December 2011
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Publishers Tony & Holly Tedeschi for Piedmont Press & Graphics •
Advertising Cindy McBride • Subscriptions For general inquiries, advertising, editorial, or listings: E: Tel: 540.347.4466 • Fax: 540.347.9335 Editorial & Advertising office: Open 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday 404 Belle Air Lane, Warrenton, VA 20186 The Haymarket Lifestyle Magazine is published monthly and distributed to all its advertisers and approximately 10,000 selected addresses in Haymarket and Gainesville. While reasonable care is taken with all material submitted to The Haymarket Lifestyle Magazine, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any such material. Opinions expressed in articles are strictly those of the authors. While ensuring that all published information is accurate, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions. Reproduction in whole or part of any of the text, illustration or photograph is strictly forbidden.
©2011 Piedmont Press & Graphics Designed, Printed and Mailed in Warrenton, VA. United States of America The Haymarket Lifestyle Magazine
c/o Piedmont Press & Graphics 404 Belle Air Lane • Warrenton, Virginia 20186 540.347.4466 Ph • 540.347.9335 Fx
2011 Contributing Writers: Chris Ammerman Jim Aram Gunny Barker Tom Bigoski Sean Broderick Patricia A. Carey Klaus Fuechsel Lynne Galluzzo Jamie Gorman
Emily Guerrero Gloria Harding Michelle Kelley Susan Jacobs Paola McDonald Jessica Melander Jerole Nelson Krysta Norman John Toler
Happy Holidays!
PediatriCare of Northern VA, PC Dr. Giancola Dr. Katz Dr. Johnson Dr. Tamondong Dr. Shea Dr. Mayuga
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday from all of us here at The Haymarket Lifestyle Magazine and Piedmont Press & Graphics!
To wish you… the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us here at The Haymarket Lifestyle Magazine and Piedmont Press & Graphics!
All of us at J&D Handyman Services join in saying “Thank You” and Wishing you a Happy Holiday and Successful New Year
Our magazine is packed this month with several exciting articles on local history, fitness, home decor, relationships, food, and computers. Something you can do for yourself this holiday is create a lifechanging experience by volunteering and/or contributing to one of the dozens of wonderful non-profit organizations we have in and around Haymarket. Volunteer-based groups are dedicated to helping those who cannot completely help themselves. While they need money for programs and projects, they can always use your time, effort, talents and commitment. In the spirit of giving, please remember our local organizations that help those that are having trouble helping themselves. Thank you, everyone, for a record-setting year for our publications and our printing company. We gratefully appreciate your support and patronage and thank you for allowing us to provide good jobs to so many families. We are increasing our circulation this month to include 600 additional homes and businesses in the Gainesville area. Of course, we still mail to every home in Haymarket and have dozens of newsstand locations in the area. Visit our website for a current listing at For a truly enjoyable holiday shopping experience, stay here and patronize the fine merchants we have in the region. You will be greeted by friendly, familiar faces and receive first-rate, personal service. In between shopping, you can dine at one of the terrific restaurants listed in our guide and enjoy chatting with your neighbors. All the while, you will feel good knowing your hardearned dollars are going back into the community you live in. Avoid the traffic, save time, enjoy your gift-giving experience and shop locally this holiday season.
May God bless you and your family.
Tony Tedeschi, Co-Publisher
December 2011
Making the Town Center Bloom
Investing in Haymarket’s remaining historic buildings will pay big dividends By John T. Toler Since the Town of Haymarket acquired the block bordered by Jefferson, Washington and Fayette streets in 2000, use of the 1.5 acre property and the buildings situated thereon have been a topic of discussion at many town council meetings. Purchased from the Gossom family for about $2 million, the property has seen several improvements since the acquisition. The 19th century Gossom Grocery building at the corner of Washington and Jefferson Street was judged to be in such poor condition that it could not be re-used, and was demolished. The much newer Gossom Hardware building behind the site of the grocery has been renovated, and now houses the Haymarket Town Hall and The Very Thing Consignment Shop. At the rear of the property on the west side is another 20th century building, where the Daytime Playtime Pre-school is located. Two additional 19th century structures – the 1873 George Andrew Hulfish house, fronting on Jefferson Street (the Old Carolina Road) and the 1884 Haymarket Post Office on Washington Street – are located on what is now called the Town Center Property. These building are currently being examined and evaluated by DRH Design Group Inc., of Warrenton, an engineering firm hired by the town to determine what work needs to be done, and in what order, to restore and rehabilitate them. “I believe that the history of Haymarket is important, and by restoring these two structures, we continue to preserve our heritage,” said Haymarket Mayor Pamela Stutz, a long-time supporter of historic preservation. According to Town Manager Gene Swearingen,
it has always been the intent of the town to make the property an attractive Town Center, which would bring more people to the historic part of Haymarket. The green area in front of the Town Hall is already used for concerts and events, and commercial re-use of the 950-square foot Hulfish House and the Post Office would provide an additional enhancement. Over the years, discussion by town council has ranged from demolishing the old buildings and seeking to locate an “anchor store” on the property, to the current plan to save the buildings, and seek small businesses as tenants. Given the historical value of both the Hulfish house and the Post Office and their proximity to the Haymarket Museum, the argument for restoration and re-use has gained ground. While there have been efforts in the past to put together a public-private partnership – one which would have included moving two other endangered historic houses to the site – the state of the economy has put such opportunities on hold. “We realized we couldn’t wait,” said Mr. Swearingen. “We had to move ahead on our own, either fixing the buildings or taking them down.” He believes that the location of the buildings on two main streets in Haymarket and proximity to Town Hall are a big plus for potential business. He also noted that two new housing developments within the town limits – the 29 single family homes in Sherwood Forest at the end of North Fayette Street, and Alexandra’s Keep, a 12-unit townhouse project at the end of Bleight Drive – would bring in new residents within easy walking distance of the Town Center.
A potential tenant has expressed interest in the Post Office building, and when workmen were recently at the Hulfish house, several people stopped by and asked about renting the building. “Nothing definite, however,” Mr. Swearingen explained. The town, which would retain ownership, would lease space in the renovated buildings and hold even more events to bring people to the Town Center. The town currently offers Haymarket Day in September, an Oktoberfest, an Independence Day observance in July, and an annual car show. In addition, the Haymarket Museum across Washington Street from the old Post Office is open on a regular Sunday schedule from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Along with the restaurants and other businesses in the area, the Town Center would go a long way to making Haymarket a destination for residents and visitors alike. After the structural engineer completes his evaluation of the buildings, he will advise the town on what critical work needs to be done first in order to stabilize the buildings, followed by what would be done to bring them up to standards for re-use as retail space. Once each phase of the project is identified and specific requirements drawn up, requests for bids on the work will be sought. By doing the job in phases, the town will have tight control of the project and its costs, although it may take a bit longer to complete. “It won’t be like ‘Extreme Makeover,’” said Mr. Swearingen.
