University Science Books Physical, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences 2010
Surveying for Engineers John Uren and Bill Price
The highly-regarded, market-leading text updated to include the latest technological developments. Ideal for all students of surveying. For full details see the BUILDING AND SURVEYING section of the catalogue.
March 2010 | ÂŁ40.99 | Paperback | 978-0-230-22157-4 | 768 pages
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Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences 2010 Yellowstone04 © J.W. Schaefer/
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Welcome to the new Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences 2010 catalogue which offers a wide range of authoritative and innovative books and superb multimedia, published by W. H. Freeman and Company, and University Science Books – both distributed by Palgrave Macmillan – in addition to books from Macmillan Science and Palgrave Macmillan. Included here are well-crafted undergraduate and graduate textbooks that aim to convey the excitement of scientific discovery, professional books by authors working at the cutting-edge of science, and also popular science books for the inquisitive reader. Many of our undergraduate textbooks are supported by a wide range of state-of-the-art multimedia resources for lecturers and students. I hope you enjoy the selection of books presented here; for a full list of books please visit our website at Best wishes, Stéphanie Audry, Product Manager, Marketing
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General Chemistry
4th edition
Donald A. McQuarrie, sometime University of California, USA, Peter A. Rock, sometime University of California, USA and Ethan Gallogly, Santa Monica College, USA
Chemical Principles HIGHLIGHT The Quest for Insight International Edition
Published by University Science Books
5th edition
‘McQuarrie is a genius.’ Harry Gray, Caltech, USA
Peter Atkins, Oxford University, UK and Loretta Jones, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Written for general chemistry courses, Chemical Principles helps students develop chemical insight by showing the connections between fundamental chemical ideas and their applications. It begins with a detailed picture of the atom then builds toward chemistry’s frontier, continually demonstrating how to solve problems, think about nature and matter, and visualize chemical concepts as working chemists do. New to this Edition:
• N ew chapter on Inorganic Materials, including exciting coverage on nanotechnology and other cutting-edge research and applications
• New Green Chemistry coverage • New Study, Problem-Solving and Enrichment Resources
Contents: Fundamentals / Atoms: The Quantum World / Chemical Bonds / Major Technique 1: Infrared Spectroscopy / Molecular Shape and Structure / Major Technique 2: Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy / The Properties of Gases / Liquids and Solids / Major Technique 3: X-Ray Diffraction / Inorganic Materials / Thermodynamics: The First Law / Thermodynamics: The Second and Third Laws / Physical Equilibria / Major Technique 4: Chromatography / Chemical Equilibria / Acids and Bases / Aqueous Equilibria / Electrochemistry / Chemical Kinetics / Major Technique 5: Computation / The Elements: The Main Group Elements / The Elements: The d-Block / Nuclear Chemistry / Organic Chemistry I: The Hydrocarbons / Major Technique 6: Mass Spectrometry / Organic Chemistry II: Polymers and Biological Compounds / Major Technique 7: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance / Appendix 1: Symbols, Units, and Mathematical Techniques / Appendix 2: Experimental Data / Appendix 3: Nomenclature / Glossary / Answers
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor’s Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-3892-2) Provides the solutions to the even-numbered problems in the book. STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Features a Diagnostic Test for the Fundamentals Section, Lab Videos, a calculator adapted for solving equilibrium problems, 2- and 3-dimensional curve plotters, ‘Living Graphs,’ animations, quizzes, and an interactive Periodic Table Study Guide/Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-3135-0) £32.99 Study Guide with solutions and explanations to the odd-numbered exercises in the book. February 2010 | 1024pp | 280x220mm | Paperback | £45.99 | 978-1-4292-3925-7 Published by W. H. Freeman and Company with Palgrave Macmillan
Taking an ‘atoms first’ approach, McQuarrie’s classic General Chemistry has undergone a major revision for the 4th edition. The book’s logical development of ideas from atoms to chemical bonding and from molecules to reactions is now backed by new end-of-chapter problems, more first-class illustrations, and a state-of-the-art companion website featuring online homework. Contents: Chemistry and the Scientific Method / Atoms, Molecules, Moles and Energy / Element Etymology /The PeriodicTable and Chemical Periodicity / A Brief History of the PeriodicTable /The QuantumTheory and Atomic Structure / Hydrogen and Oxygen /The Alkali Metals / Prediction of Molecular Geometries /The Main Group Metals / Covalent Bonding / Chemical Reactivity /The Halogens / Chemical Calculations / Chemical Calculations for Solutions / Nitrogen / Chemical Analysis / Properties of Gases /The Noble Gases /Thermochemistry / Energy / Liquids And Solids / Carbon and Silicon / Colligative Properties of Solutions / Chemical Kinetics: Rate Laws / Chemical Kinetics: Mechanisms / Nuclear Chemistry / Chemical Equilibrium / Acids and Bases I / Phosphorous / Acids and Bases II / Solubility and Precipitation Reactions / Natural Waters / Entropy, Gibbs Energy, and Chemical Reactivity / Oxidation-Reduction Reactions / Sulfur / Electrochemistry / Batteries /The Chemistry ofTheTransition Metals / Reactions of Organic Compounds / Synthetic and Natural Polymers / Appendices
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS CD-Rom of artwork available on request from Instructor’s Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-74-0) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Online Homework System at Student Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-73-3) £31.99 May 2010 Paperback
1100pp £45.99
262x173mm 978-1-891389-60-3
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Chemistry in the Laboratory
Investigating Chemistry
7th edition
A Forensic Science Perspective 2nd edition
3rd edition
James M. Postma, California State University, USA, Julian L. Robert and J. Leland Hollenberg, both at the University of Redlands, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
A clear manual that helps general chemistry students enhance their knowledge with hands-on experience. Covering all the essential topics in general chemistry, the seventh edition offers new experiments and more information on real-world applications. October 2009 Paperback
550pp £44.99
265x325mm 978-1-4292-1954-9
Rob Lewis and Wynne Evans, both at the University of Glamorgan, UK
Matthew E. Johll, Illinois Valley Community College, USA
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Johll’s refreshing approach gives students a captivating new context for learning the fundamentals of chemistry and helps them sort the facts from the fiction when it comes to the crimesolving capabilities of current chemical practice. All of the examples and applications in the text come from the field of forensic chemistry, reinforcing the coverage of basic principles with intriguing examples while revealing the actual crime-fighting capabilities of forensic science. The second edition has been updated throughout with refined explanations of core chemical concepts and more integrated coverage of forensics. Contents: Introduction to Forensic Chemistry / Evidence Collection and Preservation / Atomic Clues / Chemical Evidence / Chemistry of Bonding: Structure and Function of Drug Molecules / Properties of Solutions I: Aqueous Solutions / Properties of Solutions II: Intermolecular Forces and Colligative Properties / Drug Chemistry / Arson Investigation / Chemistry of Explosions / Estimating the Time of Death / The Nuclear Age: Energy, Medicine, Weapons, and Terrorism / Poisons / Identification of Victims: DNA Analysis
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-1-4292-2245-7) Test Bank CD-ROM (978-1-4292-3134-3) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website:
‘[A] comprehensive introductory undergraduate text covering all the essentials required for a foundation chemistry course.’ Education in Chemistry Assuming only a minimal experience of mathematics and science, Chemistry offers students complete yet concise coverage of all the core topics. The third edition has been fully updated, and includes a new chapter on Forensic Chemistry. Contents: Periodic Table / Preface / How to Use this Book / Acknowledgements / Numbers, Units and Measurement / Elements, Compounds and Reactions / Inside the Atom / Bonding Between Atoms / More about Bonding / Reactions of Ions in Solution / Oxidation and Reduction / The Mole / Calculating Concentrations / Gases, Liquids and Solids / Solutions and Solubility / Chemical Families / Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions / Speed of Chemical Reactions / Dynamic Chemical Equilibria / Acid-Base Equilibria / Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons / Common Classes of Organic Compounds / Separating Mixtures / Light and Spectroscopy / Nuclear and Radiochemistry / Environmental Chemistry / Forensic Chemistry / Valencies of Common Ions / Electronic Structures / Answers to Exercises and Revision Questions / Glossary / Index / Useful Physical Constants
LECTURER AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: /home.htm April 2006 Paperback
480pp £25.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-00011-7
Palgrave Foundations series
Laboratory Manual (978-1-4292-2243-3) £26.99 Student Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-2242-6) £14.99 January 2009 Hardback
704pp £35.99
262x210mm 978-1-4292-0989-2
This title is market restricted. Please consult your sales representative for availability.
