Social Work & Social Policy 2011

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Social Work & Social Policy 2011

When it comes to child protection, what exactly should social workers be doing that will really make a difference? Not the final cover image

April 2011

Includes how to relate to children on home visits, in the car and other spaces; how to work with fathers as well as mothers and use good authority.

‘Different, fresh and arresting… utterly distinct in portraying the reality of how the job looks, feels, smells and sounds as practitioners move between office, car and home.’ David Howe, author of Child Abuse and Neglect: Attachment, Development and Intervention (2005)

‘Some of the most interesting and original writing about social work and child protection I have seen...enjoyable, stimulating and challenging to read.’ Chris Beckett, author of Child Protection: An Introduction 2e (2007)

9780230242838 I £19.99 I 240pp

>> For full details see the Families, Children and Younger People section of the catalogue << page 14

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Social Work & Social Policy 2011

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CONTENTS International and Comparative Social Policy


Work and Welfare in Europe Series



Health Policy



Housing Policy


Poverty and Social Security


Introductory Social Work Texts


Introductory Social Policy Texts


The Social and Legal Context of Social Work Social Work Values Social Work Theories and Methods


Families, Children and Younger People


Disability Studies Mental Health

Education Policy



Social Research Methods and Methodology



Introductory Texts of Related Interest


Community Care


Counselling and Psychotherapy


Loss, Dying and Bereavement


Study Skills


Drugs and Substance Misuse


Criminal Justice


Teaching and Researching in Higher Education




’Race’ and Ethnicity


Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series


Welfare Theory


Universities into the 21st Century




Web resource available

Title is, or comes with, a CD-ROM/DVD

Welcome to the new Palgrave Macmillan Social Work & Social Policy 2011 catalogue. Textbook highlights this year include Harry Ferguson’s seminal Child Protection Practice, which reflects on the professional skills necessary to achieve better outcomes for vulnerable children. Johanna Woodcock-Ross discusses Specialist Communication Skills for Social Workers in her new book, while Neil Thompson’s Effective Communication offers essential wider understanding. David Howe returns to the subject of attachment theory with another of his brilliant short introductions. On our monograph list we are delighted to announce the first titles in our new series Welfare and Work in Europe, edited by leading scholars in European social policy and Residential Care Transformed, a revisiting of Peter Townsend’s classic study. Finally our Handbook of Gender and Healthcare will be an indispensible reference for all those working in this field. If you would like to find out more about our 2011 publishing programme, or submit a proposal, please visit: or contact us directly. Best wishes, Catherine Gray, Publisher, College Division | Philippa Grand, Publisher, Scholarly Division | Karen Neal, Senior Product Manager |

For a complete list of titles, please visit Prices are correct at the time of print.

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InTRODUCTORY SOCIAL WORK TEXTS Introductory Social Work Texts

Surviving Your Social Work Placement Robert Lomax, The Open University, UK, Karen Jones, and Sarah Leigh, both at University of the West of England, UK and Chris Gay, Practice Learning Co-ordinator, South Gloucestershire Council, UK

‘A tutor in a book.’ - Andrea Collins, University of Gloucestershire, UK An essential aid for social work students preparing for and undertaking work placements. Focusing on reflective practice and full of tips, quotes, activities and illustrations, it offers clear advice and support for students and an insight into students’ concerns and expectations for practice assessors, lecturers and practitioners. Written in a straightforward, down-to-earth style by authors with extensive experience of social work education and practice, this book draws directly on the advice of past and present social work students. This is a book that will be returned to again and again as a rich source of ideas and guidance at any stage of social work training. Contents: About the Author Team / Introduction / Getting Started / Learning in Practice / Using Theory in Practice / Keeping Service Users Central to Your Learning and Practice / Making the most of Supervision / Being Assessed / Managing Stress on Placement / Troubleshooting / Moving on From Your Placement / Appendix A: National Occupational Standards for Social Work (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) / Appendix B: Standards in Social Work Education (Scotland) March 2010 Paperback


176pp £13.99

Effective Communication A Guide for the People Professions

Specialist Communication Skills for Social Workers

2nd edition

Focusing on Service Users' Needs Johanna Woodcock Ross, University of Plymouth, UK

Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions

This practice-oriented new edition, previously entitled Communication and Language, is an accessible guide to skilful and productive communication. Updated with new activities, features and a readerfriendly part structure, it addresses the importance of communication to interprofessional, culturallysensitive and anti-discriminatory practice. With its clear survey of relevant theory and its applied emphasis throughout, Effective Communication is a an ideal introduction for students and practitioners within the people professions. Contents: P ART I: THEORY / Understanding Communication / Understanding Language / The Written Word / Speech and Conversation / Context and Meaning / PART II: PRACTICE / Interpersonal Encounters /Communicating with Children and Young People / Working with Groups / Communication Difficulties / Putting it in Writing / Managing Communication / Conclusion April 2011 Paperback

305pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-24350-7

Based on the author's innovative teaching and award-winning research, this text provides a robust evidence base to support the development of higher-level interpersonal skills within a range of social work settings. Incorporating detailed transcripts of interaction within a range of social work settings, the book presents the professional communication skills that lie at the heart of social work. An essential resource that provides support for honing specialist skills during social work training, throughout placement environments and into professional practice. Contents: Introduction / Introducing Communication Skills / Basic 'Universal' Communication Skills / Working with Children / Working with Young People with Offending Behaviour / Working with Parents / Working with People who Use Substances / Working with Adults with Mental Health Problems / Working with Adults with Disabilities / Working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers / Working with Older People / Conclusion / Research Appendix January 2011 Paperback

224pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-21804-8

189x189mm 978-0-230-22189-5

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Social Work

Critical Practice in Social Work

Themes, Issues and Critical Debates 3rd edition

2nd edition

Edited by Robert Adams, University of Teesside, UK, Lena Dominelli, Durham University, UK and Malcolm Payne, Adviser (Policy and Development), St Christopher’s Hospice, UK

One of the most respected and widelyused textbooks in social work has been completely revised and updated to reflect the current needs of students on the first year of their social work degree.

With its accessible and clearly structured framework, the book offers expert discussion on the core topics in social work by top writers, teachers and practitioners in the field. It provides an essential grounding in the debates that shape the profession, as well as a clear insight into the issues at the heart of practice. Contents: Introduction: Towards a Critical Understanding of Social Work / PART I: KNOWLEDGE FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE / Positioning Social Work / The Changing Nature of Social Work / Values, Ethics and Social Work / Anti-oppressive Practice / The Wider Significance of Social Work / Social Policy, Poverty and Social Work / Social Work and the Law / Social Work and Organisations / Perspectives on the Life Course: Childhood and Adolescence / Perspectives on the Life Course; Later Life / Researching Social Work / PART II: SOCIAL WORK PROCESS / Understanding the Social Work Process / Communication in Social Work / Working With Service Users and Carers / Assessment / Planning / Intervention / Intervention and Empowerment / Alternative Intervention: the Mind-Body-Spirit Perspective / Monitoring, Review and Evaluation / PART III: THE PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT / Working With Children, Young People and Families / Adult Services and Health-related Social Work / Working With the Voluntary and Community Sectors / Practice Planning / Personal and Professional Development / Concluding Comments April 2009 Paperback

448pp £24.99

246x171mm 978-0-230-21865-9

The Social Work Companion Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions and Sue Thompson, Accredited Social Work Practice Teacher; both Directors of Avenue Consulting Ltd., UK

Edited by Robert Adams, University of Teesside, UK, Lena Dominelli, Durham University, UK and Malcolm Payne, St Christopher’s Hospice, UK

Bringing together theory and practice discussion in rich combination, this significantly updated text provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to contemporary social work. Incorporating key theories and vivid case material, this text’s powerful practice focus makes it indispensable for students and practitioners alike.

The Social Work Companion lets the student know what to expect from their course and will be there every step of the way as an essential reference tool. Offering wide-ranging yet accessible coverage of the core topics, along with important advice on study skills, this is the essential survival guide for social work students.

April 2009 Paperback

Contents: Preface / Introduction / PART I: STUDYING SOCIAL WORK / Introduction / Law, Politics and Society / Your Social Work Course / Maximising Your Learning / Conclusion / PART II: CORE TOPICS IN SOCIAL WORK / Introduction / Social Work Processes / The Social Context / Human Development / The Organizational Context / Law and Policy / The Value Base / Reflective Practice / Conclusion / PART III: KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS / PART IV: KEY THEORIES AND THEORISTS / PART V: DRAWING ON RESEARCH / Introduction / Why is Research Important? / Understanding Research Methods and Process / Incorporating Research into Practice / Conclusion / PART VI: CAREER PATHWAYS / Introduction / Career Opportunities Across Settings / Continuous Professional Development / Applying for Jobs / Conclusion / PART VII: GUIDE TO FURTHER LEARNING

448pp £24.99

246x171mm 978-0-230-21863-5

Practising Social Work in a Complex World 2nd edition Edited by Robert Adams, University of Teesside, UK, Lena Dominelli, Durham University, UK and Malcolm Payne, St Christopher’s Hospice, UK

This radically revised text (previously known as Social Work Futures) is uniquely tailored to fit the needs of final year social work trainees. With an emphasis on refining and deepening professional skills, the text offers clear guidance on hot topics and higher order skills such as research-based practice and leadership.

January 2008 Paperback

384pp £22.99

246x171mm 978-1-4039-3795-7

Palgrave Student Companions Series

A Full Table of Contents is Available at: April 2009 Paperback

384pp £24.99

246x171mm 978-0-230-21864-2

A trilogy of books that alone or in combination offer a uniquely flexible and comprehensive programme of study.

1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial



Understanding Social Work

Social Work Practice

Decision Making in Social Work

Preparing for Practice 3rd edition

4th edition

2nd edition Veronica Coulshed, sometime, University of Sunderland, UK and Joan Orme, Emeritus Professor, Glasgow School of Social Work, UK

Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions

‘An excellent book which deserves to become a standard text.’ Professional Social Work 5-Star Reviews on Amazon: ‘The bible of Social Work.’ ‘This is a book everyone should be able to understand, follow and learn from...A must for students and qualified Social Workers.’ ‘...covers everything you need to accompany your course and is most definitely my most used book.’ ‘I bought this before my interview for the social work MA course. Only 10% of applicants made it through and I was one of them, thanks to this book!’ ‘ has some great condensed tips for theory and practice. Well, well worth it.’ Extensively updated to reflect developments in theory and practice, this edition of Understanding Social Work covers the basics in an easy-tocomprehend style. It is an ideal preparatory text for those considering a career in social work, or for students just starting their degree and in preparation for the first placement. Contents: Preface to the Third Edition / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Making Sense of Social Work / The Legal and Policy Context / The Knowledge Base / The Skills Base / The Value Base / Achieving Good Practice / Facing the Challenge / Conclusion / Guide to Further Learning / Appendix: Internet Resources / References / Index May 2009 Paperback


256pp £19.99

‘Maintains its bestseller status with this edition.’ - Rachel Wooler, Community Care, UK The fourth edition of Veronica Coulshed’s classic text remains an ideal introduction for all beginning social work students as well as a refresher and companion for practitioners. It has been meticulously revised to reflect changes in social work education and retains the focus on the relationship between theory, evidence and practice.

Terence O’Sullivan, University of Lincoln, UK

Reviews of the 1st edition: ‘A unique multidisciplinary approach to the understanding and explanation of decision making in social work practice.’ - British Journal of Social Work ‘...written with clarity and a lucid style...essential reading.’ - Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work This new edition of Decision Making in Social Work maintains an accessible and engaging style to provide readers with a coherent framework for effective decision making. Decision making is a core activity in social work and this is essential reading for all students.

Contents: Introduction / Theory and Practice / PART I: SOCIAL WORK PROCESSES / Social Work Processes: Assessment / Social Work Processes: Advocacy, Negotiation and Partnership / Social Work Processes: Communication / PART II: METHODS OF INTERVENTION / Counselling / Working with Loss and Change / Task-Centred Practice / Cognitive Behavioural Work / PART III: CONTEXTS OF INTERVENTION / Working with Families and Children / Working with Adults / Working with Groups / Working with Communities

Contents: Preface / Introduction / Making Decisions / Practice Contexts / Involving Service Users and Carers / Working Together in Partnership / Using Knowledge and Managing Emotions / Framing Situations / Analysing Options / Using Supervision / Decision Making and Decision Outcomes / Glossary

March 2006 Paperback

November 2010 224pp Paperback £18.50

336pp £18.50

216x138mm 978-1-4039-2155-0

216x138mm 978-0-230-22359-2

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work

Practical Social Work Series

Practical Social Work Series

234x156mm 978-0-230-22180-2

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Communication in Social Work

Anti-Discriminatory Practice

2nd edition

4th edition Joyce Lishman, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK

This timely edition of a best-selling title identifies the important skills integral to effective communication in social work. Lishman offers an extended account of the subject by paying close attention to the diverse contexts of social work, and the range of people with whom practitioners come into contact. Contents: Introduction / Helpful and Effective Communication: The View of Users of Services / Types of Communication: Symbolic, Non-verbal and Verbal / Type of Communication: Written and Information Technology / Building and Maintaining Relationship / Attending and Listening / Sharing Information / Shared Purpose and Assessment / Intervention: Non-verbal and Verbal Techniques for Enhancing Behavioural and Attitudinal and Change / Intervention: Written Techniques for Changing Attitudes and Behaviours / Conclusion / References March 2009 Paperback

240pp £18.50

216x138mm 978-1-4039-1620-4

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work Practical Social Work Series

Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions

Attachment Across the Lifecourse A Brief Introduction David Howe, Professor Emeritus, University of East Anglia, UK

‘The book is brief but very rich...Quite honestly, I cannot remember coming across such a sharp integration of the adult social psychology and the developmental psychology perspectives.' - Professor Peter Fonagy, University College London, UK

‘Undoubtedly, AntiDiscriminatory Practice remains an important text for us all.’ - British Journal of Social Work The fourth edition of this successful textbook continues to offer support, guidance and insight on a complex subject and is an ideal starting point or refresher for students, practitioners and managers. Thoroughly updated, it includes developments such as discussion of language, the diversity approach and misinterpretations of PCS analysis. Contents: Preface to the Fourth Edition / Acknowledgements / Introduction / The Theory Base / Gender and Sexism / Ethnicity and Racism / Ageism and Alienation / Disability and Social Handicap / Diversity and Oppression / Conclusion March 2006 Paperback

224pp £18.50

216x138mm 978-1-4039-2160-4

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work Practical Social Work Series

Written by a top commentator on attachment theory, this brief introduction neatly summarizes the latest thinking and research on attachment from childhood through to adulthood. It offers an essential overview for a wide student and professional audience, including social workers, psychologists, counsellors and nurses. Contents: Attachment Behaviour / Affect Regulation / The Internal Working Model / Patterns of Attachment / Attachment in Adulthood / Secure Attachments in Childhood / Secure Attachments in Adulthood / Avoidant Attachments in Childhood / Avoidant and Dismissing Attachments in Adulthood / Ambivalent Attachments in Childhood / Anxious and Preoccupied Attachments in Adulthood / Disorganised and Controlling Attachments in Childhood / Fearful Avoidant Attachments and Unresolved States of Mind in Adulthood / Nature and Nurture / Stability, Change and Adaptation / Epilogue April 2011 Paperback

272pp £14.99

198x129mm 978-0-230-29359-5

1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial



A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory

The Emotionally Intelligent Social Worker

David Howe, Professor Emeritus, University of East Anglia, UK

Emotions are at the core of health and social care work but what are they? Why do we have them? How do they affect our judgment, behaviour and actions? In this compelling and important book, leading author David Howe introduces readers to emotions and the fundamental part they play in effective and responsive professional practice.

Contents: Social Work Theory / Origins / Casework and Social Reform / Cause and Function / Psychoanalytic Theory / Attachment Theory / Behavioural Therapies / Cognitive Therapies / Cognitive-Behavioural Social Work / Task-centred work / Be Responsible, Think Positive / Solution-focused Approaches / The Strengths Perspective / Systemic and Ecological Approaches / Radical Social Work / Critical Social Work / Feminist Social Work / Antioppressive Practices and Empowerment / Relationshipbased Social Work / Person-centred Approaches / Reflection and Reflexivity / Wellbeing / Brains for Social Workers / Critical Best Practice / The Best in Theory

Contents: Once More with Feeling / What is Emotional Intelligence? / What are Emotions? / Emotional Development / The Emotional Brain / Emotions and Physical Health / Emotions and Mental Health / Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies / Relationshipbased Interventions and Supports / The Professional Relationship and Emotional Intelligence

240pp £14.99

198x129mm 978-0-230-23312-6

3rd edition

David Howe, Professor Emeritus, University of East Anglia, UK

This compact text by one of social work’s most highly regarded commentators offers the perfect entry point into the complex world of social work theory. Written in a clear conversational style and organized into short, clearly labelled chapters, students and practitioners will find this an invaluable point of refreshment and reference.

