Palm Coast Observer Election Guide August 2016

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AUGUST 4, 2016









(Vote for up to Nine) Albert Edgar Cordwell REP Gregory Davis REP William X. Forget REP Gregory L. Hansen REP Joseph R. Kubasky REP States Senator United States States Senator Senator FrankUnited J.United Meeker REP forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) John Mohan(Vote REP Michael P.Carlos Randazzo o Carlos Beruff o o Carlos Beruff Beruff REP REP REP REP Mark D.Ernie Shaffer REP REP o Ernie Rivera o o Ernie Rivera Rivera REP REP Raymond A. Rubio Staba o Marco o o Marco Marco Rubio Rubio REP REP REP REP James Randall Stapleford REP o Dwight Mark Anthony Young REP o o Dwight Dwight Mark Mark Anthony Anthony Young Young REP REP Robert W. Upegrave REP Larry K. White REP Representative InIn Congress Representative Representative In Congress Congress


District 6 66 District District


Precinct 2121 Precinct Precinct 21 Precinct Committeeman Precinct Precinct Committeeman Committeeman PARTY OFFICES

(Vote forfor up to Six) (Vote (Vote forup upto toSix) Six) State Committeeman o Vincent Davis REP o o Vincent Vincent Davis Davis REP REP (Vote for One) o Lino Alphonso Giovannetti REP o o Lino Lino Alphonso Alphonso Giovannetti Giovannetti REP REP o George Grech REP o o George George Grech Grech REP REP o Dan Parham DEM o Martin REP o o Martin Martin Marrero Marrero REP REP o Paul J.Marrero Tetreault DEM Sean M.M. O’Brien REP o o Sean Sean M.O’Brien O’Brien REP REP REP REP REP o Robert E.E. Sgroi REP o o Robert Robert E.Sgroi Sgroi REP REP REP REP REP o State Committeewoman Andrew Leo Shirvell o o Andrew Andrew Leo Leo Shirvell Shirvell REP REP REP REP REP REP o (Vote for One) oVOTERS C. SueIN Hecht DEM PRECINCT 2323 ONLY VOTERS VOTERS IN IN PRECINCT PRECINCT 23 ONLY ONLY o Constance Parham DEM

DEMOCRATIC BALLOT DEMOCRATIC DEMOCRATIC BALLOT BALLOT United States Senator United United States States Senator Senator (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One)

Show Your ID. o Roque “Rocky” DeDe LaDe Fuente DEM o o Roque Roque “Rocky” “Rocky” La La Fuente Fuente DEM DEM

o Alan Grayson DEM o o Alan Alan Grayson Grayson each voter DEM DEM Florida Law requires to o Pam Keith DEM o o Pam Pam Keith Keith DEM DEM present both photo and signature o Reginald Luster o o Reginald Reginald Luster Luster DEM DEM identification at the polls: DEM o Patrick Murphy DEM o o Patrick Patrick Murphy Murphy DEM DEM • Florida Driver’s License by DHSMV) • Representative Florida ID cardIn(issued Congress Representative Representative In InCongress Congress • U.S. Passport District 6 66 District District • Debit (Vote or(Vote Credit Card forfor One) (Vote for One) One) •o Military ID(Bill) orMcCullough Student ID William (Bill) DEM o o William William (Bill) McCullough McCullough DEM DEM •o Retirement Center or DEM Jay McGovern o o Jay Jay McGovern McGovern DEM DEM Neighborhood Association ID o George Pappas DEM o o George George Pappas Pappas DEM DEM Dwayne L. L. Taylor •o Public Assistance o o Dwayne Dwayne L.Taylor TaylorID DEM DEM DEM • Veteran Health Identification Sheriff Sheriff bySheriff USDVA) Card (issued (Vote for One) (Vote (Vote for forOne) One) • Florida Concealed Weapon o Larry D. Jones DEM o oLarry LarryD.D.Jones Jones DEM DEM License o Jim Manfre o o Jim Jim Manfre Manfre DEM DEM • Government EmployeeDEM Identification Card Supervisor OfOf Elections Supervisor Supervisor OfElections Elections Expired ID’s will not beContest accepted. Universal Primary Universal Universal Primary Primary Contest Contest

o Scott DuPont

Vote Aug. 30

o Milissa Holland



Yo o Ronald Radford 7th Judicial Circuit, Da Group 13 Senator United States United United States States Senator Senator Supervisor OfOf Elections Supervisor Supervisor OfElections Election City ofUniversal Palm Coast (Vote forfor One) (Vote One) (Vote (Vote for forOne) One) Primary Contest Universal Universal Primary Primary Contes Conte qu Council Member (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) David Hood o Augustus Invictus LPF o o Augustus Augustus Invictus Invictus LPF LPF District 1 A. “Kathleen” o Paul Stanton McNeilly LPF o oPaul PaulStanton Stanton


o Kaiti Lenhart o o Kaiti Kaiti Lenhart Lenhart (Vote for One)

REP RER o Kimble Medley o o Kimble Kimble Medley Medley REP RER Robert Cuff o Abra Seay REP o o Abra Abra Seay Seay RER Troy DuBose Sims E. Jones Circuit Judge, Circuit Circuit Judge, Judge, If Arthur McGovern Jr 7th Judicial Circuit, 7th 7th Judicial Judicial Circuit, Circuit,


Circuit Judge, Supervisor OfOf Elections Supervisor Supervisor OfElections Elections o 7th Judicial Circuit, Universal Primary Contest Universal Universal Primary Primary Contest Contesto o Group 17 (Vote for One) (Vote (Vote for forOne) One) o (Vote for One) o Kaiti Lenhart REP o o Kaiti Kaiti Lenhart Lenhart REP REP th Group 4 44 o Linda L.Medley Gaustad Group Group o Kimble REP o o Kimble Kimble Medley Medley REP REP City of Palm Coast (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote for One) One) un o Howard O. McGillin Jr o Abra Seay REP o o Abra Abra Seay Seay REP REP Council Member re o Chris France o o Chris France France District 3Chris School Board o Sebrina L. L. Slack o o Sebrina Sebrina L.Slack Slack (Vote for One) LIBERTARIAN WILL LIBERTARIAN LIBERTARIAN BALLOTS BALLOTS WILL WILL DistrictBALLOTS 3 o Stasia Warren o o Stasia Stasia Warren Warren o Nick Klufas ALSO INCLUDE NONPARTISAN (Vote forALL One) ALSO ALSO INCLUDE INCLUDE ALL ALL NONPARTISAN NONPARTISAN Judge, RACES AND ISSUES. Circuit Circuit Judge, Judge, RACES RACES AND AND ISSUES. ISSUES. o Anita MoederCircuit o Colleen Conklin o Pam Richardson 7th Judicial Circuit, 7th 7th Judicial Judicial Circuit, Circuit, o Jason Sands


(Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) Precinct 23 o Fred Costello o o Fred Fred Costello Costello Precinct Committeewoman o Ron Desantis o o Ron Ron Desantis Desantis (Vote for up to Nine) o G.G. G.G.G. Galloway o o G.Galloway Galloway o Rosetta Clevenstine REP Sheriff Sheriff Sheriff o Margaret Ann Cordwell REP forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) o In-Sook Yum(Vote Forget REP Precinct 2323 Precinct Precinct 23 o Ruth Hake Gordon o Donald Fleming o o Donald Donald Fleming Fleming REP REP REP REP DEMOCRATIC Group 1010 Group Group 10 To Precinct Committeeman Precinct Precinct Committeeman Committeeman BALLOTS WILL o Linda J. Hansen REP REP o John Lamb (Vote forfor One) o o John John Lamb Lamb REP REP (Vote (Vote for One) One) (Vote for up to Nine) (Vote (Vote for for up up to to Nine) Nine) No. 4 ALSO INCLUDE ALL NONPARTISAN wh o Maureen Kubasky o Jerry O’Gara o o Jerry Jerry O’Gara O’Gara REP REP REP REP o Malcolm Anthony o o Malcolm Malcolm Anthony Anthony Constitutional Amendment o Albert Edgar Cordwell REP o o Albert Albert Edgar Edgar Cordwell Cordwell REP REP RACES AND ISSUES. an o Debra Meeker REP REP o Rick Staly o o Rick Rick Staly Staly REP REP Article VII, Sections 3 And 4o o Scott DuPont o Scott Scott DuPont DuPont o Gregory Davis REP o o Gregory Gregory Davis Davis REP REP o Susan C.Mark Moya o Mark Whisenant o o Mark Whisenant WhisenantREP REP REP REP liv Article XII, Section 34 o William X.X. Forget REP o o William William X.Forget Forget REP REP o Anne-Marie Shaffer REP REP o Chris Yates o o Chris Chris Yates Yates REP REP Circuit Judge, Circuit Circuit Judge, Judge, of o Gregory L. L. Hansen o o Gregory Gregory L.Hansen Hansen REP REP REP Solar Devices or Renewable Energy Source Devices; o Linda Sims REP 7th Judicial Circuit, 7th 7th Judicial Judicial Circuit, Circuit, o Joseph R. Kubasky REP o o Joseph Joseph R. R. Kubasky Kubasky REP REP Exemption From Certain Taxation and Assessment Fl (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) o Jill Sommer REP Supervisor OfIN Elections Supervisor Supervisor Of OfTHIS Elections Elections Group 1313 Group Group 13 o Frank J. Meeker REP o o Frank Frank J. J. Meeker Meeker REP REP ERED VOTER MAY VOTE ELECTION. ALL REGISTERED VOTERS, REGARDLESS OF PARTY AFFILIATION, MAY VOTE ON ISSUES, Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to authorize the o Patricia K. StabaPrimary REP o Kaiti Lenhart REP Universal Contest o o Kaiti Kaiti Lenhart Lenhart REP REP Universal Universal Primary Primary Contest Contest o (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote for One) One) to John Mohan REP o o John Mohan Mohan ELECTION. REP REP STSo AND NONPARTISAN CANDIDATES DURING AJohn PRIMARY SOME RACES WILL BE DECIDEDREP IN THIS ELECTION. Legislature, by general law, to exempt from ad valorem taxation the Joanne Updegrave REP o Kimble Medley (Vote forfor One) o o Kimble Kimble Medley Medley REP REP (Vote (Vote for One) One) o David Hood o o David David Hood Hood Michael P. P. Randazzo o o Michael Michael P.Randazzo Randazzo REP REP in the county may vote early. Anyo registered and eligibleREP voter assessed value of solar or renewable energy source devices subject o Patricia H. Wade o Abra Seay REP o o Abra Abra Seay Seay REP REP o Kaiti Lenhart o o Kaiti Kaiti Lenhart Lenhart REP REP REP REP o o A. “Kathleen” McNeilly o o A. A. “Kathleen” “Kathleen” McNeilly McNeilly Mark D. Shaffer REP o o Mark Mark D. D. Shaffer Shaffer REP REP Florida Law requires each voter to Florida Law Law requires requires each each voter voter to toFlorida tangible personal property tax, and to to authorize the Legislature, by o Nikki White o Kimble Medley o o Kimble Kimble Medley Medley REP REP REP REP o Raymond A.A. Staba o o Raymond Raymond A.Staba Staba REP REP REP present both and signature present present both both photo photo and and signature signature general law, tophoto prohibit consideration of such devices in assessing PARTY OFFICES PARTY PARTY OFFICES OFFICES Early Voting Dates & Times: o Abra Seay REP o o Abra Abra Seay Seay REP REP Circuit Judge, Circuit Circuit Judge, Judge, o James Randall Stapleford REP o o James James Randall Randall Stapleford Stapleford REP REP VOTERS IN PRECINCT 27 ONLY identification polls: the value of atreal property for ad valorem taxation purposes. identification identification atthe atthe the polls: polls: 7th Judicial Circuit, 7th 7th Judicial Judicial Circuit, Circuit, o Robert W.W. Upegrave o o Robert Robert W.Upegrave Upegrave REP REP REP amendment takes effect January 1, 2018, and expires on State Committeeman State State Committeeman Committeeman United Group 171717 Ca School Board Supervisor Of Elections MONDAY SATURDAY Group Group United States •This Driver’s License Board OfSenator County ••Florida Florida Florida Driver’s Driver’s License License Board Board Of OfCounty County o Larry K.K. White REP o o Larry Larry K.States White White Senator REP REP Precinct 27 December (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) (Vote for One) (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote for One) One) to District 531,ID2037. Universal Primary Contest (Vote for One) Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners (issued by by DHSMV) •• (issued (issued by DHSMV) DHSMV) •Florida Florida Florida IDcard IDcard card Precinct Committeewoman o Dan Parham DEM o o Dan Dan Parham Parham DEM DEM (Vote for One) o Yes (Vote for One) District 1 District District 1 1 VOTERS IN PRECINCT 23 ONLY o Augustus Invictus LPF VOTERS VOTERS IN IN PRECINCT PRECINCT 23 23 ONLY ONLY (Vote“Rocky” for upDetoLaSix) • ••U.S. Passport o Linda L. L. Gaustad U.S. U.S. Passport Passport o o Linda Linda L.Gaustad Gaustad vo o Roque Fuente DEM o Paul J. Lenhart Tetreault DEM o o Paul Paul J. J.Tetreault Tetreault REP DEM DEM o No (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) o Paul Stanton LPF o Paul Anderson o Howard O.O. McGillin Jr JrJr o o Howard Howard O.McGillin McGillin o Kaiti • Debit or Credit Card oKay Alan Grayson DEM • • Debit Debit or or Credit Credit Card Card o Afonso REP pr Precinct 23 Precinct Precinct 23 23 - 6:00 p.m. o Maria P. Barbosa Each day 10:00 a.m. o Kimble Medley REP o Pam Keith DEM o Charles F. F. Ericksen Jr JrJr REP o o Charles Charles F.Ericksen Ericksen REP REP Precinct • ••Military IDIDor IDIDID Military Military IDorStudent orStudent Student o Beverley Ann Kronen REP Committeewoman Precinct Precinct Committeewoman Committeewoman PREPARE NOW TO BE ELECTI State Committeewoman State State Committeewoman Committeewoman NONPARTISAN RACES AND ISSUES School Board Supervisor Of Elections School School Board Board yo A.Retirement Demers o Abra Seay REP o Sharon oJanet Reginald Luster DEMREP o Ken Mazzie o o Ken Ken Mazzie Mazzie REP REP • ••Retirement Center ororor o O. McDonald REP Retirement Center Center including weekend days. (Vote for up to Nine) (Vote (Vote for for up up to to Nine) Nine) (Vote for One) (Vote (Vote for for One) One) District 3 33 District District Universal Primary Contest o Myra Middleton Valentine oKathleen Patrick Murphy DEMREP o Dan Potter WILLAssociation APPEAR ON ALL o o Dan Dan Potter Potter REP REP o McKenna REP Neighborhood IDIDBALLOTS. Neighborhood Neighborhood Association Association ID o Rosetta Clevenstine o o Rosetta Rosetta Clevenstine Clevenstine REP REP (Vote forfor One) SOME RACES WILL BE DE (Vote (Vote for One) One) (Vote for One) REP o C.C. Sue Hecht DEM Circuit Judge, o o C. Sue Sue Hecht Hecht DEM DEM o Priscilla Netts REP • ••Public Assistance IDIDID Public Public Assistance Assistance o Margaret Ann Cordwell REP o o Margaret Margaret Ann Ann Cordwell Cordwell REP REP Early Voting Locations: 7th Judicial Circuit, o Constance Parham DEM InOf Congress o oConstance ConstanceParham Parham DEM DEMCITY • Colleen Conklin o o Colleen Colleen Conklin Conklin Board Of County Board Board OfCounty County oRepresentative Ellen Stanford REP o Kaiti Lenhart REP OF PALM COAST Health Identification ••Veteran Veteran Veteran Health Health Identification Identification o o In-Sook Yum Forget o o In-Sook In-Sook Yum Yum Forget Forget REP REP REP Group 4 District 6 o Jason Sands o o Jason Jason Sands Sands Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners o Pauline Waldt REP o Kimble Medley REP VOTERS ONLY (issued by by USDVA) Card (issued (issued by USDVA) USDVA) This is your Official Sample Ballot Card Card o Ruth Hake Gordon REP o o Ruth Ruth Hake Hake Gordon Gordon Public REP REPLibrary DEMOCRATIC (Vote for One) Flagler County (Vote District forDistrict One) BALLOTS WILL 3 3REP DEMOCRATIC DEMOCRATIC BALLOTS BALLOTS WILL WILL District 3 o Lee A. Willman o Abra Seay REP • Florida Concealed Weapon • • Florida Florida Concealed Concealed Weapon Weapon o Linda J. Hansen REP o o Linda Linda J. J. Hansen Hansen REP REP EREDo VOTER MAY VOTE IN THIS ELECTION. ALL REGISTERED VOTERS, REGARDLESS OF PARTY AFFILIATION, MAY VOTE ON ISSUES, August 30, 2016. o Chris France (Vote forfor One) At the corner of Belle Terre & Palm Coast Parkway (Vote (Vote forOne) One) N William (Bill) McCullough DEM ALSO INCLUDE ALL NONPARTISAN CITYAny OF PALM COAST RACES ALSO ALSO INCLUDE INCLUDE ALL ALL NONPARTISAN NONPARTISAN eligible and registeredonvoter in Flagler CountyThis maysampl choos License License License o Maureen Kubasky REP o o Maureen Maureen Kubasky Kubasky REP REP o Sebrina L. Slack STS AND NONPARTISAN CANDIDATES DURING A PRIMARY ELECTION. SOME RACES WILL BE DECIDED IN THIS ELECTION. Constitution Constitutio Constitut advance of the election to give you o Jay McGovern DEM ARE NONPARTISAN AND WILL VOTERS IN PRECINCT 29 ONLY o Jason France REP o o Jason Jason France France REP REP o 2500 Palm Coast Parkway Palm Coast RACES AND ISSUES. RACES RACES AND AND ISSUES. ISSUES. LIBERTARIAN BALLOTS WILL during every election and are among the first results availab • ••Government Employee Government Government Employee Employee Debra Meeker REP o o Debra Debra Meeker Meeker REP REP N.W. in o Stasia Warren Article Se Article Article VII, VI APPEAR ON ALL BALLOTS FOR oo George Pappas David C.C. Sullivan o o David David C.Sullivan Sullivan DEMREP REP REP o and issues. Iaddress encourage you toVII, tak Susan C.C. Moya REP ALSO INCLUDE ALL o o Susan Susan C.Moya MoyaNONPARTISAN REP REP Identification Card Identification Identification Card Card Precinct 29 You must provide an accurate mailing at the time ofX Article XII Article Article PALM COAST VOTERS ONLY o Dwayne L. Taylor DEM Palm Coast Community o Anne-Marie Shaffer REP toSIGNED use as abyreference. o o Anne-Marie Anne-Marie Shaffer Shaffer REP REP Center Circuit Judge, Precinct Committeeman RACES AND ISSUES. submitted in WRITING and the voter. Use the form Expired ID’s will not bebe accepted. Expired Expired ID’s ID’s will will not not be accepted. accepted. Solar Devices oror Renewa Solar Solar Devices Devices orRenew Rene Board Of County Board Board Of Of County County EARLY VOTING o Linda Sims REP o o Linda Linda Sims Sims REP REP At the corner of Clubhouse Drive & Palm Coast Parkway 7th Judicial Circuit, (Vote forSheriff up to Five) Exemption From Certain Exemption Exemption From From Certa Cer Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners City of Palm Coast o JillJill Sommer