. Contents: Foreword to Paperback Edition; Joe Sim Demy / 1. Thologising the Prison and its Uses / 2. The Growing Hegemony of Imprisonment / 3. Establishing Long-Term, Maximum-Security Imprisonment in England / 4. A State of Security in Maxmimum-Security Prisons / 5. LongTerm, Maximum-Security Punishment / 6. Constituting Security in the Penal and Social Realms / 7. Duplicity, Violent Crime of Criminal ‘Justice’ and the Problem with Punishment / 8. Making the Unthinkable Thinkable September 2014 232pp 3 b/w tables and 4 figures Paperback £23.99
216x138mm 9781137455109
"no better advocate could be found for women who suffer violence than Rona M. fields. all her life she has worked with people who are victims of the many conflicts in the world, from northern ireland to the Middle east and beyond. as a woman professor and as one who lives a life of great independence, she has personal experience of the slights and all-toofrequent violence suffered by women. Her book is most eloquent." - Raymond g. Helmick, boston college, USa Responding to the targeted destruction of women, Fields argues for establishing gender as a protected class under the Genocide Convention. Cases are explored, historically, anthropologically, psychologically and sociologically, from the author’s field research, as well as focuses on morbidity, mortality and demographic documentation data. Contents: 1. Introduction to the Concept of Gender Genocide / 2. The Case of Afghanistan / 3. The Bedouin / 4. East Africa / 5. Darfur / 6. West Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Cameroon / 7. China as a Case Study / 8. India / 9. Questionable Cases in Europe Historically and Recently July 2014 Paperback
216x138mm 9781137306425
236pp £21.00
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Comes with a CD/DVD
sociology HIGHLIGHT
The Proactionary Imperative
Regimes of Social Cohesion
A Foundation for Transhumanism
Societies and the Crisis of Globalization
Steve Fuller, author of Humanity 2.0: What it Means to be Human - Past, Present and Future, and Veronika Lipińska, both at University of Warwick, UK
"Fuller is the closest thing to a Foucault writing today in the English language." - Metascience The Proactionary Imperative debates the concept of transforming human nature, including such thorny topics as humanity’s privilege as a species, our capacity to ‘play God’, the idea that we might treat our genes as a capital investment, eugenics and what it might mean to be ‘human’ in the context of risky scientific and technological interventions. Contents: Introduction / 1. Precautionary and Proactionary as the 21st Century’s Defining Ideological Polarity / 2. Proactionary Theology: Discovering the Art of God-Playing / 3. Proactionary Biology: Recovering the Science of Eugenics / 4. A Legal Framework for the Proactionary PrincipleThe Proactionary Manifesto July 2014 176pp 216x138mm 2 b/w tables Hardback £70.00 9781137302977 Paperback £18.99 9781137433091
Andy Green and Jan Germen Janmaat, both at Institute of Education, University of London, UK
"This timely volume represents an excellent intervention within debates about ‘the effects of social change on the social fabric’ (p. 1) in the context of globalization, increasing inequality and social diversity, and the intensification of concerns about these trends in the aftermath of the financial crisis, recession and the new politics of austerity...Their book is a very worthwhile contribution to these aims and should be widely read by all those working in the fields of cohesion studies." - John Flint, International Sociology "Green et al.’s...comprehensive study is commendable. It is a major comparative modelling project across 28 countries with advanced economics using a typology of ‘regimes of social cohesion.'" - Ross Fergusson, Youth Policy In this volume, now in paperback, Green and Janmaat employ an original and highly interdisciplinary mixed method approach to identify four major traditions of social cohesion in developed societies, analyzing how these various mechanisms are withstanding the strains of the current global financial crisis.
Palgrave Dictionary of Public Order Policing, Protest and Political Violence Peter Joyce, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and Neil Wain, University of Cambridge, UK
“This is a very timely book indeed, a novel approach giving the reader both a clear summary of different subjects and events and a guide to further reading: timely because not for many decades have issues in relation to public order been so divisive.” - Lord Ian Blair of Boughton, Commissioner, Metropolitan Police, 2005-8 Protest and political violence are concerns of global importance in the twenty-first century. This dictionary brings together in one comprehensive volume a number of key issues relating to the conduct of protest and political violence and the response of the state and police to such activities. Contents: About the Editors / List of Entries / Editors’ Introduction / Palgrave Dictionary of Public Order Policing, Protest and Political Violence / Index September 2014 368pp 234x156mm Hardback £90.00 9781137270078 Paperback £27.99 9781137269751
Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Defining Social Cohesion / 3. Western Intellectual Traditions of Social Cohesion / 4. The Social Origins and Development of Social Cohesion Traditions / 5. Contemporary Regimes of Social Cohesion and their Institutional Foundations / 6. Quantitative Analysis of Regimes of Social Cohesion / 7. Value Diversity and Social Cohesion / 8. Regimes of Social Cohesion and the Global Crisis / Appendix I: Sources and Survey Items / Appendix II: Dataset Used for Statistical Analyses / References September 2014 224pp 216x138mm 10 b/w tables and 52 figures Paperback £24.99 9781137453242
Education, Economy and Society Series Editors: Andy Green, Lorna Unwin and Karen Mundy TB
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constructing irish national identity
Realist criminology
discourse and Ritual during the Land War, 1879-1882
international Lessons from the field
Roger Matthews, University of Kent, UK
Anne Kane, University of Houston-Downtown, USA
"This masterwork brings together a searching inquiry into the structures and dynamics of political culture and a careful, painstaking examination of a pivotal episode in the forging of irish nationalist identity. engaged in fruitful dialogue with studies of political contention and social movements, nationalism and collective identity formation, ritual process, and historical change, it will take its place alongside such classics of the genre as William Sewell, Jr.’s Work and Revolution in france." - Mustafa emirbayer, University of Wisconsin, USa Anne Kane analyzes the intertwined cultural, political and social transformations that occur during historical events by focusing specifically on the case of the Irish Land War, a pivotal event in the formation of the modern Irish nation. Contents: Redeeming Ireland: The Historical Problem and a Model for Cultural Analysis / Historical Antecedents to the Irish Land War / Emergence of the Irish Land Movement, 1879 / Movement Expansion, 1880 / Consolidation of Irish Nationalist Identity, 1881 / Out of the Land War: Irish National Identity September 2014 298pp Paperback £21.99
Researching the Police in the 21st century
This book challenges contemporary criminological thinking, providing a thorough critique of mainstream criminology, including both liberal criminology and administrative criminology. It sets a new agenda for theoretical and practical engagement, and for creating a more effective and just criminal justice system. Contents: Author Preface / 1. The Successes and Failures of Modern Criminology / 2. A Framework of Analysis / 3. The Problem of Method / 4. Rational Choice, Routine Activities and Situational Crime Prevention / 5. From Cultural Criminology to Cultural Realism / 6. The Myth of Punitiveness Revisited / 7. Governing the Present / Epilogue: For a Public Criminology august 2014 4 graphs Hardback Paperback
£75.00 £24.99
9781137445698 9781137445704
216x140mm 9781137450449
Cultural Sociology Series Editors: Jeffrey C. Alexander, David Inglis, Philip Smith and Ronald Eyerman
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Edited by Colin Rogers and James Gravelle, both at University of South Wales, UK
"This is an important book which discusses the problems of researching an organisation such as the police. it is a timely and important work given the fact that policing is moving towards a professionalisation based upon the idea of evidence based decision making which is reliant upon sound methodological reasoning." - Tracey green, graduate, School of Policing and Security, australia This unique collection explores the importance of undertaking police research, using a range of international examples from USA, UK and Germany. Focusing on practical challenges and difficulties, the volume offers solutions and reflections to assist in overcoming the barriers which might be encountered whilst carrying out research of this nature. Contents: 1. Research on Policing: Insights from the Literature; Garry Thomas, Colin Rogers and James Gravelle / 2. Researching the Police-Zero Tolerance and Community Safety; Colin Rogers / 3. Researching the Police: Personal Insights and Reflections; James Gravelle / 4. Research Methodology, Methods and Design; Garry Thomas / 5. Collaboration in Crime Prevention Partnerships: Research with a Multilevel Mixed Design; Bernhard Frevel / 6. Researching Across Nations: The Anglo-American Experience; John Foust / 7. Hard to Reach Groups; Amanda Milliner / 8. Researching Vulnerable Children, a Munity-agency Perspective; Louise Skilling / 9. Summary; Colin Rogers / Appendix A1: Preamble - An Interpretation of the Brief / Appendix A2: List of the Six Research Categories and Twenty-Nine Subject Sub-Categories august 2014 224pp 12 b/w illustrations Hardback £80.00 Paperback £26.99
216x138mm 9781137357465 9781137357472
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Comes with a CD/DVD
sociology • study skills NEW IN PAPERBACK
Globalization and Borders
Studying Law
Death at the Global Frontier
4th edition
Leanne Weber and Sharon Pickering, both at Monash University, Australia
