Remodeling Projects to Kick Off 2016 Do you have a New Year’s resolution? No matter what your long-term or short-term goals are for 2016, one thing is for certain: nothing gives you that “fresh startâ€? feeling like a newly remodeled home. Based on home renovations and designs that have gained popularity in 2015, here are some remodeling trends that are here to stay. 1. Mix Modern & Artisan Goods Newer is not always better. A huge design trend in 2016 is the combination of old and new through eclectic dĂŠcor. Wherever you may shop, EH LQVSLUHG E\ ORFDO ĆQGV ,QWHULRU GHVLJQ JXUX Nate Berkus persistently encourages shoppers to buy locally made and globally crafted goods. Don’t be afraid to mix mass produced goods with vintage and artisanal items.
2. Embrace Natural Minerals ,WèV DOO DERXW WKH WH[WXUH RI LWHPV LQ WKHLU QDWXUDO state, and that’s what consumers crave because it exudes that feeling of authenticity and attractive imperfection. Throughout 2016, you’ll see more and more natural minerals that are incorporated into a room’s layout. These can range from accents like pyrite made bowls to large chunks of quartz.
3. Adopt Sustainability Over the past year, there has been increasing popularity of sustainability in homes. More and PRUH FRQVXPHUV DUH DGRSWLQJ WKH ĂŞ'R ,W <RXUVHOIĂŤ way of life in an effort to make the most out of ZKDWèV LQ UHDFK 7R UHÄ&#x2021;HFW WKLV FRQVLGHU UHF\FOLQJ repurposing, and reinventing different ways to manipulate and creatively reuse decorative items in your home.
4. Softer Color Palette Get ready to see a huge popularity in soft colors this year. Jeanette Holmes, designer with Miller Homes, suggests using restful palettes that embrace shades of blue, green, purple, mushroom and pink throughout your home. According to a recent article in Furniture World magazine, you should expect an overall softening of the color palette.
5. Brass Accents Most notably in the kitchen on focal lighting and hardware, brass is predicted to become one RI WKH PDMRU Ä&#x2020;QLVKHV DV UHSRUWHG E\ D VWXG\ LQ House Beautiful. Old brass that looks more worn will continue to gain popularity in 2016.
Find ways to implement these features in your abode for a fresh start as well as interested homebuyers!
Source: Loretta J. Willis, Designer; Macala Wright
How Homeowners Can Achieve a Listing-Ready Home Want to sell your home quickly and for the best price? Making some VPDOO LPSURYHPHQWV FDQ JLYH EX\HUV WKH EHVW Ă&#x20AC;UVW LPSUHVVLRQ DQG make a world of difference when selling your home.
1. CURB APPEAL 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WKLQJ WKDW EX\HUV ZLOO VHH LV WKH RXWVLGH RI \RXU KRXVH 'RHV WKH RXWVLGH PDNH WKHP want to see the inside? A well kept yard, an inviting porch, a clean driveway â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all increase the likelihood that buyers will want to see more, so start here. Clean up the lawn and the driveway. Touch up or repaint the exterior. Clean gutters and keep the porches swept and inviting. Showing that the exterior of your home is well-kept will lead buyers to the assumption that the home is well-kept in general.
2. CLEAN, DE-CLUTTER AND SIMPLIFY. 'R D GHHS FOHDQ RU KLUH D SURIHVVLRQDO FOHDQLQJ FUHZ WR PDNH VXUH HYHU\WKLQJ ORRNV LWV EHVW Keep carpets vacuumed and beds made. Make the rooms look larger by removing clutter and large furniture. Packed closets and cabinets also lead others to believe there is inadequate storage, so clean those out, too. Make sure to keep all the dishes away, hang clothes neatly in closets, make sure all light bulbs work, and towels in the bathroom and kitchen need to be clean and folded neatly. Help buyers imagine their own things in your home by storing personal items such as photos and knick-knacks.