REP o o JillSommer SommerCoast Parkway REP REP N.E. in Palm Coast This sample ballot the ballot Group 10 A Vote By Mail request is not permanent. Stateshows law allows for a 305 Palm o David Ashman (Vote forDistrict One) United States Senator District 5 5REP District 5 Mayor School Board Supervisor OfOne) Elections United States Senator The lists of candidates on Proposing an amendment to o Patricia K. Staba REP Proposing Proposing an an amendment amendment to o o Patricia Patricia K. K. Staba Staba REP REP (Vote for and polling location are shownDay. ontothe yIt received in5the Elections Office by 7:00 p.m. on Election o REP (Vote for One) REP (Vote forfor One) (Vote forOne) One) oDave LarryBull D. Jones DEM District Universal Primary Contest this page areLegislature, spliced togeth(Vote for(Vote One) (Vote for One) by general law, to e o Joanne Updegrave Legislature, Legislature, by by general general law, law, to o o Joanne Joanne Updegrave Updegrave REP REP o Malcolm Anthony o Richard DeMatteis REP Flagler County ofAny Elections Office you voted and did not update your r delivery byvote the US Postal Service. o Jim Manfre DEM (Vote for One) er from the official sample (Vote and for One) registered eligible voter ininclass the county may early. Any registered registered and and eligible eligible voter voter inthe the county may may vote vote early. early. assessed value of of solar or renew Patricia H.H. Wade REP o Augustus Invictus LPF o Denise Calderwood assessed assessed value value ofsolar solar or orrenre o Patricia Patricia H. Wade Wade Supervisor REP REP Any o o Denise Denise Calderwood Calderwood REP REP o o John R.county Brady oBob Roque “Rocky” De La FuenteREP DEMREP o Scott DuPont o Hamby ballot, which is produced by the phone. Your precinct numb In the Government Services Mail ballots may also over be personally to to tangible personal property tax, Nikki White REP o Paul Stanton LPF o Donald O’Brien totangible tangible personal personal property property ta o Nikki Nikki White White REP REP Building o o Donald O’Brien O’Brien REP REP REP o oPaul Milissa Holland Anderson o Kaiti Lenhart REP o oRonald Alan Grayson DEMREP o J.Donald Herman the Supervisor of Elections Supervisor Of Elections general law, to prohibit consider o Dennis McDonald general general law, law, to to prohibit prohibit consid cons o Maria P. Barbosa o Kimble Medley REP o Pam Keith DEM returned to the Elections Office during 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2, Ste. 101 in Bunnell Early Voting Dates & Times: Early Early Voting Voting Dates Dates & & Times: Times: Circuit Judge, o Paul C. Pershes REP Office. Tochoose download the PREPARE NOW TO ELECTI Primary Contest PARTY OFFICES You may to vote either by mfo PARTY PARTY OFFICES OFFICES oSharon RonaldA.Radford VOTERS ININ PRECINCT 2727 ONLY thethe value of property VOTERS VOTERS IN PRECINCT PRECINCT 27 ONLY ONLY the value value ofreal ofBE real real property property Supervisor Of Elections Demers o 7th AbraJudicial Seay Circuit,REP o oUniversal Reginald Luster DEM business hours, or anytime by ballot, using sample visit flagler(Vote for One) Florida Statute This amendment takes effect This This amendment amendment takes takes effec eff Universal Primary Contest o Myra Middleton Valentine o Patrick Murphy 29 ONLYDEM Day. Please urge your friends and Group 13 SATURDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY VOTERS INState PRECINCT Precinct 272727 Precinct Precinct the secured After Hours Drop Box in the Committeeman State Committeeman Committeeman SOME RACES WILL BE DE December 31, 2037. December December 31, 31, 2037. 2037. (Vote for One) City of Palm Coast o KaitiState Lenhart REP Circuit Judge, (Vote for One) 101.62 (1)(b): questions about the election proce Precinct Committeewoman Precinct Precinct Committeewoman Committeewoman Also on the sample ballot (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) windowMember at our main entrance. Council 7th Judicial Circuit, o Kimble Medley REP Precinct 29 Representative In Congress o Kaiti Lenhart REP o Yes o o Yes Yes o David Hood CITY OF PALM COAST is early voting information, (Vote forfor up to Six) The supervisor may a (Vote (Vote forup upto toSix) Six) Dennis McDonald o o Dennis Dennis McDonald McDonald REP REP o Kimble Group McNeilly 4 DistrictONLY 1 oo Abra Seay REPREP Precinct Committeewoman District 6 Medley each voter REP to o NoNo o o NoSample VOTERS o A. “Kathleen” written or telephonic which isyour as follows: Florida Law requires This is Official Ballot o Kay Afonso REP o o Kay Kay Afonso Afonso REP REP (Vote for One) o David C. Sullivan REP o o David David C. C. Sullivan Sullivan REP REP (Vote(Vote for up Five) (Vote for One) fortoOne) o Abra and Seay eligible voters REPwho choose for a vote-by-mail ball Any registered and Registered to vote on Election Day must cast their ballot at their assigned polling Each day 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Each Each day day 10:00 10:00 a.m. a.m. 6:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. present both photo and signature o Beverley Ann Kronen REP o o Beverley Beverley Ann Ann Kronen Kronen REP REP oneligible August 30, 2016. This samplR PARTY OFFICES o Chris France mailed toNONPARTISA an elector’s o Cuff o A. Boll oFlorence William (Bill) McCulloughREP DEM Judge, CITY Robert OF PALM COAST voterto in the county NONPARTISAN NONPARTISAN place. Polls always open from a.m. - Circuit 7:00 ondays. Election Refer to yourRACES Voter Information Card o Janet O.are McDonald REP o o Janet Janet O. McDonald McDonald REP REP 7:00 identification the polls: including weekend including including weekend weekend days. days. Day. Committeewoman State State Committeewoman Committeewoman o 7th Sebrina L.p.m. Slack on file to in give the Florid o Troy DuBose advance of the election you o Bull REP Judicial Circuit, oMary JayState McGovern DEM ARE NONPARTISAN AND WILL may vote early. LIBERTARIAN BALLOTS WILL WILL APPEAR WILL WILL APPEA APPE o Kathleen McKenna REP o o Kathleen Kathleen McKenna McKenna REP State Committeeman find the name and address ofREP your polling If you17have recently please call Office at early Registration System f (Vote forfor One) (Vote (Vote forOne) One) oplace. StasiaGroup Warren omoved, Sims Jones o Drexler REP APPEAR ONE.ALL BALLOTS FORthe Elections oViolet George Pappas DEM • Florida Driver’s License You can vote from and issues. I vote encourage you toPrim tak If you wish to in a partisan o Priscilla Netts REP o o Priscilla Priscilla Netts Netts REP REP ALSO INCLUDE ALL NONPARTISAN (Vote for One) elector, or, if directly in o Arthur McGovern Jr (Vote for One) PALM COAST VOTERS ONLY (386) 313-4170 to change address BEFORE visiting any polling location in Flagler County. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, o Dunkel REP o Sharon A.A. Demers o o Sharon Sharon A.Demers Demers REP REP oPolly Dwayne L. Taylor DEMREP (issued by your DHSMV) •o Florida ID card Early Voting Locations: Early Early Voting Voting Locations: Locations: o Ellen Stanford to use as a reference. o Ellen Ellen Stanford Stanford REP REP by the elector, a memb the primary is being held. Circuit Judge, AND ISSUES.REP oBetty Dan Parham DEMREP Aug. 15, to Saturday, Aug. 27. All regis o Hamby REP o Janet O.O. McDonald o o Janet Janet O.McDonald McDonald REP REP • U.S.RACES Passport o Linda L. Gaustad elector’s immediate fa o Pauline Waldt REP o o Pauline Pauline Waldt Waldt REP REP 7th Judicial Circuit, City of Palm Coast oMargaret Paul J. Tetreault DEM universal primary contests and no That’s seven days per week. o M.Sheriff Herman REP County Library oFlagler Howard O. McGillin JrPublic Flagler Flagler County County Public Public Library Library •o Debit or Credit Card REP City of Palm Coast the elector’s legal gua o Lee A.A. Willman o Lee Lee A.Willman Willman REP REP This sample ballot shows the ballot Group 10 Council Member There are three early voting o AbbyVOTERS Romaine REP (Vote One) INfor PRECINCT 1111 ONLY VOTERS VOTERS IN IN PRECINCT PRECINCT 11 ONLY ONLY and party affiliation cha the ballot is requeste Mayor • Military ID or Student ID AtAtthe corner ofofBelle Terre &&Palm Coast Atthe the corner corner ofBelle Belle Terre Terre &Palm Palm Coast Coast Parkway Parkway registration (Vote for One) Any eligible and registered Any Any eligible eligible and and registe District 3 Parkway and polling location are shown onoty locations: State o Rooyakkers REP mailed to anregistere address School Board oMarjorie Larry Committeewoman D.R.Jones DEM (Vote for One) • Retirement Center or VOTERS IN PRECINCT 29 ONLY VOTERS VOTERS IN IN PRECINCT PRECINCT 29 29 ONLY ONLY Precinct Precinct 11 11 Palm Coast Parkway ininfor Palm Coast 2500 2500 Palm Palm Coast Parkway Parkway N.W. N.W. Palm Coast Coast (Vote One) Flagler County Public Malcolm Anthony (VotePrecinct for One) 11 Use only the marking device provided,o or2500 a blue or black pen. If youN.W. make ainPalm mistake, don’t hesitate toduring ask every election and the elector’s address during during every every election election and aro you 1.voted and did not update your District 3Coast o JimPrecinct Manfre DEM Neighborhood Association ID o JohnKlufas R. Brady Committeeman Precinct Precinct Committeeman Committeeman Library, at the corner of Florida Voter Reg o Scott DuPont the o Nick (Vote for One) Precinct 29 for a new ballot. If you erase or make other marks, your vote may not count. Completely fill the oval next to o C. Sue Hecht DEM Precinct Precinct 29 29 You must provide an accu You You must must provide provide an an acc ac over the phone. Your precinct numb WILL ALSO INCLUDE ALL o Milissa Holland • Public Assistance ID (Vote for up to Three) (Vote (Vote for forup upto toThree) Three) Belle Terre and PalmSystem, Coast the request m Palm Coast Community Palm Coast Coast Community Community Center Center oCenter Anita Moeder Precinct Committeeman Constance Parham DEM Precinct Precinct Committeeman Committeeman Supervisor Of Elections o Palm Colleen Conklin your choice: o Dennis McDonald submitted in WRITING submitted submitted inWRITING ana • Veteran Health Identification ACESo AND ISSUES. made inWRITING writing and and parkway. The address isin Circuit Judge, oDrive Pam Richardson o Luis Alberto Garcia o o Luis Luis Alberto Alberto Garcia Garcia REP REP REP the corner ofofClubhouse &Radford Coast Parkway At Atthe the corner corner ofClubhouse Clubhouse Drive Drive &Palm &Palm Palm Coast Coast Parkway Parkway (Vote forfor up to Five) (Vote (Vote forup upto toFive) Five) Universal Primary Contest oAt7th Jason Sands You may choose to vote either byHowe m o Ronald by the elector. 2500 Palm Coast Parkway (issued by USDVA) Card Judicial Circuit, o Mark R.R. Olson o o Mark Mark R.Olson Olson WILL REP REP REP A AVote ByBy Mail request isserv Vote By Mail Mail request request isno isn (Vote for One) DEMOCRATIC BALLOTS To register inAVote person, simply comple 305 Palm Coast Parkway N.E. ininPalm Coast 305 305 Palm Palm Coast Coast Parkway Parkway N.E. N.E. inPalm Palm Coast Coast o David Ashman REP absent uniformed o o David David Ashman Ashman REP REP N.W. in Palm Coast. Day. 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ELECTION AUGUST 30, 201 Vote Early.