May 2009 Paperback

Modern Social Work Theory

April 2008 Paperback

232pp £15.99

198x129mm 978-0-230-20278-8

Malcolm Payne, St Christopher’s Hospice, UK

‘...well-written, has clear analyses, excellent bibliographies and website references...’ Professional Social Work This best-selling text offers a comprehensive survey of major theories relevant to social work practice, and a clear assessment of the role and value of each approach based on the current critical literature. It builds on the strength of the previous editions, with a major recasting of the first two chapters, a wholly new chapter on feminist theory, and a greater emphasis on applying theory to practice. Taken together, the revisions secure the continuing value of this world-class textbook as an invaluable companion for social work students and educators alike. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements / Construction and Reality in Social Work Theory / Using Social Work Theory in Practice / Psychodynamic Perspectives / Crisis Intervention and Task-centred Models / Cognitive-behavioural Theories / Systems and Ecological Perspectives / Social Psychology and Social Construction / Humanism, Existentialism and Spirituality / Social and Community Development / From Radical to Critical Perspectives / Feminist Perspectives / Anti-discrimination and Cultural and Ethnic Sensitivity / Empowerment and Advocacy / Assessing Social Work Theories / Bibliography / Index February 2005 Paperback


384pp £24.99

234x156mm 978-1-4039-1836-9

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Youth Work Practice 2nd edition Edited by Tony Jeffs, Durham University, UK, Ruskin College, UK and Mark K. Smith, YMCA George Williams College,UK

Introductory Social Policy Texts

January 2010 Paperback

208pp £18.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-54302-7

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work Practical Social Work Series

Robert Adams, University of Teesside, UK

Social Policy in Britain

‘...a perceptive and critical view of social policy developments with respect to social work practice.’ - David Denney, Social Policy

3rd edition Pete Alcock, University of Birmingham, UK

A contemporary reflection on current practice, this book gets to the heart of what ‘youth work’ is about. It provides an in-depth overview and analysis of practice, addressing the many experiences of working with young people through insightful chapters written by practitioners themselves. Contents: Introducing Youth Work; T.Jeffs & M.K.Smith / Building Relationships and Friendships; H.Blacker / Engaging in Conversation; H.Smith / Being With an Other; D.Collander-Brown / Cultivating Gifts in all Directions; D.Forrest / Creating Programmes; R.Gilchrist / Using Activities; S.Harte / Advertising and Mentoring; G.MacLeod / Enhancing Group Life and Association; G.Patton / Working With Faith; H.Nurden / Managing and Developing the Work; G.Millar / Sustaining Ourselves; C.Pugh / Monitoring and Evaluating Youth Work; J.Rose / Conclusion; T.Jeffs & M.K.Smith / References

Social Policy for Social Work

Review of the 2nd edition: ‘Superb updated edition. You cannot study social policy without reading this.’ - Lynne Brown, Belfast Institute of Higher and Further Education, UK Understanding social policy can be a daunting task. This book guides students through the subject, making complex ideas easy to digest. Packed with updated questions, tasks and resource lists, it provides important material on major areas of debate, including pension provision and rising NHS costs. Contents: PART I: INTRODUCTION / The Development of Social Policy / PART II: WELFARE SERVICES / Social Security / Education / Health / Housing / Social Services / Employment / PART III: STRUCTURE / The State / The Market / The Voluntary Sector / Informal Welfare / PART IV: CONTEXT / Ideologies of Welfare / Economic Development / International and European Influences / Devolution and Local Control / PART V: ISSUES / Social Divisions / Paying for Welfare / Delivering Welfare / The Future of Social Policy June 2008 Paperback

344pp £23.99

This book provides a comprehensive and critical introduction to the relationship between social policy and social work. It examines a range of social policy sectors as they impact on the work of professionals in the particular fields of social work, social care, community care and residential care. Overarching issues such as the financing, organization and delivery of welfare services, the relationship between social policy and social divisions, and key stakeholders in service provision are also discussed. It is a key text for students and practitioners in the welfare field. Contents: PART 1: CONTEXTS / Changing Perspectives on Social Policy and Social Work / PART 2: POLICIES / Social Security / Employment / Housing / Health and Community Care / Family and Child Care / Youth Justice and Criminal Justice / PART 3: ISSUES / Tackling Divisions and Inequalities / Organising and Delivering Social Services / Financing Social Services / Who Controls Social Services? / Future Trends / Appendix 1: Abbreviations / Appendix 2: Key dates: Legislation and Official Publications / Appendix 3: Internet Addresses for Information on Policy and Research / Bibliography / Index February 2002 Paperback

288pp £25.99

216x138mm 978-0-333-77473-1

246x189mm 978-0-230-55158-9

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THE SOCIAL AND LEGAL CONTEXT OF SOCIAL WORK The Social and Legal Context of Social Work

Social Work and the Law in Scotland

The Law and Social Work

Practising Social Work Law

Contemporary Issues for Practice 2nd edition

3rd edition

Edited by Lesley-Anne Long, Jeremy Roche and Debbie Stringer, all at The Open University, UK

2nd edition Edited by Roger Davis and Jean Gordon, both at The Open University, Scotland, UK

Providing a wide-ranging thematic account of social work practice in Scotland, this reader makes critical links between concepts, the contexts of practice and first-hand experiences of Scottish Social Work law. Capturing legislative changes affecting the safeguarding of vulnerable people as well as personal and community care. Contents: Introduction / Legal Values and Social Work Values; J.Roche / Accountability and Professionalism and Practice; K.Cameron / Risk, Professional Judgment and the Law: Antinomy and Antagonism in an Age of Uncertainty; S.Hunter & M.Titterton / The Role of Assessment in Social Work for Children and Families in Scotland; J.Aldgate / Law, Social Difference and Discrimination; L.Robinson / Children’s Hearings in Scotland: Balancing Rights and Welfare; J.McGhee / The Voice of the Child; K.Marshall / Community Care and the Promotion of Independence; A.Petch / Vulnerability, Autonomy, Capacity and Consent; K.MacKay / Working with Adults Who Use Services and Carers; L.Curtice & K.Stalker / Youth Justice; B.Whyte / Adult Criminal Justice; F.McNeil & T.McCulloch / Partnership with Service Users; A.Kendrick December 2010 240pp Paperback £22.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-27631-4

Published in asociation with The Open University

Up-to-date and contemporary, this book analyzes current debates around confidentiality, State intervention and the legal issues impacting on children, young people, families and vulnerable adults. It also offers an insightful discussion of central social work themes. Charting the changes in law and practice over the past ten years, this edition provides thematic accounts of key areas of development, including youth justice, mental health and discrimination law. Written by leading academics and social work practitioners widely published in their fields of expertise, this is an authoritative text for social work students, practitioners and professionals across the health and social care spectrum. Contents: Introduction; L.Long, J.Roche & D.Stringer / Social Work Values and the Law; J.Roche / State Intervention in Family Life; S.Gilmore / Partnership or Participation? L.Rai & D.Stringer / The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same? Law, Social Work and Counteracting Discrimination; M.PrestonShoot / Risk, Social Work and Social Care: The Example of Children’s Social Care; N.Parton / Accountability; P.Welbourne / Remedies; J.Williams / The Role of Assessment in Social Work; J.Aldgate / Youth Justice; H.Keating / Can You Keep a Secret? Children, Human Rights, and the Law of Medical Confidentiality; J.Loughrey / Vulnerability, Autonomy, Capacity and Consent; R.Johns / Community Care and the Promotion of Independence A.Brammer January 2010 Paperback

248pp £23.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-54303-4

Published in asociation with The Open University

Suzy Braye, University of Sussex, UK and Michael Preston-Shoot, University of Bedfordshire, UK

This substantially revised third edition takes account of significant recent changes to the law with an authoritative analysis of the interface between legal rules and social work understanding. At once critical and clear, the book offers an invaluable framework for understanding how the law integrates with professional practice. Contents: Acknowledgements / Table of Legal Rules / Abbreviations / Tables of Cases / Preface to the Third Edition / Towards Practising Social Work Law / Social Work Law: Critical Perspectives / Beyond Dilemmas to Decisions / Adult Services, Mental well-being and Criminal Justice / Children, Young People and Their Families / Frameworks, Professional Decision-making and Accountability / Frameworks for Partnership Working / Making Sense of Practice / References September 2009 368pp Paperback £20.99

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work Practical Social Work Series

Rethinking Social Work in a Global World Gai Harrison and Rose Melville, both at University of Queensland, Australia

This text offers a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of globalization, their impact on social work and the resulting challenges in practice. The authors draw on post-colonialism to consider the global issues facing social work, such as mass migration, and the ways in which social workers can respond to such difficulties. November 2009 216pp Paperback £23.99


216x138mm 978-0-230-54318-8

234x156mm 978-0-230-20135-4

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Understanding International Social Work A Critical Analysis Richard Hugman, University of New South Wales, Australia

Social Work Values

Adopting a global frame of reference, this text provides a clear yet comprehensive comparative analysis of international social work, using case studies to illustrate practice issues in different geographical locations. This book is core reading for all students of social work taking modules on international practice. Contents: Introduction: The Global Growth of Social Work / Different Visions of ‘International’ in Social Work / Social Work with International Issues / Social Work and the UN Millennium Development Goals / Different Forms of Social Work: a Pluralist and Inclusive View / The Organizational Contexts of International Social Work / International Perspectives on Social Work Education and Training / The Possibility of an International Social Work Ethics / Professional Imperialism: a Concept Revisited / International Social Work: Issues for the Future / Glossary (with notes) March 2010 Paperback

208pp £22.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-21959-5

Core Principles in Practice

Promoting Equality Working with Diversity and Difference 3rd edition Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions

‘It is a delightful book to read and one that is both timely and immensely readable. One of its strengths is its very practical base which is demonstrated in the utilization of excellent, grounded case studies.’ Professor Maria Harries, Senior Hon Research Fellow, School of Social & Cultural Studies, University of Western Australia, Australia

Review of the 1st edition: ‘The works of Neil Thompson on antidiscriminatory practice, anti-oppression and equality have become well-known and highly respected standard reading.’ - British Journal of Social Work

A highly-anticipated new edition of a trusted book, which provides health and social care readers with a lucid guide to the theory and practice of challenging discrimination. With all-new features to further embed links to practice, it emphasizes the importance of promoting equality within the people professions. Contents: Introduction / Equality and Diversity in Context / Theoretical Foundations / Power / Discrimination and Oppression / Health and the Medicalization of Inequality / Learning from the Past / The Organizational Context / Conclusion: Strategies for Promoting Equality May 2011 Paperback

288pp £19.99

Humanistic Social Work

234x156mm 978-0-230-22343-1


Malcolm Payne, St Christopher's Hospice, UK


Although a key aspect of social work, humanistic principles are rarely discussed in the literature. Leading author Malcolm Payne provides a CORE P RINCIPLES framework for bringing IN P RACTICE social work's humanistic values to the forefront of practice, analyzing the importance of evidenceawareness, research, creativity and spirituality to professional human interaction.


Contents: Introduction / Humanity / Accountability: Psychological Efficacy and Social Agency / Achieving Personal and Social Equality / Flexibility in Human Life and Professional Practice / Complexity in Human Life and Professional Practice / Achieving Caring and Creativity in Practice / Developing Self and Spirituality in Practice / Developing Security and Resilience in Practice / Conclusion: Humanistic Practice Needs Developments in Research April 2011 Paperback

238pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-29360-1

Anti Oppressive Social Work Theory and Practice Lena Dominelli, Durham University, UK

This book, by a leading theorist of social work, tackles a subject of crucial importance to students and practitioners alike: how social workers can enable their clients to challenge and transcend the manifold oppressions that disempower them (whether through poverty, disability, mental illness, etc.). It moves from a discussion of social work’s purpose to an exposition of theory, then to the practicalities of working with individuals, in groups, within organizations, and within a wider sociopolitical context. September 2002 224pp Paperback £25.99

234x156mm 978-0-333-77155-6

1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial



Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work

Ethics and Values in Social Work 3rd edition

Edited by Mel Gray and Stephen A. Webb, both at University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

This agenda-setting text explores a broad range of value perspectives and their impact on and contribution to social work thinking on ethics. Including new perspectives and drawing on international contributors, this is essential reading for all social work students studying ethics and values. Contents: Introduction: Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work; M.Gray & S.A.Webb / PART I: PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES / Codes of Ethics; E.Congress / Codes of Conduct; P.Webster / Ethical Decision Making; D.McAuliffe / Ethical Dilemmas in Practice; S.Borrmann / Faith-based Practice; P.Gilligan / PART II: MORAL PERSPECTIVES / Ethic of Care; B.Featherstone / Ethic of Responsibility; S.Tascón / Discourse Ethics; S.Houston / Virtue Ethics; S.A.Webb / Postmodern Ethics; M.Gray / PART III: SOCIAL PERSPECTIVES / Anti-Racist Practice; H.Soydan / Human Rights and Social Justice; J.Ife / Anti-Oppressive Practice; L.Dominelli / Citizenship and Participation; A.Matthies / PART IV: SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVES / Islam and Ethics; T.Lovat / Christianity and Ethics; R.Whiting / New Age Ethics; D.Houtman & S.Aupers / Conclusion: Practising Values in Social Work; M.Gray & S.A.Webb May 2010 Paperback


280pp £20.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-22145-1

Sarah Banks, University of Durham, UK

‘...useful for academics teaching practical ethics, for social work students, and a real windfall for social work practitioners...’ - British Journal of Social Work The third edition of this classic textbook has been updated to take account of developments in policy and social work practice. It includes new sections on radical/emancipatory and postmodern approaches to ethics, as well as analysis of the latest codes of ethics from over thirty different countries. Practical examples and case studies involving ethical problems aid students’ understanding and further build links to practice. Contents: Introduction / Ethical Issues in Social Work / Principle-based Approaches to Social Work Ethics / Character and Relationship-based Approaches to Social Work Ethics / Professionalism and Codes of Ethics / Service Users’ Rights: Clienthood, Citizenship and Consumerism / Social Workers’ Responsibilities: Policies, Procedures and Managerialism / Ethical Problems and Dilemmas in Practice March 2006 Paperback

240pp £18.50

216x138mm 978-1-4039-9420-2

Social Work Theories and Methods

Social Work Methods and Skills An Introduction to Practice KAREN HEALY

Social Work Methods and Skills

Karen Healy, University of Queensland, Australia

Karen Healy follows up her widely acclaimed An Introduction Social Work Theories to Practice in Context with a clearly framed and comprehensive introduction to practice methods. This important text differentiates theory, methods and skills and shows how they can be combined to offer a versatile and rigorous professional toolkit for innovative practice. Contents: Social Work Methods in Context: Purposeful Practice / Key Communication Skills and the Use of Self / Working with Individuals: Contemporary Casework and Counselling Practice / Statutory Casework: Working with Involuntary Service Users / Working with families / Working with Groups / Community Work / Policy Practice for social workers / Conclusion December 2011 224pp Paperback £18.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-57517-2

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work Practical Social Work Series

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Social Work Theories in Context

Theorizing Social Work Practice

Creating Frameworks for Practice Karen Healy, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

‘...[Healy] provides a very usable, easily readable guide to the application of theories to practice, and incorporates some thoughtful consideration of service users’ rights and perspective that are very relevant to advocacy efforts.’ Margarete Parrish, The Higher Education Academy (Social Policy and Social Work), UK

Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions

This inspirational text from Neil Thompson explores the relationship between social work theory and practice. It promotes reflective practice and identifies the value and limitations of different theoretical positions from an applied perspective. An outstanding blend of clarity, balance, organization and integrity.

This innovative textbook provides a comprehensive guide to social work practice across a range of organizational contexts, presenting social work as a diverse activity that is profoundly shaped by public policies, service missions, and practice locations. The book tackles the most current and topical theories and perspectives in a clear and accessible way, using an integrated and flexible framework which links context, theory, and practice approaches. Its international breadth and supportive pedagogical features will ensure the book’s value to students of social work all over the world.

Contents: Introduction / PART I: MAKING SENSE OF THEORY / Introduction: Theory into Practice / The Role of Theory / Theory and Postmodernism / Practices Redefined / Conclusion / PART II: MAKING SENSE OF PRACTICE / Introduction: Dimensions of the Social Work World / The Person / Interpersonal Interaction / Group Dynamics and Intergroup Relations / Cultural Contexts / Sociopolitical Structures and Processes / The Organizational Context / Morality and Ideology / Conclusion / PART III: DEVELOPING THEORY / Introduction: Taking Theory Forward / Developing Coherence: Drawing on Existentialism / The Linguistic Turn / Spirituality and Meaning / Developing Emancipatory Practice / The Challenges We Face / Conclusion

April 2005 Paperback

February 2010 Paperback

256pp £24.99

234x156mm 978-1-4039-1622-8

296pp £20.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-55306-4

People Skills 3rd edition Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions

A comprehensive introduction to the diverse field of people skills. Thoroughly updated, it boasts six new chapters with relevance to a wide range of occupations and environments. This is an essential companion for all students, practitioners and managers across the helping professions. Contents: Introduction / PART I: PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS / Self-awareness / Time Management / Stress Management / Information Management / Assertiveness / Beating the Bully / Using Supervision / Being Creative / Continuous Professional Development / Staying Positive / PART II: INTERACTION SKILLS / Valuing Diversity / Verbal Communication / Non-verbal Communication / Written Communication / Interviewing / Influencing Skills / Leadership / Handling Feelings / Handling Conflict / Multidisciplinary working / PART III: INTERVENTION SKILLS / Anti-discriminatory Practice / Being Systematic / Assessment / Planning / Decisionmaking / Managing Risk / Review and Evaluation / Ending / Responding to Trauma: Promoting Recovery and Healing / Reflective Practice / Conclusion / Further Reading / Guide for Tutors and Trainers March 2009 Paperback

336pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-22112-3

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Understanding Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care

Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care

Theory and Practice

Professional Perspectives Edited by Katherine C. Pollard, Judith Thomas and Margaret Miers, all at Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of the West of England, UK

A companion volume to the best-selling book by Barrett et al., this exciting text shows how the different professions work together in practice. Beginning with a series of illuminating case studies drawn from a range of professional contexts, it explores the dynamics underpinning shared care delivery and analyzes how shared principles can best be applied within health and social care settings. Contents: Introduction: Background and Overview of the Book; K.C.Pollard / PART I: DIFFERENT PLACES, DIFFERENT VOICES / Introduction; J.Thomas & K.C.Pollard / Care in the Community; J.Thomas & K.C.Pollard / Care in Acute Settings; M.Miers & K.C.Pollard / Service Users, Carers and the Voluntary Sector; J.Thomas & K.C.Pollard / Maternity and Infant Care; K.C.Pollard / Mental Health Care; P.Godin & M.Miers / PART II: ANALYSING THE ISSUES / Introduction; K.C.Pollard / Learning for New Ways of Working; M.Miers / Individual and Professional Identity; B.Oliver & C.Keeping / Professional Boundaries and Interprofessional Working; M.Miers / The Medicalization Thesis; K.C.Pollard / Organisational Issues; T.Harle, M.Page & Y.Ahmad / Values and Ethics in Interprofessional Working; D.Sellman / Service Users, Carers and Issues for Collaborative Practice; J.Thomas / Conclusions and Future Directions; J.Thomas / Index November 2009 224pp Paperback £20.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-21679-2