Preservation - The Added Benefit The two structures in question have obviously
In 1903, George Hulfish sold his property in Haymarket to Samuel W. Bean and moved to Montana. This is how the house appeared in 1908. Courtesy of Sherry Hulfish Browne. 6
Haymarket Lifestyle
Left: Haymarket Mayor Pamela Stutz (left) and ARB Chairman Pam Swinford in front of the Hulfish house, which is being studied for renovation by the DRH Design Group Inc. of Warrenton. Right: The detached kitchen (left) behind the Hulfish house was the living and working space for the Hulfish family’s African American servants. seen better days, and some people who have seen the buildings – the Hulfish house in particular – have wondered why such “eyesores” have been allowed to continue to exist. Most recently, the Hulfish house was divided into several rental apartments, and for several years after the Haymarket Post Office moved out, the building had a variety of commercial and retail tenants. Preliminary Information Forms (PIFs) on both structures have been completed and submitted to the Virginia Department of Historic Resources for possible nomination to the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places.
The George Hulfish House George Hulfish was 15 years old when Union troops burned most of Haymarket, including the family home and blacksmith shop of his father, Garret Hulfish, on the east side of town. In fact, the Hulfish property was the first to be set on fire. The Hulfish family remained in Haymarket, and young George later became a successful merchant. George Hulfish was elected the first mayor of Haymarket after the town was incorporated in 1881, and served as a trustee for the town hall and school, built in 1883. He was married to Sarah Smith, the daughter of Thomas A. Smith, a prominent Haymarket tavern owner. He purchased two lots from his father-in-law, and built the house and barn for his family on the lot fronting Jefferson Street. He also built a store on the corner of Jefferson and Washington streets – which later became part of Gossom’s Grocery Store – as well as the frame building fronting Washington Street that was used as a drugstore and Haymarket Post Office. “Together, Hulfish and his father-in-law’s homes and businesses dominated the northern intersection of the two major thoroughfares in
December 2011
the town,” according to the PIF prepared for the VDHR nomination of the Hulfish house. George Hulfish served as Haymarket’s postmaster from 1897 until 1903, when he sold his house and store to Samuel W. Bean, and moved to Montana, where he started a second career in business. After his departure, Mr. Bean took over as postmaster, serving until 1912. According to his great-grand daughter, Dr. Sherry Hulfish Browne, of Fairfax, George Hulfish was remembered as a” loving and lovable man,” and was always spoken of in reverential tones by his family. In his later years, he enjoyed fly-fishing in the rivers of Montana, and upon his death in 1938, his remains were brought home to St. Paul’s Church Cemetery in Haymarket for burial. In 1912, S.W. Bean divided the property, and sold the house to the Rector family, who kept the property until 1938, when it was purchased by Albert Utterback. It was sold again in 1956 to the Gossom family. “From that time until the property was sold to the Town of Haymarket, it was used as multi-tenant rental property,” according to the PIF. It then stood vacant for several years.
contributing additions to the house, which have since been removed. The original kitchen outbuilding, which in later years was built-on to the house, has been brought back to its earlier, detached configuration. One-room-up and one-room-down, the old kitchen has a straight stairway and an interior chimney on the west gable end. “This outbuilding was used as a kitchen, which also means it was the living and work space of the Hulfish’s African American servants: Rose Gaskins, listed as a cook in the 1880 census, and Mary Dale, their cook in the 1900 census,” wrote Ellie Ivancic, of the Haymarket Museum for the poster placed on the building. “This is the only extant documented space related specifically to African Americans in the town, and is extremely important for the interpretation of post-Civil War African American life in Haymarket.”
The Old Haymarket Post Office George Hulfish purchased the lot on Washington Street in 1883, and by 1885, had built the structure known today as the Old Haymarket Post Office on the site as a dwelling. At the time, it was valued at $350.
While some of the architectural details of the Hulfish house have been lost to decay or covered by plywood, it remains an excellent example of a post-Civil War “Folk I-House.” The three-bay structure has a brick foundation (believed to be the only one in the town), and a full-façade front porch.
In 1887, Mr. Hulfish sold the property to H. R. Bragg, who was listed in census records as a constable, and later as the keeper of a livery stable. According to research by Mrs. Ivancic, it is likely that he lived in the structure and ran his livery business out of it as well, since he did not own any other property in Haymarket.
“The floor plan of the primary massing does not have the usual center hall configuration that is most common in the I-House form,” according to the PIF. “It is one room up and one room down, with a straight staircase running from the east elevation to the west, along the gable end.” A notable feature is the elegant south gable stairwell, with its high ceilings lighted by diamond pane and oculus windows.
Following Bragg’s death in 1913, the property was sold by his heirs to Albert B. Rust, who also built and owned the Haymarket Bank. During his ownership, the building was used as a drug store, according to 1932 sales documents.
Until recently, there were newer, non-
The property was sold again in 1938 to J. W. “Dusty” Rhodes and Edward Beverley, who
town center continued on page 8
town center continued from page 7
continued to operate a drug store there. In 1945, the Beverley family sold the property, and Mr. Rhodes moved his business to Warrenton, where he operated a drug store on Main Street for many years. At that time, the building across Washington Street that housed the Haymarket Post Office – along with the town’s telephone switchboard office – were destroyed in a fire, and the post office moved to the former drugstore building. From 1945 until the early1980s, the building had four different owners, including the Gossoms, who rented the first floor to the United States Postal Service for a post office, and the upstairs as rental housing. After its service as a post office, the property was rented as rental space. Tenants included Louise Jamison’s 4-Rs Learning Center and a later pre-school that operated there from 1982-84, followed by a craft and framing shop. From 1995 until 2004, the building housed the Red Rooster Shop of Antiques and Collectibles. It has been vacant since then. It is described in the PIF as “… a simple folk form building with a Greek Revivalinfluenced front gable.” This influence is also notable in the original windows and trim. Originally, the building had large rooms on both the first and second floors. Later, the first floor is divided into a large main room and a smaller room at the rear, and the upstairs divided into three rooms. Access was provided by an interior stairway at the back. During the late 20th century, two one-story additions were put on the building: one adding four feet to the east elevation, and the other on the northwest side, with a garage-style door.
In 1898, George A. Hulfish and his son Thomas posed for this photograph. Courtesy of Sherry Hulfish Browne. George Hulfish married Sarah Smith, daughter of Thomas Smith, who owned the Red House Tavern and other property in Haymarket. Courtesy of Sherry Hulfish Browne.
“With the museum, the tavern, the Old Post Office, the Hulfish house and its outbuilding, Haymarket could tell a story that would not just be words, but would allow the community to see and touch and comprehend what it was like living in this town during the days of its literal reconstruction,” wrote Mrs. Ivancic.
Author John Toler is a writer and historian and has served Fauquier County for over 50 years, including 4 decades with the Fauquier-Times Democrat. He has written and lectured about many legendary characters in Fauquier County’s history. Toler is the co-author of 250 Years in Fauquier County: A Virginia Story, and author of Warrenton, Virginia: A History of 200 Years.
