126 minute read
Social Services
A Little Heart
703-628-3101 www.alittleheartcharity.org Tonya.Harmon@ALittleHeartCharity.org A Little Heart’s mission is to help children in the greater Fauquier County area who lack the resources they need to be successful. We provide funding directly to school principals, who use the funds to help underprivileged children have opportunities that would otherwise be out of their reach. Project Sweet Dreams provides comfort along with access to educational materials to children in crisis situations. Backpacks are distributed to children through existing social services such as foster care and homeless shelters. Project Healthy Snack, in partnership with Fauquier FISH, will ensure every growing child has a nutritious snack at snack time.
Fauquier Community Food Bank and Thrift Store
540-359-6054 249 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton www.fauquierfoodbank.org FAUQUIER_THRIFT@yahoo.com Our food bank provides USDA Commodities, senior commodity boxes, pantry services, some personal supplies, and firewood to registered clients only in Fauquier County. Bring the proper documentation as listed on the website. We serve clients based on income; your family does not need to receive public assistance to come to the Food Bank. You can pick up food twice per month (USDA commodities are only served once a month). Bread and produce can be picked up daily when available. Hours: Monday through Friday 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Donations of food are welcome Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ReStore
540-216-3447 617 Frost Avenue, Warrenton https://www.fauquierhabitat.org, Restore@FauquierHabitat.org The Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ReStore is the non-profit home improvement store and donation center that sells new and gently used furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price. Fauquier Habitat for Humanity ReStore is proudly owned and operated by Fauquier Habitat for Humanity. Proceeds are used to build homes and improve communities locally and around the world. Donations to the store affect the availability of certain items, and stock may change daily.
Hope Heals Community Freestore
606 Falmouth Street - Suite A www.hopehealsfreestore.org hopehealsfreestore@gmail.com Our mission at Hope Heals is to provide our community with free clothing, shoes, and household linens. We believe that people matter most and our heart is to supply basic needs with compassion, dignity, and unconditional acceptance.
Noah’s Ark Outreach By Community Touch Inc.
540-439-9300 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton www.communitytouchinc.org TyronneC@communitytouchinc.org Noah’s Ark helps those who lack household furnishings and provides free household furnishings to the underprivileged. Items include quality furniture, seasonal clothing, household items and appliances. Newer furniture is donated by housing developers and builders; Noah’s Ark also distributes these items to those in need and other nonprofits. Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Noah’s Ark Thrift Store By Community Touch Inc
540-364-8007 4199-D Winchester Road, Marshall www.communitytouchinc.org TyronneC@communitytouchinc.org Noah’s Ark Thrift Store was born out of a need to help those that lack household furnishings and to allow those that have the means to give a donation for low-cost, quality household items. Items available include quality furniture, clothes in season, household items and appliances, etc. All proceeds from the retail store go towards the mission and vision of Community Touch, Inc. See website for hours of operation.
The Salvation Army Family Store
540-341-8385 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ The Salvation Army Family Store sells clothing, household items and furniture at reasonable rates. Proceeds support local programs. Donations are accepted during business hours and donations may include clothing, household items, furniture, shoes, purses and kitchen items. Pick-up is available for furniture, please call 540-341-8385 to schedule an appointment. Call for hours of operation. The Salvation Army Social Services office, located behind the store, is open on Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Child Abuse & Neglect Helpline
Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 800-787-3224 www.thehotline.org This national hotline is accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information, and referrals to agencies. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages through interpreter services.
Domestic Violence Resource Specialist
Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office 540-422-8656 78 West Lee Street, Warrenton www.fauquiercounty.gov, michele.arft@fauquiercounty.gov Michele Arft has been the domestic violence resource specialist for 22 years. She provides advocacy and support to victims of domestic violence and stalking. She provides information and resources that are available to victims based on their particular situation (i.e. emergency shelter, transitional housing, support groups, legal aid, etc.) and handles issues pertaining to Protective Orders where victims are assisted with completing petitions and accompanying them to court for support. She assists victims with safety planning, explaining civil and criminal options to victims who have been through an abusive relationship, and assists with general legal information on divorce, child custody, support, and visitation.
Family Alliance Network of Fauquier (FAN)
571-469-1068 www.fanoffauquier.org, fanoffauquier@gmail.com FAN works with families in crisis for their specific concerns. Education, tools, and support prevent the destruction of a family. With opioids, trafficking, suicides, shootings, and violent abuses facing families, issues can be complex. Building collaborative teams address issues. FAN assists by supporting early identification and prevention to decrease stigma and raise awareness about trauma bonding, moral injury, coercive control abuses and trauma-informed interventions. FAN is a grassroots effort to identify early trauma; discuss issues/ options with families, legislature, and professionals; and supports early intervention and prevention. A strong community supports those in crisis.
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24-Hour Hotline 540-422-8460 The mission of FCDVSAP is to empower individuals and improve quality of life by breaking the cycle of domestic violence through side-by-side advocacy with the client. Advocates collaborate with the survivor to design an individualized service plan. FCDVA provides nondiscriminatory services to ALL participants, 24-hour confidential hotline services, medical appointment accompaniment (as related to FCDVSAP involvement), intervention & safety planning, emergency housing, court accompaniment, legal services (as directed by program guidelines), transportation, support group, connection to community resources/ referrals, advocacy and support, and ongoing case management. Please call the hotline to learn more.
Services to Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE)
24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline: 800-825-8876 Office: 540-825-8891 501 E. Piedmont Street, PO Box 402, Culpeper www.safejourneys.org info@safejourneys.org All SAFE services and support are free and confidential. Services to Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE) provides shelter, support and advocacy to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children along with survivors of sexual violence. SAFE services include a 24-hour toll free Crisis Hotline, 24-hour emergency shelters, crisis intervention, safety planning, court advocacy and navigating of the criminal justice system, individual and group supportive counseling, services for youth, services for the Hispanic community, school-based awareness programs, public awareness programs, community partnerships and a volunteer program.
Virginia Family Violence Sexual Assault Hotline
800-838-8238 http://www.vsdvalliance.org/ This 24 hour/day trained staff offers free and confidential services: information and support for survivors, friends and family, and the general public; links to local crisis centers, shelters or other human resource agencies through referrals and by directly connecting callers to local agencies via a three-way calling system. It also offers resource packets on a variety of topics for callers seeking written information. Technical assistance to professionals working with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and sexual assault; brochures and other resource materials in bulk for agencies seeking to distribute information about domestic violence and sexual assault is also available.
Just Ask Trafficking Prevention Foundation
1751 Pinnacle Drive Suite 600, McLean bill@justaskprevention.org The Just Ask Prevention Foundation is a Virginia-based international nonprofit organization focused on ending human trafficking in the U.S. and around the world, through education, prevention, and intervention. We offer a variety of services to individuals, groups, businesses, and
NPCF strengthens our communities through philanthropy, npcf.org
government agencies which enable them to prevent and stop human trafficking from occurring to themselves, their loved ones, employees, and citizens. For more information about what the Just Ask Prevention Foundation can do to help you, contact us. FAUQUIER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES (DSS)
Fauquier Department of Social Services
540-422-8400 24-hour toll-free hotline 888-832-3858 Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Alice Jane Childs Building, Warrenton The mission of the Department of Social Services is people helping people overcome adversity to secure strong futures for themselves, their families and communities. The purpose is to assist families in maintaining or achieving self-sufficiency, protect vulnerable adults and children from abuse and neglect, provide benefits to meet basic needs and cooperate with other organizations in promoting the general welfare of the citizens of Fauquier County. New to the DSS: Fauquier County residents can now apply for Social Services benefits online. Visit https:// commonhelp.virginia.gov/ to apply for services.
