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g n i k r Spa n o i t a v o n n i Palo Alto’s National Day of Civic Hacking blends high-tech flash with game-changing ideas

Veronica Weber

by Gennady Sheyner


users to rewind and fast forward the broadcast from their car radios (Adori inventor Nathan Iyer, who is trying to KickStart this project to life, said he was inspired by his son’s insistence to hear a Maroon 5 song again — a request that cannot be met with standard radio technology). Though Palo Alto was one of 96 cities staging hackathons, Reichental said the city’s event was “10 times bigger than the next biggest hackathon in the country� and was singled out in a White House briefing. From the city’s perspective, the ideas that came out of the event were even more valuable than the toys and gadgets. From City Manager James Keene linking America’s present-day democratic tensions to the 1804 duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr to top technologists working with the city’s Chief People Officer Kathy Shen to build apps promoting a healthy community, the event offered plenty of cerebral food for the civic-minded thinker. Here are a few choice morsels:

REDRAWING THE SQUARE: For James Keene, the CEO of a city proud of its inclusive, democratic and at times mind-numbingly thorough “process,� the tension between getting things done and respecting public participation is a fact of everyday life. At his TEDstyle talk Saturday, Keene spoke at length about the “paradoxical tension� in America’s political tradition, which he traced back to the duel on the Hudson between Vice President Aaron Burr, a devout, small-government Jeffersonian, and Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, a pragmatic, stronggovernment federalist. The two represented, in Keene’s view, the two sides of America’s political system — Jefferson’s commitment to freedom and liberty and his belief in the wisdom of the crowds, and Hamilton’s enterprising spirit and commitment to a strong government and a robust economy. Keene presented three models of governance, each of which carries significant implications for the public. There’s the triangle, a hierarchical shape in which the bureaucracy is on top and the us-

Veronica Weber

At top, 7-year-old Seyoun Vishakan excitedly watches as his chosen robot competes to push another robot out of the ring in the TechShop booth during the National Day of Civic Hacking June 1. Above, Scott Parenteau, takes his motorized steel “Walking Pod� for a stroll in downtown Palo Alto. At left, Ori Gertstel (right) and Itsik Hazan (left) interact with The Hive, an apparatus that uses a computer program to pump air into tubes filled with a pingpong balls to show Palo Alto city data by year, including water usage, electricity, gas and e-books.

Veronica Weber

rom lasers and marshmallow shooters to tech workshops and TED-style talks, Palo Alto’s colorful and eclectic celebration of hacking had something for just about every one of the roughly 5,000 visitors who spread out around Lytton Plaza during Saturday’s National Day of Civic Hacking. But for organizers, some of the event’s most intriguing and potentially game-changing bits occurred away from the spotlight, in conference rooms, break-out sessions and design workshops. Jonathan Reichental, Palo Alto’s chief information officer and the event’s official maestro, said he was “ecstatic� about the turnout at the event and the excitement it generated in the community, particularly among the hundreds of youngsters who spent the sweltering afternoon playing with robots or exploring a 3-D printer, a laseretching machine or the myriad inventions on display — from a giant walking pod that Scott Parenteau put together for shelter at Burning Man to a small plastic box called Adori, which allows

ers are “clients� of the lawmakers (think Hamilton). There’s the circle, which has no hierarchy and in which users are “neighbors� (think Jefferson). But it’s the square, Keene said, that “we don’t pay enough attention to.� That’s where the public plays the role of “citizens� who help the lawmakers create the future the community wants. He pointed to Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the launch pad for Egypt’s revolution, and — a less dramatic but more pertinent example — to Lytton Plaza itself, site of what organizers labeled CityCamp Palo Alto. He encouraged visitors to use “hacking� as a way to “disrupt things� and “improve the software of self-government in our society.� “Today is more than a hackathon,� Keene declared. “CityCamp itself is an exercise in self-government.� A BLEAK NEW WORLD: “Revolutions are great to read about, but sometimes they kind of suck when you go through them,� futurist Paul Saffo told a group during a fireside-chat-style discus-

sion at Lytton Plaza. Saffo’s talk was titled “The Bay Area’s future as a city-state.� Cities, he said, define their power by the hinterlands they control, with the Bay Area’s “natural environment� running up and down Sacramento River. But as questions from the audience came in, the talk quickly turned to inequality and unemployment — trends that the technological revolution isn’t necessarily helping. In the past, technological innovation created at least as many jobs as it took away and the challenge was retraining the work force for the new positions. In the modern world of robots and automation, that’s no longer the case. “That changed some time during the dot-com revolution,� Saffo said. “For the first time, we were no longer making more jobs than we’re destroying.� He gave the example of Facebook, which in 2011 generated $3.7 million in revenues with a workforce of 2,500, productivity that he called “breathtaking.� And the employees of Twitter, (continued on page 39)


Tech events aim to hack away at the gender gap From Palo Alto seminars to Stanford hackathons, technologists hope to lure women into the startup game by Gennady Sheyner


dalin “Abbyâ€? BobĂŠ understands better than most the transformative power of technology. Growing up as one of nine children in a Puerto Rican family, she spent much of her childhood working and taking care of her siblings. Her grades were poor. Sometimes, she showed up to school late because she was taking her siblings to schools. At other times, she didn’t show up at all because she had to work. She didn’t know back then that she would become the first member of her family to go to college. But with encouragement from her school counselor, who saw her drive and dedication, she enrolled in a state college in Pennsylvania, where her eligibility hinged on her maintaining a 2.5 grade point average. As a student, she also received her first laptop. “That laptop changed my life,â€? BobĂŠ told an audience during last Saturday’s National Day of Civic Hacking in Palo Alto. “It allowed me to go online.â€? By browsing the Web in her dorm room, she was able to catch up with her classmates and learn the computer basics. She majored in applied statistics and graduated with honors. Today, BobĂŠ works with Black Girls CODE, an organization that has tutored 1,200 girls in robotics and programming. Communities in 50 different cities signed petitions asking for the group’s tutoring services. The group is also looking to bring its services, including bilingual workshops, abroad to Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and South Africa. “Once you work with girls and see how lives are changing, you