Right: The Haymarket Post Office was located in this building on Washington Street from 1945 until 1982. Photo by Charles Crane. Left: This 1941 photo by John Collier shows the interior of the former Post Office building when it was used as a pharmacy. At the time, Mr. Collier was doing a story about a chicken farm in Haymarket for the Dept. of Agriculture. Library of Congress photo. 8
Haymarket Lifestyle
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December 2011
Fauquier Health Dr. Esther Bahk Offers Cosmetic Treatments to Smooth Away the Years Perfect for the holidays, gift certificates are available.
What is Botox?
Dr. Esther Bahk, of Fauquier Health Internal Medicine at Lake Manassas.
Esther Bahk, M.D., of Fauquier Health Internal Medicine at Lake Manassas, is now offering several cosmetic medical treatments for her patients -- Botox® and Juvederm® treatments, as well as Latisse®, a medication that enhances the length and fullness of eyelashes. Dr. Bahk said that Botox® and Juvederm® procedures can erase facial lines and make clients look years younger. They are recommended for men and women aged 18 to 65. Dr. Bahk said that Botox® helps erase lines above the nose -- forehead creases and crow’s feet, for instance. Dermal fillers like Juvederm® are used to minimize lines on the lower part of the face, around the nose and lips. Latisse® is a medication for those who would like to grow thicker, fuller eyelashes. New patients for any of these treatments will receive 25 percent off the first treatment, now through December 31. 10
Years of squinting or concentrating or frowning can cause your skin to furrow and crease. Over time, skin becomes less elastic, and those frown lines between your brows remain, even when the muscles aren’t contracting. Botox® is an FDA-approved purified protein that is injected into facial muscles. It blocks the nerve impulses to the muscles, thereby reducing muscle activity and improving the look of moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet or forehead wrinkles. Dr. Bahk says that the procedure is simple, non-surgical and temporary. Each treatment works within a week, and lasts about three to four months. Before and after pictures, as well as more information, may be found at
What are dermal fillers? Dermal fillers like Juvederm® are FDA-approved, non-animal-derived hyaluronic acid, a component of collagen. Young, healthy skin has an abundance of hyaluronic acid, but as we age, time and sunlight can cause it to diminish. Dr. Bahk said that dermal fillers help rejuvenate and restore the
Before Juvederm® treatment
skin’s volume. They instantly smooth away wrinkles around the mouth and nose. This process is temporary, and lasts six to nine months. It is non-surgical and offers immediate results. Fillers are intended for smile lines and the lines that run from the bottom of the nose to the corners of the mouth (parentheses lines). For before and after pictures, go to www.
What is Latisse? Latisse® is a prescription medication used to grow longer, fuller and darker eyelashes. Latisse needs to be prescribed by a doctor to assure the proper treatment and use. It’s the only FDAapproved product for those who do not have enough lashes. It has been studied for safety and efficacy and is available only by prescription. It is applied to the root of the lashes every night. Results may be seen in four weeks, but the full effect may take 16 weeks. Find more information and before and after pictures at
Those interested in any of these treatments may call Dr. Bahk’s office at 703-743-7300 to schedule an appointment.
After Juvederm® treatment
Haymarket Lifestyle
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December 2011
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the real life
Your New Resource for Real Life Interior Decorating
By Paola McDonald
Many people assume great interior design is only for the rich. They assume they must spend a lot of money to make their home look like it came from the pages of a magazine, or that it takes a lot of natural talent, a lot of work and an interior design degree for a great home space. But interior design for your real life is more attainable than you might think. It just takes a little creativity and a close look within your own community. Believe me, with two young children, a husband and three dogs, I understand that real life can make it more challenging to have the home of your dreams. On any given day, it could look like a bomb exploded in my house. Between my children’s ever growing collection of toys and books, my husband’s inability to put away anything he takes out and uses and what seems like less and less hours in my day, our home is much more of a mad house than a decorator’s show house. But if you accept your reality and add a little creativity, careful planning and measuring, you can create a beautiful home—even with toys strewn about haphazardly. And it doesn’t have to cost an arm, a leg or a child to attain it.
In the coming months, this column will help you achieve these goals, but it’s best to start with a few simple rules. These have helped me conquer many real-life challenges and have allowed me to create a functional home space that meets my family’s needs. Rule #1: Your home can’t always look like it belongs in a magazine. The reality is that you live in your home and should be comfortable enough to enjoy it. When decorating, always think functionality first; the aesthetics will come. If your home doesn’t work for you, it will always feel uncomfortable and unfinished. For example, a common challenge families face is toy storage. Understanding the type of storage needs you have can help you identify the best type of storage solution. If you have a lot of smaller toys like trucks and stuffed animals, perhaps bins are a better way to go, if you have larger items to store, like bikes and yard toys, perhaps a great garage storage system could help with the clutter. The first step to functional interior design is to carefully assess your needs and the needs of your family. Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, it will become much easier to create a plan to deal with those needs. Stay tuned for more creative ways to conquer the plastic and create spaces where your children will love to make messes and hopefully help you clean them up as well. Rule #2: You must understand your personal design style. No one can tell you your personal design style. It is personal, subjective and all about you, what you like, and how you want to see it pulled together. A good interior designer can help you define your personal style by listening carefully to you and extracting from what you say and what they see in your home. The good news is that you too can define your own personal design style by simply observing closely and analyzing what you are consistently attracted to. We’ll look carefully at the steps you can take to help you to better understand your personal design style as well as how you can use that to shop for you home and create spaces that feel cohesive and pulled together. Rule #3: Your home must reflect who you are. Many find it easier to go to a large furniture store and choose a complete furniture suite
Using family photos as art is a great way to add your personality to your home. 12
decorating continued on page 14
Haymarket Lifestyle
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I love Haymarket contest
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We love this town, now it’s your turn tell us why YOU love it! Submit your love letter to us by January 9, 2012 to be entered in our “I Love Haymarket” contest. Winning submissions will be selected by our fine staff and will be printed in the February 2012 issue along with a $100 visa gift card. Entries should be submitted through email at, please indicate the category above in the subject.
December 2011
decorating continued from page 12
than to pull un-matched pieces together for a cohesive look. The reality is that although this seems like the easier option, typically this type of solution will look like you did just that. There is an art to pulling together pieces so that they work well together in a space and some basic rules you can follow to help you do so. In the next few months we’ll discuss some creative ideas that will allow you to go beyond the complete furniture suite and create your own personal home décor that looks pulled together over time. In addition, you’ll read about great local resources where you can find unique furnishings, accessories, artwork and other pieces that will give your home the boost of “you” it needs. Rule #4: Think outside the box. Creativity is your most useful tool when it comes to assembling a great interior look that doesn’t drain your wallet. Interior decorating is supposed to be a fun process that allows you to express your personality and that of your family within your home spaces. Like any art, its personal, subjective and self -expressive. And like with any art, the more you learn about it and the more you do it, the more comfortable you will become in allowing yourself to be creative, taking risks and reaping the rewards.
A huge sectional can be a family’s best friend. All members, including the four legged kind fit comfortably during family movie nights.
