Online Marketing Success Magazine - May/June 2015

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onlinemarketing SUCCESSMagazine VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 MAY/JUNE 2015





By Barb Stuhlemmer




By Judy van Niekerk

INTERVIEW WITH Online Marketing Powerhouse


The World’s #1 Music Business Marketing & Personal Development Strategist




TOOLS By Pam Ivey



onlinemarketing SUCCESSMagazine

Volume 3, Issue 3 May/June 2015

CONTENTS 4 Digital Addiction

So Many I Wants, Too Few Fingers! Gadgets To Make You Drool

VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3 ISBN: 978-0-9812585-1-5


5 Are You Thinking Strategically?

By Linda Lopeke

7 Lead Magnet Tips And Ideas

By Pam Ivey

8 Getting The Right Clients With EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Kate Smith

Content Marketing

By Stephanie Watson

10 Does Your Website Really Need To Be A Mobile One

ART DIRECTOR Mary Greenlees

By Pam Ivey

11 How To Calculate Roi CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Leigh Fowler, Pam Ivey, Linda Lopeke, Lisa Manyon Kate Smith, Miriam Slozberg, Barb Stuhlemmer,

13 Tips To Profit With The Popular Pinterest

Judy van Niekerk, Stephanie Watson

ADVERTISING SALES Online Marketing Success Magazine is published 6 times per year in digital format by the International Association of Online Marketing Managers.

HOW TO REACH US Letters to the Online Marketing Success Magazine can be emailed to, or mailed to Online Marketing Success Magazine, 24 Kelley Crescent, Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 1J3 Canada

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By Lisa Manyon

By Pam Ivey

14 The New Global Economy

By Judy Van Niekerk

17 eBook Marketing Tips

By Pam Ivey





24 4 Systems For Confident Content

31 Social Media Engagement is


By Leigh Fowler

26 3 Skills To Create A Foundation For Success

By Barb Stuhlemmer

28 One Facebook Tactic For Improving Online Presence

Critical to your Success

By Pam Ivey



By Miriam Slozberg


29 Grow Your Business With Webinars

By Pam Ivey

30 Ecommerce Marketing Tips

By Pam Ivey


36 Upcoming Events



s many of you know, I’m moving house. Just sold the house that Rob and I last lived in before he passed away. It was far too big a place for me, so

I’m now on the hunt for a cozy but spacious bungalow I can enjoy. I’m staying in the Wasaga Beach area because I just love it here. On top of this new development I’ve been hinting for awhile about a new brand I’ll be revealing soon, so keep your eyes peeled. Which reminds me, if we’re not connected on social media, feel free to hop on board. Just follow the icons below! Thanks to all of you who continue to read the magazine and give us great feedback on what we’re bringing you. This issue, we have a couple of new contributors; Judy van Niekerk who writes on the new global economy which is an eye-opener


you’ll want to read for sure, and newcomer Barb Stuhlemmer who penned a piece on the 3 critical skills needed for success. Another great piece, as are all the articles from our regulars. Plus I love Kate’s interview with my incomparable friend, Ty Cohen, who has never let a debilitating disease keep him from becoming a force to be reckoned with in the online world. I’m sure you’ll find his story quite moving and inspirational. Here’s to your online success!

Pam Ivey, Cert SBM,CPREA,CRESS,CMP Founder, International Association of Online Marketing Managers





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3 in 1 Stand Up Stand in a Tube (FROM $35) This clever, portable stand meets you exactly where you are: 1) Standing, 2) Sitting, and 3) Typing. Adjustable legs allow you to configure the stand in these three modes, each improving viewing angle and height. All fits securely in a featherweight, aircraft-grade anodized aluminum tube for easy, everyday carry.

Mycestro Wearable Mouse ($149) It’s a wearable mouse, lightweight and ergonomic. Control your cursor using natural gestures, holding your arm in any comfortable position. The Mycestro wirelessly connects with your computer, tablet or other device, with a range of up to 30 feet.

iRig Mic HD for iOS devices ($129.99)

This portable printer moves across a sheet of paper lying flat on a table and prints out the document. You can connect from your phone or laptop using Wi-Fi. Cool! The battery lasts long enough for one hour of printing and is not limited to standard paper sizes.

iRig Mic HD is the first affordable high-quality handheld digital condenser mic for singers, podcasters, online radio broadcasters, journalists, videographers, home studio enthusiasts and anyone else who needs to record highdefinition digital audio on the go. Talk about versatile. And you can connect it directly to your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or your Mac/PC.

ZUtALabs Pocket Printer ($199)






BY LINDA M. LOPEKE ou’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction. – Alvin Toffler

I understand your excitement over the possibilities that lay ahead for your business. And I share your enthusiasm for wanting to dive in and immediately start creating all the wonderful products and services you plan to market and sell to begin creating sustainable income for yourself. But, there’s something important that needs to be done first. Because it makes a big difference to your chance of success if you take the time to reflect on what the means to the end will be before spending time and money jumping into an existing competitive market. Michael E. Porter has said: “The essence of any strategy is choosing what not to do.” Can you see how important this is to your future – especially when you have limited financial and other resources at your disposal to put at risk?

While you ultimately need to select strategies to use for multiple aspects of your business, e.g., customer acquisition, pricing, business development, social media, marketing, and so on it’s best to start off by thinking strategically at the highest or overall level of your business. Typically, the decisions you make at this stage influence every other strategy you’ll choose down the line.

AN ANALOGY Think of building your business as if you are a composer creating a musical masterpiece to share on the world stage. Is your genre going to be classical, rock, jazz or something else? Although you could be producing a musical score for one, a few, or possibly many musicians to follow, it’s the style of music you’ve decided to create that determines what won’t be heard from the stage when your masterpiece is shared with the audience. Essentially, that’s how your overall business strategy (and subsequently, your marketing) works too – it’s the first decision


is an internationally recognized authority on business management and creator of the award-winning SMARTSTART programs. She teaches creative entrepreneurs how to take decisive action so they can get their greatest work out into the world. Click the link for more useful advice from


you make from which all other decisions follow. This high level strategy is the means (long-term plan) by which you’ll achieve your desired ends (business objectives).

AN EXERCISE Imagine what your business looks like 3-5 years* from today. Considering the 3 options shown below, which approach can you best see yourself taking to get it to that state?


I built my business by developing new products and services and acquiring or creating new assets and/or new businesses.

#2 | REACH

I built my business by developing strategic alliances and participating in communities built by others to create a wider platform.

#3 | FOCUS

I built my business by concentrating all resources and energy on the one thing I do and know best. Whichever option you choose, it can now be used to help you determine the specific marketing tactics and actions you’ll use to implement your overall business strategy.


*For reference: • a short-term strategy is anything you’ll be able to do in 1 year or less • a medium-term strategy covers activities that require more than 1 year but less than 3 to implement • a long-term strategy is anything that takes you 3 years or more to achieve • an interim strategy is what you’ll do temporarily until you can implement your preferred strategy and • a contingency strategy is what you’ll move to if your preferred strategy doesn’t work Should you feel yourself drifting off course with your marketing or find yourself less than happy with your results, simply re-orient your thinking by returning to your chosen business-building strategy: growth, reach or focus.



n order to attract people to your email lists the best way to do so is to develop lead magnets. Lead magnets are ethical bribes that you use to convince and incentivize your audience to give you information such as their name, email address, phone number, and / or address. If you don’t have a lead magnet then you are likely missing out on subscribers who will become customers. The truth is, lead magnets are honestly the best way to get more leads. Not only that, if you choose the right type of ethical bribe, you’ll actually qualify your audience before they sign up for your list. Thus, your list will consist of people who really want and need what you have to offer. That’s why it’s imperative that you choose your bribes well.

GIVE THEM SOMETHING THEY NEED If your opt-in solves a problem that your audience has, they’ll definitely want to sign up to get it. You can create a whitepaper, a small e-report, or a short e-course that helps your target market solve or answer one of their burning questions or problems. It needs to be something that is a real need and the product should be well made and valuable too. What you give them should be so well put together that they wonder if they got this free, what do you provide for money?

