Rights Guide July - December 2012
WELCOME to the Palgrave Macmillan July - December 2012 Rights Guide. This catalogue features some of our newest books available for translation, introducing you to the broad selection of titles we have available. If you are interested in any of the titles featured in our Rights Guide, please contact us at the email address below. Provided that the appropriate language rights are available, we will be pleased to send you reading copies to review. We look forward to working with you. Elisa Risquez – Senior Foreign Rights Executive Lauren Russell – Rights Co-ordinator
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Contents 2
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21st Century Management Leadership and Innovation in the Thought Economy
From Complexity to Simplicity Unleash Your Organisation’s Potential Simon Collinson, Professor of International Business and Innovation at Henley Business School, Reading University (UK) and Guangbiao Chair Professor, Zhejiang University (China) and Melvin Jay, Founder and CEO of the Simplicity Partnership. He has over 25 years of commercial and consulting experience.
'This is an excellent book and tackles one of the biggest issues facing global companies ‑ complexity. It provides simple and insightful ways on how an organisation can look at its level of complexity and ideas on how to simplify.' - Mike Johnson, CEO Castrol Complexity is slowing companies down, costing them on average 10% of their profits. Based on cutting-edge research, this practical ‘how to’ guide will show businesses how to remove complexity to boost profits and morale. Contents: What is Complexity, What is Simplicity? / The True Cost of Complexity: What are the Business & Human Consequences of Complexity / What are the Causes of Complexity?: The Human Factor / Where Complexity Hides in Your Company and how to Find it? / How to Work Out how much Complexity is Actually Costing You / How to Remove Complexity / 20 Quick and Easy Things You Can Do / The Simplicity Tool Kit / How to Remove Product Complexity / How to Remove Strategic Complexity / How to Remove Process Complexity / How to Simplify Management Information and Reporting / How to Remove Organisational Complexity / How to Change the Management Behaviours that Cause Complexity / Communicating with Simplicity September 2012 304 pp 234x156mm 69 figures, 5 b/w tables Hardback £19.99 978-1-137-00621-9 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=575979
2 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
Mats Lindgren, CEO, Kairos Future Group
Explores the changing business landscape of the 21st century and what it means for organizations. The author presents a new model for how to think about and handle the complex world of business from a managerial and innovative perspective with tips and tools for motivating and engaging your organization, clients and customers. Contents: Introduction / The Thought Economy and the New Knowledge Paradigm / The Five Principles for Winning the Future / Dancing With the Data / Dancing With the Future / Dancing With Ideas / Dancing With the Customers / Dancing With People / Building the Connected Organization September 2012 240 pp 234x156mm 38 figures, 11 b/w tables Hardback £26.00 978-0-230-29789-0 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=503111
Making Negotiations Predictable
New Mega Trends
What Science Tells Us?
Implications for our Future Lives Dr David De Cremer, Professor of Behavioural Business Ethics at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and Madan Pillutla , Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School (UK)
Everybody in business is involved in negotiating internally and externally. The impact of this can have consequences for revenue and profitability, so it is more important than ever to be an effective negotiator for business success. In Making Negotiations Predictable, two global experts give crucial insights into getting it right. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / PART 2: NEGOTIATION BASICS: STRUCTURE AND PROCESS / PART 3: COGNITIVE ERRORS OF NEGOTIATORS / PART 4: EMOTIONS AND INTUITION / PART 5: THE IMPACT OF FRAMING ON NEGOTIATIONS / PART 6: TRUST AND DISTRUST / PART 7: POWER/ PART 8: FAIRNESS / PART 9: 'MOVING FORWARD TO AN AGREEMENT - SURVEY' October 2012 208 pp 234x156mm Hardback £26.00 978-1-137-02478-7 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=591358
Sarwant Singh, Partner of Frost and Sullivan, the business research and consulting firm responsible for developing and implementing business strategy and the fulfilment of high-value consulting projects. He is a regular speaker at conferences and has featured regularly on BBC TV, CNBC, Bloomberg TV and the in the Financial Times
'Based on substantial research, including data from many Fortune 100 companies, this is a practical book to help organisations cope and profit from the enormous changes that are redefining our world. This will appeal to a broad range of executive and professional readers.' - The Bookseller 'Fifteen years ago Frances Cairncross predicted the Death of Distance. In the age of social media we know that futurology with an accent on technology is a key for politicians, business people and all of us as citizens of this ever crowded planet. Singh has laid out a fascinating scenario which should make us think hard about the world our children are going to inherit.' - Steve Norris Former British Minister and London Mayoral candidate (UK) New Mega Trends predicts the ten trends that will make the greatest impact to business - and our lives - in the future and offers practical advice on how to profit from them. Contents: E-Mobility / Urbanization / Health, Wellness and Well-Being / Social Trends / New Battlefields / Virtual Connected World / Innovating to Zero / Value For Money Business Models / Smart is the New Green / From Planes to Trains September 2012 278 pp 234x156mm 18 figures, 4 b/w tables Hardback £20.00 978-1-137-00808-4 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=577423
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 3
Lifestyle Brands
Marketing to the Ageing Consumer
A Guide to Aspirational Marketing
Understanding Age-Friendly Business
Stefania Saviolo, Professor in Management and Technology at SDA Bocconi (Italy). She has published widely in Italian and in the Harvard Business Review China. Antonion Marazza, CEO of the Milan office of Landor Associates, one of the world’s leading branding consultancies, and is a member of the European board of directors. His branding experience covers a wide range of industries, including financial services, consumer goods, B2B, oil, leisure and luxury in brand strategy, naming, corporate branding, and product branding. What do brands like Apple, Diesel, Abercrombie & Fitch and Virgin have in common and what differentiates them from other brands? These brands are able to maintain a relationship with their clients that goes beyond brand loyalty. This gives a complete analysis of Lifestyle Brands, that inspire, guide and motivate beyond product benefits alone. Contents: Introduction - Brands and Symbolic Value / Brands and Social Identities: an Increasingly Close Link / The Brand: What is it, How it Builds Value and Why We Grow Fond of it / From Authority to Lifestyle: a Mapping of Brands With High Symbolic Value / How Lifestyle Brands Work: an Interpretative Model / The Model in Action / The Economic Impact and Financial Equity of the Brand / Examples include Patagonia, Nike, The Body Shop, Abercrombie & Fitch, Club Med, Diesel, Apple, Virgin
All languages available except Italian November 2012 224 pp 234x156mm 12 figures, 1 b/w table Hardback £26.00 978-1-137-28592-8 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=643054
4 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
Dick Stroud, Founder and MD of the marketing consultancy 20plus30 that works exclusively in understanding and targeting older consumers and Kim Walker, Founder and CEO of Silver a business consultancy that helps companies leverage the opportunities presented by the ageing demographic
Understand the impact of a global ageing population on how products are bought, and the effect this has on how to market and advertise these products and services to the older generation of consumers. Marketing to the Ageing Consumer contains models for companies to evaluate the success of their own strategies, with tools for improving their age-friendly marketing campaigns. Contents: Introduction / How Marketing to Older Consumers has Changed / Why There is a Problem and an Opportunity Introduction to the Physiology of Ageing / A Model for Understanding Customer Touch Points / Ageing of the Senses / Ageing of the Mind / Ageing of the Body / The Concept of Age-Friendliness and how it can be Measured / The Silver Audit Tool and the Outputs it Provides / Creating an ‘Age-Friendly’ Strategy / The Importance of Applying the Age-Friendly Audit to HR and Public Policy / The Future Questions and Some Answers November 2012 256 pp 234x156mm Hardback £19.99 978-0-230-37819-3 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=568055
The Social Media Manifesto Jed Hallam, Social Director of VCCP Share, focusing on helping brands to connect with their stakeholders more effectively using social technology. VCCP is owned by Chime Group, the leading PR, Advertising and Marketing Services group. Amongst his clients are 02, News International, Unilever and McDonalds. Prior to this he helped to build Wolfstar Consultancy (one of the UK’s first social media consultancies) where he bought in global clients such as the Discovery Channel, Sony Ericsson and GlaxoSmithKline. He was Head of Innovation at VCCP before launching VCCP Share. Jed is recognized as one of the most influential marketing bloggers in the world by AdAge. He has spoken at numerous IBM conferences and been awarded many PR and Marketing awards and is a contributor to the recently published Social Media MBA.
