Rights Guide January-June 2015

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Rights Guide January - June 2015 Higher Education & Scholarly Titles

WELCOME to the Palgrave Macmillan January-June 2015 Rights Guide. This catalogue features some of our newest books available for translation, introducing you to the broad selection of titles we have available. If you are interested in any of the titles featured in our Rights Guide, please contact us at the email address below. Provided that the appropriate language rights are available, we will be pleased to send you reading copies to review. We look forward to working with you, Palgrave Rights Team

CONTACT US ▶ Web: www.palgrave.com/rights ▶ Email: translations@palgrave.com

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Skills of Management and Leadership Managing People in Organisations W. David Rees, Consultant, UK, Christine Porter, University of Westminster, UK

BUSINESS Business Ethics New Challenges in a Globalized World Janet Morrison, Formerly University of Sunderland Business School, UK

'Introducing a topic as complex and as widely discussed as business ethics is a very difficult task. However, Morrison succeeds in presenting a concise and well-written account of the field and its current issues. The book is a particularly good read for undergraduate students who want to be introduced to the field of business ethics.' - Berend van der Kolk, University of Groningen, the Netherlands 'This is an expertly written textbook. I am impressed by the international outlook of the book, the clear writing style and the excellent contemporary cases and examples' - Marianna Fotaki, Warwick Business School, UK Designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students, Business Ethics provides a comprehensive account of both the challenges and business responses to ethical issues facing businesses as they pursue global business activities. Contents: PART I: THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT FROM AN ETHICAL PERSPECTIVE / 1. Ethical Theories and Cultural Contexts / 2. The Global Economy from an Ethical Perspective / 3. The Political Sphere: Societal and Business Goals / 4. Law and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives for Business / 5. Financial Markets: What Role for Ethics? / 6. International Trade and Ethical Considerations / PART II: ETHICS AND BUSINESS / 7. Ethics and CSR I in International Business / 8. Corporate Governance: How do Ethical Principles Apply? / 9. Human Rights and Ethical Business / 10. Sustainability and the Ethical Business / 11. Conclusions: Business Ethics and Global Challenges February 2015 424pp 70 figures, 28 b/w photos Paperback £39.99

246x 189 mm 9781137309495

All language rights available

4 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

'An excellent blend of theory and practice. Something in it for management practitioners at all levels. The authors make good use of their experience of working in a variety of different countries, including Malaysia. The many case studies and illustrative examples bring the book to life and make it highly useful as well as very readable. The authors concepts of the managerial escalator, hybrid managers and the managerial gap are of fundamental importance to all those with managerial responsibility.' - Tan Sri Arshad bin Ayub, Mara Institute of Technology, Malaysia An introductory text focusing on the core skills of managing people in organisations. Theory is brought to life by lively cases and examples that reveal the reality of management today. Filled with engaging learning features this is the ideal core text for introductory courses. Contents: 1. Managers and their Backgrounds / 2. Identifying the Manager’s Job / 3. The Manager and the Organization / 4. Managerial and Leadership Style / 5. Delegation / 6. Motivation and Stress / 7. Reward / 8. Communication / 9. Recruitment and Selection / 10. Appraisal / 11 . Training and Development / 12 . Workplace Counselling / 13 . Disciplinary Handling and Dismissal / 14 . Negotiating Skills / 15 . Meetings, Chairing and Team Building May 2015 360pp 12 figures, 5 b/w tables Paperback £36.99 All language rights available

234x 156 mm 9781137325617

Introduction to Work and Organizational Behaviour 3rd edition John Bratton, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, Canada

POLITICS Public Management Performance, Professionalism and Politics Mirko Noordegraaf, Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

A core textbook for all modules in organizational behaviour offering a balance of critical and managerial perspectives, a keen focus on ethics and diversity, international research and examples, and new video interviews with business managers which demonstrate how key theories come together in practice to inform everyday life in an organization. Contents: PART I: FOUNDATIONS OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONS / 1. Introducing Contemporary Organizational Behaviour / 2. The Social Nature of Work / 3. Studying Work and Organizations / PART II : INDIVIDUALS IN THE WORKPLACE / 4. Personality and Self-identity / 5. Perception and Emotions / 6. Motivation / 7. Learning / 8. Class, Gender, Race and Equality / 9. Diversity and People Management *SIGNIFICANTLY REWORKED / PART III: GROUP DYNAMICS AND MANAGEMENT PROCESSES / 10. Groups and Teams / 11. Communication / 12. Leadership / 13. Decision-making, Ethics and Social Responsibility / 14. Power, Politics and Conflict / PART IV: ORGANIZATION DESIGN AND CHANGE / 15. Structure / 16. Technology / 17. Culture / 18. Change *NEW / Bibliography / Glossary / Index of Personal Names / Subject Index

This systematic introduction to Public Management provides the tools and theoretical understanding to improve Public Management practice, whilst integrating a focus throughout on the importance of interplay between performance, professionalism and politics for all public service providers. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. The Rise of Public Management / 3. Competing Logics: Theories and Tools / 4. Managing Performance / 5. Managing Professionalism / 6. Managing Politics / 7. Public Management Practices / 8. Conclusions

The Public Management and Leadership Series May 2015 288pp 6 b/w tables, 12 figures Hardback ÂŁ75.00

234x 156 mm 9780230242692

All language rights available

May 2015 576pp 276x 216 mm 92 figures, 35 colour tables, 99 colour photos Paperback ÂŁ46.99 9781137408686 All language rights available

5 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

Political Theory

Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations

An Introduction 4th edition

2nd edition Andrew Heywood, Author of a range of best-selling student texts, UK

Andrew Heywood, Author of a range of best-selling student texts, UK

'Here is a marvellous introductory tour through the territory of political theory […] Heywood has charted the area so clearly and matched his lucid thinking with such accessible prose that his guided tour is a tour de force, an ideal primer for new students of politics at both advanced and university level.' - Jessica Sarago, Times Educational Supplement

This accessible guide to the major concepts in politics has now been revised and expanded to include over 60 international relations terms to take account of the increasing influence of globalization upon politics. Each concept is defined clearly and fully, and its significance for political understanding is explored.

The fourth edition of this highly successful and accessible text has been substantially revised and updated. New edition includes coverage throughout of political theory at the global level and on non-western approaches including a box-feature on each in every chapter and an additional new chapter on security and war. Why buy this book? •

The most systematic/broad-ranging text on the market.

100 boxes on key traditions and thinkers in politics.

Impressively comprehensive and clearly-written.

Contents: 1. What is Political Theory? / 2. Human Nature, the Individual and Society / 3. Politics, Government and the State / 4. Sovereignty, the Nation and Transnationalism / 5. Power, Authority and Legitimacy / 6. Democracy, Representation and the Public Interest / 7. Law, Order and Justice / 8. Rights, Obligation and Citizenship / 9. Freedom, Toleration and Identity / 10. Equality, Social Justice and Welfare / 11. Property, the Market and Planning / 12. Security, War and World Order / 13. Tradition, Progress and Utopia February 2015 1 colour table Hardback


234x 156 mm



All language rights available

Contents includes definitions of: Absolutism / Animal Rights / Anti-Politics / Behaviouralism / Bicameralism / Bureaucracy / Cabinet / Capitalism / Citizenship / Collectivise Security / Collectivism /Conflict of Civilazations / Confucianism / Critical Theory / Democratization / Deterrence / Development / Election / Elitism / Empiricism / Equality / Executive / Free Trade / Freedom / Functionalism /Global Governance / Global Justice / Globalization /Historical Materialism / Human Development / Human Nature / Human Rights / Humanitarian Intervention / Intergovernmentalism / International Aid / International Law / International Organization / International Relations / International Society / Internationalism / Islamism / Jihad / Judiciary / Just War / Justice / Mandate / Market / Marxism / Mass Media / Meritocracy / Militarism / Minority Rights / Monarchy / Multiculturalism / Multilateralism / Multi-level Governance / Nation / Nationalism / Nation-State / Nazism / Opposition / Order / Pacifism / Paradigm / Parliament / Parliamentary Government / Patriarchy / Patriotism / Peace-Building / Pluralism / Polarity / Political Party / Political Philosophy / Political Science / Political Theory / Pragmatism / President / Presidential Government / Pressure Group / Racialism / Racism / Rational Choice / Rationalism / Realism / Representation / Republicanism / Responsibility / Revolution / Rights / Security / Security Dilemma / Social Democracy / Social Justice / Social Movement / Socialism / Sovereignty / State / Supranationalism / Sustainable Development / Terrorism / Theocracy / Third Way / Toleration / Totalitarianism / Tradition / Transnational Corporation / Transnationalism / Utilitarianism / Utopianism / War / Welfare, and many more.

