Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine November 2011

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In this issue…

Soccer Advantage: Fauquier HISTORY: The Great Fires of Warrenton …AND MORE!

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Why do Internet giants Google, Yahoo and Amazon spend millions of dollars annually on direct mail?

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Publishers Tony & Holly Tedeschi for Piedmont Press & Graphics tony@piedmontpress.com • hollyt@piedmontpress.com

Advertising Cindy McBride • CindyMcBride@piedmontpress.com Subscriptions Accounting@piedmontpress.com For general inquiries, advertising, editorial, or listings: E: Krysta@piedmontpress.com Tel: 540.347.4466 • Fax: 540.347.9335 Editorial & Advertising office: Open 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday 404 Belle Air Lane, Warrenton, VA 20186

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The Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine is published monthly and distributed to over 11,000 selected addresses. While reasonable care is taken with all material submitted to The Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any such material. Opinions expressed in articles are strictly those of the authors. While ensuring that all published information is accurate, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions. Reproduction in whole or part of any of the text, illustration or photograph is strictly forbidden.


143 East Shirley Avenue, Warrenton


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©2011 Piedmont Press & Graphics Designed, Printed and Mailed in Warrenton, VA. United States of America The Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine

c/o Piedmont Press & Graphics 404 Belle Air Lane • Warrenton, Virginia 20186 540.347.4466 Ph • 540.347.9335 Fx www.warrentonlifestyle.com

COVER: On a Halloween family adventure, Cortlin Siska takes a moment in a field near Cows n’ Corn and commented to his mother, “this is so relaxing”. photo by Rachel Siska

2011 Contributing Writers: Sean Broderick Debbie Eisele Robin Earl Lou Emerson Kim Forsten Amy Griffin Dr. Robert B. Iadeluca 4

Michelle Kelley Eric Robinson Connie Lyons George Rowand Kevin Mettinger Dixie Walters Philip Mulford Katlyn Norman Krysta Norman John Toler


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facebook.com/warrentonlifestyle Warrenton Lifestyle

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From the Publisher Give Thanks, Celebrate and Grow a Moustache This November, we mark the 24th anniversary of our parent company, TR Press, which owns Piedmont Press & Graphics and our Lifestyle publications. Our humble start began in two rooms where J&D Handyman Services is now located with two old copiers and a Mac Classic with Pagemaker 1.0. Over the years, the company has grown into the local print industry leader and diversified into publications, signs, design and consulting. Holly and I are grateful that our company is still healthy and vital to the community as we head towards 2012. We love what we do. Also, I’m joining those that rename this month ‘Movember’ as part of a growing movement for men’s health awareness. Each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in the US and around the world. With their “Mo’s”, men raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men. On Movember 1st, guys register at Movember.com with a clean-shaven face. For the rest of the month Mo Bros, groom, trim and wax their way into the artistry of fine moustachery. Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through their actions and words they raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often-ignored issue of men’s health. The funds raised are directed to programs run directly by Movember and its health partners, the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Together, the three channels work together to ensure that Movember funds are supporting a broad range of innovative, world-class programs regarding prostate cancer and men’s health issues. If you’d like to contribute, please go to http://mobro.co/TonyTedeschi and watch the progress of my ‘stache. Or, sign yourself up at us.movember.com. With Thanksgiving just in front of us, I want to thank all of you for reading and/or advertising in our publication each month. We are continuing to expand our mailed circulation and are almost 12,000 in business and homedelivered, magazines in and around Warrenton. We wish to thank our advertisers that have continued to support us in so many ways. We are glad that our publication is bringing you the consumers you seek. Finally, I wish to thank all of those that contribute each month – the writers, photographers and editors as well as the production team here at Piedmont Press & Graphics that create the art, print the pages, bind, mail and deliver Warrenton’s best magazine each month. With the holiday season upon us, please consider doing all of your holiday shopping in Warrenton and Fauquier County. The economic impact of this cannot be overstated because of the dramatic ripple effect you will create. Gratefully,

Tony Tedeschi, Co-Publisher 6

Warrenton Lifestyle

A special greeting at thanksgiving time to express to you our sincere appreciation for your confidence, support and loyalty to those who have made our progress possible.

We are deeply thankful and extend to you our best wishes for a joyous Thanksgiving Holiday. 2010


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Fauquier Health Making it Easier to Access Medical Care Fauquier Health uses community surveys to keep abreast of the medical needs of local residents; the 2011 Community Health Needs Assessment revealed that a lack of transportation options was proving to be a serious impediment to quality healthcare. The result? Virginia Regional Transit’s Tri-County Connector – a handicapped-accessible bus that connects Orange, Culpeper and Fauquier counties. The bus makes three 1 1/2-hour trips every weekday, and will pick up and deliver riders to the town of Orange, Culpeper Hospital, Brandy Station, Remington, Bealeton, Opal and Warrenton, at Walmart and Fauquier Hospital. The cost is $1 each way. Fauquier Health contributed $3,200 to this grant-funded project. Elizabeth Henrickson, manager of Fauquier Health Community Outreach, said, “Since Fauquier is such a large county and has limited public transportation, we think the TriCounty Connector is a great solution. It allows those without cars to get to their important doctors appointments and to Fauquier Hospital for tests or treatment. Fauquier Health was happy to donate money to get it up and running. If the project is successful, we have committed to a larger contribution for next year.”


Volunteer Transportation for Fauquier County provides free transportation to doctors’ appointments; the grocery store or pharmacy; therapy appointments or critical errands. If you need a ride, call the VOLTRAN coordinator at 540341-7993 at least 72 hours before you need to be picked up, and a screened and trained volunteer will drive you where you need to go. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the number above.

The Tri-County Connector bus starting running October 3, and connects Orange, Culpeper and Fauquier counties.

Fixed Route Circuit Rider

Regional Transit Vans are available in Fauquier County. The cost is $.50 one way; senior citizens ride free on Mondays. Monday through Friday, the van runs 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Anyone can ride, but those 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult (and ride for free). For information about the daily route, contact the Virginia Regional Transit (VRT) Dispatch Office at 540-825-2456.

Demand Response Circuit Rider

A demand response van picks up residents in Fauquier County and drives to appointments, errands, etc. Reservations are required and it is a first come - first serve program. Call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at least 24 business hours in advance to schedule a trip. Cancel trips at least two hours before the scheduled pickup time. This van is handicapped accessible and can accommodate wheelchairs. Anyone can ride, but those under 10 must be accompanied by an adult (and ride for free). Cost is $1 each way. The on demand van operates 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.

Call Virginia Regional Transit at 540-338-1610 or go to www.vatransit.org. For more information on transportation options in our area, call the Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services Board at 540-825-3100.

Kick off the Season at Fauquier Hospital’s Holiday Fair

Fauquier Hospital will hold its annual Holiday Fair on Wednesday, November 18 in the second floor conference area and the Bistro on the Hill. Held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Fair is a community favorite, featuring holiday gifts and crafts from local vendors.

Shoppers will find holiday decorations, jewelry, toys and clothing, as well as edible gifts to give away or treat yourself. Vendors interested in hosting a table may contact Brenda Bohon at 540-316-3852 or Nis Russell at 540-316-5900.

A full calendar of events for Fauquier Health can be found at www.fauquierhealth.org 8

Warrenton Lifestyle

Second Annual

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November 2011


An Old Town Christmas Parade Saturday, December 3, 2011 10:00 am on Main Street and Waterloo Street. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Warrenton Christmas parade, a local favorite and truly special holiday event. In celebration of this milestone, WOW Fauquier (“Women of Wonder”) is planning a very special parade. Media personality Willard Scott will be the Parade Grand Marshall. Mr. Scott is known best for his morning appearances on the Today show. As always there will be music and song, twirling and dancing, colorful costumes, creative floats, performers of all varieties, and so much more! Last year’s parade was a wonderful event, brimming with holiday cheer. Seventy-five groups participated including unicyclists, dancers, marching bands, pampered pets, athletes and cheerleaders, pageant queens, vintage cars, horses, rescue vehicles, and of course Santa and Mrs. Claus. This year’s parade will certainly not disappoint! In recognition of the parade’s 25th anniversary, the theme selected is “Silver Memories”. Three trophies will be awarded this year: “Best Themed,” “Most Entertaining,” and a special award this year - “Most Historical.” There is no cost to participate. Registration is now open and will close November 10th. The parade organizer, WOW Fauquier, is a local nonprofit organization that unites local women in friendship and community service. Several years ago, WOW added a community service element to the parade, the “Season of Giving” project. In the true spirit of the season, WOW unites the community in a common goal of raising funds for a local non-profit organization. At the 2010 parade, over $600 of voluntary donations were collected by the WOW elves in large red Christmas stocking along the parade


route. Combined with the money raised prior to the parade, the Fauquier Free Clinic received a total gift of over $5,500. On receiving the donation, Clinic Director Rob Marino warmly thanked the community, and stated that for every dollar the clinic receives, they are able to provide $5 worth of medical services. So, our donation provided over $27,000 worth of medical services within our community last year. WOW! This year’s recipient will be Community Touch, Inc. Through Community Touch, we will be giving the gift of food, clothing, shelter, and assistance to members of our community that are struggling in this difficult economic climate. Please visit www.communitytouchinc.org for more information. If you are interested in becoming a parade sponsor or donor, or in volunteering or participating in the parade, please visit the “Christmas Parade” page on WOW Fauquier’s website www.FauquierWOW.com or contact the parade committee at warrentonparade@gmail.com or Linda at 540-878-0908. Taxdeductible donations can be sent to: WOW Fauquier, “Season of Giving” Project, P.O. Box. 313, Warrenton, VA 20188.

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November 2011



by Doug Farmer

Photos by Parker Van de Water


Annual H

For the last 14 years many of the region’s best soccer teams have descended on the picturesque town of Warrenton, VA. Many come to enjoy a relaxing season ending Tournament in beautiful Fauquier County, others look to test their team’s skill level and end the season in a competitive battle for a Tournament Trophy. No matter why they come all have fun and return year after year to take part in this soccer tradition. The Hunt Country Classic has grown from less than 100 teams in those first few years to over 200 teams in 2010; bring a total of more than 6,000 players, coaches, referee’s and family members to Fauquier County. We have boys and girls teams from U9 to U18 that

l Hunt Country Classic compete in 3 different competitive brackets, Elite, Premier and Classic. The elite division is for those top local and regional teams that are looking for an ultracompetitive end to the season. The premier division provides those looking for a little challenge to end the year. While those that are playing just for fun or had a tough season can choose to play in the Classic bracket. The Tournament plays on fields from Marshall to Bealeton, with our key site at Athey Field Complex.

