Psychology 2010
Exciting and innovative new textbooks from Palgrave Macmillan
March 2010 | 978-0-230-21795-9
Social Psychology and Everyday Life Hodgetts et al.
…more engaging and more thoughtprovoking than any other Social Psychology text I have read.
Caroline Howarth, Social Psychology, London School of Economics, UK
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Sensation, Perception and Action: An Evolutionary Perspective Johannes M. Zanker
I was excited to see a book that included ‘Action’ both in the title and content since this aspect of perception is usually missing ...this book will help to complete the picture of perception and action.
March 2010 | 978-0-230-55267-8
Richard Wilkie, Lecturer in Perception, Action and Cognition, University of Leeds, UK
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Among the leading titles for 2010, we are delighted to be publishing an engaging new textbook by Johannes Zanker on Sensation, Perception and Action that sets this key area of cognitive psychology within a fascinating functional perspective. At the social end, Social Psychology and Everyday Life by Darrin Hodgetts et al. applies the theories of social psychology to daily experience and engages students in thinking about the role of psychology in fostering social justice. In a similar vein, the new edition of our popular Community Psychology text by Geoff Nelson and Isaac Prilleltensky is fully updated and includes new chapters and commentaries reflecting recent developments in the field. 2010 also brings a number of exciting new books and new editions of classic texts in all core areas of Psychology published by Worth Publishers and Sinauer Associates, Inc. and distributed by Palgrave Macmillan. If you would like to find out more about our 2010 publishing program, please visit for further details. If you have any ideas for new books that you’d like to discuss further, please contact us directly by email. Best wishes, Jamie Joseph, Senior Commissioning Editor, Psychology
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Psychology in Modules
International Edition 9th edition
9th edition
International Edition 6th edition
David G. Myers, Hope College, USA Peter O. Gray, Boston College , USA
A favourite for its exploration of psychology’s major theories alongside the evidence that supports and refutes them, this text encourages students to probe for the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of the subject. The unique functionalist, evolutionary, neuropsychological and crosscultural perspective helps students to understand the value and applicability of each model. The sixth edition presents over 530 new research citations as well as new topics directly relevant to students’ daily lives. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGY / Foundations for the Study of Psychology / Methods of Psychology / PART II: THE ADAPTIVENESS OF BEHAVIOR / Genetic and Evolutionary Foundations of Behavior / Basic Processes of Learning / PART III: PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF BEHAVIOR / The Neural Control of Behavior / Mechanisms of Motivation and Emotion / PART IV: SENSATION AND PERCEPTION / Smell, Taste, Pain, Hearing, and Psychophysics / The Psychololgy of Vision / PART V: THE HUMAN INTELLECT / Memory and Consciousness / Reasoning and Intelligence / PART VI: GROWTH OF THE MIND AND PERSON / The Development of Thought and Language / Social Development / PART VII: THE PERSON IN A WORLD OF PEOPLE / Social Perception and Attitudes / Social Influences on Behavior / PART VIII: PERSONALITY AND DISORDERS / Personality / Mental Disorders / Treatment / Statistical Appendix / Glossary / References / Name Index / Subject Index February 2010 Paperback
624pp £39.99
282x226mm 978-1-4292-5245-4
Published by Worth Publishers with Palgrave Macmillan
A comprehensive and engaging introduction to Psychology, this is a textbook like no other, always fresh, always introducing new tools for teaching and learning, and always attuned to how the field is shaped by new research. The ninth edition is now more concise, with 1200 new citations, enhanced pedagogy and a revised chapter on Consciousness. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: The Story of Psychology / Thinking Critically With Psychological Science / Neuroscience and Behavior / States of Consciousness / Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity / Developing Through the Life Span / Sensation and Perception / Learning / Memory / Thinking and Language / Intelligence / Motivation and Work / Emotions, Stress, and Health / Personality / Psychological Disorders / Therapy / Social Psychology / Appendix A: Careers in Psychology, by Jennifer Zwolinski / Appendix B: Answers to Test Yourself Questions February 2009 Paperback
928pp £38.99
David G. Myers, Hope College, USA
This version of Myers’ main text breaks the chapters down into shorter modules for more accessibility. The condensed text not only allows students to better grasp and explore psychological concepts, but also makes for more flexibility in teaching, as cross-references to other chapters have been replaced with brief explanations. Lecturer and student supplements are available. November 2009 Hardback
778pp £48.99
254x229mm 978-1-4292-1638-8
Published by Worth Publishers
Discovering Psychology 5th edition
297x210mm 978-1-4292-3699-7
Don H. Hockenbury, Tulsa Community College, USA and Sandra E. Hockenbury, Science Writer specializing in Psychology
Published by Worth Publishers with Palgrave Macmillan
Uses engaging anecdotes and stories to make abstract material pertinent without over-simplifying the science. The fifth edition features new coverage of developments in the study of positive psychology, Asperger’s syndrome, sleep, consciousness and sex differences in the brain, as well as new artwork, chapter summaries and revised appendices. Lecturer and student supplements are available. February 2010 Paperback
587pp £42.99
275x230mm 978-1-4292-1650-0
Published by Worth Publishers
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Exploring Psychology
8th edition
Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert and Daniel M. Wegner, all at Harvard University, USA
David G. Myers, Hope College, USA
David Myers’ bestselling brief text has introduced psychology to millions. Exceptional writing and structure make the work supremely engaging and understandable. Updated coverage of consciousness, a new Critical Thinking feature, new artwork and over 1,000 new citations ensure it remains the most compelling choice for a concise psychology text. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science / Neuroscience and Behavior / Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity / The Developing Person / Sensation and Perception / States of Consciousness / Learning / Memory / Thinking, Language, and Intelligence / Motivation / Emotions, Stress, and Health / Personality / Psychological Disorders / Therapy / Social Psychology / Appendix: Careers in Psychology by Dr. Jennifer Lento, University of San Diego, USA February 2010 Hardback
581pp £39.99
Published by Worth Publishers
275x230mm 978-1-4292-1635-7
This introductory psychology textbook takes a fresh approach to the teaching of psychology by introducing ‘mind bugs’ - foibles of the mind that are intrinsically fascinating and provide fundamental insights into how the mind works. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: The Evolution of a Science / Methods of Psychology / Neuroscience and Behavior / Sensation and Perception / Memory / Learning / Language and Thought / Consciousness / Intelligence / Emotion and Motivation / Development Across the Lifespan / Personality / Psychological Disorders / Treatment of Psychological Disorders / Stress and Health / Social Psychology March 2008 Hardback
700pp £38.99
A Concise Introduction 2nd edition Richard A. Griggs, University of Florida, USA
Updated second edition of this clear and brief introduction to Psychology by the awardwinning lecturer and author Richard Griggs. The text is written in an engaging style and presents a selection of carefully chosen core concepts in psychology, providing solid topical coverage without drowning the student in a sea of details. Lecturer and student supplements are available. April 2008 Paperback
432pp £24.99
246x189mm 978-1-4292-0082-0
Published by Worth Publishers
276x216mm 978-0-230-27882-0
Published by Worth Publishers
Introductory Psychology Tony Malim, sometime Head, School of Social Sciences, Weston-Super-Mare College, UK and Ann Birch, formerly Special Lecturer in Psychology, University of Bristol, UK
‘Easily readable, interesting, with useful selfassessment questions, good figures and diagrams. Logical, relevant and clear presentation.’ - D.Holding, School of Health, Staffordshire University, UK March 1998 Paperback
1024pp £30.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-66852-8
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The Psychology Companion
Introducing Psychological Research
Bridget Adams, formerly Principal Lecturer in Health Psychology, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, UK
‘This book is likely to be a valuable resource for all psychology students throughout their degrees.’ - Helen Galliard, Psych-Talk ‘In a single volume, this book demystifies the divisions that bedevil psychology and also provides a dictionary of terms and concepts and an unbiased history of the discipline. This is the companion students will keep by them throughout their psychology course, and probably long after.’ - Christopher Spencer, Emeritus Professor, University of Sheffield, UK ‘This book is a potential life-saver.’ - Andrew White, Chartered Counselling Psychologist and Teacher, running an A Level Psychology course The one-stop guide to studying Psychology at degree level. This book provides a thorough introduction to psychology as a discipline and offers guidance on what to expect from the course. An ideal study tool, the Companion includes advice on study skills, research methods, career pathways and helpful Psychology organizations. Contents: PART 1: STUDYING PSYCHOLOGY / Context of Psychology / Your Psychology Course / Study Skills for Psychology / PART 2: APPROACHES IN PSYCHOLOGY / Ways of Looking at the Behaviour and Minds of People / Core Approaches / Other Approaches / PART 3: KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS / PART 4: KEY THEORISTS AND STUDIES / History and Philosophy of Psychology / Alphabetical List of Key Theorists and Studies / PART 5: RESEARCH METHODS / Methodology and Ethical Issues / Key Terms and Concepts in Research Methods and Statistics / PART 6: CAREER PATHWAYS / Further Study, Accreditation and Transferable Skills / Psychologyrelated Careers / PART 7: LEARNING RESOURCES / Bibliography / Website References / Psychology Organisations and Institutions February 2009 Paperback
392pp £22.99
Philip Banyard, Associate Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Nottingham Trent University , UK and Andrew Grayson, Lecturer in Psychology, The Open University, UK
‘This book will be useful as a text for students enrolling on the BA. It covers the essential studies considered throughout the degree.’ - Lecturer in Social Psychology, Moray College, UK ‘...the chapter on methodology is probably one of the best I have ever read...The writing is excellent and keeps the reader well engaged...Overall a great text that covers all the core studies and highlights the core themes...A superb book.’ PsychBLOG This edition provides full summaries of the most important psychological research studies and includes an expanded section on methodology. The studies have been selected to highlight the major areas of psychology and studies are grouped under headings of social, developmental, cognitive and biological psychology. An additional study, ‘Kanzi or can’t he?’, is available to read online on the companion website. Contents: PART I: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY / Social Influence / Social Judgements / Social Interaction / PART II: COMPARATIVE AND BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY / Learning / Comparative Psychology / Bio-Psychology / PART III: DIVERSITY / Identity / Abnormality / Individual Differences / PART IV: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY / Attachment / The Classic Approaches / Communication / PART V: COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY / Memory / Perception / Mind and Thought / Attention / PART VI: PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS / Analysing Data / Issues in Research / How Does Psychological Research Get Done? November 2007 Paperback
592pp £24.99
PALGRAVE INSIGHTS IN PSYCHOLOGY SERIES Series Editors: Nigel Holt and Rob Lewis The Palgrave Insights in Psychology series provides short, readable introductions to a range of central issues and topics across the field of psychology. Written to be authoritative, accessible and affordable, these books appeal to a wide range of students by providing clear, up-to-date coverage in a manageable format.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviours Ian P. Albery, Professor of Psychology, London South Bank University, UK and Assistant Editor, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, Anthony C. Moss, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, London South Bank University, UK and Kyle Dyer, Senior Research Fellow, Division of Mental Health, St. Georges, University of London, UK
This concise, clearly-written introduction will help cement students’ understanding of the different theories surrounding addictive behaviours. The authors examine both behavioural and substancerelated disorders, with chapters discussing biological, cognitive and moralistic perspectives, all organised around the key stages of addiction. Contents: What is Addiction? / Understanding the Biology of Addiction / Understanding Addiction as a Learned Behaviour / Understanding Addiction as a Conscious Choice / Understanding Addiction as a NonConscious Choice / ‘One Size Fits Some’: Individual Difference Accounts of Addiction / Changing and Treating Addictive Behaviours / Preventing Addiction and Reducing its Harms August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-27222-4
246x189mm 978-1-4039-0038-8
246x171mm 978-0-230-00818-2
Palgrave Student Companions Series
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Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Hypnosis Simon Green, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Senior Lecturer, Birkbeck University, UK and Chief Examiner in Psychology at AS and A2 for a major exam board
Like food and water, sleep is essential for all. In this excellent study aid, the author looks at the nature and purpose of sleeping and related disorders, dreaming and hypnosis. This clear and focused introduction provides a fantastic entry point for students seeking a deeper understanding of altered states of awareness. Contents: Brain Activity and Levels of Consciousness / Hypnosis / Biological Rhythms / The Nature of Sleep / Functions of Sleep / Disorders of Sleep / Sleep and Dreaming August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-25265-3
Forensic Psychology
Health Psychology
Adrian J. Scott, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Karen Rodham, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Bath, UK
This introduction shows the reader how much forensic psychology informs us about every step of the criminal process. From biological, social and cognitive theories of crime to eyewitness testimony and the penal system, this is essential reading for students seeking a deeper understanding of the key topics.
This introduction to health psychology is an invaluable resource for students looking to go beyond the basics in their studies. It includes sections on the influences of health behaviour and approaches to health promotion, as well as providing an overview of key health issues such as stress and eating disorders.