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Modern Molecular Photochemistry of Organic Molecules
Nicholas J. Turro, Columbia University, USA, V. Ramamurthy, University of Miami, USA and J. C. Scaiano, University of Ottawa, Canada
Organic Chemistry HIGHLIGHT Structure and Function International Edition 6th edition
Published by University Science Books K. Peter C. Vollhardt and Neil E. Schore, both at University of California, USA
With authors who are both accomplished researchers and educators, Vollhardt and Schore’s Organic Chemistry has long proven effective for making contemporary organic chemistry accessible, introducing cuttingedge research in a fresh, student-friendly way. A wealth of unique study tools help students organize and understand the substantial information presented in the Organic Chemistry course. New to this Edition:
• N ew content, including a review of acid-base chemistry and reorganized coverage of spectroscopy
• N ew applications of organic chemistry • A new problem-solving interlude, plus new and revised problems throughout
Contents: Preface / Structure and Bonding in Organic Molecules / Structure and Reactivity: Acids and Bases, Polar and Nonpolar Molecules / Reactions of Alkanes: Bond-Dissociation Energies, Radical Halogenation, and Relative Reactivity / Cycloalkanes / Stereoisomers / Properties and Reactions of Haloalkanes: Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution / Further Reactions of Haloalkanes: Unimolecular Substitution and Pathways of Elimination / Hydroxy Functional Group: Alcohols: Properties, Preparation, and Strategy of Synthesis / Further Reactions of Alcohols and the Chemistry of Ethers / Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Deduce Structure / Alkenes: Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry/ Reactions of Alkenes / Alkynes: The Carbon-Carbon Triple Bond / Delocalized Pi Systems: Investigation by Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy / Benzene and Aromaticity: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution / Electrophilic Attack on Derivatives of Benzene: Substituents Control Regioselectivity / Aldehydes and Ketones: The Carbonyl Group / Enols, Enolates and the Aldol Condensation: a, ß-Unsaturated Aldehydes and Ketones / Carboxylic Acids / Carboxylic Acid Derivatives / Amines and Their Derivatives: Functional Groups Containing Nitrogen / Chemistry of Benzene Substituents: Alkylbenzenes, Phenols, and Benzamines / Ester Enolates and the Claisen Condensation: Synthesis of ß-Dicarbonyl Compounds: Acyl Anion Equivalents / Carbohydrates: Polyfunctional Compounds in Nature / Heterocycles: Heteroatoms in Cyclic Organic Compounds / Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids: Nitrogen-Containing Polymers in Nature / Answers to Exercises
STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Includes Quizes, Nomenclature and Reaction Exercises, Peter Vollhardt’s Webcast of Lectures, Peter’s Blog, Chemical Calculators, Curve-fitting Graphing Tools, Interactive Periodic Table, Animations, figures and illustrations from the textbook
A comprehensive rewriting of Turro’s classic text, Modern Molecular Photochemistry, this is a crystal-clear introduction to organic photochemistry as it is now, conveyed in pictorial terms. It comprises the same introductory chapters that make up Turro’s Principles book before moving on to new material. The authors describe the basic functional groups of organic chemistry and explain the methods for determining what is at work in different organic photoreactions. Special topic chapters address supramolecule organic photochemistry - the first treatment of its kind and the role of triplet and singlet molecular oxygen in organic photochemistry. Contents: Introduction and Overview / Electronic, Nuclear and Spin State of Electronically Excited States / Transitions between States / Radiative Transitions between States / Radiationless Transitions between States / Theoretical Organic Photochemistry / Energy and Electron Transfer Processes / Mechanistic Organic Photochemistry / Photochemistry of Carbonyl Compounds / Photochemistry of Olefins / Photochemistry of Enones and Dienones / Photochemistry of Aromatic Molecules / Supramolecular Organic Photochemistry / Molecular Oxygen and Organic Photochemistry
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS A CD-ROM of artwork is available on request from January 2010 Hardback
1100pp £60.99
295x210mm 978-1-891389-25-2
Study Guide and Student Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-3136-7) £19.99 Workbook (978-1-4292-4758-0) £29.99 Maruzen Model Kit (978-0-7167-4822-9) £30.99 February 2010 | 1203pp | 261x208mm | Paperback | £45.99 | 978-1-4292-3924-0 Published by W. H. Freeman and Company with Palgrave Macmillan
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Principles of Molecular Photochemistry: An Introduction Nicholas J. Turro, Columbia University, USA, V. Ramamurthy, University of Miami, USA and J. C. Scaiano, University of Ottawa, Canada
Organotransition Metal Chemistry From Bonding to Catalysis John F. Hartwig University of Illinois, USA
text that very soon will be recognized far and wide as a true chemistry classic.’ - Harry B. Gray, California Institute of Technology, USA Based on Collman et al.’s best-selling classic, Principles and Applications of Organotransition Metal Chemistry, Hartwig’s new text provides a comprehensive update of this vital field. All the most important developments in the field over the last twenty years are covered with great clarity, making this the Organotransition Metal Chemistry text for a new generation of scientists.
A CD-ROM of artwork is available on request from
Contents: Structure and Bonding / Dative Ligands / Covalent Ligands Bound Through Metal-Carbon and Metal-Hydride Bonds / Covalent Ligands Bound Through Metal-Heteroatom Bonds / Ligand Substitution Reactions / Oxidative Addition of Non-Polar Reagents / Oxidative Addition of Polar Reagents / Reductive Elimination / Migratory Insertion / Elimination Reactions / Nucleophilic Attack on Coordinated Ligands / Electrophilic Attack on Coordinated Ligands / Metal-Ligand Multiple Bonds / Principles of Catalysis / Homogenous Hydrogenation / Hydrofunctionalization and Oxidative Functionalization of Olefins / Catalytic Carbonylation / Catalytic C-H Functionalization / Cross Coupling / Allylic Substitution / Catalytic Metathesis of Olefins and Alkynes / Olefin Polymerization
January 2009 Paperback
January 2010 Hardback
520pp £44.99
240x190mm 978-1-891389-57-3
Louis S. Hegedus, Colorado State University, USA and Björn C. G. Söderberg West Virginia University, USA
‘…the new must-have
‘An excellent introduction written by three supreme masters in this their field...’ - Chemistry World
Contents: Introduction and Overview / Electronic, Nuclear and Spin State of Electronically Excited States / Transitions between States / Radiative Transitions between States / Radiationless Transitions between States / Theoretical Organic Photochemistry / Energy and Electron Transfer Processes
3rd edition
Published by University Science Books
Published by University Science Books
This text develops photochemical and photophysical concepts from a small set of familiar principles. Developed from Nick Turro’s long bestselling text - Modern Molecular Photochemistry - this updated primer introduces an initial paradigm that relates the photon and a reactant molecular structure to photochemistry through the structure and dynamics of electronically excited states, reactive intermediates and products. The same paradigm is readily adapted to incorporate the photon and a reactant molecular structure to photophysics. The book provides brilliantly clear descriptions in pictorial terms that can be readily understood by the student.
Transition Metals in the Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules
1160pp £60.99
297x210mm 978-1-891389-53-5
Published by University Science Books
This text offers a clear and systematic approach to the formation, manipulation, and reactivity of organometallic complexes. It presents the organic chemistry of transition metals by class of metal complex, with many examples of applications in the synthesis of complex natural products and pharmaceuticals. Contents: Formalisms, Electron Counting, Bonding (How Things Work) / Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms / Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Hydrides / Synthetic Applications of Complexes Containing Metal-Carbon Sigma-Bonds / Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Carbonyl Complexes / Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Carbene Complexes / Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Alkene, Diene, and Dienyl Complexes / Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Alkyne Complexes / Synthetic Applications of eta3-Allyl Transition Metal Complexes / Synthetic Applications of Transition Metal Arene Complexes / Reactions of eta6-Arenemetal Complexes / Index July 2009 Hardback
420pp £46.99
280x220mm 978-1-891389-59-7
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Fundamentals of Asymmetric Catalysis
2nd edition
Published by University Science Books
Taking a reagent-based approach, Modern Organic Synthesis manages to clearly present the fundamental principles of what is a challenging subject, making it an ideal companion to advanced organic chemistry courses.
Contents: Introduction to Fundamentals of Asymmetric Catalysis / Modes of Asymmetric Induction / Lewis Acid and Lewis Base Catalysis / Beyond Lewis Acid and Lewis Base Catalyzed Activation / Asymmetric Induction in Enantioselective Catalysis / Nonclassical Catalyst Substrate Interactions / Chiral Poisoning, Chiral Activation, and Screening Achiral Ligands / Kinetic Resolution / Parallel Kinetic Resolution / Dynamic Kinetic Resolution and Dynamic Kinetic Asymmetric Transformations / Desymmetrization Reactions / Nonlinear Effects, Autocatalysis, and Autoinduction / Bifunctional, Dual, and Multifunctional Catalyst Systems / Asymmetric Catalysis with Enantiopure Substrates: Double Diastereoselection / Multistep Asymmetric Catalysis / Supported Chiral Catalysts / Applications of Asymmetric Catalysis in Synthesis / Appendix: Terms & Enantioselective Processes in Asymmetric Catalysis / Index
An Introduction George S. Zweifel and Michael H. Nantz, both at University of California, USA
This book describes the essential aspects of enantioselective catalysis in a clear, logical fashion, with chapters organized by concept rather than by reaction type. Each concept is supported by carefully selected examples to give the reader broad exposure to a wide range of catalysts, reactions, and reaction mechanisms.
750pp £52.99
Organic Chemistry
Patrick J. Walsh and Marisa C. Kozlowski, both at University of Pennsylvania, USA
‘…an excellent aid for a university course on asymmetric catalysis.’ - Stefan F. Kirsch, Angewandte Chemie International Edition
January 2009 Hardback
Modern Organic Synthesis
Thomas N. Sorrell, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Published by University Science Books
‘…a great contribution to those interested in teaching organic chemistry with an eye toward biochemistry.’ - Josh Rabinowitz, Princeton University, USA
STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Student Solutions Manual (978-0-7167-7494-5) £20.99 October 2006 Paperback
477pp £35.99
275x215mm 978-0-7167-7266-8
HGS Molecular Structure Model 2nd edition Arlyn M. Myers, University of California, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company July 2002 Model Set
This book’s mechanistic approach constructs organic chemistry from the ground up, focusing on the points of relativities, whilst still covering organic compound classes in the traditional order. Hundreds of worked examples and student exercises combine with clear writing and sound pedagogy to make this text a first-class teaching aid. The second edition maintains all the innovative features of the first edition in a sleeker, slimmer, and easier-to-navigate design. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS A CD-ROM of artwork is available on request from STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS
Student Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-40-5) £29.99 January 2006 Hardback
988pp £60.99
287x222mm 978-1-891389-38-2
240x190mm 978-1-891389-54-2
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Modern Physical Organic Chemistry Eric V. Anslyn, University of Texas, USA and Dennis A. Dougherty, California Institute of Technology, USA
Published by University Science Books
‘A most impressive resource for researchers and teachers…advanced undergraduates and postgraduates.’ - Times Higher Education Written by two distinguished researchers, this modern textbook makes explicit the many connections between physical organic chemistry and critical fields such as organometallic chemistry, materials chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, and biochemistry. In addition to covering the core areas of physical organic chemistry, structure and mechanism, the book escorts the reader into a field that has been thoroughly updated in recent times. The foundations and applications of modern computational methods are also developed. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS A CD-ROM of artwork is available on request from STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Student Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-36-8) £35.99 August 2005 Hardback
1104pp £69.99
282x222mm 978-1-891389-31-3
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
Biological Inorganic Chemistry Structure and Reactivity Edited by Ivano Bertini, University of Florence, Italy, Harry B. Gray, California Institute of Technology, USA, Edward I. Stiefel, Princeton University, USA and Joan S. Valentine, University College Los Angeles, USA
5th edition Geoff Rayner-Canham, Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Canada and Tina Overton, University of Hull, UK
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text introduces descriptive inorganic chemistry in a less mathematical way, using the periodic table as a basis for understanding chemical properties and uncovering relationships between elements in different groups. The fifth edition includes new developments, trends in teaching and orbital art figures. Contents: The Electronic Structure of the Atom: A Review / An Overview of the Periodic Table / Covalent Bonding / Metallic Bonding / Ionic Bonding / Inorganic Thermodynamics / Acids and Bases / Oxidation and Reduction / Periodic Patterns / Hydrogen / The Group 1 Elements: The Alkali Metals / The Group 2 Elements: The Alkaline Earth Metals / The Group 13 Elements / The Group 14 Elements / The Group 15 Elements / The Group 16 Elements / The Group 17 Elements: The Halogens / The Group 18 Elements: The Noble Gases / Introduction to Transition Metal Complexes / Properties of the 3d Transition Metals / Properties of the 4d and 5d Transition Metals / The Group 12 Elements / Organometallic Chemistry / The Rare Earth and Actinoid Elements
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Student Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-2434-5) £22.99 April 2010 Hardback
650pp £45.99
Published by University Science Books
‘I heartily recommend this exciting book…With its cutting-edge material, it should remain definitive for many years to come.’ - Chemistry Educator This comprehensive guide makes both an excellent course text for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates and an accomplished reference text for anyone working in the area. Praised by specialists, it provides an overview of biological inorganic chemistry and gives a detailed look at metal-ion containing biological systems. It also includes tutorials at the end of the book. Contents: PART A: OVERVIEWS OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY / Bioinorganic Chemistry and the Biogeochemical Cycles / Metal Ions and Proteins: Binding, Stability and Folding / Special Cofactors and Metal Clusters / Transport and Storage of Metal Ions in Biology / Biominerals and Biomineralization / Metals in Medicine / PART B: METAL-ION CONTAINING BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS / Metal Ion Transport and Storage / Hydrolytic Chemistry / Electron Transfer, Respiration and Photosynthesis / Oxygen Metabolism / Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Metabolism / Metalloenzymes with Radical Intermediates / Metal Ion Receptors and Signaling / PART C: TUTORIALS / Tutorial I: Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Evolution / Tutorial II: Fundamentals of Coordination Chemistry
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS A CD-ROM of artwork is available on request from December 2006 880pp Hardback £59.99
272x210mm 978-1-891389-43-6
260x207mm 978-1-4292-1814-6
This title is market restricted. Please consult your sales representative for availability.
