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This No.1 bestseller introduces students to the skills they need to succeed in Higher Education in a user-friendly, interactive format. 9780230573055 • 12.99
‘A brilliant life organizer!’
Skills for Success The Personal Development Planning Handbook
- Student, London Metropolitan University, UK
2nd Edition
This bestselling planner is the complete selfmanagement tool for students. It contains everything students need to organise their information and time effectively, including study skills advice, diary pages, useful contacts and websites, personal finance guidance, timetables and more.
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Critical Thinking Skills
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Developing Effective Analysis and Argument
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- Gina Wisker, Director of Learning and Teaching Development, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK 9781403996855 • 13.99
Provides an easy-to-follow set of strategies and techniques that build to a plan for achieving your best possible exam performance. It provides practical step-by-step guidance in long-term planning for optimal performance through to last minute revision strategies. 9780230506534 • 10.99
Writing Skills
Cite Them Right 8th Edition by Richard Pears and Graham Shields
‘Our uni is now using this as the marking guide for referencing. We are yet to find something that we can’t reference using this book!’ - Student bookbuyer
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The Essential Referencing Guide
‘As a lecturer for communications courses at different levels I often have problems explaining how to cite references from different sources to my students without them getting too baffled. This book lays out the correct way in a simple to understand format and the inclusion of examples makes it even easier to understand.’ 1
How to Write your Undergraduate Dissertation by Bryan Greetham Examining each essential stage of research and writing a dissertation, this book teaches students across all disciplines how to use qualitative and quantitative techniques to plan and research, how to generate ideas to develop into original research projects, and how to write a clear and concise dissertation. 9780230218758 • 11.99
How to Use your Reading in your Essays
- Mau Craze-Gray, University of Cumbria, UK
by Jeanne Godfrey
This book is the most trusted source around, thanks to clear examples of how to reference just about any material whether in print or from an electronic source, and practical advice on secondary referencing, paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism. Sources covered even include: Twitter, Facebook, text messages, legal sources, musical scores, podcasts, genealogical sources and director’s commentaries on DVDs with new material on logos, comics and magazines.
‘Combines a clearsightedness about the academic process, (from deciding what to read to polishing a final draft), with detailed advice and activities in specific areas of language, usage and grammar’
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How to Write Better Essays 2nd Edition by Bryan Greetham
‘this is an excellent book, and has totally changed the way I study.’ - Nick Barrow, Law Student
Carefully tackles each stage of essay writing from interpretation of the question, to the research, planning, writing and revision, teaching students not just how to improve their study skills, but their thinking skills too. 9780230224803 • 11.99
- Kate Williams, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Featuring real texts and examples of student writing, this practical book guides the undergraduate student through the process of effectively using reading in their essays. It covers selecting what to read, how to quote, paraphrase and summarise sources, through to spotting and correcting mistakes in the final essay. 9780230205406 • 10.99
Write it Right A Handbook for Students by John Peck and Martin Coyle
‘This is an excellent book. The writers have managed the difficult task of making a rather dry and unexciting topic interesting and approachable.’ - Geoffrey Finch, Senior Lecturer in Humanities, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK
Offers advice to improve writing style in short ‘modules’ which target particular tasks such as applications or essays, or common problems like punctuation. 9781403994875 • 11.99
books for specific courses
The Student’s Guide to Writing Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Great Ways to Learn Anatomy and Physiology
2nd Edition
by Charmaine McKissock
by John Peck and Martin Coyle
This highly visual toolkit is a refreshing and effective approach to learning basic anatomy and physiology. Complex processes are brought to life with imaginative diagrams and storylines that aid understanding, reinforce memory and also support students with memory, dyslexic or mathematical difficulties
‘This book is a little gem! For anyone interested in the English Language and with a concern for proper usage, this book is a delight – a must!’ - Mr Francis J. Dempsey, Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway
9781403997388 • 10.99
Authoring a PhD How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation by Patrick Dunleavy
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‘[it] is superb…in three ways: tone; nature of the advice offered; the fact that the book itself is an exemplary illustration of the principles it recommends. After reading it, it is hard to see how many PhD students ever managed to write an acceptable thesis without reading it. I know of no other work offering advice of such substance.’ - John Peck, Cardiff University, UK
Authoring a PhD is a complex process. It involves having creative ideas, working out how to organise them, writing up from plans, upgrading the text, and finishing it speedily and to a good standard. It also includes being examined and getting published. Based on the authors, supervision experience with over 30 students, it provides solid advice to help your PhD students cope with both the intellectual issues and practical difficulties of organizing their work effectively. An indispensable and time saving aid for both doctoral students and supervisors 9781403905840 • 19.99
9780230209916 • 15.99
Writing for Law by Dave Powell and Emma Teare This is an easy to use guide on how to complete the various types of assessment normally encountered in undergraduate law programmes. Encouraging students to apply the skills they have learnt, it covers a wide range of tasks including essay writing, giving presentations and moots, taking exams and completing dissertations.