don’t want to stop,â€? BobĂŠ said. But even with the recent successes, girl coders don’t have to look far to see the barriers separating them from their dreams. Black Girls CODE have been getting plenty of praise for their work, from cities, from communities and from politicians in Sacramento and Washington D.C., BobĂŠ said. But the money that would allow the group to expand just hasn’t been there, she said. The group is hoping to raise $100,000 to expand its efforts. “Everyone loves us, but the money isn’t there,â€? BobĂŠ said. Her frustrations are illustrative of a greater trend in Silicon Valley and other tech hubs. Diversity and inclusiveness may be popular concepts in the abstract, but as anyone who has seen “The Social Network,â€? attended a typical hackathon or browsed the industry’s latest Who’s Who list, can testify hacking remains by and large a male-dominated world. Kelly Hoey, CEO of Women Innovate Mobile, noted that if the hundreds of startups that received funding from Y Combinator, a provider of seed funding, only 4 percent were founded by women. Hoey is hoping to change that through her company, known as an “accelerator.â€? Founded in 2011, Women Innovate Mobile provides what Hoey calls a “greenhouseâ€? environment that allows women developers to obtain leadership positions in the tech world. Hoey said she has seen plenty of bright women hackers enter into the tech world only to be relegated to “help deskâ€? roles once hired. That’s not good enough, she said. What’s needed is more female CFOs,

CTOs, CIOs, and CEOs. Perhaps a female Zuckerberg or two. “We need to identify them and mentor them and advise them and provide them with opportunities so that they are successful,� Hoey said. “They want to see someone within their grasp that’s being successful.� Hoey was one of dozens of technologists — mostly women — who were scattered Saturday afternoon at the AT&T Foundry on Homer Street. Some slumped solo in armchairs and coded away. Others gathered in teams in well-lighted conference rooms, with each team working on a particular project. Alex Donn, senior marketing manager at AT&T and organizer of the event, said most of the hackathons he’s been involved in are maledominated, with women making up about 5 percent. During Saturday’s hackathon, which he helped coordinate, males were a minority for a change, making up about a tenth of the roughly 90 participants. In one conference room, seven programmers (one of them a guy) were playing with worms — the kinds that slither inside a compost box, not the kind that replicate themselves inside a hacked computer. Three subcommittees were toiling away next to whiteboards filled with indecipherable hacker wisdom. One dealt with design; another focused on data; the third worked on interface. Their program allows users to monitor the temperature and condition of their compost boxes through their cell phones. Brenda Jin, who came up with the concept, said she has just learned about the sensor technology and thought composting would be great way to put this technology to use. In another room, a group of coders was designing “Shove,� a web application that would allow users to become matchmakers for their Facebook friends. The site is a brainchild of Nicole Chiu-Wang,

Veronica Weber

Cover Story

(continued on page 41)

Gennady Sheyner

Idalin “Abbyâ€? BobĂŠ talks about Black Girl CODE at a forum focusing on women in technology during Palo Alto’s hackathon on June 1. Page 38ĂŠUĂŠ Ă•Â˜iÊÇ]ĂŠĂ“ä£ĂŽĂŠUĂŠ*>Â?ÂœĂŠ Â?ĂŒÂœĂŠ7iiÂŽÂ?ÞÊUĂŠĂœĂœĂœ°*>Â?Âœ Â?ĂŒÂœ"˜Â?ˆ˜i°Vœ“

Participants in the Design Thinking Workshop discuss their design prototypes.

Palo Alto’s hackathon draws on innovation, collaboration Community members solve community problems, one conversation at a time by Karishma Mehrotra


he term “hackathon� usually conjures up an image of a warehouse filled with glasses-wearing 20-somethings who still live with their mothers, hunched in front of their laptops for an all-night coding fest. There was indeed a warehouse, but the four Idea Hackathon sessions held at CityCamp Palo Alto on Saturday, June 1, drew 5-yearolds and 50 year olds — and fewer laptops than one would think. Session attendees — a diverse group of cartoonists, City Council members, computer scientists and more — didn’t develop mobile applications but instead focused on real-life solutions. They competed in a rock-paperscissors marathon to get their energy flowing and designed sustainable transportation solutions with colorful pipe cleaners, construction paper and cotton puffs. Some introduced themselves with high-fives instead of handshakes, and others discussed their community’s toughest problems. The afternoon’s four hackathon sessions each focused on an issue — resilience, connectedness, sustainability or health — and were hosted by Hewlett-Packard Co.; Accela; SAP Labs, LLC and Kathy Shen, Palo Alto’s chief people officer, respectively. “I think people want to do the right thing,� said Lisa Van Dusen, co-founder of the social innovation studio First Person Impact. Dusen helped produce the third hackathon session on sustainability. “They just need the opportunity to see (doing the right thing) as an opportunity instead of a chore. There is a lot of ‘civic solutionizing’ around here. And I think people have a good feeling when they realize they can be a part of something that is going to make a difference.� The sustainability session paired participants, who then examined each other’s commute patterns to brainstorm ideas that could help

