ROC Metaphysical October 2017 Issue

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Wow, it’s been a year! I can't believe that a year has gone by. I have seen the magazine grow and develop in its look and content. (Stay tuned there's a new look coming.) So many great writers who have contributed and our growing readership making this a very successful year. Our calendar is chock full and the directory is growing. A great thanks to everyone who has shared and participated. It’s been a great adventure and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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Jupiter, the planet of expansion, luck, opening doors, and opportunity will be leaving Libra and going into the sign of Scorpio on October 10, 2017! What does that mean? I can hear everyone asking. Let me explain. Every twelve months Jupiter moves through a different sign allowing that group to open up a different area of life where opportunities knocks so open that door!!. I recommend that you either do a vision board or detailed list focusing on your particular “lucky� area. Happy manifesting!! Scorpio, Jupiter will be transiting your solar first house. This is your year! Let the universe know what you want to accomplish over the next twelve years. You are the farmer this year plant seeds in all areas of your life and watch your dreams manifest. Plant no seeds nothing grows. These can be a small as a new shirt or grand like a new career! You are only limited by your insecurities. If your Fairy Godmother showed up and said you can go to the ball believe her!! All is possible with Spirit. A vision board is a must. Guard against overindulgences in food and drink. Libra, Jupiter will be transiting your solar second house. This transit will bring you opportunities in areas that bring security. Look for doors to open around how you create money. Raises, new job opportunities arise, or you may decide to further your education Do not let insecurities get the best of you. Look for a hidden talent to emerge to push you to grow and expand. This is a good year to get good bargains! Guard against overindulgence in food or sweets. Virgo, Jupiter is transiting your solar third house. Network, communicate, learn, grow, explore, this is your mantra this year! Think of yourself as a young adult when you knew everything was possible and you were eager to try new things. This is a fun year, so except those invitations!! If you need to buy a new car or electronics this is the year to get a good deal. Leo, Jupiter will be transiting your solar fourth house this is the year for changes around your home and hearth. This transit will make you shift to ground and make you feel rooted and safe. Some people will move, others will renovate their home, build your nest egg. You will feel joy in nurturing other people. Long standing situations will be resolved in a positive way. Cancer, Jupiter will be transiting your solar fifth house this is the year to let your hair down and have some fun. The previous year was busy and productive this is the year to be childlike. The fifth house Page | 5

rules love and romance let your heart open wide and let love in!! The creative side of you will expand; write, paint, dance, build. For those of you who want to have a child this is a good year to conceive. Let yourself ROAR with joy!! Gemini, Jupiter will be transiting your solar six house this is the year is busy, busy, busy. You feel you need 25 hours in a day, your schedule is brimming with activity. Keep fluid your schedule may change unexpectedly. Make sure you take time to recharge and play because you are learning balance. Your focus may turn to health issues: Starting a new exercise or eating plan, you may look at alternative modalities for health improvement. Taurus, Jupiter will be transiting your solar seventh house this is the year. This is the year to seek or improve close personal or romantic relationships. This is a year to get engage, renew vows, or start a new business. The year favors creating new business alliances. Also, you will learn how to make other people a priority and resolving disagreements with those you care about. You are willing let go of relationships that are over. Aries, Jupiter will be transiting your solar eighth house this year will be an intense year. The eighth house will leave you feeling totally transformed. This is the year to re-invent yourself. This year look at how you get money from other sources, your partners money, your employer, wills, taxes, legacies. Get your paperwork in order! This is the house of the dead so if you would like to study the occult or mediumship this is the year to do it. Pisces, Jupiter will be transiting your solar ninth house this year. This year you can travel, go back to school, write that book. You will find yourself interested in new ideas, new philosophies, new ideas that are different from the way you were raised. This can be a year you let your self have fun, fun, fun you deserve it !!! Aquarius, Jupiter will be transiting your solar tenth house. This is the year to be ready to elevate your career and/or public status. This is the year to get that promotion, get the rewards for your hard work. You are reaping the benefits of your hard work from the last several years. This year be out in the public eye promoting what is important to you. If you want to change your career this is the year to do it. Sagittarius, Jupiter will be transiting your solar eleventh house. This is the year to manifest your desires. Go out and about, this is not the year to be a wall flower or a couch potato. Join that group, make new friends, get involved!! The year has a flavor of life and people and that anything is possible! So, wish upon that star! Capricorn, Jupiter will be transiting your solar twelfth house. This year is all about you and spirit. Your dreams will be vivid and full of messages. Spirit is increasing their communication with you. You are preparing for the next new cycle that will happen in November of 2019. This is a time of letting go of people, things, and situations that are no longer needed and dreaming of what you want to bring to you. There is an urge to improve your health. You feel like you are on your own path, celebrate this for when we follow our own heart anything is possible. Page | 6

About Deb: Deb is a psychic/medium and astrologer. Deb initial training was her mom who was a working astrologer she taught her astrology like a language. Her Grandmother ltrained with Evangline Adams, Deb has trained with several different people. She is also a certified Master Teacher through the LWISSD. She teaches astrology in the same way her mother taught breaking it down so anyone can learn. Deb can be heard on WRMM 101.3 Rochester.

There is quite a difference between concern and worry when it comes to the way one handles day-today life and the obstacles that occur along the way. A problem-focused mentality which is called Murphy Law Syndrome, worries and sees their obstacles in the form of problems. This can cause ego struggles and pain. This leads to greater fears, limitations, self-doubt, negativity, judging, powerless words, time pressures, and more problems. There is a continual focus on it by dwelling on the obstacles and playing the self-pity game. Constantly complain, blame, moan and groan forming a domino effect in all areas of their life. Their attitude is affected, becoming negative to the point where they are not willing to let go of the struggles and attempt to control the situation. Through persistent feeding negativity, they are unable to ‘let go of the chattered thoughts and complaining and relax. They feel stuck and unable to become pro-active and resolve the problem, feel like a victim. The more one worries, the more their attitude is affected negatively. It has been medically proven that a negative attitude affects your health. One can manifest depression, headaches, ulcers, colds, heart attacks, and even cancer because they are repressing their emotions and thoughts in a negative way. These repressed thoughts and emotions are in the form of negative energy. When these negative energies are stored in your body and are not released, the body reacts by getting ill. List of results that come from a non-positive attitude: * Your focus on what you do not want

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* Your focus on DOING in order to control some outcome * Your focus is on negative results * Your emphasis is on what you do not want * You end up attracting more problems * You have conflicts, frustrations, fears, etc. * The results are procrastination and/or quitting * You feel out of control and powerless People who perceive their obstacles as challenges experience feelings of concern rather than that of worry. They focus on their obstacles and life with a 'Serendipity Attitude'. They choose peace, love, joy, prosperity and well-being. They choose to live life BEING love, joyful, and peaceful. They are pro-active and look for solutions that support overall well-being and harmonious peace for all concerned not just themselves. They know the challenges they are facing are not permanent and that there are lessons to learn. Their attitude is positive because they look at these challenges as opportunities for growth as they focus on being in the present moment with gratitude. The more you accept life for what it is and what it is not, the greater inner peace, joy and love is experienced. From that place you are better suited to know how to live a pro-active life that allows you to enjoy life rather than just live. Enjoying the simple things that life offers, such as, nature, children laughing, animals’ affection, people laughing, reading a book, nature, and taking a walk. By realizing that you don't have to DO something to HAVE greater peace, love or a positive attitude, you enjoy life more. ‘Doing’ in order to ‘Have’ joy, love, peace is looking OUTSIDE for joyfulness, peacefulness, love, etc. All that is necessary is to GO INSIDE and choose to BE at peace, to be happy, to experience inner love. Thinking grateful thoughts supports a positive attitude. Feeling Appreciation, supports joyful living. Gratitude and Appreciation is the means of moving your consciousness and emotions off what is making you unhappy to that of choosing to BE happy. List of results that come from a positive attitude * You focus on what you would enjoy. * You choose to BE joyful, peaceful, and loving * Your emphasis is on positivity and opportunities * You receive insights and innovative ideas. * You attract people who are supportive and caring Comparatively between the two lists, you can see it takes fewer steps and far less invested energy to create intentions when you have a positive attitude than to get goals in life and attempt to control the outcome with a negative attitude. In order for you to enhance a positive attitude, it is imperative to Page | 8

take responsibility for your life. You alone are responsible for your happiness and well-being. It is important for you to truly know who you are and what makes you happy. By Being happy, you will create a more fulfilling life. By Doing, to then have something to BE happy, is backwards. Being happy, claiming it and choosing it, provides for more effective decisions making. Mistakes occur along the way, yet they won’t be perceived as failures to blame on another or one oneself. Rather, see them as opportunities to grow, mature and develop more wisdom. You release those feelings and thoughts that are not caring or have compassion toward another. You accept and choose peace vs. attempt to figure out or understand the reason. You use discernment rather than judgment. You avoid personalizing, so your attitude is not affected by any possible unfavorable behaviors. When you take better care of yourself, you enjoy life more. Your attitude says, "I choose to live life and I would rather enjoy life than worry about it." By taking responsibility for your life and the obstacles you face, the decisions you make are more productive. Your life is run by what brings you happiness and well being because you know you deserve it. You assert in a responding manner with conviction and compassion, rather than become reactive in unpleasant feelings and thoughts on situations and people that attempt to affect your happiness and well being. Having a positive attitude includes balancing your life in all areas-including family, friends, health, exercise, work, spiritual, education, and eating healthy. You are enhancing a positive attitude, by trusting your intuition and allowing it to be your guide rather than allowing fears and other outside sources to be your guide or tell you what is best for you. To learn more on serendipity and living the essence of love, read Angelica’s book- Living Life as You Always Dreamed. (c) Copyright,2011, revised 2017 Angelica Rose - The Heart of Motivation, all rights reserved About Angelica Rose: Angelica Rose, An Angel Walk-in, is a Universal gifted Angel Messenger, Angel Love Coach since 1991, a Certified Hypnotist, Writer, International Radio Host, Minister of LOVE, and Author of Books, EBooks, Relaxation CDs, MP3s, MP4s, Talk on Spiritual Oneness and Inspirational Stickers. Angelica also created an online series called, Spiritual Journey From Human Consciousness to Spiritual Oneness on MP3 and MP4. Angelica's mission is to is committed to ANGELIC LOVE FREQUENCY.

