Philosophy & Religion 2012
Palgrave Philosophy Today Series Editor: Vittorio Bufacchi, University College Cork, Ireland This exciting new series provides short introductions to the major areas of philosophy studied at undergraduate level. Written by both established scholars and upcoming international scholars each book provides: • • •
August 2012 Equipped with annotated bibliography and other aids to study, these books provide cutting-edge insight into some of the most important areas in the study of philosophy today
A succinct introduction to the topic and the tools student need to understand it An assessment of opinion on the topic A distinct interpretation from an expert in the field
Already published in this series
Pritchard’s treatment of the subject area is masterful, achieving a combination of clarity and efficiency that is rarely seen in philosophy.
- John Greco, Saint Louis University, USA.
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Philosophy & Religion 2012
red color umbrella at the pond side © Wong Hock Weng/Fotolia
Contents Teaching and Researching in Higher Education Introductory Philosophy Popular Philosophy General Philosophy and Philosophers New Waves in Philosophy Series History of Analytic Philosophy Series Philosophers in Depth Classic Texts Michel Foucault: Lectures at the College de France Series Ethics and Metaethics The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series Political and Social Philosophy Philosophy of Law Epistemology Metaphysics
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Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science Series Philosophy of Psychology Philosophy of Action Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Technology Continental Philosophy Philosophy of Art, Film and Literature Philosophy of Religion Religion Contemporary Anthropology of Religion Series Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law and History Index
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20 20 22 23 23 24 25 27 29 30 30 39 43
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Welcome to the new Philosophy & Religion 2012 catalogue. In 2012 we start an exciting and diverse year of new Philosophy and Religion titles with new editions of two classic student textbooks: Philosophy: Key Texts, and Philosophy: Key Themes (p. 2), edited by Julian Baggini and Gareth Southwell. Designed for the complete beginner, they provide the perfect toolkit for those embarking on philosophical study for the first time. Later in the year we look forward to a collection of essays on the philosophical quandaries of Douglas Adams’ legendary science fiction favourite in Philosophy & the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, edited by Nicholas Joll, which ponders issues from vegetarianism and Artificial Intelligence to God, space and time. Our scholarly publishing highlights include new additions to our groundbreaking interdisciplinary Animal Ethics series including Randy Malamud’s An Introduction to Animals and Visual Culture, Kay Pegg’s Animals and Sociology and Aysha Akhtar’s Animals and Public Health (p. 10-11). In Religion, highlights include new additions in the Palgrave Series in Islamic Theology, Law and History (p. 39) and the first book in our new Postcolonialism and Religions series, Decolonizing the Body of Christ edited by David Joy and Joseph Duggan (p. 31). Best Wishes, Priyanka Gibbons, Senior Commissioning Editor, Philosophy, Scholarly and Reference, Burke Gerstenschlager, Editor, Religion, Sociology and Education, Academic,
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Understanding Digital Humanities Edited by David M. Berry, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political and Cultural Studies, Swansea University, UK
‘This book introduces and debates important questions regarding the use of digital technologies in numerous academic approaches in humanities and social sciences. These new media technologies are impacting across the disciplinary spectrum and pose challenges to traditional scholarship. Dr Berry’s book gives us a timely insight into these various challenges and into the kinds of new ‘digital humanities’ that are emerging. Clearly written and providing a wide range of examples and case studies it is an important contribution to the growing literature on digital humanities.’ Christian De Cock, University of Essex, UK Confronting the digital revolution in academia, this book examines the application of new computational techniques and visualization technologies in the Arts & Humanities. Uniting differing perspectives, leading and emerging scholars discuss the theoretical and practical challenges that computation raises for these disciplines.
Philosophy: Key Themes 2nd edition Julian Baggini, Editor, The Philosophers’ Magazine and Gareth Southwell, Editor, Philosophy Online
Philosophy: Key Themes is a beginner’s guide to understanding and critiquing philosophical arguments. Each chapter introduces one of the major themes in philosophy. Baggini’s approach combines explanation with summary while encouraging the reader to question the arguments and positions presented. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Theory of Knowledge / Moral Philosophy / Philosophy of Mind / Philosophy of Religion / Political Philosophy / Aesthetics / Glossary / Further Reading / Index
May 2012 Hardback Paperback
192pp £50.00 £12.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-29663-3 978-0-230-29664-0
Philosophy: Key Texts 2nd edition Julian Baggini, Editor, The Philosophers’ Magazine and Gareth Southwell, Editor, Philosophy Online
Designed for complete beginners, Philosophy: Key Texts is an introduction to philosophy and gives a clear, readable overview of some of the major texts of Plato, Descartes, Hume, Mill and Nietzsche. As well as providing help in how to analyze these sources, the authors encourage the reader to question the arguments and positions presented. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Plato: Republic (c.375 BC) / René Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) / David Hume: An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748) / John Stuart Mill: On Liberty (1859) / Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil (1886) / Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism and Humanism (1947) / Glossary / Further Reading / Index
February 2012 336pp 234x156mm 28 b/w photographs, 25 figures and 5 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00 978-0-230-29264-2
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Media & Culture Collection April 2012 Hardback Paperback
192pp £50.00 £12.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-29661-9 978-0-230-29662-6
Save £6.00 when purchased together! Key Philosophy Bundle 2012 2x Paperback 978-1-137-26974-4
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POPULAR PHILOSOPHY Bryan Greetham, Honorary Fellow, University of Durham, UK
‘Bryan Greetham has, in one way, achieved something remarkable in writing this book: it is as close as one could reasonably hope to being a completely comprehensive introductory textbook in philosophy...The book is well organised and well designed for student use...’ - E. J. Lowe, Times Higher Education Supplement May 2006 Paperback
456pp £22.99
HIGHLIGHT Philosophy & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Edited by Nicholas Joll, Visting Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire, UK The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy provides an excellent way of looking at some intriguing issues in philosophy, from vegetarianism and Artificial Intelligence to God, space and time. This is an entertaining yet thought provoking volume for students, philosophers and fans of The Hitchhiker’s series.
246x189mm 978-1-4039-1878-9
Palgrave Foundations Series
Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements (‘thanks for all the fish’) / Introduction Nicholas Joll / Notes on Contributors / PART I: ETHICS / ‘Eat Me’: Vegetarianism and Consenting Animals; B.Saunders & E.Harding / Mostly Harmless? Hitchhiker’s and the Ethics of Entertainment; N.Joll / PART II: THE MEANING OF LIFE / Life, the Universe, and Absurdity; A.Kind / The Wowbagger Case: Immortality and What Makes Life Meaningful; T.Chappell / PART III: METAPHYSICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / ‘I Think You Ought To Know I’m Feeling Very Depressed’: Marvin and Artificial Intelligence; J.Goodenough / From Deep Thought to Digital Metaphysics; B.Dainton / PART IV: LOGIC, METHOD, AND SATIRE / ‘God . . Promptly Vanishes in a Puff of Logic’; M.Friend / The Judo Principle, Philosophical Method, and the Logic of Jokes; A.Aberdein / The Funniest of All Improbable Worlds – Hitchhiker’s as Philosophical Satire; A.Pawlak & N.Joll / Glossary / Bibliography (of Adams, Philosophy, and Everything) / Index
June 2012 Paperback
272pp £12.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-29112-6
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How To Be An Agnostic
Mark Vernon, Freelance Writer, London, UK
‘This lucid and eminently readable book brings home to the reader the importance of recognizing the limits of our knowledge. At a time when public and private discourse is often characterized by an aggressive and unrealistic certainty, it is an important contribution.’Karen Armstrong, one of the world’s leading commentators on religious affairs The authentic spiritual quest is marked not by certainties but by questions and doubt. Mark Vernon – who was a priest, and left an atheist – explores the wonder of science, the ups and downs of being ‘spiritual but not religious’, the insights of ancient philosophy, and God the biggest question. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: There’s Something, not Nothing / Socrates’ Quest: The Agnostic Spirit / Cosmic Religion: How Science does God / How to Be Human: Science and Ethics / Socrates or Buddha? On Being Spiritual but not Religious / Bad Faith: Religion as Certainty / Christian Agnosticism: Learned Ignorance / Following Socrates: A Way of Life / How To Be An Agnostic: An A-Z / Further reading and references / Index March 2011 Paperback
296pp £9.99
Isaiah Berlin The Journey of a Jewish Liberal Arie M. Dubnov, Lecturer, History Department, Stanford University, USA
This study offers an intellectual biography of the philosopher, political thinker, and historian of ideas Sir Isaiah Berlin. It aims to provide the first historically contextualized monographic study of Berlin’s formative years and identify different stages in his intellectual development, allowing a reappraisal of his theory of liberalism. March 2012 Hardback
330pp £25.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11070-0
Palgrave Studies in Cultural and Intellectual History Series Editors: Antony La Vapa, Suzanne Marchand and Javed Majeed
198x129mm 978-0-230-29321-2
NEW WAVES IN PHILOSOPHY Series Editors: Duncan Pritchard and Vincent Hendricks
New Waves in Philosophical Logic Edited by Greg Restall, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne, Australia and Gillian Russell, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Washington University of St Louis, USA
Philosophical logic has been, and continues to be, a driving force behind much progress and development in philosophy more broadly. This collection by up-andcoming philosophical logicians deals with a broad range of topics, including, for example, prooftheory, probability, context-sensitivity, dialetheism and dynamic semantics. Contents: Series Editors’ Preface / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / How Things Are Elsewhere; W. Schwarz / Information Change and First-Order Dynamic Logic; B.Kooi / Interpreting and Applying Proof Theories for Modal Logic; F.Poggiolesi & G.Restall / The Logic(s) of Modal Knowledge; D.Cohnitz / On Probabilistically Closed Languages; H.Leitgeb / Dogmatism, Probability and Logical Uncertainty; B.Weatherson & D.Jehle / Skepticism about Reasoning; S.Roush, K.Allen & I.Herbert / Lessons in Philosophy of Logic from Medieval Obligations; C.D.Novaes / How to Rule Out Things with Words: Strong Paraconsistency and the Algebra of Exclusion; F.Berto / Lessons from the Logic of Demonstratives; G.Russell / The Multitude View on Logic; M.Eklund / Index May 2012 11 figures Hardback Paperback
£60.00 £19.99
978-0-230-25173-1 978-0-230-25174-8
Available as an ebook
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Comes with a CD/DVD
New Waves in Philosophy of Law Edited by Maksymilian Del Mar, Researcher, Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
‘...Those looking for fresh insights on current issues in legal philosophy should look no further.’ Thom Brooks, Newcastle University, UK A collection of eleven cutting-edge essays by leading young scholars, challenging long-held assumptions and offering new research paradigms in Philosophy of Law - in five parts 1) methodology/metatheory; 2) reasoning/evaluating; 3) values/the moral life; 4) institutions/the social life; and 5) the global/ international dimension. Contents: Notes on Contributors / Series Editors’ Preface / Introduction; M.Del Mar / PART I: METHODOLOGY AND METATHEORY / Rediscovering Fuller and Llewellyn: Law as Custom and Process; S.Soosay / Analytical Jurisprudence and Contingency; M.Giudice / Jurisprudence and Psychology; D.Priel / PART II: REASONING AND EVALUATING / PreReflective Law; J.Crowe / Virtue and Reason in Law; A.Amaya / PART III: VALUES AND THE MORAL LIFE / Making Law Bind: Legal Normativity as a Dynamic Concept; S.Delacroix / Tolerance or Toleration? How to Deal with Religious Conflicts in Europe; L.Zucca / PART IV: INSTITUTIONS AND THE SOCIAL LIFE / The Social Epistemology of Public Institutions; M.Cohen / Two Perspectives on the Requirements of a Practice; S.Sciaraffa / PART V: THE INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL DIMENSION / Legitimacy and Multi-Level Governance; B. van der Vossen / The Relative Authority of Law – A Contribution to ‘Pluralist Jurisprudence’; N.Roughan / Index August 2011 Hardback Paperback
296pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-27659-8 978-0-230-27660-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
New Waves in Ethics Edited by Thom Brooks, Reader in Political and Legal Philosophy, University of Newcastle, UK
Bringing together the leading future figures in ethics broadly construed with essays ranging from metaethics and normative ethics to applied ethics and political philosophy, topics include new work on experimental philosophy, feminism, and global justice incorporating perspectives informed from historical and contemporary approaches alike. Contents: Series Editors’ Preface / Notes on contributors / Introduction; T.Brooks / Conflict, Regret, and Modern Moral Philosophy; L.Kahn / What Did the British Idealists Ever Do For Us?; T.Brooks / How Not To Argue For Motivational Internalism; D.Bromwich / Egalitarianism and Prioritarianism; I.Hirose / Bias and Reasoning: Haidt’s Theory of Moral Judgment; S.M.Liao / Dehumanisation; M.Mikkola / Guilt, Embarrassment, and the Existence of Character Traits; C.B.Miller / Letting Die by Contract; G.Overland / Choosing Well: Value Pluralism and Patterns of Choice; C.Andreou / Knowing Their Own Good: Preferences & Liberty in Global Ethics; L.Fuller / Making free trade fair; N.Hassoun / Taking the Broader View: The Public Interest, Deliberative Democracy and Political Ethics; I.O’Flynn / Climate Change and Morality; J.Webber / Index April 2011 Hardback Paperback
312pp £65.00 £20.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23275-4 978-0-230-23276-1
For a full list of titles in the series visit: Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-53797-2 Paperback: 978-0-230-53798-9
HISTORY OF ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY Series Editor: Michael Beaney The main aim of this series is to create a venue for work on the history of analytic philosophy, and to consolidate the area as a major branch of philosophy. The ‘history of analytic philosophy’ is to be understood broadly, as covering the period from the last three decades of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century, beginning with the work of Frege, Russell, Moore and Wittgenstein (who are generally regarded as its main founders) and the influences upon them, and going right up to the recent history of the analytic tradition.
Alfred Tarski: Philosophy of Language and Logic Douglas Patterson, Visiting Scholar, University of Pittsburgh, USA
This study looks to the work of Tarski’s mentors Stanislaw Lesniewski and Tadeusz Kotarbinski, and reconsiders all of the major issues in Tarski scholarship in light of the conception of Intuitionistic Formalism developed: semantics, truth, paradox, logical consequence. Contents: Series Editor’s Foreword / Introduction / Intuitionistic Formalism / Tarski as Intuitionistic Formalist / Semantics / Truth / Indefinability and Inconsistency / Transitions: 1933-1935 / Logical Consequence / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index February 2012 Hardback
280pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22121-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Carnap’s Ideal of Explication and Naturalism
Russell’s Unknown Logicism
Edited by Pierre Wagner, Maître de conferences, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
A Study in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics
The book consists of a series of chapters on Carnap’s ideal of explication as an alternative to the naturalistic conceptions of science, setting it in its historical context, discussing specific cases of explications, and enriching the on-going debate on conceptual engineering and naturalism in analytic philosophy.
Sebastien Gandon, Professor of Philosophy, Clermont Universite, Universite Blaise Pascal, France
In this excellent book Sebastien Gandon focuses mainly on Russell’s two major texts, Principa Mathematica and Principle of Mathematics, meticulously unpicking the details of these texts and bringing a new interpretation of both the mathematical and the philosophical content. Contents: Series Editor’s Foreword / Acknowledgements / List of Figures / Introduction / Projective Geometry / Metrical Geometry / Geometry, Logicism and ‘if-thenism’ / Quantity in PoM / Quantity in PM / Application Constraint in PM / Russell’s Universalism and TopicSpecificity / Bibliography / Index July 2012 352pp 216x138mm 15 figures, 3 tables and 2 diagrams Hardback £50.00 978-0-230-57699-5
Dummett on Abstract Objects George Duke, Lecturer, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
This historically-informed critical assessment of Dummett’s account of abstract objects, examines in detail some of the Fregean presuppositions of Dummett’s account whilst also engaging with phenomenological approaches and recent work on the problem of abstract entities.
