Summer 2013

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FindinG Your Own

Voice Summer Issue 2013

Letter from Pam Lozano

executive director

Dear Readers, Summer is almost upon us. How quickly the seasons fly by! As we look forward to times of slowing the pace a bit and enjoying things like family barbeques, days in the sun lying by the pool, and long warm evenings filled with fun, we want to encourage each of you to enjoy this beautiful season! In this issue we want to focus on Finding Your Voice by being Confident and Courageous. Confidence is sometimes hard to come by, and we hope through these articles and images, you will find an inner strength you did not know was there. Courage overcomes obstacles and stands true in the midst of trials and hardship. So many things come at us, and many times fear and timidity hold us back from truly stepping out and speaking what we believe. We are often intimidated or afraid of what others will think or feel about us. Sometimes, we do not even take the time to truly form our own belief systems. We adopt what we have learned in church or heard our parents speak about. It is vitally important as young people to have your own Biblical faith – to know what you believe and why. An authentic relationship with God that is personal and real is key in order to stand true to your convictions throughout your teenage years. Often teens fall prey to peer pressure, teasing and bullying, causing them to shut down, close up and be fearful to stand for what they truly believe. While tolerance and embracing difference is preached in schools, on television, and in movies, it isn’t always played out. We all like to fit in, to have friends, to be in the “in crowd”, yet that isn’t always what God desires for us. God calls each of us to be courageous and bold. He desires that we would know what we believe and be able to share it with others, confidently. Joshua 1:9 says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will always be with you wherever you go. God promises to walk this life with us, and to give us the strength and courage we need to face each situation every day. He desires that we would be a light to the world around us showing our friends and family who Jesus is and what He is like. He wants us to love others like Christ loves others. He wants us to speak up and defend those in need. As we embrace what we believe and overcome the fear of speaking out and voicing those beliefs, we are then able to stand firmly. We will not be tossed back and forth by every new belief system that comes along. This summer issue completes our first year in publication. We are very excited as we look towards our second year to keep growing this magazine, growing our audience and impacting many more young women. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please continue to share this magazine with your friends and family members!

Affirming His Design Pamela Lozano Executive Director

Table of Contents


meet the team

5 fun! 8 influence 11 spring

voices of

13 reads 16 19 21 23

fitness in the outdoors


modest is hottest local artisans

a smooth{ie} summer

the importance of mentors

27 43

a symphony of


courage to love and be loved

Meet the

Pure Design



executive director



publicist/events coordinator

photographer/ editor/designer



fashion mentor



Sarah editor/designer

Natalie creative writer

marketing director


Maddie thriftaholic/ master crafter

Kate art appreciator/ fitness buff


fashion guru


Katelin media critic

crafting apprentice


photo director

Hannah photographer/ design apprentice

Summer Fun


3 - Repeat Day (I said “Repeat Day”) 4 - Hug Your Cat Day 5 - World Environment Day 6 - National Gardening Exercise Day Get out and exercise with your plants. 7 - National Chocolate Ice Cream Day 8 - Best Friends Day 10 - Iced Tea Day 11 - Hug Holiday 12 - Red Rose Day 14 - Flag Day 15 - Smile Day 16 - Father’s Day - 3rd Sunday 17 - Eat Your Vegetables Day 20 - Ice Cream Soda Day 21 - Go Skate Day 21 - Finally Summer Day 23 - National Pink Day 24 - Swim a Lap Day 27 - Sun Glasses Day 29 - Camera Day


1 - Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day 4 - Independence Day 7 - Chocolate Day 9 - National Sugar Cookie Day 10 - Teddy Bear Picnic Day 12 - Different Colored Eyes Day 17 - Peach Ice Cream Day 19 - National Raspberry Cake Day 21 - National Ice Cream Day 22 - Hammock Day 23 - Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24 - Amelia Earhart Day 24 - Cousins Day 26 - Aunt and Uncle Day 28 - Parent’s Day 29 - National Lasagna Day 30 - National Cheesecake Day


1 - National Raspberry Cream Pie Day 2 - National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 3 - National Watermelon Day 4 - Friendship Day 4 - Sisters Day - First Sunday in August 9 - Book Lover’s Day 10 - National S’mores Day 13 - Daughter’s Day 13 - Left Hander’s Day 15 - Relaxation Day 17 - National Thrift Shop Day 20 - National Radio Day 26 - National Dog Day 30 - Toasted Marshmallow Day 31 - National Trail Mix Day

o d u o y o d t ha


For fun in

e h t


Gluten Free

pink lemonade cupcakes


1 cup white sugar 1/2 cup butter 2 eggs 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups GF all-purpose flour (I use Bob’s Red Mill) 1 teaspoon xanthan gum 1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 cup low-fat milk 1 lemon, juice and zest Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line muffin cups with liners.

Cream sugar and 1/2 cup butter in the bowl of a stand mixer until fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, and mix 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract into mixture with the second egg. Beat in flour, xanthan gum, and baking powder until thoroughly combined. Beat in milk, lemon juice, and lemon zest to make a smooth batter.


Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups. Bake in the preheated oven until cupcake edges are slightly golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center of a cupcake comes out clean, or about 20 to 25 minutes. Cool cupcakes completely.

1/2 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 Tablespoons lemon juice 3 Tablespoons milk 3 cups powdered sugar Pink food coloring Beat butter until creamy in stand mixer. Slowly add other ingredients, alternating powdered sugar with wet ingredients. Beat until smooth, and add to your cupcakes!

by Carly S.

Think for a moment about the

people in your life you look up to... ...maybe a pastor, philosopher, celebrity, friend or par-

out for those who could not speak up for themselves?

ent. Imagine if these people could not speak to you.

He made people listen. He used the talent that God

How much of their influence goes away with their

blessed him with and he followed the path that was set

voice? What would happen if there was no encourage-

for him. As a result of his courage in this matter, slavery

ment or an “I love you”? If you did not have wise people

took a drastic turn, and was brought to light as a press-

speaking into your life, how would your decisions be

ing issue. His voice led to reform.


Have you ever considered that you may

by Martin Luther King Jr. as he spoke out for civil rights.

be that person to someone else?

Though he was certainly a leader for black Americans,

When you are the one saying

he was further recognized as a world leader. He had a

“I love you,” or speaking

dream, and God enforced his dreams by giving him the



influencing others in

ability and courage to proclaim it for all to hear.

Both William Wilberforce and Martin Luther

your life. Your voice

King Jr. were ordinary people who stood up for what they

to others is valid

believed in. By speaking out courageously, they became

and important.


extraordinary. Courage is not easy to come by. The world

you do not speak,

plays into our insecurities and many people look down

you run the risk of

on teenage opinions simply because we are young.

not influencing oth-

1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone look down

ers. We have all been

on you because you are young, but set an example for

blessed with a voice to

the believers in speech, in love, in faith, and in purity.”

help and encourage peo-

There are two key parts to this passage. The first, “don’t

ple. What you do not say is

let anyone look down on you because you are young.” In

just as important as what you

our culture, we have restrictions according to our age.

do say.

In the 1950’s our nation was greatly influenced

We have to be 16 to drive, 18 to get married, and 24 to

Throughout history, there have been

rent a car. However, here in His Word, God sets no age

many great people who have used their voices to impact

limit on speaking out and leading others in what you

how we live and better the lives of others. If those people

believe. That same passage also says “set an example.”

had kept quiet, our present lives would be terribly differ-

No matter your age, you can set an example for people


around you, even those who are older than you! Don’t

William Wilberforce was a leader of the aboli-

let the excuse that you are “too young” hold you back

tion movement to rid England of slavery. His courage

from speaking out and impacting others.

and success influenced abolition in other countries as

well. How much longer do you think the cruelty of slav-

set an example in speech. That’s my favorite line of the

ery would have gone on if he had not stood up to speak

entire scripture, because everyone has the opportunity

In this same passage, Paul instructs Timothy to

to influence others with the voice God gave them. You

preach. This also

may look inside and think things like, “Why would my

has been a big

voice make a difference?” Or ask, “Why me?” Even Moses

struggle. It takes

said to God, “How could I?” But I want to say to you, why

a lot of courage to

not you? Someone needs to speak up, why not you? You

get in front of your

have so much potential. God has called you by name and

peers and strangers

made a plan for your life. Ask Him, “God, what did you

to preach a sermon. At

make me for? Who have you called me to influence?”

least it was for this inse-

cure teenager! Because I love

God can do immense things with a willing

heart. It is up to you to let him help you. Courage truly

to write, I enjoyed preparing and writ-

is hard to come by, and for many people it is a struggle

ing out my sermons but had a lot of anxiety about de-

to even speak to your friends about uncomfortable top-

livering them. I assumed if God wanted me to preach,

ics of conversation. I used to be afraid too, but I have

he would naturally give me the courage to do it, right?

begun working through some of those difficulties, and

Wrong! That became another concern. Why can’t I feel

I am beginning to find some courage in my voice.

God near me? Why isn’t He giving me courage? One

All of my life I have been a singer. I love singing

day in preparation for my very first sermon to my youth

in the car, in the shower, in my room, while I cook, any-

group, I came across Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded

time or anywhere. There is nothing wrong with that,

you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do

except for one small dilemma – I do not have a good

not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will always be

singing voice! I cannot find the right pitch and am al-

with you wherever you go.” All this time I was wondering

ways off-key. But I still love singing and especially enjoy

how to get courage, and God already commanded cour-

singing worship songs!

age into all of us! The best part of it all is that He never

Eventually, my love for singing turned into

leaves us. Especially in those terrifying moments where

a real dilemma. I was consumed by the love I had. I

we have to step up, speak out, and be bold. He is right

convinced myself that I was destined to be a worship

there giving us courage and the words to speak.

