Social Work & Social Policy 2010
A tutor in a book
A helpful and practical guide, responding and answering the many questions students ask time and time again! - Andrea Collins, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Gloucestershire, UK
A source of support at any level of social work training
March 2010 | Paperback | 978-0-230-22189-5
Why recommend to students? • Full of helpful ideas and practical advice to build their confidence • Helps them to take control of their learning in practice
• Improves critical thinking and reflective practice • Develops the knowledge to meet relevant occupational standards and qualify into the profession.
• Assists in developing active team members who can confront difficult situations
For full details see the Introductory Social Work Texts section of the catalogue
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Social Work & Social Policy 2010
Lanterns in the Grass © Jillian McBurney/
Title available as an ebook
Inspection copy available
CONTENTS 2 Introductory Social Work 6 Introductory Social Policy Texts 6 Social Work Theories and Methods 10 Social Work Law, Ethics and Values 12 International Social Work 12 ’Race’ and Ethnicity 13 Families, Children and Younger People 16 Disability Studies 17 Mental Health 19 Community Care 20 Criminal Justice 22 Drugs and Substance Misuse
24 The Politics and Management of Welfare 24 International and Comparative Social Policy 25 Health Policy 27 Housing Policy 27 Poverty and Social Security 28 Education Policy 30 Social Research Methods and Methodology 31 Introductory Texts of Related Interest 32 Counselling and Psychotherapy 32 Office for National Statistics
22 Gender
33 Teaching and Researching in Higher Education
23 Welfare History
34 Index
Web resource available
Welcome to the new Palgrave Macmillan Social Work & Social Policy catalogue. Highlights of our textbook publishing for 2010 include a range of new and engaging books, such as Richard Hugman’s Understanding International Social Work and David Billis’ Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector. We are excited to introduce Neil Thompson’s Theorizing Social Work Practice and finally, do take a look at Surviving Your Social Work Placement by Lomax et al. – the ultimate guide to social work placements. Chosen as an Irish Times Book of the Year 2009, Affective Equality: Love, Care and Injustice by Kathleen Lynch et al. Following on from Equality: From Theory to Action, described in the Irish Times as ‘essential reading for anyone interested in proving that equality is core to the foundation of a better society’. This year also sees the publication of some of our bestselling monographs in paperback including, Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe by Rosemary Crompton et al and, Researching Intimacy in Families by Jacqui Gabb, winner of the 2009 British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize. Finally, Michael Naughton’s Criminal Cases Review Commission: Hope for the Innocent? powerfully and controversially reasses the role of the CCRC in the British criminal justice system. If you would like to find out more about our 2010 publishing programme, or submit a proposal, please visit social work or contact us directly. Best wishes, Catherine Gray, Publisher | Phillipa Grand, Senior Commissioning Editor |
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Introductory Social work Introductory Social Work
Surviving Your Social Work Placement
‘A tutor in a book. A helpful and practical guide, responding and answering the many questions students ask time and time again!’ - Andrea Collins, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Faculty of Sport, Health & Social Care, University of Gloucestershire, UK ‘Practical and easy to use. It gives students the opportunity to develop and continue the process of self-reflection.’ - Jacqueline Smith, Head, Centre for the Development of Social Care Practice, University of Bedfordshire, UK Grab this essential aid for social work students preparing for and undertaking work placements. Focusing on reflective practice and full of tips, quotes, activities and illustrations, it offers clear advice and support for students and an insight into students’ concerns and expectations for practice assessors, lecturers and practitioners. Surviving Your Social Work Placement is written in a straightforward, down-to-earth style, by authors with extensive experience of social work education and practice. It draws directly on the advice of past and present social work students. This is a book that will be returned to again and again as a rich source of ideas and guidance at any stage of social work training. Contents: About the Author Team / Introduction / Getting Started / Learning in Practice / Using Theory in Practice / Keeping Service Users Central to Your Learning and Practice / Making the most of Supervision / Being Assessed / Managing Stress on Placement / Troubleshooting / Moving on From Your Placement / Appendix A National Occupational Standards for Social Work (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) / Appendix B Standards in Social Work Education (Scotland)
240pp £13.99
The Social Work Companion Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions and Sue Thompson, Director, Avenue Consulting Ltd, UK and Accredited Social Work Practice Teacher
3rd edition
Robert Lomax, Staff Tutor HSC South West Region, The Open University, UK, Karen Jones, Professional Lead and Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of the West of England, UK, Sarah Leigh, Senior Lecturer, University of the West of England, UK and Chris Gay, Practice Learning Co-ordinator, South Gloucestershire Council, UK
March 2010 Paperback
Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates
189x189mm 978-0-230-22189-5
Edited by Robert Adams, Professor of Social Work, University of Teesside, UK, Lena Dominelli, Professor of Applied Social Sciences and Head of Social and Community and Youth Work, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University, UK and Malcolm Payne, Adviser (Policy and Development), St Christopher’s Hospice, UK
Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates, one of the most respected and widely used textbooks in social work, has now been completely revised and updated to reflect the current needs of students on the first year of their social work degree. With its accessible and clearly structured framework, the book offers expert discussion of the core topics in social work by top writers, teachers and practitioners in the field. It provides an essential grounding in the debates that shape the profession, as well as a clear insight into the issues at the heart of practice. Contents: Introduction: Towards a Critical Understanding of Social Work / PART 1: KNOWLEDGE FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE/ Positioning Social Work: The Changing Nature of Social Work / Values, Ethics and Social Work/ Anti-oppressive Practice / The Wider Significance of Social Work / Social Policy, Poverty and Social Work / Social Work and the Law / Social Work and Organisations / Perspectives on the Life Course: Childhood and Adolescence / Perspectives on the Life Course / Later Life / Researching Social Work / PART 2: SOCIAL WORK PROCESS / Understanding the Social Work Process / Communication in Social Work / Working with Service Users and Carers / Assessment / Planning / Intervention / Intervention and Empowerment / Alternative Intervention: The Mind-Body-Spirit Perspective / Monitoring, Review and Evaluation / PART 3: THE PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT / Working with Children, Young People and Families / Adult Services and Healthrelated Social Work / Working with the Voluntary and Community Sectors / Practice Planning / Personal and Professional Development / Concluding Comments
The Social Work Companion will let the student know what to expect from their course and will be there every step of the way as an essential reference. Offering wide-ranging yet accessible coverage of the core topics, along with important advice on study skills, this book is the essential survival guide for social work students. Contents: Preface / Introduction / PART ONE: STUDYING SOCIAL WORK / Introduction / Law, Politics and Society / Your Social Work Course / Maximising Your Learning / Conclusion / PART TWO: CORE TOPICS IN SOCIAL WORK / Introduction / Social Work Processes / The Social Context / Human Development / The Organizational Context / Law and Policy / The Value Base / Reflective Practice / Conclusion / PART THREE: KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS / PART FOUR: KEY THEORIES AND THEORISTS / PART FIVE: DRAWING ON RESEARCH / Introduction / Why is Research Important? / Understanding Research Methods and Process / Incorporating Research into Practice / Conclusion / PART SIX: CAREER PATHWAYS / Introduction / Career Opportunities Across Settings / Continuous Professional Development / Applying for Jobs / Conclusion / PART SEVEN: GUIDE TO FURTHER LEARNING January 2008 Paperback
384pp £21.99
246x171mm 978-1-4039-3795-7
Palgrave Student Companions Series
Visit the website for full contributor details at: April 2009 Paperback
448pp £23.99
246x171mm 978-0-230-21865-9
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
introductory social work
Effective Communication
Understanding Social Work
A Handbook for the Helping Professions 2nd edition
Preparing for Practice 3rd edition
Effective Communication A Handbook for the Helping Professions
Second Edition
September 2010 272pp Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-24350-7
Anti-Discriminatory Practice 4th edition Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions
‘Undoubtedly, Anti-Discriminatory Practice remains an important text for us all.’ - British Journal of Social Work The fourth edition of this successful textbook continues to offer support, guidance and insight on a complex subject and is an ideal starting point or refresher for students, practitioners and managers. Thoroughly updated, it includes new developments such as discussion of language, the diversity approach and misinterpretations of PCS analysis.
Edited by Tony Jeffs, Honorary Lecturer, Durham University and Visiting Tutor, Ruskin College, UK and Mark K. Smith, Rank Research Fellow and Tutor, YMCA George Williams College, UK
Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions
Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions
An insightful, practiceoriented new edition. In Thompson’s unique, clear and inviting style, the text offers students Neil Thompson and practitioners of the helping professions an easy to follow introduction to 1 communicating skilfully and productively.
Youth Work Practice
‘An excellent book which deserves to become a standard text.’ Professional Social Work In an extensive update to reflect the recent developments in theory and practice, this edition of Understanding Social Work covers the basics in an easy-to-comprehend style. It is an ideal preparatory text for those considering a career in social work, students just starting their degree and in preparation for the first placement. Contents: Preface to the Third Edition / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Making Sense of Social Work / The Legal and Policy Context / The Knowledge Base / The Skills Base / The Value Base / Achieving Good Practice / Facing the Challenge / Conclusion / Guide to Further Learning / Appendix: Internet Resources / References / Index May 2009 Paperback
256pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-22180-2
As a contemporary reflection on current practice, this book tackles the diversity of what ‘youth work’ means. The successor text to Youth Work (1998) provides an in-depth overview and analysis of practice addressing the many experiences of people working with young people through insightful chapters written by practitioners themselves. Contents: Note on Terms / T.Jeffs & M.K.Smith: Introducing Youth Work / H.Blacker: Building Relationships and Friendships / H.Smith: Engaging in Conversation / D.Collander-Brown: Being With an Other / D.Forrest: Cultivating Gifts in all Directions / R.Gilchrist: Creating Programmes / S.Harte: Using Activities / G.MacLeod: Advertising and Mentoring / G.Patton: Enhancing Group Life and Association / H.Nurden: Working With Faith / G.Millar: Managing and Developing the Work / C.Pugh: Sustaining Ourselves / J.Rose: Monitoring and Evaluating Youth Work / T.Jeffs & M.K.Smith: Conclusion / References January 2010 Paperback
208pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-54302-7
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
Contents: Preface to the Fourth Edition / Acknowledgements / Introduction / The Theory Base / Gender and Sexism / Ethnicity and Racism / Ageism and Alienation / Disability and Social Handicap / Diversity and Oppression / Conclusion / Bibliography / Index March 2006 Paperback
224pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-2160-4
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
Introductory Social work
Social Work Practice
Developing Research Based Social Work Practice
4th edition Veronica Coulshed, sometime Head of Applied Social Studies, University of Sunderland, UK and Joan Orme, Professor of Social Work, Glasgow School of Social Work, a joint School of Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities, UK
‘Maintains its bestseller status with this edition.’ - Rachel Wooler, Community Care The fourth edition of Veronica Coulshed’s classic text remains an ideal introduction for all beginning social work students as well as a refresher and companion for practitioners. It has been meticulously revised to reflect the latest changes in social work education and retains the focus on the relationship between theory, evidence and practice. Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Theory and Practice / PART 1: SOCIAL WORK PROCESSES / Social Work Processes: Assessment / Social Work Processes: Advocacy, Negotiation and Partnership / Social Work Processes: Communication / PART 2: METHODS OF INTERVENTION / Counselling / Working with Loss and Change / Task-Centred Practice / Cognitive Behavioural Work / PART 3: CONTEXTS OF INTERVENTION / Working with Families and Children / Working with Adults / Working with Groups / Working with Communities / Endings / References March 2006 Paperback
344pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-2155-0
joan orme & david shemmings
developing research based social work practice
Joan Orme, Professor of Social Work, Glasgow School of Social Work, a joint School of Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities, UK and David Shemmings, Professor and Chair of Social Work and Deputy Head (Medway campus) School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent, UK
Evidence-based practice is important to all social work students and practitioners. This book offers an informative account of why research matters to good practice and the importance of being research-minded. Clear, coherent and focused, it is invaluable reading across a range of research-oriented modules in the social work curriculum. Contents: Introduction / PART I: CONTEXT OF SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH / What is Research for? / Understanding Social Research / PART II: PROCESS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH / Ethics and Ethical Approval / Reviewing the Literature / Methodologies and Methods / Statistics and Quantification: How Numbers Help / Samples and Surveys / Talk and Discourse / PART III: IMPLICATIONS OF SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH / Who Owns the Research? / Getting the Message Across / Conclusion May 2010 Paperback
224pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-20045-6
joyce lishman
communication in social work
Joyce Lishman, Professor and Head, School of Applied Social Studies, Robert Gordon University, UK
This timely edition of a best-selling text identifies the important skills integral to effective communication in social work. Lishman offers an extended account of the subject by paying more attention to the diverse contexts of social work and the range of clients and users with whom practitioners come into contact. second edition
Contents: Introduction / Helpful and Effective Communication: The View of Users of Services / Types of Communication: Symbolic, Non-verbal and Verbal / Type of Communication: Written and Information Technology / Building and Maintaining Relationship / Attending and Listening / Sharing Information / Shared Purpose and Assessment / Intervention: Non-verbal and Verbal Techniques for Enhancing Behavioural and Attitudinal and Change / Intervention: Written Techniques for Changing Attitudes and Behaviours / Conclusion / References March 2009 Paperback
240pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-1620-4
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
introductory social work
Modern Social Work Theory 3rd edition
A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory David Howe, Professor of Social Work, University of East Anglia, UK
Malcolm Payne, Adviser (Policy and Development), St Christopher’s Hospice, UK
‘…well written, has clear analyses, excellent bibliographies and website references...’ - Gwyn Gwyntopher, Professional Social Work This best-selling text offers a comprehensive survey of major theories relevant to social work practice and a clear assessment of the role and value of each approach based on the current critical literature. The book builds on the strength of the previous editions, with a major recasting of the first two chapters to bring them up-to-date, a wholly new chapter on feminist theory, and a greater emphasis on applying theory to practice. Taken together, the revisions will secure the continuing value of this world-class textbook as an invaluable companion for social work students and educators alike. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements / Construction and Reality in Social Work Theory / Using Social Work Theory in Practice / Psychodynamic Perspectives / Crisis Intervention and Task-centred Models / Cognitive-behavioural Theories / Systems and Ecological Perspectives / Social Psychology and Social Construction / Humanism, Existentialism and Spirituality / Social and Community Development / From Radical to Critical Perspectives / Feminist Perspectives / Anti-discrimination and Cultural and Ethnic Sensitivity / Empowerment and Advocacy / Assessing Social Work Theories / Bibliography / Index / List of Figures and Tables February 2005 Paperback
384pp £24.99
The Emotionally Intelligent Social Worker
This compact text, by one of social work’s most highly regarded commentators offers the perfect entry point into the complex world of social work theory. Written in a clear conversational style and organized into short, clearly labelled chapters, students and practitioners will find this an invaluable point of refreshment and reference. Contents: Social Work Theory / Origins / Casework and Social Reform / Cause and Function / Psychoanalytic Theory / Attachment Theory / Behavioural Therapies / Cognitive Therapies / Cognitive-Behavioural Social Work / Task-centred work / Be Responsible, Think Positive / Solution-focused Approaches / The Strengths Perspective / Systemic and Ecological Approaches / Radical Social Work / Critical Social Work / Feminist Social Work / Antioppressive Practices and Empowerment / Relationshipbased Social Work / Person-centred Approaches / Reflection and Reflexivity / Wellbeing / Brains for Social Workers / Critical Best Practice / The Best in Theory May 2009 Paperback
240pp £14.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-23312-6
David Howe, Professor of Social Work, University of East Anglia, UK