them become more sustainable. “If you look at transportation, that is a huge, huge part of where we are not carbon neutral and not reaching our local, Bay Area and state and global goals in terms of addressing climate change,� Van Dusen said. Solutions included a dog escort service to combat fears of walking in the city alone, a suitcase with legs so people could carry it on subway stairs and a toothbrush that squirts water to speed up one’s morning schedule and give extra time for public transportation. Sandra Slater, project director of environmental program Cool Cities Challenge, told the person she was paired with that she sometimes decides not to bike because she feels unsafe traveling next to speeding cars. “One of the things I realized is that I am the buffer between the parked car and the moving car,� Slater said. “And that is not the way it should be.� Slater proposed an infrastructure change in which parked cars would be placed in between the bike lane and the moving cars. But the main takeaway from the event, Slater said, was networking. One could see those kind of connections being made left and right at the hackathon sessions, through the exchange of Twitter handles and LinkedIn profile URLs. “The whole notion of bringing together different perspectives, points of views, ideas is fascinating,� said Jeff Stiles, vice president of marketing at Accela. “The co-innovation angle, right?� Stiles led the second Idea Hackathon about connectedness, or, what he more specifically focused on: civic engagement. “We view civic hacking as a way to leverage public and private partnerships to build innovative solutions,� Erica Harvill, Accela’s senior marketing communications manager, wrote in an email. “Whether government- or citizenfocused, we are always looking

Cover Story

Veronica Weber

Gennady Sheyner

City Manager James Keene presents his TEDstyle talk, “Reinventing the Town Square.�

A Frisbee-throwing robot created by the all-girl robotics team at Notre Dame High School in San Jose was on full display in downtown Palo Alto.


tion is: Is there an appropriate and legal way to do this use the best of technology? We’ll solve it. Not in a day, but in the next few months.�

(continued from page 37)

which is often credited for fanning revolutionary flames across the world, can all fit inside Lytton Plaza. Saffo said he doesn’t expect the trend toward fewer workers to abate. “It’s just a matter of time before we have some big IPO success of a company where it turns out that all it has is a CEO and a board of directors and no employees,� Saffo said. CITIZEN’S ARREST: Ending street crime is an ambitious and possibly impossible goal, but that didn’t stop some of the brightest minds at Palo Alto’s technological celebrations from giving it a hack. In one of four “idea hackathons� that the city sponsored (see sidebar, left), a group of coders led by HP focused on the topic of “resilience� and ways for technology to play a role. One proposal that came out of the discussion was for a “virtual neighborhood watch.� “The notion is: ‘How can we use this new technology — smartphones, Internet connectivity, GPS and various types of predictive technologies — to be able to help enable a virtual neighborhood watch,’� Palo Alto Chief Information Officer Jonathan Reichental said. “There’s a solution somewhere there.� The goal is to come up with a digital equivalent of “Guardian Angels,� the citizenvigilante group that was founded in 1979 and whose members are easily identified by their red berets. “We’re in the 21st century now and the ques-

AN APP A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY: “How can we make our community healthier?� That’s the question Palo Alto’s Chief People Officer Kathryn Shen asked the throngs of people who passed by the city’s booth at the Saturday hackathon. Whether it’s because people care about health or because the city bribed passersby with recycled-paper notebooks, the responses arrived in droves. By the time Shen kicked off the late afternoon “idea hackathon� on health, the city’s bulletin board was covered with colorful sticky notes bearing messages such as “Don’t litr� and “Recucle more,� as well as requests for healthier food options and more exercise. “The best ideas came from the kids,� Shen said. Solutions, meanwhile, were mostly adultdriven. Two of the most promising ones that came out of the hackathon focused on fitness. One app would allow members of the community to join competitive teams based on their interests (running, volleyball, etc.) and accumulate “social currency� for each physical activity. The “coins� earned would be redeemable at area shops or would net prizes. Another idea focused on seniors and would allow them to easily find companions — twoor four-legged ones — to stroll with. “A lot of studies have shown that particularly for elders in the community, if there’s a connection, if there are people to talk to and some accessible park, maybe when they can do a walk-around. That connection promotes

health.� Shen said she expects these apps to be submitted to the city in about four weeks. Her favorite sticky note, she said, read, “Greet strangers.� “If we talk to each other more and make more connections, we’ll be a stronger community, and we’ll actually be healthier.� WHAT’S THE 3-1-1? Successful startups may get all the glory in the Brave New World of high-tech innovation, but the City of Palo Alto is taking pride in its own enterprising ethos. In the coming months, it plans to bring wireless access to prominent downtown plazas (Cogswell and Lytton). Mayor Greg Scharff also predicted Saturday that the city will bring ultra-high-speed fiber-based Internet access to all residences within two years — a bold pronouncement given that the prize has eluded the city for the past two decades. But one new product that did come online this week is Palo Alto 3-1-1, an app that allows users to check out library books, keep up with government activities and easily inform City Hall about potholes, graffiti and other signs of blight. All a user has to do is take a photo and the app sends the GPS location of the blighted area to Public Works, which would then make the needed repairs. “Now, as a city, we’re actively looking for new apps and technologies that make our cities more efficient and improve our quality of life and the ‘user experience,’� Scharff said during his remarks at Lytton Plaza. N Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be e-mailed at gsheyner@paweekly.com.