"Globalization and Borders: Death at the Global Frontier is a must-read for anyone interested in rethinking the problem of policing migration beyond traditional approaches to migration, border controls and sovereignty." - Punishment and Society This book analyzes the political and material conditions driving contemporary border control policies, revealing the mounting death tolls arising at illegal borders in Europe, Australia and North America. Contents: 1. Introduction: Globalization and Borders / PART I: BORDER AUTOPSY: EXAMINING CONTEMPORARY BORDERS / 2. Charting the Global Frontier / 3. Counting and Discounting Border Deaths / 4. Accounting for Deaths at the Border / PART II: BORDER INQUEST: MISADVENTURE OR DEATH BY POLICY? / 5. Structural Violence / 6. Suspicious Deaths / 7. Suicide and Self-harm / PART III: FROM FINDING TRUTH TO PREVENTING BORDER HARM / 8. The Ambiguous Architecture of Risk / 9. Conclusion: Preventing Death by Sovereignty / Notes / Bibliography / Index September 2014 264pp 216x138mm 11 b/w tables, 5 figures and 6 b/w photographs Paperback £23.99 9781137453150 TB
Posters and Presentations
Study Skills
Emily Bethell and Clare Milsom, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK Simon Askey, Department of Law, London South Bank University, UK and Ian McLeod, Stirling Law School, University of Stirling, UK
Studying Law introduces students to the fundamental legal skills that they will need to successfully study the subject, such as case analysis, legislative interpretation, problem solving and essay writing, and to the core Law subjects themselves and the distinctions between them. Contents: 1. Studying Law: What’s It All About? / 2. The Jurisdictions of the Principal Courts / 3. The Constitutional Background to English Law / 4. The Sources of English Law / 5. The Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms / 6. Finding and Citing the Sources of Law / 7. Legal Method / 8. Written English / 9. Writing Case Notes / 10. Answering Essay Questions / 11. Answering Problem Questions / 12. Oral Skills / Appendix 1: Extracts from the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights / Appendix 2: Law Reports and Journals: Some Useful References / Index
This practical pocket guide offers valuable advice on how to communicate ideas via effective posters and presentations. An asset to university students at all stages, it explores genuine examples of student work to illustrate key learning points and covers timely topics such as electronic posters and video streaming. Contents: PART I: GETTING STARTED / 1. Introduction / 2. Getting Strategic / 3. Planning / 4. Additional Tools for Success / PART II: POSTERS / 5. Introduction / 6. Getting Strategic about Posters / 7. Planning / 8. Doing / 9. Reflecting / PART III: PRESENTATIONS / 10. Introduction / 11. Getting Strategic about Presentations / 12. Planning / 13. Doing / 14. Reflecting / PART IV: BE THE BEST YOU CAN / 15. Reflecting and Improving / 16. Looking Ahead… July 2014 144pp 108x138mm 7 illustrations, 41 line drawings and 10 tables Paperback £5.99 9781137357083
Pocket Study Skills Series Editor: Kate Williams
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
July 2014 264pp 216x138mm Paperback £17.99 9781137412683
Palgrave Study Skills
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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The Palgrave Student Planner 2014–15
Managing Your career in Higher education administration
Dates, Contacts and Services: Year Planner 2014-15, Calendar 201516, Notable Dates and Bank Holidays, Key Dates, Birthdays and Events to Remember, Personal Details, Work/Work Experience Details, University/College Details, Emergency Contacts, Known Allergies and Medical Conditions, Tutor Contact Details, Contact Details for University/College Services, Quick Telephone Numbers, Essential and Local Services, Useful Contacts and Websites, Addresses and Contact Details, Meetings: Societies, Clubs, Sports etc. Diary Pages: August 2014-September 2015, ‘To Do’ Pages, Notes Pages Academic and Reference: University/College Speak, Time Management, Revision and Exams, Managing Stress, Conventions for Academic Study, Conventions for Academic Writing, Spelling Rules, Use of Apostrophe, 111 Spelling Troublemakers, Common Symbols and Abbreviations, Greek Alphabet/ The NATO Phonetic Alphabet, Roman Numerals; Prime Numbers, Astrological Signs; Chinese Animal Years; Wedding Anniversaries, International Information
Career guide aimed specifically at the large number of people working in non-academic higher education roles, such as higher education administrators or professional services staff. Based on the authors’ real-life experience and first-hand research, the book features case studies which enrich the material and bring it to life. Contents: Foreword / Acknowledgements / Series Editors’ Preface / Notes on the Authors / 1. Introduction / 2. Working in a University / 3. Knowing How to Develop Your Skills and Experience / 4. Using Networks to Create Opportunities / 5. The Good Manager / 6. Mentoring and Coaching / 7. Making Positive Career Choices / Index July 2014 152pp 1 figure and 4 b/w tables Paperback £25.99
216x138mm 9781137328328
Universities into the 21st Century Series Editor: Noel Entwistle
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Life Organisers: Journey Planner, Take with Me/Bring Home, CV Building: Record of Achievements, Maximise Your Career Opportunities, Managing Your Money, Money Saving Tips, Shopping Lists, Conversion Factors, International Clothes and Shoes Conversion Charts, Laundry Symbols; Cooking Temperatures, Recommended Safe Limits of Alcohol Consumption, ’5 A Day’ Fruit and Vegetable Portions, Understanding Nutritional Information, Recipes: Meals in Minutes
Jeanne Godfrey, has taught and managed in universities for twenty years and set up one of the first academic writing centres in the UK
This accessible guide uses real tutor and university marking criteria, assignments, reading lists and texts to explore common myths about reading and making notes, and takes you quickly but clearly through each stage of these key activities. Contents: PART I: NOW YOU ARE AT UNIVERSITY... / 1. Active Reading and Note-making / 2. Different Reasons to Read / 3. Different Reasons to Make Notes / Summary / Reading / PART II: READING FOR ASSIGNMENTS / 4. What Your Lecturers are Looking For / 5. Understand Your Assignment Title / 6. Take Control of Your Reading List... / 7. ...and Go Beyond It? / 8. Use Reliable and Academic Sources / 9. Fine-tune Your Selection / 10. Write Down the Essentials / Summary / PART III: DECIDE HOW YOU ARE GOING TO READ / 11. Three Different Ways to Read / 12. Plan the Time to Read / 13. Create the Right Environment / Summary / PART IV: UNDERSTAND, QUESTION AND EVALUATE WHAT YOU READ / 14. Approach the Text Actively / 15. Find the Key Message / 16. Make Up Your Own Mind / 17. Get the Wider Picture / 18. What to Do if You Get Stuck / Summary / Making Notes / PART V: THE ESSENTIALS / 19. Why Bother Making Notes? / 20. Key Features of Effective Notes / 21. Useful Strategies and Tips / 22. Examples of Good and Poor Notes / Summary / PART VI: MATCH YOUR METHOD TO YOUR CONTEXT / 23. Different Note-making Formats / 24. Making Notes from Lectures and Audio-visual Material / 25. Tools, Technology and Note-making Software / Summary / MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR NOTES / 26. Review and Rework Your Notes / 27. Things to Be Careful of When Using Your Notes / Summary / Final comment / Appendix 1 / Appendix 2 / Appendix 3 / Index May 2014 168pp 108x138mm 14 tables, 5 line drawings and 15 illustrations Paperback £5.99 9781137402585
Pocket Study Skills Series Editor: Kate Williams
Study Organisers: Tips from Tutors, Recommended Reading, Library Books on Reserve, Exam Dates and Assignment Deadlines, Revision Timetables, Record of Marks, Week-To-View Term/Semester Timetables May 2014 £7.99 (incl VaT)
2nd edition
Michelle Gander, The Open University, UK, Heather Moyes, Cardiff University, UK and Emma Sabzalieva, University of Oxford, UK
Stella Cottrell, University of Leeds, UK
This bestselling planner is the complete selfmanagement tool for students.
Reading & Making notes
210x160mm 9781137399991
Palgrave Study Skills
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
study skills
Planning Your Essay 2nd edition Janet Godwin, Students Services, Oxford Brookes University, UK
This handy guide takes students through the complete process from what to do before they begin, to using feedback constructively for their next essay. Clearly and well-presented, it includes lively illustrations and now a new chapter on being critical in your essays. Contents: 1. Introduction and How to Use this Guide / 2. The Purpose of Essays / 3. What you Need to Know Before you do ANYTHING! / 4. Planning Pays / 5. Dealing with the Question / 6. Analysing Essay Structure / 7. Introductions and Conclusions / 8. Types of Essay / 9. Exam Essays / 10. Researching / 11. Being Critical / 12. References, Bibliographies and Appendices / 13. Drafting and Redrafting / 14. Using Feedback / References / Index July 2014 128pp 108x138mm 6 new illustrations Paperback £5.99 9781137402479
Pocket Study Skills Series Editor: Kate Williams
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Getting Critical
How to Write Your Undergraduate Dissertation 2nd edition Bryan Greetham, University of Maryland, USA
Reviews of the previous edition: “It is written fluently and engagingly. Explanations, broader discussions and directions never out-stay their welcome. The book keeps moving on. There is also a very good sense of how much information the reader can absorb in a sentence, a paragraph and a section.” - John Peck, formerly at Cardiff University, UK “I admire the general, well-written, refreshingly presented, focus on ‘thinking’. The market is huge and ever-expanding. There are a number of volumes on ‘how to write a dissertation’, but not with a focus on clarity of language and building arguments.” - Jonathan Grix, University of Birmingham, UK Using examples from all disciplines, this essential guide teaches students how to plan and research using qualitative and quantitative techniques and instruments, and how to construct arguments using evidence and language consistently. New features include three new chapters, helpful checklists, timelines and a feature looking at employability skills.
