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What's going on for October 2018
History of Day of the Dead ~ Día de los Muertos Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is the Mexican holiday when people celebrate and honor loved ones who have passed away. Celebrations typically run from Halloween, October 31, to All Saints Day, November 2. Non-Mexicans may recognize the sugar skull aesthetic from their friends' ill-advised Halloween costumes, but many may not realize where the iconography of skeletons bearing flowers, fruit and candy comes from. Is it even possible for someone who isn't from Mexico to celebrate the holiday without being an annoying gringo? It's complicated, but not impossible. They believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children (angelitos) are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them. In most Mexican villages, beautiful altars are made in each home. They are decorated with candles, buckets of flowers, mounds of fruit, peanuts, plates of turkey mole, stacks of tortillas and big Day-of-the-Dead breads.. The altar needs to have lots of food, bottles of soda, hot cocoa and water for the weary spirits. Toys and candies are left for the children or “little angles” on 11/1, and on Nov. 2, cigarettes and shots of mezcal are offered to the adult spirits. Little folk art skeletons and sugar skulls, purchased at open-air markets, provide the final touches. Though the subject of the holiday—dead relatives—is solemn, in practice, Day of the Dead is a brightly colored and joyous celebration. Everyone's welcome at Page | 8
public events like the annual parade, though outsiders aren't typically encouraged by Mexican Catholics to don traditional clothing or paint skull makeup on their faces. That make-up is done in the style of La Catrina, a Mexican cultural figure originally designed by Jose Guadalupe Posada. La Catrina, the "dapper skeleton" or "elegant skull," is a satirical character meant to laugh in the face of death. She's the center of the holiday, which is pretty tongue-in-cheek, like an inside joke among Mexican Catholics (and therefore not fodder for outsiders to play with). ______________________
"Our World Needs Our Help" by Mark Landau
Man-made climate disruption escalates. The corruption of our democracy is nearly complete. We edge towards nuclear terrorism and war. We are ruled by money. We must face these facts. Those who deny them bury their heads in the sand. And most who don’t recoil, self-medicate and watch the latest episode of Let’s Forget About Everything. We truly are being herded to a mass extinction event by the great, hidden and obvious magnates of the world who care for nothing but wealth and power. The system they created has brought us far. But it now destroys us. The war machine demands perpetual war. The media machine demands that we be entertained, distracted and misled. The medical, alcohol and drug industries demand that we swallow and inject all we can. The insurance industry takes our Page | 9
bets and provides nothing of substance. It simply plays the money game to its own advantage. The corporate machine demands the obscenest profits and strives to own and control everything. Its abuse and over-bloat diminish us all and threaten our planet. Our world calls out for help. Our oceans are dying. They supply a third of our oxygen and untold sustenance. The Atlantic red blooms kill millions of fish. The Pacific dolphin super-pods signal their distress. Our coral reefs become bleached boneyards. Our bees struggle for survival. Cross-pollination produces at least thirty percent of our crops and ninety percent of our wild plants. We really are in danger of losing these things and far more. The ever-growing storms, floods, droughts, temperatures and fires are too numerous and obvious to ignore. Our murder, suicide, anti-depressant and addiction pandemics speak for themselves. New, exotic viruses are taking advantage of our new, environmental degradations. The antagonistic polarity and hatred of red and blue tear us apart. Unless enough of us get behind doing something about these things, they will likely reach their logical end. We really can do something. You really can do something. Together, we can turn spaceship Earth in a better direction. The human race has lived through three ages, the hunter-gatherer, the agricultural-husbandry and the conflict-commerce. Each has been ruled successively by the first, second and third chakras. Chakras are real. They are energy centers within our body that constitute the innate infrastructure of our evolution. Each higher chakra from above our perineum to the crown of our head, contains different qualities of knowing, wisdom, character and function. Within each of us, one chakra is mostly dominant, though we all have and, to some degree, can access the qualities of them all. As a species, we approach the end of our third chakra age. At the end of an age, the dominant qualities of the chakra(s) ruling it go berserk and spin out into excessive extremes. We are seeing this in the dying vectors of our Patriarchal Age. The brutal, masculine, power, greed, conquest, destructive, supremacy forces are having their way with us. We move towards the death rattle of our Age and are trying to advance to an age ruled by the fourth and fifth chakras, the First Age of
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the Higher Chakras. Millions of us have been working for this our entire lives. We need all the help we can get if we are to advance through our crisis and survive as a species. If we succeed, we will combine, mature and balance the masculine-feminine and material-spiritual, attain a greater world/universal perspective and make foremost the higher virtues of sanctity, decency, integrity and truth. Fairness, justice, collaboration and freedom could supplant greed, dominance, belligerence and control. To some degree, Scandinavia and other places have begun to model this for us. America has fallen behind and is caught in a vicious cycle. We really can and must do something about our present state of affairs. It is time for those of us who have been doing the inner work to get more active on behalf of our nation and planet. It is time for those who have been doing the activist work to add the inner work to more flesh out the love, spirit and evolutionary energy needed for our success. It is time for more to join us. It is time for the rise of the feminine and the wiser, more highly evolved people to take the reins from the lords and slaves of money. There is a new, more effective form of activism manifesting in our world. Naomi Klein joined with sixty Canadians to brainstorm The Leap Manifesto into existence. It’s a party less platform outlining the directions in which we must go. The Leap organization is spreading worldwide. Read No Is Not Enough and see Paul Hawken got serious about climate disruption. He gathered some of the world’s top researchers and they collated the hundred most effective things we can do to halt global warming in the book Drawdown. Then he helped create Project Drawdown. See On a different note, Michelle Alexander has done a masterful job of revealing the massive iniquity we have perpetrated on the blacks in her book, The New Jim Crow, that’s been hiding in plain view since instituted by Reagan. It also helps elucidate the utter stupidity of the War on Drugs and the enlightened efficacy of Portugal’s proven solution to the problem. There are many movements like #MeToo, #MarchForOurLives, Our Revolution, The Leap, Project Drawdown, Zero Hour, Swing Left, We, The World and others that are offering a new way forward. Our ever more surreal media-government-military-industrial complex, mostly owned and controlled by the mighty few, is a rather large nut to crack. But Wolf-PAC is on the rightest track of all.
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We have one very large, magnificent, potentially effective stick at our disposal, not a first or third chakra cudgel, lance or missile, but what could be a finely nuanced smart scalpel to cut away the rot and tip the balance in one fell swoop— the Constitutional Convention. There has only been one in our history at the inception of our nation. When the populace has risen up to move towards another, the powers that were have buckled and acceded to their demands before it might come about. These same powers have sown the great fear in us of the Runaway Convention from their own fear that the weak would rise up and overcome their grip. It is time we proved them right. Their time is up. Their age is hurtling us in the wrong direction. In order to ameliorate their death grip on the purse strings and policies of our nation, we must rise together and bring about a peaceful, constitutional Evolution. The mob needn’t be mindless. We could become brilliant. has begun the process. But they need our help and we must go far beyond what they envision. But read A New American Evolution. Just reading it will help push the great envelope of our collective consciousness forward. And it contains so stunning much more. About Mark Landau: Founder of The Love and Forgiveness Meditation, has written seven books on meditation, healing, evolution, politics, sex, fantasy and saving our world and many songs. He does healing and meditation instruction and lives in Santa Fe. Mark's website:
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Mark Landau, Founder of L&F, The Love and Forgiveness Meditation, has written seven books on meditation, healing, evolution, politics, sex, fantasy and saving our world, one musical play and many songs. He does healing work and meditation instruction and lives in Santa Fe. _________________________
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By Patricia Cota-Robles We have all been preparing for eons of time to fulfill our individual facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. I know from outer appearances things seem chaotic, but day-by-day we are moving forward in the Light. A NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love has been secured in every person’s Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence. Now it is up to all of us to magnetize these patterns of perfection into our tangible life experiences through our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Please take a few deep breaths and feel your consciousness expanding to take in the bigger picture. In the midst of the chaos, miracles are happening. The Beings of Light have revealed that during the past 100 years very evolved souls have volunteered to embody on Earth in an attempt to help Humanity raise our heads above the mud puddle of our human miscreations. These souls have embodied all over the world, but they have deliberately concentrated in areas of the world that reflect the greatest pain and suffering. The hope is that these souls will awaken more easily than the masses of Humanity who have been buried in our human miscreations for thousands of years. According to the Company of Heaven, this facet of the Divine Plan is succeeding beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven. An unprecedented awakening is now taking place, which is resulting in the greatest shift of consciousness the Earth has ever experienced. As these highly evolved souls awaken, they are creating an upward flow of consciousness that is lifting Humanity’s focus of attention. This is helping the masses of Humanity to awaken more quickly and to reconnect more easily with our I AM Presence and the Realms of Illumined Truth. The painful experiences that are surfacing all over the world reflect lifetimes of hatred, corruption, and violence that have been created through Humanity’s negative thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions. These distorted behavior patterns have been perpetuated by our human egos for millennia. Since we are all One, every particle of Life is interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent. There is no separation. What affects one facet of Life affects all Life. What this means in very practical terms is that the pain and suffering caused by Humanity’s miscreations must be brought to the surface and transmuted back into Light if ANY of us are going to be ready to make the shift into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed. We cannot just say “cancel, cancel” and clear lifetimes worth of our egos’ abuse of power. We have to Page | 14
