Friday, April 23, 2021
The Campanile
Vol. XCIX, No. 6
Palo Alto High School, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Students taking STEM AP Exams offered at-school option Bill Xia Staff Writer
Paly to hold in-person graduation ceremony
Paly administration has scheduled Advanced Placement testing for seven science, technology, engineering and math subjects in June if students wish to take the tests digitally. AP testing times have been grouped into three administrations with the first administration starting in early May, the second in late May and the third in early June. Students can also take the test in-person earlier in the second administration. The first plan the school introduced would have had Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Physics 1, Physics C: Mechanics, Physics C: E&M, Chemistry, and Statistics tests administered only in Administration Three, after the school year ends on June 9 and 10. District officials said when they started planning for AP testing, they weren’t sure whether onsite facilities could accommodate inperson testing because of COVID-19 safety precautions, and Administration Three is the only time frame where the College Board offers online testing for these subjects. However, some students raised concerns about the original plan and created a petition advocating
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ith Santa Clara County moving into the orange tier and vaccinations continuing to increase, many are wondering what the progress towards the end of the pandemic means for in-person senior celebrations. ASB advisor Greer Stone said ASB and administrators have begun planning for an inperson graduation. “It's looking optimistic that we're going to be able to have an in-person graduation,” Stone said. Stone said that the graduation committee is in the early stages of planning, but the main issue is that whichever tier the county is in on graduation day will dictate the level of ceremony that Paly can hold this year. “If we are in the orange tier, which is the tier we are currently in, we can only have a max of 33% of wherever we are hosting graduation,” Stone said. “If we are in the yellow tier, which seems to be a good chance for this given the direction things have been headed, we can have a maximum of 67% in the stadium. You can see the difference between orange and yellow is really huge when it comes to graduation.” While most proposed in-person events have not been approved by the district yet, Stone said that an inperson graduation has been approved by both the district and the county. “They have told us, at least as of right now, we're not able to really plan any other social events but graduation,” Stone said. “So at least I think that helps to go show the seriousness that the county and the district is putting on making sure that we have graduation this year.” Stone said that along with an in-person graduation, this year’s senior class can expect a car parade as well. “A car parade allows the entire Palo Alto community to be able to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates where otherwise graduation is very much just a your-friends-and-family type of affair,” Stone said. “I think this is a really exciting opportunity to just create a new tradition where the whole community can come out and support graduates, so I'm hopeful we'll keep this going.” Some major California Department of Public Health guidelines for commencement ceremonies include: fixed audience seating, limiting attendee groups to a single unit, wearing masks at all times as well as socially distancing at least six feet from other attendees other than household members and pre-screening for COVID-19 symptoms. Stone said basic safety precautions such as wearing masks and cleaning stations with hand sanitizers will be a part of the precautions taken to ensure safety dur-
ing graduation, but more details still need to be worked on. But Stone said after a meeting on April 22 with district leadership, other than graduation, only one other in-person event is allowed. “Cap decorating for seniors got approved as long as we spread it out over the course of several days in order to keep the cap of students under 50 at a time,” Stone said. “We'll likely hold the event the week before graduation. Other events — movie night, drive-in movie, petting zoo, carnival, senior sunrise — all got a no.” Stone said prom is also a no from the district. Don Darby, the parent of a Paly senior, is a strong advocate for an in-person prom and said the district should be working with both students and parents to host COVID-safe events. Darby has contacted the principals of both high schools as well as Austin to lobby for a modified in-person prom. “It can be done, clearly if other schools are doing it,” Darby said. “I think there's an opportunity for the district to continue to be leaders with running COVID-safe or allowing COVID-safe events to occur.” Darby said that after the year seniors have had they need in-person events to celebrate, despite what the district says. “That just doesn't seem to be the desire or energy (from the district),” Darby said “I said, in (an) email exchange, if you had a child who was a graduating senior who missed out on a lot over the past year, you'd be advocating for your child as well. For me that's what this is about.” On April 22, Austin released a statement on Schoology in response to the influx of emails the district received regarding prom proposals. “We are meeting with the Public Health Department later today for clarification regarding gatherings and events,” Austin said, in the statement. “Holding an in-person graduation this year is our focus. We will be cautious about anything that jeopardizes that opportunity.”
