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Disability Services

exchange for benefits. TANF is the cash assistance component of the Virginia Independence Program (VIP) that helps families work toward their goal of total independence. You can apply by phone 855-635-4370 or www.commonhelp.virginia.gov

Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW)

540-727-1055 | 219 East Davis St. Suite 100, Culpeper VIEW provides employment education, training, and support services to qualified TANF recipients. VIEW is designed to encourage self-sufficiency through a “work first” philosophy and offers recipients the opportunity to work and continue to receive some TANF benefits and supportive services. Other work activities can include on-the-job training or community work experience for at least the minimum federally required hours per week. VIEW participants can also participate in optional transitional services such as childcare.

A Little Magic

540-547-3951 | www.alittlemagic.org See full listing under Counseling and Mental Health

Allegro Community School of the Arts

540-349-5088 Please see full listing at Community Enrichment and Education

Challenger/Culpeper Little League

540-718-0147 | www.culpeperll.org | culpeperllinfo@gmail.com The Little League Challenger Division® is an adaptive baseball program for ages 4 to 18, or up to 22 if still enrolled in school.

The Arc of North Central Virginia

571-399-5390 | PO Box 3186, Warrenton www.arcofncv.org | info@arcofncv.org The Arc of North Central Virginia is an advocacy organization committed to enhancing the lives of persons with intellectual/ developmental disabilities and ensuring that they are valued members of our community who are able to reach their full potential. They are committed to creating an environment that encourages inclusiveness and acceptance through education, advocacy, and support to families, friends and our community.

Assistive Devices from Culpeper County Library

540-825-8691 The library offers various assistive devices for a two-week loan and then renewable for 8 more times with a library card. Devices may be checked out for free to see what might work best for you or a loved one. Available are different strength magnifiers; a Magic Eye; Pocket talkers (hearing assistance), and a mono mouse (print enlarger that displays on a computer monitor); for in library use only is a CCTV.

At Home Your Way | Moms in Motion

800-417-0908 | info@athomeyourway.com PO Box 609, Front Royal, VA 22630 At Home Your Way can help you access consumer directed personal care services to meet the needs of you or the individual you care for. Consumer Direct services are personal care, companion services, or respite care services where the individual or his family/caregiver, as appropriate, is responsible for hiring, training, supervising, and firing the employee or employees. 888-288-4762 | www.autismspeaks.org Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm; Live chat 9am-7pm ET. Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.

Auxiliary Grants for Disabilities

See Culpeper Department of Social Services

Bridges / Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services

540-825-3100 | adiorio@rrcsb.org 13523 Beverly’s Ford Road, Elkwood This program offers day-support and pre-vocational services for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Bridges utilizes a person-centered approach to provide training and support including meaningful community activities and inclusivity. For more information, contact Arlene Diorio, Day Support Program Manager.

Bright Spot Inclusive Playground

540-727-3412 | 16358 Competition Drive, Culpeper Located at the Culpeper Sports Complex

Canine Companions for Independence

Nancy Lagasse 540-219-5868 | bshert07@gmail.com Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit organization that provides people with disabilities highlytrained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships free of charge. The service dogs assist adults with physical disabilities. Hearing dogs alert the deaf and hard of hearing to important sounds. Facility dogs work with a professional in a visitation, education, or healthcare setting. Skilled companions enhance independence for children and adults with physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities. CCI also places service dogs with disabled veterans and veterans with PTSD.

Commonwealth Autism (CA)

Autism Resource Directory 804-355-0300 | Toll Free: 800-649-8481 4108 E. Parham Road, Richmond, VA 23228 www.cahumanservices.org CA offers a comprehensive autism resource directory that is searchable by category, subcategory, region, and age. We’re still passionate about serving people with autism, but our mission has expanded to include systems level work for all types of developmental disabilities.

Culpeper County Public Schools Parent Teacher Resource Center

540-445-5025 101 Duke St., Suite 119, Culpeper The Culpeper County Public Schools’ Parent Teacher Resource Center provides information and resources on disabilities, including a lending library, list of community resources, and free parent workshops on a variety of topics related to children and disabilities. The Parent Teacher Resource Center is located in the CCPS Family Resource Center and is staffed by a special education teacher and a parent of a student with a disability.