The real-life solutions, tips, techniques, ideas and local resources here will allow your creative juices to flow and help you move toward a home that truly reflects who you are. Rule #5: Design rules are meant to be broken. It is important to understand basic principles of design in order to create spaces that look and feel well… well designed. However, as you can probably gather from some of the previously stated rules, interior design is very subjective. One of the most important rules of design is that if you love it and feel great about it, then it works, even when design rules say it shouldn’t. That is how an antique sofa from the 1800s can look amazing with a modern Lucite table and how a kid focused family room can also be a great playroom for their parents as well. I hope these topics will help you become so confident in your own decorating skills that you will know when and how to break design rules to create truly unique, personal spaces that will be the envy of the neighborhood.
A fun, modern tween boy’s room has style and storage.
These monthly topics of interest from the decorating and design world will make design real and accessible for you, and I hope I can motivate you to address some of those home projects you may have been afraid to tackle and provide you with new ideas for projects you may not have thought of. Along with resources for local businesses, vendors, service providers and other local homeowners, I want to inspire you and become your decorating partner.
Welcome to reality—where children, husbands and pets rule!
Paola McDonald is a Certified Interior Decorator and owner of Creative Elegance Interiors, LLC based in Haymarket. Contact Paola with suggestions at decorator@ A recreation room perfect for Friday family movie night. 14
Haymarket Lifestyle
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December 2011
p i r t d roa
Tire Tread and Compound - Make sure tires are allseason tires with gripping protection. Many consumers may not realize that the OE (original equipment) on most vehicles is a summer tire that performs very poorly in freezing conditions. For example, the Nissan 350z’s OE is a summer ultra-performance tire. Driving on that tire in freezing rain and snow could be a disaster waiting to happen. Remember last year’s carmageddon (freezing rain started right before the evening rush and people had 8 hour commutes home—if they were lucky enough to stay on the road)? The people with all-season tires likely were not the ones in the ditches. Windshield Treatment - Apply a rain repellant, like Aquapel or RainX to windshields. This will make the water bead on the windshield so that ice and snow do not stick to the windshield. The repellant also improves driving conditions in inclement weather. Other benefits include: improved vision in the rain, as it causes rain to bead up and roll right off; makes it easier to clear ice, snow, and even dirt and bugs and reduces glare in the rain, especially at night. The repellant typically lasts for months in normal driving conditions. Switch Wipers - Switch to beam wiper blades or winter wiper blades. The conventional wiper blade is a multitinged metal blade with lots of moving parts, but when they get wet, they freeze in place and will not flex. They freeze either curved OR flat, becoming useless since a windshield is both curved and flat. Beam wipers do not have hinge points and winter blades and their spring mechanism is concealed from snow and ice so they continue to “work” in tough weather. Winter blades are metal hinged blades that are wrapped in rubber, keeping the water off so that they do not freeze. Check Anti-Freeze - Check the freezing point on antifreeze. Antifreeze needs to be at -34 degrees. If it is too high the engine can freeze, especially when sitting outside in a snowstorm. About Virginia Tire & Auto: For more than 35 years, family-owned and operated Virginia Tire & Auto has been the leading provider of full-service automotive maintenance, repair and tire needs for customers in Northern Virginia. Owned by Myron Boncarosky, his wife Carole, daughter Julie Holmes and her husband Mike Holmes, Virginia Tire & Auto is headquartered in Fairfax, VA, with 11 locations in Northern VA including Ashburn, Centreville, Chantilly, Fairfax, Falls Church, Gainesville, South Riding, Springfield, Sterling and Vienna. The business offers exceptional customer experience, dedicated quality service and is a superior place for a career. For more information about Virginia Tire & Auto, please visit us at or www.
Another advantage over other social media applications is how Meetup. com helps you organize and manage a group of your own. The tool let’s you schedule the meetup, choose venues and promote the event by email and social media. Members of the group can RSVP, post on the meetup wall and even write reviews after an event. Organizers can quickly create a new meetup, complete with its own web page, and can be notified by email when people RSVP. Other neat features include:
Create a multiple page “site” for the group Upload pictures for the meetup group Ask questions during the registration process Let several members of the group recommend and organize meetups
Wanna Meetup? By Jamie Gorman
Do you like to play board games? There’s a Meetup for that! How about scrapbooking? There’s a Meetup for that! Hiking? Playing guitar? Blogging? Yes, yes and yes! There is even a local Meetup group for iPad users! ( In fact there are local Meetup groups for just about anything, and if you can’t find one, you can start one in less than five minutes. is an online social media tool with one goal – to turn your online networking into face-to-face relationships. The online tool helps people create, organize, promote and manage “meetups” on any topic of interest. It’s free to join, which allows you to search for and join existing meetup groups in your area, and organizing your own group only costs about $15 per month. Meet Others with Common Interests Meetup is a great way to find groups of people in your community that share a common interest or passion. Once you find the group it’s easy to connect and join them at one of their meetups. Although there are other social media tools that form groups and discussion boards, is one of the few that promote turning those online acquaintances into face-to-face relationships!
p Groups Local MeetU robrew Tasters
Mic Cork & Fork irls g Circle Gainesville G ounty Healin C m ia ill W e The Princ ms of GBH The Real Mo ips Chix with Wh up otorcycle Gro Piedmont M it Club Park Valley F pbooking market Scra y a /H e ill v s e Gain
In fact, is so useful to managing frequent meetings, you might even consider using it for some of the face-to-face groups to which you already belong! Education and Support The Piedmont Bloggers Meetup Group ( is a local group for people who write blogs. Their monthly meetups are facilitated discussions about better blogging. Bloggers come to learn from and support each other. The mix of interests and experience not only create an environment of learning, but also a network of business professionals who refer business over drinks and appetizers. Many times the best way to learn is to join a group of experienced people, listen to their conversation and ask questions. Over time, those conversations will turn into valuable lessons and the relationships will become valuable resources. Meetup groups are ideal for this type of learning because they draw together a variety of experience and perspectives in a more informal setting, and your most important assignment is to just show up! Promote Your Business If you own a small business or want to monetize your hobby, can help. Organizing a local meetup group that is related to your industry is a great way to promote your business. A camera shop may organize a photography meetup group to discuss tips and techniques. As organizer, the idea is not to make the hard sales pitch, but to create a group of potential customers, where your participation and expertise builds relationships and credibility that will lead to sales and referrals. You could also create a group not directly related to your industry, but a common interest among your customer base. For example, an investment advisor could start an investor group, but might have better success with a monthly golfers meetup! also has a sponsorship function that enables businesses to offer special deals to meetup groups that are likely to have an interest in their product. A music store may provide a 10% discount to the Acoustic Guitar & Songwriters Meetup Group in Bristow, VA (, whereas the local craft store would target Fauquier Scrapbookers in Fauquier County, VA ( Targeting a meetup group for advertising and sponsorship is a great way to reach a niche market segment in your local area. Have Fun! In your effort to find a purpose and reason for organizing and joining a meetup group, don’t forget the main reason to join is to get together with great people who share your interests and passions and to have fun. So get up from the couch, take a break from the Facebook, get out, and MEETUP!