GIVE YOUR AUDIENCE A CHOICE People love choices. If they can choose the form in which the information is delivered that is a great way to encourage


more signups. For example, you can offer them the same lesson in PowerPoint, video, an e-course, or a whitepaper. Giving them options will make them more likely to sign up for your lead magnet. A good way to offer this is to offer different levels of access for higher levels of information and sharing. For example, you have an e-course, an e-book, and a video presentation. Give them the e-course for just an email address, offer the e-book if they share on Facebook and then offer the video if they share on Twitter. Each time asking from one extra bit of info like their name, phone number, address and so forth.

MAKE IT EASY FOR YOUR AUDIENCE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE Everything you do online should be responsive. This means that your audience should be able to fully access everything using any device they want to. Thankfully, this is not as hard as it sounds. If you use the right software, you’ll be able to ensure that everything works as it should no matter what device they have. The reason this is so important is because you only get one chance. Lead magnets are an essential part of marketing online. If you really want to create momentum and build your list fast, this is a great way to do it.

PAM IVEY is a trainer, speaker and coach, founder of Pam Ivey International, and creator of popular programs like the Online Marketing Manager Certification program, the REVolution Solution, and the Online Marketing REVolution live workshops. She’s the go-to girl when you want to turbo-charge your marketing using the power of the Internet for more visibility, greater authority and to generate more sales for your business. Using her powerful REV Formula™, Pam uncomplicates and demystifies online marketing, providing easy-toimplement strategies and tools for her clients to use right away in their own businesses. Learn more at ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015 | 7





ontent marketing works for all types of businesses. Whether you sell a service or a product you can use content marketing to attract the right clients and customers to your business. Content marketing is a long-term marketing strategy like a snowball building momentum rolling down the hill, getting bigger and faster as it goes. Content marketing works the same way for your business marketing.

marketing professionals have a saying, “the money’s in the list” and guess what? It’s true. The reasons are because people like to see marketing message multiple times before trusting you enough to spend their money. You can use a service like to create excellent mailing lists with awesome automation to cut down on your work.



You can build a great looking, professional website for free using the Wordpress platform or you can hire someone to do it for you. But, it’s imperative that you have a website that is modern, responsive (works with any device), loads fast, and easily provides your audience the information they need to make a choice to purchase your products or services.

ADD IN AN EMAIL LIST All marketing activities need to focus on building your email list. Yes, you want to promote your products and services but the best way to do that is to get prospects on your email list. Internet

It’s imperative that you do market research to get to know your audience. Technically, you should know your audience before creating your first product, but if you’ve done it the other way around like many people do, it’s okay. Get to know them now. You should be able to write a one or two sentence description of a person in your audience down to what they eat for breakfast each morning. Knowing your audience helps you know what information is important to them as you’re creating content. Not only that, it can help you know what forms of content you should include.


has more than 20 years experience working from home in a variety of roles such as HTML Website Designer, Internet Marketer, Template Bender, and Virtual Assistant. Today she is an author and content strategist who organizes, plans, writes and implements content strategies for business owners through her business at Barry Publishing. You can find her at and contact her via her website 8 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015

CONTENT MARKETING KNOW YOUR COMPETITION Knowing your competition is the next step for ensuring that you can compete in the marketplace of ideas. Sign up for their email lists, buy their products, and understand what is working for them and what is not working for them. Note where you can do better and how you can differentiate yourself from them. Do not copy your competition, but do gather information so that you can do better.

UNDERSTAND WHAT CONTENT IS Content is everything you put on your website and off your website that communicates a message to your audience. There are many different forms of content from written, to audio, to video formats. Within each format there are different types from “how to” content to “sales” content. You need a variety of content of many types and forms both on and off your website that informs, instructs, inspires and encourages interaction with your audience.

strategist and perhaps a content writer with subject matter expertise and a copywriter. After all, you should do what you do best and let other experts do what they do best. No matter what, content marketing done correctly will enhance your business’s reputation, get more traffic to your website, and drive conversions. In just a few short months the momentum that will build due to the work you do today will become apparent when you have more clients and opportunities than you thought possible.


BUILD CONTENT PURPOSEFULLY It will take time to build up this type of content. You’ll need to develop a publication calendar or editorial calendar based off your product promotions and / or services that you want to promote. You’ll need to start from the beginning with education and information that helps define the problems to your audience, while also offering solutions in a nonthreatening manner. You’ll need to fill out the content on your website, create regular blog posts, articles, and more. You’ll also need to perfect your social media profiles as much as you optimize your “about” page on your website. It’s all important and it all works together.


GUEST POST STRATEGICALLY There used to be something called, article marketing but today that is not something you need to do. Plus, it will not help your business even if you did do it. Article marketing consisted of posting one article on many different websites to provide backlinks to their website. Today, search engines expect more. So, when you provide your work to others, ensure that you do so strategically. Place your original work on higher ranking websites and blogs, in sought out publications (print and online), and only in publications your audience consumes. Then, let your author box speak for itself.

GET SOME HELP This can seem like a lot of work, and I won’t lie. It is. It may take some time, but the impetus you build with content marketing can be amazing. If your content is targeted and put in the right places at the right time you will be amazed at the results a few months down the road. Sometimes this can require that you get professional help from a content ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015 | 9




he alarm bells have been ringing for quite a few years. You’ve heard that mobile is big, and that mobile has outsold PCs for many years now, but you still want to know if you need to have a mobile website? Well, the short answer is: absolutely. Let’s look closer into the reasons why.

#1 | Google is going to drop the bomb on all non-mobile friendly websites starting on April 21st, 2015. Mobile friendly sites will be ranked higher on Google Search than other nonmobile friendly sites.


| Mobile devices, like tablets are outselling PCs. Even without Google Search your audience is using mobile to access the content on your website. They are not going to wait until they get to their PC to buy your goods and / or services. You are already likely missing out on 40 percent of your potential sales if you aren’t mobile.

BY PAM IVEY is inaccessible at the time and place the customer needs it, they’ll go elsewhere.

#6 | According to Pew Research 58 percent of adults own

smart phones and the numbers are just going up as time moves forward. It’s imperative that you realize that even if your audience isn’t on the bandwagon yet it’s just a matter of time.

#7 | People keep their mobile devices with them, almost at

all times. Many users even take them to bed with them. They are sitting next to them during dinner, near them even when they’re using their PC. Never in history have marketers had so much direct access to consumers.

#8 | Click to Call, a feature Google offers, makes it even

easier for mobile users to contact businesses. When a consumer looks up your business with their mobile phone if they cannot click to call, they may skip it.

#3 | Shoppers tend to shop on their mobile devices while #9 | Many business owners who have gone mobile have doing other things than shopping on their PC. Employers have cracked down and blocked certain sites from them so they shop on lunch breaks with their mobile devices.

noticed a swift uptick in sales via mobile. If you sell products, it’s even more important.

end of 2014 that mobile accounted for almost 1/3 of all traffic from the USA. This is amazing and something you don’t want to miss out on.

service provider and your customer is on a trip they should be able to work with you from their mobile device.

#4 | Walker Sands, a communications firm, reported at the #10 | People want information on the go. If you are a #5 | Using local SEO really pays off for any type of business,

especially locally based ones, if they are mobile friendly. For local business it’s all about time and place, and if your site 10 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015

The fact is mobile is here to stay. It’s time to take action before it’s too late and you’re hit with the new algorithm change that will rank highly mobile responsive websites much higher. If you are already mobile, get ready for the increased traffic.


How to Calculate


hat’s working in your business and what isn’t?

I’m asking this question because I’m genuinely curious. I’m also seeing a lot of busy work that isn’t generating real results. Worse yet, I’m hearing stories from really smart and savvy people about how they’ve been duped in business. Perhaps you’ve been promised one thing and someone delivered another or maybe you didn’t receive what you expected at all? That’s NOT OK in my book. In fact, when it comes to ROI (return on investment) not receiving what you agreed upon is not a fair exchange at all. I know that’s the worst case scenario but it’s happening all too often. One way to avoid being disappointed or duped is to do


your due diligence by checking references and speaking to satisfied customers. One of the things I take great pride in is over-delivering. I absolutely expect people to deliver on their promises and I’m sure you do, too. When they don’t it hurts. It hurts your bottom line, your business relationship and their reputation. It’s important to me to make sure my preferred clients get a solid return on investment (and that goes beyond “getting what you pay for”). Here’s a super simple formula to determine ROI (return on investment):

Benefits of Investment – Cost = ROI.

