12 minute read
Education, Employment & Job Training
Fauquier FISH Kids in the Kitchen
540-347-FISH http://fauquierfish.org, foodpantry@fauquierfish.org Kid-friendly fun and delicious snack and meal kits to take and fix at home and share with the whole family. It’s never too early to teach children about good food and good health. These delicious, affordable, and healthy meals that are easy to fix are aimed at getting kids into the kitchen and away from packaged, processed, and fast foods. Available once a month to registered food pantry households with kids ages 2- 17.
Fauquier FISH Weekend Power Pack Program
540-347-FISH http://fauquierfish.org, weekendpowerpack@fauquierfish.org Eligible children receive a backpack of food to take home from school each Friday during the school year. Bags typically contain enough food to feed a family of four 3-meals per weekend day. Request information at school from the principal or guidance counselors on your child’s eligibility.
Fauquier Special Olympics
fauquierspecialolympics@gmail.com On Facebook at @fauquierspecialolympics See full listing under Disability Services - Sports & Recreation.
Fauquier Youth Orchestra
703-853-5899 102 Main Street, Warrenton info@fauquieryouthorchestra.org, www.fauquieryouthorchestra.org The Fauquier County Youth Orchestra is a nonprofit organization offering the opportunity for local students of all levels to participate in learning and performing orchestra and band music. The FYO welcomes all music students in the Fauquier County region. Low tuition payments and no audition required! Weekly rehearsals are Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 pm. Please contact us at info@fauquieryouthorchestra.org for more information.
Girls on the Run Piedmont
Kathy Butler, Council Director 540-296-4687 www.gotrpiedmont.org, kathy.butler@girlsontherun.org Over a period of 10 weeks, girls in the 3rd through 5th grades participate in an after-school program like no other. The Girls on the Run lessons encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development. Heart & Sole is Girls on the Run’s program for middle school girls (grades 6th-8th). Heart & Sole creates a positive, structured space for middle school girls to learn about themselves, explore new ideas, cultivate empathy, strengthen connections and develop life skills that will help them as they move through adolescence and beyond.
Healthy Families Fauquier and Rappahannock
540-948-3916 ext. 440 98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 43, Warrenton HFSupervisor@skylinecap.org Healthy Families is available to anyone who is expecting a child or who has a newborn and is interested in receiving information on parenting and community resources. Healthy Families is pleased to offer services free of charge to parents in Fauquier and Rappahannock counties.
Coach John Schlenker www.fcsc.org/TOPSoccer, piedmontTOPsoccer@gmail.com See full listing Disability Services – Sports & Recreation.
Verdun Adventure Bound
540-937-4920 17044 Adventure Bound Trail, Rixeyville www.verdunadventurebound.org Located over a lush 66 acres in the rolling hills of the Piedmont—Verdun Adventure Bound offers a pole-based high and low ropes challenge course, retreat center, Amphitheatre, pavilion, and pond. Verdun is a nonprofit facility focused on supporting and promoting the personal growth of youth and adults through experiential learning and is open and accessible to individuals of all abilities, boasting a six-element high ropes course designed specifically for participants with disabilities. The Verdun campus is the premier natural habitat for groups seeking team building in an outdoor educational and high-adventure environment. Verdun is available year-round for reservation by a variety of groups: public and independent schools grades 4 through 12; corporate organizations; church youth and adult groups, youth and adult retreats, civic groupings, scouting events (camping and jamborees), and all sports teams. The Anne Marie Sheridan Amphitheatre is an intimate outdoor venue perfect for music concerts, live theatre performances for children and adults, ceremonies, and services, all under the Virginia stars. No group or event is too minor—give us a call at our office today to schedule your next event!
Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) Fauquier County Public Schools
540-422-7144 www.fcps1.org, cking@fcps1.org Fauquier County Public Schools offers preschool at no cost for children who are four-years-old by September 30th and meet eligibility guidelines. Applications will be available January 15th at all elementary schools and are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Young Life Fauquier County
Lou Chiccehitto, Area Director 540-422-2095 www.fauquiercounty.younglife.org, lou.chicc@gmail.com We have Young Life clubs active in the communities surrounding all three high schools in the county: Fauquier High School, Liberty High School, and Kettle Run High School. High school clubs meet every Wednesday night during the school year. We also have a WyldLife club for the middle schools in the county. WyldLife meets two Saturdays every month. Capernaum, our Young Life for students with disabilities, meets one Saturday evening a month. For more information, contact Lou Chiccehitto at lou.chicc@gmail.com.
4-H Clubs/Virginia Cooperative Extension
540-341-7950, ext 4 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton https://fauquier.ext.vt.edu/programs.html, Lenah Nguyen: lgeer@vt.edu See full listing under Children’s Services.
Allegro Community School of the Arts
540-349-5088 39 Culpeper St, Warrenton www.allegrocsa.org, lachelle@allegrocsa.org Allegro is a nonprofit organization offering private and group instruction to students of all ages in music, theatre and dance. Allegro’s Music Academy for the Blind and its music therapy program assist those with disabilities. Levels of curriculum are developed to meet the needs of all our students. Instructional tracks include recreational, conservatory, and college tracks. The music therapy program is available in individual or group instruction and provides interventions focused on the whole child: social/emotional, cognitive, and physical development on all levels. The new Thrive program offers music-based programs to adults 55 and over including Dance for Parkinson’s Disease.