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Quantum Chemistry
Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics
2nd edition Donald A. McQuarrie, sometime University of California, USA
Robert M. Hanson and Susan Green, both at St. Olaf College in Northfield, USA
Contents: Probability, Distributions, and Equilibrium / The Distribution of Energy / Energy Levels In Real Chemical Systems / Internal Energy (U) and the First Law / Bonding and Internal Energy / The Effect of Temperature on Equilibrium / Entropy (S) and the Second Law / The Effect of Pressure and Concentration on Entropy / Enthalpy (H) and the Surroundings / Gibbs Energy (G) / The Equilibrium Constant (K ) / Applications of Gibbs Energy: Phase Changes / Applications of Gibbs Energy: Electrochemistry / Appendices
STUDENT AND LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: July 2008 Hardback
318pp £32.99
240x190mm 978-1-891389-49-8
‘Highly recommended.’ Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries Don McQuarrie has updated his landmark Quantum Chemistry. In response to the proliferation of computational chemistry software, this 2nd edition features step-by-step SCF calculations of a helium atom and a hydrogen molecule, as well as an entire chapter on the Hartree-Fock method and post-Hartree-Fock methods for the calculation of molecular properties. The book also uses problems to encourage the use of an invaluable National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) website that lists experimental data and the results of various ab initio calculations for hundreds of molecules. New mathematics chapters placed throughout the book help students focus on the physical principles being explained. As with the first edition, the book assumes a prerequisite of one year of calculus with no required knowledge of differential equations.
David Tannor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Published by University Science Books
‘Tannor provides a rigorous, self-contained development of modern time-dependent quantum mechanics and discusses numerous applications in molecular spectroscopy and reaction dynamics. With its fresh and conceptually appealing perspective, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics could change how quantum mechanics is perceived and taught.’ - Science January 2007 Hardback
600pp £49.99
Opening Doors Donald A. McQuarrie, sometime University of California, USA
The art and figures from the textbook are available by request via the publisher’s website at: STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-52-8) £44.99 October 2007 Hardback
690pp £56.99
241x170mm 978-1-891389-50-4
Physical Chemistry Donald A. McQuarrie, sometime University of California, USA and John D. Simon, Duke University, USA
Published by University Science Books August 1997 Hardback
1270pp £69.99
261x179mm 978-0-935702-99-6
258x183mm 978-1-891389-23-8
Mathematics for Physical Chemistry
A Molecular Approach
A Time-Dependent Perspective
Published by University Science Books
Published by University Science Books
Starting with just a few basic principles of probability and the distribution of energy, this book takes students on an adventure into the inner workings of the molecular world like no other. Made to fit into first-year chemistry or as a supplement for more advanced learners, the book takes the reader from probability to Gibbs energy and beyond, following a logical step-by-step progression of ideas. Filled with examples ranging from casinos to lasers, from the ‘high energy bonds’ of ATP to endangered coral reefs, Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics hits the mark for students and faculty alike who have an interest in understanding the world around them in molecular terms.
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Published by University Science Books
This text offers undergraduate and even graduate chemistry students a quick review of the mathematical methods that are used throughout chemistry. By reading these reviews before the mathematics is applied to physical chemical problems, a student will be able to spend less time worrying about the math and more time learning the physical chemistry. This book can also be used as a supplement with any traditional textbook on physical or quantum chemistry. July 2008 Paperback
300pp £33.99
240x190mm 978-1-891389-56-6
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Molecular Physical Chemistry for Engineers
Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences
John T. Yates Jr, University of Virginia, USA and J. Karl Johnson, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Published by University Science Books
‘I profoundly thank and congratulate the authors for putting this book together. It is greatly needed, will be widely used, and enormously appreciated.’ - Professor D. Wayne Goodman, Texas A&M, USA This is the ideal text for one-semester undergraduate courses for engineers and materials scientists who need to understand physical chemistry. The book emphasizes the behaviour of material from a molecular point of view and is best suited to engineering students with some experience of calculus and differential equations. Each chapter includes a vast array of exercises to develop students’ skills. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS An Instructors Manual is available to adopting lecturers via the publisher’s website at: August 2007 Hardback
482pp £57.99
246x189mm 978-1-891389-27-6
Molecular Thermodynamics Donald A. McQuarrie, sometime University of California, USA and John D. Simon, Duke University, USA
Raymond Chang, Williams College, USA
Raymond Chang, Williams College, USA
Published by University Science Books
Published by University Science Books
This book is ideal for use in one-semester introductory courses within life sciences. The emphasis is on helping students to gain a solid understanding of physical concepts, rather than focusing on precise mathematical development or experimental details. Assuming only basic skills of differential and integral calculus, and providing end-of-chapter problems with both physiochemical and biological applications, it is an accessible and useful guide to the subject. Contents: Introduction / Properties of Gases / The First Law of Thermodynamics / The Second Law of Thermodynamics / Solutions / Chemical Equilibrium / Electrochemistry / Acids and Bases / Chemical Kinetics / Enzyme Kinetics / Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Structure / The Chemical Bond / Intermolecular Forces / Spectroscopy / Photochemistry and Photobiology / Macromolecules / Appendices / Glossary / Answers to Even-Numbered Computational Problems
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS A CD-ROM of artwork is available on request from Instructor’s Manual (978-1-891389-42-9) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-39-9) £26.99 February 2005 Hardback
772pp £51.99
Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences
274x208mm 978-1-891389-33-7
‘This book offers an alternative approach to physical chemistry that is particularly well suited for those who want to pursue a course of study more focused on the biological sciences.’ - Journal of Chemical Education ‘I have found Ray Chang’s P Chem book to be the ideal textbook for students from the life sciences. Whereas so many other textbooks seem to be written for the instructor, this text works well with students who have traditionally struggled with this course.’ - George Bodner, Purdue University, USA Hailed by advance reviewers as ‘a kinder, gentler P. Chem. text,’ this book meets the needs of a full-year course in physical chemistry. It is an ideal choice for classes geared toward pre-medical and life sciences students. It offers a wealth of applications to chemical and biological problems, numerous chapter-ending exercises, and an accompanying solutions manual. Well known for his clear writing and careful pedagogical approach, Raymond Chang has developed yet another masterpiece in chemical education. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Artwork from the book is available to adopting lecturers via the publisher’s website at:
Published by University Science Books
February 1999 Hardback
Problems and Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-11-5) £43.99
500pp £67.99
260x178mm 978-1-891389-05-4
May 2000 Hardback
1018pp £59.99
273x207mm 978-1-891389-06-1
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Environmental Chemistry
Exploring Chemical Analysis
4th edition
4th edition Colin Baird, University of Western Ontario, Canada and Michael Cann, University of Scranton, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Environmental Chemistry explores the relationship between chemistry and the environment from a chemical viewpoint. The book covers a wide range of subjects including energy use, toxicology, environmental estrogens, groundwater and wastewater purification, and hazardous domestic disposal. The fourth edition includes new Scientific American feature articles; more Green Chemistry case studies; updated Environmental Instrumentation Analysis boxes; expanded coverage of soil chemistry, farming applications, bio-engineering and biotechnology; and new Part and Chapter openers.
Quantitative Chemical Analysis 7th edition Daniel C. Harris, Michelson Laboratory, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Daniel C. Harris, Michelson Laboratory, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
An ideal one-term text for non-chemistry undergraduates. Its coverage of analytical and problem-solving methods teaches students how to understand analytical results and how to use quantitative manipulations, preparing them for the problems they will encounter in the fields of biology, chemistry and geology. The fourth edition includes new material, updated applications and new short ‘Test Yourself’ questions.