LISA MANYON is “The Business Marketing Architect.” and creator of the NEW marketing and copywriting model for success, a simple 3-step “Challenge. Solution. Invitation.™” formula to create marketing messages with integrity. Lisa reverse engineers your most powerful solution into profitable revenue streams (known to produce million dollar results). Recipient of the People’s Choice Award at the 29th California Women’s Conference, Lisa has created training for Small Business Development Centers and is available for speaking engagements. She offers a FREE Copywriting Action Plan on her award-winning blog here



#1 | List the benefits of a recent investment (time saved,

money earned, goals achieved) and assign a value to the outcome or list the actual money made from a specific project.

#2 | List the cost of the project (what did you pay a person or company to do for you?)

#3 |

Now subtract the cost (what you paid) from the Investment/Benefits (total results produced) Use this formula to estimate ROI on a recent project (Seriously, just take a few minutes to do this). Okay, so this formula isn’t an exact science and I’m not a mathematician but I do know this… this will give you a good idea of how to gauge ROI. What did you discover? (I want to know, so, please visit this blog post and leave a comment so we can celebrate your successes or maybe chat about ways to improve them). Here’s what I know. My clients are getting some really incredible ROI. Recently one of my preferred clients followed my advice to add a VIP day to their offerings and in one sale they more than tripled the cost of doing business with me. YAY! I’m still doing a happy dance for them. We partnered on a web copy and strategy package and the consulting/coaching included is what gave them such a great return on investment.



onlinemarketing SUCCESSMagazine

A couple of weeks ago a new testimonial landed in my inbox and it made me cry (tears of joy, of course). One of my preferred clients shared her success with me. She reported that after she invested in my Content Strategy Plan process and we collaborated on her BIG vision, mapped out ways to reverse engineer her most powerful solutions into even more profitable revenue streams, her business is a million dollar business. I cannot even fathom the ROI on that investment but I do know that the benefits far outweigh the initial cost (investment) of doing business with me. I cannot guarantee you’ll get the same results AND I can guarantee when we work together, my focus is on your BIG vision. I will serve as your critical thinking partner and together we’ll map out ways you can achieve your goals no matter how BIG they are. So, think about what’s working in your business and think about what isn’t working and make a plan to partner with the right people to help make your dreams become reality. Visit this blog post and tell me about the greatest ROI you’ve ever achieved in the comments below.

Reach Your Target Audience




Lisa Manyon

“The Business Marketing Architect” A Content & Copywriting Strategist for Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs

Discover the NEW marketing model for success and get your FREE Copywriting Action Plan to help you improve all of your marketing messages (as seen in Inc. Magazine and Wonder Women: How Western Women Will Save the World). ~ Powerfully communicating your marketing message to get results! ~ 12 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015

As Seen In





ith Pinterest, people either get it or they don’t. It’s been a boon for visually-based marketers who have physical products, or artists including digital artists who sell something tangible. But, for service providers they’ve had to figure out how to be more creative. But, the truth is, Pinterest when used properly will increase sales and improve your business more than you think.



The key question to ask is: Does my market use Pinterest?

Ensure that your graphics look right before they are clicked on. Studies have shown that graphics with words included on at least the cover image for the pinboard get more clicks and shares that just images. The words need to be very clear and the graphics should be of high quality. In addition, you need to ensure that you have a legal right to use the graphics.

If once you do the research you find that your market does use Pinterest the next question you need to ask is: How do I get started and make it a profitable venture?


SET UP YOUR BUSINESS PROFILE If you’ve determined your audience uses Pinterest then you should give some thought to what you want to use as a profile name for your business use of Pinterest. If you have a wellestablished brand you should use your brand name. If you don’t, you might want to consider using keywords to comprise your profile name.

SET UP AT LEAST FIVE OR SIX PINBOARDS A pinboard is a collection of “like” images and words that belong in one category. Just like you have categories on your blog, you should have different boards that represent different categories on Pinterest. Try to collect enough information in five or six categories to fill five or six pinboards with at least five to 10 different pins.

Pinterest is the perfect place to turn the data you have into infographics. You can use software like and to help you make infographics that get noticed.

ENGAGE WITH OTHERS Social media is supposed to be social and the best way to ensure that you get the most out of the activity you do on Pinterest is to engage with others. It’s a little different than other social networks as you cannot really communicate directly. But, you can comment on pins, share pins and boards, as well as use the description area of every pin and board to mention others using the @ symbol. Pinterest is growing every day. Right now it’s the second largest referral site. As users figure out better ways to use Pinterest for business and Pinterest opens up new opportunities for business it’s only going to get better from here. ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015 | 13





ep, it is happening… so as you lock up your home this morning using your un-techno house keys and drive off in your semi high tech car to work and sit in your office and do your work for the day – all may appear pretty normal. Predictable even, bar the incredible development of social media sites, customer management interfaces, the ease of getting various tasks done with the use of VA’s and outsourcing – but beyond all that nothing appears to be changing! That is because on the surface the majority of us can not see the evolution in the making . However we have reached a moment and time in society where the laws of accelerating returns as Ray Kurzweil describes in his book The Age of Spiritual Machines has hit an exponential growth that is going to impact every one of our lives and he also predicts that by the year 2045 we will be in a ‘technological

BY JUDY VAN NIEKERK singularity’ era as progress will be so rapid it will be challenging to keep up! Virtual Reality, Holographic technology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Bio Technology, Sensors, Robots and 3D printing are going to change our daily lives forever!! This is not something to be afraid of but on the contrary comes with incredible and transformational opportunities. The online market place is only going to get bigger and more powerful. The Bitcoin is about to break the ranks of deceptive and become a norm. Technological unemployment is about to become a reality  –  researchers predict in the next 15-20 years up to 45% of vocations will be automated.. The global economic landscape is shifting. In the next three to five years an additional 3 billion people will be online  –  in the next 20 years the whole population will

JUDY VAN NIEKERK is a bestselling author and award winning serial and social entrepreneur dedicated to Empowering People Globally™ through her businesses. She has founded many businesses from agriculture to high-tech and has trained emerging entrepreneurs throughout the world. She is founder of the SACRED Leadership Institute, a training institute to empower entrepreneurs to solve global challengers using exponential technology and is also founder of LAUNCH-YES School of Entrepreneurship for aspiring entrepreneurs. Learn more at 14 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015

STRATEGY be online according to Eric Schmidt of Google  –  imagine the impact of that! Jared Cohen says in his book The New Digital Age that essentially the world will be controlled via the internet, increased levels of online security and verification will be required. Over 50% of the world population at the moment is under the age of 30 and the majority of these are living in under resourced environments  –   these folks will be educated and largely influenced with online material  –  this can be encouraging as they have access to limitless information that can be used to create economic security. So what does our future look like? How can you take an exponential strategic approach in your business? What can you do to demonetize and democratize your business – because if you are not doing it – your competitors will be doing so! I recently ran an experiment to see what I could do in my business to take advantage of the growing new market on line and I grew my business by about 600% and I also started investigating how I could incorporate some of the emerging technologies to transform not only my business but also the industry I am in. The emerging market from developing regions are looking for information and looking for partners and opportunities to grow their lives not just materially but socially as well. Ask yourself what can you do to extend your customer base into the emerging markets – in effect expanding your business and offering a powerful service. Here are some tips on how I managed to grow my business through capitalizing on the global growth of online users.

#1 | I restructured my business model to make it accessible to a wider audience

The product is a 12 week online entrepreneurial training program.

So I transferred the program onto a platform that could handle large volumes. Also as many of the emerging areas still battle with bandwidth the material delivered on audio and video needed to be in smaller bite-sized chunks.

#2 | Reviewed Pricing Structure

As the purpose behind me reaching out to aspiring entrepreneurs in emerging nations was to empower and support the growth of businesses in those regions I offered substantial sponsorship which essentially knocked a very large percentage off my normal fee – but the market I was going for was a far larger market than I had in traditional markets as there is less competition.

#3 | Social Media – Local

This is the biggest area of impact that I had. One of the most strategic tasks I did was to become familiar with local social media platforms and create a presence on them and use these tools to direct prospects to my website and pre launch training.

#4 | Social Media – Traditional

I used traditional Twitter and Facebook advertising strategies targeting the specific age groups, interests and countries that I wanted – India, Pakistan, various African countries and some other Asian countries.

#5 | LinkedIn

I became very active on various business groups within each of the countries I was targeting and gave tons of voluntary information and commented on other articles and essentially took an active interested role in discussions.

