Palm Beach Day Academy 2021-2022 Health and Safety Plan
Contents 03-06
Upper Campus Health & Safety procedures
07-08 Health & Safety Procedures (all school)
16 Upper Campus Facilities Procedures
Protocol for COVID Exposure Upper Campus Student Life (all school)
10-12 Lower Campus Health & Safety procedures
Lower Campus Facilities procedures
14 Lower Campus Student Life
Introduction •
18 Resources
Introduction The 2021-22 academic year Over the course of the past year and a half, the PBDA community has embraced flexibility, adaptability, and innovation in its approach to supporting students and families during this time of disruption. We cannot thank you enough for being patient and working with us as we continue to seek solutions to the many challenges that the COVID crisis has presented. We ask that all members of the PBDA community continue to work together to support each other during this prolonged time of disruption in the lives of our students, faculty, staff, and parents. As always, the safety and well-being of all members of the PBDA community are at the forefront of our decision-making process. As we have learned over the past 18 months, the conditions of the pandemic are ever-changing. As a result, we must remain nimble and ready to change course at any time. Please keep in mind that the PBDA administration reserves the right to make adjustments to this plan at any point throughout the 2021-2022 academic year. As we have done from the beginning, we will communicate and update you with any pertinent information or changes to the following protocols and procedures.
Introduction •
PBDA MISSION STATEMENT The foundation of Palm Beach Day Academy’s program is the education of our students in an academically challenging and compassion-rich environment that guides each child toward personal excellence of mind, body and character.
At all levels, our students will be:
Challenged to Excel Empowered to Act Prepared to Lead
Introduction Safety This list below is a summary of the multiple updates and improvements made on both campuses since June 2020:
▶ We will require masks indoors for all K-9 students and all faculty/staff, regardless of
vaccination status. Students in Pre-Primary will not wear masks and students in Primary are encouraged to wear masks, but they are not required. Masks are optional for all students and faculty when outdoors.
▶ We will resume our COVID Testing Program for students, faculty and staff
beginning on Friday, September 10. In addition, all faculty and staff will participate in a COVID test prior to the start of school. We encourage all students to take a COVID test before returning to campus for orientations and/ or opening day.
▶ We will no longer be taking a person’s temperature upon entry to school.
Temperature checks will be conducted on an as-needed basis by our staff on both campuses. We ask that parents take their child(ren)’s temperature before departing for school in the morning. Any child who is sick, exhibiting flu-like symptoms, or has recently come into contact with anyone who has recently tested positive for COVID should not come to school.
▶ We will follow the updated CDC social distancing recommendation of 3 feet to the
best of our ability on the Upper Campus; however, on the Lower Campus, due to the age of the students, social distancing will not be enforced.
▶ We are fortunate to employ two full-time nurses at PBDA: Angela Hampton, our
Lower Campus nurse, and Carrie Pateman, our Upper Campus nurse. Please feel free to reach out to either of them at any time throughout the year with questions related to COVID-19 or your child(ren)’s health.
▶ An ionization LED Light Air Purification system, as well as MERV13 HEPA filters, remain installed in all HVAC systems on both the Lower and Upper Campus to improve the quality of the air filtering through the school buildings.
Introduction •
Introduction Safety (cont’d) ▶ We have hired several full-time teachers on both campuses to
maintain our current student-teacher ratios and provide greater flexibility in how we manage class sizes. In certain grades, we have added sections and moved faculty into newly-created classrooms in order to adapt to enrollment growth and the desire to deliver on our model of academic excellence.
▶ There will be a robust hand-washing protocol for everyone throughout the day.
▶ There will be a classroom cleaning protocol throughout the day and a thorough cleaning of both campuses every evening.
▶ We will utilize outdoor spaces for classes, lunch, socializing, and play on days when the weather is conducive to such activities.
▶ Unless it is an emergency or you have a pre-scheduled meeting with a teacher or administrator, all parents will be restricted to the front office/atrium and must wear a face mask upon entering the building.
▶ We are planning to continue operating our morning and afternoon
bus service with guidelines on safe riding shared on page 7 of this document.