The funds generated from this Tournament provide funding for programs like: TopSoccer is a program that provides an opportunity to handicapped children in our community to participate in soccer. Field and Complex development in the County: FCSC currently supports/Maintains Athey Fields, The Northern Complex and a capital improvement fund for future Athletic fields in the County. Player/Coaching Development: FCSC pays for professional coaching for our Travel program, Technical Director, and Support of Recreational Coaches. These funds have improved the Travel soccer program that saw a team make the State Cup quarter finals and developed teams that are now recognized as some of the best in the State. We also have several players in the Olympic Development program now. Support of Middle School Soccer Program: FCSC exclusively pays for the Middle School Soccer program in our community. Without this support we would not have a Middle School Soccer program. Technical Direction and coaching support is also provided to each Middle School. Little Kickers Program: FCSC also provides a heavily discounted Little Kickers program to all pre-school aged children in the community to promote physical fitness, fun and develop a love for soccer. The Hunt Country Classic begins this year on November 19th, with games beginning at 8am and concluding on November 20th at dusk. The Fauquier County Soccer Club would love to have you come to any of our locations to enjoy this quality soccer program. If you want more information about the Tournament you can email: Doug Farmer at huntcountry@fcsc.org

Life & Living It

TEARS Dr. Robert B. Iadeluca

I have had a lifetime of tears. From the death of my mother when I was nine to the death of my 53-year old son six years ago, my life has had its share of sorrow. But it has been a balanced life. My friends can verify that I laugh easily and my ALLOK license plate speaks to my positive outlook toward life. As we look back through our lives, however, it is easier to remember the moments when the tears began to flow with sadness rather than the moments of laughter no matter how hearty. Sorrow is a deep emotion that leaves scars. All my adult life I have had pets but dogs and cats do not live as long as humans and there comes that heartrending moment when it is time to say “good-bye.” I have lost count of the times when I rode back home from the veterinarian with tears making it difficult to see the road. However, tears do not result solely from sorrow. In one of my previous Lifestyle articles (July 2009), I wrote about arriving home after being overseas in combat for two years and standing on the deck surrounded by thousands of battle hardened soldiers, tears of pride and gratitude flowing down their cheeks as they looked at the Statue of Liberty. This image has been engraved permanently in my memory. What are tears and why do we have them? In infants there are three types of crying. Due to an insufficient development of the central nervous system, infants typically do not accompany their crying with tears until two or three months after birth. What is called the “basic cry” is an alternating crying and silence. The “anger cry” is louder and more abrupt while the “pain cry” is recognized as being one loud cry. The tears of older children and adults can also be divided into three types, the first being basal tears which keep the

eyes lubricated. Reflexive tears are those that respond to irritants such as smoke or a heavy wind blowing into the eyes. Psychological tears are expelled during emotional states. To the best of our knowledge, only humans shed emotional tears although animals do have tear glands that keep the eyes moist and clean. The connection between emotions and the shedding of tears is not yet known. One theory is that it may be a way of getting the body back in balance after a stressful event. Stress can increase our risk for damaging the heart or certain areas of the brain. What, then, is the source of the salty taste of tears? Possibly the chemicals that build up during emotional stress are removed in our tears. Of particular interest is the fact that tears brought about by emotions have a different chemical makeup from those reacting to chopping onions or those for lubrication. Anger, especially when accompanied by frustration, can cause tears. Trying to protect a fellow soldier who is in a difficult position is an extremely emotional event. I have watched soldiers die often with calls of “mom” on their lips. This brings tears of helplessness. Shortly after VE Day on May 8, 1945 the 29th Division of which I was a part became the Army of Occupation. General Eisenhower’s order not to fraternize with the German girls was almost completely ignored and I found myself for the ensuing six months spending most of my time with Anita, an extremely pretty 18-year old. GI’s had been fighting the Nazis and it was common for them after the war to aid the German women and children who had been left behind. I would spend time with her in her kitchen where her mother would wash my uniforms and eat or cook the foodstuffs I regularly gave her. Anita and I taught each other English and German. In November I was scheduled to take a two-month course in Paris in French Language and Civilization, Anita and I had become serious. She took me by the hand, led me into a garden which had become special to us, our tears flowed, and I promised her I would be back by Weihnachten (Christmas.) In December the 29th Division Headquarters notified me that it was leaving for home and I had the choice of returning to the division and going home or to remain in Paris to TEARS continued on page 16


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TEARS continued from page 14

continue my studies. Not being married at the time and in no rush to go home, I chose to remain. I remember vividly a short time later going to l’Opera and seeing my first performance of Puccini’s Madame Butterfly. I was strongly affected by the aria Un Bell Di sung by Butterfly herself who did not know that her American lover would soon abandon her. Ever since that time tears come to my eyes when I hear that aria and it is only recently that I have considered the possible connection between my first reaction to that aria and the memory of my abandoning Anita. Sheer joy also creates tears. My father had five brothers and the seven of us would at times gather around the dining room table, exchanging quips and trying to top the previous one. The Italian side of my family had a huge sense of humor combined with sharp wit. There would be times when we would hold our stomachs from the excess laughing, tears streaming down our cheeks, calling out “Please – no more!” Research tells us that laughter increases resistance to pain, promotes healing, increases blood flow, reduces levels of stress hormones, and boosts the immune e system. Music, especially the minor chords, has a powerful effect on my emotions. Rarely do I attend Piedmont Symphony concerts without at least one piece giving me watery eyes. I have been asked what direction my career would have gone if my mother had lived. She had seen me as a possible concert violinist. At times I hear Dvorak’s “Humoresque” and Brahms’s “Hungarian Dance No. 5” and my mind goes back immediately to my childhood days when I played these on the violin. A small bit of regret enters and sometimes a moist eye. My mother had been a good friend of the wife of the school principal. Consequently he knew me well. After her death, if I acted up to the point where I was, as the expression goes, “sent to the principal’s office,” my reprimand would consist of his simply asking: “Is this the way your mother would have wanted it?” The thought of my having ignored my mother’s teachings overpowered me and I would dissolve in tears of shame. The punishment was ended. While still in New York State I was employed by the Federal Government and, after seeking housing to see which allowed pets in Virginia, I found I was not able to bring Judy, my beautiful German shepherd, down to Virginia. Week after week of getting out the word found no person who would take her. Euthanasia was the only solution. I was devastated and drove to the veterinarian with tears of grief as Judy stood on the back seat wagging her usually happy tail not knowing her Warrenton Lifestyle

bleak future. As I entered the door a woman came out and admired her saying: “Oh, what a beautiful dog!” Upon learning my dilemma, she said: “You can’t do that” and immediately offered to take her onto her farm where she would have room to roam happily. Six months later I received word that Judy was having the time of her life. Again I cried, this time with tears of relief. Dr. Martin Luther King regularly demonstrated the power of the spoken word in creating various emotions. No matter how many times I hear his “I Have a Dream,” it is impossible for me to listen to this without tears reflecting my hope for fairness and justice. Tears are a form of communication. They are a signal which can be picked up by others and sometimes bringing them closer to us. Conversation without the tears may not have the same effect. Who among us can ignore someone crying? The automatic effect is to try to give emotional support. How many of us react with tears of empathy when we see a child, or even a photo of a child, with a tearful face? And “yes” if you should ask, “I cry at movies.” Certainly a significant number of us (both men and women) cried at the movie “ET” as we saw the alien point and cry out “Home” in a forlorn voice. “Home” is a word eliciting extreme emotion. Those who apologize for crying do not realize that shedding tears is healthy. Tears are a powerful tool. They have a survival value. Humans are social organisms. Tears are a signal and can make interpersonal relationships stronger. Alfred Lord Tennyson, thinking of his advanced age wrote: Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart and gather in the eyes; And thinking of the days that are no more. I have no fear of death. There are no tears of sadness present. But occasionally I have tears of regret wanting many more years of life but knowing that the arithmetic is against me. This is counteracted, however, by tears of joy as I bring to mind the love given to me by this community.

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Fauquier History

Warrenton Burning Two devastating fires long ago changed the town forever By John T. Toler Over a period of less than one year early in the 20th century, Warrenton suffered not one, but two devastating fires. Luckily, while the damage was high in terms of the number of structures destroyed and irreplaceable property lost, neither fire caused any deaths and few injuries. The “Great Fire of 1909,” which burned a large part of the west side of Warrenton on the night of Nov. 22-23, 1909, was the larger of the two conflagrations. The second fire, on Oct. 29, 1910, burned the entire north end of the block bordered by Culpeper, Beckham and South Third streets. Lost in this fire were several businesses, at least one home, and St. James Episcopal Church. Although the possibility of fire in the heart of town was a constant threat, Warrenton’s firefighting capabilities were very limited. Early fire prevention efforts included the placement of buckets of sand around town. After the Warrenton House hotel and several buildings on Main Street burned in the 1850s, the buckets were augmented by chemical fire extinguishers. In the 1870s, a volunteer hook-and-ladder company was organized. Firefighting apparatus consisted of a wagon equipped with ladders, numerous hand tools and 20 leather fire buckets was pulled to fire scenes by the firemen themselves. When Warrenton’s first public water supply system was completed in 1891, it used water stored in a reservoir in the hills west of town. Water pressure was provided by gravity alone. A two-wheel hose reel and several hundred feet of regulation

hose were purchased by the town so that the volunteer “Alert Hose Company” could hook up to the system. Additional capacity was added in 1899, when two “Little Giant” engines – actually 50-gallon barrels on wheels equipped with two-handed pumps – were purchased for the firemen. The town’s firefighting equipment was stored under the Courthouse steps, and the volunteers were called to firefighting duty by the ringing of the Courthouse bell. However, by 1909 interest in the firefighting company had waned, and only one “Little Giant” and 500 feet of hose remained operational.

The Great Fire of 1909 At about 7:40 p.m. on Nov. 22, smoke was seen coming from the hayloft of the Bradburn & Clatterbuck livery stable on present-day Ashby Street. Minutes later, fire burst through the door of the livery. The Courthouse bell was rung, and a number of firefighters and other volunteers responded. However, because of a drought and leak in the dam at the reservoir, only a trickle of water came out when they attached their hose to the town water supply. “With empty hose in their hands, the firemen tore buckets from stores and dwellings,” according to the account published Nov. 24, 1909 in the Baltimore Sun. “Willing women ran out with anything that could hold water.” By then, the flames had spread from the livery to an adjoining FIRES continued on page 20

The view from present-day Ashby Street toward the Courthouse and County Jail shows the extent of the devastation caused by the Great Fire of 1909. 18

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The Five Points Building at the corner of Winchester Street and present-day Courthouse Square was one of nine structures dynamited to create a firebreak and prevent the spread of the fire, which threatened buildings on Main Street.

FIRES continued from page 18 stable. A strong wind blowing from the south pushed the fire toward Winchester Street, spraying embers on the skating rink next door (near the corner of present-day Ashby and Waterloo streets) and the new Municipal Building on (present-day Courthouse Square). Several homes along Waterloo Street were soon ablaze, and the small frame building that was once John Marshall’s law office was burning as well. The fire spread across Waterloo Street toward Winchester Street, somehow bypassing the Courthouse and County Jail. But soon, the buildings on both sides of Winchester Street caught fire. Just as cadets from Bethel Military Academy arrived on the scene to help, Carter Hall caught fire. Capt. Edward Carter and his wife fled, and some of their possessions and those of their boarders were thrown out of the windows and hauled to safety by the cadets. In addition to the Carters, Gen. H. W. Hubbel, Capt. Newton Collins and Col. Thomas Smith (son of Gov. “Extra Billy” Smith) and his wife lived at Carter Hall. As embers fell on his home, Thaddeus Fletcher climbed on his roof in an attempt to keep the fire from spreading. But soon flames surrounded him, and as he tried to escape, he fell from the roof. As horrified bystanders watched, Mr. Fletcher was saved when his clothing caught on the downspout, and he was able to reach a window – and safety. Mrs. Henry Garrett was in her home off Waterloo Street with her two-day-old son C. Irvin as the fire reached their back porch. “The cry rang out around the burnt district until it was heard above the roar of the flames, ‘A woman is in danger!’” according 20

to the Baltimore Sun. “A dozen men rushed into the house, emerging a moment later carrying Mrs. Garrett in their arms. A giant Warrentonian bore the babe with careful tread behind.” Irvin Garrett grew up to be a charter member of the Warrenton Volunteer Fire Company, and for many years was a leader in the community.