The Social Media Manifesto is a handbook to enable leaders from across the whole business to understand how social technology can be incorporated into their business, with practical advice, case studies, and insights from global thought leaders. While social media marketing has been widely covered in various books, the application of social technology across wider business functions and its role within the whole business is still an emerging area for understanding. Hallam is uniquely placed to write this and to include case studies of companies he has worked with to provide insight into how a social business is successfully built. He argues that this is not just about technology or marketing, but about human insight, the way people work together, and the organizational culture. Case studies include: Google, IBM, News International, Spotify and Unilever. Contents: Introduction / Brand versus Business / The Death of Digital, Mobile and Social Strategies / Organsational Structure / Marketing / PR / Sales / Research and Development / Human Resources / Management and Strategy / CSR and Community Relations / Customer Service / Retail / Next Steps November 2012 192 pp 234x156mm Hardback £19.99 978-1-137-27141-9 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=632860
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 5
Defending Your Brand
How Smart Companies use Defensive Strategy to Deal with Competitive Attacks
A Concise Introduction
Tim Calkins, Clinical Professor of Marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management (USA) and co-academic director of Kellogg’s branding program. In addition to teaching at Kellogg, he works with major corporations, including Abbot Laboratories, Baxter, and Northwestern Mutual Life, on marketing strategy and branding issues
Richard Pettinger, Business and Management Consultant, Lecturer in Management, University College London, (UK)
Calkins shows businesses how to create and maintain a defensive strategy including: how to understand and get competitive intelligence; how to determine if your brand or company is at risk; how to create a defensive strategy; limiting risk and preventing a trial; understanding your own IP as a weapon - and much more.
'A comprehensive overview of management giving business students an understanding of the key challenges and opportunities facing managers in the 21st century with a practical focus on issues at both micro and macro levels.'- Dr.David Banner, University of Westminster (UK)
Contents: Introduction / The Threat / The Financial Challenge / Know Your Enemy / Competitive Intelligence / The Key Question / Planning the Defense / Stopping the Launch / Blocking Distribution / Limiting Awareness / Preventing Trial / Fighting Repeat / Defense Never Ends / Defensive Strategy for Innovators / A Cautionary Word about Competition Law
Management: A Concise Introduction has been written with the student in mind - short chapters, easy identification of the key points and revision-friendly sections. Backed by robust academic theory with plenty of pedagogical features, it has an engaging style and is, all in all, everything a student needs to understand the subject and pass the exam.
November 2012 304 pp 229x152mm 20 figures Hardback £18.99 978-0-230-34034-3
Contents: PART 1: THE FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT / Preface / Introduction / Organisations, Managers and the Environment / Managing in a Changing Environment / Management Ethics and Risk / The Practice of Management / PART 2: ORGANISATIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT / Culture and Structure / Communication / Organisation Politics / Human Resource Management / Leadership and Management / PART 3: STRATEGY, POLICY, DIRECTION AND PRIORITIES / Strategy, Policy and Direction / Marketing / Managing Operations and Projects / Financial and Quantitative Aspects of Management / Performance Management / PART 4: ENDURING PRIORITIES OF MANAGEMENT / The Management of Risk / Management and Motivation / Management on a Daily Basis / Management Development / Conclusions: Managing for the Present and Future
September 2012 464 pp 234x177mm 20 b/w line drawings, 10 b/w tables Paperback £26.99 978-0-230-28535-4 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=415380
6 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
Project Management
Business Accounting
A Problem-Based Approach
An Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting 2nd edition
Bennet P. Lientz, Professor at UCLA Anderson School of Management (USA)
'This extremely useful handbook offers a definitive list of issues extracted from a database of project problems. It thus provides a unique resource for project managers looking to address project problems, improve their practice and deliver projects successfully.' Professor Darren Dalcher, National Centre for Project Management (UK) An ideal course text that helps students to identify, manage and solve problems that arise during the lifecycle of projects. This problem-based approach encourages students to develop analytical and problem-solving skills and to get a more complete understanding of the factors that contribute to project success. Contents: Preface / PART 1: INTRODUCTION / Introduction / Project Management Methodologies and Problem Management / PART 2: THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT / Project Identification and Concept / Project Planning / Project Execution / Manage Multiple Projects and Resource Allocation / Project Implementation / PART 3: BUSINESS PROBLEMS / Business Units / Business Employees / Business Processes / Business Unit Management / PART 4: MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS / Management / Company Policies and Procedures / Company Organization / PART 5: VENDOR PROBLEMS / Vendor / Vendor Management / Vendor Staff / Vendor Methods and Tools / Vendor Work / PART 6: PROJECT PROBLEMS / Single Project / Multiple Projects and the Project Portfolio / Project Leader / Project Team / Risk Management / Project Methods and Tools / Project Plan / PART 7: PROBLEMS RELATED TO GOVERNMENT AND CULTURE / Government Regulation / Country Culture and Society / PART 8: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROBLEMS / IT Infrastructure / IT Systems / IT Management / IT Staff / IT Methods and Tools / Appendix / Bibliography and References / Web Sites / Index
Jill Collis, Director of Accounting and Auditing Research Centre, Brunel University (UK) and Andrew Holt, Principal Lecturer in Accounting, Kingston Business School, Kingston University (UK) and International Business School, (China)
'Business Accounting is an absolute must for any student studying introductory financial or management accounting either on a specialist accounting or other degree. It manages to simplify difficult concepts and communicate them in an interesting and logical sequence.' - Dr. Mark Farmer, Kingston University (UK) Business Accounting covers financial and management accounting in an accessible, non-technical style that is particularly suitable for undergraduate students of business & finance and MBAs. The active-learning approach seeks to convey the ability to understand and evaluate financial information for a range of business services. Contents: PART 1: THE WORLD OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE / Introduction to Business Accounting / The Importance of Cash / PART 2: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING / The Accounting System / Regulatory Framework for Financial Reporting / Conceptual framework for Financial Reporting / Statement of Comprehensive Income / Statement of Financial Position / Consolidated Financial Statements / Analysing Financial Statements / Ethics, Governance and Corporate Social Reporting / PART 3: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING / The Importance of Cost Information / Costing for Product Direct Costs / Costing for Indirect Costs / Costing for Specific Orders and Continuous Operations / Activity-based Costing / Marginal Costing / Budgetary Control / Standard Costing / Capital Investment Control / Discounting Methods of Investment Appraisal / Issues in Management Accounting / Appendix: Present Value Table / Acronyms / Glossary of terms / Index
October 2012 528 pp 234x156mm 30 b/w tables, 20 b/w line drawings Paperback £42.99 978-0-230-34849-3
June 2012 472 pp 246x189mm 20 b/w tables, 20 b/w line drawings Paperback £34.99 978-0-230-27623-9
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 7
Corporate Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Large Organisations 3rd edition Paul Burns, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Dean, University of Bedford Business School (UK). He is Fellow and a former President of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). He is a chartered accountant, having worked for Arthur Andersen in London