Adult Protective Services (APS)
An Adult Services Worker, receiving a report or complaint about suspicion or a risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation of an adult, investigates the report, determines whether services are needed and helps find the necessary services to stop or prevent the abuse, neglect or exploitation from recurring. Anyone living in Fauquier County who is 60 years or older or who is incapacitated and 18 years of age or older may receive protective services if services are needed. Services are provided regardless of the person’s income or financial resources. Adult Protective Services include the receipt and investigation of reports that an adult is abused, neglected, or exploited or at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, and the provision of a wide variety of health, social, and legal services to stop the mistreatment and prevent further mistreatment. If you have questions about the situation of an elderly person or adult with disabilities, please call and talk to an Adult Services Worker at 540-422-8400. You may also call the 24-hour, toll-free hotline at 1-888-832-3858.
Adult Services
Adult Services coordinates and provides a range of services to maintain safe living conditions for incapacitated or elderly adults. These services include intake services including information and referral, initial screening and assessment, and assistance with emergencies, and homebased services, to the extent that local funds are available. Depending on the assessment of need, a trained companion provides a maximum of 20 hours per week of in-home assistance. Assistance with some activities of daily living and instrumental activity of daily living (housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation) is provided to income-eligible clients based on an assessment of the need for services. Periodic or one-time-only chore services are provided based on assessment. At times there may be a waiting list for these services. Adult Foster Care and Respite care are provided to the extent a matching foster care home can be located. Funding for this program comes through a combination of client income and the Auxiliary Grant program. Adult Services also provides nursing home pre-admission screening for impaired adults who currently receive Medicaid or anticipate receiving Medicaid within the next 180 days, Medicaid Community-based care screenings and subsequent arrangement of services, and assistance with assisted living facility placements and nursing facility placements. For more information and to apply visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/as/servtoadult.cg.
Medicaid has several medical assistance programs that pay for health care visits for children and certain adults who are unable to pay for needed services. Covered individuals may be children, pregnant women, people with disabilities or elderly individuals. There are special provisions and several types of coverage for which you may qualify depending on
your income, family size and circumstances. Individuals with severe mental illness may apply for Medicaid through Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services at 540-825-3100. Screening for financial eligibility may include an assessment of both income and resources depending on which of the many Medicaid programs for which you may qualify. To apply for Medicaid, go online to www.commonhelp.virginia.gov, call 855-2428282, or contact your local agency.
Child Care Assistance (CC)
The Child Care Assistance Program provides funding to enhance the quality, affordability, and supply of childcare available to Virginia’s families. Child Care services are child-centered, family-focused services that support the family goals of economic self-sufficiency and child development by providing for supervision, protection, and well-being of a child while the parent is participating in an approved activity. For more information and to apply, visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/cc/ assistance.cgi.
Child Protective Services
24-hour Child Abuse Hotline: 800-552-7096 Virginia statute requires social services departments to investigate all reports of possible child abuse or neglect and to arrange protection for children when protection is needed. The purpose of child protective services intervention is to protect children, to preserve families whenever possible, and to prevent further abuse and neglect. DSS encourages anyone who is aware of possible child abuse or neglect to call the 24-hour child abuse hotline: 800-552-7096 at any time. To get more information about a situation you may be unsure meets the definition of abuse or neglect or to report suspicions of abuse or neglect, call the Fauquier office at 540-422-8400 during office hours. An abused or neglected child is any child under 18 whose parent, or any other person responsible for the care of the child causes or threatens to cause, a physical or mental injury (except for an accident), who fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or caring support, who abandons the child, who fails to provide the kind of supervision necessary for a child’s age or level of development, or who commits, or allows to be committed, any sexual act involving the child.
Children’s Services (CSA)
Services under the CSA may be available to a child who meets at least one of the following descriptions: youth who require private placement for special education, youth who are in foster care or eligible for foster care services, youth who are eligible for services through a Child in Need of Services determination or youth who have significant emotional or behavioral problems and may require services not available from any single agency, require services of multiple agencies, or may be at risk of residential placement. While most of the children who qualify for CSA services are already under the purview of one of the member agencies (Juvenile Court Services, Social Services, Community Services, or the Public Schools) you may call the Children’s Services Coordinator at 540422-8400 to find out if you and your child are eligible for services. For more information, visit http://www.csa.virginia.gov/.
24-Hour Hotline 540-422-8460 See full listing under Domestic Violence & Abuse.
Family Services and Foster Care Prevention Services
Family Services are designed to assist children and families resolve crises, connect with necessary and appropriate services, and remain safely together in their own homes whenever possible. The goal is to prevent or eliminate the need for out-of-home placement of children, promote family strength and stability, enhance parental functioning and protect children. Call FCDSS and ask for the Family Services social worker on intake if you, your family or a friend are experiencing difficulties. Call 540-422-8400 during office hours.
Foster Care Services
DSS also provides services to foster children and their foster parents. Foster parents are professional parents who enjoy parenting and are willing to share their home, time, energy and love with children who
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SCSM is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry. Our services are free. Donations are appreciated.
A resource to fun activities, community service projects and volunteer opportunities for families in Fauquier County and surrounding areas.

families4fauquier.com /families4fauquier families4fauquier@gmail.com PO Box 373, Warrenton, VA 20188
Families4Fauquier is a non-profit organization
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have special problems. The children range in age from newborn to 18 years. Some have been victimized by abuse or neglect. Some may be physically or mentally challenged; some may have emotional or behavioral problems. Sometimes, as a result of abuse, neglect, abandonment or a death in the family, courts decide that children must be temporarily separated from their families. A child’s stay in foster care may be as short as overnight or longer depending on the permanency plan for the child. The goal is to reunite the children with their own families. When this is not possible, parental rights may be terminated and adoption becomes the goal for the child. Often, foster parents are the first choice for the child’s adoptive home. In foster care, the department has legal custody of the child and assumes the ultimate responsibility for the child. A family will receive a maintenance payment on behalf of the child to help with expenses while a child is in their home. Children have medical and dental coverage while in foster care. To find out more about becoming a foster parent, visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/fc/.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - (formerly Food Stamps)
The SNAP Program is administered by the US Department of Agriculture and is operated on a local level in Virginia.The program is designed to help prevent hunger and malnutrition by ensuring a better diet for low-income households. It is not designed to supply all food needs, only to supplement them. For more information and to apply, please visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families – (TANF)
TANF provides temporary financial assistance for eligible families with minor children in the home, who are financially needy and meet other requirements as well. An interview is required. TANF payments depend on the size of the family; a family may qualify while receiving income from other sources. Applicants must cooperate in naming the parents of all eligible children and help establish paternity. Some individuals who qualify for TANF may be required to participate in VIEW, the Virginia Initiative for Education and Work. VIEW participants can earn an income in addition to their TANF benefits but the total income may not exceed the federal poverty level for their family size. To apply for TANF go online to https://commonhelp.virginia.gov or call the Fauquier office.
Auxiliary Grants
AG is a financial assistance supplement for recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and certain other aged, blind or disabled individuals who are residing in a licensed Assisted Living Facility (ALF) or in an Adult Foster Care (AFC) home approved by Social Services. For more information and how to apply please visit the Virginia Department of Social Services website at http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.
General Relief
GR is a short-term assistance program to help with specific emergency situations related to housing and utilities. This is a local program and application must be made at our local office. You must be a Fauquier County resident and have an emergency need. For additional eligibility criteria, program information, income guidelines and to request an application, please call the Fauquier County Department of Social Services at 540-422-8400.