Dynamite used to stop the fire At that point, it was clear that the fire could not be extinguished – but would have to be contained, if the rest of the town were to be saved. This could be done by destroying the buildings in the path of the fire, creating firebreaks. Paul C. Richards, who was building a road near Warrenton, brought 500 lbs. of dynamite to the scene, and assisted by his employees C.C. Waugh and N. T. Bartlett, set about creating the firebreaks. Seven buildings, including the Five Forks Building at the intersection of Main Street and Alexandria Pike, were leveled with the dynamite. At first, the firebreaks seemed to have no effect, as the fire jumped across Ashby Street, threatening the County Jail and Warren Green Hotel. But by dynamiting the Warren Green Annex, it was hoped that the main hotel, jail and the eastern part of town could be saved. “’Set it off,’ said the hotel proprietors with a nod, and Waugh and Richards were in there for a moment,” according to the Baltimore Sun. “Another instant, and the two-story structure was in splinters. The flames were stayed.” The Warrenton Post Office, at the time located in the building FIRES continued on page 22 Warrenton Lifestyle

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November 2011


FIRES continued from page 20

now occupied by Flowers by Theresa, was in imminent danger until Charles Marshall took a position on the dome of the building and fought the embers with a fire extinguisher. On the street below, Capt. Fielding Poindexter, publisher of the Warrenton Review, and F. D. Gaskins organized a group of 20 men who kept the blaze on Winchester Street from reaching buildings on Main Street. Besides the BMA cadets, others from outside of town rushed in to fight the fire, joining the bucket brigades or helping remove personal property from burning buildings. Before the Farmers’ Hotel was lost, volunteers removed all of the books from the Town Library, which occupied part of the building. Others who came to town to assist the Structures on present-day Courthouse Square and down Winchester Street past firefighters were P. R. Labouisse, who Diagonal Street were burned, including Carter Hall and Fannie Britton’s home (at right). brought eight fire extinguishers from his The studio of Warrenton artist Richard home, and William F. Wilbur, who helped dynamited; 14 families were left homeless. Among the notable properties destroyed Norris Brooke, valued at $2,000 was also with the rescue efforts. were new Municipal Building, where the lost, but a far greater loss was the paintings The fire was dying out by 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 23, 1909, and the local militia, fire company, mayor’s office and town stored in the studio. Valued at $25,000 assisted by the BMA cadets, set up a council offices were located, valued at at the time, they would be considered $2,500; T.E. Pattie’s home and general priceless today. perimeter around the burned area. store and its contents, valued at $20,000; Rebuilding of the burnt district began Total losses due to the fire were set at the skating rink and bowling alley owned almost immediately. While the town $125,000, with $80,000 insured. This by Garner & Co., valued at $4,500; and council received some blame for the leak at included 26 buildings burned, and nine Carter Hall, valued at $10,000. the reservoir and subsequent lack of water pressure, the focus quickly moved to building a new, better section of town on the ashes of the old.

The St. James Church fire

Before the Oct. 29, 1910 fire, the c. 1853 St. James Episcopal Church had painted brick walls and a tall steeple. 22

While the process of rebuilding the burned areas was underway and the need for an effective firefighting company clearly on peoples’ minds, Warrenton would be wracked by yet another fire on the night of Oct. 29, 1910. This time, the scene of the fire was the north end of the block bordered by Culpeper, Beckham and S. Third streets, and included several businesses and homes. The largest structures on the block were St. James Episcopal Church, consecrated in 1853, and its Parish Hall, just completed in 1907 at a cost of $3,000. At the corner of Culpeper and Beckham streets stood the brick Kirby Building and a smaller frame building next door where George Booth had his carriage factory and showroom. Behind these buildings was another frame structure where Mr. Booth had his harness and saddle shop on the first floor, and a Mr. Hilbert had a paint shop upstairs. The fire apparently started in the paint shop, and FIRES continued on page 24 Warrenton Lifestyle

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12:06 PM

Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary Lights For Life 2011 Dear Community and Friends, The Holiday Season truly is a magical time and a perfect opportunity for you to remember the one’s that make you and your family’s life special. The Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary’s Annual Lights for Life is a perfect venue for you to express your love and gratitude to those that surround your life. Your donation of $7.00 per light will designate a light to honor that truly special person(s) on a spruce tree located on Hospital Hill. Both the names of the donor and those being honored or remembered will be included in the Lights for Life Program if received by November 17, 2011. Your gift will go towards the Auxiliary’s pledge to support services and equipment purchases in the Fauquier Health Medical Oncology and Infusion Center.








November 2011



The 1910 fire started in the paint shop behind George Booth’s Carriage Shop and showroom on Culpeper Street, and quickly spread to St. James Episcopal Church and Parish Hall. FIRES continued from page 22

quickly spread to the adjoining buildings. Firemen rushed to the scene, but could do little to stop the fire, which soon spread to the whole block. The small house next to the church occupied by Miss Catherine Williamson was dynamited in order to create a firebreak, and save the houses down the block from St. James. Again, this strategy worked. In a church history prepared by Richard Gookin, he notes that long-time newspaper columnist Louise Evans wrote, “I went to that fire, but when the flames began eating into

the church through windows and the belfry … when the bell sounded as it dropped, it was all I could take. I returned home.” Firemen and volunteers made a valiant effort to save what they could of the church, removing the brass pulpit, lectern and portions of the marble font, as well as two ecclesiastical chairs, the communion rail and the credence to safety. Portions of two walls were left standing, and two stained glass windows, “Peace” and “Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene,” survived the fire. All that was left of the Parish Hall was its foundation, and the rest of the block, all the way down to the Warrenton depot and the Fletcher warehouse, was a scene of complete devastation. FIRES continued on page 26

As the ashes cooled, it was apparent that the fire could have spread across S. Third Street to the Warrenton depot (at far right).

Viewed from the Warrenton depot, it is clear that all of the structures on the block bordered by Culpeper and Beckham streets were destroyed in the 1910 fire.

After the fire, only the scarred walls of the Kirby Building, the foundation of the St. James Parish Hall, and the south walls of the church remained standing.

The arched windows and doorway of St. James Episcopal Church were the only recognizable features left after the fire.

November 2011


FIRES continued from page 24

St. James rebuilds Response to the disaster by the vestry and congregation of St. James was immediate, and a plan to rebuild the church using the remaining walls and foundation quickly adopted. Harry Groome, of Airlie, was instrumental in the design and reconstruction. The church had an $8,000 insurance policy, $1,000 of which had to be used to liquidate the debt on the Rectory, leaving $7,000 for rebuilding. The Vestry hired architect V.E. Dunn, of Alexandria, to design the new church and Parish Hall, and in February 1911, the

The brass pulpit was saved from the fire, and continues in use today.

trustees and vestry were instructed to buy the lot to the north of the church property, to be used for a larger Parish Hall. “This change in the building plans, although it entailed an expense of $750 for the land purchased and increased the cost of the Parish House very considerably, was no doubt a wise one, as it gave the Church greater fire protection and made possible a much more convenient and commodious Parish House,” according to church records. Later, the St. James Rectory was built on the site of Miss Williamson’s house. Rebuilding of the church began in May 1911, and both the old and new brick walls covered with roughcast plaster to maintain uniformity. “To avoid the cost of its construction, the spire of the old Church was not rebuilt, but the old tower was topped with a battlemented parapet, a style very generally in use in ecclesiastical architecture,” according to the church history. While the work was being done, services were held across Culpeper Street in the old Warrenton Methodist Church, which was in the process of being replaced by a new Methodist Church on Winchester Street – built on the site of a structure lost in the 1909 fire. After committing the insurance money, the congregation came up with subscriptions totaling $6,850. An additional contribution in the amount of $10,000 was authorized in November 1911 in order to complete the building. Many of the church furnishings lost in the fire were replaced by various parish organizations and individuals in the form of memorials. The Rev. Edwin S. Hinks, Rector of the

The rebuilt St. James Episcopal Church was officially opened on June 23, 1913. Notable changes included the roughcast plaster exterior walls and the battlemented tower that replaced the burned steeple.

Parish, and the Right Rev. R.A. Gibson, Bishop of Virginia, formally opened the rebuilt church on June 23, 1912. Church Historian Gookin notes that when William F. Wilbur and Jane Forbes were married in February 1912, the wedding had to be held at the family home in Warrenton, since St. James was still in the process of rebuilding. However, by the time their son Billy (1913-2010) was born, the church was ready for his christening. In the 100 years since these fires caused so much damage in Warrenton, there have been others, notably the burning of the USO on Main Street in the 1940s; the fire that damaged the A&P on Courthouse Square in the 1950s; and the fire at the Chevrolet dealership in the 1960s. But over the years, stricter building requirements, greater public awareness and a continually improved and updated local firefighting company have made the likelihood of such massive fires as occurred in 1909 and 1910 unlikely.

Two stained glass windows on the south wall of the church, “Christ Appearance to Mary Magdalene” and “Peace” survived the fire.