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ELECTION AUGUST 30, 201 Vote By Mail.






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AUGUST 15 27 AUGUST AUGUST 15 15- -AUGUST -AUGUST AUGUST 27 27 Show On YourElection ID. Vote Day.

Florida Is A Close

How To Vote.

Show Your ID.

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Kaiti Lenhart

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Register To Vote o

Florida Is A Close

FLAGLER COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Vote Early. Vote Vote On OnElection Election Election Day. Day. FL 32110 1769 E. Moody Boulevard, Building 2, SuiteVote 101 •On PO Box 901 • Day. Bunnell, Phone: (386) 313-4170 • Fax: (386) 313-4171 • Online: Have You Moved? AUGUST 15 - AUGUST 27 Register To Vote o How How HowTo To ToVote. Vote. Vote. including weekend days.



Flagler County Public Library

corner of Belle Terre & Palm Coast Parkway 1 At theEarly. Vote 2500 Palm Coast Parkway N.W. in Palm Coast

Any registered and eligible voter in the county may vote early.

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Welcome to Speed Campaigning Get to know candidates before Aug. 30 primary.


With so many candidates, how do you possibly decide who gets your vote? We tried a new approach to election coverage this year, with a video series called Speed Campaigning. To keep it manageable, I focused only on the candidates for Palm Coast mayor and City Council, as well as the candidates for Flagler County Board of County Commissioners. In total, there were 15 videos shot over the course of a few weeks. We did our best to convert a conference room into

an interview studio, and the candidates were good sports to go along with the format. The main feature of Speed Campaigning is to put the candidates on the spot and ask them questions which they can answer in the form of a number only. I read them about 10 statements and asked if they would tell me how much they agreed with each statement on a scale of 1 to 10. In this guide, their responses are displayed graphically. The goal is help voters differentiate

between candidates in a simple way. In addition to the video series, we also asked the other candidates on the ballot to participate via email, and a few races (judges on this page, as well as the Supervisor of Election candidates) were asked to respond in paragraph form. The biggest complaint I had from candidates was that there was no room to explain their answers. To me, that was part of the point, but I can appreciate their concern. Any candidate

who wants to write a letter to the editor will be given space online or in print to explain their answers. In the meantime, I hope you will agree that this survey approach is enlightening. On each page, take some time to read the statements and decide how you would respond first. Then, you can compare your views with the answers of those who are running for office. Email your reactions to editor@palmcoastobserver. com.

 Years admitted to practice law: 36, before appointment to the 7th Circuit Court in 2014  Personal statement: I believe, as the Governor did when he appointed me and my colleagues in the State House and Senate echoed when they approved that appointment with unanimous bipartisan support, that I not only possess the scholastic ability but also the substantial day-to-day experience and temperament critical to ensuring that every person is justly and appropriately treated. Among my goals in maintaining my seat on the bench is the creation of a mentoring program for drug offenders to help reduce abuse, and establishing a Veterans Court to deal with the very specific concerns facing this segment of our community.

