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NPA Vancouver
NPA Vancouver (paid ad)
With the growing danger and instability in Vancouver, now is the time to elect an NPA council that will focus on SAFETY, AFFORDABILITY and STABILITY.
There is only one party that has brought stability throughout Vancouver’s history and with its great slate of council, candidates are poised to do it again. This October - elect an NPA council team that will ensure a safe, stable and affordable Vancouver.
Fred Harding was a detective in the West Vancouver Police Deptartment, and prior to that he was a detective with the Metropolitan Police Service of London, from 1984 to 1997. He was part of the investigation team for the Robert Pickton trial. Harding is now a businessman.
Melissa De Genova is currently serving her second term as a Vancouver City Councillor. She brings professional experience working in both private and non-profit housing development to her role at city hall and has consistently worked to make Vancouver a safe, affordable, and familyfriendly city.
Elaine Allan is an industry-leading Executive. As CEO of Skills Canada – BC, she helps build our local economy. With a strong background in technology & business, Elaine hopes to bring her private sector expertise to City Hall. For years, she has been a voice for women at risk on the Downtown East Side.
Cinnamon Bhayani has been a force in our government for over 25 years as an Intelligence Officer and in her current role as the Regulatory Compliance Officer. Her current volunteer work includes being a member of the Vancouver Métis Community Association and the Urban Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Committee.
Ken Charko is a business and community leader in Vancouver, Dunbar, Point Grey and Kerrisdale area. He is the owner and proprietor of the Dunbar Theatre, a staple in the community and an internationally recognized independent theatre. He was also the owner of The Varsity Theatre in Point Grey before it closed and past President of the Hillcrest Community Centre. Ken is the recipient of the Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year award and believes in and invests in Vancouver’s future. He has always been involved in the west side community, and supported small business owners and the arts.
Arezo has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to supporting those within her community and is passionate about making Vancouver safer for all. For more than 13 years, Arezo has worked in some of Vancouver’s largest districts as a leading Crime Analyst. For her efforts, she has received three Chief Commendations from the VPD; Arezo is a strong advocate for small business owners including those who have expressed their frustration with rising vandalism, assaults, and violent shoplifting.
Authorized by Christopher Wilson, Financial Agent financial.agent@npavancouver.ca
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