Medicaid: Family & Children; Aged, Blind & Disabled
Medicaid provides payment for health and medical care for people who meet the specified requirements for income and resource limits. All medical services must be provided by Medicaid enrolled providers who bill the program directly for their services. In some instances, a small co-payment is required. To apply for Medicaid, visit http://www. dss.virginia.gov/, call 855-635-4370 for assistance with completing an application, or call the Fauquier office.
Child Care Assistance
The Child Care Assistance Program provides funding to enhance the quality, affordability, and supply of childcare available to Virginia’s families. Child Care services are child-centered, family-focused services that support the family goals of economic self-sufficiency and child development by providing for supervision, protection, and well-being of a child while the parent is participating in an approved activity. For more information and to apply, visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/cc/assistance.cgi.
Energy Assistance
The Energy Assistance Program is made up of the following components: fuel assistance, which helps eligible households with costs of heating their homes; crisis assistance, which helps eligible households in heating emergency situations with primary heat security deposits, primary heating fuel/utility bills, and repair/replacement of heating equipment; and cooling assistance which helps eligible households with cooling equipment purchases or repairs and with electric bills. For more information and to apply, visit http://www.dss. virginia.gov/.
Dominion EnergyShare
Dominion EnergyShare provides heating and cooling assistance to eligible families. The Department of Social Services administers the program for Fauquier County residents in need. For more information and to complete an application, please come to Social Services Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM. You are required to meet an income guideline, have a face to face interview, have a cutoff notice from your utility company and to bring your utility bill with you. There are two seasons: cooling season, which runs from June 1st until October 31st, and heating season, which runs from November 1st until May 31st. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted. For more information, please call 540-422-8400.
The Work Place - Career Resource Center
540-422-8422 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton workplace320@gmail.com The Work Place is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. and is available to all county residents to assist in finding employment. The Work Place is not an employment agency but encourages independent job search with multiple resources at your disposal. Staffed by the department and Literacy Volunteers of Fauquier it offers the following one-stop services free of charge: job postings direct from employers, various Web pages and local papers, assistance with establishing new email accounts and job search Web pages, computer and Internet access, fax and copy machine use. Resume and job preparation assistance by appointment; call 540-422-8422.
Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) is a workforce program administered through local departments of social services. The VIEW Program provides employment and training services to TANF recipients who are required to participate in the program as a condition of eligibility and to TANF recipients who volunteer to participate. For more information and to apply, please visit http://www.dss.virginia.gov/.
Community Touch
540-439-9300 Emergency assistance for the truly needy.
Fauquier Public Libraries
Annual tax assistance provided through a partnership with the Foundation for Tax Assistance. Call (540) 422-8465 to schedule an appointment.
People Helping People
540-349-9017 34 Beckham Street, Warrenton www.fauquierphp.com, php.fauquier@verizon.net See full listing under Fuel and Utility Assistance.
People, Inc. (833) 277-9330 135 South Main Street, Woodstock www.peopleinc.net info@peopleinc.net People Inc. is a non-profit Community Action Agency and Community Development Corporation committed to providing opportunities for people to reach their goals in order to enhance their lives, families, and communities. In Culpeper, Fauquier, and Rappahannock counties, People Inc. Community and Economic Services provides business and personal loans. The Personal Lending program provides consumers access to low-cost financing for short-term needs such as debt consolidation, car loans and repairs, home improvement, foreclosure prevention, etc. Small business development services provide training, business technical assistance, and loans to create or expand an existing business. Both existing and start-up business clients are eligible for services. Credit counseling is available as part of both services. People Incorporated also provides Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) during the tax season. Appointments are required. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program 703-324-7280; TTY 711 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/free-tax-return-preparation-for-youby-volunteers The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax preparation assistance to individuals and families who earned $56,000 or less. IRS trained and certified volunteers are available at 15 sites throughout Northern Virginia and will ensure you receive the maximum tax refund and help determine if you are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). (540) 349-5888 A SOPHISTICUT, LTD Family Haircare A SOPHISTICUT, LTD Serving Fauquier County for 20 years Family Haircare (540) 349-5888 OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO R APARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. OPEN! • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. OPEN! • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials For information call: OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. OPEN! • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Garden Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials l Income restricted apartments for seniors 55+ l Limited Availability l Centrally located elevator l Gazebo & Gardens l Fully equipped fitness center l Washer/Dryer connections l Resident business center with computer access l Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring l Food Pantry OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazeb Garden Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in SpecialsOffice hours: Mon. - Sat., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 11 - 5 NOW LEASING OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO R APARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S BEALETON, VIRGINIA For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S BEALETON, VIRGINIA For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ For information call: OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Garden Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials l Income restricted apartments for seniors 55+ l Limited Availability l Centrally located elevator l Gazebo & Gardens l Fully equipped fitness center l Washer/Dryer connections l Resident business center with computer access l Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring l Food Pantry OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazeb Garden Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in SpecialsOffice hours: Mon. - Sat., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 11 - 5 OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO R APARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials For information call: OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials l Income restricted apartments for seniors 55+ l Limited Availability l Centrally located elevator l Gazebo & Gardens l Fully equipped fitness center l Washer/Dryer connections l Resident business center with computer access l Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring l Food Pantry OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in SpecialsOffice hours: Mon. - Sat., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 11 - 5 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO R APARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: AMENITIEMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility BEALETON, VIRGINIA AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. MintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Garden Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & BEALETON, VIRGINIA AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials For information call: OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: AMENITIEMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gaz Garden Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: AMENITIEMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: AMENITIEMintbroo SENIO RAPARTME NT 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: AMENITIEMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials l Income restricted apartments for seniors 55+ l Limited Availability l Centrally located elevator l Gazebo & Gardens l Fully equipped fitness center l Washer/Dryer connections l Resident business center with computer access l Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring l Food Pantry OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbroo 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: AMENITIEMintbroo SENIO RAPARTME 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: AMENITIEMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. Mintbrook 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in Specials OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, February 22 • 2–5 p.m. Conveniently located off Route 17 (Marsh Road) within the Ryan Homes subdivision. 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE SMintbrookSENIO RAPARTME NT S 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs BEALETON, VIRGINIA If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S For more information call: 540-402-6005 Office hours: Mon.–Sat., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. • Supportive services program, including on-site health monitoring • 80 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments • Centrally located elevator • Resident business center with computer access • Fully equipped fitness center • Gazebo & Gardens • Washer/Dryer connections • Educational, social, & wellness programs Affordable Housing for Seniors 55+ Ask about our Move-in SpecialsOffice hours: Mon. - Sat., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 11 - 5 • Income restricted apartments for seniors 55+ • Limited Availability • Centrally located elevator • Gazebo and Community Garden • Washer/Dryer connections • Resident Community Center • Supportive Services Program • Food Pantry • Fitness Center + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 Flooring Specialists and More Tues. - Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 8-2 Like us on Facebook Closed Sunday & Monday 494-B Broadview Avenue Tues. & Thurs. evening by appt. only Warrenton, VA 20186 If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-307680 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S Ask about our Move-in Specials If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-307680 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Centrally located elevator Resident business center with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Gazebo Gardens Central laundry facility Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 AMENITIE S Ask about our Move-in Specials with computer access Fully equipped fitness center Educational, social, & wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 Fully equipped fitness center wellness programs If you would like to be on our WAITING LIST TO APPLY for an apartment, call: 540-642-3076 + The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So Much Under One Roof! Flooring Specialists and More + The Largest In-Stock Inventory ofCarpet, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early ’ s Carpet, Inc. Your Hometown Store So MuchUnder One Roof! 540-937-5500 Visit Us Online: www.earlyscarpet.com

14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 Mon -Fri 9amto5pm~Sat 10 am to4 pm14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinyl experts. But did you know… 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable and vinylexperts. But did you know You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinyl experts. But did you know... 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 540-937-5500 M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable The Specialists You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinyl experts. But did you know… EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night &WeekendsAvailable Mr.WoodyFuzzy TheSpecialists You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinyl experts. But did you know… 540-937-5500 Visit Us Online: www.earlyscarpet.com Mon - Fri 9 am to 5 pm ~ Sat 9 am to 2 pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & Weekends Available You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… Day, Night & WeekendsAvailable You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know… You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinylexperts. But did you know…Fuzzy Mr. Woody Visit Us Online: www.earlyscarpet.com Mr.WoodyFuzzy TheSpecialists ©

Visit Us Online: www.earlyscarpet.com
Visit Us Online: www.earlyscarpet.com
2 Fish Five Loaves of Bread - Mt. Olive Baptist Church
540-364-2380 2932 Atoka Rd, Marshall
Broad Run Baptist Church
540-347-1379 5143 Broad Run Church Road, New Baltimore Broadrunchurch.org Office@Broadrunchurch.org Broad Run Baptist Church offers food assistance only on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. until noon.