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Aimed at students wishing to perfect their writing skills, it shows them how to construct a sentence, a paragraph and an essay and carefully explains grammar, punctuation and spelling. This second edition includes a ‘Spot the Mistake’ section, and index for easier navigation.
9780230236448 • 13.99
Studying Arts and Humanities by Catherine Bates and Abi Matthewman Clearly illustrated with examples of written work and useful interactive exercises, this guide will encourage independent learning, helping arts and humanities students to develop effective study habits and learn successful strategies for reading and writing about theoretical texts. 9780230205475 • 12.99
We offer a wide range of study skills books for specific courses. For a full list of books in your subject areas, go to www.palgrave.com/studyskills.
Personal Develoment and Career Skills
Presentation Skills for Students 2nd Edition
Work Placements - A Survival Guide for Students
by Joan van Emden and Lucinda Becker
by Christine Fanthome
Review of the first edition ‘This is a really useful book for students and lecturers with helpful links and reminders of how to present oneself and subject material in a range of situations.’
Using comments from students, employers and tutors, it includes guidelines on how to find an appropriate placement, construct a strong CV and application, prepare for an interview, develop audit skills and derive maximum benefit from the work placement experience.
- Department of Environment Studies, The University of Hull at Scarborough, UK
9781403934345 • 14.99
Topics covered include speaking effectively in seminars and tutorials, delivering formal presentations and succeeding at job interviews. Regular checklists and the friendly, down-to-earth style make this an ideal reference tool. 9780230243040 • 12.99
The Work-based Learning Student Handbook
Career Skills Opening Doors into the Job Market by John Halstead, Charles Mulraine and David Littleford
‘This is the best book on job hunting and application skills I have ever seen’ - Christine Thomas, Newscheck
by Ruth Helyer
Here are the tools and techniques students need to identify their personal skill-sets and use them to sell themselves effectively at interview and beyond.
Work-based learning is a new route to gaining an HE award and courses are developing rapidly. This is the first hands-on guide for learners and will help them to get the most out of their university experience. It contains real-life case studies and useful activities throughout the book.
9781403936271 • 13.99
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skills for academics
Expert advice for lecturers across all disciplines
By Stella Cottrell
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Research and IT skills
The Foundations of Research
2nd Edition
The Undergraduate Research Handbook
by Jonathan Grix
by Gina Wisker
‘The welcome second edition of this well received book provides a clear and practical guide to the tools and terminology of research which will be invaluable for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.’
This practical, research-informed text will provide students across all disciplines with models, tasks and activities to enable them to plan, action, write and present quality research. It will help develop ideas, creative thinking and systematic research practices to enable students to produce high quality dissertations and reports.
- Wyn Grant, Professor of Politics, University of Warwick, UK
Provides an accessible introduction to the foundations of research in the human sciences. It covers the tools, terminology and research perspectives that students need to know in order to engage in academic debate and successfully complete their long essays, dissertations and theses. 9780230248977 • 17.99
Information Skills Finding and Using the Right Resources by Jonathan Grix and Gerald Watkins This illustrated guide provides practical advice on how to source and use the right resources. It includes guidance on how to carry out a ‘traditional’ literature review as well as the skills needed for finding and evaluating information.