Contents: Series Editor’s Foreword / Notes on Contributors / Notes on References / Introduction; P.Wagner / PART I: HISTORICAL SITUATION OF CARNAP’S IDEAL OF EXPLICATION / Carnap’s Place in Analytic Philosophy and Philosophy of Science; A.Richardson / Carnap, Pseudo-Problems, and Ontological Questions; G.Gabriel / Carnap, Turing and Wittgenstein: Contrasting Notions of Analysis; J.Floyd / Rudolf Carnap and the Legacy of Aufklärung; J.Bouveresse / Carnap’s Boundless Ocean of Unlimited Possibilities: Between Enlightenment and Romanticism; T.Mormann / PART II: CARNAP’S IDEAL OF EXPLICATION: CRITICAL ASSESSMENTS AND EXAMPLES / Carnap’s Conception of Philosophy; W.Kienzler / Carnapian Explication: A Case Study and Critique; E.Reck / The Bipartite Conception of Metatheory and the Dialectical Conception of Explication; T.Uebel / Explicating ‘analytic’; S.Awodey / Carnap and the Semantical Explication of Analyticity; Rouilhan / PART III: THE CONTEMPORARY DEBATE / Before Explication; R.Creath / Natural Languages, Formal Systems, and Explication; P.Wagner / Rational Reconstruction, Explication, and the Rejection of Metaphysics; M.Friedman / The Perils of Pollyanna; M.Wilson / Engineers and Drifters: The Ideal of Explication and its Critics; A.Carus / Bibliography / Index April 2012 4 tables Hardback
Frege’s Notations What They Are and How They Mean Gregory Landini, Professor of Philosophy, University of Iowa, USA
A new approach to reading Frege’s notations that adheres to the modern view that terms and well-formed formulas are any disjoint syntactic categories. On this new approach, we can at last read Frege’s notations in their original form revealing striking new solutions to many of the outstanding problems of interpreting his philosophy. Contents: Series Editor’s Foreword / Preface / Author’s Note on the Use of Modern Logical Notations / Abbreviations of Works by Gottlob Frege / Introduction / Frege’s Basic Logics (without Wertverlaüfe) / The Ancestral / Wertverlaüfe / Analysis and Recomposition / Engaging Problems / References / Further Reading / Index February 2012 Hardback
208pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24774-1
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / The Fregean Notion of an Object / Psychologism and Objectivity / The Context Principle / A Problem about Reference / The Concrete-Abstract Distinction / Tolerant Reductionism / Mathematical Objects / Conclusion / References / Index March 2012 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28519-4
Available as an ebook
Inspection copy available
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Theory of Descriptions Russell and the Philosophy of Language Graham Stevens, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Manchester, UK
The book combines a historical and philosophical study of Russell’s theory of descriptions. It defends, develops and extends the theory as a contribution to natural language semantics while also arguing for a reassessment of the important of linguistic inquiry to Russell’s philosophical project. Contents: Series Editor’s Foreword / Acknowledgements / Introduction / The Theory / History I: The 1903 Theory of Denoting / History II: ‘On Denoting’ and the Genesis of the Theory of Descriptions / Descriptions and Logical Form / Extending the Theory I: Complex Demonstratives / Extending the Theory II: Indexicality / Russell and the Philosophy of Language / Bibliography / Index October 2011 Hardback
216pp £50.00
PHILOSOPHERS IN DEPTH Philosophers in Depth is a unique series of themed collections focusing on particular aspects of key philosophical figures. The collections will showcase and bring together new work by top scholars as well as key papers from past scholars, with the aim of deepening our understanding of some of the views and ideas of major figures from the history of philosophy. Each volume will stand alone, but taken together they will amount to a vast collection of critical essays covering the history of Western philosophy, exploring both individual philosophers and central topics within philosophy.
Mill on Justice Edited by Leonard Kahn, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, United States Air Force Academy, USA
John Stuart Mill was one of the most important figures in political philosophy but little has been published on his ideas on justice. This impressive collection by renowned Mill scholars addresses this gap in Mill studies and theories of justice.
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-55409-2 Paperback: 978-0-230-55410-8
Edited by Alison Denham, Senior Research Fellow, St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, UK
Series Editor: Constantine Sandis
216x138mm 978-0-230-20116-3
For a full list of titles in the series visit:
Plato on Art and Beauty
Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / A Note on the Text / Introduction; L.Kahn / PART I: MILL’S MORAL CONCEPTS / Mill’s Ambivalence about Duty; D.Brink / Rights, Justice, and Rules and in Mill’s Utilitarianism; W.H.Shaw / Mill Division of Morality; D.E.Miller / John Stuart Mill on Justice; F.Wilson / PART II: MILL AND OTHERS ON JUSTICE / Mill and Rawls; H.West / Mill’s Justice and Political Liberalism; D.G.Brown / Happiness and the Moral Sentiment of Justice; J.Riley / Justice for Barbarians; C.L.Ten / The Objection from Justice and the Conceptual/Substantive Distinction; L.Kahn / Index March 2012 Hardback
240pp £50.00
This unique collection of essays focuses on various aspects of Plato’s Philosophy of Art, not only in The Republic, but in the Phaedrus, Symposium, Laws and related dialogues. The range of issues addressed includes the contest between philosophy and poetry, the moral status of music, the love of beauty, censorship, motivated emotions. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Notes on the Contributors / Abbreviations / Editor’s Introduction / PART I: WHY CENSOR THE ARTISTS? UNDERSTANDING PLATO’S QUARREL / From The Fire and the Sun: Why Plato Banished the Artists; I.Murdoch / Plato and the Mass Media; A.Nehamas / Art and Mimesis in Plato’s Republic; M.F.Burnyeat / PART II: ART AND BEAUTY: BEFORE AND BEYOND REPUBLIC X / Plato’s Early Aesthetics: The Hippias Major; D.Sider / A Divinity Moving You: Inspiration and Knowledge in the Ion; D.Barchana-Lorand / The Philosopher’s Antidote; G.R.F.Ferrari / Plato on Tragic and Comic Pleasures; P.Destrée / Plato on Begetting in Beauty; C.D.C.Reeve / Beyond the Mirror of Nature: Plato’s Ethics of Visual Form; S.Halliwell / Art and Ethical Perspective: Notes on the Kalon in Plato’s Laws; J.Moss / Index March 2012 1 table Hardback
216x138mm 978-0-230-57698-8
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Spinoza on Monism Edited by Philip Goff, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / PART I: MONISM IN CONTEMPORARY METAPHYSICS / Monism: The Priority of the Whole; J.Schaffer / Existence Monism Trumps Priority Monism; T.Horgan & M.Potrč / Why the World has Parts: Reply to Horgan and Potrč; J.Schaffer / Against Monism; E.J.Lowe / There Is More Than One Thing; P.Goff / The World as We Know It; R.Healey / On the Common Sense Argument for Monism; D.O’Conaill & T.E.Tahko / Substances Stressed; J.Heil / PART II: MONISM IN SPINOZA / Spinoza on Composition and Priority; G.Guigon / Why Spinoza Is Not an Eleatic Monist (Or Why Diversity Exists); Y.T.Melamed / Spinoza’s Monism and the Reality Of The Finite; S.Nadler / Spinoza’s Monism? What Monism?; M.Laerke / Spinoza’s Demonstration of Monism: A New Line of Defense; M.Kulstad / Explanatory Completeness and Spinoza’s Monism; R.N.Goldstein / Index 312pp £55.00
Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978-1979 Michel Foucault
Series Editor: Arnold I. Davidson Translated by Graham Burchell
Spinoza believed that there was only one substance in reality, which he called ‘God or nature’. A number of leading contemporary philosophers have defended monism, this strange and beautiful idea that the cosmos is the source of all being. This book explores both the historical roots of the monism in Spinoza, and its flowering in the Twentyfirst Century.
December 2011 Hardback
The Birth of Biopolitics
216x138mm 978-0-230-27948-3
Foucault continues on the theme of his 1978 course by focusing on the study of liberal and neo-liberal forms of government and concentrating in particular on two forms of neo-liberalism: German post-war liberalism and the liberalism of the Chicago School.
The Courage of Truth The Government of Self and Others II Michel Foucault
'In his powerful final course of lectures, expertly edited by Frédéric Gros and sympathetically translated by Graham Burchell, Foucault provides an explicitly political focus to his work on parrhesia.' Stuart Elden, Durham University, UK The Courage of the Truth is the last course that Michel Foucault delivered at the College de France before his death in 1984. In this course, now available in paperback, he continues the theme of the previous year’s lectures in exploring the notion of 'truth-telling' in politics to establish a number of ethically irreducible conditions based on courage and conviction. May 2012 Paperback
384pp £12.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8669-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
For a full list of titles in the series visit:
April 2010 Paperback
368pp £12.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8655-9
Security, Territory, Population Michel Foucault
‘The English translation of Security, Territory and Population is a major event not only for Anglophone readers of Foucault’s work, but for all those concerned with understanding our present social and political condition... Burchell’s translation is meticulous, supple, and attentive to the nuances of Foucault’s fluid lecture style. We all stand in his debt.’ - Kevin Thompson, Book Review Editor, Continental Philosophy Review, Department of Philosophy, DePaul University, USA March 2007 Paperback
448pp £12.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8653-5
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Please use the following ISBN to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-55411-5
Available as an ebook
Inspection copy available
Web resource available
Comes with a CD/DVD
The Government of Self and Others Michel Foucault
An exciting and highly original examination of the practices of truthtelling and speaking out freely (parrēsia) in ancient Greek tragedy and philosophy. Foucault discusses the difficult and changing practices of truth-telling in ancient democracies and tyrannies and offers a new perspective on the specific relationship of philosophy to politics.
April 2011 Paperback
424pp £12.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8667-2
ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
Psychiatric Power Lectures at the Collège de France, 1973-1974 Michel Foucault August 2008 Paperback
408pp £12.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8651-1
For a full list of titles in the series visit: Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-1-4039-8677-1 Paperback: 978-1-4039-8678-8
Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men
Critique of Pure Reason 2nd edition Immanuel Kant, Howard Caygill, Professor Of Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University, London, UK, Gary Banham, Managing Editor, Kant Studies Online and Norman Kemp Smith, sometime Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, University of Edinburgh, UK
by Jean-Jacques Rousseau with Related Documents Jean Jacques Rousseau and Helena Rosenblatt, Professor of History, Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA Contents: Foreword / PART I: INTRODUCTION: THE LIFE AND THOUGHT OF JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU / Rousseau’s Beginnings: The Road to the Second Discourse / The Origins of Political Authority Before Rousseau / Rousseau’s Bombshell: The Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality / The State of Nature / The Steps to Society / The Invention of Property / Anthropology, Psychology, and Evolutionary Biology / Rousseau and Gender / Reception of the Second Discourse / ‘Citizen of Geneva’: The Dedication / Rousseau’s Later Life and Legacy / Rousseau and the French Revolution / The Social Contract and Its Paradoxes / PART II: DISCOURSE ON THE ORIGIN AND FOUNDATIONS OF INEQUALITY AMONG MEN BY JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU, CITIZEN OF GENEVA / Dedication / Preface / Notice about the Notes / First Part / Second Part / Rousseau’s Notes / PART III: RELATED DOCUMENTS / Politics Drawn from Holy Scripture, 1709; Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet / Leviathan, 1651; Thomas Hobbes / On the Duty of Man and Citizen, 1673; Samuel Pufendorf / Two Treaties of Government, 1690; John Locke / Discourse on the Nature of Animals, 1753; George-Louis Leclerc Buffon / Of the Social Contract, 1762; Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Eulogies to Rousseau, 1790s; Maximilien Robespierre / Principles of Politics, 1810; Benjamin Constant / Appendixes / A Jean-Jacques Rousseau Chronology (1712-1794) / Questions for Consideration / Selected Bibliography / Index March 2011 Paperback
224pp £19.99
Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason is one of the most rewarding of all philosophical works. The text follows the second edition of 1787, with a translation of all first edition passages altered or omitted. For this reissue of Kemp Smith’s classic 1929 edition, Gary Banham contributes a major new Bibliography of secondary sources on Kant. Contents: Introduction; H.Caygill / Translator’s Preface / Title Page of First Edition (in replica) / Title Page of Second Edition (not in replica) / Motto / Dedication / Preface to First Edition / Preface to Second Edition / Table of Contents of First Edition / Introduction / TRANSCENDENTAL DOCTRINE OF ELEMENTS / First Part: Transcendental Aesthetic / Second Part: Transcendental Logic / First Division: Transcendental Analytic / Second Division: Transcendental Dialectic / TRANSCENDENTAL DOCTRINE OF METHOD / Bibliography; G.Banham / Index August 2007 Paperback
768pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-01338-4
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Us Before Me Patricia Illingworth, Associate Professor, Northeastern University, USA
'Us Before Me is a timely and thoughtful book. I hope that Illingworth’s case for the importance of social capital, and especially global social capital, will be widely read and highly influential.' - Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University, USA 'All truly great leaders—in other words, those who care about people—will find the ideas in Us Before Me central to how they frame their local and global responsibilities. Illingworth has made an important link between thinking, feeling and acting that provides a leap forward for leaders to effect changes that help solve human problems in our organizations, communities, countries and world.' - Nancy Dearman, Chief Executive Officer, Kotter International Patricia Illingworth’s short, powerful and passionate book argues that 'social capital' should be an essential ethical concept guiding our actions, and explains how one might go about implementing this idea in a positive way. Contents: Introduction / Making a Difference / The Heart of the Matter / The Ethics of Us / The Moral Sweet Spot / With a Little Help from the Law / Giving Back / Global People / Notes and References / Index 288pp £12.99
Kay Peggs, Principal Lecturer in Sociology, School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies, University of Portsmouth, UK
Series Editors: Andrew Linzey and Priscilla Cohn
Ethics and Social Capital for Global Well-Being
January 2012 Paperback
Animals and Sociology
198x129mm 978-0-230-31443-6
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the ethics of our treatment of animals. Philosophers have led the way, and now a range of other scholars have followed from historians to social scientists. From being a marginal issue, animals have become an emerging issue in ethics and in multidisciplinary inquiry. This series will explore the challenges that Animal Ethics poses, both conceptually and practically, to traditional understandings of human-animal relations.