This innovative text considers the personal qualities of successful entrepreneurs and the manner in which they do business. It demonstrates how these qualities can be replicated to form an organisational architecture that encourages entrepreneurship at all levels within a company. Contents: PART 1: THE ENTREPRENEURIAL DNA / The Entrepreneurial Revolution / Entrepreneur Superhero / Entrepreneur Spiderman / Entrepreneurial Architecture / PART 2: LEADING AND MANAGING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL ORGANISATION / Entrepreneurial Leadership / Creating the Entrepreneurial Culture / Building the Entrepreneurial Organisation / Managing the Entrepreneurial Organisation / PART 3: STRATEGIES FOR THE ENTREPRENEURIAL ORGANISATION / Entrepreneurial Strategies / Lifecycle and Portfolio Strategies / Developing Strategies for Growth / PART 4: ENCOURAGING CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION / Entrepreneurial Innovation / Encouraging Creativity / Encouraging Marketing and Product Innovation / Epilogue November 2012 544 pp 246x189mm 15 b/w tables, 25 b/w line drawings Paperback £39.99 978-0-230-30403-1 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=496011
Communication Across Cultures Edited by Elizabeth Christopher, Honorary Associate of Macquarie University, Sydney (Australia), a consultant to Open Universities Australia and Senior Associate of CSA, a leadership training consultancy based in Hawaii
'Elizabeth Christopher has done an excellent job in bringing together an impressive array of very competent scholars who are diverse in their academic disciplines, background of life experience, and geography location to address the issues of Communication Across Cultures in a fresh way. Every reader will gain from this insightful and perceptive collection on an enormously complex topic presented clearly yet without oversimplification.' - Larry E. Smith, Executive Director of The Global Challenge Program, (USA) A new textbook exploring communication in international management. Provides a comprehensive overview of the field, summarising the key theoretical perspectives and introducing students to the multi-cultural ‘big picture’ in which global business operates. Experts provide a wealth of cases and other learning and teaching resources. Contents: PART 1: THE FIRST DIMENSION OF COMMUNICATION ACROSS CULTURES: DIFFERENT VOICES / Leading and Motivating Across Cultures / Like and Unlike: Different Communication Styles / Noise and Silence: Verbal and Non-verbal Communication / PART 2: THE SECOND DIMENSION: COMMUNICATION AT WORK / The Micro-Environment of Diversity at Work: Gender Factors and Minority Roles in Workplace Communication / ‘I Don’t Like It Here’: Culture Shock and Adjustment / Learning and Teaching Across Cultures / PART 3: THE THIRD DIMENSION: GOING GLOBAL / Command and Control: International Negotiations and Alliances / Communication Webs and Organisational Networks / PART 4: THE FOURTH DIMENSION: COMMUNICATION MEDIA / Voices in Cyberspace: Messages by Mass Media / Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Ethical Behaviour, Social Responsibility and Protecting the Environment September 2012 424 pp 234x156mm Paperback £31.99 978-0-230-27567-6 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=415861
8 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
Future Asia The New Gold Rush in the East
Modern Money Theory A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems Professor L. Randall Wray, Professor of Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City (USA) as well as Research Director for the Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, and Senior Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York (USA)
'This book paves the way for another revolution in macroeconomics. Building on the insights of the most important thinkers of the 20th Century, Wray shows us how an economy with modern money works and, more importantly, how it can be used to lift us to a more prosperous tomorrow.' - Stephanie Kelton, University of Missouri-Kansas City (USA) In a challenge to conventional views on modern monetary and fiscal policy, this book presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how the mystification of the nature of money has constrained governments, and prevented states from acting in the public interest. Contents: Basics of Macro Accounting / Spending by Issuer of Sovereign Currency / Basics of the Operation of Domestic Monetary Systems / Fiscal Operations / Alternative Policy for Sovereign Currencies / Modern Money and Macro Stabilizers / What is Money? Conclusions on the Nature of Money
Rajiv Biswas, Senior Director and Asia Chief Economist at IHS Global Insight, has previously worked as an Asia-Pacific expert for The Economist Group, UBS, The Commonwealth Secretariat, the Royal Bank of Scotland, and the Japanese government. He has published widely on a range of economic, trade and investment-related topics, with over 100 published articles
With traditional growth engines failing, the world is looking to Asia for economic salvation. This book charts the rise of China, India and ASEAN nations, who are increasingly being seen as the new growth drivers for the world, and discusses the imminence of a new global economic order. Contents: Introduction / Through Night and Blood to Light: The Asian Ascendancy / The New Gold Rush: The Rise of the Asian Consumer / Emerging Asian Multinationals: A Clash of Titans / The Ascent of Asian Finance / China: Rising Superpower or Coming Collapse / Can India Eclipse China? / Japan: The Next Greece? / Indonesia: Asia’s Next BRIC Economy / Wild, Wild, East: Asia’s New Frontier Economies / Future Asia: Conflict or Cooperation? / Conclusion: The Four Engines of Asian Growth December 2012 200 pp 234x156mm 8 figures, 15 b/w tables Hardback £26.99 978-1-137-02721-4 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=592886
August 2012 312 pp 216x138mm 3 b/w tables, 19 figures Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-36889-7 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=548208
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 9
The Executive’s Guide to Financial Management
The Efficient Market Hypothesists Bachelier, Samuelson, Fama, Ross, Tobin and Shiller
Improving Risk, Strategy, and Financial Performance Dewey Norton, CFO and corporate controller of numerous international public companies in technology and manufacturing where he has led financial turnarounds, support of exponential growth, acquisitions, divestitures, formation of joint ventures, SEC reporting, negotiation of large scale loan agreements and raising equity. He has worked at Ford Motor Company, GKN, Baldwin Filters, Avista Laboratories, Robert Half Management Resources and several entrepreneurial companies A guide to expand and enhance the tools available to financial professionals to solve problems effectively, efficiently and to strengthen accounting controls. This is the result of an extensive effort to develop an innovative, highly practical approach to the task of improving financial management and cash flow. Contents: Introduction / Risk Management, Competitive Strategy and External Views of the Firm / Assess Senior Management and External Relationships / Assess Financial Performance / Analyze Business Processes, then Optimize / Manage Cash Flow / Manage Assets, Liabilities and Equity / Improve Profits / Strategic Plans, Budgets and Financial Models / Transition to IFRS / Systems: from Albatross to Advantage / Develop, Sell and Implement an Improvement Plan / Applications / Paths to Success and Paths to Failure / Conclusions December 2012 448 pp 234x156mm Hardback £55.00 978-0-230-34195-1 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=632674
10 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
Professor Colin Read, Professor of Economics and Finance, former dean of the School of Business and Economics at SUNY College at Plattsburgh (USA)
Describes the lives, theories, and legacies of six great minds in finance who changed the way we look at financial markets and equilibrium. Bachelier, Samuelson, Fama, Ross, Tobin, and Shiller; proponents and critics of the market efficiency theories who redefined modern finance, creating the foundation on which all financial analysis rests. Contents: Preface to the Great Minds in Finance Series / Preamble / Introduction / PART 1: LOUIS BACHELIER – THE FIRST PHYSICIST FINANCIAL THEORIST / PART 2: PAUL SAMUELSON’S RANDOM WALK / PART 3: EUGENE FAMA’S EFFICIENT MARKET HYPOTHESIS / PART 4: STEPHEN ROSS AND ARBITRAGE PRICING THEORY/ PART 5: JAMES TOBIN AND A NEW POLICY / PART 6: ROBERT SCHILLER AND IRRATIONAL EXUBERANCE / PART 7: WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED / Combined Contributions / Conclusions /Glossary / Index / Endnotes November 2012 240 pp 216x138mm 9 figures Hardback £65.00 978-0-230-27421-1 Great Minds in Finance Series Edited by Colin Read http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=416233