This text continues to be the top-selling and favourite textbook for analytical chemistry. It offers a consistently modern portrait of the tools and techniques of chemical analysis, incorporating real data, spreadsheets, and a wealth of applications, all presented in a witty, personable style that engages students without compromising the science. The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised with increased coverage of mass spectrometry and a new interactive website. Contents: The Analytical Process / Measurements / Tools of the Trade / Experimental Error / Statistics / Quality Assurance and Calibration Methods / Chemical Equilibrium / Let the Titrations Begin / Activity and the Systematic Treatment of Equilibrium / Monoprotic AcidBase Equilibria / Polyprotic Acid-Base Equilibria / AcidBase Titrations / EDTA Titrations / Advanced Topics in Chemical Equilibrium / Fundamentals of Electrochemistry / Electrodes and Potentiometry / Redox Titrations / Electroanalytical Techniques / Fundamentals of Spectrophotometry / Applications of Spectrophotometry / Spectrophotometers / Atomic Spectroscopy / Mass Spectrometry / Introduction to Analytical Separations / Gas Chromatography / High Performance Liquid Chromatography / Chromatographic Methods and Capillary Electrophoresis / Gravimetric and Combustion Analysis / Sample Preparation
Companion Website:
Contents: The Analytical Process / Chemical Measurements / Tools of the Trade / Math Toolkit / Statistics / Quality Assurance and Calibration Methods / Good Titrations / Gravimetric and Combustion Analysis / Introducing Acids and Bases / Buffers / Acid-Base Titrations / Polyprotic Acids and Bases / A Deeper Look at Chemical Equilibrium / EDTA Titrations / Electrode Potentials / Electrode Measurements / Redox Titrations / Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry / Let There Be Light / Spectrophotometry: Instruments and Applications / Atomic Spectroscopy / Principles of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry / Gas and Liquid Chromatography / Chromatographic Methods and Capillary Electrophoresis
Companion Website:
Companion Website:
Student Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-1005-8) £29.99
Companion Website:
Companion Website:
April 2008 Hardback
650pp £46.99
239x195mm 978-1-4292-0146-9
Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-1004-1) £32.99 July 2008 Hardback
640pp £45.99
253x200mm 978-1-4292-0147-6
Solutions Manual (978-0-7167-7260-6) £31.99 July 2006 Hardback
928pp £46.99
283x236mm 978-0-7167-7694-9
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Quantum Physics
Special Relativity
A Fundamental Approach to Modern Physics
T. M. Helliwell, Harvey Mudd College, USA
John S. Townsend, Harvey Mudd College, USA
3rd edition Jim Breithaupt, formerly Wigan and Leigh College, UK
Contents: Units and Measurements / PART I: WAVES / Properties of Waves / Sound / Optics / Electromagnetic Waves / PART II: PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS / Matters and Molecules / Thermal Properties of Materials / Strength and Solids / Pressure / PART III: MECHANICS / Forces in Equilibrium / Dynamics / Force and Motion / Energy and Power / PART IV: ELECTRICITY / Introduction to Electricity / Electric Circuits / Capacitors / Electronics / PART V: FIELDS / Electric Fields / Magnetic Fields / Electromagnetic Induction / Alternating Current / PART VI: ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS / Electrons and Protons / Radioactivity / Energy from the Nucleus / PART VII: FURTHER PHYSICS / Gases / Thermodynamics / Uniform Circular Motion / Gravitation / Simple Harmonic Motion / Fluid Flow / Further Questions / Using Spreadsheets / List of Experiments in the Book / Location Guide to Mathematical Skills / Summary of Equations / Useful Data / Answers to In-text Questions and Revision Questions / Glossary
‘This book is definitely much better than the books I have read on this topic, and I would recommend it to any instructor.’ - Shirvel Stanislaus, Valparaiso University, USA
‘When I read this book I immediately adopted it for my Modern Physics class…This is the best introduction…available.’ - B. Paul Padley, Rice University, USA
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This accessible, studentfriendly text provides a comprehensive introductory course in Physics. Assuming no prior knowledge and focusing on the basics, the text offers ways into the core aspects of the subject. The third edition includes new sections on fluid flow and wave mechanics, with a thoroughly updated companion website.
Published by University Science Books
Published by University Science Books
This is an introduction to quantum mechanics and its applications with a truly innovative approach. From single-photon interference to the application of quantum mechanics to nuclear physics, Townsend’s book provides a coherent picture of how the world works and how quantum mechanics can help to explain it. Contents: Light / Wave Mechanics / The Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation / One-Dimensional Potentials / Principles of Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions / Identical Particles / Solid-State Physics / Nuclear Physics / Particle Physics / Appendix I: Special Relativity / Appendix II: Power-Series Solutions / Appendix III: Constants and Conversion Factors
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource Manual (978-1-891389-65-8) A CD-ROM of artwork is available on request from October 2009 Hardback
432pp £49.99
273x210mm 978-1-891389-62-7
Written in a clear and informal style, this text explores the most accessible of the twentieth century revolutions in physics. It allows readers to build up physical intuition for what is going on, before moving on to concise mathematical descriptions. It contains many applications, ten appendices, and numerous illustrations, examples and problems. Contents: Internal Frames and Classical Mechanics / Light and Ether / Einstein’s Postulates / Time Dilation / Lengths / Simultaneity / Paradoxes / The Lorentz Transformation / Spacetime / Momentum / Energy / Applications / Transforming Energy and Momentum / Gravitation / Appendices / The Binomial Approximation / The ‘Paradox’ of Light-Spheres / The Appearance of Moving Objects / The Twin Paradox Revisited / The ‘Cosmic Speed Limit:’ / ‘Relativistic Mass’ and Relativistic Forces / The Ultimate Relativistic Spaceflight / Nuclear Decays, Fission and Fusion / Some Particles / Relativity and Electromagnetism / Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS An Instructor’s Resource Manual is available to adopting lecturers via the publisher’s website at: July 2009 Paperback
312pp £35.99
280x220mm 978-1-891389-61-0
Companion Website: Updated with more case studies, experiments and diagrams February 2010 Paperback
504pp £25.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-23192-4
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Plastic Fantastic
Uranium Wars
Modern Physics
How the Biggest Fraud in Physics Shook the Scientific World
The Scientific Rivalry that Created the Nuclear Age
5th edition
Eugenie Samuel Reich, Reporter in Science and Technology for many years; Researcher for the BBC, on the science documentary Vanished; Correspondent and a Features Editor for the New Scientist
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘There are probably still more secrets under lock-and-key at Murray Hill and elsewhere, but for now Reich’s engrossing book will be the last word on the matter.’ - Peter Rodgers, Chief Editor, Nature Nanotechnology ‘It is gripping stuff: a surprising page-turner that is well worth reading.’ - New Scientist Schön’s discovery of a plastic that worked as a superconductor was noted as a scientific triumph before revelations that his discoveries were fake. This book analyzes the fraud and considers pressures that force unscrupulous behaviour from science’s rising stars. May 2009 Hardback
272pp £15.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-22467-4
ebook available from Waterstone’s
Paul A. Tipler, formerly Oakland University, USA and Ralph Llewellyn, University of Central Florida, USA
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
‘This story spans the investigations of famous scientists (such as Albert Einstein and Marie Curie), the building of the first nuclear reactor, the Manhattan weapon project, the hair-trigger stand-offs of the cold war and the promise and perils of civilian nuclear energy...(and) covers several new developments of interest to atomic aficionados. Particularly important is the light shed on the American decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. Newly declassified files show unambiguously that America was aware of Japanese attempts to sue for peace before the bombs were dropped, undermining the military reasoning for using the weapons...Mr Aczel’s research is thorough and his conclusions interesting.’ - The Economist The author of Fermat’s Last Theorem tackles the cause of the last century’s most destructive event - the discovery of nuclear power. Aczel presents the fascinating story of the rival scientists who uncovered uranium’s potential and reveals the ongoing tale of an element that is never far from today’s headlines. October 2009 Hardback
Amir D. Aczel, Author of the bestseller Fermat’s Last Theorem, USA
256pp £18.99
Tipler and Llewellyn’s acclaimed text guides students through the foundations and wideranging applications of modern physics with the utmost clarity, without sacrificing scientific integrity. Continued into the fifth edition are the superb explanatory style, the up-to-date topical coverage, and the Web enhancements that gained earlier editions worldwide recognition. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-0-7167-8471-5) Instructor’s Solutions Manual (978-0-7167-8472-2) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Student Solutions Manual (978-0-7167-8475-3) £19.99 December 2007 700pp Hardback £49.99
260x205mm 978-0-7167-7550-8
234x156mm 978-0-230-61374-4
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Biological Physics
Energy, Information, Life Updated 1st edition
Physics for Scientists and Engineers HIGHLIGHT 6th edition Paul A. Tipler, formerly Oakland University, USA and Gene P. Mosca, formerly U.S. Naval Academy, USA
This text has set the standard in introductory physics courses for clarity, accuracy, and precision. The sixth edition includes a new strategic problem-solving approach, an integrated Math Tutorial, and new tools to improve conceptual understanding. New ‘Physics Spotlights’ feature cutting-edge topics that help students relate what they are learning to real-world technologies.
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor Resource CD-ROMs (one per volume)
Philip Nelson, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text focuses on new results in molecular motors, self-assembly, and single-molecule manipulation that have revolutionized the field in recent years, integrating these topics with classical results. Nelson also provides foundational material for the field of nanotechnology. This updated paperback edition has new end-of-chapter problems and an updated Chapter on Enzymes and Molecular Machines. August 2007 Paperback
600pp £49.99
239x193mm 978-0-7167-9897-2
Instructor’s Answer Booklets with Solution CD-ROMs (one per volume) Test Bank CD-ROMs (one per volume) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Student Solutions Manuals Vol. 1 (978-1-4292-0302-9) £27.99 Vol. 2 (978-1-4292-0303-6) £24.99 Vol. 3 (978-1-4292-0301-2) £22.99 Study Guides Vol. 1 (978-0-7167-8467-8) £20.99 Vol. 2 (978-1-4292-0410-1) £20.99 Vol. 3 (978-1-4292-0411-8) £16.99 Extended (Ch 1-41, R) | September 2007 | 1356pp | 275x230mm | Hardback | £49.99 | 978-1-4292-0265-7 Also available in three volumes: Volume 1: Mechanics/Oscillations and Waves/Thermodynamics (Ch 1-20, R) Paperback 978-1-4292-0132-2 £41.99 Volume 2: Electricity and Magnetism/Light (Ch 21-33) Paperback 978-1-4292-0133-9 £41.99 Volume 3: Elementary Modern Physics (Ch 34-41) Paperback 978-1-4292-0134-6 £26.99
Introduction to Error Analysis The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements 2nd edition John R. Taylor, University of Colorado, USA
Published by University Science Books
‘Score a hit! The book reveals the exceptional skill of the author as lecturer and teacher. A valuable reference work for any student (or instructor) in the sciences and engineering.’ - The Physics Teacher July 1997 Hardback Paperback
328pp £39.99 £33.99
252x177mm 978-0-935702-42-2 978-0-935702-75-0
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
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Classical Mechanics
John R. Taylor, University of Colorado, USA
Published by University Science Books
9th edition
‘A superb text…I judge it to be at least ten times better, maybe more, than the other…books on the market right now.’ - American Journal of Physics This book is intended for students who have studied mechanics in an introductory physics course. It provides a thorough and very readable introduction to the subject. Taylor manages to convey both the excitement of the subject and a deep understanding of the material covered.
