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Financial & Tax Assistance
Restaurant-Style Dining Activites In Motion Program Advanced Rehabilitation and Conditioning (ARC) for Cardiac Patients VitalStim Therapy System
Complete Strength Training Machines NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainers Dynamic Stair Trainer SCIFIT UBE (upper body ergometer) HUR iBalance Machine
Comprehensive, Clinically Developed, Customized Recovery Programs 7 Day A Week Therapy Fast Track Ortho Recovery Program Unique Recovery Tools
602 Madison Rd, Culpeper | Call for a Personal Tour (540) 825-2884
Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted.
The Work Place - Career Resource Center
540-422-8422 | 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton workplace320@gmail.com Open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., available to all county residents to assist in finding employment. The Work Place is not an employment agency but encourages independent job search with multiple resources at your disposal. Staffed by the department and Literacy Volunteers of Fauquier it offers the following one-stop services free of charge: job postings direct from employers, various Web pages and local papers, assistance with establishing new email accounts and job search Web pages, computer and Internet access, fax and copy machine use. Resume and job preparation assistance by appointment.
Virginia Initiative for Education and Work (VIEW)
Virginia Initiative for Education and Work (VIEW) is a workforce program administered through local departments of social services. The VIEW Program provides employment and training services to TANF recipients who are required to participate in the program as a condition of eligibility and to TANF recipients who volunteer to participate. For more information and to apply, please visit dss.virginia.gov/.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Locator
888-227-7669 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide provides in-person and virtual tax assistance free of charge with a special focus on taxpayers who are over 50 or have low-to-moderate income. 540-439-9300 | 10499 Jericho Road, Bealeton communitytouchinc.org tyronnec@communitytouchinc.org Emergency assistance for the truly needy.
Fauquier Department of Social Services
540-422 8400 320 Hospital Drive, Suite 11, Warrenton Energy Assistance programs help with the cost of home heating or cooling in certain circumstances. See the full Fauquier County Department of Social Services entry in a separate section for details. To apply for Energy Assistance, go to commonhelp.virginia.gov or call the Fauquier office.
Grace Episcopal Church
540-253-5177 6507 Main Street, The Plains gracetheplains.org gracechurch@gracetheplains.org Free firewood for those in need. Financial assistance is also available for those in crisis.
Morrisville United Methodist Church
540-439-2594 4432 Morrisville Road, Bealeton morrisvilleumc.org | morrisvilleumc@verizon.net Offers fuel and utility assistance to those in need.
People Helping People
540-349-9017 34 Beckham Street, Warrenton fauquierphp.com | php.fauquier@aol.com PHP provides emergency financial assistance to Fauquier County residents undergoing hardship due to circumstances beyond their control, i.e. medical issues, loss of employment or a death in the family. We assist with paying utility bills to avoid disconnection of service; rent or mortgage to avoid eviction from home; preventing homelessness. We are funded by local businesses, local churches, private citizens, and other grants. Hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
People Incorporated
276-623-9000 233 East Davis Street Suite 100 and 300, Culpeper, VA 22701 peopleinc.net | info@peopleinc.net People Inc. is a non-profit committed to providing opportunities for people to reach their goals in order to enhance their lives, their families, and their communities. People Inc. offers a wide range of services to community members in Fauquier County which include permanent supportive housing, personal loans, free income tax preparation, small business loans, access to matched savings accounts and services for ex-offenders re-entering society. Visit our website or contact People Inc. for more information about programs and services.
SafeLink Wireless
800-SafeLink safelinkwireless.com SafeLink Wireless is a government-supported program that provides a free cell phone and airtime on a monthly basis. For specifics of the program and to see if you qualify, please see the website.