An Introduction to Global Financial Markets 7th edition Stephen Valdez, Retired financial trainer and consultant and former Director of Profile Financial Training Plc. Philip Molyneux, Professor of Banking and Finance, Bangor Business School, Bangor University (UK)
'Ever wondered how you and your students could navigate global finance without a PhD in math? This book is your answer. Molyneux and Valdez cut unnecessary jargon and get straight to the concepts that matter. I know of no better way to familiarize students with the nuts and bolts of 21st century financial markets.' - Dr. Daniel Mügge, Center for European Studies, Harvard University (USA) and University of Amsterdam, (Netherlands) 'This book by Valdez and Molyneux provides a great introduction to global financial markets. Unlike most textbooks the outlook of this work is truly global and every effort has been made to keep the work up to date. It is also peppered with relevant historical insights that help the reader to understand how the build-up to the current institutional framework in global financial markets took place.' - David MarquesIbanez, Senior Economist, European Central Bank Praise for the 6th edition: 'Valdez and Molyneux’s book is without competitor. There are two main reasons for its growing success: it is complete, up-to-date and of a truly global scope; and it is written in a limpid and lively way. Furthermore the new chapter on the subprime crisis and its developments represents an invaluable synthesis. This book definitely provides the best introduction to the study of world financial markets.' - Francis Bismans, Professor in Economics and Finance, BETA and University of Nancy (France) An Introduction to Global Financial Markets describes the global financial sectors in clear easy to understand terms, providing a broad and balanced introduction to financial markets across the world. It provides comprehensive coverage of commercial and investment banking, foreign exchange, money and bond markets, stock markets and derivatives products and is the ideal text for those who require a basic understanding of, or who are new to, the world of finance, having sold well to both the academic and practitioner markets. Contents: PART 1: INTRODUCTION / The Debt Merry-go-round / PART 2: BANKING / Banking Background / The Role of the Central Bank / Commercial Banking / Investment Banking / PART 3: SECURITIES MARKETS / The Money and Bond Markets / Stock Exchanges / Hedge Funds and Private Equity / Financial Crisis / PART 4: FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION / Foreign Exchange / European Economic and Monetary Union / PART 5: DERIVATIVE PRODUCTS / Traded Options / Financial Futures / Other Derivative Products / PART 6: THE NEW TIGER ECONOMIES / The New Tiger Economies: China and India / PART 7: Trends in the Global Financial Markets / Key Trends November 2012 576 pp 234x156mm 15 b/w line drawings, 25 b/w tables Paperback £29.99 978-1-137-00752-0 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=577010
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 11
Mathematics for Economics
3rd edition Mik Wisniewski, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Strathclyde Business School (UK). He has extensive teaching and consultancy experience across the UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East in the areas of economic analysis, modelling and forecasting
'In my several years of teaching mathematical methods in undergraduate economics I have found that what the students find particularly hard and difficult to grasp is not the mathematics itself but how to make mathematics “sing” economics. This book does a great job by teaching how mathematics used in economic models both reveals and is enlivened by economic intuition.' – Sujoy Mukerji, Oxford University(UK) The focus of this book is on how mathematics helps with economic analysis and modelling. Also, key economic principles and conclusions are derived and highlighted using maths. This helps reinforce the learning about economics that students already have and creates a link between their other economics studies and the use of mathematics. Contents: Introduction / PART 1: THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / PART 2: LINEAR MODELS IN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / PART 3: OPTIMIZATION IN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS / PART 4: OPTIMIZATION WITH MULTIPLE VARIABLES / PART 5: FURTHER TOPICS IN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS December 2012 544 pp 246x189mm 123 graphs, 4 diagrams, 29 illustrations Paperback £35.99 978-0-230-27892-9 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=470720
12 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
The Politics of Harry Potter Bethany Barratt, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Roosevelt University in Chicago, (USA) and has also been an instructor at the University of California, Davis, and San Quentin State Prison
This political analysis of Harry Potter uses the beloved wizarding world to introduce readers to the equally murky and intimidating world of politics. Rowling’s work provides us with entries into all of the most important political questions in history, from terrorism and human rights to the classic foundations of political thought. Contents: Introduction: Politics in the World of Harry Potter / Purebloods and Mudbloods: Race, Species and Power / Deatheaters and Dark Wizards: Terror and Counterterror / The Order of the Phoenix: Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and Secret Agencies / The DA (Dumbledore’s Army): Resistance from Below / ‘By Order of the Hogwarts High Inquisitor’: Bases of Authority / Azkaban: Discipline, Punishment and Human Rights /Grunnings and Galleons: Consumerism and Capitalism /The Only One He Ever Feared: The Nature of War / Harry Potter in the Political World November 2012 208 pp 216x138mm Paperback £13.99 978-0-230-60899-3 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=313530
Fool’s Gold?
Chinese Village, Global Market
Utopianism in the Twenty-First Century
New Collectives and Rural Development
Dr Lucy Sargisson, Associate Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham (UK)
Tony Saich, Daewoo Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (USA) and Biliang Hu, Professor of Economics at Beijing Normal University (China)
'Sargisson’s Fool’s Gold? endorses utopia as a continuing vehicle of social hope. Written with great clarity, it steers a confident course through complex theoretical debates. It then offers a fascinating exposition of utopian currents in the contemporary world, ranging across religion, politics, literature, the prefigurative practices of architecture and intentional communites, and the virtual worlds of computer gaming. It is essential reading for anyone who thinks that utopia is dead, as well as those who know or hope it is not.' - Professor Ruth Levitas, Department of Sociology, University of Bristol (UK)
The story of one village, Yantian, and its remarkable economic and social transformation, this book shows how outcomes are shaped by a number of factors such as path dependence, social structures, economic resources and local entrepreneurship.
What's wrong with the world today and how might it become better (or worse)? These are the questions pursued in this book, which explores the hopes and fears, dreams and nightmares of the 21st century. Through architecture, fiction, theory, film and experiments with everyday life, Sargisson explores contemporary hopes and fears about the future. Contents: Introduction: Fool’s Gold / Definitions, Debates and Conflicts / Religious Fundamentalism / Feminism and Gender / Sex and Sexual Identity / Climate Change and Catastrophe / Human Attitudes to Nature / Green Intentional Communities / Fantastic Architecture: Dubai / Domestic Architecture: New Urbanism and Cohousing / Computer Gaming / Cloning, Cyborgs and Robots / Conclusions / Notes / Appendix / List of Primary Sources / Bibliography