An Introduction to Animals and Visual Culture Randy Malamud, Professor of English, Georgia State University, USA
A fascinating exploration of the way in which animals are ‘framed’ - contextualized, decontextualized - in contemporary visual culture. Written in a highly engaging style, this book challenges the field, dealing with some highly controversial aspects of animal exploitation and boldly examines material that is seldom discussed within animal studies. Contents: List of Illustrations / Series Preface / Acknowledgements / Framed Animals / Famous Animals / Photographic Animals / Film Animals / Pornographic Animals / Weird Animals / Zoo Animals / Notes / Bibliography / Index June 2012 192pp 16 b/w photographs Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-1-137-00982-1 978-1-137-00983-8
Animals and Sociology challenges traditional assumptions about the nature of sociology. Sociology often centres on humans; however, other animals are everywhere in society. Kay Peggs explores the significant contribution that sociology can make to our understanding of human relations with other animals. Contents: Series Editors’ Foreword / Sociology and Animals- Beginnings / Animals and Biology as Destiny / Animals, Social Inequalities andOppression / Animals,Crime andAbuse / Town and Country: Animals, Space and Place / Consumption of the Animal / Animals, Leisure and Culture / Animal Experiments and Animal Rights / Conclusion: Sociology for Other Animals / References / Index April 2012 Hardback Paperback
192pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-29257-4 978-0-230-29258-1
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
An Introduction to Animals and Political Theory Alasdair Cochrane, Lecturer in Human Rights, London School of Economics, UK
'The joy of this book is the way in which Cochrane simplifies and synthesizes a hige and complex literature, whilst retaining high scholarly standards. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the ethical debate about how we ought to treat animals.' - Robert Garner, University of Leicester, UK October 2010 Paperback
176pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23926-5
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Animals and Public Health Why Treating Animals Better is Critical to Human Welfare Aysha Akhtar, Medical Officer, US Food and Drug Administration, USA
‘In this book Aysha Akhtar accomplishes what no other recent author has managed to do in a book on human health: provide a cogent and balanced argument for the importance of accepting the intimate relationship between humans and other animals for our own health, that of other animals, and of the planet.’ - Lori Marino, Emory University, USA '...will be a leading work in this area of animal ethics.’ - Tom Beauchamp, Professor of Philosophy and Senior Research Scholar, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, USA A compelling argument of how human health is adversely affected by our poor treatment of non-human animals. The author contents that in order to successfully confront the Twenty-first Century’s health challenges, we need to broaden the definition of the word ‘public’ in public health to include non-human animals. Contents: Series Preface / Acknowledgements / The Welfare of Animals and its Relevance to Our Health / Victims of Abuse: Making the Connection / Lions, Tigers and Bears. The Global Trade in Animals / Foul Farms: the State of Animal Agriculture / Animal Agriculture: Our Health and our Environment / The Costs of Animal Experiments / The New Public Health / Notes and References / Index February 2012 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24973-8
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Animals, Equality and Democracy
An Introduction to Animals and the Law Siobhan O’Sullivan, Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia
‘In Animals, Equality, and Democracy, Siobhan O’Sullivan appeals to democratic values to argue that the way we treat many animals is unjustifiable, even when judged by the standards that citizens of most democracies already accept. This is an engagingly fresh approach to the issue of animal equality, and I hope it will be widely discussed.’ Peter Singer, Princeton University, USA Animals, Equality and Democracy examines the structure of animal protection legislation and finds that it is deeply inequitable, with a tendency to favour those animals the community is most likely to see and engage with. Siobhan O’Sullivan argues that these inequities violate fundamental principle of justice and transparency. Contents: Series Editors’ Foreword / Preface by Prof. Robert Garner, University of Leicester, UK / Introduction: Where are all the Animals? / Animal Citizens / The Political Lives of Animals / Animal Invisibility / Out of Sight, Out of Mind / Applying the Justice Principle to Animal Citizens / Conclusion / References / Index October 2011 tables Hardback
Joan E. Schaffner, Associate Professor, George Washington University Law School, USA
‘...a vital resource for anyone who wants to change the world for animals and lives within a nation of laws...’ - The Hen House November 2010 272pp Hardback £60.00 Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23563-2 978-0-230-23564-9
Animals and Social Work: A Moral Introduction Thomas Ryan, Social Worker/Counsellor
Animals and Social Work represents a pioneering contribution to the literature of social work ethics and moral philosophy. It advances cogent and detailed arguments for the inclusion of animals within social work’s moral framework, arguments that have profound theoretical and practical implications for the discipline and its practitioners. June 2011 Hardback
224pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27250-7
Popular Media and Animals Claire Molloy, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, University of Brighton, UK
How do mainstream film, television, advertising, videogames and newspapers engage with topics such as vivisection, hunting, animal performance, farming, meat eating and animal control? This book explores social, economic, ethical and cultural aspects of relationships between popular media forms and key animal issues. June 2011 Hardback
224pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23924-1
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The Moral Dimensions of Empathy
Limits and Applications in Ethical Theory and Practice
The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments Andrew Knight, Veterinarian, Animal Consultants International, London, UK
’...destined to remain an essential text for all who are interested in the ethical issues raised by animal experimentation, including scientists, philosophers, policymakers, students, and educators.’ - Marc Bekoff, Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, USA 'A huge amount of solid research has gone into Andrew Knight's book, which surveys the costs (to us, to the animals involved) and the benefits (such as they are) of animal experimentation, and comes to conclusions – backed by rigorous statistical analysis – that constitute a challenge to the entire enterprise.' - J.M. Coetzee May 2011 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24392-7
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Julinna C. Oxley, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Coastal Carolina University, USA
‘Oxley’s book The Moral Dimensions of Empathy constitutes a remarkably wide-ranging and comprehensive study of the function of empathy in ethical contexts. Oxley’s astute and measured exploration of this subject matter makes it a rewarding read for philosophers and researchers in the social sciences.’- Karsten Stueber, College of the Holy Cross, USA Does empathy help us to be moral? The author argues that empathy is often instrumental to meeting the demands of morality as defined by various ethical theories. This multi-faceted work links psychological research on empathy with ethical theory and contemporary trends in moral education. Contents: Acknowledgements / PART I: WHY EMPATHY? / Introduction: The Empathy-Morality Connection / What is Empathy? / PART II: THE MORAL DIMENSIONS OF EMPATHY / The Epistemic Functions of Empathy / Empathy, Altruism, and Normative Ethics / PART III: EMPATHY AND ETHICAL THEORY / Empathy and Moral Deliberation / Empathy, Contractual Ethics and Justification / PART IV: PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS / Empathy and Moral Education / Conclusion: Feminist Ethics / Notes / Bibliography / Index December 2011 1 figure Hardback
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A Theory of Prudential Value and Well-Being Tim Taylor, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Leeds, UK
An examination of the philosophical issues surrounding prudential value: what it is for something to be good for a person; and well-being: what it is for someone’s life to go well. It critically analyses competing approaches, and proposes a new subjective account that addresses key weaknesses of existing theories. Contents: Preface / Introduction / Setting the Scene / The Main Contenders / Objective Or Subjective? / What Sort of Subjective Account? / Developing a New Subjective Account / Modifications to the Basic Approach / Conflicts and Comparisons of Value / Well-Being / Conclusions / Bibliography / Index November 2011 216pp Hardback £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28511-8
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Kant and Sartre Re-discovering Critical Ethics Sorin Baiasu, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Keele, UK August 2011 Hardback
312pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-00150-3
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Hardback: 978-0-230-57686-5 Paperback: 978-0-230-57687-2
Knowing What is Good For You
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Sidgwick and Contemporary Utilitarianism
The Triple Helix: The Soul of Bioethics
Mariko Nakano-Okuno, Clinical Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine (Bioethics), The Ohio State University, USA
Lisa Bellantoni, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Albright College, USA
A rare academic study on what John Rawls, Peter Singer and Derek Parfit acknowledge as the finest book in ethics – The Methods of Ethics. With a rather shocking conclusion that ‘none of us can match Sidgwick’, Mariko Nakano-Okuno lucidly analyzes Henry Sidgwick’s impacts on contemporary ethics.
Lisa Bellantoni argues that contemporary bioethics divides into two logically incommensurable positions: a cult of rights, which identifies the worth of human life with our autonomy, and a cult of life, which identifies human worth with the possession of a soul, and thereby, of human dignity.
September 2011 288pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-32178-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Repression, Integrity and Practical Reasoning Gary Jaeger, Lecturer in Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, USA
Repression receives little attention in philosophical literature. This study of cases of repression that inhibit an agent’s deliberative access to his reasons argues that an agent cannot correctly deliberate about a reason to overcome repression as if he did so, he would already have overcome repression and so would have no reason to do so. Contents: Acknowledgements / The Oligarchic Soul / Normative Repression / Repression and External Reasons / The Limits of Non-Relative Views / The Limits of Relative Internalism / Reasons, Rationality and Agency / Objections and Rejoinders / Conclusion: The Scope of Relative Externalism / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 Hardback
192pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-36850-7
Contents: Preface: What Ails Bioethics? / The Wages of Grief / Getting Too Personal / Where Do Bioethicists Come From? / Invasion of the Body Snatchers / Are We Good Enough? / Engineering Bioethics / Who Do Bioethicists Think They Are? / A Culture of Living / The Triple Helix: Time, Love and Memory / Bibliography / Index October 2011 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30099-6
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Kant, Schopenhauer and Morality: Recovering the Categorical Imperative Mark Thomas Walker, Permanent Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Birmingham, UK
Addressing the perennial question: why should we be moral? this book argues that we can only give a truly and morally satisfying answer to that question by radically reconfiguring our conception of the self and the way it relates to others. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements / Introduction: A Great Reversal? / PART I: HOW KANT FAILED TO JUSTIFY HIS CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE / Justifying Morality / Groundwork 3 – An Enigmatic Text / The Second Critique / Groundwork 2 - Rational Nature as an End-in-itself? / PART II: HOW KANT SHOULD HAVE JUSTIFIED HIS CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE / Introduction: Reconstructing Groundwork 3 / From Rational Agency to Freedom / From Freedom to the Non-Phenomenal / From Non-Phenomenality to Universality / The Identity of Persons / Recovering the Categorical Imperative / Bibliography / Index December 2011 464pp Hardback £70.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-28260-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity
Calum Neill, Lecturer in Critical Psychology, Edinburgh Napier University, UK July 2011 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29409-7
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Ethical Decision-Making in Social Research
A Practical Guide
Essays in Political Philosophy
'It provides great value for the researcher, student and policy maker. Dr. Iphofen’s book goes far beyond the formulaic rules of ethics committees, and yet provides a practical guide for researchers and ethics committee members.’ - Joan Sieber, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (JERHRE) This practical, user-friendly guide examines ethics in research. It helps researchers to manage ethical dilemmas that arise while research is being planned, conducted and reported and includes a unique ‘ethical review checklist’ and ‘risk matrix’, as well as other useful features, to aid ethics in practice. Contents: HOW TO USE THIS BOOK / The Problem of Ethical Decision-making in Social Research / Research Rationale – Justifiable Interventions / Researcher Identification – Professional Integrity and Track Record / Research Quality and Design / Minimizing Harm, Maximizing Benefit / Selecting, Recruiting, Retaining and Releasing Participants / Giving Information and Seeking Consent / Monitoring Safety / Strategies for Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality / Dealing with Vulnerability / Involving Subjects in Research: The Public, Participants, Service Users and Carer Groups / Disseminating Findings / Systems of Ethical Approval and Formal Ethical Scrutiny / Raising Ethical Awareness / Afterword / Ethical Review Checklist / Template for Research Proposals / Glossary of Terms / Useful Websites / References 264pp
Toward a Pro-Poor Approach Scott Wisor, Research Fellow, Australian National University, Australia
Social Injustice
Ron Iphofen, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Wales, Bangor, UK
June 2011 30 b/w tables Paperback
Measuring Global Poverty
Vittorio Bufacchi, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University College, Cork, Republic of Ireland
The idea of social injustice is pivotal to much contemporary moral and political philosophy. Starting from a comprehensive and engaging account of the idea of social injustice, this book covers a whole range of issues, including distributive justice, exploitation, torture, moral motivations, democratic theory, voting behaviour and market socialism. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements / Making Sense of Social Injustice / Why Political Philosophy Matters: The Imperative of Social Injustice / Studying Social Injustice: The Methodology of Empirical Philosophy / The Injustice of Exploitation / Torture, Terrorism and the State: A Refutation of the Ticking-Bomb Argument (with Jean Maria Arrigo) / The Enlightenment, Contractualism, and the Moral Polity / Motivating Justice / Justice, Equality, Liberty / Sceptical Democracy / Political Scepticism: A Reply to the Critics / Voting, Rationality and Reputation / Deliberative Democracy in Action / Socialism in the 21st century: Liberal, Democratic, and Market-Oriented / Bibliography / Index November 2011 216pp Hardback £50.00
The author examines the moral, methodological, and practical problems that arise from poverty measurement. He establishes a methodological framework for analyzing poverty conceptions and measures, and concludes with concrete recommendations regarding both the procedures for and substance of future global poverty measurement. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements / List of Abbreviations / PART I: AN ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK / Introducing Poverty Measurement / A Defense of Global Poverty Measurement / A Pro-Poor Methodology / PART II: COMPETING CONCEPTIONS AND MEASURES OF POVERTY / Monetary Approaches / Basic Needs / Capabilities / Social Exclusion / Rights / PART III: THE WAY FORWARD / New Values, New Desiderata / Public Reason and Poverty Measurement / Toward Pro-Poor Global Poverty Measurement / Notes / References / Index November 2011 256pp 7 figures Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30286-0
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216x138mm 978-0-230-25160-1
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Global Financial Crisis: The Ethical Issues
Dialectics of Human Nature in Marx’s Philosophy
Edited by Ned Dobos, Research Fellow, Charles Sturt University and University of Melbourne, Australia, Christian Barry, Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University, Australia and Thomas Pogge, Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University, USA
Contents: Notes on Contributors / Introduction; N.Dobos / Global Financial Institutions, Ethics and Market Fundamentalism; S.Miller / The Legitimacy of the Financial System and State Capitalism; N.Chomsky / Neoliberalism—Is This the End?; N.Dobos / Ethical Investing in an Age of Excessive Materialistic Self-Interest; J.C.Harrington / The Achilles Heel of Competitive/ Adversarial; T.Pogge / Financial Services Providers: Integrity Systems, Reputation, and the Triangle of Virtue; S.Miller / Who Must Pay for the Damage of the Global Financial Crisis; M.Peterson & C.Barry / Index March 2011 Hardback Paperback
208pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-27663-5 978-0-230-29351-9
Contents: Marx’s Conception of Human Nature: ‘Is there no human nature just as there is a universal nature of plants and stars?’ / Historical Materialism: General Theory of History / Dialectics and Historical Materialism: Determinants of the Structure / Alienation: Marx’s Critical Explanation and Evaluation of the Internal Structure of Bourgeois Society / The State in Bourgeois Society and the Bourgeois State / Justice, Rights and Alienation / Marx’s Critique of Ideology, Moral Positivism and Moralizing Criticism: Introduction to Critical-Revolutionary Dialectic July 2012 Hardback
256pp £55.00
210x140mm 978-0-230-34146-3
The end of Stalinist Russia, China’s change under Deng Xiaoping and the publication of previously unexplored documents of Marx in the MEGA2 opened a new epoch in the analysis of Marx. Marx’s Discourse With Hegel is both a product and contribution to this rebirth of Marxism by its reformulation of the relationship between Hegel and Marx. Contents: A Programmatic Excursus / Marx’s Incomplete Quest / The Works of Hegel that Marx Knew / Phase One: Hegel and Marx in the Center / Phase Two: The Letter of 1837 and the Doctoral Dissertation / Phase Three: Marx and the Rheinische Zeitung / Phase Four: Marx’s Development of Critique and His Delinking from Hegel / Phase Five: The Phenomenology of Spirit and the Inverted World of the Bourgeoisie / Phase Six: In Defense of Hegel / Marx’s MisReading of Hegel / Marx’s Method / Bibliography / Index February 2012 Hardback
368pp £70.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-29334-2
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Marx Today
Breaking the Spell Philippe Pignarre, Director, Editions La Decouverte, Paris, France and Isabelle Stengers, Professor of Philosophy, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 184pp £50.00
A scholarly exploration of Marx’s thought without any favorable or critical ideological agendas, this book opposes the compartmentalization of Marx’s thought into various competing doctrines, such as historical materialism, dialectical materialism, and different forms of economic determinism.