A. “Kathleen” McNeilly  Years admitted to practice law: 36 years  Personal statement: Through training, common sense and substantial circuit court (and county court) experience, I believe I have the wisdom, requisite experience and temperament to adjudicate facts honestly and judiciously, without undue influences or biases. After a case that lasted 5 1/2 years in litigation, a senior professional wrote: “Kathleen: You are a true professional. There are not many of your caliber left.” I was humbled by the words. I exercise good judgment, remain objective and persevere regardless of what may be happening around me or the actions of others. I have substantial litigation experience where I have been tested.

Malcolm Anthony

Scott C. DuPont

 Years admitted to practice law: 32 years  Personal statement: A judge must have an extensive knowledge of the law, show courageous fidelity to the law and the Constitution and should have a real understanding of the lives of the litigants who may appear before him. I am a 57-year-old, AV-rated lawyer with 36 years of courtroom experience, including extensive trial experience; a 33year member of the Florida Bar. I have been a prosecutor in two separate circuits. I have practiced in defense, personal injury, family, civil litigation, corporate and health care. I have practiced as a solo attorney for the past two decades. I have decades of experience in legal and non-legal jobs.

 Years admitted to practice law: 12 years  Personal statement: I was first chosen by the people to serve to as a circuit judge in 2010. Since that time I have presided over just under 30,000 cases in all divisions. I brought Truancy Court to an area of our district that had a 50% high school graduation rate. I brought the first Certified Batters Intervention Course to an area of our district that had the highest rate of Domestic Violence in the State. I also created effective and efficient division management systems to ensure cases are resolved in a timely manner. I have a heart for serving people. I believe that public service is what I was created to do.

Linda L. Gaustad

Howard O. McGillin Jr.



David Hood

Group 4

 Years admitted to practice law: 36 years  Personal statement: For more than 20 years, I served our community as a county judge and acting circuit judge, presiding over thousands of cases, including criminal, delinquency, family, small claims, landlord-tenant, traffic, and domestic violence. My record demonstrates that I possess the character and integrity that is required to be a good judge. I have earned a reputation for following the law, being impartial, and for having an excellent judicial temperament.


 Years admitted to practice law: 15 years, 7 months  Personal statement: I have practiced law in both the government and private sectors and have demonstrated competence in several areas of law, including criminal, civil, family and probate. I have demonstrated my commitment to serving my profession and community through my active participation in and leadership roles such as past president of the Volusia County Bar Association, member of the Florida Bar Grievance Committee, and past member of the Volusia County Human Services Board. I possess a level-headed temperament and devotion to professionalism. I possess an intellectual passion for the law and our justice system.

Group 17

Stasia Warren

Group 10

Sebrina L. Slack

Group 13

Circuit Judge, 7th Judicial Circuit

 Years admitted to practice law: 16 years  Personal statement: I bring 16 years of diversified experience and knowledge from practicing in Florida District, Circuit, and County Courts. I have also practiced in federal courts, which like military court is valuable experience but different from the rules and procedures practiced in this Florida Circuit Court position. I have integrity and the right temperament to serve as your judge. It is my strong belief that everyone is entitled to their day in court and deserves to be treated with fairness and respect. Life experiences, along with operating my practice, has taught me the importance of commitment, efficiency, and mastering time management.

 Years admitted to practice law: 27 years  Personal statement: I have been truly honored to serve the 7th Circuit as a Circuit Court Judge. In my time on the bench I have worked to make my courtroom more efficient and to serve the people better. I’ve used judicial leadership to establish a Veterans Treatment Court in St. Johns County. I founded a “lunch and learn” program to facilitate mentoring younger lawyers by our more experienced lawyers and judges. I will continue to lead by coordinating mandated services for families in dependency, substance dependent individuals and those with mental health problems and by fostering positive co-parenting and family reconciliation.





Flagler County Sheriff DO YOU AGREE? As a voter, what do you think about the Sheriff’s Office? What do you want to see in the future? In our Speed Campaigning project, we asked the candidates to consider several statements and tell us how much they agree or disagree with the statements. The statements are listed below. Take a minute to consider your own reactions. How do they compare to the candidates’ answers?

Donald Fleming

John Lamb

Jerry O’Gara

Rick Staly

 Age: 71  Political Party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: 16  Qualifications: With 23 years of executive experience within a law enforcement agency, no other candidate can compare. My time-tested leadership carried the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office through difficult times with the agency emerging stronger and improved after each challenge. Unlike the rest of the field, I will be up to speed and moving the agency forward on the first day.  Priorities in office: 1. Restore confidence in leadership by standing with the men and women in uniform who work to make our county a safe place to live and work. 2. Restore respect by creating a close bond between our citizens and deputies, using community-based partnerships to address the challenging circumstances of our time. 3. Restore professionalism by implementing high standards for recruitment and training that ensures your Sheriff’s Office is one of the most efficient, up-todate law enforcement agencies in the nation.

 Age: 45  Political Party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: >1 year  Qualifications: 23 years of law enforcement in the third largest agency in the state of Florida, I have enjoyed many positions, beginning as a correctional officer, police officer, police sergeant, police lieutenant and assistant chief. As an assistant chief, I provided police service to over 192,000 people with a staff of over 166 deputies, sergeants and lieutenants. I was also assigned to Logistics and General Support, responsible for supply, property and evidence, fleet, building maintenance, building security, and civil, which encompassed a large portion of the operational expense of the agency’s $350 million budget.  Priorities in office: 1. Effective impact on crime through a more proactive approach to narcotics issues. 2. Engaging the community through monthly Sheriff’s Walk with deputies and supervisors, and monthly Citizen Meetings. 3. Ensure that the agency reaches their fullest potential using empowerment leadership, career and leadership development towards a clear successful succession plan.

 Age: 55  Political Party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: 9  Qualifications: 20 years enforcing criminal law as a warden on Rikers Island. Commander of five different facilities. Executive assistant to two Commissioners. Division chief on Sept. 11, 2001  Priorities in office: 1. Institute strict policies concerning unethical behavior, hiring, job assignments, promotions and disciplinary practices. 2. Educate youth and parents regarding actual law and training vs. perceptions. 3. Prepare for man-made or natural disasters/crises.

 Age: 60  Political Party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: 10  Qualifications: 40 years Florida law enforcement and business experience. Commanded the fourthlargest law enforcement agency in Florida with 2,000 employees and $120 million budget as Orange County undersheriff. Served as Flagler County undersheriff. Graduated FBI National Academy; certified in Homeland Security. Master’s degree in justice administration; Received Medal of Valor and Governor’s Medal of Heroism after being shot saving the life of a fellow deputy. Committed to our community for 10 years: Rotary Club, Crime Stoppers, Elks, Flagler Beach United Methodist Church. Owned security company business based in Palm Coast with 128 employees and $3.5 million in annual revenue (sold in 2012 to a national company). Only candidate with both government and successful business experience. Endorsed by the founder of the National Institute of Ethics, police chiefs and sheriff’s. Recognized expert by the American Board of Law Enforcement Experts in leadership, operations. Life member National Rifle Association with “A” rating.  Priorities in office: 1. Reduce crime. 2. Retain employees. 3. Protect our tax dollars.

DISAGREE Body cameras for deputies are working well, and the program should be continued.

The sheriff deserves the credit when the crime rate goes down.

The sheriff deserves the blame when the crime rate goes up.

Deputies should be given a raise in the next year.

The Ethics Commission’s fine of $6,200 against Jim Manfre in 2016 was too harsh. The Ethics Commission’s fine of $500 against Don Fleming in 2012 was too lenient. Living in Flagler County for a number of years is essential for doing a good job as sheriff in Flagler County. Flagler County deputies treat whites and blacks equally. Flagler County deputies have been trained sufficiently for situations that may require the use of force. Decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana would be a good move for Flagler County.













 Age: 47  Political Party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: Homeowner for two years, property owner for a decade.  Qualifications: 25 years of proven local, state, federal and international law enforcement experience. Presently serving 16 years of honorable Military service in the U.S. Coast Guard maritime law enforcement community.  Priorities in office: Re-establish successful methods of communication that result in a safer community provided by partnerships built, between members of Flagler County Sheriff’s office and the community. Equipping the members of the Sheriff’s Office with the knowledge, ability, tools and support to integrate with the community to develop solutions to perceived and actual quality of life issues. Provide and equip the community to have an active role in developing, implementing, and maintaining community-based solutions to perceived and actual quality of life issues.