Contents: ’Becoming Global’: Yantian Village in Context / PART 1: ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION / ‘Cleaning Their Feet’: The Decline of an Agricultural Village / ‘Building Nests to Attract Phoenixes’: Lineage, Market, and the Rise of a Global Manufacturing Base / ‘New Wine, New Bottles’: The Emergence of a New Style Village Collective / “From Tractors to Automobiles”: Household Economic Management / PART 2: MANAGING THE PROVISION OF PUBLIC GOODS / ‘From Public Provision to a Diversified Network’: Education Services / ‘One Village, Different Worlds’: Healthcare Provision in Yantian / ‘Dengs’ Village’: Governance / Yantian: A Model in Transition October 2012 240 pp 216x140mm 1 map, 9 tables Hardback £55.00 978-1-137-03514-1 China in Transformation series Edited by Chun Lin and Carl Riskin http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=593767
July 2012 320 pp 216x138mm 8 b/w illustrations, 2 b/w tables Hardback £60.00 978-1-4039-9242-0 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=271236
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Contemporary States and Societies series This series provides lively and accessible introductions to key countries and regions of the world conceived and designed to meet the needs of today’s students. The authors are all experts with specialist knowledge of the country or region concerned but have been chosen also for their ability to communicate clearly to a non-specialist readership. Each text has been specially commissioned for the series and is structured according to a common format covering: Historical background • Country and people • Economy and economic policy • Society and social policy • Government and policy making • Politics and society • Key ideas and issues • Role in the wider world • Challenges for the future
July 2012 328 pp Paperback £21.99 978-0-230-35419-7
October 2012 272 pp Paperback £22.99 978-0-230-24869-4
February 2011 256 pp Paperback £21.99 978-0-333-79244-5
May 2012 280 pp Paperback £19.99 978-0-230-32040-6
November 2010 304 pp Paperback £21.99 978-1-4039-4313-2
March 2010 256 pp Paperback £21.99 978-0-230-22371-4
14 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
The Political Economy of European Welfare Capitalism Colin Hay, Professor of Political Analysis, University of Sheffield (UK) and Daniel Wincott, Professor (Blackwell Law and Society Chair), Cardiff Law School (UK)
'Every decade or so a book comes along that defines research in the comparative political economy of the advanced industrial states. If the 1990s belonged to Esping-Andersen and the 2000s to Hall and Soskice, the next decade belongs to Hay and Wincott. Combining historical synthesis, comparative analysis, and cuttingedge theory, they give us a refreshing and insightful account of the genesis, evolution, and transformation of European welfare states. Critically interrogating the impact of globalization, regionalization and competitiveness on these states, Hay and Wincott recast the evolution of European Welfare Capitalism as always and everywhere a political struggle over market imperatives.’ - Mark Blyth, Brown University, (USA) A state-of-the-art assessment of welfare provision, policy and reform at national and at EU level which spans the whole of Europe - East, West and Central. Uniquely broad-ranging in scope, and covering the latest research findings and theoretical debates, it provides a genuinely comparative overview text for students of twenty-firstcentury Europe. Contents: Introduction / European Welfare Capitalism in Good Times and Bad / Varieties of European Welfare Capitalism / Globalization, Europeanization and the Welfare State / Competitiveness and the Welfare State / European Integration and Welfare Capitalism / Convergence and Divergence in European Welfare Trajectories / European Welfare Capitalism in Hard Times July 2012 280 pp 216x138mm 15 b/w tables, 39 figures Paperback £24.99 978-1-4039-0224-5
Key Controversies in European Integration Edited by Hubert Zimmermann, Professor at University of Marburg and Andreas Dür, Professor at University of Salzburg
'I look forward to teaching from this great new text. An excellent project, well conceived and executed, I even like the parts I disagree with.' - Erik Jones, The John Hopkins University, Bologna (Italy) This innovative text brings together pairs of specially commissioned contributions by prominent scholars who debate 14 key controversies in relation to the nature, current state and future of European integration. The contributors represent the whole spectrum of thinking about the EU and examine the most fundamental contemporary issues. Contents: Introduction / The European Union: Success or Failure? / The Political Efficiency of the EU / More Powers for Brussels or Renationalization? / How Democratic Is The EU? / Too Much Power for the Judges? / Can There Be A Common European Identity? / The Uncertain Future of the Euro / Can The EU Tame Big Finance? / The EU’s Cohesion Policy: Reducing Disparities? / The Big Waste? The Common Agricultural Policy / Foreign Economic Policies: How Much Power for the Lobbyists? / Does The EU Act as a Normative Power? / Turkey and Beyond: Is EU Enlargement A Success Story or Has It Gone Too Far? / Towards A Common European Army? / Defence Integration in the EU: A Successful Vision! - Hanna Ojanen / Flattering to Deceive; The Common Security and Defence Policy - Anand Menon / Conclusion August 2012 280 pp 234x156mm Paperback £24.99 978-1-137-00614-1 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=575875
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Terrorist’s Creed Fanatical Violence and the Human Need for Meaning
Pain A Cultural History Javier Moscoso, Research Professor of History and the Philosophy of Science, Spanish National Research Council
'Javier Moscoso’s book is a dazzling example of cultural history. For anyone who ever wondered about the meaning of pain – and how those meanings have changed over time – this is the book for you.' - Joanna Bourke, Birkbeck College (UK) Halfway between history and philosophy, this book deals with the successive (though not progressive) forms in which the experience of pain materializes – the artistic, juridical, or scientific modalities that have permitted the cultural understanding of human suffering from the Renaissance to the present day. Representation, sympathy, imitation, but also coherence, trust, or narrativity are but a few of the rhetorical and argumentative recourses that men and women have employed, and continue to use, in order to feel our pain – but also in order to express it, and to imbue it with meaning and collective value. Contents: List of Illustrations / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Representations / Imitation / Sympathy / Correspondence / Trust / Narrativity / Coherence / Reiteration / Postscriptum September 2012 288 pp 234x156mm 45 colour illustrations Hardback £25.00 978-1-4039-9118-8 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=271136
Roger Griffin, Professor in Modern History, Oxford Brookes University (UK)
'It is rare to find a work of such originality in a field like terrorism studies, which is dominated either by journalistic cliches or a crudely logistical analysis. Griffin locates terrorism in a richly conceived context that is ethical and epistemological as much as it is political.' - Dr. Faisal Devji, University of Oxford (UK) Terrorist's Creed casts a penetrating beam of empathetic understanding into the disturbing and murky psychological world of fanatical violence, explaining how the fanaticism it demands stems from the profoundly human need to imbue existence with meaning and transcendence. Drawing on sociology, psychology, novels and films, it shows how the need to defend or create a territorial or purely cultural 'home' in an unforgiving universe can precipitate a process of 'heroic doubling' which in extreme circumstances legitimates murder and suicide for the sake of a 'higher' cause. Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction: The Liquid Fear of Terrorism / Terrorism as Zealotry: Defending the Nomos / Modernist Terrorism: Creating the Nomos / The Metapolitics of Terrorism in Fiction / The Metapolitics of Terrorist Radicalization / Modern Zealots of the Sacred Homeland / Modernist Terrorism Red, Black, and White / The Hybrid Metapolitics of Religious Terrorism / Islamism’s Global War against Nomocide / Afterthoughts on the Nature of Terrorism / Endnotes / Index September 2012 280 pp 234x156mm Hardback £25.00 978-0-230-24129-9 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=38877
16 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
Studies in European History Series Editors: John Breuilly and Peter Wilson Concise, elegant accounts by distinguished historians, with a strong emphasis on the different perspectives from which familiar events can be seen.