become aware of our past transgressions of the Laws of Divine Love, Reverence for Life, and Oneness, so that we can invoke the Light of God and transmute our gross mutations back into their original perfection. Now that a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love is pulsating within every person’s Heart Flame, everything that conflicts with Divine Love is being pushed to the surface at an accelerated pace. Humanity has created every malady existing on Earth today by misusing the precious energy our Father-Mother God gave to us as our Gift of Life. Through our free-will choices, we accepted our Gift of Life and then distorted that harmonious energy into all manner of pain and suffering through our creative faculties of thought and feeling, and our gift of free will. Now, in order for us to move forward with the rest of our Solar System, there is no other option than for us to experience the results of our miscreations, so we can transmute them back into Light. Knowing the urgency of the hour, our Father-Mother God issued a Cosmic Edict a few decades ago that gave the highly evolved souls who are now embodied on Earth permission to intervene in the purging and healing of Humanity’s miscreations. For the first time ever, these selfless Sons and Daughters of God have been given permission to join with their sisters and brothers on Earth and to actually take on some of the mass consciousness and the collective karmic liabilities Humanity has created since our fall from Grace. This is why these evolved souls embodied in areas where the densest frequencies of pain and suffering are being played out in people's lives. When we look historically at the horrific experiences Humanity has gone through during the past 100 years, we get a glimpse of the sacrifice these highly evolved souls have made on our behalf. They have assisted all of us and brought our human miscreations to the surface by volunteering to experience devastating wars, religious persecution, plagues, natural disasters, poverty, hunger, hatred, greed, corruption, violence, and the unbridled abuse of power by our human egos. Through their lives and often through their deaths, these precious souls have brought to the attention of Humanity the rampant miscreations our human egos are perpetuating on this planet. Some of these souls awakened fast enough to consciously remember why they are going through such painful experiences, but many of them did not. Nevertheless, they have God Victoriously gone through the experiences that they volunteered to heal. Their sacrifice has purged a great deal of Humanity’s collective negativity and catapulted the children of Earth forward in the Light. The inclement weather conditions that are taking place all over the world are part of this necessary purging process. These catastrophic events are occurring in alignment with the unfolding Divine Plan. The positive thing is that in the midst of the chaos people are opening their hearts and reaching out to their sisters and brothers. In the face of such devastation our differences become irrelevant and Page | 15
the Oneness of Life begins to register in the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity in profound ways. The love and compassion we develop when we witness the pain and suffering of our sisters and brothers, softens our heart and allows more of God’s Love and Healing Light to flow into our lives. This Open Heart response will accelerate the manifestation of our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. As the collective consciousness of Humanity reaches out in love and compassion to our less fortunate sisters and brothers a shift takes place within our hearts and minds. This creates the Open Door through which the Company of Heaven and our I AM Presence can flood the Earth with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our Cause of Divine Love. Humanity’s newly open hearts and feelings of deep love and compassion for our fellow Human Beings will allow a greater influx of God’s Love and Healing. The souls who have embodied to help us, are blessed for their selfless sacrifice on behalf of all Humanity. Those who are leaving the physical plane are being escorted into the Heavenly Realms by Legions of Angels. Those who are left behind will continue their service to the Light, but the Company of Heaven has enveloped each one in a mantle of Divine Comfort and Love to help them fulfill their facet of the Divine Plan. These are truly wondrous times. Now it is up to you and me and every other person on the planet to open our hearts, so we too can fulfill our unique facet of the Divine Plan. I Am The Divine Image of God I AM the Divine Image of God manifesting Perfection in my Being and world, and for the Children of God, everyone, everywhere in God’s Supreme Name FOREVER. Wherever I AM, my very Presence in the Universe is a constant outpouring and release of God's Love and Reverence for Life, God’s Will and Power, God’s Life and Light, God’s Truth and Freedom to all I contact, every day, in every way. (repeat 3X) The long awaited moment has arrived. HUMANITY HAS EMBARKED ON OUR RETURN JOURNEY BACK TO THE LOVE AND WILL OF GOD. The Age of Enlightenment has dawned. This is the time long foretold by the ancient prophets, when Humanity will attain our Victory in the Light. We need only to lift up our consciousness and step through the open door into our Eternal Freedom. About Patricia: Patricia is co-founder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination. Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. Patricia is Page | 16
an internationally known teacher and author who has taught workshops in 20 countries, and offered FREE Seminars in her hometown of Tucson, Arizona and throughout the USA for the past 33 years. She has written 11 books and produced CDs, DVD's, webinars, teleconferences, a weekly radio program, a free monthly email newsletter, global meditations, and YouTube presentations, all of which are designed to help Humanity add to the Light of the world. Patricia's website -
Link: The Bigger Picture
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The Thoughtful Psychic by Iris Waters Where there is light, there is hope for no man can exist in darkness alone. His needs are to reach out to a loving hand, to reach toward the light, the love of others. It is only then that he feels complete and whole. Why not seek the truth when you are lost? Imagine that a beggar who had nothing was tossed into a circle of loving energy and his needs were satisfied. He was lost, now he is found again. When you find yourself feeling lost and alone, look for that light, and you will find the face of God in your fellow man. About Iris: Iris Waters has been a student of the metaphysical her entire life. She is an aspiring psychic medium who enjoys creative writing and inspirational writing through spirit. Iris on Facebook - Facebook@thoughtfulpsychic.53
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"Too Spiritual For Your Own Good?" by Christine Ogasawara I experienced a healing recently where the practitioner found and removed a childhood trauma from my energy field via dolphin energy. I was really surprised that any imprint of that experience was still in my field. It was related to a bunch of boys chasing me on a grass field that led to the school car park area. Back then I felt terror. Thankfully, an adult rescued me from the pack chasing me. I felt lighter and it felt good to have that healing, but a day later I noticed a pain in my hip. It started me thinking about other childhood trauma. I had a fifth grade teacher who was verbally abusive and would embarrass me in class along with another girl. I wondered if that could be why sometimes I feel uncomfortable and embarrassed in groups of people. I have this feeling I will be harshly evaluated. I was surprised that this would still be affecting me because I have done so much spiritual work around forgiveness. Bless you Mrs. Lane! My heart is clear, I am never a victim and I keep no grudges from the past. In fact, at the time my Mom asked me if I would like to change teachers and I said no. I said I needed this experience so that I could function in the world when I grew up. I checked in with my inner child and sure enough she said it’s great that as an adult you have an open loving heart but what about me? What the hell? (She said it in more colorful terms than that.) I apologized and told her I really had no awareness we were carrying that around all this time. I focused on the pain in my hip and directed Plasma Beings that have made themselves known to me recently, to remove this trauma residue from my energetic field. Immediately the pain vanished. I surmised that even though I may have done a lot of work around forgiving childhood trauma and may feel clear in my heart and emotions, it is another very important step to remove any negative energy imprints from the energetic field. This can be done simply by becoming aware of what you are releasing consciously and calling in help from whatever you resonate with, be it Light, Angels, Jesus, Ra, Love, or in my case Plasma Beings that come from Mother Earth.I encourage you to check in with your Inner Child for while you as an adult may be feeling very loving and forgiving to the extent that even the child has no emotional tie to that experience any longer, it may still be affecting both of you. The process to remove negative energy from the field is instant and painless. You do not need to relive the trauma to see the results. I had been placing garbage in the garbage can but neglecting to take it out to the curb on collection day. Your body will thank you and can stop trying to get your attention through pain or depression etc. The message is received! The remedy is a beautiful thing! All Is Well! About Christine: Hypnotherapist, International Association of Counselors and Therapists, Reconnective Energy Healer, Past Life Regression, Body Wisdom, Page | 19
Shamanic Healing Christine's website:
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"The Wisdom of A Year's Turning" By Marlaina Donato In these times, life feels fast—too fast to fully savor a meal, slip an hour for ourselves into hand, or be present to soak up some bliss. Most of us ask on a regular basis, “It’s a year since then? Already?” Or sometimes, it’s ten years that have flown in a blink of an eye. Yet, in the dichotomy of this human experience, on the flip side—when we are in turmoil—life limps from one second to the next and we plot for better days or a solution until we succumb to emotional exhaustion. It seems that we are always caught between two poles—fast-forward and slo-mo. What is the true reality and how do we find this luminous doorway? One year ago today, my husband and I were frantically moving our life’s belongings, including my 200 paintings into a tiny storage locker and trying to find shelter for a month until our new apartment was ready after an insane landlord unfairly evicted us. Solid ground both underfoot and beneath my breath was pulled out and nothing was certain. One year almost to the day, I write this sitting at our kitchen table as beautiful music plays in my ears and our plants revel in the late summer sun. The tempest has blown away—and a few more in the past few months—and I am now just beginning to exhale without anticipating another asteroid hitting my good karma. “It’s a year since then?” I ask my hubby, marveling at the milestones within those quickly-flying twelve months. Outwardly, not many things have changed, but inwardly, selves have fallen, decayed and risen again, my phoenix heart blazing hot once again. Most profoundly, my internal landscape has shifted, consciousness spinning into a thousand a-ha moments. More than ever, I understand that ascension is not about the auriferous moments of transcendence but the knee-deep mud of hell when the pain-self and the fear body are purified yet one more time. “There is a reason for everything,” they say—and I believe that whole-heartedly. We just have to keep moving forward and allow time to do its work; the reasons are always revealed. One year later, I now see small bursts of potential wonders and why we had to be uprooted. One year later, I now see glorious growth bolting through the decay. One year later, wisdom has replaced turmoil and a thousand unanswered, bitter questions; many remain, but somewhere along the way, I know those will be answered, too, in their own time and not a moment too soon. And so, summer puts away her dancing shoes once more; soon, autumn will be flaming through the mountains, blowing away this year’s green. What soil are you stepping upon for the first time? What are you burying? What doorway of present moments waits to be unlocked? What must you leave in order to turn the lock and
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walk through the shining, expansive threshold? About Marlaina: Marlaina Donato is a freelance staff writer for the magazine Natural Awakenings, the author of Spiritual Famine in the Age of Plenty: Baby Steps to Bliss and several other books. She is also a visionary painter and composer. Marlaina Donato's website - http://