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Welcome to Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. I’m Tobie Hewitt and I’m your guide through time and space and all points in between. Mystic Musings will give you insight into who you are, why you are here, how to live an authentic life, and where you fit into the universe around you. Join me on this path of mystical exploration. In Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt, Welcome to Episode 8 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will discuss the concept of Spirit Guides as we continue our mystic journey. Please click on the links below, and please subscribe to my podcast. Thanks! Welcome to Episode 9 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will discuss the concept of cleansing your living space as we continue our mystic journey. Please click on the links below, and please subscribe to my podcast. Thanks! About Tobie: Tobie Hewitt has nine books listed on, including Simple Gifts: Living a Spirited Life, which shares what it is like to be a spiritual girl in a physical world. She has dedicated her life to helping others realize that they are spirits, embodied on this earth to learn from the experience, and that they do not need to fear the transition known as death. By spreading this awareness, she hopes to contribute to a more peaceful and cohesive world. You can contact her through her contact page on her website -

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During this auspicious time, the Beings of Light are consistently imploring us to stay focused on the Light. Even in the face of seeming adversity, it is vital that we use our thoughts, words, feelings and actions to empower what we want to manifest in our lives and in the world. If we focus the power of our attention on our fears and the negativity that is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light, we will empower and sustain the very things we are trying to eliminate on this planet. Know that with every thought, word, feeling and action you are either adding to the Light of the world or the shadows. Be cognizant of this Truth, and monitor the focus of your attention moment by moment. In order to inspire you to keep on keeping on, I would like to share with you once again how critical mass affects our ability to change our lives. Reaching Critical Mass There is a phenomenon that often causes Humanity to feel frustrated and powerless when it comes to changing our lives. That phenomenon is known as reaching critical mass or, in pop-culture lingo, the tipping point. When we awaken, we begin to understand the power of our thoughts and feelings. We realize the importance of monitoring the focus of our attention and of controlling our behavior patterns. As a result of our new insight, we put forth the effort to think positively. We strive to hold our thoughts and feelings on what we want to manifest in our lives, instead of on our fears and the things we do not want in our lives. We envision Heaven on Earth, and we breathe life into our thought forms with positive affirmations, meditations, decrees, buoyant joy and heartfelt enthusiasm. But often, after what seems like a valiant effort, we continue to experience many of the same old problems. This unfortunate situation causes us to become discouraged and to lose faith in our ability to change our lives. At that point, we feel like our efforts are futile. That is when we decide to give up, and we stop trying to make our lives better.

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When we let go of our visions and our hope, we regress into our old negative thinking patterns. We start dwelling on our fears, problems and challenges instead of our goals, hopes and dreams. As a result of this tragic relapse, things get worse in our lives and our situations appear even more hopeless. Once we understand the phenomenon of reaching critical mass, it will give us the courage to persevere until our goals are accomplished. We will have the courage to stay focused on the Light, even in the face of apparent failure, which is ALWAYS an illusion. Everything is comprised of energy, vibration and consciousness. When we explore a minuscule fraction of the vast science of quantum physics, we learn that when something reaches critical mass, there is an UNSTOPPABLE SHIFT that takes place. For instance, when an electron is increasing in vibration, the moment it reaches a critical mass of the higher vibration, the entire electron ascends into the new frequency. The instant the electron reaches critical mass, nothing can prevent this unstoppable shift. Critical mass is very complex and unique to every situation, but the Company of Heaven has said that for simplicity, we can think of reaching critical mass as 51 percent of the energy, vibration and consciousness of whatever it is we are talking about. For instance, when 51 percent of an electron is vibrating at the higher frequency, the remaining 49 percent is instantly absorbed into the new vibration. Okay, so how does this facet of quantum physics affect our ability to take charge of our own lives? As we strive to improve our lives, the same laws of quantum physics apply. These are Universal Laws to which we are ALL subject. When empowering a vision or thought form, the moment a critical mass of energy, vibration and consciousness is reached, in alignment with our vision, nothing can stop it from manifesting. The problem is that we never know just when we are going to reach that magical moment of critical mass. There are often no outer-world signs to indicate that we are on the brink of reaching critical mass. In fact, many times it looks like we are very far away from that instant of transformation. The reason for this is that our I AM Presence is giving us the opportunity to transmute the blocks and resistance to our vision that have surfaced to be cleared out of the way. When this happens, we usually feel a little overwhelmed. We erroneously conclude that our efforts must be failing, and we just give up. The Beings of Light have said that many times we have been a breath away from reaching a critical mass of our goal. Since we did not realize that, we got discouraged and stopped working toward our life-transforming changes. Consequently, our hopes and dreams were never fulfilled. Let’s not allow that to happen this time. This is a year of new beginnings, and we have never had the magnitude of assistance from On High that we are receiving in 2008. So, in very practical terms, critical mass means that when we are striving to create prosperity in our lives, the moment our thoughts, words, actions and feelings are vibrating with a critical mass of prosperity consciousness instead of poverty consciousness, our life circumstances will shift, and we will experience prosperity. The moment a critical mass of our energy is aligned with self-esteem and love, Page | 12

we will magnetize positive relationships into our lives. The moment a critical mass of our energy is aligned with peace, harmony and balance, we will manifest those Divine Qualities tangibly in our life experiences. The key to our success is that we must keep on keeping on even in the face of adversity. It is vital for us to understand that the Light of God is infinitely more powerful than any fragmented human miscreation we may have inadvertently created. Poverty has no power over the Abundance of God. Our Divine Potential is infinitely more powerful than disease, failure, dysfunctional relationships, hatred, greed, corruption, war or any of the other humanly-created maladies appearing on the screen of Life. As long as we stay focused on the Light and consecrate our energy to empower only the positive experiences we want to create in our lives and in the world, we will manifest our visions and dreams faster than we can possibly imagine. Whatever you do, do not give up! This information is being given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth during this critical moment on Earth to help us remember that if we do not like what is happening in our lives, we have the option to do something about it. This is true for each of us individually, and it is true for all of us collectively as a global family. We do not have to believe in the various Universal Laws in order to exist on Earth, but since we are ALL subject to them, it is just common sense for us to try to accept them. We do not have to believe that every single thought, word, action and feeling we have will go out and affect the world and then return to us to affect our personal lives, but this is happening scientifically, to the letter, in spite of any disbelief we may have. It is important that we put things back into perspective and accept responsibility for turning our lives around. When we deliberately focus on transforming our lives and co-creating Heaven on Earth, our efforts are empowered by the unfathomable Light of our I AM Presence. Then, if we invoke the assistance of the entire Company of Heaven to intercede on our behalf, our success is assured. I am delighted to invite everyone around the world to join in this powerful group prayer and visualization by Patricia Cota-Robles. Whenever you do this, simply have the intention of breathing together with the Love of the Creator through our Divine Heart Space...for with One Consciousness, One Mind, and the Love of the Creator - we will help manifest the spiritual upliftment, healing, and ascension of every human being - and help manifest heaven on earth. About Patricia: Patricia is co-founder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination. Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author who has taught workshops in 20 countries, and offered FREE Seminars in her hometown of Tucson, Arizona and throughout the USA for the past 33 years. She has written 11 Page | 13

books and produced CDs, DVD's, webinars, teleconferences, a weekly radio program, a free monthly email newsletter, global meditations, and YouTube presentations, all of which are designed to help Humanity add to the Light of the world.


We can all get upset at times but there are healthy ways to express frustration and anger. It is important, especially for empaths and sensitive people to be aware of the difference between venting and dumping as the later can beat down one’s positivity and self worth. As a psychiatrist and empath myself I have a hard time tolerating loud noises. So for the sake of preservation I have a “no yelling” rule in my house. For sensitive people, a healthier way to express anger is through venting, whereas dumping is toxic and can traumatize and overwhelm us. For instance, if your spouse wants to vent, ask him or her to make a formal request by saying, “I have a request. I need to vent about an issue. Is that okay to do now?” This gives you some warning so you’re Page | 14

not hijacked. Then, it’s your choice to discuss the issue right away or later when you have adequate time and feel more centered. Here are some guidelines from my book, The Empath’s Survival Guide to follow when you or someone else is communicating anger.

Communication is vital when it comes to expressing anger or other intense emotions. Knowing the difference between venting and dumping is a positive start to having clarity in your relationships. If someone starts dumping on you, it’s fine to excuse yourself and tell them “I can talk to you when you are calmer.” Learning to protect yourself in this way, particularly if you are a sensitive person, is an important form of self-care. About Judith: Judith Orloff, MD is author of The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People, upon which her articles are based. Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath, and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff also specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice. To learn more about empaths and her free empath support newsletter as well as Dr. Orloff's books and workshop schedule, visit her website.

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Autumn's Majesty Š Patricia L. Cisco Sun with his artistic touch, streaks skies of blue with rosy blush, trimming Oak and Maple too, crimson reds with yellow hue. Birch and Hemlock, purple and gold, apples, pumpkins bright and bold, burns by day and cools by night, cloaking trees in fiery might. Wispy winds and tumbling leaves, cypress scents within the breeze, starry eves and harvest moon, sets the stage for crickets' tune. As spiders spin their tapestry and crickets sing in symphony, their final song of destiny, it's clear for all the world to see, Autumn's vibrant majesty! Source:

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Experiences and reflections from the world of Energy Healing -WWKD What would Kindness do? So many of us feel a strong empathetic connection to those around us. We focus on strengthening our energy field, intending that other’s vibrations will not negatively impact us. What if we can turn that sensitivity into a superpower, one that can make the world a little better with each comment or action? There are so many moments in our days when we have a choice of how we respond to other people. Will we meet anger with anger, fear with impatience, frustration with dismissal? Sometimes I visualize myself wearing a baseball hat or t-shirt with “WWKD” emblazoned on it in glitter, and I take a deep breath. I’ve said it before - Humaning is Hard! No matter what others say or do we are in charge of our own reaction, our own words and deeds. If you could see Kindness manifested in a human, standing beside you (perhaps a combination of Kwan Yin, Mother Theresa, Buddha, Jesus), arm around your shoulders, whispering in your ear. How would you be encouraged to respond? Kindness allows others to go first - even if it’s not their turn. Kindness doesn’t always need to be right. Kindness responds with encouragement, gladness, and praise wherever they are needed. Kindness offers help whenever possible - even if it’s not always easy. Kindness takes time to listen without judgment. Kindness takes true delight in others’ accomplishments, good fortune, and joy. Kindness hugs, and holds hands, and holds space, whether in person or from afar. Kindness understands that humans are sometimes forgetful, reactive, stressed, and self-centered, and finds a way to forgive and move forward. Kindness prays, and heals, and loves, whenever possible - and it is always possible. There is not much we have real control over in our lives but we can choose how to respond to people and events. Wrap yourself in your Kindness Cloak, put on that Kindness Tiara and offer your sweetest energy to the world around you. Remember, what you put out into the universe comes back to you threefold. Remember - Kindness is just Love with its workboots on.