Palgrave Key Concepts June 2015 11 figures Paperback


234x 156 mm



All language rights available

6 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

European Union Politics


2nd edition John McCormick, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA

'An excellent up-to-date textbook combining clear writing with a deep knowledge of the European Union. I recommend it highly both for newcomers to EU Studies and for those who want to gain an in-depth understanding of the complexities, some would say 'mysteries', of European integration.' - Alberta M. Sbragia, University of Pittsburgh, USA 'This excellent textbook is a terrific resource for undergraduates and graduates who want to obtain a state-of-the art understanding of the European Union today.' - Amy Verdun, University of Victoria, Canada 'Lively, vivid and wonderfully accessible, this updated edition is especially welcome in light of recent developments as McCormick does a marvellous job in helping students penetrate the walls of incomprehension and complexity that too often surround fortress Europe.' - Jonathon W. Moses, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway This second edition of European Union Politics provides an authoritative introduction to all aspects of politics and policy in the EU. It gives readers a sense of the colour and flavour of EU politics, while systematic coverage of different theoretical perspectives encourages a more sophisticated understanding of the EU's development and function.

Exploring Green Crime Introducing the Legal, Social and Criminological Contexts of Environmental Harm Matthew Hall, University of Lincoln, UK This critical and cutting edge introduction to the key debates in green criminology shows readers how to approach environmental harm with a questioning mindset and demonstrates the contribution of criminologists towards solving global environmental concerns in the 21st century. Contents: 1. What is ‘Green Criminology’ and why study it? / 2. Environmental Degradation, Social Change and Crime / 3. Environmental ‘Crime’: Conceptions, Limiations and Alternatives / 4. The Corpotation and Environmental Harms / 5. The State and the Environment: Crime, Harm and Responsibility / 6. Responding to Environmental Harm: Policing, Enforcement and Sentencing / 7. Environmental Victimisation / 8. Exploring Environmental Rights / 9. Exploring Green Crime and Wider Harms with Criminology March 2015 3 figures Paperback


234x 156 mm



All language rights available

Contents: Introduction / PART I: HISTORY AND IDEAS / Understanding Integration / What is the European Union? / Who are the Europeans? / Organizing Postwar Europe / The European Economic Community / From Single Market to European Union / To the Euro Crisis and Beyond / The Treaties / The Member States / PART II: POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE / The European Commission / The Councils / The European Parliament / The European Court of Justice / Specialized Agencies / Parties and Interest Groups / Elections and Referendums / Public Opinion / PART III: POLICIES / Public Policy in the EU / Economic Policy / Inside the Euro Zone / Cohesion Policy / Managing Resources / Justice and Home Affairs / The EU as a Global Actor / The EU and the World / Conclusions

Palgrave Foundations Series May 2015 496pp 246x 189 mm tables, figures, b/w photos, maps Paperback £30.99 9781137453389 All language rights available

7 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

PSYCHOLOGY Social Psychology in Sport and Exercise

Psychoanalytic Theory An Introduction 3rd edition Anthony Elliott, Director of the Hawke Research Institute, University of South Australia, Australia

Linking Theory to Practice Ann-Marie Knowles, University of Strathclyde, UK, Ross Lorimer, Abertay University, UK, and Vaithehy Shanmugam, University of Central Lancashire, UK

'Social Psychology in Sport and Exercise provides a comprehensive coverage of salient topic areas through bringing together a wealth of up-to-date information. The text gives readers insight into the interactions and dynamics that exist within sport and exercise psychology from a social standpoint. The authors have provided stimulating, thought-provoking and readable chapters, case studies and questions throughout, which facilitates the readers' attention and engagement with the text. I therefore would fully recommend this book to students and practitioners alike.' - Philippa McGregor, St Mary's University, UK 'An easily accessible yet extremely informative text that covers the key social psychology issues in sport. The use of case studies makes this book not only excellent at informing the reader of current theory and academic research but also how a practitioner sport psychologist might utilize these ideas in applied contexts.' - James Byron-Daniel, University of the West of England, UK Social Psychology in Sport and Exercise applies theory to real-life sport and exercise contexts. Examining key research from social psychology, this unique book helps you to understand the behaviour of athletes and exercisers. With a wealth of examples and case studies, the authors show you how to devise practical solutions to real problems. Contents: 1. The Coach / 2. Teammates / 3. Competition / 4. Audience and Spectators / 5. The Family and Significant Others / 6. Schools / 7. Workplaces / 8. Gyms and Leisure Centres / 9. Primary Health Care / 10. The Outdoors Setting March 2015 252pp 234x 156 mm 10 b/w illustrations, 4 b/w tables, 1 colour illustration Paperback ÂŁ28.99 9781137306289 All language rights available

8 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

This comprehensive introduction to psychoanalytic theory and its application to the social sciences and humanities is now available in a new and fully revised edition. Elliott provides lucid interpretations of key psychoanalytic theorists and examines the political and cultural dimensions of psychoanalytic studies. Contents: 1. The Making of the Self - Divergences in Psychoanalytic Theory / 2. Modern Culture and Its Repressed - From Freud to Lasch / 3. Object Relations, Kleinian Theory, Self-Psychology - From Erikson to Kohut / 4. Poststructuralist Anxiety: Subjects of Desire - From Lacan to Derrida / 5. Psychoanalytic Feminism - From Chodorow to Butler / 6. The Dislocating World of Postmodernism - Identity in Troubled Times / Conclusion: Psychoanalysis as Critical Theory April 2015 6 b/w tables Hardback


234x 156 mm



All language rights available


The Content of Psychological Distress

Understanding Trauma and Resilience

Capturing and Addressing Complex Personal Experience Jack Chalkley, Clinical Psychologist, UK

Louise Harms, University of Melbourne, Australia From psychodynamic to narrative, systemic to feminist, the book takes the reader through a wide range of theories and their application to working with trauma. With a rich analysis of the histories, critiques and practice implications of each approach, it offers an invaluable theoretical grounding in the field for all those working with trauma, a wide appeal across counselling, psychotherapy, social work, mental health and other helping professions. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Disruption to the Self / 3. Restoring Trust and Connection / 4. Symptoms of the Body and Mind / 5. Meaning and Coherence / 6. Recognizing Rights / 7. Systems of Resilience / 8. Promoting Resilience and Recovery: An Integrative Approach / 9. Implications for Practice June 2015 Paperback

208pp £21.99

This book aims to move beyond 'off the shelf' diagnoses in mental health, towards a unique, patient-centred approach. Offering a critical perspective to medical methods, it provides an exciting, eye-opening read for anyone working in the field. Contents: Introduction / Chapter 1. Capturing Content / Chapter 2. Better Assessment / Chapter 3. Data – Creating, Collecting and Reviewing / Chapter 4. Psychological Concerns / Chapter 5. General Work / Chapter 6. Framework for Psychological Therapies / Chapter 7. Hospital and Community / Chapter 8. Ideas – From Practice to Philosophy / Chapter 9. The Significance of Content May 2015 30 b/w tables Paperback


216x 138 mm



All language rights available

234x 156 mm 9781137289285

All language rights available

9 | Rights Guide January - June 2015


People Skills 4th edition Neil Thompson, Writer, trainer and adviser, Avenue Consulting Ltd, UK

Understanding Social Work Preparing for Practice 4th edition

This new edition offers a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to developing people skills. Written in an accessible and engaging style by leading author Neil Thompson, it is an essential read for students and practitioners of social work and all other helping professions.

Neil Thompson, Writer, trainer and adviser, Avenue Consulting Ltd, UK Focusing on the challenges of achieving good practice, Understanding Social Work reflects recent developments in social work within the context of contemporary society, law and policy. This popular text continues to offer an excellent foundation for readers for anyone wanting a better understanding of the social work role. Contents: 1. Making Sense of Social Work / 2.The Legal and Policy Context / 3.The Knowledge Base / 4.The Skills Base / 5.The Value Base / 6. Achieving Good Practice / 7. Facing the Challenge / 8. Conclusion / Guide to Further Learning / Appendix: Internet Resources May 2015 10 illustrations Paperback


234x 156 mm



All language rights available

Contents: PART I: PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS / 1. Self-Awareness / 2. Time Management / 3. Stress Management / 4. Information Management / 5. Assertiveness / 6. Beating the Bully / 7. Using Supervision / 8. Being Creative / 9. Continuous Professional Development / 10. Being Realistic and Resilient / PART II: INTERACTION SKILLS / 11. Valuing Diversity / 12. Verbal Communication / 13. Nonverbal Communication / 14. Written Communication / 15. Interviewing / 16. Influencing Skills / 17. Leadership / 18. Handling Feelings / 19. Managing Conflict / 20. Multidisciplinary Working / PART III: INTERVENTION SKILLS / 21. Anti-Discriminatory Practice / 22. Being Systematic / 23. Assessment / 24. Planning / 25. Decision Making / 26. Managing Risk / 27. Review and Evaluation / 28. Ending / 29. Responding to Trauma: Promoting Healing and Recovery / 30. Reflective Practice March 2015 Paperback