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"In Reverence To The Goddess" By Dr. Seema Khaneja This past week marks the beginning of the Hindu festival of Navratri which is celebrated with prayers, fasting and dance. The word ‘Navratri’ literally means nine nights in Sanskrit (Nava= nine and Ratri=nights). During this time, different forms of female divinity are worshiped. At Coaching for Inner Peace, I love to share tools that can inspire and uplift my clients – so they can fully realize and experience their innate potential for health, well-being, and peace of mind. At times, it is helpful to have external symbols that can serve as a bridge for us to connect to our inner resources. A celebration such as Navratri offers us an opportunity to connect to the creativity, strength, and inner abundance and fullness symbolized by the different forms of feminine divine energy. This can be a wonderful healing experience for women as well as for men- because these are aspects we all want to cultivate in our everyday lives. Navratri is separated into three sets of three days: The first three days of Navratri are dedicated to Goddess Durga, the Goddess of power (shakti) and energy. The photo above has been part of my temple at my home for more than thirty years. Durga is portrayed as a beautiful goddess with eight arms – with which she holds weapons such as bow and arrow, and a sword, as well as a lotus flower and a white conch. One of her hands is raised in a pose of ashirwad, or blessings. Her serene and loving countenance is in stark contrast to the ferocious roar of the lion- her vehicle of transport. This photo is dear to my heart because it has provided me with much comfort and solace during challenging times. It so clearly conveys that the feminine energy can be peaceful, wise, compassionate- yes, but it can be so grounded and powerful too! Practice: Where in life do you need inner strength or shakti to face a challenging situation? Invoke the presence of Durga to meet this challenge with a steady mind, courage and resilience. You are not alone. You are protected, loved and supported at each step of the way. The next three days of Navratri are dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Recently, one of my clients was facing issues with not having sufficient finances to support her longstanding desire to serve with an educational mission that would take her overseas to her birthplace in Japan. During one of our sessions, she Page | 23
shared that as a young girl, she loved to collect coins- not because she was aware of their worth or value, but just because it felt joyful for her. An image of Lakshmi came to mind so I shared a picture with her. My client absolutely loved and resonated with the image of coins flowing freely in the photo. To me, this symbolizes the ease of wealth, abundance and prosperity flowing forth from the divine feminine energy. Over the course of the next few weeks, my client found that financial support for her mission ‘showed up’ in unexpected ways from within her workplace and her spiritual community. We both felt that her connecting to this image perhaps helped to focus and activate an inner opening – to receive support to pursue her lifelong desire to serve students in Japan. This then was reflected in outward financial support. Practice: Where in life do you feel a sense of lack? Lack of time, lack of energy, lack of discipline, lack of material resources, or lack of support? Any lack comes from the ego mind and yet you are not this ego. Invoke the presence of the Goddess Lakshmi to help you know the Truth of your Reality – where you lack nothing. You are a beautiful child of the universe and can be denied nothing. Remember, the healing we are going for is a state of mind first- that then is reflected in our outer external life circumstances- often in ways that we cannot predict or even imagine! Have fun with this and open to receive all the abundance that awaits you. The final three days belong to Goddess Saraswati who is worshiped to cultivate both inner and outer knowledge. With two of her four hands, Saraswati holds and plays a veena (a classical Indian instrument) which represents the art of music. The beads in one hand represent spiritual knowledge. The book in the fourth hand symbolizes learning and education. The brilliant light that emanates from her represents the power of knowledge and education to destroy the darkness of ignorance. Invoking her energy can help students in their study, and also inspire writers, musicians and artists to connect more deeply with an abundance of creative energy. Practice: If you are a student preparing for exams, or a parent or teacher of a student, invoke the presence of the Goddess Saraswati. Ask her to grace you with a clear mind, and a sense of calm and ease that allows you to perform to the best of your capacity. If you are a musician, a singer or artist, invoke her blessings that your innate creativity may flow- blessing you and blessing all whose lives it touches. Allow yourself to be like an instrument, or a hollow reed – through which her inspiration may flow freely. Further Resources If you feel inspired to explore other goddesses from different traditions and cultures around the world, check out a beautifully illustrated book by Kris Waldherr titled The Book of Goddesses. Here you will find beautiful paintings with descriptions and stories of 26 goddesses from around the world. This is a
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beautiful book to share with the children in your lives as well. There is also a beautiful collection of instrumental music inspired by this book created by musical artists known as Troika. You can hear the full CD on You Tube. No matter how many times I listen to this music, I always feel inspired, nourished and revitalized. But are these real‌? Many times, we can debate whether these goddesses exist or not. But I think if we were to get lost in speculation, we would miss the purpose. Gods and goddesses are simply way-showers that can inspire us to allow our innate potential for creativity, peace and happiness to flow forth freely. It is like the finger pointing to the moon. Once we can see the moon, we no longer need the finger. Yet while we are still walking this journey of healing and awakening to our True Self, having mighty companions in the form of goddesses can be very sweet indeed. Enjoy! Happy Navratri to all! May the divine feminine energy bless you with an abundance of creativity, prosperity, health and well-being for you and all your loved ones. About Seema: Coaching for Inner Peace (CFIP) is a non-profit educational organization created to offer a systematic way to experience consistent inner peace. The organization is led by a physician, Seema Khaneja, MD who combines the wisdom of world spiritual traditions with scientific research, to guide people to holistic healing. As the founder, Seema Khaneja MD has an extensive background in traditional Western medicine as well as complementary/alternative medicine. She was born in India, where she spent her early childhood years and was drawn to a spiritual path from a young age. She studied with spiritual teachers from the Hindu and Buddhist tradition and is also a student of A Course in Miracles. Ever since Dr. Khaneja entered medical school, she was on a quest to understand the connection between mind, body, emotions and healing. Coaching for Inner Peace is a vehicle to share what she learnedbased on her professional and personal experience- so others may be relieved of suffering and rediscover a sense of wholeness Seema's website -
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Sound Healing
We would like you to have a sound break and listen to the video. Sound healing offers a lot of positive health options. Some benefits of Sound Therapy are: Changes our old patterns of behavior, habits and way of thinking that no longer serve us and are harmful to our health. Soothes, purify and harmonize your emotions and feelings. Helps to recover after illness, traumas and invasive medical treatments. Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition and motivation. Makes positive changes to our whole being. Removes blockages and toxins. Self-regeneration. Stimulates circulation. Stimulates endocrine glands and regulates hormonal functioning. Affects all cells in your body. Balances both hemispheres of the brain. Cleanses negative energy and emotions. Connecting with your higher self. Helps to cope with life's challenges. Improves sleep. Strengthens immune system. Stress reduction. Deep relaxation. Listen to this video, just click on the arrow.
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"Doorknobs: A Gateyway to Awareness" By Melinda Johnston
Ah…the roles we play… Spouse, parent, sibling, employee or employer…there are MANY versions of you. Certainly you are perceived by your co-workers in one way, and by your spouse or children in a different way. Are you the “same” person in the evening that you were in the morning? Are you the same person today that you were 5 days ago? How about 5 weeks ago?? The answer… Yes and No. MINDFUL WAKING CONSCIOUSNESS When your eyes open each morning, you enter into waking consciousness. This is a sacred ‘re-birthing’ each day you experience it. As you enter into this state of awareness, you are You. You are an individual expression of One Consciousness. A few seconds later, rational mind awakens, and begins to judge your surroundings and present moment conditions. Therefore, almost immediately, your mind is engaged with sorting out likes verses dislikes. For example, you like or dislike the way you feel…warm, cold, comfy, happy…not happy. A few seconds after that, you may notice if you are sleeping next to someone. If so, as soon as you notice this, you have instantly changed roles…you are now a Lover, or a Spouse. Are you still the same person as you were a few seconds ago? Yes, you are…but your role has changed….so No. A few moments later, you may rise to exit the bed. Generally, the first destination for most of us upon rising is the bathroom. Do you enter the bathroom alone, or
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are there family members already in there? Are you the same you that you were only a minute ago? PRACTICING MINDFUL AWARENESS OF THE ROLES WE PLAY… This week’s mindfulness practice: DOORKNOBS are now your GATEWAY to Awareness. Each time your hand touches a doorknob, such as your front door, car handle, office door, bathroom stall, conference room…become MINDFUL of what role you are playing in life at that MOMENT. If you are at work, then do your best at work. Leave home issues at home. FULLY BE a great employee, or a great supervisor. When you head home in the evening, leave work at work!!! Mindfully come home, and be a fully dedicated spouse, parent, roommate, or dog mom. BE in the moment…play that role with awareness. Going to the gym? As your hand comes into contact with the door handle, BE There! Have full awareness of your breath, your body, your heart, and have gratitude for all that your body does. Do not allow your mind to replay the day. When you enter someone’s house, or personal space, be mindful of this. At that point, your role changes again…you are in that moment a friend, or a relative, or a guest. Walk into that home with a kind heart. Leave your troubles at the doorstep. SLEEP! DEPARTING FROM WAKING CONSCIOUSNESS… For a good night’s sleep, as your head hits the pillow, come to realize that you are You again. Bless the day. Bless all the roles you played. Bless all the people you had contact with. You will sleep well knowing that you did your best. If Monkey Mind tries to keep you awake rehashing the day, or planning for the next day, mindfully tell your busy mind, that, “Today is completed, and I did my best! Tomorrow is not here yet, but when it comes, I will do my best. Now ALL OF ME…it’s time to sleep peacefully.” About Melinda Johnston & the Buddhi Institute: The Buddhi Institute offers you a vast array of opportunities to deepen your wellbeing and/ or spiritual practice so you may learn how to cultivate your own inner guidance. The offerings from the Buddhi Institute empower students and clients with mindfulness training, consciousness studies, spiritual development, wellness retreats, and mastering the mind through practices belonging to the Yoga Sciences. Melinda's website: Page | 30
I wrote the Practicing Peace Guidebook so that it may be a gift to the world as many of us work together to cultivate peace within ourselves. Breath by breath, step by step‌practicing peace by one person becomes the peace experienced by many.