Contents: Introduction / Defining and Measuring Crime / THEORIES OF CRIME / Social and Psychological / Cognitive / Biological / PSYCHOLOGY AND THE INVESTIGATIVE PROCESS / Psychological Profiling / Eyewitness Testimony / Investigative Interviewing / PSYCHOLOGY AND THE COURTROOM / Influencing the Jury / Jury Decision Making / Psychology and the Penal System / Punishment of Offenders / Prison Life and the Treatment of Offenders
Contents: Introduction and Overview / What is Health Psychology? / HEALTH BEHAVIOUR / What is Health Behaviour? / Influences on Health Behaviour? / Explaining Health Behaviour: Cognitive Models / HEALTH PROMOTION / What is Health Promotion? / How is Health Promotion Evaluated? / EXAMPLES OF HEALTH ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY / Stress / Coping with Stress / Eating Behaviour / Treating/Managing Anorexia, Bulimia, Obesity
August 2010 Paperback
August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-24942-4
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-24945-5
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Intelligence and Learning
Psychology of the Media
Nick Lund, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and former Consultant for a major exam board
David Giles, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Winchester, UK
Covering the nature of human and animal intelligence, this compact and accessible text is the perfect aid for students who wish to delve deeper into the subject. The author presents a clear introduction to a broad range of key topics, including theories of learning, influences on intelligence, and test performance. Contents: INTRODUCTION / THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE / What is Human Intelligence? / One Factor or Many? / Psychometric Theories / Learning Approach / Intelligence and Information Processing / Triarchic Theory of Intelligence / Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences / Emotional Intelligence / ANIMAL LEARNING / Nature of Simple Learning / Classical Conditioning / Operant Conditioning / Problems of Simple Learning Theories / Information Processing Explanations of Learning / ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE / What is ‘Intelligence’ in Non-Human Animals? / Social Learning / Self-Recognition / Machiavellian Intelligence / Theory of Mind / Language in Non-Human Animals / EVOLUTION OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE / Why are Humans Intelligent? / Brain Size / Ecological Demands / Social Complexity / INTELLIGENCE TEST PERFORMANCE / Intelligence and IQ / Genetic Influence on Intelligence / Neurobiology and Intelligence / Environmental Influences on Intelligence / Environmental Enrichment / Culture and Intelligence / Interaction of Nature and Nurture August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
From body image to social networking, the media has a huge influence on how we view ourselves and others and this engaging text is ideal for students studying media psychology for the first time. With coverage of media violence, celebrity culture and online behaviour, this is a comprehensive introduction to an important subject. Contents: INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY / History of the Mass Media / Ways of Thinking about Psychology and the Media / THE PASSIVE MEDIA USER / Anti- and Pro-Social Behaviour and the Media / Advertising and Persuasion / Body Image and the Media / THE ACTIVE MEDIA USER / Parasocial Interaction / Audience Participation Media / Fandom / THE MEDIATED SOCIAL WORLD / Celebrity / Media Representations / Media Framing / Developmental Psychology and the Media / NEW MEDIA / Social Relations Online / Recent Developments in Internet Technology / Other Technologies August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-24986-8
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology Ian Walker, University of Bath, UK
Whether it is designing a study, conducting an experiment, or analyzing the results, research methods are an integral part of Psychology. In this student-friendly introduction, Walker covers the different types of study, quantitative data, statistics and ethics. This book is the perfect tool to help build students’ confidence in this vital area. Contents: RESEARCH DESIGN / Introduction / The First Three Stages of Designing a Study / Samples and Populations / Types of Study – Observation, Experiment, Qualitative / The Mighty Experiment / Qualitative Research / Ethics / Putting It All Together: Thinking Through Two Study Designs / STATISTICS / How Statistics Are Used to Describe Research Findings / Describing Research Findings with Graphs / Presenting Qualitative Data / The Chi Squared Test / The Normal Distribution / Looking For A Difference Between Two Sets of Numbers [t-Tests, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon] / Explain What Parametricity Is / Looking at Relationships / Qualitative Analysis / REFERENCE / Writing Research Reports / Glossary August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-24988-2
216x138mm 978-0-230-24944-8
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Sport Psychology David Tod, Lecturer of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Joanne Thatcher, Senior Lecturer of Sport Psychology and Rachel Rahman, Lecturer in Psychology, all at Aberystwyth University, UK
In this student-friendly introduction, the authors consider the psychological effects of sport on both the individual and the group. Topics covered include motivation, performance, mental health and leadership, offering a balanced and in-depth resource for students interested in learning more about sport psychology. Contents: INTRODUCTION TO SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY / An Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology / SPORT AND THE INDIVIDUAL / Personality / Motivation / Aggression / SPORT PERFORMANCE / Arousal / Anxiety / Self-Confidence / SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF SPORT / Group Cohesion / Audience Effects / Leadership and Coaching / EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY / Exercise and Physical Health / Exercise and Mental Health / PART SIX: ISSUES IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE / Issues in Sport and Exercise August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-24987-5
The Psychology of Relationships Julia Willerton, Associate Lecturer, The Open University, UK
This introduction focuses on the key aspects of human relationships including their development, maintenance and breakdown. Ideal for students who want a more rounded and detailed text on this area, the author discusses the role of evolution, individual differences and the effects of relationships on mental and physical health. Contents: The Evolutionary Basis of Human Relationships / Developing Relationships / Regulating Relationships / Individual Differences in Relationships / Effects of Relationships / Perspectives in Relationships / Research Methods in Relationships / Glossary August 2010 Paperback
200pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-24941-7
Doing a Successful Research Project Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods Martin Brett Davies, Professor Emeritus, University of East Anglia, UK
Critical Narrative Analysis in Psychology
‘This is one of the most clearly written and engaging books for the beginning researcher I have encountered. It is a practical, no-nonsense and encouraging book as well.’ - Elizabeth Watson, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Australia
A Guide to Practice Peter Emerson, Family Therapist and Stephen Frosh, Professor of Psychology and Pro-ViceMaster, Centre for Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
‘…much more than a simple ‘how to’ guide. It is a truly fine theoretical exegesis presenting the latest trends in discursive research and critical psychosocial thinking in ways which will inspire and intrigue clinical and psychotherapeutic practitioners as well as social science audiences.’ - Professor Margaret Wetherell, Director ESRC Identities Programme, The Open University, UK Presenting an approach to narrative analysis from a critical social perspective, this book focuses on narrative texts from a boy labelled as ‘sexually abusive’, analyzed from micro to global levels. The book demonstrates the power of narrative analytic procedures and the different effects produced by different levels of analysis. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction Psychosocial Studies and Critical Narrative Analysis / Questioning and Transcribing: How to Gain Access to Personal Narratives / Linguistic Tools and Interpretive Levels: Beginning Interpretation / Building a Rabbit Run: Doing Thematic Interpretation / Canonical Narratives and Cultural Orders: Moving Analysis to a more Molar Level / Claims and Counterclaims: Working Critically with Narratives August 2009 Paperback
192pp £18.99
Doing a Successful Research Project offers an accessible, even-handed introduction to carrying out research methods for undergraduate and postgraduate students conducting a research project for the first time. It guides students carefully through the process from planning to completion, whilst assessing the different strategies available. Contents: PART 1: PLANNING YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT / So you’re going to do a Research Project / Let’s Make a Start / Drawing up your Personal Project Roadmap / PART 2: QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH / The Principles of Sampling / Carrying Out Your Survey / Questionnaires / The Art and Science of Survey Interviewing / Analysing Your Survey Data / PART 3: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH / Studying a Small Sample / Qualitative Research Interviewing / There is More to Qualitative Research than Interviewing / Analysing Qualitative Data / PART 4: THE LAST LAP / Writing Your Report / PART 5: INTO MORE COMPLEX TERRITORY / A Qualitative Researcher’s Briefing Sheet / Testing for Statistical Significance January 2007 Paperback
288pp £14.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9379-3
216x138mm 978-0-230-59540-8
ebook available from: Ebrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
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Research with People
Social Research 3rd edition
Theory, Plans and Practicals
Nigel Holt, Bath Spa University, UK and Ian Walker, University of Bath, UK
‘…full of useful information especially for those beginning to explore research and experimental design. Conducting goodquality psychology research can seem daunting to begin with but this book shows how good planning can make research easy.’ - Helen Galliard, Psych-Talk ‘This is the first research methods book that made me smile! It is a great ‘how-to’ guide…a great resource for undergraduates, making the research process less painful for them and their supervisors!’ - Dr Nicola Fear, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, UK ‘Holt and Walker manage to discuss the complex concepts involved clearly, simply and engagingly, using everyday examples to both inform and entertain the reader.’ - Dr Nick Lund, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Whether analyzing attitudes, measuring opinions or observing habits, researchers who investigate people’s behaviour need a wide range of techniques at their disposal. Research with people provides a unique introduction to these methods that is both clear and accessible. Through a series of sample practicals, Holt and Walker guide the student step-by-step through the process of designing and carrying out research. The authors, both experienced lecturers and researchers, use these practicals to explain theories of research design and teach how to choose the right technique for a given research topic every time. Research with People is full of handy and reassuring advice that makes it ideal as a class textbook or as a private study guide. Contents: PART I: THINKING ABOUT RESEARCH / The Problem with People: Variation and Hypothesis Testing / Who Will You Study? Samples and Populations / How Will You Describe Your Findings? / What Have You Found? Inferential Statistics / PART II: DOING RESEARCH / Designing a Study: Running For The Bus / Designing a Study: The Best Way To Manage People / Practical: It’s a Matter of Taste / Practical: Abnormal Cells on a Slide - How People Search for Things / Practical: Constructing Memories / Practical: I’m Trying to Concentrate! / Practical: What Do You think? Attitude Research / Practical: Something’s Not Right / Practical: Too Many Cooks Or Not Enough Heads? / Practical: Head Size and Intelligence / PART III: THE REALLY USEFUL SECTION / Thinking Critically: Don’t Believe Everything you Read / Sample Write-ups / Glossary
Sotirios Sarantakos, Adjunct Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Australia
The third edition offers a clear and scholarly introduction to social research methods for undergraduates across a range of social science disciplines. It is compact and orderly in its presentation and balanced in its discussion of different methods. Organized to reflect the stages of the research process, from questions through to answers, the book is nonetheless more than a research methods recipe book, providing students with an insight into theoretical questions as well as into practical challenges and issues. September 2004 Paperback
496pp £24.99
246x189mm 978-1-4039-4320-0
SPSS: A User Friendly Approach Jeffery E. Aspelmeier and Thomas W. Pierce, both at Radford University, USA
In this comprehensive introduction to SPSS the authors make potentially complicated procedures and concepts easy to understand, easy to complete, and fun to work with. Readers are taught not only how to complete a procedure within SPSS but also how to ensure that the results are statistically meaningful. September 2009 Paperback
144pp £20.99
297x210mm 978-1-4292-2418-5
Published by Worth Publishers
March 2009 Paperback
256pp £19.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-54555-7
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
SPSS for Psychologists
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
4th edition
Nicola Brace, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, The Open University, UK, Richard Kemp, Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Australia and Rosemary Snelgar, Principal Lecturer in Psychology, University of Westminster, UK
‘The best SPSS book...Every student should have a copy!’ - Dr James Jackson, Associate Senior Lecturer, Leeds Trinity & All Saints, UK ‘...I would recommend the book to anyone who is doing research which involves statistical analysis. The text is clear and easy to understand, and also highly informative and I can confidently say it is one which I will be frequently referring to in the foreseeable future.’ - Cherie Armour, PsyPag Quarterly ‘This is the clearest guide to using SPSS I have found – the step-by-step framework provides an easy to follow overview, as well as more in-depth explanation for those who need it. From the very simple to the more complex, this text is ideal for all levels of an undergraduate degree and beyond.’ - Dr Fhionna Moore, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Abertay Dundee, UK ‘A highly accessible introductory text that many students favour for its clarity and thoroughly annotated SPSS screenshots.’ - Dr Alistair Harvey, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Winchester, UK Guiding readers through the latest SPSS package (also known as PASW Statistics), the authors provide clear step-by-step instructions on the main statistical techniques, now with expanded sections on graphing and exploring data. The fully updated fourth edition of this bestseller, now in colour, remains an essential tool for all psychology students. Contents: Introduction / Data Entry in SPSS / Exploring Data in SPSS / Data Handling / Tests of Difference for Two Sample Designs / Tests of Correlation / Tests for Nominal Data / Analysis of Variance / Multiple Regression / Analysis of Covariance and Multivariate Analysis of Variance / Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression / Factor Analysis, and Reliability and Dimensionality of Scales / Beyond the Basics
April 2009 Paperback
454pp £19.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-59459-3
Susan A. Nolan, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA and Thomas E. Heinzen, William Paterson State University of New Jersey, USA
This beautifully written text makes statistics accessible to psychology students through the use of integrated narratives and wide-ranging examples. A refreshing text that emphasizes the link between research design and statistical analysis, it also promotes graphic literacy, and offers guidelines on how to report results. Lecturer and student supplements are available. December 2007 Hardback
500pp £44.99
260x210mm 978-0-7167-5007-9
Published by Worth Publishers
The Basic Practice of Statistics 5th edition David S. Moore, Purdue University, USA
An authoritative and balanced presentation of topics in statistics, featuring supportive pedagogy, applied examples and an emphasis on technology. The organization and design of the fifth edition has been improved, the content has been updated to reflect today’s trends and research, and coverage of engaging, real-world topics is included. Lecturer and student supplements are available. February 2009 Hardback
704pp £49.99
262x221mm 978-1-4292-2426-0
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
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Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
Making Sense of Data and Statistics in Psychology
6th edition David S. Moore, George P. McCabe, both Professors of Statistics and Bruce Craig, Professor of Statistics and Director, Statistical Consulting Service, all at Purdue University, USA
With a focus on data analysis, statistical reasoning, and the way statisticians actually work, this book has helped revolutionize the way statistics are taught and brings the power of critical thinking and practical applications to your course. The sixth edition has been updated with new content, exercises and pedagogy throughout. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: PART I: LOOKING AT DATA / Looking at Data - Distributions / Looking at Data - Relationships / Producing Data / PART II: PROBABILITY AND INFERENCE / Probability: The Study of Randomness / Sampling Distributions / Introduction to Inference / Inference for Distributions / Inference for Proportions / PART III: TOPICS ON INFERENCE / Analysis of Two-Way Tables / Inference for Regression / Multiple Regression / One-Way Analysis of Variance / Two-Way Analysis of Variance / Additional Chapters on the CD-ROM and Website / Logistic Regression / Nonparametric Tests / Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests / Statistics for Quality: Control and Capability March 2008 Hardback
100pp £49.99
276x216mm 978-1-4292-1622-7
Published by W. H. Freeman and Company
Foundation Mathematics K.A. Stroud, formerly Principal Lecturer in Mathematics, Coventry University, UK with Dexter J. Booth, formerly Principal Lecturer, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, UK
Brian Greer, Professor of Mathematics Education, San Diego State University, California, USA and Gerry Mulhern, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Queen’s University of Belfast , UK
‘Coverage is excellent... The authors obviously have a great deal of experience in teaching, and have brought this to bear...’ - Jeremy Miles, York University, UK Contents: Statistics in Psychology / Variables / Describing and Summarising Data / Seeing Patterns in Data: Comparing / Seeing Patterns in Data: Correlating / The Relevance of Probability / Statistical Tests: Comparing / Statistical Tests: Correlating / Experimentation in Psychology / Seeing Patterns in Data: Comparing More Than Two Groups / Statistical Tests: Comparing More Than Two Groups / Seeing Patterns in Data: Comparisons Involving More than One Independent Variable / Statistical Tests: Comparing More than One Independent Variable / Relating: Multiple Variables / Overview December 2001 Paperback
288pp £24.99
A complete entry-level mathematics book based on the phenomenally successful approach of the bestselling Engineering Mathematics by the same authors. This book is designed to help students embarking on a wide range of higher education courses to improve their mathematics to the required standard. Contents: Arithmetic / Introduction to Algebra / Expressions and Equations / Graphs / Linear Equations / Polynomial Equations / Partial Fractions / Trigonometry / Functions / Matrices / Vectors / Binomial Series / Sets / Probability / Statistics / Regression and Correlation / Introduction to Differentiation / Partial Differentiation / Integration April 2009 Paperback
752pp £32.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-57907-1
246x189mm 978-0-333-62969-7
Statistical Tables For Science, Engineering, Psychology, Business, Management and Finance 4th edition J. Murdoch, formerly Director of Management Science Studies and J.A. Barnes, formerly Senior Lecturer in Management Science Studies, both at Cranfield University, UK
A thoroughly revised and completely reset fourth edition of this standard student’s reference. New tables have been added; others are rearranged or expanded. April 1998 Paperback
80pp £13.99
297x210mm 978-0-333-55859-1
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
How Children Develop International Edition 3rd edition Robert S. Siegler, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Judy S. DeLoache, University of Virginia, USA and Nancy Eisenberg, Arizona State University, USA
How Children Develop provides a fresh approach to the topically-organized child development course. It presents the latest research without overwhelming students with detail, and is backed by a full range of media and supplements. The third edition features new pedagogy and updated coverage of neuroscience, child welfare, and gender development. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: An Introduction to Child Development / Prenatal Development and the Newborn Period / Biology and Behavior / Theories of Cognitive Development / Seeing, Thinking, and Doing in Infancy / Development of Language and Symbol Use / Conceptual Development / Intelligence and Academic Achievement / Theories of Social Development / Emotional Development / Attachment to Others and Development of Self / The Family / Peer Relationships / Moral Development / Gender Development / Conclusions / Glossary / References / Name Index / Subject Index
Theories of Developmental Psychology 5th edition Patricia H. Miller, University of Florida, USA
Ideal for anyone looking for a lucid, engaging, and balanced overview of child development, Miller offers the most current and comprehensive presentation of developmental psychology theory available today. The thoughtful scholarship includes an evaluation of each theory’s strengths and weaknesses as well as excerpts from the theorists’ work. Contents: Preface / Introduction / Piaget’s CognitiveStage Theory and the Neo-Piagetians / Freud’s and Erikson’s Psychoanalytic Theories / Vygotsky and the Sociocultural Approach / Social-Learning Theory / Information-Processing Theory / Ethology and other Evolutionary Theories / Gibson’s Ecological Theory of Perceptual Development / Contemporary Minitheories and Emerging Approaches / Reflections February 2010 Paperback
518pp £39.99
232x155mm 978-1-4292-1634-0
Published by Worth Publishers
Published by Worth Publishers with Palgrave Macmillan
May 2010 Paperback
600pp £43.99
283x238mm 978-1-4292-5375-8
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
The Development of Children International Edition 6th edition Cynthia Lightfoot, Pennsylvania State University, USA, Michael Cole, University of California, San Diego, USA and Sheila R. Cole, former Journalist specializing in writing about families, children, development, and education
Taking a chronological approach, the book uses a broad scientific framework to present development as an interaction of biological, social, and psychological processes and human culture. The sixth edition has been completely revised, with thirty percent new material and coverage of hot topics. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: The Study of Human Development / PART 1: IN THE BEGINNING / Biocultural Foundations / Prenatal Development and Birth / PART 2: INFANCY / The First Three Months / Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy / Social and Emotional Development in Infancy / PART 3: EARLY CHILDHOOD / Language Acquisition / Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood / Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood / Contexts of Development / PART 4: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD / Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood / School as a Context for Development / Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood / PART 5: ADOLESCENCE / Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence / Social and Emotional Development in Adolescence / Appendix / Glossary / References / Indexes March 2009 Paperback
667pp £43.99
280x220mm 978-1-4292-2479-6
Published by Worth Publishers with Palgrave Macmillan
Understanding Human Development
An Introduction to Cognitive Development
Biological, Social and Psychological Processes from Conception to Adult Life Stephanie Thornton, Visiting Fellow, University of Sussex, UK
‘This refreshing introduction successfully integrates a wide variety of literatures. Thornton has done an excellent job framing this text in terms of broad developmental questions, and has created a text that is both engaging and provocative.’ - Jessica Giles, Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, USA ‘A thorough and truly accessible review of developmental psychology as it has unfolded over the past two centuries. This text is a remarkable achievement.’ - Catherine O’Hanlon, Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, Newcastle University, UK How does a fertilized egg become a person? How do the processes which shape the common themes of human development also produce the rich variety of individual diversity? Lively and wide ranging, this book critically reviews research on human development from the early days to the theories and issues of the twenty-first century.