336pp ÂŁ23.99

All language rights available

10 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

234x 156 mm 9781137467553


Health Studies

Developing Person-Centred Practice

An Introduction 3rd edition Edited by Jennie Naidoo, University of the West of England, UK and Jane Wills, London South Bank University, UK

A Practical Approach to Quality Healthcare Jaqui Hewitt-Taylor, School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University, UK A practical, case study based application of the principles of person-centred practice and its development. Everyone is talking about person-centred care but now there's a how-to guide which actually supports and reflects the challenges of implementing and pursuing this in everyday practice to make it a reality in healthcare. Contents: 1. Introducing Person-Centred Care and Practice Development / 2. Practice Development: a Person-Centred Methodology / 3. Person-Centred Care / 4. Integrating Patients into Practice Development Processes / 5. Creating a Culture of Learning and Development / 6. What Informs Practice Development? / 7. Leadership and Practice Development / 8. Practice Development and Change / 9. Evaluating Practice Development / 10. Maintaining a Culture of Person-Centred Practice Development / 11. Sharing the Outcomes of Person-Centred Practice Development / Endpoints March 2015 Paperback

256pp ÂŁ24.99

All language rights available

234x 156 mm 9781137399786

'This is a good background read and affords a broad interpretation of health issues. This edition engages the reader and encourages them to uncover the broader issues of health.' - Faith Muir, University of Wolverhampton, UK 'Excellent general text on health for use by midwifery students who need to gain a broader view of health related to women, pregnancy and childbearing.' Nicola Young, University of East Anglia, UK Health Studies: An Introduction is a comprehensive introduction to health and illness, approaches to healthcare, and the psychological, social and environmental factors that influence public and personal health. This thoroughly revised edition includes new chapters on geography and physiology, and increased coverage of global health issues. Contents: Introduction / 1. Human Biology and Health / 2. History and Health / 3. Epidemiology and Health / 4. Health Psychology / 5. Sociology and Health / 6. Geography and Health / 7. Cultural Studies and Anthropology / 8. Politics and Health / 9. Social Policy and Health / 10. Organisation and Management of Health and Health Care / 11. Health Economics / 12. Ethics and Law May 2015 488pp 246x 189 mm 15 tables, 20 figures, 5 halftones Paperback ÂŁ28.99 9781137348678 All language rights available

11 | Rights Guide January - June 2015


The Palgrave Student Planner 2015-2016

Skills for Success

Stella Cottrell, the University of East London, UK

Personal Development and Employability 3rd edition

This bestselling planner is the complete self-management tool for students. It contains everything students need to organize their information and time effectively, including study skills advice, diary pages, personal finance guidance, timetables, useful contacts and websites, spelling rules, notes pages and much more.

Stella Cottrell, the University of East London, UK

'I have been amazed at how useful the text is for our third year students enabling them to objectively identify their strengths and areas for future development. The templates in which competences can be celebrated in a structured format are excellent in connecting to each individual their 'emerging self'. This is something that is so useful when applying for posts and working beyond the courses' end to employment and professional life.' Lecturer in Midwifery, UK Each chapter encourages students to think reflectively about personal, academic and career goals and to plan a path to success. Rich in activities that develop valuable career skills, this revised and updated third edition has two new chapters on 'Taking charge of your life, learning and career' and 'What do employers really want?'. Contents: Introduction: Taking Charge of your Life, Learning and Career / PART I: SELF-MANAGEMENT / 1. The Vision: What does ‘Success’ Mean to You? / 2. Know Yourself / 3. Understanding your Personal Performance / 4. Successful Self-Management / PART II: PEOPLE AND TASKS / 5. People Skills / 6. Successful Problem-Solving and Task Management / PART III: EXTEND YOUR THINKING / 7. Thinking Outside of the Box / 8. The Art of Reflection / PART IV: EMPLOYABILITY: ENHANCING YOUR CAREER PROSPECTS / 9. What do Employers Really Want? / 10. Getting the Job You Want / 11. Maintaining Good Personal Records / 12. Drawing it Together / 13. Resource Bank / Useful Websites / References / Index

Palgrave Study Skills January 2015 Paperback

400pp £15.99

246x 189 mm 9781137426529

All language rights available

Contents: About This Planner and Diary / Dates, Contacts and Services / Year Planner 2015-16 / Calendar 2016-17 / Notable Dates and Bank Holidays 2015-16 / Key Dates / Birthdays and Events to Remember / Personal Details / Work / Work Experience Details / University / College Details / Emergency Contacts, Known Allergies and Medical Conditions / Tutor Contact Details / Contact Details for University / College Services / Quick Telephone Numbers / Essential and Local Services / Useful Contacts and Websites / Addresses and Contact Details / Meetings: Societies, Clubs, Sports, Choirs, etc. / Diary Pages / ‘To Do’ Pages / Notes Pages / Academic and Reference / University / College Speak / Time Management / Revision and Exams / Managing Stress / Quick Check: Conventions for Academic Study / Quick Check: Conventions for Academic Writing / Quick Check: Which is Which? / Quick Check: Spelling Rules / Quick Check: Use of Apostrophe / Quick Check: 111 Spelling Troublemakers / Conversion Factors (Metric and Imperial) / The NATO Phonetic Alphabet / Common Symbols and Abbreviations / Roman Numerals; Prime Numbers / Periodic Table / Astrological Signs; Chinese Animal Years; Wedding Anniversaries / International Information / Map of The London Underground / Map of The National Rail Network / Life Organisers / Journey Planner / Packing List / Work Placement and Careers / CV Building: Goal Setting / CV Building: Record of Achievements / Managing Your Money and Personal Finances / Money Saving Tips / Standard Shopping List / International Clothes and Shoes Conversion Charts / Laundry Symbols; Cooking Temperatures / Recommended Safe Limits of Alcohol Consumption / Nutrition / ‘5 A Day’ – Fruit and Vegetable Portions / Recipes: Meals in Minutes / Study Organisers / Tips from Tutors / Useful Apps for Study / Recommended Reading / Library Books on Reserve / Exam Dates and Assignment Deadlines / Revision Timetables / Record of Marks / Week-to-View Term /Semester Timetables May 2015 Calendar

240pp £8.99

All language rights available

12 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

210x 160 mm 9781137516190


Get Sorted How to make the most of your student experience Jeff Gill, ICF Professional Coach, UK and Will Medd, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK A self-coaching guide for students focused on challenging them to make more of their university experience. This book uses a coaching philosophy which bridges the gap between student life, degree performance, employability skills and health and well-being by challenging the reader to ask 'how do I want my student experience to be, and what can I do to make it like that?'. Contents: Introduction / PART I: FOUNDATIONS / 1. Introduction. Making Your Day - Get Sorted Now and Everyday ... / 2. Making Each Day Relevant: Bring Your Vision to Life! / 3. Making Each Day Meaningful: Living Your Values / 4. Making Each Day Gremlin Free: Don’t Let the Voice of Doom Have the Last Word / 5. Making Each Day Mindful: How Are You Today, Really? / 6. Making It Happen: Saying ‘Yes’ to Being Sorted / PART II: INNER RESOURCES / 7. Getting Going (Being Motivated) / 8. Stepping Up to It (Being Confident) / 9. Keeping It Together (Being Focused) / 10. Get Beyond the Obvious (Being Creative) / 11. You’re not Alone (Being in Relationships) / 12. Work, Rest and Play (Being in Balanced) / 13. Weebles Wobble! (Being Resilient ) / 14. Being You (Your Inner Leader)

Palgrave Study Skills May 2015 152pp 216x 138 mm 40 b/w illustrations, 5 tables, 4 diagrams, 87 b/w line drawings Paperback £11.99 9781137405937 All language rights available

Language and Conflict Selected Issues Karol Janicki, University of Bergen, Norway

'Language and Conflict is a fascinating trip into the power of language in engendering or averting conflict and in promoting peace. Once again, Karol Janicki reveals his profound concern for a linguistics that is sensitive to social problems, one that offers a new perspective on how meaning creation can have broad-ranging social repercussions. Through various riveting examples, he illustrates how aspects of this process may be used in developing greater tolerance, open-mindedness and peaceful co-existence, starting with the very young. Written in a highly engaging and accessible style, it is undoubtedly an essential introductory text for students of linguistics and communication, but also an ideal read for anybody interested in language in use.' - Maria Sifianou, University of Athens, Greece An entertaining and accessible guide for students taking an undergraduate course in discourse analysis or sociolinguistics. This is a book that will give students some useful 'hands-on' experience of discourse analysis and will point the way forward for readers who want to specialise in this area of study. Contents: Preface / Note for Teachers / Introduction / 1. Mixing Words and Other Things: a Reason for Conflict / 2. Framing: How We Talk Differently about the Same Thing / 3. Emotions: How Words Can Influence Our Reasoning / 4. Descriptions, Inferences and Evaluations: Different Levels of Abstraction and Conflict / 5. Euphemisms, Dysphemisms, and Political Correctness: How We Can Get Misdirected / 6. Communicative Competence: How We May Misinterpret Other People’s Linguistic Behaviour / 7. Meaning: How Conflicts Revolve around the Definitions of Words / 8. Linguistics for Peace Education / Conclusion: a Trip to the Matsés / Glossary / References / Index March 2015 Paperback

244pp £19.99

216x 138 mm 9781137381408

All language rights available

13 | Rights Guide January - June 2015


The Birth of a Nation

The BFI Film Classics series introduces, interprets and celebrates landmarks of world cinema. Each volume offers an argument for the film's 'classic' status, together with discussion of its production and reception history, its place within a genre or national cinema, an account of its technical and aesthetic importance, and in many cases, the author's personal response to the film.