9th edition
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text places the basics of astronomy and the process of science within the grasp of introductory students of all backgrounds, and conveys the thrill and excitement of discovery in astronomy. This edition includes content and readability updates – including new research citations and updated NASA missions – throughout and new Scientific American articles.
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource Manual (978-1-891389-41-2 )
September 2004 786pp Hardback £45.99
Companion Website: Offers PowerPoint Lecture Presentations and access to all the student materials Test Bank CD-ROM (978-1-4292-5888-3)
Thermal Physics
Student Supplements
2nd edition Charles Kittel and Herbert Kroemer, both at University of California, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company March 1980 Hardback
473pp £70.99
285x235mm 978-0-7167-1088-2
Studying Physics Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘I would recommend this book to any physics undergraduate…particularly to those just embarking on their degree courses.’ - Dick Bacon, Physical Sciences Educational Reviews December 2003 240pp Paperback £14.99
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Carried along by the book’s exciting main theme, the process of scientific discovery, readers will encounter spectacular sights, landmark experiments and recent discoveries in this brief textbook, while learning to avoid the pitfalls created by common misconceptions about astronomy. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-1-4292-1246-5) Test Bank CD-ROM (978-1-4292-1245-8) Student Supplements Companion Website: May 2008 Paperback
544pp £41.99
276x216mm 978-1-4292-0519-1
Companion Website: Offers 60 Interactive Tutorials on the core concepts; Online Self-Study quizzes offering randomized questions and answers with instant feedback referring to specific sections in the text; Animations of key figures; NASA videos of important processes and phenomena; Vocabulary and Concept-Review Flashcards; and Interactive Drag-and-Drop Exercises based on text illustrations April 2010 Paperback
David Sands, University of Hull, UK
Neil F. Comins, University of Maine, USA and William J. Kaufmann III, sometime, San Diego State University, USA
Roger Freedman, University of California, USA and William J. Kaufmann III, sometime, San Diego State University, USA
262x182mm 978-1-891389-22-1
Discovering the Universe
800pp £45.99
227x215mm 978-1-4292-3153-4
This title is market restricted. Please consult your sales representative for availability.
216x138mm 978-1-4039-0328-0
Palgrave Study Skills Series
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Extrasolar Planets and Astrobiology Caleb A. Scharf, Columbia University, USA
Published by University Science Books
‘Caleb Scharf provides here a solid and mathematically-rich overview of astrobiology from a planetary perspective...suitable for both newcomers to the field and experienced researchers looking for a course textbook to recommend.’ - Lewis Dartnell, Astrobiology Society of Britain ‘The book is truly excellent ...this is probably the best volume available for the physical sciences side of astrobiology. Summing up: Essential.’ - Choice This book offers an advanced introduction to the increasingly robust fields of extrasolar planets and astrobiology. No other text currently available applies this level of mathematics and physics, while also providing an extensive grounding in key issues of chemistry, biology, and geophysics. With extensive references to the literature and chapterending exercises, this book can be used as the core text for teaching undergraduate or introductory graduate level courses. The text also provides astrobiologists with an indispensable ‘User’s Manual’ when quick reference to key mathematical and physical techniques is needed. A continually updated online component, fully cross-referenced with the text, is also available. LECTURER AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Author’s Companion Website: planets_and_astrobiology.html October 2008 Hardback
400pp £59.99
240x190mm 978-1-891389-55-9
Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium Sun Kwok, University of Hong Kong
Published by University Science Books
‘This book is one of the few modern texts on the interstellar medium. It is particularly excellent for microphysical processes and particularly those that are not easily accessible - physically oriented discussions of atomic and molecular excitation and radiation, molecular binding and astrochemical processes, and important detailed aspects of interstellar grains such as the observational manifestations and formation/destruction mechanisms.’ - Carl Heiles, University of California, USA January 2007 Hardback
600pp £65.99
240x193mm 978-1-891389-46-7
Understanding Earth 6th edition John Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology, USA, Thomas H. Jordan, University of Southern California, USA, Frank Press, Washington Advisory Group, USA and Raymond Siever, sometime, Harvard University, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This textbook invites students into the working world of professional geologists and shows the real-world impact of geology. The sixth edition includes new Practicing Geology essays, Google Earth Exercises, new figures based on 3-D computer simulations and data models, and new and reimagined multi-concept images that help students visualize concepts and processes as geologists do. Contents: PART I: THE MODERN THEORY AND PRACTICE OF GEOLOGY / PART II: BASIC GEOLOGIC PROCESSES / PART III: EARTH AND PLANETS THROUGH GEOLOGIC TIME / PART IV: INTERNAL GEOSYSTEMS / PART V: SURFICIAL GEOSYSTEMS / PART VI: EARTH SCIENCE AND SOCIETY
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-1-4292-3661-4) Test Bank CD-ROM (978-1-4292-3659-1)
Astrophysics of Gas Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei 2nd edition Donald E. Osterbrock, University of California, USA and Gary J. Ferland, University of Kentucky, USA
Published by University Science Books
This is an excellent graduate course book and reference work for the study of gaseous nebulae, nova and supernova remnants, and the emissionline regions in Seyfert galaxies, radio galaxies, quasars, and other types of active galactic nuclei. Much of the new data and images are from the Hubble Space Telescope and some of the largest ground-based telescopes in the world. Two new chapters on infrared astronomy and on X-ray astronomy are included, reflecting the great advances in these fields. November 2005 650pp Hardback £50.99
Blackboard and WebCT materials available at: STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: April 2010 Hardback
680pp £47.99
276x215mm 978-1-4292-4003-1
This title is market restricted. Please consult your sales representative for availability.
240x192mm 978-1-891389-34-4
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The Essential Earth Thomas H. Jordan, University of Southern California, USA and John Grotzinger, California Institute of Technology, USA
Global Climate Change
Earth’s Climate
Convergence of Disciplines
Past and Future 2nd edition
Arnold J. Bloom, University of California at Davis, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
In just fourteen chapters, this text offers a wellfocused introduction to the basics of geology that emphasizes the process of science and how humans interact with our planet. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-1-4292-1279-3) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: March 2008 Paperback
384pp £41.99
276x216mm 978-1-4292-0429-3
Earth System History 3rd edition
William F. Ruddiman, University of Virginia, USA
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Human activities have altered the global climate, and governments must now implement policies to avoid more extreme perturbations. The timely Global Climate Change examines the factors responsible for global climate change and the geophysical, biological, economic, legal, and cultural consequences of such changes. The book highlights the complexity of decision-making under uncertainty, contrasting the methods that various disciplines employ to evaluate past and future conditions. Contents: Introduction to Global Climate Change / History of Earth’s Climate / World of Tomorrow: Computer Simulation Models / Biological Impacts of Higher Carbon Dioxide Concentrations / Climate Change and the Biosphere / Mitigation Strategies: Transportation / Mitigation Strategies: Electric Power Generation / Mitigation Strategies: Other Sectors / Economics of Climate Change / Global Climate Change and the Law / Global Climate Change: The Human Response
Steven M. Stanley, University of Hawaii, USA
January 2010 Hardback
400pp £37.99
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Structural Geology
Clear and concise, this book shows how Earth’s ecosystem has developed over time, and how events in the past can help us deal with present and future changes. Key themes and concepts are examined and a range of real-world examples demonstrate earth system history in action.
2nd edition
280x220mm 978-0-87893-027-2
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text summarizes the major lessons to be learned from 550 million years of climate change, as a way of evaluating the climatological impact on and by humans in this century. The book also looks ahead to possible effects during the next several centuries of fossil fuel use. The second edition incorporates new coverage of climatological events and new research discoveries. Contents: PART I: FRAMEWORK OF CLIMATE SCIENCE / PART II: TECTONIC-SCALE CLIMATE CHANGE / PART III: ORBITAL-SCALE CLIMATE CHANGE / PART IV: DEGLACIAL AND MILLENNIAL CLIMATE CHANGE / PART V: HISTORICAL AND FUTURE CLIMATE CHANGE
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Computerised Test Bank (978-1-4292-1785-9) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website:
Robert J. Twiss and Eldridge M. Moores, both at University of California, USA
December 2007 480pp Paperback £61.99
276x216mm 978-0-7167-8490-6
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text provides a comprehensive, richly illustrated survey of the evolution of the earth’s outer layers, presented within the unifying context of structural and plate tectonics. February 2007 Hardback
500pp £50.99
284x221mm 978-0-7167-4951-6
STUDENT AND LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: December 2008 608pp Paperback £49.99
297x210mm 978-1-4292-0520-7
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Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic 3rd edition Harvey Blatt, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Robert Tracy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA and Brent E. Owens
The Fossil Hunter
Foundation Mathematics
Dinosaurs, Evolution, and the Woman Whose Discoveries Changed the World
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
282x221mm 978-0-7167-3743-8
Sedimentary Geology An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy 2nd edition Donald R. Prothero, Occidental College, USA and Fred Schwab, Washington and Lee University, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company October 2003 Hardback
600pp £80.99
283x222mm 978-0-7167-3905-0
K.A. Stroud, formerly Principal Lecturer in Mathematics, Coventry University, UK with Dexter J. Booth, formerly Principal Lecturer, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, UK
Shelley Emling, Journalist for twenty years, her work has appeared in The New York Times, Fortune, Slate, and The International Herald Tribune
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
December 2005 530pp Hardback £60.99
In 1811, Mary Anning discovered the first ever dinosaur skeleton and became a fossil hunter, attracting the attention of the scientific world. Until then, it was believed that animals did not become extinct, but the bizarre nature of the fossils Anning found made it impossible to ignore the truth about evolution. August 2009 Hardback
256pp £15.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61156-6
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
A complete entry level foundation mathematics book based on the longestablished and successful Stroud philosophy and best-selling title Engineering Mathematics he methodology demands that the student • Tinteracts with the material, so they learn by doing the maths, not just reading about it.
uilds confidence step-by-step, starting with • Blots of guidance and gradually allowing the
student to progress independently as they learn.
rovides more opportunity for mathematics • Ppractice than any other book! ncorporates key bite-sized chunks of the • Icurrent edition of Engineering Mathematics with substantial new entry-level material.