The Arc of North Central Virginia (The Arc of NCV)
571-399-5390 P.O. Box 3186, Warrenton http://www.arcofncv.org, info@arcofncv.org See full listing under Disability Services - Advocacy.
Autism Society of Northern Virginia
703-495-8444 10467 White Granite Drive, #324, Oakton https://www.asnv.org, info@asnv.org See full listing under Disability Services - General Disability Resources.
Be The Change Foundation
540-222-7242 https://www.bethechangefoundation.us, bethechangefound@gmail.com Our mission is to empower women to see opportunities in the face of obstacles, build on those opportunities and overcome those obstacles, strengthen women by providing training, mentoring support, education, and resources such as small business enterprise loans, and inspire women to set a powerful example for future generations. To accomplish these goals, we offer a 12-week training class for women in Fauquier and surrounding counties who want to start a business or move to the next level in an existing business. All classes are conducted at the LFCC Campus in Warrenton. Interested? Visit the website and download the application!
Blue Ridge Tutor
540-675-1211 www.blueridgetutor.com, carolyn@blueridgetutor.com Blue Ridge Tutor is a reading specialist and academic coach. Reading problems either occur in decoding (the ability to read words) or comprehension (the ability to understand the meaning). As a reading specialist, I remediate both. Academic coaching becomes more significant in middle school. Just like learning a new sport, academic success requires learning the subskills of the process and then putting them together. Examples of sub-skills are writing skills, organizing time and paper, learning to support and communicate ideas, and math foundations.
Decoding Dyslexia Virginia - Fauquier/ Haymarket Chapter
Lynda Bruni, DecodingDyslexia PWC.fauquier@gmail.com or lbruni18@gmail.com See full listing under Disability Services - Education.
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)
Toll-Free: 800-622-2155 https://www.vdbvi.org/ See full listing under Disability Services - General Disability.
Clifton Institute, Inc.
540-341-3651 6712 Blantyre Road, Warrenton www.cliftoninstitute.org, info@cliftoninstitute.org We provide environmental education, carry out ecological research, and restore habitats for native plants and animals. Our 900-acre field station, permanently protected under conservation easement, provides a beautiful backdrop for all of our programs.
Fauquier Community Action Head Start Program
540-347-7000 430 East Shirley Avenue, Building C, Warrenton www.fcacheadstart.org, pwashington@cwcap.org See full listing under Children’s Services.
10 Fauquier Resource Guide Fauquier County Office of Virginia Cooperative Extension
540-341-7950 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton https://fauquier.ext.vt.edu/ Virginia Cooperative Extension puts university knowledge into the hands of people. We are credible experts and educators who provide information, education, and tools you can use every day to improve your life. Call the local office today to obtain information on agriculture, horticulture, 4-H programs, and other related fields.
Fauquier County Public Schools
540-422-7000 320 Hospital Drive, Warrenton www.fcps1.org Fauquier County Public Schools, an innovative learning community, is committed to developing creative, confident, and knowledgeable citizens who are globally competitive by cultivating the potential of each learner. FCPS student population numbers about 11,000 students. FCPS includes 11 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, 3 high schools, and 1 alternative learning school.
Fauquier Education Farm (FEF)
Jim Hankins, Executive Director www.fauquiereducationfarm.org, fauquieredfarm@gmail.com FEF is a learning resource for students, farmers, gardeners, and anyone interested in learning how our food is grown. The FEF has a dual focus: FEF offers agricultural education and grows food for local food banks. Programs are conducted to serve existing farmers, beginning farmers, students, and residents of the community. This education component includes the Beginning Farmer Program, agricultural best practices demonstrations, seminar series, and field trips for school classes (public, private, and homeschool).
Fauquier Excellence in Education Foundation
703-909-8442 www.fauquiereie.org, info@fauquiereie.org We are a non-profit bridge between our community and Fauquier County Public Schools. We create, enrich, and expand educational opportunities for Fauquier County Public Schools, teachers, and students. We fund student programs that enhance educational and life experiences. We provide grants for teachers to participate in conferences, seminars, and cultural programs to further professional development and directly impact their classrooms. Programs include: Educator Grants, My First Book Club, Teacher of The Year, New Teacher Dinner, The Outdoor Lab and Environmental Studies Academy, STEM Summer Camps, Regional Science Fair, educational field trips, individual teacher and school needs, and more.
Key To Reading & Writing LLC
Academic Language Therapy for Reading and Writing Susan Louchen, M.S., CALT www.keytoreading.com, info@KeyToReading.com Effective dyslexia therapy for age-appropriate independence in reading and writing. Academic Language Therapists have advanced specialized professional training in the effective Orton-Gillingham based Academic Language Therapy methodology which builds independence in ageappropriate reading and writing skills for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and related disorders.