2nd edition Kate Williams, Study Advice Centre, Oxford Brookes University, UK
This guide shows how a ‘critical’ approach is fundamental to all aspects of study from start to finish. It gives practical advice and models for critical thinking and writing, and real examples from students’ work. The layout is varied and accessible, with engaging illustrations and an informal, direct style. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: GETTING A CRITICAL MINDSET / 1. Getting Strategic / 2. The Language of Assessment / 3. The Stairway to Critical Thinking / PART II: GETTING CRITICAL IN RESEARCH AND READING / 4. A Critical Approach to Reading Lists / 5. A Critical Search Online / 6. But is it any Good? Evaluating Your Sources / 7. To Read or Not to Read - A Critical Decision / 8. A Strategic Approach to Reading / 9. A Critical Record of Reading / PART III: GETTING CRITICAL IN WRITING / 10. Answer the Question! / 11. Writing Paragraphs - A Critical Skill / 12. Writing for a Critical Reader / PART IV: CRITICAL STEPS / 13. Using Frameworks for Critical Analysis / 14. Stepping up the Stairway to Critical Thinking / 15. Becoming a Critical Writer / References / Useful Sources / Index July 2014 128pp 108x138mm 26 illustrations, 26 tables and 13 line drawings Paperback £5.99 9781137402516
Pocket Study Skills Series Editor: Kate Williams
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
August 2014 432pp 216x138mm 40 tables, 40 figures and 4 line drawings Paperback £14.99 9781137389763
Palgrave Study Skills
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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study skills • THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE THeaTRe and PeRfORMance
Theatre & Migration
Theatre & the digital
Emma Cox, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Bill Blake, New York University, USA Foreword by Matt Adams
"accessible and raises important questions around intimacy, immediacy and audience experience, opening up a stimulating discussion about current theatre practices in general, as much as in relation to the digital." - Josephine Machon, Middlesex University, Uk "The clarity is admirable - a beautifully written book." - edward Scheer, University of new South Wales, australia In this provocative exploration of how the digital shapes the way we think about theatre, Bill Blake questions why the digital brings about ideas of progress in the theatre arts, considers emerging forms of cultural practice and artistic innovation, and illustrates the widening scope of theatre’s cultural project in an increasingly digital world. Contents: Series Editors’ Preface / Foreword / Introduction / The Promise of Something Different / The Idea of Progress in the Arts / The Digital Imperative / New Mediaspeak / Digital Unease / Online Presence / What Can Theatre Do Without / Theatre Apps / Mission Business / Conclusion / Further Reading / Index September 2014 104pp Paperback £6.99
Foreword by Peter Sellars
A vibrant introduction to theatre that engages with stories, conditions and experiences of migration. Arguing that migration is crucially about encounters with foreignness, Emma Cox traces international histories of migration and considers key issues in contemporary performance - from Cape Town and Melbourne, to London and Toronto. Contents: Foreword by Peter Sellars / PART I: POLITICS AND MYTHOPOETICS / Languages / Stories / Artists / Audiences / PART II: THE MIGRANT NATION / 'Captured Outside’ / The Myth of Autochthonous Origins / Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Borderlines / Leveraging Indigenous Belonging / PART III: THE MIGRANT CITY / Time and Tactics / London: Arrival Capital / Cape Town: Desegregating Space / Toronto: Multicultural Configurations / Conclusion / Further Reading September 2014 96pp Paperback £6.99
178x111mm 9781137004017
Theatre& Series Editors: Jen Harvie and Dan Rebellato
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
178x111mm 9781137355775
Theatre& Series Editors: Jen Harvie and Dan Rebellato
dancing on the canon embodiments of Value in Popular dance Sherril Dodds, University of Surrey, UK
“This is a very wellresearched, thoughtful, and thoroughly argued study, which should have a significant impact on the dance studies field. dancing on the canon contextualizes the reasons for popular dance’s traditionally “low” status and provides much needed discussion about the potential of popular and social dance scholarship.” - Julie Malnig, new York University, USa This book examines the notion of ‘embodied value’ through the complex and paradoxical articulations of significance, judgment and worth that are expressed through the dancing body within the field of popular dance practice. Contents: Author Preface to Paperback Edition / Acknowledgements / 1. Introduction: Let’s Dance! / PART I: UNDERSTANDING VALUE / 2. Dancing on the Canon / 3. The Value(s) of Cultural Studies / 4. What is Popular Dance? / 5. Writing Popular Dance / 6. Embodiments of Value / PART II: DANCING VALUES / 7. ‘Naughty but Nice’: (Re)Articulations of Value in Neo-Burlesque Striptease / 8. Pogoing, Headbanging and Skanking: Economies of Value in Dancing Subcultures / 9. ‘There’s a Land That I’ve Dreamed About’: Envisioning Value at Sunday Serenade / 10. Conclusion: The Value of Popular Dance / Bibliography / Index July 2014 Paperback
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
216x138mm 9781137437372
248pp £18.99
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Performing Proximity
Studying Disability Arts and Culture
Curious Intimacies
An Introduction Leslie Hill, Stanford University, USA and Helen Paris, Department of Performing Arts, Brunel University, UK
"This book makes a series of important theoretical, aesthetic and pedagogical moves. It is an absolutely original and generative contribution to the study of performance." - Michael Peterson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Exploring the rise of immersive productions that foreground performer-audience relationships, Leslie Hill and Helen Paris draw on their work as performance artists to examine the impact of proximity in performance. Providing contemporary case studies and workshop exercises, this book aids the analysis and practice of close encounter theatre. Contents: Introduction / PART I: PROXIMITY AND PERFORMANCE / Interior: On the Scent / Interior: the moment I saw you I knew I could love you / Landscape: Out of Water / Landscape: Lost and Found / PART II: PROXIMITY AND PROCESS / In the Lab and Incognito: Research in Profile / In the Studio: a Case Study in Performance Making Methods / In Situ: Extended Conversations / Before You Go / Bibliography / Index July 2014 240pp 216x138mm Hardback £60.00 9781137328298 Paperback £18.99 9781137328281 TB
Petra Kuppers, University of Michigan, USA
In this practical introduction to the study of Disability Arts and Culture, Petra Kuppers draws on a wide range of examples, exercises and activities to introduce the key artists and theoretical concepts in this diverse field. Comprehensive and accessible, this is an essential handbook for anyone interested in the disabled body in performance. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Preface / PART I / Setting Up / Languages of Disability / Discourses of Disability / Embodiment/Enmindment: Processes of Living / Disability Culture / PART II / Life in the Institution: Discourses at Work and at Play / Freak Shows and the Theatre / Disabled Dance and Dancerly Bodies / Superheroes and the Lure of Disability / Looking at Autism / Classroom Activism and Resources / Appendix: For Teachers / Bibliography / Index September 2014 204pp 246x171mm Hardback £60.00 9781137413437 Paperback £22.99 9781137413468 TB
Theatre & History Rebecca Schneider, Brown University, USA
"Coherent and clear, each of the sections illuminates the relationship between theatre and history in a different but always convincing and engaging manner. An attractive text for anyone interested in putting this relationship into perspective, ideal for beginner or more advanced students." - Marvin Carlson, City University of New York, USA This provocative book meets the supposedly ‘live’ practices of performance and the ‘no-longer-live’ historical past at their own dangerous crossroads. Focussing on the ‘and’ of the title, it addresses the tangled relations between the terms, practices, ideas, and aims embedded in these compatriot but often oppositional - arts and acts of time. Contents: Series Editors’ Preface / Theatre and History / ‘And’ / ‘History’ / ‘Theatre’ / History and the Theatre Artist / The Anti-theatrical Prejudice / The Anti-intellectual Prejudice / Theatre and the Historian / The Problem with Passions / The Problem with Archives / Whose History is Theatre’s History? / Of Knives and Blood / Bibliography September 2014 108pp 178x111mm Paperback £6.99 9780230246614
Theatre& Series Editors: Jen Harvie and Dan Rebellato
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
theatre and performance • PALGRAVE PIVOT
Theatre & Time
PaLgRaVe PiVOT David Wiles, University of Exeter, UK
"an illuminating, thought-provoking and very enjoyable read. This short book covers a considerable amount of ground, inviting us to understand the topic of theatre time historically, philosophically, sociologically, religiously and scientifically." Robert Shaughnessy, University of kent, Uk This fascinating account of the relationship between theatre and time explores how different concepts of time - including linear clock time, the cyclical time of the planets and seasons, the rhythms of the body and individual memories have impacted on and been reinforced by theatre throughout history, from medieval times to the present day. Contents: Acknowledgements / Series Editors’ Preface / What is Time? / Rhythm 1: Rhythms of the Earth / Rhythm 2: Rhythms of the Body / Theatre and Memory / Clock Time / Bibliography / Index September 2014 88pp Paperback £6.99
178x111mm 9781137343864
Theatre& Series Editors: Jen Harvie and Dan Rebellato
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
fiRST annOUnceMenT
global business Transcendence
Women and Transitional Justice
international Perspectives across developed and emerging economies
Progress and Persistent challenges in Retributive and Restorative Processes
Edited by Anshu Arora, Savannah State University, USA and John R. McIntyre, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mayesha Alam, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, USA
How can transitional justice institutions provide due diligence to the lived experiences of women during war and violent political upheaval? This study provides a unique contribution to feminist scholarship on transitional justice, exploring women, peace and security with case studies from Africa and India. Contents: Foreword; Melanne VerveerIntroduction / Defining Key Terms and Concepts / Landscaping Feminist Scholarship on Transitional Justice / Retributive Approaches to Transitional Justice / The International Crimes Tribunal for Bangladesh / Restorative Approaches to Transitional Justice / The Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission of Kenya / Conclusion May 2014 Hardback
136pp £45.00
216x138mm 9781137409355
Global Business Transcendence argues that country’s borders are becoming less important from a trade perspective. We are thus quickly approaching a single global economy. Contents: Global Business Transcendence: In Search of Paradigmatic Breakthrough and Policy-Relevance; John R. McIntyre / 1. Domestic Violence in College Students: The Effects of Male Dominance and Substance Abuse; Vida Marshall and Suman Niranjan / 2. Role of Institutions in Economic Transition: Case of Russia; Andrey Yukhanaev, Satish Sharma, and Anatoly Borodin / 3. Organizations and Markets: Entrepreneurship and Capital Delivery Mechanisms in Developing Countries; David A. Bell / 4. China and India - Can they support the shift in the Global Automobile Industry?; Mahesh Raisinghani, Anshu Saxena Arora, Reginald Leseane, Jun Wu and Jackie Meeks / 5. Association Between Sourcing Issues and Logistics Performance Variables in Apparel Exports: An Empirical Analysis of Sourcing Intermediaries; Anupama Gupta and Pinaki Dasgupta / 6. Comparative Study of Indian and German Food Supply Chain: A Case Study of Tomato Supply Chain; Rajneesh Mahajan, Ludwig Theuvsen, Suresh Garg and P. B. Sharma / 7. Employability Skills For Engineering Graduates in Software Products and Services’ Companies: An Empirical Analysis; R. Chithra and M. Banumati april 2014 160pp 9 figures and 15 b/w tables Hardback £45.00
216x138mm 9781137412584
International Marketing and Management Research Series Editor: Anshu Arora
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
T.S. Eliot The Poet as Christian G. Douglas Atkins, University of Kansas, USA
"T.S. Eliot: The Poet as Christian has extraordinary moments. In richly adventurous and poetic prose, G. Douglas Atkins addresses a topic that deserves more scholarly attention: the incarnational impulse of Eliot’s major poems." - Mark Jones, Trinity Christian College, USA By comparing and contrasting the pre-conversion and the post-conversion poetics and poetic practices of T.S. Eliot, this study elucidates the responsibilities and opportunities for a poet who is also Christian. This study is the second in a trilogy which includes T.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word.