Emotions are at the core of health and social care work but what are they? Why do we have them? How do they affect our judgement, behaviour and actions? In this compelling and important book, leading author David Howe introduces readers to emotions and the fundamental part they play in effective and responsive professional practice. Relevant to all areas of social work, this groundbreaking text is an essential read for all those who value the use of emotions in their own practice. Students taking modules in human growth and development, fitness for practice and professional development will find it indispensible. Contents: Once More with Feeling / What is Emotional Intelligence? / What are Emotions? / Emotional Development / The Emotional Brain / Emotions and Physical Health / Emotions and Mental Health / Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies / Relationshipbased Interventions and Supports / The Professional Relationship and Emotional Intelligence April 2008 Paperback
232pp £15.99
198x129mm 978-0-230-20278-8
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1836-9
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
Introductory Social work • introductory social policy texts • social work theories and methods
Effective Communication for Arts and Humanities Students Joan van Emden, Senior Consultant, Jove Centre and Visiting Lecturer, University of Reading, UK and Lucinda Becker, Part-time Lecturer in English, University of Reading, UK
Students not only need subject-specific knowledge, but they must also know how to communicate well. From that first assignment or seminar paper, to the final report, dissertation or exam, this guide provides detailed help and support with lots of examples and practical advice throughout. Continuing to provide invaluable guidance, even after the course has finished, the book also includes chapters on how to prepare a CV, applying for a job, and how to succeed at interview. Contents: Introduction / Listening, Reading and Making Notes / Good Writing Style / Essays, Reports and Dissertations / Small-Group Presentations / Formal Presentations / Delivery and Non-Verbal Communication / Assessment, Revision and Exam Techniques / Preparing a CV and Job Application / The Successful Job Interview / Index June 2003 Paperback
224pp £14.99
Palgrave Study Skills
216x138mm 978-0-333-98487-1
Introductory Social Policy Texts
Social Policy in Britain
Theorizing Social Work Practice
3rd edition Pete Alcock, Professor of Social Policy and Administration and Head, School of Social Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
Review of the 2nd edition: ‘Superb updated edition. You cannot study social policy without reading this.’- Lynne Brown, Belfast Institute of Higher and Further Education, UK Understanding social policy can be a daunting task. This book guides students and trainees through the subject, making complex ideas easy to digest. Packed with updated questions, tasks and resource lists, it provides important material on major new areas of debate, including pension provision and rising NHS costs. Contents: PART ONE: INTRODUCTION / The Development of Social Policy / PART TWO: WELFARE SERVICES / Social Security / Education / Health / Housing / Social Services / Employment / PART THREE: STRUCTURE / The State / The Market / The Voluntary Sector / Informal Welfare / PART FOUR: CONTEXT / Ideologies of Welfare / Economic Development / International and European Influences / Devolution and Local Control / PART FIVE: ISSUES / Social Divisions / Paying for Welfare / Delivering Welfare / The Future of Social Policy June 2008 Paperback
Social Work Theories and Methods
344pp £22.99
Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions
This inspirational text from Neil Thompson explores the relationship between social work theory and social work practice in a way that promotes reflective practice and identifies the value and limitations of different theoretical positions from an applied perspective. The book is outstanding for its clarity, balance, organization and integrity. Contents: Introduction / PART I: MAKING SENSE OF THEORY / Introduction: Theory into Practice / The Role of Theory / Theory and Postmodernism / Practices Redefined / Conclusion / PART II: MAKING SENSE OF PRACTICE / Introduction: Dimensions of the Social Work World / The Person / Interpersonal Interaction / Group Dynamics and Intergroup Relations / Cultural Contexts / Sociopolitical Structures and Processes / The Organizational Context / Morality and Ideology / Conclusion / PART III: DEVELOPING THEORY / Introduction: Taking Theory Forward / Developing Coherence: Drawing on Existentialism / The Linguistic Turn / Spirituality and Meaning / Developing Emancipatory Practice / The Challenges We Face / Conclusion February 2010 Paperback
296pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-55306-4
246x189mm 978-0-230-55158-9
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
social work theories and methods
Understanding Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care
Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care
A companion volume to the best-selling book by Barrett et al, this exciting text shows how the different professions work together in practice. Beginning with a series of illuminating case studies, it explores the dynamics underpinning shared care delivery and analyzes how principles can best be applied within health and social care settings. Contents: K.C.Pollard: Introduction: Background and Overview of the Book / PART I: DIFFERENT PLACES, DIFFERENT VOICES / J.Thomas & K.C.Pollard: Introduction / J.Thomas & K.C.Pollard: Care in the Community / M.Miers & K.C.Pollard: Care in Acute Settings / J.Thomas & K.C.Pollard: Service Users, Carers and the Voluntary Sector / K.C.Pollard: Maternity and Infant Care / P.Godin & M.Miers: Mental Health Care / PART II: ANALYSING THE ISSUES / K.C.Pollard: Introduction / M.Miers: Learning for New Ways of Working / B.Oliver & C.Keeping: Individual and Professional Identity / M.Miers: Professional Boundaries and Interprofessional Working / K.C.Pollard: The Medicalization Thesis / T.Harle, M.Page & Y.Ahmad: Organisational Issues / D.Sellman: Values and Ethics in Interprofessional Working / J.Thomas: Service Users, Carers and Issues for Collaborative Practice / J.Thomas: Conclusions and Future Directions / Index November 2009 224pp Paperback £19.99
3rd edition
Professional Perspectives
Theory and Practice Edited by Katherine C. Pollard, Research Fellow, Judith Thomas, Senior Lecturer in Faculty of Health and Social Care, Bristol University, UK and Margaret Miers, Reader in Nursing and Social Science, Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England, UK
Assessment in Social Work
Edited by Gillian Barrett, Derek Sellman and Judith Thomas, all Senior Lecturers, Faculty of Health and Social Care, Bristol University, UK
‘[H]ighly readable.’ - British Journal of Occupational Therapy Students taking professional programmes in health and social care now require an understanding of interprofessional working. This text provides pre-qualifying students with an accessible overview of the role, work and skills of a wide range of professionals. Illustrated with case studies throughout, it examines the rationale, skills and conditions required for interprofessional working, and provides insights into the roles and perspectives of professionals involved in health and social care. September 2005 224pp Paperback £23.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1206-0
Judith Milner, Freelance Counsellor and Trainer and Patrick O’Byrne, Freelance Counsellor, Supervisor and Family Mediator
Assessment is a vital social work task. This popular text gives a clear overview of the complex issues it raises and the essential theory professionals need to conduct meaningful and effective assessments. The third edition includes two brand new chapters on assessment in children’s and adults’ services and an attractive new design. Contents: List of Tables and Figures / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Assessment in the 21st Century / Effective Assessment Processes / Selecting a Map / A Map of the Ocean: Psychodynamic Approaches / An Ordnance Map : Behavioural Approaches / A Handy Tourist Map: The Task Centred Approach / A Navigator’s Map: The Solution Focused Approach / A Forecast Map: Narrative Approaches / Assessment in Children’s Services / Assessment in Adult Services. / Conclusion / Appendix I: National Occupational Standards / References / Author Index / Subject Index May 2009 Paperback
288pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-21862-8
234x156mm 978-0-230-21679-2
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
social work theories and methods
Critical Practice in Social Work 2nd edition
Practising Social Work in a Complex World Edited by Robert Adams, Professor of Social Work, University of Teesside, UK, Lena Dominelli, Professor of Applied Social Sciences and Head of Social and Community and Youth Work, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University, UK and Malcolm Payne, Adviser (Policy and Development), St Christopher’s Hospice, UK
Edited by Robert Adams, Professor of Social Work, University of Teesside, UK, Lena Dominelli, Professor of Applied Social Sciences and Head of Social and Community and Youth Work, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University, UK and Malcolm Payne, Adviser (Policy and Development), St Christopher’s Hospice, UK
Bringing together theory and practice discussion in rich combination, this significantly updated text provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to contemporary social work. Incorporating key theories and vivid case material, this text’s powerful practice focus makes it indispensable for students and practitioners alike. Contents: PART 1: VALUES INTO PRACTICE / PART 2: THEORIES FOR PRACTICE / PART 3: DEVELOPING CRITICAL PRACTICE A Full Table of Contents is Available at April 2009 Paperback
448pp £23.99
246x171mm 978-0-230-21863-5
This radically revised text (previously known as Social Work Futures) is uniquely tailored to fit the needs of final year social work trainees. With an emphasis on refining and deepening professional skills, the text offers clear guidance on hot topics and higher order skills such as research-based practice and leadership. Contents: Introduction / What Do We Mean by Integrative Social Work? / PART 1: UNCERTAINTY AND COMPLEXITY IN PRACTICE / What do we mean by Integrative Social Work? (TBC) / Encountering Complexity and Uncertainty / Persistent Oppressions: The Example of Domestic Violence / Risk and Protection: Working With Children and Families / Troubled and in Trouble: Young People, Truancy and Offending / Sexuality / Frailty and Dignity in Old Age / Risk, Rights and Anti-discrimination Work in Mental Health / Social Work with Asylum-seekers / Legal and Illicit Drug Use / PART 2: MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE / Management and Managerialism / Managing the Workload / Partnership Working / Strategic Leadership and Planning / Supervision and Being Supervised / Managing Risk and Decision-making / Managing Finances / Quality Assurance / Change and Continuity in Social Work / PART 3: RESEARCHING SOCIAL WORK / Research Methods for Ethical Practice / Getting Started With a Piece of Research/Evaluation in Social Work / Doing Literature Searches and Reviews / Experiencing Research as a Practitioner / Evaluating Practice / Emancipatory Social Work Research / Developing Social Work Research / Concluding Comment April 2009 Paperback
384pp £23.99
People Skills 3rd edition Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions
This popular text continues to offer a comprehensive introduction to the diverse field of people skills. Thoroughly updated, it boasts six new chapters with relevance to a wide range of occupations and environments. This book is an essential companion to all students, practitioners and managers across the helping professions. Contents: Introduction / PART I: PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS / Self-awareness / Time Management / Stress Management / Information Management / Assertiveness / Beating the Bully / Using Supervision / Being Creative / Continuous Professional Development / Staying Positive / PART II: INTERACTION SKILLS / Valuing Diversity / Verbal Communication / Non-verbal Communication / Written Communication / Interviewing / Influencing Skills / Leadership / Handling Feelings / Handling Conflict / Multidisciplinary Working / PART III: INTERVENTION SKILLS / Anti-discriminatory Practice / Being Systematic / Assessment / Planning / Decisionmaking / Managing Risk / Review and Evaluation / Ending / Responding to Trauma: Promoting Recovery and Healing / Reflective Practice / Conclusion / Further Reading / Guide for Tutors and Trainers / References / Index March 2009 Paperback
336pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-22112-3
246x171mm 978-0-230-21864-2
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
social work theories and methods
The Critically Reflective Practitioner Social Work Process and Practice Sue Thompson, Director, Avenue Consulting Ltd, UK and Accredited Social Work Practice Teacher and Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions
This succinct and insightful guide to reflective practice is designed for students and practitioners of social work, health care and related fields. It’s clear and careful integration of both the ‘thinking and doing’ elements of the often challenging task of practising reflectively makes this an ideal text at all levels of study and practice. Contents: Preface / Introduction / PART 1: UNDERSTANDING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE / What is Reflective Practice? / Dimensions of Reflection / Contexts for Reflection / PART 2: MAKING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE A REALITY / Strategies and Techniques / Recording Reflection: Reflective Logs, Diaries and Accounts / Barriers to Reflective Practice / Conclusion / Guide to Further Learning / References April 2008 Paperback
200pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-57318-5
Approaches, Knowledge and Skills
Social Work Theories in Context Creating Frameworks for Practice
David Watson and Janice West, both Senior Lecturers in Social Work, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Karen Healy, Associate Professor, School of Social Work and Applied Human Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia
Consultant Editor: sometime Jo Campling
This textbook examines the knowledge, skills and values that underpin and inform current social work practice and processes. With a clear focus on skills, social work processes and the suitability of different methods, Watson and West offer students a toolkit for applying theoretical frameworks to actual practice situations. April 2006 Paperback
200pp £21.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-0585-7
Spirituality and Social Work Margaret Holloway, Professor of Social Work and Director, Centre for Spirituality Studies, University of Hull, UK and Bernard Moss, Professor of Social Work Education and Spirituality, Staffordshire University, UK
‘I wholeheartedly recommend it and anticipate it becoming a standard textbook.’- Dr Russell Whiting, Lecturer in Social Work and Care, University of Sussex, UK Written by two leading authors in the field, Social Work and Spirituality provides a critical engagement with the concept of spirituality and a much needed framework for the integration of spiritual care in mainstream practice. It is fundamental reading for all students of social work theory, ethics and practice. Contents: Historical and Contemporary Contexts / Meaning, Mystery and Social Work / Spiritual Need / Spirituality and the Quality of Life / Spiritual Care / Spiritual Care in the Multidisciplinary Team / Spirituality and Community / Global and Multicultural Perspectives June 2010 Paperback
224pp £18.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-21924-3
Reshaping Social Work Series Editors: Robert Adams and Lena Dominelli
This innovative textbook provides a comprehensive guide to social work practice across a range of organizational contexts, presenting social work as a diverse activity that is profoundly shaped by public policies, service missions, and practice locations. The book tackles the most current and topical theories and perspectives in a clear and accessible way, using an integrated and flexible framework which links context, theory, and practice approaches. Its international breadth and supportive pedagogical features will ensure the book’s value to students of social work all over the world. April 2005 Paperback
256pp £23.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1622-8
Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice David Howe, Professor, Centre for Research on the Child and Family, University of East Anglia, UK
The quality of early social relationships has a deep bearing on our psychological and social development; adversity in childhood can lead to adult relationships that may be difficult and distressing. This book addresses the needs of social workers in understanding and assessing the nature and origins of such disturbed social relationships. Taking a comprehensive and wide-ranging look at the theories emerging in and around attachment theory, it provides a sophisticated but accessible base from which social workers can make sensitive assessments and develop humane practices. July 1995 Paperback
256pp £23.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-62562-0
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social work law, ethics and values
Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work
Social Work LAW, ETHICS AND VALUES Contemporary Issues for Practice 2nd edition Edited by Lesley-Anne Long, Jeremy Roche and Debbie Stringer, Senior Lecturer, Law, all at Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University, UK
The Law and Social Work is up-to-date and contemporary. It analyzes current debates around confidentiality, State intervention and the legal issues impacting on children, young people, families and vulnerable adults. It also offers an insightful discussion of central social work themes. Charting the changes in law and practice over the past ten years, this new edition provides thematic accounts of key areas of development. It also reflects the pace of change in a number of spheres, including youth justice, mental health and discrimination law. Written by leading academics and social work practitioners widely published in their fields of expertise, this is an authoritative text for social work students, practitioners and professionals across the health and social care spectrum. Contents: L-A.Long, J.Roche & D.Stringer: Introduction / J.Roche: Social Work Values and the Law / S.Gilmore: State Intervention in Family Life / L.Rai & D.Stringer: Partnership or Participation? / M.Preston-Shoot: The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same? Law, Social Work and Counteracting Discrimination / N.Parton: Risk, Social Work and Social Care: The Example of Children’s Social Care / P.Welbourne: Accountability / J.Williams: Remedies / J.Aldgate: The Role of Assessment in Social Work / H.Keating: Youth Justice / J.Loughrey: Can You Keep a Secret? Children, Human Rights, and the Law of Medical Confidentiality / R.Johns: Vulnerability, Autonomy, Capacity and Consent / A.Brammer: Community Care and the Promotion of Independence 248pp £22.99
3rd edition
Edited by Mel Gray, Professor and Stephen A. Webb, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Social Work, both at University of Newcastle, Australia
The Law and Social Work
January 2010 Paperback
Practising Social Work Law