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About Kathy: Kathy has been working with healing energy since 1998. She is a Reiki Master Teacher trained in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition. Kathy is an NSAC Certified Spiritual Healer and has pursued extended training in Integrated Energy Therapy, Sound Healing, Crystal Therapy, Color Healing, Zero Point Regeneration Healing, Intention Healing, Meditation, Mediumship, Essential Oils, and Herbology. It is with great love and compassion that she intuitively brings these healing tools together for the benefit of others.

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Autumn Š Julie L. O'Connor

There's a crispness in the air that greets the morning sun, a feeling of anticipation, a new day has begun. Harvest days are ending, winter is drawing near, yet in between is surely the most special time of year. They call it Indian Summer, and it seems to fit the bill, for it's as if the Lord took a feathered brush and painted all the hills. Now as I sit contented, atop of one of these, a book in hand to pass the time, the sound of a gentle breeze, I can almost imagine an Indian child upon this mountaintop, looking down at the land of her forefathers, lost within her thoughts For in every persons lifetime some heartache may occur, but on these hills in quiet solitude, God helps us to endure. So I say that the eyes are a window, beauty is found within the soul, and upon the hills of Autumn, that are strewn with red and gold. Source:

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My entire life has been a journey to self-discovery. I am only now coming to an awareness that I need to know who I am. However, I have unconsciously sought the person that I needed and should be all of my life. We all, most of us, have wondered at some point in our lives, who we were and what are we here for. What is my purpose in life? As we ponder the age old question about this life, often we allow what we do as an occupation to define the answer. This is often sufficient for many of us, if we have allowed ourselves to do by profession the thing that brings us peace and joy and happiness. For those who have chosen to do what they love, the question of life is not so pressing upon them. However, when you have lived a lifetime of feeling like you are at the “grind stone” and work is just to meet life’s demands, there is usually something left unanswered. I retired early at age 55. I had a really good job. I can’t say that I enjoyed the job. It had excellent pay. I like the people I worked with. I did not have problems getting the work done. However, something was missing. As I look back on that time, there was nothing pressing me to retire from the outside. Something on the inside made me jump at the first opportunity to retire. This retirement presented a turning point for me on my journey that I did not recognize at the time. Without that job title to define me, I lost a part of who I had been and thought I was. When I returned to work at the Department of Social Services, I asked myself if I had made a mistake in accepting that job I had never worked so hard for so little pay in comparison. But for the first time in my life, I found fulfillment in a job. I grew to love my job so deeply. Finally I was in a position to make a difference in the lives of others. Although I was inundated with paperwork, cases, phone calls and deadline, I felt purpose. It brought joy to my heart to do something that changed someone’s life and bring peace to worried minds. It felt good to be able to find answers and assist with needs for the elderly. My fulfillment was not in the job title or power of the position. It was in the service of helping others. I could and would actually say, “I love my job” for the first time in my life. I had never been so happy helping and serving others. I set out on this journey to discover myself, so I thought. In many ways, I believe I have always been looking for me. I think sometimes we can find ourselves looking for what we already have and are. Page | 21

When we allow others, be they friends, family or foe, to define us, we won’t be able to see what we already know within us. When we let others tell us what we should be or do, sometimes we get it right but often times we get it wrong. I recall some years ago when I felt a call to the ministry, I spoke to my Pastor at that time about it. When he asked me why I felt this and what kind of ministry I felt led to do, I prayed about it and gave him this answer. I said I believe my calling is to minister across denominational, cultural and racial lines to serve people and bring them together in unity. I desired to help all people come together and find their way to a life of love, hope and peace. My response from him was that I was nothing but a servant. At the time, I felt a bit insulted and belittled by his remark. But I have since come to understand that although he did not mean it as a compliment; he was telling me the truth. I agree with him at this point in my life. Although I feel that I have added some other qualities over time to this servanthood. I do love serving people. This is what true ministry is, serving people. It is the most fulfilling thing that I have ever had opportunity to do. And it does not necessary need to be done inside of a building. It brings me much joy and happiness to help others become than they were when I first met them. So now I have to ask myself, what am I looking for? What am I looking to discover about myself that I don’t already know? I believe it is what everyone else is looking for. I believe another way to look at it would be to ask, how do I fit in this game called life? What is my part in this collective of existence we are calling life? We really are all connected regardless of religious beliefs, race, cultural beliefs, occupation or lifestyles. My part in all of this, I believe, is to serve and help others become their best selves or at least help them on their journey as we cross paths in this life. My purpose is to build up not to tear down It is to be a voice of encouragement and a mirror to reflect back the best in those who stop to look into my words. It is to love without judgment, to offer acceptance of differences and allow authenticity in strengths and weaknesses. A part of the journey, I also believe, is to seek what we are giving. This could be the reason we give what we do. All that I have given and the ways that I have served others, I must now return that back unto me. My calling and purpose is not just for others. If I am going to truly live out my calling and my purpose, I must start with myself. I am told to love my neighbor as myself. So if I am to find myself on this journey, I must love myself without judgment, accept my own differences from others and allow myself to be authentic in my weaknesses and my strengths. I must become okay with being my own servant. I must be okay with filling my cup of happiness and joy so that I can in turn have enough to extend to others. In order to serve others, I must first serve myself. Today I take another step towards self-knowing, self-acceptance and self-love. Love, Rebecca About Rebecca: I am Rebecca Washington. I have not always appreciated myself, my gifts, talents, intellect, internal or external beauty that I possess. The lack of appreciation and acknowledgement has Page | 22

been reflected in how I think the world sees me. But the world can only see what I show it and allow it to see. Casting all of that behind me, I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to this: "Love, Rebecca."

Hello! Hitch hikers from the astral realm are opportunistic entities that attach to a being in order to experience energy and life. Without the being they are attached to they have no real existence. These can be acquired through no fault of the human from emotional trauma or a nature that is very receptive to life in all its forms. Think of a sponge. No one would blame a sponge for soaking up water. Also, the soul and over-soul in search of certain experiences will call in an attachment so in that sense the attachment is in service to the human/soul even though they can cause great distress and distortion. The path to releasing such attachments is the same path to gnosis. It is admirable to pray and have faith and align oneself with good deeds. It is beyond needing to do any of these things that is true gnosis or knowing. The goodness and beauty that arises from being in a natural state of being is wonderful to behold. Everything flows effortlessly and life provides all needs before a need is ever noticed. Many will resist such a state of being because on Earth there is a great love of contrast, competitiveness and stress otherwise known as tension and release. In a totally relaxed being there is no need to compare anything to another. There is no hierarchy of goodness, ability and most importantly love. Love is the natural state of being as apparent in every breath as in every space between breaths. Page | 23

If one finds themselves desiring change to close the door to unwanted guests such as entity attachments, there are ceremonies and healing techniques which do so. If one wishes to have no need of healing anything anymore the path is love which leads to gnosis. Love is not the emotional state most people think of. It is more akin to unbounded joy and allowing. Freedom! Love of Self must be internalized before it expresses outwardly for the highest good. This knowing beyond the need for faith is the destiny of all who INSPIRE to enlightenment. Aspiring connotes effort. Inspiration comes to those who listen for it and relax whenever possible-enough to receive it. You do exist eternally as well as temporally. Take any moment to tune into the eternal and bring that feeling back into the temporal. That it is possible now more easily than ever before is good news! Indeed! All Is Well! Love love love love love love love, OMED! About Christine: Hypnotherapist, International Association of Counselors and Therapists, Reconnective Energy Healer, Past Life Regression, Body Wisdom, Shamanic Healing

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Cultivating inner peace is the foundation of all spiritual practices. Our inner world is reflected in our outer world experiences through connections with others, and is expressed as compassion, justice, promoting non-violence, and embracing diversity. While fear, hatred, and violence are infectious, so is peace. Therefore, as Peacekeepers or Light workers, we must commit to practicing peace in all that we do. We must stay composed no matter how hateful people around us may be acting. We must embrace conflict with equanimity. We must remain steady so that conflicted persons feel safe in our presence. Over time, as people with opposing ideas begin to feel safe, we will have been a ripple effect of peace in our world. Maintaining a steady state of calm, will allow others to lower their guard, feel safe, and release their need for friction, or fighting; all of which is an essential first step that will begin to disarm the world. Nevertheless, there are many days in which conditions from the outside world can easily upset our inner peace, when we are not committed to the practice. I teach my students to learn to experience turbulent emotions as Spiritual Guides. When you feel yourself become worried, upset, or anxious, thank the emotion for showing you that you have forgotten your place of peace. In that moment of Awareness, you then get to choose how you really want to respond to what the outside world is showing you. I frequently invite my students to make a 40-Day commitment to Practicing Peace. This will take constant, daily reminding yourself of the commitment. For example, if you know that you have a “default” emotion that is easily triggered, such as anxiety, or road rage, you will now begin to use this trigger as your personal Guide to inner peace. As you notice the emotion rising, you pause, thank the emotion, and then reaffirm your vow to the commitment. A vow for your 40-Day practice could be stated such as: •

Hearing raised or hostile voices in public, on the news, or at work, will now guide me into being calm, peaceful, and kind.

When I hear of suffering or tragedy, I will be reminded of my commitment to practicing peace, and work to reduce the suffering of all Beings.

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Whenever I now feel anger rising, I vow to not add any violence or pain into our world.