3rd edition Judith Milner, Freelance Counsellor and Trainer, UK, and Patrick O’Byrne, Freelance Counsellor, Supervisor and Family Mediator, formerly at University of Huddersfield , UK

Edited by Gillian Barrett, Senior Lecturer, Derek Sellman, Principal Lecturer, both at Bristol University, UK and Judith Thomas, Principal Lecturer, University of the West England, UK

‘[H]ighly readable.’ - British Journal of Occupational Therapy Students taking professional programmes in health and social care now require an understanding of interprofessional working. This text provides pre-qualifying students with an accessible overview of the role, work and skills of a wide range of professionals. Illustrated with case studies throughout, it examines the rationale, skills and conditions required for interprofessional working, and provides insights into the roles and perspectives of professionals involved in health and social care. Contents: Introduction: G.Barrett, D.Sellman & J.Thomas / PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING INTERPROFESSIONAL WORKING / The Need for Interprofessional Working; K.Pollard, D.Selman & B.Senior / The Processes Required for Effective Interprofessional Working; G.Barrett & C. Keeping / PART TWO: PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES / Education; J.Tarr / Housing: N.Carlton & J.Ritchie / Medicine; L.Dow & N.Evans /Midwifery; S.Davis & R.Greenwood / Nursing; D.Sellman, M.Godsell & M.Townley / Occupational Therapy; F.Douglas & S. Evans / Physiotherapy; D.Hawes & D.Rees / The Police; P.Kennison & R.Fletcher / Probation; J.Lindsey / Radiography; J.Chianese & K.Holmes / Social Work; P.Taylor & A.Vatcher / Youth Work; B.Oliver & R.Pitt / PART THREE: THE FUTURE FOR INTERPROFESSIONAL WORKING / Issues for the Future; J.Thomas September 2005 224pp Paperback £24.99


Assessment in Social Work

Assessment is a vital social work task. This popular text gives a clear overview of the complex issues it raises and the essential theory professionals need to conduct meaningful and effective assessments. The third edition includes two chapters on assessment in children’s and adults’ services and an attractive design. Contents: Introduction / Assessment in the 21st Century / Effective Assessment Processes / Selecting a Map / A Map of the Ocean: Psychodynamic Approaches / An Ordnance Map : Behavioural Approaches / A Handy Tourist Map: The Task Centred Approach / A Navigator’s Map: The Solution Focused Approach / A Forecast Map: Narrative Approaches / Assessment in Children’s Services / Assessment in Adult Services./ Conclusion / Appendix I: National Occupational Standards May 2009 Paperback

288pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-21862-8

234x156mm 978-1-4039-1206-0

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Critical Reflection in Practice Generating Knowledge for Care 2nd edition

The Critically Reflective Practitioner Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Adviser, with over 33 years’ experience in the people professions and Sue Thompson, Accredited Social Work Practice Teacher; both Directors of Avenue Consulting Ltd., UK

Gary Rolfe and Melanie Jasper, both at Swansea University, UK and Dawn Freshwater, University of Leeds, UK

'We will definitely add this book to the reading list...' - Susan Thomas, Faculty of Health & Applied Social Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, UK 'This is an excellent text that considers critical reflection in a meaningful manner.' - Joanne Atkinson, School of Health, Community & Education Studies, Northumbria University, UK 'I like the clear definition of critical reflection and the importance of analysis within this. The chapters give a range of techniques which cater for different learning styles and approaches.' - Janet Wilson, Senior Nursing Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Critical reflection is an essential skill for all health practitioners, and the new edition of this market leading title provides the knowledge that underpins its development. This thoroughly revised text has been expanded to address international dimensions and interprofessionalism. Contents: Critical Reflection and the Emergence of Professional Knowledge / Knowledge and Practice / Models and Frameworks for Critical Reflection / Understanding Reflective Writing / Strategies for Reflective Writing / Clinical Supervision and Reflective Practice / Group Supervision / Reflection-in-action / Using Reflection as Tool for Research / Education and the Reflective Practitioner November 2010 248pp Paperback £22.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-20906-0

This succinct and insightful guide to reflective practice is designed for students and practitioners of social work, health care and related fields. Its clear and careful integration of both the ‘thinking and doing’ elements of the often challenging task of practising reflectively makes this an ideal text at all levels of study and practice. Contents: Preface / Introduction / PART I: UNDERSTANDING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE / What is Reflective Practice? / Dimensions of Reflection / Contexts for Reflection / PART II: MAKING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE A REALITY / Strategies and Techniques / Recording Reflection: Reflective Logs, Diaries and Accounts / Barriers to Reflective Practice / Conclusion / Guide to Further Learning / References April 2008 Paperback

200pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-57318-5

Social Work Process and Practice Approaches, Knowledge and Skills David Watson and Janet West, both at Glasgow Caledonian University, UK and Consultant Editor sometime Jo Campling

This text examines the knowledge, skills and values that underpin and inform current social work practice and processes. With a clear focus on skills, social work processes and the suitability of different methods, Watson offers students a toolkit for applying theoretical frameworks to actual practice situations. April 2006 Paperback

200pp £22.99

David Howe, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK July 1995 Paperback

256pp £24.99

216x138mm 978-0-333-62562-0

Spirituality and Social Work Margaret Holloway, University of Hull, UK and Bernard Moss, Staffordshire University, UK

‘I wholeheartedly recommend it and anticipate it becoming a standard textbook.’ - Dr Russell Whiting, University of Sussex, UK Written by two leading authors in the field, Spirituality and Social Work provides a critical engagement with the concept of spirituality and a much needed framework for the integration of spiritual care in mainstream practice. It is fundamental reading for all students of social work theory, ethics and practice. Contents: Historical and Contemporary Contexts / Meaning, Mystery and Social Work / Spiritual Need / Spirituality and the Quality of Life / Spiritual Care / Spiritual Care in the Multidisciplinary Team / Spirituality and Community / Global and Multicultural Perspectives May 2010 Paperback

216pp £20.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-21924-3

Reshaping Social Work Series Editors: Robert Adams, Lena Dominelli and Malcolm Payne

234x156mm 978-1-4039-0585-7

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FAMILIES, CHILDREN AND YOUNGER PEOPLE Families, Children and Younger People

Child Protection Practice ‘Different, fresh and arresting... utterly distinct in portraying the reality of how the job looks, feels, smells and sounds as practitioners move between office, car and home.’ - David Howe, author of Child Abuse and Neglect: Attachment, Development and Intervention (2005) ‘Some of the most interesting and original writing about social work and child protection I have seen...enjoyable, stimulating and challenging to read.’ - Chris Beckett, author of Child Protection: An Introduction 2e (2007) What happens when social workers leave their desks to carry out home visits? Harry Ferguson provides a rich and compelling insight into day-today child protecting practice. Capturing the sight, smell and feel of the home visit, he outlines the realities and complexities of face-to-face social work within this challenging field. Contents: Introduction / Knocking on the Door of History / The Development of Child Protection Policy and Practice / Streets, Housing Estates, Doorsteps: Getting to the Home / The Home Visit: Crossing the Threshold / Bedrooms, Kitchens and More Intimate Spaces / Relating to Children / The Importance of Touch in Protecting Children / The Car as a Space for Therapeutic Practice / Hospitals, Office Interviews and the Emotional Complexity of Practice / Working with Mothers / Working with Fathers / Working with Resistance, Good Authority and Involuntary Clients / Multi-Agency Working and Relationship-Based Practice / Spaces for Reflection and Organisational support / Intimate Child Protection Practice / Conclusion


240pp £19.99

Child Abuse, Child Protection and the Consequences of Modernity

The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies Edited by Jens Qvortrup, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, William A. Corsaro, Indiana University, USA and Michael-Sebastian Honig, University of Trier, Germany

Harry Ferguson, University of Nottingham, UK

Harry Ferguson, University of Nottingham, UK

April 2011 Paperback

Protecting Children in Time

234x156mm 978-0-230-24283-8

'Never before has the issue of child protection been examined so thoroughly and so thoughtfully. In the last instance, Ferguson's analysis serves as an appeal to all those who are too quick to judge and condemn professional failings to celebrate instead the daily performance of social workers and other professionals whose job it is to translate into actions the ever evolving meaning of child protection in a context of increasing life scripts and ways of living that are the consequence of modernity.' - Journal of Social Policy June 2004 Paperback

280pp £25.99

216x138mm 978-1-403-90693-9

Child and Family Welfare Marie Connolly, Chief Social Worker, New Zealand Government, New Zealand and Kate Morris, University of Nottingham, UK

This book crosses international boundaries to explore contemporary child and family welfare practices. It traces the major changes and challenges in Western practice over the past decade, looks at evidence-informed practice, and focuses on the generic phases of the statutory process, including assessing risk and finding safe solutions. Contents: Preface / Responding to children at risk / Regulatory Frameworks in Child Welfare / Practice frameworks, Models and Resources in Child Welfare / Family Engagement Strategies in Child Welfare / Statutory Systems of Care / Supporting Family-Based Systems of Care / The Experiences and Voices of Children in Care / Reflective Practice, Supervision and Learning / Concluding Thoughts December 2011 Paperback

208pp £18.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-25019-2

'a very impressive collection that covers a breathtaking amount of ground.’ - Social Sciences Review '...for everyone involved in child research this is a must.’ - Journal of the Nowegian Medical Association 'An excellent resource: comprehensive in scope, interdisciplinary in content, well-chosen topics, with thoughtful essays by major figures in the field. It's a treasure!’ - Barrie Thorne, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, USA and co-editor of Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 'This is a very significant book which assembles the work of many of the leading interdisciplinary figures in the field of childhood studies. The contents are well organised and the arguments both coherent and compelling. It will be difficult for any future scholar in this area of research to sidestep this major contribution to our understanding.' - Professor Chris Jenks, Vice Chancellor Brunel University, UK A landmark publication in the field, this state of the art reference work, with contributions from leading thinkers across a range of disciplines, is an essential guide to the study of children and childhood, and sets out future research agendas for the subject. April 2009 Hardback Paperback

472pp £105.00 £29.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-53260-1 978-0-230-53261-8

(Paperback Publishing September 2011)

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2010 ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary

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Children' s Perspectives on Every Child Matters

Working with Children and Young People

Children and Young People’s Spaces

Policy and Pratice in Integrated Services

Co-constructing Practice

Developing Practice

jon glasby interagency working in health and social care

children’s perspectives on every child matters mary kellett

policy and practice in integrated services

Mary Kellett, The Open University, UK

Part of Palgrave's new Interagency Working in Health and Social Care series, this book provides one of the first reflective assessments of the Every Child Matters legacy of New Labour. Woven through with the voice of the child, it examines the new landscape of children's services, in both principle and practice.

Contents: PART I: THE EVERY CHILD MATTERS JOURNEY / Introduction / The Historical Context / The Theoretical Framework / PART II: MULTI-AGENCY WORKING IN CHILDREN'S SERVICES / Social Care / Education / Child Health Care and Wellbeing / Disadvantage, Diversity and Marginalisation / The Family / The Third Sector / Safeguarding Children / PART III: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES / Children's Rights / Children's Participation and Voice / Children as Researchers / Beyond Every Child Matters June 2011 Paperback

256pp £20.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-23039-2

Interagency Working in Health and Social Care series Series Editor: Jan Glasby

Edited by Lindsay O’Dell and Stephen Leverett, both at The Open University, UK

Edited by Pam Foley and Stephen Leverett, both at The Open University, UK

An exciting wide-ranging reader which provides a critical account and new theoretical perspectives on practical issues arising in working with children of all ages and their families. Uniquely, it brings together discussion of early years with later childhood, including adolescence and transitions into adulthood.

This reader takes debates about children’s services forward by arguing that the concept of ‘space’ is crucial to relationships and practices with children and young people. Drawing on ideas based on social pedagogy, it will stimulate students to question and rethink, and practitioners to innovate and challenge mainstream thinking.

Contents: Introduction; L.O’Dell & S.Leverett / PART I: CONSTRUCTING AND DECONSTRUCTING PRACTICE / Well-being and the Ecology of Children’s Lives; A.Rixon / Constructions of Normative Families - Implications for Practice; L.O’Dell / The Surveillance of Children, Young People and Families; L.Arai / Public Policy, Children and Young People; P.Foley / PART II: CO-CONSTRUCTING PRACTICE WITH CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES / Disabled Children, their Parents and their Experiences with Professionals; D.Goodley & K.RunswickCole / Counselling Children: Values and Practice; A.Davies / Young People and Mental Health: Resilience and Models for Practice; W.Hamilton / Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding Children; L.Arai / Sons and Daughters of Foster Carers - Invisible, Vulnerable or Valued?; G.Jackson & P.Unwin / The Social Construction of Home and School Learning in Multicultural Communities; S.Crafter / Children’s Welfare and Children’s Rights; G.Lansdown / Between the Rocks and Hard Places: Young People Negotiating Fear and Criminalisation; P.Squires / Constructing Practice within the Parenting Agenda: the Case of Sure Start and Parenting Orders; A.Holt / Forest Schools; T.Kelly-Freer

Contents: Introduction; P.Foley & S.Leverett / Children’s Spaces; S.Leverett / Young People’s Spaces; P.Hopkins / Spaces-in-the-making, Childhoods-on-the-move; J.Horton, P.Kraftl & F.Tucker / Researching Children’s and Young People’s Perspectives Places and Belonging; V.Morrow / Play in an Adult World: Designing Spaces with Children and Young People; M.Dudek / Democratic Spaces; P.Foley / Out of the Way: Children, Young People and Outdoor Spaces; S.Elsley / Growing Up: Moving through Time, Place and Space from Babyhood to Adolescence; L.Arai / Children’s Associative Spaces and Social Pedagogy; P.Petrie / Young Europeans; S.G.Lund / Spaces for Care and Learning: a Social Pedagogical Approach; L.O’Dell / Reflective Spaces; S.Leverett & A.Rixon

November 2010 216pp Paperback £21.99

November 2010 216pp Paperback £22.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-28009-0

Published in association with the Open University

234x156mm 978-0-230-28008-3

Published in association with the Open University

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Paedophiles in Society

Rethinking Family Practices

Reflecting on Sexuality, Abuse and Hope

David H.J.Morgan, University of Manchester UK and visiting Professor of Sociology, Keele University, UK

Sarah Goode, Honorary Research Fellow and Convenor, University of Winchester, UK Foreword by Deborah Donovan Rice

Based on original research with self-identified paedophiles in the community, this book challenges assumptions and destroys the sacred cows of both radical and conservative thinking on paedophilia and sexuality. Offering a humane and inspiring vision, the book goes beyond previous thinking to develop an inclusive new approach. Contents: Foreword; D.Donovan Rice / Preface / Acknowledgements / Encountering Paedophiles in Society / Encountering Paedophiles on the Internet / Encountering Paedophiles in Popular Culture / ‘Early Sexual Growth and Activity’: The Influence of Kinsey / Studies on Adult Sexual Contact with Children / Paedophiles and Adult Male Sexuality / Epilogue: Living with Paedophiles in Society and Finding Hope May 2011 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27188-3

Stepfamilies Graham Allan, Keele University, UK, Graham Crow and Sheila Hawker, both at University of Southampton, UK

Drawing on recent developments within the sociology of family life, this book examines family connection and solidarity within different stepfamily networks, focusing on relationships from a kinship perspective and using case studies of people’s experiences to explore how family connection is constructed within different stepfamilies. Contents: Introduction / Analysing Stepfamilies / Case Illustrations / Family Boundaries / Step-mothering Step-children / Step-fathering Step-children / Stepfamily Kinship / Conclusion: Change and Continuity / Appendix I: Research Methods / Bibliography February 2011 Hardback

216pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-1-4039-0492-8

Young People and Sexuality Education Rethinking Key Debates Louisa Allen, University of Auckland, New Zealand

'This is a wise book, drawing on a lifetime of scholarship yet is fresh and future-oriented...I would commend this book to a wide readership of researchers, students and teachers in the social sciences and family studies.’ - Rachel Thomson, Professor of Social Research, The Open University, UK Leading family sociologist David Morgan revisits his highly influential ‘family practices’ approach in this new book. Exploring its impact, and how it has been critiqued, Morgan shows the continued relevance of the approach with reference to time and space, the body, emotions, ethics and work/life balance.

This book innovatively reenvisions the possibilities of sexuality education. Utilizing student critiques of programmes it reconfigures key debates in sexuality education including: Should pleasure be part of the curriculum? Who makes the best educators? Do students prefer single or mixed gender classes?

Contents: The Original Argument / Locating Practices / Locating Practices: Alternatives / Developments and Difficulties / Time, Space and Family Practices / The Body and Family Practices / Emotions and Family Practices / The Ethical Turn in Family Studies / Work/Family Articulation / Conclusion

Contents: Introduction / Doing ‘it’: Researching Sexuality / ‘They think you shouldn’t be having sex anyway’: Young People’s Critique of Sexuality Education Content / Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus? Re-thinking Gender Differences in Sexuality Education Content / ‘Pleasurable pedagogy’: Young People’s Thoughts about Including ‘Pleasure’ in Sexuality Education / ‘It’s not who they are it’s what they’re like’: Re-conceptualising the ‘best educator’ Debate / Sexuality Education reImagined? Relinquishing the Disease and Pregnancy Prevention Focus / An impossible practice? Implications for Future Sexuality Education

January 2011 Hardback

January 2011 Hardback

200pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-52723-2

216pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-57943-9

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Editors: Graham Allan and Lynn Jamieson

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Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Editors: Graham Allan and Lynn Jamieson


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My Family, A Symphony A Memoir of Global Adoption Aaron Eske, Communications Director for Angelina Jolie’s Orphan Advocacy Organization, Global Action for Children

Surviving Teenage Motherhood

234x156mm 978-0-230-10415-0

Alcohol Advertising and Young People’s Drinking Representation, Reception and Regulation Barrie Gunter, Anders Hansen and Maria Touri, all at University of Leicester, UK

A thorough examination of the relationship between young people’s drinking and exposure to media representations of alcohol, including alcohol marketing and advertising.