#6 | Affiliates

Whilst the idea of affiliate marketing is new to many in the emerging countries, through the groups I was a part of on LinkedIn – I submitted requests inviting members of the group to become affiliates and at the same time offered training on



STRATEGY affiliate marketing – the benefit of this was tremendous – not only was I training people to market my business in the language of their market but also I was training these participants on a business model they could apply in other areas.

#7 | Be

Responsive I found it incredibly rewarding training the emerging entrepreneurs in the countries I targeted. They were incredibly pro active and engaged and often write e-mails and comment on what they are learning and I found I built incredible relationships with many of them.

It is my opinion that never in the history of mankind has there been so many opportunities for so many – and the next global economic growth is going to come from the rising billions who are not only going to contribute to the global marketplace but also to the global think tank! Think about it – all those additional amazing minds applying themselves to our global challenges and identifying creative solutions through entrepreneurship. We are in an incredible time of sustainable growth and collaboration! My next book goes into more detail on the amazing opportunities available today and how you can capitalize on them to create your financial and spiritual abundance – called IVF Birthing Your Entrepreneurial Success (Turning

challenges into opportunities) and I am offering free training along with the launch of the book on May 5 2015, that will focus on how you can start the business you were born to create and using your challenges to create incredible opportunities. Visit



onlinemarketing SUCCESSMagazine Reach Your Target Audience






eBook Marketing Tips


arketing an eBook is a requirement if you want to make substantial sales. There is no such thing as “build it and they will come” when it comes to products anyway, and especially with books. There are so many books out there today that the consumer is inundated with so much content that they are looking for content that is outstanding, unique, and most of all useful. If you have an eBook that is all of that, you’ll have to market it so that your audience knows about it.

MAKE A VIDEO BOOK TRAILER A really great way to market your eBook is to make a video eBook trailer. An eBook trailer can be made with a combination of PowerPoint, screen cast software, and a voice over. Just talk briefly about what’s in each chapter and the benefits of your audience reading the book. Remember you do not want your trailer being more than a couple minutes long. A great way to do a trailer is to use an explainer video.

OFFER AN AUDIO RECORDING OF YOUR BOOK Make a voice recording of yourself (or someone you hire) to read the book for you. You can offer it in addition to the book or instead of the book. Many people learn better with audio and might prefer it. Or, they might want the audio and the book together so they can listen on the go or read along as they learn.

OFFER A FREE PREVIEW OF A CHAPTER A free preview chapter that makes the book’s case is a great way to get more people to buy the book. They are left with unanswered questions by just reading part of a book and you’ll have whetted their appetite for more once they finish reading.


GIVE AWAY A FEW BOOKS Giving away a few books does a few things. One, if you’re selling your eBook on Amazon via Kindle Direct you can move your book up in the searches by giving it away free. Plus, you can get testimonials written from those who received the book free. Free, often pays off in more than one way.

GIVE INTERVIEWS IN PRINT AND ON RADIO You can sign up with HARO to find people to interview you and to find shows to be on. Today there are a variety of radio shows on platforms like Blog Talk Radio. You can look at what shows are available and contact the hosts yourself too. Finding ways to be quoted and heard and to promote your book is essential.

DO A BLOG TOUR The way a blog tour works is that you find at least 30 blogs where you will leave a guest post, and promote your book. You also leave a link to the next stop on the tour. There can be prizes along the way for those who follow the tour too. Post on blogs that service your audience and you’ll be successful.

PAY FOR A PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED BOOK COVER It may not seem important but it is. EBooks need profesionallydesigned covers to attract buyers. You also need to ensure that they are the right size, shape, and quality to look good whether full size or thumbnail images. Marketing your eBook will make all the difference in sales and increase the connections that you can make. Don’t leave it to chance. Actively, and proactively create a marketing plan and stick to it.




Online Marketing Powerhouse

TY COHEN The World’s #1 Music Business Marketing & Personal Development Strategist


ll odds were against Ty Cohen surviving past his teen years due to a condition called Sickle Cell Anemia. Yet, he has gone on to become an accomplished entrepreneur who, over a decade ago, took a major gamble with his life financially by quitting his corporate job and starting a business of his own. That business soon became both an offline and online success, generating millions of dollars in sales and totally transforming Ty’s life. Today Ty is an internationally renowned Internet marketer, business consultant, speaker, personal development coach and author.

IN CONVERSATION Kate: How did you begin working online? Ty: I got started working with Walgreens at the age of 14. I enjoyed the job, the people and the retail side of things. It was a summer program and I was asked to come back. I started as a stock clerk and eventually became assistant manager. I was one of the youngest managers there at the age of just over 16. A year later, I went on to become store manager. At the same time, I got involved with collecting collectable

BY KATE SMITH toys, action figures and Disney wind-up toys and things like that. So my pay checks would mostly go into supporting my hobby. While other children were out buying baseball cards and Pokeman cards, I was buying GI Joe’s and collectible toys and other collectible action figures. It got to a point where I was buying so much of this stuff that I needed to get rid of it. I had these items in my closet, my mom’s closet, everywhere. This hobby was thoroughly overtaking the house. I also started to read magazines and publications geared towards toy enthusiasts and collectors and I noticed that individuals were selling their toys as well. So I thought I’d try selling to give me some additional cash to go out and buy some of the things I would like to get. I placed my first ad in a magazine called Toy Shop magazine, which is still on the shelves today. I placed a $40 ad and ended up making $200. I thought wow, there’s something to this and ended up doing this several times over. I initially started with a business card which was a 1/16 size ad at that time. Then I moved up to quarter of a page, half a page and then the $1800 full-page ad and really started turning this into a business.

TY COHEN has built a multi-million dollar online marketing business by sheer ingenuity and determination. He has worked with thousands of clients from across the globe, bringing his extensive entrepreneurial skills in publishing, speaking, consulting, personal development and online marketing to people looking to create lasting success in both business and life. Visit Ty online at and 18 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015

INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT It got to a point where I was making much more on a monthly basis with my business than I was making for an entire year working at Walgreens. At this point I was just 21. Very young, with no business experience. At Walgreens, we were salaried, so we would have to work 44-50 hours a week. I would go in at 2 p.m., get off around 10 p.m. to midnight. Immediately after I got off work, I would go back home and start studying marketing and copywriting greats. I would stay up until 4 a.m. in the morning, studying marketing and copywriting, and then repeat the whole cycle all over again. Suffice to say, I was getting very little sleep. I was born with something called Sickle Cell Anemia which is a blood disorder. It’s a disease that affects primarily African-American people or those of Mediterranean-African descent. When you go into a Sickle Cell crisis, your blood goes from being round, soft, pliable shapes to just as the name applies, this hard crusty sickle shape. Sickle blood cells try to move through your body through your blood steam. Because their shape is different, it makes it extremely hard for them to do this and they end up getting clogged in certain areas, sometimes multiple areas. When that clogging takes place, it creates an excruciating amount of pain, so much pain that you are often prescribed the highest-dose medications, things like Morphine and Demerol. But back in the day when I had it, doctors weren’t prescribing those type of medications yet. Just recently they started to realize how painful a Sickle Cell Anemia crisis can be. Unbeknownst to me at that time, some of the things that can cause the Sickle Cell Anemia crisis are severe changes in weather conditions, lack of proper diet, stress, and lack of proper sleep. Because I was still working full-time while trying to get this marketing business going, I would often be in Sickle Cell Anemia crisis. Then I decided I should quit my job. Here’s something about mindset. It took me about three years before I actually had the courage to quit. In some months, I was making more than my annual income working at Walgreens Pharmacy, so you’d think that would be enough security to make it easy to quit. I still saw where Walgreens Pharmacy was more secure than me running my own business. I was worried that I might lose customers or people would stop responding to my ads. I had all of these what-ifs going on in my head. And on top of that, I felt loyal to the company I had dedicated a good portion of my life to. But I eventually quit Walgreens. I decided to try to take what I knew about business then and apply it to other industries. So I started a record label. I had taken some of the money I made from selling toys and put it into starting a

record company. And that didn’t work out to well because I had no background in the music industry. I had no contacts, no connections. No experience at all. Here I was, just a young guy who loved music. I had a few friends who were good at making music, so then I came up with the idea that there was a formula to this. I like music. They know how to make music. Let’s do it. Well, I ended up burning through about six figures before realizing that it wasn’t going to work out. I knew there were other people like me out there, others who didn’t know anything about the music industry but they wanted to get started, too. So I decided to put some resources together. I thought I could partner with others who had music industry knowledge and use my knowledge of marketing and create a package of resources to sell to other individuals who wanted to start a record label, who would like to go on tour or record in a studio. So that was my first taste of online marketing.