Stephanie Thornton, Visiting Fellow, University of Sussex, UK
‘Engaging...a very clear and enthusiastic introduction to what is a complex and everchanging field, offering important new material that has been lacking in many previous texts... Accessible to students with no prior knowledge of child development.’ - Dr Sarah Paterson, Neurocognitive Development Unit, Institute of Child Health, UK With its emphasis on critical understanding of research methods as well as current theories, this book makes an ideal introduction to the study of cognitive development. Written for students new to the topic, the text presents complex ideas through familiar analogies and concrete illustrations and conveys the excitement of research in this dynamically expanding field. Contents: Studying How Minds Grow / Infant Minds / Language, Communication and Sharing Experience / Reasoning and Remembering / Conceptual Development and Reasoning / Planning and Problem Solving / What Drives Development? / Individual Differences / Conclusions and Overview / Index July 2002 Paperback
256pp £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-77742-8
Contents: Studying Human Development / PART A: THE BEGINNING OF LIFE / Bodies and Brains / Infant Minds: Perception, Inference and Understanding in the First 18 Months / Growing Emotions: Social and Personal Development in the First 18 Months / PART B: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT FROM INFANCY TO ADULTHOOD / Language / Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding / Memory, Problem-Solving and Mechanisms of Cognitive Development / Individual Differences in Cognition / PART C: SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT FROM INFANCY TO ADULTHOOD / Overview / Understanding Other People / Personality and Identity / Social Relationships / Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour / A FINAL COMMENT / Toward a New View of Development January 2008 Paperback
Growing Minds
688pp £29.99
246x189mm 978-1-4039-3306-5
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
The Developing Person Through the Life Span
Culture & Psychological Development
7th edition
Edited by Dabie Nabuzoka, Principal Lecturer in Psychology, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK and Janet Empson, Principal Lecturer in Psychology, School of Social Science and Law, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Kathleen Stassen Berger, Bronx Community College, City College of New York, USA
The seventh edition of this chronological textbook comes with significant revision of cognitive development throughout childhood, revised and updated chapters on adolescence, and more attention to emerging and early adulthood. It contains new research on everything from genetics to the timing of puberty, including brain development, life span disorders and cultural diversity. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Preface / PART I: THE BEGINNINGS / Introduction / Theories of Development / Heredity and Environment / Prenatal Development and Birth / PART II: THE FIRST TWO YEARS: INFANTS AND TODDLERS / The First Two Years: Biosocial Development / The First Two Years: Cognitive Development / The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development / PART III: THE PLAY YEARS / The Play Years: Biosocial Development / The Play Years: Cognitive Development / The Play Years: Psychosocial Development / PART IV: THE SCHOOL YEARS / The School Years: Biosocial Development / The School Years: Cognitive Development / The School Years: Psychosocial Development / PART V: ADOLESCENCE / Adolescence: Biosocial Development / Adolescence: Cognitive Development / Adolescence: Psychosocial Development / PART VI: EARLY ADULTHOOD / Early Adulthood: Biosocial Development / Early Adulthood: Cognitive Development / Early Adulthood: Psychosocial Development / PART VII: MIDDLE ADULTHOOD / Middle Adulthood: Biosocial Development / Middle Adulthood: Cognitive Development / Middle Adulthood: Psychosocial Development / PART VIII: LATE ADULTHOOD / Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development / Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development / Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development / EPILOGUE: DEATH AND DYING / APPENDIX A: Supplemental Charts, Graphs and Tables / APPENDIX B: More About Research Methods / APPENDIX C: Suggestions for Research Assignments January 2008 Hardback Paperback
667pp £48.99 £39.99
Published by Worth Publishers
280x235mm 978-0-230-27879-0 978-0-230-27927-8
‘This is most suitable for a final year psychology option, and it can strongly be recommended as supplementary reading for any human development course. It makes a very useful distinction between cultural psychology and the cross-cultural, and it has a strong research emphasis. There are very few up-to-date texts in this area, it will corner the market!’ - Dr Dave Hiles, Principal Lecturer in Psychology, De Montfort University, UK An enlightening introduction to the impact of social and cultural factors on human development. The authors consider how factors such as family, ethnicity, and the wider community all influence the development of behaviour, encouraging the reader to (re)evaluate various psychological theories in the light of cross-cultural evidence. Contents: Introduction and Overview / D.Nabuzoka: Culture’s Influence on Psychological Development / D.Nabuzoka: Approaches to Studying Human Development in Diverse Cultures / C.Jávo: Child-Rearing Goals and Practices / J.Empson: Social Disadvantage and Child Development / J.Empson & D.Nabuzoka: Culture and Cognitive Development / D.Nabuzoka: Language and Psychological Development / R.Takriti: The Development of Cultural and Ethnic Identity / D.Nauzoka & J.Empson: The Role of Culture in Applied Developmental Psychology / Glossary December 2009 Paperback
344pp £23.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-00888-5
International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research A Day in the Life Edited by Julia Gillen, Senior Lecturer in Digital Literacies, Literacy Research Centre, Lancaster University, UK and Catherine Ann Cameron, Honorary Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
Presenting an innovative take on researching early childhood, this book provides an international comparison of the cultural and familial influences that shape the growth of young children. The book presents a unique methodology, and includes chapters on musicality, security, humour and eating. Contents: Preface / J.Gillen & C.A.Cameron: Introduction / R.Hancock, J.Gillen & G.Pinto: Using Video Technology / S.Young & J.Gillen: Musicality / C.A.Cameron, A.Talay-Ongan, R.Hancock & S.Tapanya: Emotional Security / J.Gillen & R.Hancock: Eating / G.Pinto, B.Accorti Gamannossi & C.A.Cameron: Notational Systems / E.L.Cameron, B.Accorti Gamannossi, J.Gillen & C.A.Cameron: Humour / C.A.Cameron & J.Gillen: Conclusions / Appendix - Locating the Children / List of References / Index April 2010 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23249-5
Children, Food and Identity in Everyday Life Edited by Allison James, Professor of Sociology, University of Sheffield, UK, Anne-Trine Kjørholt, Associate Professor and Vebjørg Tingstad, Associate Professor, both at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
This book explores the significance of food practices for childhood identities, from early babyhood to middle childhood and teenage years. It examines how children and families negotiate food and eating practices; what influence the media has on these; the role institutions play; and how far class and ethnicity shape the food that children eat. November 2009 Hardback
232pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57599-8
Studies in Childhood and Youth Series Editors: Allison James and Adrian L. James
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Radical Pedagogy
Twins in Society
Identity, Generativity, and Social Transformation
Parents, Bodies, Space and Talk
Mark Bracher, Professor of English and Director, Center for Literature and Psychoanalysis, Kent State University, USA
Kate Bacon, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Central Lancashire, UK
‘Bold, sophisticated, and provocative…Mark Bracher argues that teachers who understand the dynamic of identity will not only be able to facilitate deeper learning, they will also be able to position students to become more sensitive to questions of social justice. This is a must read for anyone committed to education, civic engagement, and social change.’- Lynn Worsham, Professor of English, Illinois State University, USA
This book explores what it means to be a twin and to what extent twins can shape or ‘escape’ their identities as twins. It investigates how social expectations about twins shape twins’ lives and how twins utilize their bodies, space and talk to actively display and perform their own identities.
This book argues that longstanding pedagogical aims and practices are ineffective in promoting learning and social change and proposes a new strategy for achieving these ends.
June 2010 Hardback
Contents: Introduction / PART I: IDENTITY, LEARNING, AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS / Identity, Motivation, and Recognition / Linguistic Identity / Affective and Imagistic Identity / Identity Integration and Defenses / Identity Structure / PART II: IDENTITYUNDERMINING PEDAGOGIES / Teachers’ Identities as Obstacles to Radical Pedagogy / Authoritarian and Establishment Pedagogies / Pedagogies of Resistance and Empowerment / Historicism as Obstacle to Radical Pedagogy / PART III: DEVELOPING TEACHERS’ IDENTITIES / Self Analysis for Teachers / Generative Identity and the Need to Teach / PART IV: PROMOTING STUDENTS’ IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT / Supporting Pro-Social Identity Contents / Promoting Identity Integration / Developing Students’ Identity Structures March 2010 Paperback
244pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-62111-4
Psychoanalysis, Education and Social Transformation ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58093-0
Studies in Childhood and Youth Series Editors: Allison James and Adrian L. James
Contemporary Adulthood Calendars, Cartographies and Constructions Edited by Judith Burnett, Dean of the School of Law, Social Sciences and Communications, University of Wolverhampton, UK
A new approach which problematizes the category of contemporary adulthood, this book includes chapters on demographic change; becoming thirty something; graduates and work; mental health and happiness; new configurations of masculinity; the sexual lifecourse; political beliefs in adulthood; and adulthood and the housing market. May 2010 Hardback
208pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58103-6
Edited by Jens Qvortrup, Department of Sociology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, William A. Corsaro, Department of Sociology, Indiana University, USA and Michael-Sebastian Honig, University of Trier, Germany
‘The Handbook of Childhood Studies is an excellent resource: comprehensive in scope, interdisciplinary in content, well-chosen topics, with thoughtful essays by major figures in the field. It’s a treasure!’ - Barrie Thorne, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, USA and coeditor of Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research ‘…brimming full of insights and will help to shape theoretical and empirical agendas for researchers within the ever-broadening field of childhood studies.’ - Michael Wyness, Associate Professor of Childhood Studies, University of Warwick, UK A landmark publication in the field, this state of the art reference work, with contributions from leading thinkers across a range of disciplines, is an essential guide to the study of children and childhood, and sets out future research agendas for the subject. April 2009 Hardback
472pp £100.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-53260-1
Developmental Psychology From Infancy to Adulthood 2nd edition Ann Birch, formerly Special Lecturer in Psychology, University of Bristol, UK October 1997 Paperback
296pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-66959-4
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Social Psychology and Everyday Life
Community Psychology In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-being 2nd edition Edited by Geoffrey Nelson, Professor of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada and Isaac Prilleltensky, Dean of the School of Education, University of Miami, USA
Darrin Hodgetts, Associate Professor, University of Waikato, New Zealand, Neil Drew, Dean, University of Notre Dame - Fremantle, Australia, Christopher Sonn, Senior Lecturer, Victoria University, New Zealand, Ottilie Stolte, Lecturer, Linda Waimarie Nikora, Senior Lecturer and Cate Curtis, Lecturer, all at University of Waikato, New Zealand ‘...more engaging and more thought-provoking than any other Social Psychology text I have read.’ - Dr Caroline Howarth, Social Psychology, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK ‘Social Psychology in Everyday Life does what social psychology textbooks rarely dare to do: it applies the theories of social psychology to the everyday world we actually inhabit. Starting with social problems and experiences to which students can easily relate, the text then leads us from one insight to the next to show how social psychology can transform the world around us.’ - Alex Gillespie, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Stirling, UK ‘I typically respond with great suspicion to textbooks that are a bit ‘outside the square’. But this textbook is different: It embraces mainstream meta-theories in social psychology and puts them up-side-down in a way that respects the intelligence and sensitivities of the average reader. It does it in a way that is likely to appeal and be acceptable to a large audience.’ - Dr Stefania Paolini, Social Psychology lecturer, University of Newcastle, Australia This innovative textbook provides a refreshing, international introduction to the subject and encourages students to consider the potential of social psychology to transform lives. Everyday scenarios highlight the relevance of core topics to a multicultural society and make the key theories and concepts of the discipline come to life. By integrating core social psychology theories and concepts with more critical perspectives, Social Psychology and Everyday Life provides a valuable, broad, coherent and stimulating introduction to the field. The book also situates social psychology within the broader social sciences, and in particular scholarship on media, place, health, justice, indigeneity, immigration, and social change. Contents: Introduction to the Social Psychology of Everyday Life / A History of Social Psychology / Contemporary Social Psychology and the Focus on Everyday Life / Making Sense of Everyday Knowledge / Indigenous Psychologies and the Social Psychology of Everyday Life / Social Psychology and Place / Immigrations, Acculturation and Settlement / Understanding Health and Illness / Social Justice in Everyday Life / Pro-social Behaviour and Critical Humanism / Media and Daily Practice / Towards Social Psychologies of Everyday Life
March 2010 Paperback
432pp £28.50
246x189mm 978-0-230-21795-9
The second edition of this successful textbook introduces the history and values of community psychology, showing how research can be applied to a range of social issues. Critical commentaries, international examples on how community psychology promotes social justice and sophisticated theoretical ideas in a student-friendly style. Contents: PART I: CONTEXT AND OVERVIEW / Community Psychology: Journeys in the Global Context / The Project of Community Psychology: Issues, Values and Tools for Liberation and Well-Being / PART II: VALUES, PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTUAL TOOLS / Values for Community Psychology / Ecology, Prevention and Promotion / Community and Power / Commitment, Accountability and Inclusion / PART III: TOOLS FOR ACTION / An Overview of Community Psychology Interventions / Social Interventions / Organizational and Community Interventions / Small Group and Individual Interventions / PART IV: TOOLS FOR RESEARCH / The Foundations of Community Research / Community Research Methods: Post-positivist and Social Constructivist Paradigms / Community Research Methods: Transformative Paradigm / PART V: PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: ADDRESSING THE ISSUES / C.Kagan & M.Burton: Marginalisation / T.Sloan: Globalisation, Poverty and Social Justice / M.Glover, P.Dudgeon & I.Huygens: Colonization and Racism / C.Sonn & A.Fisher: Immigration and Adaptation: Confronting the Challenges of Cultural Diversity / H.Gridley & C.Turner: Gender, Power and Community Psychology / G.Harper: A Journey Towards Liberation: Confronting Heterosexism and the Oppression of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered People / G.White: Ableism / B. Kloos: Creating New Possibilities for Promoting Liberation, Well-being and Recovery / L.Peirson: Disadvantaged Children and Families / M.Riemer: Community Psychology, the Natural Environment, and Global Climate Change / PART VI: LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE / M.Montero: Between Person and Society: Community Psychology’s Voyage into Complexity February 2010 Paperback
596pp £30.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-21995-3
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
Toward Psychologies of Liberation Mary Watkins, Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA and Helene Shulman, formerly Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA
‘A scholarly, heartfelt, and desperately needed re-visioning of psychology.’ - Dr Craig Chalquist, JFK University, USA Understanding that the psychological wellbeing of individuals is inextricably linked to the health of their communities, environments, and cultures, the authors propose a radical interdisciplinary reorientation of psychology to create participatory and dialogical spaces for critical understanding and creative restoration. Contents: Series Editor’s Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / PART I: COMPASS POINTS / Beyond Universalism: Local Regeneration / Beyond Ideology: Dialogue / Beyond Development: Liberation / PART II: PSYCHIC WOUNDS OF COLONIALISM AND GLOBALIZATION / Symptoms and Psychologies in the Context of Culture / From Bystanding to Engaged Witness Bystanding / Pathologies of Perpetration / Mourning and Witness After Collective Trauma / PART III: SPRINGS FOR CREATIVE RESTORATION / Rupture and Hospitality / Non-Subjects and Nomadic Consciousness / Dialogue / PART IV: PARTICIPATORY PRACTICES FOR REGENERATION / Communities of Resistance / Libertory Arts and Imagination / Critical Participatory Action Research / Placing Dialogical Ethics at the Center of Research / Dreams of Reconciliation and Restoration / Afterword Tikkun Olam: The Restoration and Repair of the World January 2010 Paperback
392pp £19.99
Gender and Colonialism
The Social Animal
A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation 2nd edition
10th edition
Geraldine Moane, Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
‘No other psychology textbook reads as well as The Social Animal.’ - Elizabeth Rellinger Zettler, Illinois College, USA Through vivid narrative, lively presentations of research and intriguing examples, Aronson probes the patterns and motives of human behaviour, covering such diverse topics as terrorism, politics, race relations, advertising, war, and interpersonal attraction. The tenth edition teaches students how to interpret world events using social psychology.
‘…gives a meaningfully organized, well-written, systematic and creative summary of the literature in this research domain.’ - T. Teo, Theory and Psychology ‘…a significant contribution to a necessary discussion of oppression and liberation in psychology.’- S. Austin, Feminism and Psychology The first edition of this book was a pioneering work in the newly emerging field of liberation psychology. This revised and updated edition provides an up-to-date review of the latest international developments in liberation psychology, feminist psychology and critical psychology, with a framework that links the personal and the political. Contents: Women, Psychology and Society: The Personal is Political / Hierarchical Systems: Patriarchy and Colonialism / Psychological Patterns Associated with Hierarchical Systems: The Cycle of Oppression / Breaking Out: The Cycle of Liberation / The Personal Level: Building Strengths / The Interpersonal Level: Making Connections / The Political Level: Taking Action / Liberation Psychologies in Action: Local and Global Examples / Interconnections between Personal and Political Change: Towards an Egalitarian Society / References May 2010 Paperback
256pp £18.99
Elliot Aronson, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Contents: What is Social Psychology? / Conformity / Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion / Social Cognition / Self-Justification / Human Aggression / Prejudice / Liking, Loving, and Interpersonal Sensitivity / Social Psychology as a Science September 2007 Paperback
431pp £37.99
233x155mm 978-1-4292-0316-6
APA National Media Award Published by Worth Publishers
216x138mm 978-0-333-99429-0
216x138mm 978-0-230-53769-9
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections Critical Theory and Practice in Psychology and the Human Sciences Series Editor: Tod Sloan
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Applying Social Psychology John Kremer, Reader in Applied Social Psychology, Noel Sheehy, Professor of Psychology, both at Queen’s University Belfast, UK, Jacqueline Reilly, Research Fellow, UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster at Coleraine, UK, Karen Trew, Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Orla Muldoon, Lecturer in Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast , UK
As an applied science, social psychology has tremendous potential to provide insight into so many aspects of our social world. Unfortunately, its relevance is not always highlighted in traditional introductory texts. To remedy this problem, Applying Social Psychology takes a different approach, using significant social themes (including work, education, health, sport, conflict, communication, economic life, crime, the environment) to illustrate how multiple perspectives can work together in helping understand the complexities of real life issues. Contents: Introduction / The Environment / Work / Health and Illness / The Community / Communication and the Media / Education / Economic Life and Consumerism / Crime and the Law / Sport, Exercise and Leisure December 2002 Paperback
256pp £21.99
Critical Social Psychology An Introduction
Theorizing Identities and Social Action
Brendan Gough, Chair of Research Committee, Division of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, UK and Majella McFadden, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
’The problem with most texts so far in this field is that they are written in a jargon-laden way, assuming theoretical starting points that many just do not understand. These authors keep their eye firmly on a student audience unfamiliar with these issues, accessibly covering the debates surrounding traditional social and critical social psychology by deliberately reproducing the format of a traditional social psychology textbook, and tracking the issues and debates from mainstream work as they introduce critical ideas.’ - Professor Ian Parker, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK September 2001 Paperback
272pp £24.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-77646-9
234x156mm 978-0-333-77617-9
Identity in the 21st Century New Trends in Changing Times Edited by Margaret Wetherell, Professor of Social Psychology, The Open University, UK
Bringing together leading scholars to investigate trends in contemporary social life, this book examines the current patterning of identities based on class and community, gender and generation, ‘race’, faith and ethnicity, and derived from popular culture, exploring debates about social change, individualization and the re-making of social class. November 2009 Hardback
280pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58087-9
Identity Studies in the Social Sciences Series Editors: Margaret Wetherell and Valerie Hey
Edited by Margaret Wetherell, Professor of Social Psychology, The Open University, UK
‘…a landmark text for social scientists across a large transdisciplinary domain, from psychosocial studies to social theory.’ - Professor Stephen Frosh, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK This collection brings together leading scholars to explore the ‘doing’ and ‘making’ of identities. Drawing on the highly innovative ESRC Identities and Social Action Programme, the chapters take core social actions – such as performing, excluding, mixing, bonding – and demonstrate how social practices and identities unfold together. Contents: M.Wetherell: Introduction: The Identity/ Action Relation / PART I: BIOGRAPHIES AND PERSONAL TRAJECTORIES / H.Elliott, Y.Gunaratnam, W.Hollway & A.Phoenix: Practices, Identification and Identity Change in the Transition to Motherhood / J.Martin with J.Kirk, C.Wall & S.Jefferys: Biography, Education and Civic Action: Teaching Generations and Social Change / N.Yuval-Davis & E.Kaptani: Performing Identities: Participatory Theatre Among Refugees / G.Jones & S.T.De Benitez: Tales of Two or Many Worlds? When ‘Street’ Kids go Global / PART II: INTERATCIONS AND INSTITUTIONS / E.Stokoe & D.Edwards: Accomplishing Social Action with Identity Categories: Mediating and Policing Neighbour Disputes / S.Speer: Passing as a Transsexual Woman in the Gender Identity Clinic /C.Antaki, M.Finlay & C.Walton: Identity at Home: Offering Everyday Choices to People with Intellectual Impairment / PART III: COMMUNITIES, CITIES AND NATIONS / J.Wills: Identity Making for Action: The Example of London Citizens / K.Schmid, M. Hewstone, J.Hughes, R.Jenkins & E.Cairns: Residential Segregation and Intergroup Contact: Consequences for Intergroup Relations, Social Capital and Social Identity / C.Watters, R.Hossain, R.Brown & A.Rutland: Crossing Thresholds: Acculturation and Social Capital in British Asian Children / S.Connolly & D.Bryan: Identity, Social Action and Public Space: Defining Civic Space in Belfast / A.Livingstone, R.Spears, A.Manstead & M.Bruder: Defining Common Goals without Speaking the Same Language: Social Identity and Social Action in Wales October 2009 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-58088-6
Identity Studies in the Social Sciences Series Editors: Margaret Wetherell and Valerie Hey
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Approaches to the Individual The Relationship between Internal and External Conversation Athanasia Chalari, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester, UK
This study sees ‘mediation’ as a way of understanding the relationship between internal and external conversation, which underpins how individuals are connected to society. The relationship between these aspects of conversation is crucial in allowing selves to achieve subjectively-defined ‘balance’ between inner and outer worlds. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: September 2009 Hardback
256pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23133-7
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
Intimacy, Transcendence and Psychology
The Impact of 9/11 on Psychology and Education
Closeness and Openness in Everyday Life
The Day that Changed Everything?