leader, and I began praying for that. I recall praying for

an entire year, “God give me a voice.” I wanted him to

just have to make them heard! Sometimes it is hard to

correct my voice so that I could sing for the rest of my

believe that any of that can be for you, confidence in

life. As time went on, I got very frustrated. I could not

this day and age is difficult to keep. But I believe you

understand why God was not answering my prayers. In

can do absolutely anything God wants you to do! My

my mind this had to be God’s plan since I wanted to

favorite quote is by Pablo Picasso when he says, “Ev-

be in ministry. So I kept on asking. Finally one day in

erything you can imagine is real.” This encourages and

tears, I asked, “Why not?!?” In the middle of that prayer

inspires me. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus told the disciples,

I heard Him say, “I love your songs of praise to Me, but

“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say

My child I already gave you a voice - not to sing, but to

to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and noth-

speak out.”

ing will be impossible for you.’” In a way Picasso, was

Even now as I recall that I am completely over-

spot on! If you have the faith, God will help you move

whelmed and joyful that I heard from God. This revela-

mountains. Nothing He has called you to do will be im-

tion did not make me quit singing. I still love worship-

possible for you. In fact, the Bible says He is able to do

ping God, but I have turned my attention to a desire to

even more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

We all have beautiful and important voices. We

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord

your God will be with you wherever you go.� Joshua 1:9 Artwork by Libby Johnson

Fitness in the Great Outdoors by Kate D.

Memorable amounts of time spent with new and old friends during sweet Summertime is always something to look forward to. Did you know that choosing to bike or walk to your friends house instead of driving, swimming instead of tanning by the pool, or playing soccer with your friends all count as exercise? Staying active can cause you to feel better physically and emotionally. That is why it is very important to your overall health. The best thing about outdoor exercise is that it can be quite easy and fun whether you are with friends or family, or just need some time alone. Read on to learn more about classic summer activities guaranteed to keep you in motion.

Bicycling gives you a nice breeze on a hot day, and makes for a great workout! Before you start:

• Stay hydrated! Make sure you have a place to store a water bottle on your bike. • Pack a snack! If you are going on a ride longer than thirty minutes long, take along some nuts, fruit, and pretzels or crackers to give your body fuel. • Wear good shoes (a.k.a. tennis shoes). Proper footwear is really important when it comes to bike riding. Choose athletic shoes over sandals, and you will protect your feet from aches and pains!

Walking provides a peaceful way to keep your

heart and body strong! Prior to putting one foot in front of the other, remember to: • Stretch before and after walking (To learn a few great stretches, check out the article “Moving Through the Holidays”, found in the 2012-2013 Winter Issue of the Pure Design Teen Mag.). • Maintain good posture; hold your head up, keep your eyes forward, and make sure your shoulders are down away from your ears and relaxed. • Constantly drink water before, during, and after walking. Keep a water bottle handy at all times! • Look up and around! Nature and weather patterns can be very vibrant and beautiful in the summer....but do be careful, if you spot storm

clouds in the distance, start heading home so you do not get caught in the rain (or get struck by lightning!). That would not be fun!


cools your body down, and while you swim you are burning calories. Before you dive in, remember to: • Put on water-proof or water-resistant sunscreen. Sunscreen protects your skin from dangerous UV rays that come from the sun, causing painful burns. •When purchasing sunscreen, make sure to check the ingredient list before buying one. If it contains parabens or sodium laureth sulfates (which have both been proven to bad for your body), then do not buy it. • Wear sunglasses around the water before and after swimming to protect your eyes.

Team Sports

keep your heart rate up, build muscle tone, and call for the participation of quite a few people. The next time you and a group of friends get together, get out the old sports balls, find a flat, open area outdoors and start a game of soccer, volleyball, baseball, basketball, or dodgeball. Before heading out, remember to: • Check the balls to make sure that they have enough air. • Keep water and sunscreen handy.

Summerreads Pride and Prejudice By: Jane Austen Review by: Kate D. The title of this book truly reveals the central theme and conflict of the story: pride and prejudice. Elizabeth depicts prejudice throughout the book, while Mr. Darcy is full of pride. I felt as if I were watching each scenario between the two as an observer, especially as they began to learn that by laying down their own judgment, they could more easily see the beauty in others. The pages brim with expression just as elegant as the friendship and growing love between them. If you are looking for a sweet summer story, try reading this timeless classic.

Lies Young Women Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free By: Nancy Leigh DeMoss & Dannah Gresh Review by: Hannah K. According to John 8:44, Satan is the “father of lies” and his lies penetrate our culture. The lies are constantly telling you that you’re not good enough, that God doesn’t love you, and you have no purpose. Lies Young Women Believe is an engaging study aimed at identifying and combating the untruth thrown at young women every day. Nancy and Dannah use many impacting scriptures to support their views and advice, along with their own personal experiences. This book covers a variety of topics all relevant to the life of a young woman, from encouragement on inner beauty-- to things that may truly convict you and beg the question, “Have I been deceived?”

