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City electrical grid updated to meet regulations. A3
Teen dramas normalize abusive relationships. B4
Sports betting illegal. C3
Campus updates: band, theatre and career speakers. A2
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Reactions vary toward mask mandates ending. B1
Friday, April 1, 2022
The Campanile
Vol. CIV, No. 7
Palo Alto High School, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301
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Senior Staff Writer
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Student homework, grading policy survey results released Maya Singer
News & Opinion Editor PAUSD released the results of a survey on the district's homework policy to the public the March 22 board meeting. The survey is meant to measure the effectiveness of a new district-wide homework and testing policy. Board policy says homework, long-term projects and summative or graded assessments cannot be due or occur on a seven-period Monday, and teachers cannot assign tests or longterm assignments due the week after a break. "Students in their ninth-grade year may reasonably expect average homework loads not to exceed 1.5 hours per night or seven hours per week,” the board policy states. “Similarly, twelfth grade students can expect loads not to exceed two hours per night or ten hours per week. Students who choose to enroll in Advanced Placement, Honors, or accelerated courses should expect higher homework loads, but not to exceed three hours per night or 15 hours per week.” Homework policy continues on A2
Former Athletic Director and varsity football coach Nelson Gifford paces down the sideline during the team's 41-14 loss to Junipero Serra High School on Sept. 3. Gifford was the varsity football coach for four years before stepping down this week.
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Maya Singer
News & Opinion Editor
elson Gifford resigned as head football coach Tuesday, after being let go from his position as athletic director last Thursday. Gifford, who joined Paly’s coaching staff in 2018, led the football team through four seasons with a record of 24-16. After serving three years as athletic director, Gifford will return to the classroom as a special education teacher next school year. The district has begun the recruiting and hiring process for the positions of Athletic Director and Head Football Coach, according to an email from Assistant Principal LaDonna Butler who is the principal in charge of overseeing the athletic department.
2022-23 ASB elected officers announced ASB elections have come to a close, and results have come out for ASB officers for the 2022-2023 year. Junior Ashley Meyer will be the ASB President, along with junior Felicia Lee as ASB Vice President. Junior Megha Madhabhushi will hold the Secretary position, and junior Vivian Trach will be the ASB Treasurer. For the Class of 2023, current junior Ashley Hung will lead as senior president and junior Natalie Karel as senior vice president. Current sophomores leading the Class of 2024 are Sophia Kim as junior
Colleen Wang
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Science & Tech Editor
More plantbased school lunches available
Parker Wang
Baseball season starts off strong, star players rise to occasion. C1
president and Mike Song as junior vice president. Current freshmen Julian Hong and Linden Wang will lead the Class of 2025 as sophomore president and vice president, respectively. Compared to previous years, there was a sharp decline in the number of candidates running for positions for the next school year. Meyer said she has been through a few elections at Paly and this year was the first time she had no competitors. “It was a much less stressful campaign week for me than for other candidates, but I still did put up some posters around campus, posted on Instagram and also reached out to a few people throughout the school,” Meyer said.
Similar to Meyer, Trach said she also had no one running against her. “My campaigning process was pretty simple and most of my campaigning was online,” Trach said. For campaigning, students typically plan out creative themes and mottos to use. Trach said she used a theme similar to a Spotify album cover, and used covers about money since she was running for ASB Treasurer. Lee said when she began running, she didn’t know who she was running against. “I thought I at least had the chance of winning as I tend to do my elections in a unique, funny and weird way,” Lee said. Read more about the elections at www.thecampanile.org
“We would like to thank Nelson Gifford, who has served in both positions, for the contributions he has made to Palo Alto High School, the athletics program and students,” Butler said. The Sports Student Association, which works directly with the athletic director and gives input on budgets, funding and school climate, had not been notified of Gifford’s removal or resignation until contacted by a Campanile reporter. No one from that organization wanted to be interviewed on the record for this story. Gifford did not respond to interview requests about his resignation but he told The Mercury News, "It was time to go in a different direction. Unfortunately there wasn’t an alignment of values.” For a deeper look at historical issues within the athletic department and the perspectives of Gifford, athletes and parents, see pages A4-5.
In response to a petition signed by over 300 students, PAUSD implemented a pilot program starting March 9 to offer more plant-based school lunch options through a bimonthly specialty bar. Junior Morgan Greenlaw, one of the students who started the petition, said the hope is the school will offer more options for students’ dietary needs and provide healthier meal options. “At the beginning, it was a movement that not many people were part of, so it was critical for us to have support before we spoke with Nutrition Services,” Greenlaw said. Junior Carlota Blanco, another student involved in the movement, said students advocating for more plantbased lunches used various methods to drum up support for their cause. “We were reaching out to students on campus walking around us, and reaching out to the librarians, who posted it on Schoology,” Blanco said. Through the students’ efforts, they began working with Nutrition Services to coordinate a new program, and Greenlaw praised the responsiveness of Nutrition Services. “Nutrition Services has been very willing to adapt based on the feedback that we've given them,” Greenlaw said. Blanco agreed and and said she hopes plant-based meals will be more widely available as a lunch option. “I'm very proud of all the work the campaign has done and how (the administration) has collaborated with us, and I hope that it can transition into something more going up,” Blanco said. Greenlaw said the program will provide accessibility for students with different dietary and cultural needs. “We’re just trying to figure out how to best make sure that everybody can get the meal that they want,” Greenlaw said. Blanco said this pilot program can offer options for students looking for healthier, less resource-consuming lunches and urges students to use the specialty bar in order for it to become a recurring option. She said, “We’re not trying to put pressure on students to feel vegan or to be vegan, but just to help them understand this can help the climate and animals, and it's pretty easy — all you have to do is get in line for the (specialty) bar.” Editor’s note: One of the petition organizers is Margot Blanco, a staff writer on The Campanile.
Campus supervisor Ernesto Cruz died last Saturday from a heart attack. He was 55 years old. In this photo from November 2021, Cruz sits in the golf cart he used to ride around campus. “Almost every Hispanic person knew Ernesto and they all loved him,” senior Diego Diaz said. “He made everyone feel extremely included and extremely welcomed and was someone that was really genuine in everything he said."
A full story about Ernesto Cruz's life is on A3