Vintage photos courtesy of the Fauquier Historical Society. Author John Toler is a writer and historian and has served Fauquier County for over 50 years, including 4 decades with the Fauquier-Times Democrat. He has written and lectured about many legendary characters in Fauquier County’s history. Toler is the co-author of 250 Years in Fauquier County: A Virginia Story, and author of Warrenton, Virginia: A History of 200 Years


Warrenton Lifestyle


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young life Within our high schools and middle schools, Fauquier County has a sizable population of young adults - actively searching for their specific purpose with guidance. This persnickety age group is known for their rebellious, curious and moody nature, usually related to the hardships of growing up. Relationships and social events are considered very important and are not to be missed. To this point, a strong international Christian organization is present in our community, run by local, enthusiastic adults that provide our teens and tweens with a fun and safe environment to build friendships among peers with a simple introduction to Jesus Christ. Young Life Fauquier County began in the mid 1980’s with the influence of Pat and Mary Cummings and a strong interest from the youth at Fauquier High School. Understanding the necessity of connecting with teens on their level, in their culture, and in order to create a genuine friendship, the Cummings reached out. It was an instant success and membership continued to grow having about 60 kids attend weekly. In 1992, Bob Wells joined Fauquier’s Young Life community, adding more outreach and energy. The adults or Leaders within Young Life have a passion to connect with teens. Through persistent attendance at practices, games, recitals, concerts, competitions and shows connections are formed by what Young Life calls Contact Work. Slowly, the Leaders and teens become friends on their terms. “It’s all based on relationships,” said Wells, the Area Young Life Director. “It’s really like how many kids can you know?” With the help of Wells the program spread, adding new involvement from both adults and teens. In 2000, the program reached the youth at Liberty High School young life continued on page 30 28

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young life continued from page 28

and two years ago began at Kettle Run High School. Although Young Life isn’t sanctioned by the school system the program is present in their school setting with the help of responsible adults. These adults truly believe in our area youth by listening, supporting, and gradually spreading God’s love. Each group meets weekly, either separately at a family home or combined at a local church who offers a large living room-style space that can hold 125 people at a time. Club is a ‘party with a purpose’ that hundreds of our teens attend. This meeting is a time for them to connect in an atmosphere where they are comfortable and most importantly it’s fun. Events, activities and projects are engaging, which encourages the teens to work with one another. At the end of each session a clear message is delivered about God’s love for them. “Knowing that you’ve impacted a friend or younger kid’s life through Christ is one of the greatest gifts imaginable,” Nathan Jewell, a Young Life participant said. Kids in sixth, seventh and eight grade can now get involved with Warrenton WyldLife, the younger version of Young Life. Meeting once a week as well, this club has the same focus as their older counterpart. They hang with friends, play crazy games, and learn a little about God simultaneously. It’s a safe place where kids can relax and enjoy themselves with adults who absolutely care about them. “There are three primary goals in Yong Life,” Wells explained. “One is to have fun, two is to show kids that they can have a great time getting to know each other with adult supervision and three is to introduce them to faith in Jesus.” Fun and relationships lead this Christian organization to deliver a cool and effortless point that God is actively involved in their daily lives and does care in terms they understand. With no singular denomination, Young Life is thought of as an interdenominational group embracing all Christian aspects. Leaders are active in their beliefs and personal churches but young life continued on page 32 30

Warrenton Lifestyle

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young life continued from page 30 are there to help guide all involved onto a path with God. They shy away from denomination specific issues and choose to focus on a broad explanation of the love for God. In addition to Club, smaller, more intimate groups formed. One Leader organizes Small Groups with around five to ten students. Their purpose is to discuss faith issues on a more personal level in regard to their daily lives with school, friendships, relationships, parties etc. Young Life is all about fun and experiences; Fauquier’s group participates in fun activities like camping, Spring Break service trips, helping with the Fauquier Food Bank, and small projects around our community. Each summer a group of kids taken to a Young Life camp, this past summer they spent days in New York with kids from several different states and countries. These events continuously teach and build relationships. “Our hope would be that kids would get to know God and faith and plug back into a church somewhere in the community,” Wells said. “Now are they going to do that when they are 15, probably not but its part of the process. We hope that when they head off to college they are looking for a church somewhere that they can plug into.” Pretty much every college in Virginia has a Fauquier student on campus sharing their Young Life experiences within their new community. “The JMU leaders who come to us from Warrenton are incredibly solid and committed,” said Kristina Doubet. “You can tell they’ve come from an area where they’re used to pouring out their lives for others even while being poured into by their leaders. Fauquier County Young Life leaders prepare kids to be life-long leaders and world changers.” College students can continue to stay involved with Young Life by becoming a leader in the local high school or middle school programs. They know first hand the impact that the program has had on their lives and can work with area youth on their own faith journey. Or students that have never experienced Young Life previously can take part in the organization to discover their own faith. Through this nurtured community they can enjoy themselves as they know they are honestly accepted and encouraged to become young adults who are committed followers of Jesus Christ.

All of these are present in Young Life and WyldLife Fauquier County. With hundreds of kids involved weekly and the message spreading to thousands within the community Young Life is certainly a positive organization. To get involved in Young Life or WyldLife check out their website at http://sites.younglife.org/ sites/FauquierCounty/ or contact the Young Life office at (540) 341-7795.

The Well Run Race Chris Dove Memorial 5k

Chris Dove was a life-long resident of Warrenton, a wellrespected Leader in Young Life and an avid runner. Chris’s passion for Young Life was evident in his ability to connect with teens easily. As a volunteer and supporter of Young Life he worked to get the first urban middle school Young Life club in Charlottesville while studying at the University of Virginia. He returned to Fauquier and his friendship and guidance impacted the lives of numerous middle and high school students. Chris was the essence of this organization. On Saturday November 12, 2011 the 1st Annual Chris Dove Memorial 5k | The Well Run Race will take place at Fauquier High School. “It was Chris’s passion to impact the lives of kids through Young Life and running that inspired his wife Allison to create this race in his honor,” Wells said. All proceeds will benefit Young Life Fauquier County to continue their message to the youth in our area. For more information on the race or to sign up please visit http:// wellrunrace.org/race.

“The principals of caring for each other, being other centered, thinking of other people before yourself and how we treat each other,” Well’s described of Young Life’s purpose. “These things were important to God and work everywhere.”


Warrenton Lifestyle

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IL AND SOIL COVER CROP FIELD DAY Aabout complementary lunchsoil will be provided Speakers will talk how to improve AND COVER CROP FIELD DAY



irt and Rocks, So m Sawyer, Fauquier Soil Scientist.

oil Hydrology, Drainsses and Wetlands gel, NRCS Soil Scien-

Organic Matter, Soil Cycling, pH and Soil – Dr. Rory Maguire, rginia Tech.

Soil Quality Through ment - No-till, and rops – Brad Jarvis, adison

1:00 Lunch

1:45 Rain fall simularis Lawrence—NRCS

2:30 Wetland Soil Pit— uquier

:00 Long term no-till —VCE—Fauquier

3:30 Cover crop demonal plots


9:00—Dirt and Rocks, So What? Jim Sawyer, Fauquier County Soil Scientist. classroom and field

quality with the use of cover crops, no-till prac-

Join us for a day of tices, increased organic Learn1st for this free program Please preregister by November Join us for a and day of classroom and fieldmatter. learning. 9:30 - Soil Hydrology, Drain-

more about how you can participate cost-Conservation District at Contact John Marshall Soil in & Water learning. age Classes and Wetlands -

Thursday November 2011 Thursday November 10, 10, 2011

Speakers will talk about how to improve soil Don Flegel, NRCS Soil Scienshare programs. Johnmarshall.swcd@vaswcd.org tist. crops, will talk about quality with the use Speakers of cover no-till prac-how to improve soil 540.347.3120 ext 3 tices, and increased quality organic matter. Learn with the use of with coverdifferent crops, no-till prac10:15 – Organic Matter, Soil See field plots cover cops and no Cycling, pH Soil more about how youtices, can Nutrient participate inand costand increased organic matter. Learn till practices for many years. Climb in5the soil Acidity – Dr. Rory Maguire, This training will provide recertification share programs. moreVCE– about Virginiahow Tech. you can participate in cost-


credits for DCR pits to understand what Nutrient is going on in the Planners root Certified Management share programs. Join us for a day of classroom and field See cops and no 11:15 cover – Soil Quality Through A gfield e n d aplots with different zone. Management - No-till, and soil till practices for many years. Climb in the learning. JOHN MARSHALL See field plots with and no Thankcover you us to cops our Cover Crops – Brad Jarvis,different for a day of classroom and field SOIL AND WATER pits8:30—Registration to understand what is going on in the root Join A complementary lunch will be provided VCE – Madison till practices for many years. Climb the soil CONSERVATION sponsors and in supporters Speakers will talk about how to improve soil 9:00—Dirt and Rocks, So zone. DISTRICT -1:00 Lunch pits 12:00 to understand what is learning. going on in the root What? Jim Sawyer, Fauquier quality with the use of cover crops, no-till pracSoil Scientist. lunch Ae complementary will be provided Ag n dCounty a zone. 1:00 – 1:45 Rain fall simulaPlease preregister by November 1st for this free program tices, and increased organic matter. Speakers will talk about how to improveLearn soil tor— Chris Lawrence—NRCS 9:30 - Soil Hydrology, Drain8:30—Registration lunch will beWater provided Contact John Marshall Soil & Conservation District athow you can participate in costage Classes and Wetlands A - complementary more about 2:00 – 2:30 Wetland Soil Pit— Please preregister 9:00—Dirt and Rocks, Soby November 1st for this free program quality with the use of cover crops, no-till pracDon Flegel, NRCS Soil ScienJohnmarshall.swcd@vaswcd.org What? Jim Sawyer, Fauquier VCE—Fauquier share programs. Contact tist. John Marshall Soil & Water Conservation District at

tices, and increased organic matter. Learn See field plots with different cover cops and no Contact John Marshall Soil & Water Conservation District at more about how you can participate in costtill practices This training credits for DCRfor many years. Climb in the soil Johnmarshall.swcd@vaswcd.org 3:00 – 3:30 Cover cropwill dem-provide 5 recertification This training will provide 5 recertification credits for DCR onstrational plots sharePlanners programs. 540.347.3120 ext 3Nutrient Management pits to understand what is going on in the root Certified 540.347.3120 ext 3 1st for this free program Johnmarshall.swcd@vaswcd.org - 3:00 Long no-till Please2:30 preregister byterm November

County Soil Scientist.

– Organic Matter, Soil 9:30 - 10:15 Soil Hydrology, 540.347.3120 extDrain3 Nutrient age Classes and Cycling, Wetlands pH - and Soil Don Flegel, NRCS SoilRory ScienAcidity – Dr. Maguire, tist. VCE– Virginia Tech.

soil pit—VCE—Fauquier

Certified Nutrient Management Planners

10:15 – Organic Matter, Soil 11:15 – Soil Quality Through Nutrient Cycling, pH and Soil Management - No-till, and Acidity – Dr. Rory Maguire, Thank Cover you to our – Brad Jarvis, VCE– Virginia Crops Tech.

VCEand – Madison sponsors supporters

11:15 – Soil Quality Through Management No-till,Lunch and 12:00 --1:00 Thank Cover Crops – Brad Jarvis, VCE – 1:00 Madison – 1:45 Rain fall simula-

you to our


2:30 1:00 –2:00 1:45 – Rain fall Wetland simula- Soil Pit— 8:30—Registration VCE—Fauquier tor— Chris Lawrence—NRCS 2:00 –2:30 2:30 -Wetland Soil Pit— 3:00 Long term no-till 9:00—Dirt VCE—Fauquier soil pit—VCE—Fauquier

and Rocks, So What? Jim Sawyer, Fauquier 2:30 - 3:00 Long term no-till 3:00 – 3:30 Cover crop demCounty Soil Scientist. soil pit—VCE—Fauquier onstrational plots

3:00 – 3:30 Cover crop demonstrational plots

no till practices for many years. Climb in the soil What? Jim Sawyer, Fauquier pits County Soil Scientist.to understand what is going on in the root Please preregister by November 1st for this free program 9:30 - Soil Hydrology, Drainzone. Contact John Marshall Soil & Water Conservation District at age Classes and Wetlands -

sponsors and supporters DISTRICT 9:00—Dirt and Rocks, So

sponsors and supporters

tor— Chris Lawrence—NRCS Ag

12:00 -1:00 Lunch



This training will provide creditsJOHN for DCR MARSHALL with different cover cops and JOHN MARSHALL See field plots Thank you to our 5 recertification 8:30—Registration SOIL AND WATER SOIL AND WATER Certified CONSERVATION Nutrient Management Planners A complementary lunch will be provided CONSERVATION DISTRICT


Don Flegel, NRCS Soil Scientist.