Steen Halling, Professor of Psychology, Seattle University, USA
‘…beautifully written…The book is a glowing testimony to the phenomenological approach advocated by the author.’ - Jonathan A. Smith, Professor of Psychology, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK This book addresses the richness and depth of our intimate relationships and especially those moments when we come to see ourselves and the other person in a new way. Halling goes on to say that however much we are influenced by heredity and up-bringing, we are also agents with the capacity for openness and transcendence. Contents: Introduction: On the Disappearance and Appearance of Persons / Seeing a Significant Other ‘As if for the First Time’ / On Being Disillusioned by a Significant Other / Forgiving Another, Recovering One’s Future / Experiencing the Humanity of the Disturbed Person / On the Study of Human Experience / Interpersonal Relations and Transcendence / Psychology, Transcendence and Everyday Life February 2010 Paperback
272pp £19.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-61964-7
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
The Sociology of Elite Distinction
Edited by Matthew J. Morgan, Director, Business Systems Analyst Group, Starwood Hotels
‘This collection of well-written, timely, inter-woven essays will prove of great value to psychologists and educators at all levels from the novice student to the experienced expert.’- Fathali M. Moghaddam, Professor of Psychology, Georgetown University, and author of How Globalization Spurs Terrorism The Impact of 9/11 on Psychology and Education is the fifth volume of the six-volume series The Day that Changed Everything? edited by Matthew J. Morgan, and featuring forewords by Robert Sternberg and Philip Zimbardo. Contents: R.J.Sternberg: Foreword / P.G.Zimbardo: Foreword / PART I: PSYCHOLOGY AND TRAUMA / PART II: GENERATIONAL EFFECTS / PART III: TERRRORISM AND EDUCATION A Full Table of Contents is Available at: January 2010 Hardback
320pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60843-6
From Theoretical to Comparative Perspectives Jean-Pascal Daloz, CNRS Research Professor, University of Oxford, UK
This major new contribution to the study of consumption examines how dominant groups express and display their sense of superiority through material and aesthetic attributes, demonstrating that differences from one society to another, and across historical periods, challenge current understandings of elite distinction. November 2009 Hardback
232pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22027-0
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Changing Families, Changing Food Edited by Peter Jackson, Professor of Human Geography, University of Sheffield, UK Contents: P.Jackson: Introduction / PART I: PREGNANCY AND MOTHERHOOD / F.Ford & R.Fraser: Off to a Healthy Start: Food Support Benefits of the Low-income Woman in Pregnancy / H.Stapleton & J.Keenan: (New) Family Formation and the Organisation of Food in Households: Who Does What and Why? / R.Fox, P.Nicolson & K.Heffernan: Pregnancy Police? Maternal Bodies, Surveillance and Food / PART II: CHILDHOOD AND FAMILY LIFE / P.Curtis, A.James & K.Ellis: ‘She’s got a really good attitude to healthy food… Nannan’s drilled it into her’: Intergenerational Relations within Families / C.Dryden, M.Johnson, A.Metcalfe, J.Owen & G.Shipton: Fathers, Food and Family Life / L.Blank, P.Bissell, E.Goyder & H.Clark: ‘I don’t go in for all that scaremongering’: Perceptions of and Strategies to Manage Food Safety Risk / PART III: FAMILY MEALS / P.Jackson, S.Olive & G.Smith: Myths of the Family Meal: Re-reading Edwardian Life Histories / J.Burridge & M.Barker: Food as a Medium for Emotional Management of the Family: Avoiding Complaint and Producing Love / H.Takeda: The Governing of Family Meals in the UK and Japan / M.Blake, L.Crane & J.Mellor: Eating in Time, Eating up Time / PART IV: FAMILY AND COMMUNITY / T.Green, J.Owen, P.Curtis, G.Smith, P.Ward & P.Fisher: Making Healthy Families? / G.Smith, P.Nicolson & R.Brown: Food and Family in the Narratives of Homeless People / O.Forero, K.Ellis, A.Metcalfe & R.Brown: Institutional Dining Rooms: Food Ideologies and the Making of a Person / Conclusion August 2009 Hardback
312pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22398-1
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Editors: Graham Allan and Lynn Jamieson
Dangerous Discourses of Disability, Subjectivity and Sexuality
Understanding the Psychology of Internet Behaviour Virtual Worlds, Real Lives Adam Joinson, Lecturer in Educational Technology, The Open University, UK
Margrit Shildrick, Reader in Gender Studies, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
This innovative and adventurous work uses broadly feminist and postmodernist modes of analysis to explore what motivates damaging attitudes and practices towards disability. Margrit Shildrick argues for the significance of the psychosocial imaginary, and suggests a way forward in disability’s queering of normative paradigms. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / Corporealities / Genealogies / Contested Pleasures and Governmentality / Sexuality, Subjectivity and Anxiety / Transgressing the Law / Queer Pleasures / Global Corporealities / Conclusion: Thinking Differently / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2009 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21056-1
The Internet is transforming business, education, and maybe even ourselves. In this timely and unique text, Adam Joinson provides a clear, engaging and lively summary of the psychology of the Internet, while at the same time drawing lessons from previous technologies as diverse as the early telephone, telegraph and even radio hams. Mixing anecdote with findings from psychological studies, this book provides a clear, compelling and insightful vision of the psychology of the Internet, and the implications for the design of future technologies. It is an invaluable resource for anyone studying Internet behaviour or interested in their own or others’ online behaviour. November 2002 Paperback
240pp £22.00
234x156mm 978-0-333-98468-0
Discovering Human Sexuality Simon LeVay, British-born Neuroscientist turned Science Writer and Teacher, USA and Janice Baldwin, Sociologist, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Self Efficacy The Exercise of Control Albert Bandura, Stanford University, USA
This alternative version of LeVay and Baldwin’s acclaimed text Human Sexuality is more accessible to students with a limited background in biology, but maintains the evidence-based approach and readability of the original. The language and terminology throughout are more comprehensible, making it suitable for interdisciplinary study.
Renowned psychologist Albert Bandura’s theory is that those with high self-efficacy expectancies (the belief that one can achieve what one sets out to do) are healthier, more effective and generally more successful than those with low self-efficacy expectancies. The author begins with a discussion of theory and method and then examines how belief in one’s abilities affects development, mental functioning and health, with examples from the areas of psychopathology, athletics, business and international issues.
August 2009 Paperback
May 1997 Paperback
560pp £58.99
280x220mm 978-0-87893-421-8
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
592pp £52.99
231x183mm 978-0-7167-2850-4
Published by Worth Publishers
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Biological Psychology An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience 6th edition S. Marc Breedlove, Michigan State University, USA, Neil V. Watson, Simon Fraser University Canada and Mark R. Rosenzweig, sometime University of California, Berkeley, USA
Biological Psychology is a comprehensive, authoritative survey of the biological bases of behaviour. Its readers will benefit from an outstanding art program, and a broad perspective. The sixth edition features thoroughly revised coverage of Cognitive Neuroscience, as well as new material in keeping with the latest breakthroughs in research throughout the book. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Biological Psychology: Scope and Outlook / PART I: BIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF BEHAVIOR / Functional Neuroanatomy: The Nervous System and Behavior / Neurophysiology: Conduction, Transmission, and the Integration of Neural Signals / The Chemical Bases of Behavior: Neurotransmitters and Neuropharmacology / Hormones and the Brain / PART II: EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM / Evolution of Brain and Behavior / Life-Span Development of the Brain and Behavior / PART III: PERCEPTION AND ACTION / General Principles of Sensory Processing, Touch, and Pain / Hearing, Vestibular Perception, Taste, and Smell / Vision: From Eye to Brain / Motor Control and Plasticity / PART IV: REGULATION AND BEHAVIOR / Sex: Evolutionary, Hormonal, and Neural Bases / Homeostasis: Active Regulation of Internal States / Biological Rhythms, Sleep, and Dreaming / PART V: EMOTIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS / Emotions, Aggression, and Stress / Psychopathology: Biological Basis of Behavioral Disorders / PART VI: COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE / Learning and Memory / Attention and Executive Processing / Language and Cognition / Appendix / Glossary May 2010 Hardback
630pp £45.99
283x236mm 978-0-87893-324-2
An Introduction to Brain and Behavior
Biological Psychology Steve Klein and B. Michael Thorne, both at Mississippi State University, USA
International Edition 3rd edition Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw, both at University of Lethbridge, Canada
When it comes to making physiological psychology clear and relevant to uninitiated students, no introductory text can match An Introduction to Brain and Behavior. Kolb and Whishaw’s distinctive approach to contemporary brain science engages students by answering the basic questions about the interplay between brain and behaviour - answers that incorporate the latest clinical and technological developments in research with fascinating case studies. The third edition includes new technologies used to research the brain and behaviour, and features new study tools, new art, and new media support. It is the most exciting edition yet of this extraordinary text. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: What Are the Origins of Brain and Behavior? / How Does the Nervous System Function? / What are the Units of Nervous System Function? / How Do Neurons Transmit Information? / How Do Neurons Communicate and Adapt? / How Do We Study The Brain’s Structure and Functions? / How Does the Nervous System Develop and Adapt? / How Do Drugs and Hormones Influence the Brain and Behavior? / How Do We Sense, Perceive, and See the World? / How do we Hear, Speak, and Make Music? / How Does the Nervous System Respond to Stimulation and Produce Movement? / What Causes Emotional and Motivated Behavior? / Why Do We Sleep and Dream? / How do We Learn and Remember? / How Does the Brain Think? / What Happens When the Brain Misbehaves? / Glossary January 2010 Paperback
526pp £42.99
A fantastic art program, an applauded accessible writing style and a host of pedagogical features including chapter-opening vignettes, real world examples, applications sections, and frequent summaries - make the text relevant to the lives of the students taking biological psychology. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: An Introduction to Biological Psychology / Exploring the Nervous System / The Development and Plasticity of the Nervous System / Communication within the Nervous System / The Effects of Psychoactive Drugs / Vision / Hearing, Balance, and the Cutaneous and Chemical Senses / The Neurological Control of Movement / Wakefulness and Sleep / The Biology of Eating and Drinking / Sexual Development and Sexual Behavior / The Biology of Emotion and Stress / Language and Lateralization / The Biology of Learning and Memory / The Biological Basis of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia January 2007 Hardback
500pp £45.99
284x222mm 978-0-7167-6713-8
Published by Worth Publishers
240x284mm 978-1-4292-5374-1
Published by Worth Publishers with Palgrave Macmillan
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
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An Introduction to Behavior Genetics
Behavioral Genetics
Terence Bazzett, State University of New York at Geneseo, USA
This text guides readers through topics from the molecular structure and function of DNA to how DNA controls protein development and the neural processes that underlie both normal and abnormal behaviour. Though focused primarily on human research, animal models are also included. Contents: PART I: AN INTRODUCTION TO BEHAVIOR GENETICS / Introducing Behavior Genetics: Origins and History / The Basis of Genetics: DNA, RNA, Chromosomes, and Genes / Neurogenetics and Neuropharmacology / Methods of Genetic Discovery and the Human Genome Project / PART II: HERITABILITY, ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES, AND METHODS OF STUDY / Simple Inheritance / Inheritance of Complex Traits / Genes and Environment / Research Methods in Quantitative Genetics / PART III: GENETIC INFLUENCES ON BEHAVIOR AND BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS / Normal Behavioral Development / Primary Cognitive Disorders / Psychiatric Disorders with a Cognitive Component / Disorders of Mood, Anxiety, and Personality / PART IV: OTHER GENETIC INFLUENCES, COUNSELING, AND THE FUTURE / Beyond Psychopathology: General Health Risks and Sex Chromosome Abnormalities / Genetic Counseling, Applied Pharmacogenomics, and Gene Therapy / The Future of Behavior Genetics / Glossary November 2008 500pp Hardback £49.99
5th edition
270x210mm 978-0-87893-049-4
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Robert Plomin, Institute of Psychiatry, UK, John C. DeFries, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, Gerald E. McClearn, Pennsylvania Stat University, University Park, USA and Peter McGuffin, Institute of Psychiatry, UK
An engaging and clear overview of human and animal behavioural genetics. Thoroughly revised, the fifth edition has over twenty-five percent new material; three new chapters, including a new and innovative integrated chapter ‘Pathways Between Genes and Behavior’; over 800 new references, and new ‘Close-Up’ portraits of scientists working in the field. Contents: Overview / Mendel’s Laws of Heredity / Beyond Mendel’s Laws / DNA: The Basis of Heredity / Nature, Nurture and Behavior / Identifying Genes / Cognitive Disabilities / General Cognitive Ability / Specific Cognitive Abilities / Schizophrenia / Other Adult Psychopathology / Developmental Psychopathology / Personality and Personality Disorders / Health Psychology and Aging / Pathways between Genes and Behavior / The Interplay between Genes and Environment / Evolution and Behavior / The Future of Behavioral Genetics April 2008 Hardback
560pp £48.99
Published by Worth Publishers
239x161mm 978-1-4292-0577-1
Human Morality & Sociality Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives Edited by Henrik HoghOlesen, Professor of Social and Personality Psychology and Head, Department of Psychology, Aarhus University, Denmark, and Co-editor of Journal of Anthropological Psychology
‘This is a diverse title which provides direct insights from leading experts in the field. There are few books with a specific focus on morality and social behaviours from an evolutionary psychology perspective and this reader fills a gap in the literature’. - Dr James Stiller, Nottingham Trent University, UK This stimulating reader addresses all aspects of human morality and sociality from an evolutionary and cognitive perspective. Authored by six leading researchers, it discusses both the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sides of humanity and delves into the particular behaviours, social and moral practices, and underlying psychological processes that make us human. Contents: H.Høgh-Olesen: Human Mind - Human Kind - An Introduction / D.L.Krebs: Born Bad? Evaluating the Case Against the Evolution of Morality / Waal: Morality and its Relation to Primate Social Instincts / A.Norenzayan: Why We Believe: Religion as a Human Universal / M.B.Petersen, A.Sell, J.Tooby & L.Cosmides: Evolutionary Psychology and Criminal Justice: A Recalibrational Theory of Punishment and Reconciliation / C.Boesch: Patterns of Chimpanzee’s Intergroup Violence / A.Gat: The Causes of War in Natural and Historical Evolution; / J.Tooby & L.Cosmides: Groups in Mind: The Coalitionary Roots of War and Morality / H.Høgh-Olesen: Homo Sapiens - Homo Socious: A Comparative Analysis of Human Mind and Kind December 2009 Hardback Paperback
280pp £59.99 £22.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23799-5 978-0-230-23800-8
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Evolution and Human Behaviour
Human Evolutionary Psychology
Darwinian Perspectives on Human Nature 2nd edition
Louise Barrett, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Lethbridge, Canada, Robin Dunbar, Professor of Evolutionary Psychology, and John Lycett, Lecturer in Biological Sciences, both at University of Liverpool , UK
John Cartwright, Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Chester College of Higher Education, University of Liverpool, UK
This text explains the theoretical principles of human socio-biology and evolutionary psychology, illustrating the way humans think and behave. The second edition has been updated with recent research and expanded with more coverage of key topics, as well as new chapters, making it a core text. Additions include material on mental disorders, emotions and their expression. Contents: PART I: FUNDAMENTALS OF THE EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH / Historical Introduction: Evolution and Theories of Mind and Behaviour, Darwin and After / Darwinism, Inclusive Fitness and the Selfish Gene / Sex, Sexual Selection and Life History Theory / Foundations of Darwinian Psychology / PART II: HUMAN EVOLUTIONAN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES / The Evolution of Homo Sapiens / Encephalisation and the Emergence of the Human Mind / PART III: COGNITION AND EMOTION / Modularity, Cognition and Reasoning / Emotions / PART IV: COOPERATION AND CONFLICT / Kin Selection and Altruism / Conflict Within Families and Other Groups / PART V: MATING AND MATE CHOICE / Human Sexual Behaviour: Mating Systems and Mating Strategies / Human Mate Choice: The Evolutionary Logic of Sexual Desire / Incest Avoidance and the Westermarck Effect / PART VI: THE DISORDERED MIND / Mental Disorders: Some Theoretical Approaches / Mental Disorders: Some Case Studies / PART VII: WIDER CONTEXTS / The Evolution of Culture: Genes and Memes / Ethics / Epilogue: The Use and Abuse of Evolutionary Theory March 2008 Paperback
418pp £27.99
‘A monumental work. Buy it for the bibliography list. Read it for the pleasure of seeing a powerful new field making the transition to maturity.’ - Randolph Nesse, M.D., Director, Evolution and Human Adaptation Program, University of Michigan, USA Human Evolutionary Psychology is a comprehensive overview of human behaviour and psychology from an evolutionary perspective. Written in a lively and engaging narrative style, the evolutionary explanations underpinning all aspects of human behaviour, from mate choice to child development to the evolution of language, are critically assessed and evaluated. The combination of broad scope and in-depth analysis makes it the ideal introduction to this exciting and rapidly expanding area of research. Contents: Preface / The Evolutionary Approach to Human Behaviour / Basics of Evolutionary Theory / Cooperation Among Kin / Reciprocity and Sharing / Mate Choice / Life History Constraints and Reproductive Decisions / Parental Investment Strategies / Marriage and Inheritance / The Individual in Society / Cognition and the Modular Brain / Social Cognition and its Development / Language / Cultural Evolution / References November 2001 Paperback
448pp £28.99
Animal Behavior An Evolutionary Approach 9th edition John Alcock, Arizona State University, USA
This classic text continues to offer a balanced treatment of the underlying mechanisms and evolutionary bases of behaviour with a focus on the importance of evolutionary theory for the unification of the different behavioural disciplines. The new edition has been thoroughly rewritten with coverage of recent work in the field. Lecturer supplements are available. Contents: An Evolutionary Approach to Animal Behavior / Understanding the Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Bird Song / The Development of Behavior / The Control of Behavior: Neural Mechanisms / The Organization of Behavior: Neurons and Hormones / Behavioral Adaptations for Survival / The Evolution of Feeding Behavior / Choosing Where to Live / The Evolution of Communication / The Evolution of Reproductive Behavior / The Evolution of Mating Systems / The Evolution of Parental Care / The Evolution of Social Behavior / The Evolution of Human Behavior April 2009 Paperback
546pp £45.99
283x234mm 978-0-87893-225-2
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
246x189mm 978-0-333-72558-0
245x189mm 978-0-333-98632-5
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Animal Cognition
The Mental Lives of Animals Clive D.L. Wynne, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Florida, USA
Covering a wide range of key topics, from reasoning and communication to sensation and complex problem-solving, this engagingly-written text presents a comprehensive survey of contemporary research on animal cognition. Written for anyone with an interest in animal cognition, but without a background in animal behaviour, it endeavours to explain what makes animals tick. This text is ideal for psychology students who are interested in how much of our human cognition is shared by other species. Contents: The Mental Lives of Animals: Introduction / Other Minds, Other Matters / Detecting Cause and Effect / Other Ways of Seeing the World I: Physical Dimensions / Other Ways of Seeing the World II: Abstract Dimensions / Remembering / Reasoning / Communication and Language / Conclusions and Comparisons October 2001 Paperback
240pp £24.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-92396-2
Drugs Handbook 2010 Glyn Volans, Director, Medical Toxicology Unit, and Consultant Physician and Heather Wiseman, Information Scientist, Medical Toxicology Unit, both at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, UK
‘Includes new drugs and omits those no longer available. It is a quick reference for those who do not have access to regularly published drug information books.’ - Nursing Standard Updated annually, the Drugs Handbook provides easy access to information on the vast majority of medicines prescribed or bought over the counter in the UK. The 2010 edition includes new entries for herbal medicines granted Traditional Herbal Registration certificates by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Contents: Introduction / Non-prescription Medicines / Innovations in Drug Development / Cost-effectiveness / Interactions / Drugs and Medicines / Names of Drugs / Drugs Safety Monitoring / Drugs in Pregnancy / Drug Combinations / Other Reference Sources / Abbreviations / Definitions of Drug Group Names and Medical Terms / PART I: APPROVED NAMES / PART II: TRADE NAMES / PART III: HERBAL MEDICINES / Appendix: Common Slang Names for Misused Drugs November 2009 Paperback
248pp £19.99
A Primer of Drug Action 11th edition Robert M. Julien, St Vincent Hospital and Medical Center, Portland, USA
