Issue 2: October 23, 2020

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The Campanile

Friday, Oct. 23, 2020



Palo Alto High School, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301

Vol. CIII, No. 2

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Campus stances on the election.



Duveneck Elementary School first grade teacher Anne Gerfen helps students out of the bus and onto campus. PAUSD second and third graders return to in-person learning Oct. 26, while middle and high school students will begin hybrid learning on Jan. 7.

Elementary schools reopen

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The media, news and filter bubbles.




The Campanile’s views on candidates.



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indergarten and first grade students returned to district campuses and began in-person learning on Oct. 12, with other grades to follow in the coming weeks. This decision was voted on by the Palo Alto Unified School District Board of Education during an emergency meeting on Sept. 29, as a staggered plan to reopen all elementary schools. Second and third graders return on Oct. 26, and fourth and fifth graders on Nov. 9. Their choice was met with controversy. The Palo Alto Educators Association, the district’s teachers’ union, asked the district to consider staying in full online learning mode for the entire semester in an open letter to the school board on Sept. 27. On each page, in bolded font, the PAEA wrote “We don’t want to be first; we want to be safe!” Over 300 parents signed another letter, also asking for the district to postpone inperson learning as well. Parents had until Wednesday, Sept. 30 to decide whether their children would return. According to the PAEA, a survey they conducted showed that 90% of elementary school teachers said they don’t feel

comfortable changing to a hybrid learning environment in the fall. “There are still too many unknowns about the long-term effects of this virus, and we should not be risking the health and lives of our students, educators, and staff,” PAEA President Teri Baldwin said. Hoover Elementary first grade teacher Victoria Chavez, who returned to teach inperson last Monday, said she didn’t feel very comfortable returning either. Chavez said she only made the decision to come back in order to protect her older colleagues. “Me being healthy and one of the younger teachers here, I felt like I wanted to help the other teachers, I wanted to be there for my co-workers,” Chavez said. “And if they can't come back, and I can, then that's something that I wanted to do.” Despite strong opposition to this plan from many teachers, PAUSD School Board candidate and elementary school parent Karna Nisewaner said teachers should return to teach in-person classes. “There are things that make you uncomfortable. There (are) things that don’t feel good,” Nisewaner said. “But our nurses had to go back to work. Our bus drivers had to go back to work, all sorts of people, all sorts of essential workers had to go back to work and feel uncomfortable. Just because you feel

uncomfortable, doesn’t mean you don’t have to do your job.” PAUSD Superintendent Don Austin said the district needs to bring back the youngest students first. “I think we need to end (distance learning),” Austin said. “I think we should say, ‘Wow, great experiment. We learned a lot. Let's get out of it.’ Online is not fun for anybody, but it’s awful for a five-year-old.” Nisewaner, the parent of a second and fifth grade in the district, said online learning has been difficult, especially for her second grader. “It’s been horrible,” Nisewaner said. “He cries almost every day. He doesn’t connect with other kids or really even with his teacher through the online interaction.” After input from the PAEA, both online and in-person elementary students will attend an online Zoom meeting each morning before school, and the district presented a safety report at the board meeting on Oct. 13. Chavez said that she is proud of how her new students are dealing with this unprecendented change. “We’re still just getting used to it,” Chavez said. “I mean, they haven’t been in school for seven months.” Chavez said that online school is difficult for elementary students, but she said she still thinks that it is the better alternative. “I think (distance learning) went really well,” Chavez said. “And honestly, I would have stayed distance learning all year and been fine with it.” Braden Leung Staff Writer

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Two or three times per hour, the guard-gates at the Churchill train grade-crossing in front of Paly lower. Traffic gets congested, horns blare and the massive Caltrain thunders past the 800s building and the football field. But Caltrain has introduced a solution to this nuisance: electrification. Through the Caltrain corridor, which spans from Northern San Francisco down through Gilroy, it has begun the process of electrifying its trains. A statement released by Caltrain says the electrification project will replace 75% of its diesel services with electric transportation that will provide cleaner, greener, quieter and better service. The project will cut through main streets that connect Palo Alto, reroute major traffic and include a

new tax proposal on the November ballot. “The Caltrain electrification initiative will affect Paly and Gunn students especially,” retired Paly librarian Rachel Kellerman said. Kellerman is a member of the Rail Expanded Community Advisory Panel of Palo Alto and an active participant in Connecting Palo Alto, a system organized to address the increased traffic congestion that will likely occur after the electrification process. Connecting Palo Alto said the Churchill tracks will be a T-intersection grade-crossing where the train would cross the track at ground level, creating the need for an underpass for bikers and pedestrians to be constructed under just the tracks or under Alma as well. This would permanently make Churchill a dead-end street. “If they close Churchill for the crossing, the traffic is going to get rerouted to the other streets nearby,” Keller-

man said. “The congestion on Embarcadero and Oregon will increase by so much.” This could potentially make it even more dangerous for Paly students to commute to school. Kellerman estimates that more than 300 bicyclists and pedestrians per day get to Paly daily through the Embarcadero underpass — and with the added car congestion on Embarcadero and overflow of bikes from Churchill from this potential project, this already unsafe option will become exponentially more so. “Estimates from Connecting Palo Alto and Caltrain say that if they close Churchill, at least another 700 cars will be on Embarcadero and that isn’t even counting the Castilleja expansion,” Kellerman said. Despite the negative effects of this project on the community, Caltrain reports project that there will be a decrease in diesel fuel use as a result of the electrification. By replacing fossil fuels

with clean energy as this project outlines, the Caltrain system will use 4.6 million fewer gallons of diesel each year. In addition, the more commuters that use the faster, more environmentally friendly Caltrains, the fewer individual fossil fuel emissions there will be from cars, Caltrain says. However, Kellerman believes increasing ridership and maintaining funding will be difficult.“Caltrain’s budget now has a huge hole in it from COVID-19 because people haven’t been commuting to work or riding the trains,” Kellerman said. “So now there are more issues with funding that was already unreliable from Caltrain.” A statement from Caltrain — who earns 70% of its profits from rider fares — says the number of passengers taking the train has dropped by 95% compared to last year. To compensate, voters will decide whether Caltrain will receive

a flat rate eighth-cent sales tax increase to help fund this project in November through Measure SB-797. While the tax still needs to be approved by seven local agencies and by two-thirds of California voters, it would bring in approximately $108 million in revenue annually, and starting in 2021, Caltrain would be able to borrow from its future profit. Palo Alto City Council will make the final decision

on whether or not to carry this electrification project through in Palo Alto after they receive input from city staff, members of the community and major stakeholders in this project. “People need to do their homework and take a look at what’s already been studied,” Kellerman said. “Then they just need to make up their mind and take control of something that will really affect them in the long run.”


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