Kate: Did you start with a website where you sold this kind of information? Ty:

Yes. This is back when we had dial-up modems and you searched the web on Yahoo. I didn’t know what a good website looked like so I put together my own website and it was the total opposite of what a site should look like. It had a black background with white text. Was hard to read and I got nowhere with it. Then I finally hired someone to build a site for me, and overpaid on that because again, I had no experience with that. I ended up paying $6500 to get a website. But it was a site that looked really great.

When you talk about marketing, your site can’t just look good, it has to have everything else, all the other components that will pull customers in and give them enough information to make a decision to buy. This site looked so good that we started getting sales and that was it. All it took was that one sale for me to get online and I was immediately hooked. From there I started testing, tracking, learning about A/B testing and it took off from there. ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015 | 19

INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT Kate: Fascinating to hear the journey of how an entrepreneur gets started. How did you get from there to where you are today?


After building that site and seeing how I could help people just by providing them with information they needed, I continued to learn as much as possible. Then I started taking a lot of the resources I had that were in an audio book format and converted them into a print book format. It was around that time that Amazon started to come popular. Amazon had a program – and they still have it to this day – called Amazon advantage. It’s a program where independent authors can take their printed books and make them available on What you would do is order copies of your printed book from your printer or publisher and ship however many Amazon requested of you at that time, then Amazon would take your orders from their site and they would fulfill them. That program enabled me to get a lot of my books and musicrelated products out. And then I started expanding that by hiring authors to write books on other subjects and we started selling those on Amazon as well. Just as I started doing that, Amazon introduced another program called Amazon Kindle Direct publishing program. This was about five years ago. Now anyone can now be an independent author. That did really well for us. When I say us, I mean myself and the slew of ghostwriters that I had creating ebooks on different topics. Now I was doing 40 to 50 grand a month just publishing ebooks on Amazon. I had a few friends who were major players in the marketing industry and others who asked me to create a course which became Kindle Cash Flow. This program shows people how to self-publish their ebooks to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Platform. I’ve done extremely well with that

course. And as a result, I was invited to speak all over the planet and continue telling people about my story and motivate them about what’s possible.

Kate: And that’s where you are today? Ty: That’s where I am today. I have a variety of other products that I continue to sell online. I try to provide as much value as possible for people. I think that’s one of the things that’s missing in our industry is people want to make money and they miss the whole point of you can actually do both, sell and provide value.

You’re not going to be able to provide value to everyone. The key thing is to find that group of people who really resonate with you. Those are the people I want to be able to reach and eventually have reach out to me and look at me and say, “If you were able to build a successful business without having any formal business or marketing knowledge, if you were able to do that just off pure determination, then there’s hope for me as well.”

Kate: Can you give us one of your game-changing moments along the journey where you felt that you were hitting your stride, that you were really doing what you want to do? CLICK AD TO VIEW WEBSITE



We’re unaware of what’s possible for us because we’re conditioned to drift through life. We do the same things over and over. We tend to get up at the same time, go to sleep at the same time, pretty much eat the same food. If I were to look at the meals that I had to eat for the last 30 days, they would probably be the same seven or eight meals that we can consistently eat here at my household. We get into this routine and we start to doubt the possibility, we start to doubt we can do anything differently. There was a moment when I was 17, riding home from church in the car with my dad and brother. My brother and I were in the back seat. I noticed a big, thick book that belonged to my dad. It was Les Brown’s first book with a red cover called Live Your Dreams. I started reading it during the 15-minute car ride. In the book, Les talked about how you can be more than you currently are, that you have the power to do anything you want. I’d never seen that kind of information before, especially growing up in the area we lived. We never saw someone talk about the potential to be your best and goal setting and personal development. I found it very interesting and even more interesting that it was written by a man of colour, an African-American. Next, I did what any 17-year-old would do. I stole the book out of my dad’s car. I was so infatuated with what Les was talking about that I ended up reading it cover-to-cover that night, and it totally changed the way I thought about things.

Being born with Sickle Cell Anemia, you’re often told you won’t live a long life. My mom had been told she shouldn’t expect me to live long because Sickle Cell Anemia is something that will take you out. When I was about 15, my oldest sister Gwendolyn Cohen, had died of Sickle Cell Anemia at 27. There I was, 17 years old, with Sickle Cell Anemia. I’m not living in one of the best neighbourhoods by any stretch of the imagination. And I’m seeing this book where the author is telling me that everything is awesome as long as you truly believe it is. Wayne Dyer says, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” And at that point, I started to look at things a bit differently. I started to say to myself, whatever it is that I want to do, regardless of what everyone else is doing around me, I’m going to do it. It’s one of the things I tell my children. I tell them sometimes we see stories or bad things that happen to other people but we don’t have to accept those as being our reality. With Sickle Cell Anemia, one of the things I consistently tell myself is I’m fortunate because the disease affects a lot of people in a negative way. They end up constantly being in hospital, constantly sick, but it doesn’t happen to me. I think sometimes we have to be unrealistic with things. When I say unrealistic, I mean we don’t have to accept what’s expected of us.

Kate: What roles or activities do you delegate to other people on your team and what do you handle yourself?

Ty: I usually pass off content creation to outsourced writers as well as graphic design and product design. I truly enjoy coming up with ideas, especially when it’s anything that has to do with marketing. I write sales copy, copy for the videos, the copy for our Facebook, Google or Bing ads, copy for postcards and print magazine pieces. As entrepreneurs, we get into a position where we want to wear every single hat and we don’t think that anyone else is skilled



INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT enough to do it. However, what you like to do and what you’re good at aren’t necessarily the same thing. You have to figure out what it is you’re good at and what you like to do and what it is that will benefit your business the most. Then you do those things and then hand off other things to other people. I’m good at creating systems. So I can create a system and decide this is how we create content for our Facebook fan pages, this is the type of content, when and how often we should post it, this is how we find out what our audience likes and doesn’t like.

Kate: So you’re heavily focused on the marketing and copywriting now just like you were right the beginning. Ty: That’s it exactly.

Ty: I would say that person should be open to continuous learning, especially because in the online marketplace, things are always changing. What may have worked last year may not work this year. With online marketing, we went through that transition where teleseminars worked extremely well for our industry and then they disappeared overnight. They were replaced with the sales letter. Then the sales letter got replaced with the video sales letter. And then the video sales letter got replaced with the webinar. Now webinars are becoming more and more ineffective. We used to do three to four webinars a day and we would have a 70% show-up rate. Now we’re seeing show-up rate is 25-30% because people are so conditioned to getting replays they can watch later at their leisure. So now we’re lucky if we get 25-30% of people attending. An online marketing manager should always be educating themselves and looking at some of the thought-leaders who are out there and seeing what they’re doing. Look at what’s happening in other industries and see how you can apply that to your industry. Sometimes we get these blinders on. We get so focused on what’s going on in our industry but we forget there are other folks in other industries who are totally crushing it.

There was a long period of time where I actually lost track of my core values, and because of that, I ended up making a lot of mistakes. I used to speak at live events but that’s not something I’m passionate about. There were many years where I traveled a lot, speaking on stage and doing that sort of thing. And although I was able to provide value to people, it wasn’t something that really brought joy and passion to me. I can do interviews like this all day long because I love being able to talk to someone one-to-one because even though it’s an interview where eventually it will be one-to-many, it’s still positioned in that one-to-one manner.

Kate: If you were going to hire an Online Marketing Manager, what do you think the essential skills should be for that person coming into a business like yours?

And they’re doing little things that if we applied to our industry, it would help us to increase sales, visibility 10, 15, 20 times over. You also want someone who’s passionate about testing and tracking, because just a 2% or 3% change in a test result could increase your sales big time. An online marketing manager should also be open to being part of masterminds and networking. Earlier you asked me what was one of the things that allowed me to grow. The first was Les Brown’s book. The second thing was getting out of my comfort zone and being open to meeting new people. Going to events, seminars and workshops. It’s important to do this as when you work online because it’s easy to just stay behind your computer. We get so used to that. If you can find someone who’s great at continually educating themselves on things that are working and someone who’s open to networking, then I think that’s golden.



