The Campanile
Friday, Feb. 12, 2021
Vol. CIII, No. 4
family/household members, and all identified close contacts have been directed to quarantine, monitor for COVID-19 symptoms, and work with their healthcare provider to get tested as directed by the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department,” Berkson wrote. Berkson did not respond to interview requests. In response to senior's positive test, practices were canceled for those in her swimming pod. Despite two negative tests several days later, she and close contacts are still being instructed to quarantine for 10 days. Other swimming pods, including that of junior David Gormley, have continued practicing. Though
the senior girl told teammates about her positive test through a text message to the team, the Paly Athletic Department did not formally inform swim team members and their parents of her positive test. Athletic Director Nelson Gifford did not respond to interview requests. Despite the lack of communication with students, Gormley said school administrators did a fine job handling the situation. “Like any COVID case, or suspected case, it was a little frightening, but I think that the systems that were in place acted quickly responsibly and, as a result, most of us feel safe,” Gormley said. But the female swimmer who
tested positive said she felt like there wasn’t an established protocol for handling positive COVID-19 cases. She said, “I'm still going to quarantine for 10 days just to be cautious, so it doesn't really affect me that I'm not going to go to practice. But I think for other athletes (in my pod) who want to swim and have tested negative, practices are still canceled and they had very little communication from the Athletics Department as to what's going on.” Girls swim coach Danny Dye also did not respond to interview requests for this story.
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izes sexual harassment reports. One sexual assault victim who didn't want her name used said Austin’s message was like a slap in the face. “It seems like he truly doesn’t understand the impact of sexual assault on survivors, and worse, tried to undermine the number of cases reported by stating that the majority were only sexual harassment, as if that’s any better,” they said. In an interview with The Campanile, Austin said PAUSD administrators wants to talk to victims who would like to have their case investigated, even if the District has already reviewed the case through a Title IX complaint. “If (a victim) had not brought
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something forward, had brought partial information, or has had a change of their account, we will reinterview (them),” Austin said. As victims shared their stories over social media, many of their peers reposted messages showing support. But one survivor, who asked that their name not be used, said when the Paly community started to speak
out on the issue, it didn’t realize how much trauma resurfaced for survivors. “One thing that no one was really talking about when all the uproar on social media came is like no one realized how triggering things people were posting can be for someone,” the survivor said. “Everyone’s posting (things) like, ‘If you’re a survivor, share your story,’ and it's like, no, you don't have to –– it’s okay if you’re not ready.” Moving forward, Paly principal Brent Kline said he thinks discussion surrounding sexual harassment assault should continue in and open manner, and he hopes he can help facilitate that. “What we’re experiencing now is a reminder to me that things can’t rest,” Kline said. “We need to be constantly reengaging in conversations about what healthy relationships look like. And I think, maybe, we had gotten comfortable.”
Help is available: National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673 Crisis Text Line: text "home" to 741-741 National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
To read stories written by survivors, visit A8. Gina Bae, Gianna Brogley & Avantika Singh Multimedia Editor, Lifestyle Editor & Senior Staff Writer
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Board Correspondent
Science & Tech Editor
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Valerie Chu
Austin Xiang
SURVIVORS SPEAK OUT hen several survivors who were allegedly sexually assaulted by a Paly alumnus came forward to tell their story over social media in late January, a widespread discussion about sexual misconduct ensued, prompting more victims of sexual assault and harassment in PAUSD to share their experiences and frustrations with the way the District handled their complaints. Superintendent Don Austin responded to these claims later that week on Jan. 27 with a Schoology message and email to PAUSD families, acknowledging student and community outcry and saying the District investigates every incident of sexual assault and harassment reported to it. “The District is aware of reports and concerns related to sexual violence involving current and former students that have been posted on social media,” Austin said in his message. “While the social media posts are recent, we understand the incidents referenced in these posts relate to the 2019/2020 school year.” Austin said he assures students and families that PAUSD takes all reports seriously. Near the end of his message, Austin acknowledged a statistic many students were sharing on social media, saying most of the reports the District receives are sexual harassment and not assault. “We are aware of public statements that the District received 50 reports of sexual assault in 2020,” Austin stated. “In fact, in the 2019/2020 school year, the District received over 50 reports of sexual harassment in which five were reports of sexual assault or misconduct.” Several students criticized Austin for the implication in this part of his statement which they say trivial-
Palo Alto High School, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301
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All secondary students from seventh to 12th grade could potentially return to campuses for in-person classes by early March, Superintendent Don Austin said at the Feb. 9 school board meeting. Austin said before in-person classes for these grades can happen, Santa Clara County would need to be in the red tier for five consecutive days. The board did not vote on this plan because it already voted to reopen schools at its Nov. 10 meeting — a decision that both student board representatives urged the board to reconsider. Austin said this plan, which was discussed with the Palo Alto Educators Association, the teachers union, would require teachers to return to classrooms but still teach over Zoom. Austin said the plan will accommodate every seventh to 12th grade student who wants to return to campus in a way that requires no schedule or teacher changes and in-person safety measures will be put in place. Students do not have to choose between either online or in-person education. They would be split alphabetically into two groups and able to choose if they want to attend classes in person or online on their assigned days. The plan says Mondays will remain remote and synchronous for all students, and while at school, students will be socially distanced rather than in separate cohorts -- which were proposed in the hybrid plan -- when on campuses. Teachers will continue using Zoom to teach classes, and the district would leave the option of live-streaming up to individual teachers. Students who choose to attend in-person school will be able to interact face-to-face with their teachers at the end of the period during work time, as opposed to solely through Zoom during class. Austin said the district is working on details such as purchasing headsets for students to use in classrooms, getting vaccinations for teachers and providing COVID-19 testing stations for students. PAEA President Teri Baldwin said teachers are counting on district administrators to keep their promises about implementing and enforcing safety guidelines. “We're putting the trust in the district and the community to follow the guidelines and keep everyone as safe as possible,” Baldwin said. “But we would also like to point out research and data from around the country and the world show a variety of risks with opening campuses.”