Kisses From Katie By: Katie Davis Review by: Kate D. This is a true story of relentless love and redemption in which the author tells her story as an ordinary eighteen-year-old who was not content to sit by and live comfortably while pain and neglect was so evident in the world around her. Katie followed God’s leadings to Uganda, Africa, an unfamiliar rough land of red dirt and beautiful, wounded people. Upon returning home from a short-term mission trip to an orphanage in Uganda, Katie knew she had to return to Africa. In following that desire, she left a wonderful boyfriend, a perfect home, and a hopeful future of any college of her choice. All because of her love for Jesus. As she followed God into hard places, He taught her what true love is. Read this book to see how Jesus’ love, faithfulness and mercy shines brightly, even in the darkest places.




































n e u s T









Local Artisans

Heather Evans and Jane Marczewski sit down with Pure Design to discuss what inspires their inner voice!

Singer-songwriter Heather Evans uses her music mainly to raise awareness about injustices happening around the world. Heather acts as a voice for the voiceless and uses her sonsgs to give hope to those who have none. What made you first realize you wanted to sing and play music? And how old were you when you first began? I grew up in a very musical family. We were ALWAYS singing in the car at the top of our lungs and anywhere really. When I was in 6th grade, I got a major solo in our church choir. I was a quiet kid and had never sung in front of people before. I got a Diva part that shocked even my parents when I sang it. Something sparked in me at that point, and I started learning guitar and writing songs when I was 13 or 14. What is it about music that you feel most impacts you? Music, for me, has gotten me through some of the hardest moments of my life. It has made such an impact in my life, I’m not sure where I’d be without it. It helps me express my emotions and has become like a prayer language between me and God. When I don’t know how I’m feeling I can just sing it or play it out on my guitar. What artist(s) have inspired you in your own musical journey? Lifehouse: I listened to them a lot in high school. They wrote really mellow emotional stuff that I could relate to at the time. Copeland: An indie rock group was very melodically inspiring to me. Sarah Blasko: An Australian alto female singer/songwriter that didn’t have to belt it vocally to get an emotion across. She showed me I can just be me. AND Keith Green: His songs were so anointed by God. He also did a lot for people outside of music (making homeless housing, giving to the needy, etc.). That has always inspired me. Do you feel that God plays a major role within your music? If so, how do you incorporate God into the music and lyrics you’ve written? Absolutely, yes. I always tell people God is a natural part of my life, so you will see Him in almost every song I write. I don’t write worship songs, or all-out Christian songs but He’s in just about every song I write. (Ex: The Kite Song: You’re strong and steady, but like a kite I’m flying away, You hold me to the ground, in Your hands I know I’m safe, You won’t let me go, You won’t let me go.) Besides God, what inspires your songs? The things that most inspire me are seeing hurt or injustice in the world and wanting to do something about it, or shine light on it. The first time I heard about the issue of human trafficking (27 MILLION people are currently in slavery around the world!!) I KNEW I had to respond and DO something about it. Some friends and I made a music video for a song I wrote called “Priceless” to raise awareness about human trafficking and years later I’m still writing songs for organizations to use & make people aware of the problem. This past month, 20 SUPER talented people came together and volunteered their time to make another music video & mini documentary for another song I wrote called “Sweet Princess.” It’s great to not just do music to do music, but for a purpose–to give away and to help other people! It is SO life-giving!! What life lessons have you learned so far as you’ve been performing in front of audiences? I used to wrestle BIG TIME with comparison. In music it is easy to do. I would think “Well, I’m not as good as this person or that person,” and God called me out one day and said, “I didn’t make you to be like them, I made you to be Heather Evans!!” Man, when I figured out God has called me to write the songs I write and sing the way I sing, it changed everything! What advice do you have for anyone wanting to begin playing an instrument or singing? Play/sing because you love to play/sing not because you want to be “famous”! If God wants you to play in front of people, He’ll open the doors. Are there any scriptures that encourage your heart in music and writing? Yes! My favorite verse is: Proverbs 30:8&9 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” -That’s what I feel like God’s called me to!!