This type of practice will give you direct knowledge of your own nature. You will come to know the habits of the mind, yet through a higher level of Awareness come to KNOW your higher mind, your highest potentiality for being. The reward of this level of Awareness is freedom. You become unshakeable. Additionally, knowing and understanding yourself, allows you to also understand others, which ultimately leads to outer world interconnectedness, and inner world peace. The key to experiencing a profound and transformative 40-Day commitment is devoting yourself to, and engaging in, a daily practice that brings peace to your inner self. Choose one thing. Many students at first jump in with great enthusiasm, and think they will do yoga, eat healthy, go to bed early, but are overwhelmed within days. Choose only one. Less is more in this case. Daily yoga, stretching, walking, cycling, hiking, reading sacred texts for 30 minutes; choose any ONE thing that calms your body, mind, and spirit. I highly recommend meditation as the chosen practice. I have seen many of my student’s lives transform once they committed to a daily meditation practice. My life was also transformed by committing to a series of 40-Day practices that lasted over a period of 1008 days. This occurred many years ago, but I can personally affirm to the benefits of what a 40-Day practice will do for a person who remains devoted to their purpose. For the past several years I have been mostly teaching or coaching, which has been tremendously rewarding, yet recently realized that I missed these transformative practices in my own life. I missed being in deep “relationship” with my inner self. The International Day of Peace was celebrated on September 21st, and on that day I vowed to begin a new personal 1008-Day spiritual journey with the sole purpose of only speaking in peace, being in peace, and teaching peace. This deepened vow is my devoted purpose for serving others, and will be the foundation for all future classes, retreats, courses, local and global events, and teachings. I feel vibrantly alive. Peacekeepers and Light workers know that the commitment to being in service to others must be exercised daily. I invite you to become profoundly devoted to your commitment in a new way. May Peace be the guide of all that we do. May the light in you, ignite the light in others. Namaste ~ Melinda About Melinda: About Buddhi Institute: The Buddhi Institute offers you a vast array of opportunities to deepen your well-being and/or spiritual practice so you may learn how to cultivate your own inner guidance. The offerings from the Buddhi Institute empower students and clients with mindfulness training, consciousness studies, spiritual development, wellness retreats, and mastering the mind through practices belonging to the Yoga Sciences.

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I visited the Casa Dom Inacio in Brazil several years ago. I experienced the Crystal bed on several occasions and can attest to it healing power. I was granted permission by John of God to bring a Crystal Bath to the Rochester area. What is Crystal Bed Therapy? The concept of the Crystal Bed, also called crystal bath therapy, was channeled through John of God by the spiritual healing Doctors. It was developed for practical use and incorporated as an important healing modality at the spiritual healing center affectionately known as "the Casa Dom Inacio in Brazil." For visitors to the Casa, the Crystal Healing Beds are available to all and are prescribed by the Entities (Healing Spirit Guides) of the Casa for rejuvenation, alignment and balancing of our energy fields, which in turn aids in the process of spiritual and physical healing. How does the "Crystal Bed" produce healing? The "Crystal Bed" combines the power of Color Therapy and Crystal Healing Therapy. This energy stream produces beneficial stimulation on many physical and energetic levels. This combination of healing energies is further GREATLY ENHANCED by the "Healing Spirits" of the Casa de Dom Inacio. These Healing Entities are the Spiritual Beings that work in and around the Casa de Dom Inacio and with all those deeply connected to the Casa family. These are the Entities that are incorporated by the Medium "John of God." The colored light shining through the crystals is a tool that the Spiritual Doctors use to channel their healing energy into the individual receiving the "Crystal Bed Healing." As the color is transmitted through the crystal onto the corresponding chakra, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all of the other chakras. This allows the other aspects of our self, whether it be mental, emotional or physical, to be brought into balance. For when the chakras are out of balance, all the other aspects of us will also be out of balance. Through this session the body's own natural healing mechanisms are able to function as they was designed to do. The "Crystal Bed� Healing" cleanses, balances and recharges the body's energy and creates a deep relaxation. It is also a great preventative modality. What is a Crystal Bed? A Crystal Bed has 7 extremely clear and highly polished Vogel cut quartz crystals suspended approximately 12 inches above the client. Each of the quartz crystals has been cut to a specific frequency. Each crystal is aligned above one of the seven human energy centers or chakras. Colored lights, chosen to match the vibration frequency of chakra colors, radiate light and energy through the Page | 27

crystals to each respective chakra, ( energy centers of the spiritual and physical body) and shine on and off in certain rhythms to cleanse, balance, and align your energies. The individual receiving the session rests face up with eyes closed, bathing in the energy. For the best results, the Entities request you wear white or light color clothing, and simply maintain an attitude of openness, receptivity, and create a clear mind. Many people who have had "Crystal Bed Healing" Sessions have reported some of the following: An increase of definitions in the senses (taste-food, sight-colors, touch-awareness) Feeling more energized- clear thoughts- ability to focus Feeling a deep relaxation- a connection to the earth and/or universe Feeling more at peace within themselves- a balance of the chakras Feeling less stressed and an increased sense of overall well being- increase in health A deeper spiritual understanding of themselves, and their life situations Gaining insights into their future life path and the evolution of Mother Earth Gaining insights of the cause of disease states- looking inward into personal health Receiving guidance as to how to best deal with their disease or problems The Crystal Bed is coming to The New Moon Psychic and Holistic Healing Expo on October 21 & 22! Energy Practitioner, Bonnie Sandera has been granted use of this amazing healing tool. Sessions are 30 minutes; at the discounted rate of $50. Call Bonnie at 585-301-6957 to pre-reserve you spot! You can also book appointments for the John of God Crystal Bed Friday October 6 & Saturday October 7 12-7 at Lightways Journey Community Center, 31 Market Street, Brockport, NY 585-281-8670.

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There is someone in my life who seems to know, with uncanny (and rather spooky) precision, exactly when I need a little extra love and understanding, a little slack and compassion. But instead of responding with that extra support, she senses that slight desire and becomes needy and defensive. Recently in my experience there have been major changes for me, including exploring new careers and the passing of my sweet canine companion and favorite hiking buddy, Samantha. At each turn, precisely when I could have used that little extra dollop of understanding, this individual has withdrawn and become demanding. Even snarky. My knee jerk reaction is to feel hurt and let down. Hoping for a different response from her, I’ve stepped out of my power and denied myself an opportunity to heal and grow. It has taken me years to recognize that subtle energy shift and until I began to shift my perspective and take responsibility for my personal role in my relationship dynamics, I have thought my need for extra love that went unfulfilled was a weakness in me. It has made me feel as if I am undeserving of support when I need it most. It felt as if my humanness and my emotions were unacceptable. It was as if I was worthy of love only when I had some sort of mask covering my genuine feelings. And then my need for love generated feelings of shame. Oh that cycle of dysfunction. Over time I began learning to talk myself through these sort of crises. And to me that is what they feel like. Once I began to shift my perspective and witness the patterns of response I had, I could describe it as feeling like a kitten up a tree. Early on I needed outside assistance to help coax me down from my tree of crisis. After some practice, I was able to recognize my kitten-up-a-treeness and have learned how to talk myself out of any tree I was beginning to scramble up to escape the chaos I was feeling. I was encouraged early on to look outside myself for love and approval and validation in order to help validate others. To seek comfort and self-approval was labeled selfish and willful. Sound familiar? But when we look to others for that validation, how often do they behave themselves and give us what we need? How dare they seek only to comfort themselves! When I consider it, this person may have no conscious awareness of how they are reacting. I imagine she is doing the best she can and is not able to see a different pov, and to expect her to is a condition I choose not to uphold. OK, easier said than done, but she is free to perceive the world, and me, in any way she chooses, regardless of how I wish it to be. We cannot change anyone else – we can only change how we look at things and whether we choose to react in the moment or respond with some clarity. With time the disappointment and thirst for validation is lessening, but the freedom I have to now pivot, reframe the feeling and then respond by taking ownership and not blaming is liberating. Deep Page | 29

down I still long for that approval and unconditional support, but in order to be free I need to take the reigns and steer my own boat towards my own love and approval. The transitions still feel awkward, but change can be that way until practice becomes habit. As I change how I respond to each situation, not only does it become a bit easier each time, but the ripple effects persist forwards, backwards and three dimensionally throughout time to heal all levels of misdirected need of love everywhere. I am able to understand things anew and soothe the past, present and future with each choice I make to respond differently. Each instance makes healing more attainable for all. And who doesn’t need more love and understanding? The pain I feel is genuine, but not unique. It is shared and ancient, trailing back to the time we somehow collectively forgot our connection to Source as the origin of the love in our hearts. It is an Earthly, if not Universal, yearning to reunite with the love of Source. To become whole again. Wholly Holy. The illusion is that we are separate from Source, but that love is right there, whispering, waiting, wanting us to open to let it in. Our shared yearning on Earth is to love and be loved. I can choose to love this person (or any person or thing) without the condition of their offering freely what I think I need from them and instead offer that love to myself and let them off the hook. Say to myself (in my heart and my mind) I am responsible for giving myself the love I need and that they are free to act however they choose. Give them that energetic liberation as I free myself from that conditional form of love too. Thank them for their refusing to give me what I think I need from them because it has encouraged me to connect to a limitless boundless source of love and acceptance I can tap into until I am full, even overflowing, by offering myself the love I deserve. Then I have an abundance to offer to others and to the world. About Tammy: Tammy is a Manifesting & Self-Love Coach who helps others feel their way to a joyous life. She lives in Upstate New York and is mom to one incredible human teenager and a handful of delightful furry people as well. he has been a spiritual seeker for a lifetime and has been studying and practicing the Law of Attraction for over 10 years, finding it an empowering & liberating tool for selfgrowth and self-actualization.

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Samhain is a festival of the Dead, meaning "Summer's End" and pronounced saah-win or saa-ween, Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest and the start of the coldest half of the year. For many practitioners, Samhain also is the beginning of the spiritual new year. Originating in ancient Europe as a Celtic Fire festival, Samhain is now celebrated worldwide. In the northern hemisphere, many Pagans celebrate Samhain from sundown on October 31 through November 1. Others hold Samhain celebrations on the nearest weekend or on the Full or New Moon closest to this time. Some Pagans observe Samhain a bit later, or near November 6, to coincide more closely with the astronomical midpoint between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice. With the growth and spread of Christianity as the dominant religion throughout Europe, Samhain time took on Christian names and guises. All Saints' Day or All Hallows on November 1 commemorated Christian saints and martyrs. All Souls' Day on November 2 was a remembrance for all souls of the dead. With the coming of Christian Spaniards to Mexico, the indigenous customs of honoring the dead at this time of year mixed with Roman Catholicism and gave birth to the Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos, in early November. Samhain shares the ancient spiritual practice of remembering and paying respects to the Dead with these related religious holidays of Christianity. Halloween, short for All Hallow's Eve, is celebrated on and around October 31. Although occurring at the same time of year and having roots in end-of-harvest celebrations of the ancient past, Halloween and Samhain are not the same, but two separate holidays that differ considerably in focus and practice. In contemporary America and elsewhere, Halloween is a secular folk holiday. Halloween has Page | 31

evolved to be both a family-oriented children's holiday as well as an occasion for those of all ages to creatively express themselves and engage in play in the realm of make-believe and fantasy Samhain's long association with death and the Dead reflects Nature's rhythms. In many places, Samhain coincides with the end of the growing season. Vegetation dies back with killing frosts, and therefore, literally, death is in the air. For those who have lost loved ones in the past year, Samhain rituals can be an opportunity to bring closure to grieving and to further adjust to their being in the Otherworld by spiritually communing with them. Sunset on Samhain is the beginning of the Celtic New Year. The old year has passed, the harvest has been gathered, cattle and sheep have been brought in from the fields, and the leaves have fallen from the trees. The earth slowly begins to die around us. This is a good time for us to look at wrapping up the old and preparing for the new in our lives. Think about the things you did in the last twelve months. Have you left anything unresolved? If so, now is the time to wrap things up. Once you’ve gotten all that unfinished stuff cleared away, and out of your life, then you can begin looking towards the next year.