Social Welfare Policy in the United States

Myths and Realities Helen Stapleton, Senior Research Fellow, Australian Catholic University & Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Australia

From the Communications Director of Angelina Jolie’s orphan advocacy group comes a moving and enlightening journey through the world of international adoption. November 2010 256pp Hardback £16.99

The Crisis of Caregiving

’ engaging book, rich in insight for social scientists and for health care providers.’ Professor Hilary Graham, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, UK This book explores the experiences of pregnant teenagers, their partners, and midwives, from pregnancy realization through the early years of motherhood. It examines changing attitudes to female sexuality and moral discourses on adolescent subjectivity especially as these pertain to teenage motherhood. Contents: Introduction / Teenage Pregnancy, Motherhood and Family Life / Introducing the Teenagers and their Significant Others / How it Happened - Pregnancy Realisation and Disclosure / Through Pregnancy / Labour and Birth Narratives / ‘Chucked in the Deep End’: Mothering in the Early Postnatal Period / Mothering in Early Childhood: Everyday Practices and Identity Formation / Looking Back, and Looking Forward September 2010 256pp Hardback £55.00

Edited by Betty Reid Mandell, Bridgewater State College, USA

This book discusses the crisis of caregiving as it affects parents seeking to provide good care for their children and people who care for their aged or disabled relatives. Discussed are alternatives to the present welfare system, a description of the current safety net programs, and an analysis of the privatization of social services. Contents: Who Cares? The Crisis of Caregiving; B.Reid Mandell / Women’s Work, Mothers’ Poverty; G.Mink / Paid Family and Medical Leave; R.Albelda & B.Reid Mandell / The Privatization of Care; B.Reid Mandell / Shelters for the Homeless: A Feeble Response to Homelessness; B.Reid Mandell / Foster Care; B.Reid Mandell / Adoption; B.Reid Mandell / The Punitive State; M.Rosenthal / Alternatives to Welfare; B.Reid Mandell / Appendix A: Current Safety Net Programs in the U.S.; B.Reid Mandell / Appendix B: Advocacy Organizations; B.Reid Mandell July 2010 Hardback

288pp £60.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-62261-6

ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

216x138mm 3 tables 978-0-230-57920-0

Studies in Childhood and Youth Series Editors: Allison James and Adrian L. James ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

Contents: Alcohol Consumption and Youth: Key Issues / Alcohol Marketing over the Years / Advertising and Alcohol Consumption in Society / Alcohol Advertising and Youth Drinking Behaviour / Orientations toward Alcohol Advertisements / Alcohol Representation at Point of Sale / Impact of Alcohol Representation in the Entertainment Media / Impact of Alcohol Representation in the News / Alcohol Marketing: Regulation and Compliance / Notes / Bibliography October 2010 Hardback

256pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23753-7

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Childhood and Society

Child Abuse and Neglect

An Introduction to the Sociology of Childhood

Attachment, Development and Intervention

Michael Wyness, Institute of Education, University of Warwick, UK

This inspiring book explores a range of sociological approaches to researching the fascinating lives and social worlds of children, and the phenomenon of childhood. In doing so, it reviews competing theoretical positions on childhood and examines key and controversial issues relating to childhood such as poverty, abuse and rights. March 2006 Paperback

280pp £23.99

234x156mm 978-0-333-94649-7

David Howe, University of East Anglia, UK

This book offers a survey of the field of child abuse and neglect from the perspective of modern developmental attachment theory. Clear, compelling and anchored in research evidence, it is designed to answer the questions practitioners and student practitioners specializing in child welfare are most likely to ask.

April 2005 Paperback

336pp £24.99

234x156mm 978-1-4039-4826-7

ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, ebooks. com, Ebook Library

Safeguarding Childhood Early Intervention and Surveillance in a Late Modern Society Nigel Parton, University of Huddersfield, UK

Nigel Parton provides recognized authority with his clear, invigorating and theoretically sophisticated commentary on child abuse and child welfare policy. Parton critically assesses developments in child protection thinking and practice, explaining how changes in philosophy and intervention have been informed by cultural, economic and political context. Carefully blending core examples, evidence and social theory, this book is essential reading for both students and practitioners. September 2005 248pp Paperback £24.99


Attachment Theory, Child Maltreatment and Family Support

Disability Studies

The New Politics of Disablement 2nd edition Michael Oliver, University of Greenwich, UK and Colin Barnes, University of Leeds, UK

A long-awaited second edition of a groundbreaking publication, The New Politics of Disablement has been extensively updated and revitalised to reflect recent developments in social theory and contemporary understandings of disablement. With a new global angle, it an essential discourse for anyone interested in disability issues. Contents: Introduction / Disability Definitions: The Politics of Meaning / Theoretical Accounts of the Production of Impairment and Disability / Disability and the Rise of Capitalism / The Ideological Construction of Disability / The Structuring of Disabled Identities / The Social Construction of the Disability Problem / The Politics of Disablement into the Millennium / The Politics of the Possible December 2011 224pp Hardback £52.50 Paperback £17.99

216x138mm 978-0-333-94569-8 978-0-333-94567-4

A Practice and Assessment Model David Howe, Marian Brandon, Diana Hinings and Gillian Schofield, all at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

As relevant today as ever, this book provides a comprehensive account of how social developmental perspectives and attachment theory can illuminate practice in the field of child protection and family support. September 1999 320pp Paperback £24.99

216x138mm 978-0-333-74978-4

234x156mm 978-1-403-93332-4

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Understanding Disability From Theory to Practice 2nd edition Michael Oliver, University of Greenwich, UK

Social Approaches to Mental Distress Jerry Tew, University of Central England, UK

Oliver draws on his own experiences to paint a vivid picture of both the practical challenges of disablement and the theoretical understandings of disability. An approachable text that is core reading for social work, nursing, health and social care and social science students taking modules in disability studies. August 2009 Paperback

216pp £19.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-22028-7

Working With Disabled People in Policy and Practice A Social Model Sally French, The Open University, UK and John Swain, Northumbria University, UK

Launching Palgrave's Interagency Working in Health and Social Care series, this book explores the policy and practice which frames work with disabled people. Providing a critical review of the mainstream services available to disabled people, it assesses the successes and failures of interagency working and offers a model for future practice.

The Myth of the Chemical Cure

Mental Health

This latest title in the Practical Social Work Series places mental health within its broadest social context. Drawing on both theory and research evidence, it offers a holistic model for understanding and responding to mental distress. A practical guide to inform all work in this field.

A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment Joanna Moncrieff, Senior Lecturer, University College London, UK

This book overturns the idea that psychiatric drugs work by correcting chemical imbalance and analyzes the professional, commercial and political vested interests that have shaped this view. It provides a comprehensive critique of research on drugs including antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. December 2007 216pp Hardback £60.00 Paperback £18.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-57431-1 978-0-230-57432-8

Shortlisted for the 2009 Mind Book of the Year ebook available from: Dawson ERA, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections

Contents: Introduction / Values and Working Relationships / Understanding Experiences of Mental Distress / Life Events and Social Circumstances: How Damaging Social Experiences May Contribute to Mental Distress / Power, Agency and Social Capital / Personality Adaptations, Resilience and Vulnerability / Families, Relationships and Social Systems / Social Models of Mental Distress / Early Intervention and Crisis Resolution / Recovery and Social Inclusion / Risk Taking and Safeguarding / Assessment, Action Planning and Selfdirected Support / Concluding Comments: Putting Social Theory and Research Into Practice February 2011 Paperback

216pp £18.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-54507-6

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work Practical Social Work Series

Contents: Introduction / Modelling Disability and Impairment / The Context: From Segregation to Equal Rights / Disabled People: Health and Social Care / Residential Care / Control of Health and Social Care Services by Disabled People / Towards a Social Model of Inter-Agency Working / User Involvement in Services for Disabled People / Disability and Diversity / Families and 'Carers' / Conclusion June 2011 Paperback

224pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-58078-7

Interagency Working in Health and Social Care series Series Editor: Jan Glasby

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Understanding Addiction Behaviours

Creative Approaches in Dementia Care

Theoretical and Clinical Practice in Health and Social Care

Edited by Hilary Lee,Spark of Life, Dementia Care Australia, Australia and Trevor Adams, University of Surrey, UK

G.Hussein Rassool, Intercultural Therapy Centre, Mauritius

‘This book is one of the most concise substance use/addiction text books I have read in some time. It is a must read for all health and social care students contemplating working in the field of addiction and substance use.’ - Darren Hill, Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Substance Use, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Want a book that is about more than just drugs or alcohol misuse? This comprehensive text uniquely examines both pharmacological and non-pharmacological addictions. Highlighting the multi-professional nature of work in this area, it examines current theory and research, effects, assessment and intervention strategies. Contents: PART I: ADDICTION AND SOCIETY / Introduction / Addiction and Society / Perspectives on Addiction / PART II PHARMACOLOGICAL AND NONPHARMACOLOGICAL ADDICTIONS / Alcohol / Opiates / Psychostimulants / Cannabis / Hallucinogens & Other Psychoactive Substances / Synthetic Drugs: Smart or Eco Drugs & Spice / Tobacco and Nicotine / Eating Disorders / Gambling Addiction / Internet Addiction / Sexual Addiction / PART III ADDICTION IN CONTEXT / Dual Diagnosis: Addiction & Psychiatric Disorders / Addiction & Harm Reduction / Special Needs & Diversity / Service Provisions & Interventions May 2011 Paperback

288pp £22.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-24019-3

Foreword by G. Allen Power

‘This book brings together so many diverse and established practitioners from the field of arts and dementia care who have been pioneers in terms of the approaches adopted.’ - Claire Craig, Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health and Well-being, Sheffield Hallam University, UK A practical introduction to the use of the arts in dementia care. Based on the authors’ own experience, the book provides clear guidance on how to employ a variety of innovative techniques including art, music and dance therapies, to promote the physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual well-being of people with dementia. Contents: Foreword; G.Allen Power / Introduction; H.Lee & T.Adams / Re-igniting the Human Spirit; J.Verity & H.Lee / The Laughter Boss™; P.Spitzer / Dramatherapy and Dementia Care; J.Jaaniste / Dance Movement Psychotherapy in Dementia Care; R.Coaten / Music Therapy in Dementia Care; K.Robertson-Guillam / Art Therapy and Dementia Care; P.Baines / Applying Complementary Therapies with a Person-centred Approach; K.James / Story Matters in Dementia Care; T.Kotai-Ewers / Providing Meaning for People with Dementia and their Carers by Approaches that Facilitate ‘Being Together’; D.Sheard & P.Priednieks / Innovative Approaches to Reminiscence: Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today; P.Schweitzer / Getting in the Picture: Using Photography, Video and Visual Material to Enhance Communication; J.Killick & K.Allan / Creative Processes to Bring Out Expressions of Spirituality; E.MacKinlay / Creative Communication at the End of Life; J.Killick & K.Allan / Conclusion; H.Lee April 2011 Paperback


272pp £18.99

The Troubled Mind A Handbook of Therapeutic Approaches to Psychological Distress Susy Churchill, Freelance Therapist, Supervisor, Consultant and Trainer, UK

‘This thoroughly up-todate, research-based book on the most typical client presenting concerns is a first class resource, guiding practitioners through all due assessment and therapeutic processes clearly and helpfully.’ Colin Feltham, Emeritus Professor of Critical Counselling Studies, Sheffield Hallam University, UK This comprehensive textbook discusses how trainees and busy practitioners can best respond therapeutically to clients’ mental health problems. Grounded in the latest research, it is rich with case material and analytical commentary and highlights key decisions regarding assessment and referral. Contents: Counselling/Psychotherapy and Mental Health Issues / Assessment and Formulation / Clients Presenting with Depression / Clients Experiencing Anxiety / Clients Experiencing Problems with Life Events/ Stages / Clients Who Have Problematic Substance Abuse / Childhood or Adolescent Problems / Clients With Disturbed Eating / Clients Described as Having a Personality Disorder / Clients Showing Psychotic Features / Clients Experiencing Problems with Sexual or Gender Identity / Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues September 2010 272pp Paperback £18.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-20096-8

Professional Handbooks in Counselling and Psychotherapy

216x138mm 978-0-230-23165-8

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Mental Health Policy and Practice

Mental Health, Race and Culture

2nd edition

3rd edition Helen Lester, University of Manchester, UK and Jon Glasby, University of Birmingham, UK

Reviews of the 1st edition: ‘A very clear accessible overview of mental health provision in England, including a well designed critique of current policy.’ - Mr Robert Davis, School of Health and Social Sciences, UWIC, Wales, UK ‘Clear and easy to use. Good use of charts, diagrams and reflection exercises. Student friendly.’ - Dr David Wright, University of Kent at Medway, UK The revised edition of Mental Health Policy and Practice remains a comprehensive text containing an overview of recent UK mental health policy. It includes ideas from a wide spectrum of mental health services, examples of successful evidencebased practice and analyzes the impact of the ‘modernization agenda’. Contents: Introduction / Mental Health Policy / Primary Care and Mental Health / Community Mental Health Services / Acute Mental Health Services / Forensic Mental Health Services / Partnership Working / User Involvement / Anti-Discriminatory Practice / Carers / Conclusion / Appendix: Mental Health Policy Chronology 1975-2009 April 2010 Paperback

304pp £20.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-58475-4

Suman Fernando, London Metropolitan University, UK, and University of Kent, UK

Review of the 2nd edition: ‘Thorough, challenging and essential for today’s society and multicultural professional interventions in mental health.’- Ms Sarah Patrick, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

The third significantly expanded and revised edition of this seminal text. Incorporating additional contemporary topics, including mental health of refugees, trauma and psychosocial approaches, this text offers an illuminating account of mental health and mental disorder seen cross-culturally and internationally. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THEORY AND TRADITION / Race and Culture; Ethnicity and Identity / Traditional Approaches to Mental Health / Background and Culture of Psychiatry / Racism in Psychiatry / Changing Discourse in Mental Health / Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress; Suffering and Violence / PART II: PRACTICE AND INNOVATION / Application of Psychiatry: Bias and Imperialism / Asian and African ‘Therapy’ for Mental Health / Mental Health in Low and Middle Income Countries / Mental Health of Refugees in High Income Countries / Prospects for Plurality in Therapies for Mental Health / Mental Health for All January 2010 Paperback

248pp £22.99

Psychiatric Drugs Jim Read, Independent Mental Health Consultant, UK

This lively book explores current dilemmas and debates on the use, effectiveness and adverse effects of psychiatric drugs, from the perspectives of people who have taken them. It includes groundbreaking research into experiences of trying to come off drugs with emphasis on interactions between service users and mental health practitioners. Contents: Introduction / Overview and Key Issues / What People Taking Psychiatric Drugs Have To Say About Them / What Is Known About Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs / Coping With Coming Off - Making The Decision / Coping With Coming Off - The Consequences / Coping With Coming Off - Three Stories / Key Issues, Suggestions and Conclusion / Appendix I: Sources of Practical Information About Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs/ Appendix II: Adverse Effects When Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs August 2009 Paperback

4208pp £14.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-54940-1

Shortlisted for the Open Book Awards 2010 Published in association with Mind

234x156mm 978-0-230-21271-8

Suman Fernando is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing outstanding scholarship, research and practice.

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Mental Health Still Matters Edited by Jill Reynolds, Rosemary Muston, Tom Heller, Jonathan Leach and Mick McCormick, all at The Open University, UK, Jan Wallcraft, Freelance Consultant and Researcher, UK and Mark Walsh, Teacher, Writer and Mental Health Nurse, UK

'This is a robust addition to the original text and will no doubt become a valuable resource to those studying in this area.' - Ian Warwick, Lecturer, London Metrpolitan University, UK 'An excellent starting point to stimulating debate on contemporary issues in mental health.' - Ian Mathews, Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, UK This reader presents a fresh look at mental health, following on from the hugely popular Mental Health Matters. It provides new and exciting user perspectives across the full range of mental health issues. This is a rich and diverse resource for all students and practitioners of mental health. Contents: PART I: DEBATES AND THEORIES / PART II: INEQUALITY AND POLICY / PART III: SERVICE USERS’ EXPERIENCES AND PERSPECTIVES / PART IV: CHALLENGES FOR PRACTICE May 2009 Paperback

400pp £24.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-57729-9

Community Care

Revisiting ‘The Last Refuge’

Public Policy in the Community 2nd Revised and Updated edition 2nd edition

revised & updated

Marilyn Taylor, University of the West of England, UK

Public Policy in Reviews of the 1st the Community edition:

‘[G]rounded, authoritative and timely...a crucial contribution to an important policy debate.’ - John Houghton, Environmental Planning

Marilyn Taylor

Residential Care Transformed

'Community’ continues to attract the attention of policy makers and scholars. Taking account of changes since the publication of the first edition, this new edition explores the challenges of empowering communities and assesses the lessons for policy and practice of community-based approaches to social disadvantage and exclusion.