The eleventh edition is the definitive guide to the pharmacology of drugs that affect the mind and behaviour. With over forty percent new research citations this is a clear presentation on drug action mechanisms, etiologies of major psychological disorders, drug treatment rationales, and the uses of psychopharmacology in patient care. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Preface / PART I: INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY: HOW DRUGS INTERACT WITH THE BODY AND THE BRAIN / PART II: DRUGS THAT DEPRESS BRAIN FUNCTION: SEDATIVEHYPNOTIC DRUGS / PART III: DRUGS THAT ARE USED TO TREAT PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS: PSYCHOTHERAPEUTICS / PART IV: DRUGS THAT STIMULATE BRAIN FUNCTION: PSYCHOSTIMULANTS / PART V: ANALGESIC DRUGS AND PSYCHEDELICS / PART VI: SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY December 2007 Hardback
700pp £37.99
230x150mm 978-1-4292-0679-2
Published by Worth Publishers
216x138mm 978-0-230-24186-2
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Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior Jerrold S. Meyer, University of Massachusetts, USA and Linda F. Quenzer, University of Hartford, USA
Encompassing recent advances in molecular pharmacology and brain imaging, Drugs, The Brain and Behavior offers a unique breadth of coverage - from historical accounts of drug use, through clinical and preclinical behavioural studies, to the latest research on drug effects in transgenic mouse models. The first section of the book provides extensive foundation material, including the basic principles of pharmacology, neurophysiology and neuroanatomy, synaptic transmission, and methods in psychopharmacology. The second describes the key features of major neurotransmitter systems, while the third and fourth sections discuss theories and mechanisms of drug addiction and psychopathology. The book is richly illustrated and ‘Breakout boxes’ ensure the student remains engaged throughout. Lecturer supplements are available. Contents: Principles of Pharmacology / Structure and Function of the Nervous System / Chemical Signaling by Neurotransmitters and Hormones / Methods of Research in Neurobehavioral Pharmacology / Catecholamines / Acetylcholine and Serotonin / Glutamate and GABA / Drug Abuse, Dependence, and Addiction / Alcohol / The Opiates / Psychomotor Stimulants: Cocaine and the Amphetamines / Nicotine and Caffeine / Marijuana and the Cannabinoids / Hallucinogens, PCP, and Ketamine / Inhalants, GHB, and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids / Affective Disorders / Anxiety Disorders / Schizophrenia / Glossary November 2004 Hardback
560pp £49.99
Tutorial on Neural Systems Modeling Thomas J. Anastasio, Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana– Champaign, USA
Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases 2nd edition Hal Blumenfeld, Yale University School of Medicine, USA
This text brings a pioneering interactive approach to the teaching of neuroanatomy, using over one hundred actual clinical cases and high-quality radiologic images to bring the subject to life. The second edition is fully updated with the latest advances in the field, and includes several exciting new cases. Contents: Introduction to Clinical Case Presentations / Neuroanatomy Overview, and Basic Definitions / The Neurologic Exam as a Lesson in Neuroanatomy / Introduction to Clinical Neuroradiology / Brain and Environs: Cranium, Ventricles, and Meninges / Corticospinal Tract and Other Motor Pathways / Somatosensory Pathways / Spinal Nerve Roots / Major Plexuses and Peripheral Nerves / Cerebral Hemispheres and Vascular Supply / Visual System / Brainstem I: Surface Anatomy and Cranial Nerves / Brainstem II: Eye Movements and Pupillary Control / Brainstem III: Nuclei, Pathways, and Vascular Supply / Cerebellum / Basal Ganglia / Pituitary and Hypothalamus / Limbic System: Homeostasis, Olfaction, Memory and Emotion / HigherOrder Cerebral Function / Epilogue: A Simple Working Model of the Mind / Index to Cases / Subject Index May 2010 Paperback
951pp £49.99
278x215mm 978-0-87893-058-6
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
For students of neuroscience and cognitive science who wish to explore the functioning of the brain further, but lack an extensive background in computer programming or maths, this new book makes neural systems modelling truly accessible. Short, simple MATLAB computer programs give readers all the experience necessary to run their own simulations. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Vectors, Matrices, and Basic Neural Computations / Recurrent Connections and Simple Neural Circuits / Forward and Recurrent Lateral Inhibition / Covariation Learning and Auto-Associative Memory / Unsupervised Learning and Distributed Representations / Supervised Learning and NonUniform Representations / Reinforcement Learning and Associative Conditioning / Information Transmission and Unsupervised Learning / Probability Estimation and Supervised Learning / Time-Series Learning and Nonlinear Signal Processing / Temporal-Difference Learning and Reward Prediction / Predictor-Corrector Models and Probabilistic Inference / The Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Evolution / Future Directions in Neural Systems Modeling March 2010 Hardback
542pp £51.99
276x216mm 978-0-87893-339-6
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
283x220mm 978-0-87893-534-5
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
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Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Neuroscience 4th edition
2nd edition
Edited by Dale Purves, George J. Augustine, David Fitzpatrick, all at Duke University, USA, William C. Hall, Anthony-Samuel LaMantia, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, James O. McNamara and Leonard E. White, both at Duke University, USA
Scott A. Huettel, Allen W. Song, both at Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University, USA and Gregory McCarthy, Yale University, USA
This textbook provides a true introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The book presents a comprehensive overview of all aspects of fMRI, designed with undergraduate students, graduate students and beginning researchers in mind. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: An Introduction to fMRI / MRI Scanners / Basic Principles of MR Signal Generation / Basic Principles of MR Image Formation / MR Contrast Mechanisms and Pulse Sequences / From Neuronal to Hemodynamic Activity / BOLD fMRI: Origins and Properties / Signal, Noise, and Preprocessing of fMRI Data / Experimental Design / Statistical Analysis: Basic Analyses / Statistical Analysis II: Advanced Approaches / Advanced fMRI Methods / Combining fMRI with other Techniques / The Future of fMRI: Practical and Ethical Issues February 2009 Hardback
550pp £57.99
283x223mm 978-0-87893-286-3
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience
Neuroscience guides students through the challenges and excitement of this rapidly changing field. The book’s length and accessible writing are a successful combination that has proven to work equally well for medical students and in undergraduate neuroscience courses. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Studying the Nervous Systems of Humans and Other Animals / PART ONE: NEURAL SIGNALING / Electrical Signals of Nerve Cells / Voltage-dependent Membrane Permeability / Channels and Transporters / Synaptic Transmission / Neurotransmitters, Receptors and Their Effects / Molecular Signaling within Neurons / Synaptic Plasticity / PART TWO: SENSATION AND SENSORY PROCESSING / The Somatic Sensory System / Pain / Vision: The Eye / Central Visual Pathways / The Auditory System / The Vestibular System / The Chemical Senses / PART THREE: MOVEMENT AND ITS CENTRAL CONTROL / Lower Motor Neuron Circuits and Motor Control / Upper Motor Neuron Control of the Brainstem and Spinal Cord / Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia / Modulation of Movement by the Cerebellum / Eye Movements and Sensory Motor Integration / The Visceral Motor System / PART FOUR: THE CHANGING BRAIN / Early Brain Development / Construction of Neural Circuits / Modification of Brain Circuits as a Result of Experience / Repair and Regeneration in the Nervous System / PART FIVE: COMPLEX BRAIN FUNCTIONS / The Association Cortices / Speech and Language / Sleep and Wakefulness / Emotions / Sex, Sexuality, and the Brain / Memory / Appendix: Survey of Human Neuroanatomy August 2007 Hardback
810pp £49.99
Dale Purves, Elizabeth M. Brannon, Roberto Cabeza, Scott A. Huettel, Kevin S. LaBar, Michael L. Platt, and Marty G. Woldorff, all at Duke University, USA
Written by seven leaders in the field, this text covers the growing canon of cognitive neuroscience and makes clear the future challenges. Richly illustrated and including helpful pedagogy, each new copy comes with Sylvius 4, offering an interactive tutorial on human neuroanatomy and a digital atlas of human brain structure. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Introduction: What Is Cognitive Neuroscience? / PART I: PRINCIPLES OF NEUROSCIENCE AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN STUDYING COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS / PART II: PRINCIPLES OF SENSORY PROCESSING AND PERCEPTION / PART III: PRINCIPLES OF MOTOR PROCESSING AND MOTOR BEHAVIOR / PART IV: PRINCIPLES OF ATTENTION / PART V: PRINCIPLES OF MEMORY / PART VI: PRINCIPLES OF EMOTION AND SOCIAL COGNITION / PART VII: PRINCIPLES OF SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION / PART VIII: PRINCIPLES OF EXECUTIVE PROCESSING / PART IX: EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS, INCLUDING CONSCIOUSNESS / Appendix: Neural Signalling / Glossary February 2008 Hardback
500pp £39.99
280x220mm 978-0-87893-694-6
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
286x216mm 978-0-87893-697-7
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
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Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology
From Neuron to Brain 4th edition
6th edition
John G. Nicholls, SISSA, Italy, Paul A. Fuchs, John Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA, A. Robert Martin, Emeritus and Bruce G. Wallace, both at University of Colorado School of Medicine , USA
Bryan Kolb and Ian Q. Whishaw, both at University of Lethbridge, Canada
A scholarly guide to human neuropsychology with a clinical focus throughout. Thorough coverage of brain evolution unites the study of its anatomy and physiology with an understanding of its cognitive, experimental and clinical psychological functions. The sixth edition is updated throughout and has a new full-colour design. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND / The Development of Neuropsychology / Origins of the Human Brain and Behavior / Organization of the Nervous System / The Structure and Electrical Activity of Neurons / Communication between Neurons / Imaging the Brain’s Activity / The Influence of Drugs and Hormones on Behavior / PART II: CORTICAL ORGANIZATION / Organization of the Sensory System / Organization of the Motor System / Principles of Neocortical Function / Cerebral Asymmetry / Variations in Cerebral Asymmetry / PART III: CORTICAL FUNCTIONS / The Occipital Lobes / The Parietal Lobes / The Temporal Lobes / The Frontal Lobes / Disconnection Syndromes / PART IV: HIGHER FUNCTIONS / Learning and Memory / Language / Emotion / Spatial Behavior / Attention, Mental Images, and Consciousness / PART V: PLASTICITY AND DISORDERS / Brain Development and Plasticity / Developmental Disorders / Plasticity, Recovery, and Rehabilitation of the Adult Brain / Neurological Disorders / Psychiatric and Related Disorders / Neuropsychological Assessment / Glossary April 2008 Hardback
764pp £46.99
Published by Worth Publishers
260x210mm 978-0-7167-9586-5
In the twenty-five years since From Neuron to Brain was first published, the authors’ aim has remained constant: to describe how nerve cells go about their business of transmitting signals, how the signals are put together, and how, out of this integration, higher functions emerge. The fourth edition, while maintaining this focus, has been completely reformatted and updated. Lecturer supplements are available. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / Principles of Signaling and Organization / PART II: SIGNALING IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM / Ion Channels and Signaling / Structure of Ion Channels / Transport across Cell Membranes / Ionic Basis of the Resting Potential / Ionic Basis of the Action Potential / Neurons as Conductors of Electricity / Properties and Functions of Neuroglial Cells / Principles of Direct Synaptic Transmission / Indirect Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission / Transmitter Release / Synaptic Plasticity / Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry of Synaptic Transmission / Neurotransmitters in the Central Nervous System / PART III: INTEGRATIVE MECHANISMS / Cellular Mechanisms of Integration and Behavior in Leeches, Ants, and Bees / Autonomic Nervous System / Transduction of Mechanical and Chemical Stimuli / Processing of Somatosensory and Auditory Signals / Transduction and Signaling in the Retina / Analysis of Form in Primary Visual Cortex / Functional Architecture of the Visual Cortex / Cellular Mechanisms of Motor Control / PART IV: DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM / Development of the Nervous System / Denervation and Regeneration of Synaptic Connections / Critical Periods in Visual and Auditory Systems / PART V: CONCLUSION / Open Questions February 2001 Hardback
650pp £48.99
Cognitive Psychology and its Implications 7th edition John Anderson, Carnegie Mellon University , USA
An acclaimed text offering a systematic and accessible presentation of the theoretical foundations of higher mental processes. Addressing both neuroscientific and information-processing approaches, the book emphasizes the importance of the representation of knowledge for the field. The new edition has been thoroughly updated throughout. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: The Science of Cognition / Perception / Attention and Performance / Mental Imagery / Representation of Knowledge / Human Memory: Encoding and Storage / Memory: Retention and Retrieval / Problem Solving / Expertise / Reasoning / Judgment and Decision Making / Language Structure / Language Comprehension / Individual Differences in Cognition / Glossary December 2009 Hardback
608pp £46.99
229x152mm 978-1-4292-1948-8
Published by Worth Publishers
286x220mm 978-0-87893-439-3
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
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Approaches to Consciousness The Marriage of Science & Mysticm Brian L. Lancaster, Professor of Transpersonal Psychology, Deputy-Head, Centre for Applied Psychology and Co-Director, Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology Research Unit, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
‘…a subtle, scholarly attempt to integrate neurophysiological and psychological with spiritual and mystical approaches to the mystery of consciousness, thereby to consolidate consciousness studies as a fully legitimate and unitary discipline.’ - Julian Candy, Journal of Consciousness Studies Consciousness, and the relation between mind and brain, is a topic of contentious debate, and increasing interest amongst both academics and students of psychology. In this text, Lancaster takes a refreshingly balanced look at consciousness, bringing in approaches from neuroscience, cognitive science, depth psychology, philosophy and mysticism. With a distinctive ‘transpersonal’ orientation, this text will be an invaluable authoritative overview of this subject, integrating scholarship and research from diverse areas. Contents: PART I: TOWARDS A UNITARY DISCIPLINE OF CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES / The Big Picture / A Common Purpose? / PART II APPROACHES TO CONSCIOUSNESS / Spiritual and Mystical Approaches: 1. Towards Emptiness / Neurophysiological Approaches / Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches / The Approach of Depth Psychology / Spiritual and Mystical Approaches: 2. Towards Fullness / PART III: BEYOND WITHIN / Together Again / References May 2004 Hardback Paperback
352pp £65.00 £22.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-91275-1 978-0-333-91276-8
Learning and Memory
The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Jerry W. Rudy, Chair, Psychology Department, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
From Brain to Behavior Mark A. Gluck, Rutgers University , USA, Eduardo Mercado, University of Buffalo-The State University of New York, USA and Catherine E. Myers, Rutgers University-Newark , USA
‘This textbook presents an exciting, wellinformed, and wellwritten discussion of brain mechanisms of learning and memory processes.’ - John Byrnes, Ph.D. Tufts University of Medicine, University of Massachusetts, USA This textbook shows how developments in neuroscience have changed the field of learning and memory in the last ten years. A comprehensive, accessible and engaging introduction to learning and memory, the authors cover behavioural processes, brain systems, and clinical perspectives, incorporating findings both in animals and in humans. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: The Psychology of Learning and Memory / The Neuroscience of Learning and Memory / Episodic and Semantic Memory: Memory for Facts and Events / Skill Memory: Learning by Doing / Working Memory and Executive Control / Non-Associative Learning: Learning about Repeated Events / Classical Conditioning: Learning to Predict Important Events / Instrumental Conditioning: Learning the Consequences of Behavior / Generalization, Discrimination, and the Representation of Similarity / Emotional Learning and Memory / Observational Learning: Watching, Listening and Remembering / Learning and Memory Across the Lifespan / Language Learning: Communication and Cognition / Glossary March 2008 Hardback
554pp £39.99
To understand how the brain learns and remembers requires an integration of psychological concepts and behavioural methods with mechanisms of synaptic plasticity systems and neuroscience. This new fullcolour textbook provides a synthesis of this interdisciplinary field, each chapter making the key concepts transparent and accessible. Contents: Introduction: Fundamental Concepts and Historical Foundations / PART ONE: SYNAPTIC BASIS OF MEMORIES / Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity: Introduction / Strengthening Synapses: Assembling Existing Parts / Strengthening Synapses: Generating New Material / Calcium: The Master Plasticity Molecule / Dendritic Spines: The Dynamic Relationship between Function and Structure / PART TWO: MOLECULES AND MEMORIES / Making Memories: Conceptual Issues and Methods / Basics of Memory Formation / Basics of Memory Storage / Memory Modulation Processes / The Fate of Retrieved Memories / PART THREE: NEURAL SYSTEMS AND MEMORY / Memory Systems and the Hippocampus / The Hippocampus Index and Episodic Memory / Ribot’s Law, Systems Consolidation and the Hippocampus / Actions, Habits and the Cortical-Striatal System / Learning about Danger: The Neurobiology of Fear Memories May 2008 Hardback
350pp £50.99
242x185mm 978-0-87893-669-4
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
280x220mm 978-0-230-27883-7
Published by Worth Publishers
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Learning and Behavior
A Contemporary Synthesis Mark E. Bouton, Professor of Psychology, University of Vermont, USA
Written by a leading researcher in the field, topics covered include learning and adaptation, modern conditioning theories, memory retrieval, instrumental learning, avoidance learning and learned helplessness. Lively and current, this text engages students while illustrating the interconnectedness and excitement of modern research. Lecturer and student supplements are available. February 2007 Hardback
400pp £48.99
242x183mm 978-0-87893-063-0
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Language Acquisition Edited by Susan FosterCohen, Director, Champion Centre, New Zealand
This book provides a snapshot of the field of language acquisition at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It represents the multiplicity of approaches that characterize the field and provides a review of current topics and debates, as well as addressing some of the connections between sub-fields and possible future directions for research. Contents: Preface / Series Preface / Acknowledgements / Notes on Contributors / PART I: EXPLAINING LANGUAGE ACQUISITION / M.Vihman: Word Learning and the Origins of Phonological System / A.M.Peters: Processing Strategies in First Language Acquisition / M.Saxton: The Inevitability of Child Directed Speech / M.T.Guasti: Universal Grammar Approaches to Language Acquisition / S.Gass: Second Language Acquisition / PART II: WINDOWS ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION / J.Reilly: Language and the Many Faces of Emotion / J. & P.De Villiers: Complements Enable Representation of the Contents of False Beliefs: The Evolution of a Theory of Theory of Mind / N.Pouscoulous & I.Noveck: Going Beyond Semantics: The Development of Pragmatic Enrichment / K.Kuiper, G.Columbus & N.Schmitt: The Acquisition of Phrasal Vocabulary / PART III: LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, CULTURE AND LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY / N.Müller: Language Development in Simultaneous Bilingual Children / M.Hickmann: Universals and Cross-Linguistic Variability in Children’s Discourse / R.Berman: Trends in Research on Narrative Development / S.McNaughton, M.Amituanai-Toloa & E.WolfgrammFoliaki: Family Literacy Activities: What Is, What Ought To Be and The Role of Parents’ Ideas / Index July 2009 Hardback Paperback
360pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-50029-7 978-0-230-50030-3
Sensation & Perception 2nd edition Jeremy M. Wolfe, Professor of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, USA, Keith R. Kluender, Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, USA, Dennis M. Levi, Dean/Professor, School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley, USA, Linda M. Bartoshuk, Bushnell Professor, Department of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science, University of Florida, USA, Rachel S. Herz, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Brown University Medical School, USA, Roberta L. Klatzky, Professor of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Susan J. Lederman Professor of Psychology, Queen’s University, Canada and Daniel M. Merfeld, Associate Professor of Otology and Laryngology, Harvard University Medical School, USA
Written by experts on each of the senses who are supremely able to convey the excitement of the field to students, this introductory, fullcolour text provides comprehensive descriptions of vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The second edition has been revised to include a new chapter on the vestibular system, as well as new coverage of visual development, the neural basis of object recognition, body image and out-ofbody experiences, brain plasticity, pheromones and chemicals that may influence human sexual attraction, and much more. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Introduction / The First Steps in Vision: Seeing Stars / Spatial Vision: From Stars to Stripes / Perceiving and Recognizing Objects / The Perception of Color / Space Perception and Binocular Vision / Motion Perception / Attention and Scene Perception / Hearing: Physiology and Psychoacoustics / Hearing in the Environment / Music and Speech Perception / Touch / Olfaction / Taste / Spatial Orientation and the Vestibular System / Glossary
Palgrave Advances
February 2009 Hardback
450pp £43.99
280x220mm 978-0-87893-953-4
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Language & Linguistics Collections
Published by Sinauer Associates, Inc.