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"Earth and The Evolution of Love" By Sean McCleary Earth is a very special planet and is in place within this universe to help love evolve through the conjoining of consciousness and light and dark energy. Love has always existed but started its evolutionary process before this universe was introduced. Before this universe was introduced the was a form of consciousness and pure light energy and pure dark energy everywhere that had always existed because infinity is incorporated into consciousness and energy. Pure light energy comes from consciousness and higher frequency vibrations. Pure dark energy comes from consciousness and lower frequency vibrations. Consciousness and vibration are the foundation for the light and the dark. This form of consciousness made a decision a long time ago to conjoin in a more powerful way so the light and the dark could experience one another more intimately. Pure light energy and consciousness felt a very powerful warmth and appreciation for its existence. Pure dark energy and consciousness felt a very powerful satisfaction and appreciation for its existence, but the two wanted to combine and share in one another's experience. The easiest way I can describe this is pure light energy and consciousness could be associated with a child's interaction with a puppy or kitten or feeling the most powerful embrace from a mother concerning nurture and the recognition of life. Pure dark energy could be recognized as the power one could feel listening to their favorite heavy metal band or watching a movie like The Matrix. Both of these are analogies but this consciousness and energy is much more concentrated and powerful because it drives everything in this universe. These two forms of energy with this consciousness started integrating and designing this universe. The higher frequency vibrations were mixing with the lower frequency vibrations while consciousness was conceptualizing and creating everything it wanted to introduce into this universe. Male consciousness came from the lower frequency vibrations and female consciousness came from the higher frequency vibrations. With these two integrating and conjoining it created Page | 32
an enormous amount of pressure. When the design became complete for this universe the pressure was released and this universe was introduced. The explosion transferred everything outward and the formation of this universe took place. There is more dark energy than light energy in the universe so dark energy is more dominant. It has to be this way for the preservation, sustainability and protection of light energy. When consciousness and dark energy and light energy integrate and evolution of time and space occur more love can be introduced into existence. Love can be shared with one male to another or one female to another because of the original state of evolution that happened. Male consciousness contains light and dark energy and female consciousness contains light and dark energy. This is why the consciousness of existence created this universe is so light and dark energy could be contained within and shared between both in order to further the advancement of the evolution of consciousness into infinity. Love is produced when consciousness and light energy and dark energy come together between two different embodiments of energy. This can happen in one as well but that has to do with the relationship one has with themselves and creation. When two embodiments of consciousness and energy share a common interest within themselves and form a bond love can be produced. This happens with men and women here. What happens is more energy is generated through the conceptualization of sharing, caring and unification. When this happens more dark energy and more light energy is introduced into existence from human beings. Because there is more dark energy, when more light energy is generated it produces love. Human beings are attached to the Higgs field which is the most powerful aspect of Universal Consciousness. The Higgs field is like the DNA of this universe. The Higgs field gets its evolution and power from existence that is contained around this universe. Existence that surrounds this universe contains very powerful consciousness and pure light energy and pure dark energy. When human beings experience love it transfers pure light and dark energy from the consciousness of infinite existence through the Higgs field and into this universe. This facilitates the evolution of consciousness and energy within this universe, because love is the primary reason for the evolution of consciousness. This is happening all over this universe with world's and beings. World's and beings are attached to universal consciousness and the Higgs field. They express love for one another. This draws energy from infinite existence. This generates more light and dark energy within this universe and evolution happens. Planet Earth and its inhabitants are very, very special. Love is evolving here in a very powerful way. Earth was created and introduced into this universe to help love evolve throughout the entire universe. This is why Jesus was here and went through his experience and this is why the Holy Spirit evolves here like Jesus as well. There needed to be a higher concentration of vibrational frequencies and light and dark energy introduced into this universe for the purpose of helping this Page | 33
universe evolve. Consciousness, the light and the dark are evolving here in a very powerful way. This is why the Higgs boson was discovered and why new and different subatomic particles were discovered here is because universal consciousness is undergoing a powerful state of evolution with planet Earth. Earth was created and designed to generate more power and more love within the concentration of light and dark energy. What was very important also is the introduction of more love into dark energy. This was absolutely necessary because of the separation that occurred in this universe a long time ago from a big misunderstanding among beings. If you go to google images and type in beautiful dark imagery you can see different illustrations of love and darkness being represented in very powerful ways. There are examples in art, music, television and society where love is being introduced into dark energy. This is bringing the light and the dark together here, which is generating a powerful flow of evolution. It is all happening here to ensure the survival and sustainability of this universe, existence that surrounds this universe and infinity that everything is evolving into consistently. About Sean: I've been writing extensively in Metaphysics for about six years now. The primary reason that started me on this literary endeavor was when I heard about the shift in consciousness. I have always sought out and tried to incorporate spirituality in my life to enhance my experience here. I guess you could say I've been an explorer of divinity. In 2010 I saw the photograph taken by NASA of the cross in the core of the Whirlpool galaxy. In 2012 I heard about the discovery of the Higgs boson. I knew there was a correlation between the two and the shift in consciousness that I had been researching and writing about. Since that time I've have utilized different aspects of subject matter pertaining to science and divinity to formulate important and powerful conclusions on what philosopher Thomas Kuhn referred to as the Paradigm shift. I have just finished a book called "Earth's Miracle through the Paradigm shift" which I am seeking publication now. I feel as though my unique approach in writing have defined the shift in consciousness in a very spectacular way, that can appeal to a broad range of audiences considering the diversity of the subject matter I include in my conclusions. Sean's facebook page: _______________________
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Mystic Musings by Tobie Hewitt
Welcome to Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. I’m Tobie Hewitt and I’m your guide through time and space and all points in between. Mystic Musings will give you insight into who you are, why you are here, how to live an authentic life, and where you fit into the universe around you. Join me on this path of mystical exploration. About Tobie Hewitt: She is a Mystic/Writer/Intuitive Consultant, has been giving intuitive readings for almost 40 years. In that time she has both helped people to contact their loved ones on the other side of the veil and guided them to living a more fulfilling and actualized life. Tobie's website -
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Welcome to episode 53 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider synchronicity, passion, and enlightenment as we continue our mystic journey. Link:
Welcome to episode 54 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider Blessings, Awareness, and Change as we continue our mystic journey.
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"The Empath's Heart" By Michelle Howe
Is there really such a similarity between Empaths?? I am laughing at this question of mine because the answer is clear and easy to see: YES!!!! A vast amount of Empaths are just now waking up and looking for answers. Many Empaths are now in Facebook groups. Many are relieved to finally find likeminded people and explanations for why they are affected by others – why they know or feel more than others. Most Empaths have a HUGE heart. This heart LOVES to help other people. There is nothing more fueling to an Empath than to be of service to others. Mostly, an Empath feels a huge burst of energy when they step forward in this way. Empaths love to listen, solve and/or sprinkle the great energy into helping others. Empaths often re-wire the energy of others. That means others walk away feeling better, having released negative energy or having gained new perspectives or insights. In a typical scenario, what happens to Susie the Empath when she is talking to someone? She gets activated and is able to tap into a wonderful soul connection with this individual. Susie mirrors a higher frequency or reality to the other person – which empowers and clears the energy of this other person. Empaths have a magic toolkit of psychic and energetic gifts to share with others. ^ At basic levels, we listen without judgment. ^ At moderate levels, we blend to transmute energy. ^ At advanced levels, we restructure the mental and emotional bodies. An Empath can do ALL this??? Yes – shared in very simplistic terms…
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In more complex terms, it is explained as the Empath using energetic connection and psychic gifts to clear away negativity and bring clarity to the other person. All the magic happens energetically – it’s about feeling subtle energy. Is this gift tough to manage? Yes and no. There are some Empaths who are developed enough and solid in their own energy and wise to understand management of their gifts. These Empaths are fairly well versed in metaphysical concepts of energy, past lives and self-healing. They use their skills to help others without being negatively affected themselves. Less seasoned or newly awakening Empaths struggle with being an Empath because they feel drained by each interaction and/or feel the lower emotions of others as their own. For these Empaths, the struggle to comfortably interact with others rests on one of both of these issues: 1 – They do not remember, know or understand the basic skills for managing their gifts to effectively help others without getting stuck in the muck of lower vibrations. 2 – Their auric bodies are not yet strong enough to be helping others because they have much of their own healing (conscious or unconscious) that needs their attention. These individuals will often feel the emotions of others as their own because, on some level, they resonate with these same emotions. This Empath is challenged by this extra dose of emotions and typically their focus in outside of themselves – on others. They feel so much that it’s quite uncomfortable. Their immediate response is to find fault with the world, settle into being a martyr for others or isolate themselves away. In truth, the “uncomfortable feeling” is there to awaken them – to grab their attention and push them to step forward – to move to a place of solution. The role of the Empath is very unique and wonderful. Most Empaths find their greatest joy and their truest calling by helping others. Often, they walk forward not realizing the importance of their own inner work – their own spiritual development. Many times, an Empath’s natural way of giving or helping serves mainly as a distraction from diving deeper to heal themselves. It is important to note that only when the Empath is fully healed can he/she effectively manage and use their gifts to the highest potential. I have pointed it out many times and I will continue to point it out to all of you – the most important task at hand for each and every Empath is their own journey of self-healing and transformation. About Michelle: My role today is to serve as an evolutionary guide - as a healer and spiritual teacher to those ready to embrace a path to true confidence and Page | 38
success in the world. I am here to bring new knowledge, tools and perspective that allow you move beyond emotional struggles. My work is with feelers with giving hearts who see the best in others and are deeply impacted by the negativity in the world. If you connect with my words, please know - it's your time - your time to shine bright in the world. Michelle's website - ________________________
MBO's by Tom T. Moore
This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