A complementary will be provided 540.347.3120lunch ext 3

10:15 – Organic Matter, Soil Nutrient Cycling, pH and Soil Acidity – Dr. Rory Maguire, VCE– Virginia Tech.

This training will provide 5 recertification credits for DCR Certified Nutrient Management Please preregister by November 1st for Planners this free program

9:30 - Soil Hydrology, Drain- 11:15 – Soil Quality Through age Classes and Wetlands - Management - No-till, and Cover Crops – Brad Jarvis, Don Flegel, NRCS Soil Scien- VCE – Madison tist.

Contact John Marshall Soil & Water Conservation District at JOHN MARSHALL Thank you to our SOIL AND WATER Johnmarshall.swcd@vaswcd.org CONSERVATION sponsors and supporters DISTRICT 12:00 -1:00 Lunch 540.347.3120 The ext 3

10:15 – Organic Matter, Soil1:00 – 1:45 Rain fall simulaNutrient Cycling, pH and Soil tor— Chris Lawrence—NRCS Acidity – Dr. Rory Maguire, 2:00 – 2:30 Wetland Soil Pit— VCE– Virginia Tech. VCE—Fauquier

This training will provide 5 recertification credits for DCR Certified Nutrient Management Planners

11:15 – Soil Quality Through 2:30 - 3:00 Long term no-till soil pit—VCE—Fauquier Management - No-till, and to 3:30 Cover you crop demCover Crops – Brad Jarvis, 3:00 – Thank onstrational plots VCE – Madison


sponsors and supporters Living & Shopping

12:00 -1:00 Lunch


1:00 – 1:45 Rain fall simulator— Chris Lawrence—NRCS 2:00 – 2:30 Wetland Soil Pit— VCE—Fauquier 2:30 - 3:00 Long term no-till soil pit—VCE—Fauquier 3:00 – 3:30 Cover crop demonstrational plots

Moving out of town? Stay in the loop. Subscription information available online at www.warrentonlifestyle.com or call (540) 347–4466 40

Warrenton Lifestyle

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November 2011


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Fauquier Worships

Warrenton Bible Fellowship a place to connec t… a place to grow… Joyfully holding the corner of Diagonal and Winchester Street, this house of worship is impressive in its appearance with a 1912 structure boasting beautiful lines, ornate details, asymmetrical roofs and lustrous stained-glass windows. This architectural treasure offers the community much more than a handsome building, Warrenton Bible Fellowship (WBF) provides members a place to connect and grow through education, ministry and services. Immense growth turned a backyard bible study held in 1979 into a prevalent congregation in less than ten years. The community was gracious in providing spaces at schools and meeting halls but the church desired their own building. In 1985 the WBF took their present building and made the official purchase in 1991. Since its inception, their following has been solid with many denominational backgrounds creating a diverse church with serious and purposeful instruction. This Evangelical Free Church with a conservative theology puts emphasis on The Word of God. Through the guidance of

Senior Pastor John Kuvakas and Associate Pastor Bob Hoke, their structured preaching leads the congregation in the glorification of Christ. The dedication of both Pastors is evident in their knowledge and thorough teaching of the Scriptures, Old Testament and New Testament. They teach verse by verse through the book of the Bible with the goal of unfolding the truth of God’s holy word. This breakdown allows the members to fully understand the message and make it relevant in their every day lives. “Each Sunday we go through a passage of the Bible, most frequently we are going through a book of the Bible at a time,” explained Senior Pastor Kuvakas. “We cover scriptures one verse at a time and strive hard to work at what the original authors were trying to say to bring that teaching into a contemporary cultural setting.” Their services are embracing and meaningful, leading worship through songs, God’s word and prayer. Music is essential to this

This is the twelfth in a series of articles about local churches and houses of worship. The purpose is to introduce you to the distinct features of each congregation, their philosophy and atmosphere. We believe that churches, temples, synagogues, etc are some of our best community centers. As you read about them each month we hope you will find one that interests you and your family. This month, we take a look at Warrenton Bible Fellowship.


Warrenton Lifestyle

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Associate Pastor Bob Hoke leading a worship service.

with a well-balanced approach to spiritual growth and inspire this generation to share their glory for God. WBF also has a Youth Blog with interesting stories and photos. This hip blog is easily understood especially to this technologically savvy age group. Equally as dedicated to the adults in the congregation, the Adult Ministry offers programs to train and grow each individual. On Sundays, beginning at 10:00am adult education is provided between services. A series of classes are offered regularly and topics are frequently changed to continue to encourage participation. Looking for a deeper more in depth understanding, Apollos is available for men and women. A twelve-week class offered to men in the spring and women in the fall reveals the truth of the Scripture. Study aids and different resources are used to search deeper to find the truth of the Word of God in each person’s own commitment and study. The class is intensive with assignments, exercises that include research papers, class discussions and presentations, which

gathering, using a blended style by combining contemporary songs, older hymns and new hymns. With two services offered each Sunday and a large congregation seating is available in their charming pews or a casual setting with tables and chairs downstairs in a meeting room with a large projection. They even upload recent sermons to their website for people to listen to for the first time, refresh on a verse or enjoy all over again. WBF provides their congregation plenty of ways to stay connected on Sunday and involved throughout the week. Children are an essential part of the church; WBF provides them the necessary foundation to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. ‘Kid Connection’ is a program with activities designed for children on Sundays to connect with each other and grow in their relationship with Jesus. They can participate in a forty-five minute Sunday school program as well as a Second Service which is a bible class. AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed – a national organization) is present at WBF, actively presenting the Gospel and love of Christ to the children involved. The club meets weekly on Mondays for two hours, encouraging children to participate in fun assignments. A Nursery is available on Sundays for both services and the Sunday school hour. They take care of the littlest infants up to toddlers: the nurturing staff reads Bible stories, leads fun activities and prayer. Two youth programs are offered for middle and high school age teens. Youth Sunday school is offered each Sunday and challenges the teens with studies that are bible based but related directly to their age group and relevant to their lives. Interactive and encouraging this program is to help each teen to grow with their knowledge of Christ and to be able to inspire other teens around them. IGNITE, their youth group is dedicated to mentoring teens 44

Beautiful pews inside WBF.

Senior Pastor John Kuvakas engaging the congregation.

Warrenton Lifestyle

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November 2011


have all proven to be wonderful learning tools. Women’s Ministry is a place where every woman can come and grow spiritually in addition to have the support of one another. This social setting incorporates bible study classes held on Tuesdays, mentoring and prayer. They have an annual retreat, social gatherings, organize meal programs for families dealing with unfortunate circumstances, volunteer in the nursery or help with other needs around the church. Men also have a place to bond with the guys including Wednesday evening bible study, quarterly breakfasts, coffee shop meet-ups, and occasional activities like trips to the speedway. They are encouraged to participate in a conference throughout the year. It’s a great way to connect and form a stronger spiritual connection. Each church understands the necessity and value of outreach and WBF is no different. Their helping hands serve close to home as well as the far reaches of the world. Locally they run two major operations to support our community. Currently they are accepting coats for their annual Coat Drive, Warmth for the Soul. “Over a six week period we bring in anywhere from 600-800 coats,” Pastor Kuvakas said. “And then we hand them out on a weekend to anybody who needs a coat in this area.” Coming in the spring they will collect school supplies for the students in our county. Collection bins for both drives are placed outside of the church on the front porch. Their ‘Hang-a-Bag” program has introduced many locals to the church. A bag is simple hung on a doorknob and is filled with WBF information, a copy of the New Testament, and several other items. This small outreach has introduced many to Jesus Christ as well as the church. Africa, Israel, Thailand, Australia, Peru and Romania have all been supported by WBF. Warrenton Bible Fellowship is located at 46 Winchester Street and offer three services on Sunday. Their Worship Services begin at 8:30am and 11:00am, with an Educational Service in between beginning at 10:00am. They provide Sunday school during both Worship Services for children pre-kindergarten through the fifth grade. A Hispanic Service is offered at 4:00pm. For more information on the Warrenton Bible Fellowship please visit their website at www.wbfva.org or give them a call at (540)349-1338.

WBF has knowledgeable pastors, a large friendly congregation and many weekly activities to participate in.


Warrenton Lifestyle

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Are You in Need of a Mental Tune-Up?

by Michelle Kelley, LCSW

Going to counseling is a gift you give to yourself and others. It is a mental tune-up. We take our cars in for tune-ups. We take our children to their doctor and dentist appointments to prevent future problems. So why not get a mental tune-up? I am a counselor and I go to counseling. I am quick to say that I do not have all the answers to my life’s challenges nor do I think I should just because I’m a therapist. I may need an attitude adjustment or help in viewing an emotional situation from a different angle. This not only helps me personally but it also helps me to be a better therapist. I know what it’s like to sit on the other side.

What is Counseling?

Counseling is a place where you can benefit from professional and experienced helpers. A lot of people go to counseling to have a safe, private environment in which to work through their issues. Guess what? We all have issues. Learning to deal effectively with emotional and social issues increases a person’s chances for success in school, career, relationships and life.

Why do people go to counseling? Some common reasons people go to counseling are for academic problems (focusing and concentrating), anxiety, depression, grief, stress management or relationship concerns such as break-ups, parental divorce, sadness and loneliness.

Is counseling confidential?

All counseling is confidential. No information is released to anyone without your written consent. The rare exception is when information is revealed about current or future harm to self or others.

Common myths:

1. Counseling is for “crazy” people. Going to counseling doesn’t mean you are crazy, but rather it is a sign of strength. It’s not easy to take an honest look at yourself, your relationships, your life and then have the courage to make changes. I’ve often said that the ones who need it the most will never enter a therapist’s office. But the ones who have to live with them often come in feeling desperate, confused, angry, sad or overwhelmed. 2. Counseling doesn’t work for me. This is the equivalent of saying that exercise doesn’t work for you. It can’t not work. You may need to redefine your objective for counseling. Counseling doesn’t change other people. It merely provides you with the opportunity

to gain insight into your thoughts, emotions and life situations. When we change our thinking, our world will begin to change. The problem is we may not like the change. It may be scary and difficult but change allows us to grow. I believe all personal growth is for our higher good. It is important to remember that the counseling process is different with each counselor, for each problem and at each time in your life. So if you’ve tried it once and didn’t like it, try it again. 3. Counseling is too expensive. It really comes down to what you value and how proactive you are willing to be. I value good mental health. It allows me to have more peace and a higher quality of life. I also value good physical health and that is why I go to the doctor for regular check-ups, watch what I eat and exercise regularly. I can’t tell you what should be important to you but I will strongly urge you to break through those invisible barriers which keep you from going to counseling. Don’t wait until it’s too late. I can’t tell you how many people end up in my office when their marriage is falling apart. It is often too late to repair the damage and one or both parties want out. Come before you’re one minute away from leaving. I am a big believer in pre-marital counseling. How can anyone think that they can walk into a marriage without any understanding or tools to deal with issues (some obvious, some not). When I have a couple in my office for pre-marital counseling, I am going to delve deep into their relationship and uncover patterns of behavior and attitude and talk about their roots (usually childhood). I would rather a couple address some of the tough stuff while they’re still on speaking terms. Many people use their insurance benefits to help reduce the costs of paying out of pocket for counseling. Don’t be afraid to ask a counselor if they will negotiate a lower fee. I often do this to accommodate a person’s financial needs. My suggestion to you is to try some counseling. I did when I was in college and struggling. And I still go in occasionally for my mental tune-ups so why don’t you? If the problems in your life keep repeating, then it’s time for a mental tune-up. They say that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Counseling can help get you out of your rut and out of your comfort zone at times; but it’s all part of the process. For more information about counseling or to discuss a particular concern, please contact me or another licensed counselor. If I can’t help you, I will find someone who can.