This agenda setting text explores a broad range of value perspectives and their impact on and contribution to social work thinking on ethics. Including new perspectives, such as Islam, and drawing on international contributors, this is essential reading for all social work students studying ethics and values. Contents: M.Gray & S.A.Webb: Introduction: Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work / PART I: PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES / E.Congress: Codes of Ethics / P.Webster: Codes of Conduct / D.McAuliffe: Ethical Decision Making / S.Borrmann: Ethical Dilemmas in Practice / P.Gilligan: Faith-based Practice / PART II: MORAL PERSPECTIVES / B.Featherstone: Ethic of Care / S.Tascón: Ethic of Responsibility / S.Houston: Discourse Ethics / S.A.Webb: Virtue Ethics / M.Gray: Postmodern Ethics / PART III: SOCIAL PERSPECTIVES / H.Soydan: AntiRacist Practice / J.Ife: Human Rights and Social Justice / L.Dominelli: Anti-Oppressive Practice / A.Matthies: Citizenship and Participation / PART IV: SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVES / T.Lovat: Islam and Ethics / R.Whiting: Christianity and Ethics / D.Houtman & S.Aupers: New Age Ethics / M.Gray & S.A.Webb: Conclusion: Practising Values in Social Work March 2010 Paperback
280pp £19.99
Suzy Braye, Professor of Social Work and Social Care, University of Sussex, UK and Michael Preston-Shoot, Professor of Social Work and Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of Bedfordshire UK
This substantially revised third edition takes account of significant recent changes to the law with an authoritative analysis of the interface between legal rules and social work understanding. At once critical and clear, the book offers an invaluable framework for understanding how the law integrates with professional practice. Contents: Acknowledgements / Table of Legal Rules / Abbreviations / Tables of Cases / Preface to the Third Edition / Towards Practising Social Work Law / Social Work Law: Critical Perspectives / Beyond Dilemmas to Decisions / Adult Services, Mental well-being and Criminal Justice / Children, Young People and Their Families / Frameworks, Professional Decision-making and Accountability / Frameworks for Partnership Working / Making Sense of Practice / References September 2009 368pp Paperback £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-54318-8
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
234x156m 978-0-230-22145-1
234x156mm 978-0-230-54303-4
Published in association withThe Open University
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social work law, ethics and values
Ethics and Values in Social Work 3rd edition
Anti-Oppressive Ethics and Values in Social Work Derek Clifford, Reader in Social Work and Beverley Burke, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, both at Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Sarah Banks, Reader in Community and Youth Work, University of Durham, UK
The third edition of this popular book has been updated to take account of developments in policy and social work practice. It includes new sections on radical emancipatory and postmodern approaches to ethics and analyses of the latest codes of ethics from over thirty different countries. To aid students’ understanding case studies of ethical problems, practical exercises and end-of-chapter further reading lists have been added. Contents: Preface / Introduction / Ethical Issues in Social Work / Principle-based Approaches to Social Work Ethics / Character and Relationship-based Approaches to Social Work Ethics / Professionalism and Codes of Ethics / Service Users’ Rights: Clienthood, Citizenship and Consumerism / Social Workers’ Responsibilities: Policies, Procedures and Managerialism / Ethical Problems and Dilemmas in Practice / References / Index March 2006 Paperback
240pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9420-2
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
Clifford and Burke provide a stimulating basis for teaching ethics on social work degree courses. With the use of practical case scenarios, students and staff are challenged to use their moral imagination to integrate ethical thinking with the anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory values of social work.
Promoting Equality Challenging Discrimination and Oppression 2nd edition Neil Thompson, Writer, Teacher and Advisor, with over 32 years’ experience in the people professions
In this revised and updated edition, Neil Thompson presents a clear and accessible analysis of the complexities of discrimination and oppression and the challenges of making equality practice a reality. Critical of the orthodoxies and over-simplifications of ‘political correctness’, Promoting Equality combines analysis and understanding of the latest theory with practice examples and insights. This important book will be of value to students, practitioners, managers and educators in a variety of professions and settings concerned with people and their problems, and will play a major part in promoting equality and valuing diversity.
Contents: Preface / Introduction / Anti-Oppressive Ethics and Ethical Thinking / Social Work Values, Codes and the Law / Autonomy and Rational Ethical principles: Duty, Respect and Power / Confidences and Consequences: Good Outcomes and Social Histories / Virtues, Realities and Reflexivity / Politicising Ethics: Justice, Fairness and Interacting Social Systems / Uncertainty, Decisions and Social Divisions / Feminist Relational Ethics and AntiOppressive Concepts / Anti-Opressive Ethics and Good Practice / Conclusions: Ethics and Organizations
April 2003 Paperback
December 2008 240pp Paperback £21.99
Lena Dominelli, Professor of Applied Social Sciences and Head of Social and Community and Youth Work, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University, UK
234x156mm 978-1-4039-0556-7
288pp £23.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-99353-8
Anti Oppressive Social Work Theory and Practice
Consultant Editor: sometime Jo Campling
This book, by one of the leading theorists of social work, tackles a subject of crucial importance to students and practitioners alike: how social workers can enable their clients to challenge and transcend the manifold oppressions that disempower them (whether through poverty, disability, mental illness, etc.,). It moves from a discussion of social work’s purpose and ambitions to an exposition of theory and, from there, to the practice arenas of working with individuals, in groups, within organisations, and within a wider social and political context. September 2002 224pp Paperback £24.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-77155-6
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international social work • ‘race’ and ethnicity INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL WORK
Understanding International Social Work
Rethinking Social Work in a Global World
A Critical Analysis Richard Hugman, Professor of Social Work, University of New South Wales, Australia
‘It is a delightful book to read and one that is both timely and immensely readable. One of its strengths is its very practical base which is demonstrated in the utilization of excellent, grounded case studies.’ Professor Maria Harries, Senior Hon Research Fellow, School of Social & Cultural Studies, University of Western Australia, Australia Adopting a global frame of reference, this text provides a clear yet comprehensive comparative analysis of international social work, using case studies to illustrate practice issues in different geographical locations. This book is core reading for all students of social work taking modules on international practice. Contents: Introduction: The Global Growth of Social Work / Different Visions of ‘International’ in Social Work / Social Work with International Issues / Social Work and the UN Millennium Development Goals / Different Forms of Social Work: a Pluralist and Inclusive View / The Organizational Contexts of International Social Work / International Perspectives on Social Work Education and Training / The Possibility of an International Social Work Ethics / Professional Imperialism: a Concept Revisited / International Social Work: Issues for the Future / Glossary (with notes) March 2010 Paperback
208pp £21.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-21959-5
rethinking social work in a global world
Gai Harrison, Lecturer and Rose Melville, Senior Lecturer and Honours Co-ordinator, School of Social Work and Human Services, University of Queensland, Australia
This text offers a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of globalization, their impact gai harrison and rose melville on social work and the resulting challenges in practice. The authors draw on post-colonialism to consider the global issues facing social work, such as mass migration, and the ways in which social workers can respond to such difficulties. Contents: Introduction / Rethinking Social Work in a Global, Post-colonial World / The Global Economy, Poverty and Social Work / Immigration and People Movement in a Global World / Rethinking Women’s Lives and Concerns at the Global/Local Interface / Mental Health: An Emerging Global Health Issue / Information and Communication Technologies and Social Work in a Global World / The Environment, Sustainable Development and Social Work / The Value of a Human Rights Perspective in Social Work / Conclusion - Ending on an Uncertain Note November 2009 216pp Paperback £22.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-20135-4
’Race’ and Ethnicity
Gender and Colonialism A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation 2nd edition Geraldine Moane, Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
‘Highly recommended for upper-division undergraduates through professionals, this book contains an excellent, extensive bibliography that will provide the advanced student or scholar with numerous resources for in-depth analysis of many important contemporary issues.’ - G.M. Greenberg, Choice ‘It is a wide-ranging reference text, excellent for teaching purposes.’ - M. McDermott, Women’s Studies International Forum The first edition of this book was a pioneering work in the newly emerging field of liberation psychology. This revised and updated edition provides an up-to-date review of the latest international developments in liberation psychology, feminist psychology and critical psychology, with a framework that links the personal and the political. Contents: Women, Psychology and Society: The Personal is Political / Hierarchical Systems: Patriarchy and Colonialism / Psychological Patterns Associated with Hierarchical Systems: The Cycle of Oppression / Breaking Out: The Cycle of Liberation / The Personal Level: Building Strengths / The Interpersonal Level: Making Connections / The Political Level: Taking Action / Liberation Psychologies in Action: Local and Global Examples / Interconnections between Personal and Political Change: Towards an Egalitarian Society / References April 2010 Paperback
256pp £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-99429-0
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‘race’ and ethnicity • families, children and younger people
Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century
Families, Children and Younger People
Edited by Alice Bloch, Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, City University London, UK and John Solomos, Professor of Sociology, City University, UK
The twenty-first century has seen important changes in the role of race and ethnicity. Exploring original research, empirical data and theory, this book examines major questions and issues around housing, employment, asylum, crime and health. Written by experts in the field, the text gives students of sociology useful insight into race and ethnicity today. Contents: A.Bloch & J.Solomos: Key Questions in the Sociology of Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century / M.Harrison & D.Phillips: Housing and Neighbourhoods: A UK and European Perspective / P.Hynes & R.Sales: New Communities: Asylum Seekers and Dispersal / S.Virdee: The Continuing Significance of ‘Race’ / E.McLaughlin: Rethinking Policing and Race: From Institutional Racism to Community Cohesion / J.Nazroo: Health and Health Care / D.Gillborn & N.Rollock: Education / M.Georgiou: Media Representations of Diversity: The Power of the Mediated Image / A.Heath, C.Rothon & S.Ali: Identity and Public Opinion / A.Bloch & J.Solomos: Race and Ethnicity in Britain: Into the 21st Century November 2009 256pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-00778-9 978-0-230-00779-6
Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe Edited by Rosemary Crompton, Professor of Sociology, City University, UK, Suzan Lewis, Department of Psychology and Speech Pathology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK and Clare Lyonette, Department of Sociology, City University, UK
A Universal Child? Roger Smith, Social Work Division, De Montfort University, UK
Addressing questions about the cultural specificity of childhood, the complementary value of psychological, biological and social understandings of children, and the impact of policy and law on how children are dealt with and perceived, this will be a core text for many courses related to childhood studies. Contents: Introduction: The Disputed Child / Alternative Perspectives on Childhood / Children and Time: Historical and Contemporary Ideas About Childhood / Children and Place – an Inevitable Source of ‘Difference’? / The Attempt to Identify Common Features of Childhood / Children, the State and Social Policy / Children and the Market / Children and the Media / Childhood: An Adult Conception? / What do Children Think About Childhood? / Childhoods: The Same Only Different? / What Should We Do About Children (and Childhood)? October 2009 Hardback Paperback
240pp £55.00 £18.99
‘…a useful addition to the ever-growing literature on social and economic inequality.’ - Work, Employment and Society Social changes including an increase in dual-earner families, declining fertility, and growing problems of work-life ‘balance’ are underway as more women, particularly mothers, enter and remain in paid employment. This collection explores this revolution in working practices across Europe. June 2010 Paperback
288pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-27337-5
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
216x138mm 978-1-4039-0784-4 978-1-4039-0785-1
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families, children and younger people
Researching Intimacy in Families Jacqui Gabb, Lecturer in Sociology, The Open University, UK
‘This is a very fine piece of work, well written and enjoyable with a sociological imagination at its heart...The book should be read widely, not only by those with an interest in families and intimate lives, but by anyone with an interest in reading good sociological thinking at work.’ - BSA Philip Abrams Memorial Prize Judging Committee An incisive engagement with the subject of intimacy and interpersonal relationships and the methods used to research families and personal life, this book introduces readers to contemporary conceptual and methodological frameworks for understanding intimacy and sexuality in families. Contents: Introduction / Researching Families and Childhood / Methodological Approaches and Family Research Methods / Conceptualisations of Intimacy / Mapping Intimacy in Families / The Affect of Methods / Conclusion April 2010 Paperback
224pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-24809-0
Joint Winner of the British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize 2009
Intimacy and Power
The Age of Consent
The Dynamics of Personal Relationships in Modern Society
Young People, Sexuality and Citizenship Matthew Waites, Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Applied Social Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK
Derek Layder, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Leicester, UK
This book explores the nature of intimacy by revealing how the influence of individual, interpersonal and wider social factors creates variations in self-disclosure, intimacy games and relationship habits. It describes how the dynamics of power and control in relationships give rise either to mutual satisfaction or to the unravelling of intimacy. Contents: Introduction / Understanding Couple Intimacy / The Varieties of Couple Intimacy / Psycho-Emotional Needs / Intimacy & Interpersonal Control / Gender, Intimacy Styles & Skills / Arguments, Indirectness & Non-Disclosure / Personal Strategies & Repertoires / Energy-Draining Games / Energising Games / The Erosion of Intimacy / The Nature of Modern Intimacy / Intimacy, Power & Social Domains / Bibliography August 2009 Hardback
200pp £50.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57956-9
Addressing the contentious issue of how children’s sexual behaviour should be regulated, this book explores the history of age of consent laws in the UK and provides a global comparative survey of age of consent laws and relevant international human rights law. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Theorising Age of Consent Laws / Age of Consent Laws in Global Perspective / Heterosexuality and the Age of Consent / Homosexuality and the Age of Consent / Sexual Liberationism and the Search for New Sexual Knowledge / Equality at Last? Age of Consent Debates in the 1990s / New Age of Consent Laws: Adulthood and Childhood / Rethinking the Age of Consent / Bibliography / Notes / Index August 2009 Paperback
296pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23718-6
ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Editors: Graham Allan and Lynn Jamieson ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
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families, children and younger people
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies Edited by Jens Qvortrup, Department of Sociology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, UK, William A. Corsaro, Department of Sociology, Indiana University, USA and Michael-Sebastian Honig, University of Trier, Germany
‘It will be difficult for any future scholar in this area of research to sidestep this major contribution to our understanding.’ - Professor Chris Jenks, Vice Chancellor, Brunel University, UK A landmark publication in the field, this state of the art reference work, with contributions from leading thinkers across a range of disciplines, is an essential guide to the study of children and childhood, and sets out future research agendas for the subject. Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Notes on Contributors / J.Qvortrup, W.A.Corsaro & M-S.Honig: Introduction: Why Social Studies of Childhood? / PART I: CONCEPTS OF CHILDHOOD STUDIES / PART II: HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXTS OF CHILDHOOD / PART III: GENERATIONAL RELATIONS / PART IV: CHILDREN’S EVERYDAY LIVES/THE LOCAL FRAMEWORK / PART V: CHILDREN’S PRACTICE CHILDREN AS PARTICIPANTS / PART VI: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND PLACE IN THE WORLD / Author Index / Subject Index A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2009 Hardback
472pp £100.00
234x156mm 978-0-230-53260-1
Childhood and Society
Child Abuse and Neglect
An Introduction to the Sociology of Childhood
Attachment, Development and Intervention
Michael Wyness, Associate Professor of Childhood Studies, Institute of Education, University of Warwick, UK
David Howe, Professor, Centre for Research on the Child and Family, University of East Anglia, UK
This inspiring book explores a range of sociological approaches to researching the fascinating lives and social worlds of children. In doing so, it reviews competing theoretical positions on childhood and examines key and controversial issues relating to childhood such as poverty, abuse and rights.