 Age: 39  Political Party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: 3 years (36 years in Ormond Beach)  Qualifications: Through advanced training and hands-on operational experience, I have become highly adept at providing the full range of key organizational services, with a demonstrated stability under pressure and a proven reputation for diplomacy, ethical decision making, strategic planning and professionalism. I know what it means to serve the community on the front lines, and in the administrative and ceremonial role as well.  Priorities in office: 1. Staffing levels are well below the national average. This is a safety concern for the deputies and the citizens. 2. Restore the public’s trust and confidence in the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. 3. Restore and improve the morale in the department. The deputies and civilian staff have been unhappy and unappreciated for too long.






Chris Yates

2 Democrats

Mark Whisenant

6 Republicans

All eight of these candidiates (six Republicans and two Democrats) sat down with Executive Editor Brian McMillan one-on-one. Read their stories here:

Larry D. Jones

James L. Manfre

 Age: 54  Political Party: Democratic  Years in Flagler County: 54  Qualifications: 30 plus years in the Flagler County Sheriffs Office, certified in both jail and patrol procedures. Two years as second in command of Palm Coast Precinct. Long track record with community outreach.  Priorities in office: Bridging the gap between police and community, restoring morale within the department, and restoring integrity to Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.

 Age: 58  Political Party: Democrat  Years in Flagler County: 20  Qualifications: I have extensive experience in serving this community as a volunteer. I have also practiced law here for eight years, and have had eight successful years as your sheriff of Flagler County. I am the only candidate who has completed the FBI Executive Development Seminar. Under my leadership, the crime rate is down by 10%, and it is the lowest in over 15 years. Our total crime is the lowest it has been since 2005 when we had almost a third less of our current population. We have received re-accreditation for law enforcement and communications and have constructed three state-of-the-art facilities either under budget or as a cost savings to taxpayers. We have implemented body cameras, dramatically increased training and have created a community oriented policing to treat the public as our customers.  Priorities in office: Obtain Florida Corrections Accreditation for the inmate facility and complete the accreditation process for every division. Work collaboratively to implement an adult civil citation process. Increase programs to our youth in our successful Police Athletic League.















Flagler County Commission District 1


Charles Frederick Ericksen Jr.  Age: 73  Years in Flagler County: 9  Qualifications: Incumbent in the race. Spent 40 hours a week as a commissioner for the past four years. Volunteered with Drug Court, Carver Gym Governance Board.  Priorities in office: 1. Approve this year’s budget: new library, beach restoration. 2. Find incentive to get voters to come to the county before a subject comes up for discussion.

On the purchase of the old hospital: “I was the only one that voted against (the purchase of the old hospital, which was converted to the new Sheriff’s Office). My dad was a builder. I would just as soon ... build a brand new building and start off at age 0. ... We could have built it more to the needs of the sheriff.”

DISAGREE The Palm Coast and county governments have a good working relationship. There is a duplication of service with Fire/EMS between Palm Coast and the county. Palm Coast and Flagler County should consolidate Fire/EMS, even if it might mean putting the city in charge as the lead agency. The airport property should be annexed into the city to save money on water rates. The county will need to raise taxes to meet the needs of its citizens in the next four years. Craig Coffey is doing a good job at the county administrator position for Flagler County. Buying the old hospital and converting it to a new Sheriff’s Office was the right decision. The county made the right decision to allow Sea Ray Boats to expand its parking lot. The county made the right decision to allow for Salamander’s hotel expansion at Hammock Beach Resort. The county is doing a good job of promoting the area as a tourism destination.



As a voter, what do you think about the state of Flagler County? What do you want to see in the future? In our Speed Campaigning project, we asked the candidates to consider several statements and tell us how much they agree or disagree with the statements. The statements are listed below. Take a minute to consider your own reactions. How do they compare to the candidates’ answers?


Ken Mazzie

Daniel Potter

 Age: 59  Years in Flagler County: 12  Qualifications: Degree in ecomonics from Rutgers. Certified public accountant. Insurance license. Investment adviser. Sat on ad hoc budget advisory committe for the county. Board of several nonprofits, including Champs.  Priorities in office: 1. Addressing health benefits in the budget. 2. Better rapport between the city and the county. 3. Address the redundancy with EMS between city and county.

 Age: 68  Years in Flagler County: 2.5  Qualifications: 24 years in the Army. Owned a machine shop for 10 years. Mayor of Oak Grove, Kentucky, for eight years.  Priorities in office: 1. Economic development. 2. Eliminate waste in county budget. 3. Strive to represent the will of the people.

On city and county strife: “That impacts all of us in our pocket books. There is redundancy there on a couple of different levels. ... The city and county both have their interests to protect, and I totally understand that. ... They need to make a better effort to work together.”



On future tax increases: “It’s evident that ... we cannot live on retail alone. ... Yes, taxes will continue to go up because industry creates economy exponentially as retail creates proportionally. Therefore, you ... do everything you can to get industry into an area, and it just mushrooms very well.”



To see these County Commission candidates on video, visit





Flagler County Commission District 3 District 5 ONLINE: SPEED CAMPAIGNING

Jason Michael France Did not participate.

David Sullivan  Age: 74  Years in Flagler County: 15  Qualifications: Boston College grad. 27 years in the Navy, retired as a captain. Married 50 years. In charge of large budget with Boeing Space. National director of the Navy League. Former chairman of Republican Party in Flagler County.  Priorities in office: 1. Make sure we’re not getting into so much debt. 2. Represent the people, not just the staff. 3. Represent needs of community to the state.

On buying the old hospital: “I thought there were better options, and there was a rush to judgment. ... We had government property that was available; we didn’t use it; we took property that was on the tax roll and providing some taxes back. ... I think it was a mistake.”





To see these County Commission candidates on video, visit

Donald O’Brien  Age: 56  Years in Flagler County: 27  Qualifications: 35 years in financial services. Community service: church organizations, youth sports, business organizations, nonprofits.  Priorities in office: 1. Improve relationship between the city and the county. 2. Refocus on the strategic plan. 3. Economic development.

On buying the old hospital: "I wasn't involved in the day-today discussions. I didn't have the ability to interview staff ... so that's why I answered 5 on that question. ... But if I had to make that decision, I would bring my years of business experience, my years of knowledge of the community and my financial background to the decisionmaking process."



Denise L. Calderwood  Age: 49  Years in Flagler County: On and off since 1975  Qualifications: Former deputy sheriff. Worked for Flagler County Health Department.  Priorities in office: 1. Accountability. 2. Transparency. 3. Senior Center.

On three different issues: "The county hospital: We had a plan to make it a one-stop social services center, which Flagler County desperately needs. ... With fire, EMS and police, we need to look at consolidation on a serious level. ... We need to recruit new kinds of businesses, not just in tourism and service level."







Flagler County School Board District 3 District 5



As a voter, what do you think about the state of Flagler Schools? What do you want to see in the future? In our Speed Campaigning project, we asked the candidates to consider several statements and tell us how much they agree or disagree with the statements. The statements are listed below. Take a minute to consider your own reactions. How do they compare to the candidates’ answers?

Colleen Conklin

Jason Sands

Maria Barbosa

Sharon A. Demers

 Age: 47  Years in Flagler County: Arrived in 1974, moved back and forth from New York. Moved back permanently in 1998.  Qualifications: Past student of Bunnell Elementary School and Flagler Palm Coast High School, mother, elementary teacher.  Priorities in office: I have four priorities, and each carries a significant weight: Increase effective communication; Protect and expand the academic, social and emotional success of all children; Demand common sense accountability and assessment​; Increase educational options and programming.

 Age: 44  Years in Flagler County: 10  Qualifications: I have a vested interest in Flagler Schools, being a parent with two daughters who have attended Flagler Schools since we moved here 10 years ago. Unlike any other candidate or current School Board member, I work in a school in a neighboring county. I see and understand how mandates, policies, and procedures affect the students, staff, and administrators on a daily basis. I have a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology. I work in the technology department and understand the value of technology as a learning tool. I also see first-hand the effects of testing, staff evaluations, budget restrictions, parent and community involvement, and two-way communication in a high performing district. Flagler Schools is a good school district, and it is my hope that my unique and fresh perspective will be a valuable asset to the board.  Priorities in office: 1. Promote fiscal responsibility 2. Increase parent and community involvement 3. Increase student engagement and achievement through technology and career and technical opportunities. It is not the device that is important; it is how we use the device to promote critical thinking and problem solving to prepare our children for success in life.