Paul McEwan, Muhlenberg College, USA The Birth of a Nation is widely considered to be the most controversial film of all time. Published on the 100th anniversary of its release, this richly detailed study recounts the film's development and historical context and traces tensions between art and racism that have made this the only film to have an unbroken decade of reception history.

The Sound of Music Caryl Flinn, University of Michigan, USA A half-century after its release, The Sound of Music remains the most profitable and recognisable film musical ever made. Foregrounding the film's iconic musical numbers as key to its global longevity and appeal, Caryl Flinn's fresh new study traces the film's prehistories, its place amongst the events of the 1960s, and its afterlife amongst fans. Contents: PART I / 1. Introduction / 2. Rodgers and Hammerstein / 3. Musicals / 4. A Decade in Turmoil / PART II / 5. The Historical von Trapps / 6. Die Trapp-Familie / 7. Selling Maria’s Story: the Stage Musical / 8. A Studio in Crisis / 9. Production Crew / 10. The Players / PART III: THE SONGS OF MUSIC / 11. The Sound of Music / 12. Opening Prayers / 13. Maria / 14. I Have Confidence / 15. 16 Going on 17 / 16. My Favourite Things / 17. Do Re Mi / 18. The Lonely Goatherd / 19. Edelweiss / 20. The Ländler / 21. So Long, Farewell / 22. Climb Ev’ry Mountain / 23. Something Good / 24. Wedding Processional / PART IV: AFTERLIFE May 2015 96pp 57 colour photos Paperback £12.99

Contents: Acknowledgmets / Introduction: ‘True as that Blade’ / 1. The Film / 2. The Legacy / Notes / Credits May 2015 96pp 38 colour photos Paperback £12.99

190x 135 mm 9781844576579

All language rights available

The Gold Rush Matthew Solomon, University of Michigan, USA Matthew Solomon's study of Chaplin's The Gold Rush (1925) provides an in-depth discussion of the film's production and reception history, placing it in the context of the turn-of-thecentury Alaska Klondike gold rush, and analyses the film's narrative and formal features, particularly its references to music-hall performance styles and tropes.

190x 135 mm 9781844574742

All language rights available

Contents: Acknowledgments / 1. A Film in Flux / 2. An Unstable Text / 3. The Total FilmMaker / 4. Origins and Originality / 5. The Work of the Artist and His Lawyers in an Age of Technological Reproducibility / 6. ‘The Lucky Strike’ / 7. A Northern Comedy / 8. Historical Referents / 9. Making by Halves; Two Premieres / 10. Revising and Reviving / 11. Second-Best Ever / 12. Un/Authorised Versions / 13. Memorable Sequences / 14. Outtakes, Parallel Takes and a Triple Take / Notes / Credits / Select Bibliography May 2015 112pp b/w film stills and screengrabs Paperback £12.99 All language rights available

14 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

190x 135 mm 9781844576401

Toy Story

Head-On (Gegen die Wand) Tom Kemper, University of Southern California, USA

Daniela Berghahn, University of London, UK

The first computer-generated animated feature film, Toy Story (1995) sustains a dynamic vitality that appeals to audiences of all ages. This lively study explores how its depiction of a glimmering commercial world both deconstructs and affirms modern popular culture and in doing so provides a distinctive alternative to the usual Disney formula.

The award-winning love story Head-On (2004) has been embroiled in TurkishGerman identity politics since its release. Opening up fresh lines of enquiry, Daniela Berghahn's detailed and entertaining account of the film's production history and reception instead situates the film in the rich context of global art cinema and transnational melodrama.

Contents: Acknowledgments / 1. Power Pop / 2. ‘The Rat’s Nest’ / 3. ‘A Rebel Group’ / 4. ‘What Would Walt Say?’ / 5. ‘Hip - Loveable, Urban. Think Simpsons’ / 6. Playtime: the Film / 7. Stories / Notes / Credits / Bibliography

Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / 1. And the Winner is...? / 2. Caught Up in Identity Politics: From Turkish German Film-maker to Transnational Auteur / 3. Head-On as Transnational Melodrama / Notes / Credits

May 2015 halftones Paperback

May 2015 96pp 59 colour photos Paperback £12.99


190x 135 mm



All language rights available

190x 135 mm 9781844576722

All language rights available

An American in Paris Sue Harris, Queen Mary University of London, UK A landmark film in the careers of Vincente Minnelli, Gene Kelly and Arthur Freed, An American in Paris shifted the ground on which the Hollywood musical was understood. Sue Harris combines rich historical context with in-depth film analysis to foreground the film's unique collaborative spirit and its interactions with Paris as a place and an idea. Contents: Acknowledgments / 1. ‘Who Knows, It May Even Put Paris on the Map’ / 2. The Building Blocks of Production 1507 / 3. Paris, Culver City / 4. Camaraderie, Community and Romance / 5. The Ballet / 6. Promotion, Reception, Legacy / Conclusion / Notes / Credits / Bibliography May 2015 112pp 60 colour photos Paperback £12.99

190x 135 mm 9781844574711

All language rights available

15 | Rights Guide January - June 2015



Media Economics


Stuart Cunningham, Terry Flew and Adam Swift, all at Queensland University of Technology, Australia A concise introduction to the key ideas and issues in the study of media economics, drawing on a broad range of case studies - from Amazon and Twitter, to Apple and Netflix - to illustrate how economic paradigms are not just theories, but provide important practical insights into how the media operates today. Contents: 1. Media Economics: the Mainstream Approach / 2. Critical Political Economy of the Media / 3. Institutional Economics / 4. Evolutionary Economics / 5. Case Studies and Conclusions

Key Concerns in Media Studies May 2015 192pp 7 b/w tables, 3 figures Paperback ÂŁ19.99

216x 138 mm 9780230293229

All language rights available

4th edition Jim Breithaupt, Writer, Canada

'There is a need for this type of text which is much more focused on the basic principles of the subject than the currently available texts at foundation level.' - Dr Peter Butler, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK Assuming no prior knowledge and focusing on the basics, Physics offers a clear and accessible introduction to the core aspects of the subject. The latest edition includes a new chapter on Rotational Dynamics, and introduces students to recent advances in the field at relevant points throughout the book. Contents: Preface / How to Use this Book / Units and Measurements / PART I: Mechanics / 1. Forces in Equilibrium / 2. Dynamics / 3. Force and Motion / 4. Energy and Power / PART II : Properties of Materials / 5. Matter and Molecules / 6. Thermal Properties of Materials / 7. Strength of Solids / 8. Pressure / PART III: Waves / 9. Properties of Waves / 10. Sound / 11. Optics / 12. Electromagnetic Waves / PART IV: Electricity / 13. Introduction to Electricity / 14. Electric Circuits / 15. Capacitors / 16. Electronics / PART V: Fields / 17. Electric Fields / 18. Magnetic Fields / 19. Electromagnetic Induction / 20. Alternating Current / PART VI: Atomic and Nuclear Physics / 21. Electrons and Photons / 22. Radioactivity / 23. Energy from the Nucleus / PART VII: Further Physics / 24. Fluid Flow / 25. Gases / 26. Thermodynamics / 27. Uniform Circular Motion / 28. Gravitation / 29. Simple Harmonic Motion / 30. Rotational Dynamics / Further Questions / Using Spreadsheets / List of Experiments in the Book / Location Guide to Mathematical Skills / Summary of Equations / Useful Data / Answers to InText Questions and Revision Questions / Answers to Further Questions / Glossary / Index

Palgrave Foundations Series January 2015 560pp 246x 189 mm 544 diagrams, 41 b/w photos, 13 b/w tables, 60 graphs Paperback ÂŁ32.99 9781137443236 All language rights available

16 | Rights Guide January - June 2015



Introducing a major new text in the field of International Relations! This exciting new text provides a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to International Relations, based on long-time collaboration between these three leading American names in the field.