September 2012 176 pp Paperback £16.50 978-0-230-00460-3
August 2012 176 pp Paperback £15.99 978-0-230-57937-8
November 2011 184 pp Paperback £16.50 978-0-230-53565-7
June 2011 176 pp Paperback £16.50 978-0-230-23978-4
August 2010 168 pp Paperback £16.50 978-0-333-60679-7
July 2010 152 pp Paperback £16.50 978-0-230-20181-1
June 2009 152pp Paperback £16.50 978-0-230-22040-9
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 17
Transforming the World
Global Political History since World War II Keith Robbins, Vice Chancellor and Professor of Modern History, University of Wales Lampeter. He has held the posts of President of the Historical Association, and Editor of History. He is the author of over 20 books, 8 edited books, and 120 scholarly articles on political, military, religious and international history, and is the general editor of six major historical series An ambitious and engaging narrative survey that charts the history of the world from a political perspective, from 1937 to the post-9/11 era. Providing a wide-ranging assessment of global interactions in peace and war since World War II, Robbins connects the crises, conflicts and accommodations that have brought us to the still-troubled present. Contents: Chronology / Maps / Introduction: Grasping Global History / PART 1: ENDING WAR, BUILDING PEACE / Struggles for Mastery / Policemen Meeting / Outcomes and Anticipations / PART 2 1945-1955: MAKING A COLD PEACE / European Alternatives / The United Nations and the United States / The Middle East / South Asia / East Asia / PART 3: 1955-1965: TO THE BRINK AND BACK / Superpowers and Subordinates: The Middle East and Europe / Continental Confrontations: Castro, Kennedy, Khruschev / Africa: Emergences and Emergencies / Algeria: Found and Lost / Asian Accommodations / PART 4: 1965-1975: OLD PATTERNS AND NEW PERMUTATIONS / Asian Variations / Superpowers Challenged / Security and Cooperation in Europe / Overlapping Linkages: A Mediterranean World / Africa’s Worlds / PART 5: COMING TO CONCLUSIONS 1975-1989 / Europeans: Identifying a Common Home? / The Middle East: Putting its World to Rights? / A Question of Latitude: ‘North’ and ‘South’ / Afghanistan to Sri Lanka: South Asia? / East Asia/Pacific: Flexing Muscles? / Gorbachev and Reagan: Turning Point 1985-89 / PART 6: 1991-2011: NEW WORLD ORDERS? / Superpowers: Rethinking Required / The Middle East: Still at the Centre / Identifying Multipolar Complexity November 2012 416 pp 234x156mm 8 maps Paperback £18.99 978-0-333-77200-3 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=260529
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Community without Community in Digital Culture Charlie Gere, Reader in New Media Research, Lancaster University (UK)
Community Without Community in Digital Culture suggests that networks always involve this other aspect of touch, separation, distance and gap, as a necessary concomitant of our fundamental technicity. Thus, against the prevailing presumptions that new technologies involve greater contact, relationality and community, this book proposes that they exemplify the gap inherent in touch, the 'inconceivable, small, 'infinitesimal difference'' that separates us from each other in time and space. Community Without Community in Digital Culture presents the view that our digital culture is determined not by greater connection, but by the separation and gap that is a necessary concomitant of our fundamental technicity. Contents: Acknowledgements / Digitality / The Theological Origins of the Digital / Deconstruction, Technics and the Death of God / Derrida, Nancy and the Digital / Darwin after Dawkins after Derrida / Slitting Open the Kantian Eye / The Work of Art in the Post Age / Non-Relational Aesthetics / Luther Blissett / Bartleby Off-line / Exploding Plastic Universe / Conclusion / Notes and References / Index August 2012 208 pp 216x138mm Hardback £50.00 978-1-137-02666-8 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=583329
Religion, Politics, and the Earth
The New Materialism Clayton Crockett, Associate professor of Religion and Director of the Religious Studies Program, University of Central Arkansas (USA) and Jeffrey W. Robbins, Associate Professor of Religion and American Studies, Lebanon Valley College (USA)
'Following Vattimo's postmodern philosophy, Badiou's postmetaphysical ontology, and Žižek's revolutionary style, the authors of this marvelous book invites us to reactivate our politics of resistance against our greatest enemy: corporate capitalism. The best solution to the ecological, energy, and financial crisis corporate capitalism has created, as Crockett Clayton and Jeffrey Robbins suggest, is a new theological materialism where Being is conceived as energy both subjectively and objectively. All my graduate students will have to read this book carefully if they want to become philosophers.' - Santiago Zabala, ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona (Spain) This manifesto addresses current crises brought on by global capitalism and offers a new orientation for selfunderstanding and acting in new approaches to religion, culture, and being in the world. Contents: Introduction / Digital Culture / Religion / Politics / Art / Ethics / Energy / Being / Logic / Conclusion: The Event October 2012 182 pp 216x140mm 1 figure Hardback £51.00 978-1-137-26892-1 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=629311
Getting your head around the brain Amanda Ellison, Senior Lecturer in the Psychology department at Durham University (UK). She has been teaching Biological Psychology and other neuroscientific topics for 16 years, and is particularly interested in how different parts of the brain talk to each other when we are doing everyday things
'Dr Amanda Ellison has pulled off an amazing feat. This book explains the structure and function of our brain in such a way that neuroanatomy and neurophysiology become not only easy to understand but also fun to read about!' - Dr Erik Corthout, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) This short and student-friendly introduction to the brain will help students to understand more about the links between the brain and behaviour. Following the BPS accredited syllabus for biological psychology, its accessible structure, multiple examples and engaging tone make this book ideal introductory reading. Contents: Engage Your Brain / The Nitty Gritty / What a Sensation / See What I Mean? / Now Hear This / Moving On / How do Your Neurons Grow? / Oh DO Behave / Just Sleep on it / Let’s Talk about Sex / Second that Emotion / Memories are Made of This / You’d Better Think / Put it all Together October 2012 256 pp 216x138mm Paperback £13.99 978-0-230-29855-2 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=496746
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Development through Adulthood
Sensorimotor Control and Learning
An Integrative Sourcebook
An introduction to the behavioral neuroscience of action
Oliver Robinson, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology and Counselling at the University of Greenwich, (UK). His research focuses on how life transitions, crises and relationships are involved in shaping personality, values and identity, and his work has attracted media interest from The Times, the BBC, the New Scientist and The Guardian
'The best evidence-based account I have read about what it is like to develop through adulthood.' - Dan P. McAdams, the Henry Wade Rogers Professor of Psychology, Northwestern University (USA) 'This book should be read by everyone who would like to get a comprehensive view of modern psychological theories of adult development.' – Dr. Eeva Kallio, University of Jyväskylä and University of Tampere, (Finland), and President of the European Society for Adult Development From career development to retirement, and from marriage to bereavement, psychological development is a never-ending process. Adulthood is a time of change and transformation, and presents many unique challenges and opportunities. Combining classic studies and cuttingedge research, Oliver Robinson's Development through Adulthood will guide you through this rich and rewarding subject. Contents: Adult Development: Meaning and Models / Research Methods in Adult Development / Cognitive Development / Emotional Development / Motivational Development / Psychosocial Life Stages, Transitions and Crises / Personality Development / Moral Development / Wisdom / Spirituality and Religiosity / Mental Disorder, Age and Adult Life Events / Family, Friends and Relationships / Career Development and Retirement / Dying and Bereavement November 2012 448 pp 234x156mm Paperback £27.99 978-0-230-29799-9 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=491344
20 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
James Tresilian, Head of Department for Psychology at Warwick University (UK). James is a fellow of the British Psychological Society and he has many years' experience of teaching motor learning, behavioral neuroscience and classical mechanics to students of kinesiology, psychology, biological sciences and physiotherapy
'This book will be a terrific resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of motor control. It tightly integrates behavioral principles with stateof-the-art neuroscience into a modern, accessible, and well-illustrated package.' - Rachael D. Seidler, Department of Psychology, School of Kinesiology, Neuroscience Program & Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan (USA) A comprehensive introduction for undergraduate students, Sensorimotor Control and Learning is a landmark book in the growing multidisciplinary area of human movement science that integrates findings from neuroscience, kinesiology and psychology to present a state-of-the-art account of how humans carry out goal-directed actions. Contents: PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS / Motor Behavior and Control / Neuromechanical Foundations / Sensorimotor Foundations / Visuomotor Foundations / PART 2: SENSORIMOTOR CONTROL / Stimulus-Elicited Behavior / Reflex Circuitry and Voluntary Motor Control / Spatial Orientation and Postural Control / Locomotion on Legs / Getting Around: Visual Control of Locomotor Manoeuvres / Staying on Track / Programs and Pattern Generation / Aiming to be Accurate / Sequences and Series / PART 3: SENSORIMOTOR LEARNING / Learning: Process and Mechanism / Adaptation and Acquisition July 2012 912 pp 276x216mm 649 colour illustrations, 3 colour photos Hardback £59.99 978-0-230-37105-7 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=566403
SOCIOLOGY Global Sociology 3rd edition Robin Cohen, Emeritus Professor and Former Director of the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford (UK) and Paul Kennedy, Reader in Sociology and Global Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
'This remarkably comprehensive textbook makes a convincing case for the study of sociology from a global perspective. Showing that globalization is indeed a powerful force in the contemporary world, the authors incorporate concrete global issues in their accessible presentation of changing social relations.' - Manfred B. Steger, RMIT University (Austrailia) and University of Hawaiii-Manoa (USA) From religion to recession and social media to corporate power, this third edition continues to be the authority on global issues in contemporary society. Combining updated discussion of global challenges with clear writing and an emphasis on critical thinking, Global Sociology will inspire today’s students of global society across disciplines.