Norman Levine, Emeritus Professor, USA
Capitalist Sorcery
March 2011 Hardback
Mehmet Tabak, Teacher of Politics, New York University, USA
Marx’s Discourse with Hegel
216x138mm 978-0-230-23762-9
Selected Works and Recent Debates Edited by John F. Sitton, Professor of Political Science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
This book provides, in one volume, primary sources by Marx and critical commentary which relates Marxism to contemporary social and political topics. August 2011 Hardback
272pp £72.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-10240-8
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Reclaiming Liberty
Rethinking Political Obligation
From Crisis to Empowerment
Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship
Miriam Bentwich, Lecturer, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Dorota Mokrosińska, Research Fellow, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Based on a reconstruction of earlier liberal conceptions of liberty (the political theories of John Locke & J.S. Mill), this book stresses the empowering nature of liberal freedom and explains why such a concept of liberty better addresses two key contemporary challenges in liberal theory and praxis: wealth redistribution and multiculturalism. July 2012 Hardback
208pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28532-3
What are the grounds for and limits to obedience to the state? This book offers a fresh analysis of the debate concerning the moral obligation to obey the state, develops a novel account of political obligation and provides the first detailed argument of how a theory of political obligation can apply to subjects of an unjust state. July 2012 Hardback
240 pp £55.00
Access cutting-edge scholarship in political theory and philosophy
216x138mm 978-0-230-36075-4
Marx & Alienation
Freedom After the Critique of Foundations
Essays on Hegelian Themes Sean Sayers, Professor of Philosohy, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
The concepts of alienation and its overcoming are central to Marx's thought. They underpin his critique of capitalism and his vision of future society. Marx's ideas are explained in rigorous and clear terms. They are situated in the context of the Hegelian ideas that inspired them and put into dialogue with contemporary debates. July 2011 Hardback
216pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27654-3
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Marx, Liberalism, Castoriadis and Agonistic Autonomy Alexandros Kioupkiolis, Lecturer, School of Political Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
An exploration of the contemporary re-conception of freedom after the critique of objective truths and ideas of an unchanging human nature, in which modern self-determination was grounded. This book focuses on the radical theorist Cornelius Castoriadis and the new paradigm of ‘agonistic autonomy’ is contrasted with Marxian and liberal approaches. Contents: Marx on a Tightrope: the Essence of Freedom and the Movement of Becoming / Kantian Transcendence and Beyond / Knowledge and Practice in Trouble: A Reasonable Way Out of Ontological Traps / Liberal Detours and their Mishaps. Negative Liberty, I. Berlin and J.S. Mill / Agonic Subjectivity and the Stirrings of the New / The Social, the Imaginary and the Real / Freedom, Agonism and Creative Praxis / Post-critical Liberalism and Agonistic Freedom / Post-foundational Reason and Sustainable Affirmation July 2012 Hardback
288pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27912-4
International Political Theory Series Editor: Gary Browning Visit the journal websites to: • Read free sample articles • Search current and past issues for topics of interest • Submit your papers • Recommend the journal to your • library • Subscribe
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The Secret History of Democracy
Edited by Benjamin Isakhan, Research Fellow, Centre for Citizenship and Globalization, Deakin University, Australia and Stephen Stockwell, Professor of Journalism and Communication, School of Humanities, Griffith University, Australia
This book, now available in paperback, explores the intriguing idea that there is much more democracy in human history than is generally acknowledged. It establishes that democracy was developing across greater Asia before classical Athens, clung on during the ‘Dark Ages’, often formed part of indigenous governance and is developing today in unexpected ways. March 2012 Paperback
264pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-37510-9
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Terrorism: A Philosophical Inquiry
A Radical View 2nd editon Steven Lukes, Professor of Sociology, New York University, USA and London School of Economics, UK
‘Like the first edition, which it includes, this is a truly superb volume. It will, in thirty years’ time, remain a - possibly the - classic treatment of power in the English language.’ - Professor Colin Hay, University of Birmingham, UK In this second edition of a seminal work, Steven Lukes’ reconsiders his views in light of recent debates and of criticisms of his original argument. With a new introduction and bibliographical essay, this book will consolidate its reputation as a classic work and a major reference point within social and political theory. Contents: Introduction / Power: A Radical View / Power Revisited / Power, Freedom and Reason / Guide to Further Reading / Bibliography / Index October 2004 Paperback
200pp £20.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-42092-8
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Albert Weale, Professor of Government, University of Essex, UK Contents: Preface to the Second Edition / The Theoretical Challenge of Democracy / Forms of Democratic Government / The Justification of Democracy / Deliberation , Consensus and Political Equality / Participation as Democracy, Participation in Democracy / From Conceptions of Representation to Systems of Representation / Aggregation, Unanimity and Majority Rule / Democracy, Rights and Constitutionalism? / The Boundaries of Inclusion / International Relations and Democratic Ideals / Epilogue: The Democratic Reform of Democracy August 2007 Paperback
292pp £24.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-94875-0
Anne Schwenkenbecher, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Vienna, Austria
This book engages with the most urgent philosophical questions pertaining to the problem of terrorism. What is terrorism? Could it ever be justified? Assuming that terrorism is just one of many kinds of political violence, the book denies that it is necessarily wrong and worse than war. In fact, it may be justifiable under certain circumstances. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: DEFINING ‘TERRORISM’ / On The Current Debate On Defining Terrorism / What Is Terrorism? / PART II: ETHICS OF TERRORISM OR CAN TERRORISM EVER BE PERMISSIBLE? / Innocents and Non-Innocents / Terrorism Against Non-Innocents / Terrorism Against Innocents / Collateral Damage / Concluding Remarks / References / Index June 2012 3 tables Hardback
The Iraq War A Philosophical Analysis Bassam Romaya, Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Gettysburg College, USA
This book features a critique of key philosophical doctrines that dominate the Iraq war debate: just war theory, humanitarian intervention, democratic realism, and preventive war doctrine. The author evaluates each and develops a philosophical approach that offers a model for thinking through the philosophical dilemmas introduced by new wars. Contents: The Question of Just War / The Question of Humanitarian Intervention / The Question of Democracy / The Question of Preventive War / Philosophizing War / Concluding Remarks: Toward An Alternative Turn in Philosophizing War June 2012 Hardback
208pp £55.00
216x140mm 978-0-230-34153-1
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Kant and the End of War
Max Stirner
A Critique of Just War Theory Howard Williams, Professor in Political Theory, Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, UK
An exploration of Immanuel Kant’s account of war and the controversies that have arisen from its interpretation. This book brings the ideas of Kant’s critical philosophy to bear on one of the leading political and legal questions of our age: under what circumstances, if any, is recourse to war legally and morally justifiable?
216pp £57.50
Max Stirner was one of the most important and seminal thinkers of the mid-nineteenth century. He exposed the religiosity behind secular humanism and rationalism, and the domination of the individual behind liberal modes of politics. This edited collection explores Stirner’s radical and contemporary importance as a political theorist. October 2011 Hardback
Contents: Introduction / The Motif of War in Kant’s Critical Philosophy / Kant and Just War Theory: The Problem Outlined / Perpetual Peace and the Case against Just War Theory / The Metaphysics of Morals and the Case for a Just War Theory / Bringing the Argument Together: How to Avoid being a Sorry Comforter whilst Dealing with the International State of Nature / Kantian Perspectives on Foreign Intervention / The Hegelian Premises of Contemporary Just War Theory and their Kantian Critique / Conclusion: The Critique of Just War Theory January 2012 Hardback
Edited by Saul Newman, Reader in Political Theory, Department of Politics, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
240pp £57.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-28335-0
Critical Explorations in Contemporary Political Thought Series Editor: James Martin ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-24420-7
International Political Theory Series Editor: Gary Browning
Global Theory from Kant to Hardt and Negri Gary Browning, Professor of Politics, Oxford Brookes University, UK
'The unique selling point of this thoughtful and well-written book is the range of material covered - Browning writes with authority on Kant, Hegel and Marx, on modern cosmopolitans such as Held, Giddens and Sassen, on radical theorists such as Hardt and Negri and public intellectuals such as Monbiot and Klein. His central thesis, that the first group of thinkers, the giants of modernity, have more to offer to their modern successors than the latter are often prepared to acknowledge, is entirely convincing.' - Professor Chris Brown, Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics and Politics, UK In the Twenty-first Century, global theory provides an influential and popular way of understanding contemporary social and political phenomena. This book observes the links between contemporary global ideas and preceding modern theories. Contemporary perspectives are shown to reflect distinctive and shared aspects of the ideas of Kant, Hegel and Marx. July 2011 Hardback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
224pp £57.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-52473-6
International Political Theory Series Editor: Gary Browning
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Spinoza’s Revolutions in Natural Law
Duncan Pritchard, Professor of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh, UK
‘ excellent introduction to the theory of knowledge... Pritchard’s treatment of the subject area is masterful, achieving a combination of clarity and efficiency that is rarely seen in philosophy.’ - John Greco, Saint Louis University, USA
This first analysis of Spinoza’s philosophy of law shows that he revolutionizes modern philosophy from within by developing an entirely new natural law theory connecting his ontology to radically democratic political views.
May 2012 Hardback
224pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34869-1
Balancing Liberty and Security Human Rights, Human Wrongs
Duncan Pritchard offers students not only a new exploration of topics central to current epistemological debate, but also a new way of doing epistemology. This advanced textbook covers such key topics as virtue epistemology, antiluck epistemology, epistemological disjunctivism and attributer contextualism. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Analysing Knowledge / Anti-Luck Epistemology / Virtue Epistemology / Anti-Luck Virtue Epistemology / Externalism and Internalism about Knowledge / Radical Scepticism / Understanding and the Value of Knowledge / Bibliography / Index
Kate Moss, Reader in Law, School of Legal Studies, Wolverhampton University, UK
June 2009 Hardback Paperback
October 2011 Hardback
Palgrave Philosophy Today Series Editor: Vittorio Bufacchi
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23029-3
Crime Prevention and Security Management Series Editor: Martin Gill ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections
Richard Campbell, Emeritus Professor, Australian National University, Australia
Andre Santos Campos, Lecturer, Lusiad University of Lisbon, Portugal
Contents: Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / Introduction / PART I: NATURAL LAW / Individuality / Laws of Nature / Power / PART II: POLITICAL NATURAL LAW / Multitude / State / Sui juris / Conclusion / Notes / Bibliography / Index
The Concept of Truth
176pp £60.00 £16.99
This book addresses the contemporary disillusion with truth, manifest in sceptical relativism. Contending that all contemporary theories of truth are too narrow, it argues for a novel conception of truth, by showing how error is implicated in the actions of all living things; and by analyzing uses of ‘true’ in non-linguistic contexts. April 2011 Hardback
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Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics New Essays on Space and Time Edited by Roxana Baiasu, Lecturer in Philosophy, Regents Park College, University of Oxford, UK, Graham Bird, Emeritus Professor, University of Manchester, UK and A. W. Moore, Professor of Philosophy, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford, UK
February 2012 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-28476-0
Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science Edited by Robyn Bluhm, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Old Dominion University, USA, Anne Jaap Jacobson, Professor, University of Houston, USA and Heidi Lene Maibom, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Carleton University, Canada
Series Editors: John Protevi and Michael Wheeler
Action, Perception and the Brain Adaptation and Cephalic Expression Edited by Jay Schulkin, Research Professor, Georgetown University, USA
Responding to growing interest in the Kantian tradition and in issues concerning space and time, this volume offers an insightful and original contribution to the literature by bringing together analytical and phenomenological approaches in a productive exchange on topical issues such as action, perception, the body, and cognition and its limits. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on the Contributors / Introduction / PART I: PERCEPTION / Kant on Receptivity and Representation; P.Abela / Perceiving Distinct Particulars; L.Allais / Is Spatial Awareness Required for Object Perception?; J.Campbell / The Normative in Perception; S.Crowell / PART II: SCIENCES / Is There Any Value in Kant’s Account of Mathematics?; G.Bird / Kant Speaks to Stephen Hawking; L.Stevenson / Reading Kant Topographically: From Critical Philosophy to Empirical Geography; J.Malpas & G.Zöller / PART III: LIMITS OF EXPERIENCE / Kant’s Metaphors of Spatial Location: Understanding Post-Kantian Space; P.S.Anderson / Bird on Kant’s Mathematical Antinomies; A.W.Moore / Space and the Limits of Objectivity: Could There Be a Disembodied Thinking of Reality?; R.Baiasu / PART IV: TIME / Heidegger on Time; M.Inwood / Heidegger’s Interpretation of the Kantian Notion of Time; F.Dastur / Time, Space and Body in Bergson, Heidegger and Husserl; D.Zahavi & S.Overgaard / Index /
A study of contemporary philosophical and neuroscientific perspectives on the relation of action, perception, and cognition as it is lived in embodied and socially embedded experience. Contents: Preface / Notes on Contributors / Introduction / The Slow Process: A Hypothetical Cognitive Adaptation for Distributed Cognitive Networks; M.Donald / Social Cognition and Cortical Function: An Evolutionary Perspective; S.Shultz & R.I.M.Dunbar / Homo Heuristicus and the Bias-Variance Dilemma; H.Brighton & G.Gigerenzer / Action, Embodied Meaning, and Thought; M.Johnson / Neo-Pragmatism and Enactive Intentionality; S.Gallagher & K.Miyahara / Minds, Things, and Materiality; M.Wheeler / Contributions of Mirror Mechanisms to the Embodiment of Cognition; A.M.Glenberg / The Neural Systems Involved in Motor Cognition and Social Contact; S.Hétu & P.L.Jackson / Action and Cephalic Expression: Hermeneutical Pragmatism; J.Schulkin & P.Heelan / References / Index February 2012 288pp 216x138mm photographs, graphs and figures Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-28258-2
An interdisciplinary collection of essays addressing how recent neuroscience affects traditional feminist issues. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; R.Bluhm, A.J.Jacobson & H.Maibom / The Politics of Pictured Reality: Locating the Object from Nowhere in fMRI; L.Meynell / What, If Anything, Can Neuroscience Tell Us About Gender Differences?; G.Hoffman / In a Different Voice?; H.Maibom / The Role of Fetal Testosterone in the Development of ‘The Essential Difference’ Between the Sexes: Some Essential Issues; G.Grossi & C.Fine / Hardwired for Sexism? Approaches to Sex/Gender in Neuroscience; R.M.Jordan-Young & R.I.Rumiati / Re-Queering the Brain; A.Kaiser & I.Dussauge / Situated Neuroscience: Exploring Biologies of Diversity; G.Einstein / Cosmopolitics and the Brain: The Co-Becoming of Practices in Feminism and Neuroscience; D.Roy / Beyond Neurosexism: Is it Possible to Defend the Female Brain?; R.Bluhm / Seeing as a Social Phenomenon: Feminist Theory and the Cognitive Sciences; A.J.Jacobson / Linking Neuroscience, Medicine, Gender and Society through Controversy and Conflict Analysis: A ‘Dissensus Framework’ for Feminist/Queer Brain Science Studies; C.Kraus / Index January 2012 296pp 216x138mm 3 figures and 5 b/w photographs Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-29673-2
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Perceptual Illusions Philosophical and Psychological Essays
Knowing without Thinking Mind, Action, Cognition and the Phenomenon of the Background Edited by Zdravko Radman, Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Croatia
A volume devoted explicitly to the subtle and multidimensional phenomenon of background knowing that has to be recognized as an important element of the triad mind-body-world. The essays are inspired by seminal works on the topic by Searle and Dreyfus, but also make significant contribution in bringing the discussion beyond the classical confines. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; Z.Radman / The Mystery of the Background qua Background; H.L.Dreyfus / PART I: ECHOING SEARLE’S AND DREYFUS’ VIEWS ON THE BACKGROUND / Ground-Level Intelligence:ActionOriented Representation and the Dynamics of the Background; M.Cappuccio & M.Wheeler / Exposing the Background: Deep and Local; D.D.Hutto / The Background as Intentional, Conscious, and Nonconceptual; M.Schmitz / Social Cognition, the Chinese Room, and the Robot Replies; S.Gallagher / Contesting John’s Searle’ Social Ontology: Institutions and Background; J.Margolis / Music and the Background; D.Schmicking / PART II: EXTENDED VIEWS ON THE BACKGROUND / Implicit Precision; E.T.Gendlin / Enkinaesthesia: The Essential Sensuous Background for Co-Agency; S.A.J.Stuart / Steps Entailed in Foregrounding the Background: Taking the Challenge of Languaging Experience Seriously; M.Sheets-Johnstone / The Body as Background: Pragmatism and Somasthetics; R.Shusterman / The Background: A Tool of Potentiality; Z.Radman / Embodied Technology as Implicit Knowledge of Modern Civilization; K.Mainzer / Index February 2012 Hardback
280pp £55.00
Clotilde Calabi, Associate Professor, University of Milan, Italy
Heidegger and Cognitive Science Edited by Julian Kiverstein, Assistant Professor in Neurophilosophy, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Michael Wheeler, Professor of Philosophy, University of Stirling, UK
This impressive volume of essays that includes contributions from Hubert Dreyfus, Mike Wheeler and Shaun Gallagher reflects an emerging trend in cognitive science, and explores this new approach to cognitive science informed by Heidegger’s thoughts on human existence. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Series Editors’ Preface / What is Heideggerian Cognitive Science?; J.Kiverstein / Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing it Would Require Making it More Heideggerian; H.L.Dreyfus / Context-Switching and Responsiveness to Real Relevance; E.Reitveld / There Can be No Cognitive Science of Dasein; M.Ratcliffe / Heidegger and Cognitive Science – Aporetic Reflections; A.Rehberg / Naturalizing Dasein and Other (Alleged) Heresies; M.Wheeler / Heidegger and Social Cognition; S.Gallagher & R.Seté Jacobson / Joint Attention and Expressivity: A Heideggerian Guide to the Limits of Empirical Investigation; M.L.Talero / Equipment and Existential Spatiality; Heidegger, Cognitive Science and the Prosthetic Subject; Preester / Heidegger, Space, and World; J.Malpas / Temporality and the Casual Approach to Human Activity; T.Schatzki / Index June 2012 272pp 1 b/w photograph and 1 figure Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21655-6
Although current debates in epistemology and philosophy of mind show a renewed interest in perceptual illusions, there is no systematic work in the philosophy of perception and in the psychology of perception with respect to the concept of illusion and the relation between illusion and error. This book aims to fill that gap. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; C.Calabi / PART I: WHAT IS AN ILLUSION? / The Illusion of Visual Illusions; R.Schwartz / Illusions that We Should Have (but don’t); N.Bruno / The Awareness of Illusions; E.Pasquinelli / The Genesis of the Awareness of Illusions; U.Savardi, M.Kubovy & I.Bianchi / PART II: VERIDICAL PERCEPTIONS / Perceptual Constancies: Illusions and Veridicality; B.Maund / Is the Moon Illusion an Illusion?; H.Ross / Cats! Michotte’s New Enigma of Perception; C.Calabi / PART III: DO PICTURES AND MIRRORS FOOL THE EYE? / Trompe l’Œil and the Nature of Pictures; P.Spinicci / Towards a Synchretist Theory of Depiction (How to Account for the Illusionistic Aspect of Pictorial Mirrors, Illusions and Epistemic Innocence; R.Casati / PART IV: OTHER ERRORS: RECALCITRANT EMOTIONS AND MISIDENTIFICATIONS / Emotions, Perceptions and Emotional Illusions; C.Tappolet / Perceptual Misrecognition: A Kind Of Illusion?; J.Dokic / Seeing Double: Illusions of Identity in Delusional Disorders; P.Gerrans / Index
April 2012 288pp 216x138mm 4 b/w tables, 1 photograph and 22 figures Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-34790-8
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Emotion Science
Cognitive and Neuroscientific Approaches to Understanding Human Emotions Elaine Fox, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Essex, UK Contents: Introduction to Emotion Science / The Nature of Measurement of Emotions, Moods and Feelings / Individual Differences in Emotional Reactivity and Regulation: Temperament, Personality and Affective Style / Categorical Approaches to the Structure of Affect / Dimensional Approaches to the Structure of Affect / Affect-Cognition Relations: Perception, Attention and Judgement / Affect-Cognition Relations: Memory / Individual Differences in Emotional Processing / Determinants of Emotional Disorders / Determinants of Resilience and Well-Being / Theoretical Overview September 2008 480pp Paperback £34.99
246x171mm 978-0-230-00518-1
Choice OutstandingAcademic Title for 2009
Cognitive Ecologies and the History of Remembering
Psychologization and the Subject of Late Modernity
Evelyn B. Tribble, Professor and Nicholas Keene, Research Fellow, both at University of Otago, New Zealand
De Vos’s second book on psychologization offers an ambitious elaboration and refining of his innovative approach. Arguing that psychology IS psychologization, the phenomenon is traced back from Late-Modernity to the Enlightenment, engaging with seminalthinkersand teasing out the limits of psychoanalysis as a critical tool. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: Psychology and Its Doubles / Psychology, A Post-Cartesian Discipline. La Mettrie and the Perverse Core of the Psy-Sciences / From Psychologism to Psychologization. Edmund Husserl’s Life-World Revisited / Therapeutic Culture and Its Discontents. Christopher Lasch’s Critique on Post-War Psychologization / Psycho-Politics. Giorgi Agamben Homo Sacer as the Homo Psychologicus / Psychoanalysis and Its Doubles. Towards a Hauntology of Psychologization / Epilogue: Towards a Non-Psychology / References / Index 208pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30846-6
200pp £50.00
Les Todres, Professor of Qualitative Research, Department of Psychology, University of Bournemouth, UK
Drawing on a particular emphasis within the phenomenological tradition as exemplified by Maurice MerleauPonty and Eugene Gendlin, this book considers the role of the lived body as a way of knowing and being within three practical contexts that illustrate some of the nuances of embodied enquiry: qualitative research, psychotherapy, spirituality. August 2011 Paperback
224pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-30230-3
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Against Theory of Mind
This book unites research in philosophy and cognitive science with cultural history to re-examine memory in early modern religious practices.