This book offers a survey of the field of child abuse and neglect from the perspective of modern developmental attachment theory. Clear, compelling and anchored in research evidence, it is designed to answer the kinds of questions practitioners and student practitioners specialising in child welfare are most likely to ask.
March 2006 Paperback
April 2005 Paperback
280pp £22.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-94649-7
336 pp £23.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-4826-7
ebook available from: Ebook Library,, Myilibrary, NetLibrary
Safeguarding Childhood Early Intervention and Surveillance in a Late Modern Society Nigel Parton, NSPCC Professor in Applied Childhood Studies, University of Huddersfield, UK
This text by a recognized authority offers a clear and theoretically sophisticated commentary on child abuse and child welfare policy. Parton critically assesses the latest developments in child protection thinking and practice, explaining how changes in philosophy and intervention have been informed by cultural, economic and political context. Carefully blending core examples, evidence and the latest social theory, this book is essential reading for both students and practitioners. September 2005 248pp Paperback £22.99
The Life Course: A Sociological Introduction Stephen J. Hunt, Reader in Sociology, University of the West of England, UK
Rapid and far-reaching social transformation in Western society over the last few decades has prompted considerable interest in the life course. This accessible and informative text provides a substantive overview to the topic, combining contemporary and more traditional perspectives. Tracing the different stages of the life course through infancy and youth to old age and dying, the book considers what is distinct about a sociological approach to the life course and explores recent debates and changing theoretical perspectives in the context of biological, psychological and social influences. January 2005 Paperback
240pp £22.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1470-5
234x156mm 978-1-4039-3332-4
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
families, children and younger people • disability studies
Children in Society
Disability Studies
Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice Edited by Pam Foley, Jeremy Roche and Stan Tucker, all at School of Health and Social Welfare, The Open University, UK
This reader provides a critical and comprehensive account of the theoretical and practical issues raised in working with children and families. It draws on debates from a range of disciplines to shed light on different perspectives, forms of practice and dimensions of policy. Its strong applied focus allows it to address a rich variety of issues of concern to professionals working with children in a range of settings. The contributing authors consist of leading academics in the field as well as those with first-hand knowledge and experience; all write in a clear and engaging style. November 2000 304pp Paperback £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-333-94589-6
Published in association with The Open University
Attachment Theory, Child Maltreatment and Family Support A Practice and Assessment Model David Howe, Professor, Centre for Research on the Child and Family, Marian Brandon, Lecturer in Social Work and Director of Post-Qualifying Courses, Diana Hinings, Department of Social Work and Gillian Schofield, Lecturer in Social Work and Director, Centre for Research on the Child and Family, all at University of East Anglia, UK
Understanding Disability
Social Work Practice and Intellectual Disability Working to Support Change
From Theory to Practice 2nd edition
Christine Bigby, Professor, School of Social Work and Social Policy, La Trobe University, Australia and Patsie Frawley, PhD, School of Social Work and Social Policy, La Trobe University
Michael Oliver, Emeritus Professor of Disability Studies, University of Greenwich, UK
In this long awaited new edition Oliver draws on his own experiences to paint a vivid picture of both the practical challenges of disablement and the theoretical understandings of disability. This approachable text is core reading for social work, nursing, health and social care and social science students taking modules in disability studies. Contents: Introduction / PART I: EXPERIENCING AND CHALLENGING A CHANGING WORLD / From Personal Struggle to Political Understanding and Back Again / Mobility Impairment in a Social Context / The Social Model: History, Critique and Response / Unmet Promises of Disability Law and Policy / Special Education into the Twenty First Century / PART II: THEORISING AND CHANGING A DISABLING WORLD / Disability and Normalisation: A Critique / The Relevance of Emancipatory Research for Policy Development / Disabling or Enabling Welfare: What Next for Disabled People / Disability Politics and the Disability Movement in Britain / Diasablement into the Twenty First Century / Personalising the Political and Politicising the Personal August 2009 Paperback
216pp £18.99
Consultant Editor: sometime JoCampling
A concise introduction to the knowledge, values and skills required for effective practice in the field of intellectual disability, this book covers the key topics including changing definitions, core tasks in working with clients and the values of participation and inclusion. Illustrated with numerous case studies, it is an essential resource. Contents: Understanding Intellectual Disability / The Social Problem of Intellectual Disability / Services to Support People with Intellectual Disability / Working With Individuals to Assess and Plan Support: Initial Steps / Planning, Dilemma’s and Decision Making / Activism, Advocacy and Self Advocacy / Implementing Policies for Social Inclusion / References October 2009 Paperback
256pp £17.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-52166-7
Practical Social Work Series Series Editor: sometime Jo Campling
216x138mm 978-0-230-22028-7
This ground-breaking text offers a comprehensive and penetrating account of how social developmental perspectives and attachment theory can illuminate practice in the field of child protection and family support. September 1999 320pp Paperback £23.99
216x138mm 978-0-333-74978-4
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disability studies • mental health
Contours of Ableism The Production of Disability and Abledness Fiona Kumari Campbell, Senior Lecturer, Griffith University, Australia Foreword by Dan Goodley, Professor
Challenging notions of what constitutes ‘normal’ and ‘pathological’ bodies, this ambitious, agenda-setting study theoretically reinvigorates disability studies by reconceptualizing it as ‘studies of ableism’ focusing on the practices and formations of able-bodiedness to uncover what it means to be ‘able’ rather than ‘disabled’. Contents: D.Goodley: Foreword / PART I: COGITATING ABLEISM / The Project of Ableism / Internalized Ableism: The Tyranny Within / Tentative Disability: Mitigation and its Discontents / Love Objects and Transhuman Beasts?: Riding the Technologies / PART II: SPECTRES OF ABLEISM / The Deaf Trade: Selling the Cochlear Implant / Print Media Representations of the ‘Unco-operative’ Patient: The Case of Clint Hallam / Disability Matters: Embodiment, Teaching & Standpoint / Pathological Femaleness: Disability Jurisprudence & Ontological Envelopment / Disability Harm & Wrongful Life Torts / Searching for Subjectivity: The Enigma of Devoteeism, Conjoinment and Transableism / Afterword: From Disability Studies to Studies in Ableism? September 2009 248pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57928-6
Dangerous Discourses of Disability, Subjectivity and Sexuality Margrit Shildrick, Reader in Gender Studies, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
‘Dangerous Discourses of Disability, Subjectivity and Sexuality breaks new critical ground by bringing together three fundamental registers of difference to critically engage the fact of human bodily variation. This book asks sharp questions coming from theory, politics, and the material environment about our understandings of what it means to be a person living in a body deemed different.’ Professor Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Emory University, USA This innovative and adventurous work uses broadly feminist and postmodernist modes of analysis to explore what motivates damaging attitudes and practices towards disability. Margrit Shildrick argues for the significance of the psychosocial imaginary, and suggests a way forward in disability’s queering of normative paradigms.
Mental Health
The Troubled Mind Susy Churchill, Lecturer/Clinical Manager, University of Southampton, UK
This comprehensive textbook discusses how trainees and busy practitioners can best respond therapeutically to clients’ mental health problems. Grounded in the latest research, it is rich with case material and analytical commentary and highlights key decisions regarding assessment and referral. Contents: Psychological Therapies and Mental Health Issues / Assessment and Formulation / Clients Presenting with Depression or Mania / Clients Experiencing Anxiety / Clients Experiencing Problems with Life Events/ Stages / Clients Who Have Problematic Substance Abuse / Childhood or Adolescent Problems / Clients With Disturbed Eating / Clients Described as Having a Personality Disorder / Clients Showing Psychotic Features / Clients Experiencing Problems with Sexual or Gender Identity / Clients Experiencing Other Mental Health Difficulties / Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues August 2010 Paperback
240pp £20.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-20096-8
Contents: Acknowledgments / Introduction / Corporealities / Genealogies / Contested Pleasures and Governmentality / Sexuality, Subjectivity and Anxiety / Transgressing the Law / Queer Pleasures / Global Corporealities / Conclusion: Thinking Differently / Notes / Bibliography / Index August 2009 Hardback
224pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21056-1
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mental health
Mental Health Policy and Practice
Mental Health, Race and Culture
Psychiatric Drugs
3rd edition
Key Issues and Service User Perspectives
2nd edition Helen Lester, Professor of Primary Care, National Centre for Primary Care Research and Development, University of Manchester, UK and Jon Glasby, Professor of MENTAL HEALTH Health and Social Care and POLICY AND Co-Director, Health Services HELEN LESTER AND JON GLASBY PRACTICE Management Centre, University of Birmingham, UK SECOND EDITION
Reviews of the 1st edition: ‘A very clear accessible overview of mental health provision in 1 England, including a well resigned critique of current policy.’ - Mr Robert Davis, School of Health and Social Sciences, UWIC, UK ‘Clear and easy to use. Good use of charts, diagrams and reflection exercises. Student friendly.’ - Dr David Wright, School of Social Policy, Sociology & Social Research, University of Kent at Medway, UK The revised edition of Mental Health Policy and Practice remains a comprehensive text containing an overview of recent UK mental health policy. It includes ideas from a wide spectrum of mental health services, examples of successful evidencebased practice and analyzes the impact of the ‘modernisation agenda’. Contents: Introduction / Mental Health Policy / Primary Care and Mental Health / Community Mental Health Services / Acute Mental Health Services / Forensic Mental Health Services / Partnership Working / User Involvement / Anti-Discriminatory Practice / Carers / Conclusion / Appendix: Mental Health Policy Chronology 1975-2009 May 2010 Paperback
304pp £19.99
Suman Fernando, Visiting Professor, London Metropolitan University, UK and Senior Lecturer, European Centre for Migration and Social Care, University of Kent, UK
Review of the 2nd edition: ‘Thorough, challenging and essential for today’s society and multicultural professional interventions in mental health.’- Ms Sarah Patrick, School of Health and Community Care, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK This is the third, significantly expanded and revised, edition of this seminal text. Incorporating additional contemporary topics, including mental health of refugees, trauma and psychosocial approaches, this text offers an illuminating account of mental health and mental disorder seen crossculturally and internationally. Contents: Introduction / PART 1: THEORY AND TRADITION / Race and Culture; Ethnicity and Identity / Traditional Approaches to Mental Health / Background and Culture of Psychiatry / Racism in Psychiatry / Changing Discourse in Mental Health / Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress; Suffering and Violence / PART II: PRACTICE AND INNOVATION / Application of Psychiatry: Bias and Imperialism / Asian and African ‘Therapy’ for Mental Health / Mental Health in Low and Middle Income Countries / Mental Health of Refugees in High Income Countries / Prospects for Plurality in Therapies for Mental Health / Mental Health for All January 2010 Paperback
248pp £21.99
Jim Read, Writer and Survivor of Mental Health Services
This lively book explores current dilemmas and debates on the use, effectiveness and adverse effects of psychiatric drugs, from the perspectives of people who have taken them. It includes groundbreaking research into experiences of trying to come off drugs with particular emphasis on interactions between service users and mental health practitioners Contents: Acknowledgements / List of Tables / List of Critical Reflection Boxes / Introduction / Overview and Key Issues / What People Taking Psychiatric Drugs Have To Say About Them / What Is Known About Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs / Coping With Coming Off – Making The Decision / Coping With Coming Off – The Consequences / Coping With Coming Off – Three Stories / Key Issues, Suggestions and Conclusion / Appendix I: Sources of Practical Information About Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs / Appendix II: Adverse Effects When Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs / References August 2009 Paperback
208pp £14.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-54940-1
Published in association with Mind
234x156mm 978-0-230-21271-8
234x156mm 978-0-230-58475-4
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
mental health • community care
Mental Health Still Matters Edited by Jill Reynolds, Senior Lecturer, Rosemary Muston, Course Manager, Tom Heller, Senior Lecturer, Jonathan Leach, Lecturer, Mick McCormick, Lecturer, all at Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University, UK, Jan Wallcraft, Freelance Consultant and Researcher and Mark Walsh, Teacher, Writer and Mental Health Nurse
‘It’s short but succinct chapters make it a very readable text. This is a robust addition to the original text and will no doubt become a valuable resource to those studying in this area.’ - Ian Warwick, Lecturer, London Metropolitan University, UK ‘An excellent starting point to stimulating debate on contemporary issues in mental health.’ - Ian Mathews, Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, UK This Reader presents a fresh look at mental health, following on from the hugely popular Mental Health Matters. It provides new and exciting user perspectives across the full range of mental health issues. This is a rich and diverse resource for all students and practitioners of mental health.