Veronica Weber

Veronica Weber

for ways to improve governments at the federal, state and local level while fostering civic engagement by leveraging cloud, mobile and web-based technology and for opportunities to help developers and business partners build their government businesses.� This session included a panel of three relevant innovators — Clara Brenner, the co-founder of Tumml, which supports early-stage companies developing products and services that improve urban living; Azmat Tanauli, the CEO of mobile government application CityGovApp; and Lily Liu, CEO of citizenengagement app Public Stuff — who discussed the value of civic engagement and business opportunities. The panelists gave business advice to new developers in the audience, such as the importance of building a strong customer base before approaching the government and of finding one’s niche. “Civic innovation and tech is not the next Angry Birds or car-sharing platform. It is the emergency responder finding you when you’re in trouble, understanding crime in places where your family lives and shops, finding housing and jobs and communicating with your representatives,� Carla Mays, hacker and audience member, wrote in an email after the event. “It’s not to turn the next buck but to efficiently use taxpayer dollars for public good.� But Stiles said there are many opportunities to serve a public good and make a profit. Developers are just missing one thing. “A lot of people who are in a room like this come because they are passionate about a topic or social issues and that’s fantastic,� Stiles said. “But the thing that has really been missing — and it’s the thing that will propel hacking and innovation — is the business model.� The passion Stiles referred to consumed the room with the last Idea Hackathon session about health, led by Shen. “Let us find ways to make it easy for health to happen here, in the workplace, among our neighbors, in our schools and senior centers, in our parks and open places, with good and local food, with accessible care,� Shen wrote in an email. The small group of participants of this session sorted through ideas on a billboard of sticky notes, such as a bike party and small pets for older adults, that the hosts had collected throughout the day. Then, the “hackers� split up into clusters focused on topics such as exercise and the elderly. One of the groups hashed out an idea for a trusted community board that would list group exercise activities. Van Dusen hopes the prototypes and ideas produced in the warehouse at 542 High St. this past weekend will move on to the next step: actual development. “How can we create solutions here that can be shared, scaled, spread, replicated, borrowed from elsewhere?� Van Dusen asked. “There may be business ideas that come out of this. It’s the beginning of something.� N Editorial Intern Karishma Mehrotra can be emailed at kmehrotra@paweekly.com.

From left, Ginger Quigley, Evie Barclay, Charlotte Dunlap and Anna Hagan wave and interact with “Rocky,� a pirate resembling a moving robot created by Camp Peavy at CityCamp Palo Alto on June 1.

Andra Keay, director of Silicon Valley Robotics, talks with visitors about homemade 3-D printers, linkbots and consumer-sized plastic recycler prototype on June 1. ĂœĂœĂœ°*>Â?Âœ Â?ĂŒÂœ"˜Â?ˆ˜i°VÂœÂ“ĂŠUĂŠ*>Â?ÂœĂŠ Â?ĂŒÂœĂŠ7iiÂŽÂ?ÞÊUĂŠ Ă•Â˜iÊÇ]ĂŠĂ“ä£ĂŽĂŠU Page 39

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an attorney who recently got married and who is trying to come up with a new way to set up her single friends. Dating websites, she said, aren’t very reliable. Facebook, meanwhile, narrows the pool and adds the comfort of familiarity to the daunting dating process. “I’m always setting up my single friends,� Chiu-Wang said. “Some are more willing than others.� For Hoey, the teams gathered at the Foundry aren’t the only hopeful signs for women in technology. She pointed to Etsy, a website for buying and selling crafts, which increased the number of its female developers by 500 percent. Other women are launching startups and organizing hackathons with civic overtones — a far cry from the pizza-and-Red Bull all-night affairs made famous by Facebook and its ilk. One such event is being spearheaded by Danielle Gould, CEO of Food+Tech Connect, a research and networking that brings hackers together to solve food-related problems. The hackathon, titled Hack/ Meat Silicon Valley, will bring together “steakholders� — including hackers, butchers, farmers, designers and food executives — to work on problems relating to food sustainability. The hearty to-do list includes helping small farmers operate more profitably, improving supply-chain communications, promoting supply-chain transparency and improving animal health. The event will be held from June 21 to June 23 at the Institute of Design at Stanford University. Gould said that while most hackathons she’s been involved in still have a male majority, the ratio isn’t too drastic, somewhere in the 60-40 range. And in the last two years or so, a number of food-related startups have emerged, led by women. Her event, she said, is different from most hackathons because it will involve meetings between food experts, technology mentors and developers before any hacking actually takes place. “Hackers don’t start building anything until 3 or 4 p.m because they spend the morning really interviewing ‘steakholders,’ trying to get a better understanding,� Gould said. “So when they start to ideate and come up with solutions, they have a better understanding of the problems.� In addition to coming up with food solutions, the hackathon will have another benefit, Hoey said. It will offer female developers “an opportunity to work in an environment that is different from the locker room, ego-driven kind of environment� that is familiar to hackathon veterans. “It will allow them to have access to extraordinary mentors and tech advisors that some of these women might not off-hand have access to,� Hoey said. “No one is going to be creating the next LinkedIn or next Cisco out of this. But you can have technologies that immediately go and solve problems.� N Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be e-mailed at gsheyner@ paweekly.com.


LivingWell MONTH 2013

JUNE 2013

A monthly special section of

news & information for seniors

The quest to play, paint, sculpt, write in the ‘vintage years’ Psychologist explores how artistic expression stimulates the aging brain by Chris Kenrick


Katie Brigham

Francine Toder plays the cello in her Palo Alto living room. Toder, a retired professor of psychology, took up the instrument at age 70.

t 70, with no previous experience on a stringed instrument, Palo Alto resident Francine Toder drove to San Francisco and rented herself a cello. She was wrestling with her decision to retire after a 45-year career she’d thrived in, teaching college-level psychology as well as maintaining a psychology practice. “As I got to this stage I thought, ‘What else do I want to do?’ It’s the quintessential question of these years I call the ‘vintage years,’� Toder said in a recent interview. She’d always loved the sound of the cello and felt inspired after watching a DVD documentary about an 89-year-old woman with no prior musical education learning to play the instrument. That gave Toder the courage to come home with her rented cello and case. She later purchased a self-instruction book, music stand and metronome and eventually found a teach(continued on page 45)


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Wednesday, June 12

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Wednesday, June 12

Blood Drive

Tuesday, June 4

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Wednesday, June 5 2-3pm @ Avenidas

“Challenges of a long & successful retirement� 10-11:30am @ Avenidas

Thursday, June 6

Friday, June 14

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Thursday Movies

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Monday, June 17

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Tuesday, June 18

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Thursday, June 27

Monday, June 10

Wednesday, June 19

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about aging-in-place Avenidas Village