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Sensation, Perception and Action An Evolutionary Perspective
Emotion New Psychosocial Perspectives Edited by Shelley Day Sclater, Freelance Writer, David W. Jones, Principal Lecturer in Psychosocial Studies, Heather Price, Senior Lecturer in Psychological Studies and Candida Yates, Senior Lecturer in Psychosocial Studies, all at University of East London, UK
Johannes M. Zanker, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
‘I was excited to see a book that included “Action” both in the title and content since this aspect of perception is usually missing...this book will help to complete the picture of perception and action.’ - Richard Wilkie, Lecturer in Perception, Action and Cognition, University of Leeds, UK ‘I thought the logical flow of ideas was one of the best aspects of this textbook. Fundamental concepts are introduced which allow the students to feel confident about the grounding of their knowledge...The book is very readable and keeps one engaged... and I think it will draw students into this area.’ - Professor Alan Johnson, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, UK With a style that is both detailed and accessible, this new text from Johannes Zanker provides students with a solid understanding of how our sensory and perceptual systems operate, and interact with a dynamic world. It not only explains the scientific mechanisms involved, but discusses the costs and benefits of these mechanisms within an evolutionary, functional framework, to encourage important questions such as: What is a given sensory mechanism needed for? What kind of problem can it solve and what are its limitations? How does the environment determine how senses operate? How does action affect and facilitate perception? This unique, interdisciplinary framework allows students to see perceiving and acting as embedded in particular environments and directs them to think about the functional nature of these systems. The overall effect is an especially readable, authoritative text on sensation, perception and action that really brings this fascinating topic to life. Contents: Perception as Gateway to the World / The Machinery: Understanding the Neural Code / Vision 1: Brightness / Vision 2: Colour / Vision 3: From Images to Space / Vision 4: Time and Motion / Hearing 1: Sound and Noise / Hearing 2: Complex Auditory Information / Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste / Body Senses: From the Control of Posture to Touch / Focus of Interest: Attentional Modulation of Perception / Managing Information Flow Through Integration of Sensory and Motor Systems / Making Sense: Theoretical Approaches to Perception
March 2010 Hardback Paperback
216pp £55.00 £24.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-55266-1 978-0-230-55267-8
This unique collection provides a psychosocial approach to emotion, exploring the emotional undercurrents of everyday phenomena as diverse as war reporting, advertising, education, criminality, public policy and motherhood, and including contributors from sociology, psychology, cultural and media studies, and psychoanalytical studies. Contents: PART I: A PSYCHOSOCIAL APPROACH TO EMOTION / S.Day-Sclater, D.Jones, H.Price & C.Yates: Introduction / M.Rustin: The Missing Dimension: Emotions in the Social Sciences / A.Elliott: Representation, Affect and the Theory of the Subject / J.Mitchell: Winnicott / PART II: EMOTIONS IN THE ‘PUBLIC’ SPHERE / B.Richards: Explosive Humiliation and News Media / J.Evans: ‘Restless with Love; Full of Demands’: Demotic Celebrity, Popular Emotion and Affect in the Public Sphere / C.Yates: Masculinity, Flirtation and Political Communication in the UK / H.Powell: ‘Count the beats of your heart not the fingers on your hand’: The Emotionalization of Promotional Culture / PART III: EMOTIONS IN THE ‘PRIVATE’ SPHERE / S.Clarke: Thinking Psychosocially about Difference: Ethnicity, Community and Emotion / W.Hollway & T.Jefferson: Panic and Perjury: A Psychosocial Exploration of Agency / C.Urwin: Separation and Changing Identity in Becoming a Mother for White, Bangladeshi, African and African Caribbean Mothers / J.Brown: Intimacies / PART IV: PRACTICES, INTERVENTIONS AND THERAPIES / A.Cooper: ‘Be quiet and listen’: Emotion, Public Policy and Social Totality / L.Gelsthorpe: Emotion and Contemporary Developments in Criminology / H.Price: ‘Emotional Literacy’ Promotion in Schools: A Psychosocial Perspective / D.Jones: Personality Disorder, Emotion and Criminal Responsibility / N.Diamond: Between the Body and Social Trauma: Working with the Aftermath of Torture / B.Richards: Conclusion August 2009 Hardback
280pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21685-3
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Emotion Science Cognitive and Neuroscientific Approaches to Understanding Human Emotions
Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology 6th edition Ronald J. Comer, Professor of Psychology, Princeton University, USA, Practicing Clinical Psychologist and Consultant to hospitals, individual families and the Eden Institute for Persons with Autism, USA
Elaine Fox, Professor of Experimental Psychology and Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Essex, UK
‘In this timely and significant book, Fox deftly integrates findings from cognitive psychology and from neuroscience in presenting a sophisticated and comprehensive discussion of the science of emotion. She offers important insights that sharpen our knowledge of the links among cognition, affect, personality, and neurobiology. This volume should be on the bookshelf of every scientist or student who is interested in understanding the interplay of psychological and biological aspects of emotion.’ - Professor Ian Gotlib, Stanford University , USA ‘…will enrich the research agenda in this dynamic and expanding field.’ - Professor Jon May, University of Plymouth, UK This is a state-of-the-art introduction to the study of emotion. Drawing on a wide array of research from psychology and neuroscience, Fox presents an integrated picture of our current understanding of normal as well as disordered emotions such as anxiety and depression. The author draws a clear distinction between emotions, moods and feelings, and suggests how they can be understood within an integrated model. The book is ideal for undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology, and will be a useful reference for active researchers. Contents: Introduction to Emotion Science / The Nature of Measurement of Emotions, Moods and Feelings / Individual Differences in Emotional Reactivity and Regulation: Temperament, Personality and Affective Style / Categorical Approaches to the Structure of Affect / Dimensional Approaches to the Structure of Affect / Affect-Cognition Relations: Perception, Attention and Judgement / AffectCognition Relations: Memory / Individual Differences in Emotional Processing / Determinants of Emotional Disorders / Determinants of Resilience and Well-Being / Theoretical Overview
September 2008 Paperback
480pp £28.99
246x171mm 978-0-230-00518-1
Drawing on his experiences in the classroom and as a practicing therapist, Ron Comer’s brief text offers balanced, integrated coverage of theories, research, disorders and treatment. His writing makes the most of students’ curiosity whilst confronting misconceptions about this easily misunderstood field. The sixth edition includes more cultural coverage, more models of abnormality, more neuroscience and an updated art program. This briefer version of Comer’s main text, Abnormal Psychology, covers the same material in a more condensed way, ideal for shorter courses. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: PART I: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY IN SCIENCE AND CLINICAL PRACTICE / Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present / Models of Abnormality / Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment / PART II: PROBLEMS OF ANXIETY AND MOOD / Anxiety Disorders / Stress Disorders / Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders / Mood Disorders / Suicide / PART III: PROBLEMS OF THE MIND AND BODY / Eating Disorders / Substance-Related Disorders / Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder / PART IV: PROBLEMS OF PSYCHOSIS AND THE COGNITIVE FUNCTION / Schizophrenia / PART V: LIFE-SPAN PROBLEMS / Personality Disorders / Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence / Disorders of Aging and Cognition / PART VI: CONCLUSION / Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession April 2010 Paperback
489pp £40.99
277x231mm 978-1-4292-1633-3
Published by Worth Publishers
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Abnormal Psychology
The Troubled Mind
The Myth of the Chemical Cure
7th edition
Susy Churchill, Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK
A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment
Ronald J. Comer, Professor of Psychology, Princeton University, USA, Practicing Clinical Psychologist and consultant to hospitals, individual families and the Eden Institute for Persons with Autism, USA
This is a comprehensive introduction to the field, presenting all major models of abnormality. It features exceptional pedagogy, intriguing case studies and a stimulating art program to facilitate learning. The seventh edition features increased coverage of culture and neuroscience integrated throughout, plus a revised photo and art program. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present / Research in Abnormal Psychology / Models in Abnormality / Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment / Anxiety Disorders / Stress Disorders / Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders / Mood Disorders / Treatments for Mood Disorders / Suicide / Eating Disorders / Substance-Related Disorders / Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder / Schizophrenia / Treatments for Schizophrenia / Personality Disorders / Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence / Disorders of Aging and Cognition / Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession March 2009 Paperback
750pp £45.99
Joanna Moncrieff, Senior Lecturer, University College London, UK
This comprehensive textbook discusses how trainees and busy practitioners can best respond therapeutically to clients’ mental health problems. Grounded in the latest research, it is rich with case material and analytical commentary and highlights key decisions regarding assessment and referral. Contents: Psychological Therapies and Mental Health Issues / Assessment and Formulation / Clients Presenting with Depression or Mania / Clients Experiencing Anxiety / Clients Experiencing Problems with Life / Events/ Stages / Clients Who Have Problematic Substance Abuse / Childhood or Adolescent Problems / Clients With Disturbed Eating / Clients Described as Having a Personality Disorder / Clients Showing Psychotic Features / Clients Experiencing Problems with Sexual or Gender Identity / Clients Experiencing Other Mental Health Difficulties / Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues August 2010 Paperback
240pp £20.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-20096-8
‘...a devastating critique of the use of psychiatric drugs...’ - Rachel Freeth, Therapy Today ‘This is a book that should change psychiatry forever.’ Mental Health This controversial book overturns the claim that psychiatric drugs work by correcting chemical imbalance, and analyzes the professional, commercial and political vested interests that have shaped this view. It provides a comprehensive critique of research on drugs including antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. Contents: The Disease-Centred Model of Drug Action in Psychiatry / An Alternative Drug-Centred Model of Drug Action / Physical Treatments and the DiseaseCentred Model / The Arrival of the New Drugs and the Influence of Interest Groups / The Birth of the Idea of an ‘Antipsychotic’ / Are Neuroleptics Effective and Specific? A Review of the Evidence / What do Neuroleptics Really Do? A Drug-Centred Approach / The Construction of the ‘Antidepressant’ / Is There Such a Thing as an Antidepressant? A Review of the Evidence / What do Antidepressants Really Do? / The Idea of Special Drugs for Manic Depression / Evidence on the Action of Lithium and Mood Stabilisers / Democratic Drug Treatment: Implications of the Drug-Centred Model / The Myth of the Chemical Cure
280x220mm 978-1-4292-2407-9
Published by Worth Publishers
September 2009 Paperback
320pp £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-57432-8
Shortlisted for the 2009 Mind Book of the Year Award
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Psychiatric Drugs
Rethinking ADHD
Healing Our Autistic Children
Key Issues and Service User Perspectives
From Brain to Culture
A Medical Plan for Restoring Your Child’s Health Edited by Sami Timimi, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, NHS Lincolnshire, and Visiting Professor, Lincoln University, UK and Jonathan Leo, Associate Professor of Neuroanatomy, Lincoln Memorial University, USA
Jim Read, Writer and Survivor of Mental Health Services
‘Drawing heavily on individuals’ experiences, it is the first book of its kind to explore what it is like to take antidepressants and other drugs from the viewpoint of the patient, and it contains new and provocative material about people’s relationships with some of the most debated and controversial medications around.’ - Medical News Today This lively book explores current dilemmas and debates on the use, effectiveness and adverse effects of psychiatric drugs, from the perspectives of people who have taken them. It includes groundbreaking research into experiences of trying to come off drugs with particular emphasis on interactions between service users and mental health practitioners. Contents: List of Critical Reflection Boxes / Introduction / Overview and Key Issues / What People Taking Psychiatric Drugs Have To Say About Them / What Is Known About Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs / Coping With Coming Off – Making The Decision / Coping With Coming Off – The Consequences / Coping With Coming Off – Three Stories / Key Issues, Suggestions and Conclusion / Appendix I: Sources of Practical Information About Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs / Appendix II: Adverse Effects When Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs / References August 2009 Paperback
208pp £14.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-54940-1
This book brings together, for the first time, a selection of international critiques on the role of ADHD in our society today, looking at how diagnoses have increased in recent years and the reasons behind this. Topics range from genetics to social culture, offering a comprehensive overview of this area. Contents: S.Timimi & J.Leo: Introduction / PART I: ADHD AND THE MEDICAL MODEL / L.Furman: ADHD: What Do We Really Know? / J.Joseph: ADHD and Genetics / J.Leo & D.Cohen: A Critical Review of ADHD Neuroimaging Research / PART II: ADHD AND CULTURE / S.Timimi: Why Diagnosis of ADHD Has Increased So Rapidly In the West: A Cultural Perspective / C.Newnes: Clinical Psychology and ADHD / B.Kean: ADHD in Australia: The Emergence of the Globalisation / S.Timimi & B.Maitra: ADHD and Globalization / N.Hart & L.Benassaya: Social Deprivation or Brain Dysfunction / PART III: ADHD DRUG THERAPIES / G.E.Jackson: The Case Against Stimulants / J.Leo & J.Lacasse: The Manipulation of Data and Attitudes About ADHD / D.Cohen, S.Hughes & D.J.Jacobs: The Deficiencies of Drug Treatment Research / B.Puri: The Role of Diet and Nutrition in ADHD / PART IV: ALTERNATIVE PARADIGMS FOR ADHD / J.Jureidini: Mind Magic / S.Sobo: ADHD and Other Sins of Our Children / C.Mercogliano: The Canary in the Coal Mine / T.Hartmann: ‘Good’ Science, Expectations, Villains, and Hope March 2009 Paperback
432pp £22.99
215x137mm 978-0-230-50712-8
Julie A. Buckley, MD, Pediatrician in Private Practice specializing in autism disorders, co-founder of HEAL! (Healing Every Autistic Life!) and active speaker at leading autism conferences Foreword by Jenny McCarthy
‘An excellent roadmap for planning a journey towards healing.’ Elizabeth Mumper, M.D., Medical Co-ordinator, Autism Research Institute ‘An indispensible read for all parents and clinicians seeking guidance for autism spectrum disorders.’ - Joey Travolta, Film Actor & Director of Normal People Scare Me ‘A truly must-read book for parents and families looking for knowledge on autism spectrum disorders without going through years of medical school and countless amounts of research. Dr. Buckley puts the complicated world of autism into accessible terms.’ - Tony Pashos, Jacksonville Jaguar and active member of HEAL Every twenty minutes a child is diagnosed with a disease on the autism spectrum. While the medical establishment treats autism as a psychiatric condition and prescribes behaviourally-based therapies, Dr. Julie A. Buckley argues that it is a physiological disease that must be medically treated. Contents: Acknowledgements / J.McCarthy: Foreword / Introduction: Gridiron Medicine / What is Autism: The Search for Acceptable Solutions / Where Recovery Lies / Mommy, I Have Fleas: Yeast, Labs, and Supplements / Jedi Knights, Yoda, and Glutathione / The Air That We Breathe: Hyperbarics / Mopping Up the Mess: Chelation / Have We Done All That We Can For This Child? / Epilogue: The Longest Marathon / Resources / Bibliography December 2009 Paperback
256pp £9.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-61639-4
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Mental Health Still Matters Edited by Jill Reynolds, Senior Lecturer, Rosemary Muston, Course Manager, Tom Heller, Senior Lecturer, all at School of Health and Social Welfare, Jonathan Leach, Lecturer, Mick McCormick, Lecturer, both at Faculty of Health & Social Care, all at The Open University, UK, Jan Wallcraft, Freelance Consultant and Researcher and Mark Walsh, Teacher, Writer and Mental Health Nurse
‘This is a robust addition to the original text and will no doubt become a valuable resource to those studying in this area.’ - Ian Warwick, Lecturer, London Metropolitan University, UK ‘An excellent starting point to stimulating debate on contemporary issues in mental health.’ - Ian Mathews, Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, UK This Reader presents a fresh look at mental health, following on from the hugely popular Mental Health Matters. It provides new and exciting user perspectives across the full range of mental health issues. This is a rich and diverse resource for all students and practitioners of mental health. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: May 2009 Paperback
400pp £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-57729-9
Mental Health, Race and Culture
The Social Construction of Sexuality and Perversion
3rd edition
Deconstructing Sadomasochism Suman Fernando, Visiting Professor, London Metropolitan University, UK and Senior Lecturer, European Centre for Migration and Social Care, University of Kent, UK