April 2011 Hardback
Phenomenological Touchstones for Research, Psychotherapy and Spirituality
Jan De Vos, Researcher, Department of Philosophy and Moral Science, Ghent University, Belgium
March 2012 Hardback
Religion, Education and Memory in Early Modern England
Embodied Enquiry
Ivan Leudar, Professor of Analytical and Historical Psychology, University of Manchester, UK and Alan Costall, Professor of Theoretical Psychology, University of Portsmouth, UK August 2011 Paperback
288pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-55274-6
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216x138mm 978-0-230-27688-8
Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies Series Editors: Andrew Hoskins and John Sutton ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Media & Culture Collection
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The Things We Do and Why We Do Them Constantine Sandis, Lecturer in Philosophy, Oxford Brookes University, UK
'...Sandis’s rich and penetrating book not only demonstrates how these various conflations undermine the conclusions philosophers argue for, but also provides philosophers of action with a muchneeded road map for going forward. The Things We Do And Why We Do Them is a must read.' - Michael Smith, Princeton University, USA 'In this subtle book most of the leading contributors to the philosophy of action - and those who study behaviour more generally - will find themselves chastised for committing one or more of the twenty conflations that are listed at the front.' - Jonathan Dancy, University of Texas at Austin, USA The Things We Do and Why We Do Them argues against the common assumption that there is one thing called ‘action’ which all reason-giving explanations of action are geared towards. Sandis shows why all theories concerned with identifying the nature of our ‘real’ reasons for action fail from the outset. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgments / Analytic Table of Contents / 20 Conflating Views to Avoid / The Objectives of Action Explanation / Conflation in Action / What Makes An Explanation Proper? / The Operation of Reasons / Nested Explanations / The Structure of Agential Explanation / Spheres of Explanation / Appendix I - The Ontology of Action / Appendix II - Thought and Motive in Historiography / Bibliography / Index / December 2011 248pp 23 illustrations and 4 figures Hardback £55.00
Action and Existence A Case For Agent Causation James Swindal, Acting Dean, McAnulty College, Duquesne University, USA
Since the pioneering work of Donald Davidson on action, many philosophers have taken critical stances on his causal account. This book criticizes Davidson’s event-causal view of action, and offers instead an agent causal view both to describe what an action is and to set a framework for how actions are explained. Contents: Introduction: Action, Thought, Pragmatism / Neo-Pragmatism and its Critics / Methodology: Reconstructive Dialectics / A History of Action Theory / Defining Actions / The Explanation of Action / A Material Explication of Agency / Agency and Existence / Bibliography / Endnotes November 2011 216pp Hardback £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29667-1
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The Philosophical Foundations of Modern Medicine Keekok Lee, Honorary Research Fellow, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK
An exploration of the philosophical foundation of modern medicine which explains why such a medicine possesses the characteristics it does and where precisely its strengths as well as its weaknesses lie. Written in plain English, it should be accessible to anyone who is intellectually curious, lay persons and medical professionals alike. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I / Philosophical Foundations / Modern Philosophy, Modern Science and Its Methodology / Category Volte-face: Organisms for Machines / Machines and Reductionism / Organism A Machine / PART II / Human Organism is Machine: MEDICINE / Biomedicine: Some Sciences / Biomedicine: Some Technologies / PART III / Nosology: The Monogenic Conception of Disease / Linear Causality and the Monogenic Conception of Disease / Determining the Cause: Controllability and Random Controlled Trials / Epidemiology: ‘Cinderella’ Status? What Kind of Science Is It Really? / Conclusion / Notes / References and Select Bibliography / Index December 2011 248pp 2 figures Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34829-5
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After Postmodernism
Humanity 2.0
A Naturalistic Reconstruction of the Humanities
What it Means to be Human Past, Present and Future
Jan Faye, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The philosophy of the humanistic sciences has been a blind-spot in analytic philosophy. This book argues that by adopting an appropriate pragmatic analysis of explanation and interpretation it is possible to show that scientific practice of humanistic sciences can be understood on similar lines to scientific practice of natural and social sciences. Contents: Introduction / From Geisteswissenschaft to Human Science / The Naturalization of the Humanities / Explanation in the Sciences of Man / The Pragmatics of Interpretation / The Aims of Interpretation / How to Overcome a Myth? / Neomodernism – A New Approach to Humanistic Science? / Conclusion / References November 2011 232pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34856-1
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PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY Steve Fuller, Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick, UK
Social thinkers in all fields are faced with one unavoidable question: What does it mean to be human in the Twenty-first Century? This ambitious and groundbreaking book provides the first synthesis of historical, philosophical and sociological insights needed to address this question in a thoughtful and creative manner. Contents: Introduction: What is Humanity 2.0? / Humanity Poised Between Biology and Ideology / Defining the Human: The Always Ready - Or Never To Be - Object of the Social Sciences? / A Policy Blueprint for Humanity 2.0: The Converging Technologies Agenda / A Theology 2.0 for Humanity 2.0: Thinking Outside the Neo-Darwinian Box / Conclusion: In Search of Humanity 2.0’s Moral Horizon - Or, How to Suffer Smart in the 21st Century October 2011 4 figures Hardback Paperback
£60.00 £19.99
978-0-230-23342-3 978-0-230-23343-0
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Ernst Cassirer on Form and Technology Contemporary Readings Edited by Aud Sissel Hoel, Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway and Ingvild Folkvord, Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Ernst Cassirer’s thought-provoking essay Form and Technology (1930) ascribes to technology a new dignity as a genuine tool of the mind in equal company with language and art. Translated here into English it is accompanied by critical essays that explore its current relevance. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements / Notes on the Contributors / Introduction; A.S.Hoel & I.Folkvord / PART I: FORM AND TECHNOLOGY / Form and Technology; E.Cassirer / Translated by W.McClelland Dunlavey & J.M Krois / The Age of Complete Mechanization; J.M.Krois / PART II: CONTEMPORARY READINGS / Technics of Thinking; A.S.Hoel / The Struggle of Titans - Ernst Jünger and Ernst Cassirer: Vitalist and Enlightenment Philosophies of Technology in Weimar Germany; F.Stjernfelt / Technology as Destiny in Cassirer and Heidegger: Continuing the Davos Debate; H.Ruin / Technical Activity as a Symbolic Form: Comparing Money and Language; J.Lassègue / The Power of Voice: Ernst Cassirer and Bertolt Brecht on Technology, Expressivity and Democracy; I.Folkvord / ‘Representation’ and ‘Presence’ in the Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer; M.Lauschke / Translated by W.McClelland Dunlavey / Cultural Poetics and the Politics of Literature; F.Tygstrup & I.W.Holm / Translated by L.Utne / Cave Art as Symbolic Form; M.Rosengren / Failures of Convergence; D.M.Weiss / Index May 2012 272pp 216x138mm 4 photographs, 2 line drawings and 1 table Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-36547-6
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Karl Marx on Technology and Alienation Amy Wendling, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Creighton University, USA
‘In this excellent book Wendling advances this debate very substantially by setting Marx’s discussion of alienation in the context of the Nineteenth Century (and later) attitude to the development of my opinion anyone who writes at any length about alienation in Marx must address her work seriously and in depth.’ Mark Cowling, Studies in Marxism Now available in paperback. Drawing on lesser known archival material, including Marx’s notebooks on women and patriarchy and Marx’s notebooks on technology, Wendling offers a new interpretation of Marx’s concept of alienation as this concept develops in his later works. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Karl Marx’s Concept of Alienation / Machines and the Transformation of Work / Machines in the Communist Future / Machines in the Capitalist Reality / Alienation Beyond Marx / Notes / References / Index October 2011 Paperback
264pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-34848-6
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Material Participation: Technology, the Environment and Everyday Publics Noortje Marres, Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgements Preface / Objects of Participation / The (Dis)invention of the Material Public: Returns to American Pragmatism / Devising Engagement: Everyday Carbon Accounting and the Cost of Involvement / Living Experiments: A ‘Coming Out’ for the Politics of Things / The Ecohome as Multifarious Instrument: Engagement, Innovation, Change / Re-distributing Problems of Participation / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2012 240pp 216x138mm 4 b/w photographs and 6 figures Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-23211-2
Originary Technicity The Theory of Technology from Marx to Derrida Arthur Bradley, Senior Lecturer. Department of English, County College, Lancaster University, UK
Memory, History, Justice in Hegel Angelica Nuzzo, Professor for Philosophy, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, USA
This reconstruction of the work of ‘dialectical memory’ in Hegel raises the fundamental question of the principle that presides on the articulation of history and indicates in Hegel’s philosophy two alternative models of conceiving history: one that grounds history on ‘ethical memory,’ the other that sees justice as the moving principle of history. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / History and Memory in the Phenomenology of Spirit / Thinking and Recollecting: The Logical Memories of Being / Thinking and Recollecting: Psychological Memory, Personal History, and Subjectivity / Memory, History, Justice / After History: Absolute Memory / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index May 2012 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-37104-0
'This brilliant book is at the frontier of new thinking about ‘originary technicity'.' - J. Hillis Miller, Distinguished Research Professor of Comparative Literature and English, University of California at Irvine, USA This book is the first critical genealogy of Jacques Derrida's philosophy of technology. It traces the evolution of what Derrida calls 'originary technicity' via an appraisal of his own philosophy of technology together with that of key interlocutors including Marx, Freud, Lacan, Heidegger and Bernard Stiegler. May 2011 Hardback
216pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57692-6
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Beyond Humanism The Flourishing of Life, Self and Other Bart Nooteboom, Professor of Innovation Policy, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
This book seeks to set humanism on a new footing. No longer Enlightenment intuitions of an autonomous, disconnected, and rational self but a philosophy oriented towards the relationship between self and other. With this, it seeks to provide an escape from present egotism and narcissism in society. It discusses altruism as well as its limitations. April 2012 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-36916-0
Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy Edited by Karin de Boer, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Groningen, The Netherlands and Ruth Sonderegger, Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory, The Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
Does philosophical critique have a future? What are its possibilities, limits and presuppositions? This collection by outstanding scholars from various traditions, responds to these questions by examining the forms of philosophical critique that have shaped continental thought from Spinoza and Kant to Marx, Foucault, Derrida and Rancière. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction / Critique, Dissent, Disciplinarity; J.Butler / Spinoza or the Other Critique; A.Tosel / Rousseau, Kant, and Philosophical Auto-Criticism: The Practical Ends of Critical Thinking; P.Quadrio / Beyond the Limits of Reason: Kant, Critique, and Enlightenment; C.McQuillan / Hegel’s Conception of Immanent Critique: its Sources, Extent, and Limit; K. de Boer / Karl Marx: Critique as Emancipatory Practice; R.Celikates / Nietzsche’s Genealogy as Performative Critique; J.I.Porter / Psychoanalytic Critique and Beyond; E.Rottenberg / The Interruption of Myth: Walter Benjamin’s Concept of Critique; T.Lijster / Adorno’s Critique of Late Capitalism: Negative, Explanatory, and Practical; F.Freyenhagen / Habermas’ Social Theory: The Critical Power of Communicative Rationality; M.Cooke / Prophecy and Parrēsia: Foucauldian Critique and the Political Role of Intellectuals; C.Hendricks / Derrida: Echoes of the Forthcoming; O.Custer / Negative versus Affirmative Critique: On Pierre Bourdieu and Jacques Rancière; R.Sonderegger / Index November 2011 280pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-24522-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
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Biopolitical Experience Foucault, Power and Positive Critique Claire Blencowe, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick, UK
An original, comprehensive interpretation of Michel Foucault’s analysis of biopolitics – situating biopolitics in the context of embodied histories of subjectivity, affective investments and structures of experience. Going beyond lamentation at the horrors of biopolitical domination, the book develops a positive-critique of biopolitical experience. December 2011 Hardback
232pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30329-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Realizing Freedom: Hegel, Sartre and the Alienation of Human Being Gavin Rae, Visting Associate Professor, American University in Cairo, Egypt
A first in English, this book engages with the ways in which Hegel and Sartre answer the difficult questions: What is it to be human? What place do we have in the world? How should we live? What can we be? October 2011 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-31435-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Dramatizing the Political: Deleuze and Guattari Iain MacKenzie, Lecturer in Political Thought, University of Kent, UK and Robert Porter, Lecturer, Cultural and Political Theory, University of Ulster, UK
This is an in-depth analysis of dramatization as method in the work of Deleuze and Guattari. It provides an account of the value of this method for the study of the political with particular emphasis on the relationship between politics and art. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I / Situating Deleuze and Guattari and Political Theory / Dramatization as Critical Method / Dramatization: The Ontological Claims / PART II / Language and the Method of Dramatization / Cinema and the Method of Dramatization / Events and the Method of Dramatization / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index October 2011 Hardback
168pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58071-8
Nihil Unbound Enlightenment and Extinction Ray Brassier, Associate Professor of Philosophy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
‘Nihil Unbound makes good on many of its promises, chief among them providing the reader a rare experience: actual philosophical discovery...Brassier’s... work provides stunning evidence of at least one of Adorno’s contentions: “Thought honors itself by defending what is damned as nihilism".' - Knox Peden, Continental Philosophy Review Contents: Preface / PART I: DESTROYING THE MANIFEST IMAGE / The Apoptosis of Belief / The Thanatosis of Enlightenment / The Enigma of Realism / PART II: THE ANATOMY OF NEGATION / Unbinding the Void / BeingNothing / PART III: THE END OF TIME / The Pure and Empty Form of Death / The Truth of Extinction / Notes / Bibliography / Index of Names / Index of Subjects February 2010 Paperback
296pp £21.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-52205-3
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Ebook Library, Dawson ERA,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Scruton’s Aesthetics Edited by Andy Hamilton, Reader in Philosophy and Nick Zangwill, Lecturer in Philosophy, both at University of Durham, UK