An easy-to-use platform that lets you quickly create beautiful membership sites, right in your web browser. Nothing to download or install. No hosting necessary. 22 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015

INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT Kate: Excellent advice and approach to that. Do you have a favourite online go to tool or system that you use?

Ty: It’s a bit unorthodox but it’s something that helps me to be a lot more productive. Like a lot of entrepreneurs who work online, I can easily be distracted. It’s a tool called Simply Noise – They even have an app. It’s a white and brown noise emitter that helps you with your focus and concentration. Kate:

What was one of your biggest entrepreneurial challenges and how did you overcome it?

Ty: Being disciplined and focused. Working online we tend to have a bit more freedom than working 9 to 5. When I was at Walgreens working from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., I was committed during those hours. As an online marketer, you have a bit more freedom, and with that freedom comes a little bit less discipline. When I became more focused, I started to see my revenues and sales grow big time.

Kate: There is a clear connection there. Could you give us one technique or strategy that you find invaluable in making your business work?


Networking. Just being open to communicating with other people, and you can do that in so many different ways; reaching out to your audience on social media or by phone or by going to industry events, seminars, conferences, workshops and meet-ups.

I need to do this in order to understand who my ideal customer or client is. Being able to totally understand your audience is important versus just casting a wide net and going after anyone. That can help you make more money and help you speak directly to your audience because now you’re speaking the language that they speak. Then with things like Facebook advertising, it’s so easy now to get information on your audience.

Kate: What events or activities would you like our audience to know about?

Ty: Right now we have our Kindle Cash Flow program where we train authors to publish their ebooks on Amazon’s KDP Kindle Direct Publishing platform. You don’t even have to be an author yet to do this. And that’s something that can

be done, whether you’re looking for an additional way to generate revenue or you want to increase your credibility, expand on your brand and get more brand visibility. You can find us at: You can also visit us at or

Kate: Do you have any closing thoughts for us? Ty: One of the things we tend to do is work on our craft more than we work on getting the word out about ourselves. I usually say that when people are suffering in business, the number one thing they typically fail to do is market more. And in some cases, that’s the first thing they’ll draw back on when sales get low. It’s conditioning.

I would say encourage people to increase their marketing efforts 10-fold. That’s the goal that everyone should set for themselves. So if you’re looking to get 10 new customers, you might only get five or six. But if you bust your butt and market to 100 prospects a week, you might land 40 or 50.

Kate: Do you have any advice on kicking yourself in the butt? Ty: My motivation comes from the stories we read or hear about people who lose their lives, whether from cancer or whether it’s a kid that got killed in some tragic way. Those people never got a chance to live up to their full potential. We’re still here so we still have a chance. So no amount of procrastination should keep us from doing what we’re supposed to do. When I think about it, I feel so guilty laying in bed an extra 5 minutes. I feel guilty watching television. I feel guilty just goofing off. Life is so precious. You don’t know when you’re time will come. We all have the same 24 hours. Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Steve Jobs, they all had the same 24 hours and they learned to use them wisely.

KATE SMITH (aka Kathy) is a writer, master virtual assistant and an exceptional project manager. A seasoned interviewer and prolific writer, she has authored more than 165 newspaper and magazine articles for mainstream publications that include Reader’s Digest, as well as maritime industry trade journals. Kate also writes B2B and B2C marketing copy for a wide variety of clients. Visit her website at ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015 | 23









’ve spoken to a lot of entrepreneurs who have struggled with the confidence to promote and market their business online. They have tried a few things, assumed they failed and didn’t want to go there again.

In a lot of cases, the answer is NO. The reason? Some would say MONEY, but I would argue that. There are a ton of FREE website creation apps and social media marketing tools out there - we can no longer use that excuse!

It’s frustrating to me because these business owners are talented experts and amazing people who have something incredible to offer through their services and products – yet the world doesn’t know about them yet!

I have found that the main reason we avoid marketing our business online is fear – and that fear is mostly knowledgebased: technology itself, what to say, how to say it, etc. The worst, we just don’t want to look silly online.

A lot of us cringe when we think about our websites and our non-existing marketing plans. We don’t know where to start or what to blog about.

All of these things lead to a lack of confidence in a specific area of marketing your business online. Confidence is created from action, knowledge, experience and mindset. In order to be a confident content creator, you MUST arm yourself with the systems, tools and strategies for success.

What would people think of us if they saw our websites? Does it match our level of expertise, service or experience? What about our blog posts? How does it make it easy for people to buy from us? Does it answer their questions up front? Does it give them a sense of who we are and what we care about?


To become a Confident (Online) Content Creator it’s important to consider your commitment level, your knowledge of marketing in general and your approach to goal-setting:

has created the Confident Content Creator Clinic – a 5-week program (starts May 12) to help entrepreneurs who are tired of not knowing what to say online, when to say it and feel like nothing is working! Graduates from the program will walk away with an online marketing plan for their biz and the confidence to pull it off!



1 | Commitment

3 | Testing & Tracking Systems

2 | Learning Marketing Basics 101

| Tools There are tools that will help you schedule your content a month or more in advance. There are tools to let you know which hashtags will generate the most visibility for your brand. There are listening tools so you can respond faster to your audience than you ever thought possible. What marketing tools will you use to save time and money this year?

How much time do you spend on marketing and developing your business? How much time do you want to spend that is focused on just that? Just like sports, practice makes perfect. Can you commit to an hour a day? What about two? Do you know what a call-to-action is? What about key messages? If you gain clarity on marketing basics in general, this will help you voice your message and reach your goals much faster than without.

3 | Goal-Setting

Goals are measureable and specific. It’s important to set realistic goals and work at them… daily. The great thing about digital marketing is that it’s easy to track your efforts.



| Time Management

Not everything is going to work, but how are you going to know if you don’t setup your systems? Google Analytics is a free tool that you can connect to your website to measure your marketing efforts. It’s a great place to start. Do you track your #s daily, weekly or monthly? Which numbers will you track?


At the end of the day, it’s all about having a plan. When you follow the plan, there is no room for emotions or a lack of confidence – just success. Stick to the plan and the confidence will come with action, knowledge and consistently putting your message out there!


Routine is crucial to success – you have to show up regularly for your clients when it comes to managing online marketing content. It’s important to determine a content production schedule for when content goes LIVE and how often. How will you stay top of mind?

2 | Content Planning & Timing

The first thing I like to know is how do you know what it takes to play the game? What are your competitors doing, and what are your potential customers expecting from your type of business? What problems can you help them solve? How often will you tell them about your services? These are just a few things to consider – but ultimately, your content should be able to help your clients and potential customers.




3 Skills to Create a Foundation for Success T

here are no guarantees in life. All we can do is find the best path that will help mitigate potential failure. For business owners with a 65% chance of being out of business by year 5, it becomes imperative that we take actions to be successful from the beginning of our idea right on through every year of our business. There are plenty of things we can do as business owners to ensure we are successful, including planning, utilizing different marketing channels, finding our niche markets, and developing our brand image, etc. Let me give you three foundational skills I see most often in successful people. I have also noticed that these three traits are often weaker or missing in those people struggling and failing in their business.

DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE Many people start a business doing something they are good at and often it is not necessarily something they love to do. I know because I have seen this many times in new business owners and my first business was based on this. I had been a technical writer for over 15 years and in technology for over 2 decades when I started my business ClearComm Information Design, a company that writes for medical device manufacturers and

BY BARB STUHLEMMER software development companies. Being an expert at technical writing certainly did not make it easier to be motivated and driven when times were tough. If you want to last the course you need to be driven to do the work when the work is not fun. Loving what you do makes that much easier. In fact, this rings true for all aspects of your life. It is why our children are part of our lives even after they go through their teens <smile> because we love them and we are driven to do what it takes to see them successfully reach adulthood and beyond. You will be sidetracked, mislead, overwhelmed, disillusioned, out of money, out of time and simply exhausted building your business. If you don’t love it then it will be more difficult to develop, plan, grow, and continue to add your energy to get your best results.