Learning Starts Early
LearningStartsEarlyInc@gmail.com Learning Starts Early (LSE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is committed to preparing every preschool child in Fauquier County to meet challenges in kindergarten and beyond. Nearly 1 in 5 children entering kindergarten in Fauquier County do not meet the Virginia reading readiness benchmarks. Many never catch up. A substantial body of research suggests that high-quality preschool education can significantly improve the learning and development of all children, especially children from low-income families, those whose parents lack high school diplomas or are without homes. LSE provides material and financial resources to support children in public and private preschool programs.
Literacy Volunteers of Fauquier County
540-422-8465 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 10, Warrenton http://www.lvfc.net/, lvfc320@gmail.com LVFC offers adult basic education (ABE) and English (ESL) classes. Please refer to our website for further information concerning registration, volunteering or donating. PLEASE NOTE: LVFC is no longer accepting donations of computer equipment or peripherals.
Lord Fairfax Community College
6480 College Street, Warrenton www.lfcc.edu, Michelle Cribbs, mcribbs@lfcc.edu Lord Fairfax Community College is an institution of higher education with four locations: Middletown, Warrenton, Luray-Page County, and Vint Hill, which serves eight localities in the Shenandoah Valley and northern Piedmont region. The College offers more than 75 associate degree and certificate programs and is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees.
Professional Development and Continuing Education 540-868-7021 www.lfccworkforce.com, lfccworkforce@lfcc.edu Workforce Solutions and Continuing Education (WSCE) at Lord Fairfax Community College represents your local, reliable, and trusted partner for quality and relevant workforce training programs that meet the needs of employers and individuals in our community. WSCE offers instructional year-round programs at multiple locations, online, or even on-site at your organization through corporate training. Programs offered include business and professional development, computers and technology, healthcare and wellness, construction, industry, manufacturing, transportation, and much more. Fast-track career training, financial assistance, career coaching, and guaranteed job interviews available for some programs.
Mayflower Homeschoolers
www.mayflowerhomeschoolers.org, admin@mayflowerhomeschoolers.org Mayflower Homeschoolers is a Roman Catholic Independent Homeschool Support Group. It supports homeschoolers in Culpeper, Fauquier, Loudoun, Manassas, Manassas City, Prince William, Rappahannock, Stafford, and Warren Counties. Mayflower offers monthly clubs, PE, field trips; works of mercy, religious events, and moms’ nights; quarterly Feast Day parties, themed dances for teens, including a prom; two academic fairs, annual graduation and parent meeting, member support as needed, and monthly summer outings.
Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)
800-869-6782 / 703-923-0010 (Voice/TTY) 8003 Forbes Place, Suite 310, Springfield www.peatc.org, partners@peatc.org See full listing Disability Services – Advocacy.
Parent Resource Center
Fauquier County Public Schools 540-422-7116 430 East Shirley Avenue B-9, Warrenton prc@fcps1.org See full listing under Disability Services - Education.
Pathways, Inc., Powering Your Path
540-422-0907 16413 Shadow Drive, Culpeper www.poweringyourpath.org, margie@poweringyourpath.org Pathways, Inc. provides free services and resources to help empower women in the area. Our services include free individualized computer skills and technology training, career coaching, including assistance with the job search, writing resumes, preparing for interviews, and self-marketing. Our service hours are Monday through Friday from noon until 7:00 p.m. Contact us to register for your free individualized sessions. Want to help? Donate or volunteer today. Pathways, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
Piedmont Regional Adult and Career Education Programs
540-718-8243 6368 Flat Run Road, Locust Grove www.pracep.org PRACEP serves any adult who is at least 18 years of age in the counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock. We offer classes for GED® preparation and English classes for speakers of other languages. PRACEP’s goal is to prepare as many individuals as possible for post-secondary education and/or careers and provide English language classes for non-native speakers.
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Fauquier County Public Schools rcorpening@fcps1.org See full listing under Disability Services - Education.
Smart Cookie Reading LLC
Academic Language Therapy for Reading and Writing (703) 855-8133 www.smartcookiereading.com, Liz Gordon, M.Ed at liz@smartcookiereading.com See full listing under Disability Services - Education.
Verdun Adventure Bound
540-937-4920 17044 Adventure Bound Trail, Rixeyville Verdunadventurebound.org See full listing under Children’s Services. EMPLOYMENT & JOB TRAINING
703-361-4195 or Toll-Free: 866-361-4195 Opal Office: 540-904-4207 ex. 2014 10164 Marsh Road, Bealeton www.didlake.org See full listing under Disability Services - Transition.
The Salvation Army Family Store
540-341-8385 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton The Salvation Army Family Store sells clothing, household items, and furniture at reasonable rates. Proceeds support local programs. Donations are accepted during business hours and donations may include clothing, household items, furniture, shoes, purses, and kitchen items. Pick-up is available for furniture, please call 540-341-8385 to schedule an appointment. Store hours are Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Salvation Army Social Services office, located behind the store, is open on Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Employment Services
540-829-7360 19006 Crossroad Parkway, Culpeper www.vadars.org, jackie.kanupp@dars.virginia.gov See full listing Disability Services – Transition.