Julia Johnson and Sheena Rolph, both at The Open University, UK and Randall Smith, University of Bristol, UK

This book revisits Peter Townsend’s classic study of residential care for older people in Britain conducted in the late 1950s. It provides not only a fascinating account of residential care for older people over the last fifty years but is also an important contribution to the literature on research methods. Contents: In Memoriam / Acknowledgements / PART I: THE CONTEXT / Why Revisit ‘The Last Refuge’? / Changing Contexts of Care / The Study Design and Methods / PART II: REVISITING ‘THE LAST REFUGE’ / Survivors and Non-survivors / Residents and Staff / The Living Environment / Daily Lives / The Quality of Care / PART III: CONCLUSIONS / Revisiting and Reuse / Continuity and Change in Residential Care for Older People / Appendixes / Notes / References / Index May 2010 Hardback

304pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-20242-9

ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

Contents: Introduction / The Changing Fortunes of Community / Community in Policy and Practice / Ideas of Community / Contradictions of Community / Prescribing Community to the Poor / Power and Empowerment / Power in the Policy Process / Experiencing Empowerment / Reclaiming Community / Reclaiming Power / The Challenge for Communities / The Institutional Challenge / Community Empowerment: Myth or Reality? June 2011 Hardback Paperback

320pp £65.00 £24.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-24264-7 978-0-230-24265-4

Public Policy and Politics Series Editors: Colin Fudge and Robin Hambleton


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Grief and its Challenges Neil Thompson, Writer, Trainer and Advisor, with over 33 years' experience of the people professions

This short introduction to loss and its impact on people’s lives is ideally suited to students and practitioners across many professions. With sensitivity and simplicity, Neil Thompson explores how grieving has been theorized and explains the crucial social dimensions to loss and grief that balance and extend more individualized models. Contents: PART I: MAKING SENSE OF GRIEF / Introduction / Loss and Grief / Crisis and Trauma / The Social Context / PART II: GRIEF AND HEALING / Introduction / Experiencing grief / Responding to Grief 1: The Personal Response / Responding to Grief 2: The Professional Response / PART III: GRIEF WITHOUT HEALING / Introduction / Complications of Grieving / Grief and Psychological Problems / Grief and Social Problems / Conclusion / Guide to Further Reading November 2011 240pp Paperback £14.99

198x129mm 978-0-230-27756-4

Controversies in Drugs Policy and Practice Neil McKeganey, University of Glasgow, UK

'It isn’t often that one reads a book that one would have loved to have the ability, experience, knowledge, analytic ability, and, one has to say, ‘bravery’ to write. Without doubt, it is the best book on drug policy that I have ever read.’ Professor Jason Ditton, Scottish Centre for Criminology, UK

A lively and provocative book on a topic of deep public and professional interest. Addressing a host of issues surrounding the place of illegal drugs in society, the text draws readers in to debates about key contemporary issues including drug treatment, harm reduction, classification, legislation and research. Contents: The Rapidly Changing World of Illegal Drugs / What’s Wrong with Harm Reduction? / Drug Treatment: So What’s All the Fuss About? / Drug Enforcement: A World of Myth and Reality / Cannabis and the Classification Mystery / Meeting the Needs of the Children of Drug Addicted Parents / Drug Legalization: Solution or Social Problem? / The Politics of Drugs Research: A Journey into the Cold / Conclusion: So What’s Morality Got to Do With It? December 2010 216pp Hardback £55.00 Paperback £19.99

Understanding Drug Misuse Models of Care and Control Jan Keene, University of Reading, UK

Combining theory and research evidence, this text covers the full breadth of radical, social and psychological approaches to drug use. It explains how each theoretical model offers a different solution to ‘the drug problem’, from harm minimization to social intervention. Interwoven with extracts from the author’s own interviews with drug users, it also answers the seldom asked question: What do drug users themselves think? Contents: Preface / Care and Control: Drug Dependency, Health Risks and Social Harm / Drug Users’ Perspectives on Drug Use and Dependence / Reducing Dependence: Approaches to Treatment / Drug Users’ Perspectives on Health Risks / Harm Minimisation and Public Health / Drug Users’ Perspectives on Social Harm / Reducing Social Harm: Social Inclusion and Crime Reduction / Working with Users: Motivation, Maintenance and Recovery / Aftercare: Relapse Prevention and Social Inclusion August 2010 Paperback

256pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-20243-6

234x156mm 978-0-230-23594-6 978-0-230-23595-3

1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial



Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools Edited by Carol Hayden, University of Portsmouth, UK and Denise Martin, University of Brighton, UK

The behaviour and safety of children and young people in and around schools is a topic of worldwide concern. From school shootings and deaths on school premises to the everyday behaviour of young people in school, this book explores what is happening in schools in Britain and links it with evidence from elsewhere in the world. Contents: Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools - Key Themes; D.Martin, P.Squires & D.E.Stephen / Crime, AntiSocial Behaviour and Education: A Critical Review; A.Millie & S.Moore / Schools and Social Control; C.Hayden / The Problem with Boys? Critical Reflections on Schools, Inequalities and Anti-social Behaviour; D.E.Stephen / Safety and Problem Behaviour In and Around Schools; C.Hayden / ‘Risky Places’ - Young Peoples Experiences of Crime and Victimisation at School and in the Community; D.Martin, C.Chatwin & D.Porteous / Teachers’ Experiences of Violence in Secondary Schools; D.Martin, N.Mackenzie & J.Healy / From Troublesome to Criminal: School Exclusion as the ‘tipping point’ in Parents’ Narratives of Youth Offending; A.Holt / Safer Schools Partnerships; A.Briers & E.Dickmann / Affecting the Behaviour of Young People in Schools; J.Visser / Restorative Approaches in Schools; B.Hopkins / Schools as a Response to Crime and Anti-social Behaviour; C.Hayden May 2011 Hardback

256pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-24197-8

Drug Policy Harmonization and the European Union Caroline Chatwin, University of Kent, UK

Exploring the illegal drug issue in international context, this book looks at why harmonization has not already taken place at the European level. It considers the desirability and viability of harmonization, examines the conflict between repressive and liberal drug policies and applies a multi-level governance lens to the issue. Contents: PART I: HARMONISATION, DRUG POLICY AND THE EUROPEAN UNION / Policy Making at a European Level / Drug Policy in the European Union / Statistical Information on the Drug Problem in the European Union / PART II: DRUG POLICY IN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER STATES / Sweden / The Netherlands / Denmark / Portugal / PART III: MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE AND THE WAY FORWARD FOR EUROPEAN DRUG POLICY / Multi-level Governance and the Way Forward for European Drug Policy May 2011 Hardback

208pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27186-9

Criminal Justice and Neoliberalism Emma Bell, University of Savoie, France

This book explores the origins of the socalled ‘punitive turn’ in penal policy across Western nations over the past two decades. It demonstrates how the context of neoliberalism has informed penal policy-making and argues that it is ultimately neoliberalism which has led to the recent intensification of punishment.

Crime Prevention, Security and Community Safety Using the 5Is Framework Paul Ekblom, University of the Arts London, UK

The potential of crime prevention, security and community safety is constrained by implementation failure. This book presents a carefully-designed system of good practice, the 5Is, which handles the complexities of real world prevention, this aims to improve the performance of prevention, and advance process evaluation. Contents: Series Editor’s Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Implementation Failure: The Dismal Story / Implicated Ignorance and Culpable Confusion: The Contribution to Implementation Failure of Deficient Knowledge and Articulacy / The Gift to be Simple? How Avoiding the Issue of Complexity Contributes to Implementation Failure / Appropriate Complexity / Specification for a Knowledge Framework / Introducing the 5Is Framework / Conceptual Companions to 5Is: Defining Crime Prevention Activities, Institutional Contexts and Values / A Companion Framework for Causes of Crime and Preventive Interventions: The Conjunction of Criminal Opportunity / Presenting the Is in Detail / Intelligence / Intervention / Implementation / Involvement / Impact - and Process Evaluation / Conclusion November 2010 360pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-21036-3

Crime Prevention and Security Management Series Editor: Martin Gill ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE INTENSIFICATION OF PUNISHMENT / Lock ‘em up! / Trojan Horses: The rise of out-of-court justice / The New Welfare Sanction / Erecting the Boundaries of Exclusion / Whither the Punitive Turn? / PART II: EXPLAINING PUNITIVENESS / Defining Neoliberalism / Neoliberal Punishment / Constructing the Authoritarian Consensus / Conclusion: Towards Penal Dystopia? January 2011 Hardback


272pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-25197-7

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Ending the Death Penalty

Race, Crime and Criminal Justice

Anti-Social Behaviour Orders

The European Experience in Global Perspective

International Perspectives

A Culture of Control?

Andrew Hammel, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany

‘Ending the Death Penalty is a tour de force. Beautifully written and meticulously argued, Hammel’s book is indispensable reading for anyone interested in the death penalty or contemporary issues of criminal justice. This book is destined to become a classic in the field.’ - David Dow, University Distinguished Professor, University of Houston Law Center, USA Examining the successful movements to abolish capital punishment in the UK, France, and Germany, this book examines the similarities in the social structure and political strategies of abolition movements in all three countries. An in-depth comparative analysis with other countries assesses chances of success of abolition elsewhere. Contents: Introduction / PART I: THE TRANSATLANTIC DEATH PENALTY DIVIDE AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF VENGEANCE / America and Europe Diverge on the Death Penalty / What Does The Worldwide Popularity of Capital Punishment Tell Us? / The Hollow Hope of Public Education / PART II: ABOLITION IN GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN, AND FRANCE / Preface to Part Two / Case Study One - Germany / Case History Two - The United Kingdom / Case History Three - France / PART III: THE EUROPEAN MODEL IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT / Elaborating the European Model / Why the European Model Failed in the United States / Conclusion - Abolitionism beyond America and Europe June 2010 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23198-6

ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

Edited by Anita KaluntaCrumpton, Texas Southern University, USA

‘This is a provocative book that illustrates the complexities inherent in attempting to understand the role that race plays in crime and criminal justice in European and nonEuropean countries.’ - Cassia Spohn, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University, USA ‘...a wide-ranging collection written accessibly and providing a wealth of empirical information on the populist and political dynamics of racism and its institutionalisation within nation-states.’ - Phil Scraton, Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Queen’s University Belfast, UK This book provides a focused and critical international overview of the intersections between race, crime perpetration and victimization, and criminal justice policy and practice responses to crime perpetration and crime victimization. Contents: Preface / PART I: HISTORY / History: Race Relations and Justice; A.Kalunta-Crumpton / PART II: EUROPE: IS THERE RACE IN CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE? / Britain; B.A.Cole / France; P.Irving Jackson / Germany; H-J.Albrecht / Italy; V.Ruggiero / The Netherlands; J.Junger-Tas / Portugal; M.Ivone Cunha / Spain; J.Goode / PART III: BEYOND EUROPE: IS THERE RACE IN CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE? / Australia and New Zealand; S.Jeffries & G.Newbold / Brazil; I.Cano, L.Ribeiro & E.Meireiles / Canada; C.J.Mosher & T.Mahon-Haft / South Africa; K.Bosilong & P.Mbecke / United States of America; D.E.Georges-Abeyie / PART IV: CONCLUSION / In Conclusion: Comparative Assessment of Race, Crime and Criminal Justice in International Perspectives; A.Kalunta-Crumpton March 2010 Hardback

368pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-22029-4

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

Jane Donoghue, University of Reading, UK

This book vigorously challenges the dominant academic view of ASBOs as erroneous tools of social control, and offers an alternative perspective on anti-social behaviour management which argues that ASBOs are capable of enabling a positive process of engagement among local authorities, housing professionals and residents. February 2010 Hardback

192pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-59444-9

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

The Criminal Cases Review Commission Hope for the Innocent? Edited by Michael Naughton, University of Bristol, UK

Focusing on the world’s first publicly-funded bodythe Criminal Cases Review Commission- to review alleged miscarriages of justice, set up following notorious cases such as the Birmingham Six in the UK, this book provides a critique of its operations and shows that its help to innocent victims of wrongful conviction is merely incidental. A Full Table of Contents is Available at: October 2009 Hardback

272pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-21938-0

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Dawson ERA, Ebrary

1000s of scholarly ebooks available at, ask your librarian to request a trial



’Race’ and Ethnicity

Resonances of Slavery in Race/Gender Relations

Anti-Racist Practice in Social Work

Shadow at the Heart of American Politics Kish Bhatti-Sinclair, University of Southampton, UK

Jane Flax, Howard University, USA

Jane Flax argues that a reciprocal relationship exists between unconscious processes and race/ gender domination and that unless we attend to these unconscious processes, no adequate remedy for the malignant consequences of our current race/gender practices and relations can be devised. Flax supports her arguments using a variety of sources. January 2011 Hardback

236pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-10866-0

Breaking Feminist Waves

Gender and Development The Japanese Experience in Comparative Perspective

A critical introduction to key debates about race and racism, this new addition to the Reshaping Social Work series examines race as a social construct. It addresses the origins of anti-racist practice and analyzes practical issues to provide a blueprint for anti-racist practice.

Contents: Introduction / Influences on Anti-Racist Social Work Practice / Anti-Racist Practice in a Globalised World / Knowledge for Social Work Practice / Reshaping Organisations and Professional Practice / Service Users, 'Race' and Racism / Developing Anti-Racist Educational Practice /Conclusions April 2011 Paperback

208pp £20.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-01307-0

Reshaping Social WorkSeries Series Editors: Robert Adams, Lena Dominelli and Malcolm Payne

Edited by Mayumi Murayama, Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), Japan

‘Each chapter is written in a comparative perspective with developing countries. The common message is a call for the creation of an interactive space to exchange individual experiences and insights between different societies in order to formulate a more powerful gender and development agenda in each society.’ Oxfam Development Resource Review October 2005 Hardback

288pp £74.00

216x138mm 978-1-4039-4944-8

IDE-JETRO Series ebook available from:, NetLibrary, Myilibrary, Ebook Library, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Economics & Finance Collections, Ebrary


Community Cohesion A New Framework for Race and Diversity Ted Cantle, Director, Cohesion Institute, UK

Ted Cantle updates his concept of community cohesion, which critiques multicultural policies and offers a compelling alternative to community relations, which has been widely adopted in the UK. Revised in light of recent research, and now incorporating discussion on segregation and faith concerns. June 2008 Paperback

304pp £21.99

Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series Series Editors: Varun Uberoi, Nasar Meer and Tariq Modood The politics of identity and citizenship has assumed increasing importance as our polities have become significantly more culturally, ethnically and religiously diverse. Different types of scholars, including philosophers, sociologists, political scientists and historians make contributions to this field and this series showcases a variety of innovative contributions to it. Focusing on a range of different countries, and utilizing the insights of different disciplines, the series helps to illuminate an increasingly controversial area of research and titles in it will be of interest to a number of audiences including scholars, students and other interested individuals.

Ethnic Citizenship Regimes Europeanization, Post-war Migration and Redressing Past Wrongs Aleksandra Maatsch, University of Bremen, Germany

This book sheds light on the processes that have transformed national citizenship of the European Union’s member states and explains the legislative changes that have taken place since the mid-1980s in Germany, Hungary and Poland. Contents: Citizenship in a Migratory World / Comparative Citizenship Research: Competing Accounts Explaining Convergence and Divergence / National Parliaments as Deliberative Bodies / Legislative Reforms of National Citizenship: Patterns of Convergence and Divergence in Germany, Hungary and Poland (19852007) / Explaining Convergence and Divergence of National Citizenship Legislation: a Comparative Analysis of Parliamentary Debates / Toward Convergence: Horizontal Europeanization of National Citizenship Legislation / Conclusions May 2011 Hardback

208pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28424-1

216x138mm 978-0-230-21673-0

Order securely online at or telephone +44 (0)1256 302866


Social Freedom in a Multicultural State

Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness

Towards a Theory of Intercultural Justice

Edited by Tariq Modood, Director of the University Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, UK and John Salt, University College London, UK

Ganesh Nathan, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

‘This is an insightful, important contribution to the growing literature on the compatibility between republicanism and cultural pluralism...’ Professor Cécile Laborde, Department of Political Science, University College London, UK The politics of multiculturalism faces challenges in Western democratic states. Arguing that this setback is based on the notion of culture as separate and distinct, this book explores how to face current challenges to multiculturalism without reifying culture, group and identity. Contents: Introduction / PART I / A Critique of Liberal Multiculturalism./ A Model of Culture within the Paradigm of Anti-essentialism / PART II / The Normative Context of Well-being / Limitations to Social Participation / Social Freedom and Justice / Social Recognition and Non-domination / Morality and Responsibility / PART III / Liberalism and Communitarianism / Modern Civic Republicanism / Conclusion / References November 2010 304pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27851-6

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

Exploring some of the most topical issues around migration and integration in relation to Britain, this book examines people smuggling and the elite labour migration that is becoming a feature of Britain. It also examines the concepts of social capital, social cohesion and Britishness that are being used to critique multiculturalism. Contents: PART I / Introduction: The Research Programme and its Main Themes; T.Modood & J.Salt / Migration to and from the UK; J.Salt / Multiculturalism, Ethnicity and Integration: Contemporary Challenges; T.Modood / PART II / What is Migrant Smuggling?; A.Ali, K.Koser & J.Salt / Acquistion and Mobility of Expertise in Global Corporate Labour Markets; J.Salt & P.Wood / Academics and Globalisation; S.Fenton, T.Modood & C.Smetherham / International Students and the Labour Market; J.Salt / PART III / Educational Achievement and Career Aspiration for Young British Pakistanis; C.Dwyer, T.Modood, G.Sanghera, B.Shah & S.Thapar-Björkert / Impact of Segregation, Class, Ethnicity and Religion on the Occupational Returns on Education in England and Wales; N.Khattab, I.Sirkeci, R.Johnston & T.Modood / Muslims and Britishness: The Interdependencies of an Idea; N.Meer, V.Uberoi, C.Dwyer & T.Modood / National Identity and the ‘Ethnic Majority’; S.Fenton & R.Mann / Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness; T.Modod & J.Salt March 2011 Hardback

288pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29687-9

Youth, Multiculturalism and Community Cohesion Paul Thomas, University of Huddersfield, UK

This book discusses the meaning and practice of British community cohesion policies, youth identities in racially-tense areas and the British government’s attempts to ‘prevent violent extremism’ amongst young Muslims. Contents: Introduction: Community Cohesion - A New British Policy Agenda / The Emergence of Community Cohesion / Going with the Flow? International Comparisons / Community Cohesion - The Death of the British Model of Multiculturalism? / Myths and Realities Community Cohesion in Practice / Community Cohesion - More than Ethnicity? / Unwilling Citizens? Muslim Young People and Identity / White Young People and Community Cohesion - The Refusniks? / A Contradiction to Community Cohesion? The Preventing Violent Extremism Agenda / Conclusion - Community Cohesion as a New Phase of British Multiculturalism March 2011 Hardback

224pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-25195-3

Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism The Rise of Muslim Consciousness Nasar Meer, University of Southampton, UK

This book provides a fresh perspective on the emergence of public Muslim identities, traversing issues of Muslim-state engagement across government initiatives and church-state relations, across equalities agendas and the education system, the courts and the media. Contents: Preface by Tariq Modood: The Struggle for Recognition / Introduction / Framing Citizenship / Du Bois and Consciousness / Conceptualising MuslimConsciousness: From Race to Religion / Local and Global Muslim Identities / Muslim Schools in Britain: MuslimConsciousness in Action / Muslims and Discrimination: Muslim-Consciousness in Re-action? / Muslims in Public and Media Discourse / Towards a Synthesised MuslimConsciousness January 2010 Hardback

264pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-57666-7

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Dawson ERA, Ebrary,, Ebook Library

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‘RACE’ AND ETHNICITY Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series

Labour Migration in Europe Edited by Georg Menz, Goldsmith’s College, University of London, UK and Alexander Caviedes, State University of New York at Fredonia, USA

Security, Citizenship and Human Rights Shared Values in Uncertain Times Derek McGhee, University of Southampton, UK

‘...a wise and well-argued alternative with great relevance to all culturally diverse societies.’ Professor Lord Bhikhu Parekh, House of Lords, UK ‘[A] powerful book.’ Bonnie Honig, Author of Democracy and the Foreigner, Emergency Politics

This book examines counter-terrorism, immigration, citizenship, human rights, ‘equalities’ and the shifting discourses of ‘shared values’ and human rights in contemporary Britain. Contents: Preface / Introduction: Value Trouble / Preemptive Securities - Border Controls and Preventative Counter-Terrorism / Building a Consensus on ‘National Security’: Terrorism, Human Rights and ‘Core Values’ / Restoring Public Confidence - Managed Migration, Racialization and Earned Citizenship / Security, Citizenship and Responsibilities - Debates on a Bill of Rights in the UK / Belonging Together or Belonging to the Polity? Shared Values, Britishness and Patriotism / Patriots of the Present and the Future - Ethical Solidarity and Equalities in Uncertain Times September 2010 240pp Hardback £55.00

Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe Making Multicultural Democracy Work? Edited by Laura Morales, University of Manchester, UK and Marco Giugni, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Examining the new realities of economic immigration to Europe, this book focuses on new trends and developments, including the rediscovery of economic migration, legalization measures, irregular migration, East-West flows, the role of business and employer associations, new positions amongst trade unions, and service sector liberalization. October 2010 Hardback

264pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27482-2

Migration, Minorities and Citizenship Series Editors: Danièle Joly and Zig Layton-Henry ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

‘A must read for anyone interested in political participation of ethnic minorities.’ - Professor Dirk Jacobs, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium How can European societies more effectively promote the active engagement of immigrants and their children in the political and civic life of the countries where they live? This book examines the effect of migrants’ individual attributes and resources, their social capital and the political opportunities on their political integration. March 2011 Hardback

288pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-24416-0

Migration, Minorities and Citizenship Series Editors: Danièle Joly and Zig Layton-Henry

216x138mm 978-0-230-24153-4

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

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Ethnic, Racial and Religious Inequalities

The Politics of International Migration Management

The Perils of Subjectivity

Edited by Martin Geiger, University of Osnabruck, Germany and Antoine Pécoud, University of Paris VII and University of Poitiers, France

Marie Macey and Alan H. Carling both at University of Bradford, UK

This book challenges some of the most basic assumptions underpinning the growing interest in religion, including: that religion is increasing and secularization is decreasing and that religion is the main component of identity for all minority ethnic people. Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Landscapes of Religion or Belief / Religion and Culture Make a Difference / Social Injustices of Religion or Belief / The Trouble with Multiculturalism / The Problem with Religion / Towards Equality of Religion or Belief / Notes / Statistical Appendix November 2010 232pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-24763-5

Migration, Minorities and Citizenship Series Editors: Danièle Joly and Zig Layton-Henry ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

Throughout the world, governments and intergovernmental organizations, such as the International Organization for Migration are developing new approaches aimed at renewing migration policy-making. This book critically analyzes the actors, discourses and practices of migration management. October 2010 Hardback

320pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-27258-3

Migration, Minorities and Citizenship Series Editors: Danièle Joly and Zig Layton-Henry ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

Welfare Theory

Welfare Theory An Introduction to the Theoretical Debates in Social Policy 2nd edition Tony Fitzpatrick, University of Nottingham, UK

This fully updated new edition of a trusted text retains the accessibility of its predecessor while engaging with the potential impact of globalization and the financial crisis. Its comprehensive analysis of the key concepts and theories of welfare makes it core reading for all those studying welfare and the welfare state. Contents: Introduction to the Second Edition / Wellbeing / Equality / Liberty / Citizenship & Community / State, Power & Poverty / Society & Class / Ideologies / Identities / Globalisations / Global Justice & Environmentalism / Concluding Remarks / Notes and References / Index June 2011 Paperback

240pp £19.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-27202-6

Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector Challenges for Practice, Theory and Policy Edited by David Billis, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

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Addressing a key social policy problem, this book analyzes modern voluntary organizations through the lens of a new theory of hybrid organizations, which is tested and developed in the context of a range of case studies. Essential reading for all interested in the future of the third sector. May 2010 Hardback Paperback

288pp £60.00 £21.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-23463-5 978-0-230-23464-2

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INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE SOCIAL POLICY International and Comparative Social Policy Work and Welfare in Europe Series

Care Between Work and Welfare in European Societies

Series Editors: Denis Bouget, Jochen Clasen, Ana Guillén Rodriguez, Jane Lewis and Bruno Palier

Edited by Birgit PfauEffinger, University of Hamburg, Germany and Tine Rostgaard, Danish National Centre for Social Research, Denmark

Working Poverty in Europe Edited by Neil Fraser, University of Edinburgh, UK Rodolfo Gutierrez, University of Oviedo, Spain and Ramon Pena-Casas, European Social Observatory, Belgium

Offering a comparative perspective, this book examines working poverty - those in work who are still classified as ‘poor’. It argues that the growth in numbers of working poor in Europe is due to the transition from a Keynesian Welfare State to a ‘post-fordist’ model of production. June 2011 Hardback

336pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29010-5

This book provides insights into the theoretical framework of ‘tensions’ related to care for children and the elderly. It analyzes if, and under what conditions, welfare state reforms have contributed to strengthening existing tensions, creating new tensions, or relaxing such tensions. June 2011 Hardback

256pp £55.00

Work-Life Balance in Europe The Role of Job Quality Edited by Sonja Drobnic, University of Hamburg, Germany and Ana Guillén Rodriguez, University of Oviedo, Spain

Women in Management European Employment Policy Edited by Colette Fagan, Professor of Sociology and Co-Director of the European Work and Employment Research Centre, University of Manchester UK, María González Menéndez, Senior Lecturer of Sociology and Silvia Gómez-Ansón, Associate Professor of Finance and Accountancy, both at University of Oviedo, Spain June 2011 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29129-4

216x138mm 978-0-230-29344-1

Examining the debate on quality of jobs in Europe, this book focuses on the work-life balance-a central element of the EU agenda. It addresses tensions between work and private life, examining job quality, job security, working conditions and time-use patterns of individuals and households as well as institutional contexts. June 2011 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28949-9

The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms Europa, Europae Edited by Paolo Graziano, Universita Bocconi, Italy, Sophie Jacquot, Centre d’Etudes Europeennes, Sciences Po, France and Bruno Palier, Chargé de Recherches, CNRS, France

This book focuses on the relationship between European integration, its outputs and national institutional and political settings. It explores the political mechanisms through which the EU plays a role in domestic social policy changes. June 2011 Hardback

216x138mm 978-0-230-29643-5

Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe Challenges to Social Citizenship Edited by Sigrid Betzelt, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany and Silke Bothfeld, University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany

This book analyzes in what way activation policies impact on given patterns of social citizenship that predominate in national contexts. It argues that the liberal paradigm of activation introduced into labour market policies in all Western European states challenges the specific patterns of social citizenship in each country. June 2011 Hardback


320pp £55.00

304pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-28954-3

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The Quality of Life and Work in Europe Theory, Practice and Policy Edited by Margareta Back-Wiklund, University of Göteborg, Sweden, Tanja van der Lippe, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Laura den Dulk, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Anneke Doornie-Huskies, University of Utrecht , The Netherlands

Labour Market Flexibility and Pension Reforms Flexible Today, Secure Tomorrow? Edited by Karl Hinrichs, University of Bremen, Germany and Matteo Jessoula, University of Milan, Italy

This book examines the growth of careers outside a traditional standard employment pattern and how those in ‘atypical jobs’ will fare in retirement, analyzing how the interplay between labour market reforms/ trends and pension reforms will affect income security in old age during future decades. June 2011 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-29006-8

Intense globalization, rapidly changing workplaces and family patterns have renewed the international interest in quality of life. This book examines different institutional arrangements, work-place conditions and gendered work and care that affect the conditions for achieving quality of work and life in European countries. February 2011 Hardback

280pp £55.00

Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe

The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe

Edited by Rosemary Crompton, City University, UK, Suzan Lewis, Middlesex University Business School, UK and Clare Lyonette, City University London, UK

Edited by Rik Van Berkel and Willibrord de Graaf, both at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, and Tomáš Sirovátka, Masaryk University , Czech Republic

During the last decade, many European countries introduced extensive reforms to the way that income protection and activation programmes for the unemployed are implemented and delivered. This book analyzes and compares these reforms in nine European countries, focusing on the reforms programmes themselves, as well as on their effects. June 2011 Hardback

272pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-25200-4

216x138mm 978-0-230-23511-3

Social changes including an increase in dualearner families, declining fertility, and growing problems of work-life ‘balance’ are underway as more women, particularly mothers, enter and remain in paid employment. This collection explores this revolution in working practices across Europe.

Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series:

May 2010 Paperback

Hardback: 9780230280267 Paperback: 9780230280274

ebook available from: Myilibrary, Ebook Library, NetLibrary,, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections, Ebrary

288pp £20.99

International Social Policy Welfare Regimes in the Developed World 2nd edition Edited by Pete Alcock, Professor of Social Policy and Administration and Head, School of Social Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK and Gary Craig, Professor of Social Justice, University of Hull, UK

Updating the successful first edition, this book offers an insightful comparative study of welfare provision throughout the developed world. Written by international experts, the book explores policy development, organization, changes and trends. Contents: Introduction and Acknowledgements; P.Alcock & G.Craig / The International Context; P.Alcock & G.Craig / An American Welfare State?; J.Clarke with F.F.Piven / Canada: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?; E.Lightman & G.Riches / Australia: From Wage-Earners to NeoLiberal State; L.Bryson & F. Verity / New Zealand: From Early Innovation to Humanising the Market; J.Davey & S.Grey / The United Kingdom: Constructing a Third Way?; P.Alcock / Sweden: Between Model and Reality; T.Salonen / Germany: A Centrist Welfare State at the Crossroads; L.Leisering / Italy: Still a Pension State?; V.Fargion / Russia: State Socialism to Marketised Welfare; N.Davidova & N.Manning / Japan: Constructing the ‘Welfare Society’; T.Uzuhasi / Korea: Rescaling the Developmental Welfare State; H.Kwon / China: The Art of State and Social Policy Remodelling; K.Lin / South Africa – Transition Under Pressure; F.Lund March 2009 Hardback Paperback

312pp £68.00 £23.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-57319-2 978-0-230-57320-8

216x138mm 978-0-230-27337-5

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The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe

Ageing, Health and Pensions in Europe

Welfare States and Political Opportunities

An Economic and Social Policy Perspective

Edited by Marco Giugni, University of Geneva, Switzerland

This book provides a novel approach to unemployment as a contested political field in Europe and examines the impact of welfare state regimes, conceived as political opportunity structures specific to this field, public debates and collective mobilizations in unemployment politics. November 2010 304pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23616-5

Comparing OECD Countries Heinz Rothgang and Mirella Cacace, both at University of Bremen, Germany Lorraine Frisina, Simone Grimmeisen, Program Officer, Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, Germany Achim Schmid, Dr Claus Wendt, University of Siegen, Germany

Edited by Lans Bovenberg and Arthur H.O.Van Soest, both at Tilburg University, The Netherlands and Asghar Zaidi, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria

Providing an overview of the future research challenges for economists and social scientists concerning population ageing, pensions, health and social care in Europe, this book examines how scientific research can provide cutting-edge evidence on income security and well-being of the elderly, and labour markets and older workers. Contents: Introduction: Ageing, Health and Pensions in Europe; A.van Soest, L.Bovenberg, & A.Zaidi / PART I: INCOME SECURITY OF THE ELDERLY / Adequacy of Saving for Old Age; E.Fornero, A.Lusardi & C.Monticone / Risk and Portfolio Choices for Retirement with Predictable Returns; C.Gollier / Innovative Institutions and Products for Retirement Provision in Europe; L.Bovenberg & T.Nijman / PART II: WELL-BEING OF THE ELDERLY / Socioeconomic and Psychosocial Determinants of Well-being in Old Age; J.Siegrist & M.Wahrendorf / Social Networks; M.Kohli & H.Künemund / Regulation of Subjective Well-being in Older Adults; D.Ferring & T.Boll / Old Age, Health, and Long Term Care; A.Holly / PART III: LABOUR MARKETS AND OLDER WORKERS / The Demand for Older Workers; A.Moreira, B.Whelan & A.Zaidi / Human Capital, Retirement and Pension Saving; B.Jacobs / Labour Supply and Employment of Older Workers; A.van Soest / Policy and Research Challenges for Ageing, Health and Pensions in Europe; A.van Soest, L Bovenberg & A.Zaidi October 2010 Hardback


The State and Healthcare

408pp £60.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-28290-2

Describes developments in healthcare systems over nearly four decades. Combining cross-sectional studies on healthcare financing, provision and policy values with in-depth country studies of Britain, Germany and the USA, this volume is a thorough examination of the convergence toward hybrid forms of healthcare systems. Contents: PART I: THE CONCEPT OF THE STUDY / Introduction to the Book / Conceptual Framework of the Study / PART II: CROSS-SECTIONAL ANALYSES / The Changing Role of the State in Healthcare Financing / The Changing Role of the State in Healthcare Service Provision / PART III: CASE STUDIES / The Role of the State in the British Healthcare System - Between Marketization and Statism / The Self-regulatory German Healthcare System Between Growing Competition and State Hierarchy / The US Healthcare System: Hierarchization With and Without the State / PART IV: CONCLUSION / The Converging Role of the State in OECD Healthcare Systems September 2010 296pp Hardback £60.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-00548-8

Transformations of the State Series Editors: Stephan Leibfried and Achim Hurrelmann ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Political & International Studies Collections

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Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe From Dream to Awakening Barbara Einhorn, Department of Sociology, University of Sussex, UK

‘The book is essential reading for anyone who values the furtherance of equality between all Europeans.’ - Mary Evans, Professor of Women’s Studies, University of Kent, UK This study considers the impact of economic, political and social transformation in Central and Eastern Europe in the context of EU enlargement. Using the lens of gender, this book examines the processes of democratization, marketization and nationalism. This edition includes a new preface and updates statistics throughout. Contents: Acknowledgements / Preface to Paperback Edition / Democratization and Reinvented National Identity: Contradictory Trends? / Issues of Governance: Contested Strategies for Gender Equity / Citizenship in Mainstream Politics: Scaling the Structures / Civil Society or NGOs: Empowerment or Depoliticization? / Family, Nation and Reproductive Politics: Between the Private and the Public / Femininities and Masculinities: Gender Re-presented / Labour Market Access: Persistent Patterns of Inequality / Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe: Towards Gender Equity / Notes / Bibliography / Index July 2010 Paperback

296pp £19.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-27333-7

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections, Dawson ERA, Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

Debating Obesity

Health Policy

Critical Perspectives

Public Health

Edited by Emma Rich, Senior Lecturer, University of Bath, UK, Lee F. Monaghan, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland and Lucy Aphramor, Coventry University, UK

Policy & Politics 2nd edition Rob Baggott, De Montfort University, UK

‘This is, in many ways, a remarkable text in terms of the clarity of the language and the sheer comprehensiveness of the perspectives addressed. It is a work in which one can place a great deal of trust and confidence and serves as the most comprehensive, reliable and authoritative survey of public health from a UK perspective.’ Dr Chris Nottingham, Reader in Contemporary History and Head of Research, School of Law and Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Incorporating the latest developments from the field, this eagerly awaited new edition once again provides an important and comprehensive analysis of the key issues in public health. Exploring the underlying political context and policy processes, this text is core reading for all those interested in the essentials of this area. Contents: Preface / Public Health Concepts and Frameworks / The Historical Context of Public Health / Public Health in the Twentieth Century / Health Strategies in the UK / Public Health in a Global Context / Public Health and the NHS / Public Health Beyond the NHS / Public Health Services / The Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People / Health and the Environment: Pollution and Accidents / Climate Change and Sustainable Development / Food Safety, Security and Sustainability / Diet, Nutrition and Obesity / Illicit Drugs / Alcohol and Tobacco / Socio-economic Factors and Health / Inequities and Inequalities Policy / Conclusion December 2010 512pp Paperback £24.99

This book brings together critical perspectives on some of the recent claims associated with the obesity crisis. It develops both theoretical and conceptual arguments around the obesity debate, as well as taking a more practical focus in terms of implications for the health professions to outline an agenda for a ‘critical weight studies’. Contents: Introduction: Contesting Obesity Discourse and Presenting an Alternative; E.Rich, L.F.Monaghan & L.Aphramor / Does Fat Kill? A Critique of the Epidemiological Evidence; P.Campos / Bodily Sensibility: Vocabularies of the Discredited Male Body; L.F.Monaghan & M.Hardey / ‘You Can’t Be Supersized?’ Exploring Femininities, Body Size and Control within the Obesity Terrain; I.Tischner & H.Malson / Doing More Good than Harm? The Absent Presence of Children’s Bodies in (Anti-) Obesity Policy; B.Evans & R.Colls / Children’s Bodies, Surveillance and the Obesity Crisis; E.Rich, J.Evans & L.De Pian / Fat Lib: How Fat Activism Expands the Obesity Debate; C.Cooper / Helping People Change: Promoting Politicised Practice in the Healthcare Professions; L.Aphramor & J.Gingras / Conclusion: Reflections on and Developing Critical Weight Studies; L.F.Monaghan, E.Rich & L.Aphramor November 2010 280pp Hardback £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-22267-0