Here is a great You Tube with many videos on all types of metaphysical and spiritual topics. Since our mission to enlighten and inform, we will be posting at least one a month to be sure you have a great background in many aspects of metaphysics and spirituality.

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This episode focuses on: Male and female energy can manifest an in infinite amount of ways, both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Male and female energy is present in everyone, we must practice observing this as a concept beyond a gender or person. Male energy is the like a forward pointing laser, it is quick, piercing, giving, logical, rational, mental and thinking. Female energy is like a leaf in the wind, it goes with the flow based on feeling and natural curves. It is receiving, nurturing, intuitive, emotional and tender in nature.

Vicki Snyder-Young co-owner of the store Spirit & Crystal Connections in Rochester has started a healing group to assist with personal requests. Every Monday the group gathers to focus the healing energy to the list of names that Vicki has collected. If you know of someone (humans and animals) who would like to be included on the list or need further details please email

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Welcome to Zen Mountain Monastery Since 1980, we’ve offered both traditional and innovative ways to engage the Buddhadharma through our programs and retreats. The Monastery is an environment uniquely conducive to spiritual practice that can help you discover how to bring your spiritual path to life in everyday activities. Whether you come for a Sunday Morning Program, a weekend retreat, or a period of residency, you’ll have a chance to experience the Monastery’s cloister—a dynamic spiritual community and a place to encounter your own inner silence and stillness, wisdom and compassion. The Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO) is a Western Zen Buddhist lineage established by the late John Daido Loori Roshi and dedicated to sharing the dharma as it has been passed down, generation to generation, since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha. Although the MRO is distinctly American, much of the training, liturgy, and practice forms used in the Order come from the tradition of Zen as it evolved in ancient China and Japan. Daido Roshi trained with Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi Roshi at the Zen Center of Los Angeles and received dharma transmission from him. Because Maezumi Roshi was a lineage holder within the Soto school of Zen, and had received Inka (seal of approval) from two Rinzai teachers, training and practice in the MRO draws from both these traditions. The MRO takes its name from Zen Master Eihei Dogen’s “Mountains and Rivers Sutra,” a favorite teaching of Daido Roshi’s–one that he returned to again and again. With Zen Mountain Monastery (ZMM), the seat of the Order, based at the foot of a mountain and the junction of two rivers, the name Mountains and Rivers Order takes on added significance.

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The Yoga Ranch was founded in 1974 by Swami Vishnudevananda to provide a peaceful retreat structured around a full immersion into Yogic living and nurtured with the natural beauty of the lush mountains. The simple living close to nature quiets the mind and prepares it for meditation and the high thinking of the Vedanta philosophy. Asanas (yoga postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), vegetarian meals, chanting, and working together in Karma Yoga help complete your Yoga experience. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the propagation of classical Yoga teachings. Experience the empowerment to transform health, relationships, and attitude through practices focusing on the body, mind, and spirit. Awaken a deep inner appreciation for dharmic (sustainable) living. The Yoga Ranch invites you to come explore this adventure in healthy living.

Unofficial Commissioner of Public Spirit of NYC. - The New Yorker * For 35 years Ms. Henes has been putting city folk in touch with Mother Earth. - New York Times * Part performance artist, part witch, part social director for planet earth. - The Village Voice * A-List exorcist!" - NY Post * The Original crystal-packing mama. - NY Press

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Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, contemporary ceremonialist, spiritual teacher, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published four books, a CD, an acclaimed Ezine and writes for The Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI Religion and Spirituality Forum. A noted ritual expert, she serves as a ritual consultant for the television and film industry. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she offers intuitive tarot readings, spiritual counseling and works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion. The Queen’s Chronicles: SPOOKY GREETINGS I extend all manner of spooky greetings for these three days of the dead: October 31 Halloween November 1 All Saints Day November 2 All Soul's Day or Dia de los Muertos. Halloween descends from Samhain, the most significant holiday of the Celtic calendar. Being a pastoral people, the Celts counted their seasons according to the needs of their cattle and sheep, rather than the agricultural seasons that farmers might mark. The year was divided into summer, when the herds are led our to graze, and winter, when they were brought back home again. Samhain, the day when the cows came home, was considered the first day of winter and also the first day of the new year. Samhain exposes a crease in time. A fissure between summer and winter. Between the old year and the new. During this period, the dead have easy access to the living, and are likely to pay a visit. Just as the herds returned home to the warmth and security of the hearth in winter, so too, must the ghosts of the dead want to be cheered by familiar surroundings and loved ones. Certainly one owes the same hospitality to the ancestors as one gives to the animals! For hundreds of years Christian missionaries tried without success to suppress Samhain and convert the Celts. In the eleventh century, Odilo, abbot at Cluny, claimed this heathen death feast for the Church. Hallow Tide, Holy Time, is a three-day feast -- All Hallowed Eve, All Hallowed, and All Saint's Day -- during which prayers are offered for Christian saints and souls, and only for Christian saints and souls. All others, those doomed souls whose burials were not consecrated in Christ, return to Earth on the eve of All Hallow’s to haunt the living. Menacing demons and flying witches along with their trusty black cat sidekicks, the persistent practitioners of the pagan religion, were also thought to be out and about and up to no good. The potato famine of 1846 sent a million Irish immigrants to the United States. They brought with them their ancient Celtic customs, among them the feast of Samhain, which, as good Catholics, they now called Hallowe'en. This shadow festival of soul survival struck a responsive chord in the American people who instantly adopted it. To this day, Halloween is celebrated in some fashion by practically every person in North America. Sales of decorations and goodies rival the lucrative Christmas season. We modern Americans rarely -- if ever -- think about death if we can possibly help it. We like to watch it on a big screen well enough, or perpetrate it on innocent populations overseas, but in real life, we just don't do death. Which is why I think Halloween has become so popular. It offers us a way to engage with our natural fascination Page | 38

with death in a way which is scary yet superficial. At Halloween we get to acknowledge our fear of death while still having a good time. All best blessings, xxQMD Watch her videos: Read her on the Huffington Post: Connect with her on Facebook: Follow her on Twitter: Email:

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The wind whistles, roars and purrs. It teases, soothes, or rips us with cold stabs to match its winter song. Poetic? Yes, but literally and subtly true. As the speed of the wind increases, its pitch rises. A diminishing breeze sings a corresponding lower tone. When the wind dances, its movement speeds up, creating musical glissandos, with its pitch gradually changing like the howling of a wolf. How much fun it is to listen to the melodious voice - of the wind. You hear the wind and feel it caressing your skin. It “plays” with you, as if it is keeping you company. Notice how the air makes you “feel”. We all experience music that stirs our feelings. Likewise, listening to “wind choirs” strums your emotions, producing tiny nuances and subtle feelings. Your body has sensors in the skin, in which, you literally and subtly intake sound and yes, even the gentle purr of the wind. The wind is invasive. Energy from sound can transfer to many things, each with correlating frequencies. This happens all the time. Think to the emotive qualities of a movie track. The movie is lifeless without the sounds and music animating it, but its music orchestrates our feelings. This is due to resonance, a phenomenon in which a vibrating force (such as sound) drives something else (such as emotions) to increase its vibrations. Air-stream sounds affect your emotions via resonance. Sounds and colors are related. The cycles per second of colored lights, taken down musical octaves, correlate to musical notes. Through resonance, the energy from a colored light causes its corresponding musical note to increase its vibrations. Native Americans Indians believe that the wind colors the sky. Literally it does. Colors correlate to emotions - as one may intuitively feel. Blue lights create a chilling feeling, while red ones emanate warmth. We even hear this in our language. Common examples include: “I was blue today”. “He is red with anger”. “She was green with envy”. Colors are closely linked to emotions. Imagine the colors of the wind! Some days a blue breeze helps us grieve; touching our sorrow to gently pull it out. When the hum of the wind is red, it is enlivening, fortifying and energizing! The green airstream bestows healthy well-being and stability. It assists in relieving anxiety! Can’t tell what color the wind is? Notice your feelings, as you experience the breeze – that tenderly exchanges energy with you. An element of nature that features sounds, colors and emotions is the wind. Its different sounds correlate to musical notes and colors. This “strikes chords” within you! Consider spending a day on a computer and recall how flat and dull it makes you feel. Unseen electronic energy waves subtly drain health. Contrast that with a walk in the woods or even just enjoying the friendly trees lining the street. Nature, and yes her melodious voice - the wind - sings us vitalizing melodies.

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Windmills harness the wind’s energy on a large level. On a smaller scale, the wind creates sounds, which you ingest. The wind’s gliding tones contain juicy little frequencies that your body loves. You don’t hear these tones in musical scales today. There can be countless frequencies in-between some of the smallest intervals that we hear in music. Our bodies need all these rarely-heard frequencies for balance and health! Our friend, the wind, softly sings these invigorating and healing mini-tones. The wind has many musical tools that she uses, in addition to musical pitches. The weather affects tiny nuances of the “music of the wind”, as she holds moisture and smog. Moist-winds feel differently than dry-winds, creating characteristic sensations, regardless of the pitch. It’s like listening to the same song played by a trumpet versus a violin. Music created by a violin sounds different than the same music performed with a trumpet – due to the instrument’s harmonics. The moist and dry winds create different harmonics, too. The wind creates pitches with its speed, but each pitch has a “harmonic-after-ripple” of sound, depending on the degree of moisture. The speed of the wind can puff and slow down, creating free-form rhythms too. The wind creates pitches, harmonics and rhythms! She is quite the musician! The wind and me? We are chums – singing our song together like old friends. The wind sings to me. I sing back to the wind – she listens. The wind takes my song and spreads the harmonies so they intermingle with animals, plants and all kinds of things. Most wondrous of all, the wind colors my moods and outlooks, with splashes of rainbow energies, literally painting vitality into my life! About Jill: Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced nine CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound! Free music & School of Sound Healing at