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Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to intervene in the most benevolent way to stop any terrorist attacks before they happen anywhere in the world, to respect other religions, and for there to be peace in the world, thank you!” Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. BENEVOLENT PRAYERS FOR FLORENCE In both my newsletter and on Facebook, I requested that everyone say the same Benevolent Prayer (BP) for the winds and rain to be reduced for Hurricane Florence, as it was predicted to be a Category 4 and possible a Cat 5 by the time it made landfall. Winds were at 140 mph. As you probably heard on the news, Florence made landfall as a Category 1, with winds of 90 mph! Thanks all of you, who took part. MBO FOR EXPECTING GREAT THINGS Daniel writes: Two weeks ago, I wrote you about receiving an unexpected $2,170 lump sum payment, plus an increase of $122 per month from Social Security. This came after a couple of weeks of telling my guardian angel that I was expecting great things, and making daily MBO requests, always remembering to offer my thanks. But it didn’t stop there. Last Wednesday, I received a very apologetic letter from my longtime employer, telling me the company had miscalculated my pension payments over the past three years. To correct the error, I would be paid a lump sum of $1,190, and as of September 1, I would start receiving an extra $72 per month. I’m still a bit stunned, but I’m a believer. Thanks again. MBOs FOR INSURANCE CLAIM & ROOF REPAIR Lee writes: Applied for a home equity loan for a new roof and gutters. I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for the insurance to pay. Also for affordable roof repair estimates and gutter estimates and to get the refinance for it all. I did not ask for an MBO for the solar power to be removed at an affordable price but the insurance company came through and paid for it all! With the savings on everything we are also able to finish the remodel on our summer home that we have been remodeling a step at a time for 10 years! The roof was damaged from the hurricane last year. After inspection it was found that the roof had hail damage from a different storm so the deductible is much Page | 40
cheaper and the insurance company is paying in full to take off and put back on our solar heat for the pool. That was a big plus! Friends were not so lucky with their insurance claims. Insurance checks all came through already and just waiting on the permits. Said an MBO for a quick turnaround on them too! MBO’s work like a charm! About Tom T. Moore: He is an author and speaker. His books include THE GENTLE WAY series, plus FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET and ATLANTIS & LEMURIA: The Lost Continents Revealed. He was voted "Best SelfHelp Author" for the past three years by the readers of a health magazine. He is a telepath and answers questions sent to him from all over the world in his weekly newsletter, which can be subscribed to at His series THE TELEPATHIC WORLD OF TOM T. MOORE is on YouTube. My new book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Read the REAL history of two societies that existed for over 50,000 years each.. Tom's website - _________________________
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"Sound - Its Influence On Civilizations" By Jill Mattson
Turn of the century esoteric writing insists that the Renaissance music pulled the population out of the dark ages by introducing the perfection of chords, harmonies and mathematical patterns found among the tones. The early ornamental classical music inspired the excessively decorated architecture and dress of the time. One mystic writer revealed a concern about cold-hearted people hiding behind elaborate decoration. Hence, Beethoven was "over lit" to create music that enables the masses to feel compassion. According to the writing, charities in Europe were recorded only after people heard the music of Beethoven. During the Renaissance people choose music for the first time as musicians made a living from public performances. Songs changed keys to accommodate singer's vocal ranges. As a result, the Equal Temperament tuning system was created to allow easy transition between musical keys. Some liken this scale to aural caffeine¨ saying it influenced the Western Hemisphere to spur industrialization and Modernization. In contrast the Eastern Hemisphere played the older mathematic scales with soothing sounds and developed meditation practices. Now popular music is becoming worldwide, lessoning cultural differences. Melodies sport sequential notes, displaying a system of two's... Rap music sounds a rhythmic series of the same note, a musical system of one's. In conclusion, Page | 42
musical systems (throughout the ages) reveal a frequencies becoming closer together, as civilizations learned various lessons. When a musical style stopped the culture transitioned and was rebirthed with new music. Throughout the ages, man incarnated into matter and duality, as the music descended. The civilizations learned new emotional lessons, based on the signature number within the music of the culture. Over time the music changed styles and the space between neighboring notes decreased from nine of our notes to only one. If limiting our hearing to frequencies closer together precedes our separation from God – then reversing this process should help us evolve and journey back to the Divine. Listening to ancient musical patterns may expand our consciousness ...leading to increased awareness and consciousness! Listen to the ancient sound patterns for enlightenment at About Jill: She is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced nine CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound! Jill's website -
All about Singing Bowls - How to pick and use them! Link:
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In The Flow Experiences and Reflections from the World of Energy Healing Stress Busters! By Kathy Manikowski
We all have days and moments of stress in our lives. As humans we tend to react to difficult times with an automatic fight or fight response, or inner anxiety attack. If we can get our mind out of the automatic reaction and into a more analytical space we can take control of our own response. Here are some very useful techniques you can use to calm down and refocus. Panic Take 5 Use your powers of observation to calm and focus. 5 things you can see 4 things you can touch 3 things you can hear 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste Tell the Story You can do this in your mind, on paper, or talk to a friend. Talk about yourself in the 3rd person. Narrate your story, describe the situation, what’s causing your stress, what are your possible actions. 16 Second Breath Break Repeat as needed. In for 4 Hold for 4 Page | 45
Out for 4 Hold for 4 Write It Down - Journaling releases fear, anxiety. 1. Write how you’re feeling 2. Write all the fears and worries 3. Write how you WANT to feel: confident, peaceful, happy. Describe it in detail. 4. Write about some steps you can take to reach that place Label It Moving from the fight or flight part of your brain to the thinking part can calm you down by 50%. What are you feeling? Stress, anger, fear... Label your thoughts about it: helpful - unhelpful, stuck - moving forward. Label your actions - productive or unproductive. Make a plan - what productive action can you take? Relabel yourself - Productive, Positive, Insightful, Strong, Awesome. Catch & Release: Get Rid of the Negative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sit still and breathe deeply. What am I feeling? Anxiety, fear, exhaustion? Where am I feeling it? Chest tight, stomach ache, headache... What does it look like? Color, texture, shadow, cloud... Deep breath, visualize pushing it out of you. See it flow through the top of your head, fingertips, bottom of feet. See the emotional block dissolving and leaving. 6. Fill that space with peace, calm, confidence, determination. Pattern Interrupt You’re in a negative thought spiral - interrupt it with a new focus, action, or intention. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Thank the Universe for 5 blessings. Blow it a kiss for each one! Sniff a relaxing scent - Lavender, Vanilla, Lemon, Pine. Get some sunshine go outside, use bright “daylight” light bulbs. Punch Something - a pillow, dough, release the negative energy. Pet a Pet - lower; anxiety, blood pressure, stress hormones. Be Nice - care for someone else. Remember - Feelings and Fears are not Facts
Shower Power Meditation Every time you take a shower wash away your stress and anxiety. Concentrate on the feel of the water on your skin. Envision the power of the shower washing away negative thoughts. See fear, anger, and stress sliding off and swirling down the drain. Page | 46
Visualize the shower of water becoming drops of light, filling you with calm, courage, power. Ground & Center Be a tree - deep roots anchoring into the Earth Straight, tall, trunk Branches reaching out and up to the light Energy flowing up from the Earth and down from the Sun Anything negative released down through the roots You are grounded, centered, open to pure energy and light. Most importantly of all learn how to take care of yourself. Physically; be active, get rest, reduce caffeine and sugar, eat healthy foods, take relaxing warm showers and baths. Mentally & Emotionally; find things that make you laugh, get lost in your favorite music, talk it out with friends, focus on helping others. Spiritually; be aware of the soul lessons and growth from every challenge. Humaning is hard, be patient with yourself! About Kathy: Kathy has been working with healing energy since 1998. She is a Reiki Master Teacher trained in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition. Kathy is an NSAC Certified Spiritual Healer and has pursued extended training in Integrated Energy Therapy, Sound Healing, Crystal Therapy, Color Healing, Zero Point Regeneration Healing, Intention Healing, Meditation, Mediumship, Essential Oils, and Herbology. It is with great love and compassion that she intuitively brings these healing tools together for the benefit of others. Kathy's website: ____________________________
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"Time to Unplug? A Friendly Public Service Reminder to Take a Break from Technology" By Tammy Colvin
Every so often, I begin to feel there is not enough time in a day. My list of to-do’s grows way too long. My brain feels full to overflowing. My sleep may be spotty. I feel completely overwhelmed. These feelings come up even more now with recent changes in my life. The change in the seasons can stir up these feelings. So can routines changing and the thought of the holidays lurking around the corner. I remember, sooner or later, ding ding ding!! It is time to unplug myself from the grid. I make a conscious decision to take a deliberate vacation from technology of all kinds. I am planning to do this again this coming weekend. I take a conscious break from my computer, my phone, all forms of news and programming. I remove from my influence the media and the incessant bickering and opinion that is now accepted as ‘news’. Over the years and increasingly over time the media has intensified their programming in terms of sheer volume, dissention, conflict, violence, vulgarity and overt sexuality. If I happen to find myself in a waiting room with a television on, I feel completely bombarded by the overt sensations of manipulation and anxiety. A number of years ago I stopped actively watching the news. Then I cut down – way down – on the amount of television I watch. A few months ago I actually removed the TV from my living room since I had stopped watching television altogether. But then I get those annoying but compelling news snippet headline thingies when I go online to get my mail or check my phone. You know what I mean. Page | 48
Periodically I take these total breaks from the chaos and the mayhem of the media and technology by putting them out of sight and going ‘off the grid’ for a few days. Even a day can help your mind and body readjust. I have even gone a month or more without all television, radio, computer etc. and only using my phone as a phone. An actual phone. Ok maybe I use the camera to take a picture or 2, but you get the idea. What can you do if not using your tech? There is always my suggestion to get outside and love up some nature, but how about read a good book? Try a new recipe? Maybe there is a home improvement project you have been putting off. Write a letter. Talk with a friend. Play with your dog, or in my case my dog and my cat and my cat! Play a board game. Try a new hobby. Or just relax and enjoy the quiet. And wow can the quiet feel soothing! It is amazing how taking a breather from technology can really lower your stress and help you realign with what is truly important to you. It is easy to lose sight of how addictive our technology can be. It is also interesting to experience how calming and balancing being away from it. The media, the programming and the constant barrage of information can be draining and create profound imbalance in our lives and in our hearts. It is easy to get caught up in this or that and forget to appreciate the joy that is all around. Now it’s my time to Unplug and Unwind. About Tammy: Tammy is a Manifesting & Self-Love Coach who helps others feel their way to a joyous life. She lives in Upstate New York and is mom to one incredible human teenager and a handful of delightful furry people as well. he has been a spiritual seeker for a lifetime and has been studying and practicing the Law of Attraction for over 10 years, finding it an empowering & liberating tool for self-growth and self-actualization. Tammy's Website - __________________________