3. UPDATE 7KLV LQFOXGHV IUHVK SDLQW UHSODFLQJ RXWGDWHG DSSOLDQFHV DQG Ă&#x20AC;[WXUHV LQ WKH NLWFKHQ DQG EDWKURRP ,I LW¡V QRW LQ \RXU EXGJHW WR UHSODFH \RX FDQ DGG QHZ KDUGZDUH RQ FDELQHWV DQG VLQNV ,I \RX FDQ UHSODFH RXWGDWHG Ă RRULQJ RU VWDLQHG FDUSHWLQJ ² RU DW OHDVW KDYH WKHP professionally cleaned. Interior paint is one of the easiest ways to freshen up your home and increase its value. And, while that dramatic purple wall in the dining room may have matched your chairs, it may be hard for buyers to imagine with their furnishings. Use light, neutral colors that make the
rooms look bright and large and that match any decor.
5. INTERVIEW REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ASK THEM ABOUT THEIR MARKETING PLAN FOR YOUR HOME. AIWHU \RX·YH GRQH DOO WKH ZRUN WR JHW LW UHDG\ WR OLVW DQ DJJUHVVLYH PDUNHWLQJ SODQ ZLOO HQVXUH that as many buyers as possible see it. Most agents will list the home in the Multiple Listing Service database, on their website and on their company website. Ask them about also putting it on other top ranked real estate sites. Also, according to the National Association of REALTORS, most buyers move within 11 miles of their previous residence â&#x20AC;&#x201C; so ask about local advertising as well. 7KH VLJQ LQ \RXU \DUG VKRXOG LQFOXGH WKH DJHQW·V LQIRUPDWLRQ 0DQ\ DGG D EURFKXUH ER[ EXW LW·V GLIÃ&#x20AC;FXOW WR NHHS LW IXOO $VN DERXW DGGLQJ D WH[W FRGH WKDW OHDGV EX\HUV WR D PRELOH VLWH for your home that shows more information and photos, so the information is always readily available to interested buyers.
Best Ways to Spend Your Tax Return It’s always a pleasant surprise to get a big chunk of money back on your tax return. How should you spend that money, though? Instead of hitting the mall, where you’ll most likely make an impulse purchase, put that money in a place worth spending. Have you considered these ideas? 1. Update Your Home’s Fixtures. Updating fixtures in your home is another simple, low-cost way to remodel in a small but big way. Replace door handles, hinges, faucets, and light switch plates for an updated look throughout your home. Keeping up with new home design trends will resonate with new homebuyers because you’ll have all the latest styles. 2. Trim and Mouldings Installing crown moulding, baseboards or wainscoting is a sure-fire way to create a more refined look. Your new trim and moulding will add beautiful detail and elegance to your home as well as appeal to all types of homebuyers’ senses. 3. Make Kitchen Repairs Buyers want to be wowed by the kitchen, but that doesn’t mean you have to fork over tens of thousands of dollars to make that happen. Focus on making repairs
that cost well under $500, like tightening a leaky faucet or eliminating burn marks on countertops. For a cheap alternative to repainting your cabinets, consider updating your hardware in a modern finish. 4. Spruce Up the Exterior Your home’s exterior is the first impression for many buyers online and in person. Aside from keeping up with maintenance like mowing the lawn and trimming shrubs, assess the outside of your home for any repair work – a fading front door, cracked siding or a loose step – that needs to be completed before selling. 5. Upgrade the Bathroom Bathrooms can become a point of contention for buyers if they’re not in tip-top shape. Rather than taking on an expensive renovation, make minor upgrades that have an impact. Caulk the tub, re-grout tile, and install new fixtures.