ffers a great fit to introductory maths courses • Ofor students of all disciplines. O ffers a wider range of topics and in more depth • than other introductory maths books. Contents: Arithmetic / Introduction to Algebra / Expressions and Equations / Graphs / Linear Equations / Polynomial Equations / Partial Fractions / Trigonometry / Functions / Matrices / Vectors / Binomial Series / Sets / Probability / Statistics / Regression and Correlation / Introduction to Differentiation / Partial Differentiation / Integration April 2009 Paperback
752pp £32.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-57907-1
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Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
6th edition
4th edition K.A. Stroud, formerly Coventry University, UK with Dexter J. Booth, formerly University of Huddersfield, UK
An Engineering Data Book 3rd edition Edited by J.R. Calvert, University of Southampton, UK and R.A. Farrar, formerly University of Southampton, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘It is about time someone put this all together in one resource book. Well done!’ - Stephen Prior, Middlesex University, UK This indispensable companion is a ready reference for commonly required formulae and data, for use in coursework and examinations as well as in professional practice. Contents: Symbols and Units / Physical Constants / Analysis / Analysis of Experimental Data / Mechanics / Properties and Mechanics of Solids / Properties of Materials / Earth and the Environment / Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics / Automatic Control / Electricity and Magnetism / Soil Mechanics / Structures / Symbols Index / Keyword Index July 2008 Paperback
112pp £13.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-22033-1
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K.A. Stroud, formerly Coventry University, UK with Dexter J. Booth, formerly University of Huddersfield, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Engineering Mathematics is by far the bestselling book of its kind. Its unique programmed approach takes the student through the mathematics in an interactive, stepby-step fashion with a wealth of worked examples and exercises. It is the most comprehensive course of its type. This carefully revised sixth edition has an even more user-friendly page design; a new online personal Tutor Programme and a new series of application questions freely accessible on a Companion Website. Contents: PART I: FOUNDATION TOPICS / Arithmetic / Introduction to Algebra / Expressions and Equations / Graphs / Linear Equations and Simultaneous Linear Equations / Polynomial Equations / Partial Fractions / Trigonometry / Binomial Series / Differentiation / Integration / Functions / PART II / Complex Numbers 1 / Complex Numbers 2 / Hyperbolic Functions / Determinants / Matrices / Vectors / Differentiation / Differentiation Applications 1 / Differentiation Applications 2 / Partial Differentiation 1 / Partial Differentiation 2 / Curves and Curve Fitting / Series 1 / Series 2 / Integration 1 / Integration 2 / Reduction Formulae / Integration Applications 1 / Integration Applications 2 / Integration Applications 3 / Approximate Integration / Polar Coordinates Systems / Multiple Integrals / First-Order Differential Equations / SecondOrder Differential Equations / Introduction to Laplace Transforms / Statistics / Probability / Answers
LECTURER AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: January 2007 Paperback
1288pp £39.99
246x189mm 978-1-4039-4246-3
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This revised and expanded best-selling Advanced Engineering Mathematics textbook includes four new topics and extended coverage, making it a comprehensive course for all undergraduates in engineering and science from second year level onwards. Its highly successful technique-oriented approach guides the student through the development of each topic. Hundreds of worked examples and exercises are included throughout. February 2003 Paperback
1056pp £39.99
234x177mm 978-1-4039-0312-9
Engineering Mathematics Through Applications Kuldeep Singh, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘The unique quality of this book is the wealth of examples applying the mathematical techniques taught here. These examples span mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, engineering, fluid dynamics and other areas of applied mathematics. These are not just the usual examples involving differential equations and equations of motion, but real and thoughtful applications that will be relevant to the student.’ - Jill Russell, The Open University, UK LECTURER AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: February 2003 Paperback
842pp £37.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-92224-8
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Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers Donald A. McQuarrie, sometime University of California, USA
Published by University Science Books
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries Development and History 4th edition Marvin Jay Greenberg, University of California, USA
‘…a masterpiece…’ - Chemical and Engineering News Intended for upperlevel undergraduate and graduate courses in chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering, this book is also suitable as a reference for advanced students in the physical sciences. It is logically organized and full of problems and examples that detail every step, making it exceptionally well adapted for self-study as well as for classroom use.
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Student Solutions Manual (978-1-891389-37-5) £24.99
This book provides students with an overview of both classic and hyperbolic geometries, placing the work of key mathematicians and philosophers in historical context. Including coverage on geometric transformations, models of the hyperbolic planes and pseudospheres, it makes an excellent companion to any geometry course. The fourth edition features a greater balance between the geometry of Greek and other cultures (Egyptian, Babylonian, Hindu and Chinese), increased coverage of key events and contributors throughout history, revised coverage of models, and a significant amount of new material and projects throughout.
June 2003 Paperback
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Artwork is available on request to adopting lecturers via the publisher’s website at: STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS
1100pp £48.99
240x195mm 978-1-891389-29-0
Instructor’s Guide with Solutions (978-1-4292-0683-9) December 2007 500pp Hardback £65.99
Guide to Mathematical Methods 2nd Edition J. Gilbert, University of Lancaster, UK, Camilla Jordan, The Open University, UK and David Towers, University of Lancaster, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan June 2002 Paperback
448pp £31.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-79444-9
240x170mm 978-0-7167-9948-1
Guide to Analysis 2nd edition Mary Hart, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, UK and David Towers, Head of Mathematics, University of Lancaster, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This text provides a rigorous introduction to analysis, taking into account the difficulties students face when they make the transition from A-Level mathematics to university level. May 2001 Paperback
304pp £31.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-79449-4
Basic Complex Analysis 3rd edition Jerrold E. Marsden, California Institute of Technology, USA and Michael J. Hoffman, California State University, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company January 1999 Hardback
600pp £53.99
243x188mm 978-0-7167-2877-1
Elementary Classical Analysis 2nd edition Jerrold E. Marsden, California Institute of Technology, USA and Michael J. Hoffman, California State University, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Designed for courses in advanced calculus and introductory real analysis, this text strikes a balance between pure and applied mathematics. The emphasis is on techniques important to classical analysis, without vector calculus or complex analysis. April 1993 Hardback
640pp £41.99
285x235mm 978-0-7167-2105-5
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Calculus Made Easy
Calculus Jon Rogawski, University of California, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text presents calculus with solid mathematical precision but with an everyday sensibility that puts the main concepts into clear terms. It contains features such as graphical insights that enhance the student’s visual understanding, section summaries, and section exercise sets. September 2007 1416pp Hardback £50.99
260x222mm 978-1-4292-1066-9
Vector Calculus 5th edition Jerrold E. Marsden, California Institute of Technology, USA and Anthony J. Tromba, University of California, USA
Silvanus P. Thompson, (1851-1916) Writer of several science manuals and biographies of major scientists and Martin Gardner, Reviewer for the New York Review of Books
Published by Palgrave Macmillan March 1999 Paperback
336pp £21.99
Discrete Mathematics for Computing 3rd edition Peter Grossman, University of Melbourne, Australia
216x138mm 978-0-333-77243-0
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Written especially for students with a modest mathematical background, this text introduces discrete mathematics at a gentle pace, and with an informal style, but without compromising the need for correct methodology. This new edition includes an expanded section on encryption, additional examples and many more exercises. Contents: List of Symbols / Introduction to Algorithms / Bases and Number Representation / Computer Representation and Arithmetic / Logic / Sets and Relations / Functions / Induction and Recursion / Boolean Algebra and Digital Circuits / Combinatorics / Introduction to Graph Theory / Trees / Number Theory / Algorithms and Computational Complexity December 2008 328pp Paperback £28.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-21611-2
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Vector Calculus helps foster computational skills and intuitive understanding with a careful balance of theory, applications, and optional materials. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Resource Manual (978-0-7167-0646-5)
Mathematical Structures for Computer Science 6th edition
Judith L. Gersting, University of Hawaii, USA
Study Guide and Solutions Manual (978-0-7167-0528-4) £24.99
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
September 2003 640pp Hardback £54.99
238x190mm 978-0-7167-4992-9
The sixth edition continues to offer a pedagogically rich and intuitive introduction to discrete mathematical structures. It meets the needs of computer science students by being both comprehensive and accessible. LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Solutions Manual (978-0-7167-7284-2) September 2006 807pp Hardback £55.99
262x210mm 978-0-7167-6864-7
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Guide to Mathematical Modelling 2nd edition Dilwyn Edwards, University of Greenwich, UK, Michael Hamson, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK and David Towers, University of Lancaster, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
A basic introduction to mathematical modelling, this book encourages the reader to participate in the investigation of a wide variety of modelling examples. Contents: What is Modelling? / Getting Started / Modelling Methodology / Modelling Skills / Using Difference Equations / Using Differential Equations / Using Random Numbers / Using Data / Example Models / Report Writing and Presentation October 2001 Paperback
336pp £31.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-79446-3
Guide to Scientific Computing 2nd edition Peter R. Turner, United States Naval Academy, USA and David Towers, University of Lancaster, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This book is a gentle and sympathetic introduction to many of the problems of scientific computing, and the wide variety of methods used for their solutions. March 2000 Paperback
320pp £31.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-79450-0
The Basic Practice of Statistics
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 6th edition
5th edition
David S. Moore, George P. McCabe and Bruce Craig, all at Purdue University, USA
David S. Moore, Purdue University, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text emphasizes major ideas and essential skills, provides experience working with real data and real-world examples, and uses many pedagogical devices to guide learning. Learners gain confidence by beginning with data analysis before meeting probability and probability-based inference: an arrangement that also reflects statistician’s current view of the field. Updated throughout, the fifth edition includes many new examples and exercises. Contents: PART I: EXPLORING DATA / Variables and Distributions / Relationships / PART II: FROM EXPLORATION TO INFERENCE / Probability and Sampling Distributions / Producing Data / Introducing Inference / PART III: INFERENCE ABOUT VARIABLES / Quantitative Response Variable / Categorical Response Variable / PART IV: INFERENCE ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS / Inference About Relationships / PART V: OPTIONAL COMPANION CHAPTERS
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor’s Guide with Solutions (978-1-4292-2792-6) Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-1-4292-2788-9) Computerized Test Bank (978-1-4292-2789-6) Printed Test Bank (978-1-4292-2784-1) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Interactive Student CD-ROM included with every new copy of the textbook, contains access to the companion chapters, applets, and datasets Study Guide with Selected Solutions (978-1-4292-2783-4) £16.99 (£19.96 incl. VAT @17.5%) February 2009 Hardback
704pp £49.99
262x221mm 978-1-4292-2426-0
With its focus on data analysis, statistical reasoning, and the way statisticians actually work, Introduction to the Practice of Statistics has helped to revolutionize the way statistics is taught and brings the power of critical thinking and practical applications to your course. The sixth edition is even more readable and flexible, and has been updated with new content, exercises and pedagogy throughout. Contents: PART I: LOOKING AT DATA / Looking at Data-Distributions / Looking at Data-Relationships / Producing Data / PART II: PROBABILITY AND INFERENCE / Probability: The Study of Randomness / Sampling Distributions / Introduction to Inference / Inference for Distributions / Inference for Proportions / PART III: TOPICS ON INFERENCE / Analysis of 2-Way Tables / Inference For Regression / Multiple Regression / 1-Way Analysis of Variance / 2-Way Analysis of Variance / PART IV: OPTIONAL COMPANION CHAPTERS
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-1-4292-1503-9) Instructor’s Resource Manual with Solutions (978-1-4292-1472-8) Test Bank CD-ROM (978-14292-1859-7) Printed Test Bank (978-1-4292-1471-1) STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: CD-ROM, included with every new copy of the book, contains access to the companion chapters, applets and data sets Study Guide and Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-1473-5) £30.99 March 2008 Hardback
800pp £49.99
276x216mm 978-1-4292-1622-7
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The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences Brigitte Baldi, University of California, USA and David S. Moore, Purdue University, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Moore and Baldi provide an accessible introduction to the uses and applications of statistics in the life sciences with a data analysis approach. Data sets, examples and exercises are drawn from diverse areas of biology such as physiology, brain and behaviour, health and medicine, nutrition, ecology, and microbiology. The book is written in an accessible style and includes helpful pedagogy.