Review of the previous edition: ‘Thorough, challenging and essential for today’s society & multicultural professional interventions in mental health.’- Sarah Patrick, School of Health and Community Care, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK This is the third, significantly expanded and revised, edition of this seminal text. Incorporating additional contemporary topics, including mental health of refugees, trauma and psychosocial approaches, this text offers an illuminating account of mental health and mental disorder seen crossculturally and internationally. Contents: Introduction / PART 1: THEORY AND TRADITION / Race and Culture; Ethnicity and Identity / Traditional Approaches to Mental Health / Background and Culture of Psychiatry / Racism in Psychiatry / Changing Discourse in Mental Health / Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress; Suffering and Violence / PART II: PRACTICE AND INNOVATION / Application of Psychiatry: Bias and Imperialism / Asian and African ‘Therapy’ for Mental Health / Mental Health in Low and Middle Income Countries / Mental Health of Refugees in High Income Countries / Prospects for Plurality in Therapies for Mental Health / Mental Health for All January 2010 Paperback
248pp £21.99
Andrea Beckmann, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University of Lincoln, UK
This book deconstructs the pathologizing category of ‘sadomasochism’ in order to account for the ‘lived realities’ of consensual ‘SM’ play, emphasizing the connection between the corporeal and the political in contemporary consumer cultures. It discusses the homogenization of desire and ownership and use of ‘body’ and ‘sexual ethics’. Contents: Introduction / Deconstructing ‘Normalizing’ Concepts / The ‘Field’: ‘Lived Experiences’ of Consensual ‘SM’ and ‘Subjugated Knowledges’ / ‘Sadomasochism’ - A Social Construction and its Use / Challenging Claims of a Non-violent Modernity / Consensual ‘SM’ as a Spiritual Practice and the Experience of ‘Transcendence’ / Alternative Readings of Consensual ‘SM’ / Bibliography September 2009 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-52210-7
234x156mm 978-0-230-21271-8
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Contesting Stories of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Aspects of Violence Willem Schinkel, Associate Professor of Sociology, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Jo Woodiwiss, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Huddersfield, UK
‘This is a challenging book written from a feminist perspective. Contesting Stories is really about ‘the self’ and how therapeutic discourses shape and limit the ways in which we make sense of our lives - particularly in the context of abuse...a thought-provoking book which must surely be widely read for the challenges to conventional thinking that it embodies.’ - Carol Smart, Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester, UK Located within a burgeoning therapeutic/self-help culture this book explores stories of childhood sexual abuse, ‘recovered memories’ and multiple personalities, and explodes the myths surrounding women who, without memories, redefine themselves as victims. Contents: Introduction / A Story for Our Time / Beyond the Recovered Memory Wars / Choosing a Story: Making Sense/Finding Evidence / Making Contact: Knowledge and the Inner Child / Life with the Inner Child / Problems with the Children / The Contradictory Self / Healing and Growing Up / ‘Compulsory Sexuality’: Sexing the Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse / A Role for the Storytellers / Bibliography August 2009 Hardback
256pp £55.00
A Critical Theory
216x138mm 978-0-230-57404-5
‘A sparkling display of breathtaking erudition and mind-boggling analytical incisiveness.’ - Zygmunt Bauman, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Leeds, UK and University of Warsaw, Poland This book provides a novel approach to the social scientific study of violence. It argues for an ‘extended’ definition of violence in order to avoid subscribing to commonsensical or state propagated definitions of violence, and pays specific attention to ‘autotelic violence’ (violence for the sake of itself), as well as to terrorism. February 2010 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57719-0
Cultural Criminology Series Editor: Mike Presdee
The Emergence of Somatic Psychology and Bodymind Therapy Barnaby Barratt, Professor of Psychology, Northcentral University, USA
Somatic psychology and bodymind therapy (the simultaneous study of the mind and body) are challenging contemporary understandings of the psyche, of what it means to be human and how to heal human suffering. Contents: PART I: Introducing a New Discipline / Psychology at the Crossroads / Epistemic Shifting / Illustrations of Bodymind Therapy / Healing Matters / The State of Emergence / PART II: Sources: Ancient and Contemporary / Psychoanalytic Discoveries / Somatic Psychodynamics / Philosophical and Cultural Studies / Western Traditions of Bodywork / The Influx of Asian Wisdom / Shamanic Practices and Transpersonal Psychologies / The Advances of Neuroscience / PART III: Current Challenges: Possible Futures / Bodies and Boundaries / The Inherent Sexuality of Being Human / Oppression and the Momentum of Liberation / Bodily Paths to Spiritual Awakening / The Future of Human Awareness / Bibliography May 2010 Hardback
The Talking Cure Wittgenstein’s Therapeutic Method for Psychotherapy
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22216-8
Critical Theory and Practice in Psychology and the Human Sciences Series Editor: Tod Sloan
John M. Heaton, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, UK and Lecturer, Regent’s College, UK
In the last fifteen years there has been a change in direction in our understanding of Wittgenstein; the ‘resolute’ reading of him places great emphasis on his therapeutic intent and argues that the aim of Wittgenstein’s thought is to show how language functions. This book argues that this is highly relevant to understanding psychotherapy. Contents: Abbreviations of Wittgenstein’s Work / Preface / The Problem / Introduction / Fearless Speech / Talking versus Writing / The Critical Method / Reasons and Causes / Elucidations / Back to the Rough Ground / The Self and Images / A Non-Foundational Therapy / References April 2010 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23761-2
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
Men, Masculinities and Health
Health Psychology
Critical Perspectives
2nd edition Edited by Brendan Gough, Chair of Research Committee, Division of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, UK and Steve Robertson, Reader in Men’s Health, Centre for Men’s Health, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
This important new book provides a critical and interdisciplinary look at the role masculinity can play in men’s relationships with health. Bringing together international contributors from previously disparate fields of study, it links theory with empirical research to create a fertile terrain for future debate. Contents: PART I: CURRENT ISSUES AND DEBATES IN THE FIELD OF MEN’S HEALTH / PART II: POPULAR CONCEPTIONS OF MEN’S HEALTH AND WELLBEING / PART III: MEN, MASCULINITIES AND ILLNESS A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2009 Hardback Paperback
272pp £55.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-20311-2 978-0-230-20312-9
Richard O. Straub, University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA
This text explores the psychology of how we react to illness and relate to the health care system. This edition is streamlined for accessibility, and more first-hand experiences give it a narrative voice. It features major trends and research, including the mind-body connection, alternative medicine, and health across the lifespan. Lecturer and student supplements are available. Contents: PART 1: FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY / Introducing Health Psychology / Research in Health Psychology / Biological Foundations of Health and Illness / PART 2: STRESS AND HEALTH / Stress / Coping with Stress / PART 3: BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH / Staying Healthy: Primary Prevention and Positive Psychology / Nutrition, Obesity, and Eating Disorders / Substance Abuse / PART 4: CHRONIC AND LIFE-THREATENING ILLNESSES / Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes / Cancer / HIV and AIDS / PART 5: SEEKING TREATMENT / The Role of Health Psychology in Health Care Settings / Managing Pain / Complementary and Alternative Medicine / PART 6: FUTURE OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY / Health Psychology Today and Tomorrow February 2007 Hardback
750pp £49.99
238x193mm 978-0-7167-6450-2
Industrial Organizational Psychology Understanding the Workplace 3rd edition Paul Levy, University of Akron, USA
The third edition of this acclaimed text introduces students to the psychological factors active in the workplace, including the psychology of the workforce, employee health and well-being, organizational behaviour, motivation, human resources, and various dynamics of work interaction. Contents: Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Then and Now / Research Methods in Industrial/Organizational Psychology / Job Analysis / Criterion Measurement / Performance Appraisal / Predictors / Selection Decisions and Personnel Law / Training and Development / Motivation / Job Attitudes / Stress and Worker WellBeing / Group Process and Work Teams / Leadership / Organizational Theory and Development September 2009 Hardback
528pp £43.99
280x220mm 978-0-230-27960-5
Published by Worth Publishers
Published by Worth Publishers
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How Power Corrupts Cognition and Democracy in Organisations Ricardo Blaug, Senior Lecturer in Political Theory, University of Leeds, UK
This is an interdisciplinary study of the mechanisms by which power corrupts. It incorporates political theory, organizational studies and cognitive science. In particular, it introduces advances in the field of cognitive psychology, which it uses to examine the effects of institutionalized power on how we think. Contents: Introduction / Corruption, Power and Democracy / Psychologies of Power / Individual Cognition / Organisational Knowledge / Democratic Conclusions / Conclusion April 2010 Hardback
192pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21854-3
Language and Professional Identity
Sex, Money, Happiness, and Death The Quest for Authenticity
Aspects of Collaborative Interaction
Manfred Kets de Vries, Professor of Leadership Development and the Clinical Professor of Leadership Development, INSEAD Global Leadership Centre, France
Keith Richards, Associate Professor, Centre for English Language Teacher Education, University of Warwick, UK
This book explores the ways in which professional groups develop specific interactional procedures for conducting and representing their activities, all of which contribute to a distinctive collaborative identity. It highlights the drawbacks as well as the advantages of collaborative talk, pointing to ways of improving professional performance. Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Acknowledgements / Transcription Conventions / Introduction / Collaborative Identity: The Power of the Group / Staying Onside: The Negotiation of Argument / The Joke’s on Them: Varieties of Humour in Collaborative Talk / The Interactional Dynamic: Stories From the Back Region / Seeing Things Our Way: The Establishment of Common Perspectives / Us and Them: Constructing the Other / Conclusion / References / Index July 2009 Paperback
272pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-58011-4
Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational Discourse ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Language & Linguistics Collections
‘Combining insight with his signature wit, Kets de Vries cuts to the bone as he reflects on and gently guides executives, and others, through some of the core issues that bedevil our lives. A book that will linger in memory, creating ever-widening ripples, long after the ephemeral offerings of the usual management literature have disappeared.’ - Dr. Sudhir Kakar, Psychoanalyst, Anthropologist, Novelist ‘Professor Manfred Kets de Vries’ insight into our motivations and levels of emotional intelligence exposes the hidden fact that lies at the heart of business behaviour; namely that we are all human.’ - The Viscount Rothermere, Chairman DMGT The four main tenets of life are explored in this unique new book that examines the issues that touch each executive, or for that matter, people in general. Based on his experiences as a psychoanalyst, professor and leadership coach, the author explores how sex, money, happiness and death affect our work and our lives in general. Contents: Preface / Meditations on Sexual Desire / Meditations on Money / Meditations on Happiness / Meditations on Death / Afterword: The Quest for Authenticity / About the Author / Selected Bibliography April 2009 Hardback
264pp £27.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-57792-3
INSEAD Business press ebook available from: Barnes & Noble, Inc., Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Waterstone’s
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Foucault, Psychology and the Analytics of Power Derek Hook, Lecturer, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
‘This groundbreaking book provides an impassioned argument for Foucault that also locates the work in current debates in social and political theory.’ Ian Parker, Professor of Psychology, Discourse Unit, Manchester, UK ‘…provides an excellent conceptual foundation and reference for the conduct of Foucaultian research…’ - Ari Väänänen, Journal of Health Psychology This book introduces and applies Foucault’s key concepts to the field of psychology and the social sciences. Drawing on Foucault’s Collège de France lectures, it argues for a historical, genealogical analysis of Foucault’s work and examines a wide range of social issues such as racism, sexuality, paedophilia, subjectivity and power. Contents: Introduction / Disciplinarity and the Production of Psychological Individuality / ‘Desubstantializing’ Power: Methodological Injunctions for Analysis / Discourse, Knowledge, Materiality, History: Foucault and Discourse Anaylsis / Foucault’s ‘Philosophy of the Event’: Genealogical Method / Space, Discourse, Power: Heterotopia as Analytics / Governmentality, Racism, Affective Technologies of Subjectivity/Self / Index April 2010 Paperback
320pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-00820-5
Critical Theory and Practice in Psychology and the Human Sciences Series Editor: Tod Sloan
Neurology and Modernity A Cultural History of Nervous Systems, 18001950
Understanding Psychology as a Science
Edited by Laura Salisbury, RCUK Fellow in Science, Technology and Culture, Birkbeck College, UK and Andrew Shail, News International Research Fellow in Film, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford, UK
An Introduction to Scientific and Statistical Inference Zoltan Dienes, University of Sussex, UK
‘This is an exceptional overview of the scientific principles that underpin the discipline, and should be welcomed by teacher, researcher and undergraduate psychology student alike.’ - Helen Henshaw, The Psychologist ‘Dienes relates statistical controversies to general issues in the philosophy of science, and in so doing puts common misconceptions right. The book is full of advice that makes the difference between a mediocre and expert researcher.’ - Professor Josef Perner, University of Salzburg, Austria ‘I can thoroughly recommend this book. Dienes makes topics that are often dull interesting, covers positions he does not favour fairly and comprehensively, and describes all the important issues succinctly. In short, a really nice, brief, but comprehensive account of the important issues underlying psychology understanding.’ - Dr. Roland Baddeley, University of Bristol, UK An accessible and illuminating exploration of the conceptual basis of scientific and statistical inference and the practical impact this has on conducting psychological research. The book encourages a critical discussion of the different approaches and looks at some of the most important thinkers and their influence. Contents: Karl Popper and Demarcation / Kuhn and Lakatos: Paradigms and Programmes / Neyman, Pearson and Hypothesis Testing / Bayes and the Probability of Hypotheses / Fisher and the Likelihood: The Royall Road to Evidence February 2008 Hardback Paperback
184pp £44.99 £16.99
As people of the modern era were singularly prone to nervous disorders, the nervous system became a model for describing political and social organization. This volume untangles the mutual dependencies of scientific neurology and the cultural attitudes of the period 18001950, exploring how and why modernity was a fundamentally nervous state. Contents: List of Figures / Acknowledgments / Notes on Contributors / L.Salisbury & A.Shail: Introduction / M.K.House: Beyond the Brain: Sceptical and Satirical Responses to Gall’s Organology / A.Shail: Neurology and the Invention of Menstruation / H.Ishizuka: Carlyle’s Nervous Dyspepsia: Nervousness, Indigestion and the Experience of Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Britain / J.F.Thrailkill: Railway Spine, Nervous Excess, and the Forensic Self / A.Satz: ‘The Conviction of its Existence:’ Silas Weir Mitchell, Phantom Limbs and Phantom Bodies in Neurology and Spiritualism / G.Rousseau: Modernism and the Two Paranoias: The Neurology of Persecution / S.Trower: ‘Nerve-Vibration’: Therapeutic Technologies in the 1880s and 1890s / M.A.Tata: From Daniel Paul Schreber through the Dr. Phil Family: Modernity, Neurology and the Cult of the Case Study Superstar / V.Plock: ‘I guess I’m just nervous, then’: Neuropathology and Edith Wharton’s Exploration of Interior Geographies / L.Salisbury: Sounds of Silence: Aphasiology and the Subject of Modernity / J.Meyer: Shell Shock as a SelfInflicted Wound, 1915-1921 / J.Walton: Modernity and the Peristaltic Subject / M.Littlefield: Matter for Thought: The Psychon in Neurology, Psychology and American Culture, 1927-1943 February 2010 Hardback
312pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23313-3
246x171mm 978-0-230-54230-3 978-0-230-54231-0
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Madness in the Family
Insanity and Institutions in the Australasian Colonial World, 1860-1914 Catharine Coleborne, Associate Professor, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Madness in the Family explores how colonial families coped with insanity through a trans-colonial study of the relationships between families and public colonial hospitals for the insane in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and New Zealand between 1860 and 1914. Contents: Introduction / Colonial Psychiatry in the Australasian World / Families and the Colonial Hospital System, 1860-1900 / Families and the Language of Insanity / Writing to and from the Asylum / Tracing Families for Maintenance Payments / Porous Boundaries: Families, Patients and Practices of Extra-Institutional Care / Conclusion: Families, Insanity, and the Archive / Appendix: Indications of Insanity noted by Family and Friends of Inmate prior to Committal November 2009 Hardback
240pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57807-4
Series Editor: Richard Stevens
The Mind Shapers Series profiles the life and work of key psychologists and other thinkers who have shaped our ways of thinking about the human condition. Books in the series are highly readable, written in a lucid accessible style while simultaneously offering in-depth coverage of specific ideas and contributions. They are written for the inquisitive reader as well as professionals and students. This series provides authoritative overviews of the most important ideas psychologists have given us about the human mind and behaviour and how they still apply today.