Dec 2014 Paperback 9781137398802 Price £34.99 544pp

Translation rights are available now, for more information or to request a reading copy email: translations@ palgrave.com

There are many good introductions to IR... …but this new volume by three of IR’s best must surely now become the gold standard against which all other similar books on the subject will be measured. I can think of no other entry point into the subject I would recommend ahead of this one. - Professor Michael Cox, London School of Economics, IDEAS, UK


Turning the youth unemployment crisis into opportunity


Peter Vogel, Entrepreneur, Switzerland

Neuroscience for Leadership Harnessing the Brain Gain Advantage Tara Swart, CEO of The Unlimited Mind, UK , Kitty Chisholm, Director of Boardwalk Leadership, UK, Paul Brown, Senior Adviser to the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, USA

'If you are jaded by the torrent of books on leadership and organizational behavior, read this one for a refreshing change! The authors distil the conclusions from neuroscience research and apply them to leadership, governance, management, administration and personal development in a most readable way. Each chapter presents fascinating vignettes on a wide range of topics.' -Sir John Daniel, O.C., Former Assistant Director-General, UNESCO for Education; Former ViceChancellor, The Open University, UK Leadership can be learned: new evidence from neuroscience clearly points to ways that leaders can significantly improve how they engage with and motivate others. This book provides leaders and managers with an accessible guide to practical, effective actions, based on neuroscience. Contents: 1. There is Chemistry and then There is Chemistry / 2. Brains, Bodies and Businesses: a Systems Approach / 3. The New Model Leader / 4. Testosterone, Risk and Entrepreneurship / 5. Why is the Soft Stuff so Hard? / 6. The Challenge of Decisions / 7. Changing Yourself – Changing Others / 8. Elite Performance, Brain Agility and Engagement / 9. Stress, Resilience and Confidence / 10. Creating the Spark, Lighting the Fire / 11. Difference, Diversity and Gender / 12. Whole Person, Vibrant Organization

The Neuroscience of Business February 2015 256pp 43 tables, 8 figures Hardback £22.99

Generation Jobless?

216x 138 mm 9781137466853

All language rights available

'Dr. Peter Vogel's work on tackling youth unemployment around the world is inspiring and an excellent read. His mission is mine, to lay out a blueprint for those with aspirations and great ideas, so that they can become job creators, wealth creators, and in certain cases, go from unemployed to selfemployed.'-John Hope Bryant, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Operation HOPE, US 'Generation Jobless? is a wonderful read and primer for anyone who cares to make a difference. Truly the best work I have read on the youth labor market crisis – and a personal invitation to each and everyone of us to take part in solving the crisis for our children' -Carsten Sudhoff, Founder and CEO Circular Society AG, Switzerland 'The world of work is transforming at a furious, unprecedented pace, and young people are the ones that are hit hardest. This is a truly powerful book that gives us hope that it is not too late to avoid a generation jobless' -Mike Johnson, Chairman & Founder, the Futurework Forum, UK Offering guidance on the opportunities and threats for future generations, and featuring interviews with business leaders, this book provides a constructive look at change. It directs the youth to become job creators, not job seekers, and to approach the corporate and political worlds with an entrepreneurial mind-set. Contents: Foreword / PART I: YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT / 1. The Youth Unemployment Crisis and the Threat of a ‘Generation Jobless’ / 2. Milennials and Digital Natives / 3. Trends and Outlook / PART II: FROM CRISIS TO OPPORTUNITY / 4. Entrepreneurship: Turning Job Seekers into Job Creators / 5. Addressing the Gap Between the Education System and the Labor Market / 6. Employers’ Contribution to Tackling Youth Unemployment / 7. Designing Active Labor Market Policies to Tackle Youth Unemployment / 8. More Proposed Solutions / 9. Building Multi-Stakeholder Solutions for Youth Unemployment / Afterword March 2015 248pp 32 figures, 8 b/w tables Hardback £22.99 All language rights available

18 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

216x 138 mm 9781137375933

Why People (Don’t) Buy

The Business of Sharing

The Go and Stop Signals for Consumers

Making it in the New Sharing Economy

Amitav Chakravarti, London School of Economics, UK and Manoj Thomas, Cornell University, USA Full of practical diagrams and maps, as well as international case studies, this book offers a unique and extensively-tested 'GO-STOP Signal Framework', which allows managers to better understand why consumers are not buying their products and what can be done to put this right. Contents: 1. THE 100 CALORIES PARADOX / The GO-STOP Signal Framework / 2. JC PENNEY: THE FAIR AND SQUARE STRATEGY / Removing Price Promotions can Strengthen the STOP Signal / 3. TATA NANO: THE CHEAPEST CAR / Low Price Can Weaken the GO Signal / 4. HEDGEHOGS AND FOXES / Mispredicting Consumer Behavior / 5. UNDERPRICED NYC RESTAURANTS / When does Low Price Weaken the GO Signal? / 6. DID CREDIT CARDS MAKE AMERICA FAT? / Unintended Consequences of Technology / 7. IS $451,563 SMALLER THAN $450,000? / Heuristic Inferences / 8. PAYING FOR MEDICINES AND TICKLE-ME ELMO / Unfairness Cues Strengthen the STOP Signal / 9. WHY PAYING PEOPLE TO DONATE BLOOD DOESN’T PAY / Monetary Incentives Can Weaken the GO Signal / 10. BEHAVIORAL AUDIT FOR STRATEGIC DECISIONS / Measuring GO AND STOP signals May 2015 232pp 216x 138 mm 8 b/w tables, 22 figures, 11 b/w line drawings Hardback £21.99 9781137466679 All language rights available

Alex Stephany, CEO of JustPark, UK

'A remarkable book, a sweeping view of a fascinating new economy in which peer-to-peer exchange will be central, written to be simultaneously very intelligent and very readable. Alex Stephany is a rare author, combining the experiential insight of a successful entrepreneur with the longer-range vision of a deep thinker. Read this book.' - Arun Sundararajan, Professor and Rosen Faculty Fellow, Stern School of Business, New York University, US 'The Business of Sharing is an excellent read for any entrepreneur. Alex gives a great overview of the sharing economy: from how it works to the current key players in the market and the stories, such as my own, of founders who launched businesses that rely upon the sharing economy.' - Martin Varsavsky, Founder and CEO of Fon, Spain 'Alex Stephany writes a compelling and incisive guide to how sharing economy dynamics make businesses and communities agile, innovative and powerful. Read this book, because by the end you'll understand how the sharing economy has unleashed a complex and massive shift in the way business is done.' - Lisa Gansky, Entrepreneur; Author of The Mesh, US Providing a colorful insight into the people at the forefront of the emergent Sharing Economy, a movement predicted to already be worth around $26B a year, this book gives vital advice to anyone thinking of starting or investing in a collaborative consumption business. The first of its kind, written by an author on the forefront of this new trend. Contents: Prologue: the $700 Million Moustache / 1. Architects: Building on New Ground / 2. We the People: Selfish Sharers / 3. Founders: Visionaries and Doers / 4. Investors: all Bets are On (All $3 Billion of Them) / 5. Corporates: Angry, Afraid - and In / 6. Governments: Fits and Starts / Epilogue: a Shared Future? March 2015 240pp 5 colour illustrations, 3 figures Hardback £16.99

216x 138 mm 9781137376176

All language rights available

19 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

The New Influencing Toolkit

The Public Wealth of Nations

Capabilities for Communicating with Influence

How Management of Public Assets Can Boost or Bust Economic Growth

Tim Baker, Managing Director of WINNERS-AT-WORK Pty Ltd, Australia Without influence, managers are ineffective. In today's workplace, managers need to influence up, down and increasingly, sideways as organizations become less hierarchical. This book is expertly designed to diagnose and develop managerial influence, focusing on four key strategies: investigating, calculating, motivating and collaborating. Contents: 1. Managing with Power and Influence / 2. Influencing Capabilities Framework / 3. Influencing Capabilities Profile / 4. Interpreting Your Results / 5. The Investigator / 6. The Calculator / 7. The Motivator / 8. The Collaborator February 2015 294pp 216x 138 mm 8 b/w tables, 3 figures, 24 tables Hardback £22.99 9781137470140 All language rights available

Dag Detter, Director at the Ministry of Industry and President of Stattum, Sweden and Stefan Fölster, Managing Director of the Reform Institute, Sweden Two leading economists argue that publicly owned commercial assets need to be taken out of the control of politicians. This radical, reforming book could lead to the creation of entirely new departments in the world's major banks, improve the fabric of democratic institutions across the globe, and increase global living standards. Contents: 1. What Can Public Wealth Do for You? / 2. Don’t Rock the Boat and the Hand that Feeds You - the Cost of Poor Management / 3. How State Run Business Can Ruin the Economy and Politics / 4. The Size and Potential of Public Wealth / 5. Attempts to Reform Management of Public Wealth / 6. Active Owner or Privatise - Swedish and Asian Pioneers vs Thatcher / 7. Monetising Yields Value, and Improves Democracy as well / 8. The Anatomy of National Wealth Funds / 9. Strategies for Creating Value / 10. We All Want to Build Roads Now – But Can We Afford It? / 11. How Politicians Can Become Consumer Advocates Instead of Quasi-capitalists June 2015 Hardback