Jane Marczewski is a twenty-two-year-old daydreamer who has been making up songs since childhood. In 2012, she shared a 3-song EP online that became a launching pad for her to share more music with the world. Today she lives in Lynchburg, Virginia with her friends and band mates. What made you first realize you wanted to sing and play music? And how old were you when you first began? I can’t think of a moment in my life when I didn’t want to be a singer. I remember being in the back of a minivan playing Barbies with my best friend, and I told her that God had called me to be a singer. She said, “No, you just WANT to be a singer.” I’m willing to bet that she was wrong. It’s funny to think that even at such a young age, music was in my heart.I was probably around 6 or 7 when I began playing piano and singing in church. When I was about 6, my Mom was writing a song for a church Christmas play. She was stuck on a lyric and she asked me for help. I’m sure she was only being silly in asking a six-year-old to help her write a song, but the words and melody actually fit, so they were used in the song, and I sang that solo part for the production. What artist(s) have inspired you in your own musical journey? My first ever big-time inspiration was Brooke Fraser, a songwriter from New Zealand. I first heard of her through the songs she wrote for Hillsong Church, but I discovered her non-church music, and was seriously moved. As a worship leader, I loved her ability to write songs for the church, but her main focus was her music in the secular music world. Being a Christian that wants to pursue music outside the Christian music industry, I am stirred to write songs with meaning and purpose. Do you feel that God plays a major role within your music? If so, how do you incorporate God into the music and lyrics you’ve written? Art flows from the heart of the artist; by looking at art, you can tell a lot about the one who created it. Everything I write is directly influenced by what I believe about God, and the story that He is writing with my life. I believe that God is good, and there is purpose in life. I believe that people matter, I believe that their stories deserve to be told. I believe that Christ can restore all things. I believe that love is worth the risk. These things that I believe about God, and the stories that I have seen and heard, make me into the person that I am. The person that I am is expressed most honestly when I do it through music. Besides God, what inspires your songs? I’m inspired by stories that deserve to be told. There are too many feelings never shared, frustrations never expressed, and doubts never addressed. People feel alone too much. I think we’re all pretty dissatisfied with this life. We all fall and get hurt. All of us love and aren’t always loved back. All of us are terrified of disappointing the world. Music is a beautiful and brave way to express honestly about that. And when we can all be afraid and doubtful and frustrated together, we can win the fight against those things. What life lessons have you learned so far as you’ve been performing in front of audiences? I’ve learned not to be romanced by applause. I have stood before audiences larger than 10,000. Under the lights, surrounded by music and the crowd’s roar, I feel that the whole world is mine. But only a few hours later, everyone has gone home, and my roommates are asleep, and I sit on the couch in silence and I am alone. If I create music to get friend requests and high-fives and money then my art is polluted and I am missing the point. The crowd will love me one minute and forget my name the next. So I must create with a greater purpose than to receive love from a crowd. What advice do you have for anyone wanting to begin playing an instrument or singing? If someone is trying to start a career as a musician, my first advice is to seek God’s will in it. If you’re sure that God is calling you to that life, then don’t give up—ever. Practice hard because bright shining moments only come after long hours of diligence and devoted work. Write good music, be honest with yourself, and be the kind of person that deserves to have a voice of influence. Are there any scriptures that encourage your heart in music and writing? Psalm 103:15 says, “As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.” I have a lot of ambition. I love winning. I love being the best. I love accomplishing huge things. But truly, in the context of eternity, I have five seconds here on earth. It’s my job to be obedient with my five seconds. With my one note in this symphony, I must be faithful and steadfast. I must be exactly what GOD has called me to be. I can’t get distracted by applause, I can’t get distracted by myself, I can’t get distracted by the music that I love creating. My focus must be to live in God’s purpose for my life—which is to know and be known by Him. As I write, this Scripture gives me courage to write truth, because I want to be responsible with this short moment that I have on earth.

A Smooth {ie} Summer by Kate D.

Vibrant light and warmth are two of the most beautiful things that come hand-in-hand with the summer season. While the sunshine feels oh-so-good, every girl needs a way to stay cool while adventuring outdoors in the heat. Fruit and vegetables, which are abundantly produced during the warm days of summer, offer countless health benefits for your body. When eaten alone, each fruit and vegetable has a unique taste; however, when mixed together, they can create a beautiful medley of flavor! If you have trouble eating them plain, try out these yummy smoothie recipes, which incorporate multiple fruits and vegetables into delicious drinks, perfect for cooling you off! P.S. Growing up, I have never been very good at operating the tricky appliances needed for so many recipes... it’s a good thing that the only appliance needed to make a smoothie is a blender. If I can make a smoothie, you can too!

Fresh Grapefruit & Strawberry (Serves four)

Ingredients: 1 grapefruit, peeled and cut into medium-sized pieces 1 banana, cut into small pieces 1 cup of fresh strawberries 1/2 cup of almond-milk, or juice of your choice 1/2 cup of low-fat or plain Greek yogurt 1 teaspoon of vanilla 1 tablespoon of honey or maple syrup > Place all ingredients in the blender. Blend until completely combined. Pour into a glass, and savor!

Green Goodness Ingredients:

(Serves two)

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 3 teaspoons of honey 2 1/2 cups of frozen peaches 1/4 cup of low-fat Greek or plain yogurt 1/2 cup of almond milk, or juice of your choice 1/2 cup of strawberries, washed and with stems cut off 1 1/2 cups of baby spinach, washed > Place all ingredients in the blender. Blend until completely combined. Pour into a glass and taste!