Scruton’s Aesthetics is a comprehensive critical evaluation of one of the major aestheticians of our age. The lead essay by Scruton is followed by fourteen essays by international commentators plus Scruton’s reply. All discuss matters of enduring importance. Contents: Preface / Notes on Contributors / Summary of the Chapters / Introduction / Working Towards Art; R.Scruton / Scruton’s Musical Experiences; N.Zangwill / Scruton’s Theory of ‘Hearing As’ and Musical Metaphor; M.Spitzer / Scruton on Hearing the Musician; R.Van Gerwen / Scruton and Wittgenstein on Musical Expression; F.Knappik / Scruton, Representation, and the Philosophy of Opera; D.B.Gallagher / Eros and the Redemption of the Gods; S-J.Leslie / Roger Scruton’s ‘Photography and Representation’; J.Friday / Fantasy, Imagination and Film; K.Stock / Scruton on Architecture; G.Graham / The Autonomy of Architecture; A.Hamilton / Against Neatness; and the Neateners who would Neaten Us; E.Winters / Imagination, Expressiveness, and Expression in the Case of Wine; C.Todd / Who’s Afraid of Roger Scruton?; C.Stevens / The Disintegration of Aesthetics; P.Lamarque / A Guarded Response; R.Scruton / List of Books Published by Roger Scruton / Index June 2012 288pp 216x138mm 6 photographs, 3 figures and 3 b/w line drawings Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-25168-7
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Fictions of Knowledge
Modernism and Style
Fact, Evidence, Doubt Edited by Yota Batsaki, Lecturer, Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, USA, Subha Mukherji, University Lecturer, Faculty of English and Jan-Melissa Schramm, Director of Studies in English, both at University of Cambridge, UK
Locating literature at the intersection of distinct areas of thinking on the nature, scope and methods of knowledge - philosophy, theology, science, and the law - this book engages with literary texts across periods and genres to address questions of probability, problems of evidence, the uses of experiment and the poetics and ethics of doubt. Contents: Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / Introduction; Y.Batsaki, S.Mukherji & J.M.Schramm / Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Evolution of a Concept; B.Shapiro / Providence, Experience and Doubt in Medieval England; C.Watkins / Law, Probability and Character in Shakespeare; L.Hutson / Trying, Knowing and Believing: Epistemic Plots and the Poetics of Doubt; S.Mukherji / The Anxiety of Variety: Knowledge and Experience in Montaigne, Burton and Bacon; K.Murphy / Novel Knowledge: Judgment, Experience, Experiment; J.Bender / Lost in the Castle of Scepticism: Sceptical Philosophy as Gothic Romance; S.Kareem / From Alchemy to Experiment: The Political Economy of Experience in William Godwin’s St Leon: A Tale of The Sixteenth Century; Y.Batsaki / Towards a Poetics of (Wrongful) Accusation: Innocence and Working-Class Voice in MidVictorian Fiction; J.M.Schramm / Afterword; M.Wood / Bibliography / Index November 2011 256pp 5 b/w in-text illustrations Hardback £50.00
Ben Hutchinson, Senior Lecturer in German, University of Kent, UK
Modernism is fundamentally determined by its relationship to its own notions of style: oscillating between the poles of ‘pure’ style and ‘purely’ style, this traces the stylistic self-conceptualization of modernism from Schopenhauer and Flaubert in the 1850s, through Nietzsche and the symbolists in the 1880s, to the high modernists of the 1920s. August 2011 Hardback Paperback
312pp £55.00 £18.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-23096-5 978-0-230-23097-2
Existentialism and Social Engagement in the Films of Michael Mann Vincent M. Gaine, Independent Scholar, UK
‘Vincent Gaine’s book is an object lesson in using philosophy to study cinema, persuasively arguing through close reading that the apparently disparate output of director Michael Mann is really a coherent body of film held together by existentialist themes.’ - Jerry Goodenough, University of East Anglia, UK October 2011 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-30105-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Media & Culture Collection
Modernism and... Series Editor: Roger Griffin ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
New Takes in Film-Philosophy Edited by Havi Carel, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Greg Tuck, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, both at University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
This collection displays a range of approaches and contemporary developments in the expanding field of film-philosophy. The essays explore central issues surrounding the conjunction of film and philosophy, presenting a varied yet coherent reflection on the nature of this conjunction.
216x138mm 978-0-230-27788-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections
February 2011 Hardback
272pp £63.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-25028-4
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections
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Comes with a CD/DVD
A Frightening Love
Theology and Marxism in Eagleton and Zizek
Seeing Nature as Creation
A Conspiracy of Hope
Recasting the Problem of Evil
'This is a marvelous book. Gleeson’s suggestion that it is God’s love, not His moral goodness, that should occupy central place in our thinking gives to the problem of evil a shape radically different from that familiar in contemporary philosophy of religion. But the significance of the book reaches well beyond these issues: for Gleeson’s approach challenges the conventional distinction between an intellectual and an ‘existential’ enquiry – between the philosopher and the human being – that will be of interest to any philosopher who is seriously concerned about the character of his or her work.' - David Cockburn, University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s, UK A Frightening Love radically rethinks God and evil. It rejects theodicy and its impersonal conception of reason and morality. Faith survives evil through a miraculous love that resists philosophical rationalization. Authors criticised include Alvin Plantinga, Richard Swinburne, Marilyn McCord Adams, Peter van Inwagen, John Haldane, William Hasker. Contents: Preface / The Greater Good / The Intellectual and the Existential / The Problem of Evil and the Problem of the Slightest Toothache / The God of Love / Is God an Agent? / The Real God / Notes / Bibliography / Index 216x138mm 978-0-230-24975-2
Mats Wahlberg, Associate Professor, Umea University, Sweden
Ola Sigurdson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Centre for Culture and Health, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Andrew Gleeson, Lecturer in Philosophy, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia
December 2011 184pp Hardback £50.00
Reshaping Natural Theology
Taking its cue from the renewed interest in theology among Marxist and politically radical philosophers or thinkers, this study inquires into the reasons for this interest in theology focusing on the British literary theorist Terry Eagleton and the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek, as two contemporary prominent Marxist thinkers. Contents: Introduction / Aim and Structure / Marxism and Theology / How to Read Eagleton and Žižek / Eagleton and the Sublunar Sublime / Žižek and the Trauma of Faith / Ideology as Idolatry or Vice Versa / Ideology Critique Beyond the Postmodern / The Embodied Self / The Moderately Rational Nature of Human Beings / Looking Awry / Ideology as Doctrine, Ritual, and Belief / Ideology and the Real / The Continuing Need for a Critique of Ideology / The Need for Faith / The Creed According to Eagleton / Faith, Reason, and Engagement / The Adventures of Spirit / The Importance of Being Born Again / Catholic Thomism and Hegelian Protestantism / God, Evil, and Freedom / Aquinas and The Void of God / Freedom After Nihilism / The Reason for Evil / Schelling, God and Evil / The Abandonment of God / Against Idolatry: On Not Quite Being Opposites / An Arrested Dialogue / Against the Ethics of the Real: Eagleton on Žižek / Against the Return to the Symbolic: Žižek on Eagleton / On Neighbourly Love / An Anatomy of Hope / Eschatology / Revolution / Communism / Hope / The (Re)turn to Theology Revisited May 2012 Hardback
254pp £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-34011-4
Is nature creation or merely the product of non-intentional, natural processes? The author aims to recover the Christian sense that it is obvious that nature is creation and argues that biological nature has expressive properties similar in kind to human behaviour and art. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Bursting Descartes’ Bubble / Perception and Concepts / Perceptual Evidence / Perceiving Other Minds / Seeing Nature as Creation / Possible Defeaters / Unapologetic Theology / Notes / Bibliography / Index May 2012 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-39313-4
Critical Thinking Skills The latest edition of this bestselling title from Stella Cottrell is out
now! 978-0-230-28529-3
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Religious Pluralism and the Modern World
Evil and the God of Love John Hick, Fellow, Institute for Advanced Research in Arts & Social Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
An Ongoing Engagement with John Hick Edited by Sharada Sugirtharajah, Senior Lecturer in Hindu Studies, University of Birmingham, UK
‘John Hick’s wide ranging and important contributions to the philosophy of religion are fittingly recognised in these essays. Collectively and individually, they testify to the enduring significance of Hick’s treatment of such issues as religious pluralism, the problem of evil and the nature of salvation. They will be of interest to students of religion in general and of John Hick in particular.’ - Peter Byrne, Emeritus Professor of Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion, King’s College London, UK A fascinating collection of essays by leading scholars in the field engage with the idea of religious pluralism mooted by John Hick to offer incisive insights on religious pluralism and related themes and to address practical aspects such as interreligious spirituality and worship in a multifaith context. December 2011 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-29669-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
‘A major contribution to the discussion of theodicy.’ - Times Literary Supplement ‘I do not know of any contemporary work which deals with [the problem of evil] either so thoroughly or so profoundly.’ - Hugo Meynell, Catholic Herald When first published, Evil and the God of Love instantly became recognized as a modern theological classic, widely viewed as the most important work on the problem of evil to appear in English for more than a generation. Including a foreword by Marilyn McCord Adams, this reissue also contains a new preface by the author. April 2010 Paperback
416pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-25279-0
Nietzsche’s Dancers Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the Revaluation of Christian Values Kimerer L. LaMothe, Philosopher and Scholar of Religion
This book examines the relationships among these three figures, arguing that the techniques of dance practice, choreography, and performances developed by Duncan and Graham critically advance Nietzsche’s revaluation of Christian values. November 2011 286pp Paperback £20.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-33844-9
ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary, Ebrary,, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Faith in Objects American Missionary Expositions in the Early Twentieth Century Erin L. Hasinoff, Fellow in Museum Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History and Bard Graduate Center, USA
‘Thorough, balanced, theoretically informed, and gracefully written. The strength of the study is the wonderful way in which the author takes complex anthropological issues and lucidly demonstrates their relevance for the understanding of this important exhibition. The book will expand a very small literature, making an enormous and thoroughly original contribution.’ - David Morgan, Professor of Religion, Duke University, USA Hasinoff brings the untold history of the World in Boston of 1911, ‘America’s First Great Missionary Exposition,’ to light, focusing on how the material culture of missions shaped domestic interactions with evangelism, Christianity, and the consumption of ethnological knowledge. November 2011 286pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11672-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Media & Culture Collection
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Decolonizing the Body of Christ Communitas
Questioning French Secularism
The Anthropology of Collective Joy
Gender Politics and Islam in a Parisian Suburb
Edith Turner, Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Virginia, USA Contents: Introduction:Communitas and the Study of Anthropology / The Experience of Communitas / The Method of ‘Showing Through Stories’ / Contrasts: Communitas and False Communitas / Festivals: July 4th, Carnival, and Clown / Music and Sport: Being in the Zone / The Communitas of Work: Surprising Conclusions / The Communitas of Disaster / The Sacredness of the People: The Communitas of Revolution and Liberation / The Communitas of Nonviolence / Nature and Spirit / Rites of Passage: Communitas in Times of Change / Conclusion: A Natural History of Joy
Jennifer A. Selby, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada Contents: PART I: SETTING THE SCENE: PLACE AND METHOD / Gender Politics and Religion in Contemporary France / Fieldwork Context: Working and Living in Petit Nanterre / Methodological Considerations: On Writing about Muslim Women / PART II: ‘HARDLY PARADISE’: FROM SHANTYTOWN TO HOUSING PROJECT / Migration to the Banlieues of Paris / Religious Geography / Gender Politics and Sexual Segregation / Divisions / Community-Based Organizations / 2005 Suburban Riots / PART III: THE SHIFTING BOUNDARIES OF LAICITE / Secularism: General Remarks / Secularism: The French Case / Commissioned Secularism in Contemporary France / Secularism: The Pork Affair in Petit Nanterre / PART IV: FEMINISM, FEMININITY, AND LAICITE / Femmes Solidaires (‘Women in Solidarity’) / French Femininity: Stereotypes / Gossip / PART V: MARRIAGE-PARTNER PREFERENCE AND MIGRATION TO PETIT NANTERRE / Journeys to Petit Nanterre / Implications for ‘Disfavored’ Women / Second-Generation Women Respond / Implications / PART VI: ON BEING A VISIBLY RELIGIOUS WOMAN IN FRANCE / Continued French Colonialism? / Feminist Critiques and Practicing Religious Women / General Conclusion
February 2012 Hardback Paperback
272pp £55.00 £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-33905-7 978-0-230-33908-8
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Media & Culture Collection, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
The Christianity of Culture Conversion, Ethnic Citizenship, and the Matter of Religion in Malaysian Borneo Liana Chua, Lecturer in Anthropology, Brunel University, UK December 2011 274pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-12046-4
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February 2012 256pp 11 illustrations and 1pp figures Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-12101-0
Theology and Theory after Empire? Edited by David Joy, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and New Testament, United Theological College, Bangalore, India and Joseph Duggan, founder of Postcolonial Networks
The first book in the Postcolonialism and Religions series offers a preview of the series focus on multireligious, indigenous, and transnational scholarly voices. In this book, the once arch enemies of Religious studies and Postcolonial theory become critical companions in shared analysis of major postcolonial themes. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction to Postcolonialism and Religions Series; J.F.Duggan / Introduction; C.I.D.Joy / Preface; D.Forrester / PART I: DECOLONIZING THE SOURCES / Decolonizing the Bible, Church, and Jesus: a Search for an Alternate Reading Space for the Postcolonial Context; C.I.D.Joy / Decolonizing Marital Gender Norms in Eph. 5:21-33; J.Lalitha / ‘Pierced by the curved end of a rainbow’: Decolonizing the Body of the Martyr; J.J.Sebastian / Decolonizing the Formulation of Scripture: A Postcolonial Reading of Genesis 12, 20, and 26; N.Rao / PART II: DECOLONIZING RELATES BETWEEN THEOLOGY AND THEORY / Postmodernity, Postcoloniality, and Religious Cultures; S.Malhotra / Theologies of, for, and by Asians: Reformulating Dialogue; S.A.Bong / Allama Muhammad Iqbal: Poet Philosopher and the Dangers of Appropriation; M.A.Raja / PART III: DECOLONIZING CONTEXTS / Diaspora and Kenosis as Postcolonial Themes; M.G.Brett / Discourses of Learning and Love: Sufi Paths in Pakistan; M.Shoaib / PART IV: RESPONDENT CHAPTERS / Postcolonial Theory and Theology: On Educating Ourselves to be Planetary Subjects; M.Sebastian / Decolonizing the Body of Christ: An Initial Response; A.Reddie / Notes on the Contributors July 2012 Hardback
240pp £57.50
216x140mm 978-1-137-00289-1
Postcolonialism and Religions Series Editors: Joseph Dugganm and Johann Kayakiran Sebastian
To view all titles in this series visit: Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-54346-1 Paperback: 978-0-230-54347-8
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The Salvation of the Flesh in Tertullian of Carthage Dressing for the Resurrection
A Cross Too Heavy
The Dark Side of the Church
Pope Pius XII and the Jews of Europe
Robert Michael, Professor Emeritus of European History, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA
Carly Daniel-Hughes, Assistant Professor of Religion, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
Examines Tertullian of Carthage’s (160-220 C.E.) writings on dress within Roman vestimentary culture. It employs a socio-historical approach, together with insights from performance theory and feminist rhetorical analysis, to situate Tertullian’s comments in the broader context of the Roman Empire. September 2011 192 pp Hardback £55.00
A History of Catholic Antisemitism
216x138mm 978-0-230-11773-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Moving from the Catholic Church’s pagan origins, through the Roman era, middle ages, and Reformation to the present, Robert Michael here provides a definitive history of Catholic antisemitism. May 2011 Paperback
292pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-11131-8
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections, Ebook Library, Dawson ERA,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI The Christocentric Shift
Holy Holidays!