Child Nutrition, Inc.
540-347-3767 9 N 3rd Street, Suite 100, Warrenton www.cni-usda.org, bethw@cni-usda.org Child Nutrition, Inc. is a private, nonprofit organization that serves family child care providers who are able to participate in the Child & Adult Care Food Program through our agency and receive partial reimbursement for serving nutritious meals/snacks to their daycare children. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Clara’s Faith House Food Pantry & Thrift Store By Community Touch Inc.
540-439-9300 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton www.communitytouchinc.org, feliciac@communitytouchinc.org Clara’s Faith House Food Pantry provides food recipients in the Virginia and Washington DC Metro area with quality food to sustain the family. Food is also purchased and distributed and delivered to the elderly. The hours of operation for Clara’s Faith House Food Pantry are: Monday and Wednesday 10am – 2pm, Saturday 10am – noon.
Fauquier Community Food Bank and Thrift Store
Thrift Store 540-359-6054; Food Bank 540-359-6053 249 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton www.fauquierfoodbank.org fauquiercommunityfoodbank@comcast.net or Fauquier_thrift@yahoo.com The Food Bank is open Monday - Friday 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Food donations accepted Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. All proceeds from the Thrift Store help to purchase food for the Food Bank. The Thrift Store is open Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Donations accepted Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. No donations accepted on Monday.
Law Office MICHAEL A. MAYS Warrenton, VA. 540-351-0211

Wills, Trusts, & Estates
Prompt, reliable service. Reasonable rates.
Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition
540-905-7227 (leave a message) c/o Fauquier County Extension Office 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton fauquierfood.wixsite.com/fauquierfood, info@fauquierfood.org On the third Saturday of each month, the coalition distributes food and other necessary items from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. (or until the food is gone) at the Warrenton United Methodist Church located at 341 Church Street.
Fauquier County Health Department
540-347-6400 330 Hospital Drive, Warrenton The WIC Program offers food for women, infants, and children. By appointment only.
Fauquier FISH Food Pantry
540-347-FISH 24 Pelham Street, Warrenton http://fauquierfish.org foodpantry@fauquierfish.org Fauquier FISH’s Food Pantry is a client choice program distributing wholesome quality foods with a view on health and nutrition. Menu selections include our signature DASH (Delicious, Affordable, Simple Healthy) complete meal kits, all the ingredients needed with instructions to prepare hearty meals at home. Current selections include 8 main meals, 4 side dishes and 3 hot lunches to choose from. Seasonally, POP Bucks are available to shop at the Warrenton Farmers Market. Visit our website for additional information. Summer: Tues & Sat 9:30 am – Noon, Thurs 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Winter: Tues & Sat 9:30 am – Noon, Thurs. 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.
Fauquier County Public Schools
540-422-7000 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 40, Warrenton www.fcps1.org Call your child’s school and ask for information on the Free and Reduced Meals Program for students.
Grace Episcopal Church
540-253-5177, ext 101 6507 Main Street, The Plains www.gracetheplains.org, gracechurch@gracetheplains.org The Grace Church food pantry is open to the public on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. to noon. You may also access the food pantry on weekdays when the church office is open: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Please call ahead if you would like to come on a weekday.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
540-270-6774 271 Winchester Street, Warrenton The St. Vincent de Paul Society is part of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and offers financial support to individuals and families. See full listing under the Fuel & Utility Assistance section.
The Salvation Army of Fauquier County
540-341-3396 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ The Salvation Army office of social services, located behind the store, is open Monday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The social service office also includes a food pantry, summer camp scholarships, emergency disaster services, and Angel Tree Christmas assistance of clothing, toys, and food. Additionally, Pathway of Hope is a long term, client-directed social service program designed to help motivated clients to permanently escape poverty. For information, call 540-341-3396.
Fauquier Department of Social Services
540-422 8400 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton Energy Assistance programs help with the cost of home heating or cooling in certain circumstances. See the full Fauquier County Department of Social Services entry in a separate section for details. To apply for Energy Assistance, go online to https://commonhelp.virginia. gov or call the Fauquier office.
homelessness. We are funded by local businesses, local churches, private citizens, and other grants. All donations are tax-deductible. Hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., by appointment only.
SafeLink Wireless
800-SafeLink www.safelinkwireless.com SafeLink Wireless is a government-supported program that provides a free cell phone and airtime on a monthly basis. For specifics of the program and to see if you qualify, please see the website.
Grace Episcopal Church St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. John the
540-253-5177 Evangelist Catholic Church 6507 Main Street, The Plains 540-270-6774 Free firewood for those in need. 271 Winchester Street, Warrenton Morrisville United Methodist Church The St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP) helps all people in need who reside in Fauquier County and works closely with other charitable 540-439-2594 organizations in the county to help the poor. Group offers financial 4432 Morrisville Road, Bealeton www.morrisvilleumc.org, morrisvilleumc@verizon.net support which is sent directly to the creditor who is owed and a food pantry for those in need. The SVDP food pantry is located on the grounds of St. John’s Church and is available by appointment only. Offers fuel and utility assistance to those in need. The Salvation Army Warrenton Service Center People Helping People 540-349-7205 540-349-9017 62 Waterloo Street, Warrenton 34 Beckham Street, Warrenton www.fauquierphp.com, php.fauquier@verizon.net People Helping People (PHP) provides emergency financial assistance to Fauquier County residents undergoing hardship due to circumstances beyond their control, i.e. medical issues, loss of employment or a death in the family. We assist with paying utility bills to avoid disconnection www.virginiasalvationarmy.org/warrentonva/ The Salvation Army provides emergency assistance to Fauquier families and individuals to help maintain or restore utility services. A utility termination notice is required. Applicants must meet program criteria; a caseworker will determine eligibility. Please call to schedule an appointment. The Salvation Army Warrenton Service Center, located behind the store, is open Monday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. of service; rent or mortgage to avoid eviction from home; preventing Complicated taxes? Complicated taxes?Complicated taxes?
