A Formal Massage Therapy Program Opens Doors to Numerous Career Opportunities Massage therapy is one of the professions that allow you to earn well while making people feel good. It also gives you the choice to be self employed or work in various industries, such as healthcare, recreation, sports, rehabilitation, beauty and on-site therapy. People are living more hectic lives than ever. Juggling between responsibilities, they experience muscle strains, fatigue, aches, knots and injuries. Not only this, they get mentally stressed. Getting a massage is an ideal solution to release physical as well as mental stress. Industry Growth The increasing number of healthcare facilities, recreation centers and health spas represents a rapidly growing service sector that will employ massage therapists. Additionally, the employers are also focusing on providing wellness perks to their employees. Some companies are offering them discount coupons or vouchers of health spas, while some are tying up with recreation facilities to ensure fitness of their employees. Gradually, people are considering massages more than a luxury, taking it as an essential expense to keep physically and mentally fit. The demand for professional massage therapists is going to increase by multiple folds, opening doors to many career opportunities. The income from massages is already high and with them becoming an essential expense, it will increase further. Building a Career as Massage Therapist Becoming a massage therapist may seem easy but building a rewarding career is difficult. The earnings are descent only if you’re able to establish a sustainable practice. And this can be done only when you possess complete knowledge and have accumulated some relevant experience. A formal massage therapy program Toronto can help you gain thorough knowledge in different massage therapies, nutrition and lifestyle practices, clinical anatomy and physiology, biomechanics and orthopedic assessment, fitness and remedial exercises, developing therapeutic relationships with clients, legislation, standards, ethics and professionalism, advanced massage techniques and establishing a private practice. The three-year post secondary program includes classroom lectures, supervised practice and entrepreneurial business skills development workshops. Ongoing massage therapy training can help you develop expertise in the field and understanding of how to establish therapeutic relationships with clients. By the end of the program, you are able to conduct a massage therapy independently and determine the appropriateness of a massage therapy depending upon client information. You can also develop, implement and evaluate a treatment plan, ensuring quality care for your clients. What to Keep in Mind When Applying for a Massage Therapy Course? There are a number of public and private colleges, institutions and spas that offer massage therapy courses. But all may not follow ethics, standards and professionalism. When you apply for a program, make sure that 
The college is affiliated to a state board
The program is carried under the Regulated Health Professions Act and the Massage Therapy Act
Centennial College