Introduction •
Introduction Flexibility We have made incredible progress in how to maintain school operations during a pandemic thanks to the partnership that exists between PBDA and its parent community. Since March 2020, we have communicated, planned, and shared relevant information to ensure the smooth functioning of our academic program. The key to this partnership has been our mutual willingness to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. Though we do not plan on beginning the year with our Distance Learning program in place, we continue to discuss different contingencies should circumstances dictate a change in operation. In reviewing how we managed the past year, we are confident in the ability of our Distance Learning program to provide a viable learning platform should we need to pivot at any point in the academic year. At this point in time, any student who must quarantine will continue with his or her schoolwork through direct communication with his or her classroom teacher(s).
In summary The Health and Safety plan protects our students and faculty through proper protocols and effective modifications to the way we teach and play. This responsible approach to how we operate this year will benefit our community as we remain focused on our students and their academic and social development in a time of disruption.
Introduction •
Health & Safety procedures Hand-washing
Students and faculty will be reminded to clean their hands before entering and leaving a room. Signage for hand-washing protocols have been placed in every restroom on campus. Additional hand-washing dispensers have been installed throughout both campuses.
Isolation Room
A dedicated space on both campuses has been created for students and employees who develop COVID-19 symptoms during the day and need to be immediately isolated before leaving campus.
Bus Transportation
We will provide bus service to PBDA families this year with guidelines in place that will keep both the students and the driver safe. Please visit the Bulldog Den to sign-up for bus transportation, and email Paul Cicio with questions. The following precautions will be taken to ensure safety:
▶ Windows will be kept open whenever possible. ▶ Bus drivers will ensure at least 3 feet of distance between themselves and students. ▶ Bus drivers and all students must wear face masks at all times. ▶ There will be no eating or drinking permitted on the bus. ▶ Symptom screening will be performed by parents prior to boarding the bus each morning.
7 Health & Safety •
Health & Safety procedures
Stay home if you are sick
Safety Measures Before students arrive at school
Parent cooperation is vital before students arrive on campus. Students must be symptom-free to attend school. Parents will take their child(ren)’s temperature(s) at home before they depart for school. A child will not be permitted to participate in school if they exhibit any of the following:
• The student has a temperature reading of 100.4 degrees or higher within the past 48 hours; OR • They have any symptoms of COVID-19: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headaches, sudden loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, unexplained rash or discharge from the eyes.
During the school day
If a student does not feel well and presents with any COVID-like symptoms during the school day, or is found to have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, parents/caregivers will need to return to school immediately to pick up their child. A designated isolation room will be provided by the nurse to separate anyone who exhibits COVID-19 symptoms. The student must be picked up within an hour of being contacted by the nurse.
Communication is of the utmost importance for the safety of our community. If you or any of your family members test positive for COVID-19, please notify our school nurses immediately at: Angela Hampton (Lower Campus) • 561-832-8815 ext. 215 Carrie Pateman (Upper Campus) • 561-655-1188 ext. 114
Health & Safety •
Health & Safety procedures Protocol for covid exposure*
It is important to note that each possible COVID exposure must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Exposed individuals should be encouraged to consult and follow the advice of their healthcare providers or public health department regarding the length of time to stay at home. That being said, in accordance with guidance from the Palm Beach County Health Department, the Florida Department of Health, and the CDC, please adhere to the following protocols: If a student or staff member is exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19 and the student/staff member has been in close contact (defined as less than 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer) with such individual within 48 hours before the onset of symptoms or when the individual tested positive:
1. If at the school at the time this information is learned: (a) the unvaccinated student must be isolated,
and a parent should be directed to pick up the student immediately; and (b) the unvaccinated staff member must leave the campus immediately while simultaneously contacting his/her supervisor to assure adequate coverage. Afterwards, the student or staff member must follow the below protocol depending on vaccination status:
Protocol if unvaccinated
Protocol if vaccinated
▶ Stay home for 5 days and self-monitor for
▶ Self-monitor for symptoms (e.g., check temperature
▶ If symptoms develop within 5 days of
▶ If symptoms develop within 10 days of exposure
symptoms (e.g., check temperature twice a day; watch for fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19). exposure then quarantine and testing protocol is initiated (see #2 below).
twice a day; watch for fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19). If asymptomatic, no quarantine is necessary.
then quarantine and testing protocol is initiated (see #2 below).