Complicated taxes? Complicated taxes?Bring it on. Complicated taxes? Complicated taxes?Bring it on. Complicated taxes? Complicated taxes?Bring it on. OCTOBER 25-31, 2019 WWW.INSIDENOVA.COM VOL. 7 | NUM. 44 $1 Changes in store for county board THE RIGHT FIT High school football players can buy their own helmet PAGE 23 ONE MORE TREAT Halloween events fi ll fun weekend PAGE 26 InTheKnow June 13, 2019 www.belvoireagleonline.com BELVOIR EagleFort Belvoir’s Army Birthday and Flag Day Celebration has been moved to Thurman Hall. The celebration is today from 10 to 11 a.m. Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony. Happy Birthday Soldiers!Staff ord MARCH 2020 MAGAZINE Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed. Call today to make your appointment. SUBSCRIBE TODAY INSIDENOVA.COM/SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE@INSIDENOVA.COM CALL: 703-318-1386 PRINCE WILLIAM TODAY Station Plaza to become mixed-use development after $19.1M sale Developers have plans for a large mixed-use development on U.S. 1 with the $19.1 million purchase of the Station Plaza shopping center at the corner with Va. 123 in Woodbridge. Earlier this month, Grace Street Properties bought the shopping center on 13 acres anchored by Food Lion and BTh rift y and across the busy highway from the VRE and Amtrak station, said George Boosalis, the president of Boosalis Properties, which represented Grace Street Properties in the purchase. Boosalis said developing the site plan will take anywhere from three to fi ve years with construction starting aft er that. Th e development will still have to go through the process of getting permits from the county. Th e owners want to work with the current tenants to see if they want to lease space in the new development or another shopping center the company owns, Boosalis said. Grace Street Properties plans to build 2 million square feet for a mixed-used development, which will include retail space for lease. Th e developer wants to work with the county to consider a pedestrian bridge from the development to the VRE and Amtrak station across U.S. 1. The county’s plan for North Woodbridge calls for increased density in the area near the VRE. Th e Prince William Board of County Supervisors voted 7-0 on Oct. 8 to approve the North Woodbridge plan, which outlines future land use and plans for a town center and urban neighborhoods that will have walkability and access to mass transit, according to EMILY SIDES esides@insidenova.com EMILY SIDES esides@insidenova.com The Prince William Board of County Supervisors is guaranteed to have at least four new members following the Nov. 5 election. But the decision that voters make at the ballot box will still have major repercussions. They’ll determine whether three incumbents are able to keep their seats. They’ll decide whether Democrats flip a 6-2 Republican majority. And the decision at the ballot box could change the gender and racial makeup of the board, potentially ushering in a majority of women supervisors and a majority of minority members for a board that was all white and mostly men just nine months ago. Supervisors serve four-year terms, set county policies, plan the county’s budget and serve on local and regional boards. Here’s a look at each race: GAINESVILLE DISTRICT Supervisor Pete Candland, R-Gainesville, said he doesn’t support the road bond referendum, which will ask voters to approve or deny allowing the county to borrow up to $355 million for transportation projects, including $200 million for either a bypass or to widen Va. Route 28. Candland said the process was politically motivated, proposed without analysis of which projects would help the most people and how the real estate property tax rate will be aff ected. “I’ve asked several times about what this will mean for tax bills,” Candland said. Th e Prince William Board of County Supervisors has a policy to not increase its operating budget more than 3.5% each year while also planning revenue increases for capital projects, such as the $43 million for the expansion of the Adult WOODBRIDGE PAGE 20 SUPERVISORS PAGE 3 Pete Candland, Republican (i) Danny Funderburk, Democrat With several open seats and uncontested races, there will already be several new faces on the Prince William Board of County Supervisors after November’s elections. Here are the candidates on the ballot. (i) indicates an incumbent Jeanine Lawson, Republican (i) Maggie Hansford, Democrat Yesli Vega, Republican Raheel Sheikh, Democrat Douglas Taggart, Republican Andrea Bailey, Democrat Margaret Franklin, Democrat Ruth Anderson, Republican (i) Kenny Allen Boddye, Democrat Victor Angry, Democrat (i) INSIDE: » Dumfries voters to weigh region’s fi rst gaming parlor PAGE 20 » NOV. 1: Next week’s paper will include a complete election guide Elections will result in at least four new supervisors www.mountcastle.net13318 Occoquan Rd., Woodbridge, VA 22191 (703) 494-2000 4143 Dale Blvd., Dale City, VA 22193 Voted Best funeral Home Again for 2019 (703) 680-1234 Father’s Day FBES Bridging Ceremony CYS Dance Recital A4 A6 A7 CYS Color Run Sets RecordB1 Military District of Washington welcomes new leader Photo by Jim Dresbach MDW Colors Passed: Air Force Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy passes the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region flag to incoming Military District of Washington/Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region Commander Brig. Gen. Omar Jones during a change of command ceremony at Conmy Hall on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, June 4. By Jim Dresbach Pentagram Staff Writer A one-time Army spokesperson and world-class marathon runner is now in charge of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington and Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region.In a time-honored tradition, Brig. Gen. Omar Jones assumed command from Maj. Gen. Michael Howard during a change of com-mand at Joint Base Myer-Hender-son Hall’s Conmy Hall, June 4. Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy, commander of the U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, and one of the event’s hosts, pointed out the importance of how MDW/ JFHQ-NCR’s mission overlaps with the Northcom’s mission. “A safe capital is a representation of a safe nation and what you’ve been able to accomplish during this time you’ve been in command reflects the highest credit upon your joint services and directly impacts a safe and secure home,” he said to Howard. Now on watch and ready to keep the Army’s MDW/JFHQ-NCR strong, Jones thanked change of command hosts O’Shaughnessy and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, director of the Army Staff, and Howard and his family. During Piatt’s remarks, he praised the incoming and outgoing commanders, noting that Jones’ selection as the new MDW/JFHQNCR chief was an excellent choice. “The Army got this pick right putting Omar in command,” Piatt said. “Omar is an amazing Soldier who has excelled at every level, from West Point super cadet to the spokesperson for the United States Army.” Recovery agency posts UK flag in ceremony A United Kingdom flag was added to the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency Headquarters on Fort Belvoir, last week. During the British flag posting ceremony, JPRA added the United Kingdom to countries that work with the U.S. for personnel recovery around the world. Germany was added last year. JPRA focuses on preventing warfighter isolation events; prepares them for what to do if they become isolated; and responds, globally, to isolation events. The first UK foreign liaison officer for JPRA, Flight Lt. Stephen Reid, and his wife, Harriet, arrived at Fort Belvoir earlier this year. “This day is important to show the strong relationship between the UK and the U.S., in terms of personnel recovery,” he said before the ceremony. “We’ve made promises to get our troops, our people, back. It’s perfect timing to show how close-knit our countries are.” Brig. Gen. Joseph D’costa, the reserve vice director at Joint Force Development, hosted the ceremony and said it marks the maturing of a close and en-during relationship. “Working closely with our allies and partner nations is an essential element in our national strategies,” D’costa said. By Margaret Steele Copy Editor See Flag, page A4 Photo by Rick Musselman Brig. Gen. Joseph D’costa, Reserve vice director J7, Joint Force Development Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaks during the ceremony. WATER WORLDS CIDER IS HOT º PICK YOUR OWN FARMS º SPRING RECIPESINSIDE NOVA + 10 great places to explore on a spring weekendMARCH-APRIL 2019 TEEN RUGBY STARS • GOLDEN EMPANADAS • CLOSET KON MARI SUPER See the unique features planned for two sites in our backyard. PARKS issue!INTRODUCING ASHBURN MAGAZINE premiere Meet Trace McSorley Briar Woods grad talks life outside football Chalk It Up Dusty work of an amazing local artist The Ashburn Pub Where everybody knows your name CREATE WINDOW BOXES LIKE THE BRITS STONE TOWER WINERY; COME FOR THE VIEWS, STAY FOR THE WINE WE’RE “GOING GAINESVILLE,”JOIN US! Gainesville AUGUST 2019 Dr. Tontra Lowe VOTED HAYMARKET AND GAINESVILLE’S BEST DENTIST BEST THE ARE IN! See the 2019 Best Of Haymarket/ Gainesville results inside ➤ SEE STORY BY JEFF SAY ON PAGE 4 ➤ Health: June is HHT Awareness month 2 | Results of Piedmont Area Soap Box Derby 6 | Lions Club honors Melvin Jones winners 10 | Martin's goes mobile 18 Local News. Regional Reach. Striving To Exceed Your Expectations! Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! One time Deep Cleaning—Move in/Move out Weekly • Bi-weekly • Monthly...or as needed Satisfaction Guatantee Licensed, Bonded & Insured MENTION THIS AD FOR $35 OFF DEEP CLEAING! CALL FOR DETAILS! 540-497-1537 • rockiemaids.com • rockiemaids@hotmail.com culpepertimes.com • Vol 13, No. 25 LEADING THE WAY PHOTO BY JEFF SAY June 20th- 26th 2019 The most widely distributed newspaper in Culpeper. CRI hosts 3rd Thursday concert downtown tonight! 12 WHAT’S HAPPENING FREE! See SCHOOLS, Page 9 State figures released: Very few RCPS students are drop outs See MYSTERY, Page 12 142nd Year • No. 43 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019 $1 rappnews.com By John McCaslin Rappahannock News staff Homeschooling in Rappahannock County has nearly doubled from 2014 to 2019 — from 34 to 62 students, a jump of 82 percent. Meanwhile, of the students who do attend public schools in Rappahannock very few are drop outs, according to new figures.An estimated 7 percent of the county’s student-age population are now learning their lessons in a home setting, according to new statistics from the Virginia Department of Education. Given the uniqueness of education in Rappahannock County, where unlike much of Virginia the student population is declining, how much of a concern is it to the school district, which relies heavily on state funds, that more students are being homes-chooled? We put that question in recent days to Dr. Shannon Grimsley, superintendent of Rappahannock County Public Schools.“Am I concerned about declining enrollment? Of course,” she replied. “We've come a long way with increas-ing services and programs to our students and families and that is very hard when you have to make cuts based on enrollment while the state funding formulas continuously hit rural dis-tricts at inequitable proportions. Homeschooling nearly doubles since 2014 ttics are like graveyards, where sentimental treasures are placed in boxes and plastic bags and shoved into dark corners, allowing the pain of parting to be postponed for another day. Photo albums and love letters, comic books and cowboy boots, tea sets and violins — all better forgotten for future generations to brush aside the dust and deal with.Most attic stashes consist of the typical family clutter. Some prove valuable if not historic. Then there are those rare finds beneath the rafters and cobwebs that are downright shocking and creepy. As was the case this past year in the musty attic of Clover Hill on Sperryville Pike, where Eldon Farms’ longtime herdsman Rich Bradley stumbled upon the Child’s remains found in attic of historic home MYSTERY OF CLOVER HILL ‘Your heart rate goes up, and you immediately start thinking why is this here? What happened?’ By John McCaslin Rappahannock News staff BY JOHN MCCASL I N 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.* Call today to make your appointment. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed. Call today to make your appointment. 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 This week COURTHOUSE ROW ................8EVENTS ....................................16LETTERS ...............................14MEETINGS & NOTICES ........17SCHOOLS ..............................10 Celebrating 20 years, Kid Pan Alley looks to a bright future Founder Paul Reisler has a plan: “We decided we wanted to keep it going past what I can do.” 6 unique, colorful SIDE DISHES TO DRESS UP YOUR THANKSGIVING TABLE THE ARTS ARE THRIVING IN FAUQUIER: MUSIC: Gloria’s and the Gloria Faye Dingus Music Alliance VISUAL ART: Contemporary NOVEMBER 2019 WarrentonHaymarket SEPTEMBER 2019 PARENTING THE ISSUE NAVIGATING LIFE WITH A BLENDED FAMILY WHY MANNERS MATTER LOCAL EXPERTS WEIGH IN: the Tyndall family RAISING SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS KIDS during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles Colorist Marci Nadler READING AND WRITING: The Open Book BookstoreLEARNING TO DAD WITH TYLER ROSS ALSO INSIDE: FAUQUIER HEALTH HEALTHY HAPPENINGS

77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. 540-347-7517 540-439-1270 540-825-8700 540-347-7517 540-439-1270 540-825-8700 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. Spotlighting people, places and businesses that make our community special. during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.For more information, please call 703-318-1386
Culpeper Homeless Intervention Program
540-825-7434 602 S. Main Street, Culpeper https://www.culpeperhousingandshelterservices.com This shelter accepts families only, no single men.
Fauquier Family Shelter
540-351-0130 or 540-341-0900 95 Keith Street, Warrenton www.fauquierfamilyshelter.org This is the only emergency shelter in Fauquier County, and can accommodate up to 11 families and eight single adults at any one time. The ground level is accessible to persons with physical disabilities. A trained staff oversees operations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An onsite case manager helps formulate and facilitate clients’ plans for stable housing after their shelter tenure. In-house support programs include budget management, employment-related programs, life-skills classes, nutrition classes, job search services, parenting classes and children’s programs. Referral services to local, state and federal resources are provided to all residents as appropriate.
Foothills Housing Corporation
540-341-2805 47 Garrett Street #205, Warrenton Foothillshousing.org, jreid@fhcorp.org Foothills Housing Corp. is a local nonprofit committed to providing safe, decent and affordable housing. Contact us regarding The Oaks in Warrenton which is a Senior Living apartment community of 111 apartments leased affordably to seniors over 55 and income qualified. We also own, rent and manage 6 town homes in The Plains, 8 townhomes in Bealeton and 36 single family homes in Fletcherville just 3 miles north of Warrenton on Rt 17. All of our communities are rented affordably. We also fund repairs to home owners who, if they meet our income requirements, can receive funding for emergency home repairs through grants and zero interest loans.
Foothills Housing Network
540-724-6630 https://www.foothillshousing.org/, fhn@rrregion.org Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Our mission is to end homelessness in our community. We provide free information and referral on housing assistance and resources available in Culpeper, Orange, Madison, Fauquier and Rappahannock counties. For information, call Central Entry at 540-724-6630.
Hope Warming Center of Fauquier
Rev. Tyrone Green, Pastor of Hearts Delight Baptist Church 202-351-1001 P.O. Box 75, Catlett Facebook: @HopeWarmingCenterFauquier The Hope Warming Center of Fauquier was established to offer shelter for those who need a place to stay overnight when temperatures are 30 degrees and below. Services are offered only from November through March, and the Warming Center works with DSS and the Sheriff’s Department to offer services to citizens identified with this particular need. Citizens should contact DSS or the Sheriff’s Department when they need shelter for the night.
Prince William Homeless Intervention Program
703-792-7648 7987 Ashton Avenue, Suite 200, Manassas www.pwcgov.org Homeless Intervention Program (HIP), c/o Prince William County Department of Social Services, assists with rental payments, security deposits, and mortgage assistance. Must meet income eligibility, have an unavoidable crisis, and show prior self- sufficiency.