KNOW THE OUTCOME What are these results I talk of? You have to know what you are working for. It is very hard to get engaged in the first place when you don’t have a goal to work towards, let alone be driven enough to stay motivated through any challenge you might encounter. If you know from the beginning what the business will mean to you, your life as well as your partner, employees,


is a Speaker, Author, Past TV Show Host, College Instructor, and Chair of the Advisory board for The School of Entrepreneurship. She works with successful small business owners to create a master business strategy that will get them to the $1 million mark and beyond. Barb has worked in small business all her life and has a 20+ year background in medical device and software development. She started in sales over 10 years ago and now runs two businesses. Learn more at


STRATEGY your clients, and your community, then you can stay on track when building your brand. Great leaders in business bring their values, mission, and brand into their business systems so that everyone knows what they are buying into and how to support it. Check out the philosophy of president Tony Hsieh and the business strategies that have made them billions of dollars.

learn to simply keep skills current. Never stop learning! The


their virtual relationships. Don’t be the one saying, “There is

companies that learned in the 90s that SEO was going to get them more business as the world moved to internet shopping are the companies that moved ahead of their competition. Those that learned social media before it was an expected need of marketing were better positioned to take advantage of too much to learn, I just can’t keep up.” Be the one that reads new books and accepts new ideas and then pick and choose

“As teachers, if we are unwilling to learn then we are unfit to lead”

which to implement. Start with these three foundational skills to help you and your business have the best odds to succeed well beyond Year 5.

If you get to a point in your business and you think you have everything in place to start taking advantage of your creation, you will soon be dealing with new issues. Be prepared to continue to grow and learn for the entire life of your business. There will never be a time when you should stop reviewing your industry, new technologies, business strategies, or opportunities. When you think there is nothing to learn then

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IT’S TIME real vision of your business! Disconnect to reconnect with the

Join me and my inner circle in Costa Rica June 11-15, 2015

6 DAYS WITH ME FOR THE PRICE OF ONE VIP DAY • 1 full day of intensive strategic development to create the direction.

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Rose Adams and Susan Crossman. private retreat location. evaluated by Susan Crossman.



Doing This One Tactic On Facebook Has Helped Me Build a



n order to create a strong social media presence, you need to be consistently active on your networks. That being said, if you are looking to create online influence, you need to share good quality content that is relevant to your niche about 80% of the time – and to share content that is simply engaging about 20% of the time.

If you are only sharing content that is relevant to your niche, others may see you as insincere, cold or closed off from forming any kind of relationship. If the only thing you share is irrelevant content, you will be seen as someone who is simply creating noise – or someone who is trying to game up a high Klout score. Others will not be impressed and will end up ignoring you. Therefore, you need to balance the type of content you share. If you are intending to share content that is simply engaging and not relevant to your niche, you need to do one powerful thing in order to ignite social media interaction! Get creative with how you share your content. Make it exciting, make it interesting and make it engaging. And by the way, you can tag your connections that like to be tagged to get their attention that you have shared something awesome. I will give you some examples. For a while I have been sharing creative content on weekends on Facebook. On

BY MIRIAM SLOZBERG Saturdays I share a picture of a dog on my networks, whether it is my dog or a picture of a dog that I find from a royalty free site to represent Dogurday – the replacement I like to use for Caturday. On Sundays I share pictures of sweets and desserts that I take at my local supermarket to represent Sweet Sunday – which is something I made up along the way. Let me tell you, it works because my connections are looking forward to my weekend posts. Once in a while I have been sharing pictures of obscure places, and encouraging my connections to guess the locations. In fact, I did that recently and the comments were pouring in. I shared a picture of what it appeared to be a small town at night, with “mountains” in the background. Some people guessed it was a small town in the Mediterranean, or in Germany – or were completely stumped. It was actually a picture of McMurdo Station in Antarctica – which is not anything close to what anyone had guessed, except for one person. I could tell that they had fun with the activity. To summarize, if you are going to share content that may be irrelevant, make it stand out in a positive and interactive way. People do like that, and want to see it- and is a great tribe building tactic as well!

MIRIAM SLOZBERG is a Canadian author, mom, blogger, SEO and social media specialist teaching small business owners how to be influential in their niches and to harness the power of social media. Learn more at






ebinar technology has gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Hosting a webinar costs relatively little, and definitely less than an in person event, and it can have similar results. You can use software like, or Adobe Connect which all have various levels of potential monetization and different costs to host a webinar. Search for other options too, because there are many choices.

demonstrate something, and it’s almost as if you’re in the room with them. The audience can also be given the keys to the system so that they can show and tell and participate too.

Webinars work well to build your business because they offer so many benefits such as building your list and finding new audience members to expand your brand. You can use webinars to explain, answer questions, coach and teach. You can even record them and create brand new products from the recordings. Hardly anything adds more value easier than webinars. Plus, you’ll meet new people and increase your bottom line too.

Join With Others Joint ventures are a great way to increase and expand the awareness of your business. Choose people to do the webinar with you who are not direct competitors but who market to your same audience. Then both of you can reach more people, and make more money.

Webinars are Excellent Ethical Bribes If you need to build an email list fast, a free or even low cost ($1.00) webinar is an excellent way to do it. You can do a planned presentation about a new product you’re launching and you can even invite people who have purchased your product to provide testimonials to help encourage the attendees to buy it.

Expand to a New Audience

Many people who won’t download an e-report will go to webinar. Some people are visual learners and not big readers. If you can provide informative content through a webinar, it’s an excellent way to reach people who might otherwise be lost to you.

Adds Value

A webinar and a recording can provide untold value to the customer. Being able to connect with you one-on-one will feel personal in nature even if you’ve invited 100 people. Having that access is value, plus the recording can also be valuable as membership material.

Earn More Money

People who go to webinars are more likely to make a purchase than people who don’t go. It’s a great way to qualify your audience. If they’re not willing to spend one hour listening or asking questions they may not be the right audience for your product. Plus you can charge for webinars too. Webinars are a great way to grow your business bigger and better than you ever thought possible. The potential is unlimited. As long as you have something to say, a webinar will produce phenomenal results.

Explain Your Products or Services in Person A webinar also gives you a chance to help

onlinemarketing SUCCESSMagazine

people who have purchased your product already. You can invite them to a webinar that will be open to questions. At the webinar you can promote the next product in your product funnel that will solve more problems for your audience.

is a rich resource to help online marketing consultants and other service providers step into their power with confidence and know-how.

Create New Products The webinar itself can become the product. It can be the product from the beginning by teaching something. You can charge for webinars like this. Then you can record it, and use it over and over again as is, instead of always doing the webinar live. This puts this resource on autopilot after recording once. Teach a Group Easily

Using a webinar makes it easy to teach people something. You can share your desktop,

Do you have a story that demonstrates a way forward and can be just the information or insight they need when they reach roadblocks or feel like giving up on their business dreams?

Connect with us at with your story idea. ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015 | 29


Ecommerce Marketing TIPS



arketing online is an important aspect of any business but most especially if you participate in ecommerce. After all, your business is

online, which means your marketing must be online too.

Be Relevant

You should be offering your audience

the solutions that they need, when they need it and where they need it. A complete study of your audience is necessary, and it is not something you do once and you are done. You must continually study your audience. Imagine if brands kept marketing to their audience the same way for more than 20 years. Would it work? No. Imagine if Dove or Sears marketed to their audience in the same manner they did just 30 years ago. They’d be out of business due to their insulting advertising.

Be Responsive

This has nothing to do with

answering questions quickly, which you should of course, but instead has to do with your online real estate being visible and usable to people across all devices. If your technology isn’t responsive yet, you’re behind and you’re likely missing out on 40 percent or more of potential sales.


Customers want to be treated as a

customer of one, not a nameless, faceless wallet. This is where responsible automation can help you with software like for email marketing, or even a log in on your website that allows your system to give personalized suggestions for your customer based on their behaviour. 30 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015

Allow User Ratings & Commentary It can be scary to open up your shopping cart to ratings and customer testimonials and comments. But nothing is more important for buying decisions than user generated content. It will help with SEO and it will be that added push for your audience to buy. And to be fair, if something is getting horrible ratings, do you want to promote it?

Get Social You can’t market online without social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or something else you must be involved where your audience is. And the important word here is “involved” a lot of social interaction cannot be and should not be automatic. Use Automation Responsibly

Automation is fabulous for so many things, but be careful about using impersonal forms of automation. For example, do not share the exact same blog post the exact same way across all social media. Use some creativity to treat each promotion and each type of automation uniquely.