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Years ago, when I was in seminary, one of my professors Rev. Dr. Gail Ricciuti, challenged me to think about God as an artist. I fell in love with that idea, partly because it reminded me of one of my favorite children’s books by Martha Hickman called And God Created Squash. She tells the Creation story with a God who has an awesome sense of adventure, play and creativity talking to himself in the Garden of Eden about all that he wants to create. He envisions things and creates them by calling them into being. One inspiration leads to another. For example, God falls in love with the word squash. "I like that name . . . I think I'll use it again. Acorn squash. Butternut squash. Even zucchini squash. I might have a game and call it squash. Or put my hand on something and press down hard and call that squash." This creative process continues until God ends by fashioning some company for himself--something, "well, more like me." This whole idea of God as an artist was the inspiration for one of my first sermons, called Divine by Design. Here I argued we are Divine by Design because we were designed by the Divine. If we had a label that we wore, some sort of trademark, it would say Divine Design. So, what if we thought about each of us as being created by God the artist? God, the one who can mold each of us into a vessel, like the potter does clay. A God who has our future in her hands. See when we think about God as designer, we can begin to reflect on the creative side of God. I mean here is a God who can take a formless void and turn it into such a masterpiece that when she looked at it, all she could say was “very good,” but then had to go back the next day and kick it up a notch. If we think about God’s designer skills, we recognize that God was a multi-medium artist – God knew how to work with lights, elements, soil, vegetation, feathers, skin, hair, skeletal structures and so much more. God had this master design plan for her world and then brought it into life, working diligently on each phase of the design until it was how she wanted it to be. So, can you imagine God being creative like this? I can see God kind of looking at this formless void and creating in her mind this amazing design. A design that was complex and multidimensional. A design that allowed God’s sense of creativity to come shining through. Imagine it was the third day, and God was creating vegetables and other forms of vegetation. I can hear God having a conversation with herself that kind of went like this “how about plants?” and there appeared on the earth plants. So now God is looking at these plants and wondering, “what shall I call them?” maybe grits and corn and rice and black-eyed peas. Oh wait, how about sweet potatoes or greens. Oh, I like that word – greens – I could make all kinds of greens – mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens." I have this sense that most of the days were like that. God just having fun designing this world that she was creating. Ernesto Cardenal, in his book Abide in Love, wrote about something similar. He said, "Everything in nature has a trademark, God's trademark: the stripes on a shell and the stripes on a zebra; the grain of the wood and the veins of the dry leaf; the markings on the dragonfly's wings and the pattern of stars on a photographic plate; the

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panther's coat and the epidermal cells of the lily petal; the structure of atoms and galaxies. All bear God's fingerprints. . . . There is a style, a divine style in everything that exists, which shows that it was created by the same artist. Everything is multiplicity within unity. Everything is both like other things and unique. Every individual thing has its own manner of being; it is that thing and not anything else. At the same time, there are millions and millions of others like it, both minute creatures and immense stars. Everything has its own stripes, speckles, spots, dapples, veins, or grain--the caterpillar, the clay pot, the chameleon, the Klee painting and the Persian carpet, sea spray, stalactites, white agate veins in pebbles, the carpet of autumn leaves, wood, marble, sea shells, and the skeleton of the reptile. . . .� This week, let’s think about how we were created by the same artist. We are all part of the same exhibit. We are multiplicity within unity. We are both similar and different. It is in this experience that we are able to experience and practice unity. About Inspiritual: It is a space for you, when you are ready, to embark on an inward journey, a space to move beyond that which inspires you, a safe space for you to engage in a spiritual journey towards a deeper relationship with your authentic self and your Higher Power; however you call upon that power. Inspiritual is a space where you can connect to your Higher Power in ways that facilitate your feeling safe, empowered, trusted, loved, and filled with possibility, a space in which you can claim the time to look within, connect to Spirit, and bring the Spirit within to the surface.

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This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to intervene in the most benevolent way to stop any terrorist attacks before they happen anywhere in the world, to respect other religions, and for there to be peace in the world, thank you!” Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week MBOs BECOME INDISPENSABLE Gabrielle writes: IF YOU’RE NEW, DON’T GIVE UP! I first started saying Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBOs) and Don't Give UpBenevolent Prayers (BPs) in 2009. It took a few years to really get the hang of it. I think the trick is to say lots and lots of them, to cover all angles of an issue, to not give up. Eventually it “clicks” and they become an indispensable part of daily life – especially during difficult times. Each day, it is wonderful to wake and remember my Guardian Angel and say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for today, thank you!” It is a sense of relief to realize that my Angel – unlike anyone or anything else in this life – is always there, will always be there and is always filled with love for me. While getting ready for the day’s activities, I say lots of MBOs. For Waking Upexample, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my vibrations to raise and for my alertness and focus and concentration to increase, thank you!” And “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a productive day, for all my human interactions to be positive, for getting lots of things done, for safety and strength and lots of energy, for happy, uneventful and enjoyable

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events, for many happy surprises that delight me, and for coming to the end of the day feeling so pleased with everything I’ve achieved, thank you!” “And may the results be even better than I could ever imagine or anticipate, thank you!” “I Expect Great Things today, Great Things Tomorrow, and Great Things all this week, thank you!” “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my privacy and my safety to increase, thank you!” “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my love and respect for myself, and for others, to increase, thank you!” Before picking up the phone to make a call and before answering the Answering the phone: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this phone call, thank you!” If I’m left waiting on the line: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for speaking to the best possible person, who will be really helpful, within the next 30 seconds, thank you!”(This works nine times out of ten.) Before going shopping (or ordering shopping online): “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my shopping to be easy and enjoyable and uneventful, for most of the products I need to be at discount prices, for all my human interactions to be enjoyable, for happy surprises, and for being amazed by how much money I save and how well everything goes for me, thank you!” With health issues: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for being led to the best possible medical practitioner and the best possible remedies for [name of health condition or of symptoms], and for recovering so well that I cannot believe how good I feel, and for being so amazed by this Benevolent Outcome that I can’t believe how well you helped me with this, my Guardian Angel, thank you!” “And may the results be even better than I could ever expect or think of, thank you!” “I Expect Great Things today, Great Things Tomorrow, and Great Things all this week, thank you!” I had a legal issue that went for many years. It was not until I began to Scales of Justicerequest “the best possible person, or people, to help me...and for this person to help me win this case” that the whole issue changed. A new legal representative came into my life a few months later and, eventually, after many setbacks (and with many more MBO requests), we won the case. At night, when retiring to bed: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a peaceful night’s sleep and for waking feeling refreshed and full of enthusiasm for tomorrow’s events, thank you!” The results of most MBO requests are instant – or almost instant. But some important requests have NOT been fulfilled. I guess I have to keep working on those issues (and keep trying new MBOs that request every aspect of the issues...and, in fact, I just came up with a new one: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for EVERY aspect of [name/description of difficult issue] to result in a Most Benevolent Outcome for ME, thank you!” About Tom T. Moore: He is an author and speaker. His books include THE GENTLE WAY series, plus FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET and ATLANTIS & LEMURIA: The Lost Continents Revealed. He was voted "Best Self-Help Author" for the past three years by the readers of a health magazine. He is a telepath and answers questions sent to him from all over the world in his weekly newsletter, which can be subscribed to at His series THE TELEPATHIC WORLD OF TOM T. MOORE is on YouTube. My new book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Read the REAL history of two societies that existed for over 50,000 years each.

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It happened one night. During a time of emotional darkness I received a miraculous healing… in a dream! Before this, I had never considered that dreams could be a channel for healing. Yet when you take into account that everything is made from vibrations of unconscious thought energy, it makes sense that a dream originating from the spiritual realm would have the power to shift things quickly. Beliefs and behavior patterns that have existed for years, decades or even lifetimes, can change with a single thought from the spiritual realm. That is why whenever I am in need of guidance or healing, I close my eyes in faith that the Spirit will speak to me. I wake up grateful for the amazing insights and healing I receive. It happened again last night… I am standing in a crowd. Next to me is an older woman holding a little girl. It appears as if there is love between them, but my intuition tells me something is not quite right. No one else in the crowd seems to notice. I sense deep down that the child is being neglected, even though there is no outward evidence of this. I am determined to act. I follow the woman as she walks away. I come up from behind and snatch the child away from her. The child, scared and confused, reaches for the woman, but I hold firm. I tell her she is safe. I will care for her and look out for her. This seems to sooth the child. A crowd gathers. They pressure me to give the child back. A man speaks up and confesses that he was with the woman the other day and witnessed the child being neglected. This was the evidence the crowd needed, but it didn’t matter to me. I acted on my intuition. That was enough. When I awoke I knew a major energetic shift had occurred. The choice I made in the dream to act on my intuition and take back my child-like spirit changed everything. Creative ideas are flowing. I am energized and inspired. I find myself pondering ways to nurture my creativity. I feel empowered to act on my intuition without needing validation from the crowd. I greet each day with anticipation of what wonders await me. It seems the old pattern of passively letting the ego hold my child-like spirit hostage, has come to an end. And I am grateful once again for the insights and healing that come from dreams. If your creative, child-like spirit has been living under the ego’s “care” for far too long, maybe it is time to take action. Refuse to listen to thoughts that keep you from your power, your gifts and your purpose. Act on your intuition. If you become confused or frightened, hold firm to your vision yet be gentle with yourself. Never forget, “You are a child of God. You were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy.” ACIM T.1.VII.2 Each day ask the Universe, “What will give me joy today? What will feed my soul? How can I nurture and care for my creative spirit?” Then act on your intuition and go forth to create a beautiful world.

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About Patti: I came to the Course in January of 2000. I have dedicated these past years to the study and practice of ACIM principles and teachings. I have discovered in my own life that the promises of this spiritual path are real and possible. I have had numerous and profound experiences when applying these principles to all aspects of my life. This has resulted in a deep, lasting peace; an easier way to be in the world; more joyous and harmonious relationships and a deeper sense of connection to others and to God. I am fellow traveler and a forever student. I share these services in hopes that it will strengthen your trust and faith to follow your Holy Spirit.

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Without exception all of you are multidimensional. All of you have a Divine Feminine and Masculine within and thus Twin Flame counterparts. Your Soul is a vast body of Light born of God. You are without doubt mastered at your God self level. When you are ready you will know more of who you are at those higher levels. Until then, just know you are much more wise and love filled than you can imagine. Know thyself and set yourself free. Many Blessings ****** What you Give Dear Children In accordance to Divine Law that which you give out returns to you. If you give out love and kindness it returns to you three-fold. If you give out non involvement and detachment you receive the same from others. If you give out jealousy it will be mirrored back to you. If you give out kindness and compassion it will be shown to you. If you give out the hand of friendship it will be offered to you. If you give out peace it will be reflected to you. If you ask the Universe for what you need you will manifest it. The Universe has no law other than thoughts manifest into your reality sooner or later. Be aware of that which you give to receive and know that all will be returned from to love. Many blessings. About Jayne: Jayne is a healer and soul channel for the masters, DNA and akashic record practitioner, teach and author of four spiritual books. THE CALL OF AN ANGEL, TWELVE STEPS TO HEAVEN, THE NEW DNA, A SECRET PATH TO FREEDOM. She has over 35 years experience and presently shares new information, activations, healings and channelings from the masters for a new earth, peace, harmony, love and light to all. Remember the universe always loves you!