Practice of Business Statistics 2nd edition
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Susan A. Nolan, Seton Hall University, USA and Thomas E. Heinzen William Paterson, State University of New Jersey, USA
David S. Moore, Purdue University, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This text immerses students in the course, immediately involving them in practical, statistics-supported business decision-making. Using real data to provide a context for tackling modern business problems, it introduces a range of core ideas early - including data production and interpretation. The second edition features many new exercises, case studies and data sets. A new design and a new section on business ethics keep the book fully up-to-date.
Published by Worth Publishers
Instructor’s Guide with Solutions (978-0-7167-3010-1)
Nolan and Heinzen convincingly convey the social power and the personal benefits of statistical reasoning while faithfully teaching its underlying mathematical principles. The resulting text conforms to the traditional structure and elements of a statistics textbook, but it shifts the paradigm for teaching behavioural statistics from apology (for being so difficult) to opportunity (to create a meaningful career).
Test Bank CD-ROM (978-0-7167-2885-6)
Printed Test Bank (978-1-4292-0163-6)
Computerised Test Bank (978-1-4292-0164-3)
Companion Website:
Companion Website:
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-0162-9)
LECTURER SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-0-7167-3031-6)
Companion Website:
Student Solutions Manual (978-0-7167-2893-1) £22.99
Student Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-0165-0) £18.99
March 2008 Hardback
April 2008 Hardback
608pp £49.99
820pp £48.99
240x220mm 978-1-4292-2150-4
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (978-1-4292-0889-5) Instructor’s Resource Manual & Solutions Manual (978-1-4292-0633-4) Test Bank CD-ROM (978-1-4292-0639-6) Printed Test Bank (978-1-4292-0632-7)
260x220mm 978-1-4292-1876-4
The Practice of Statistics TI-83/89 Graphing Calculator Enhanced 3rd edition Dan Yates, Statistics Consultant, USA, David S. Moore, Purdue University, USA and Daren S. Starnes, Webb Schools, USA
Companion Website Study Guide and SPSS Manual (978-1-4292-0635-8) £23.99 December 2007 500pp Hardback £44.99
260x210mm 978-0-7167-5007-9
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Combining the strength of the data analysis approach and the power of technology, the third edition of The Practice of Statistics features powerful and helpful new media supplements, enhanced teacher support materials, and full integration of the TI-83 and TI-89 graphing calculators. May 2007 Hardback
858pp £51.99
261x207mm 978-0-7167-7309-2
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Statistical Tables
For Science, Engineering, Psychology, Business, Management and Finance 4th edition
Design of Structural Elements
J. Murdoch and J.A. Barnes, both formerly at Cranfield University, USA
W. M. C. McKenzie, Napier University, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan April 1998 Paperback
80pp £13.99
297x210mm 978-0-333-55859-1
Biometry 3rd edition Robert Sokal and James Rohlf, both at State University of New York, USA
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
This easily understood but rigorous introduction to biological statistics is a standard text and valuable reference for anyone doing scientific research. November 1994 896pp Hardback £54.99
285x235mm 978-0-7167-2411-7
Structural Mechanics: Worked Examples Reissued Edition
2nd edition
Ray Hulse and Jack Cain, both formerly at Coventry University, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
A detailed study of the process of design for structural elements, updated for the new Eurocodes in all four building materials: concrete, steel, timber and masonry. The scope is wide, and the numerous examples, practical problems and easy-to-follow diagrams make it an ideal course text. Contents: Preface / Structural AnalysisTechniques / Design Philosophies / Structural Loading / Structural Instability, Overall Stability and Robustness / Reinforced Concrete Elements / Structural Steelwork Elements / StructuralTimber Elements / Structural Masonry Elements / Appendix 1: Greek Alphabet, SI Prefixes, Coefficients of Friction andTypical Material Properties / Appendix 2: Properties of Geometric Figures / Appendix 3: Beam Reactions, Bending Moments and Deflections / Appendix 4: Continuous Beam Coefficients / Appendix 5: Self-weights of Construction Materials / Appendix 6: Reinforcement Bar Cross-sectional Areas / Appendix 7: Black-bolt and H.S.F.G. - Bolt Data / Bibliography / Index October 2010 Paperback
704pp £34.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-21771-3
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This reissue of a successful text provides students with brief summaries of key facts topic-by-topic and then presents a series of carefully paced and sequenced worked examples using real exam questions, with additional explanatory notes. It is designed to reinforce knowledge learnt in lessons, complete understanding and help exam preparation. This is a useful resource for students at an affordable price and in a field where they are demanding extra material. Contents: Equilibrium of Rigid Structures / Pin-jointed Frame Structures / Shearing Forces and Bending Moments / Direct Stress / Bending Stress / Combined Bending and Direct Stress / Shear Stress / Torsional Stress / Mohr’s Circles of Stress and Strain / Composite Sections / Beam Deflections and Rotations / Strain Energy and Virtual Work April 2009 Paperback
Soil Mechanics
304pp £19.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-57981-1
Principles and Practice 2nd edition G.E. Barnes, Independent Consultant
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This text provides coverage of the basic principles of soil mechanics for undergraduate students of civil engineering. The second edition has additional features such as Eurocode and key concepts boxes, and case studies illustrating the principles in real world situations. Necessary changes have been made to conform to changing British Standards. This edition will continue to offer a good understanding of the nature of soil and insights into how the principles are applied in the practical engineering context. May 2000 Paperback
512pp £37.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-77776-3
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Understanding Structures
Design of Structural Timber
Reinforced Concrete Design
Analysis, Materials, Design 4th edition
To Eurocode 5 2nd edition
To Eurocode 2 6th edition
Derek Seward, Lancaster University, UK
This bestselling introductory text for undergraduate students of civil engineering, building, surveying and architecture deals with the topics of structural analysis, materials and design, and introduces all three topics in an integrated way so that the reader can quickly tackle the exciting task of designing. Contents: Design / Basics / Materials / Loads / Pin-jointed Trusses /Tension / Beams / Compression / Combined Axial and Bending Stresses /Torsion / Connections / Arches and Portal Frames / Foundations and Retaining Walls / Deflection / Indeterminate Structures and Components / Further Reading April 2009 Paperback
376pp £36.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-21263-3
William M. C. McKenzie and Binsheng Zhang, both at Napier University, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This edition is a source of information on the nature and inherent characteristics of timber and practical design in relation to the requirements of the new Eurocode EC5. In addition, it also has extensive explanations and worked examples relating to the new loading codes for dead, imposed, snow and wind actions, i.e. EC and EC1. Contents: Structural Timber / Design Philosophies and Eurocodes / Design Loading / Structural Analysis Techniques / Flexural Members / Axially Loaded Members / Members Subject to Combined Axial and Flexural Loads / Roof Trusses / Mechanical Fasteners / Overall Structural Stability September 2007 520pp Paperback £39.99
Writing for Engineers 3rd edition Joan van Emden, Visiting Lecturer, University of Reading, UK
Bill Mosley, formerly Nanyang Technological Institute, Singapore, John Bungey, University of Liverpool, UK and Ray Hulse, Coventry University, UK
246x189mm 978-0-230-00777-2
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘…a well-written update to a popular text book. It is comprehensive and will be a useful resource for students and practitioners alike.’ - Civil Engineering This is an accessible introduction to the principles and methods used in the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. The sixth edition is fully revised to the final Eurocode 2 standards and features a new contemporary text design and new pedagogical features. Contents: Preface / Notation / Properties of Reinforced Concrete / Limit State Design / Analysis of the Structure / Analysis of the Section / Shear, Bond and Torsion / Serviceability, Durability and Stability Requirements / Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams / Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs / Column Design / Foundations and Retaining Walls / Prestressed Concrete / Composite Construction June 2007 Paperback
424pp £39.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-50071-6
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘…I would recommend purchase of this new edition by all first year engineering undergraduates and by students intending to apply for courses in engineering and related disciplines.’ - Frank K. Burgin, Sheffield Hallam University, UK April 2005 Paperback
160pp £14.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-4600-3
Palgrave Study Skills Series
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Construction Contract Law
Surveying for Engineers
The Essentials 3rd edition
5th edition
John Adriaanse, South Bank University, UK John Uren, University of Leeds, UK and Bill Price, University of Brighton, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This classic text takes the reader through everything they need to know, from traditional methods through to the very latest technological developments. This text is ideal whether studying surveying as a separate discipline or as part of a civil engineering, building or construction course: accessible, well illustrated and comprehensive. New to this edition:
overs the latest developments in Global • CNavigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and their impact on engineering surveying
ncludes full details on the introduction of • Inetwork RTK systems and their applications overs recent developments in survey • Cinstruments, methods and technologies,
including image processing with total stations, and improved techniques for locating underground services
2nd edition
This book covers the essentials of the subject, such as how the law has developed, the reasoning behind key contract clauses, and how contract law is applied in practice. It is an invaluable guide for students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Thoroughly updated, it now includes amendments to the Construction Act. Contents: Table of Cases / Table of Statutes and Regulations / List of Abbreviations / The Nature of Construction Contracts / Outline of the Law of Obligations / The Formation of Construction Contracts / Consideration / The Role of the Architect and the Engineer / The Main Obligations of the Contractor / The Main Obligations of the Employer / Time and Provisions for Delay / Variations and the Right to Payment / Payment and Certification / Sub-Contracting / Supply Contracts / Design Liability of Professionals and Contractors / Liabilities Post-completion / Determination and Damages / Methods of Dispute Resolution August 2010 Paperback
432pp £28.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-23044-6
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘…a useful addition to the library of anyone involved in house construction… [It] would be relevant on a wide range of courses, from basic technician level to architectural degrees.’ - Times Higher Education The second edition of this popular undergraduate textbook includes new material on sustainable and carbon neutral construction, on modern construction methods including prefabrication, on steel framed housing and an update on building regulations. LECTURER AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: May 2008 Paperback
352pp £34.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-20362-4
Studying the Built Environment Marion Temple, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Contents: Introduction / Levelling / Angle Measurement / Distance Measurement: Taping / Total Stations / Traversing and Coordinate Calculations / Global Positioning System / GPS Coordinates and Transformations / Measurements, Errors and Specifications / Detail Surveying and Plotting / Setting Out / Circular Curves / Transition Curves / Vertical Curves / Earthwork Quantities / Appendix / Solutions 768pp £40.99
Mike Riley and Alison Cotgrave, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
• N ew, more user-friendly larger format
March 2010 Paperback
Construction Technology 1 House Construction
This unique book introduces students to the themes and aspects of studying the built environment.