216pp £24.99

All language rights available

20 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

216x 138 mm 9781137519849

Changing Employee Behavior A Practical Guide for Managers Nik Kinley, Director and Head of Talent Strategy, YSC Ltd, UK and Shlomo Ben-Hur, Professor of Leadership & Organizational Behavior, IMD, Switzerland This book reveals the simple, but powerful techniques for changing behavior that experts from a range of disciplines have been using for years, making them available to all managers in a single and comprehensive toolkit for change that managers can use to drive and improve the performance of their staff. Based on research conducted for this book, it introduces practical techniques drawn from the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, and behavioral economics, and show how they can be applied to address some of the most common, every-day challenges that managers face. Contents: 1. How to Help Change Happen / 2. Four Ways to Think about Change / 3. Intrinsic Motivation: the Science of Commitment / 4. Extrinsic Motivation: Using Rewards and Punishment / 5. Ability / 6. Psychological Capital: Believing You can Succeed / 7. Psychological Capital: Will Power and Resilience / 8. How to Build, Break and Change Habits / 9. Gamification / 10. Nudging / 11. Becoming an Architect of Change / Appendix 1: Key Questions to Ask Yourself / Appendix 2: MAPS Profiler Tool /Appendix 3: MAPS Profiler Graph March 2015 Hardback

224pp ÂŁ22.99

All language rights available

282x 219 mm 9781137449542

POCKET CONSULTANTS Palgrave Pocket Consultants is a new series of concise, market driven, technical guides which provide actionable solutions to specific, high-level business problems. Written for aspiring middle-to-senior managers working for start-ups, through to multinational corporations. Palgrave Pocket Consultants cover a range of key topics in modern business, including: Marketing, Branding and Advertising; Entrepreneurship and Small Business; HR and OB; Management and Strategy; Global Business; Business, Society and Culture and Innovation.

People Data How to Use and Apply Human Capital Metrics in your Company Tine Huus, Director of Best Work of Our Lives Ltd, Denmark People are an organizations' biggest asset and easily amount to 30% of company costs so even small improvements can have a bottom-line impact. A unique toolkit to an important new trend, People Data demystifies and simplifies the process of understanding and working with human capital metrics. Contents: Preface / 1. Why Bother about Human Capital Metrics? / 2. Working Strategically with Human Capital / 3. The Machine Room / 4. Determining What Measures You Need / 5. A Toolbox for Managers / 6. Making It Happen / 7. Limitations and Obstacles / 8. Metrics for Sceptics / 9. Calls to Action / Appendices May 2015 25 figures Paperback


198x 129 mm



All language rights available

21 | Rights Guide January - June 2015



Economic and Financial Crises

Criminal Capital

A New Macroeconomic Analysis

How the Finance Industry Facilitates Crime

Sergio Rossi, University of Fribourg, Switzerland and Alvaro Cencini, University of Lugano, Switzerland This book deals with the structural origins of economic and financial crises. It explains that both economic theories and policies need to be grounded on a monetary macroeconomic analysis of the working of domestic and international economies. The volume outlines reform proposals to make sure that banking activities respect the nature of money. Contents: Part I: Modern Principles of Monetary Macroeconomics / 1. The Monetary Macroeconomics of Modern Economic Systems / 2 .The Macroeconomic Laws of Monetary Production Economies / Part II: Business Cycle and Crisis Theories: a Fundamental Critique / 3. Business Cycles Versus Boom-and-Bust Cycles / 4. From Monetarism to the New Classical Synthesis / 5 .From Keynes to post-Keynesian Economics / 6. Economic Crises and Their Relationship to Global Supply and Global Demand / Part III: The Monetary Macroeconomics of Crises / 7. Capital Accumulation and Economic Crises / 8. Interest, Rate of Interest, and Crises / 9. The International Dimension of Financial Crises / 10. Reforming Domestic Payment Systems / 11. Reforming the International Monetary System May 2015 Hardback

352pp ÂŁ70.00

216x 138 mm 9781137461896

All language rights available

Stephen Platt, Stephen Platt and Associates LLP, UK

'Stephen is a leader in financial crime writing. This book will catapult your understanding of how criminals compromise financial markets.' - Robert Mazur, Former Federal Agent, US 'In Criminal Capital, Stephen Platt lays out in clear and frightening detail, the criminal rot at the core of the international banking system. It brought the global economy to the brink of depression in 2008 and it has not been fixed. The author gets to the heart of the excessive risk taking and the blind eye to customer crime that allows banks to serve as a circulation system for global corruption. A bold and sobering read.' - Eric Lewis, Senior Partner Lewis Baach PLLC, US 'A great read for anybody who wants to learn more about how criminals abuse the global financial system.' - Joseph Pistone, Author of Donnie Brasco: my undercover life in the mafia, US 'Criminal Capital offers a compelling, concerning, and clear view of the ways that financial institutions tacitly enable crime, and challenges both banks and regulators to stop the madness.' - Carole Switzer, Co-founder and President of the Open Compliance and Ethics Group, US Criminal Capital is an engaging but authoritative account of how financial structures and products can and are being used to evade proper scrutiny and enable criminal activity and what can be done about it. Based on the analysis of the financial methods that are frequently used by criminals, it deals with the widespread abuse of financial systems. Contents: 1. Harmful Practices / 2. Money Laundering Models / 3. Onshore / Offshore Dichotomy / 4. Drug Trafficking / 5. Bribery and Corruption / 6. Piracy / 7. Human Trafficking / Smuggling of Migrants / 8. Terror Financing / 9. Sanctions / 10. Tax Evasion / 11. Causes and Solutions January 2015 248pp 29 diagrams, 1 map Hardback ÂŁ19.99 All language rights available

22 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

234x 156 mm 9781137337290

Banking Secrecy and Global Finance


Economic and Political Issues Donato Masciandaro and Olga Balakina, both at Bocconi University, Italy In this book, the authors show how the growth of criminal activity has systematically generated a demand for banking secrecy. They explore how national politicians and international banks have been motivated to supply banking secrecy through economic and political incentives, and shed light on the economics and politics of banking secrecy. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to reveal the variety of behaviours and processes involved in making dirty money appear clean, providing an in-depth study of financial transactions which are characterized by a special purpose: hiding the originally illegal sources. Contents: PREFACE / INTRODUCTION / PART I: BANKING SECRECY: ECONOMICS AND POLITICS / PART II: BANKING SECRECY, REGULATION AND SUPERVISION / PART III: BANKING SECRECY AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS / APPENDIX: FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE UNITS IN THE WORLD June 2015 256pp 29 tables, 16 figures Hardback £70.00 All language rights available

216x135 mm 9781137400093

Diplomacy Theory and Practice 5th edition G.R. Berridge, University of Leicester, UK 'Probably the most prolific contemporary writer on diplomacy is Professor Geoff R. Berridge […] Each of his many books is impeccably well written and full of insights into the fascinating formation of modern diplomacy' - Robert William Dry, New York University, and Chairman of AFSA's Committee on the Foreign Service Profession and Ethics, USA 'I discovered Geoff Berridge's book on diplomacy after serving as a diplomat for over 30 years. It is well researched, sophisticated, inspiring and, where the subject invites it, suitably ironic. ' - Dr Max Schweizer, Head of Foreign Affairs and Applied Diplomacy, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland Fully revised and updated, this comprehensive guide to diplomacy explores the art of negotiating international agreements and the channels through which such activities occur – when states are in diplomatic relations, and when they are not. This new edition includes chapters on secret intelligence and economic and commercial diplomacy. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE ART OF NEGOTIATION/ PART II: DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS / PART III: DIPLOMACY WITHOUT DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS / Conclusion June 2015 Hardback

288pp £69.99

216x 138 mm 9781137445506

All language rights available

23 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

Theorizing Foreign Policy in a Globalized World Edited by Gunther Hellmann, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany and Knud Erik Jørgensen, University of Aarhus, Denmark In this collection of refreshing and provocative essays, the contributors to Theorizing Foreign Policy in a Globalized World reflect on the gamechanging political impact of globalization, outlining the situation as it currently stands and suggesting strategies for analyzing foreign policy and global governance. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Linking Foreign Policy and Systemic Transformation in Global Politics: Methodized Inquiry in a Deweyan Tradition; Gunther Hellmann / 3. Foreign Policy in an Age of Globalization; Iver B. Neumann / 4. Analysing Foreign Policy in an Era of Global Governance; Simon Schunz and Stephan Keukeleire / 5. Actorhood in World Politics: The Dialects of Agency/Structure within the World Polity; Mathias Albert and Stephan Stetter / 6. Do We Need Fewer than 195 Theories of Foreign Policy?; Benjamin Herborth / 7. ‘Identity’ in International Relations and Foreign Policy Theory; Ursula Stark Urrestarazu / 8. Foreign Policy Feedbacks: A Cybernetic Model at the Interface of Foreign Policy Analysis and International Relations; Frank Gadinger and Dirk Peters / 9. Beliefs and Loyalties in World Politics: a Pragmatist Framework of Analysis; Ulrich Roos / 10. Foreign Policy as Ethics: Towards a Re-Evaluation of Values; Dan Bulley / 11. First in Freedom: American Martial Liberal Exceptionalism in International Context; Daniel Deudney and Sunil Vaswani