Emery de Gaál, Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Eichstätt, Bavaria, Germany, and is currently Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of St. Mary of the Lake, operated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago and located in Mundelein, Illinois, USA
The Catholic Origins of Celebration Greg Tobin, Author of several books on the Catholic Church
Most people happily participate in Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day and Valentine’s Day with very little knowledge of the origins and meanings of those days. Greg Tobin explains the often unknown and untold origins of holidays and annual celebrations that bind our society and give colour and spiritual content to our lives. March 2011 Paperback
256pp £11.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-10487-7
Many refer to Pope Benedict XVI as 'the Mozart of Theology.' Who are the thinkers who have informed his theology? What events, and which religious devotions, have shaped his personality? This study attempts to shed light on the unifying melody of the policies and positions of a pontificate charged with spiritual and theological depth. May 2011 Hardback
386pp £62.50
Paul O’Shea, Senior Religious Education Coordinator, St. Patrick’s College, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia
The papacy of Pius XII (1939-1958) has been a source of near-constant criticism and debate since his death, particularly because of his alleged silence during the Holocaust. Paul O’Shea examines his littlestudied pre-papal life to demonstrate that Pius was neither an anti-Semitic villain nor a ‘lamb without stain.’ April 2011 Hardback Paperback
288pp £72.00 £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-11079-3 978-0-230-11080-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect History Collections
Speaking of Gods in Figure and Narrative Deeanne Westbrook, Professor Emerita of English, Portland State University, USA February 2011 Hardback
262pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-10811-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Literature Collections
234x156mm 978-0-230-10540-9
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
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Comes with a CD/DVD
Judaism and World Religions Encountering Christianity, Islam, and Eastern Traditions Alan Brill, Cooperman/Ross Endowed Professor and Associate Professor of Jewish-Christian Studies, Seton Hall University, USA
Provides the first extensive collection of traditional and academic Jewish approaches to the religions of the world, focusing on those Jewish thinkers that actually encounter the other world religions -that is, it moves beyond the theory of inclusive/exclusive/pluralistic categories and looks at Judaism’s interactions with other faiths. Contents: Encountering World Religions / Comparing Religions / Christianity: Medieval Encounters and Modern Existential Tensions / Christianity: Covenant Theology / Christianity: Creating Comparisons / Islam: Prophetic Religions / Islam: Creating Comparisons and Modern Tensions / Eastern Religions: Classical Encounters / Eastern Religions: Creating Comparisons and New Encounters / Globalization February 2012 Hardback
320pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-10369-6
Jewish Ethics in a Post-Madoff World A Case for Optimism Moses Pava, Einbender Professorial Chair in Business Ethics, Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University, USA November 2011 224pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11819-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
No Longer the Same Religious Others and the Liberation of Christian Theology David R. Brockman, Research Associate for the Progressive Christian Center of the South, USA
No Longer the Same, now available in paperback, addresses the issue of what happens to Christian theology when it follows its traditional habit of excluding religious others from the theological conversation. Brockman argues that the exclusion of non-Christian voices blinds Christian theology not only to its own character, but also to the God to whom it seeks to be faithful. April 2012 Paperbackback
208pp £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-10943-8
New Approaches to Religion and Power Series Editor: Joerg Rieger ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
The Right of the Protestant Left God’s Totalitarianism Mark Thomas Edwards, Assistant Professor of American History, Spring Arbor University, USA
While serving as an introduction to ecumenical liberal Protestantism and the social gospel over the course of the Twentieth-century this book also highlights certain totalitarian as well as more fundamental conservative tendencies within those movements. Contents: ’Growing Christendom’: The Inheritance of Christian Realism, 1890-1932 / ‘Seasoned Idealism’: The Faith of Christian Realism, 1919-1933 / ‘Evangelical Catholicism’: Fixing Christian Realism in America, 19331939 / A ‘Christian Internationale’: Christian Realism on the Frontlines of World Protestantism, 1928-1941 / ‘Bringing Our World Together’: The Dominion of Christian Realism, 1941-1945 / ‘The World Is a Conflict’: The Reverse Course of Christian Realism, 1945-1952 / ‘Responsible Freedom’: The Imagination of Christian Realism, 19481961 / ‘The Humane Scale’: The Situation of Christian Realism, 1950-1970 / ‘The New Reformation’: The Legacy of Christian Realism, 1962-1980 / Epilogue: ‘Good-by to Gothic?’: The Relevance of Christian Realism / July 2012 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x140mm 978-1-137-01989-9
Winckelmann and the Vatican’s First Profane Museum Louis A. Ruprecht, Jr. William M. Suttles Professor of Religious Studies, Georgia State University, USA
Offers the first-ever historical descriptions of the foundation of the “Museo Profano” inside the Vatican in 1761. Using the palace records from the Vatican’s Secret Archives, Ruprecht demonstrates that the Vatican museum was the brainchild of J.J. Winckelmann, the so-called father of Art History. November 2011 352pp Hardback £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-11069-4
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Fundamentalism and Education in the Scopes Era
Theology of Migration in the Abrahamic Religions
God, Darwin, and the Roots of America’s Culture Wars Adam Laats, Assistant Professor and Associate Director, Center for the Teaching of American History, State University of New York, USA
This book, now available in paperback, explores the wide-ranging educational activism of conservative Protestant fundamentalists in the 1920s. Contents: PART I: FUNDAMENTALISM AND FUNDAMENTALISTS / A New Kind of Protestant / What’s in a Name? / PART II: GOD AND SCHOOL / Campus Skirmishes / Early Legislative Battles / Of Monkeys and Men / PART III: MONKEYS AND MODERNISM / School Legislation after Scopes / College Controversies after Scopes / Fundamentalists, Bibles, and Schooling in the 1920s / PART IV: FUNDAMENTALISM TRANSFORMED / Fundamentalists and the New Fundamentalism / Fundamentalists outside the New Fundamentalism July 2012 Paperback
268pp £20.00
210x140mm 978-1-137-02101-4
Contents: Introduction; E.Padilla & P.Phan / Jewish Theology of Migration; M.Raphael-Levine / Roman Catholic Theology of Migration; P.Phan / Orthodox Theology of Migration; V.Karras & E.H.Prodromou / Protestant Theology of Migration; J.M.Hagan / Evangelical/Pentecostal Theology of Migration; A.Yong / Islamic Theology of Migration; A.Hussain / Ecumenical Theology of Migration; E.Tapia May 2012 Hardback
256pp £52.00
216x138mm 978-1-137-00103-0
Sacred Texts, Historical Traditions, and Social Analysis Edited by Darla Schumm, Associate Professor of Religion, Hollins University, USA and Michael Stoltzfus, Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Valdosta State University, USA
From both the official statements and the works of major theologians in each religious tradition, this volume seeks to present the theologies of migration proposed by various Christian religious churches and denominations, Judaism, and Islam.
Christianities of the World Series Editors: Dale Irvin and Peter Phan
ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Education Collections
Disability Studies and Biblical Literature
'... a major contribution to the nascent study of Religion and Disability with their edited volume...This book will spark continuing dialogue among religious practitioners, scholars of religion, and students. The essays are attentive to recent insights from disability studies with close literary work in religious texts.' - Sarah Melcher, Associate Professor of Theology, Xavier University, USA November 2011 268pp Hardback £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11972-7
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Candida R. Moss, Assistant Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame, France and Jeremy Schipper, Assistant Professor of Religion, Temple University, USA
Reading the Book of Isaiah Destruction and Lament in the Holy Cities Randall Heskett, Independent Biblical Scholar September 2011 224pp Hardback £60.00
Edited by Elaine Padilla, Assistant Professor, New York Theological Seminary, USA and Peter Phan, Ignacio Ellacuría Chair of Catholic Social Thought, Theology Department, Georgetown University, USA
Disability in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
216x138mm 978-0-230-11685-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
The primary aim of this volume is to synthesize the two fields of disability studies and biblical studies. It illustrates how academic or critical biblical scholarship has shown that many texts involving disability in the Bible is much more nuanced than a casual reading or isolated proof texting may indicate. November 2011 248pp Hardback £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33829-6
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Afro-Eccentricity Beyond the Standard Narrative of Black Religion William David Hart, Professor of Religious Studies and Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA March 2011 Hardback
250pp £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11157-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
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Pentecostalism and Prosperity The Socio-Economics of the Global Charismatic Movement Edited by Katherine Attanasi, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Regent University School of Undergraduate Studies, USA and Amos Yong, Rodman Williams Professor of Theology, Regent University School of Divinity, USA
While there are a growing number of researchers who are exploring the political and social aspects of the global Renewal movement, few have provided sustained socio-economic analyses of this phenomenon. The editors and contributors to this volume offer perspectives in light of the growth of the Renewal movement in the twothirds world. Contents: Introduction: Pentecostalism and Prosperity: Historical and Global Contexts; K.L.Attanasi / PART I: THEOLOGY AND ETHICS OF PROSPERITY / A Typology of the Prosperity Theology: A Religious Economy of Global Renewal or a Renewal Economics?; A.Yong / Stop Worrying and Start Sowing! A Phenomenological Account of the Ethics of ‘Divine Investment’; J.L.Walton / PART II: PROSPERITY IN PRACTICE / Risky Careers and Spirit-Guided Prosperity: How Prosperity Theology is Uniquely Suited to the Uncertain Work Lives of Christians in Advanced Capitalism; G.Marti / Under the Radar: Pentecostalism in South Africa and Its Potential Social and Economic Role - Centre for Development and Enterprise, Johannesburg, South Africa / The Prosperity Gospel among Filipino Catholic Charismatics; K.L.Wiegele / The Prosperity Gospel in Brazilian Pentecostalism; P.Freston / Pentecostal Paradigms of National Economic Prosperity in Africa; N.Wariboko / PART III: RESPONSES / An Economist’s Response; D.A.Hicks / A Historian’s Response; R.A.Chesnut February 2012 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33828-9
Protestant Identity and Peace in Northern Ireland
Religious Internationals in the Modern World
Graham Spencer, Reader in Politics, Conflict and the Media, University of Portsmouth, UK
‘Graham Spencer’s work to date has made a vital contribution to understanding the complexities and struggles that pervade the transition from conflict to post-conflict society in Northern Ireland...a necessary work for understanding the role of the churches in Northern Ireland today.’ - Duncan Morrow, Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council, UK Based on interview material with a wide range of Protestant clergy in Northern Ireland, this book examines how Protestant identity impacts on the possibility of peace and stability and argues for greater involvement by the Protestant churches in the transition from conflict to a ‘post-conflict’ Northern Ireland. February 2012 Hardback
280pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-20161-3
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Edited by Abigail Green, CUF Lecturer and Fellow in Modern History and Vincent Viaene, Marie Curie Fellow, Brasenose College, both at University of Oxford, UK
Tracing the emergence of ‘Religious Internationals’ as a distinctive new phenomenon in world history, this book transforms our understanding of the role of religion in our modern world. Through in-depth studies comparing the experiences of Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews and Muslims, leading experts shed new light on ‘global civil society’. Contents: Foreword / Acknowledgements / Abbreviations and Acronyms / Notes on the Contributors / Introduction: Rethinking Religion and Globalization / PART I: THE RELIGIONS OF THE BOOK: TRAJECTORIES, COMPARISONS / The Protestant International / Old Networks, New Connections: The Emergence of the Jewish International / Nineteenth-century Catholic Internationalism and its Predecessors / The Islamic World: World System to ‘Religious International’ / PART II: RELIGIOUS INTERNATIONALS IN TRANSITION / Nationalism versus Internationalism: Russian Orthodoxy in Nineteenth-century Palestine / Muslim Internationalism between Empire and Nation-State / Religious Internationalism in the Jewish Diaspora – Tunis at the Dawn of the Colonial Period / Transnational Buddhist Activists in the Era of Empires / PART III: RELIGIOUS INTERNATIONALS IN THE MODERN WORLD: LIMITS AND NEW HORIZONS / The Hadhrami Sada and the Evolution of an Islamic Religious International, c. 1750s to 1930s / A Religious International in Southeastern Europe? / Activism as Engine: Jewish Internationalism, 1880s-1980s / Protestant Ecclesiastical Internationals / From State to Civil Society and Back Again: The Catholic Church as Transnational Actor, 1965–2005 / The Global Sangh Parivar: a Study of Contemporary International Hinduism July 2012 Hardback
368pp £65.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-31950-9
Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series Series Editors: Akira Iriye and Rana Mitter
Christianities of the World Series Editors: Dale Irvin and Peter Phan ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
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The Epistemology of Religious Disagreement
Faith, Fallibility, and the Virtue of Anxiety
Perceiving the Divine through the Human Body
A Better Understanding
An Essay in Religion and Political Liberalism
Mystical Sensuality
James Kraft, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Huston-Tillotson University, USA
Many assume falsely that religious disagreements engage rules of evidence presentation and belief justification radically different than the ordinary disagreements people have every day, whether those religious disagreements are in Sri Lanka between Hindus and Buddhists or in the Middle East among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE EPISTEMOLOGY OF ORDINARY DISAGREEMENTS / Justified True Belief? / Varieties of Luck and Possible Worlds / Skepticism between Beginner’s and Lottery Luck / Ordinary Disagreements / PART II: FROM ORDINARY TO RELIGIOUS DISAGREEMENTS / Ordinary and Religious Disagreements Compared / Exclusivism, Pluralism, Postmodernism, Contextualism, and Hermeneutics / Non-Reductive Religious Disagreement / Reduction / Conclusion May 2012 Hardback
196pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11190-5
Derek Malone-France, Associate Professor of Religion and of Writing, George Washington University, USA
Malone-France brings together important themes from religious studies, philosophy, and political theory to articulate a fundamental re-conception of religious faith and an innovative argument for classic liberal norms. The project connects directly to two of the most important themes in current scholarly discourse: the relationship between religious belief and democracy and the contemporary resurgence of interest in the theoretical justification of liberalism. Contents: Introduction: Context, Terminology, and Structure / Anxiety: From Problem to Virtue / Anxiety, Secrecy, and Authority in the Abrahamic and Liberal Traditions / Faith, Freedom, Reason, and Responsibility / Divine Anxiety and the Metaphysics of Freedom / Process Metaphysics and Democratic Deliberation May 2012 Hardback
208pp £55.00
Thomas Cattoi, Assistant Professor of Christology and Cultures, Graduate Theological Union, USA and June McDaniel, Professor of the History of Religions, College of Charleston, USA
Cattoi and McDaniel present a selection of articles on the role of the body and the spiritual senses - our transfigured channels of sensory perceptions - in the context of spiritual practice. The volume investigates this theme across a variety of different religious traditions within Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism. November 2011 264pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11974-1
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
216x138mm 978-0-230-11071-7
Everyday Spirituality Social and Spatial Worlds of Enchantment Sara MacKian, Senior Lecturer in Health and Wellbeing, The Open University, UK
This book puts spirit back at the heart of spirituality. By exploring the everyday impacts of alternative spiritual beliefs and practices, the book examines contemporary spirituality and how critical social science can map and understand it.