 Age: 52  Years in Flagler County: 16.5  Qualifications: I am an entrepreneur and business person and have managed small and large businesses. I have successfully run 10 enterprises. I have a degree in Business and bookkeeping. I also have a PHD in Christian Counseling. I also work with nonprofit organizations to help them succeed. Currently I am working with T-Club Teens, Flagler Palm Coast Kiwanis Key Club (a leadership program for students sponsored by the Kiwanis) and founder and CEO of D.I.V.A.S. International. As a wife, mother and grandmother, I volunteer in different community organizations and projects. Some of these include Kiwanis Children’s Summer Camp, Terrific Kids, A Game Summer Camp at Buddy Taylor Middle School.  Priorities in office: Our children are my top concern. Increase parent, student, teacher and citizen involvement with Flagler Schools and improve the district interaction with everyone. Improve our educational experience for students, including those struggling to achieve on standardized tests. Ensure a fair and comprehensive quality education for all our students. All while effectively managing costs. Prevent bullying and the terrible effects it can have on students and their educational outcomes.

 Age: 61  Years in Flagler County: Purchased home in 2005  Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Business and Finance. Licensed insurance agent, Human resources certificate; parent of a special needs child; entrepreneur; 20+ years of leadership experience. Full understanding of the legislative process. 20+ years working with teens.  Priorities in office: Top three priorities in office: Safety for students, teachers and staff. Flagler County students’ preparedness for careers. Support the board with wise, well-thought-out decisions for projects that affect the taxpayers.

DISAGREE The school district should spend more money in an effort to hire teachers from minority groups. The school district communicates well with parents.

The school district is doing a good job of handling bullying.

Jacob Oliva is doing a good job as superintendent at Flagler Schools. The school district made the right decision to keep the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club open. The school district made the right decision to demolish the FTI building on Corporate Drive. The school district should spend more money to put school resource deputies in every school. The school district is doing a good job of handling student behavior on buses.









School Board

District 5




Supervisor of Elections INCUMBENT

Myra Paul Theodore Middleton-Valentine Anderson  Age: 65  Years in Flagler County: Moved to Palm Coast to accept a job as Flagler Schools ESE director in March 1999. Native Floridian, born and raised in Daytona Beach.  Qualifications: I have over 40 years of education experience as a teacher, supervisor, district administrator, college professor and consultant. I have a Ph.D. in Education from The Ohio State University, 1994; Master's in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Central Florida, 1978. Started as a special ed teacher at Mainland High School, moved into ESE administration in Volusia County, then moved to Ohio, where I worked part time with the Ohio State Department of Education as I completed my doctorate. Returned to Florida as Area ESE and Student Services Director for Orange County (Orlando) Public Schools, then moved to Flagler. Retired in 2010. Currently, Teacher Intern Supervisor at Flagler College, St. Augustine.  Priorities in office: 1. Ensuring that all students have learning opportunities that lead to success in the work place or college. 2. Boosting access to behavioral and mental health supports. 3. Ensuring representation of qualified, diverse teacher population. Also want to continue to build community partnerships that focus on student learning and parent supports. DISAGREE


 Age: 47  Years in Flagler County: 14  Qualifications: I am a parent, taxpayer, volunteer and smallbusiness owner. I do not have any degrees or fancy titles, but I do have common sense, and I do my homework. My 12 years of retail experience in middle and upper management provided my human resource and business management training that I have used throughout my career. My time as a district sales manager based at the Orlando International Airport allowed me to experience, first hand, how a successful relationship between the private sector and a governmental entity can produce great things..  Priorities in office: Communication: Without effective communication and knowing the what, how and why, it is hard to support any effort. Implementation: planning, follow up and follow through are necessary for success. Accountability: It is our job to ensure students, parents, teachers, administrators and staff are following the rules.



Abra Seay

Kaiti Lenhart

Kimble Medley

 Age: 38  Political party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: 38  Priorities in office: 1) Restore public confidence in the Supervisor of Elections Office. I am the only candidate who never worked for nor was trained by Kim Weeks. I have a proven history of outstanding leadership. 2) Implement “Be A Voter,” my strategic voter outreach program that has two key components, education and relationships. 3) Analyze and adjust voting precincts for geographical fairness, convenience and safety. Three of our outlying rural communities need their voting precincts restored, the beachside needs an early voting site, and we need to choose alternative polling places instead of our schools.  Please give a relevant example of your past success as a manager. In 2014, Flagler Schools expanded VPK to all five elementary schools. As the district coordinator of early childhood education, it was my responsibility to oversee and manage the expansion. The program is successfully operating throughout the district and will begin its third year this August. In 2012, I developed and implemented “Teachers Teaching Teachers,” a districtwide professional development program which saved the district over $30,000. I was honored as Bunnell Elementary’s Teacher of Year in 2013 for my work both inside and outside of the classroom. In 2009, I earned my master’s degree in leadership in one year, with honors, while teaching full-time and being a wife and a mother to five wonderful children.  Please give a relevant example of your ability to pay close attention to detail. The expansion of VPK required hiring of personnel, selecting and purchasing curriculum, supplies, and materials, establishing and implementing districtwide policies and procedures and effectively communicating with all stakeholders. At the end of each school year, assessment data is disaggregated, and goals and objectives are developed for the upcoming year. In addition, while analyzing the voter data for the previous eight years, I recognized a negative trend in voter turnout during non-presidential years. Paying close attention to this detail led me to develop my “Be A Voter” plan.  Please give a relevant example of your ability to handle a large budget. Currently I manage a $1.2 million budget and supervise and evaluate 34 staff members at six different locations throughout Flagler County. I have received the highest possible rating of “highly effective” on my annual evaluations by two different supervisors.

 Age: 35  Political party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: 7 (originally from Volusia County)  Priorities in office: Technology. Flagler County will have a new voting system next year. I have finalized negotiations with the Department of State to secure federal grant funding to upgrade our aged voting equipment. We will now have over $147,000 to offset the cost of our new voting system. I will continue to serve on the Online Voter Registration Committee of the Florida State Association of Supervisors. Online voter registration is scheduled for October 2017. Voter Outreach. A community is made stronger through an active and informed electorate. I will continue taking the Elections Office into the community at local events and festivals. I plan to build partnerships with our local schools to offer a hands-on voting experience for students to become engaged citizens. Precincts. I will analyze current precincts and redraw boundaries with input from voters throughout the process to provide better access to polling locations. Voter registration totals reflect that many of our current precincts have outgrown their facilities. Additional precincts must be justified by a detailed cost analysis.  Please give a relevant example of your past success as a manager. I have successfully managed and conducted three countywide elections as Supervisor of Elections and rebuilt the office from the ground up. I was appointed to this position by the governor of Florida and have risen to meet the challenge during a time of crisis in our county.  Please give a relevant example of your ability to pay close attention to detail. The most relevant example is the Official 2016 Primary Sample Ballot. I personally create all of the election advertising. With 116 ballot styles and four party styles involved in this primary, this sample ballot was the most complicated and challenging one yet in Flagler County.  Please give a relevant example of your ability to handle a large budget. In October 2015, I returned over $50,000 from the inherited 2014-2015 fiscal year budget to the Board of County Commissioners. I have analyzed our current budget and provided, for the first time in Flagler County, a budget book which provides detailed justifications for budget expenditures needed during the next fiscal year. This document is available for the public and BOCC on the Elections Office website.

 Age: 56  Political party: Republican  Years in Flagler County: 12  Priorities in office: Trust, a big part of which is confidence and competence, is still a significant problem in the aftermath of the former SOE, now facing nine felony charges. The Acting SOE, hand-picked by Weeks, who ardently supports her today, failed to challenge Weeks while in her employ for many years; yet, she chose to accept a bonus. Transparency: another element that is still sorely lacking as it relates to sunshine, documentation, and justification of the budget. Training/Education: a significant current deficiency that has resulted in ballot insecurity, cited polling place errors, lack of timely/complete voter/candidate information, including one inquiry that took more than three months and multiple phone calls without any answer because only the Acting SOE could provide the information, who was on maternity leave.  Please give a relevant example of your past success as a manager. In the 1990s, I developed and introduced a streamlined, more efficient communications systems that transformed an insurance company into a state-of-the-art competitor throughout the Southeastern, U.S. Quickly promoted to leadership positions throughout my 40+ years of work, in recognition of my people, budget, and business operations strengths. While deputy clerk and meeting facilitator for the Circuit Civil Division of the Flagler County Clerk; proposed/helped implement online foreclosure information; and, a work-flow process designed to resolve backlog problems due to increased workloads and decreased staff.  Please give a relevant example of your ability to pay close attention to detail. Unlike most other candidates, including my two opponents, one of whom wrote the Candidate Qualifying Handbook, I actually know election laws and filed required forms and obtained permission from property owners, before placing my campaign signs throughout the county. Penalties for candidates who fail to do either, run afoul of Florida Statutes 810.09. Further, my continued scrutiny of the budget allowed me to provide detailed documentation that resulted in savings for Palm Coast and Flagler County.  Please give a relevant example of your ability to handle a large budget. As a senior underwriter for an Orlando-based insurance company, I managed an underwriting budget of $6 million.