Educational Learning and Development
North Korea and Regional Security in the Kim Jong-un Era
Building and Enhancing Capacity
A New International Security Dilemma
Margaret Baguley, Patrick Alan Danaher, both at University of Southern Queensland, Australia, Andy Davies, Sidra Medical & Research Centre, Qatar, Linda De George-Walker, Central Queensland University, Australia, Janice K. Jones, Karl J. Matthews, Warren Midgley, and Catherine H. Arden, all at University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Through ten research projects, this text explores the topic of educational learning and development in order to examine issues that are impacting, either positively or negatively, on current research in this area. The authors explore the capacity building potential of the projects and what factors impacted on or assisted their development.
Contents: 1. Toward ‘a full juice of meaning’: Eliot’s Christian Poetics in Practice / 2. The Present Unattended: ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ and The Waste Land / 3. ‘For thy closer contact’: ‘Gerontion,’ ‘The Hollow Men,’ and Ash-Wednesday: Six Poems / 4. On Turning and Not-Turning: Ash-Wednesday: Six Poems and A Song for Simeon / 5. The Letter, the Body, and the Spirit: Animula and Ash-Wednesday: Six Poems / 6. ‘The Ecstasy of Assent’ (and Ascent): Marina, Triumphal March, and The Cultivation of Christmas Trees
Contents: 1. Conceptualising and Contextualising Educational Learning and Development / 2. Changes and Continuities / 3. Collaboration / 4. Professional Learning and Development / 5. Individual Learning Needs and Designing Learning Programs / 6. Information and Communication Technologies / 7. Leadership / 8. Learning and Teaching Styles / 9. Individual Differences / 10. The Transformative Potential of Educational Learning and Development
May 2014 124pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137446886
February 2014 160pp 216x138mm 7 b/w tables and 1 b/w photograph Hardback £45.00 9781137392831
Bruce E. Bechtol Jr., Angelo State University, USA
This study is one of the very first to analyze North Korea and the challenges that it presents to international security and community, by looking through the prism of the first two years of the Kim Jong-un regime. Contents: Preface / 1. North Korea and Kim Jong-un: Analysis of a New Era in the Kim Dynasty / 2. The North Korean Military in the Kim Jong-un Era / 3. DPRK Provocations: Deterring the Cycle of Violence / 4. Planning for the Future: How South Korea and the USA Will Deal with North Korean Collapse or Internal Crisis / 5. The ROK Military: Ominous Future Scenarios Make Readiness and Capabilities Vital Policy Priorities / 6. Conclusion February 2014 162pp 216x138mm 5 diagrams Hardback £45.00 9781137400062
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europe in an age of austerity
christianity in chinese Public Life
Vani K. Borooah, University of Ulster, UK
Religion, Society, and the Rule of Law
This study discusses and analyses the broad issues that have underpinned the current European economic crisis. It examines the experiences of three countries - Greece, Ireland, and Portugal - which reveal an economic system which lacks the adjustment mechanisms that countries with sovereign currencies take for granted. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. The Housing Bubble / 3. The Banking Collapse / 4. The Sovereign Debt Crisis / 5. Reform, Hardship, and Unrest / 6. Conclusion July 2014 176pp 11 b/w tables and 12 figures Hardback £45.00
216x138mm 9781137396013
Joel Carpenter, Professor of History and Kevin den Dulk, Professor of Political Science, both at Calvin College, USA
Carpenter analyzes the interaction of religion, society, and governance in China - suggesting it is much more subtle and complex than common convention suggests. The edited work addresses civic engagement, religion, Christianity, and the rule of law in contemporary Chinese society. Contents: Introduction; Joel Carpenter / 1. Reshaping the Civic Space: The Rise of Unregistered Protestantism and Civic Engagement in Urban China; Li Ma and Jin Li / 2. Belief, Ethnicity and State: Christianity of Koreans in Northeastern China and their Ethnic and National Identitiess; Juhong Ai / 3.The Rise of a Human Rights Studies and Education Movement in China; Zhang Wei / 4.The Importance of Gathering Together: Religious Land Use in the U.S. and China; Jennifer E. Walsh / 5. Political Constitution and the Protection of Religious Freedom: A Jurisprudential Reading of the Article 36 of Chinese Constitution; Zheng Yushuang / 6. Religion and Rights Revolution in China: A Cross-National Perspective; Kevin R. den Dulk January 2014 4 figures Hardback
football’s dark Side: corruption, Homophobia, Violence and Racism in the beautiful game Ellis Cashmore, Staffordshire University, UK and Jamie Cleland, Loughborough University, UK
“amid widespread contemporary expressions of positivity regarding football’s assumed social value, one might be forgiven for thinking that the game’s deleterious aspects are being consigned to history. Football’s Dark Side provides a critical and timely rejoinder, demonstrating that beyond the glamour and spectacle an array of serious problems and exclusions endure.” - daniel burdsey, University of brighton, Uk Association football is the richest, most popular sport in history with a multicultural global following. It is also riven with corruption, racism, homophobia and a violence that has for decades resisted all attempts to tame it. Cashmore and Cleland examine football’s dark side: the unpleasant, sleazy and downright nasty aspects of the sport. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Corruption / 3. Homophobia / 4. Violence / 5. Racism / 6. Conclusion
Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy Series Editors: Ted G. Jelen and Mark J. Rozell
april 2014 Hardback
Web resource available
216x138mm 9781137371263
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
112pp £45.00
Comes with a CD/DVD
Germany’s War Debt to Greece A Burden Unsettled Nicos Christodoulakis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Germany's War Debt to Greece chronicles the Occupation Loan that was forcibly obtained by the Third Reich from the Greece in 1942-1944 and demonstrates why Greece’s claim for the repayment of the loan is still valid. To overcome the absence of a normal debt agreement between the two countries, various assessments of its current value are presented and discussed. Contents: 1. Infliction / 2. The Fruitless Claim / 3. The Impasse Continues / 4. The Valuation Mess / 5. A Realistic Valuation / 6. Negotiation May 2014 128pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137441942
Alternative Education and Community Engagement
Transcultural Aesthetics in the Plays of Gao Xingjian
Making Education a Priority
Todd J. Coulter, Colby College, USA
Ornette D. Clennon, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
This text explores the ethical and philosophical issues behind the provision of market-led alternative education. The volume examines the models of Free, Studio, Supplementary and Co-operative school provisions, asking whether a market-based approach to delivering higher standards of education actually works. Contents: 1. Making Education a Priority: An Overview; Ornette D. Clennon / 2. Alternative Education as Protest; Ornette D. Clennon / Education and Social Change: A Theoretical Approach; Cassie Earl / 3. Do Supplementary Schools Provide Holistic Learning that is able to Promote Cultural Identity?; Ornette D. Clennon / Resisting Racism: The Black Supplementary School Movement; Kehinde Andrews / 4. Shoe Horning the Arts into Education; for whose Benefit? Arts-led Special Schools; Ornette D. Clennon / 5. The Great Debate? Free, Studio and Cooperative Schools; Ornette D. Clennon / 6. Where do we go from Here? Towards a Community-Led Approach to Education; Ornette D. Clennon
Gao Xingjian has been lauded for his inventive use of Chinese culture in his paintings, plays, and cinema, however he denies that his current work participates in any notion of Chinese. This study traces the development of these forms and how they relate and interact in the French language plays of the Nobel Laureate.