44 Fauquier Resource Guide SAM’s Place Community Outreach Center
540-727-1055 Culpeper Career Resource Center 219 East Davis Street, Suite 300, Culpeper https://www.ccrc-jobs.com/sams-place/ Sam’s Place is a one-stop hub where individuals and families can access information and referrals to other community partners. Assistance is offered for a variety of needs including, but not limited to, health, transportation, food, home repairs, and an avenue to apply for financial aid for housing. Also offered are vision services and hearing aids, clothing, and furniture vouchers. Referrals are made based upon personal needs, available funds, and program criteria.
540-439-9300 or 540-439-4917 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton https://www.communitytouchinc.org feliciac@communitytouchinc.org The Victory Transitional Housing (VTH) offers transitional housing to the homeless. The VTH fulfills the needs of people affected by poverty, job loss, divorce, foreclosure and other unforeseen circumstances. VTH provides an opportunity for homeless individuals to stay in the forty-bed facility for one year at a very low program fee. They are also required to participate in a savings program and attend financial mentoring classes. Residents learn basic budgeting skills, file back taxes and clean up their credit reports. Each individual has a caseworker and assists them with life challenges and obtains permanent housing. Office hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Virginia Homeless Solution Program By Community Touch Inc.
540-439-9300 https://www.communitytouchinc.org, feliciac@communitytouchinc.org Provides services for homeless families by paying rental security deposits, rent and case management.
Vint Hill Transitional Housing (VHTH)
540-347-7374 4383 Hunsberger Drive, Unit H, Warrenton http://www.fauquierfamilyshelter.org Our transitional housing program is an intensive, one to two-year program assisting families in the transition from being homeless to acquiring the skills necessary to maintain stable and independent living. The community provides a structured, safe environment for the nurturing of families and the growth and well-being of children. HOME REPAIR & IMPROVEMENT ASSISTANCE
Fauquier Community Coalition
540-937-4628 41 W. Lee Highway, Suite 59, Warrenton, PO Box 831, Warrenton Fauquiercommunitycoalition.org, fauquiercommunitycoalition@gmail.com The Fauquier Community Coalition (FCC) provides assistance to those in need by connecting needs to resources for local families. The FCC recruits and mobilizes church groups and other volunteers to provide goods, services and information. We work with local agencies to address challenges confronted by citizens in need, including home repairs, clothing and furniture. We provide resource information to families who don’t know where to find assistance. The FCC seeks to share information and coordinate efforts between different agencies and individuals working to support folks in need in Fauquier County. Contact us for more information on assistance or to become involved.
Fauquier Habitat for Humanity
540-341-4952 98 Alexandria Pike, Suite 43, Warrenton www.fauquierhabitat.org, info@fauquierhabitat.org Fauquier Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to providing safe, decent, and affordable housing in partnership with qualifying families. Collaborating with volunteers, faith communities, businesses, service organizations, and our partners, Habitat builds hope and housing through three vital programs: Neighborhood Revitalization, New Home Construction, and Critical Home Repair. Each program begins with a fundamental investment in people – through educational programming, financial coaching, affordable loans, and post-purchase support ensuring long-term homeownership success. If you are interested in becoming a partner in a Habitat program or would like to volunteer to support the mission of Habitat, please call us or visit our website. LOW INCOME HOUSING Low-income housing assists those with a limited income who need a place to call home. Several options are available for those who qualify financially.
Remington Group Home
540-825-2669 404 N Rappahannock Street, Remington Remington Group Home is a disabled low-income housing apartment. It is subsidized by the federal government’s HUD (Housing and Urban Development Division). Contact Remington Group Home for complete details on the current vacancies and housing applications.
Section 8 Housing
540-439-8690 www.vhda.com Section 8 Housing is a government assistance program to help pay rent for low-income families. Contact Central Virginia Housing Coalition (Section 8) Fauquier County at 540-439-8690 about the Housing Choice Voucher Program. For a complete list of counties that have Section 8 Vouchers available and to check the HUD websites to find low-income housing for the needy, go to the website.
Mintbrook Senior Apartments
540-402-6005 4475 Bacon Street, Bealeton, VA 22712 www.mintbrookseniorcommunity.com, mintbrook@jdcmanagementco.com An affordable 55+ community within the Ryan Homes subdivision of Mintbrook. Conveniently located between Culpeper and Warrenton in the town of Bealeton, our community is amenity-filled. Bring your small furry friend to live with you and enjoy the trails around the neighborhood. Monthly resident events will be planned in our recreation room. We have a media center to help you keep in touch with all your computer needs. An outside food pantry will deliver supplemental food if necessary. Income restrictions apply. See guidelines before calling. Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Moffett Manor Apartments
540-341-8299 115 Manor Court, Warrenton www.moffettmanorapartments.com Moffett Manor Apartments is a senior apartment community in Warrenton, professionally managed by Park Properties Management, Co. We offer one- and two-bedroom apartments, and rent includes water/sewer, trash, extermination & digital cable. Monthly activities. Security cameras and elevator. For more information about our Warrenton apartment homes, please call, email, or stop by.
The Oaks
540-349-9725 305 Oaks Springs Drive, Warrenton www.oaksofwarrenton.com Senior Apartment Community for ages 55 and up. Maximum income level: one bedroom, $49,260; two-bedroom, $56,280. All utilities included, except for cable and Internet. Daily activities. Library with computer access. Elevator access.
Warrenton Manor Apartments
540-349-1353 663 Hastings Lane, Warrenton Senior Apartment Community for ages 62 or up and the disabled. Subsidized rents are income-based.
Windy Hill Foundation
540-687-3402 300 Windy Hill Road, Middleburg www.windyhillfoundation.org, Windyhill@tmamgroup.com Windy Hill Foundation (WHF) provides safe, stable accessible affordable housing to individuals, children and families in The Plains and Marshall. Income requirements apply to all properties. In The Plains, WHF offers 2- and 3-bedroom apartments and one single-family home with rents that range from $963 to $1,300 a month. In Marshall, WHF offers 30 3-bedroom townhouses with rents that range from $944 to $1,250 a month. Water and electricity are not included in the rent. WHF provides residents with Resident Services programs which include afterschool, Spring and Summer Break activities for children, daily activities for older adults and adults with disabilities and monthly family fun nights and adult education programs. Please call Property Manager Rosalie Hollenbaugh at (540) 687-3402 for an application or more information.
RAPPAHANNOCK RAPIDAN COMMUNITY SERVICES (RRCS) 540-825-3100 15361 Bradford Road, Culpeper www.rrcsb.org, rrcsb@rrcsb.org The mission of RRCS is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Fauquier, Culpeper, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties by providing comprehensive behavioral health, developmental disability, substance use disorder, and aging services. RRCS offers a wide variety of programs to Fauquier residents of all ages, including transportation services (to RRCS facilities), volunteer transportation services (for medical and legal appointments), home-delivered meals, an adult daycare program, early intervention for infants and toddlers, services for developmentally/intellectually disabled individuals, behavioral health services for adolescents and adults, and substance abuse services. Services are available to citizens in each of the counties served by RRCS. For general information, please contact the administrative offices at 540-825-3100 and ask to speak to a support coordinator for the service you need or call the number listed in this guide with each service description.