Jamie Gorman is the founder of Sigma College of Small Business (, a local business that provides business management education and consulting to small business owners. Jamie lives in Warrenton, VA with his wife and four children. You can follow his blog at
Haymarket Lifestyle
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December 2011
When it Comes to Fitness, Don’t be a “ Sunshine Patriot!” By Gunny Barker
When it comes to fitness, are you a “sunshine patriot?” During the harsh and cold winter of 1775, Thomas Paine cautioned young Countrymen not to be “summertime soldiers or sunshine patriots.” Well, as you know, the rest of the story is history, but did you know that these very same words can be applied to many people who seem to “give-up” on exercise as the days of autumn and winter become darker, colder and shorter? Involved in the fitness industry for the past 25 years, I am here to tell you that I have witnessed this happen over and over again to many people each year. I work with clients who train relentlessly throughout the spring and summer, witnessing them make incredible changes in the appearance and conditions of their bodies, but as soon as the cold and dark days of winter arrive, many will unexplainably head for the indoors, where they’ll hibernate and fatten-up like bears throughout the winter. Why do so many who exercise so earnestly throughout the year suddenly throw in the towel because of a few less hours of daylight and colder temperatures? To make matters worse, 18
they are giving up on exercise at a time of year when they should actually be doing more instead of less. Why? For starters, I’ll give you FIVE good reasons; Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Super Bowl, and Valentines Day! What do these all have in common? Lots and lots of food, sugar, fat, and tons of extra calories! – which is exactly what you don’t need when you’re exercising less and sitting around more! Of course, you don’t need a degree in mathematics to figure out that consuming a lot more calories, coupled with little to no exercise, equates to a lot more blubber and a bigger waistline. Keep in mind, weight gain or weight loss all boils down to one thing, and that is, “calories-in vs. calories-out,” and during the cold winter months, all those “comfort foods” and cups of hot chocolate can add up real quick! This of course helps explain why it’s not unusual for the average American to put on an extra 9 pounds over next 4 months! If you’re looking to improve, or for that matter even maintain your current physical condition, your personal battle against fat cannot be fought just eight months of the year! Truth be told, in
order to stay healthy and fit, you MUST remain committed to exercise and proper eating habits throughout the entire year. As I tell my clients, CONSISTENCY in both nutrition and exercise are the absolute keys to maintaining a lean, strong and fit body all year long.
I encourage everyone to set a winter fitness goal and get started today! Most people make the major mistake of waiting until next spring to set their summertime goals, but by then it is already too late! You see, when starting any fitness or fat loss plan, in order to see, achieve, and maintain results that will last, fitness experts agree that you need to allow a minimum of 12 weeks. That’s right, I said 12 weeks, not 12 days (as some infomericials will lead you to believe). So be smart, and start NOW-Do not delay! I caution you not to be like 80% of the population and pack on additional pounds over the winter, and then try
fitness continued on page 20
Haymarket Lifestyle
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Dr. Jakum. Patient Jakum. Coach Jakum. When Dr. Josh Jakum tore his ACL during a soccer game, his first thought was, “How am I going to coach my sons’ lacrosse team?” With only a few short months until the season, he set out to find the best orthopedic care. So, he teamed up with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Robert Smith, who previously served with the Baltimore Ravens. The two agreed to a bone-tendon-bone graft surgery. And then came the rehab. Three days a week Dr. Jakum worked to regain his strength and mobility. But on March 12th, he didn’t show up for his therapy. Because he was on the field, putting the Talons lacrosse team through their very first drills. To learn more about Dr. Jakum’s story, visit
December 2011
fitness continued from page 18
and make up for it next April or May. Trust me, I’ve witnessed a lot of people try this approach and fail at it each and every year. This “rapid fat loss approach” doesn’t work because you end up pushing yourself too hard, too fast, and end up either “burning out” or overtraining (or in some cases both). Additionally, this approach not only does not work, but it can also be unhealthy, dangerous, and potentially lead to injury. Believe it or not, there are still some things in life that do require time, patience, consistency, and lots of discipline, and FAT LOSS is definitely one of them! Remember, even putting on an extra 5 pounds this winter can set you back a month or more in your training, and don’t be naïve and expect miracle changes to occur overnight. When you lose body fat, you want to do so in a manner that is both healthy and the results will last, which is why my advice is to set a new fat loss goal today, and allow the time and training which is required to achieve them.
I want you to envision right now what you want to look like next June! Yep, the
weather is warm and the pool is open, so close your eyes and I want you to envision how great you’re going to look when you shed those sweatpants and that bulky sweater and reveal that lean and strong body which you’ve worked so hard to create all winter long! Go ahead--picture it right now! Wow, you look fantastic! While you are absolutely thrilled with your new look and body, so many others will be whining and complaining about how FAT they’ve become and how many pounds they’ve put on since they put away their beach chairs last summer. Trust me, you’ll hear the same old pathetic excuses, and undoubtedly hear how many are going to join the local gym and take advantage of the gym’s ‘Get Ready for Summer Special’, as they so desperately want to prove (yet again) that “this is the year they’re finally
going to get fit and get that “6-pack!” Unfortunately, for most, it will be just another year of good intentions, but few, if any results.
There is no denying that the cold and dark days of winter are ahead of us, and there will undoubtedly be days that will not only “try men’s souls”, but they could even keep a number of “sunshine patriots” indoors this winter. Keep in mind, I’m not going to ask you to march barefoot in the snow like many of General Washington’s men did on their way to Trenton, rather I encourage, you to set your goal now. If you remain dedicated, disciplined, and committed, just like the patriots of the revolution, together we will not only persevere, we WILL achieve VICTORY in the battle against body fat!
“Gladiator Fitness Boot Camp is owned by Master Fitness Trainer, Rob “Gunny” Barker, and was voted N. Virginia’s Boot Camp of the Year 2011. Boot Camp classes are now being offered in Haymarket at 05:30AM and 09:30AM. For more information on our boot camps, and how you can enter our Winter Gladiator “Get Lean” Contest, please visit our website,, or contact Gunny directly at
We specialize in YOU! Foreclosures, Short Sales, Buyers and Sellers Let the experience of our team help you. Customer service is our priority! Our relationship with you is based on commitment and trust. We would consider it our privilege to be of service to you! ASk FOr JOY, ClAire Or JOhn
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17140 Thousand Oaks Drive, Broad Run VA List Price $144,900 10 Acres
11517 Asbury Ridge Court, Nokesville List Price: $245,000 10 Acres
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the garden
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Living made better.