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The Dream A Journey of Self Discovery By Chris Taylor About the Book The author was born in 1957, the seventh of ten children. After working many years in construction and architecture, this is Chris’ first attempt at writing a book. He has made a full recovery from a mysterious and life-threatening tumor with the help of healing plant medicines and the power of his dreams. Chris is currently living with his dog Chapo and trying to connect with Mother Nature in the Sonoran Desert outside of Bisbee, Arizona. He is continuing his work with his Page | 50
spirit guides on his quest to master the art of Conscious Dreaming and is contemplating his next adventure. Chris is summoned by a dream to start on a mystical journey that takes him to the magical city of Cusco and the Temple of the Moon in the Sacred Valley nestled high in the Andes of Peru. He finds inspiration in the flying fortress of Machu Picchu and has a life-changing encounter with the Mother of all healing plants in the remote jungle of the Amazon. He goes into the high desert of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, where he apprentices in the art of Conscious Dreaming and acquires the tools to fight for his life. In his travels he learns from formidable light-workers and studies with shamans. This is a tale of self-discovery, and self-healing with powerful and magical medicinal plants. It is a true story of transcending the physical world and overcoming overwhelming odds. Find the book at: _____________________
Retreat and Spiritual Centers The Womyn's Rooms Spirit Centers 327 S. Albany Street Ithaca, NY 14850 607-272-1065 The "Change Your Mind, Change Your Life" retreat is based on the work of Albert Ellis, a cognitive therapist who formulated Rational Emotive Problem Solving, a unique and powerful way to achieve increased contentment and peace of mind. Rational emotive therapy applies the notion that our negative emotions and behaviors are a result of our lives' events being filtered through a system of beliefs that are distorted and not useful or helpful. The cognitive approach to Page | 51
psychotherapy helps us understand that our beliefs and thoughts require evaluation. This idea is not a new one... Shakespeare mused, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." And before him, Epictetus noted that "man is not disturbed by events, but by the view he takes of them." This retreat is for anyone who has ever wondered, "Is it me or is it them?" when struggling with an interpersonal crisis. If you've ever secretly wondered about your thinking, wondered if you're doing it "right," you're already benefiting from an intuitive awareness of the skill of "thinking well." The ability to think well and rationally is fundamental to a firm grasp of reality. Cognitive skills inoculate against many of the common stresses of life and guide us toward improved relationships with friends, family, lovers, and coworkers. With positive relationships come improved self-esteem and confidence. The ability to be "on to "yourself " is a powerful tool for the management of your inner life. The retreat will provide participants with the opportunity to become aware of the common beliefs and distortions that have an impact on their lives. Several selfevaluation tools will assist in pinpointing specific areas of concern and insight into how the belief is causing difficulty. The tools will provide ways to replace those self-defeating systems of belief with ones that support and affirm the idea that you have the right to search for personal happiness, seek your desires and goals, and become a successful woman - any way you define success. Throughout the weekend there will be approximately seven hours of instruction as well as opportunities for anyone desiring individual time. The retreats are intimate; there will be no more than four women. The retreat fee includes all materials and your room with meals, with the exception of Saturday evening, when you are encouraged to explore the Ithaca Commons, a unique place to shop and dine.
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The Lighthouse Retreat and Wellness Center 1392 Albany Post Road New York 10520 (914) 589-7188 The Lighthouse Retreat and Wellness Center was born, because nearly 20 years ago I started a journey to transform my own life. I had successfully created the life I thought I wanted. I was working as an executive in corporate America – in the intimate apparel business – and I traveled the world, made a place for myself among interesting and powerful people and loved it. But after almost 20 years my love for it started to fade away. All my life I was always there for people. They came to me with their problems and life issues and I was able to help. I was often instinctively able to provide a healing influence. I realized that those experiences gave me my deepest satisfaction. The person I always knew I could become was going to be a helper and a healer. My deep wish to find ways to be a force for healing and transformation led me to create the Lighthouse Retreat and Wellness Center. The Center brings together remarkable healers who have mastered an enormous range of healing modalities. My dream was to create a comforting and supportive place where many healing disciplines are available – and affordable – to all. That dream has come true. Please take a look at what these wonderful and effective therapists and healers have to offer. If there’s something that intrigues you or sparks your interest please ask questions or contact us. Between all of us we offer many modalities and I am constantly on the lookout for new effective methods. Please review our practitioners, services, and events at The Lighthouse Retreat and Wellness Center. I’m sure you will find help for whatever you need and an opportunity to take your life to a new level of peace and happiness.
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Dr. Judith Orloff
“Beware of the Go-For-The-Jugular Energy Vampire” One of the most malevolent of bloodsuckers, the go-for-the-jugular energy vampire is vindictive and cuts you down with no consideration for your feelings. Driven by envy, competition, or severe insecurity they deflate your energy with just the right insult. Their jabs can be so hurtful, and are hard to get them out of your head. Whoppers my patients Positive Energy have endured include: “Darling, gray hair is so unattractive;” “Forget him. He’s way out of your league;” “Don’t be absurd, you’re not material for that job!” Some are unapologetically bent on bloodlust; others are more passive aggressive. This fiend uses their own darkness to maim and insinuates that darkness in you, a maneuver they probably learned from their parents at the dinner table. Energetic fallout from these vampires is nuclear, leaves you sickened by siphoning vital energy. Excessive exposure can cause illnesses from chronic fatigue to depression.
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In my book Positive Energy I discuss The Go-For-The-Jugular Energy Vampire, who is the most damaging when they have you cornered. The place you least want to be is stuck in a car with them. The noxious vibes from their comments pollute that closed environment. You, the recipient, can practically feel them congealing in your arteries. Research has shown that driving brings out horrific behavior; cars are a set-up for road rage, aggression, and family warfare. A common form of spousal abuse is for one partner to verbally incinerate the other in a car, and start driving erratically. Heed this warning. If you suspect someone belongs to this vampire species, don’t even consider getting into that vehicle! What to do about this drainer? Move heaven and earth to eliminate them from your life. There’s no gain to being exposed to such venom. However, if they must stay, never stoop to their level by countering meanness with meanness. That only inflames their power. Instead, do your best not to take their poison personally— they’re an injured person who pitifully can’t do any better. In a temporary situation, say with a pipsqueak despot who’s filling in for your boss, feel free to shield to your heart’s content and not go for the bait. If we’re talking about your mother, who’s there to stay, go further by firmly asserting, “Mom, we need to treat each other with respect. Your remark about ___was unkind. I won’t permit you to treat me that way.” Don’t cave in. Limit contact or enforce other consequences if she persists. A realistic expectation is to gradually modify her behavior. I also suggest the following tactics from Positive Energy to further diffuse vindictiveness. They can be used with other emotional vampire types as well. Strategies to Remove Negative Vibes and Protect Your Energy Break eye contact to stop the transfer of toxins. Use the breath to retrieve your life force. Let it function like a vacuum cleaner. With each inhalation visualize yourself power-suctioning back every drop of energy that’s being snatched from you. Keep inhaling until the job is done. Do this in the presence of a vampire or later on. Exhale negative vibes out the back of your lower spine. There are spaces between your lumbar vertebrae, natural exit points for energy. Touch the area; get a feel for the anatomy. When toxicity accumulates, expel it through these spaces. Envision dark gunk leaving your body. Then breathe in fresh air and sunlight, a quick revitalizer. Jump in a bath or shower to cleanse negative vibes and prevent further drain. If you are feeling particularly drained add Epson salts or sea salts to the water. If you are in the shower you can rub sea salt on your skin and then wash it off. Drink plenty of water to flush toxic energy from your system too. Also you can burn sage where this vampire has been to purify every nook and cranny. (This works well in hotel rooms when a prior guest’s left-over vibes feel smarmy, but
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use only a little so you don’t trigger the smoke alarm!) Practicing these strategies will preserve your energy, short and long term. But also expect to bump into one pesky cosmic certainty: we energetically attract what we haven’t worked out in ourselves. So if you keep getting swarmed by a particular vampire, honestly examine why. From experience, I’ve seen that I can guard my energy until lost Atlantis rises, but if I don’t strive to heal childhood patterns associated with unhealthy relationships the same vampires will just keep hovering. Conquering unresolved insecurities strengthens your energy field, reducing a drainer’s power. About Judith: Judith Orloff, MD is author of The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People, upon which her articles are based. Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath, and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff also specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice. To learn more about empaths and her free empath support newsletter as well as Dr. Orloff's books and workshop schedule, visit her website. Dr. Judith Orloff's website -
Dr. Orloff Talk At Google Link:
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Spirit Science Created by Jordan David Pearce Duchnycz Here is a great You Tube with many videos on all types of metaphysical and spiritual topics. Since our mission to enlighten and inform, we will be posting at least one a month to be sure you have a great background in many aspects of metaphysics and spirituality. You can make a difference in the world. Tap into the truth of who and what you are and reclaim your power Scientists, historians and archeologists are actively engaged in answering the big questions about human origins, our relationship to each other and the world around us. But advances in technology and scientific techniques are uncovering paradigmshattering discoveries which are forcing a crisis in their way of thinking. The models and historical narratives which were once accepted as truth are no longer holding up to the evidence being uncovered. This episode uncovers some of the secrets of our moon. Where did it come from? What’s its true purpose? There are a lot of anomalies about the moon which stand out as peculiar to say the least. When we compare it in size to other planets and their moons, ours is much larger. In fact, our moon is bigger than Pluto itself! When scientists were first trying to figure out how it came to be, they first said that a large planet-sized rock crashed into the earth, then stayed within earth’s magnetic pull. When that model didn’t quite fit, they speculated that perhaps it hit twice, then became our moon. Needless to say, we’re still not sure, for even this model doesn’t fit perfectly... Link:
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zen habits
"How To Thrive in the Midst of Personal Turbulance" by Leo Babauta Two people wrote to me recently (a stranger and a good friend) who are going through some pretty turbulent times in their lives. The stranger is going through family chaos and health issues, just barely keeping their head above water, just trying to survive. The good friend is going through a time of feeling down, tightness around their head, a feeling of overall sadness, despite making a lot of positive changes in their life. It’s tough when you’re going through difficulty, struggle, turbulence … it can feel like your world is falling apart, or you can feel hopeless. My heart is with you if you’re feeling this way. But I firmly believe two things: It will pass! It is also your path to spiritual transformation. The second part is the key. If you see your turbulence as an opportunity for incredible growth, you are about to experience some amazing things.