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Cricket’s song has diminished, lowering its harmonics to a subtle hum. Not the higher-pitched SpringSummer soprano, but more alto going into bass. Leaves are falling. Sun’s angle is lowering into South. Equinox reveals more in weeks to come. Go out in Nature now while the degrees are kind. Say hello to all the life around you, even to the snapping turtle. All life is moving to excel itself. The life force urges improvement and striving to shine. Make prayer grids for people in recovery mode, add crystals of the highest vibration. Make some for yourself and family, friends. Attend to your prayers. Invoke the elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Give thanks to the Four Directions, include below, above within and without. Send healing thoughts and energies to everyone, in this world and beyond, our celestial cousins afar. Breathe in your backyard or city park, meditate on views from windows. Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. Share what you have, share who you are, be the best you can be. Gaze at Grandmother Moon. Bask in Grandfather Sun’s light. Thank our stars. Ask the grounds to rise and absorb overflows, tunneling down into earth. Send what you can. Prayer works. Thought works. Trust the invisible energies and deities, they are always with us. Walk in kindness and compassion. Be gentle with yourself and all you meet. You are minister in masquerade. About Maryanna: I have been practicing Shamanism for the past ten years, known as The Backyard ShaWoman, I integrates the works of Jim Pathfinder Ewing, Sandra Ingerman, Peruvian Shamanism (Villoldo), and Stephen Farmer. I teach classes in Shamanic Reiki Certification, Shamanism, and visual arts. For me Shamanism has become a mode of living; it can quickly clear genetic blueprints that traditional Western modalities may not and teaches us to live in harmony with all; All is Sacred.

Well, it’s been 10 years since we’ve opened The Purple Door and one thing is for sure…change happens! Connie Wake and Susan Fiandach are moving the shop to a larger, dedicated area (new space) within the WinJeff Plaza (same place), “just 2 doors up” from our old location. Page | 50

Our mission is "to take the woo out" of our natural connection to our High Self…the Authentic Self…through a contemporary understanding of your 6th sense without fear, dogma or new age razz-ma-tazz. We offer classes on psychic experiences and mediumship training, as well as readings, energy wellness sessions and products to live our best self, intend our day, and have fun doing it! Originators of the “Everyday Conversations” methodology and signature program for psychic-medium studies and understanding your 6th sense, Susan and Connie offer workshops and presentations in Rochester and throughout the East Coast to educate the public about the validity of psychic experiences and natural intuition. “It’s a very popular but widely misunderstood subject,” says Susan Fiandach, “so we are excited to be able to handle the larger groups.” This is misunderstood because one’s spiritual expression is an opinion based on their beliefs. And beliefs come from a variety of sources…from childhood and cultural/social norms to Hollywood and the Internet. You can believe in this…or you can believe in that…and it’s all true. You can believe in this…We can believe in a Universe that expands to infinite potentialities and opportunities to grow and evolve to bigger, better and a more universal understanding of what all this is. This Universe is based on the power of unconditional loving expression, infinite wisdom and freedom of expression and unlimited power of creating that expression. In this Universe, we are energy (spiritual) beings, connected to a Divine Mind and with our own empowerment, we determine our reality. In the microcosm of a human being, our consciousness uses the mind-body to be its own universe. We manage our energies from perception to feelings to behaviors and well-being. We are our own healer and master. Nothing has more power than our selves…our Self. Marianne Williamson writes in her quote “Our Greatest Fear” We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Or you can believe in that…The state of the Universe is no more than what we know from a perspective of the duality of fear and love. Once each side is defined, then the battle begins. Fear and the disempowerment of individuals remains a constant spiral of chaos. Who we put in control in this Universe is fear and ignorance, blindly following “what was always thought/said/done” and allowing outside influences to power our reality. Mythology is what early man did to explain what was not known; religion provided boundaries to consciousness not understood. However, science and spirituality are more strongly intertwined now more than ever in our history. We see how the Universe works and we have the power to originate thought and create our outcome. Or we can continue to believe the Earth is flat because someone created that fear and we bought the map. “For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” ― Carl Sagan, It is our opinion that the 6th sense is a natural part of who we are…connected to a Universe of energy and information. No woo, no fear, no battles of dark and light, lost souls, fallen angels, blocked chakras or new age razz-ma-tazz. We put ourselves in this Universe and “boldly go where we haven’t gone before.” What’s in your Universe?

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About Susan and Connie: They are professional psychic-mediums, teachers of psychic-medium studies and coauthors of “Everyday Conversations: The Key to the Contemporary Medium – Unlocking the Myths” and “The Student Guide to the Daily Medium – Unlocking Your 6th Sense.”

What is the difference between Paganism and Wicca? For some, this is a confusing question to answer. According to Debbie Michaud in her book The Healing Traditions and Spiritual Practices of Wicca, “Wicca is a pagan religion, but not all pagans are Wiccans.” This is a great, simple way to explain it, though I’d like to add that if someone identifies as a pagan, that does not necessarily mean they are polytheistic, neither. The reason why a Wiccan is a pagan, but not all pagans are Wiccans is because in order to be a Wiccan, you must practice Wicca. However, to be a Pagan, you merely have to hold beliefs other than those of the main world religions. Many pagans may be Nature-Based in their worship like Wicca, while others may not. “Pagans may be trained in particular traditions or they may follow their own inspiration. Paganism is not dogmatic. Pagans pursue their own vision of the Divine as a direct and personal experience.” The reason why someone being pagan doesn’t naturally make them a polytheist is because polytheism is the belief of more than one god. For many nature-based worshipers, they believe in a God and Goddess, and other deities like Pan. However, if you’re like me, you may have a nature-based faith, BUT worship in one God. That means you’re a pagan, but specifically a monotheist pagan. Understanding the meaning behind these key words is important for those looking to learn about religions like Wicca, Christianity, Shamanism, etc. It is easy to lump them together in one category, but that doesn’t make it correct. About Jennifer: Jennifer opened Dual Crossroads in December 2016. She attributes her ability to opening a fully functioning store in such a short time period to two things: her drive to make a name for herself, and the inspiration of her parents. “Learning from my experiences as a published author, I realized I wanted more than just to see my name on a book. I wanted to be able to walk in to a place that was my own,” says Jennifer. Growing up in a family business, Jennifer had seen her father’s name hold weight within the industry, and her Page | 52

mother act as the driving force behind the company’s thriving presence. Inspired by their commitment and tutelage, Jennifer created Dual Crossroads. At Dual Crossroads, Jennifer aims to break the mold in what is expected of a retail store, and of a woman in business. She’s not only introduced an unanticipated mixture of inventory (consisting of Spiritual New Age supplies, modern fashions, and Gothic merchandise), but has channeled her other talents as a published horror author, special effects artist, and sculptor through her store. The motto at Dual Crossroads is, “Everyone Has a Light and Dark to Who They Are. Here, They Come to a Crossroads.”

I am Jesus, here to take you on a journey of your soul. You will be traveling along with me as we embark on this excursion. You won't need to take anything along, except your thoughts and feelings, for all else will be left behind. We will be taking a long broad road that will lead out to the nethermost reaches of time and space. This road is filled with both obstacles and enlightenment for your growth and evolvement. As we travel along this road, we find many crevices along the path, and many smooth areas. With our wisdom we avoid the pitfalls. We travel through them as if they are glass. We travel around them as we circumnavigate our way around through life, using all we've learned to guide us.

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There are many obstacles set in our way, as this is the course. However, in the game we call life, the object is to use your intuition to avoid them. The object is to excel in this game and to return home unscathed. This game will test your ingenuity and your strength. You can only gain from it. You can only win. For all of life's seemingly obstacles are merely illusions set in your path to test your strength and force you to grow and evolve on this plane. You don't walk this path alone. Your guides walk with you and whisper to you from above – always giving you directions and encouragement – lest you lose your way. So walk with us in laughter and love, for all is merriment and all is life. The road never ends, it only winds and turns and goes on forever. So wherever you find yourself on the road, just smile, and know that we are beside you on your return home to God. You will all find your way, for there is only one way – although the turns are many. Know that I travel with you always as a seasoned traveler who never wearies of the dust, nor complains of the hardships. By focusing on the Light all falls way, and your path becomes clear of debris. Thank you for making this trip with me. About Dianne: Dianne Robbins continues her connection to the civilizations of Inner Earth, the Elementals and Nature Kingdoms for over 25 years. Her transmissions connect our hearts to the hearts of Beings in advanced civilizations, Whales, Dolphins, the Tree People, the Crystal Nation and Earth’s Elemental Kingdoms. In service to Earth, Dianne continues to provide her channelings to keep people informed of the vital link between our urface world and other realms of existence who share our planet with us. As we merge our consciousness with these other realms, our perceptual range expands and our inner sight opens.

