III Report (29.07.2012)

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Third report for PAMSA IFMSA Regional Meeting of the Americas - El Salvador 2013 July 29th 2012

Third report for PAMSA | July 29th 2012 IFMSA Regional Meeting of the Americas - El Salvador 2013 The following document is divided into 5 main parts, describing the most important aspects required and made in relation to IFMSA Regional Meeting of the Americas - El Salvador 2013, being composed mainly of: 1. Administrative Activities 2. Pre Regional Meeting activities 3. Regional Meeting activities 4. Post Regional Meeting activities 5. Fundraising activities 1. Administrative Activities: Meetings: General Meetings: The OC meets once every month or so, in order to discuss general aspects of our work. To this day there have been 7 meetings in our quality of candidates and 5 meetings after being formalized as host. Our next two meetings are scheduled for August 11 and September 8. PAMSA team meetings and EB: In order to ensure an adequate planification of activities within the OC according to the international standards, we have been meeting with Coti (RC); twice now. Welcoming her comments and suggestions. The frequency of these meetings has been established according to the general scheduling by the PAMSA team. Meetings with presidents of NMOs: To this date there has been a meeting, which served its purpose of updating you on everything that's happening and to know your concerns. We hope to be able to meet with all of your representatives. Meetings with external consultants: In order to ensure a better planification and execution of our event, regular meetings have taken place with many institutions and organizations, such as: Ministry of Tourism of El Salvador, Convention Bureau of El Salvador, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of El Salvador, Regional Office of WHO-PAHO and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador. Meetings with Sponsors: The Organizing Committee has developed ongoing meetings with various companies, institutions, governmental and nongovernmental organizations in order to follow up with potential sponsors.

Reports: We will be presenting this type of update periodically, so that our work is disseminated to all members of PAMSA. It has been arranged to present 10 reports in total, the next two will be shared on August 26th and September 23rd. Official dates to consider:  August 13, 2012: Release of the invitation video  August 18, 2012: Invitation manual launch  August 24, 2012: Launch of the registration form  August 24, 2012: Early and late registration opened.  October 1, 2012: Closing period for early registration  November 12, 2012: Closing period for late registration  November 25, 2012: Closing period for cancellation  December 9, 2012: Closing time for substitution Advertising and media: Social networks: in order to have better communication and increase the outreach of our event has been decided to create profiles on various social networks such as Facebook, twitter and YouTube. So far we have activated the Facebook profile, which was released on July 26th 2012 allowing anyone to join via the following link, where we will communicate many surprises yet to come:

www.facebook.com/IFMSA.PAMSA The profile will be considered the official Facebook site for our region, which will serve to strengthen and bring PAMSA a little bit closer together. Clarifying that it will not be used for work, but rather for reminders, to share experiences, pictures, get to know each other and especially to have lots of fun. Website: For the last few weeks the OC has been working on the activation of our website, which will be officially launched on August 24, 2012 and whose address is:

www.elsalvador2013rm.org Institutional emails: in order to formalize the communication, from August 13, 2012 we will be working with new email accounts:

2. Pre Regional Meeting activities Product of meetings with representatives of the EB and PAMSA Team through our VPI and RC and the mobilization of the CO, updates on Pre RM are: Official Dates: 3 - 6 January 2012 Location: We have selected two mountain resorts you will love, which are: Hotel Santa Leticia and Hotel Alicante, being less than 3 minutes apart, to know a little more, please visit:

www.hotelsantaleticia.com www.alicanteapaneca.com Registration: We opened the possibility for 140 people to attend the Pre RM. Soon the PAMSA Team will confirm the number of trainings offered and the mechanics of application. Social program: The OC will offer two nights of partying, ensuring that everyone will enjoy an unforgettable night life in the mountains of El Salvador. 3. Regional Meeting Activities Dates: In order to present a more memorable experience, we have decided to increase the duration of the Regional Meeting to January 11, 2012 at 1:00pm (another “working� morning). Stay tuned for more information! Scientific Program: As you know, the theme selected by PAMSA event is "Health Systems in America and the Caribbean" which will be supported directly by the Pan American Health Organization, through the WHO Regional Office in our country, with international speakers that will guarantee approximately 8 to 9 hours of invaluable knowledge.

Standing Committee sessions work: Through the support obtained by the WHO and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of El Salvador, each Standing Committee will have 1 hour of personal scientific program related to the theme of the event, but applied to the work of each Standing committee, which will be delivered by a speaker of these organizations.

4. Post Regional Meeting Activities So far there have been no comments or suggestions from PAMSA Team and EB, however, some situations that have been taking place are: Destinations: Given the short distances of our country and in order to know more about our region, we confirmed that the Post RM will be held in San Salvador, the capital of our country and in Antigua Guatemala, a beautiful town of our sister Republic of Guatemala.

5. Fundraising Activities Some situations that have been conducted are: Management sponsors: Letters to 300 companies and organizations that can potentially become official sponsors of our project have been delivered. Fundraising activities: In order to raise more funds, the Organizing Committee with the help of IFMSA El Salvador through its Local Committees has been working on may activities, such as:  Excursions  Festivals  Food fairs  Talent shows  Participation in TV programs  Course on Forensic Medicine, among others

Economic goals: As a strategy of continuous evaluation, it was decided to establish monthly economic goals, same which will be shared with you, in each of these reports; to let everyone know about the current economic situation:

March 18


April 15

July 8


August 51.50% 5


May 13


June 10


Septe mber 2


Septe mber 30


Total percentage achieved to the date this report is submitted (July 29): For any questions, feel free to contact us!

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