2. If any student or faculty member tests postive for COVID-19, he/she must isolate for 5 days from the date of their positive test. He/she may return to campus once he/she is asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours). Upon return to school, he/she must wear a mask for 5 days.
Health & Safety •
* Updated January 7, 2022
Lower Campus Health & Safety Procedures This plan is designed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission on the Lower Campus. General health strategies include face masks, hand-washing, and measures to clean and sanitize.
Face Masks/Shields
Face masks help prevent the dispersion of respiratory droplets.
▶ All teachers, administration, and staff will be required to wear face masks indoors at all times, except when eating or drinking. ▶ During school hours, students in Pre-Primary, due to their age, will not be required to wear masks. ▶ Primary students will be encouraged to wear masks, and students in Kindergarten through Third Grade will be required to wear masks. ▶ Face masks will not be necessary during outdoor activities or while eating lunch or snacks.
Teachers will be understanding and compassionate in enforcing this policy as it is more challenging for younger children to wear face masks consistently. Gaiters or bandannas are not permitted. Face shields are not recommended as a replacement for face masks; however, students will be able to wear a face shield if they are unable to wear a face mask for prolonged periods due to underlying health conditions.
10 Lower Campus •
Lower Campus Health & Safety Procedures Arrival & Dismissal Arrival
Doors open at 7:45 a.m. We will not be offering Early Morning Care. If you arrive earlier than 7:45 a.m. please pull all the way up to the marked sign and wait in your car. Teachers will open the car door and, for safety reasons, all students should exit on the right-hand side of the car.
It is imperative that the PBDA placard with the family’s last name be visible in the car windshield so that PBDA personnel can easily identify each family.
Placard Colors: Yellow: Pre-Primary and Primary students and their K-3 siblings will be dismissed from 2:35 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please use the right pick-up lane. Blue: The remaining K-3 students will be dismissed from 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. The right lane is reserved for yellow placards only from 2:35 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Starting at 2:45 p.m. both lanes will be utilized. We ask that you do not arrive earlier than 2:40 p.m.
11 Lower Campus •
ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL TIMES Pre-Primary and Primary
Arrival: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Dismissal: 2:35 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Half-Day Dismissal: 12:30 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Kindergarten through Third grade Arrival: 7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. Dismissal: 2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Lower Campus Health & Safety Procedures This plan is designed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission on the Lower Campus.
Students will have individual classroom supplies. If any learning materials or supplies do get shared, they will be sanitized between uses. Each classroom will be supplied with cleaning supplies, additional paper supplies and antibacterial wipes for frequent cleaning. Teachers and students will be required to wash their hands often or use hand sanitizer.
Parent visitation
To keep the campus safe for our students, faculty, and staff, we ask that you limit your on-campus visits to pre-scheduled appointments with faculty and administrators, preferably before or after the school day. Those parents who need to come onto campus must wear a mask.
Angela Hampton is our full-time nurse on the Lower Campus. She will be a central point of contact for all health matters at school and can be reached at (561) 832-8815 ext. 215 or at
12 Lower Campus •
Lower Campus Facilities Procedures The Lower Campus will follow proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
Campus Cleaning
Throughout the day, our faculty and maintenance staff will wipe down frequently-touched surfaces and objects including bathroom counters, faucets, banisters, door handles, playground equipment, etc. Each room on campus will be stocked with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. A thorough cleaning of the campus will occur each evening.
An Ionization LED Light Air Purification system as well as MERV13 HEPA filters have been installed in all air conditioning units to improve the ventilation system.
There will be hand-washing stations and washing strategies in place. Students and employees will be reminded to use soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before and after eating, or after blowing the nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer stations will be located in every classroom and throughout the campus.
Bus Transportation
Please see page 7 for details on this year’s transportation protocol.
Fire Drills
Fire/Lockdown/Evacuation Drills will be conducted regularly. All faculty, staff and students will wear masks during these drills.