Blueberry Bliss (Serves two)

Ingredients: 1 cup of fresh blueberries 2 tablespoons of low-fat Greek or plain yogurt 1/2-1 cup of coconut or almond milk 2 teaspoons of lemon juice 3 teaspoons of honey > Place all ingredients in the blender. Blend until completely combined. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

entorship, internships, apprenticeships, and

became a reality. I grew up, got married, and have been a

discipleship have been around throughout the ages.

youth pastor with my husband for over fifteen years now!

Jesus himself was known as a Rabbi. Those who fol-

lowed Him and who were under His tutelage desired to

I looked to for wisdom and guidance throughout the

become like Him. Rabbis were respected and looked up


to. Those chosen to follow them saw it as a high privi-

helped build a solid foundation in my life. All of these

lege and took it very seriously.

women had an impact on who I was, and who I was be-

In today’s society, mentorships look a whole

coming. Seeds were planted in my heart that sprouted

lot different. Even the art of becoming an apprentice

into desires and dreams of who God had called me to be.

is rarely seen these days. However, there is still great

value in learning from someone who is already walk-

those you hang with.” I believe this is absolutely true.

ing in a role that you desire to walk in – something you

We emulate those we spend time with. People rub off

want to do or become.

on us, and often their ideas and philosophies do too.

Mentors have played a huge role in the person

A mentor is defined as, “A wise and trusted counselor

I am today! Even as a little girl, I remember looking up

or teacher, an influential sponsor or supporter.” Men-

to women around me and thinking, “Someday I want to

tors are men and women we look to who inspire and en-

be just like her.” I admired who they were, how they in-

courage us to grow and develop into all that we can be.

teracted with others, and how they carried themselves

Often times a mentoring relationship is with someone

with self-confidence. In elementary school, I admired

who is slightly older than you. It might be a teacher,

those teachers who truly cared about us and took time

pastor, counselor, or any woman who has lived longer

to devote themselves to us. I thought about becoming a

and had more experience in life. Mentors see potential

teacher because of some of those women. I also remem-

and gifts in us and aren’t afraid to speak truth no mat-

ber several of our pastors’ wives growing up. I would of-

ter how hard it might be. Spiritual mentors provoke us

ten ask my parents if I could sit with them in church to

in our walk with God. They may share from their own

worship next to them. What was I doing? I was desiring

lives and help during hard times.

to spend time with someone I admired.

One afternoon, a pastor’s wife took me to the

of us, find the God-given treasure and reveal it so we

mall to spend the day with her and her children. I was

can believe in ourselves. They encourage and breathe

probably only twelve or thirteen, yet I remember the day

life on the dreams we have hidden inside and are afraid

vividly because she took time to invest in me. It was a

to explore on our own. Mentors are authentic friends.

simple day of shopping, baking cookies together and

They are invaluable relationships we should pray for

helping watch her children. Honestly, it probably didn’t

and develop in every stage of our lives.

mean that much to her, but it meant the world to me. It

sparked a desire to be in ministry some day. I enjoyed

Sometimes these relationships come and go, depending

learning from her and asking her questions. That desire

on the stage of life we’re in and what God is working on in

My mother and grandmothers were women Their encouragement, support and guidance

We often hear the phrase, “You become like

Mentors have the ability to reach down inside

Many mentoring relationships are seasonal.

us. But know that He knows our every need and He is al-

I set myself on an accelerated course of leadership train-

ways faithful to fulfill the desires and needs of our hearts.

ing. Authors, speakers and pastors have mentored me

Another type of mentorship might include the

from afar without them ever knowing it. Their books,

influence of people we don’t have a personal connec-

seminars, conferences and sermons have inspired and

tion with, such as authors or speakers we read about or

provoked me to grow and learn. Even people on the in-

hear teach. They can connect with us on a heart level

ternet inspire me through their blogs and websites, I may

by speaking to something inside us that sparks passion

never speak to them face to face, yet their example en-

or provokes interest. They often have

courages me to go for it!

qualities or traits we desire to grow in. Famous people have a platform that

gives opportunities for mentorship

one seek out personal mentors – no

they may not realize. Rock stars and

matter how young or old you are. Ask

athletes have millions of fans who look

yourself, who are people in my life that

up to them and desire to be “just like

have something I desire to grow in –

them.” Fame often distorts reality how-

whether it be a hobby, a career path, or

ever, and many stars and athletes fail in

spiritual principles? Maybe you desire

relationships and struggle to remain as

to play the piano… look for a pianist

positive role models.

in your church or school and take les-

I highly recommend that every-

I have had the privilege of having both types

sons. Do you want to learn how to sew? Find someone

of mentors. Throughout my young adult years, I had a

who is proficient and ask them to teach you. Do you

woman speaking into my life and encouraging me in a

want to be an entrepreneur and start your own business

variety of things. She was a passionate worship leader

someday? Search out someone you know, or find an au-

and I had a strong desire to lead worship. I learned from

thor who has written about their successes and failures

her, asking a lot of questions. For several years, I was on

and study what they did and didn’t do.

her worship team as a backup singer. Sometimes after

worship was over, I would pull her aside and ask why she

people into your life, mentors can be immensely help-

did certain things during the service. This one-on-one

ful. Be a learner on all levels – in relationships, in study,

training time was a mentorship that prepared me to be-

and by listening. You will grow in more ways than you

gin leading worship when I was still very young. Other

can imagine if you pursue mentors for your life. Seek

times I would email her asking for book recommenda-

them out and be proactive. Ask lots of questions and be

tions or articles that would help me to grow as a leader.

willing to hear their thoughts and opinions objectively.