Contents: Introduction: International Recognition and Confusion / 1. Reactive Theatre / 2. Physical Division: Jingju and Performance Theory / 3. The Actor in Thirds: Gao’s Theory of Performance / 4. An Individual in the Void: Au bord de la Vie / 5. An Individual in Company: Quatre Quatuours Pour Un week-end / 6. An Individual in Night: Ballade Nocturne and Gao’s Philosophical Woman / Conclusion: The Obligation of Creation May 2014 146pp 216x138mm illustrations Hardback £45.00 9781137442529
April 2014 144pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137415400
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
community engagement 2.0? dialogues on the future of the civic in the disrupted University Edited by Scott L. Crabill, Oakland University, USA and Dan W. Butin, School of Education, Merrimack College, USA
As higher education is disrupted by technology and takes place less and less on campus, what does meaningful community engagement look like? How can it continue to enrich learning? In Community Engagement 2.0?, Crabill and Butin convene a dialogue: five writers set out theoretical and practical considerations, five more discuss the issues raised. Contents: 1. Provocation: On the Future of the Civic in the Disrupted University; Dan Butin / 2. From ‘for’ to ‘of’: Technology-Mediated Service-Learning as Both Disruption and Doorway to Deep Partnerships; Faith Beyer Hansen and Patti H. Clayton / 3. Serving Online Communities: Service-Learning, Internet Studies, and Online Education; Ashley Hinck / 4. Engaging in Communities of Practice: The Relationship of Community-Based and Online Learning in a Peer Tutoring Service-Learning Course; Dana Lynn Driscoll and Marshall Kitchens / 5. Online Learning in the Twenty-First Century: Examining For-Profit Higher Education, Civic Connections, and the Loss of Rootedness; Colette Morrow and Melissa Tennyson / 6. Responses and Dialogues; Susan Harden / 7. Responses and Dialogues; Brandon Kliewer / 8. Responses and Dialogues; George Kuh / 9. Responses and Dialogues; Jessica ‘Decky’ Alexander / 10. Considerations for the Future of the Civic in the Disrupted University; Scott Crabill april 2014 Hardback
144pp £45.00
contemporary capacity-building in educational contexts Patrick Alan Danaher, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, Andy Davies, Sidra Medical & Research Centre, Qatar, Linda De George-Walker, Central Queensland University, Australia, Janice K. Jones, Karl J. Matthews, Warren Midgley, Catherine H. Arden and Margaret Baguley, all at University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Education is generally supposed to help learners to develop new capacities and to be able to apply them in work and life - yet we still know very little about how to build useful capacities. Contemporary Capacity-Building in Educational Contexts investigates nine research projects, exploring why particular capacities are successful in some situations but not in others. Contents: 1. Conceptualising and Contextualising Contemporary Capacity-Building / 2. Consciousness and Capacity-Building / 3. Creative Capacity-Building / 4. Disrupting Disempowerment: Agency in Education / 5. Diversity and Identity / 6. Forms of Capital and Currencies / 7. Knowledge Sharing Practices and Capacity-Building / 8. Regionality, Rurality and Capacity-Building / 9. Resilience and Capacity-Building / 10. Capacity-Building for New and Transformative Educational Futures february 2014 186pp 216x138mm 6 b/w tables and 4 b/w photographs Hardback £45.00 9781137374561
analyzing the drone debates Targeted killings, Remote Warfare, and Military Technology James DeShaw Rae, University of California, USA
"This is a must read for anyone, especially for students and practitioners of public policy, interested in the controversial subject of the use of drones in warfare. This study provides a timely, valuable, comprehensive, and concise account of the subject from the perspectives of national security, law, ethics, and public policy. The readers will appreciate James Rae’s nuanced and balanced scrutiny of competing claims that illuminate and clarify the complex picture surrounding the use of drones. His vivid and compelling writing style exudes forthright pragmatism while he walks the readers past narrow viewpoints and soundbites to draw their own informed conclusions before presenting his own." - Mahabat baimyrzaeva, Middlebury college, USa Analyzing Drone Debates examines principal arguments for and against the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for surveillance and ‘targeted killing.’ Addressing both sides of the argument with clear and cogent details, the study provides a thorough introduction to ongoing debate about the future of warfare and its ethical implications. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. National Security and the Efficacy of Drone Warfare / 3. Targeted Killing and the Legality of Drone Warfare / 4. Remote Killing and the Ethics of Drone Warfare / 5. Public Policy, Privacy, and Drone Technology / 6. Conclusion
216x138mm 9781137441058
Community Engagement in Higher Education Series Editor: Dan Butin
March 2014 158pp 2 figures and 2 b/w tables Hardback £45.00
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
Toward a Metatheory of Economic Bubbles Socio-Political and Cultural Perspectives Nikhilesh Dholakia, University of Rhode Island, USA and Romeo V. Turcan, Department of Business and Management, Aalborg University, Denmark
Historically, bubbles have been understood primarily in financialeconomic terms. In this exciting new work, Dholakia and Turcan argue that bubbles are also a socio-political and cultural phenomena, with intense and accelerating interactions of engineered hype and feverish expectations. Contents: 1. Bubble Troubles / 2. Core Building Blocks / 3. Temporal and Contextual Boundaries / 4. Hype, Hope and Bubbles / 5. Typology of Bubbles / 6. Bubble Emergence: Toward a Model / 7. Toward a Grand Theory of Bubbles / 8. Bubbles: Troubles or Tamable? February 2014 136pp 216x138mm 6 figures, 9 b/w tables and 6 illustrations Hardback £45.00 9781137368706
Female Football Fans
Open-Air Shakespeare
Community, Identity and Sexism
Under Australian Skies
Carrie Dunn, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Most sociological work on football fandom has focused on the experience of men, and it usually talks about alcohol, fighting and general hooliganism. This study shows that there are some unique facets of female experience and fascinating negotiations of identity within the male-dominated world of men’s professional football. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Background to the Research / 3. The Female Fan’s Relationships within her Family and Fan Community from Childhood to Adulthood / 4. Some Patterns of Female Fans’ Supporting Performances and Behaviour / 5. Female Fans’ Experience of the Significance of the Supporters’ Trust Movement / 6. The Perception of Female Football Fans’ Practices by Clubs and Authorities / 7. Looking to the Future
Rosemary Gaby, University of Tasmania, Australia
Many people today first encounter staged Shakespeare in an openair setting. Open-Air Shakespeare traces the history of open-air Shakespeares in Australia to investigate why the anomaly of adapting 400-year old plays under Australian skies exerts such a strong appeal. Contents: List of illustrations / Acknowledgements / Introduction: Open-air Shakespeare, Space, Place and Performance / 1. Early Experiments: Pastoral and Elizabethan Staging / 2. Pageants and Festivals: Shakespeare in the Street / 3. Glenn Elston and the Rise of Picnic Shakespeares / 4. From Local Park to National Park: After the 1980s / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index May 2014 128pp 216x138mm 10 b/w illustrations Hardback £45.00 9781137426857
April 2014 144pp 216x138mm 1 b/w table Hardback £45.00 9781137398192
Global Shakespeares Series Editor: Alexa Huang
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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Remembering dennis Potter Through fans, extras and archives Joanne Garde-Hansen, University of Warwick, UK and Hannah Grist, University of Gloucestershire, UK
"This study makes a persuasive case for television as the vehicle for the complexity of cultural memory and convincingly demonstrates the rich ‘inheritability’ of Potter’s magnificent work." - Timothy corrigan, University of Pennsylvania, USa An accessible case study of television heritage, Remembering Dennis Potter Through Fans, Extras and Archive draws on the memories of fans and extras of Potter’s productions. In providing insight into issues of visibility, memory and television production, it fulfils a vital need for better understanding of television production history as heritage. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Preface by Melvyn Bragg / Introduction: Television as Heritage / 1. Potted Potter: The Impact of Dennis Potter Locally, Nationally and Internationally / 2. Archiving Potter: Memory and Television Production / 3. Potter’s Extras: Below the Line Production Memories / 4. Potter’s Fans: From Hyperlocal to International Fandom / Conclusion: Economies of Remembering Television / References / Index May 2014 Hardback
112pp £45.00
Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-events
Responding to Margaret Thatcher’s death
concepts and cases Edited by Jonathan Grix, University of Birmingham, UK
“international sports mega-events and their legacies are much debated features of contemporary culture. in this study many of the main writers in the field provide valuable new and accessible studies of this phenomenon. This study deserves to be widely read.” - Maurice c. Roche, University of Sheffield, Uk This volume offers a panoramic and interdisciplinary view of the growing field of Sports Mega-Event studies. Contributions explore leveraging strategies and the legacies from previous sports megas (London, Seoul, Sydney, Vancouver) and recent and future ‘emerging’ states and their hosting strategies (India, China, Qatar, Russia, Brazil).
Louisa Hadley, Dawson College, Canada
Louisa Hadley examines the range of responses to Margaret Thatcher’s death in relation to the cultural discourses surrounding Thatcher in the 1980s and since her resignation. The responses examined include the anticipation of Thatcher’s death in anti-Thatcher songs, social media responses, obituaries, picture tributes and the ceremonial funeral. Contents: Introduction / 1. Anticipating Thatcher’s Death / 2. Political Responses to Thatcher’s Death / 3. Social Media Responses to Thatcher’s Death / 4. Obituaries of Margaret Thatcher / 5. Picturing Thatcher / 6. ‘A Proper Send-off’ for Thatcher / Conclusion / Bibliography april 2014 Hardback
216x138mm 9781137371171
216x138mm 9781137349293
Web resource available
216x138mm 9781137428240
128pp £45.00
Comes with a CD/DVD
Digital Networking for School Reform
The Coroners of Northern Britain c. 1300-1700
Arctic Politics, the Law of the Sea and Russian Identity
The Online Grassroots Efforts of Parent and Teacher Activists
Rab Houston, University of St Andrews, UK
Edited by Alison Heron Hruby, Morehead State University, USA and Melanie Landon-Hays, Western Oregon University, USA
Presenting school reform grassroots activists teachers, parents, and organizers alike - in their own words, the editors document the newly emerged role of digital networks of activists in school reform and analyze their efforts as acts of critical literacy.