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Many of us just want to get out of the turbulence and pain, want to be free of it, want to find a place of peace. That’s natural, but that’s a rejection of your experience right now, and it’s a huge missed opportunity. Let’s dive in and find out more. Use Pain, Sadness, Chaos for Growth In Zen, there’s a saying, “Let everything be your teacher.” It sounds trite, but if you practice it, it’s quite profound. Imagine if every single person you met were your teacher — you could see each of them as an opportunity to practice, each as an opportunity to connect your open hearts, each as a way to see your interconnectedness. Each person becomes an opportunity to practice compassion, presence, consciousness. Imagine if everything around you were teaching you about the preciousness and overwhelming beauty of life. Imagine if every turbulent, painful time in your life were your teacher — showing you how to stay present in the midst of fear and pain, how to open your heart to the experience, how to be fearless in the midst of wanting to shut down. In this way, pain and fear become your path to transformation — if you can find the courage to touch them, to feel them fully, to open to them with love. Here’s a practice, if you want to use your turbulent time as a teacher and path to transformation: Notice what you’re experiencing right now. Not the story about it in your head, but the sensations in your body. Just be curious about what it feels like to be alive right now, inclusive of any pain, sadness, fear or groundlessness in you. Just explore, and stay with it. Allow yourself to fully feel it. Touch the pain or fear. That means allow your awareness to land gently on the sensation of pain or fear, to feel it. Now open your heart to feeling it fully, with its full power, letting go of fears that you can’t handle it. You can. This might be allowing yourself to yell in rage, to cry in anguish, to run around in a tizzy, to shake with fear. Fully feel it, instead of hiding from it. Let your tender heart feel the pain, joy, sadness … and let yourself feel the heartbreak of it all. This is what it’s like to be fully alive — you’re open to the heartbreak of the world, not afraid to feel the joy and sadness at the same time.
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Let yourself fall in love with this experience. This moment, filled with pain and sadness and beauty, is heartbreakingly gorgeous. It is filled with life, energy, light and joyful sweetness. Fall in love with it, opening your heart to the experience, no matter how much sadness or pain the moment contains. It’s all worthy of your love, just as it is, without needing to change. Imagine practicing this throughout your time of chaos and sadness, turbulence and pain. Fully feeling, fully opening, fully falling in love with each moment. It would change your life. You would thrive. I would love this for you. Some Additional Practices If you want more (and we all want more), here are a few other things you can do: Tell yourself it’s not a problem, it’s an experience (read more) Practice seeing your basic goodness, and resting in it (read more) Let go of what is keeping you from resting in peace (read more) Practice resting in stillness in the middle of chaos (read more) Practice seeing everything as sacred (read more) And then come practice with me in my Fearless Training Program. We’re going to train in this together. About Leo: I am is a regular guy, a father of six kids, a husband, a writer from Guam (moved to San Francisco in 2010, now living in Davis, California). But I have accomplished a lot over the last couple of years (and failed a lot) and along the way, I have learned a lot. Leo's website: _______________________
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Channeling Channeling is a natural form of communication between humans and ascended masters, angelic beings, nature spirits, or non-physical entities. A channeler is very similar to a language translator or interpreter. They allow themselves to sense the non-verbal communication from another being and then translate it into human words. Channeling is often defined as the act of allowing a spiritual entity (e.g., angel, archangel, ascended master, guide, deceased loved one) to merge, join, or enter your body and use your vocal cords to communicate directly with those on the Earth plane or provide knowledge and the channeler can write down the shared information. For some people who channel, the entity will also move the channeler’s body (e.g., open your eyes, move your arms/legs, have you walk around). Channeling can be done in two different ways: Conscious channeling is done while being fully aware of what is happening, including being able to stop the experience at any time. The channeler can remember what was said to varying degrees. Often conscious channels will say that they hear themselves speaking as if they were at a distance . . . as if they were listening from another room. When told about what was said, they often feel as if they are remembering a dream. There are many people currently alive on the Earth plane who consciously channel. For example, Esther Hicks brings through Page | 61
the group of entities that refer to themselves as Abraham (no relation to the Old Testament). They speak about the Law of Attraction. Trance channeling is channeling done while in a deep trance state. Arguably one of the most famous trance channelers was Edgar Cayce. He was referred to as “The Sleeping Prophet” because he only channeled when he was in a deep trance state. This meant that he lost all muscle tone and had to be lying down. He was also unable to remember what he said, which meant that his secretary had to be present to take dictation and then transcribe the notes from the channeling session. Our channelers are providing their information to help us on our path. ________________________
Dianne Robbins Our Unending Wars Against Nature
We are the Tree People, decked out in our Sunday best of greenery, standing tall and firm in the ground. Although there is much smoke surrounding us here in the state of California, we see through the smoke and it doesn't cloud our vision as it clouds yours. We know you cannot see the Mountain from your house or city of Mt. Shasta, but we Trees that surround you can see it. Page | 62
As you connect more and more to us, you connect more and more to yourself. Connection is the key, and from connecting to us, realms of possibilities open up, taking you into dimensions undreamed of. You connect to us through your heart, and when you do, we immediately feel it and resonate back to you our love, thus completing the circle. All our lives we've waited for you to acknowledge us, and now it is happening. Our lives are very long compared to yours. We live hundreds and thousands of years if not interfered with, and we remember all that occurs throughout our life. We remember every experience and every passer-by. Our memories are intact, and we never lose them. We communicate with all of Nature, especially the birds who live in our branches and make their homes in our leaves. We are a resting place for them, a place where they can congregate safely and raise their young. Our Trees are home to many species, and most could not live without our presence. We are more than you can conceive. Our lives are so intertwined with all life, that without us, there would be nothing—just barren landscapes devoid of movement like Mars. Every one of us that you cut down brings you closer and closer to the barrenness of Mars. Your lives are now filled with the lushness of our growth and landscape of our flowers, bushes, and stately forms towering above you. As you look at the horizon and over your fields you see only green, interspersed with the colors of flowers, songs of birds, and sounds of the streams. Soon these will all disappear, if you don't wake up now to our existence as Sentient Beings and the need for you to care for and preserve our domains. We cannot live under these conditions of warfare, where every moment we wonder if we are going to be the next casualty in your unending wars against yourselves and against Nature. We never asked to be part of your wars, yet we have been maimed and killed just like humans. Most humans never asked to be part of your wars either; they were just drawn into them by dint of their geographical location. But soon, there won't be enough space for all of us to live on, if so much of the land is destroyed and marred by droughts and erosion. Even though there isn't a military battle on your land, there is still a battle being fought by the dark forces to deplete your land of nutrients so that your crops don't grow and you can't breathe. The chemtrails are taking care of this, and instead of military forces bombing your land, the chemtrails are bombing you. These chemtrails are more obscure, and most of you don't recognize them as the culprits killing your land and people, because you don't see them. But they are just as real as the military sending soldiers to wreak havoc on your land. There is no difference. The only difference is, one you can see and recognize, and the other you don't see, or refuse to recognize. But the results are the same…the depletion and insidious destruction of your land, so that you can no longer grow your crops on it, and you have to move off your farms. The same applies to the Tree Farms. We are being sprayed with chemtrails too, against the wishes of the farmers. All the organic crops are Page | 63
being sprayed from above, and this is making all of us ill, and all of the crops are becoming unhealthy to eat. All of Earth is becoming barren and desolate, and soon will look like Mars. Mars used to be lush and green, with raging rivers, oceans, and streams before their technology destroyed them. This is what is happening to you. You are replaying Mars. People, you must rise up and protest this travesty on your homeland and not allow it to continue. Come together and bring your group consciousness into focus and see the Earth covered in green, with clean, clear bodies of water and clean, clear air and bright blue skies where you can see forever. We Trees are grand indeed, and we know that you are grand Beings also. Only you don't know it, and this is the problem. If you could only see the grandness that each of you are, you would see it in everything and honor everything as a result. So first you must see yourself in all your grandness, and then see all of Nature in the same way. See the Earth as the grand Being that she is, perfect in form with all her life forms lit up, reflecting the Creator in their souls. For the Creator is part of all our souls, from the tiny microbe to the largest Tree. The size does not matter because the substance is the same—God consciousness exists in us all, except for humans who see only themselves as superior to us all, rather than seeing the God in us all. Before you can see the God in us all, you have to see and acknowledge the God in yourself; then you will know that all of existence is the Creator in form. This is how the Creator expresses itself—in myriad forms on myriad planets, solar systems, galaxies, and universes. You are not unique here on Earth, you just think you are because your vision is so limited and your thoughts so confined to your daily struggle of existence. So take some time off from your struggles and give them a "coffee break", and go into the Nature spots in your area and walk among the Trees, but don't step on the flowers—only admire and bless them. Dip your feet into the streams and bask in the sun and lie on the ground, feeling Mother Nature embrace and caress your weary souls—souls who have been traveling lifetime after lifetime in search of enlightenment and completion of your karmic path. You can speed up your journey into Light by connecting with us on a soul level, so all our souls can make this journey together in hyper-time, and not at the snail's pace that you have been traveling by trying to do it alone. We are all here together because we are all meant to work together in our common goal of ascending together. But how can we all ascend together if you don't even recognize us as your brothers and sisters who live in different life forms? Someday you will all be awakened and find yourselves where your beliefs have taken you. Some will have ascended, and some will remain on a 3rd dimensional sphere, still trying to wake up to who they are. So wake up now—why wait any longer? All together we can ascend now. Remember, there is no time—so why delay it? It can all be done right now—ascension in any moment can occur when enough humans align with all of the Nature Kingdom. It is that easy. And all of Page | 64