246x189mm 978-0-230-22157-4 August 2004 Paperback
224pp £14.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-96919-9
Palgrave Study Skills
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Construction Technology 2 Industrial and Commercial Building 2nd edition
Construction Technology 3 The Technology of Refurbishment and Maintenance
Mike Riley and Alison Cotgrave, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK
LECTURER AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: June 2009 Paperback
440pp £34.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-57571-4
This third volume is designed in a structured, directed format to help develop understanding, rather than providing a simple source of information. Uniquely, it covers the technology of refurbishment in both housing and large-span multi-storey commercial and industrial buildings, focusing on the environmental impact of refurbishment rather than new build. LECTURER AND STUDENT SUPPLEMENTS Companion Website: engineering/riley3/home.htm 256pp £30.99
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
‘...a very useful book for readers at many levels.’ - A. F. C. Sherratt, International Journal of Ambient Energy This clear text studies the science, technology and services that relate to the comfort of humans and the environmental performance of buildings. Topics are arranged for easy reading, and assume a minimum experience of science and mathematics. This edition has been revised in line with new regulations, up-to-date practice and world-wide trends. May 2007 Paperback
400pp £36.99
Building Quantities Explained
5th edition
Property Finance
Ivor H. Seeley, formerly Nottingham Trent University, UK
2nd edition
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This popular text examines basic constructional techniques, the choice and use of materials, and statutory requirements for domestic buildings. Includes environmentally-friendly buildings and radon; free-standing and cavity walls; sound insulation; windows and doors; GRP interceptors, and waste management. 254x229mm 978-0-333-62096-0
5th edition Ivor H. Seeley and Roger Winfield, both formerly, Nottingham Trent University, UK
David Isaac, University of Greenwich, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Property Finance provides an overview of the field, linking the areas of property and construction with an understanding of financial structures and concepts. The aim is to present an insight and a strategy for understanding and learning about these concepts and structures, and to introduce the reader to the institutions in the market which provide finance for real estate investment and development. June 2003 Paperback
288pp £35.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-98714-8
A long established text that aims to meet the needs of students studying building measurement in the early years of quantity surveying and building degree courses. It contains a careful selection of twenty-seven worked examples embracing all the principal building elements and including alternative constructional methods to illustrate a range of approaches. December 1998 432pp Paperback £34.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-52536-8
246x189mm 978-1-4039-4095-7
Building Technology
352pp £35.99
Randall McMullan, Construction Physicist and Writer, formerly College of North West London, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
August 2004 Paperback
February 1995 Paperback
6th edition
Mike Riley and Alison Cotgrave, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
Both a great reference and a lively and genuine learning resource complete with case studies, review tasks and comparative studies. This new edition is revised throughout, including new material on green buildings, greater emphasis on modern methods of construction, and an update on building regulations.
Environmental Science in Building
234x156mm 978-0-333-71972-5
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Seeley and Winfield’s Building Quantities Explained Irish edition Ivor H. Seeley, Roger Winfield, both formerly Nottingham Trent University, UK, Alan V Hore, Dublin Institute of Technology, Republic of Ireland, Maria O’Kelly and Rita Scully, both at Limerick Institute of Technology, Republic of Ireland
Cutting-edge Built Environment Journals
Published by Palgrave Macmillan
This classic text is now available in line with Irish codes and is aimed at students studying building measurement in the early years of quantity surveying and building degree courses. It contains a careful selection of worked examples embracing all the principal building elements and including a range of approaches. Contents: General Introduction / Measurement Procedures / Mensuration Applications / Substructure / Brick, Block and Stone Walling / Fires, Flues and Vents / Floors and Partitions / Pitched and Flat Roofs / Internal Finishes / Windows / Doors / Staircases and Fittings / Water, Heating and Waste Services / Electrical Services / Drainage / External Works / Bill Preparation and Production / Appendix I: Abbreviations / Appendix II: Mensuration Formulae / Appendix III: Metric Conversion Table / Appendix IV: Specifications for Internal Finishes November 2009 424pp Paperback £39.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-58014-5
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Aczel Uranium Wars
Calculus Made Easy Thompson Gardner
Earth System History Stanley
Adriaanse Construction Contract Law
Calculus Rogawski
Earth’s Climate Ruddiman
Calvert Farrar An Engineering Data Book
Edwards Hamson Towers Guide to Mathematical Modelling
Elementary Classical Analysis Marsden Hoffman
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Stroud Booth Anslyn Dougherty Modern Physical Organic Chemistry Astrophysics of Gas Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei Osterbrock Ferland Atkins Jones Chemical Principles
18 7 15 2
B Baird Cann Environmental Chemistry
Baldi Moore The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences
Barnes Soil Mechanics
Basic Complex Analysis Marsden Hoffman
The Basic Practice of Statistics Moore
Bertini Gray Stiefel Valentine Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Biological Inorganic Chemistry Bertini Gray Stiefel Valentine
Biological Physics Nelson
Biometry Sokal Rohlf
Blatt Tracy Owens Petrology
Bloom Global Climate Change
Breithaupt Physics
Building Quantities Explained Seeley Winfield
Building Technology Seeley
Chang Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences
Chang Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences
Emling The Fossil Hunter
Chemical Principles Atkins Jones
An Engineering Data Book Calvert Farrar
Engineering Mathematics Stroud Booth
Engineering Mathematics Through Applications Singh
Chemistry in the Laboratory Postma Robert Hollenberg
Chemistry Lewis Evans
Classical Mechanics Taylor
Environmental Chemistry Baird Cann
Comins Kaufmann III Discovering the Universe
Environmental Science in Building McMullan
Construction Contract Law Adriaanse
The Essential Earth Jordan Grotzinger
Construction Technology 1: House Construction Riley Cotgrave
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries Greenberg
Exploring Chemical Analysis Harris
Extrasolar Planets and Astrobiology Scharf
Construction Technology 2: Industrial and Commercial Building Riley Cotgrave
Construction Technology 3: The Technology of Refurbishment and Maintenance Riley Cotgrave
D Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry Rayner-Canham Overton
F The Fossil Hunter Emling
Foundation Mathematics Stroud Booth
Freedman Kaufmann III Universe
Fundamentals of Asymmetric Catalysis Walsh Kozlowski
Design of Structural Elements McKenzie
Design of Structural Timber McKenzie Zhang
Discovering the Universe Comins Kaufmann III
General Chemistry McQuarrie Rock Gallogly 2
Discrete Mathematics for Computing Grossman
Gersting Mathematical Structures for Computer Science
Gilbert Jordan Towers Guide to Mathematical Methods
Global Climate Change Bloom
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INDEX Greenberg Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries
Grossman Discrete Mathematics for Computing
Grotzinger Jordan Press Siever Understanding Earth
Guide to Analysis Hart Towers
Guide to Mathematical Methods Gilbert Jordan Towers
Guide to Mathematical Modelling Edwards Hamson Towers
Guide to Scientific Computing Turner Towers
Johll Investigating Chemistry Jordan Grotzinger The Essential Earth
Kittel Kroemer Thermal Physics Kwok Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium
I Introduction to Error Analysis Taylor Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics Hanson Green
13 8
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Tannor 8 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics Moore McCabe Craig Investigating Chemistry Johll Isaac Property Finance
21 3
Modern Organic Synthesis Zweifel Nantz
Modern Physical Organic Chemistry Anslyn Dougherty Modern Physics Tipler Llewellyn
7 12
Molecular Physical Chemistry for Engineers Yates Johnson
Molecular Thermodynamics McQuarrie Simon
Moore McCabe Craig Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
21 21
Mosley Bungey Hulse Reinforced Concrete Design
Murdoch Barnes Statistical Tables
Marsden Tromba Vector Calculus
Modern Molecular Photochemistry of Organic Molecules Turro Ramamurthy Scaiano
Moore The Basic Practice of Statistics
McQuarrie Simon Physical Chemistry
Moore Practice of Business Statistics
Hart Towers Guide to Analysis
Hartwig Organotransition Metal Chemistry 5
McQuarrie Simon Molecular Thermodynamics
Marsden Hoffman Basic Complex Analysis 19
Harris Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Hulse Cain Structural Mechanics: Worked Examples
M Marsden Hoffman Elementary Classical Analysis
HGS Molecular Structure Model Myers
Helliwell Special Relativity
Harris Exploring Chemical Analysis
Hegedus Sรถderberg Transition Metals in the Synthesis of Complex Organic Molecules
Lewis Evans Chemistry
H Hanson Green Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics
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