I read the materials she recommended and often we

Mentors can be a wonderful gift to your life if you will

would dialogue and discuss them. By being proactive,

be open, willing and vulnerable.

If you are willing to apply yourself and allow



We Need You We invite you to become a Pure Design Partner by contributing to Pure Design Magazine! Pure Design Magazine is a product of Pure Design Ministries, which was started in 2012. Our team members generously donate their time and talent to produce a well-written, quality magazine for you to enjoy! Our desire is to continue to offer this online magazine absolutely free to our readers despite operational expenses. We have committed to doing this through at least our first year. All contributions go directly towards the costs we incur to publish future issues. Donations may be sent to:

Family Ma Winter Issue 20



Pure Design Ministries P.O. Box 123 Sunbury, Ohio 43074. Please designate on the check or envelope – “Pure Design Magazine”. Thank you for your generosity – our partners will help keep Pure Design Magazine going, and allow us to expand further and grow our team. If you have any further questions, please contact Pam Lozano, the Executive Director at pam@

TRIBAL TUNES One of the best ways to wear patterns is by choosing loose, tribal patterned shirts.

NAUTICAL NEUTRALS The best summer shoe: a nude wedge, flats or flip flops! Keep your entire outfit colorful with a pair of nude shoes to finish it all off!

SUMMER BLUES keep everything polished by adding in a blue vest, skirt or a piece of jewelry!

ANIMAL INSTINCTS Wearing your hair up is fun if you add in a headband! Feeling brave? Let it all out and just go all-natural

GOT SUN BLOCK? The easiest way to ramp up an outfit is by wearing a big floppy sun hat! This instantly saves your hair from harmful UV Rays!

DRESS FRENZY! The best thing about summer is a fun sun dress! Whether it’s all laced up or perfect as a swimsuit cover-up, a dress instantly adds a summer touch!

Confidence and Courage “Therefore we may boldly say: The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Hebrews 13:6 “God does not begin by asking our ability, but more of our availability. When we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.” Neal A. Maxwell

“For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

“The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11

“Courage is found in unlikely places.” J.R.R. Tolkien

“With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.” Unknown

“If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.” Unknown

“Never dull your shine for somebody else.” Tyra Banks “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” Norman Vincent Peale

“Accept who you are; and revel in it.” Mitch Albom

“Many people pray to be kept out of unexpected problems. Some people pray to be able to confront and overcome them.” Toba Beta

“God uses ordinary for His glory. He fills a common girl with His uncommon glory. He will use anybody who lays her life at His feet.” Angela Thomas

“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you: your right hand upholds me.” Psalm 63:7-8 “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” Henry David Thoreau “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” William G.T. Shedd

Courage to Love and Be Loved by Shakia Artson

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 In fall of 1999, an enthusiastic 5 year old girl walked into her kindergarten classroom with a huge smile upon her face and a heart full of dreams. She was so excited to start school because it gave her the opportunity to interact with other children. Behind the colossal doors of St. John the Baptist Elementary School laid hopes of one day becoming an influential person. But as she walked into classroom K-108, her dreams were instantly shattered. She was escorted out in haste. The teachers noticed she had rough, dry, black spots all over her body and thought she had a disease that could possibly infect her classmates. Her mom – now annoyed and frustrated – came up to the school that afternoon to explain that her daughter had eczema, a skin disorder that was not contagious. She took her disappointed daughter home early. That day the girl’s ability to dream was challenged because people only saw her outer appearance instead of who she was on the inside. Kindergarten was a long time ago but that situation became a pivotal point in my life and greatly influenced the decisions I have made. That became a very low place in my life because I felt alone and unworthy of love. I always thought, “How could anyone love someone as ugly as me?” I used to spend hours in the bath tub fiercely scrubbing my coarse skin in hopes that my eczema and all the pain that came with it would eventually wash away. Even though I was, and still am a very outgoing and relational person, I suppressed my interactive nature because people never wanted to get to know the real me. I went through grade school being bullied for being oversized and often times called out because I looked different than other kids. I was in 8th grade, weighed 200 pounds, and wore a size 20. I never had the pleasure of shopping at regular child department stores. I isolated myself because I grew to believe that fat girls like me did not deserve friends. I was very lonely and deemed it safer to stay to myself because I was very ashamed of my body. Books and Barbie dolls were my only friends because I knew they would not disappoint me. I confided in my dolls because they never called me “gorilla” or pulled my hair. I believed that being different was dangerous and if I wanted love then I had to change who I was in order to fit the mold of beauty sculpted by society. It was the most degrading and hurtful thing I have ever gone through; to believe that I was inadequate to everyone around me. I was talented and very intelligent, but being a straight-A student didn’t matter if I was overweight. All of my accomplishments felt worthless because academic achievements did not make people like me. A 100% on an English exam did not encourage boys to dance with me at prom or motivate girls to invite me to their birthday parties. God used the anguish I felt during my developmental years to