Community Care
Residential Care Transformed
May 2009 Paperback
400pp £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-57729-9
Published in association with The Open University
A Guide for Social Workers 2nd edition
Revisiting ‘The Last Refuge’ Julia Johnson, Senior Lecturer, Sheena Rolph, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, both at The Open University, UK and Randall Smith, Professional Research Fellow, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, UK
This book revisits Peter Townsend’s classic study of residential care for older people in Britain conducted in the late 1950s. It provides not only a fascinating account of residential care for older people over the last fifty years but is also an important contribution to the literature on research methods. Contents: In Memoriam / Acknowledgements / PART I: THE CONTEXT / Why Revisit ‘The Last Refuge’? / Changing Contexts of Care / The Study Design and Methods / PART II: REVISITING ‘THE LAST REFUGE’ / Survivors and Non-survivors / Residents and Staff / The Living Environment / Daily Lives / The Quality of Care / PART III: CONCLUSIONS / Revisiting and Reuse / Continuity and Change in Residential Care for Older People / Appendixes / Notes / References / Index May 2010 Hardback
288pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-20242-9
The Essentials of Community Care
Ann McDonald, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of East Anglia, UK
The second edition of this key text has been fully upto-dated by incorporating the latest policy and practice issues in community care as well as reflecting developments in social work education. It also offers greater pedagogical support through annotated lists of further reading and systematic use of exercises and case material. Contents: Acknowledgements / Preface to the Second Edition / Introduction / Social Work within Community Care / The History of Community Care / Needs-Led Assessment / Care Planning / Monitoring and Review / Quality Assurance and Quality Control / Changing Roles / Changing Values / Financial Matters / Social Needs and Health Care Needs / Social Needs and Housing Needs / Working in Adult Services / Conclusion January 2006 Paperback
240pp £21.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-1218-3
2nd edition
Understanding Community Care
Peter Sharkey, Associate Lecturer, The Open University, UK
‘...a succinct and helpful introduction to some of the more social care-focused aspects of community care.’ - Jon Glasby, Health and Social Care in the Community The second edition of this guide to community care, aimed at both health and social care practitioners, offers a clear and structured introduction to present policy and practice. It is illustrated throughout by pertinent case material and has been updated with the latest policy developments and new literature. December 2006 216pp Paperback £23.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-4203-6
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community care • criminal justice
Affective Equality
Community Care
Love, Care and Injustice
Policy and Practice 4th Revised and Updated edition
Kathleen Lynch, Professor of Equality Studies, John Baker, Senior Lecturer in Politics and Maureen Lyons, Senior Researcher and Director of Research Design and Methodology, all at University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
‘This brilliant qualitative research explores the connections among emotional connection, moral obligation, and care provision. A diverse set of thoughtful and sensitive essays explain a profoundly important cause of persistent gender inequality.’ - Professor Nancy Folbre, University of Massachusetts, USA This groundbreaking book provides a new perspective on equality by highlighting and exploring affective equality, the aspect of equality concerned with relationships of love, care and solidarity. Drawing on studies of intimate caring, or ‘love labouring’, it reveals the depth, complexity and multidimensionality of affective inequality. Contents: K.Lynch, J.Baker & M.Lyons: Introduction / K.Lynch, S.Cantillon, J.Walsh & J.Baker: Which Equalities Matter? The Place of Affective Equality in Egalitarian Theory / K.Lynch & J.Walsh: Love, Care and Solidarity: What is and is not Commodifiable / K.Lynch & M.Lyons: Love Labouring: Nurturing Rationalities and Relational Identities / K.Lynch & M.Lyons: Care-Less Citizenship? Public Devaluation and Private Validation / K.Lynch & M.Lyons: Gender, Social Class and Lone Caring: The Intersectionality of Inequalities / K.Lynch, M.Lyons & S.Cantillon: Love Labouring: Power and Mutuality / K.Lynch, M.Lyons & S.Cantillon: Time to Care, Care Commanders and Care Footsoldiers / M.O’Brien: The Impact of Economic, Social, Cultural and Emotional Capital on Mothers’ Love and Care Work in Education / N.Hanlon: Caregiving Masculinities: An Exploratory Analysis / M.Feeley: Living in Care and Without Love – The Impact of Affective Inequalities on Learning Literacy / K.Lynch & J.Baker: Conclusion / Appendix / Notes / Bibliography July 2009 Hardback Paperback
304pp £50.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-21249-7 978-0-230-22719-4
An Irish Times Book of the Year, 2009
Criminal Justice
Robin Means, Associate Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of the West of England, UK, Sally Richards, Lecturer in Health and Social Care, University of Reading, UK and Randall Smith, Professional Research Fellow, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, UK
This fully updated and revised edition of the leading textbook on community and social care provides an authoritative account of the evolution of policy and practice and a judicious assessment of contemporary debates and issues. Particular attention is paid to partnerships between health and social care, the regulation of social care, direct payments and individual budgets and user/ carer empowerment. Contents: Introducing Community Care / From Institutions to Care in the Community: The History of Neglect / Implementing Community Care Reforms / Community Care and the Modernization Agenda / Health and Social Care: From Collaboration to Incorporation? / Housing and Community Care / Community Care: User Empowerment / International Perspectives on Community Care: Lesson Drawing or Policy Learning / Community Care: New Directions and Old Challenges January 2008 Paperback
328pp £23.99
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders A Culture of Control? Jane Donoghue, Lecturer in Law, University of Reading, UK
This book vigorously challenges the dominant academic view of ASBOs as erroneous tools of social control, and offers an alternative perspective on anti-social behaviour management which argues that ASBOs are capable of enabling a positive process of engagement among local authorities, housing professionals and residents. Contents: Preface / Introduction / The End of Respect? / Anti-Social Behaviour: The Political Landscape / AntiSocial Behaviour: The Historical Landscape / Anti-Social Behaviour and Social Housing / ASBOs in Practice / ASBOs and the Targeting of Undesirable Persons / Reflections on ASBOs as Social Aegis February 2010 Hardback
216x138mm 978-0-230-59444-9
Contemporary Criminology and Criminal Justice Theory Evaluating Justice Systems in Capitalist Societies Geoffrey R. Skoll, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Buffalo State College, USA
This book casts a critical eye on scholarship in the field of criminal justice, and offers some new orientations to help develop explanations for twenty-first century criminology and criminal justice studies.
216x138mm 978-0-230-00674-4
Public Policy and Politics Series Editors: Colin Fudge and Robin Hambleton
Contents: Introduction: Theories of Justice in Late Capitalism / History of Criminal Justice Theory / The Nature of Theory / The Nature of Law, Order, Crime, and Criminal Justice / ‘Liberation’ Criminal Justice: Critical & Radical Theories / The Rule of Law and the Ruling Class / Roots of Reaction / Theories in Other Places: Europeans and Others / Frameworks for New Theories: Chaos and World Systems / An Iconic Theory of Criminal Justice October 2009 Hardback
208pp £50.00
244pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-61598-4
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
criminal justice
Race, Crime and Criminal Justice
The Criminal Cases Review Commission
International Perspectives
Hope for the Innocent?
Edited by Anita KaluntaCrumpton, Associate Professor, Texas Southern University, USA Foreword by Michael Tonry, Professor
‘…renowned scholars from thirteen countries highlight similarities and differences in definitions of race, the availability of race-based crime statistics, and the race-related issues that animate debate and influence policy. This book should be required reading for anyone interested in comparative crime and criminal justice.’ - Cassia Spohn, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University, USA This book provides a focused and critical international overview of the intersections between race, crime perpetration and victimization, and criminal justice policy and practice responses to crime perpetration and crime victimization. Contents: M.Tonry: Foreword / Preface / PART I: HISTORY / A.Kalunta-Crumpton: History: Race Relations and Justice / PART II: EUROPE: IS THERE RACE IN CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE? / B.A.Cole: Britain / P.Irving Jackson: France / H-J.Albrecht: Germany / V.Ruggiero: Italy / J.Junger-Tas: The Netherlands / M. Ivone Cunha: Portugal / J.Goode: Spain / PART III: BEYOND EUROPE: IS THERE RACE IN CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE? / S.Jeffries & G.Newbold: Australia and New Zealand / I.Cano, L.Ribeiro & E.Meireiles: Brazil / C.J.Mosher & T.MahonHaft: Canada / K.Bosilong & P.Mbecke: South Africa / D.E.Georges-Abeyie: United States of America / PART IV: CONCLUSION / A.Kalunta-Crumpton: In Conclusion: Comparative Assessment of Race, Crime and Criminal Justice in International Perspectives / Index February 2010 Hardback
352pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22029-4
Edited by Michael Naughton, Senior Lecturer in Law and Sociology, University of Bristol, UK
This book focuses on the world’s first publiclyfunded body- the Criminal Cases Review Commission- to review alleged miscarriages of justice, set up following notorious cases such as the Birmingham Six in the UK. Providing a critique of its operations, the book shows that its help to innocent victims of wrongful conviction is merely incidental. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2009 Hardback
272pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21938-0
Rehabilitation, Crime and Justice
Doing Time An Introduction to the Sociology of Imprisonment 2nd edition Roger Matthews, Professor of Criminology, London South Bank University, UK
The new edition of Doing Time brings this widely recognized book up-to-date and provides an accessible and informed discussion of current debates around prisons and penal policy. Drawing on a range of international material the book provides a critical sociological analysis of developments in imprisonment. Contents: The Emergence of the Modern Prison / Space, Time and Labour / Order, Control and Adaption in Prison / The Political Economy of Imprisonment / The Culture and Politics of Imprisonment / Crime, Sentencing and Imprisonment / Young People in Custody / Women’s Imprisonment / Race and Imprisonment / The Future of Imprisonment / Bibliography August 2009 Hardback Paperback
312pp £65.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23551-9 978-0-230-23552-6
Peter Raynor, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Swansea University, UK and Gwen Robinson, Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice, University of Sheffield, UK
Can offenders be rehabilitated? Can this be done in ways that benefit the community as a whole, as well as offenders? This book explores the history, theory, practice and effectiveness of rehabilitation, examining how different beliefs about the value of rehabilitation have influenced criminal justice policy and practice. Contents: Defining Rehabilitation / Justifying Rehabilitation / Origins and Contexts / The Rehabilitative Ideal: Advance and Temporary Retreat / Adapting to the End of ‘Treatment’ / The New Rehabilitation: ‘What Works’ and Corrections at the End of the Twentieth Century / Against the Tide: Non-Treatment Paradigms for the Twenty-First Century / The Futures of Rehabilitation August 2009 Paperback
224pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23248-8
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
drugs and substance misuse • gender
Understanding Drug Misuse
Drugs and substance MISUSE
Models of Care and Control Janet Keene, University of Reading, UK
Controversies in Drugs Policy and Practice Neil McKeganey, Professor of Drug Misuse Research, Centre for Drug Misuse Research, University of Glasgow, UK
This is a lively and provocative book on a topic of deep public and professional interest. Addressing a host of issues surrounding the place of illegal drugs in society, the text draws readers in to debate key contemporary issues including drug legislation, classification, policy and solutions to the problem. Contents: The Growth of the UK Drug Problem Cannabis -Soft or Hard Drug? / The Impact of Parental Drug Use on Children / Drug Treatment Fit for Purpose of Fit for Change? / Drugs and Prison / The Influence of Harm Reduction / Ideas in Drug Policy and Practice in the UK / Drugs and the International Perspective / Legalisation or Further Prohibition / Radical Solutions in Tackling Drug Use / Conclusion - Lessons for Policy and Practice November 2010 208pp Paperback £19.99 Hardback £55.00
Gender and Policy in France
Combining theory and research this clearly explains how each theoretical model contributes different types of solutions to ‘the drug problem’, whether it is treatment, harm minimization or social intervention. Using extracts from the author’s own research interviews with drug users, it also offers a real insight into user perspectives. Contents: Introduction – Changing Patterns of Drug Use / PART ONE: USER VIEWS / Reasons Why People Use Drugs / Problems of Using Drugs / Dependence on Drugs / Crime and Drugs / PART TWO: PROFESSIONAL ISSUES / Drug Education / Reducing the Harm / Treatment for Dependence / Control of Drug Use in the Community and Working with Offenders / PART THREE: PRACTICAL GUIDELINES FOR WORKING WITH DRUG USERS / Assessment of Need, Motivation and ‘Readiness to Change’ / Helping Individuals Change / Building New Social Networks and Preventing Relapse October 2010 Paperback
208pp £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-20243-6
234x156mm 978-0-230-23595-3 978-0-230-23594-6
Drug Use and Social Change The Distortion of History Michael Shiner, Senior Lecturer, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
‘Shiner provides a lively and thoughtful reminder of the history of social drug use and sociological insights and a valuable pointer to the research questions we face today.’ Nigel South, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex, UK This book locates the rise of illicit drug use within the historical development of late industrial society and challenges the prevailing view. Highlighting key areas of continuity and the on-going value of classic criminological theory, it is argued that recent trends do not constitute the radical departure that is often supposed.