AGING SERVICES (RRCS) Fauquier Senior Center
540-347-7729 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton Fauquier Senior Center provides nutritious meals and fellowship for eligible seniors age 60 and over as well as educational and wellness programs, socialization, and recreation through many interesting and fun activities. Door-to-door transportation may be available. The Fauquier Senior Center is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Warrenton Adult Day Healthcare Center
540-347-2797 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton https://www.rrcsb.org/senior-services/ The Warrenton Adult Day Healthcare Center provides a nurturing, safe environment for adults who need assistance with daily health and personal care activities. Participants must have an identified need for services or be at risk for institutional placement (e.g., nursing
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Home Office in Marshall, Virginia
26 North 5th Street Warrenton, VA 20186 540-347-4663 home) without these supportive services, as defined by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and/or Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services standards. Open Monday through Friday.
Aging Support Coordinator Services
540-825-3100, extension 3427 The Fauquier County Support Coordinator can offer information, assistance, referral to services (such as home-delivered meals, senior center, etc.), and counseling options to persons age 60 and over, targeting especially those who are frail, have disabilities, or are at risk of institutional placement.
Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP)
540-825-3100, extension 3427 Trained staff members educate, counsel, and assist older consumers on medical benefit programs, long-term care insurance, and problems or questions with Medicare and Medicaid. VICAP also helps by explaining and enrolling people in Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans.
CLINICAL SERVICES Infant and Toddler Connection (ITC)
540-829-7480 itc@rrcsb.org ITC provides early intervention support and services to infants and toddlers from birth through age two who are not developing as expected or who have a medical condition that can delay normal development. These supports and services are available for all eligible children and their families regardless of the family’s ability to pay. For more information about early intervention services, visit www.infantva.org.
Prevention Services
434-825-8913 540-825-3100 https://www.rrcsb.org/prevention-services/, prevention@rrcsb.org Prevention services promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles for youth development. The program addresses protective factors and major risk factors such as the dangers of a substance use disorder or teen suicide and other behavioral health concerns. This program provides Mental Health First Aid training as well as supporting local community groups in prevention programs.
540-347-7620 340 Hospital Drive, Warrenton https://www.rrcsb.org/ Outpatient services consist of an array of center-based services designed to evaluate and treat the effects of behavioral health disorders that impair a person’s ability to function. Outpatient services are offered at both our Fauquier and Culpeper Behavioral Health Clinics. The Fauquier Clinic is open Monday through Friday. For an initial assessment, Rapid Access is provided Tuesday through Friday. Visit rrcsb.org and click on Services.
540-672-2990 ext. 108 https://www.rrcsb.org/ ChildServices@rrcsb.org Support coordination services for children (birth up to 18 years) help children and families learn about and access services to address behavioral, developmental, and social needs. These services focus on increasing the child’s or youth’s participation in family and community activities. There are different types of support coordination services to address a variety of needs.
Crisis Services
540-825-5656 https://www.rrcsb.org Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services operates a crisis hotline that is available to residents of Fauquier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For individuals suffering from a mental health emergency, call 540-825-5656.
Young Adult Coordinated Care (YACC)
540-825-3100, extension 3469 yacc@rrcsb.org The Young Adult Coordinated Care (YACC) program provides comprehensive support to adolescents and young adults (15-25) experiencing a first episode of psychosis. This program, modeled from OnTrackNY, offers a team of professionals to support individuals in reducing symptoms and increasing community integration. Services integrate a recovery-based, strength-focused approach, which relies on shared decision making, with cognitive enhancement therapy and support. With an early intervention focus, services target individuals who have been experiencing symptoms for less than two years and provides up to two years of support. Insurance is accepted. Visit rrcsb. org and click on Services.
Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Services
540-347-7620 This service includes motivational enhancement therapy, individual psychotherapy, education groups, group therapy, and drug screening programs. Programs specific to young adults (age 15 – 25) providing Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) are available at the Culpeper Clinic and are open to Fauquier residents. MedicationAssisted Treatment (MAT) Suboxone is provided on an outpatient basis to individuals engaged in weekly counseling services at either our Culpeper or Fauquier Clinics (MAT medication services are provided at the Culpeper Clinic).
Substance Use Disorder Support Coordination
540-347-7620 Support coordination provides support to individuals with substance use disorder issues. Support Coordinators assist clients in meeting their identified needs (e.g. housing, vocational, and medical) by working in collaboration with multiple service providers within the agency and in the community.
Boxwood Treatment Center – Residential and Detox Services
540-547-2760 Boxwood’s residential alcohol and other drug treatment program involves individual, family and group counseling, educational films, lectures, and relapse prevention. Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous (AA or NA) groups are held on a daily basis. Family programs and visitation is offered on Sundays. The program also provides co-occurring groups for those with behavioral health and substance use issues. Boxwood Detox Services is a six-bed medically-assisted detoxification from alcohol and other drugs for individuals who are not in need of hospitalbased detoxification. The detox program usually lasts four to seven days and includes medical monitoring, medication as appropriate, and education/groups. The Boxwood facility is located in Culpeper and serves residents from Fauquier County.
Peer2Peer Regional Warmline
1-833-626-1490 The Peer2Peer Regional Warmline is a free, consumer-run phone service providing peer support, resource referrals, and shared experiences of hope and recovery. An alternative to a crisis line, the Warmline is run by peers with lived experience with mental health and substance abuse issues. All calls are confidential and there is no charge to the caller. The Warmline is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Operated by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Disability Services, Northwestern Community Services Board, Rappahannock Area Community Services Board, and Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services.
540-825-3100 Support coordination services are the entry point for all RRCS residential and day support programs. Support Coordinators help coordinate services to meet medical, psychiatric, social, nutritional, educational, vocational, employment, housing, transportation, recreational, legal, and advocacy needs. Intellectual/Developmental Disability Support Coordination provides services to children or adults who have a diagnosis of developmental disabilities prior to age 18. Expanded or waiver services are offered through the Developmental Disability Waiver Program for those who meet the additional eligibility requirements of the waiver program. Behavioral Health Support Coordination provides services to adults 18 and older who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and need support to maintain stability in the community and work towards recovery.
Care Coordination/Care Transitions
540-825-3100 ext. 3464 This program supports members enrolled in the CCC Plus program by providing primary healthcare service coordination and ensuring safe and effective transitions across the healthcare continuum. These programs work closely with the client and their interdisciplinary healthcare team and provide information and guidance to improve self-management skills, enhance quality, improve outcomes, reduce hospital readmissions, and encourage appropriate health and medical service utilization.
Bridges Day Support Program
540-829-7628 13523 Beverly Ford Road, Elkwood Bridges offers group day, community engagement, and some community coaching services for adults with developmental disabilities, including individuals with an intellectual disability. Program activities are offered at the program location, along with a heavy emphasis on being in the community to build and maintain community connections and relationships. Supports and skill-building opportunities are individualized. There are many opportunities for people to enhance their skills related to social interactions, communication, self-care, budgeting, physical and mental wellness, and safety, to name a few. The day program hours are typically Monday through Friday, excluding some holidays and in-service days. Offered by Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services (RRCS).
Visions Clubhouse
540-825-3366 710 US Avenue, Culpeper Visions Clubhouse offers a structured day program of psychosocial rehabilitation services for adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness. The focus of this recovery-based program is to highlight and promote each person’s strengths and talents while managing their mental health disorders. There is an emphasis on building connections with the community for social interactions, as well as participating in volunteer work and looking for employment opportunities.
Residential Programs
540-825-3100 Residential programs work with individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and/or developmental disability to promote independent living when applicable and increase a wide range of skills. An individualized support plan details the supports and skill-building activities that are important to the individual. Some examples include support and skillbuilding related to social interactions, medication management, household tasks, peer support, community connections, and physical and mental wellness. The hours and types of support provided are based on the individual’s assessed needs.