Gardens Are Gifts While this is gift giving season, it is time to take a break from buying and decorating and walk through our gardens to enjoy all of the real gifts that are there. First, every time we put a new green thing in the earth we are giving a gift to ourselves and the natural world around us. I have had bees working on flowers before I even get them out of the pots! In the last seven years Gary and I have added over thirty trees to the open field of our ten acres – that is a lot of new habitat, food and oxygen that was not there before. Next, gardening has given me the gift of amazing friendships. It is almost impossible to be a grumpy flower lover – as a group we are optimistic and nurturing. Are you lonely? Join a garden club; problem solved. Lately I have had the gift of walking around my garden with enchanting twin three year olds. We smell our hands after petting Lavender and look for new flowers and laugh at funny plant names. There are plants in my garden that were gifts to me and there are plants in gardens all over Haymarket and Gainesville that were gifts from me. I have an Iris that I gave to a friend and when she moved she gave some back to me because I had moved and left it behind. My garden has a bench that my husband gave me for our anniversary and several roses that were Christmas presents. My father-in-law gave me a gazing globe and my friend Sarah helped me fix it when it lost the weight that keeps it from falling over. My yellow rose, Carefree Sunshine, has given me one last bloom on a four foot stalk, waving above everything else. This year has been made extra special by the gift from Haymarket Lifestyle, inviting me to share my gardening enthusiasm with you. Lynne Galluzzo and her husband, Gary, moved from Centreville to Haymarket six and a half years ago. They live on ten acres where they garden extensively. Lynne applies what she learns in her gardens to her garden maintenance business - The Garden Lady. Contact her at: or
December 2011
To Buy or Not to Buy a
New Computer By Klaus Fuechsel
his t I f ou r , n y i s s ti o ! n e qu ad o re
Clean-Up? If your computer is just slow, you might need a clean-up and tune-up to get some more years out of it. Viruses can really slow your computer down and sometimes completely maim your operating system. Too many temporary files cluttering your disc slow things down, too. Usually the cost of cleaning up is low when compared to buying a new system. Repair? Slowness can also be caused by a hard drive getting full or by read errors. In that case, it probably needs replacing. Since hard drives can fail anytime, you should make regular back-ups to an external hard drive in order to prevent data loss. After all, all of your programs and data are stored on an internal hard drive. (Nowadays the standard size is 500GB or more, even though only a very small percentage of people will come anywhere near to using this capacity.) A few weeks ago I would have said that an external hard drive is cheap. But due to recent flooding in Thailand where many of these components are manufactured, almost 22
50% of the hard drive production has been disrupted. The resulting short supply of hard drives is temporary, but nevertheless has been driving up the costs. And the higher price of hard drives will be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher priced desktop and notebook computers. Replace? If your computer is more than five years old and giving you problems, you should consider replacing it. The technology has changed so much that almost any new computer will be much faster and more efficient than your old computer. What should you know when buying a new computer? There are tablets, netbooks, notebooks, desktops and all-in-one computers, in a wide variety of styles. The Tablet. If you just want to read emails, surf the internet and play some games, a tablet might be all you need. It is very portable and, like the IPad, becoming very popular. However the screen size is relatively small, it doesn’t have a keyboard, and doesn’t run Microsoft Windows. The Netbook. A cheap, slow, lightweighted version of a notebook. Priced at about $300, it can run with MS Windows, and allows you to connect USB devices like a mouse, printer, etc. It does not have
a built-in CD/DVD drive. If you like, you can download/install programs directly from the internet or get a USB-CDrom drive for less than $50. The Laptop/Notebook. Due to its portability, more and more people decide to switch a desktop to a laptop/notebook. Notebooks come in various sizes and colors. I recommend that you look at the notebook before you buy it, and make sure the screen size and readability is fine for your eyes, and the keyboard and touchpad feel right to the fingers and hand. The Desktop. A desktop is best if you do not need to move the computer around. Desktops are usually a bit cheaper than notebooks, and much more sturdy. Any ultra-high-end-gaming-system should be on a desktop. And it is easier and cheaper to repair or upgrade a desktop. The All-In-One System. This year you might see more of the all-in-one system in the stores. An all-in-one computer looks like an LCD screen with a (wireless) mouse and keyboard. Some of them have touch screens. The nice thing about them is that there is only one cable (the power cable); the screen is big, and they look very sleek. Some of them are also priced very low. But often they are slow and expensive to fix. Let’s demystify a little bit of the techese you hear about the different computer models. Check carefully and compare what you’re
buy continued on page 24
Haymarket Lifestyle
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December 2011
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buy continued from page 22
which came out this year! How to tell? Make sure the number after Ix has 4 digits like I3-2100. Setting up your new computer!
getting for the sticker price. Don’t just think that because one system has 2GB and the other 4GB of Ram (memory) that the prices need to double. This upgrade might only cost $20, but you might see a sticker price of $100 more.
Keep in mind that when buying a new computer, you might have to invest extra money into one or all of the following areas: computer setup, data transfer, program updates, warranty, training and/or classes.
Unless you are a die-hard Windows XP or Macintosh fan, with a new computer you will be getting Microsoft Windows7 for your operating system. Trying to stay with XP would mean you would have to buy an older system or get it custom-built. Windows7 comes in various flavors, but most users are satisfied with “Home Premium 64-bit.” You can get an upgrade to Windows7 Pro, with enhanced networking capabilities. This also allows you to use the so-called “Xpmode,” which would allow you to run older programs in a window under Windows7.
The first time you start your new computer, it will ask you setup questions and recommend the creation of recovery disk. You will also have to get your computer connected to the internet and get necessary download updates. (High speed internet is recommended for this.) You also need to set up your email and printer systems.
The 64-bit Windows will become the standard, for it allows programs to address more data and make use of RAM bigger than 4GB (Giga-bytes). However, if you need to run older software, it might not run in 64-bit mode. Software updates might be necessary, what could cost thousands of dollars for software like AutoCAD.
Older software (especially when you bought it over 3 years old) might not install under Windows7 correctly. In this case, you might need to get the “XPmode” setup, buy updated versions of the programs, or even migrate things to a different program. For example, Outlook Express does not work under Windows7.
The speed of a computer is mainly determined by the Central Processor Unit (CPU). The CPU is the brain of your computer. There are 2 main criteria, the speed and the number of cores (meaning the number of things it can do in parallel). You might see descriptions such as, “a quad-core CPU with 2 GHz” or “dualcore CPU with 4 GHz”. In this case, the quad-core CPU consists of 4 cores each running at 2GHz. The other one has 2 cores at 4 GHz. Which one is faster? Mathematically, both have the same processing power. But since Windows 7 will not usually be able to split up tasks evenly over 4 CPUs, the dual-core is faster. So more cores doesn’t necessarily mean faster! Intel created a new processor series called I3, I5 and I7. I3 is a dual-core (great for normal use). I5 is usually a quad-core (superior for business use), and I7 is at least a quad-core up to a 12-core (top notch). Try to get the second generation versions
If you have data on an old computer, a data transfer will get the information transferred over to the new computer, and into the right places.