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2-3:30pm @ Avenidas

Free Beginning Tap/Shim Sham Demo

Call (650) 289-5417 to pre-register 1-2:30pm @ Avenidas alternate Tuesdays $60/quarter,

Free coffee chat 2pm

Free Retirement Planning Strategies

Free Retirement Planning Strategies

Circle of Friends Discussion Group

Support group for adult child caregivers @ Avenidas 6-7:30 pm $10 donation requested

Thursday, June 20

Tuesday, June 11

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Massage & Reexology appointments

Thursday, June 13

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Friday, June 21

Private Spinal Exam & Stretching Sessions

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Living Well

Vintage years (continued from page 42)

er, Lucinda Breed Lenicheck of Palo Alto. Toder turns 73 this month and, after 18 months of weekly lessons and daily 40-minute practice, said she’s “capable of playing beautiful music — at least to my ears.� Toder’s journey with cello paralleled her simultaneous quest to explore her notions of how artistic expression stimulates the aging brain and, conversely, how the aging brain facilitates artistic expression. The results of that investigation can be found in her book, “The Vintage Years: Finding Your Inner Artist (Writer, Musician, Visual Artist) After Sixty,� published this spring. The book sprang from Toder’s participation in a Continuing Studies at Stanford University class in creative nonfiction, in which the professor challenged students to come up with topics to write about. “When I gave my instructor two titles he said I needed a third, and I spontaneously came up with this idea,� Toder said. “I thought the fine arts really have the elements — novelty, complexity and problem-solving — that can keep the brain strong. But I really wasn’t serious about it, hadn’t done the research. And that’s the one he wanted me to pursue.� The final paper for the Stanford class became an early chapter in Toder’s book. Later she abandoned her original plan to interview hundreds of people to gather data for a scholarly conclusion in favor of anecdotal interviews with artists. Her requirement was simply that the subject took up a fine-arts endeavor after the age of 55. Toder’s final product includes brief profiles of 21 musicians, visual artists and writers who began their pursuits later in life. Don, a 78-year-old a retired physicist, took up fiddling at age 63, now plays for a few hours daily and has memorized 300 tunes. Julie, a 74-year-old former computer programmer and homemaker, started painting botanical watercolors at 62 and has mounted two shows. Stan, 69, a doctor who likes to hike and bicycle, took up fictionwriting just before age 60. Marty, 84, now retired from pharmaceutical research, impulsively registered for a sculpture class in his 50s as part of his effort to “come back to the world� after the suicide of a son. Charmion, 81, began playing viola da gamba at 71. Although a handful of Toder’s artists have earned public recognition for their work, she said that is in no way the point. “Talent is irrelevant at this stage because people are not doing it for any goal other than their own pleasure,� she said. “You’re not doing it to get attention, necessarily, or to please anyone or to further your career. “None of these artists embarked on their art thinking, ‘I will be(continued on page 46)

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Living Well

Vintage years (continued from page 45)

Katie Brigham

A recent book by Francine Toder, shown here in her Palo Alto yard, includes interviews with 21 people who took up musical instruments or other fine arts after the age of 55.

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come famous.’ It’s too intimidating an idea, not consistent with this life stage,� Toder said. Rather, in the vintage years, people “have the space, time and ability to focus with laser sharpness, which allows them to get into the art more fully.� One of her subjects, 86-year-old Harold, a retired food executive who first took a stained-glass course at a local high school at 65, eventually was asked to make windows for a local synagogue. “I never thought about myself as doing something like this. I’m a very simple person,� Harold told her. Dan, a 64-year-old retired ophthalmologist and now a full-time art student, said: “You don’t have to have talent; you just have to put in the time.� Another subject, 66-year-old retired research physicist Betsy, tried photography, succulents and knitting before finally settling on ceramics. “Don’t prejudge any of the possibilities until you try them,� Betsy advised. “It may disappoint you or it may vastly exceed your expectations.� Toder does not judge the creative products of her subjects, preferring to focus on the social, mental health and healing benefits of artistic pursuits for any older person. Barbara, a former therapist who took up African drumming in her 60s, described some of them. “Music has introduced me to people who are younger and who are from different ethnic backgrounds, different socio-economic statuses, different professions and different perspectives,� she said. “Whereas therapists tend to be introspective, I’ve met people who just want to have fun.� As health problem creep into her subjects’ lives, many are able to adapt different ways to practice their art as well as to embrace art as a distraction from pain and worry, Toder said. Judy, a 66-year-old watercolorist, found her devotion to painting “reoriented the content of her thinking away from fearful what-ifs and toward the wonders of art.� She fell and injured her knee on her way to an evening art class but decided to continue to class. The watercolors kept her so absorbed that she felt nothing until packing up to leave when she noticed her knee had swollen to cantaloupe size and she “felt the worst pain that I’ve felt in my entire life.� Her husband took her to the emergency room. Toder herself was diagnosed with lung cancer as she was finishing the book. The terrifying possibilities, she said, “gave me the opportunity to put into practice some of the lessons I absorbed from the many artists I had the privilege to interview. “I heard their words of support and encouragement in my head when I wondered how I would handle some serious and negative health news out of left field.� (continued on page 48)


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Living Well

Senior Focus

Vintage years (continued from page 46)

Toder decided to confront the uncertainties of her illness in what she calls “the artist’s way — to practice my art every day, as much as possible, both to distract myself from fantasizing about the unknown and to write the last chapter of this book.� She continued to practice her cello “as if nothing had changed.� After surgery, which held out the hope of full recovery, was successful, Toder emerged feeling “grateful for learning to be so totally involved in writing and playing music that I did experience time-outs from worry and pain.� Through the book she hopes to spread the word about the power of artistic expression to enrich older adulthood. “The vintage years can be the largest life stage; some people have 30 or more years left,� she said. “Receptivity to art continues to be something that humans value and experience with pleasure, even passion.� N Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can be emailed at ckenrick@paweekly.com.