Gill Allwood, Reader in Gender Politics, Nottingham Trent University, UK and Khursheed Wadia, Senior Research Fellow in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, UK
‘This very well-informed book sets its detailed case studies within a wider context and brings together empirical accounts with explanations of underlying ideas and approaches. Refreshingly clearly written, it will be invaluable for those interested in comparative politics and public policy as well as in women’s studies.’ - Anne Stevens, Emeritus Professor of European Studies, Aston University, UK Combining fresh, critical insights from a feminist and anti-racist perspective, this is an excellent synthesis of some of the most important issues on the French public policy agenda. It provides detailed analysis and broad contextualization of debates on employment, parity, domestic violence, abortion, prostitution, and Islamic headscarves. Contents: Introduction / Women, Employment and Gender Equality Policy / Gender Parity Reform / Abortion / Prostitution / Domestic Violence / The Islamic Headscarf (Hijab) / Conclusion August 2009 Hardback
240pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9331-1
French Politics, Society and Culture Series Editor: Robert Elgie ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
Contents: List of Figures and Tables / Acknowledgements / Introduction / The Sociology of Drug Use / A Social Classification of Drug Use / The Folk Devil Next Door / Lifestyle, Consumption and Subterranean Play / Just a Phase? / Drug Use and Social Change / Bibliography June 2009 Hardback
256pp £52.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-22272-4
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
gender • welfare history
Welfare History
From Theory to Action 2nd edition
Feminism and Voluntary Action John Baker, Senior Lecturer in Politics, Kathleen Lynch, Professor of Equality Studies, Sara Cantillon, Senior Lecturer in Equality and Judy Walsh, Lecturer in Equality Studies, all at University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
‘This book confidently crosses the chasm between theory and action. It is a major achievement which deserves to be on the reading list of every politician, academic and activist concerned about social inequity and justice.’ - Professor Madeleine Arnot, Chair of Sociology of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK How can egalitarian ideals be put into action? This ground-breaking book sets out a new interdisciplinary model for equality studies. Integrating normative questions about the ideal of equality with empirical issues about the nature of inequality, it applies a new framework to a wide range of contemporary inequalities. Proposing far-reaching changes in the economy, politics, law, education and research practices, it sets out innovative political strategies for achieving those aims. It is an invaluable resource for both academics and activists. Contents: Preface to Second Edition / PART I: THE NEW EQUALITY AGENDA / New Challenges to an Unequal World / Dimensions of Equality: A Framework for Theory and Action / The Centrality of Equality: Equality and Other Values / Contexts of Egalitarian Change: Social Systems and Social Groups / PART II: PUTTING EQUALITY INTO PRACTICE / Towards Economic Equality / The Challenge of Participatory Democracy / Equality, the Legal System and Employment Law / Equality and Education / Emancipatory Research as a Tool of Change / PART III: STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE / Class, Gender and the Equality Movement / Ideology and Resistance / Strategic Issues for the Equality Movement / Notes / Bibliography July 2009 Hardback Paperback
344pp £65.00 £19.99
Eglantyne Jebb and Save the Children, 1876–1928 Linda Mahood, Associate Professor of History, University of Guelph, Canada
Eglantyne Jebb was a teacher, social investigator and founder of the Save the Children Fund. Her ‘Declaration of the Rights of the Child’, adopted by League of Nations, shows evolution from Charity Organization Society model to philosophy of international mutual responsibility, children’s rights and humanitarianism. Contents: Prologue: No Silk-Blouse Social Worker / The Lady Bountiful and the Country Squire: Lessons in Life, Love and Woodcarving / Raising Rebel Daughters: Lessons for Lives of Social Action / Educating Eglantyne: The Young Lady of Lady Margaret Hall / Ribbons and Trumpets: Toils and Troubles at Teacher Training College / ‘Hewing out my Future in Defiance to my Friends:’ The Life and Times of a Gentlewoman School Mistress / Matchmaking Matrons and the Misread Maidens of the Cambridge Charity Organization Society / Honour thy Mother: Duty vs ‘Free Unsheltered Life Fraught with Pitfalls and Danger’ / The Sisters and Social Action / ‘A Perfect Jungle of Intrigues, Suspicion and Hypocrisies:’ The Early Save the Children Fund in Time of Crisis / ‘Internationalization’ of Charity in Peacetime: Declaring the Rights of the Child September 2009 304pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-52560-3
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect History Collections
The Evolution of the British Welfare State A History of Social Policy since the Industrial Revolution 4th edition Derek Fraser, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Teesside, UK
‘There is no better account of how the British welfare state evolved over two centuries than Derek Fraser’s book. Now revised and updated, it continues to provide a lively and authoritative history of the period from the industrial revolution to the present day.’ - David Martin, University of Sheffield, UK Derek Fraser’s book has established itself as a classic text on the history of social policy and social ideas in Britain since the Industrial Revolution. This fourth edition features a revised Introduction, incorporates the latest research and extends the coverage of the final chapter, bringing the story right up to the present day. Contents: List of Tables / Preface / Preface to the Second Edition / Preface to the Third Edition / Preface to the Fourth Edition / Acknowledgements / Select Time Chart, 1801-2008 / Introduction: Perspectives on the History of Welfare / The Factory Question / The Poor Law / Public Health / Education and Welfare / Laissez-faire and State Intervention in the Mid-Nineteenth Century / The Growing Awareness of Poverty / Liberal Social Policy, 1905-14 / Politics and Policy, 1914-39 / War and Welfare in the 1940s / The Welfare State in Modern Britain / Documentary Appendix / Notes and References / Select Bibliography / Index June 2009 Hardback Paperback
464pp £55.00 £18.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-22465-0 978-0-230-22466-7
216x138mm 978-0-230-22717-0 978-0-230-22716-3
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the politics and management of welfare • international and comparative social policy The Politics and Management of Welfare
Volunteering and Society in the 21st Century Colin Rochester, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Management, University of Surrey, UK, Angela Ellis Paine, Director, Institute for Volunteering Research, UK and Steven Howlett, Senior Lecturer, Roehampton University, UK
Expectations about the contribution that volunteering can make are at a new high. This book aims to meet this interest by bringing together in one volume what is known about the phenomenon of volunteering; the principles and practice of involving volunteers, and the enduring challenges for volunteering in today’s world. November 2009 288pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21058-5
Post-Communist Welfare Pathways Theorizing Social Policy Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe Edited by Alfio Cerami, Research Associate, Centre d’Études Européennes, Sciences Po, France and Pieter Vanhuysse, Lecturer, University of Haia, Israel
This book adopts novel theoretical approaches to study the diverse welfare pathways that have evolved across Central and Eastern Europe since the end of communism. It highlights the role of explanatory factors such as micro-causal mechanisms, power politics, path departure, and elite strategies. Contents: PART I: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND / PART II: COUNTRY STUDIES / PART III: SECTORAL ANALYSIS AND CHALLENGES A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2009 Hardback
304pp £55.00
Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector Challenges for Practice, Theory and Policy Edited by David Billis, Reader Emeritus, Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Addressing a key social policy problem, this book analyzes modern voluntary organizations through the lens of a new theory of hybrid organizations, which is tested and developed in the context of a range of case studies. This is essential reading for all interested in the future of the third sector. Contents: D.Billis: Introduction: From Welfare Bureaucracies to Welfare Hybrids / D.Billis: Towards a Theory of Welfare Hybrids / M.Harris: Third Sector Organisations in a Contradictory Policy Environment / C.Comforth & R.Spear: The Governance of Hybrid Organisations / A.Ellis Paine, N.Ockenden & J.Stuart: Volunteers in Hybrid Organisations: A Marginalised Majority? / B.Cairns & R.Hutchison: Community-Based Organisations: Sustainability and Independence / M.Torry: Faith-Based Organisations: A Distinctive Contribution to Welfare? / M.Aiken: Social Enterprises: Challenges from the Field / M.Taylor & J.Howard: Hybridity in Partnership Working: Managing Tensions and Opportunities / D.Mullins & H.Pawson: Social Housing: Agents of Policy or Profits in Disguise? / D.Lewis: Encountering Hybridity: Lessons from Individual Experiences / Conclusions May 2010 Hardback Paperback
256pp £60.00 £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-23463-5 978-0-230-23464-2
International and Comparative Social Policy
International Social Policy Welfare Regimes in the Developed World 2nd edition Edited by Pete Alcock, Professor of Social Policy and Administration and Head, School of Social Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK and Gary Craig, Professor of Social Justice, University of Hull, UK
‘This text will be an asset to students requiring information and debate about social policy at an international level.’ Susan Lawrence, London Metropolitan University, UK Updating the successful first edition, this book offers an insightful comparative study of welfare provision throughout the developed world. Written by international experts, the book explores policy development, organization, changes and trends. This is an indispensable resource for all students and scholars of global social policy. Contents: P.Alcock & G.Craig: Introduction and Acknowledgements / P.Alcock & G.Craig: The International Context / J.Clarke with F.F.Piven: An American Welfare State? / E.Lightman & G.Riches: Canada: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? / L.Bryson & F. Verity: Australia: From Wage-Earners to Neo-Liberal State / J.Davey & S.Grey: New Zealand: From Early Innovation to Humanising the Market / P.Alcock: The United Kingdom: Constructing a Third Way? / T.Salonen: Sweden: Between Model and Reality / L.Leisering: Germany: A Centrist Welfare State at the Crossroads / V.Fargion: Italy: Still a Pension State? / N.Davidova & N.Manning: Russia: State Socialism to Marketised Welfare / T.Uzuhasi: Japan: Constructing the ‘Welfare Society’ / H.Kwon: Korea: Rescaling the Developmental Welfare State / K.Lin: China: The Art of State and Social Policy Remodelling / F.Lund: South Africa – Transition Under Pressure March 2009 Hardback Paperback
312pp £68.00 £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-57319-2 978-0-230-57320-8
216x138mm 978-0-230-23026-2
Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866
international and comparative social policy • health policy
Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe
Social Vulnerability in Europe The New Configuration of Social Risks
From Dream to Awakening Barbara Einhorn, Department of Sociology, University of Sussex, UK
‘The book is essential reading for anyone who values the furtherance of equality between all Europeans.’ - Mary Evans, Professor of Women’s Studies, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK This study considers the impact of economic, political and social transformation in Central and Eastern Europe in the context of EU enlargement. Using the lens of gender, this book examines the processes of democratization, marketization and nationalism. This new edition includes a new preface and updates statistics throughout. Contents: Acknowledgements / Preface to Paperback Edition / Democratization and Reinvented National Identity: Contradictory Trends? / Issues of Governance: Contested Strategies for Gender Equity / Citizenship in Mainstream Politics: Scaling the Structures / Civil Society or NGOs: Empowerment or Depoliticization? / Family, Nation and Reproductive Politics: Between the Private and the Public / Femininities and Masculinities: Gender Re-presented / Labour Market Access: Persistent Patterns of Inequality / Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe: Towards Gender Equity / Notes / Bibliography / Index June 2010 Paperback
224pp £19.99
Edited by Costanzo Ranci, Professor of Economic Sociology, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
This book explores the dimensions and characteristics of social vulnerability in Western Europe. It provides a broad empirical foundation for recent theories on the emergence of new social risks in post-industrial societies, revealing to what extent social risks are compromising the ‘normal’ functioning of the European population. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: November 2009 320pp Hardback £55.00
After 2015: International Development Policy at a Crossroads
Public Health Policy and Politics 2nd edition Rob Baggott, Professor of Public Policy, De Montfort University, UK
Incorporating the latest developments from this fast-moving field, this eagerly awaited new edition once again provides an important and lucid analysis of all the key issues and debates. Exploring the underlying political context and policy processes, this text remains core reading for all those interested in the essentials of public health. Contents: Preface / Analysing Public Health / The Historical Context of Public Health / Public Health in the Twentieth Century / Health Strategies / Public Health and the NHS / Screening and Public Health / Health and the Environment / Food, Diet and Health / Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs / The Social and Economic Context of Public Health / Conclusion / Appendix 1: The Acheson Report on Health Inequalities / Bibliography / Index November 2010 368pp Paperback £22.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-53793-4
Andy Sumner, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK and Meera Tiwari, Head of International Development Studies, University of East London, UK
216x138mm 978-0-230-27333-7
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
216x138mm 978-0-230-58091-6
Health Policy
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have played a major role in focusing policy since their original incarnation in the mid to late 1990s but what happens when we no longer have the MDGs - what will guide policy after 2015? This book discusses the world and development policy up to and beyond 2015. May 2009 Hardback
232pp £60.00
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8772-3
Rethinking International Development series Series Editors: Andy Sumner and Ray Kiely ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial
health policy
Comparative Health Policy 3rd edition Robert H. Blank, Research Scholar, New College, USA and Viola Burau, Associate Professor of Public Policy, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Review of previous editions: ‘This is an accessible and informative book... which should be read by anyone interested or involved in health policy development, delivery and analysis and those engaged in any type of comparative analysis.’ - Sara Burke, Journal of Social Policy This wide-ranging text assesses the extent to which policy problems and responses in different countries have common causes or spring from specific national circumstances. This fully revised third edition includes details of reforms in Germany and the Netherlands, more examples from Asia, and boxed histories of the health systems covered. Contents: Comparative Health Policy: An Introduction / The Context of Health Care / Funding, Provision and Governance / Setting Priorities and Allocating Resources / The Medical Profession / Beyond the Hospital: Care in the Home / Public Health / Understanding Health Policy Comparatively April 2010 Hardback Paperback
336pp £65.00 £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-23427-7 978-0-230-23428-4
HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective Edited by Mark Davis, Lecturer, Monash University, Australia and Corinne Squire, Professor of Social Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of East London, UK
This book addresses the governance of the HIV and AIDS pandemic, with reference to the social aspects of technology and the technological mediation of the pandemic in international contexts. Contents: M.Davis & C.Squire: HIV Technologies / C.Campbell: Technologies of ‘Participation’ and ‘Capacity Building’ in HIV/AIDS Management in Africa: Four Case Studies / F.Abdullah & C.Squire: Technologies of Treatment: Scaling up ART in the Western Cape, South Africa / E.Mykhalovskiy: Integrating HIV Treatment and Prevention: Shifts in Community-based Organizing and Biopolitics in the Canadian Context / L.Wilbraham: Parental Communication with Children about Sex in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in South Africa: Cultural Appropriations of Western Parenting Expertise / P.Flowers: HIV Transitions: Consequences for Self in an Era of Medicalisation / M.Davis: Anti-retroviral Treatment and HIV Prevention: Perspectives from Qualitative Research with Gay Men with HIV in the UK / K. Race: Engaging in a Culture of Barebacking: Gay Men and the Risk of HIV Prevention / M.Rosengarten & M.Michael: HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and the Complexities of Biomedical Prevention: Ontological Openness and the Prevention/Assemblage / M.Davis & C.Squire: Particularity, Potentiation, Citizenship and Pragmatism / Bibliography January 2010 Hardback
224pp £50.00
Health Policy in Britain 6th edition Christopher Ham, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham, UK
Systematically updated throughout, the sixth edition of this leading text takes the story of health policy to the end of the Blair era and into the early years of the Brown premiership. It offers a clear and thorough introduction to the history of the NHS, its funding and priorities, and to the process of policy making. Contents: The Development of Health Services and Health Policy / Health Policy under Thatcher and Major / Health Policy under Blair and Brown / Financing Health Services and the Rediscovery of Public Health / Policy and Priorities in the NHS / Policy-making in Westminster and Whitehall / Policy-making in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland / Policy-making in the Department of Health / Implementing Health Policy / Auditing and Evaluating Health Policy and the NHS / Power in Health Services / Looking Back and Looking Ahead / Conclusion June 2009 Hardback Paperback