Michelle Kelley, LCSW, is a licensed counselor in Warrenton. She works with individuals, children and couples to quickly identify the issues at hand, uncover the roots and then deliver strategies and tools for creating hope and change. “I believe that most people only need occasional mental tune-ups and I specialize in assessing a person’s situation to determine whether they need a few sessions or possibly a referral for long-term issues. When working with a client, I always start with the current situation. A client will always leave a session with valuable insight and information and a feeling of hope”. Michelle has two daughters and she understands the pressures of life, relationships and work. She is passionate about educating people on how to improve the quality of their lives and relationships. “I’m not the type to just sit and listen. I get involved.” For more information you can reach her at (540) 300-5879 or michelle@GirlsStandStrong.com


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on the town Tuesday, November 1 Molly’s Irish Pub, Quiz Night 9pm Wednesday, November 2 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Trivia Night 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Open Mic with Steve Hagedorn 9pm Thursday, November 3 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Steve and Friends 9pm Mojitos and Tapas, The Electeds 7pm Friday, November 4 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Laurence McKenna 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Gold Top County Ramblers 9pm Saturday, November 5 Molly’s Irish Pub, The Elizabeth Lawrence Band 9pm Sunday, November 6 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Traditional Irish Music 5pm Tuesday, November 8 Molly’s Irish Pub, Quiz Night 9pm Wednesday, November 9 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Trivia Night 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Open Mic with Steve Hagedorn 9pm

Thursday, November 10 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Steve and Friends 9pm Mojitos and Tapas, Jon Fritz 7pm Friday, November 11 McMahon’s Irish Pub, The Electeds 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Harley, Steve and the Shadow Puppets 9pm Saturday, November 12 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Tommy Gann 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Dantez’ Inferno 9pm Sunday, November 13 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Traditional Irish Music 5pm Tuesday, November 15 Molly’s Irish Pub, Quiz Night 9pm Wednesday, November 16 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Trivia Night 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Open Mic with Steve Hagedorn 9pm Thursday, November 17 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Steve and Friends 9pm Mojitos and Tapas, David & Damon 7pm Friday, November 18 McMahon’s Irish Pub, John Fritz 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Shane Gamble 9pm

Saturday, November 19 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Brian Franke 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Magick Kat 9pm Sunday, November 20 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Traditional Irish Music 5pm Tuesday, November 22 Molly’s Irish Pub, Quiz Night 9pm Wednesday, November 23 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Trivia Night 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Brother Bill 9pm Friday, November 25 Molly’s Irish Pub, William Walter 9pm Saturday, November 26 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Pete Baker 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Charley Donnelly 9pm Sunday, November 27 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Traditional Irish Music 5pm Tuesday, November 29 Molly’s Irish Pub, Quiz Night 9pm Wednesday, November 30 McMahon’s Irish Pub, Trivia Night 9pm Molly’s Irish Pub, Open Mic with Steve Hagedorn 9pm


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Warrenton Lifestyle

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Fa u q u ier Cou n t y P r es ch ool & Fam ily R es ou r ce Saturday, November 5th 12:30 - 2:30pm Warrenton Community Center 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton

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To register your organization or to receive additional information, an updated list of attending organizations or a printed directory please contact info@families4fauquier.com

Families 4 Fauquier is your link to family resources in Fauquier County and beyond. F4F is committed to strengthening and enriching the lives of children and families that live right here in our own community. For additional information about joining our membership program, receiving our monthly community newsletter or any of the events listed above please visit our website at www.families4fauquier.com or email us at info@families4fauquier.com. We now offer monthly advertising, website sponsorships and community event sponsors. If your organization has an interest in helping to support our community projects, events and programs please contact us today because together we can make a difference in little ways that can add up big! 52

Warrenton Lifestyle

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Christmas in Music December 1, 2, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. and December 3 at 4:00 p.m. All concerts at Warrenton United Methodist Church $8 in advance, $10 at the door Tickets available beginning Nov. 8 at: New Baltimore Animal Hospital g.whillikers Toys and Books McMahon’s Irish Pub Rhodes Gift Shop Sh

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Fred’s Deli


Main Street’s Convenient Store With shops, restaurants, boutiques, barbershops, art galleries and more on Main Street it’s easy to walk the street focused on a destination. Wander the street though and you’ll find hidden treasures everywhere. One in particular is Fred’s Deli. Squeezed in between two shops with striped awnings, marked by their tan door, large window and black wrought iron bistro table this quirky delicatessen has fresh, flavorful comfort foods. Family owned and operated this establishment prepares daily down-home classics for breakfast and lunch. The shop is long and narrow, lined with shelving units stacked with snack foods, cleaning necessities, and household oddities as well as refrigerators filled with cold beverages and chocolate. Fred’s is Main Streets convenience store. Start your morning with a full home-style breakfast and a freshly brewed coffee. Their menu provides plenty of options to get you going. Start with something handheld like one of their four breakfast sandwiches. With white or whole wheat toast, eggs are made-to-order, and top them with sausage, bacon, ham or cheese. Toasted bagels, English muffins and toast are also available. Omelets are hearty with plenty of fillings including ham, bacon, sausage, peppers, onions, mushrooms, swiss, american, provolone or cheddar cheese. These stuffed eggs are accompanied by two slices of toast. They offer a Hot Breakfast platter that includes two eggs, toast, hash browns, and a choice of breakfast meat. A frequent request of customers is their Sausage Gravy and Biscuits with hash browns. Five Salads and Seasonal Soups including chili top the lunch menu. Their Chef, Tuna, Tossed and Grilled Chicken salads are sizeable and fresh. They also offer a smaller Side Salad that would pair nicely with a small or large soup. Over fifteen sandwiches are available for lunch and each is offered for no more than $7. Classics like Grilled Cheese, BLT, Steak and Cheese and a Reuben on Rye stand out on the menu. Hot Dogs, Cheeseburgers, Surf and Turf, Salami and Cheese, Grilled Chicken and Egg Salad are excellent choices as well. Fred’s Deli is located on 73 Main Street and is open Monday through Saturday beginning at 8:00am and closing at 3:00pm. Breakfast is served promptly at 8:00am through 10:30am and Lunch is served starting at 11:00am through 3:00pm. To take advantage of their daily specials like soups and sandwiches, stop by. In a time crunch? Give them a call at (540)428-1999, they accept phone orders and will have them ready to-go when you arrive.

How We Do It: The restaurants that appear in this section are chosen by Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine (WLM) food critics. We visit the establishments anonymously and pay for our own meals and drinks. Listings are chosen at the discretion of the editors. WLM does not accept compensation for listing events or venues.

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Warrenton Lifestyle

A Taste of Warrenton The Best in Dining & Entertainment The Warrenton Lifestyle dining guide provides information on Warrenton area restaurants and nightspots. The brief comments are not intended as reviews but merely as characterizations. We made every effort to get accurate information but recommend that you call ahead to verify hours and reservation needs. Listings include Best of Warrenton award winners as well as advertisers and40/0/20/0 non-advertisers. Please contact us if you 81/100/36/38 47/68/85/60 41/24/73/2 60/90/0/0 believe any information provided is inaccurate. Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar (540) 341-2044 • 105 W Lee Hwy M-Thu: 11am-11pm, F-Sat: 11pm12am Sun: 11am-10pm Full-service friendly, affordable restaurant chain. Offers salad bar, lunch combos, and Carside-To-Go service. Comfortable atmosphere for all ages. Open for lunch and dinner. Full bar. Casual dress. www.applebees.com

Black Bear Bistro (540) 428-1005 • 32/34 Main St. Sun - Thu: 11 am - 9 pm; Fri - Sat 11 am - 10 pm Restaurant offering local beers and wines, soups and salads, appetizers, and entrees. A wide variety of American food with a twist. Try the muffaletta sandwich! Also features Sweeney’s Cellar, located one floor below. www.blackbearbistro.com

Broadview Lanes (540) 878-5383 • 272 Broadview Ave. M - Thu 8:30am - 10pm; Fri - Sat 8:30am - 2am; Sun 11am - 10pm The grill at the local bowling alley provides a great grill at great prices for any meal including breakfast. Sandwiches, subs, burgers and hotdogs along with side dishes from onion rings to chicken tenders. Children’s menu. Beer and wine available.

Burger King (540) 347-3199 • 34 Broadview Ave. Locally owned and operated Burger King. Home of the Whopper. Have campaign to promote a more healthy lifestyle of eating to kids. Kid’s play area available. Casual dress. www.bk.com

Café Torino (540) 347-2713 • 388 Waterloo St M 7am-4pm; Tue-Wed 7am-5pm; Thu-Fri 7am-9pm; Sat 9am - 9pm Restaurant offering authentic Italian pasta, seafood, appetizers, and desserts. Breakfast served in the morning. Lunch offers sandwiches, pasta, and more. Dinner usually requires reservation and is only available Thursday thru Saturday. Dine-in or takeout. Casual dress. http://cafetorinoandbakery.com

tetrad 2 Treats Carousel Frozen

Cold Stone Creamery

(540) 351-0004 • 346 Waterloo St. (540) 349-0300 • 183 W. Lee Hwy. illustrator color palette Hours vary. Open early spring to Sun - Thu Noon - 9:30pm; late fall. Fri - Sat Noon - 10pm Soft-serve, milkshakes, and more Offers unique, custom ice cream www.carouselfrozentreats.com creations, smoothies, cakes and shakes. Ice cream is prepared on frozen granite stone. Fun, family Chick-fil-a environment. Cakes and ice cream by (540) 347-9791 • 256 W Lee Hwy All Chicken products are prepared by the pint or gallon can be purchased to bring home. hand, as are all the salads and fruit cups. www.coldstonecreamery.com Where else can you get chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner? http://www.chick-fil-a.com/warrenton Country Cookin’ (540) 349-9120 • 623 Frost Ave China Jade Sun - Thu - 7am - 9pm; (540) 349-1382 • 275 W. Lee Hwy Fri - Sat - 7am - 10pm Hearty portions, made-to-order M - Thu 11:30am - 10pm; entrees, variety of sides and desserts. Fri 11:30am - 11pm; Sat 12 noon Serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 11pm; Sun 12 noon - 10pm salad, vegetable, Authentic Chinese, Thai, Fusion, All-you-can-eat bread, soup, and dessert bar available and Seafood cuisine. Offer lunch buffet everyday. Feature China Jade for $5.59. www.countrycookin.com specialties and Kid’s menu (includes chicken wings and grilled cheese). Casual dress. Denny’s (540) 347-0401 China Restaurant 7323 Comfort Inn Dr. • 24 hours Serving breakfast 24 hours a day. (540) 351-0580 • 589 Frost Ave. Burgers, sandwiches and soup also M - Thu 11am - 10pm; available. Free Wi-Fi. Fri - Sat 11am - 11pm; Sun 12-10pm www.dennys.com/en Authentic Chinese cuisine. All you can eat buffet Saturday 11am to 3pm, Sunday noon to 3pm. Dine in, carry Domino’s Pizza out, or free delivery available ($15 (540) 347-0001 • 81 W Lee Hwy. minimum and within 5 mile radius). Sun-Thu 11am-12am Fri-Sat www.chinarestaurantva.com 11am-1am Pizza delivery or pick up. Online Claire’s at the Depot ordering available. Now offering pasta bread bowls and hot sandwiches. (540) 351-1616 • 65 S. Third Street www.dominos.com Lunch: Tue-Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm; Dinner: Tue-Thu 5:30pm - 9pm, El Agave Fri-Sat 5:30pm - 10pm; (540) 351-0011 • 251 W. Lee Hwy Brunch: Sun 10:30am - 2pm Authentic Mexican restaurant offering Casual yet elegant restaurant offering a variety of delicacies for lunch, locally inspired seasonal American dinner, and dessert. Menu has specials cuisine. The service is as first rate as for lunch and dinner combinations the food. Open for lunch and dinner including fajitas, enchiladas, and and brunch on Sundays. Broad wine burritos. Children’s menu available. list and craft beers available. Full bar. Casual dress. Dine-in or takewww.clairesrestaurant.com out. www.el-agave.com