Palgrave Studies in International Relations March 2015 1 diagram Hardback


216x 138 mm



All language rights available

The Politics of Leverage in International Relations Name, Shame, and Sanction Edited by H. Richard Friman, Marquette University, USA This unique volume unpacks the concept and practice of naming and shaming by examining how governments, NGOs and international organisations attempt to change the behaviour of targeted actors through public exposure of violations of normative standards and legal commitments. Contents: Notes on Contributors / Acknowledgements / 1. Introduction: Unpacking the Mobilization of Shame; H. Richard Friman / PART I: REVISITING HUMAN RIGHTS NAMING AND SHAMING / 2. Caught at the Keyhole: The Power and Limits of Shame; William F. Schulz / 3. Human Rights Naming and Shaming: International and Domestic Processes; James C. Franklin / 4. Mobilizing ‘Third-Party Influence’: The Impact of Amnesty International’s Naming and Shaming; Dongwook Kim / 5. Promoting Accountability, Undermining Peace? Naming and Shaming in Transitional Justice Processes; Eric WiebelhausBrahm / PART II: NAMING AND SHAMING BEYOND HUMAN RIGHTS / 6. Ain’t That a Shame? Hypocrisy, Punishment and Weak Actor Influence in International Politics; Joshua W. Busby and Kelly M. Greenhill / 7. Naming and Shaming in Financial Regulation: Explaining Variation in the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; Mark T. Nance / 8. Behind the Curtain: Naming and Shaming in International Drug Control; H. Richard Friman / 9. UN Targeted Sanctions as Signals: Naming and Shaming or Naming and Stigmatizing?; Thomas Biersteker / 10. Shaming the Shameless? Campaigning against Corporations; Virginia Haufler / 11. Conclusion: Exploring the Politics of Leverage; H. Richard Friman

Palgrave Studies in International Relations March 2015 240pp 5 figures, 12 b/w tables Hardback £65.00 All language rights available

24 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

216x 138 mm 9781137439321

Climate Terror A Critical Geopolitics of Climate Change Timothy Doyle, Keele University, UK, and Sanjay Chaturvedi, Panjab University, India

The Political Economy of Rare Earth Elements Rising Powers and Technological Change Edited by Ryan David Kiggins, University of Central Oklahoma, USA

Climate Terror engages with a highly differentiated geographical politics of global warming. It explores how fear-inducing climate change discourses could result in new forms of dependencies, domination and militarised 'climate security'. Contents: 1. A Critical Geopolitics of ‘Climate Fear/Terror’: Roots, Routes and Rhetoric / 2. Climate ‘Science’: Categories, Cultures and Contestations / 3. Terrorizing Climate Territories and Marginalized Geographies of the Post-Political / 4. The Violence of Climate ‘Markets’: Insuring ‘Our Way of Living’ / 5. ‘Climate Borders’ in the Anthropocene: Securitising Displacements, Migration and Refugees / 6. Climate Security and Militarization: Geo-Economics and Geo-Securities of Climate Change / 7. Climate Justice: an Attempt at an Emancipatory Politics of Climate Change / 8. Making ‘Climate Futures’: Power, Knowledge and Technologies

New Security Challenges May 2015 Hardback

256pp £65.00

All language rights available

216x 138 mm 9780230249615

The contributors argue that rare earths are essential to the information technology revolution on which humans have come to depend for communication, commerce, and, increasingly, engage in conflict. They demonstrate that rare earths are a strategic commodity over which political actors will and do struggle for control. Contents: Introduction: The Strategic and Security Implications of Rare Earths; Ryan Kiggins / 2. China’s Rare Earth Industry and End-Use: Supply Security and Innovation; Jost Wubbeke / 3. Rare Earths and Japan: Traditional Vulnerability Reconsidered; Kyoko Hatakeyama / 4. Rare Earth Elements and the European Union; Maximilian Rech / 5. The Curious Disjunction of Rare Earth Elements and U.S. Politics: Analyzing the Inability to Develop a Secure REE Supply Chain; Steven Dobransky / 6. Afghanistan from Barrier to Bridgehead: the Political Economy of Rare Earth Elements and the New Silk Road; Michael Skinner / 7. The Environment-Security Nexus in Contemporary Rare Earth Politics; Julie Klinger / 8. Recycling toward Rare Earths Security; Fanny Verrax / 9. Rare Earth and One-Dimensional Society: Mining the Foundations of Counterrevolutionary Seduction; Sean Walsh / 10. Rare Earths in Africa and South America; Mauro Caraccioli / Afterword: Rare Earths in the WTO; Louis Furmanski

International Political Economy Series May 2015 32pp 7 b/w tables, 11 figures Hardback £65.00

216x 138 mm 9781137364234

All language rights available

25 | Rights Guide January - June 2015



The Bicycle - Towards a Global History

Existentialism and Romantic Love Skye Cleary, Columbia University, USA

Paul Smethurst, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong The modern bicycle is favoured as a sustainable form of transport, while also reinventing itself as a chic and sportive fashion object, and a generic protest vehicle. With contradictory strands like these, the bicycle's cultural history is a rich subject for cross-cultural study. This is the first history of the bicycle to trace not only the technical background to its invention, but also to contrast its social and cultural impact in different parts of the world, and assess its future as a continuing global phenomenon. Contents: 1. Invention / 2. Mobility / 3. Crossings / 4. Trends and Trajectories May 2015 224pp 30 maps, tables, images Hardback £70.00

234x 156 mm 9781137499493

All language rights available

26 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

This book is an existential study of romantic loving. It draws on five existential philosophers to offer insights into what is wrong with our everyday ideas about romantic loving, why reality often falls short of the ideal, sources of frustrations and disappointments, and possibilities for creating authentically meaningful relationships. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Max Stirner and Loving Egoistically / 3. Søren Kierkegaard and Loving Aesthetically / 4. Friedrich Nietzsche and Loving Powerfully / 5. Jean-Paul Sartre and Loving Sado-Masochistically / 6. Simone de Beauvoir and Loving Authentically / 7. Conclusion March 2015 Hardback

224pp £60.00

All language rights available

216x 138 mm 9781137455796

Luck: Its Nature and Significance for Human Knowledge and Agency E.J. Coffman, University of Tennessee, USA As thinkers in the market for knowledge and agents aspiring to morally responsible action, we are inevitably subject to luck. This book presents a comprehensive new theory of luck in light of a critical appraisal of the literature's leading accounts, then brings this new theory to bear on issues in the theory of knowledge and philosophy of action. Contents: 1. Lucky Events: The Current Debate and a New Proposal / 2. What is a Stroke of Luck?: Enriching the Strokes Account / 3. Knowledge and Luck I: Gettiered Belief and the Ease of Mistake Approach / 4 Knowledge and Luck II: Three More Approaches to Gettiered Belief / 5. Freedom, Responsibility, and Luck I: The Possibility of Moral Responsibility and Literal Arguments / 6. Freedom, Responsibility, and Luck II: Stipulative Arguments for the Proximal / Coda

Palgrave Innovations in Philosophy February 2015 Hardback

208pp ÂŁ60.00

All language rights available

216x 138 mm 9781137326096

PSYCHOLOGY Narcissism and the Self Dynamics of Self-Preservation in Social Interaction, Personality Structure, Subjective Experience, and Psychopathology Ralf-Peter Behrendt, Consultant Psychiatrist at Princess Elizabeth Hospital, Guernsey The book examines how coevolved intraspecific aggression and appeasement gestures can give rise to complex social, cultural, and psychopathological phenomena. It argues that the individual's need regulate narcissistic supplies and maintain feelings of safety is the overriding determinant of human conduct and thought in mental health and illness. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. Affective Expressions / 3. Affective States / 4. Development / 5. Superego / 6. Selfexperience / 7. Character Defences / 8. Psychopathology / 9. Interpersonal and Social Dynamics / 10. Conclusion February 2015 33 figures Hardback


216x 138 mm



All language rights available

27 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

Social and Psychological Dimensions of Personal Debt and the Debt Industry Edited by Serdar M. Değirmencioğlu, Doğuş University, Turkey, and Carl Walker, University of Brighton, UK