Offers strong coverage of contemporary topics and events, such as the Arab Spring, intimacy, family and the environment
Makes deep connections between 'everyday' sociology and global sociology
Takes an unbiased approach which encourages critical thinking, optimism, and social consciousness
Has an explicitly sociological focus alongside political, cultural, anthropological and economic debates and perspectives and highlights how concepts from these disciplines interact
Contents: Introduction / PART 1: INTERPRETATIONS / The Making of Global Sociology / Thinking Globally / Modernity and the Evolution of World Society / Work, Production and Finance / Political Sociology: Changing Nation States / PART 2: DIVISIONS / Global Inequalities: The Victims / Class, Income and Wealth / Gender and Sexualities / Race, Ethnicity and Intersectionality / Corporate Power and Social Responsibility / Crime, Terrorism and Violence / PART 3: EXPERIENCES / Population and Migration /Globalization, Families and Social Change / Consuming Culture / Lifestyle and Leisure / Media and the Digital Age / Global Religions / Urban Life / PART 4: DYNAMICS AND CHALLENGES / Global Civil Society and Political Activism / Towards an Environmentally Safe World / Identities and Belonging / Conclusion: Global Uncertainties and Ways Forward October 2012 488 pp 246x189mm 7 Figures Paperback £24.99 978-0-230-29374-8 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=389066
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Social Theory in Popular Culture Lee Barron, Lecturer, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Northumbria University (UK)
'The book brings together examples of what seminar tutors on first year courses have been doing in an ad hoc way for years. These are just the kind of tactics which postgraduate seminar tutors and young lecturers use to try to make dry and distant lectures and textbooks speak to their students' interests and experiences.' - Ralph Fevre, Professor of Social Research, Cardiff University (UK) Illuminating key themes of classical sociological texts, this book shows how the ideas of Marx, Durkheim or Weber can be explored by listening to music, reading about celebrities, or watching award-winning films. Providing a fresh way to explore social theory, the text clearly shows the continued relevance of classic ideas in the modern world Contents: Introduction / Marx and Music Weber and Film / Durkheim and Celebrity / Simmel and Pop Fashion / Adorno and Reality Television / Feminism and Sport November 2012 208 pp 234x156mm Paperback £18.99 978-0-230-28499-9 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=413862
Death in a Global Age Ruth McManus, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Canterbury (New Zealand) She teaches on the sociology of death, dying and bereavement and is widely published in the field
'This book sets a new benchmark bringing to center stage a global perspective on death and dying. It reminds us that while mortality is universal there are major cultural, economic and social differences in how people live and die across the world. Accessible in its clarity, ease of voice and logical structure, this book is an essential teaching resource' - Margaret Gibson, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Griffith University (Australia) Attitudes towards death are shaped by our social worlds. This book explores how beliefs, practices and representations of dying and death continue to evolve and adapt in response to changing global societies. Introducing students to debates around grief, religion and life expectancy, this is a clear guide to a complex field for all sociologists. Contents: Introduction: Death is Integral to Life / Perspectives and Theories on Death and Dying / The Social Organisation of Dying and Death: A New Paradigm Emerges / Patterns in Life and Death: Shifting Demographic Trends Re-Shape Life Expectancies / The Death Industries: Bespoke My Death / Funerary Rites: A Decent Send-Off / Grief / Mass Death: Global Imaginaries / Religion: The De-Secularisation of Spiritual Life and Death? / Representations Of Mortality: Watching Real Death Is Good? / Conclusion: Death in a Global Age November 2012 280 pp 234x156mm 1 b/w table, 3 graphs, 2 b/w photos Paperback £21.99 978-0-230-22452-0 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=320859
22 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY The Counsellor’s Guide to Personality Preferences, Motives and Life Stories Rowan Bayne, Professor of Psychology, School of Psychology, University of East London (UK)
This text offers a wide-ranging, integrated, comprehensive introduction to the field of personality differences for counsellors, looking at the key theories and exploring their application to practice. Suitable for trainee, new and experienced counsellors, this is an invaluable addition to training course reading lists. Contents: Introduction / Personality and Counselling / Increasing Self-Awareness: Discovering Your Preferences / Increasing Self-Awareness: Discovering Motives / Improving the Counselling Relationship / How Personality Can Affect Clients’ Problems with Love and Work / How Personality Can Affect Clients’ Problems with Health / Case Studies of Personal Development / Increasing Self-Awareness: Discovering Life Stories / Conclusion December 2012 176 pp 234x156mm 28 b/w tables, 2 figures Paperback £18.99 978-0-230-28244-5
Working with Trauma A Systematic Approach Gerrilyn Smith, Lead Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist in the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services team, Royal Liverpool Children's Hospitals. She is widely published, including most recently authorship of The Protector's Handbook: Reducing the Risk of Child Sexual Abuse and Helping Children Recover (BAAF 2008)
The toxic nature of trauma can make it an overwhelming area of work. This book by a recognised expert adopts a systemic perspective, focusing on the individual in context. Very positively, it shows how every level of relationship can contribute to healing and that the meaning of traumatic experiences can be ‘unfrozen’ and revisited over time. Contents: PART 1: The Gateway to Practice / Diagnostic Labels Across the Life Span / Resiliencies Across the life Span / PART 2: The Field of Practice / Engagement and Creating a Safe Context / Stories We Tell Ourselves / Working Systemically with PTSD Symptoms / PART 3: The Practice Neighbourhood / Working with Family, Friends & Community / Supervision / References December 2012 192 pp 216x138mm 14 b/w tables Paperback £23.99 978-0-230-23649-3 Basic Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy series Edited by Frosh http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=376021
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Empathy What it is and why it matters David Howe, Professor, Centre for Research on the Child and Family, University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK)
'A fascinating, well-written and wide-ranging exploration of the concept of empathy.' - Professor Ernesto Spinelli, author of Practising Existential Psychotherapy Empathy is key to good relationships. In its absence, behaviour becomes puzzling, even dangerous. David Howe’s fascinating new book examines what empathy is, why we have it and how it develops. He explores the important part empathy plays in child development and therapeutic work as well as its significance for how society organizes itself. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introducing Empathy / Origins and Definitions / The Evolution of the Empathic Mind / How Children Develop Empathy / The Empathic Brain / Individual Differences in Empathy Levels / When Empathy is Absent or Low / Psychopathy and Borderline Personality Disorder / Social Perspectives and Client Experiences / Empathic Communication and Helping Relationships / Why Empathy Works / Empathy, Morals and Prosocial Behaviour / Promoting Empathy in Children / Promoting Empathy in Adults / Living Well Together: Empathy and Social Cohesion / Being Human November 2012 248 pp 198x129mm Paperback £14.99 978-1-137-27642-1 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=634596
Reporting Conflict James Rodgers, spent twenty years as a journalist: five for Reuters Television, and fifteen for the BBC. He spent most of his career as a foreign correspondent, completing postings in Moscow, Gaza, and Brussels, as well as numerous other assignments. He was the first BBC journalist to report from the village where Saddam Hussein was captured in December 2003
'An ideal starting place for students coming to journalism either at BA level or, with knowledge and experience from earlier study or work, at MA level. But it is also going to be valuable for academics and researchers in other fields (notably politics and international relations) whose subject areas are the focus of conflict reporting but who don’t know how it works...the author has succeeded in the world of journalism and can now apply a wide-ranging knowledge drawn from experience and measure it alongside academic study.' - Keith Somerville, africajournalismtheworld.com In Reporting Conflict, a correspondent turned lecturer draws on his personal experience of journalism in wartime. The author, James Rodgers, has reported on worldchanging conflicts. The book combines reflection on this personal experience with an assessment of other accounts of journalism in wartime, and academic studies on the subject. Contents: Milestones of War Reporting / Access / Objectivity / How the War was Spun: the Role of Public Relations Companies, Consultants, and Politics / Storytelling in the Digital Age / ‘Remember, it’s not your war’ – Reporter Involvement / Conclusions July 2012 168 pp 216x138mm Paperback £14.99 978-0-230-27446-4 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=415952
24 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
The Democratic Value of News Why Public Service Media Matter Stephen Cushion, Lecturer, Cardiff School of Journalism (UK)