Whether or not you’re getting your house ready to sell, these remodeling tweaks are 屟ƼØ ÏŅŸƋěåýåÏƋĜƴåØ ±ĹÚ ƵĜĬĬ ųåŸƚĬƋ ĜĹ ± čųå±Ƌ ĹåƵ ĬŅŅĩţ ĘåƼ ĵ±Ƽ Æå Ÿĵ±ĬĬØ ÆƚƋ ƋĘåŸå ųåĹŅƴ±ƋĜŅĹŸ ĵ±ĩå ± Ęƚčå ĜĵޱÏƋØ ĵ±ĩĜĹč ƼŅƚų ĘŅĵå üååĬ ĬĜĩå ĹåƵú
The Psychology Behind Paint Colors You look around your home and decide you need a refreshing change. Painting any room in the home is a sure fire way to make it feel new and clean! Before you run to the hardware store and grab the first color that tickles your fancy, put some thought into the color - and some emotion, too. As a matter of fact, proponents of what is referred to as “color psychology” believe that the color of a room in the home is more than just a way to tie in the throw pillows. It’s a matter of emotional wellbeing. So what’s the right hue for you? CONSIDER THE ROOM’S PURPOSE The intended function of a room is a heavy deciding factor on which colors to use. Ask yourself, “What mood do we want this color to set?” Rooms such as an industrious kitchen, well-treaded dining room, or a bustling living room could go in a direction of colors that are thought to draw out conversation, appetites, and energy. According to, the color red seems to stimulate appetite and may be a good choice for a dining room or kitchen, as is yellow. Also, earth tones such as brown or tan stimulate social gatherings because they are warm and inviting, and a great choice for a living room. Then there’s the flip side of stimulation – relaxation. For a bedroom, stick with cool tones like blues, greens, and lavenders. These are thought to reduce stress and promote sleep. Red on the wall of a child’s room could go as far as to lead to restless sleep, so sacrifice the childhood character decor in favor of a cooler hue. DON’T LEAVE OUT LIGHTING Lighting can have a great effect on how the hue is perceived once it’s on the wall. We see several different types of lighting in a house, ranging from fluorescent,
incandescent, and halogen bulbs, to natural sunlight. Depending on the color that the light emits, the paint will either absorb or reflect the light in different ways, thus varying the paint’s shade to the human eye. A color can vary greatly in appearance in two different rooms that receive two different types of light. For this reason, it is suggested to observe the sun’s pattern and take notes before making a decision. For example, if the sunlight flows from the north, this will be a cooler tone of natural light in a room. On the other hand, if the sunlight flows into a room from the west, you could end up with an overwhelming warm tone if you’ve painted your wall red or orange. PERSONAL STYLE MATTERS If color psychology isn’t your cup of tea, then stick with what’s pleasing to your eye. Take your current decor into consideration. Try to pick a color that pulls out favorite designs in your rugs or wall decor. If you grew up with fond memories in a home with specific colors, then stick with those same colors in your home. Your experience with a color can also have an effect on your mood, so do what pleases your paint palette.
Heartfelt Home Design to Impress Your
Who says you have to celebrate love just one day out of the year? Why not every other day, too? Add some romance to your home with some new decorating techniques that will wow your valentine!
We’ll show you how to transform your home into a romantic paradise where love never fades. Here are some DIY home design tips to try:
1. Romantic Furnishings
Add luxury to a room with a chaise lounge or a four-poster bed. With a bed with soft and silky sheets as the focal point of the room, it will radiate with elegance and romance.
2. Soft Lighting
When you want romance in your home, be sure to stay away from bright lights. Lighting should be soft to give off the right vibe. Try installing dimmer switches on lamps and chandeliers so you can easily adjust the brightness to match the room's mood.
3. Fireplaces & Candles The flickering flames from a fire bring out the romance in a room. Fireplaces and candles create subtle light to both invigorate and relax the occupants.
4. Satisfy the Senses Sense of Touch Take advantage of your sense of touch through soft fabrics, bath curtains and the use of velvet or similar materials for upholstered chairs. On lamps, opaque shades will give your skin a beautiful glow and soft, plush towels are a nice touch for a romantic atmosphere.
Sense of Smell Enhance the overall mood in the room with the power of scent. In every room of the house, use scented oils and candles while keeping a subtle smell that is not over-powering. Add ORYHO\ DURPDV E\ SODFLQJ IUHVK FXW ćRZHUV DURXQG \RXU KRPH
Sense of Sight Captivate the sense of sight with lovely artwork of landscapes, sculptures, or still-life paintings. Place delicate vases on dressers or a stack a poetry collection on a piece of furniture to enhance the romantic aura.