Contents: 1. Critical Digital Literacies and the Struggle over what’s Common; George L. Boggs and Trevor Thomas Stewart / 2. Getting the Attention of the White House: Using Facebook to Promote Teacher Knowledge about School Reform; Anthony Cody / 3. United Opt Out National: Web Networking as a Way to Strengthen National Resistance to Standardized Testing; Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar / 4. Beginning at the Blog: Moving From Kitchen-Table Plans to National Political Activism Using Digital Narratives; Dora Taylor / 5. A Community Battles Testing Madness in Charlotte, North Carolina: The Role of Local Knowledge in Spurring Online Collaboration for Change; Pamela Grundy / 6. In Closing: The Import of Digital Citizenship in Effecting Grassroots Change: A Socio-historical Perspective on what it takes to Make a Difference in Education Reform; J. Spencer Clark, Alison Heron-Hruby and Melanie Landon-Hays
For the last 800 years coroners have been important in England’s legal and political landscape, best known as investigators of sudden, suspicious, or unexplained death. Against the background of the coroner’s role in historic England, this study explains how sudden death was investigated by magistrates in Scotland.
Contents: Introduction: The History of Coroners in Britain / 1. Coroners in England, Wales, and Ireland: An Overview of the Development of their Roles / 2. Investigating Sudden Death in Scotland: The Task of Local Magistrates / 3. Scottish Coroners: Origins and Development of the Office to c.1500 / 4. Scottish Coroners from c.1500 until their Disappearance in the Eighteenth Century / 5. Regional and National Histories: Similarities and Differences between the Coroners of Northern Britain / Conclusion: Coroners and British History March 2014 134pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137381064
The Barents Sea Delimitation Agreement in Russian Public Debate Geir Hønneland, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway
Arctic Politcs, the Law of the Sea and Russian Identity analyses the Russian opposition to the 2010 Barents Sea delimitation agreement in light of both the Law of the Sea and Russian identity, arguing that the agreement’s critics and proponents inscribe themselves into different Russian narratives about Russia’s rightful place in the world. Contents: 1. Arctic Scramble, Russian Compromise / 2. Jurisdiction and Fisheries Management in the Barents Sea / 3. Russian Reactions to the Barents Sea Delimitation Agreement / 4. Russia and the West – the Foreign Policy Perspective / 5. Russia and the West – the Everyday Perspective / 6. Looking up to the West April 2014 144pp 216x138mm 1 map Hardback £45.00 9781137414052
March 2014 98pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137430731
Digital Education and Learning Series Editors: Michael Thomas, James Paul Gee and John Palfrey
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
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The fall of global Socialism a counter-narrative from the South Dayan Jayatilleka, Sri Lankan Diplomat, Political Scientist and Author; formerly Sri Lanka’s Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva; Ambassador to France and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO; author of Fidel’s Ethics of Violence (2007)
This radical new perspective from the Global South casts a fresh light on a major aspect of contemporary history and in doing so suggests an alternative interpretation of twentieth century revolutions, Socialism, left thinking and radical politics. Contents: Introduction / 1. The Last Revolutions / 2. The Revolution Self-Destructs / 3. The Sino-Soviet Conflict / Conclusion March 2014 Hardback
150pp £45.00
216x138mm 9781137395467
The british Olympic association: a History
a Levinasian ethics for education’s commonplaces
Kevin Jefferys, University of Plymouth, UK
Since its creation the British Olympic Association (BOA) has been one of the most important institutions in sports governance. In spite of its prominence there has hitherto been no single-volume history of the Association. This scholarly yet accessible study fills that gap, assessing the origins, evolution, strengths and shortcomings of the BOA. Contents: Introduction / Antecedents and Origins: Athens 1896 - St Louis 1904 / Solid Foundations: Athens 1906 - London 1908 / Trials and Tribulations: Stockholm 1912 - Amsterdam 1928 / The Shadows of Depression and War: Los Angeles 1932 - London 1948 / Post-war Challenges: Helsinki 1952 - Montreal 1976 / Turbulence and Change: Moscow 1980 - Atlanta 1996 / Into the Twenty First Century: Sydney 2000 - London 2012 and Beyond april 2014 Hardback
144pp £45.00
216x138mm 9781137363411
between calling and inspiration Clarence W. Joldersma, Calvin College, USA
Joldersma applies Levinas’s ethics systematically to the commonplaces of education - teaching, learning, curriculum, and institutions - and elucidates the role of justice and responsibility and the meaning of calling and inspiration in education. Contents: 1. Calling and Inspiration / 2. Learning / 3. Teaching / 4. Curriculum / 5. Institutions / 6. Conclusion february 2014 Hardback
Web resource available
216x138mm 9781137429162
The Cultural and Social Foundations of Education Series Editor: A. G. Rud
To order all titles in the series please go to: http://
176pp £45.00
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Indian Law Legacy of Thurgood Marshall F.E. Knowles Jr., Valdosta State University, USA
The study tracks the development of Justice Thurgood Marshall’s rationale and reason regarding Indian law. Drawing from Marshall’s career preceding his appointment to the Supreme Court, it is anticipated that Marshall’s views In Indian law would be consistent with his previous role as a champion of the disenfranchised in America. Contents: 1. Abstract / 2. Introduction - Marshall and Majoritarianism / 3. Historical Background of Indian Law / 4. Laurence’s Analytical Paradigm / 5. The Case Law / 6. Choctaw Nation v. Oklahoma / 7. McClanahan v. Arizona State Tax Commission / 8. United States v. Mason / 9. Rosebud Sioux v. Kneip / 10. Oliphant v. Suquamish Tribe / 11. Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez / 12. Washington v. Confederated Bands and Tribes of the Yakima Indian Nation / 13. United States v. Mitchell (Mitchell 1) / 14. White Mountain Apache Tribe v. Bracker/ Central Machinery Company v. Arizona State Tax Commission / 15. Merrion v. Jicarilla Apache Tribe / 16. Ramah Navajo School Board v. Bureau of Revenue of New Mexico / 17. New Mexico v. Mescalero Apache Tribe / 18. United States v. Mitchell (Mitchell 2) / 19. Arizona v. San Carlos Apache Tribe / 20. Laurence’s Conclusions / 21. Additional Case Law / 22. Solem v. Bartlett / 23. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife v. Klamath Tribe / 24. United States v. Dion / 25. Iowa Mutual Insurance Co. v. LaPlante / 26. Summary and Conclusion / 27. Works Cited / 28. Case Law Cited 29. Statutory Law and Treaties Cited / Appendix One - Voting Blocs in Cited Cases
Poverty in Contemporary Literature Themes and Figurations on the British Book Market
The Reflective Practitioner in Professional Education Linda Lawrence-Wilkes, Leeds City College, UK and Lyn Ashmore, University of Huddersfield, UK
Barbara Korte, English Literature, University of Tübingen, Germany and Georg Zipp, Univeristy of Freiberg, Germany
Poverty and inequality have gained a new public presence in the United Kingdom. Literature, and particularly narrative literature, (re-)configures how people think, feel and behave in relation to poverty. This makes the analysis of povertythemed fiction an important aspect in the new transdisciplinary field of poverty studies. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Premises and Concepts / 3. Lifewriting / 4. Popular Genre Fiction / 5. Literary Fiction / 6. Fiction for Children and Young Adults / 7. Non-Fiction / 8. Other Media / 9. Conclusion / Works Cited / Index February 2014 120pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137429285
How important is it to be a reflective practitioner in education today? The Reflective Practitioner in Professional Education examines the reflective practitioner role and the scope of reflective activities in professional practice, revealing that critical thinking is rooted in a philosophical debate about notions of truth linked to differing learning approaches. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Problematising the Reflective Practice Paradigm / 3. Reflective Practitioner / 4. Roots of Criticality in Education / 5. Reflective Practice: Critical or Mechanical / 6. A Critical Framework April 2014 80pp 216x138mm 6 b/w tables and 6 figures Hardback £45.00 9781137399588
March 2014 72pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137434920
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Sexual diversity and the Sochi 2014 Olympics no More Rainbows Helen Jefferson Lenskyj, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, Canada