Erich Fromm Shaper of the Human Condition Annette Thomson, The Open University, Glasgow University and Bell College, UK
‘Thomson offers an original and thoughtful re-examination of Erich Fromm’s ideas, placing them in their intellectual and historical context and highlighting their relevance for our times. This book is scholarly, but written with refreshing clarity. I recommend it highly.’ - David Ingleby, Professor of Intercultural Psychology, Utrecht University , The Netherlands Fromm was one of the most influential psychoanalysts and social commentators of the twentieth century. Thomson’s fresh look at his work introduces his views on human nature, personal relationships and therapy, showing how his unique enquiry into the human condition offers thoughtprovoking guidance for radical changes to society and our personal lives. Contents: A Short Biography / Fromm’s View of a Man / Loving-A Special Art? / The Art of Psychotherapy / What’s Wrong with Society? / Burning Boats or Building Bridges? / The Relevance of Fromm’s Ideas in our Time September 2009 Paperback
192pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-51655-7
Burrhus F. Skinner The Shaping of Behaviour Frederick Toates, Professor of Biological Science, The Open University. UK
‘This is a remarkably thoughtful and illuminating account of this major figure in psychology.’ - Kent Berridge, Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan, USA ‘Fred Toates offers a well-written exposition of the various controversies and contributions of B.F. Skinner arguing that Skinner’s influence is comparable to that of Copernicus and Darwin.’ - Susan M. Koger, Professor of Psychology, Willamette University, USA, and co-author of The Psychology of Environmental Problems ‘I recommend this book to anyone who wants, in an interesting and enjoyable way, to learn about some of the best ideas any psychologist has had about how we might move towards more sustainable and peaceful living. Philosophical and theoretical discussions of Skinner’s legacy will continue, but the practical value of his work is undeniable and this book presents his views in a way that is open to everyone.’ - John Scull, PHD, retired Behavioural Neuropsychologist An illuminating, highly readable and balanced introduction to one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century whose ideas continue to polarize opinion. Toates highlights how Skinner’s views on behaviourism, family conflict, penal policy and issues of global survival have great relevance to society today. Contents: Who was B.F. Skinner? / Biography, Background and Impact / Looking at the Evidence / Linking Skinner to Other Perspectives on Behaviour / The Relationship with Biology / Determinism, Freedom and Autonomy / Skinnerian Advice for Living Life / Social Policy / Development and Education / Helping to Ease Human Suffering / Ethics, Religion and the Skinnerian Good Life / The Environment and a Sustainable Future / Conclusions September 2009 Paperback
216pp £9.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-21866-6
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Stanley Milgram
Erik H. Erikson
George Kelly
Understanding Obedience and its Implications
Explorer of Identity and the Life Cycle
The Psychology of Personal Constructs
Peter Lunt, Professor of Media and Communications, Brunel University of West London, UK
Richard Stevens, Senior Lecturer, The Open University, UK
Trevor Butt, Reader in Psychology, University of Huddersfield, UK
‘An impressive and scholarly examination of Milgram’s work and intellectual legacy. Deserving of a place on the bookshelf of any academic who cares about the past, present and future of social psychology.’ - Richard Wiseman, Professor, University of Hertfordshire and author of Quirkology and The Luck Factor
Erikson has been described as ‘probably the most significant post-Freudian thinker’ with a ‘unique and profound vision’. Even President Clinton was an admirer. Stevens provides an in-depth yet accessible road map to Erikson’s influential ideas on childhood development, identity, the life cycle and psychohistory, showing their relevance to the world today.
Kelly’s pragmatic approach to psychology arose from his clinical practice and has been a strong formative influence on clinical psychology and personality theory. Taking us through the development of Kelly’s work and setting it in its historical context, this is a fascinating account of one of the foremost personality theories of the twentieth century.
Contents: Introduction / A Brief Biography / Triple Book-Keeping / The Life Cycle / Psychosocial Identity / Psychobiographical Studies / The Nature of Erikson’s Contribution / Appendix: Exercises in Self-Awareness / References / Index
Contents: Preface / Issues in Personality / A Pragmatic Approach / Personal Construction and Meaning / A New Humanism / The Problem of Choice / Psychological Change and Reconstruction / The Unconscious and Human Destructiveness / A Psychology of Understanding / Further Reading / Index
A fascinating introduction to Stanley Milgram, best known for his experiments on obedience. Lunt explores Milgram’s influence in social psychology, looking at the implications of his work on questions surrounding political agency and subjectivity. Locating Milgram’s work against a backdrop of social change, this is an engaging, authoritative read. Contents: Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Experiments / Milgram’s Theory and Explanation of his Findings / The Reaction of the Psychological Community / Power, Domination and the Sociology of the Holocaust / Political Culture, Political Theory and Social Influence / The Individual in a Social World / Contemporary Resonance of Milgram’s Research / Afterword September 2009 Paperback
176pp £9.99
March 2008 Paperback
152pp £11.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9986-3
March 2008 Paperback
160pp £11.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-00841-0
216x138mm 978-0-230-57315-4
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
Sigmund Freud
Examining the Essence of his Contribution Richard Stevens, Senior Lecturer, The Open University, UK
A beautifully written exposition of Freud’s ideas and how they emerged from the zeitgeist of the age. Stevens offers students and general readers a stimulating and uniquely balanced assessment of Freud’s work. He also examines its implications for society and for understanding the person. The best and most readable introduction to Freud available. Contents: Preface / Prelude: The Individual as Integrator / FREUD AND PSYCHOANALYSIS / Freud-The Man / The Unconscious / Psychosexual Development / Psychodynamics / Theory of Neurosis / The Practice of Analysis as Therapy / Freud’s Progeny - Developments in Psychoanalysis / THE NATURE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS / Integration and Interpretation / Psychoanalysis as Science / The Significance of Meaning / A Personal Creation / Moral Implications and Social Impact / The Relevance of Freud Today / APPENDIX: EXERCISES IN SELFAWARENESS / References and Notes / Index March 2008 Paperback
208pp £11.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9985-6
Please use the following ISBN to order all titles in the series: Paperback: 978-1-4039-9410-3
Psychoanalysis Inside and Out
Psychopedagogy Freud, Lacan, and the Psychoanalytic Theory of Education K. Daniel Cho, Assistant Professor of Education and Director, Program in Critical Theory, Otterbein College, USA
Stephen Frosh, Professor of Psychology and Pro-ViceMaster, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
Psychoanalytic theory offers an interesting insight into the study of culture and the arts. This unique book explains how clinical concepts inform and engage with key issues throughout the humanities and social sciences. Accessible and comprehensive, this is an important book for students and academics alike. Contents: Applied Psychoanalysis: Beyond the clinic / Early Work: Freud on Art and Culture / Post-Freudian Writing on Politics and Culture / Psychoanalysis in Social Theory / Analysing the Dead: The Dangers of Psychobiography / The Literary Imagination / Film, Music and Other Scenes Performing Psychoanalysis: The Idea of Ethical Encounters / Conclusion: The Future of Psychoanalysis in the Humanities and Social Sciences November 2010 Hardback Paperback
240pp £55.00 £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-21031-8 978-0-230-21032-5
Examining the work of Lacan and Freud, Cho argues that a theory of pedagogy is already embedded within psychoanalysis. Psychopedagogy is the name given to this embedded theory. Through a discussion of key psychoanalytic concepts, as well as a variety of other topics, Cho develops the contours of psychopedagogy. Contents: Pedagogy with Psychoanalysis / PART I: PROLEGOMENA TO ANY FUTURE PSYCHOPEDAGOGY / The Unconscious: A Form of Knowledge / On the Ego and Other Strategies of Resistance / Transference or, When Discourses Shift: Toward a Theory of Psychopedagogical Technique / PART II: SECONDARY REVISIONS / Wo es war: Marxism, the Unconscious, and Subjectivity / Pedagogy of the Repressed or, Repetition as a Pedagogical Factor / Education by Way of Truths: Lacan with Badion / Lessons of Love: On Pedagogical Love / Teaching Abjection: The Politics of Psychopedagogy July 2009 Hardback
208pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-60608-1
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
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Extreme Fear The Science of Your Mind in Danger
In Your Face
Jeff Wise, Science Writer, Contributing Editor at Popular Mechanics and Travel and Leisure, Writer for the New York Times Magazine, Popular Science, Outside, National Geographic and more
The New Science of Human Attraction David Perrett, Professor of Psychology, University of St Andrews., UK, recipient of the ‘Golden Brain’ Award for his discoveries about the way the brain processes faces, pioneer of the use of computer graphics to study the perception of facial attributes such as beauty, health and personality, and editor of Processing the Facial Image and Brain Mechanisms for Perception and Memory: From Neuron to Behaviour
What makes a face attractive? Why are we attracted to certain faces and not others? In this highly readable account from the frontiers of psychology, one of the world’s foremost experts in face perception, David Perrett, explains how the human face evolved and how our perceptions of the face affect our judgments of others’ personality, health, trustworthiness, and suitability as a friend or lover. September 2010 Hardback
304pp £14.99
240x159mm 978-0-230-20129-3
‘Extreme Fear is extremely good, extremely important, and extremely well-written.’ - Christopher McDougall, author of the New York Times bestselling Born to Run: The Rise of Ultrarunning and the Super-athlete Tribe ‘Jeff Wise has a knack both for gripping accounts of real adventure and an impressive understanding of cutting-edge science.’ - Robert Young Pelton, author The World’s Most Dangerous Places An acclaimed science journalist offers a riveting account of how people process extreme fear. Having jumped out of planes and scaled vertical cliff faces, Wise uses his adventures and draws on current brain research to weave an energetic tale of how the human spirit uses fear to triumph in the face of challenges. January 2010 Hardback
256pp £16.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-61439-0
Published by Macmillan Science
Research in Psychoanalysis
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Couch Fiction A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy Philippa Perry, Author; Psychotherapist, Psychotherapy Supervisor; Fine Art Graduate, UK Illustrated by Junko Grant Afterword by Andrew Samuels
‘I loved it. I smiled and laughed. And nodded. One to read for sure.’ - Susie Orbach, Author and Columnist ‘The charming pictures show psychotherapy working; the witty and brilliant notes explain how and why.’ - Dr Stella Tillyard, author of Aristocrats What is it like to be a fly on a psychotherapist’s wall? This compelling case study in the form of a graphic novel vividly explores a year’s therapy sessions as a search for understanding and truth. Told in a witty and thought-provoking manner, each engagingly illustrated scene is accompanied by deft commentary. April 2010 Paperback
152pp £12.99
167x195mm 978-0-230-25203-5
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INDEX Beckmann The Social Construction of Sexuality and Perversion
Behavioral Genetics Plomin DeFries McClearn McGuffin
Albery Moss Dyer Psychology of Addictive Behaviour 4
Berger The Developing Person Through the Life Span
Alcock Animal Behavior
Biological Psychology Breedlove Rosenzweig Watson
Biological Psychology Klein Thorne
A Abnormal Psychology Comer Adams The Psychology Companion
Anastasio Tutorial on Neural Systems Modeling
31 4
22 24
Anderson Cognitive Psychology and its Implications 26
Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Hypnosis Green
Animal Behavior Alcock
Birch Developmental Psychology
Animal Cognition Wynne
Blaug How Power Corrupts
Blumenfeld Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases
Approaches to Consciousness Lancaster 27
Bouton Learning and Behavior
Approaches to the Individual Chalari
Aronson The Social Animal
Brace Kemp Snelgar SPSS for Psychologists
Bracher Radical Pedagogy
Breedlove Rosenzweig Watson Biological Psychology
Applying Social Psychology Kremer Sheehy Reilly Trew Muldoon
Aspects of Violence Schinkel Aspelmeier Pierce SPSS: A User Friendly Approach
Bacon Twins in Society
Bandura Self Efficacy
Barratt The Emergence of Somatic Psychology and Bodymind Therapy Barrett Dunbar Lycett Human Evolutionary Psychology The Basic Practice of Statistics Moore Bazzett An Introduction to Behavior Genetics
Buckley Healing Our Autistic Children 32
Banyard Grayson Introducing Psychological Research
4 34 22 9 21
Burnett Contemporary Adulthood
Burrhus F. Skinner Toates
Butt George Kelly
39 C 22
Chalari Approaches to the Individual
Children, Food and Identity in Everyday Life James Kjørholt Tingstad
Churchill The Troubled Mind
Cognitive Psychology and its Implications Anderson
Coleborne Madness in the Family
Comer Abnormal Psychology
Comer Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology
Community Psychology Nelson Prilleltensky
Contemporary Adulthood Burnett
Contesting Stories of Childhood Sexual Abuse Woodiwiss
Couch Fiction Perry
Critical Narrative Analysis in Psychology Emerson Frosh
Critical Social Psychology Gough McFadden
Culture & Psychological Development Nabuzoka Empson
D Daloz The Sociology of Elite Distinction 18 Dangerous Discourses of Disability, Subjectivity and Sexuality Shildrick
Davies Doing a Successful Research Project 7 Day Sclater Jones Price Yates Emotion 29
Cartwright Evolution and Human Behaviour Changing Families, Changing Food Jackson
Cho Psychopedagogy
19 13
The Developing Person Through the Life Span Berger
The Development of Children Lightfoot Cole
Developmental Psychology Birch
Dienes Understanding Psychology
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
INDEX as a Science
Discovering Human Sexuality LeVay Baldwin
Discovering Psychology Hockenbury Doing a Successful Research Project Davies
2 7
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Huettel Song McCarthy
Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology Comer 30 Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology Kolb Whishaw
The Emergence of Somatic Psychology and Bodymind Therapy Barratt 34 Emerson Frosh Critical Narrative Analysis in Psychology
Emotion Day Sclater Jones Price Yates
Emotion Science Fox
Erich Fromm Thomson
Erik H. Erikson Stevens
Evolution and Human Behaviour Cartwright
Exploring Psychology Myers
Extreme Fear Wise
41 F
Fernando Mental Health, Race and Culture Forensic Psychology Scott
33 5
Foster-Cohen Language Acquisition Foucault, Psychology and the Analytics of Power Hook
Drugs Handbook 2010 Volans Wiseman 23 E
Hockenbury Discovering Psychology 25
Gender and Colonialism Moane
George Kelly Butt
Giles Psychology of the Media
Gillen Cameron International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research 13
Hogh-Olesen Human Morality & Sociality
Holt Walker Research with People
Hook Foucault, Psychology and the Analytics of Power
How Children Develop Siegler DeLoache Eisenberg 11 How Power Corrupts Blaug
Huettel Song McCarthy Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Gough McFadden Critical Social Psychology
Human Evolutionary Psychology Barrett Dunbar Lycett 22
Gough Robertson Men, Masculinities and Health
Human Morality & Sociality Hogh-Olesen
Gray Psychology
Identity in the 21st Century Wetherell
Green Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Hypnosis
The Impact of 9/11 on Psychology and Education Morgan
Greer Mulhern Making Sense of Data and Statistics in Psychology
In Your Face Perrett
Industrial Organizational Psychology Levy
Griggs Psychology
Growing Minds Thornton
H 18
Foundation Mathematics Stroud Booth 10
Healing Our Autistic Children Buckley
Fox Emotion Science
Health Psychology Rodham
From Neuron to Brain Nicholls Fuchs Martin Wallace
Frosh Psychoanalysis Inside and Out
Hodgetts Drew Sonn Stolte Nikora Curtis Social Psychology and Everyday Life 15
Gluck Mercado Myers Learning and Memory
Halling Intimacy, Transcendence and Psychology
Health Psychology Straub
Heaton The Talking Cure
Intelligence and Learning Lund
International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research Gillen Cameron
Intimacy, Transcendence and Psychology Halling
Introducing Psychological Research Banyard Grayson An Introduction to Behavior Genetics Bazzett An Introduction to Brain and Behavior
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4 21
INDEX Kolb Whishaw
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics Moore McCabe Craig 10 Introductory Psychology Malim Birch
James Kjørholt Tingstad Children, Food and Identity in Everyday Life
Kets de Vries Sex, Money, Happiness, and Death
Klein Thorne Biological Psychology
Kolb Whishaw An Introduction to Brain and Behavior 20 Kolb Whishaw Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology 26 17
L Lancaster Approaches to Consciousness 27 Language Acquisition Foster-Cohen
6 39
Kremer Sheehy Reilly Trew Muldoon Applying Social Psychology
Lightfoot Cole The Development of Children Lunt Stanley Milgram
Joinson Understanding the Psychology of Internet Behaviour 19 Julien A Primer of Drug Action
Lund Intelligence and Learning
J Jackson Changing Families, Changing Food
Levy Industrial Organizational Psychology
The Myth of the Chemical Cure Moncrieff
N Nabuzoka Empson Culture & Psychological Development
Nelson Prilleltensky Community Psychology
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