Nature is ready, including the Elemental Kingdom who watches over you and your bodies, even though you are as yet unaware of them and the great part they play in your evolution. Your Body Elemental is waiting for you to acknowledge it and work with it so that you can be the co-creators you came here to be. This is another part of yourself you have yet to become aware of that all the rest of Nature is already consciously working with in a partnership. My, how you humans have isolated yourselves into individual Beings separated from the rest of life! The human species represents but a tiny speck in all of Creation. You see yourself as the only life form and only intelligent species on the only planet among billions of Universes. How narrow is your perception! As you expand your perception, your vision expands, and you begin to see all of existence in its myriad forms. It is all about "seeing". Not through your physical eyes, but your inner eyes, where you bring the unseen worlds into yourself, where all of existence lies. It is all within you, not outside you. But if you go outside into Nature, you will find us all within you. And when you find us within, you can outpicture us and meld with our essence. This melding will give you the added strength and clarity that will open your eyes to the Universe that lies within you. This we, the Nature Kingdom, offer you. It is the only way you will survive. Good day. About Dianne: Dianne Robbins continues her connection to the civilizations of Inner Earth, the Elementals and Nature Kingdoms for over 25 years. Her transmissions connect our hearts to the hearts of Beings in advanced civilizations, Whales, Dolphins, the Tree People, the Crystal Nation and Earth’s Elemental Kingdoms. In service to Earth, Dianne continues to provide her channelings to keep people informed of the vital link between our surface world and other realms of existence who share our planet with us. As we merge our consciousness with these other realms, our perceptual range expands and our inner sight opens. Dianne's website: ______________________________
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"Higher Ascended Angels - Ascension Body of Love" Excerpt By Jayne Chilkes Beloved Ones, we are your Higher Ascended Angels working with the living Christ Heart at the very peak of this existence. We ask that you travel with us again to this realm of such exquisite Light and Love at its very peak. We blend again with the Christ Heart here as if it becomes another universe of its own. You will see into this universe sparkling lights, lights that go on and off, lights that travel like shooting stars and the Love intensifies as you merge with these lights. All you can feel is that you are travelling very fast into more and more Love. Its complete Love, and the Love is making these lights occur, and the lights become more rapid in movement, creating more Love. It has its own heartbeat. Its a very quickened movement and heartbeat for it is creating more and more Love. We want you to bring the essence of this Christ Heart to bring more Love over and over, creating even more Love, in your own heart organ. In your own expanded heart chakra, more and more Love does not effect your own heartbeat but know that it is creating more Love at a quickened state with these feelings of this Christ Love. This is the highest frequency of Love and dimension of Love as every cell of your being responds as miniature hearts now. Your whole being is becoming miniature hearts and you become in every area of self of the I, of the I AM, of the unification of all beings within your being, your soul group within your being. We become just Love. And this is truly your core, your core is enhanced by even more Love. You will know that you only come from that place. Always come to and speak from, that place. You will grow into more and more Love and this will sustain, your body, your mind, the I, the personality in a brand new way. This is your Ascension Body of Love. God bless you dear ones, we are always in service with you and to you. About Jayne: Jayne is a healer and soul channel for the masters, DNA and akashic record practitioner, teach and author of four spiritual books. THE CALL OF AN ANGEL, TWELVE STEPS TO HEAVEN, THE NEW DNA, A SECRET PATH TO FREEDOM. She has over 35 years experience and presently shares new information, activations, healings and channelings from the masters for a new earth, peace, harmony, love and light to all. Remember the universe always loves Page | 66
you! Jayne's website -
Angels - 5 Ways to Meet and Channel Your Angels
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Its beauty is rare And beyond compare, Its just waiting For its turn to share. Who this angel is She does not know, For she can’t see her gifts, Those you and I know. It’s you The one inside. The you That you still hide. She loves, She cares, For all her friends But for herself she does not dare. She give us gifts, Of who she is, Shares her wisdom That’s one of her gifts. She helps others all she can And never complains. She does not see her own need As she helps others all she can. Save a little for yourself Page | 69
For you deserve that and more. Life’s a precious gift that you give. ~ Sage Walker Periodically I have kept journals throughout my life. When I was moving I found quite a few of them. As I am ready to throw them out I looked and found I had written a lot of spirit messages. Some were about my situations in life but most were not about me. Various things I encounter they would give me the messages about, so I always wrote them down. I would also meet people or see them in my practice and they would send me information for them. They are not grammatically correct, but I have not altered them except to delete the persons name. I believe I was to write them exactly as they gave them to me. I have also been told that they will help others. They were a gift from spirit to me to help myself and others. We do not walk this journey alone no matter what is in our life. We need to always move forward and become a better person with each step. I hope they will assist you on your journey as they did me. About Sage: She is a retired county nurse, is a Master IET Instructor, Spirit Guide Communicator and ordained minister. She has an office at the ONE Wellness Center at 2349 Monroe Avenue Rochester NY. She offers classes and private sessions. You can contact her at 585-317-4374. ________________________
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"October Message Of Light" by Christia Cummings
Dear Beloved Children of the Light, We come forth this day to beam our Love and Light into your hearts. Dear Ones, we say to you this day, Shine Your Light Brightly for All to See! Shine Your Love on people, and animals! Shine so brightly that you radiate all your good into the world and it flows right back to you. Now on your planet in this great shifting of the ages the world needs you, it needs your Light. You are important and have a very big role to play. To be the Light and Love that you are already in your heart and soul. To shine your Love and Light so brightly that others are sparked from it and shine theirs too! During your Holy Days be the candle Light in the window for others, be an example, give from your heart, with Love and watch how it helps change the world into a better place to be, don’t give up hope when things look bleak. Dear Ones, it would help to unplug from your news media, and focus on the good that you see and is truly all around. Shine Your Light Brightly for All To See! We Love You Dear Ones, and are always here for you! Thank you, The Angels About Christia: I was born an artist, empath, clairvoyant, and a channel of Spirit. My grandmother said I could draw and play cards before I could walk. I have always drawn upon Nature as my inspiration for healing and my art. In 1995, I had a spiritual awakening with a chorus of Angels-- a momentous event in my life – which caused me to open myself up to Spirit and the magical, inspirational multi-dimensional Universe. I teach practical tools on how to open to a dialogue with your angels and spirit guides during my healing sessions and classes. The Angel Light energy comes through my artwork into your home and environment. Everything I do, say, or touch has Angelic Energy. It has been my prayer for over 20 years that I be a pure channel of the Highest Love and Light, and that I am of service to the Light. Guided by The Arch Angels, I began working with clients from all over the world. The Angels have told me that I AM a bridge from the Angelic Realm to this 3D Human Realm. They have asked me to call myself an Angel Medium. I AM A Certified Angelic Life Coach, an Ordained Minister, Usui Page | 71
Reiki Master/Teacher, and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Master of Fine Arts in painting. Christia's website -
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Psychic Impressions presents their Psychic and Holistic Fair on November 3, 2018 Saturday at the Comfort Suites Cicero Syracuse 5875 Camenica Dr Cicero, NY. Free Admission. Welcome to the bi-annual Psychic and Holistic Fair hosted by Psychic Impressions. Once again we have many psychics and holistic options for you to view as well as crafters to shop from. Come on out get a reading, learn some holistic options that you have and do some lastminute Christmas shopping. This is a free admission Psychic Fair. We look forward to seeing you out there. Find us on facebook at:
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DISCERNMENT / DISCLAIMER All ROC Metaphysical readers are encouraged to use their Discernment, their Inner Guidance for all the content on the site. We invite readers to take only what resonates within. Our mission is to provide information for thought and discussion. ROC Metaphysical offers spiritual articles, blogs, videos and channelings. However, with information coming from so many sources, it is important for everyone to use discernment at all times especially in the case of channelled materials. The channeling may be coming from Spirit, but it passes through the human who acts as a filter with the potential to add their own views and opinions to the message. Channelled information should be positive, uplifting and useful to all. You are given free choice and must choose what rings true in your heart. The writer and the reader is on their own path. You may agree or disagree with the perceptions and opinions provided on the site. We ask that you give thoughtful consideration and make your own choices. All of the advertisers have paid to be on the site. We recommend that when choosing a business from the site, that you must use due diligence to verify the business uses the highest ethical policies, procedures and is qualified in their field of expertise. The old adage is "Buyer Beware." DISCLAIMER These Terms of Use, along with policies and guidelines located throughout the Web site identify what users of the Web site can expect from, and what we expect from users. By accessing any areas of the Web site, users are deemed to have accepted these Terms of Use and other policies and guidelines identified throughout the Web site. Privacy Policy respects the privacy of its Users. The terms and conditions of the’s Privacy Policy, are incorporated herein by reference. Content Proprietary Rights
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