13 Lower Campus •
Lower Campus Student Life Enrichment
The Lower Campus will offer a variety of after-school enrichment opportunities for children who are eager to discover and explore new interests.
Aftercare will be offered daily when school is in session from 3:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m. Please note, there will be no Aftercare on Early Dismissal days. Please contact Linda Merman for more information.
Masks are optional for all students when outdoors during recess, P.E., or athletics. In order to confirm that you are supportive of this mask optional outdoor opportunity for your K-9 child, please review and sign the Athletic Waiver in your Bulldog Den account.
14 Lower Campus •
Upper Campus Health & Safety Procedures This plan is designed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission on the Upper Campus.
Students will arrive on campus no earlier than 7:20 a.m. Students may exit the car at any place on the north side of Seaview Avenue.
Students will dismiss from their last period class. Two placards will be mailed to all families. It is imperative that the PBDA placard with the family’s last name be visible in the car windshield so that PBDA personnel can easily identify each family.
Face masks & Shields
Face masks are required by all students, faculty, staff, and visitors on the Upper Campus. Masks must be on as soon as the student is dropped off each morning. Face masks will be worn in classrooms, in the hallways, in the bathrooms, and during dismissal. Face masks may be removed to eat, drink, when outside, and during athletics and P.E. Masks must cover the nose and mouth. Mask logos and designs should be school appropriate and must not distract from the learning environment. Gaiters or bandannas are not permitted. A student may opt to wear a face shield, but a mask underneath is required.
15 Upper Campus •
Parents & Visitors
To keep the campus safe for our students, faculty, and staff, we ask that you limit your on-campus visits to pre-scheduled visits with faculty and administrators, preferably before or after the school day. Those parents who need to come onto campus must wear a mask.
Carrie Pateman is our full-time nurse on the Upper Campus. She will be a central point of contact for all health matters at school and can be reached at (561) 655-1188 ext. 114 or at
Upper Campus Facilities Procedures The Upper Campus will follow proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
Campus Cleaning
Throughout the day, our faculty and maintenance staff will wipe down frequently-touched surfaces and objects including bathroom counters, faucets, banisters, door handles, playground equipment, etc. Each room on campus will be stocked with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. A thorough cleaning of the campus will occur each evening.
An Ionization LED Light Air Purification system as well as MERV13 HEPA filters have been installed in all air conditioning units to improve the ventilation system.
Each classroom will be supplied with cleaning supplies, additional paper supplies and antibacterial wipes for frequent cleaning of classroom supplies and equipment. Teachers, staff, and students will be required to wash their hands often or use hand sanitizer.
16 Upper Campus •
Bus Transportation
Please see page 7 for details on this year’s transportation protocol.
Fire Drills
Fire/Lockdown/Evacuation Drills will be conducted regularly. All faculty, staff and students will wear masks during these drills.
Upper Campus
Student life Enrichment
After-school library
Rec Center
The Upper Campus will offer a variety of after-school enrichment opportunities for students who are eager to discover and explore new interests. Please note that courses that are under-enrolled may not run.
Students may sign out to use the Palm Beach Rec Center (permission form on Bulldog Den). Please know that once the student signs out to visit the Rec Center, the student may not return to any part of the campus for any reason. Please contact the Rec Center to learn more about their COVID-19 rules and regulations.
17 Upper Campus •
While the goal is to have the campus cleared by 3:00 p.m., some families are unable to arrive on campus before 4:00 p.m. We will open the Wean Library until 4:00 p.m. each day and space will be limited.
Masks are optional for all students when outdoors during recess, P.E., or athletics. In order to confirm that you are supportive of this mask optional outdoor opportunity for your K-9 child, please review and sign the Athletic Waiver in your Bulldog Den account.
Resources We request that all families continue to check the following websites and resources on a frequent basis in order to remain up-to-date with latest information regarding COVID-19.
GENERAL Center for Disease Control (CDC) World Health Organization Florida Department of Health Palm Beach County COVID-19
18 Resources •
Palm Beach Day Academy
Lower Campus: Age 2 - Grade 3 • 1901 South Flagler Dr., West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Upper Campus: Grades 4 - 9 • 241 Seaview Ave., Palm Beach, FL 33480
561.832.8815 •