368pp £65.00 £23.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-50756-2 978-0-230-50757-9
Public Policy and Politics Series Editors: Colin Fudge and Robin Hambleton
216x138mm 978-0-230-23819-0
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housing policy • poverty and social security Housing Policy
After Council Housing Britain’s New Social Landlords Hal Pawson, Research Fellow, Heriot-Watt University, UK and David Mullins, Reader in Housing Studies, University of Birmingham, UK
Few single policies have had a more profound impact on the modern British housing system than the wholesale transfer of public housing to ‘new social landlords’ - primarily Housing Associations. This important new text provides a comprehensive account of the causes, processes and consequences of stock transfer. Contents: Modernizing Social Housing / Tracking Stock Transfers / Stock Transfer Motivations and Processes / The Politics of Stock Transfer / Governance and Accountability Consequences / Organizational and Cultural Change in Stock Transfer Landlords / Impact on Housing Stock, Tenants and Communities / ALMOs: Short Term Expedient or Long Term Alternative? / Local Authorities and Housing After Stock Transfer May 2010 Hardback Paperback
288pp £60.00 £22.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-3514-4 978-1-4039-3515-1
Mass Housing in Europe Multiple Faces of Development, Change and Response Edited by Rob Rowlands, Lecturer, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham, UK, Sako Musterd, Professor of Urban Geography, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Ronald van Kempen, Professor of Urban Research, Urban and Regional Research Centre, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Based on empirical research from twenty-nine major postwar housing estates in fifteen European cities, this collection explores mass housing experiments, examining the problems, policy responses and residents’ everyday experiences in the estates in the context of change and regeneration. November 2009 304pp Hardback £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-00730-7
Poverty and Social Security
Moving Histories of Class and Community Identity, Place and Belonging in Contemporary England Ben Rogaly, Teacher, Department of Geography, University of Sussex, UK and Becky Taylor, Lecturer in History, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
A major study of white working class Britain since 1930, which shows how meanings of poverty have changed over time and how individuals reject categorization by the state. This book challenges accepted wisdom on the white working class, providing new understandings of community, place and class, arguing for the importance of migration. April 2009 Hardback
264pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21993-9
Identity Studies in the Social Sciences Series Editors: Margaret Wetherell and Valerie Hey ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
Understanding Poverty Pete Alcock, Professor of Social Policy and Administration and Head, School of Social Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
‘Once again Pete Alcock provides us and our students with a clear and comprehensive account of poverty and the policies developed to combat it.’ - Ruth Lister, Professor of Social Policy, Loughborough University, and author of Poverty July 2006 Paperback
320pp £22.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-4093-3
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education policy
Innovation, Profit and the Common Good in Higher Education
Education Policy
Education, Asylum and the ‘Non-Citizen’ Child
Refugees are physically and symbolically ‘out of place’ - their presence forces governments to address issues of rights and moral obligations. This book contrasts the hostility of immigration policy to ‘non-citizen’ children with teachers’ exceptional compassion and ‘citizen students’ ambivalence in defining who can belong. Contents: Introduction / The Morality of Social Justice: Compassion and Belonging / Pathologising the Migrant: UK Immigration Discourses / Devolution and Incorporation: Whose Responsibility? / Holistic Schooling: Child Centred and Inclusive Approaches / Teachers’ Compassion and the Rights of the Child / Finding Safety in Schools? / Political Moments: Teachers in Conflict with the State / The Way Forward: New Migration and Education
Stephen Gorard, Professor of Education Research and Emma Smith, Reader in Education, both at University of Birmingham, UK
John Harpur, National University of Ireland, Republic of Ireland
Halleli Pinson, Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Madeleine Arnot, Professor of Sociology of Education, University of Cambridge, UK and Mano Candappa, Senior Research Officer, University of London, UK
256pp £55.00
An International Comparison of Pupil Perspectives
The New Alchemy
The Politics of Compassion and Belonging
May 2010 Hardback
Equity in Education
Exploring the current commercialization and innovation policies in higher education, this book examines the way it is being transformed to accommodate business methods. Contents: Author Preface / Series Editor Preface / Prolegomenon / Shopping in the Aula Maxima / Atlantic Mouse Becomes Celtic Tiger / Science and Universities: Shilling for a Living? / Firing up the New Alchemy – The Furnace of Innovation and Profit / Secrets – The Future of the Future University / References May 2010 Hardback
336pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-53787-3
Issues in Higher Education Series Editor: Guy Neave
216x138mm 978-0-230-52468-2
Based on the views of teenagers across Europe and in the Far East, this book argues that we need to reconsider how we judge schools and what they are for. It shows that the treatment of pupils in schools makes more difference to teenagers’ views on society, and on what it means to be fair, than it does to differences in attainment. Contents: Preface / Re-considering What Schools are For / Querying the Traditional Role of Schools in Attainment / Why Schools Might Matter / Why Teachers Might Matter / The Importance of Listening to Pupils / Listening to Pupils in Different Countries / International Comparisons of Pupil Experiences / The Notions of Justice Used by Different Groups of Pupils / The Experiences of Pupils Educated Otherwise / Identifying the Determinants of Justice / The Practical Implications of Reconsidering What Schools Are For / Appendix / References / Index February 2010 Hardback
240pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-23025-5
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education policy
International Organizations and Lifelong Learning
Teaching for Understanding at University
From Global Agendas to Policy Diffusion
Deep Approaches and Distinctive Ways of Thinking
Anja P. Jakobi, Senior Researcher, TranState Research Centre, University of Bremen, Germany
In recent years lifelong learning has become one of the most prominent education policy goals. This book shows how international organizations have promoted this idea and disseminated the need for it to countries all over the world. As a consequence of their activity, lifelong learning has become a central element of modern education policy. Contents: Introduction: The Global Interest in Education Policy / Tracing Global Governance: Policy Development in an International Arena / World Time: International Developments in Education Policy from the 1970s to the 1990s / World Action: International Networks for Promoting Lifelong Learning / Consequences: National Lifelong Learning Agendas / Implications: Lifelong Learning as a Tool for Progress and a Symbol of Modernity / Conclusions: Studying Global Policy Development October 2009 Hardback
248pp £57.50
216x138mm 978-0-230-57936-1
Transformations of the State Series Editors: Stephan Leibfried and Achim Hurrelmann ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections
Education Policy in Britain Clyde Chitty, Goldsmiths Professor of Policy and Management in Education, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Noel Entwistle, Professor Emeritus, Department of Higher and Further Education, University of Edinburgh, UK
‘This is a refreshing and engaging book from which both new and experienced university lecturers and teachers will benefit.’ - Michelle Harvey, Senior Lecturer in Forensic Biology, University of Portsmouth, UK, from the Times Higher Education Supplement, October 2009 This book brings together a range of research findings and professional experience about the effects of teaching on the quality of learning at university, encouraging university teachers to think broadly and imaginatively about approaches to teaching in their own area to help students develop deep, personal understandings of the subject. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: July 2009 Hardback Paperback
224pp £60.00 £20.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-59385-5 978-0-333-96298-5
This text by a leading authority provides a comprehensive but critical assessment of the making of education policy in Britain today covering preschool and higher as well as primary and secondary education - and taking full account of the impact of devolution. Contents: Introduction / Why Education Matters / The Rise and Fall of the Post War Consensus / From Callaghan to Major: 1976-97 / Education and New Labour / The Privatization of Education / The Changing Worlds of Education Policy / The Evolving Curriculum from 5 to 14 / The 14-19 Continuum: Issues and Policies for Education and Training / Higher Education / Pre-School Provision and Lifelong Learning / Issues of Diversity, Equality and Citizenship / Conclusion June 2009 Hardback Paperback
296pp £60.00 £20.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-22277-9 978-0-230-22278-6
Contemporary Political Studies Series Editor: John Benyon
Universities into the 21st Century Series Editors: Roger King and Noel Entwistle
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social research methods and methodology Social Research Methods and Methodology
Mobile Methodologies
Ethical Decision Making in Social Research
This practical, userfriendly guide examines ethics in research. It helps researchers to manage ethical dilemmas that arise while research is being planned, conducted and reported and includes a unique ‘ethical review checklist’, as well as other useful features, to aid ethics in practice.
A Full Table of Contents is Available at:
Doing Social Science Evidence and Methods in Empirical Research Edited by Fiona Devine, Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester, UK and Sue Heath, Professor of Sociology, University of Southampton, UK
Each chapter in this book takes a cutting-edge empirical study and uses it to explore and explain key theoretical and methodological concepts. The text gives students invaluable insight into the constraints, issues and possibilities of doing real social research. This is essential reading for all students of social science. Contents: F.Devine & S.Heath: Doing Social Science / G.Kirkpatrick: Technology: Taylor’s Play Between Worlds / A.Mills: Crime: Edgar et al.’s Prison Violence / D.Southerton: Time: Gershuny’s Changing Times / W.Bottero: Place: Savage et al.’s Globalization and Belonging / P.Sweetman: Subculture: Hodkinson’s Goth / H.Wood: TV Soaps: Tufte’s Living with the Rubbish Queen / N.Purewal: Postcolonial History: Butalia’s The Other Side of Silence / C.Greiffenhagen: News Interviews: Clayman and Heritage’s The News Interview / V.May: Family: Bengston et al.’s How Families Still Matter September 2009 232pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £19.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-53789-7 978-0-230-53790-3
Ciaran Acton, Teaching Fellow in Sociology, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK, Robert Miller, Professor of Sociology, School of Sociology and Social Policy and Director, Centre for Social Research, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK with John Maltby, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Leicester, UK and Deirdre Fullerton, Independent Research Consultant
Ron Iphofen, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Wales, UK
How do we research and represent mobile experiences? This book, the first to examine mobile methods, explores the movement of bodies through space, examining perceived limitations and considering methodological responses, technologies and strategies designed to inform our understanding of people’s experience of movement through space. 216x138mm 978-0-230-59442-5
2nd edition
A Practical Guide
Edited by Ben Fincham, University of Sussex, UK, Mark McGuinness, Bath Spa University, UK and Lesley Murray, Research Fellow, University of Brighton, UK
December 2009 208pp Hardback £50.00
SPSS for Social Scientists
Contents: HOW TO USE THIS BOOK / The Problem of Ethical Decision-making in Social Research / Research Rationale – Justifiable Interventions / Researcher Identification – Professional Integrity and Track Record / Research Quality and Design / Minimising Harm, Maximizing Benefit / Selecting, Recruiting, Retaining and Releasing Participants / Giving Information and Seeking Consent / Monitoring Safety / Strategies for Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality / Dealing with Vulnerability / Involving Subjects in Research: The Public, Participants, Service Users and Carer Groups / Disseminating Findings / Systems of Ethical Approval and Formal Ethical Scrutiny / Raising Ethical Awareness / Ethical Review Checklist / Template for Research Proposals / Glossary of Terms / Useful Websites / References June 2009 Hardback
240pp £52.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-21035-6
SPSS is the most popular data analysis computer package in the social sciences, but can be baffling to newcomers. This student-friendly text offers a stepby-step introduction to key statistical procedures and analysis. Using an international dataset (also available online), the book explores the latest version of SPSS for all social researchers. Contents: Preface / Introduction / Orientation / Data Input / Listing and Exploring Data / Data Selection and Transformation / t-test and Hypothesis Testing / Crosstabulation / Multiple Response Sets / Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) / Correlation and Regression / Factor Analysis / Logistic Regression / Loglinear Analysis / Conclusion / Appendix I: The Dataset Variables: A Quick Guide / Appendix II: Your SPSS Dictionary April 2009 Paperback
246x189mm 978-0-230-20993-0
ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections
Doing a Successful Research Project Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods Martin Brett Davies, Professor Emeritus, University of East Anglia, UK
‘This is one of the most clearly written and engaging books for the beginning researcher I have encountered. It is a practical, no-nonsense and encouraging book as well.’ - Elizabeth Watson, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Australia January 2007 Paperback
384pp £22.99
288pp £14.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-9379-3
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social research methods and methodology • introductory texts of related interest
Research with People Theory, Plans and Practicals Nigel Holt, Bath Spa University, UK and Ian Walker, University of Bath, UK
Whether analyzing attitudes, measuring opinions or observing habits, researchers who investigate people’s behaviour need a wide range of techniques at their disposal. Through a series of sample practicals, Holt and Walker guide you step-by-step through the process of designing and carrying out research Contents: PART I: THINKING ABOUT RESEARCH / The Problem with People: Variation and Hypothesis Testing / Who Will You Study? Samples and Populations / How Will You Describe Your Findings? / What Have You Found? Inferential Statistics / PART II: DOING RESEARCH / Designing a Study: Running for the Bus / Designing a Study: The Best Way to Manage People / Practical: It’s a Matter of Taste / Practical: Abnormal Cells on a Slide How People Search for Things / Practical: Constructing Memories / Practical: I’m Trying to Concentrate! / Practical: What Do You think? Attitude Research / Practical: Something’s Not Right / Practical: Too Many Cooks Or Not Enough Heads? / Practical: Head Size and Intelligence / PART III: THE REALLY USEFUL SECTION / Think Critically: Don’t Believe Everything you Read / Sample Write-ups / Glossary March 2009 Paperback
272pp £19.99
246x189mm 978-0-230-54555-7
Introductory Texts of Related Interest
Psychology A Concise Introduction 2nd edition Richard A. Griggs, University of Florida, USA
An updated second edition of this clear and brief introduction to psychology by the award-winning lecturer and author Richard Griggs. The text is written in an engaging style and presents a selection of carefully chosen core concepts in psychology, providing solid topical coverage without drowning the student in a sea of details. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2008 Paperback
432pp £24.99
246x189mm 978-1-4292-0082-0
Published by Worth Publishers
Introductory Sociology 4th edition Tony Bilton, formerly Principal Lecturer in Sociology, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK, Kevin Bonnett, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, Pip Jones, Principal Lecturer in Sociology, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK, Tony Lawson, Senior Lecturer in Social Science, University of Leicester, UK, David Skinner, Head of Sociology and Politics, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK, Michelle Stanworth, formerly Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK and Andrew Webster, Professor of Sociology, University of York, UK
‘Simply the best book for Introducing Sociology.’ M. Erben, University of Southampton, UK One of the most popular textbooks in the field. This second edition is even stronger in its thematic coherence, clarity of exposition and analytical depth. It is carefully structured to cover all the main substantive topics studied at an introductory level within a framework that engages with debates about modernity, globalisation and social identity. May 2002 Paperback
640pp £24.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-94571-1
Social Divisions 2nd edition Edited by Geoff Payne, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Plymouth, UK
Introductory Psychology
Society consists of people sharply divided from one another, living different lives and with distinct identities. This updated and expanded second edition of a successful text explores each of the social divisions. The book includes three major new chapters, on religion, poverty and elites and is written by leading academics in each field.