'Stephen Cushion's The Democratic Value of News: Why Public Service Media Matter is a work of singular importance. As the Internet and digital communication remakes our media and revamps journalism before our eyes, Cushion makes a powerful case for the continued significance and necessity of public service media. This will be required reading for scholars, students and concerned citizens.' - Robert W. McChesney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) The ownership and funding of media organisations inevitably affects what news we receive everyday. But is public or private ownership better? Looking at how news is constructed in different contexts under public and commercial models, this book uses global comparative examples to give a topical insight into the world of broadcasting today. Contents: Introduction / The Philosophy and Economics of Different Broadcast Models: How do Funding Models and Regulatory Frameworks Shape the Democratic Value of News? / Journalism Cultures and Public Service Ethics: Evaluating the Democratic Value of News / Reflecting a ‘Window on the World’? Reporting Local, National and International News / Making sense of elections: the journalistic conventions and practices of campaign reporting / Between Patriotism and Independence: The Politics of Reporting Wars and Conflicts / Adapting to the 24/7 Environment of Journalism: The Evolution and Development of Rolling News Channels / Protecting the Democratic Value of News: Why Public Service Media Matter / Bibliography September 2012 256 pp 234x156mm 72 tables Paperback £18.99 978-0-230-27153-1
New Vampire Cinema Ken Gelder, Professor of English in the School of Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne (Australia)
This book is a close study of around forty contemporary vampire films, beginning in 1992 with Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula and Fran Rubel Kuzui's Buffy the Vampire Slayer: films that seemed for a moment to take vampire cinema in completely opposite directions. It then examines what happened after these two films, with a series of exhilarating readings of vampire films from Sweden, Russia, North America and Mexico, Japan, South Korea, France, New Zealand and Australia. New Vampire Cinema looks at recent vampire films as a genre, and asks what is at stake when the cinematic vampire and the modern world are made to encounter each other. It is a fascinating examination of a strand of cinema that is simultaneously exhausted and vibrant, inauthentic and 'original', insubstantial and self-sustaining. Contents: Acknowledgements / Preface / Inauthentic Vampires / Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Shadow of the Vampire, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Interview with the Vampire, and Queen of the Damned / Our Vampires, Our Neighbours / Frostbitten, Let the Right One In, Let Me In, Night Watch, and Day Watch / Citational Vampires / Irma Vep, Vampire Hunter D: Blood Lust, Blood: The Last Vampire, and Thirst / Vampires in the Americas / Nadja, The Addiction, Habit, and Vampire in Brooklyn; Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse; Cronos; the From Dusk Till Dawn trilogy and the John Carpenter’s Vampires Trilogy / Diminishing Vampires / The Blade trilogy; the Underworld trilogy; Ultraviolet, The Breed, Perfect Creature and Daybreakers / Bibliography / Index December 2012 176 pp 235x152mm 33 b/w photos Paperback £16.99 978-1-84457-440-7 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=493703
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BFI Film Classics Series Editors: Lee Grieveson and Amy Villarejo BFI Film Classics is a series of finely written, illustrated books which honour landmark films of world cinema. The series includes a wide range of approaches and critical styles, reflecting the diverse ways we appreciate, analyse and enjoy great films.
July 2012 104 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-498-8
July 2012 112 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-522-0
July 2012 112 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-501-5
July 2012 72 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-500-8
July 2012 104pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-497-1
August 2012 80 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-516-9
26 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
August 2012 88 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-515-2
July 2012 88 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-499-5
July 2012 88 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-514-5
July 2012 112 pp Paperback £10.99 978-0-85170-965-9
July 2012 112 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-475-9
July 2012 96 pp Paperback £10.99 978-1-84457-369-1
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 27
STUDY SKILLS Palgrave Student to Student The Palgrave Student to Student series provides students with an honest, inside view of academic life and study to help them succeed in higher education and make the most of their course. Each book, which focuses on a different topic, is written from a contemporary student’s point of view and includes insights and interviews from other students who also share their experiences
How to Get a First
University Life
Insights and Advice from a First-class Graduate
Making it Work for You
Michael Tefula, graduated in 2010 with a First Class Degree in Accounting and Finance at the University of Birmingham, UK. He won the Ernst & Young prize for the highest dissertation mark (86%) and shared the Deloitte prize for the highest module mark (80%) with four other students
'You can tell the author has been a student relatively recently which is brilliant for connecting with the reader. The fact that the advice in the book comes from this different angle is a real plus.' - Seb Knight, Politics & Economics student A lively and original perspective on gaining an outstanding degree from a recent first-class graduate. Combines personal experience, scientific research and motivational anecdotes from students to create a comprehensive guide to academic success, with strategies to immediately boost grades and improve confidence. Contents: Introduction / PART 1: THE FUNDAMENTALS / Degree Choice / The Growth Mindset / Work Ethic / Happiness and Grades / Support Systems / PART 2: THE STRATEGIES / Memory Mastery / Task Management / Procrastination / Lectures / Body and Mind / Study Environment / Coursework / Exams / Concluding Remarks / The Book in a Nutshell / Acknowledgements / Bibliography / Index July 2012 120 pp Paperback £7.99
190x135mm 978-0-230-36220-8
28 | Rights Guide July-December 2012
Lauren Lucien, has recently completed a Creative Writing with English Literature degree at Kingston University, UK. She started writing her book in the second year of university, frustrated there wasn’t a book that students could relate to. She is an Academic Advisor at Kingston University, UK, and has also worked at the University as a Peer Assisted Learning mentor and as a Library Assistant
'I really enjoyed this book. It was personal and insightful and I could have done with reading it before I came to university. It was clear that it was written by students but that just made it more fun and easygoing.' - Ellie Shipton, first year student at the University of Exeter, UK 'I would definitely buy this book as a student. For me, I might actually treat it like a comfort blanket. The author has a very reassuring voice and the advice is good advice!' - Elena Villarreal, International Relations student University Life provides an honest inside view of academic life and study, with advice and strategies for making the most of your time in higher education. Contents: About the Author / Acknowledgements / Introduction / How to Use this Book / Getting Ready to Go / Freshers / Halls and Housing / Food / Study / Managing, Making and Saving Money / Working / Mind and Body / Changes / What Next? / Uni Dictionary / Useful Resources / Index July 2012 168 pp 190x135mm 24 line drawings, 2 b/w tables Paperback £7.99 978-0-230-39231-1 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=570429
Study Skills Connected Using Technology to Support Your Studies Stella Cottrell, Director of Lifelong Learning, University of Leeds (UK) and Neil Morris, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Leeds University (UK)
'The beauty of this book is its accessibility and clarity and that it is primarily about how to apply study skills when using technology and online content – I don’t know of any accessible online material that does this.' - Jeanne Godfrey, formerly Principal Lecturer in Learning and Teaching, University of Westminster (UK) 'The topics are thorough. The author takes us through various aspects from e.g. learning what a podcast is, to how to find and cite them, to learning with them, and finally how to create them.' - Janey Flanagan, Director of E-Learning, Borough of Manhattan Community College (USA) Engaging, accessible and practical, this book helps students to get the most out of new technologies to enhance their learning practices, engage with their studies and improve their study skills. Covering a broad range of topics, it encourages a reflective perspective on e-learning resources. Contents: Acknowledgements / Abbreviations / Introduction / Studying With New Technologies / Virtual Learning Environments / Managing Online Information for Academic Study / Podcasts / Blogs / Wikis / Social Media / Classroom and Communication Technologies / Drawing it Together / Glossary / Useful Resources / References and Further Reading / Feedback on Activities / Index July 2012 208 pp 246x189mm Paperback £12.99 978-1-137-01945-5 http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=527179
Rights Guide July-December 2012 | 29
skills4studycampus is a fully interactive e-learning resource designed to help students develop their study skills and is based on the work of bestselling author Stella Cottrell. It can also help improve student retention. Modules cover getting ready for academic study, writing, reading, thinking, referencing, exams, groupwork, presentations, employability, personal development, projects and dissertations.
Learn more about the resource at:
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