TELLING YOUR STORIES ... Write and read the stories of your life to boost your cognitive functioning and verbal dexterity while enhancing your memory. Artist and facilitator Jamila Rufaro leads a $110, six-week course in Guided Autobiography beginning June 11 through the Palo Alto Adult School. Students will write short, autobiographical stories each week and share them with the group. No previous writing experience is required. Classes meet Tuesdays at Greendell School, 4120 Middlefield Road. Details are in the 55-Plus section of the Palo Alto Adult School catalog at www.paadultschool.org. GADGET LESSONS ... Got a new gadget but not sure how to use it? Avenidas offers one-to-one tutoring sessions to show you how to get the most out of your iPad/tablet, iPhone/Android smart phone, PC or Mac. It’s $5 for members and $10 for non-members for 50 minutes of hands-on learning. Call 650-308-4252 for an appointment.

For her book, published this spring, Francine Toder profiled 21 people who took up art, writing and music later in life.

‘SENIOR FRIENDSHIP’ WEDNESDAYS ... Seniors are invited to attend presentations on topics such as money management, health news, crafts, exercises and health news at Senior Friendship Day each Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. at Cubberley Community Center. There is no fee, but a $2.50 donation is requested for a lunch catered by La Comida Senior Nutrition Program. Details are in the Palo Alto Adult School catalog. SAVVY ABOUT SODIUM ... Want to learn how to control your salt intake? Swing by Avenidas Thursday, June 20, from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. for a free talk on how to be more sodium-savvy by nutrition educator Khanh Ngo. CREATIVE WRITING ... Express yourself in poetry, short stories, dramatic scripts, narratives, autobiography or essays in a Creative Writing class offered by Burt Liebert through the Palo Alto Adult School. The $35, six-week class meets Wednesdays at Greendell School beginning June 12. Details are in the Palo Alto Adult School catalog.

Items for Senior Focus may be emailed to Palo Alto Weekly Staff Writer Chris Kenrick at ckenrick@paweekly.com.

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING of the City of Palo Alto Historic Resources Board [HRB] 8:00 A.M., Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Palo Alto Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue. Go to the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue to review ďŹ led documents; contact Diana Tamale for information regarding business hours at 650.329.2144. 456 University Avenue [13PLN-00078]: Request by Robinson Hill Architecture on behalf of Palo Alto Theater Corporation for Historic Resources Board review of exterior modiďŹ cations to the existing building, including a new storefront window system at University Avenue, new storefront openings at the rear (parking lot side), a new retractable covered canopy over the courtyard, and installation of a bar and restaurant seating in the courtyard for a proposed eating and drinking establishment. Environmental Assessment: a Negative Declaration has been prepared. Zone District: CD-C(GF)(P) Steven Turner, Advance Planning Manager


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NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING of the City of Palo Alto Architectural Review Board (ARB) 8:30 A.M., Thursday, June 20, 2013 Palo Alto Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue. Go to the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue to review ďŹ led documents; contact Diana Tamale for information regarding business hours at 650.329.2144.

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road� - Jack Kerouac, On the Road

MayďŹ eld Development Agreement Overview: Informational session regarding the 2005 MayďŹ eld Development Agreement (MDA) allowing for general discussion regarding two housing projects coming before the ARB that will satisfy the MDA requirement for Stanford to provide 250 housing units; the ďŹ rst preliminary Architectural Review, also on June 20, 2013, is the proposed mixed use building at 2500 El Camino Real that would provide 70 affordable housing units (continued from June 6, 2013 ARB meeting). 911 Hansen Way[12PLN- 00474]: Request by Hoover and Associates on behalf of Leland Stanford Jr. University Board of Trustees for Architectural Review of a new 4,734 square foot, one-story addition to an existing 143,142 square foot manufacturing building for Varian on a 13.7 acre site. Zone District: Research Park (RP).Environmental Assessment: A draft Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared and the public comment period is May 24, 2013 to June 24, 2013. 405 Curtner Avenue 13PLN-00098: Request by Salvatore Caruso on behalf of Zhen Zhen Li for Architectural Review of a new 7,425 square foot, three story building with six residential condominium units. Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15303. Zone District: RM-30. Amy French Chief Planning OfďŹ cial

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Book Talk

FATHER’S DAY FARE ... Palo Alto author Len Filppu’s nonfiction parenting book, “Prime Time Dads: 45 Reasons to Embrace Midlife Fatherhood,� will be available in print (published by Palo Altobased Bright Lights Press, www.brightlightspress.com) on Father’s Day, June 16. A regular blogger for Huffington Post Parents, Filppu became a father at 49 and has written a collection of essays about the experience. “Midlife fatherhood is not for the faint-hearted, frail or fumbling,� he said in an email. The book is available in print and as an e-book through major book retailers.

Title Pages A monthly section on local books and authors

THE GIFT OF CONFLICT ... Local authors Hillary Freeman, Sharlene Gee, Jack Hamilton and Elisabeth Seaman, mediators and facilitators with Learn2Resolve, have written “Conflict — the Unexpected Gift: Making the most of disputes in life and work,� based on their curriculum for teaching conflictresolution skills to students and workshop participants. The book, which includes real-life vignettes, is designed to help “people resolve conflicts and build more viable relationships with family members, friends, acquaintances and other people with whom they interact,� according to a press release. Information: The book can be ordered online, through booksellers or by contacting iUniverse, 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 or www.iuniverse.com.

Time to dive into summer reading! by Debbie Duncan

chool’s out and the summer, with more time for reading, stretches ahead. Recently published books for children 3 to 14 promise to open new worlds, including baseball, show business, math, history, an artist’s take on San Francisco and a new twist on a classic.