9780230520974 • 12.99
The Postgraduate Research Handbook Succeed with your MA, MPhil, EdD and PhD 2nd Edition by Gina Wisker Advice, support and both active and reflective tasks take the student through the stages of research as well as encouraging them to consider social and cultural issues, such as working with their supervisor and other researchers. 9780230521308 • 19.99
9780230222502 • 11.99
Researching Online
e-Learning Skills 2nd Edition
by David Dolowitz, Steve Buckler and Fionnghuala Sweeney
by Alan Clarke
Offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the use of internet technology in research. It provides full accounts of the different ways in which online resources can help with research projects in any area of the social sciences or humanities along with useful hints and tips on how you can make the internet work for you.
This practical, flexible text helps students enhance and develop their existing skills whether they are a distance learner, or at an institution which has e-learning integrated into their programmes. Including new material on blogs, wikis, podcasts and e-portfolios, the second edition reflects the increasing number of e-learning courses.
9781403997227 • 13.99
9780230573123 • 13.99
For international students
The International Student Handbook
Study Skills for Speakers of English as a Second Language
by Hayo Reinders, Nick Moore and Marilyn Lewis
by Marilyn Lewis and Hayo Reinders
‘The authors show a keen awareness of the many difficulties faced by international students. What makes this book accessible, despite its ambitious coverage, is its clear language and presentation.’
An ideal guide for any international student studying in an English-speaking university. Based on interviews with international students and their teachers, this book offers straightforward advice on academic and social topics and the culture of Western universities. It also contains a helpful mini-dictionary of university words.
– Siew Hean Read, Language Consultant, English Language Self-Access Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Aimed at providing non-native English speakers with the skills needed to study overseas at an English-speaking University, this practical handbook prepares students to live abroad, understand university culture, and improve their English. It is built around activities that give hands-on practice to make overseas university study a success.
9781403900265 • 13.99
9780230545199 • 14.99
For Mature Students
The Mature Student’s Handbook by Lucinda Becker A practical guide which helps mature students build on their strengths and overcome challenges. Includes worked examples, exercises and space for recording strategies and successes. Covers areas such as lectures, seminars, reading and note-taking, presentations, writing, exams, time management, finance and careers. 9780230210264 • 13.99
The Mature Student’s Guide to Writing 2nd Edition by Jean Rose
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With clear explanations, summaries and exercises, this accessible book will be an invaluable companion for the mature student. 9781403989956 • 13.99
can’t find what you are looking for? We offer a wide range of study skills books for specific subjects. For a full list of books in your subject areas, go to www.palgrave.com/studyskills.
Pocket study skills - Little books, big results
Heavyweight advice in a handy pocket sized book Reading and Making Notes by Jeanne Godfrey 9780230247581
Planning Your PhD by Kate Williams, Emily Bethell, Judith Lawton, Clare Parfitt, Mary Richardson and Victoria Rowe 9780230251939
Success in Groupwork by Peter Hartley and Mark Dawson 9780230272309
14 Days to Exam Success by Lucinda Becker 9780230249103
Referencing and Understanding Plagiarism by Kate Williams and Jude Carroll 9780230574793
Brilliant Writing Tips for Students by Julia Copus 9780230220027
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and More by Andy Pulman 9780230223912
Getting Critical by Kate Williams 9780230584761
Science Study Skills by Sue Robbins 9780230577633
Planning your Essay by Janet Godwin
An interactive online study skills resource for students Students’ lack of study skills can be a barrier to their learning, and can hold you back from teaching your chosen subject. skills4studycampus is a flexible solution, offering e-learning modules on four of the core skills needed for student success: Writing Skills Referencing and Plagiarism Reading and Note-Making Critical Thinking Skills As an interactive online resource, skills4studycampus empowers students to learn in their own time and space, in a way that suits them. As their tutor, you can be involved as much or as little as you like, using the resource in-class or assigning it for self-study. skills4studycampus was launched in spring 2010 following extensive market-testing and consultation with study skills advisors, e-learning experts and e-resources librarians at ten Universities across the UK. This includes Stella Cottrell, Director of Lifelong Learning at the University of Leeds and author of The Study Skills Handbook – the UK’s bestselling HE textbook.
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