Palo Alto Weekly 03.01.2013 - Section 2

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The trials that define us W

hat defines who we are? Is it the actions we make under WINNING AUTHORS the duress of a frightening, unfamiliar situation? Is it EDIFY READERS how we challenge society’s sometimes flawed convenWITH LIFE’S PRYING QUESTIONS tions? Or is it our ability to bounce back from tragedy and loss to enjoy the beautiful things in life once again? Through the often painful trials of its characters, the winning stories of the Palo Alto Weekly’s 27th Annual Short Story Contest offer insight into the deeper questions we’ve all asked of ourselves. The Palo Alto Weekly thanks each of the 125 writers who entered this year’s competition as well as readers Ann Hillesland and Katy Motiey, who chose the top entries in each category to send to judges. Also, thanks to our judges and the contest co-sponsors, Bell’s Books of Palo Alto, Kepler’s Books and Magazines of Menlo Park and Linden Tree of Los Altos. The stories and author biographies of the winners are published online at

WINNERS LIST Children, 9-11 years 1st Place: “Music for Life” by Julie Meng 2nd Place: “Journal of a Book” by Chloe Kim 3rd Place: “Into Their Dreams” by Dori Filppu

Teens, 12-14 years 1st Place: “Bittersweet Notes” by Nicole Knauer 2nd Place: “Escape to America” by Jacky Moore 3rd Place: “The Vanishing Box” by Caroline Bailey

Young Adults, 15-17 years 1st Place: “First, Do No Harm” by Andrew Briggs 2nd Place: “On Driving” by Valerie Taylor 3rd Place: “Paper Airplanes” by Gemma Guo

Adults, 18+ years 1st Place: “Encounter” by Marc Vincenti 2nd Place: “Painting Room” by Barbara Evans 3rd Place: “Captive Bred Birds” by Jane Moorman

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