Citrine is a variety of quartz that has a yellow, yellowish orange, yellowish brown, or light brown color. Citrine carries an illuminating and purifying energy. It is one of the few crystals that never needs cleansing and is highly effective at removing negative energies by changing the negativity to positivity. It fills the user with a strong sunny energy that is bursting with happiness. Citrine cleanses and strengthens the naval chakra restoring ones personal power center and helps reinforce ones will. It is an excellent stone for people who are shy, unsure of Page | 54

themselves, or overly sensitive because it strengthens self-confidence and inner strength in a very positive and friendly way. Citrine helps to control anger, jealousy, and spite, while helping to reinforce the positive aspects of ones personality. Citrine can also be protective: when directed, Citrine cleanses and strengthens the aura as well as providing a protective shield around ones aura. Citrine is wonderful for clarifying communications between people and groups of people. The Sun energy of citrine cuts right through miscommunication and group dilemmas and helps to illuminate the solution. Citrine is also a money stone. Known for hundreds of years as “the merchants stone�, it is useful sitting in the cash registers of business owners or the briefcases of salespeople. Citrine both attracts wealth and helps people to maintain that wealth in a positive, sensible manner. Citrine and smoky quartz can sometimes occur next to each other, and when this happens its effect is a strong detoxifying energy. It is wonderful for healing and maintaining health. This combination detoxifies impurities in the body and the mind. In this way the Citrine/smoky quartz combination is also excellent for helping in quitting addictions because it purifies the body, mind, and spirit, strengthens the will and provides self-assuredness, and ffers a positive, sunny attitude all while helping to combat negativity coming from within oneself and from other people. Citrine can also be found with green tourmaline. Along with the qualities of both citrine and green tourmaline, this combination purifies the heart chakra and strengthens self-love. It also enhances positive masculine qualities like bravery, physical energy and quickness in thought and deed. Citrine is a stone of Leo and the Sun. Citrine has been known to aid in digestion and stomach issues. It also strengthens the spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder, and eyesight. It should be noted to that there is a practice of heating otherwise undesirable pieces of amethyst in order to make them orange, thereby passing the specimens off as Citrine. These pieces are usually white at the base near the matrix, with strongly orange terminations, and there is usually a sharp change between the colors. About Christina: Christina Hall grew up in Henrietta, NY and currently resides in Rochester with her husband and two children. Christina has been collecting minerals since the age of 8, and has been studying the metaphysics of rocks and minerals since she was 12 years old. After a brief time at American University in D.C. to study politics, she came back to her hometown and focused on her first love of mineral collecting and meditation. She is the co-owner of Hall of Gems at 662 Monroe Avenue in Rochester, NY. You can find many stones for sale at yarsgems@facebook. She refers to these resources: "Love is in the Earth" by Melody, "Earth Power" by Scott Cunningham, "The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall, and "Good Magick" by Marina Medici.

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Two healing energies emerged in Japan during the first quarter of the twentieth century, Reiki and Johrei. Both are healing energies, but are completely different in lineage, frequency, purpose, use, and method of training. In addition to different origins, there are many other distinguishing differences between Johrei and Reiki. Inspired by one man in Japan, Johrei Healing was introduced to America in 1953 by Mokichi Okada also called Meishu-Sama. He was respected greatly for his vision and light work. Johrei is a manifestation of divine energy that can be transmitted through one individual to another for healing. As the spiritual body is cleansed, the mind and body are also uplifted. Johrei has its roots in Japan, and is gaining recognition in the West as a non-invasive energy healing practice. It is a universal vibration that is available to all. The Johrei Institute was established in 1998 to prove the effectiveness of Johrei through scientific medical research, and to fund accepted research work through universities. It has so far been proven to have a great effect on cancer and heart problems. In terms of frequency, Johrei is closer to the intensity of earth energies than Reiki. When measured on the Aura Video Imager, Johrei appears green in the aura, while Traditional Reiki emerges as indigo blue and purple. Although an oversimplification of two powerful healing energies, it is often said that Reiki is the feminine or "water" energy, Johrei the masculine or "fire" energy. Without doubt, the two energies, while quite different, are complementary in their action. Each has its appropriate applications; each is a powerful form of energy healing. Take a Johrei Practitioner Class: The basics of channeling, hand positions, points and more. This is the class where the individual learns the history and basics of Johrei, mainly the tools that give you the knowledge and skills needed for being a Johrei Practitioner. Students adore the simplicity and the effect of Johrei, the energy was felt immediately at our class in September. It is a wonderful addition to heal yourself and for clients. This is the class to take if you want to begin to channel Johrei Healing to others. It is a simple modality to practice, and no symbols are involved or esoteric techniques. The student will be attuned to Quan Yin Johrei. You will be become a certified Johrei Practitioner, receive initiation, certificate, manual and ohikari (focal point). Barbara Carlton Rev., Johrei Practitioner, Master & Teacher (Rev. Michael Neary is planning to participate in class and to sign certificates). Johrei Organizations or Centers can be found in many parts of the USA, for Western New York you can find Johrei treatments as well as classes at the ‘Johrei Center’ which is part of The Reiki Healing Center, Rochester, NY Feel free to contact us for more information on Johrei.

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About Barbara: Barbara Carlton, the Center’s founder, is a member of the International Center for Reiki Training. She teaches to International standards and the standards of the International Center for Reiki Training which is run by William Rand who is also the founder of Karuna Reiki®. She has over 16 years of experience teaching Usui Reiki and 14 years of experience as a Karuna Reiki® Master. She currently lives in the Rochester area and has a new location at 758 South Avenue where she teaches. ype your paragraph here.

You Can Change Your Story After You Discover It How many stories have you lived in your life? I do so much key therapeutic work in my practice focusing on establishing with clients what presents as the real meaning to uncovering identity, history, and real choice as the elements to self-healing and development around telling one’s “stories” – and considering how fluid they can be to support desired transformation. Native American spirituality speaks of the power of changing your story. One is renamed after earning one’s “coming of age” as a description of meaning and power. Carl Jung, in his work with archetypes as reflecting our real and spiritual essence, linked these symbolic universal “characters” – as does Carolyn Myss in her bestselling books, Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts - with our core challenges for healing and development in the unfolding odysseys of our life. Here are some key inner reflective and journaling exercises I have created to find and open up higher awareness and actualization, through uncovering/creating your “stories”: Seven Steps to Creating Your New World

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Settle back into a comfortable, supported position, close your eyes, and count ten full, deep, easy breaths to yourself. For these next several breaths, say to yourself the following phrase each time you breathe: Free the story of my spirit. Imagine you are taken on an inner journey into this “story”, allowing all that unfolds and draws you in to carry you in its way to its own “place” of completion. As that occurs, gently and easily return to full waking consciousness, open your eyes, and write/draw your experience. Take a few moments and read all that you’ve written. Now consider: does this describe the “story/stories” of your life? Journal about your sense of what is the same/different – and consider why – record whatever additional insights occur. Now reflect in a way that feels visionary (by that I mean free, without condition/expectation, compelling) what you would like the present and future story of your life to be. When you feel complete with that vision, once more record your experience. What, if anything, stops you from choosing/creating this vision? Journal your answers – and then, as you once more read through this part, title it My Faulty Belief Systems. Rewrite all of the above as its exact opposite. When you are finished, title this piece My New Story. What choices can you now make each and every day to live your dream and see what happens? Try this for the next 45 days – as I’ve said in previous articles, the time it takes to break limiting and self-destructive habits – and let the results become a springboard for experiencing a new, freely chosen story. Namaste, Marjorie About Marjorie: About Marjorie: Marjorie Baker Price, RN, Certified Hypnotherapist and Level III Reiki Master, is a psychiatric nurse with over 9 years of experience at the University of Rochester Medical Center Strong Memorial Hospital specializing in behavioral inpatient, community mental health, chronic care and emergency psychiatric care. In addition, she has developed stress management and recovery programs for a new outpatient alcoholism treatment center. She has taught at the State University of New York College at Brockport School of Nursing, Nazareth College Center for Lifelong Learning and St. John Fisher College community education center. She has authored a nationally acclaimed series of audio guided meditation and self-hypnosis recordings as well as several related books and self-study courses. She is a featured columnist with Nature's Wisdom magazine on counseling and integrated health topics. Marjorie presents numerous related workshops nationwide on selfhealing, wellness, recovery therapies, goal achievement, creative expression and empowerment, as well as counseling and consulting for individuals and small groups. She is a sought after public speaker and frequently makes appearances nationally on radio and television.

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This Keep Calm Radio interview “Tapping Fears Away with Tom Porpiglia” gives you one more tool in your tool belt to handle and get rid of anxiety, PTSD and depression. These problems are so hard to heal because they capture the mind, spirit and the body in its grips. (I record Keep Calm Radio Show Mondays at 6 PM LIVE on my Facebook page, join me next Monday!) Let’s face it, we can all use as much help as possible when it comes to handling stress, fear and anxiety. You don’t have to do this alone. Have you ever tried tapping? Have you heard of EFT? Meet my friend and colleague Tom Porpiglia. Tom is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor at Life Script Mental Health Counseling Services. He is an EFT Therapist and his work has helped so many people! As a Veteran of Vietnam, Tom is especially interested in helping veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Military Sexual Trauma or Moral Injury. What is Tapping (EFT)? Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is like acupuncture for the emotions without needles. What happens is we tap on acupressure points defined by acupuncture while focusing on thoughts and phrases that define the issue. Tapping works by releasing blockages within the energy system that are the source of emotional discomfort. EFT uses our fingertips to tap on the end points of energy meridians. These are located just beneath the surface of the skin. It is safe and non-invasive. Tapping also works along the lines of the philosophy of making change as simple and comfortable as possible. I love so many things about Tapping and one of my favorite is that EFT restores trust in the natural healing abilities of our own mind and body! Page | 59

When you watch this video you will learn what you need to tap NOW! Tapping has no risk so you can tap along with us‌ Tapping Fears Away with Tom Porpiglia Traumatic memories Depression Anxiety Phobias Addictions Limiting fears or beliefs What do you want to tap away? About Jodi: Jodi is licensed clinical social worker and former anxiety sufferer. She is a counselor, mother, healer, lover, teacher, author and friend. She has been counseling children and adults since 1994, working with folks online and in her office. An author and international teacher on topics including non-dual spirituality, narrative psychology, shamanism and living with respect to the earth, Aman is a full-time counselor at the Heal Here Counseling in Rochester, New York. Combining many modalities into her healing practice, Aman is also a certified yoga teacher, mindfulness practitioner, and hands-on energy healer. She has a master’s degree from Columbia University and a post-graduate diploma in Narrative Therapy from Dulwich Centre in Adelaide, Australia, where she also served as a faculty member.


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The quest for perfection is exhausting and unrelenting. There is a constant barrage of social expectations that teach us that being imperfect is synonymous with being inadequate. Everywhere we turn, there are messages that tell us who, what and how we’re supposed to be. So, we learn to hide our struggles and protect ourselves from shame, judgment, criticism and blame by seeking safety in pretending and perfection. Dr. Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, is the leading authority on the power of vulnerability, and has inspired thousands through her top-selling books Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, and The Gifts of Imperfection, her wildly popular TEDx talks, and a PBS special. Based on seven years of her ground-breaking research and hundreds of interviews, I Thought It Was Just Me shines a long-overdue light on an important truth: Our imperfections are what connect us to each other and to our humanity. Our vulnerabilities are not weaknesses; they are powerful reminders to keep our hearts and minds open to the reality that we’re all in this together. Dr. Brown writes, “We need our lives back. It’s time to reclaim the gifts of imperfection—the courage to be real, the compassion we need to love ourselves and others, and the connection that gives true purpose and meaning to life. These are the gifts that bring love, laughter, gratitude, empathy and joy into our lives.”

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