Sense of Sound <RX FDQ ĆOWHU VRXQG DQG NHHS QRLVH OHYHOV GRZQ LQ \RXU KRPHèV URPDQWLF VSDFH E\ XVLQJ curtains and soft, plush rugs. Keep the television off or in another room to minimize noise.
Using these home-decorating tips, you can create a romantic and elegant aura throughout your home this Valentine's Day and all year long. As you decorate your home, concentrate on captivating all the senses. Sight, sound, touch, and smell should be used in soft and subtle ways to provide both luxury and tranquility.
If you just purchased an older home, chances are that you have some work to do! After all, just because a home needs a little more love and elbow grease doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not worth it. 7KH WHUP Տࢽ[HU XSSHUŐ UHIHUV WR ROGHU KRPHV WKDW are in need of repairs, maintenance, and possibly some remodeling. You may even get a much better deal on a house purchase by addressing repairs or updates that the previous owner hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t or wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t address.
6R ZKDWŐŠV QH[W" %HIRUH \RX JUDE DOO \RXU EDJV DQG WKH IDPLO\ SHW WR PRYH LQ WKHUH DUH VRPH important factors to consider, which weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll discuss here.
1. Is this your forever home?
3. Tile Tips
In addition to home repairs, there are certain improvements and renovations that are appropriate for the length of time you plan to own and reside in your home. For example, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have much more freedom to select WDVWH VSHFLŕŻ&#x2022;F RSWLRQV LI WKLV LV \RXU ŕŻ&#x2022;QDO KRPH purchase.
Most importantly in bathrooms, you need to XVH D ŕŻ&#x2013;RRULQJ PDWHULDO WKDW UHVLVWV ZDWHU DQG moisture. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t end with buying the tiles, though. You will need to acquire some type of thinset or mortar to attach the tile to the subŕŻ&#x2013;RRU JURXW WR ŕŻ&#x2022;OO LQ WKH FUDFNV DQG VSHFLŕŻ&#x2022;F WRROV LQ RUGHU WR JHW D SURIHVVLRQDO ŕŻ&#x2022;QLVKHG ORRN
On the other hand, if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re living there for only a certain number of years, you may want to consider more classic styles that will stay current in popularity even as years pass. Choose KDUGZRRG ŕŻ&#x2013;RRUV LQ FODVVLF VWDLQV WKDW FDQ EH UHŕŻ&#x2022;QLVKHG EHIRUH OLVWLQJ WKH KRXVH WR VHOO
4. Check above, below, around, and within.
2. Carpet or hardwood? If \RXU ŕŻ&#x2022;[HU XSSHU KDV KDUGZRRG LQ SRRU condition, but only in certain sections, you have the more economical option of only replacing the parts that are damaged. Or, all you may need is to sand down the hardwood and apply a fresh stain. When it comes to carpet, darker colors are always a safe bet because it will mask dirt and stains. Also, darker colored carpet can be cleaned IUHTXHQWO\ ZLWKRXW DŕŻ&#x201D;HFWLQJ LWV RYHUDOO TXDOLW\ and appearance.
According to a recent article by Home Depot, one of the most important steps after purchasing D ŕŻ&#x2022;[HU XSSHU LV WR FKHFN WKH EDVHPHQW EHORZ WKH roof above, the siding around, along with the sewer pipes and HVAC ducts within. These make up the foundation of your home and addressing any issues before moving in will set you on the path of enjoying your new home. At the end of the day, if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re prepared for a ŕŻ&#x2022;[HU XSSHU ZHOO EHIRUH WDNLQJ WKH OHDS WKHQ \RXÖ˘OO XQGRXEWHGO\ UHDS WKH EHQHŕŻ&#x2022;WV DQG UHZDUGV +DUG ZRUN UHDOO\ GRHV SD\ RŕŻ&#x201D; EXW VWLOO QHYHU forget about all the resources at your disposal whenever you need a little extra help or advice. Source: Home Depot; Washington Post; AmeriFirst Home Buyer Learning Center