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February 2012 Hardback
216x138mm 978-0-230-21939-7
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Amazon Kindle, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Google eBookstore (UK), Myilibrary, NetLibrary
240pp £55.00
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Faith and Social Capital After the Debt Crisis Adam Dinham, Reader, Goldsmiths University, UK
'Not only is this book a wonderful introduction to what faith-based social action contributes to the UK today, it also puts forward a striking and significant argument. Dinham suggests that the notion of 'social capital', fashionable with policy-makers and faith groups alike, has been so hollowed out that it fails to make sense of faith's distinctive contributions to society - good and bad.' - Linda Woodhead, Professor of the Sociology of Religion, Lancaster University and Director of the AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Programme, UK This book explores what becomes of faiths when seen as social capital. In the grip of the current debt crisis, where the social and capital seem increasingly unbalanced, Dinham examines whether faiths can help rebalance society through drawing communities together. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Preface / Faith Beyond Social Capital / Relationships in Ordinary / Faiths, Public Policy and the Rise of Social Capital / Capital, Social Capital and Religious Capital / Capitalism-Fetishism? / Magnifying the Market / Faith in Markets / Prophets or Profits? / An Alternative Discourse of Faith / References / Bibliography April 2012 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-27698-7
Religion and the Health of the Public Shifting the Paradigm Gary R. Gundrane, Senior Vice President for Health and Welfare Ministries for Methodist Healthcare; Director for the Interfaith Health Program, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, USA and James R. Cochrane, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa
The book proposes a critical theory of the role and place of religion in public health and argues for a programmatic reorientation of these two fields of practice and inquiry to more effectively align religious health assets - widely present in many contexts - and public health services and facilities. Contents: Seeing Differently: Changing the Paradigm of the Health of the Public / The Health of the Public and the Religious Mind: Connections and Disconnections / Religious Health Assets: What Religion Brings to Health of the Public / Leading Causes of Life: Pathology in it’s Place / Seeking Health: Persons, Bodies and Choices / People who Congregate: Building on Strengths / Boundary Leadership: Embodying Complexity in Turbulence / The Challenge of Systems / Religion and the Health of the Public: Deep Accountability April 2012 Hardback Paperback
240pp £65.00 £22.99
216x140mm 978-0-230-34127-2 978-0-230-34152-4
Imaging Religion in Film The Politics of Nostalgia M. Gail Hamner, Associate Professor, Department of Religion, Syracuse University, USA
This book offers a new methodology for examining the ethico-political dimensions of religion and film which foregrounds film’s social power both to shape subjectivity and to image contemporary social contradictions and analyses three specific films: Kurosawa’s Dersu Uzala; Kiarostami’s Taste of Cherry; and the Coens’ The Man Who Wasn’t There. December 2011 224pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33986-6
New Approaches to Religion and Power Series Editor: Joerg Rieger ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
The Subject, Capitalism, and Religion Horizons of Hope in Complex Societies Jung Mo Sung, Professor of Religion, Graduate Religious Studies Program, Methodist University of São Paulo, Brazil
In order to fight for a more just society, it is necessary to elaborate upon the theoretical reflections that critically analyze the faith and myths that support and legitimize the trajectory of contemporary capitalism and its utopia, as well as the faith and the complex relation that exists in between the notions of the subject and societies. November 2011 208pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11975-8
New Approaches to Religion and Power Series Editor: Joerg Rieger ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
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Interfaith Just Peacemaking Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on the New Paradigm of Peace and War
Religion, National Identity, and Confessional Politics in Lebanon The Challenge of Islamism
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Christopher Flood, Department of Political, International and Policy Studies, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, Stephen Hutchings, Professor of Russian Studies, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, University of Manchester, UK, Galina Miazhevich, University of Oxford, UK and Henri Nickels, Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of European Transformations, London Metropolitan University, UK Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: THE BROAD VIEW: PATTERNS AND PREOCCUPATIONS / The Ten O’Clock News: Anxious Attention / The Journal de Vingt Heures: A Degree of Detachment / Vremia: Compliance and Complicity / PART II: THE CLOSE-UP VIEW: SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES / ‘Islamic Extremism’ and the Brokering of Consensus / Television Genre and Islamist Terror / The War on Terror as Intercultural Flow / Commemorating 9/11: The Struggle for the Universal / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index
April 2012 Hardback
Edited by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Professor of Theology and former President of Chicago Theological Seminary, USA
Interfaith Just Peacemaking is a collected work by 27 Jewish, Muslim and Christian scholars and religious leaders on the ten 'practice norms' of the peacemaking paradigm called 'Just Peace.'Just Peace theory, like the paradigm it most resembles, Just War theory, is a list of specific practices that are applied to concrete contexts. December 2011 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-33989-7
Robert G. Rabil, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Political Science Department, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Against a background of weak and contested national identity and capricious interaction between religious affiliation and confessional politics, this book illustrates in detailed analysis this 'comprehensive' project of Islamism according to its ideological and practical evolutionary change. August 2011 Hardback
230pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11654-2
The Middle East in Focus Series Editor: Barry Rubin
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Commonalities, Contentions, and Complexities
216x138mm 978-0-230-24145-9
Islam, Modernity, and the Human Sciences
Edited by Reza Aslan, Fellow, University of Southern California’s Centre on Public Diplomacy and Middle East Analyst for CBS News and Aaron J. Hahn Tapper, Founder and Co-Executive Director of Abraham’s Vision and an Assistant Professor in the Theology and Religious Studies Department, University of San Francisco, USA 228pp £58.00 £19.99
312pp £55.00
Muslims and Jews in America
June 2011 Hardback Paperback
Islam, Security and Television News
Ali Zaidi, Assistant Professor, Department of Global Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada April 2011 Hardback
234x156mm 978-0-230-10860-8 978-0-230-10861-5
234 pp £58.00
216x134mm 978-0-230-11035-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
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Islam Dot Com Contemporary Islamic Discourses in Cyberspace Mohammed el-Nawawy, Associate Professor and Knight-Crane Endowed Chair, Department of Communication, Queens University of Charlotte, USA and Sahar Khamis, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
'Undoubtedly this book makes an important contribution to the existing literature on Islam and the Internet. Its lucid discussion of theoretical issues will be an indispensible resource for students and researchers in this field.’ - Eugenia Siapera, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences This book analyzes the discourses and deliberations in the discussion forums of three of the most visited Islamic websites and investigates the extent to which they have provided a venue for Muslims to freely engage in discussion among themselves and with non-Muslims about political, economic, religious and social issues. Contents: The Public Sphere in an Islamic Context / Religion in the Virtual Public Sphere: The Case of Islam / Is the Umma a Public Sphere? / The ‘Virtual Umma’: Collective Identities in Cyberspace / Islamic Websites: Divergent Identities in Cyberspace / Virtual Islamic Discourses: Platforms for Consensus or Sites of Contention? January 2012 Paperback
288pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-33815-9
The Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political Communication Series Editor: Philip Seib ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections, NetLibrary, Dawson ERA, Ebrary,, Myilibrary, Ebook Library
Constructing a Religiously Ideal ‘Believer’ and ‘Woman’ in Islam Neo-traditional Salafi and Progressive Muslims’ Methods of Interpretation
The Fatigue of the Shari’a
Adis Duderija, PostDoctoral Appointment, Centre for Muslim States and Societies, University of Western Australia
Ahmad Atif Ahmad, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
The Fatigue of the Shari’a places on a continuum two kinds of debates: debates in the Islamic tradition about the end of access to divine guidance and debates in modern scholarship in Islamic legal studies about the end of the Shari’a. The resulting continuum covers what access to divine guidance means and how it relates to Shari’a. April 2012 Hardback
222pp £58.00
210x140mm 978-0-230-34036-7
Shi’i Jurisprudence and Constitution Revolution in Iran Amirhassan Boozari, Lecturer in Law, UCLA Law School, USA March 2011 Hardback
264pp £58.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-11073-1
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
In this comprehensive study, Adis Duderija examines how Neo Traditional Salafi thought (NTS) and progressive Muslims interpret the normative concepts of ‘Believer’ and ‘Muslim Woman’ in contemporary Islam September 2011 272pp Hardback £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-12057-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
The Islamic Law of War Justifications and Regulations Ahmed Al-Dawoody, Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies in English, Al-Azhar University, Egypt February 2011 Hardback
352pp £58.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11160-8
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-1-137-27409-0 Paperback: 978-1-137-27408-3
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The Holy Spirit, Chi, and the Other
Women & Catholicism
A Model of Global and Intercultural Pneumatology
Gender, Communion, and Authority
Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Associate Professor of Doctrinal Theology, Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, USA
There appears to be a hierarchy of cultures with the West perceiving the East as inferior, so much so that it is referred to simply as ‘the Other’. Because today’s world is globally interdependent, interwoven, and integrative, it is pertinent to be open to the cultural, spiritual, and religious understandings of the East September 2011 200pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-12030-3
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Woman and Goddess in Hinduism Reinterpretations and Re-envisionings Tracy Pintchman, Professor and Director of the International Studies Program, Loyola University, Chicago, USA and Rita D. Sherma, Director of the Institute For Theology Beyond Boundaries and Executive Director of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Taksha Institute, Hampton, USA
Offering multilayered explorations of Hindu understandings of the Feminine, both human and divine, this book emphasizes theological and activist methods and aims over historical, anthropological, and literary ones. July 2011 Hardback
254pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11369-5
The book investigates three situations in the Catholic Church that point to Catholicism’s weak spot: the role of women in the Church. Zagano sheds light on the Catholic Church’s hierarchicallyimposed laws that keep women at a distance from the holy, whether as liturgical ministers, as wives of priests, or as priests themselves. Contents: PART I. JURIDICAL AUTHORITY: BISHOP BRUSKEWITZ, THE BISHOPS' CONFERENCE, AND CALL TO ACTION / Community and Authority / Who is Fabian Bruskewitz? / The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops / The USCCB and the Sex Abuse Scandal / Bishop Bruskewitz and Call to Action / Call to Action and Call to Action-Nebraska / Call to Action / Communion and Authority in Lincoln, Nebraska / PART II: SACRAMENTAL AUTHORITY: ARCHBISHOP MILINGO, THE VATICAN, AND MARRIED PRIESTS NOW! / Who is Emanuel Milingo? / Lusaka / Rome / Marriage, Moon, and Married Priests Now! / Married Priests, Faith Healing-Africa, Rome, and Around the World / The Excommunications of Archbishop Millingo / Questions of Communion and Authority / Personal Prelatures and Future Possibilities / The Underground Church in Czechoslovakia / PART III: JURIDICAL AUTHORITY, SACRAMENTAL AUTHORITY, AND WOMEN'S ORDINATION / Infallibility / Roman Catholic Womenpriests / The Sacrament of Order: History and Theology / Anglican Women Priests and the Validity of Anglican Orders / Ordained Women Deacons / Conclusions Regarding the Diaconate / Ordination, Excommunication, and Roman Catholic Women / Interlude: Ordained Women in the Underground Church July 2011 Hardback Paperback
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
Phyllis Zagano, Senior Research Associate-inResidence and Adjunct Professor of Religion, Hofstra University, USA
220pp £55.00 £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-11163-9 978-0-230-11164-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
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Faith, Feminism, and Scholarship The Next Generation Edited by Melanie L. Harris, Assistant Professor of Religion, Department of Religious Studies, Texas Christian University, USA and Kate M. Ott, Deputy Director of the Religious Institute
A multi cultural collection of third-wave feminist voices, this book reveals how current feminist religious scholars from around the world are integrating social justice and activism into their scholarship and pedagogy. December 2011 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-11520-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Self, Culture, and Others in Womanist Practical Theology Phillis Isabella Sheppard, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care, North Park Theological Seminary, USA
To illustrate the complexities of black women’s experiences of self-identification and racial embodiment, Phillis Isabella Sheppard provides an account that engages both psychoanalytic theory and the role of religion and cultural objects in self-understanding. February 2011 Hardback
240pp £55.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-10288-0
Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice Series Editors: Dwight N. Hopkins and Linda E. Thomas ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
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Sacred Humanism Without Miracles
The Battle for the Soul A Comparative Analysis in an Age of Doubt
Responding to the New Atheists Roy G. Saltman, retired computer scientist and an expert in voting technology
The New Atheists’ claim that religion always leads to fanaticism is baseless. State-backed religion results in tyranny. Sacred humanists work to implement their highest values that will improve this world; separation of church and state, eliminating denigration of nonbelievers, assuring just governance, and preventing human trafficking. Contents: About the Author / Worldviews in Conflict / Our Physical Universe - Beyond Belief / Religion: Origins, Interpretations, and Current Practices / Religion and the State: A Tyrannous Alliance / Contemporary Interreligious Conflicts / Acting on Sacred Values in a Scientific Age May 2012 Hardback
276pp £55.00
216x140mm 978-1-137-00361-4
After Secularism Rethinking Religion in Global Politics Erin K. Wilson, Research Fellow, School of Global Studies, Social Science and Planning, RMIT University, Australia
Having destabilized dominant assumptions about the nature of religion, there is now a need to develop new ways of thinking about this everpresent phenomenon in global politics. This book outlines a new approach to understanding religion and its relationship with politics in the West and globally for International Relations. November 2011 232pp Hardback £57.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-29037-2
The God/Man/World Triangle A Dialogue Between Science and Religion Robert Crawford, Associate Lecturer, Open University, UK; Minister of the United Reformed Church in England
Robert Crawford, Associate Lecturer, Open University, UK; Minister of the United Reformed Church in England
Do we all possess a soul? If so, what is it? Can it be defined? Crawford argues that it is important that we have a soul because if it is immortal then we can hope for life after death. But some religions insist that it is the resurrection of the body which is vital. How can the belief in an immortal soul and resurrection of the body be reconciled? Crawford attempts to answer this question in the context of six world religions and the science and technology of twenty-first century society. Contents: The Jewish Soul / The Christian Experience / The Soul and the Development of Christian Belief / The Muslim Claim / The Hindu and the Immortal Soul / The Buddhist Denial / The Sikh Path / The Philosopher and the Soul / Can We Avoid Dualism of Body and Soul? / Did Darwin Kill the Soul? / After Darwin / The Darwinians / The Way Forward September 2011 288pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60944-0
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections
‘The God/Man/World Triangle argues that science and religion complement one another in giving us a picture of what we are, how the world is, and what God is like.’ - Reform ‘He is both knowledgeable and fair in his scientific views...the book brings together a wealth of materials that will be useful to any serious reader interested in the questions addressed.’ - Choice October 2000 Paperback
248pp £29.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-80400-1
Nominated for the prize for outstanding books in Theology and Natural Sciences (the John Templeton Award) by the Centre for Theology and Natural Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, USA ebook available from: Ebook Library, NetLibrary,, Myilibrary, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Ebrary
Is God a Scientist? A Dialogue Between Science and Religion Robert Crawford, Associate Lecturer, Open University, UK; Minister of the United Reformed Church in England October 2004 Hardback
192pp £70.00
216x138mm 978-1-4039-1688-4
ebook available from: NetLibrary, Myilibrary, ebooks. com, Ebook Library, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Religion & Philosophy Collections, Ebrary
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Beyond Humanism Nooteboom
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Contemporary Philosophy de Boer Sonderegger
Constructing a Religiously Ideal ‘Believer’ and ‘Woman’ in Islam Duderija
Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics Baiasu Bird Moore
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Action and Existence Swindal
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Bluhm Jaap Jacobson Maibom Neurofeminism 20
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This ground-breaking series presents a cumulative and progressive set of original studies that substantially raise the bar for rigorous scholarship in the field of Islamic Studies. By relying on original sources and challenging common scholarly stereotypes and inherited wisdoms, the volumes of the series attest to the exacting and demanding methodological and pedagogical standards necessary for contemporary studies of Islam
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