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INSIDE News. . . . . . . .A1-A4 Opinion. . . . . .A5-A7 Editorials. . . . . . . A8 Lifestyle. . . . . .B1-B3 Spotlight. . . . . B4-B5 Science&Tech. .B6-B8 Sports. . . . . . . C1-C4
Avantika Singh Senior Staff Writer
ASB Elections
Officers for 2021-22 school year elected PAGE A5
Senior Elimination
PAUSD seniors find a way to participate in this tradition safely. PAGE B1
for more options. After further discussion, district officials adjusted the plan to create additional in-person testing options on May 24 and 25. PTSA Director of Development, Leadership Circle and Community Charu Gupta said school officials have been working with parents and teachers to come up with a solution that provides more options and flexibility to students. “The College Board decided to give schools some flexibility during the pandemics and they offered three date options," Gupta said. "The dates that were selected for June 9 and 10, after school ends, were the only dates for those six tests that would be offered online, hoping to give students the maximum flexibility to take those tests online. Most other exams are in the latter half of May. Music Theory and World History are all in-person.” Most language tests will be taken early in the first administration. All other tests will be conducted in the second administration which will take place in the third and fourth weeks of May. For math and physics tests, there are some key differences between the online and in-person tests. Compared to the online version, the in-person test includes more free response questions than
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Starting April 27, Paly students will be able to return to campus four days a week for in-person Zoom from the classroom. Students will still be able to choose which days they prefer. Principal Brent Kline said students will follow the same rules and regulations as before. Senior Jenna Tetzlaff is planning on going back to school in-person four days a week once she gets the chance. “I love how it opened up to four days a week because now I get to see my friends that are in the A-L group,” Tetzlaff said. “I now get to see more people and the classes don’t feel as empty.” Tetzlaff said she is also excited because there will be more people to play Spikeball with on the Quad. PAUSD elementary schools also opened for in-person school five days a week for students in grades 3-5 on April 19; those in grades K-2 will be given the option to do the same on April 26. Palo Alto Educators Association President Teri Baldwin said the district made the decision after the CDC adjusted its social distancing guidelines for elementary schools to three feet. Baldwin said the decision was not made in cooperation with the PAEA. “We knew it was probably going to happen, but we did not make that decision together,” Baldwin said. “Students and staff will need to wear masks at all times except when eating and teachers are still supposed to keep a six feet distance from students.”
While the PAEA was not consulted, Superintendent Don Austin said principals have been working directly with their staffs in preparation for this change. “The single biggest difference was the Public Health Department’s revised spacing rules,” Austin said. “Shifting to three (feet) opened the door for a full return. We went through every room, including over break, to make sure they are ready.” Austin also said that elementary schools could open with no distancing restrictions in the fall. PAUSD parent Jenn Ibbotson, whose daughter goes to Addison and has been attending school in-person in a hybrid manner two to three days a week, said that her daughter was nervous about returning to school five days a week. “I was worried it would be difficult for her to wear a mask for that long every day and that she no longer had the stamina to make it through that many days in a row in a school setting,” Ibbotson said. “Aside from these few worries I was excited for her. I knew she would love to have PE, music and library in-person and get more time with other kids in class and on the playground.” Ibbotson also said that her daughter’s teacher has done a great job of adapting curriculum and activities in light of social distancing requirements. “I am sure it's been challenging for teachers and administrators to come up with creative solutions in order to comply with all of the restrictions and still carry out collaborative work,” Ibbotson said. “I am very impressed with Addison’s principal and all the other teachers. It has been a great experience for Alice.”
Asian-American Experience Slurs and Slander in Sports The Campanile discusses the history and impact of anti-Asian sentiments. PAGE B4-B5
How racism affects Paly athletes on and off the field. PAGE C1