Software Tip: Students (school and college) and teachers often qualify for up to 90% cheaper “academic” software packages like Microsoft Office 2010 or Adobe Photoshop. Warranty? Big computer chains frequently make much more money on the upgrades, accessories, services and warranty, than on selling you a basic computer. I am usually very cautious in buying warranties. Besides being quite expensive, they might not cover all eventualities. And sometimes they expire once you have claimed your first repair. For instance, I bought a 4-year warranty for my daughter’s notebook for college-use, only to have the warranty denied after two years for “too much wear and tear.” Training? If you are new to Windows7, or it is your first computer, you might like to get a book that teaches how to use it. You might benefit more from attending a class or a personal training lesson to get you started. Questions? I hope that these tips from the Dok were helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through our free email support at
Dok Klaus Computer Care is a locally owned computer services and web development company. In its 10th year, it focuses on the computer needs of residential and small business clients from its main office in Old Town Warrenton. Klaus-Juergen Fuechsel, known as “Dok” Klaus, also makes house calls. More more details go to or call 703-951-3522. 24
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Foster’s Grille Continuing the spirit of backyard grillings through all seasons, Foster’s Grille brings families and friends together with their Charbroiled food and lots of fun. Nostalgic signs and banners dress the walls here welcoming guests as well as WOWing them - especially with a real Authentic race car hanging from the ceiling. Foster’s friendly staff is there to insure that you are happy. The variety of seating arrangements includes booths, family-sized tables, bar stools and arcade games. Put all of this together and you have a casual and very fun atmosphere. Simple favorites, done right, keep patrons returning.
Ordering is as easy as eating. Step up to the bar, grab the menu ticket, write your name and start checking and circling items to create your ideal meal. Start with a Basket of thick hand-cut Fries. They come in a full or half order and can be smothered with cheese and chili. A Basket of Onion Rings is always great to share. Nancy’s Garden Salad is fresh and bright and can be topped with chicken that’s grilled, fried, or even prepared buffalo style with a choice of six dressings. If you can step up to it, check the box for their Olde Fashioned HALF-POUND Charburger. This massive burger is made-to-order and can be decked out with twenty-one possible toppings. Don’t want beef? Try the Turkey Burger or their fresh, juicy Chicken Sandwich available grilled, fried, or buffalo style. Both can be stacked with toppings too. Another beef alternate is the Backyard Garden Burger. It can also be grilled or fried and is an excellent vegetarian choice. Foster’s Cheesesteaks are another winner. They’re flavor packed, with your choice of chicken or beef accented with grilled onions and provolone cheese. The wings are to die for….plain, mild, hot, barbecue, southwest or Asian sauces drench the Authentic bone-in or Boneless Wings and are paired with ranch or blue cheese. Not feeling up for a massive meal? Try a smaller portion off of the Kid’s Menu like Chicken Fingers, Hot Dog, or a childhood favorite the Grilled Cheese. Foster’s also created a quarter pound version of their Charburger equally as desirable and topable. Each menu item can be selected as an a la carte or a meal with fries and a drink. And oh yes, you may want to add a little treat to your meal with freshly squeezed lemonade, a fruit cup, cookie, cake, ice cream or an Extra Thick Milkshake in three traditional flavors - chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry. Foster’s also has a variety of beer on tap to complement your burger or wings. Some say it’s the Coldest Beer in Town. Fosters operates under the philosophy that a business should give back to the community it serves. An example of that is Foster’s Dining For Dollars program, which brings people together for meals and serves as a Fund Raiser for a specified charity. Fosters provides 10% of event proceeds directly to that charity. In addition to Foster’s generosity to the Haymarket Food Pantry, you can often see the Fosters crew at Haymarket events, either grilling or doing volunteer work. Kim Kennedy Ingalls, Director of Spend The Day in Haymarket, who manages Haymarket’s Events, says “Shawn Foster is a good guy who runs a great business and is keenly aware of his responsibility to the community he serves.” Stop by Foster’s Grille at 4418 Costello Way to hang with friends and grab a bite. They are open Sunday through Thursday 11:00am to 9:00pm and Friday and Saturday 11:00am to 10:00pm. They accept orders over the phone for lunch or dinner, and keep them in mind for parties as their wings are always a big hit. For more information or to browse their menu check out their website at or place your order by calling (571)261-5959.
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A Taste of Haymarket The Haymarket Lifestyle dining guide provides information on Haymarket area restaurants and nightspots. The brief comments are not intended as reviews but merely as characterizations. We made every effort to get accurate information but recommend that you call ahead to verify hours and reservation needs. Listings include Best of Haymarket award winners as well as advertisers 81/100/36/38 and non-advertisers. contact us if you believe information provided is inaccurate. 47/68/85/60 41/24/73/2any 40/0/20/0 60/90/0/0 Please
A La Carte Catering & To-Go (703)754-2714 • 6608 James Madison Hwy M-Fri 6am-3pm; Sat 8am-4pm *5:30pm Pick up Offering breakfast and lunch with locally roasted coffee, fresh baked goods, salads, bbq, NY-style deli sandwiches and po’ boys with hand-cut fries. Outdoor seating and full service catering available. Asian Garden Restaurant (571)248-6608 • 5451 Merchants View Sq M-Sat 10:30am-10pm; Sun 10:30am-9:30pm Asian food available for dine-in, take-out, or delivery. Wide range of dishes available to order. Casual dress. Affordable and good for kids. Blue Ridge Seafood & Crab (703)754-9852 • 15704 Lee Hwy Tue&Thu 3pm-9pm; Fri&Sat 12pm10pm; Sun 12pm-9pm Offering an assortment of seafood appetizers, sandwiches, soups, salads, and a create your own dinner option. Casual atmosphere. Dine in or carry out. Brooklyn Brothers Pizza (703)753-6663 • 8010 Crescent Park Dr Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm; Fri&Sat 11am10pm; Sun 11am-8pm Casual dining with subs, pasta, New York style pizza, calzones and New York inspired sandwiches. Pick up and delivery available. China East (703)753-2166 • 6838 Piedmont Center Plaza M:4pm-10pm; T-Thurs:11am-10pm; F-Sat: 11am-10:30pm; Sun: 11am-10pm Casual dining with comfortable chinese dishes like crispy beef/chicken, kung pao, fried rice, orange beef, and hot and sour soup. Delivery is available.
To update your listing or suggest a restaurant email Krysta Norman at
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Cupcake Heaven and Café (703)754-6300 • 14950 Washington St, Ste 100 M-Sat: 7am - 7pm Lovely little shop offering a variety of delicious desserts, extravagant cakes, coffee and tea. Cupcake offerings include Vanilla Almond Raspberry, Cookies N Cream, and Butter Pecan. Storefront sells specialty gifts to customers. Also offering free Wi-Fi.
Giuseppe’s Italian Restaurant (703)753-1004 • 15120 Washington St M-Sun: 10am-11pm With over 25 years of experience, Giuseppe’s has offered customers a great Italian dining experience. Featuring the usual fine italian cuisines, Giuseppe’s offers breakfast on Sunday’s and catering and take-out are also available. Casual dress.
Deja Brew (571)261-9418 • 5311 Merchants View Sq M,W,Thur: 6am - 7pm; Fri: 6am - 9pm; Sat: 7am-10pm; Sun: 7am-7pm Affordable coffee shop offering snacks and tea as well. Hosts an open mic night every Saturday from 7pm to 10 pm. Check website for calendar events. Free Wi-Fi. Casual dress.
