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WALKING TOURS ... In honor of Preservation Month, Palo Alto Stanford Heritage (PAST) will offer a walking tour of the Professorville neighborhood on Saturday, May 25, at 10 a.m. Meet at the corner of Addison Avenue and Bryant Street. Information: www.pastheritage.org FLOWERS R US ... Members of the Garden Club of Los Altos will create flower arrangements using flowers and greenery from their own gardens at their next meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28. The group meets at the Los Altos Lutheran Church, 460 S. El Monte Ave., Los Altos. Fee for guests at the “Flowers R Us” program is $5. Information: www.gardencluboflosaltos.org SUMMER VEGGIES ... UC Master Gardeners will offer a free talk on “Summer Vegetable Gardening” from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, at the Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Road. Featured vegetables include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans and squash. Bring stories to share. Information: Master Gardeners at 408-282-3105, between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or http:// mastergardeners.org WILD PLANTS ... Drew Harwell, an edible-garden and Permaculture consultant, will teach a class on “Wild Plants as Food, Medicine and Soil Indicators” from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 1, at Common Ground, 559 College Ave., Palo Alto. Beginning with a slide show, then venturing out to a local garden, the class will deal with the beneficial uses of weeds, including which are edible. Cost is $44. Information: 650-493-6072 or www. commongroundinpaloalto.org CELEBRATE WITH SUNSET ... This year’s Sunset Celebration Weekend, Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2, will include a Weber Grilling School (tickets are $30, including a cookbook and tools); chef and author Fabio Viviani; and presentations on the GE Monogram Cooking Stage, Safeway Outdoor Stage, wine seminars, the Garden & Outdoor Living Stage, Transitions Stage and musical events. Admission is $18 general, $15 seniors, free for children 12 and under (plus online fees). Information: www.sunset. com N
Nemet family members (from left, Stephanie, Diana, Todd and Matthew) play with their dog Monroe in their Duveneck/St. Francis neighborhood back yard.
Duveneck/St. Francis A child- and people-friendly neighborhood by Audra Sorman | photographs by Katie Brigham
hen Vani Henderson and her husband Irv moved into their home on Walter Hays Drive in 2009, they were four days away from giving birth to their second child. One of the things that attracted them to the neighborhood was a child-friendly atmosphere that would suit their growing family. “We wanted a good school and somewhere we could see kids around and playing outside,” Hen-
NEIGHBORHOOD SNAPSHOT derson said. Three years later, Henderson noted that her family’s experience in the Duveneck neighborhood is exactly what she was hoping for. “This is a really nice community. On weekends we have kids running in and out of the house,” she said. Henderson and her family take advantage of many of the facilities
that are close by. She said that she, her husband and their two young children often visit Eleanor Pardee Park, the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo and the Palo Alto Children’s Library. “We really like to walk or bike wherever we can,” Henderson said, adding that she is grateful for her proximity to downtown Palo Alto
and the entrance to Highway 101. Near Walter Hays Drive lives Diana Nemet, her husband Todd, and their two children. Although the family originally thought that their 2003 move to Iris Way was only temporary, Nemet said that the relationships they have formed with their neighbors makes it impossible for them to relocate. “Now I will not move. I cannot (continued on page 35)
Send notices of news and events related to real estate, interior design, home improvement and gardening to Home Front, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302, or email cblitzer@paweekly. com. Deadline is one week before publication.
Many Duveneck/St. Francis neighborhood homes, including this one on Channing Avenue, were built as single-story houses post-War.
A home on Hamilton Avenue in the Duveneck/St. Francis neighborhood. ÜÜÜ°*> Ì " i°V ÊUÊ*> Ê Ì Ê7ii ÞÊUÊ >ÞÊÓ{]ÊÓä£ÎÊU Page 33