AVENIDAS BOOK CLUB ... This free group for adults at least 50 years old gathers monthly and will next meet on Thursday, June 20, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. to discuss “In the Shadow of the Banyan� by Vaddey Ratner. The group meets at the nonprofit Avenidas, 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto. Information is available from facilitator Phil Lumish at 415-265-0851. TELLIN’ TALES ... Palo Alto resident Tracy Herrick has self-published his memoir, “Tales to Tell,� which takes him from a young boy growing up in Ohio to the highest levels of securities firm Jefferies & Company, Inc. Along the way, he includes personal, family reminiscences, as well as school and work anecdotes. His book can be ordered from www.Xlibris.com. AUTHOR AUTHOR ... Upcoming authors at Keplers, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, include Joan Steinau Lester, “Mama’s Child� (June 20, 7:30 p.m.); Jennifer Byde Myers and co-authors, “Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism� (June 25, 7:30 p.m.); Kevin Hearne, “Hunted (The Iron Druid Chronicles, Book Six)� (June 26, 7:30 p.m.); Robert Burton, “A Skeptics Guide to the Mind: What Neuroscience Can and Cannot Tell Us about Ourselves� (June 27, 7:30 p.m.) Information at www.keplers.com. BYPASSING MOTHERHOOD ... Books Inc. at Town & Country Village in Palo Alto hosts Andrea Carla Michaels, Maureen Langan and Cindy Caponera, who will read from “No Kidding: Women Writers on Bypassing Motherhood� on June 10 at 7 p.m. The shop also hosts a variety of book clubs in June. See website for details. Information: www.booksinc.net. N

Items for Book Talk may be sent to Associate Editor Carol Blitzer, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 93202 or emailed to cblitzer@paweekly.com by the last Friday of the month.

The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf by Mark Teague; $17; Orchard/ Scholastic; ages 3-8. Who doesn’t love a fresh, funny take on a classic? These three little pigs build houses of sticks, straws and bricks, and the wolf comes along and blows the first two houses down. But there the similarities to the familiar tale end. To begin with, the pigs are refugees after the farmer moves to Florida. The first pig likes potato chips, the second sody-pop (sorry, Mayor Bloomberg), and the third is an excellent gardener as well as home builder. The wolf isn’t really bad; he’s just hungry, and he surprises himself when he succeeds in blowing houses down. Kids will love seeing how the book-loving, vegetable-growing third little pig gets this motley crew to behave and get along and have oodles of summer fun.


You Never Heard of Willie Mays?! by Jonah Winter, illustrated by Terry Widener; $18; Schwartz & Wade/Random House; ages 4-9. This eye-catching picture book biography of baseball legend (and Atherton resident) Willie Mays narrates the Say Hey Kid’s journey from Jim Crow Alabama through the Negro Leagues and his first at-bat for the New York Giants (he hit a home run), all the way to Mays’ famous catch and throw in the 1954 World Series. The text is folksy, in a sit-close-to-the-radio-and-I’lltell-you-a-story way, with illustrations that are emblematic of the time and the man. Baseball stats and a glossary of baseball terms complete this terrific offering.

The Favorite Daughter by Allen Say; Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic; $18; ages 4-8. Yuriko is like many Peninsula kids who are teased for not having an American name. As beautifully portrayed here by Caldecott medalist Allen Say, Yuriko is a blonde with an Asian father. That father, Allen Say himself, takes Yuriko to places in San Francisco that are uniquely Japanese. They go out for sushi and visit the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, picking up souvenirs related to their heritage. Then they drive across a foggy Golden Gate Bridge, as Yuriko has to complete an art assignment about the bridge during her weekend at Dad’s. Turns out she’s just as clever as her artist father. Thoughtful and sensitive, “The Favorite Daughter� should inspire local families to make field trips to San Francisco.

(continued on next page)

Title Pages The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdos by Deborah Heiligman, illustrated by LeUyen Pham; Roaring Brook Press; $18; ages 3 and up. If ever there were a perfect book for Silicon Valley families, this is it. Everyone here knows a quirky kid who loves numbers and math. Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos’ life story, from being able to figure out at age 4 how many seconds a person has been alive, to his worldwide travels as an adult who helped other mathematicians solve problems and develop new fields of mathematics, is brought to life here brilliantly in words and pictures. San Francisco illustrator LeUyen Pham complements award-winning author Deborah Heiligman’s engaging, accessible text by filling the pages with numbers, shapes and symbols significant to Erdos’ work. All of this is fully explained in detailed and instructive author’s and illustrator’s notes — theorems included.

Better Nate Than Ever by Tim Federle; Simon & Schuster; $17; ages 9-13. Here is an obviously real-lifeinspired story, by San Francisco native and young actor Tim Federle, of escaping to New York City to audition for a Broadway show. Thirteenyear-old Nate, bullied at school in Pennsylvania, concocts a plan with his best friend and musical-loving pal, Libby, to take the bus and show up for an open audition. One complication follows another as naive Nate navigates his way through the big city with humor and determination, learning more about himself, his family and life beyond small-town America than he ever imagined. Young readers, especially those who dream of stardom or even of seeing a Broadway show, will cheer for Nate at every step. Pick up “Better Nate than Ever� for a perfect summer family read-aloud. Bravo!


a guide to the spiritual community

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and their housekeeper hide the Canadian and a British soldier in the cellar. Even Paolo’s dog gets pulled into the conflict. Families who read “Hero on a Bicycle� together will have much to talk about: history, allegiances and perhaps even how teens in other parts of the world may be dealing with conflict right now. N

Hero on a Bicycle by Shirley Hughes; Candlewick; $16; ages 10-14. This historical novel, set during the final weeks of the Nazi occupation of Florence, Italy, in the summer of 1944, does not mince words — or actions — about the horror, hardships and complications of civilians living in a war zone. Short, compelling chapters tell how the Crevelli family — mom Rosemary and her teenage children, Constanza and Paolo — get by after dad Franco goes into hiding to fight the Germans as a member of the Resistance (Partisans). Paolo takes latenight rides on his bicycle, delivering messages and otherwise helping the Partisans. Constanza leads an escaped Canadian prisoner-of-war (and potential love interest) to safety while at the same time not being entirely forthcoming with her best friend, whose family sympathizes with the Germans. The Crevellis

Debbie Duncan, a Stanford resident, is the author of an awardwinning e-book, “Caller Number Nine.� She has reviewed children’s books for the Weekly since 1997. Her complete reviews are available at www.debbieduncan.com.