Test Everything

Use A/B testing for every sales page, every headline, every subject line, and every new campaign that you start. The more you test the better you’ll get. Not only will you improve marketing for the current campaign, you’ll improve the marketing for future campaigns as you gather and track data from your audience. Ecommerce marketing is very data driven. Always set goals, and check your progress using the data you gather using analytics based on your goals conversions.


Social Media Engagement is


ou’ve heard it before, people like to do business with those whom they know, like and trust. As a business owner in today’s technological world you have at your fingertips a way to get to know your audience, and let them get to know you, like never before in history. Due to the advent of mobile devices and social media (and we know that mobile drives social) you can be closer to your audience than ever before, but only if you know how to use social media to engage your audience.

PUBLISH RELEVANT AND UNIQUE CONTENT The first thing you should do is create and publish content in many different forms that your audience wants to view. Text, images, video, podcasts, and more are all needed today. What’s more, they need to be original and compelling enough to convince your audience to consume them and to come back for more.

INCLUDE VISUAL ELEMENTS TO ALL YOUR CONTENT Today, visual elements belong on all your online content whether it’s a blog post, or a whitepaper. The images need to be chosen carefully. The image should evoke a feeling in your audience that propels them to want to be part of what you’re offering. They should enhance the other elements of your content in a way that nothing else can. Visual elements include graphics, images, colors and fonts.

INTERACT WITH OTHERS OFTEN Social media is by its name and nature, “social”. This means you should share other people’s content, comment on other

BY PAM IVEY people’s content, and recommend content from other places that aren’t on social media yet. While automation is helpful, do not allow automation to replace the interactions you can make with your audience. Answer their questions, and make an appearance in person at least a few times a week.

HAVE EXCITING BUT RELEVANT CONTESTS Contests are a great way to build email lists, and get more social media followers, as well as get traffic to your website. However, the contest needs to be relevant to your audience. Only give prizes that your audience needs. Giving out prizes that anyone would want will dilute your traffic and reduce conversion rates. Choose prizes based on the needs of your audience, not the needs and especially not the wants of the many.

MAKE IT EASY FOR YOUR AUDIENCE TO SHARE Place social media buttons under and above all content to make it easy for viewers to share your content. Not only that, ask them to share it. In addition, add social media follow buttons too. The more you can engage each user the more likely you are to make a sale. They say that “birds of a feather, flock together” which means, if your audience shares with their family and friends it’s more than likely a few of them are part of your audience. Without engaging with others on social media you’re sabotaging your success. Once you start making a real effort to share, comment, and help others on social media you’ll see an uptick in sales, newsletter sign ups and other conversions and in fact engagement is critical to your success. ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015 | 31





sing online tools to make your life easier as a virtual business manager or owner is very important. The right tools will help keep things organized, making planning and executing easier than if you did not use any online productivity tools. It’s actually the existence of these tools that help you even have an online business in the first place. And guess what, even if you do not have an online business, these tools will boost your organization and help you take your business to entirely new levels you may not have even considered.

According to Josh Kaufman every business has five important parts. #1 | VALUE CREATION

#2 | MARKETING #3 | SALES #4 | VALUE DELIVERY #5 | FINANCE These five parts help define the different areas of your business. Depending on the size of your business you may have more, but you will never have less. If you do not create and deliver value to someone you do not have a real business. In order to do that, you have to market and sell. In order to know if everything is going as it should you must keep track of finances. Online productivity tools can help. 32 | ONLINE MARKETING SUCCESS MAGAZINE MAY/JUNE 2015


In order to have a real business you must create something of value for your audience. This requires researching the audience you want to serve and creating something that will solve their problems. The best way to do that is to use online tools for research such as: Twitter Search You can search Twitter for trends and connect with your audience to observe what kinds of questions they’re asking and what they want to know. Google Search Same type of thing, you can study what your audience is looking for and look at your competition too. Project Management It’s also important to use some sort of project management system. It will help you collaborate with your team easier than using email. It will keep you organized so you can focus on value creation instead of trying to remember where you put that file or whether or not your contractors are on task or not. File Storage & Backup There are different choices for file storage., and Google Drive are two good choices. But they’re not really true backup software so find something that really is for backup like You’ll be very glad you did. Don’t think that an external hard drive is good enough either. People’s homes do burn down and all hard drives can fail. Cloud based storage is safe, effective, and very unlikely to be destroyed due to the redundant systems they use.


2 | MARKETING You must market any products you create. It’s essential. Online there are many great ways to market such as using search engine optimization, blogging, pay per click ads, and more. There is of course software and tools to help you be more productive with these tasks. Software such as, Email Marketing, and more all work to do email marketing legally, and pretty much automatically. Search engine optimization is important and you SEO can make it easier if you use certain software to help. Software like will help you with choosing keywords and ranking them right. Plus you can use plugins if you have a WordPress website that will also help you like Yoast SEO plugin. Software that helps you Social Media Marketing manage all your social media accounts in one dashboard are helpful. is a very popular one, as is Which tool you use depends on your needs, preference and budget.


To conduct sales properly you need to have a a shopping cart of some kind. You can use a shopping cart like,, or use a WordPress plugin or a website builder that has a built in shopping cart. Look for what works for you in terms of your technical knowledge, budget and other resources. But remember, if you’re not willing to spend some money on your business, why would anyone else? The main thing about sales is if you want to make them, you must have exceptional customer service and a planned sales process that works for your ideal client.


This is all about giving your customers more than they thought they’d get. Sales don’t end once the person pays. Sales continue based on the relationship that you have with the customer. This means using an email marketing system that is segmented, as well as safe and secure downloads and payment systems. Using,, and other payment gateways that are secure will help a lot.


Finally, if you aren’t doing something about controlling your finances, you could actually have a successful business that fails. Why? Poor cash flow management. Using bookkeeping software and billing software is important. Go Daddy Bookkeeping has an all in one that is single entry bookkeeping but its inexpensive and adequate. It works with PayPal and other gateways and can even connect to your bank. There is also, which is great for managing projects to a point too. Putting all these tools together will ensure that you have a business that is a lot more successful and productive. You’ll not be rushing around trying to find files because you don’t have a good management system. You won’t be searching your email for lost messages and assignments. Everything that can be automated without ruining your relationship with your customers should be done. You’ll be glad you did and so will your customers.

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UPCOMING EVENTS Have an event you’d like included in our list? Drop us a line with all of the details to






May 5-7, 2015

Gartner’s Digital San Diego, CA Marketing Conference


May 9, 2015

The Online Marketing Toronto, ON REVolution


May 12-14, 2015

Conversion Conference Las Vegas, NV


May 13-15, 2015 Authority Rainmaker Denver, CO Live CONTENT MARKETING May 14-16, 2015

Internet Prophets Live! San Diego, CA

May 20-21, 2015

ad:tech San Francisco San Francisco, CA

May 20-22, 2015

Confab Central

May 27-28, 2015

DigiMarcon West 2015 Santa Monica, CA

Minneapolis, MN


June 2, 2015 SMX Advanced Seattle, WA SEARCH MARKETING June 2-3, 2015

Internet Retailer Chicago, IL Conference & Exhibition

June 8-11, 2015

eMetrics Chicago

June 9-10, 2015

Integrated Marketing New York, NY Week

June 9-10, 2015

The Social Shake-Up

June 9-11, 2015

Social Media Strategies New York, NY Summit New York SOCIAL MEDIA

June 10-13, 2015

Email Insider Summit Kiawah Is, SC

June 12-14, 2015

Elite Camp 2015 Estonia

June 29-30, 2015

Rakuten Marketing New York, NY Symposium AFFILIATE MARKETING

July 13-15, 2015


Seattle, WA

August 2-5, 2015

Affiliate Summit East

New York, NY

Chicago, IL

Atlanta, GA




August 16-19, 2015 Cross Channel Lake Tahoe, CA Marketing Conference DIGITAL MARKETING August 23-26, 2015 Dialog Conference

Stromstad, Sweden


August 25, 2015

Leadscon New York

Sept 8-11, 2015

Content Marketing Cleveland, OH World 2015

Sept 8-11, 2015

Inbound 2015 (Hubspot) Boston, MA

Sept 10-11, 2015

SearchLove: San Diego San Diego, CA SEARCH MARKETING

Sept 20-22, 2015

Digital Marketing Exchange

San Antonio, TX


Sept 27-29, 2015

AMA’s Annual Conference

Austin, TX


Boston, MA

Sept 27-Oct 1, 2015 eMetrics Boston

New York, NY



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