Tony Malim, sometime Head, School of Social Sciences, Weston-Super-Mare College , UK and Ann Birch, formerly Special Lecturer in Psychology, University of Bristol, UK
March 2006 Paperback
432pp £23.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-4439-9
A major text ideal for those embarking on the study of psychology for the first time. It is the result of over twenty years of teaching in the area and provides a lively, readable and comprehensive account of the subject. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: March 1998 Paperback
1024pp £30.99
246x189mm 978-0-333-66852-8
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counselling and psychotherapy • office for national statistics
An Introduction to Psychodynamic Counselling
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Contesting Stories of Childhood Sexual Abuse Jo Woodiwiss, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Huddersfield, UK
‘…a thought provoking book which must surely be widely read for the challenges to conventional thinking that it embodies.’- Carol Smart, Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester, UK Located within a burgeoning therapeutic/self-help culture this book explores stories of childhood sexual abuse, ‘recovered memories’ and multiple personalities, and explodes the myths surrounding women who, without memories, redefine themselves as victims. Contents: Introduction / A Story for Our Time / Beyond the Recovered Memory Wars / Choosing a Story: Making Sense/Finding Evidence / Making Contact: Knowledge and the Inner Child / Life with the Inner Child / Problems with the Children / The Contradictory Self / Healing and Growing Up / ‘Compulsory Sexuality’: Sexing the Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse / A Role for the Storytellers / Bibliography August 2009 Hardback
256pp £55.00
216x138mm 978-0-230-57404-5
2nd edition Laurence Spurling, Senior Lecturer in Counselling, Birkbeck College, UK
Office for National Statistics
Annual Abstract of Statistics 2010 Office for National Statistics
The first edition of this book explored the key assumptions, main theoretical ideas and principles of practice behind psychodynamic counselling. With an updated look at evidence-based practice, supervision and the different stages of counselling, this continues to be a key introductory text for counsellors or psychotherapists from all disciplines. June 2009 Paperback
192pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-57861-6
The most comprehensive source of statistics in the UK, Annual Abstract of Statistics is a statistical encyclopaedia including over 10,000 series of data and covering key aspects of the UK’s economic, social and industrial life. The data are presented in easy-to-read tables and supported by notes. July 2010 Paperback
297x210mm 978-0-230-24316-3
Basic Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy Series Editor: Stephen Frosh
Family Spending 2009 Office for National Statistics
Practical Counselling Skills An Integrative Approach Kathryn Geldard, Child and Family Therapist in Private Practice and Clinical Associate Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia and David Geldard, Counselling Psychologist in Private Practice
This book is a comprehensive, easy-to-read introduction to personal counselling. The book contains many practical examples of the use of counselling micro-skills, includes client statements for use by trainers in teaching particular skills, explores the processes of change, and describes an integrative counselling process which enables counsellors to make informed choices about which skills to use at particular stages of the counselling process. October 2005 Paperback
320pp £21.99
234x156mm 978-1-4039-4513-6
Family Spending provides analysis of household expenditure broken down by age and income, household composition, socio-economic characteristics and geography. This report will be of interest to academics, policy makers, government and the general public. January 2010 Paperback
208pp £52.00
297x210mm 978-0-230-57550-9
Social Trends 40th edition Office for National Statistics
Social Trends is a flagship publication from the Office for National Statistics. It draws together statistics, analysis and research to provide an up-todate and comprehensive description of our society today, and how it has been changing. June 2010 Paperback
472pp £55.00
288pp £55.00
297x210mm 978-0-230-24067-4
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office for national statistics • teaching and researching in higher education
Regional Trends
Teaching and Researching in Higher Education
42nd edition Office for National Statistics
Regional Trends features articles highlighting the wealth of regional information available in the UK. It includes research into data sources and statistical tools to aid understanding of the differences and similarities between areas. It also contains a data catalogue to signpost users to datasets available online. June 2010 Paperback
192pp £55.00
Knowing Me, Understanding You Edited by Tony Warne, Professor of Mental Health Care, Salford Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Collaborative Research, University of Salford, UK and Sue McAndrew, School of Healthcare Studies, University of Leeds, UK
Population Trends Population Trends presents the latest statistics on population, births, deaths, marriages, divorce, conceptions, migration and other topical issues. Published quarterly, it contains commentary on the latest findings; topical articles on relevant subjects such as one parent families, cohabitation, fertility differences, international demography, population estimates and projections; and is illustrated with colour charts and diagrams and regularly updated statistical tables and graphs. Please visit: for more information. ISSN: 0307-4463 2010 Volumes 139-142 Published Quarterly Annual Subscription: £126 June 2009 Paperback
192pp £49.50
297x210mm 978-1-4039-9396-0
Catherine Montgomery, Associate Director for Research, Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Northumbria University, UK
Creative Approaches to Health & Social Care Education
297x210mm 978-0-230-54563-2
Office for National Statistics
Understanding the International Student Experience
Creative Approaches to Health and Social Care Education is an innovative new resource for lecturers teaching in this area. It inspires course delivery by exploring vibrant and engaging alternatives to traditional approaches, and challenging old techniques. The book is divided into three distinct sections: the first investigating the process of education; the second offering practical guidance for those implementing new ideas; and the third promoting support for lifelong learning. Encouraging reflective practice throughout the chapters, this useful handbook incorporates: ■ numerous strategies, including storytelling, literature, cinema, art and classroom provocation ■ clear examples and frameworks for those wishing to try out new techniques ■ ways to capture the essence of caring within current programmes of education Written to help accommodate the needs of the diverse health and social care student population, this book will capture your interest and reinvigorate your teaching. December 2009 256pp Paperback £22.99
234x156mm 978-0-230-57446-5
Presents a contemporary approach to the experience of international students in Higher Education. Using empirical and qualitative data, the book explores their social and cultural context and its impact on their learning experience. January 2010 Paperback
184pp £22.99
216x138mm 978-1-4039-8619-1
Universities into the 21st Century Series Editor: Noel Entwistle
Interprofessional Education Making it Happen Edited by Pat Bluteau, University of Coventry, UK and Ann Jackson, University of Warwick, UK
This text will demystify interprofessional education, showing readers how theory can be turned into practice. Aimed at those interested in establishing or developing IPE strategies within education and practice settings, it outlines tried and tested approaches, giving a true insight into the successes and outcomes when IPE is implemented. October 2009 Paperback
280pp £19.99
216x138mm 978-0-230-57447-2
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index A Acton Miller Maltby Fullerton SPSS for Social Scientists Adams Dominelli Payne Critical Practice in Social Work Adams Dominelli Payne Practising Social Work in a Complex World Adams Dominelli Payne Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates Affective Equality Lynch Baker Lyons After 2015: International Development Policy at a Crossroads Sumner Tiwari After Council Housing Pawson Mullins The Age of Consent Waites Alcock Craig International Social Policy Alcock Social Policy in Britain Alcock Understanding Poverty Allwood Wadia Gender and Policy in France Annual Abstract of Statistics 2010 Office for National Statistics Anti Oppressive Social Work Theory and Practice Dominelli Anti-Discriminatory Practice Thompson Anti-Oppressive Ethics and Values in Social Work Clifford Burke Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Donoghue Assessment in Social Work Milner O’Byrne Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice Howe Attachment Theory, Child Maltreatment and Family Support Howe Brandon Hinings
30 8 8 2 20 25 27 14 24 6 27 22 32 11 3 11 20 7 9 16
b Baggott Public Health Baker Lynch Cantillon Walsh Equality Banks Ethics and Values in Social Work Barrett Sellman Thomas Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care Bigby Frawley Social Work Practice and Intellectual Disability Billis Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector Bilton Bonnett Jones Lawson Skinner Stanworth Webster Introductory Sociology Blank Burau Comparative Health Policy Bloch Solomos Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century Bluteau Jackson Interprofessional Education Braye Preston-Shoot Practising Social Work Law A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory Howe
25 23 11 7 16 24 31 26 13 33 10 5
c Campbell Contours of Ableism Cerami Vanhuysse Post-Communist Welfare Pathways Child Abuse and Neglect Howe Childhood and Society Wyness Children in Society Foley Roche Tucker Chitty Education Policy in Britain Churchill The Troubled Mind Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe Einhorn Clifford Burke Anti-Oppressive Ethics and Values in Social Work Communication in Social Work Lishman Community Care Means Richards Smith
17 24 15 15 16 29 17 25 11 4 20
Comparative Health Policy Blank Burau Contemporary Criminology and Criminal Justice Theory Skoll Contesting Stories of Childhood Sexual Abuse Woodiwiss Contours of Ableism Campbell Controversies in Drugs Policy and Practice McKeganey Coulshed Orme Social Work Practice Creative Approaches to Health & Social Care Education Warne McAndrew The Criminal Cases Review Commission Naughton Critical Practice in Social Work Adams Dominelli Payne The Critically Reflective Practitioner Thompson Crompton Lewis Lyonette Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe
26 20 32 17 22 4 33 21 8 9 13
d Dangerous Discourses of Disability, Subjectivity and Sexuality Shildrick Davies Doing a Successful Research Project Davis Squire HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective Developing Research Based Social Work Practice Orme Shemmings Devine Heath Doing Social Science Doing a Successful Research Project Davies Doing Social Science Devine Heath Doing Time Matthews Dominelli Anti Oppressive Social Work Theory and Practice Donoghue Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Drug Use and Social Change Shiner
17 30 26 4 30 30 30 21 11 20 22
29 28 6 3 25 5 29 23 28 19 30 10 11 23
f Family Spending 2009 Office for National Statistics Feminism and Voluntary Action Mahood Fernando Mental Health, Race and Culture Fincham McGuinness Murray Mobile Methodologies Foley Roche Tucker Children in Society Fraser The Evolution of the British Welfare State
14 32 12 22 28 10 31
h Ham Health Policy in Britain Harpur Innovation, Profit and the Common Good in Higher Education Harrison Melville Rethinking Social Work in a Global World Health Policy in Britain Ham Healy Social Work Theories in Context HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective Davis Squire Holloway Moss Spirituality and Social Work Holt Walker Research with People Howe A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory Howe Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice Howe Brandon Hinings Attachment Theory, Child Maltreatment and Family Support Howe Child Abuse and Neglect Howe The Emotionally Intelligent Social Worker Hugman Understanding International Social Work Hunt The Life Course: A Sociological Introduction Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector Billis
26 28 12 26 9 26 9 31 5 9 16 15 5 12 15 24
e Education Policy in Britain Chitty Education, Asylum and the ‘Non-Citizen’ Child Pinson Arnot Candappa Effective Communication for Arts and Humanities Students van Emden Becker Effective Communication Thompson Einhorn Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe The Emotionally Intelligent Social Worker Howe Entwistle Teaching for Understanding at University Equality Baker Lynch Cantillon Walsh Equity in Education Gorard Smith The Essentials of Community Care Sharkey Ethical Decision Making in Social Research Iphofen Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work Gray Webb Ethics and Values in Social Work Banks The Evolution of the British Welfare State Fraser
g Gabb Researching Intimacy in Families Geldard Practical Counselling Skills Gender and Colonialism Moane Gender and Policy in France Allwood Wadia Gorard Smith Equity in Education Gray Webb Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work Griggs Psychology
32 23 18 30 16 23
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