To update your listing please email: krysta@piedmontpress.com (Krysta Norman)

El Paso (540) 341-0126 • 86 Broadview Ave Mon-Sun 11am -10pm Authentic Mexican restaurant offering a variety of dishes for lunch and dinner. Menu has lunch specials and traditional entrees like chimichangas, burritos, and quesadillas. Children’s menu available. Full bar. Casual dress. Dinein or take-out.

Faang Thai Restaurant & Bar (540) 341-8800 • 251 W. Lee Hwy, #177 Sun - Thu 11am - 10pm; Fri - Sat 11:30am - 11pm Authentic Thai cuisine. Open for lunch and dinner. Full bar with an emphasis on California wines. Happy hour with $2 drafts and selected appetizers M–F 5-7pm. Sunday 50% off wine by the bottle. Delivery available. Casual dress.

Fauquier Springs Country Club Grille Room (540) 347-4205 • 9236 Tournament Dr. Tues - Wed 11am - 8pm; Thu - Fri 11am - 9pm; Sat 7am - 9pm; Sun 7am - 8pm Fauquier Springs Country Club’s Grille Room is an exclusive restaurant for its members and their guests. The Grille Room is open Tuesday thru Sunday and offers a variety of dishes to suit everyone’s taste. Lunch & dinner weekdays with breakfast available on weekends. www.fauquiersprings.com

Five Guy’s Restaurant (540) 878-2066 • 6441 Lee Hwy M - Sun 11am - 10pm Burgers, hot dogs, and French fries. Uses fresh, never frozen, ground beef. www.fiveguys.com

Foster’s Grille (540) 349-5776 • 20 Broadview Ave Sun - Thu 11am - 9pm; Fri - Sat 11am - 10pm Burgers, French fries, hot dogs, grilled chicken sandwiches, milkshakes, wings, and salads. Daily specials. Patio seating available. www.fostersgrille.com

5th Anniversary Special! 20% OFF MEAL DEAL

with this coupon. Not Valid on Tapa Tuesday or weekday lunch express menu, cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. Not valid on special events or holidays. Only one coupon per table or check. Tip and Tax not included. Dine-in only. No cash back. Valid thru 11/30/11.

Fred’s (540) 428-1999 •73 Main Street M - Fri 8am - 3pm; Sat 8am - 2pm Small, one-man operation offering gourmet coffee, breakfast, and a variety of deli sandwiches, salads, subs, and pitas for take out. Daily specials. Recommended to call orders in.

Frost Diner (540) 347-3047 • 55 Broadview Ave 24-hour old fashioned diner serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. Casual dress.

ials Spec ursday Th nday




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251 W. Lee Hwy, Warrenton, Virginia 20186

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Open 7 Days A Week Mon. – Thurs. 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. • Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. Sun. Noon – 9 p.m. Reservations Recommended

Advertise your restaurant in our “local� restaurant guide.

Great Harvest Bread Co. (540) 878-5200 • 108 Main Street Loaves of bread handcrafted using wholegrain wheat grown on family farms and ground daily in the bakery. www.warrentonbread.com

Honeybaked Ham Company (540) 428-0044 • 251 W Lee Hwy Deli offering sandwiches, soups, and more. Customers will enjoy a variety of sandwiches and soups.

IHOP Restaurant (540) 428-1820 • 6445 Lee Hwy M–Sun 6am - 10pm Specializes in breakfast. Sandwiches, salads, burgers, chicken also avail. for lunch and dinner. www.ihop.com

Iron Bridge Wine Co. Reach 30,000 Ravenous Readers Every Month www.warrentonlifestyle.com • (540) 347-4466 • cindymcbride@piedmontpress.com

Let us

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next p arty

(540) 349-9339 • 29 Main Street Lunch: M - Sat 11am-2pm; Dinner: M-Sat 5pm-9pm; Sun 12pm-5pm Cozy wine restaurant featuring a wide variety of world and local Virginia wines. Open for lunch, brunch, dinner, happy hour, and late night. Offers seasonal, healthy, small plate entrees and nightly specials to accompany wine selection. Seating available in the main dining area, historic stone cellar, balcony level or outdoor patio (weather permitting) Catering and private parties available. Casual dress. www.ironbridgewines.com

Iron City Hot Dog Shop

Serving Family Value For Over 50 Years.

ts t ingredien All the righ ur next to make yo cess. party a suc

10% OFF

ANY CATERING $100 OR MORE Expires 12/31/11

504 Fletcher Drive • Warrenton, VA (540) 341-8580 www.ledopizza.com Dine In • Carry-Out • Catering


251 W. Lee Hwy Hot dog joint with Pittsburgh Steeler dĂŠcor offering customers a friendly and competitive atmosphere.

Jerry’s Subs and Pizza (540) 349-4900 • 177 W. Lee Hwy Sat-Thu 10:30am-9:30pm; Fri-Sat 10:20am-10pm; Sun 11am-9pm Specialty cheese steaks, overstuffed subs, and pizza. Catering available. Offering combos, salads and ice cream. Lunch special’s menu good all day. Delivery service available. www.jerrysusa.com

Jimmies Market Cafe/ Kidwell Caterers/Madison Tea Room (540) 347-1942 • 22 Main Street Sun - Sat 9am - 5pm Fri Open til 8pm for supper Restaurant offering sandwiches, subs, and other daily specials. Also sell wine. Catering available. The Madison Tea Room is also available for time away from a hectic day. Casual dress.

Joe & Vinnie’s

(540) 347-0022 • 385 Shirley Hwy M-Thu 11am - 10pm; Fri-Sat 11am - 11pm; Sun Noon-10pm Family owned pizzeria, open for 21 years. Offers pizza, subs, pastas, and seafood. Daily lunch specials. Pizza available by the slice. www.joeandvinniespizza.net

KFC/Long John Silver (540) 347-3900 • 200 Broadview Ave. M - Thu 10am - 11pm; Fri - Sun 10am - 12am KFC specializes in Original Recipe and Extra Crispy fried chicken and homestyle sides. Long John Silver’s is a quick service seafood restaurant. Located in the same building to provide diners with a wider variety of choices. www.kfc.com

LongHorn Steakhouse 505 Fletcher Dr • (540) 341-0392 Sun – Thurs 11am to 10pm; Fri – Sat 11am to 11pm LongHorn Steakhouse prides itself on its exotic Western style entrees and appetizers (like their LongHorn Shrimp & Lobster Dip). The restaurant is proud to serve hand-cut, handseasoned steaks, thick burgers, fresh salads, and an appealing cast of seafood. Casual dress. www.longhornsteakhouse.com

Mandarin Buffet & Sushi (540) 341-1962 • 514 Fletcher Dr Authentic Chinese restaurant offering a large buffet selection of sushi, soups, and meats.

McDonald’s (540) 347-7888 351 Broadview Ave. 24 HR Fast food chain known for Big Mac and McNuggets. Dollar menu. Now serving McCafÊ beverages. Kids play area available. www.mcdonalds.com

Warrenton Lifestyle


McMahon’s Irish Pub & Restaurant

Outback Steakhouse

Renee’s Gourmet To Go

Twisted Sister Seafood

(540) 349-0457 • 6419 Lee Hwy M - Fri 4pm - 10pm; Sat 2pm - 11pm; Sun 2pm - 9pm Australian steakhouse. Also offers a variety of chicken, ribs, seafood, and pasta dishes. Carry out available. www.outback.com