Palm Coast City Council District 1

ONLINE: SPEED CAMPAIGNING To see these City Council candidates on video, visit


As a voter, what do you think about the state of Palm Coast? What do you want to see in the future? In our Speed Campaigning project, we asked the candidates to consider several statements and tell us how much they agree or disagree with the statements. The statements are listed below. Take a minute to consider your own reactions. How do they compare to the candidates’ answers?

Did not respond to requests for a photo. Also, did not participate in the video series.

Robert Cuff

Troy DuBose

Sims E. Jones

 Age: 65  Years in Flagler County: 33  Qualifications: Historical knowledge of development of Palm Coast. Attorney for ITT for 17 years. Nine years as member of Planning Board.  Priorities in office: 1. Restore civility between city and county. 2. Support existing city programs and infrastructure. 3. Find innovative ways to attract business.

 Age: 42  Years in Flagler County: 4  Qualifications: Entrepreneur. Construction projects. Internet and startup companies. Ability to identify problems and “think outside the box.”  Priorities in office: 1. Attract tech companies, small manufacturing and startups. 2. Help current entrepreneurs. 3. Maintain quality of life.

 Age: 59  Years in Flagler County: 11  Qualifications: Helped form a People Helping People Center. Former fighter. Pastor.  Priorities in office: 1. Senior center. 2. Activities for young adults. 3. Attract manufacturing jobs.

“I hear a lot of criticism of Jim Landon and the percept that the city manager’s position, regardless of whether it’s Jim Landon, has too much authority. ... I think it’s not the authority the position has that’s the problem, if there is one. It’s the supervision that the county exercises. ... The City Council needs to be the adult supervision for the city.”

On City Council salaries: “I’m getting involved because this is where I’ve chosen to raise my family; this is where I’ve chosen to do business. ... I’m doing this to give back to the community that’s given back to me.”

DISAGREE The city and county governments have a good working relationship.

There is a duplication of service with Fire/EMS between the city and the county. The city and county should consolidate Fire/EMS, even if it might mean putting the county in charge as the lead agency. The city will need to raise taxes to meet the needs of its citizens in the next four years. The City Charter should be reviewed by a committee of citizens. City Council members’ salaries are too low and should be raised to the level of a full-time worker. The city manager position has the right amount of authority to make the city run smoothly. Jim Landon is doing a good job at the city manager position for Palm Coast.

Hiring Buxton to recruit retailers was money well spent.

The city’s Code Enforcement department is too strict.

The city is doing a good job at being friendly to businesses.




On Jim Landon: “I think he has too much of a free hand, and I think the City Council needs to have more input, more say in the decisions that are made ... in some of the bigger issues.”



Arthur J. McGovern Jr.

 Age: 67  Years in Flagler County: 20  Qualifications: B.A. In Business Management, 45 years in managerial and supervision positions, experienced in labor and management relations, mediation with multicultural individuals, ability to execute from beginning to end.  Priorities in office: 1. Excellent public safety. 2. Attract business and good jobs. Realizing the importance of preserving and maintaining the qualities that make Palm Coast a unique city and community by providing the highest quality of life for our neighbors. Change is good, for the better. A city is its people, honesty and integrity prevails. A homeless situation resides in this city, and we, the people, must address this. A seasoned people reside in this city; they are its backbone, and we must not break it.




Palm Coast City Council District 3 Nicholas Klufas

Anita Moeder

Pam Richardson

 Age: 28  Years in Flagler County: 10  Qualifications: Senior development engineer in ACI, a software development company in Palm Coast.  Priorities in office: 1. Regimented, deliberate growth targeted at technology companies looking for relocation. 2. Early childhood intervention and early learning centers. 3. Technology programs for children.

 Age: Retired  Years in Flagler County: 4.5  Qualifications: Business management and computer science education. Career in high-tech.  Priorities in office: 1. Aggressively pursue companies to come to Palm Coast. 2. Senior center, young adult center, summer jobs program. 3. Spend money more wisely as a city.

 Age: 58  Years in Flagler County: 12  Qualifications: Volunteer service work. Eight years in quasijudicial boards.  Priorities in office: 1. Grow in a proper way. 2. All residents need the same amount of cell phone service. 3. Preserve natural environment.

On the need to raise taxes: “I strongly believe that a more effective route would be to increase our tax base through effective additions to Palm Coast: high-paying careers and technology companies.”



“Some people think EMS service is duplicated. We just need to look carefully at pros and cons. I’m a strong supporter of unions, so we need to make sure everyone is taken care of.”



“I was on the Code Enforcement Board. They have reduced fees and adminstrative costs. They have not been able to get through to all the residents to come into compliance. ... We really need to keep our zones and our restrictions so that we keep a clean city. That’s why people came here.”





ONLINE: SPEED CAMPAIGNING To see these City Council candidates on video, visit






Palm Coast Mayor

ONLINE: SPEED CAMPAIGNING To see these mayor candidates on video, visit

DO YOU AGREE? As a voter, what do you think about the state of Palm Coast? What do you want to see in the future? In our Speed Campaigning project, we asked the candidates to consider several statements and tell us how much they agree or disagree with the statements. The statements are listed below. Take a minute to consider your own reactions. How do they compare to the candidates’ answers?

John Brady

Milissa Holland

Dennis McDonald

Ron Radford

 Age: 74  Years in Flagler County: 6  Qualifications: Long career with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in social service work, and being a beaurocrat.  Priorities in office: Getting a handle on the expenses and the city’s debt.

 Age: 44  Years in Flagler County: 29  Qualifications: While serving on the County Commission, successfully advocated city’s interests at the state level.  Priorities in office: 1. Institute intergovernmental meetings to resolve conflicts between city and county. 2. Balance infrastructure needs with future growth. 3. Preserve quality of life.

 Age: 66  Years in Flagler County: 16  Qualifications: Developer. Built thousands of condominiums and commercial projects. Background in construction and how it’s supposed to work with government.  Priorities in office: 1. Take a “reset look” at where Palm Coast is going. 2. Live within our means as a city.

 Age: 75  Years in Flagler County: 6  Qualifications: Worked closely in community in New York City. Provided opportunities for citizens to improve their lifestyle. Listener. Commander of Daytona Beach Sail and Power Squadron, teaching safe boating.  Priorities in office: 1. Reduce water and sewer monthly bill. 2. Review the Charter. 3. Bring inhouse a local attorney.

On the city manager: "I worked with (Jim Landon) when I was on the County Commission. I also worked with him when I was advocating on behalf of clients (as a lobbyist). I don't think it's fair to evaluate someone in that capacity when you haven't worked with him in the day-to-day operations. My position has always been that a proper evaluation is necessary. I instituted that on the County Commission with (County Administrator) Craig Coffey."

On Jim Landon: "Everybody tries to make this in the news about me and Mr. Landon and making this personal. It's not personal. ... He does do a good job in some things. ... We pay a city manager and his staff an obscene amount of money to be our city manager. ... It's just wrong."

On the way business is done: "If you've been to a council meeting, you know that what happens is, there is a PowerPoint presentation where the department head and the city manager present an option to the City Council. It's only one option. ... Citizens should be more aware. ... I don't think this government is responsive to the needs of the people."

DISAGREE The city and county governments have a good working relationship.

There is a duplication of service with Fire/EMS between the city and the county. The city and county should consolidate Fire/EMS, even if it might mean putting the county in charge as the lead agency. The city will need to raise taxes to meet the needs of its citizens in the next four years. The City Charter should be reviewed by a committee of citizens. City Council members’ salaries are too low and should be raised to the level of a full-time worker. The city manager position has the right amount of authority to make the city run smoothly. Jim Landon is doing a good job at the city manager position for Palm Coast.

Hiring Buxton to recruit retailers was money well spent.

The city’s Code Enforcement department is too strict.

The city is doing a good job at being friendly to businesses.






"The Charter has words in it that our founding leaders did not consider. ... If you or I, a citizen of Palm Coast, has a complaint, we need to garnish 25% of the people in our area in order for it to appear ... on a ballot. That is in direct conflict with the state, which says that all you need is 10%. The city Charter now has an asterisk after that statement, indicating they will be in compliance with the state. That's just one incident in the Charter." DISAGREE


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