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Shop the Palo Alto Citywide Yard Sale Saturday, June 8 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. A full-page ad with sale locations and merchandise will be available in the June 7, 2013 edition of the Palo Alto Weekly. Maps and sale listings will also be available online in late May at www.PaloAltoOnline.com/yardsale For more information about the Yard Sale www.PaloAltoOnline.com/yardsale zerowaste@cityofpaloalto.org (650) 496-5910


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24910 La Loma Court Los Altos Hills 1.94 acres with western hill views and peak of Valley views, and Lake estates. Serene environment, yet less than 1 mile to Los Altos Village center. Grand architecture built in 2006, 4bedroom, 4.5 baths. Granite, limestone, marble oors & counters. Hardwood oors. Living, dining, eat in kitchen, family, library/ ofďŹ ce, laundry. Flagstone patio and expansive lawn area. End of culdesac. Zone heating and Central AC. House is 4498 sq ft w attached 2 car garage. Excellent Los Altos schools

Offered at $4,098,000

24052 Oak Knoll Circle

Los Altos Hills

776 Parma Way

Los Altos

Sale Pending

Custom estate home built in 2002. Sweeping San Francisco bay views. Blending the romance of the Napa countryside with the best silicon valley, this sumptous home evokes luxurious living indoors and out. 1.58 acres with almost 1 acre of award winning Syrah & Semillion grapes. 4908 sq.ft., 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, and 2 half baths, home theatre & wine cellar. Formal living, dining, family rooms with views. Attached 3 car garage. Rarely match quality throughout.

Contemporary with clean lines and spacious light-ďŹ lled living areas, this amazing Los Altos home is a bold expression of contemporary style and artistry. Inside, walls of glass provide a captivating interplay with the enchanting rear gardens, while breathtaking ďŹ nishes and an exceptional color palette create an inviting Zen-like ambiance.

Offered at $2,799,000

Offered at $5,595,000


Top 1% Coldwell Banker 650-917-5811 Direct TERRI COUTURE CBNORCAL COM s WWW TERRICOUTURE COM

DRE#01090940 Page 52ĂŠUĂŠ Ă•Â˜iÊÇ]ĂŠĂ“ä£ĂŽĂŠUĂŠ*>Â?ÂœĂŠ Â?ĂŒÂœĂŠ7iiÂŽÂ?ÞÊUĂŠĂœĂœĂœ°*>Â?Âœ Â?ĂŒÂœ"˜Â?ˆ˜i°Vœ“

You will be taken away by the stunning bay views over a picturesque landscape while enjoying a comfortable and relaxing lifestyle in this two-story 4 bedroom, 3 ½ bath home situated on a 1.34+/- acre sunny, quiet and secluded close-to-town lot.







Offered at $2,880,000



167 So. San Antonio Rd, #1 Los Altos, CA 94022 rmiller@apr.com 650-776-8981 DRE# 00701662


SIMPLY SPECTACULAR! 51 CRESCENT DRIVE PALO ALTO Shown by Appointment Rarely do you ďŹ nd the architectural detail and craftsmanship that have gone into this masterfully renovated circa 1926 Birge Clark home. Designed with a warm European inuence, you will be captivated by the beauty of this stunning property. Beautifully sited on a lot of approximately 20,000 sq ft, the four bedroom main residence offers 6300 +/- sq ft over 3 levels with a separate one bedroom guest house. The grounds and gardens are breathtaking and perfect for entertaining. The rear of the home sparkles with a dazzling blue and gold mosaic pool inspired by Hearst Castle. Not to be missed and shown by appointment.

OFFERED AT $12,800,000



Alain Pinel Realtors President’s Club Woodside OfďŹ ce

Alain Pinel Realtors DRE# 01187682

cell: 650 543-1803 sgerbing@apr.com

DRE# 01364212

cell: 650 888-1886 eashley@apr.com




Monique Lombardelli and her team offer the best marketing and convey their passion for mid century modern architecture via ďŹ lm and social media to sell your home. Monique is so conďŹ dent in the demand for modern style homes that she will manage AND FRONT THE COST OF YOUR REMODEL so you can relax while your home is restored and prepared for it’s optimal sales price. Let specialists do the work for you! We have all of the contacts and better pricing to make your home look market ready for modern enthusiasts.

Monique Lombardelli Owner DRE# 01879145

724 Oak Grove Ave Suite 10 Menlo Park, CA 94025 P:650-380-5512 F:650-644-0100 monique@modernhomesrealty.com www.modernhomesrealty.com


Luxury Living at The Hamilton Palo Alto’s Premier 55+ Community 555 Byron Street #206, Palo Alto

Sand Hill Road 2100 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park 650.847.1141 www.dreyfusproperties.com Like us on Facebook!


OPEN SATURDAY 2:00 – 4:00p Offered at $1,100,000 | WWW.555BYRON206.COM Beds 3 | Baths 2.5 | Home ¹1,825 sf

Chris Iverson, MBA 01708130 | 650.450.0450 chris@dreyfusproperties.com


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