pilot a passion for helping and inspiring others. In Genesis 50:20, Joseph said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” During the summer after junior high school I had so much hurt and baggage I did not know where to turn so I decided to try God. I was always really involved in my church, but this was the first time I was vulnerable with Him. My church held a “back to school revival” in August during which I learned a lot about identity and who I was in Christ. I did not change overnight but I began the process of loving myself. While I was at a place of hopelessness I began to experience God like never before. In 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9, Paul tells us that we may be knocked down but we are never knocked out. I was persecuted, but not abandoned – God was still there for me. I began to read my Bible more and indulge myself in His presence, and through His Word I was reminded how special and loved I was. In the past, I repeatedly failed in my searches for love and acceptance because I was putting my treasures in the wrong place. When I made a conscious decision to place my heart in the hand of God, I began to learn how much God loved me. His love for me motivated me to love myself. Once I began to love myself, I grew to be more confident in who I was in Christ. When I knew who I was in Christ, no one could tell me otherwise – there were days when I still felt hurt, but I found peace in knowing I was not alone. After experiencing this peace, I wanted to extend this love to others. I knew what it felt like to be friendless and lonely. I had hated myself and my body; there were times when death seemed so much more fulfilling than life. All my life I felt as if I needed to change in order to be accepted, and because of that I tried to make sure no one else I came in contact with felt the same isolation I did.

I went into high school more confident and ready to initiate meaningful relationships with others. God moved in my friendships during that time and anchored me in a position where I had a platform to influence a lot of people around me. I used both words and actions as an instrument to proclaim justice and love for my neighbors. Whenever I saw someone alone, I sat with them and assured them that if no one else was there for them, I was, and most importantly God was! Every time I saw someone hurting, the fiveyear-old girl in me came alive again and I was reminded of those tears I cried night after night. Those tears, filled with so much pain and anger, motivated me to give someone else the love I never received from my peers. I found solace in building other people up. Many of my peers thought they had found status in making others feel inadequate or unworthy but that never enticed me. I wanted to show love to others, because a seed of hope placed in a broken person’s heart can have an everlasting imprint on their future. It is always easier to follow others in making fun of the boy with bad acne or picking on the girl who is overweight, but it is more rewarding to sow seeds of love and watch it unfold in that person’s life. Sometimes by loving others, we have to stand alone because the fight for justice is never an easy one. Just look at those who walked before us - Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, or Jesus. We are all created and loved by God. We are commissioned to go out and love one another as stated in 1 John 4. As we love others, we will see them empowered to become exactly what God created them to be. Even if it is not the most popular thing, we still must love. Dying on the cross for our sins was unpopular, but Jesus did it! I will live the rest of my life trying to give a voice to the voiceless – being an advocate for justice, and imitating Christ even if that is not the popular thing to do. I hope you will too.

Shakia Artson attends Gordon College majoring in Communication Arts/Sociology. She was born March 17, 1994 in Brooklyn, NY and is the youngest of four. She is involved in a lot of activities on her campus that encourage community growth, racial reconciliation, and respect for all cultures. She lives to motivate and inspire others through broadcasting and communication.

Behind the Scenes

With the Pure Design Team

SNEAK PEAK AT ISSUE 5 Look for our Fall 2013 issue coming out on September 1st! We will be talking about “Standing in the Midst of the Storm”. Many teens have hard things to face in life – illnesses, depression, anxiety, family strife, and even suicide. Often we are afraid to face these issues head on. We do not want to discuss them for fear of exposing what is really happening. We will be diving into some of these topics as we hear from some teens and how they have dealt with some of these hard things. Our hope is that we will inspire you to begin talking about the real issues you are facing, and that you will seek out help with someone who can truly help you! Please stay tuned to our quarterly magazine and blog. We hope to begin updating our blog more often. We would love to hear from you – what topics would you like us to discuss? Send us a FB message or email us at: pam@ Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram. We value each and every reader! Pass on our information to all of your friends.

What to Expect this Fall •  Real life articles from teens and young adults  •  Great affordable Fall fashion and back to school looks  • •  Yummy Fall recipes  •  Scriptures to encourage and inspire you  • Keep connected with Pure Design on:

Instagram: PureTeenMag

All contents copyright Š 2013 by Pure Design Teen Mag. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the written permission of the publisher. Please write to Pam Lozano at P.O. Box 123 Sunbury, Ohio 43074 or e-mail

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