“Once again, Helen Lenskyj exposes the seamy side of the iOc and their friends the games promoters and their preference for caviar and comforts over Human Rights, freedom of sexual orientation, and freedom of expression. She spotlights the hypocrisies and abuses that marred the beijing Olympics and will blight Putin’s Sochi showcase of ‘traditional’ Russian values.” - andrew Jennings, investigative Journalist “in Sexual Diversity and the Sochi 2014 Olympics, Professor Helen Lenskyj rightly condemns the iOc for ignoring Russia’s anti-gay legislation. The iOc’s silence, Lenskyj laments, belies its claim of moral leadership and reaffirms its tradition of side stepping issues of social justice. another sharp critique from this astute observer of the Olympic movement.” - Professor douglas booth, University of Otago, new zealand This study examines Russia’s 2013 anti-gay laws and their implications for the Sochi 2014 Olympics. Lenskyj argues that Putin’s Russia and the International Olympic Committee wield power in similar ways, as evident in undemocratic governance, fraudulent voting processes, hypocrisy and absence of accountability. Contents: 1. Introduction and Background / 2. Russia: Sex, Demographics and LGBT Activism / 3. Sex, Gender, Sport, Politics: Russia and the West / 4. Nationalism, Boycotts and the Olympic Industry / 5. Conclusion: The Olympic Industry and Putin’s Russia february 2014 Hardback
132pp £45.00
The Risk of School Rampage
The Legacy of desegregation
assessing and Preventing Threats of School Violence
The Struggle for equality in Higher education Rebeka L. Maples, Methodist Theological School in Ohio, USA
Eric Madfis, University of Washington, USA
"Madfis has made a masterful contribution to our understanding of school rampage shootings. His new study provides not only a conceptual overview but also a practical guide for the assessment and prevention of school violence." - Jack Levin, northeastern University, USa; co-author of Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder "The Risk of School Rampage makes a major contribution to our understanding of how school violence schemes are developed and provides insight about core recurring themes in the planning of rampage violence across a range of cases." Stuart Henry, San diego State University, USa By examining averted school rampage incidents, this work addresses problematic gaps in school violence scholarship and advances existing knowledge about mass murder, violence prevention, bystander intervention, threat assessment, and disciplinary policy in school contexts. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Assessing School Rampage / 3. Confidence and Doubts about Assessing Rampage / 4. Preventing School Rampage / 5. Conclusion / 6. Methodological / Appendix april 2014 Hardback
183pp £45.00
216x138mm 9781137401656
“Maples’ study is an authoritative source on the legacy of desegregation in public higher education in america. it contributes to african american history, the history of public higher education, and american history in general. as the author convincingly argues, african american history is american history. This study is a must-read for students and faculty in the humanities, education, and the social and behavioral sciences.” - imali J. abala, Ohio dominican University, USa; author of A Fallen Citadel, The Dilemma of Jahenda the Teenage Mother, The Disinherited, and Move On, Trufosa The study analyzes the struggle of African Americans to gain access and equity in higher education in the United States. It chronicles some of the history prior to court ordered segregation and traces the mandate to desegregate by following the Adams v. Richardson (1973) case, which ordered the dismantling of dual systems of higher education. Contents: 1. A Historical View of Desegregation in Higher Education / 2. Education Arguments for Desegregation in Higher Education / 3. Framing the Study of Desegregation / 4. A Sociopolitical Analysis of Black Enrollment / 5. Politics Matter for Black College Enrollment March 2014 160pp 6 b/w tables and 5 figures Hardback £45.00
216x138mm 9781137399755
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Transformation of Global Health Governance Colin McInnes, Aberystwyth University, UK, Adam Kamradt-Scott, University of Sidney, Australia, Kelley Lee, Simon Fraser University, Canada, Anne RoemerMahler, University of Sussex, UK, Simon Rushton, Sheffield University, UK and Owain David Williams, UNDP, University of Queensland, Australia
The authors examine how health governance is being transformed amid globalization, characterized by the emergence of new actors and institutions, and the interplay of competing ideas about global health. They explore how this has affected the governance of specific health issues and how it relates to global governance more broadly. Contents: 1. Global Governance and Health / 2. HIV/ AIDS / 3. Pandemic Influenza / 4.Tobacco Control / 5. Access to Medicines and the International Patent Rights Regime / 6. Conclusion: The Transformation of Global Health Governance April 2014 144pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137365712
The Digital Afterlives of Jane Austen Janeites at the Keyboard
Everybody’s Business Reclaiming True Management Skills in Business Higher Education Ian I. Mitroff, Haas School of Business, University of California, USA, Can M. Alpaslan, Department of Management, California State University, USA and Ellen S. O’Connor, Researcher and Reformer in Management Education; Recipient of the Academy of Management's Best Paper Award
Kylie Mirmohamadi, La Trobe University, Australia
“This is an exciting project, which makes an important and significant contribution to the fields of fan studies and readership studies. Kylie Mirmohamadi’s work provides a new perspective on Austen’s reception, highlighting in particular the intertextual (in the broadest sense of the word) nature of how Austen is now received and perceived in today’s world.” Katie Halsey, University of Stirling, UK This is the first scholarly study to explore the everexpanding world of online Austen fandom and fan fiction writing. Using case studies from the Internet writing community and publisher, Wattpad, as well as dedicated fan websites, it illuminates the literary processes and products that have given Austen multiple afterlives in the digital arena. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Introduction: Janeites at the Keyboard / 1. Jane Austen’s Adventures in Wattpadland / 2. Reading (Austen) on Wattpad / 3. ‘Thanks for Fanning’: Online Austen Fan Fiction / 4. ‘Canon can only get you so far’: Janeites Read and Write ‘The Bennet Brother’ / 5. (No) Conclusion / Bibliography / Index
Everybody’s Business is a succinct analysis of the factors that led to the founding of American business schools and why they are the way they are. Mitroff, Alpaslan, and O’Connor consider why current business schools do not give students the knowledge and the tools they need to deal with today’s complex, messy problems and systems. Contents: 1. The Argument / 2. Digging Deeper - Jungian Psychology / 3. What Is a System? What Is a Mess? / 4. The Nature of Human Nature - The Psychodynamics of Everyday Life / 5. The Management of Knowledge Systems Age Inquiry / 6. Heuristics for Managing Messes / 7. How We Got into the Mess and Prospects for Getting Out February 2014 156pp 216x138mm 8 figures and 1 b/w table Hardback £45.00 9781137412041
March 2014 144pp 216x138mm 1 b/w illustration Hardback £45.00 9781137401328
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
The ambiguous Multiplicities
The digital currency challenge
Materials, episteme and Politics of cluttered Social formations
Shaping Online Payment Systems through U.S. financial Regulations
Andrea Mubi Brighenti, University of Trento, Italy
The Ambiguous Multiplicities proposes a historical-conceptual journey into the cluttered social formations that have remained outside of mainstream sociology. In particular, it reviews urban crowds, mediated publics, global masses, population, the sovereign people and the multitude and addresses the question: ‘What is the building block of the social?’. Contents: 1. Multiplicities Old and New / 2. Urban Crowds, Mediated Publics and Global Masses / 3. Population, ‘the People’ and the Multitude / 4. What is the Building Block of the Social? Episteme of the One and the Many / 5. Across and Within: Issues of Virality, Imitation and Reactivity / Conclusions: Visible Multiplicities and Layered Individuals february 2014 Hardback
98pp £45.00
216x138mm 9781137384980
The Highway Horror film Bernice M. Murphy, School of English, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
P. Carl Mullan, PDX Currency Corporation, USA
The Highway Horror Film argues that ‘Highway Horror’ is a hither-to overlooked sub-genre of the American horror movie. In these films, the American landscape is by its very accessibility rendered terrifyingly hostile, and encounters with other travellers almost always have sinister outcomes.