(540) 347-2935 • 15 S. Third St. (540) 347-3663 M - Fri 10am - 3pm 6806 James Madison Hwy (540) 347-7200 • 380 Broadview Ave. Gourmet sandwiches, soups, salads Offering classic seafood dishes like fried M-Fri 11am - 2am; and sweets. Open for lunch only. oysters, crab cake sandwiches, salads, Fri-Sat 11am - 2am; Sun 11am-2am Limited patio seating or grab-andshrimp, scallops and fish with plenty of Family owned, traditional Irish go options available. Soups are the homemade recipes. pub. Relaxed environment offering specialty at Renee’s – each day there traditional Irish favorites. Open for are two news soups. She-crab soup Lunch and Dinner 7 Days a week. Irish available every Friday. Catering and Vocelli Pizza 40/0/20/0 40/0/20/0 Music Seisuin and Dinner Special on 81/100/36/38 81/100/36/38 Panera Bread 47/68/85/60 41/24/73/2 47/68/85/60 41/24/73/2 60/90/0/0 business lunches available. Sundays. Free Wi-Fi. Private dining (540) 349-5031 • 484 Blackwell Rd (540) 341-4362 • 251 W. Lee Hwy room available. Full bar area with Sun. - Thu. 11am - 10pm; M-Sat 6:30am - 9pm; Sun Ruby Tuesday happy hour specials and appetizer Fri. - Sat. 11 am - 11pm. 7:30am 8pm tetrad 2 tetrad 2 menu. Valet Parking Friday and (540) 341-4912 Classic Italian Pizza. Also offer Offers breakfast sandwiches, pastries, Saturday Evenings. Outdoor Patio. 74 Blackwell Park Lane illustrator color palette illustrator color antipasti,palette panini, stromboli, and salads. and bagels. Lunch/dinner items include Live entertainment. Casual dress. Check for lunch and combo specials. soups, salads, and sandwiches. Great American chain restaurant serving www.mcmahonsirishpub.com www.vocellipizza.com bread selection. Gourmet coffee and your favorite hamburgers, pastas, steaks, ribs and more. Also have salad tea also available. Dine in or carry out. bar and RubyTueGo available. Casual Mojitos & Tapas Free Wi-Fi. Catering available. Waterloo Café dress. (540) 349-8833 www.panerabread.com (540) 349-8118 • 352 Waterloo St www.rubytuesday.com 251 W. Lee Hwy #157 Asian food available for dine-in, takeM-Thu: 11am-9pm, F-Sat: 11amout, or delivery. Wide range of dishes Papa John’s Pizza Subway available to order. Dishes served with 10pm, Sun: 12pm-9pm (540) 349-7172 • 322 W. Lee Hwy (540) 349-0950 • 41 W. Lee a side of white rice. Casual dress. The only true Cuban/Spanish Pizza delivery or pick up. Online Highway #53, 102 Broadview Ave, restaurant in the state of Virginia. ordering available. Wings, breadsticks, Authentic Cuban staples, Spanish 45 Main St. Suite A Wendy’s and dessert also available. Daily tapas and a wide variety of mojitos. Restaurant offering subs and pizza. specials and features. (540) 347-5528 • 281 Broadview Ave Family owned, smoke-free. Open for Home of the $5 footlong. Food Fast food chain offering hamburgers, www.papajohns.com lunch and dinner. Known for their is prepared after you order, and salads, and chicken nuggets. Also signature Cuban sandwich and seafood everything is prepared fresh daily. offer baked potatoes and chili as sides. Pizza Hut Paella. Happy Hour, Ladies Nights and Available for dine-in or takeout. Frosty’s available as desert. Casual (540) 347-5444 • 95 Broadview Ave Special Events. Full bar. Casual dress. www.subway.com dress. Pizza delivery, dine-in or pick up. www.mojitosandtapas.com www.wendys.com Online ordering available. Choose Taco Bell from pizza, tuscani pasta, wings, rolls, Molly’s Irish Pub (540) 341-4206 • 316 W. Lee Hwy Yen Cheng p’zone pizzas, and more. (540) 349-5300 • 36 Main Street Open late for fourthmeal cravings. (540) 347-4355 • 294 W. Lee Hwy www.pizzahut.com Now offering frutista freeze drinks M-Sat 11am - 2am; Sun 11am-2pm M - Sat 11am - 10pm; Sun 12 and fiesta taco salads. Also offer fresco Family owned, traditional Irish pub. Pizzarama noon - 10pm. menu (low fat). Open for lunch and dinner. Laid back, First Chinese Restaurant in (540) 349-7171 • 251 W. Lee Hwy fun environment. Traditional Irish www.tacobell.com Warrenton. Wide range of appetizers, Pizza, sub, sandwich, and Italian entrée fare and lots of sandwiches available. soups, and meats. Offer chef specialties restaurant. Available for pickup and Sunday brunch from 11am – 2pm. Full Tippy’s Taco House and daily combos. Also offer a healthy delivery. Offer both hot and toasted bar. Live entertainment four nights a and cold subs. Gourmet pizzas and food section and thai food options. (540) 349-2330 • 147 W. Shirley Ave week. calzones also available. www.yencheng.com Sun. - Thu., Sat. 11 am - 9pm; www.mollysirishpub.com www.pizzarama.com Fri. 11am - 10pm Mexican restaurant offering different The Natural Marketplace quality specials everyday. Menu offers (540)349-4111 • 5 Diagonal Street tacos, burritos, quesadillas, desserts Red Truck Bakery M–F 9am to 5 pm; Sat 9am-4pm and more. Dine-in or take-out. Casual (540) 347-2224 • 22 Waterloo St Organic Deli offering traditional Bakery located in Old Town dress. sandwiches, soups, salads and desserts. www.tippystacohouse.com Warrenton next to the Old Jail To update your listing Choices also include vegetarian, vegan, Museum. Serving fresh pies, quiches, please email: gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free breads, cakes, and coffees daily. Online Top’s China Restaurant selections. All organic fruit and fresh krysta@piedmontpress.com ordering available. (540) 349-2828 • 185 W. Lee Hwy vegetable juices. Take-out and catering Asian restaurant serving authentic www.redtruckbakery.com (Krysta Norman) available. Chinese food. Daily specials and combos available. Dine-in or take-out. Red, Hot & Blue Osaka Japanese (540) 349-7100 • 360 Broadview Ave Steakhouse Tropical Smoothie Café Sun-Thu 11am - 9pm; Fri-Sat (540) 349-5050 • 139 W. Lee Hwy (540) 428-1818 • 251 W. Lee Hwy 11am - 10pm M-Sat 11:30am - 10pm; #679 Southern Grill and Barbeque Sun 11:30am - 9pm Café offering bistro sandwiches, restaurant. Offers dine-in, take out, Japanese steakhouse serving Hibachi wraps, gourmet salads, soups, and and catering. Large menu with options style chicken, steak, shrimp, fish and smoothies. Meals served with either for ribs, sandwiches, salads, platters, sushi. Sushi available for take out. Fun, chips or fruit. Also offer pick-two and southern entrées. Casual dress. family environment. combination. Catering and kid’s menu www.redhotandblue.com available. Casual dress. www.tropicalsmoothiecafe.com

A Taste of Warrenton

November 2011


Health & Fitness

Practical Steps Towards a Healthy Life Change is hard— especially when it involves changing your lifestyle to a healthier one. Here’s an eight-step guide to making little changes that add up to big change. 1) Have a heart-to-heart with yourself and others you interact with daily. Be open and honest with your desire to make some changes. This promotes accountability for yourself and allows those who love you to offer you the support you need. 2) Develop a baseline. How will you know how you can improve if you don’t really know where you are starting from? Important: focus on YOUR baseline and commit to improvements. Here are two things that will help establish your baseline: n A pedometer. It has been recommended that we all take 10,000 steps daily, however, many of you are only taking 3,000 steps in a day—particularly if you have a desk job and/or a long commute. Going from 3,000 steps to10,000 steps all at once can be overwhelming. See where you are and commit to an additional 500 steps per day and build from there. n A journal. What are you eating? How much sleep are you getting? How often do you go out to eat? Stop by Starbucks? When do you attack the fridge? Write it all down! This will help you develop a specific plan on ways you can improve. Little steps go a long way in this process! 3) Accept the fact that you are valuable. Take care of yourself and change your attitude about you.

4) Plan ahead. Planning your day ahead of time saves you time and puts YOU in control! As you commit to making some lifestyle changes, it is important to put them in your schedule. Whether it be a 10-minute walk during lunch, a commitment to a healthy meal once per week, scheduling play time with your child—plan for it and don’t negotiate it—just do it! 5) Keep it simple and follow your instincts. Trust Yourself. You know more than you think you do! A healthy lifestyle does not have to be complicated. Think simple healthy meals that include a lean meat, a veggie, whole grain and a healthy fat (chicken breast with olive oil, broccoli and brown rice, for example). Focus on moving more throughout the day. Get out of the chair and move as often as possible! 6) Come to terms with the fact there are no quick fixes! Good health emerges when we make good choices each and every day and stick to our commitment. 7) Accept pitfalls and challenges. Yes, they will occur, but if you plan for them, they will not prevent you from reaching your goals! 8) Take responsibility for your actions and face each day with a relentless attitude for success! Commit to the pursuit of happiness!

Kim Forsten owns and operates Old Town Athletic Club, Parisi Speed School and Warrenton Pilates. She has been a certified personal trainer, master group fitness trainer, master step instructor and certified nutritionist since 2000. Her specialty certifications include Pilates, senior fitness, pre/post natal exercise, Body Training Systems, and Zumba, to name a few. Kim maintains business affiliations with IDEA, IHRSA, NFBA and served as a Board Member of the Fauquier Hospital from 2002-2008. Old Town Athletic Club has received “Best Health Club in Warrenton” recognition for six consecutive years, and has been recognized regionally for its outstanding group fitness programming. 60

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What’s New



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www.FauquierNow.com 62

You probably got the question dozens of times during your childhood: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Fireman, nurse, astronaut, pro quarterback and teacher may have ranked among the popular answers in your circles. Few kids say they want to bootstrap a retail operation, hire a handful of people, wade through bureaucracy, establish a line of credit, make tax deposits online, master the intricacies of group health insurance . . . and try to make a living. The recent focus on our challenged economy, however, has raised the entrepreneur’s stock. Everyone has come to understand the importance of growing “business” and creating jobs. Stir in the cult status of the late Steve Jobs, and the local shopkeeper or car dealer begins to look like a rock star. He or she should. Many of us launch businesses to earn our way while pursuing our passions or talents. Along the way, we learn the importance of providing wages that pay for health care, nourishment, shelter, tuition and vehicles. Few things humble one more than struggling to get enough money into that payroll account by Friday afternoon. Excuses don’t pay the bills. So, here’s to those who put themselves out there and build the businesses that build community. From my perspective, one of the most informative features of The Washington Post appears each Monday in the Business section: Thomas Heath’s “Value Added” column. It tells the very personal stories of entrepreneurs. Readers learn about the costs, the struggles and the payoffs of small businesses. Taking over this column, I’ll attempt to do a bit of the same thing. So, please, share your ideas about business in and around Warrenton with me. A couple of positive things have happened recently. The board of supervisors on Oct. 13 adopted the county’s first “Business Incentive Program” to encourage firms to come or to expand here. A week later, on Oct. 19, the Fauquier County Chamber of Commerce hosted its first “Virtual Bus Tour” to showcase available commercial real estate. About 120 people attended, including prospects from the Metro D.C. area. Meanwhile, restaurants seem to be rocking. Claire’s at The Depot reopened Sept. 27 after an incredible, three-month renovation that dramatically changed the place, especially its casual dining area. Up Route 17, Twisted Sisters Seafood has drawn crowds and rave reviews — particularly for oysters — at the old Ben & Mary’s Steakhouse location. Lee Christner’s Barbershop will open at 16 South Fifth Street in early November. Sadly, three established retailers soon will leave the Warrenton Village Shopping Center. A Formal Affair will go dark after 32 years of business in Warrenton. The Athlete’s Food and the Warrenton Cycle Center also will go dark. As we enter this critical time of year for retailers, please, give the local guys and girls a chance to earn your business. I’ve checked the price of a rechargeable DeWalt drill at Rankin’s Hardware and at The Home Depot, for example. I shop frequently at both places. But, when the time comes to replace my drill, it will come from Rankin’s, and I wouldn’t save a dime buying it from the Atlantabased chain. Does that surprise you? “Lou” Emerson edits FauquierNow.com. You may reach him at LKE@ FauquierNow.com or (540) 270-1845.Lou Emerson, FauquierNow.com Warrenton Lifestyle

A division of Piedmont Press & Graphics 404 Belle Air Lane • Warrenton, Virginia 20186 540-347-4466 • www.warrentonlifestyle.com


Dropping a few pounds is a lot easier if you pick up a few first. Join today and get our free wellness kit. You just feel better when you live a healthy lifestyle. And Fauquier Health can help. Join our Wellness Center during October and November and you’ll receive a free wellness kit – a $60 value that includes a gym bag, tee Wellness Center 419 Holiday Court, Suite 200, Warrenton, VA 20186

shirt, stainless steel water bottle, and a complete fastfood healthy dining guide, packed with the best menu choices at the major fast food restaurants. Sign up today by calling (540) 316-2640.

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