SOCIOLOGY Digital Leisure, the Internet and Popular Culture Communities and Identities in a Digital Age Karl Spracklen, Leeds Beckett University, UK

An understanding of personal debt requires an understanding of the complex social systems that produce poverty. By drawing upon international perspectives, this book investigates why more and more people are in debt, why it is causing so much mental distress and exactly who is benefiting from what has become the world's number one growth industry. Contents: Introduction / PART I: AUSTERITY, FINANCIALISATION AND SERIAL ASSET EXTRACTION: UNDERSTANDING INSTITUTIONALISED SUFFERING /PART II: THE PUBLIC FACE OF THE DEBT INDUSTRY: DISCOURSE AND WELLBEING / PART III: POLITICAL HISTORIES OF PERSONAL DEBT: MANAGED DECLINE, THE DEBT INDUSTRY AND WELLBEING / Conclusion June 2015 304pp 8 figures, 3 b/w tables Hardback £63.00

216x 138 mm 9781137407788

All language rights available

Spracklen explores the impact of the internet on leisure and leisure studies, examining the ways in which digital leisure spaces and activities have become part of everyday leisure. Covering a range of issues from social media and file-sharing to romance on the Internet, this book presents new theoretical directions for digital leisure. Contents: 1. Introduction / 2. A Brief History of Leisure and the Net / 3. Leisure Studies and the Problem of the Net / 4. Net Theory and Digital Leisure / 5. A Theory of Digital Leisure / 6. Identity Making and Social Media / 7. File-Sharing and Net Ethics / 8. Digital Leisure and Commodification / 9. Digital Leisure and Communicative Leisure / 10. Sex and Romance / 11. Conclusions

Leisure Studies in a Global Era May 2015 Hardback

256pp £65.00

All language rights available

28 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

216x 138 mm 9781137405869

Social Transformation and Migration National and Local Experiences in South Korea, Turkey, Mexico and Australia Edited by Stephen Castles, Derya Ozkul and Magdalena Cubas, all at University of Sydney, Australia

MEDIA Digital Creativity Something from Nothing Gregory Sporton, University of Greenwich, UK

This book examines theories and specific experiences of international migration and social transformation, with special reference to the effects of neo-liberal globalization on four societies with vastly different historical and cultural characteristics: South Korea, Australia, Turkey and Mexico. Contents: 1. International Human Mobility; Stephen Castles / PART I: METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES / PART II: CASESTUDY INSIGHTS: SOUTH KOREA / PART III: CASE-STUDY INSIGHTS: TURKEY / PART IV: CASE-STUDY INSIGHTS: MEXICO / PART V: CASE STUDY INSIGHTS: AUSTRALIA

Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship March 2015 Hardback

320pp £65.00

All language rights available

216x 138 mm 9781137474940

Examining the role and impact of technology on creative practice, and how technology evolution determines the forms and format of an artist's work, this book contextualizes technological revolutions with earlier encounters between craft and innovation, endorsing a notion of craft practice within computing that needs rescuing from tech industries. Contents: Introduction / 1.The Social Narrative of Technology / 2. Science with a Business Plan / 3. Technology Adoption as Ideology / 4. Technological Systems and Creative Actions / 5. Can Machines Create? / 6. The Paradox of Creative Practice May 2015 192pp 4 b/w illustrations Hardback £60.00

216x 138 mm 9781137486400

All language rights available

29 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

EDUCATION International Perspectives on Home Education Do We Still Need Schools? Edited by Paula Rothermel, Open University, UK This collection brings together the research of an eclectic mix of leading names in home-based education studies worldwide. It uses home education to explore contemporary education outside of school and place it into a global, political and critical context, and will be essential reading for home educators, academics and policymakers alike. Contents: PART I: HOME-EDUCATION: THE LEARNING PROCESS / PART II: HOME-EDUCATION: TENSIONS AND CRITICISMS / PART III: POLITICAL CONFLICT / PART IV: HOME-EDUCATION: LIFESTYLE AND CHOICE / PART V: HOME-EDUCATION: MODELS: WAR, POVERTY AND NECESSITY / PART VI: HOME-EDUCATION: CULTURAL AND INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS February 2015 352pp 9 b/w tables, 2 figures Hardback £70.00

216x 138 mm

How the Internet Shapes Collective Actions Sandy Schumann, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium After a Facebook rebellion in Egypt and Twitter protests in Turkey, the internet has been proclaimed as a globeshifting, revolutionizing force that can incite complex social phenomena such as collective actions. This book critically assesses this claim and highlights how internet use can shape mobilizing processes to foster collective actions. Contents: Introduction / 1. How the Internet Promotes Self-organized Collective Actions / 2. How Internet Use Incites Offline Collective Actions / 3. The Internet as a Platform for Online Collective Actions / 4. How Cause-related Advocacy, and Social Movement Organizations Use the Internet to Promote Collective Actions / 5. How the Internet Shapes Collective Actions in the Future

Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology December 2014 84pp 2 b/w tables Hardback £45.00

216x 138 mm 9781137439994

All language rights available


All language rights available

Creativity and Humour in Occupy Movements Intellectual Disobedience in Turkey and Beyond Edited by Altug Yalcintas, Ankara University, Turkey This volume offers scholarly perspectives on the creative and humorous nature of the protests at Gezi Park in Turkey, 2013. The contributors argue that these protests inspired musicians, film-makers, social scientists and other creative individuals, out of a concern for the aesthetics of the protests, rather than seizure of political power. Contents: Prelude / 1. Intellectual Disobedience in Turkey; Altug Yalcintas / 2. Political Potential of Sarcasm: Secil van het Hof / 3. Vernacular Utopias: Utku Balaban / 4. Gezi Protests and the LGBT Rights Movement: Ayşe Deniz Ünan / 5. ‘Just a Handful of Looters!’: Boran Ali Mercan and Erhan Özşeker / Epilogue February 2015 Hardback

128pp £45.00

All language rights available

30 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

216x 138 mm 9781137473622

Paying Bribes for Public Services

Happiness and Place

A Global Guide to Grass Roots Corruption

Cities vs. Nature

Richard Rose and Caryn Peiffer, both at University of Strathclyde, UK This book documents what happens when people encounter public officials. It draws on multi-national Barometer surveys asking questions about corruption and bribery in 119 countries. Clear prose, tables and figures report the answers given by more than 250,000 people and the conclusion sets out six principles for reducing bribery.

Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, Rutgers University, USA

Contents: Preface / 1. Why Bribery Matters / Corruption: a Word with Many Uses / Behaviour at the Grass Roots / Questions and Answers / 2. Getting Things Done by the Book, by Hook or by Crook / Bureaucracy as a Book of Rules / Bureaucracy not the only Way of Getting Things Done / is Bribery Wrong? / 3. Contact is Critical / Public Services Differ / Contact Varies by Service / 4. The Extent of Bribery / Payment of a Bribe / Bribes Vary by Service / When Bribery Happens / How Much is Paid as a Bribe / Credibility Checks / 5. Perception is not Experience / Mass Perceptions of Corruption / Potential for Protest / 6. Differences across Time, Space and Individuals / No Trend over Time / Differences between Countries / Explaining Differences in Who Pays Bribes / 7. Choices in Surveys / Core Topics and Questions / Choices in Fieldwork / 8. Reducing Bribes for Public Services / Six Principles for Reducing Bribery / Political Implications February 2015 128pp 14 b/w tables, 18 figures Hardback £45.00 All language rights available

216x 138 mm 9781137509666

This book is about places-cities, suburbs and townsand happiness of people living there. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, Okulicz-Kozaryn examines the relations between human happiness and the infrastructure of the places they live. This thoughtprovoking book argues for the overlooked idea that we are happiest in smaller areas. Contents: 1. Introductory Matter / 2. Urbanization is Here / 3. Urban Malaise / 4. Biophilia: Need for Contact with Nautre / 5. Summary, Conclusion, Discussion, and Future Research May 2015 Hardback

110pp £45.00

216x 138 mm 9781137436320

All language rights available

Internet Addiction in Psychotherapy Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths, both at Nottingham Trent University, UK Current knowledge about effective internet addiction treatment is limited. This book explores how 20 international internet addiction therapy experts experience the presenting problem of internet addiction in psychotherapy. Contents: 1. Internet Addiction: What is it? / 2. Internet Addiction Treatment: the Therapists’ View / 3. Internet Addiction: Risk / 4. Internet Addiction: a Real Addiction? / 5. Internet Addiction: Real Life Implications

Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology December 2014 138pp 2 b/w tables Hardback £45.00

216x 138 mm 9781137465061

All language rights available

31 | Rights Guide January - June 2015

‘This excellent and thought-provoking book deserves to be widely read by policy-makers as well as by students and others who think about our futures. The book makes great contributions to society.’ - Greg Bamber, Monash University, Australia

Publishing January 2015 | Paperback 9781137269911 | £19.99 | 216pp

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