540-825-2456 or 540-341-3464 This curb-to-curb transportation service is open to the general public by reservation at least 24 hours in advance. All equipment is lift-equipped and handicapped accessible. Rides can be reserved up to two weeks in advance. Scheduled riders should be prepared to leave 20 minutes before or after a scheduled appointment time and if unable to ride by themselves are permitted to bring a personal assistant for free. Call for additional information on pick-ups and fixed routes or how to apply for an American with Disability Act.


540-904-4207 | www.didlake.org 10164 Marsh Road, Bealeton Adult Day Support/Community Inclusion Program with an emphasis on Community Integration.

Disability Law Center of VA (DLCV)

800-552-3962 or 804-225-2042 | info@dlcv.org www.dlcv.org 1512 Willow Lawn - Suite 100, Richmond

disAbility Resource Center

540-373-2559 or 540-373-5890 (TTY/CAPTEL) drc@cildrc.org | www.cildrc.org 409 Progress St., Fredericksburg The dRC, a Center for Independent Living (CIL) is committed to community inclusion and a purposeful life for all people with disabilities of all ages. dRC staff help people with disabilities to live independently in their community by providing free living skills training, advocacy, peer mentoring, information and referral, transition services, and gently-used medical equipment. The dRC is knowledgeable about the needs of persons with disabilities as most staff have a disability or a family member with a disability.

Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS)

540.829.7360 | Tiffany.Jenkins@dars.virginia.gov www.vadars.org 19006 Crossroad Parkway Culpeper Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) is a division of the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and serves Culpeper, Orange, Madison, Fauquier, and Rappahannock Counties. Our Division offers vocational rehabilitation programs and services to assist people with disabilities to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment. We collaborate with individuals with disabilities and community partners to empower individuals to maximize their employment.

Down Syndrome Association of Northern VA (DSANV)

703-621-7129 | www.sanv.org 10467 White Granite Dr., Suite 320, Oakton DSANV provides educational, social and recreational programs to individuals with Down syndrome, and their families, across Northern Virginia. They also host multiple inclusive events each year which invite the Down syndrome community to gather to learn from each other and mingle with the larger Northern VA community.”

Free To Be ADHD Coaching

Linda Swanson, MA, ACC, and Neil Swanson, MA, ACC 703-508-4774 and 703-509-5377 7180 Baldwin Ridge Rd., Warrenton | www.vadars.org www.freetobecoaching.com ADHD-specific coaching for adults and parents as well as college, high school, and middle school students. Credentialed ADHD coaches help clients identify their strengths and challenges. Together, coach and client discover strategies to address those challenges and lay the foundation for effective new habits. Free initial session. Coaching in person in Warrenton, or by phone, Skype, or video chat.

Infant and Toddler Connection (ITC)

540-829-7480 See full listing under Children’s Services.

National Library Service for the Blind and Handicapped

1-888-657-7323 | nls@loc.gov The branch of the library of Congress supplies recorded books and playing equipment to the blind, braille books for the braille reader, among other services.

RRCS Community Support Division Intellectual

540-825-3100 See also Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services. RRCS provides support coordination to assist in evaluating, linking, monitoring, and advocating for services to meet individuals’ identified needs and serves children through adults.

Shooting Stars

540-937-0302 | shootingdsstars@gmail.com www.shootingstars21.com Shooting Stars is a local nonprofit organization that strives to be the local advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome. Some of the group’s current projects include creating congratulatory gift bags for new parents of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome, co-hosting A Night To Shine (a prom for people with special needs that is also sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation), and serving as a network of support for people with Down Syndrome as well as their families.

Special Olympics Area 17

540-479-6918 or 800-932-4653 Serving children and adults in Culpeper, Orange, Madison, and Rappahannock counties. Find us on Facebook by searching for "SOVA 17".

TOPS Soccer

Betsy Fry | 540-219-6165 | rbzfry@vabb.com For children with special needs. CSC soccer office is office@ culpepersc.org. The CSC office phone is 540-825-0886


www.understood.org Families, Educators and Young Adult programs and workplace initiative created to support individuals with Dyslexia and ADHD.

Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired

703-359-1100 | www.vdbvi.org 11150 Fairfax Blvd., Suite 502 , Fairfax The Vocational Rehabilitation program provides vocational and rehabilitative services to assist individuals who are vision impaired to prepare for, secure, retain, advance in or regain competitive integrated employment. The Education Services program assists infants, children, and students who are vision

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