Haymarket Delights (703)743-9730 • 15111 Washington St, Ste 113 M-Thur: 11am-9pm; Fri-Sat: 11am-10pm; Sun: 12pm-9pm Store offering ice cream and frozen yogurt, hot dogs, sandwiches, drinks and more. Casual dress and outdoor seating available.
Desiderio Italian-American Grill (571)248-0660 • 7960 Crescent Park Dr Mon-Thurs 11am-3pm, 5pm-9pm; Fri&Sat 12pm-10pm; Sun 12pm-8pm Serving New York inspired dishes like pastas, filling sandwiches and cannolis. Casual dining, take out and catering. Eggspectations (571)248-0990 • 8058 Crescent Park Dr Mon-Fri 7:30am-10pm; Sat 7am-10pm; Sun 7am-8pm Offering an assortment of omelets, breakfast sandwiches to pasta dishes. Fresh smoothies are also available. El Vaquero West (703)753-0801 • 14910 Washington St M - Sun: 10am-10pm Authentic Mexican restaurant offering a large menu of lunch and dinner specials as well as dessert. Restaurant offers take-out as well as a full bar. Good place for kids. Casual dress. Foster’s Grille (571)261-5959 • 4432 Costello Way Sun-Thurs:11am-9pm; Fri-Sat: 11am-10pm Burgers, French fries, hot dogs, grilled chicken sandwiches, milkshakes, wings, and salads. Daily specials. Casual dress, take-out and outdoor seating available.
Lion & Bull (703)754-1166 •5351 Merchants View Sq M-Thur: 11am-Midnight; Fri-Sat: 11am2am; Sun: 11am-11pm Restaurant and bar offering food, drinks and entertainment. Schedule of events available on their website. Trivia night every Wednesday starting at 8pm. Private party events, take-out and outdoor seating availabe. Casual dress. McDonald’s (703)753-6374 • 6740 Lea Berry Way Fast food chain known for Big Mac and McNuggets. Dollar menu still available. Now serving McCafé beverages. Kids play area available. Casual dress. Papa John’s (703)753-6767 • 6743 Lea Berry Way Delivery Hours: M-Sun: 11am-11pm Carry Out Hours: M-Sun: 11am-9:40pm Pizza delivery or pick up. Online ordering available. Wings, breadsticks, and dessert also available. Daily specials and features. Paradiso Pizza & Subs (571)248-6600 • 6826 Piedmont Center Plaza M-Thur: 10am-10pm Fri-Sun: 10am-11pm Sun: 11am-9pm Offering Italian dinners, New York style pizza, greek specialties, subs, salads, appetizers, calzones, burgers, sandwiches and wraps. Casual dining and daily specials.
Pickle Bob’s (540)905-9479 • Corner of Rte 15 and Rte 55 Next to Sheetz Tue-Thur: 4pm-9pm Fri-Sun: 12pm-9pm Ice cream joint offering soft serve, frozen yogurt, mini doughnuts, soft pretzels and more. Pizzarama (703)753-9009 • 14950 Washington St M-Thur, Sun: 11am-9pm; Fri-Sat: 11am-10pm Pizza, sub, sandwich, and Italian entrée restaurant. Available for pickup and delivery. Offer both hot and toasted and cold subs. Gourmet pizzas and calzones also available. Season Asian Grill & Japanese Sushi Bar (571)248-6648 • 6850 Piedmont Center Plaza M-Thur: 11am-9:30pm F-Sun: 11:00am10:30pm Japanese and Thai cuisine prepared fresh and made to order. This casual restaurant offers a sushi bar and specialties like the grilled pork chop, seafood fair and traditional curries.
Starbucks (571)248-4550 • 5581 Merchants View Sq Inside Giant Starbucks offers patrons their usual choices in coffee, small sandwiches, treats and more. Subway (703)754-0725 • 5481 Merchants View Sq (703)753-1115 • 6747 Lea Berry Way (703)753-0988 • 8002 Crescent Park Dr Restaurant offering subs and pizza. Home of the $5 footlong. Food is prepared after you order, and everything is prepared fresh daily. Available for dine-in or takeout. Tony’s New York Pizza (571)248-6290 • 5481 Merchants View Sq M-Sun:11am-11pm Casual dining offering New York, Sicilian and Foccocia Style Pizzas, tasty pasta dishes, sub’s, soups, salads and pizza by the slice. Vance’s Evergreen Center (703)754-2525 • 3511 James Madison Hwy Sun-Fri: 5am-8pm; Sat: 6am-6pm Offering breakfast sandwiches, pizza, lunch specials, and deli sandwiches. Enjoy the picnic tables outside or carry out.
Young Chow Café (703)753-2863 • 6715 Lea Berry Way M-Fri: 11am-10pm; Sat: 11:30am-10pm; Sun: 4pm-10pm Chinese and Thai restaurant offering lunch specials and dinner entrees. Casual dress, delivery and take-out available.
Suggest a Restaurant! Email Krysta Norman at
PRINCE WILLIAM CHAMBER Prince William Chamber Opens Gainesville Business Resource Center New Resource for Companies in Western Prince William For its newest branch office, the Prince William Chamber of Commerce has partnered with ActionCOACH Business Coaching and Sigma College of Small Business to create the Gainesville Business Resource Center (GBRC). Both companies, now housed at the GBRC, are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs reach the next level of success. The newest member of the Chamber staff, Membership Sales Representative Jennifer Hoskins will also be based in the new office. Nearly 200 members of the business community were on hand when Chamber Chair Lucy Beauchamp cut the ribbon on the new Gainesville Business Resource Center, a branch office of the Prince William Chamber of Commerce. To her immediate right is Brentsville District Supervisor Wally Covington; Chamber President & CEO Rob Clapper is at his right. (Photo by Photography by Exposure)
support available when they are ready to take the next steps in growth,” said Chamber President & CEO Rob Clapper. “We are excited to partner with the Prince William Chamber and others who are focused on helping small businesses be better at business,” says Sigma CEO Jamie Gorman.
“The Chamber is taking an innovative approach to making more resources available to businesses in Western Prince William. ActionCOACH is excited to be a part of Located at 7410 Heritage Village Plaza, Suite that,” says Sheri Winesett of ActionCOACH 101, the center is designed to meet the Business Coaching. needs of the growing business community in Western Prince William. The Chamber offers Nearly two hundred community and several small business programs at the facility commercial leaders were on hand to celebrate and will make the conference rooms available the Grand Opening of the Gainesville for rental, providing affordable meeting space Business Resource Center, during an open house sponsored by Buchanan Partners. for area companies. To learn more about the GBRC and other “This is a renewal of our commitment to Chamber resources, visit supporting the business community in Conference room reservations can be made Western Prince William. Emerging businesses by calling 703-368-6600. in Gainesville and Haymarket now have more Haymarket Lifestyle
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