234x156mm 978-0-230-53793-4

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Examining Trust in Healthcare A Multidisciplinary Perspective David Pilgrim, Clinical Dean, Teaching Primary Care Trust for East Lancashire, UK, Floris Tomasini, Research Associate, Lancaster University, UK and Ivaylo Vassilev, Research Associate, Teesside University, UK Foreword by Professor Dame Joan Higgins

All of us will need to trust the healthcare system as well as individual healthcare workers at some point. But why do we trust ‘professionals’? Is it unconditional? As practitioners, do we realise the legal, ethical and professional issues intertwined with ‘being trusted’? Read this book for an absorbing discussion of trust. Contents: Foreword; J.Higgins / Introduction / Connotations of Trust / Interpersonal Aspects of Trust / Psycho-social and Psycho-ethical Aspects of Trust / Ethics, Trust and Healthcare / Social Aspects of Trust / Framing Trust in Healthcare through Case Study Analysis / Trust in Systems / Conclusion / Glossary / Bibliography November 2010 240pp Paperback £21.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-53791-0

Configuring Health Consumers

The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare

Health Work and the Imperative of Personal Responsibility

Edited by Ellen Kuhlmann, Goethe-University Frankfurt Main, Germany and Ellen Annandale, University of Leicester, UK

Edited by Roma Harris and Nadine Wathen, both at University of Western Ontario, Canada, and Sally Wyatt, Royal Academy for Arts & Sciences, The Netherlands

This book explores assumptions underpinning contemporary health policy discourses that emphasize personal responsibility for health, consider how they attach to changing information technologies, and discuss their influence on emerging forms of health ‘work’. October 2010 Hardback

288pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-25196-0

‘A 'must-read'... indispensible' - The European Journal of Public Health An authoritative, stateof-the-art reference collection, bringing together international experts to examine the key issues and core debates related to gender and healthcare. A vital resource for a wide range of academics, researchers, practitioners and policymakers. July 2010 Hardback

504pp £120.00

234x156mm 978-0-230-23031-6

Health, Technology and Society Series Editors: Andrew Webster and Sally Wyatt ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections

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Emerging Infectious Diseases and Society

Comparative Health Policy 3rd edition

Peter Washer, formerly at University College, London and Imperial College, UK

‘A meticulous dissection of the threats from infectious disease and our responses to them. The book offers an unusually clear account of how perception of biological reality is shaped by society and culture. Essential reading for plotting the territory between panic and pandemic.’ - Jon Turney, Author of The Rough Guide to the Future In the 1970s it seemed infectious diseases had been conquered, but today global epidemics seem to pose a new, more sinister, threat. This fascinating study explores these new infectious diseases, such as Swine Flu, SARS and AIDS, and the re-emergence of old threats, and discusses their role in society. Contents: Factors in the Emergence of Infectious Diseases / The Conquest of Infectious Disease / AIDS and the End of the Golden Age of Medicine / Modernity, Globalization and Emerging Infectious Diseases / Mad Cows, Modern Plagues and Superbugs / Dirt, Germs and the Immune System / The Bioterrorism Myth / Emerging Infectious Diseases, Security and Global Poverty / References May 2010 Hardback

208pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-22132-1

ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

Robert H. Blank, New College, Florida, USA and Viola Burau, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Review of 2nd edition: 'This is an accessible and informative book... which should be read by anyone interested or involved in health policy development, delivery and analysis and those engaged in any type of comparative analysis.' - Sara Burke, Journal of Social Policy This wide-ranging text assesses the extent to which policy problems and responses in different countries have common causes or spring from specific national circumstances. This fully revised third edition includes details of reforms in Germany and the Netherlands, more examples from Asia, and boxed histories of the health systems covered. Contents: Comparative Health Policy: An Introduction / The Context of Health Care / Funding, Provision and Governance / Setting Priorities and Allocating Resources / The Medical Profession / Beyond the Hospital: Care in the Home / Public Health / Understanding Health Policy Comparatively April 2010 Hardback Paperback

328pp £65.00 £24.99

234x156mm 978-0-230-23427-7 978-0-230-23428-4

New Directions in the Sociology of Chronic and Disabling Conditions Assaults on the Lifeworld Edited by Graham Scambler, University College London Medical School, UK and Sasha Scambler, Kings College London Dental Institute, UK

Bringing together disability theorists and medical sociologists for the first time in this cutting-edge collection, contributors examine chronic illness and disability, disability theory, doctor-patient encounters, lifeworld issues and the new genetics. Contents: Introduction: The Sociology of Chronic and Disabling Conditions; G.Scambler & S.Scambler / Studying the Experience of Chronic Illness Through Grounded Theory; K.Charmaz / Medical Sociology and Disability Theory; C.Thomas / ‘Beyond Models’: Understanding the Complexity of Disabled People’s Lives; T.Shakespeare & N.Watson / ‘Where the Biological Predominates’: Habitus, Reflexivity and Capital Accrual within the Field of Batten Disease; S.Scambler & P.Newton / Discerning Biological, Psychological and Social Mechanisms in the Impact of Epilepsy on the Individual: A Framework and Exploration; G.Scambler, P.Afentouli & C.Selai / Retheorizing the Clinical Encounter: Normalization Processes and the Corporate Ecologies of Care; C.May / ‘Chronicity’, Proto-Stories and the DoctorPatient Relationship; A.Radley / Chronic Illness, SelfManagement and the Rhetoric of Empowerment; M.Bury / Understanding Incapacity; G.Williams / The Biopolitics of Chronic Illness: Biology, Power and Personhood; S.Williams April 2010 Hardback

248pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-22270-0

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HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective

Health Policy in Britain 6th edition Christopher Ham, University of Birmingham, UK

Edited by Mark Davis, Monash University, Australia and Corinne Squire, University of East London, UK

'[T]his excellent ideal material for students of health sciences, social policy and public health as well managers, administrators, public health professionals, and health care practitioners.' - Marisa Lincoln, Journal of Social Policy

This book addresses the governance of the HIV and AIDS pandemic, with reference to the social aspects of technology and the technological mediation of the pandemic in international contexts. Contents: HIV Technologies; M.Davis & C.Squire / Technologies of ‘Participation’ and ‘Capacity Building’ in HIV/AIDS Management in Africa: Four Case Studies; C.Campbell / Technologies of Treatment: Scaling up ART in the Western Cape, South Africa; F.Abdullah & C.Squire / Integrating HIV Treatment and Prevention: Shifts in Community-based Organizing and Biopolitics in the Canadian Context; E.Mykhalovskiy / Parental Communication with Children about Sex in the HIV/ AIDS Epidemic in South Africa: Cultural Appropriations of Western Parenting Expertise; L.Wilbraham / HIV Transitions: Consequences for Self in an Era of Medicalisation; P.Flowers / Anti-retroviral Treatment and HIV Prevention: Perspectives from Qualitative Research with Gay Men with HIV in the UK; M.Davis / Engaging in a Culture of Barebacking: Gay Men and the Risk of HIV Prevention; K.Race / HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and the Complexities of Biomedical Prevention: Ontological Openness and the Prevention / Assemblage; M.Rosengarten & M.Michael / Particularity, Potentiation, Citizenship and Pragmatism; M.Davis & C.Squire / Bibliography February 2010 Hardback


224pp £57.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23819-0

Systematically updated throughout, the sixth edition of this leading text takes the story of health policy to the end of the Blair era and into the early years of the Brown premiership. It offers a clear and thorough introduction to the history of the NHS, its funding and priorities, and to the process of policy making. Contents: The Development of Health Services and Health Policy / Health Policy under Thatcher and Major / Health Policy under Blair and Brown / Financing Health Services and the Rediscovery of Public Health / Policy and Priorities in the NHS / Policy-making in Westminster and Whitehall / Policy-making in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland / Policy-making in the Department of Health / Implementing Health Policy / Auditing and Evaluating Health Policy and the NHS / Power in Health Services / Looking Back and Looking Ahead / Conclusion June 2009 Paperback

368pp £24.99

Foundations of Health and Social Care Edited by Robert Adams, University of Teesside, UK

‘This very comprehensive book is set to become a core text for all Foundation Degree students within the health and social care field. It is written in a very accessible style…I would strongly recommend the book both as a core text for health and social care students and a very valuable resource for tutors and practitioners in the field.’ - Anne-Marie Reid, Programme Leader, Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care, University of Bolton, UK Written specifically for students and practitioners in health and social care taking foundation degrees or further professional qualifications, this book offers a wealth of material on contexts, knowledge bases, skills and practices, as well as dealing with work carried out by those involved in treatment, therapy, advocacy and management. July 2007 Paperback

568pp £27.99

246x189mm 978-1-4039-9886-6

234x156mm 978-0-230-50757-9

Public Policy and Politics Series Editors: Colin Fudge and Robin Hambleton

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Poverty and Social Security

After Council Housing

Understanding Poverty

Britain’s New Social Landlords

3rd edition

Hal Pawson, Heriot-Watt University, UK and David Mullins, University of Birmingham, UK

Few single policies have had a more profound impact on the modern British housing system than the wholesale transfer of public housing to ‘new social landlords’ - primarily Housing Associations. This important text provides a comprehensive account of the causes, processes and consequences of stock transfer. Contents: Modernizing Social Housing / Tracking Stock Transfers / Stock Transfer Motivations and Processes / The Politics of Stock Transfer / Governance and Accountability Consequences / Organizational and Cultural Change in Stock Transfer Landlords / Impact on Housing Stock, Tenants and Communities / ALMOs: Short Term Expedient or Long Term Alternative? / Local Authorities and Housing After Stock Transfer June 2010 Hardback Paperback

360pp £65.00 £24.99

216x138mm 978-1-4039-3514-4 978-1-4039-3515-1

Pete Alcock, University of Birmingham, UK

‘...a clear and comprehensive account of poverty and the policies developed to combat it.’ - Ruth Lister, Loughborough University, UK Contents: PART I: THE CONTEXT OF POVERTY / What is Poverty? / Who is Poor?/ The Causes of Poverty / International Dimensions / PART II: DEFINITION AND MEASUREMENT / Defining Poverty / Measuring Poverty / The Dynamics of Poverty / Social Exclusion / PART III: SOCIAL DIVISIONS AND POVERTY / Gender and Poverty / Racism and Poverty / Age and Poverty / Disability and Poverty / PART IV: THE POLICY FRAMEWORK / The Politics of Poverty / Social Security Policy / Developing Local Anti-Poverty Action / Area-Based Initiatives / Poverty, Inequality and Welfare / Useful Websites July 2006 Paperback

320pp £23.99

234x156mm 978-1-4039-4093-3

Education Policy

Civic Republicanism and Civic Education The Education of Citizens Andrew Peterson, Senior Lecturer in Education, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

‘...a truly excellent book grounded in a deep understanding of the field...’ - James Arthur, Head of the School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK; Editor of the British Journal of Educational Studies This book critically explores civic republicanism in light of contemporary republican political theory and the influence of republican models of citizenship in recent developments in civic education across a number of Western nations. Contents: Foreword / Introduction / The Civic Republican Revival / The Origins of Civic Republican Thought / Civic Obligation and the Common Good / Civic Virtue / Civic Republican Deliberative Democracy / The Expression of Civic Republicanism in Civic Education / A Civic Republican Theory of Civic Education? / Bibliography / May 2011 Hardback

208pp £55.00

Rankings and the Reshaping of Higher Education The Battle for World-Class Excellence Ellen Hazelkorn, Dublin Institute of Technology, Republic of Ireland

University rankings have gained popularity around the world, and are now a significant factor shaping reputation. This book is the first comprehensive study of rankings from a global perspective, making an important contribution to our understanding of the rankings phenomenon. Contents: Introduction and Acknowledgements / Globalisation and Rankings / What Rankings Measure / Impact and Influence of Rankings - The View From Inside Higher Education / Rankings, Student Choice and Recruitment / Rankings and Policy Choices / Reshaping Higher Education / Appendix: Methodology / References March 2011 Hardback

240pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-24324-8

Student Mobilities, Migration and the Internationalization of Higher Education Rachel Brooks, Brunel University, UK and Johanna Waters, University of Liverpool, UK

This book develops a comprehensive understanding of the motivations and experiences of students who choose to study abroad for the whole or part of a degree. It includes case studies of students from East Asia, Europe and the UK, and considers the implications of their movement for contemporary higher education. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction / Policy Context / Mobility of East Asian Students / Mobility within Mainland Europe / International Mobility of UK Students / Geographies of Student Mobility / Student Mobility and the Changing Nature of Education / Conclusion / References March 2011 Hardback

208pp £50.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-57844-9

216x138mm 978-0-230-25194-6

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White Middle Class Identities and Urban Schooling Diane Reay,University of Cambridge, UK, Gill Crozier, Roehampton University, UK and David James, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

This book examines experiences and implications of ‘againstthe-grain’ school choices, where white middle class families choose ordinary and ‘low performing’ secondary schools for their children. It offers a unique view of identity formation, taking in matters like family history, locality and whiteness. Contents: Acknowledgements / Introduction: The White Middle Classes in the Twenty-First Century - Identities Under Siege? / White Middle Class Identity Formation: Theory and Practice / Family History, Class Practices and Habitus / Habitus as a Sense of Place / Against-the-Grain School Choice in Neoliberal Times / A Darker Shade of Pale: Whiteness as Integral to Middle Class Identity / The Psychosocial: Ambivalences and Anxieties of Privilege / Young People and the Urban Comprehensive: Remaking Cosmopolitan Citizens or Reproducing Hegemonic White Middle Class Values? Reinvigorating Democracy: Middle Class Moralities in Neoliberal Times / Conclusion: / Appendix I: Methods and Methodology / Appendix II: Parental Occupations and Sector / Appendix III: The Sample Families in Terms of ACORN Categories / References March 2011 Hardback

224pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-22401-8

Identity Studies in the Social Sciences Series Editors: Margaret Wetherell and Valerie Hey

Innovation, Profit and the Common Good in Higher Education

Education, Asylum and the ‘NonCitizen’ Child

The New Alchemy

The Politics of Compassion and Belonging John Harpur, National University of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

Exploring the current commercialization and innovation policies in higher education, this book examines the way it is being transformed to accommodate business methods. Contents: Author Preface / Series Editor Preface / Prolegomenon / Shopping in the Aula Maxima / Atlantic Mouse Becomes Celtic Tiger / Science and Universities: Shilling for a Living? / Firing up the New Alchemy - The Furnace of Innovation and Profit / Secrets - The Future of the Future University / References July 2010 Hardback

320pp £55.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-53787-3

Issues in Higher Education Series Editor: Guy Neave ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

Education Policy in Britain 2nd edition Clyde Chitty, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK

This text by a leading authority provides a comprehensive but critical assessment of the making of education policy in Britain today covering pre-school and higher as well as primary and secondary education - and taking full account of the impact of devolution. June 2009 Paperback

296pp £21.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-22278-6

Contemporary Political Studies Series Editor: John Benyon

Halleli Pinson, Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Madeleine Arnot, University of Cambridge, UK and Mano Candappa, Senior Research Officer, University of London, UK

‘Based on compelling empirical evidence, this volume offers important insights into the moral integrity of pupils and teachers in the face of hostile immigration policy. It is a vital contribution to current debates internationally on the challenges to the integration of refugee and asylum seeking children.’ - Jo Boyden, Director of the Young Lives Research Centre, University of Oxford, UK ‘This is a bold, sophisticated and impressive book which presents a careful and critical analysis of the position of asylum-seeking and refugee children..’ - David Gillborn, Professor of Critical Race Studies in Education, Institute of Education, University of London, UK Refugees are physically and symbolically ‘out of place’ - their presence forces governments to address issues of rights and moral obligations. This book contrasts the hostility of immigration policy to ‘non-citizen’’ children with teachers’ exceptional compassion and ‘citizen students’ ambivalence in defining who can belong. Contents: Introduction / Globalisation and Forced Migration: Challenging National Institutions / Researching Compassion and Belonging in the Educational System / The Asylum-seeking Child as Migrant: Government Strategies / Devolution and Incorporation: Whose Responsibility? / Countering Hostility with Social Inclusion: Local Resistances / The Migrant Child as a Learner Citizen / Finding Security and Safety in Schools / Britishness and Belonging / The Politicisation of Compassion: Campaigning for Justice / Conclusions April 2010 Hardback

280pp £57.50

216x138mm 978-0-230-52468-2

ebook available from: Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA


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Equity in Education An International Comparison of Pupil Perspectives Stephen Gorard and Emma Smith, both at University of Birmingham, UK

Based on the views of teenagers across Europe and in the Far East, this book argues that we need to reconsider how we judge schools and what they are for. It shows that the treatment of pupils in schools makes more difference to teenagers’ views on society, and on what it means to be fair, than it does to differences in attainment. Contents: Preface / Re-considering What Schools Are For / Querying the Traditional Role of Schools in Attainment / Why Schools Might Matter / Why Teachers Might Matter / The Importance of Listening to Pupils / Listening to Pupils in Different Countries / International Comparisons of Pupil Experiences / The Notions of Justice Used by Different Groups of Pupils / The Experiences of Pupils Educated Otherwise / Identifying the Determinants of Justice / The Practical Implications of Reconsidering What Schools Are For / Appendix / References / Index February 2010 Hardback

216pp £52.00

216x138mm 978-0-230-23025-5

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social Sciences Collections, Myilibrary, NetLibrary, Ebook Library,, Ebrary, Dawson ERA

Social Research Methods and Methodology

Developing Research Based Social Work Practice Joan Orme, Glasgow School of Social Work, UK and David Shemmings, University of Kent, UK

Evidence-based practice is important to all social work students and practitioners. This book provides an informative account of why research matters to good practice and emphasises the importance of being research-minded. Clear, coherent and focused, it is invaluable reading across a range of researchoriented modules in the social work curriculum. Contents: Introduction / PART I: CONTEXT OF SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH / What is Research for? / Understanding Social Research / PART II: PROCESS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH / Ethics and Ethical Approval / Reviewing the Literature / Methodologies and Methods / Statistics and Quantification: How Numbers Help / Samples and Surveys / Talk and Discourse / PART III: IMPLICATIONS OF SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH / Who Owns the Research? / Getting the Message Across / Conclusion May 2010 Paperback

232pp £18.50

Qualitative Research for “Physical Culture” Pirkko Markula, University of Alberta, Canada and Michael Silk, University of Bath, UK

‘It was daunting doing a dissertation for the first time and the 7P approach provided a clear stepby-step guide from start to finish of the project.’ - Sarah, Undergraduate Student, Bath University, UK This book provides a guide to qualitative research methods in the multidisciplinary field of physical culture. Developing an approach based on the ‘7 Ps’ of research this text navigates a pathway through the research process that will be invaluable as a teaching tool and to experienced and inexperiences researchers alike. Contents: Acknowledgments / Preface: The 7Ps of Qualitative Research / PART I: DESIGN / Purpose / Paradigms / Process / PART II: DOING / Practicing Interviewing / Practicing Textual Analysis / Practicing Narrative Analysis / Practicing Field Methods / PART III: DISSEMINATION / (Re)Presentation / The Promise / Conclusion June 2011 Paperback

240pp £19.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-23024-8

Doing a Successful Research Project Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods Martin Brett Davies, University of East Anglia, UK

216x138mm 978-0-230-20045-6

‘This is one of the most clearly written and engaging books for the beginning researcher I have encountered. It is a practical, no-nonsense and encouraging book as well.’ - Elizabeth Watson, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Australia.