Details how new US legal issues surrounding digital currency products forced companies from the US market and caused the Treasury Department to enact stricter regulations. Contents: Introduction / 1. What Is Digital Currency? / 2. Who Uses Digital Currency? / 3. Digital Gold Currency / 4. E-gold / 5. Digital Currency Growth / 6. Regulatory History / 7. Follow the Money / 8. Money Service Business / 9. Prepaid Access / 10. WebMoney Transfer / 11. Loom / 12. Bitcoin Decentralized Virtual Currency / 13. Early Bitcoin / 14. Bitcoin Mining / 15. Bitcoin Differences / 16. Benefits and Advantages / 17. Disadvantages and Barriers / 18. FIN-2013-G001 / 19. Global Bitcoin / 20. Bitcoin Challenges / 21. Bitcoin Merchant Services / 22. Bitcoin Opportunity / 23. The Future January 2014 1 b/w table Hardback
Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Bumps in the Road: Defining Highway Horror / 1. ‘I Almost Drove Right Past’: Motels and Highway Horror / 2. ‘That Truck Driver Tried to Kill Me!’ The Highway Nemesis Narrative / 3. ‘Let’s Go For a Ride, Otis’: Serial Killers in the Highway Horror Film / 4. ‘They Never Even Saw It Coming’: The Fatal Car Crash in the Highway Horror Film / Notes / Bibliography / Filmography / Index March 2014 Hardback
216x138mm 9781137391193
Web resource available
120pp £45.00
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Death Penalty in Africa Foundations and Future Prospects Andrew Novak, George Mason University, USA
"Despite its political and cultural significance, Africa has been an under-researched continent in the study of the death penalty. The Death Penalty in Africa: Foundations and Future Prospects fills this gap in scholarship through an eloquent account of the origins, key features and dynamics of the death penalty in Africa. This timely study deserves much attention from anyone interested in the history and future of the death penalty." - Sangmin Bae, Northeastern Illinois University, USA; author of When the State No Longer Kills: International Human Rights Norms and the Abolition of Capital Punishment In recent years the death penalty has sharply declined across Africa, but this trend belies actual public opinion and the retributivist sentiments held by political elites. This study explains capital punishment in Africa in terms of culturally specific notions of life and death as well as the colonial-era imposition of criminal and penal policy. Contents: 1. Introduction to the Death Penalty in SubSaharan Africa / 2. Capital Punishment in Precolonial African Society / 3. Executions and State Power during the Colonial Period / 4. The Politicization of the Death Penalty After Independence / 5. An Opening: The Death Penalty in an Era of Democratization / 6. The Operation of the Modern Death Penalty in Africa / 7. Conclusion: The Future of the Death Penalty in Africa
The Future of Writing Edited by John Potts, Macquarie University, Australia
This fascinating collection draws together perspectives on the future of writing in publishing, journalism and online sites. Discussion ranges across the challenges and opportunities for writing and publishing in the context of new content platforms, formats and distribution networks, including e-books, online news and publishing, and social media. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; John Potts / PART I: WRITING AND PUBLISHING / 1. Culture is the Algorithm; Richard Nash / 2. When the Web is the World; Kate Eltham / 3. Me Myself I: Revaluing Self-Publishing in the Electronic Age; Sherman Young / 4. Book Doomsday: The March of Progress and the Fate of the Book; John Potts / PART II: CREATIVE WRITING / 5. Multigraph, not Monograph: Creative Writing and New Technologies; Nigel Krauth / 6. On the Art of Writing with Data; Chris Rodley and Andrew Burrell / 7. The Design of Writing: 29 Observations; Kathryn Millard and Alex Munt / PART III: JOURNALISM: ESTATE 4.0 / 8. Storytelling in the Digital Age; Garry Linnell / 9. Reading and Writing the News in the Fifth Estate; Jennifer Beckett and Catharine Lumby / 10. News Breakers and News Makers in the 24 Hour Opinion Cycle; Lachlan Harris / 11. Education and the New Convergent Journalist; Mark Evans
Shame and Pride in Narrative Mexican Women’s Language Experiences at the U.S.-Mexico Border Ana Maria Relaño Pastor, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Shame and Pride in Narrative analyzes personal experiences of language through the voices of Mexican immigrant women, in relation to the racialization discourses that frame the social life of Mexican immigrant communities in the United States. It reveals the power of narrative, understood as a social practice, to validate and give meaning to people’s lives. Contents: 1. Mexicalifornia: Mexican Immigrant Women at the Tijuana-San Diego Border / 2. Narrating Language Experiences / 3. Mexicanas at La Clase Mágica / 4. Racialization in Narratives of Language Experiences / 5. Shame and Pride: Defendiéndose in Narrative / 6. Conclusions: Narrative Revelations January 2014 132pp 216x138mm 4 b/w tables Hardback £45.00 9781137348586
April 2014 144pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137440396
May 2014 130pp 216x138mm Hardback £45.00 9781137438751
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Justice and ResponsibilitySensitive egalitarianism
Women in narcotics anonymous
This text explores the place to locate the cut between those inequalities for which it is fair to hold one responsible, and those for which it is not. The argument traces a thread of intellectual history, identifying a rejection of strong property rights which we inherit from Locke, and find in contemporary defenders of entitlements such as Nozick. Contents: 1. The Correct Cut / 2. Cohen’s Incentives Argument / 3. Can a Well-Ordered Society Respect Liberal Property Rights? / 4. Conclusion / References 124pp £45.00
The Price of Public intellectuals
Overcoming Stigma and Shame Jolene M. Sanders, Hood College, USA
Robert C. Robinson, School of Professional Studies, City University of New York, USA
March 2014 Hardback
216x138mm 9781137384089
Women in Narcotics Anonymous looks at a sample of female drug addicts seeking recovery in Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Through working the Twelve Steps and by attending women-only groups, these women are able to confront the double standard that makes recovery from addiction especially difficult. Contents: 1. Introduction: Women, Addiction, and the Double Standard / 2. Women and their Drugs / 3. Uncovering Stigma / 4. Internalizing Shame / 5. Women’s Rap / 6. Working the Twelve Steps / 7. Conclusion: Recovery as Feminism of the Everyday March 2014 7 b/w tables Hardback
Raphael Sassower, University of Colorado, USA
The Price of Public Intellectuals provides a historically-informed survey critically outlining sociological, psychological, political, and economic approaches to the role of public intellectuals. Sassower suggests how the state might financially support the essential work of public intellectuals so as to critically engage the public and improve public policies. Contents: 1. The Myth of ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ / 2. A Variety of Intellectual Experiences / 3. Four Standard Approaches / 4. Certified Public Intellectuals / 5. Intellectual Welfare april 2014 Hardback
Web resource available
216x138mm 9781137385017
160pp £45.00
Comes with a CD/DVD
Global Modernity A Conceptual Sketch Volker H. Schmidt, National University of Singapore, Singapore
“To say this study is impressive would be an understatement. It gets at the heart of a matter that is central to the social sciences and that has been discussed for a long time. Highly thoughtful and extremely well written, the book combines a wealth of insights from a multitude of sources and disciplines. It thereby makes a major, fascinating contribution to our understanding of the contemporary world. A must-read for anyone interested in social theory today.” - Zaheer Baber, University of Toronto, Canada This study introduces the concept of global modernity as a paradigm for the analysis of the contemporary era. Building on Parson’s distinction between social, cultural, personal and organismic systems, it presents a four-dimensional scheme that aims to identify modernity’s key structural components. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Phases of Modernity / 3. Epistemological and Methodological Challenges / 4. A Four-dimensional Scheme of Modernization / 5. Global Modernization in Context / 6. Two Aspects of Polycentric Modernity / 7. Conclusion May 2014 96pp 216x138mm 7 figures Hardback £45.00 9781137435804
Watching Arabic Television in Europe
Preventing Youth Violence Rethinking the Role of Gender and Schools
From Diaspora to Hybrid Citizens Christina Slade, Bath Spa University, UK
“Challenging long-held perceptions about the assumed exclusionary impact of Arabic TV broadcasting within Europe, Slade debunks this notion impressively with nuanced theoretical argumentation, empirical data and field research in six European countries. A must-read for media academics and policy makers alike, this book deservedly and at the best possible time lands right at the heart of the debates on Arab communities in Europe, identity and citizenship issues." - Khaled Hroub, Northwestern University, Qatar What are Arabic Europeans watching on television and how does it affect their identities as Europeans? New evidence from seven capitals shows that, far from being isolated in ethnic media ghettoes, they are critical news consumers in Arabic and European languages and engaged citizens.
Vanita Sundaram, University of York, UK
Young people explain, excuse and justify violence in a range of situations and view violence prevention as a difficult, if not impossible, endeavour. But how do young people form these views, and how can this knowledge be used by schools to reduce youth violence? This study explores these questions in a study with British teenagers. Contents: Introduction / 1. The Case for Youth-Informed Violence Prevention / 2. Re-establishing the Link between Gender and Violence / 3. Capturing Youth Perspectives on Violence: Approaches and Techniques / 4. What is Violence? Characterisations and Understandings of Violence / 5. Asserting Gender through Narrative about Violence / 6. What is the Role of Schools in Violence Prevention? / 7. Examining the Role of (Gender in) Schools in Preventing Youth Violence May 2014 128pp 216x138mm 1 b/w table Hardback £45.00 9781137365682
Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / 1. ‘Dark Tribalism’: Does Arabic Television Undermine Integration in Europe? / 2. Arabic Citizens of Europe: Nativism, Formal and Cultural Citizenship / 3. Europe Remediated: a Transnational Public Sphere? / 4. Television Diaries: Arab Media Consumption in the EU / 5. ‘Arabic is Important to Me’: Making Sense of Media / 6. ‘Citizenship Means Belonging’: Arabic Speaking Europeans / 7. From Diaspora to Hybrid Citizen: Communicating across Difference / Bibliography / Index March 2014 162pp 216x138mm 18 figures Hardback £45.00 9781137352422
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
fiRST annOUnceMenT
Mandating the Measurement of fraud
Pricing, Online Marketing behavior, and analytics
asian Perspectives on the development of Public Relations
Legislating against Loss
Giampaolo Viglia, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
Other Voices
Martin Tunley, University of Portsmouth, UK
This project examines the concept of fraud loss measurement by critiquing existing measurement methodologies, and argues for the mandating of fraud loss measurement by enforced self regulation, the creation of a British Standard of fraud loss measurement, and the establishment of an information exchange matrix to develop best practice.
Pricing, Online Marketing Behavior, and Analytics covers many different aspects of how online marketing works and its continuous evolution.
Edited by Tom Watson, Bournemouth Media School, UK
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Contents: Introduction; Tom Watson / 1. Australia and New Zealand; Mark Sheehan (Australia); Chris Galloway (New Zealand) / 2. China; Chun-Ju Flora Hung-Baesecke and Yi-Ru Regina Chen / 3. India; John V. Vil’Anilam / 4. Indonesia; Gregoria Arum Yudarwati / 5. Japan; Koichi Yamamura, Seiya Ikari and Takashi Kenmochi / 6. Malaysia; Zeti Azreen Ahmad / 7. Philippines; Marianne D. Sison and Zeny Sarabia-Panol / 8. Singapore; May O. Lwin and Augustine Pang / 9. Taiwan; Yi-Chen Wu and Ying-Ju Lai / 10. Thailand; Napawan Tantivejakul / 11. Vietnam; Loan T.H. Van april 2014 1 figure Hardback
National Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations Series Editor: Tom Watson
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A Contemporary Theology for Ecumenical Peace
Membership in Service Clubs
From Control to Transition? Edward Webb, Dickinson College, USA
Media in Egypt and Tunisia examines the mass media systems of Egypt and Tunisia under the pre-uprising regimes, with a focus on the last decade of the Mubarak and Ben Ali periods, as well as on how media are adapting to the political transitions underway. Findings are based on extensive interviews with journalists.
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