Published in association with the British Association of Social Work Practical Social Work Series

January 2007 Paperback

288pp £16.99

216x138mm 978-1-4039-9379-3

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Ethical Decision Making in Social Research

SPSS for Social Scientists 2nd edition

A Practical Guide

Ciaran Acton, Robert Miller, both at The Queen’s University of Belfast, UK, John Maltby, University of Leicester, UK and Deirdre Fullerton, Independent Research Consultant, UK

Ron Iphofen, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Wales, UK

This practical, userfriendly guide examines ethics in research. It helps researchers to manage ethical dilemmas that arise while research is being planned, conducted and reported and includes a unique ‘ethical review checklist’ and ‘risk matrix’, as well as other useful features, to aid ethics in practice.

Contents: How To Use This Book / The Problem of Ethical Decision-making in Social Research / Research Rationale - Justifiable Interventions / Researcher Identification - Professional Integrity and Track Record / Research Quality and Design / Minimizing Harm, Maximizing Benefit / Selecting, Recruiting, Retaining and Releasing Participants / Giving Information and Seeking Consent / Monitoring Safety / Strategies for Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality / Dealing with Vulnerability / Involving Subjects in Research: The Public, Participants, Service Users and Carer Groups / Disseminating Findings / Systems of Ethical Approval and Formal Ethical Scrutiny / Raising Ethical Awareness / Afterword / Ethical Review Checklist / Template for Research Proposals / Glossary of terms / Useful websites / References April 2011 Paperback

272pp £19.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-29634-3

ebook available from: Palgrave Connect Social & Cultural Studies Collections, NetLibrary, Dawson ERA, Ebrary,, Myilibrary, Ebook Library

Social Divisions 2nd edition Edited by Geoff Payne, Newcastle University, UK

Society consists of people sharply divided from one another, living different lives and with distinct identities. This updated and expanded second edition of a successful text explores each of the social divisions. The book includes three major new chapters, on religion, poverty and elites and is written by leading academics in each field.

SPSS is the most popular data analysis computer package in the social sciences, but can be baffling to newcomers. This student-friendly text offers a step-bystep introduction to key statistical procedures and analysis. Using an international dataset (also available online), the book explores the latest version of SPSS for all social researchers. Contents: Preface / Introduction / Orientation / Data Input / Listing and Exploring Data / Data Selection and Transformation / t-test and Hypothesis Testing / Crosstabulation / Multiple Response Sets / Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) / Correlation and Regression / Factor Analysis / Logistic Regression / Loglinear Analysis / Conclusion / Appendix I: The Dataset Variables: A Quick Guide / Appendix II: Your SPSS Dictionary April 2009 Paperback

384pp £23.99

246x189mm 978-0-230-20993-0

March 2006 Paperback

432pp £24.99

234x156mm 978-1-4039-4439-9

Introductory Psychology Tony Malim, sometime Weston-Super-Mare College, UK and Ann Birch, formerly University of Bristol, UK

3rd edition

A major text ideal for those embarking on the study of psychology for the first time, this text is the result of over twenty years of teaching in the area and provides a lively, readable and comprehensive account of the subject.

Sotirios Sarantakos, Charles Sturt University, Australia

A Full Table of Contents is Available at:

Students across social science disciplines will find this book a clear and practical introduction to social research methods.Featuring updates on ethics and feminist research, this second edition delves into pertinent challenges and issues and is ordered clearly to reflect the stages of the research process.

March 1998 Paperback

Social Research

September 2004 496pp Paperback £25.99


Introductory Texts of Related Interest

1024pp £32.99

246x189mm 978-0-333-66852-8

246x189mm 978-1-4039-4320-0

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Counselling Skills in Everyday Life Kathryn Geldard and David Geldard, both in Private Practice, Australia

This book, written clearly in user friendly language, takes the reader stepby-step through a range of skills to help them become a better listener, communicator and helper in their everyday lives, progressing from inviting the person to talk to ending a helping conversation. Using plenty of examples, tips, exercises and sample conversations, the authors show how the skills described can be easily learned by anyone interested in improving their communication and helping skills . Contents: What are Counselling Skills? / Valuing the Person / Inviting a Person to Talk / Skills to Help the Person Continue Talking / Helping the Person to Feel Better / Focusing on the Central Problem / Exploring Possible Solutions / Helping People Deal with Everyday Problems / Managing the Ongoing Relationship / Attending to Your Own Needs November 2002 224pp Paperback £19.99

216x138mm 978-1-4039-0313-6

An Introduction to Psychodynamic Counselling 2nd edition Laurence Spurling, Birkbeck College, UK

The first edition of this book explored the key assumptions, main theoretical ideas and principles of practice behind psychodynamic counselling. With an updated look at evidence-based practice, supervision and the different stages of counselling, this continues to be a key introductory text for counsellors or psychotherapists from all disciplines. June 2009 Paperback

192pp £22.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-57861-6

Basic Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy Series Editor: Stephen Frosh

Study Skills

The Palgrave Student Planner 2011-2012 Stella Cottrell, Director for Lifelong Learning, University of Leeds, UK

This best-selling planner is the complete selfmanagement tool for students. It contains everything students need to organize their information and time effectively, including study skills advice, diary pages, personal finance guidance, timetables, useful contacts and websites, spelling rules, notes pages, bookmark, plastic pocket and maps May 2011 224pp Calendar £9.59 (incl VAT at 20%)

210x160mm 978-0-230-29826-2

Critical Thinking Skills Practical Counselling Skills An Integrative Approach Kathryn Geldard, Child and Family Therapist in Private Practice and Clinical Associate Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia and David Geldard, Counselling Psychologist in Private Practice, Australia

A comprehensive, easy-to-read introduction to personal counselling, this book contains many practical examples of the use of counselling micro-skills, includes client statements for use by trainers in teaching particular skills, explores the processes of change, and describes an integrative counselling process which enables counsellors to make informed choices about which skills to use at particular stages of the counselling process. October 2005 Paperback

320pp £22.99

234x156mm 978-1-4039-4513-6

Developing Effective Analysis and Argument 2nd edition Stella Cottrell, Director for Lifelong Learning, University of Leeds, UK

The second edition of this leading guide helps students to develop reflective thinking skills, improve their critical analysis and construct arguments more effectively. Written by Stella Cottrell, leader in the field with over 1/2 million book sales to date, this text breaks down a complex subject into easily understood blocks, providing easy-tofollow, step-by-step explanations and practice activities to develop understanding and practise your skills at each stage. May 2011 Paperback

280pp £13.99

246x189mm 978-0-230-28529-3

Palgrave Study Skills

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TEACHING AND RESEARCHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Teaching and Researching in Higher Education Universities into the 21st Century

Becoming an Academic Lynn McAlpine, University of Oxford, UK and Gerlese Akerlind, Australian National University , Australia

Series Editors: Noel Entwistle and Roger King This series has been designed to fill an important gap, namely short readable books that bring together research findings, good practice and policy issues at a conceptual level. By including books focusing broadly on issues which range from those affecting the university system as a whole to those concerning specifically teaching and learning, the series offers contrasting perspectives on the current and future situation in higher education in its global setting.

Writing in the Disciplines Mary Deane, Centre for Academic Writing (CAW), Coventry University, UK and Peter O’Neill, Write Now, CETL, London Metropolitan University , UK

Writing in the Disciplines’ (WiD) is a growing field in which discipline-based academics, writing developers, and learning technologists collaborate to help students succeed as subject specialists. This book places WiD in its theoretical and cultural contexts and reports on initiatives taking place at a range of UK higher education institutions. May 2011 Paperback

240pp £22.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-23708-7

This book draws on research in Australia, Canada, UK, and US into the experiences of doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and new academics. Each chapter develops research-informed implications for policy and practice to support developing academics, and concludes with commentaries by early career academics, developers and administrators. October 2010 Paperback

224pp £21.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-22791-0

Learning Development in Higher Education Edited by Peter Hartley, University of Bradford, UK, John Hilsdon, University of Plymouth, UK, Sandra Sinfield, London Metropolitan University, UK, Christine Keenan, Bournemouth University, UK and Michelle Verity, York St John University, UK

This book shows how Learning Development enhances the student experience and promotes active engagement. Written by staff from the UK’s largest collaborative Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), the book includes important insights for everyone interested in supporting student retention, progression and success. November 2010 288pp Paperback £22.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-24148-0

Global Inequalities and Higher Education Whose Interests Are We Serving? Edited by Elaine Unterhalter and Vincent Carpentier, both at University of London, UK

‘...based on genuine scholarship rather than high-class journalism.’ Times Higher Education Examines how higher education has contributed to widening inequalities and might contribute to change. By exploring questions of access, finance and pedagogy, it considers global higher education as a space for understanding the promises and pressures associated with competing demands for economic growth, equity, sustainability and democracy. June 2010 Paperback

344pp £22.99

216x138mm 978-0-230-22351-6

Understanding the International Student Experience Catherine Montgomery, Associate Director for Research, Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Northumbria University, UK

Presents a contemporary approach to the experience of international students in Higher Education. Using empirical and qualitative data, the book explores their social and cultural context and its impact on their learning experience. January 2010 Paperback

184pp £22.99

216x138mm 978-1-4039-8619-1

Please use the following ISBN(s) to order all titles in this series: Hardback: 978-0-230-54497-0 Paperback: 978-0-230-54498-7 To find out more, visit


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INDEX A A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory Howe Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe Betzelt Bothfeld Acton Miller Maltby SPSS for Social Scientists Adams Dominelli Payne Critical Practice in Social Work Adams Dominelli Payne Practising Social Work in a Complex World Adams Dominelli Payne Social Work Adams Foundations of Health and Social Care Adams Social Policy for Social Work After Council Housing Pawson Mullins Ageing, Health and Pensions in Europe Bovenberg Van Soest Zaidi Alcock Craig International Social Policy Alcock Social Policy in Britain Alcock Understanding Poverty Alcohol Advertising and Young People’s Drinking Gunter Hansen Touri Allan Crow Hawker Stepfamilies Allen Young People and Sexuality Education An Introduction to Psychodynamic Counselling Spurling Anti Oppressive Social Work Theory and Practice Dominelli Anti-Discriminatory Practice Thompson Anti-Racist Practice in Social Work Bhatti-Sinclair Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Donoghue Assessment in Social Work Milner O’Byrne Attachment Across the Lifecourse Howe Attachment Theory, Child Maltreatment and Family Support Howe Brandon Hinings Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice Howe

6 30 40 3 3 3 36 7 37 32 31 7 37 17 16 16 41 9 5 26 25 12 5 18 13

B Back-Wiklund van der Lippe den Dulk Quality of Life and Work in Europe Baggott Public Health Banks Ethics and Values in Social Work


31 33 10

Barrett Sellman Thomas Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care 12 Becoming an Academic McAlpine Akerlind 42 Bell Criminal Justice and Neoliberalism 24 Betzelt Bothfeld Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe 30 Bhatti-Sinclair Anti-Racist Practice in Social Work 26 Billis Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector 29 Blank Burau Comparative Health Policy 35 Bovenberg Van Soest Zaidi Ageing, Health and Pensions in Europe 32 Braye Preston-Shoot Practising Social Work Law 8 Brooks Waters Student Mobilities, Migration and the Internationalization of Higher Education 37

C Cantle Community Cohesion 26 Care Between Work and Welfare in European Societies Pfau-Effinger Rostgaard 30 Chatwin Drug Policy Harmonization and the European Union 24 Child Abuse and Neglect Howe 18 Child and Family Welfare Connolly Morris 14 Child Protection Practice Ferguson 14 Childhood and Society Wyness 18 Children and Young People’s Spaces Foley Leverett 15 Children’s Perspectives on Every Child Matters Kellett 14 Chitty Education Policy in Britain 38 Churchill The Troubled Mind 20 Citizenship, Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism Meer 27 Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe Einhorn 33 Civic Republicanism and Civic Education Peterson 37 Communication in Social Work Lishman 5 Community Cohesion Cantle 26 Comparative Health Policy Blank Burau 35 Configuring Health Consumers Harris Wathen Wyatt 34 Connolly Morris Child and Family Welfare 14 The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe Giugni 32

The Criminal Cases Review Commission Naughton Controversies in Drugs Policy and Practice McKeganey Cottrell Critical Thinking Skills Cottrell The Palgrave Student Planner 2011-2012 Coulshed Orme Social Work Practice Counselling Skills in Everyday Life Geldard Geldard Creative Approaches in Dementia Care Lee Adams Crime Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools Hayden Martin Crime Prevention Security and Community Safety Using the 5Is Framework Ekblom Criminal Justice and Neoliberalism Bell The Crisis of Caregiving Mandell Critical Practice in Social Work Adams Dominelli Payne Critical Reflection in Practice Rolfe Jasper Freshwater Critical Thinking Skills Cottrell The Critically Reflective Practitioner Thompson Thompson Crompton Lewis Lyonette Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe

25 23 41 41 4 41 20 24 24 24 17 3 13 41 13 31

D Davies Doing a Successful Research Project Davis Gordon Social Work and the Law in Scotland Davis Squire HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective Deane O’Neill Writing in the Disciplines Debating Obesity Rich Monaghan Aphramor Decision Making in Social Work O’Sullivan Developing Research Based Social Work Practice Orme Shemmings Doing a Successful Research Project Davies Dominelli Anti Oppressive Social Work Theory and Practice Donoghue Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Drobnic Guillén Rodriguez Work-Life Balance in Europe

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39 8 36 42 33 4 39 39 9 25 30

right header INDEX Drug Policy Harmonization and the European Union Chatwin 24

E Education, Asylum and the ‘Non-Citizen’ Child Pinson Arnot Candappa Education Policy in Britain Chitty Effective Communication Thompson Einhorn Citizenship in an Enlarging Europe Ekblom Crime Prevention Security and Community Safety Using the 5Is Framework Emerging Infectious Diseases and Society Washer The Emotionally Intelligent Social Worker Howe Ending the Death Penalty Hammel Equity in Education Gorard Smith Eske My Family A Symphony Ethical Decision Making in Social Research Iphofen Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work Gray Webb Ethics and Values in Social Work Banks Ethnic Citizenship Regimes Maatsch Ethnic, Racial and Religious Inequalities Macey Carling The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms Graziano Jacquot Palier Examining Trust in Healthcare Pilgrim Tomasini Vassilev

in Europe French Working With Disabled People in Policy and Practice

30 19

G 38 38 2 33

24 35 6 25 39 17 40 10 10 26 29 30 34

F Fagan, Menéndez, Gómez-Ansón Women in Management 30 Ferguson Child Protection Practice 14 Ferguson Protecting Children in Time 14 Fernando Mental Health Race and Culture 21 Fitzpatrick Welfare Theory 29 Flax Resonances of Slavery in Race/Gender Relations 26 Foley Leverett Children and Young People’s Spaces 15 Foundations of Health and Social Care Adams 36 Fraser Gutierrez Pena-Casas Working Poverty

Geiger Pécoud The Politics of International Migration Management 29 Geldard Geldard Counselling Skills in Everyday Life 41 Geldard Geldard Practical Counselling Skills 41 Gender and Development Murayama 26 Giugni The Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe 32 Global Inequalities and Higher Education Unterhalter Carpentier 42 Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness Modood Salt 27 Gómez-Ansón, Fagan, Menéndez Women in Management 30 Goode Paedophiles in Society 16 Gorard Smith Equity in Education 39 The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe Van Berkel de Graaf Sirovátka 31 Gray Webb Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work 10 Graziano Jacquot Palier The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms 30 Grief and its Challenges Thompson 23 Gunter Hansen Touri Alcohol Advertising and Young People’s Drinking 17

H Ham Health Policy in Britain Hammel Ending the Death Penalty Harpur Innovation, Profit and the Common Good in Higher Education Harris Wathen Wyatt Configuring Health Consumers Harrison Melville Rethinking Social Work in a Global World Hartley Hilsdon Sinfield Learning Development in Higher Education Hayden Martin Crime Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools Hazelkorn Rankings and the Reshaping of Higher Education Health Policy in Britain Ham

36 25 38 34 8 42 24 37 36

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